#I honestly don’t remember a lot and my sister said I just kept forgetting what I was doing
makkie-is-screaming · 7 months
yesterday night was so fucking funny
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saras-devotionals · 27 days
Quiet Time 8/27
What am I feeling today?
I’m feeling calmer, more relaxed now. Yesterday had been an absolute day, it felt like thing after thing after thing went wrong and it was hard to stay positive through it all. My day yesterday ended w my dad being taken from urgent care by ambulance to the ER. I stayed with him for 8 hours and spent a lot of time being the go between for the doctors/nurses and my parents and explaining his history to them while explaining the interventions they planned to my parents. I got to rest a bit but quite honestly I was shaken up yesterday and just cried my heart out to God. I will be back at the hospital today since my father got admitted to a floor and I’ll bring them some more things. I pray this can all work out for the best♥️
Bible Plan: Does God Really Care?
God Won't Stop Loving You.
My parents live 3,000 miles away from me. And, because of this, my year is broken up into segments when I know we'll be with them, or when we're preparing for the next time we’ll be together.
I love being with my parents. We laugh and we talk, we make plans. They give great advice and even, through the years, we’ve cried together. Do you have someone like this in your life?
Here is this true statement:
God loves you.
He really loves you.
In an authentic, deep, raw, honest way that only the person who knows you best can love you.
He knows all about you—every thought and fear, every way you’ve hurt yourself, and you’ve hurt others. And despite all of this, He still wants to be with you.
You might not have someone who loves you despite all your weaknesses on this earth. But you do have the God of the universe—the Creator of all things—who says to you,
I will not leave you as an orphan. I will come to you.
Yesterday in prayer, I had to remind myself that God would not forsake me or abandon me. That He is my fortress and my strength. That He promises hope and a future. He cares for me and loves me. I just had to keep repeating these things to myself over and over again after what happened with my dad in order to have some comfort from God.
John 14:15-21 NIV
““If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.””
A solid reminder that those that love God obey His commands. We do not get to pick and choose what we do and don’t like about Christianity.
Hebrews 13:1-8 NIV
“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
I love the second line which is so fascinating to me! Some have housed angels without being the wiser. But regardless if they are ángel or mortal, we must show love to everyone around us because Jesus himself commanded that we love one another just as he has loved us and by this all people shall know that we are his disciples. Another reminder in here that God will not leave or forsake us and I truly believe that🙏🏼♥️
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stars-tonight · 3 months
Can I have a haikyuu matchup please
1. Long matchup please if possible
2. Romantic
3. Cis female She/her
4. Id like to be paired with a guy please.
5. For Ideal traits in a partner im not too picky honestly as long as they’re smart and they love me then i don’t care that much.
6. Describe yourself:
6.1 Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
6.2 Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
7. Hobbies: Reading, writing, video games, and listening to music
8. Love Language:
8.1 Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
8.2 Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
9. Extra:
9.1 Likes: animals fantasy magic sci fi anime friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
9.2 Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
9.3 Miscellaneous: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you
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🥛 i feel like you're kind of like suga
🥛 suga's the mom of the team and he's also pretty sarcastic
🥛 i guess the main thing that made me pick daichi for you was the love languages
🥛 daichi's used to long days at work
🥛 i feel like sometimes he forgets to take care of himself because he worries about others
🥛 loves it when you go out of your way to do things for him
🥛 like if you do a load of laundry or clean his room because it's getting dirty
🥛 also feels really flattered if you remember something he liked
🥛 if it's just something he mentioned in passing and you surprise him with it he'll be so pleasantly surprised
🥛 daichi is a great communicator thanks to his experience as captain
🥛 will always be there to comfort you
🥛 if he knows you had a bad day he'll probably give you a hug and ask if you want him to stay with you
🥛 if you do then he'll sit with you the whole night
🥛 if you don't he'll let you have your alone time
🥛 either way, the next day before he leaves for his shift he'll leave you a lovely note on the table
🥛 also doesn't strike me as an overly touchy guy
🥛 likes hugs and cuddles though
🥛 will always ask if you're okay with physical affection
🥛 will read things you write if you ask him to
🥛 will basically do anything with you if you ask him to
🥛 if you recommend a song, he'll listen to it on his way to work
🥛 if you recommend a book, he'll read it during breakfast and before bed
🥛 if you recommend a video game, he'll give it a try
🥛 (chances are he won't be very good at it, case in point being the game vs the monster where he literally just kept his shield up the entire time)
🥛 you said you don't like people who harm others
🥛 post-timeskip daichi literally goes after people who harm others lmao
🥛 jumps to help you if you're ever having trouble with your ehlers danlos
🥛 whenever you're feeling nauseous he's there at your side with whatever you need
🥛 be that medicine or soup
🥛 daichi is husband material lol
runner up for you was yamaguchi tadashi!
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A/N: there you go, i hope you liked it! unfortunately i don't know much about ehlers danlos or abdominal migraines but i looked them up quickly and hopefully what i wrote was accurate :)
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littlelonelytree · 1 year
So I translated song from the Lion King 2 from my language to english I guess
Here goes a long post I rhink:
I watched the Lion king II with my sister recently becasue we relized we don't exactly remember what was the plot about
I always loved every song that was in this movie. They are just so good in my opinion
Anyway, I started to wonder what they would sound in english (as I am clearly not an eglish speaker) so i checked it and I was suprised how much they were different
And don't get me wrong, I understand that alway a lot of dialogs and songs are changed so it would make more sense in someone's language. For songs it is obiously to rhyme better and to have accurate number of syllables so it can be actually sung with good sound
So anyway I can say that i did my best to translate song "One of us" from my language to english so you can see the difference
(In blue my comments)
And there it is:
And deceive These seems to have the same meaning to be honest
From a distance, both his scar and his hair gave him away I mean that's a little racist
Trick (affront)
And deceive (to the core)
He was embodiment of evilness from the very beginning More like he was the Evil in person idk ?
Trick (affront)
And deceive (to the core)
 (He long ago disgraced the blood people) I never knew what it was supposed to mean
From a distance, both his scar and his hair gave him away
(it's time to hit the road)
Trick (affront)
And deceive (to the core)
He is not being kept by anything here anymore
(it's time to hit the road) It is actually a little bit different but I won't be translating proverbs literally so I choosed something that means the same thing.
He has evil and anger in his blood Is evil a noun bc i doesn't really sound like it
The singing of betrayal lulled him to sleep Or he was hugging to sleep the singing of betrayel? it sound like "betrayel" is a person to be honest
May he run away Let him run honestly works here as well but this sounds more official or something
May he last I tried to found the perfect word for this and it said "subsist" instead of "last" but I'm not a tranlator
At this point I don't think that is even grammatically correct
We  don’t want to forget so our song sobs
He is not one of us anymore It's funny bc it imlpies they considered him one of them at some point
He has scar inside his heart I'm sure it's about a lion and the fact that he is flawed inside but read bellow for better context what I'm talking about
This is our voice, This is our judgement
He is not from around here
Someone once betrayed us I mean it hits harder than simple "lied to us" but both are true
And destroyed our faith in world I have no idea where did it came from
Today we know that and our sentence lasts
Scar’s son cannot become one of us so earelier it was said that he was one of them but now it is said that he couldn't like from the very beginning become one of them?
He is not one of us anymore again because why not
And deceive
And deceive
And it's funny that this version implies that Scar was Kovus's father, which wasn't true at all. Kovu says that even in the movie.
So i colored out word scar because it's not exactly translated correctly. I couldn't really find a word for it (maybe blemish?) but it is name for that bad lion from the first movie and in my language it's not translated like that. "Scar" of course is used in this song as a reference to this lion, but real translation from my language behind this name in my language goes more like this:
1.  «defect of an object in the form of a scratch, stain, etc.»
2.  "character defect or dishonorable act"
3.  "weak side of something"
From the dictionary because why not
So it propably fits the character for the second one
Maybe we can say it just means flaw, but in my opinion there is more to this word than just that
For me it's more specific like a flaw that makes something perfect look imperfect only because that flaw existence .
It's just anythng that makes something or someone imperfect. So "scar" is obviously in that category but doesn't mean that exactly.
I have no idea if Scar means in english somehing more than just old wound that is heald but visible and it stands out from rest of the skin, but maybe someone knows it who is smarter than me
Or maybe this "scar" was not meant to be about a lion at all and they were using this specific word (that nobody is using bc it's a little outdated) just because
Basically Scar means heald visible wound
In my language it means flaw or blemish not the wound thing but scar is incuded in this category
I mean, in my language you have a totally different word to translate scar but they used another one everywhere anyway so I don't think I'm as stupid as my sister claims me to be
I think this post is a big mess already so I'll add english version anyway :
Evil as plain as the scar on his face
Deception (An outrage!)
Disgrace (For shame!)
He asked for trouble the moment he came
Deception (An outrage!)
Disgrace (For shame!)
Evil as plain as the scar on his face
Deception (An outrage!)
Disgrace (For shame!)
He asked for trouble the moment he came
(See you later, agitator!)
Born in grief
Raised in hate
Helpless to defy his fate
Let him run
Let him live
But do not forget
What we cannot forgive
And he is not one of us
He has never been one of us
He is not part of us
Not our kind
Someone once lied to us
Now we're not so blind
For we knew he would do what he's done
And we know that he'll never be one, of us
He is not one of us
I'm curioss how other countries translated it. I won't be looking that up on translate google bc a don't exactly trust it to be correct
Sorry for the long post, I don't think that anybody will read that anyway
Let my stream of toughts flow
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imagine-a-fangirl · 3 years
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A/n: Welcome to my first bridgerton fanfic, which will eventually become an anthony bridgerton x female! reader fanfic. This is a bit of an introduction chapter, so it will get better I promise The ton, the high society of London. If you were someone who mattered you were a part of it. The young ladies that came out into society all had the same goal in mind, marry the one person who can give you the best live, with love only being a small part in those arrangements.
Your family had moved away from London after the passing of your mother. Your father couldn’t cope with the memories London held and decided to move towards the Netherlands. He went back every so often for business and travelled around a lot, giving you and your brothers all the freedom you would never have had in London. You had come out into society a couple years back already, your father needed to handle some business in London and took you with him. That way you could be presented at court and he could take you to the debutant ball before travelling back to the Netherlands. He wanted you to be out in society, just so you could have gotten married if there had been any eligible men. But there you were returning to London, joining society and the ton for real this time.
“It will be alright.” Thomas tried to calm your nerves while he helped you out of the carriage. Your father still had to arrive in London, meaning your brothers escorted you to your first ball of the season. You didn’t really mind, this way you could get used to the pressure of the ton again without your father constantly watching over you.
As the oldest Thomas always felt the urge to support and protect you, and he saw it as his duty to find you someone who suited you perfectly. Nicholas on the other hand was more easy going, he looked out for you as well but he was always open to let you try new things. Both of them were the reason you had been able to do things a lady would never be able to do otherwise.
The three of you walked into the ballroom, heads of many men turning your way. You knew they were mostly just curious, especially the slightly older men who had yet to marry. A new woman your age was rare but here you were. “You remember any of these men?” You asked Thomas
“Some of them, old friends. Not sure if they are the right suitors." He answered honestly
“We will figure out who is for you.” Nicholas
After an hour of introductions, catching up with old friends and even a dance you noticed no other than the Duke of Hastings joining the room. “Will you excuse me for a moment?” You excused yourself from your current company and quickly made your way through the crowd. “Your Grace!” you greeted your old friend before quickly making a small curtesy as was expected of you.
“Lady y/n, have they finally convinced you to join society?” Simon returned the curtesy “Convinced is a big word your Grace, forced me comes closer.” You tried to brush it off with a joke "Well I'm sure there are a lot of eligible gentlemen that are glad you did." He had already noticed multiple men looking your way. "How wonderful." You answered sarcastically. “To what does the ton owe the pleasure of a visit from its newest Duke?” “I was forced to be here as well.” “I didn’t know it was possible for a Duke to be forced into doing anything.” “Tell that to Lady Danbury, she doesn’t take no for answer.” “She can be very convincing.” You agreed. “At least we will be able to suffer together, shall we go for a walk around the room.” He suggested “It would be my pleasure, your Grace.” You said before linking your arm and walking with him. Your walk mostly consisted of him telling what he came to do and the fact that you were forced to search a husband. That was until your conversation was harshly interrupted by a man. “Basset? Basset!”
“Bridgerton!” Simon excitedly greeted his friend as he let go of you.
“Come here old friend, I heard news about your father.” It only then seemed to hit the man what that meant for Simons name “Hastings, for ever more known as the Duke of Hastings.”
You observed the gentleman as they continued their conversation, your mother had been friends with the viscountess when you were little, but your mother often kept you away from the boys. She felt like you were already influenced greatly by your brothers and didn’t want others to do the same. Because of that you couldn’t immediately point out if this was either the Viscount you were looking at or Benedict. The man’s eye fell on you and you made a small curtesy, which he returned with a bow of his head. Before turning back to Simon “I can see you are occupied right now. So we should properly get together, I expect to see you at our club then.”
“Indeed, evening Bridgerton.” Simon bid his goodbyes to his friend and continued his walk with you “Was that Benedict or the Viscount?” You asked Simon “That was The Viscount, Anthony. You know the Bridgertons?” “My mother was friends with the Viscountess, but I didn’t go as often as she or my brothers. To many men to influence me. “That certainly made a difference.” You shook your head “Is your father escorting you this evening?” “No Thomas and Nicholas are, father will arrive in London in three days.” “You don’t seem to excited for that?” Simon noticed your change in mood “It’s not that I’m not excited to see him, but I just hope he doesn’t expect me to be married at the end of the season.” “You know he probably will.” “That is what I am afraid of.” You agreed. “Let’s go the other way.” Simon suddenly said, softly pushing you in a different direction then you were walking.
“Lady y/n, how wonderful to see you finally joining society. Haven’t you grown in a beautiful young woman.” “To late.” Simon whispered, causing you to let a small chuckle escape. “Thank you, Lady Danbury.” You curtsied as you got your act together again “It’s so wonderful to see you, how have you been?" “I’ve been wonderful dear. I see you’ve already met the Duke.” Lady Danbury seemed a bit too happy with herself “The Duke and I have actually known each other for a couple years.” “Have you now?” It wasn’t often Lady Danbury wasn’t aware of everything that happened within society and it seemed she wasn’t too happy about it.
“We have, we met in France actually.” Simon told her.
“Very well, then is there a reason we haven’t seen the two of you on the dance floor yet?”
“Let’s not get to far ahead of ourselves.” Simon insisted. After some small talk you excused yourself to go find your brothers again “I’ll see you around Lady y/n.” Simon told you.
At one point during the evening you were caught in a dull conversation with Lord Berbrooke. Every time Lord Berbrooke came a little closer you took a small step back, keeping your distance until you bumped into the woman behind you. “I am so sorry.”
“That is quite alright, dear.” The woman smiled, she seemed very familiar but you couldn’t quite place her. Lord Berbrooke kept continuing his one sided conversation with you and you kept looking around the room for an escape. When you spotted Simon again in a corner, observing the room and you as well. “Ask me to dance.” You mouthed towards Simon to get him to save you. You were lucky enough he understood you and he paced towards the two of you.
“Lord Berbrooke may I interrupt?
“Your Grace, of course.” Lord Berbrooke seemed caught off guard that the duke wanted to join his conversation and Simon used the moment to turn his attention to you.
“Lady y/n would you care for a dance?
“Of course your Grace.” He held out his hand which you happily accepted “Thank you for saving me.” You whispered once out of hearing distance.
“You owe me one, a big one.”
“I’ll keep that in mind the next time you are distressed by a mother.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
As the music started the two of you moved across the room as if you had never done anything else. “For someone who doesn’t dance, you are quite skilled your Grace.” y/n grinned
“Do you want me to return you to Lord Berbrooke or will you stop the teasing.”
“I’ll be stopping the teasing at once your Grace.” You laughed
“Thank you.” When the set ended Simon guided you off the floor, the furthest away from Nigel and escorted you back to your brothers.
“I heard of the presence of the Duke of Hastings, I did not expect him to act on my sister so soon.” Thomas joked when he saw the two of you walking over.
“Only saving her from some unwanted suitor.” He held his hands up in defense before greeting Thomas.
“I didn’t expect anything else from her old friend. Was lord Berbrooke bothering you?”
“He was.”
“I’ll keep an eye on him.” Thomas promised you.
“Thank you.”
“Before I forget I ran into Lady Bridgerton, she invited us for dinner with her family.” Thomas informed you “I already accepted her invitation, if that’s alright with you.”
“I’m sure we will have a lot of catching up to do with them.” You agreed The rest of the evening consisted of more dancing, conversations and introductions. Simon stayed close to the three of you most of the evening, as it gave him an easy excuse not to converse with other. And you caught the eye of many more men. You were even re introduced to three members of the Birdgerton family. As soon as Thomas had done that you knew the familiar woman you had bumped into earlier that night, had been Lady Bridgerton herself. You apologized once more for bumping into her earlier, but she played it off with a joke. Your re introduction to the Bridgerton family resulted in a dance with both Benedict and Colin. Where dancing with the other men made you slightly nervous, dancing with them felt familiar. Just as your dance with Simon had, it was as if you never done anything else. It had only been your first evening back into society, everything in you told you this could be an interesting season.
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (8/?)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Description: James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
Word Count: 2.4k words
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Your parents’ house was exactly how you remembered it, but again, it had been only two months since you last saw it. Contrary to your usual life, a lot has changed in two months. You aren't working in a cubicle anymore, you're not going on random blind dates that your sister and mother plot for you. What you are doing is bartending in a town far away from your family. You're fake dating your boss who happens to be the most dangerous person in the town, at least that's what you've heard of the rumors, but so far, James has been nothing but non-threatening to you. Yes, he was mean in the beginning, but a lot has changed since then. 
And now sitting in front of your parents with James beside you, eating lunch; you recall Barry's diner and you miss the food there. It's funny because you always thought that this was your home, your family and everything associated with them should make you feel at peace, but you were feeling everything but that. You were restless and anxious, and you wanted to go to that cozy dinner with James where Sally would tell you anecdotes about her life. You wanted to sit with James and watch him debunk the myths about his career that you believed were true your whole life. Turns out, he doesn't cut off people’s dick for disrespecting him. Who would have thought? And you decided that maybe you should stop reading those stupid mafia stories.
James sensed your discomfort, you don't know how he does that, but he always knows when something is bothering you. He brought his chair closer to you in hopes of providing you some relief. And it did, his presence made you feel at ease and you weren't sure how you felt about it. You knew you were dependent on him for comfort since the incident at his club, but being with him didn't make you feel caged.
You always thought that a relationship would make you feel stuck. That's why you never engaged in one, but with James, it felt liberating. Maybe because this wasn't real and the moment this turns real, it'll be a shithole. At least that's what you told yourself. 
“So, what do you do, James?” your father asked, and you nearly choked on your food. James's hand involuntarily reached towards your back, his thumb running soothing circles while his palms patted gently. 
“I own a club and a few other buildings in town,” your faux boyfriend answered, and you were thankful he didn't get into his other business. You wanted to ask about all the rumors in town and why people are so scared of him and why does everyone in the club carries a gun, but you were scared to ask. You feared that you wouldn't like the answers. Honestly, that's false, you weren't scared of the answers, you were scared that what if he closes himself again the moment you step into uncharted territory. And you really liked this fun, caring, swiftie James.
Everybody was sitting silently at the table which was unusual because usually family dinners were the place where everyone pointed out your faults. Carol kept glancing at your parents every few seconds and vice versa. Your brother-in-law, Nick, was focused on the food and their kids were taking a nap.
 You were going to thank your stars for this peaceful lunch when your sister broke off the silence. “So, how did you two meet?”
Every head on the table turned towards you expectantly, waiting for you to explain how you met James. What were you supposed to say? That you met when you interviewed for your current job and he clearly rejected you? 
Before the panic could make its way to the surface, James' palm landed on yours softly, grounding you. Your sister's eyes fell to your hands on the table and she scoffed.
 “We're glad you're happy, but at least don't forget basic table etiquette,” She commented. How could you forget the ‘no hands on the table while eating’ rule? Just when you were about to remove your hand from the table, James held your hand and placed it on his lap, lacing his fingers with yours. 
“Auntie Y/N!” A shriek made you turn behind, and you saw your nephew and niece running towards you with the biggest grin on their faces. Both the kids jumped in your embrace without a care of their surroundings and you stifled a laugh.
Bucky didn't like kids, hated them, to be honest. In his defense, what's there to like, they're always whining and crying, but seeing you attempting to straddle two 5-year-olds on your lap while their mother complained might change his opinions on the subject. 
You didn't like kids either, except your nephew and niece. They were perfect in your eyes, but maybe you were a bit partial because you sort of shared genes with them. You were so focused on the stories Alec and Izzy were telling you that you didn't notice the eyes that were fixed on you. James looked at you with not only adoration, but also devotion. He knew if he kept looking at you like that, he'd be deep in shit, but it was too late now. 
After dinner, you made your way to the bedroom, only to realize that there was one bed. Fuck. You really should have thought this through. 
Before the embarrassment could seep in, James started collecting a blanket and some pillows. “I'll take the floor,” He said. 
You frowned. “No, James. You've already done so much for me. Take the bed, please.”
James pretended not to hear you and started preparing his bed on the floor. 
“Seriously?” You queried, slightly huffing at his childish behavior. “You're gonna pretend you didn't hear me. How old are you, five?”
Without saying a word, James started humming a tune and situated himself on the makeshift bed on the floor and closed his eyes. 
You stomped your foot furiously, yeah, maybe you were a little childish too. Without muttering another word, you made your way towards the bed and tucked yourself in a comfortable position. 
“You were saying something?” James asked, his voice laced with tease, and you huffed at his tomfoolery. 
“Yeah, just how immature you are.”
“Sorry, I didn't hear that. What was that?” you couldn't see him, but you knew he was doing some theatrical actions by putting his hands on his ears for better listening or furrowing his eyes in feigned confusion. “That I'm so smart? Oh, why, thank you. You're not so bad yourself.”
“That's real mature, James,” you murmured, clearly not enjoying his antics.
A comfortable silence fell in the room. The only thing that could be heard was your breathing and the air conditioner that always sucked in your childhood room but your parents never thought it was a primary concern. Oh, yeah, also, you were staying in your teenage room with your boss. You tried telling your parents that you could get a hotel, but they insisted so now James could see one direction posters on the wall right in front of him.
You would have assumed that he fell asleep if he hadn't broken the silence. “I know it's not my business and you don't have to answer if you don't want to,” he paused, wondering whether he is crossing a line by asking you this. “But why do you let them treat you like that?”
You coughed in surprise, you clearly did not expect him to ask this. You thought maybe he was going to ask you who is your favorite one direction member. Anything really, expect this. “Wow, you do not beat around the bush.”
You could hear him shuffling and once he settled you were sure he was facing you. Well, the bed actually. You did the same, turning towards him. You couldn't see him, but it still felt so intimate.
 “I'm honest with people I trust,” he informed and you smiled, thinking about the time when he told you he did not trust you or your intentions.
“What do I get in return?” you teased, although you would have told him without getting anything in return.
“What do you want?”
You debated for a minute whether you should go forward and just ask him so you did. “What do you do?”
You didn't expect him to actually answer. You knew that your relationship (whatever that was) with James had increased from where it was a few months ago. You deeply cared for each other and had mutual trust in the other. But you still didn't know about the actual work he did. Your realtor told you that he was a criminal, a mobster to be exact, and had sketchy connections with the mafia but you didn't know the exact nature of his work. 
He signed heavily and you were ready to drop the subject, scared that it would only push him away again and you couldn't lose whatever you had this early. 
“We provide weapons to the government at a cheaper price, eliminate problems or shootouts that the government is too scared to take the blame for,” he said, voice unwavering but you could sense the tension. Bucky thought that telling you about his work would make you fear him, and he didn't want to risk losing the progress he made with you, but he also knew that if he wanted you in his life in any form then he has to be honest with you. “We don't do the kind of stuff you're thinking of, it's mostly assisting the government to do stuff where they don't want to get their hands dirty.”
“How would you feel if the leaders of your country were involved in shady business?” It was a rhetorical answer, of course, you would feel unsafe, but your sleep-dazed brain was about to muster up an answer but he quickly spoke. “So if it backfires then they don't lose their men and women and can blame it on us, the criminals.”
“So that's why you weren't scared if I went to the cops? Because you kinda work for them?” you asked. His reaction made a lot of sense now, but some part of your brain hoped that he did that for you. That he would defy the police for you. 
“Off charts yeah,” he answered, “Although that has nothing to do with why I wanted you to go to the cops. I wanted you to because what Rumlow did was unacceptable and he should pay for his actions.”
“Wow,” you didn't know what to say. Anything further could push him back to the 'I don't trust you' James and you couldn't risk that. 
Bucky didn't want to elaborate further, “Your turn.”
“Sir, you just set yourself up for the biggest disappointment,” you joked, already imagining his reaction and smiling to yourself. 
“I let them treat me like this because they are my family,” you replied honestly. “I don't have anyone else but them.”
Bucky knew all about the issues that come with family, but he didn't think you'd be the victim of it. Bucky realized that in his head, he had conjured up a version of you that was perfect, so if he were to know you better, it would decrease his crush on you, right? 
Wrong. The more Bucky got to know you, the more he realized you weren't some angel and were just a vulnerable human like everyone, and the more he wanted you, all of you.
“Where does Rumlow come in this?” you questioned.
“His work is dirty like drugs, sex trafficking so he doesn't work well with government or any sort of authority,” he explained, “He's one of the problems they wanna eliminate but can't because he's too powerful. He works with Hydra.”
“Wasn't Hydra a myth?” you queried. You have heard stories about Hydra too, how Bucky was their rival. You assumed it was about territory or money. You know, like in the movies.
“Nah, doll, it's real. He's part of that organization and that makes him shielded from us and literally everyone.” 
“So you're technically not… you know, killing people for fun like the mafia and all? You're like undercover agents,” you concluded and he shook his head, chuckling at the disappointment in your voice.
In your defense, you expected him to be the movie-type mafia boss who kills people for raising their voice but again, this is not a movie. 
“If it makes you feel better, we smuggle weapons for the government. We're still criminals and dangerous,” he articulated, his tone laced with amusement at your reaction.
 “No offense, but that's a horrible career. Is that what you wanted to do growing up?” you asked, yawning, your eyelids becoming heavy from the exhaustion.
“No,” he answered truthfully. “Not everyone gets a choice, doll. My dad was murdered when I was a kid and I was shoved into the business to protect my family.”
 “Where are they? Your family, I mean,” you inquired, hoping you weren't overstepping.
“Ma basically hates me and my sister maintains her distance, but it's for her own safety.”
You didn't ask about them further, realizing his family was a touchy subject for him. You could relate to that. “What do you want to do?”
Out of all your questions and weird assumptions, this took James by surprise. No one asked him what he wanted to do. Hell, he didn't even ask him that, and now someone finally asked him, he didn't know what to answer. You understood his silence, you always understood everything James felt even without it being voiced. He generally hated when people predicted him, he prided himself on being unpredictable but not with you. James wanted nothing more than to just be Bucky with you.
“Don’t worry, you'll figure something out,” you mumbled, already drifting off to sleep.
James turned towards the opposite side. “Sleep well, doll.” he murmured, his breath growing even, matching yours.
TAGS: @bananapipedreams​ @akkinda10​ @rivers-rambles21​ @emmabarnes​ @goodcleanfunsis​ @valsworldofcreativity​ @boofy1998​ @marvel-3407​
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Grade A Business//F.W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Brief semi-nudity, slight language, two suggestive comments, y/n drools on fred but like in a cute way
Summary: As one businessman makes a trip across the ocean to talk to new investors, he meets his new partner, someone a lot more familiar than he was expecting. 
Prompts: Only One Bed with dialogue prompts “if we get caught, I’m blaming you” and “I don't want to be alone”
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: Day 2 of @theweasleyslut‘s 2k writing challenge
  Fred had never gotten used to traveling on Muggle airplanes. He never had a need to before, not with everything being a train ride, floo network, or apparition away. But as he and George progressed into adulthood, and the businessman life no less, they found themselves constantly on the move and needing a fast and easy way to travel without drawing suspicion. Except for the one time that Fred’s magical briefcase set off every airport security system imaginable, but he’d learned from that mistake. 
He was relieved to be exiting the JFK airport in New York City, clutching his luggage and thanking Merlin that his feet could now touch solid ground. Being in one of those huge steel contraptions was nothing like flying in a broom. He had no control over anything and it drove him absolutely insane. Luckily, he was safe now, and one step closer to being done with this awful business trip. 
At the beginning of their business endeavors, Fred and George would travel together, trying to pick up business at other locations for Weasleys’ Wizards Wheezes. But as the shop grew and the locations became more and more foreign (so far having shops in Paris, Cairo, and Madrid) the brothers realized that the operations would have to be solo missions to allow for the other to run the shop for longer periods of time. Usually Fred didn’t mind taking the trips by himself. In fact, he rather enjoyed the alone time and flexibility in schedule. But this meeting was supposed to be a big one, and he was feeling quite nervous about having to tackle it himself. 
Big investors located in the states were meeting with him to discuss opening a joint operation in New York City, combining his shop with another renowned wizard business that they deemed would be most profitable. Fred groaned internally just thinking about it. He didn’t want to have to share this new shop with anyone, no matter what the new investors thought. What if the other co-owner was a horrible person? Or worse, what if they had no sense of humor? They’d ruin the Weasley reputation and make it some boring book store. Or puzzle shop? Honestly Fred didn’t know much about the other business, just that he already didn’t like it. 
Hailing a cab, a trick his sister-in-law Hermione had shown him years ago, Fred lugged all of his prototypes--skillfully hidden from Muggle eyes and detection systems by layers of spells--into the trunk before hopping in, giving the address of the hotel the investors had booked for him. He was about to shut the door when a panting scream startled him enough to make him stop. 
“Wait! Hold the cab!”
Doing as he was told, Fred kept the door open and allowed the stranger to climb in, suitcase and all. 
“Thanks,” you said, Fred noting your distinct British accent and strikingly familiar features. “I really need to get to my hotel, I appreciate it--”
Shocked, you finally looked at your ride partner’s face for the first time. Soft brown eyes. Freckled face. Bright ginger hair. 
“Fred?! Fred Weasley?” You knew for a fact you weren’t mistaken, this was definitely the Fred you remembered. Or maybe it could have been George? It had been so long since you had seen either of them. Since Hogwarts, in fact. 
Luckily, Fred nodded, confirming your belief that this was the older Weasley twin and saving yourself from heaps of embarrassment. “Y/N L/N, what are you doing here?”
Fred and you both wore matching grins, stretching from ear to ear. What an insane coincidence. What were the chances that you two would be in the same cab, in the same city, in the same foreign country?
“I’m actually here for business,” you said. “After Hogwarts I opened my own shop--”
“Excuse me,” the cab driver interrupted, wasting no time with politeness nor formalities. “But I have cars lined up behind me and I don’t know where you wanna go little lady. So let’s get on with it, if you will.”
“Oh, yeah of course. It’s, umm, oh shit which hotel was it? It’s on 53rd and 10th, I know that…” You trailed off, trying to remember what your hotel was called. You dug around in your purse, hoping to find a piece of paper with the name on it. “I think it was called--”
“Lotus Hotel.”
It was Fred who had interrupted you, once again, and once again you were just as bewildered as before.
“That’s right,” you said after a few seconds of confused silence. “Yes, yes the Lotus Hotel please,” you told the driver with confidence. Turning back to Fred you tried in earnest to understand what was happening. 
“So same location?” the driver asked, to which Fred confirmed before you were speeding off down the crowded streets of the city. 
“Oh, I get it,” you said in understanding. “Same hotel as me?”
“That is correct, love. What are the odds?” He wiggled his eyebrows in a half suggestive half just plain goofy manner, awkwardly shuffling so that his long legs had room amongst your many bags. 
“That is quite a coincidence,” you agreed. “Funny thing is, I didn’t even choose the location. I have a business meeting in the morning with possible investors and they set everything up for the stay.”
Fred’s mouth practically dropped open at what you had said. “You’re kidding. These investors don’t happen to be Robbie Goldstein and Rachel McMillan, do they?”
“Ok, you need to stop doing that,” you said, officially freaked. “That’s the third time you’ve predicted something and it’s starting to creep me out. You never were very good at legilimency.”
He hushed you quickly, hoping the cab driver hadn’t caught onto the magical term you just used. Thankfully, he was too focused on the roads to notice. 
“Ok, Y/N, one last question.”
“And then you’ll explain how you know all this?”
Fred ignored your question and continued with his own. “You said you opened a business. Are you perhaps meeting with another business owner to discuss a collaboration on a new store opening in the city?”
“Yes!” you said, eager to know how Fred could have known that. Was this another one of his pranks? Did he have hidden cameras in the cab somewhere? “How do you know all this?”
He only laughed, a joyous and very relieved grin overtaking his face. Sticking out his right hand, he grabbed yours and shook it eagerly. “Well, Miss L/N, it’s a pleasure to be reacquainted. I’m Frederick Weasley, your new potential partner.”
“You know, you haven’t changed a bit.”
“Oh thank Godric, I was worried you’d think I was grown up and mature now.”
You laughed heartily as you dragged your bags out of the cab, thanking the driver before he grunted annoyedly and drove off. Your drive from the airport had gone faster than expected, mostly due to the fact that you and Fred had so much to catch up on. 
After he and George had left Hogwarts in their grand exit, they’d created the shop they’d always dreamed of, parking it right in the middle of Diagon Alley. You, on the other hand, went about creating your success in a much more conventional way. After finishing your last year of school, you started working full time at Zonko’s at Hogsmeade, trying to save up enough money to start your own business. 
Many long hours and tiring days later, you opened up your little place, a toy store and puzzle shop. It was a similar setup to what the Weasleys did, but as you described it, “my toys don’t blow up in the user's face.”
You were now very excited for tomorrow’s meeting, the one you had been dreading beforehand. Your business was much smaller than Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes and this would be your first international location. You were afraid that the owner you would be forced to work with would be some stuck up rich big whig who wouldn’t allow you to keep any of your small business charm in the new location. But learning that you would be working with Fred, well that was a relief for many reasons. 
Fred rang the hotel desk bell, chatting happily about ideas for the shared shop and new products that fit with what both of you wanted to do. 
“Hello there,” said the hotel receptionist, coming around the corner. “What can I do for you today?”
“Two night stay for Frederick Weasley,” said Fred. “Should’ve been booked by Robbie Goldstein.”
The young man typed quickly into his computer before offering Fred a hotel key card. “Here you are Mr. Weasley, room 504. We serve complimentary breakfast from 6 to 9 every morning down in our west hall. If you need anything don’t be afraid to call down and we’ll assist you in any way we can.”
Fred nodded at the man. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” He turned to leave before you grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled him back. 
“Wait for me,” you said. “I’m not finished talking to you yet.”
Fred smiled and waited behind you as you took your turn at the desk. 
“Y/N L/N, also booked by Robbie Goldstein.” 
He clicked away again but paused for a few seconds, seemingly confused. “You said Y/N L/N?”
Starting to get nervous, you nodded. “Yes, that’s me. Is the reservation not there?” You didn’t want to think about having to find somewhere else to stay, especially because it was getting so late. 
“Oh no,” the man replied. “It’s here all right.” Ignoring the confused looks you and Fred were giving each other, the receptionist handed you a hotel key card and gestured to the elevator. “Thank you for choosing to stay with us. You’ll be staying for two nights in room 504. Don’t forget to enjoy our complimentary breakfast from 6--”
“I’m sorry,” Fred interrupted. “But that’s my room. You did say 504, right?”
“Yes sir,” he replied, not bothering to try to understand the predicament. “Mr. Goldstein booked one room for the both of you.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at Fred, silently asking him to help you figure this out. But instead, Fred just broke out laughing, having to brace himself on the front desk. 
“I guess that’s what you expect when you let two investors who specialize in pranking shops make the room accommodations.”
“This isn’t funny Fred,” you said, although you had to give Robbie and Rachel credit for this joke. Turning to the receptionist, you sighed and ran your hands through your hair. “There’s at least two separate beds, right?”
He glanced down at his computer screen before looking back up at you with a guilty smile. “Well, about that…”
“Alright, I’ll take the couch, I’m sure it’s a pullout, it has to be.”
Fred stood in the doorway watching you mumble mostly to yourself. As tired as he was and as much as he wanted to just lie down and sleep, somehow watching you freak out about the sleeping arrangements was a much better use of his time. 
He watched as you threw the pillows and cushions off of the couch and felt around for a lever, something, anything that would allow you a place to rest. Your face lit up as you felt a small impression and yanked with all your might, only causing you to thump backwards onto your butt on the hotel room floor. 
Kicking off his shoes, Fred jumped onto the bed, sighing as he let his body relax. “Come on in darling, there’s plenty of room for the both of us.”
He opened one eye slightly, just enough to see your reaction. You were trying again to make the couch open, although you both knew that it wasn’t a pullout. Nevertheless, you kept pulling at every spot you thought could make a difference. 
It reminded Fred of the good old days, back at Hogwarts when you two were so close. You were always so stubborn, and he didn’t realize just how much he had missed having you in his life. He always wondered what happened to you after he and George left, but with the shop opening up and the war around the corner, he never had the thought to write you or track you down. He hoped this time after you two parted ways you would still remain in touch. 
You groaned loudly, slapping the couch with one of the pillows you had thrown earlier. Nothing was going as planned and you couldn’t be more annoyed. 
“Fine,” you huffed. “I’ll just sleep on the couch, no need for a pullout.” You stomped over to the bed and angrily pulled the blanket from off of him. 
“Hey!” he shouted, trying to grab it back but you were too quick. “That’s not fair, it’s cold!”
“If you get the bed,” you said, wrapping yourself up, “then I get to stay warm. Now go to sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.”
He couldn’t help but giggle at the small bundle of you wrapped up in the hotel quilt, looking like an angry little burrito. Standing, he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the corner, followed next by his undershirt before he unbuckled his belt. He turned to face you slowly, feeling your eyes on him as they peeked out of your wrapping. 
You quickly turned your gaze and glared at the floor. “What are you doing?” you said, hoping Fred didn’t see the blush rising to your cheeks. He did. 
He continued to undress, leaving him only in a pair of red boxers that left little to the imagination. “Going to bed, as you said,” he replied nonchalantly. He grabbed a toothbrush from his suitcase and made his way to the bathroom, making sure to walk extra slowly and give you a longer show. 
“This is so unprofessional!” you yelled after him. 
“We’re not business partners until tomorrow, love,” Fred said with a mouthful of toothpaste. “As far as I see it we can do anything we want tonight.”
Rolling your eyes, you shed the large blanket and grabbed an oversized t-shirt from your bag, hoping you’d be able to change before Fred finished in the bathroom. As he emerged, he saw the tail end of you throwing the shirt on, flashing your thighs and part of your panties for half a second. He averted his eyes out of respect, but that didn’t stop his imagination from running away with what he just saw. 
You shuffled past him, taking your turn in the bathroom. How in the world had this happened? How had a nice catch-up with a friend turned into an awkward back and forth the night before the most important business meeting of your life?
All you wanted to do was fall asleep, go through with whatever tomorrow brought you, and pretend like this never happened. But as you came out of the bathroom, you saw that Fred had taken the blanket back, leaving you with nothing except your t-shirt and an uncomfortable couch. 
“Fred, let me have it,” you said, trying to yank it from his grip. 
“No,” he mumbled, voice muffled by one of the many pillows he was cuddled with. 
“Frederick Gideon Weasley, give me the blanket now or so help me…”
Instead of responding, he just reached out and patted you on the top of your head before rolling over and pretending to snore. He was infuriating. 
You sulked back to the couch, accepting your defeat. You pulled out all of the clothes in your bag, hoping they could form as some sort of makeshift blanket. But after a few minutes of shivering and curling into the smallest ball possible, you realized that you’d never manage to sleep like this. Fred was staring at you, partially amused and partially concerned. You looked away. 
“You can always share with me, you know,” he said, patting the bed next to him. 
You scoffed and turned away. “Like I said, Fred, we’re soon-to-be business partners. Imagine how that would look! I’m fine right here, thank you.”
After a few seconds of silence you snuck another look at him. He hadn’t moved an inch, and was instead looking more concerned than before. “You’re going to freeze to death over there.”
“Well maybe that’s because someone stole my blanket.”
“The blanket comes with the bed, and the bed comes with me. Take it or leave it.”
It took everything in you not to scream. You wanted that warm, soft, comfortable bed more than anything at the moment. You needed it. Oh but it would send such a bad message if anyone ever found out…
“If we get caught I’m blaming you,” you relented, trudging over to the bed and crawling underneath the covers, ripping the blanket from a very amused Fred. 
“Who’s gonna catch us, Robbie and Rachel? They’re the ones that set this up! Trust me, nothing’s going to happen.” 
“It better not,” you said. “And make sure you stay on your side of the bed, I mean it! No touching.”
“Oh come on, Y/N,” Fred said, rolling slightly closer to you. “You act as if we’ve never done this before. We’ve slept with each other dozens of times.”
Your face went red at his words, wishing he would have phrased it a different way. 
“You know what I mean,” he said quickly, hearing how his words came across. “But the amount of times we’ve cuddled up in the Gryffindor common room or up stargazing in the astronomy tower. It’s just me, there’s nothing to be scared of.”
“We were also 17 and a lot closer back then,” you retorted, remembering the fond memories you had from your high school days. 
Fred huffed and returned to his side. “I’m not saying we weren’t. I just wish you weren’t acting so different now. It’s like we’re barely friends anymore…” His voice drifted off, wishing that he could go back and change the past. It had been 8 years since he last saw you. 8 whole years. Maybe things would’ve been different if he had tried to stay in touch. You’d never even visited his shop in those 8 years, never seen everything he was so proud of. He was stupid to think that one reunion was going to bring back a friendship that was practically already dead. He was even more stupid to think that maybe, just maybe, fate was giving him one last chance to shoot his shot, close to a decade later. What a right idiot he was. 
On the other side of the bed, less than a meter away, similar thoughts raced through your mind. 8 years. Why hadn’t you, in 8 years, made one trip to visit their shop. Sure, there was a war going on and you were busy starting your own shop, but things had been fairly calm the last few years. Why had you never reached out? Almost subconsciously, you reached out physically for Fred. Your hand brushed up against his back before you tensed and drew back. You both stilled for a few moments, before Fred rolled over, facing you. 
The two of you just stared at each other, both playing mental images of what your lives could have looked like the last 8 years if just one of you had done something. 
“You’re not seeing anyone, are you?” Fred asked, breaking the silence. You shook your head. He moved closer. 
“Are you?” you asked. He shook his head. You moved closer. 
Your faces were now about a foot apart. You moved your hand to rest it between your face and the pillow. Fred copied your actions. You laughed softly, the movement causing a strand of hair to fall into your face. 
Fred reached his hand out to move it before hesitating. “Can I?” His voice was so soft, so full of care. His hand hesitated in the air for a second before you nodded. He brushed the strands behind your ear, fingertips so gentle that you got chills up and down your spine. He let his hand linger before it moved to cup your face. “I’ve missed you.”
You smiled and leaned into his touch. “I’ve missed you too, Freddie.”
His hand left your face and moved down to your waist, eyes not leaving yours in case you ever grew uncomfortable. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him just like you used to do all those years ago. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and hummed contently, before both of you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
“Freddie, Y/N! How are ya!”
Robbie Goldstein, a plump man with fading hair ran up to greet you and Fred in the lobby of his and his partner’s office, shaking both of your hands fervently. 
“Hey Robbie,” said Fred, slapping the man on the back. “I’m glad to be here.”
“Same with me,” you said, glad you could finally meet the man with whom you’d been discussing business through letters in person. 
Robbie looked between the two of you, sly grin on his face. “Ah, so I see you’ve already met them. Wouldn’t happen to be because of a little mishap at the hotel last night, would it?”
You groaned internally, hating that someone else knew about the previous night, but Fred only laughed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 
“A great prank, I must admit, but Y/N and I actually go way back. I’ve known her since I was 11 years old, so nice try. I couldn’t imagine how that would’ve gone if we were complete strangers.”
Robbie’s face fell a little before he shrugged and nodded his head in defeat. “Well, what are the odds of that?”
“Astronomical,” you said, giving Fred a subtle tap with your foot. 
Robbie gestured for the two of you to follow him into the conference room where discussions about the new business would commence. “Well, I’m glad that you two seem to get along then, this is going to make things a lot easier. Oh, and don’t worry about arrangements tonight, I’ve decided not to let my joke stretch on and I booked another room for one of you for your last night in town.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Fred, and stepped into the conference room. “Thanks Robbie, that makes things a lot easier.”
“Yeah,” said Fred hesitantly, “thanks for that.”
He shut the door behind you and straightened up. There was no place for personal feelings in this business negotiation. He needed to do what was best for his company and yours, no distractions. No thoughts of crushed hope that suddenly plagued his mind. 
Fred hated the bed he was sleeping on. Granted, it was the same bed as the night before, but this time it felt different. It felt like it was mocking him. You had been the one to offer to change rooms and it seemed like you couldn’t wait to get out of there and to your own bedroom, free of any Weasleys. It made Fred sick to think about. 
He had just gotten used to the idea of something happening between the two of you. Last night, it all seemed perfect. You had cuddled the same way you had before, talked like nothing had changed. Hell, he even woke up with you lying sprawled out on top of him, a little trickle of drool falling onto his chest. He didn’t mind. 
But now, everything that happened the night before seemed like a dream. 
Fred knew he’d at least get to see you sporadically from now on. Your business negotiations with Robbie and Rachel went great, and the two of you, three counting George, were going to be combining forces and opening a joke and toy shop in the city sometime within the next year. It went exactly how Fred had wanted it to go, and yet so horribly wrong at the same time. 
He didn’t want to only interact with you as a business partner and casual friend. He wanted so much more than you were willing to give him, and having to see you and write you and work with you was going to be torture for him. He buried his face in the pillows, gripping the large blanket to his chest, wishing it was you instead. Stupid Robbie and his stupid pranks and stupid business and--
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Fred lifted his head to check the clock. It was 2 in the morning. Who in the world would be knocking this late at night? Fred slowly got out of bed, too tired to bother putting anything more decent on. He looked through the peephole of the door but his eyes were too blurry to make anything out. Groaning, he unlocked the door and pulled it open. 
Standing in front of him, clothed in the oversized t-shirt from last night and a pair of booty shorts, was you, looking nervous and embarrassed. Fred hadn’t noticed the previous day, but the shirt you had been wearing was one of his old Quidditch practice jerseys, all beat up and way too huge on you. He remembered the day he gave that to you, or rather when you stole it from him because you complained about it being too cold. Fred had to hold back a laugh at the irony. 
“I, umm,” you started, not knowing what to say to him. How were you supposed to explain that you missed him so much that spending one night away from him was too much for you to bear? How last night had been the best sleep you had in years because of how content and at peace he made you feel. How could you convey all of your feelings to him at this very moment?
“I don’t want to be alone.”
Fred wasted no time in picking you up, laughing as you screamed and kicked your legs around. “Fred Weasley, you put me down!”
He did as he was told and threw you onto the bed before jumping, arms and legs spread out, and landing straight on top of you. “I’m so glad you're here,” he said, peppering your cheeks with kisses. He pushed himself up, scanning your face to make sure what he did was ok, but you grabbed his face in your cheeks and pulled him down into a long kiss. Fred smiled through the kiss, almost laughing at how everything was working out. Maybe fate did have something to do with it after all. 
Fred pulled away from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. “So,” he said, mischief glinting in his eyes, “how about we put this bed to good use?”
Tag List: @famdomhideout​ @amourtentiaa​
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ryozoro · 3 years
Hades Playlist - ii.
NOW PLAYING: Vampire [Dominic Fike]
cw; nothing really, very small mentions of manipulation and murder
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“The curious are always in some danger. If you are curious, you might never come home.” – Jennette Winterson
She couldn’t get him off her mind; ever since she met him, all her thoughts have led back to the droopy eyes and the slick back hair that seemed a lot softer than what the gel presented it as. The whole idea of her thoughts tracing back to the eldest of the Haitani’s and her heart beats mimicking each time the octave of his voice dropped with every word he spoke to her, made yn almost forget all the rules her big brother placed when it comes to men.
Why does she yearn to be in the presence of someone who would not hesitate to take her life for a laugh amongst his gang? Why does she want to run into the back allies of each street in hopes of accidentally bumping into him? Why isn’t she able to use common sense and erase the memory of him out of her head? Why does she feel like fate has strung their paths together on purpose? Why – you know what? Maybe she latched onto Ran so fast in hopes of forgetting someone else that continued to plague her mind daily. Maybe she is becoming obsessed with idea of someone not seeing her as a kid. That has to be it, right? Ran, ‘Tani-Senpai,’ shares the same interest and even wants to talk to her later as if they have been old friends. That has to be it —
“Yn!” her brother’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “Are you okay, ya idiot?” She took note that everyone at the table was staring at her, waiting for her to answer Draken’s question. “You’ve been spacing out since we got here,” Draken frowned as he plucked a piece of food from her plate, “are you sure that nothing happened on your bike ride to the shop?”
“If you were riding to the shop, I would have gladly picked you up,” Inupi chimed in with a soft smile. “I told you to treat me like I’m another older brother.”
“Hm,” yn hummed while avoiding eye contact with the blonde man, “wanted to surprise my troll of a brother and I figured you were off because its Tuesday.”
“Ah,” Inupi gently laughed as he watched her play with her food, “you remembered my schedule?”
Of course, she remembered his schedule. Yn knew almost everything about him; from the origins of his beautiful burn mark to his favorite snack in the vending machine back at the shop, yn knew and fell in love with it all. Draken always teased her about being in love with Mikey or Hakkai since she always seemed relaxed around them, but little did he know that his little sister was in love with his best friend and business partner.
“I’m honestly shocked that you kept it the way you did,” yn side-eyed him as she raised the other hand to pick at the bandages that wrapped along the underside of her jaw, “but at the same time, I’m not that shocked considering old people love to stick to their schedules. Wouldn’t want you straining your back, Oji-chan.”
Inupi laughed – God, she loved that laugh - whole heartedly to the point he began choking on his food. Of course, sitting with their friends and family, Inupi’s contagious laugh spread amongst the others and the people around them either ignored it very well or gave them silent glares in hopes they would stop; surprise, they did not. Hell, if anything, it got worse – so much worse – to the point that Mikey, Takemichi, and Chifuyu all fell out of their chairs.
“I – what did I say that was so funny?” yn pouted as she fished her phone out of her pocket, “I just called him the old man he was.”
“That’s why, brat,” draken flicked her forehead and chuckled, “we had made a few bets on what you would say when Inupi had talked to you. Surprisingly, Mitsuya guessed you would have called him a grandpa.” Draken and the others proceeded to give Mana’s big brother 200 yen as they got up off the floor and calmed down.
“So, Yn,” Takemichi looked her in the eyes with a dopey flushed face.
“Watch it ‘ Mitchy,” Kazutora playfully warned, “don’t wanna embarrass the poor girl since she just got back.”
“What is it, crybaby,” she asked hesitantly as she scanned over his face, noting signs of mischief lurking in the corners of his smile. “It better not be something stupid, or else I’m telling Hina-san about what you did last time you came over to the shop.”
“Oi, you’re so mean – just like your brother,” Takemichi pouts and fans his hands towards you, “but it’s just a simple question, neh.”
Yn enjoyed Takemichi’s presence more than someone from an outside point of view would have thought. He always served as a hero in her eyes as he saved Mikey from the dark path he began to walk and how he constantly reminded her brother on how much his deceased lover, Sano Emma, watches over him and guides him to all the good things that happens in his life. He was an amazing guy and one that she wished had set her expectations for her taste in men, but her heart yearns for those who are completely out of her grasp.
“Just ask or else I’m calling Hina-san,” yn smirked as she brought her phone screen into view for Takemichi to see that “Hina-san <3” contact was pulled up and only one press away from being dialed.
“Oh, you bully!” Takemichi sighed dramatically, “I was just going to ask how long you have been into gilfs?” Draken choked on his drink and Pah-chin was patting his back in hopes of easing the rough coughs. Everyone at the table began to cause even more ruckus with tears of laughter as yn sat there dumbfounded.
“w-what,” she scratched her head and looked around the table in hopes of someone taking note of her clear ignorance at the word that Takemichi had claimed her to be attracted to. Since no one answered, she decided to speak on her own, “what the hell is a gilf?” Much to yn’s dismay, the table went silent for a brief second before bursting out into an even louder fit of laughter. “Well?! What the hell is it?”
“Yn, love,” Smiley spoke between hiccups and giggles, “it’s the same thing as a Dilf or Milf, but for old people.” After he finally finished his sentence, he leaned against his twin and laughed even harder.
“I-,” yn stood up and threw her dirtied napkin and spoon at the man who made the joke, “I’m not attracted to gilfs you fuckin idiot.” Yn moved behind Takemichi and put him in a headlock, “what made you even think to say that ya CD sellin’ pervert.”
“Oi,” Draken said from above her, “let ‘Mitchy go or else I’m taking you back all the way to Fukurodani and asking them to volunteer you for the summer school tutoring.” Yn dropped her arms in defeat and made her way back to her seat. “And you,” Takemichi looked up at her brother with a teary-eyed smile, “go clean your hair up before your wedding. It’s in three days and anyone can tell you pick at your split ends during your down time at work.” Draken laughed as Takemichi’s expression turned into a pout and he began punching Draken’s solid abdomen.
“Oh,” Angry stood up abruptly, “yn, could I see ya outside really quick?” Despite his rough tone, everyone knew he was asking in the kindest way possible.
“Yeah, sure,” yn got up with a pout and made her way to the exit with Angry trailing her with a hand on her mid-back. She was confused as to why they went outside at such a fast pace, but she just assumed that Angry wanted peace and quiet away from the others. “So,” yn smiled at the younger twin, “what did you – why is your face angrier than usual?” She titled her head at the man but he was quick to grab her hand and guide her towards his bike.
“Hop on,” he straddled the seat and waited for her to do the same, “don’t worry, Draken texted me to take you back to me and Nahoya-nii’s shop. So… hurry up, please.” Souta stopped her right before she got on and placed a helmet on her head, “safety first because I’ll hurt you if you get hurt,” he said as he proceeded to adjust the straps enough to keep her safe and comfortable. “Get on, Princess,” he kicked up the kick stand and took off fast out the parking spot.
“So – uh,” yn spoke aloud as they arrived at a stop light, “why did nii-chan tell ya to take me to the shop… I wasn’t done eating.” She felt her stomach rumble and she pressed her cheek to Angry’s leather cladded shoulder blade and readjusted her grip on his waist as they began moving towards the backroads to get to the Kawata’s Ramen shop.
“I’ll make you a bowl when we get there,” he relaxed his upper body so yn wasn’t laying against hard muscles, “and we left because everyone kept staring at you.”
“Psh,” yn rolled her eyes, “they were staring because I am a strong, independent woman who managed to put a MAN in a headlock like a bad bi-.”
“Enough of your ‘bad bitch’ talk, I believe you, but I promise you that was not the reason.” Angry spoke through a breathy laugh, “the cook and the table in the corner was kept looking over you. Don’t you think it was weird how when they brought our orders out and Draken said your rice was missing an egg and the cook came out and apologized himself?”
Yn pondered on the question for a bit but then shook her head gently and nuzzled inbetween the center of Angrys’s back, “no, to be honest, I thought that the cook just hates when he messes up. It can’t be that deep, yanno? Oh! Maybe they mistook me as an idol?” She felts Angry’s laugh bubble from his chest to his shoulder blades; Souta’s laugh honestly made her feel like her jokes were genuinely funny to listen to.
“Hate to break it to you,” Angry brought the bike to a gentle stop as the arrived towards the ramen shop, “but you don’t present yourself as the ideal image of the idol you probably think you are.” Yn joined Souta in the small fits of laughter as she gently punched him in his side.
“Oh, shut up,” she let out a soft breath as she hopped off and carried the helmet with her as she made her way to the employee back door. “Open up, yeah? ‘M reeeeeally hungry.”
“Already ahead of you, ya dumb brat,” Angry bumped his hip gently against yn’s and unlocked the door and pushed her inside. They placed their helmets and jackets off in the staff room and made their way towards the kitchen where she sat at bar stools and Angry started up the stove to boil a few eggs and moved to chop up some green onions. “You want beef or chicken, idiot?”
“Sheesh, souta-kun, if ya wanted to marry me – just say that,” Yn teased as she propped her head onto her two hands, “your terms of endearment have been getting sweeter and sweeter by the minute~ but! I do want chicken please, been not feelin like eating cow and pigs lately.”
“Yer annoying,” angry threw a small, chopped onion at her, “in your dreams I’d marry you. Plus, I KNOW I’m not your type. You go for mechanics with burn marked boys that work with your brother -,”
“OKAY, NOT NEEDED,” Yn pressed her face to the counter, “asshole… He’s my type, but I’m not his. He’s like, Makima and I’m Denji… please tell me you understand that because it’s the best I got.”
“I understand it, and I just want to say that that is the most tragic thing I have heard from you in a while – oh, but back to the restaurant,” Angry said as he slid a small chocolate mochi from out the freezer and towards yn on a cute, small plate, “there was a customer who went into the back the second he heard that your order was wrong. I thought it was weird because what cook comes out that frightened when they get someone’s order wrong, but then your brother texted me saying that every man there had their eyes on you as if they were in charge of watching your every move. At first, Hakkai noticed some of the men sporting a ‘Bonten’ tattoo on their wrist, so we thought maybe they were after Mikey, but then Mitsuya texted us when he went to the bathroom that he heard some of the guys saying your name. Once that was said, Draken immediately told me to take you away from there… I do have a question for you though.” Angry began whipping up the ramen in the most tasteful way and side-eyeing the young ryuguji, “did you by chance get into it with a few Bonten member’s when you first got here? Is that why you’re all bandaged up?”
“Souta,” yn felt her heartbeat pick up but remained composed, “nothing happened with what ever ‘Bonten’ members… you know how weird some gangs are…”
“I trust you, brat,” Angry’s frown deepened once he noticed that the eggs were ready to be cut and the chicken was ready to be fried, “I just don’t want to lose another family member, okay? We babies have to stick together.” With that, he paid no mind to the situation, making a small mental note to tell Draken that one of the members there probably just thought yn was pretty. “Oh,” Souta looked back at yn, “one more thing.”
“Y-yeah, of course,” yn snapped her eyes to meet his gaze, nervous that he might have picked up on the fact that she lied about not coming into contact with any members when she first arrived, “what’s up stinky?”
“Just be careful,” Angry passed her a water bottle, “don’t trust anyone who isn’t in our toman family; especially not a Bonten member. He’ll take you in, manipulate you into believing you can’t live without him, and sell you off with no cares in the world. That is, if you’re lucky enough not to be killed in the middle of the street for entertainment.” Souta turned back around to finish up the ramen.
“Yeah,” yn felt a chill go down her back, “I’ll be careful… I promise.” She honestly didn’t know how to feel, after all, she just met with the man who presented her with an unrequited love, another man who made her heart yearn to lurk into the depths of the shadows, and someone whom she considered family just told her that one of those men would lead her onto a road of misfortune. Lost in her thoughts, she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. She pulled on it and felt her stomach drop as she was greeted with two notifications.
Draken bacon >:D : You okay kid? We’re heading to the restaurant right now, ‘m sure nothing was wrong – just wanted ya to be safe. me and inupi there in a bit, the other boys are getting stuff together for our dinner tonight. don’t annoy angry too much <3
Tani-senpai <3: why did you leave so soon pretty girl? Didn’t mean to alarm you, but I sent your picture to quite a few of my juniors and underlings, delinquents if you will – just wanted them to know not to touch what isn’t theirs. N e Wayz, I have time now, do you want to call now?
Were the gods telling her to remember her caring brother’s rules on men or to listen to faint voice of curiosity that lingered in her young and ignorant mind?
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maboroshi-no · 3 years
Hamefura LN11 - Katarina’s post-confession talk with Keith
This is not a scanlation, but as I was reading Volume 11 of the Hamefura light novel, I felt the need to translate the scenes where Katarina decides to give respectively Geordo and Keith some kind of reply in regards to their previous love confessions.
Now it’s Keith’s!
Context: After talking with Geordo and telling him she has decided to face her feelings, Katarina is preparing herself to have the same talk with Keith since he also confessed to her before.
Katarina’s POV
The carriage has arrived to Claes's mansion. If it were like always, I would just take it easy, eating dinner and then sleeping soundly afterwards. But today there was something I needed to do. As I got down the carriage, I fired myself up. I passed through the entrance, and as I walked down the corridors leading to my room, I saw Keith walking in front of me.
Keith: "Welcome back, Big Sister... Rather, what's wrong? You are making a weird face..."
Keith, who was greeting me as usual, looked worried upon seeing my tense and stiff expression.
Katarina: "Umm, nothing, don't worry about it. Rather, I have something I'd like to talk to you about, so can I come to your room after dinner?"
Keith: "Sure. You can come anytime."
he said, smiling. Keith probably thinks I want to vent like usual. He has been doing a lot for me. If I had told him right away, things would have probably been awkward during dinner since we are facing each other at the table, so it is better for me this way. For the time being, I have set up a meeting with Keith. I got ready in my room and attended dinner. Honestly, when I thought of what would come afterwards, I felt tense and couldn't eat wholeheartedly like usual. This caused Keith to be worried once again, which made me feel even worse. And then dinner came to an end and I headed towards Keith's room.  
Keith: "So what happened?!"
Keith was completely in "listening mode" which prompted him to ask me this. He really was a reliable and kind younger brother. During hard times, he would always stay with me until I was better. I can't count the number of times he fixed things for me after I messed up. When I think about it, no, even without thinking about it, he has been taking such good care of me, I owe him so much. Like Geordo, Keith is handsome, brilliant, kind, and such a wonderful man. It is a complete wonder why such dreamy persons like them would say they love me. These two have always been with me and I know there is no way they would confess to me as a joke, so I don't doubt their feelings. But, still, I can't help wondering "why me?". Even without putting myself down, I am just a normal girl without any kind of appeal. I am not smart and not particularly beautiful. The only amazing thing I have is my lineage (which is the same as the Katarina from the game). The only difference between the Katarina from the game and me is that I am blessed with lots of friends. Around me there are lots of talented, lovely, pretty girls with Maria the protagonist at the top of the list. Even though Geordo and Keith interact with these beautiful girls, how come I am the one they fell in love with? Maybe they are too used to pretty girls and they have come to have special tastes? Or maybe they love evil-looking faces with slanted eyes? As I was thinking about this, I ended up lost in my thoughts, and...
Keith: "What's the matter, Big Sister? Are you alright?"
And I ended up making Keith worried again. Aaah, that won't do. I didn't come here today to cause him worry but to tell him my feelings! I mustered my courage, and
Katarina: "U-Umm, Keith, you confessed your feelings to me before, right?"
As I said this, Keith opened his eyes wide.
Keith: "You remember?!"
as he raised his voice with surprise. With his face and voice, I felt terrible. He thought I had completely forgotten about it. No, to be exact, I forgot about it until today. I unconsciously chased away the memory and then let time pass. I took a breath to pull myself together, and
Katarina: "Well, I never forgot about it, but I had been relegating it to a corner of my memory." 
As I said this, Keith's face stiffened.
Keith: "As I thought, did my feelings bother you?"
He told me, with a sad face. Seeing Keith's deeply hurt expression, I panicked. I made Keith sad again. Even though that's not it.
Katarina: "No, that's not it! I never thought for a second that your feelings were a bother! It is just that I am scared of falling in love, so I have been keeping the thought away!"
As I yelled this, this time Keith's eyes widened.
Keith: "You are scared of love?"
 Katarina: "Yes, until now I thought I would meet my doom if I ever fell in love, so I had been scared of falling in love."
Keith looked bewildered by my statement, but kept silent and let me continue. 
Katarina: "I am scared of love but I also didn't acknowledge that I was scared, so I kept away from love. So at that time when you confessed your feelings to me, I unconsciously tried to forget it. Even though you had finally confessed your feelings to me. I am so sorry."
As I lowered my head, Keith gently stroked it. And then
Keith: "Thank you for telling me this, and sorry I didn't notice."
 This is what he said. I suddenly raised my head. Keith had a painful expression on his face and smiled awkwardly. I did it again! I didn't want him to make this face because of me! I am so hopeless! 
Katarina: "No that's not it! I didn't know myself I was scared of love! And today I have finally realized it! And now that I am aware of it, I want to change!"
I told Keith this, staring straight into his eyes:
Katarina: "I want to properly face my fear, and then your feelings too!"
Keith: "...Big Sister"
A smile appeared on Keith's face and I felt relieved. But, even if I made this assertion, I remembered there was another thing I had to say.
Katarina: "But, right now, there is a serious matter I must take care of, and it is only after I finish it that I will be able to seriously get down to it."
As I said this, Keith chuckled.
Keith: "Okay, I understand. Thank you. And if you are ever in trouble because of this serious matter, you know you can rely on me, okay?"
Katarina: "Ah, sure. I am always relying on you."
As I said this, Keith smiled, looking so happy. Ah, it is the usual Keith. Keith is always smiling like this by my side. Oh, that's right. There is one more thing I must tell him.
Katarina: "Keith, you know, I am scared of love and I still don't understand this feeling well, but at that time when you confessed to me, I was happy. I was really happy that someone as wonderful as you would tell me he loved me."
As I said this, I knew the temperature immediately raised on my face.
Katarina: "A-Anyway, this is all I had to say, so good night!"
As I became strangely flustered, I only said what I needed to say and then rushed out the room without waiting for a reply, just like I did with Geordo. And then I sprinted towards my room full speed. When I was back in my room, the fever rising on my face didn't calm down and this time I made Anne worry.
Katarina: "I am fine. I just got hot because I sprinted full speed to my room."
As I made this excuse, Anne calmly said this.
Anne: "Lady Katarina, if you sprint full speed while inside the mansion, Madam will be furious again."
Katarina: "...You're right. I'll be careful."
It is true that I would have made Mother angry if she had seen me. Thank goodness she didn't. After drinking some water, my fever finally went down after a while and I went to bed. Aaah, this was so embarrassing, I thought there was steam coming out of my head. For me to end like this just by telling them I was happy they confessed their feelings to me, I feel like the road to love will be long. But I've made up my mind. I will properly face my feelings so that these two won't make these faces again. So first, I have to overcome my doom flags! After making this bold assertion, I can't let it fade away in the background. I will win against FL2's doom flags. And then I will properly think about my feelings. I won't run away anymore. With my new determination, I thought I would think a bit more of my measures against my doom flags, but because of today's actions and talks that I never did before, I was somehow exhausted and fell into the world of dreams. In my dream, Geordo and Keith smiled at me gently and I was happy. I will do my best!
Keith POV
I, Keith Claes, upon hearing that my sister Katarina Claes was back home, got out of my room to greet her. After walking for a while, I saw Katarina, but unlike usual she had a stiff expression on her face. 
Keith: "Welcome back, Big Sister.... Rather, what's wrong? You're making a weird face."
I was worried, so I asked her this. And,
Katarina: "Umm, nothing, don't worry about it. Rather, I have something I'd like to talk to you about so can I come to your room after dinner?"
This is what she replied with a somewhat stiff voice. Something worrying her probably happened again and she would like to talk about it.
Keith: "Sure. You can come anytime."
I replied, with a smile. During dinner, Katarina wasn't in her best form either. She must be in great trouble. I will listen to her closely and cheer her up like usual. After dinner was over, Katarina had a stiff expression on her face when she came to my room, so
Keith: "So what happened?!"
I asked eagerly. On my desk, there were some sweets and tea I had prepared to cheer Katarina up, but she didn't seem to have noticed them. This is unusual. This must be some serious trouble. I was worried and I kept looking at her, but now she is lost in thoughts. Is she really alright?
Keith: "What's the matter, Big Sister? Are you alright?"
As I asked her this, standing close to her, Katarina snapped out of it and looked at me. And then she said
Katarina: "U-Umm, Keith, you confessed your feelings to me before, right?"
As she uttered these words, I opened my eyes wide and
Keith: "You remember?!"
I uttered at her with a shocked voice. At that time, when I was kidnapped by people involved with dark magic, while in a hazy state I confessed to Katarina the feelings I had for her for so many years. After that, she told me "You were pretty dazed so I guess you mistook me for someone else, right?" to which I replied "This wasn't a mistake, I love you, Katarina". But maybe because she is dense or maybe because she is a late bloomer, she completely forgot about it. So I thought she didn't remember it at all. As I was in complete shock, Katarina continued. 
Katarina: "Well, I never forgot about it, but I had relegated it to a corner of my memory." 
I see. She had relegated it in a corner of her memory. So in other words,
Keith: "As I thought, did my feelings bother you?"
I had lived alongside her as her younger brother all this time and I knew she didn't see me as a man at all, but... I just wanted to tell her my feelings no matter what. Even knowing it might bother her. Despite this, having the truth thrown at me caused such a vivid pain in my chest.
Katarina realized something looking at me and
Katarina: "No, that's not it! I never thought for a second that your feelings were a bother! It is just that I am scared of falling in love, so I have been keeping the thought away!"
She said this, shouting. 
Keith: "You are scared of love?"
 I was surprised once again by a reply that I didn't expect. What does she mean by that?
Katarina: "Yes, until now I thought I would meet my doom if I ever fell in love, so I had been scared of falling in love."
Katarina was explaining this to me with all her might. "She will be doomed if she falls in love"? I don't really understand why she would think that but it is not like it is the first time I fail to understand her thinking. So I kept quiet and listened to the rest of her explanation.
Katarina: "I am scared of love but I also didn't acknowledge that I was scared, so I kept away from love. So at that time when you confessed your feelings to me, I unconsciously tried to forget it. Even though you had finally confessed your feelings to me. I am so sorry."
Katarina said this and then lowered her head. Ah... So this is how Katarina felt. I didn't notice at all. Because she had been smiling like there wasn't a single thing she was afraid of, I ended up missing it. Even though I had always been at her side. I slowly stroke her head. 
Keith: "Thank you for telling me this, and sorry I didn't notice."
 As I said this, Katarina suddenly raised her head. I wanted to give her a smile but I wonder if I could do it well.
Katarina: "No that's not it! I didn't know myself I was scared of love! And today I have finally realized it! And now that I am aware of it, I want to change!"
After she uttered this, Katarina said this while staring straight into my eyes.
Katarina: "I want to properly face my fear, and then your feelings too!"
Aah... This person is straightforward in all respects, she is not like a weak person that I must always protect. The pain in my chest disappeared, and instead I was filled with an indescribable warmth. I fell in love with this woman called Katarina Claes all over again. But then,
Katarina: "But, right now, there is a serious matter I must take care of, and it is only after I finish it that I will be able to seriously get down to it."
She said this somewhat awkwardly. This must be about the thing she has been worrying about since she joined the Ministry of Magic. After all, Katarina is bad at doing two things at the same time. Seeing Katarina saying such a thing so seriously, I let out a chuckle.
Keith: "Okay, I understand. Thank you. And if you are ever in trouble because of this serious matter, you know you can rely on me, okay?"
As I said this, Katarina replied this, looking happy:
Katarina: "Ah, sure. I am always relying on you."
Of course, as I heard this a smile naturally formed on my face. And then her "I want to properly face your feelings too!" words from earlier slowly sunk in. This has been such a long unrequited love. I had lived in the same house as her without her seeing me as a man at all, and even after I somehow confessed my feelings to her, she forgot about it right away. As I felt deeply moved over the fact that the day Katarina would tell me these words had finally come, Katarina dropped a more devastating bomb.
Katarina: "Keith, you know, I am scared of love and I still don't understand this feeling well, but when you confessed to me, I was happy. I was really happy that someone as wonderful as you would tell me he loved me."
Katarina said this, her face completely red. 
Katarina: "A-Anyway, this is all I had to say, so good night!"
She said these final words before leaving my room like she was running away. I, who was remaining in the room, had frozen up, with my brain unable to process the words she said just now. What did Katarina just say? Let's see, it was: "When you confessed to me, I was happy. I was really happy that someone as wonderful as you would tell me he loved me." I think. Eh? I wonder if this is reality. To confirm it, I pinched my cheek and then I felt pain. No, there is no way such a thing would happen in reality. But when I pinched the other cheek, I still felt pain. And then it finally started to sink that it was indeed reality. And then I heard these words again in my head: "When you confessed to me, I was happy. I was really happy that someone as wonderful as you would tell me he loved me".
Keith: "No waaaaaay?!"
I involuntarily shouted, and a surprised servant who was outside of the room called out to me:
Servant: Lord Keith, are you alright?!
As I was in complete confusion, I stuttered
Keith: Ah! Umm, no...I am alright. Umm... I-I will go to sleep now, so you can leave.
As the servant returned to their room after I somehow squeezed these words out, I jumped onto my bed pressing my face against the pillow trying to calm myself down, but I just couldn't. Even though I never did this when I was a child, I vigorously rolled on the top of the bed. What should I do? I am so happy, it feels like my emotions will burst out! "Someone as wonderful as you". "I was happy". Katarina told me these words and then her face turned bright red. Remembering this over and over again, I kept rolling on top of the bed for almost the whole night.
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some-stories-for-u · 2 years
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(The next new girl)
Part 2
A/N: 😳
— — —
Today was the day I go out with Billy Hargrove. Was I nervous? Yes, who wouldn’t be?
“Alright and remember y/n” My mother started, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” My eyes widened.
“Mom!” I exclaimed. I don’t know why I let her help me get ready.
“I’m just saying a lot of my friends daughters went out with him and they didn’t have a lot of good things to say” I sighed. I understood her concern I also had a bit of concern going on this date the truth was…I was scared that after the date he would want to…you know.
“Don’t worry mom I won’t do that” I gave her a smile. She nodded.
“Yes I know and if he tries to force you hit him over the head with your bag” I nodded and then the doorbell rang. I looked at my mom and she smiled. She then walked to the door and opened it. I couldn’t see Billy but I could hear him.
“You must be y/n’s sister” I heard my mom giggle and then say ‘No’
“Y/n dear your dates arrived” I took a deep breath then exited my room and walked to the front door. I smiled when I saw Billy. “Alright you two have fun” My mom said and then she shut the door as soon as I got out of it.
“You look great” I heard Billy say.
“Thanks you too” I smiled at him. He then opened the door to his car for me and I got inside. He shut the door and then got into the drivers seat. Once he started driving I asked.
“Where are we going by the way?” He smirked.
“A drive in” I got a little excited and then I remembered. A lot of my friends went to the drive in with their boyfriends to make out and such.
“What movie?” I didn’t want there to be awkward silence so I kept talking.
“Frankenstein” When he said that I was really confused. Why would we see Frankenstein? It’s really boring. I was pulled out of my thoughts when we made it to the drive in. Billy parked his car and then turned to me.
“What would you like to eat?” I shrugged.
“Some popcorn would be great” I gave an awkward smile. He nodded and then left the car. I sat there watching…Frankenstein. Why? I still have no clue. I started to look around the parking lot of the drive in and saw many couples…making out. None of them were paying attention to the movie and I honestly couldn’t blame them it was super boring…oh…wait. Did he pick a boring movie so we didn’t pay attention and we just made out?
“Here’s your popcorn” I jumped from surprise when Billy entered the car again. He laughed a little. “Is the movie scaring you? You know we could slip into the back seats and cuddle” He teased. I grabbed my popcorn and shook my head.
“No-No I’m okay” I returned my eyes to the screen and tried to calm down my blush. Billy only laughed a little. After a good five minutes he spoke again.
“You must be cold” He started, “If we go in the back I could warm you up” he gave me a slick smile. I did forget to bring a jacket and I was wearing light clothes so naturally I was a little cold. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to make out with Billy it was just that…it would be my first kiss. And I was nervous.
“Okay” I tried to sound confident. We then got out of the car and when we entered again we were in the back seats. Billy slides over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I was much warmer.
“Do you like the movie?” I couldn’t see him but I could hear his smirk.
“Honestly it’s pretty boring” He started to laugh.
“Do you wanna make out instead?” My eyes widened. Did not think he was going to be this forward. I blush hard and then I clear my throat.
“Sure…” I say. I look up at him slowly and then we lean in and suddenly his lips are on mine. It was a little weird at first but soon I melted into him. After I don’t know how long we parted.
“You good?” He asked seeing that I wasn’t looking at him.
“Oh yeah yeah I’m fine” I was honestly trying to hide my blushing mess of a face.
“Alright then I think it’s time I take you home” I finally looked at him and nodded. We then again got out of the car and got into the front seats. Soon I was back home. Billy got out of the car and opened the door for me. He extended his hand out and I took he. He helped me out of the car and before letting go of my hand he pulled me into him and kissed me again.
“Goodnight Y/n” His voice went low. I blushed again and barely whispered.
“Goodnight” He watched me walk into my house and then I heard him drive off.
“Hey honey, how did it go?” My mother asked when I walked into the kitchen. I couldn’t help but smile.
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hotkoyo · 3 years
SFW Howie Alphabet Headcanons
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Author's Note: When will my husband come home from war?
Disclaimer: These headcanons are based on how I imagine Howie to be based on the game. You don't have to agree with what I say here as everyone is free to have their own ideas.
𝄥 𝄞 ── 𝄇
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
VERY affectionate. I honestly feel like he grew up surrounded with so much love and now he’s just overflowing with it. Howie is all about showing his love through warm hugs, having his arm around you, swinging your hands as you walk, head pats, you name it. Another one, in my opinion, is words of affirmation. He'd tell you how much you matter to him through words, like quoting lines from his favorite movies and saying "I love you" before you both go to sleep.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Affectionate. Lots of play fighting and cuddling during movie sessions. Singing to Disney songs at the top of your lungs. You guys make friendship bracelets for each other (and he never takes off his). Definitely one of those dudes who drive their best friend everywhere.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
If it’s not apparent already, this dude is a giant golden retriever and he lives for the cuddles. He is born to cuddle, baby. Due to his size, it’s natural that he ends up as a big spoon more often than not but he definitely loves the moments he gets to be the small spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
So domestic, even when you guys just started dating. It’s easy to imagine yourself settling down with someone as warm and comforting as Howie. He would love to settle down and build a home with you and you guys love having conversations about your dream house and how your life would be like in five, ten years. He’s alright at cooking in general but can cook some amazing Chinese dishes that his mom taught him.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would be hard for him to get out of a relationship, to be completely honest. He’s one of those people who easily gets attachment issues and finds it hard to move on from a relationship. If he really has to be the one to end the relationship, he would want to talk it out with you and try to end your relationship on a good note. I feel like he’s one of those people who really values respect, even when things aren’t working out anymore between you two.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Howie is a hopeless romantic and while he does have his insecurities, I feel like he would really love to commit to someone. In terms of marriage, it really depends on you. I don’t think his career would hinder him much when it comes to popping the question, to be honest. If he feels like he’s comfortable enough with the relationship and sees that you are, too, I think he’d propose to you when he feels like the time is right.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Howie is a textbook example of a gentle giant. He knows he’s strong so physically, he knows when to hold back a bit. Emotionally, it’s canon that he’s a soft and caring boy through and through and he would never hurt you on purpose.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Ugh, he LOVES hugs. It’s canon that the Yan fam is really good with hugs so if you need a pick-me-up, he’s your man. Whenever you guys are alone, he acts like an overgrown koala because he can’t get enough of hugging you. If hot chocolate is a hug, it’s what Howie’s would feel like. Warm, familiar, and comforting.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He knows he loves you when he does but holds back a lot in fear of coming off too strong. If he feels that you feel the same, then he would say it pretty quickly into the relationship or during a spur of a moment. If it seems that you need more time, he would hold back just so that you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s the type who’s less jealous and more insecure. His jealousy isn’t going to make him act rashly and put you on the spot. It’s slow and creeping and you might not notice at first because of how well he conceals it but it becomes apparent by the way he starts to act distant.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Warm and gentle. His kisses make you feel so safe and loved and he likes to take the time to show you how he feels through the gesture. He loves to kiss you everywhere but his favorite places to kiss you are your nose and temples.
Also, kiss him on the forehead and he’d melt into a puddle. Another one of his hotspots is at the back of his neck. Kiss him there and watch him sputter as he tries to gain back his bearings.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He loves kids, kids love him. He humors the kids a lot and is a great impersonator so prepare yourself for some improvised skits in front of the kiddos. Can’t say no to the kids, though, so you might have to step in from time to time. Kids treat him like a human jungle gym. Which he actually is.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
I definitely see him as a morning person. Also, he’s so fit that you can’t tell me he doesn’t workout every single morning. Probably goes on an early jog and is one of those people who seems so chipper even if it's only seven in the morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Have you seen actors with their stage makeup on? There’s no way Howie’s skin stays so smooth and supple without some form of skincare routine. Has his own skincare routine and loves doing it with you together in front of the mirror (while making faces at you). After a good skincare session, he'll sit on the couch or in bed with you cuddled up to him as he reads scripts from his new upcoming projects.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Depending on how much he trusts you, it could be sooner or later. The thing with him is that he keeps things bottled up to himself. It’s hard and it’s tiring and the moment he feels safe with you, the dam breaks and he starts to reveal things about himself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It’s definitely hard to annoy Howie and even harder to provoke him. He has the patience of a saint and unless something is very wrong, you can always find him just chillin lol.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s quite sentimental so he definitely remembers your relationship milestones. He remembers a lot of small things about you; like how you like your cereal and your best friend’s name from high school. Some of the details can be fuzzy at times but he tries!
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Canonically: The moment you said yes when he asked to be your boyfriend at Luca’s "sister's wedding".
Headcanon: The time you both visited his family in Chicago for the holidays. You were walking home from dinner when the snowfall turned into a snowstorm. It was terribly cold and windy but you both kept on laughing at the situation and you looked so gorgeous with snow stuck to your hair under the waning streetlight that he didn’t even care that he's freezing his butt off.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Isn’t too protective in the traditional sense because he knows you can take care of yourself. More protective of how you feel because of his words and actions so he’s careful in what he says and how he says them because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Highkey loves to be protected tho. Thinks it's kinda hot.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Puts a lot of effort in his career, obviously. Howie is always so passionate and ambitious when it comes to being a top actor. Relationship-wise, he’s a simp. Dates are mostly casual with him but he puts extra time and effort in choosing or making gifts. All the extra and expensive bits goes into your anniversary dates.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A lot of times, he leaves his wet, sweaty workout shirts at the corner of the room and somehow always forgets no matter how many times you’ve scolded him. Sometimes doesn’t close or tie snack packages properly so when it's your turn to eat them, they’re often stale. A terrible snorer when he’s had a long day on set.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Quite concerned. He likes to highlight the nice parts of his body through the clothes he choose to wear and tries to follow a healthy diet in general. He worked hard for his body and as much as embarrassing as it is to admit, he loves to show off and be admired for it (especially by you).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
A strong believer that every person is complete and whole on their own. He believes that every person is their own and just because you love someone, it doesn't mean that your life must revolve around that person. Even so, he is a romantic. So even if he knows that he's complete without you, he does prefer to have you by his side.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He can play the piano really well. Aside from dance lessons, his parents put aside a lot of money to sign him up for piano classes when he was younger. Now, he plays them whenever he’s deep in thought and it’s always relaxing to hear him play.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, Howie doesn’t like broccoli. Keep those away from him. Please. When it comes to partners, Howie stays away from people who make him feel less. Basically people who put him down for being who he is and liking the things he likes. Narcissists, if you will.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s a snuggler and he nuzzles into your side a lot when he sleeps. Whether you get too warm is your problem because this dude is Strong™ and won’t let you push him aside that easily. And, God, I hate to say this but he’s definitely a snorer. Not all the time but when he’s really tired.... let’s just say you won’t be getting a decent sleep.
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battery-forgot · 3 years
Now, I come mid-week to give you all of my DSMP/MCYT headcanons because I have many
Don’t mind if these are repeated, misspelt, or has no logic, it is block game things and I am not checking over them-- and some will be organized, and some will be random, some might not have a Enter space because these are all ctrl c + ctrl v’ed from a Discord server I am in :]
Skeppy headcanons: Skeppy is 4 billion years old as scientists have thought that is how long ores and diamonds existed for
Skeppy's species is pretty rare
Every diamond that is broken or damaged causes Skeppy to feel a physical pain in his body
His species has lamp tail as they don't have night vision, some of them also have tiny wings that aren't usable, though they can kinda glide short distances with them
Because of his small height, he has taught himself magic to be able to change size, it can hurt him if he goes taller than 5'3, but he is able to get to Foolish's height if he tried
Sometimes random crystals grow on Skeppy's face, though they look different from normal crystals and can be used for things like explosives, though he doesn't know about it
Techno has seen Kristen but doesn't remember it well, though Kristen gave him his crown as a gift
Techno has a collection of skull masks that he has worn, he wears the skulls because of nostalgia now but he used to wear them because he thought they were cool and made him look threatening
Technoblade, Skeppy, Sam, Ranboo, Michael(the son- not Michaelmcchill), Phil, Bad, and some others really like shiny and golden objects
DreamSMP theme/"timeline" is kind of like a steampunk like thing
Drista is DreamXD's sister and DristaXD is Dream's "sister", though they aren't really siblings as they are robots
Drista and DreamXD are clones of DristaXD and Dream, though they actually look nothing alike
Callahan is a mute mini-god that everyone knows exists but doesn't really understand they are a mini-god. They kind of just chill and do what people ask them to do
Phil: Phil is more into traveling than anything else
Though he doesn't mind being a father figure, he doesn't think he is a good one especially after he killed Wilbur
He is able to turn into the size of a crow, though since his wings are now unusable, he doesn't do it as often as it is basically useless
Phil sometimes takes bird baths, though I guess they are always called that-
He has bird legs/talons,but they aren’t fully noticeable
joke headcanon I thought of is that Phil's handwriting is chicken-scratch because he is half-crow
Phil has really good memory, as a crow would
-DreamXD is actually pretty weak in powers, but he acts like he is the strongest person in the server
-Tommy's eye is just completely gone from when Dream killed him, but he covers it with an eyepatch
-Tubbo talks about things to Ranboo thinking he'll forget them, but some stories Ranboo remembers but doesn't speak about it because he doesn't want to make Tubbo worry too much
-Philza wasn't willing to kill Wilbur so Wilbur forced Phil by grabbing his arm and impaling himself
-Dream and Techno sometimes share stories about having ADHD
-Phil didn't really know about Fundy, he knew he existed but had no idea to how he acted, looked, or his actual name
-Wilbur had a letter written to Fundy about how he was sorry for what he was gonna do during November 16th, but the withers blew it up before Fundy knew about it
-Fundy doesn't let anyone hold his hand because it makes him remember the past where he would hold Wilbur's hand a lot
-Change of headcanons: Schlatt and Puffy are cousins, Tubbo was just a random kid that would follow Schlatt for hours a day, waiting for him to acknowledge him
-Dream jumps into the lava in the prison as it reminds him of Sapnap
-Bad was uncomfortable when Sapnap married Big Q and Karl because he went on a date with Quackity before but he still supported them (Yes I know Big Q basically had a divorce with Sap and Karl--)
-Skeppy knows a lot about other's pasts because of how old he is, even traumatizing facts
-Skeppy has a fear of fire (Pyrophobia) and he is kind of scared of Sapnap
-Dream used the revivebook on the cat Tommy killed, but Sam killed it thinking Dream would use the cat against Sam to escape quicker in the future
-Dream doesn't *fully* know why he is in prison, ever since Tommy and Tubbo killed him, a wire/chip broke in his body which made him forget a lot of things. Dream does get told what he had done a lot, but it makes him almost have a panic attack because he thought he was a pretty good person
-Ghostbur is Callahan, they were commanded by DreamXD to become Ghostbur so that everyone could feel like he was still there (Callahan can change who they are completely, but they don't actually know how they acted when as Ghostbur, though that doesn't mean he didn't know what happened, when Dream killed/revived Ghostbur, Callahan got to see what it felt like to die for the first time)
-Fundy has the habit of picking up things and using them at some sort of fidget (examples: knives, leaves, grass, wood, pencils, berry stems, etc.
-Ranboo will be writing/saying something about someone and use pronouns instead of their name or just with the person's name (example: "Puffy she/her was--" or "he/him writing down things") [Basically canon-]
-Tubbo used to headbutt people but stopped after around 2 years because he kept hurting people
-Phil used to squawk randomly when he was a kid, but he mainly just squawks when hiccuping now
-Even though Bad used to get really nervous picking people up because he was afraid he was gonna drop and kill them, he now just picks up everyone randomly... except Foolish and Ranboo
-Foolish is able to shrink to around 7ft, and unless he is building a big build, he will shrink so he can get around easier
-Because Ranboo is only half enderman, he isn't the full height of an enderman (He is only 8'5)
-If someone asks Charlie about his pronouns, out of confusion, he just responds with "Bones!" which sometimes leads Las Nevadas members (or just anyone really) calling him by He/it/Bones
-When Bad was being controlled by the egg, it made him get even more flashbacks about how his species was supposed to act which would end up with him panicking because that isn't who he wants to be (bonus: The more a member infected by the egg would panic, the more the egg would be able to take over the person because they can't focus)
-Kristin has taught Phil how to do makeup in their free-time of hanging out
-Kristin is insanely tall, if she shrinks then she turns more transparent, so she ends up looking more like a ghost when at average height
-Skeppy can't cry, though he still can feel sad
-Bad and Eret talk to eachother quite a lot
-When Tubbo was around 11-14, he would make redstone contraptions, though he doesn't remember how to make most of them now
Ranboo doesn't like photoshoots because he feels like everyone is staring at him, though this does mean he just doesn't have a passport photo, his alternative was to draw what he looked like on the passport but they didn't allow it, as well as Ranboo doesn't really remember what he looks like anyway because they don't like looking in mirrors--
I think this is half-canon but another headcanon is where every SMP is just an island far away from others. In this case, Hermitcraft, 30 day SMP, and other SMPs are all linked up, as for people who are in multiple SMPs, they travel around by boat for awhile, now, the thing I've just not figured out is how tf their look magically changes-like- outfit is decently obvious-- but do they magically transform like an anime girl? Idk- 
Skeppy's voice randomly glitches out, is there an actual reason for this? No.
Quackity’s outfit is similar to Sub Urban’s (In Freak)
Skeppy acts as if he is royalty, he doesn't act rude or demanding unless joking- but he does act as if he is the superior person-
-Skeppy and Slime are the only "people" that don't have steampunk styled clothing because of how old they are
-Skeppy's hair grows insanely quickly and no one knows why, he honestly hates it
-Most of Skeppy's outfits have been made by Bad or Puffy
-Skeppy knows DreamXD as if he is a brother, but he despises him because of something that has happened around 3,000 years ago
-Skeppy has a lot of different shades in their hair on the "inside"(like- the side where his neck is is what I mean, I don't remember if it has a name or not-)
-Like I've said before, Skeppy's eyes are crystallized, but they are somewhat transparent, not enough to where you'd be able to see the inside of his head, but they are still transparent
-In the past, Skeppy didn't like their name which is why they called himself "Skeppy"
-He has an attachment to caves
-When Skeppy was a kid, they had the dream of him filling cave walls with houses of their own
-Skeppy goes by it/they/he
-Skeppy joke flirts with Bad all the time to confuse everyone, Bad doesn't like it because then everyone thinks they are dating which makes him feel a little uncomfortable
-Out of boredom, in the past, Skeppy would climb on the roofs of caves, hang upside down, and try and sleep like a bat
-They have no blood in his body, it is literally just a diamond covered with a thin layer of skin and hair
-Skeppy gets stressed out easily when it comes to learning because it just reminds him of everything he had to get used to as the billion of years he lived went by
-Skeppy used to not be allowed out into the open world, the first time it experienced going outside was when it was 2 billion years old
-Skeppy has accidentally caught things on fire during the day because of the reflecting of the sun, but even then, they are nocturnal so they don't really have to worry about it
-Wilbur adapted to hanging out with Sally in the water, he has some gills, but he can only breathe underwater for a bit longer with them
-Skeppy always has the equivalent of Diamond (armor) except when he was infected by the egg, he was equivalent to the strength of a Ruby
-Infected Skeppy has a redstone glow when touched, so when hugged(or hive fived- or- yeah you get the point), he would give a subtle glow around him until let go
-The Eggpire still can be controlled, but they are able to control it unless angered/upset
-Skeppy was 6ft when infected, now he is 3′9 un-infected
-At this point, Dream likes the prison because he sometimes feels safe there, like no one can hurt him
-DristaXD is more of a ghost robot than an actual robot
-DristaXD's hobby is murdering people and has basically been in some sort of jail before, she has broken chains around their ankles and hands, it seems to have been made of a really strong material as wel
-Sapnap used to have fire wings, but when he had to get extinguished, they disappeared, they are still there, they just aren't visible until dunked in lava and Sapnap can't use them anymore
-Infected Bad still took care of Sapnap, but Sapnap never cared
-Sapnap takes the name "lava cake" too seriously... though he thinks the literal lava cakes he makes taste good
-Puffy's hair has been dyed blue by Ghostbur before because he wanted people to remember Friend if they ever disappeared
-Going with my Ghostbur as Callahan hc, when Ghostbur was killed, Callahan kind of glitched between realities and so Ghostburs body glitched from Callahan's body and Ghostbur's then just disappeared. Callahan is still alive but they randomly glitch into different realities, he has glitched into places Karl has gone, including The Inbetween.
-When Ghostbur was glitching back into Callahan after killed, it shocked and concerned Dream
There you go :]
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shoutaaizawas · 4 years
Hi! Can we see Aizawa x reader in a coffee shop!au with the phrase “I want you to be happy…even if its not with me.” ? Love your blog!!
thank you so much! this was a fun request i adore aizawa and coffee so i loved it
↳ aizawa shouta x reader → ❝graveyard shift❞
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event: au prompts summary: you own a local coffee shop and when eraserhead shows up in your shop one night you get a crush on the hero. word count: 3.5k+ tags/warnings: fluff, first meetings, confessions, robbery, gun mention, light angst
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Owning and working at a coffee shop was something you enjoyed. Yes, it could be annoying at times when dealing with bad customers but the good customers more than made up for it. Your coffee shop was a hot spot for pro heroes. Its location was in the sweet spot between a lot of agencies.
It wasn’t unusual to see Fatgum, Gang Orca, or even Miriko in your shop. You had even had their orders memorized and had them ready by the time they paid which they always appreciated so they could get back to work faster.
There was one hero in particular that had caught your eye. Eraserhead. You kept the coffee shop open pretty late for the various people who needed a pick me up later in the night. College students would often study in the night in your shop. Then there were heroes that patrolled at night that appreciated it.
That’s how you met Eraserhead. You had been covering a late shift for an employee that had a family emergency when he came in. You didn’t believe in love at first sight but you could honestly say you were drawn to him from the second he walked in.
He was tall, dressed in all black with his scarf-like capture weapon around his neck, long black hair, and dark mysterious eyes. You had to stop yourself from staring and act like a normal person. You assumed he was a hero but you had never seen him before.
“Hi, welcome.” You said, the familiar words sounding unsure in your mouth. “What can I get for you?”
“Can I get four shots of espresso on ice, please.” He said. His voice was deep and had a raspy edge to it. You shouldn’t be so pulled in by someone’s voice.
“One of those nights?” You joked as you wrote his order on the side of the cup.
“It feels like it’s always one of those nights, these days.” He said in a tired voice.
“I haven’t seen you before, have you been here before?” You asked as you started his drink.
“Yeah, I started coming here the other week. I’ve been a few times.” He answered. You glanced at him at the corner of your eye making sure he wasn’t annoyed by the conversation but he looked interested.
“You’re a hero?” You questioned.
“Yeah, I go by Eraserhead.” He answered. You hadn’t heard the name before, he must have been an underground hero. There were a few that frequented your shop.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Eraserhead.” You said before giving him your own name.
“How much do I owe you?” He asked.
“It’s in the house tonight.” You said. “I hope your night gets better.” You said with a smile.
“It already has.” He said giving a hint of a smile before he left.
The rest of your night went by fast, you closed up and headed home happy to be in your bed at last. As you laid there thinking of the handsome hero that ended up in your coffee shop you remembered that you had to open the store in the morning. You let out a sigh mourning the sleep you would not get. Turning on your side you tried your best to fall asleep.
Morning came too fast, your alarm a painful sound. You rolled out of bed thankful that you owned a coffee shop and were able to make your own coffee but sad that it wasn’t in your hand yet. You got dressed quickly and made your way to the store. Opening the door you let yourself in and started turning everything on and began preparing yourself some coffee, no doubt the first of many.
Customers filtered in throughout the first hour, it was busy but not overly so at this point in the morning. After the first hour, you had two employees come in.
“I’m so sorry about last night, my sister got sick and no one was home to take care of her and-” The girl who you covered for last night said as she clocked in.
“Don’t worry about it, things come up. It’s okay.” You said waving your hands.
“I feel so bad, you closed last night and you had to open this morning. You must be dead.” She said as she put her apron on.
“That’s the joys of owning your own business. It’s bound to happen. I’ll survive.” You said as you walked to the front of the shop with her. “Besides I met a new hero last night, he was pretty cute. His name was Eraserhead.”
“Oh! Eraserhead, I remember him.” She said. “Wow, do you have a crush on him?”
“Don’t you think it’s a bit unprofessional to ask your boss about who they’re interested in?” You scolded. She looked at you with a pout on her face. “I’m just kidding, I do have whatever you would consider the adult version of a crush on him.”
“You should ask him out!” She said.
“I think you overestimate how brave I am. Besides, who knows when I’ll see him again.” You said.
Just at that moment, the door opened with a jingle of a bell and you both looked over to welcome the new customer only to see the man from last night. Your eyes widened a bit as your employee looked over at you with a cheeky smile.
“Long time no see.” You said. “I feel like I should be concerned that you’re back so soon. Do you ever sleep?”
“I could say the same about you.” He replied. “I teach at UA, not much time for sleep in between that and hero work. That’s where the caffeine comes in.”
“Always happy to help with that.” You smiled. “Although I don’t recommend too much, it can only help so much before it hurts. There is no alternative to sleep. Not to sound like I’m scolding you.” You realized how overbearing you sounded.
“It’s okay, you’re right.” He said. “I’m always so busy scolding my students I forget to scold myself.”
“Well, you know where I am.” You smirked. You could feel your employee’s eyes on you.
“What can I get for you Eraserhead?” She butted in.
“Four shots of espresso on ice.” He said.
“I’ll have that right out for you.” She smiled before starting the coffee.
“How long have you taught at UA?” You asked.
“Three years.” He answered.
“How do you like it?”
“It’s rewarding at times, frustrating at others.” He said humorously.
“I think I know the feeling.” You said glancing at your employee. She placed the drink on the counter for him. He handed her the money but before she could make the change he stepped away.
“I’ll see you next time.” He said looking at you.
“Looking forward to it. Have a great day!” You smiled at him.
“Wow, you could have a little less shame with your flirting.” She said nudging you.
“I was not flirting.” You replied.
“Oh, you were so flirting.” She teased.
“That’s enough out of you, go wipe a counter or something.” You huffed.
Thankfully for you, Eraserhead became a regular customer. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t start working night shifts to see him more. He assured you he did what he could to get sleep in between jobs, you were certain it wasn’t enough.
Some nights he would sit down for a break and you would join him. You loved talking to him, he was smart and had a dry sense of humor that you loved. It always felt good to get a laugh out of him. You denied you were flirting with each other but your employees assured you otherwise.
One night you were closing by yourself, you were short the people and you knew that you would be able to handle the store by yourself so you didn’t close early. It was late, no one was in the store at the tables and you found yourself on your phone waiting for something to do.
The door rang as someone entered and your eyes stayed glued to your phone as you greeted them.
“Welcome, what can I get started for you?” You asked looking up as they stepped up to the counter. Your heart dropped into your stomach as you saw the man standing in front of you with a ski mask on. “Oh,” The word fell out of your mouth.
“Give me the money, now.” His voice was low. You gulped, your body was frozen to your spot standing there. “I said now!”
The sight of the gun in his hand sent ice down your spine as your heartbeat out of its chest.
“I- I- Uh.” Your words stuttered out of you as you looked down at the cash register. Your hands fumbled as you put the code to open it, messing up the code multiple times.
“Hurry up!” He shouted firing the gun at the ceiling. You jumped in fear, trying harder to put the code in as tears ran down your face.
“I’m sorry,” You cried as your hands shook uncontrollably.
Everything happened quickly, the door opened with a chime of a bell and before you knew it the gun clattered to the ground as a familiar scarf wrapped around the man pulling him away.
You collapsed to the ground, your back pressed against the side of the counter as you sobbed into your hands.
“Hey, it’s okay now.” Eraserhead’s voice filled the air. You opened your eyes looking at him, it was odd to see him without his scarf. He kneeled down at your side. “You’re okay now, you’re safe.”
It was embarrassing but you hardly had control of yourself and you needed comfort, you lunged towards him hugging him. To give him the credit he handled it well, standing firm and wrapping his arms around you.
“C’mon,” He said leading you to the back of the store, you pointed him toward your office. He sat you down on the couch, sitting beside you with an arm around you.
Your tears began to slow and the adrenaline faded from your system leaving you even shakier.
“We just have to wait for the cops and once you tell them what happened I’ll take you home, yeah?” He said, rubbing your arm soothingly. You nodded softly.
Thankfully things were said and done with quickly, you let your employees know that they had tomorrow off and the store would be closed and Eraserhead walked you home. As you approached your door the two of you stopped as you unlocked your apartment.
“Thank you, Eraserhead. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t shown up.”
“Aizawa. Aizawa Shouta.” He said.
“Thank you for saving me, Aizawa.”
“I’m glad I was there on time.” He said softly. “Are you okay, do you need anything before I leave?”
“I couldn’t ask you for anything else, you’ve done so much already.” You said.
Aizawa motioned for your phone, you gave it to him and he quickly put his number in.
“If you need anything at all, just let me know.” He said.
“Thank you.” You said.
“Good night.” He said before turning.
As he walked away you felt a wave of emotion, you had never felt so vulnerable and scared before. Images from tonight flashed through your eyes. Almost on reflex, your hand moved to grab his sleeve causing him to stop. You gulped feeling the shakiness from earlier overcome you.
“P-Please stay.” You stuttered out. He turned to you, his dark eyes so soft on yours.
“Of course.” He said leading you into your apartment. He guided you to your couch, you were thankful for that because your legs nearly gave out as you sat down.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t ask you to stay. I know you’re a busy hero.” You said as he sat down with you.
“A good hero wouldn’t turn away someone in need.” He said. “Much less a friend in need.”
“T-Thank you.” You said as he put an arm around you, you pressed your face into the crook of his neck. You knew tomorrow when you felt better you would be embarrassed by your actions but right now you needed comfort and Aizawa was here for you.
In his arms you were hit by a wave of exhaustion, the day’s events hitting you. You didn’t even realize that you fell asleep. All you knew was you had never felt so safe and comfortable than you did right now in his arms.
It wasn’t shocking that you woke up with a gasp. Your living room was dark, the first light of morning just beginning to light up the city. Images of what had happened replayed in your mind. You realized you weren’t just on your couch, you were on top of someone. That, someone, was Aizawa, who was now half-awake from your commotion.
“I’m sorry.” You said, looking down at him. His arms were still wrapped around your waist.
“S’okay.” He said if you thought his normal voice was enticing his morning voice was on another level. “Nightmare?”
“Yeah.” You said quietly. He nodded, pulling you into his chest. You hated how normal that action felt. Was there any chance he was interested in you as you were in him? You supposed right now wasn’t the time to worry about that.
“You’re safe now, it’ll take time till you feel normal again but it’s okay to not be okay.” He said. You tightened your grip around his neck, shoving your face into his chest.
“Thank you.” You said, you knew his words came from a place of understanding and that gave you comfort in its own way.
Laying on his chest, the steady rhythm of his breaths and heartbeat calmed you down as you watched the living room light up slowly as the morning went on.
A growl from your stomach interrupted your peace.
“Are you hungry?” You asked. “I can make us breakfast.”
“I don’t want to impose.” He said.
“It’s the least I could do for everything.” You said looking down at him.
It was a nice morning despite what had happened the night before. You made him breakfast, he helped and you chatted while you ate. It turned out he had the day off so you told him he was welcome to stay. That led to you napping together to catch up on the sleep you both need.
After that, you felt a connection to Aizawa. You had already been interested in him but now you felt a closeness to him. If you were brave you’d call them feelings. When he came in you still flirted, not that you would admit it, but even with the playfulness of it, there was a serious undertone. Were you the only one who felt it?
You debated asking him out. Would he feel like you only liked him because he saved you? Or would he just not be interested in general? No doubt a hero like him could have any pick of love interests. Would he be interested in a coffee shop owner?
Maybe it would be better to leave things as they were. Or at least that’s what you thought until one fateful day.
Aizawa had finally worked up the courage to tell you how he felt. He had been interested in you for a long time but the night of the robbery had been a turning point. He realized he didn’t want to idly flirt with you, as much as he enjoyed all of your interactions together.
Holding you in his arms was something he was eager to feel again. A part of him felt bad as if he was taking advantage of you. He knew that you needed comfort, someone to make you feel safe and he was more than happy to be that person. No, he had to be that person for you. The thought of it being anyone else broke his heart.
He had mulled it over in the passing weeks. Your flirting felt heavy with the feelings he carried for you. A part of him wondered if you felt the change too. He finally reasoned that he should tell you. Well, truthfully Present Mic had been the one to convince him after he explained the situation.
Entering your coffee shop he was more nervous than he had been in a long time. His eyes moved to the counter looking for you but he didn’t find you there. Maybe you had taken off the morning. He was ready to push his plans to another time when he caught sight of you sitting down at a table but you weren’t alone like you were at times on your breaks. No, you were there with Best Jeanist. He couldn’t lie about the twinge of jealously that stirred in his chest but when he saw you laugh he couldn’t hold it back.
Did you have a boyfriend this whole time? Or were you this close with all the heroes that visited your store?
Aizawa caught your gaze before turning and leaving.
Catching Aizawa’s gaze you knew something was wrong as he turned and walked out the door. You looked at Best Jeanist.
“I’m sorry, I have to go.” You said.
“No problem, I need to get to work anyways.” He said waving his hand.
“Thank you, we can continue this conversation another time.” You said as you headed towards the door.
“Of course.” He said.
You knew you had to be quick to catch Aizawa. There was something about the look in his eyes, it looked like heartbreak. Maybe that was presumptuous. Whatever it was you just knew you needed to catch him. You spotted him turning to corner and you rushed to follow him. He turned into an alleyway but you were quick enough to catch up grabbing him by his sleeve, stopping him.
“Aizawa, where are you going?” You asked, concern melting through your words. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, don’t worry about it.” He said pulling his sleeve free from your grasp. You couldn’t help the hurt that blossomed in your chest. You had never seen him so dismissive.
“Aizawa, you don’t sound okay.” You said. “Please, you can talk to me. You were there for me, I can be there for you.”
Aizawa let out a sigh, turning to face you fully. He ran his hand across his face, you could tell he was conflicted. After a tense moment, he finally spoke.
“To be completely honest with you I wanted to tell you that I had feelings for you. I didn’t realize that you had a boyfriend already and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so I just left.” His words were rushed, uncharacteristic for him. "I want you to be happy, even if it's not with me. I would never want to interrupt your relationship."
“A boyfriend?” You questioned. There was a lot to unpack in that sentence but you having a boyfriend was the first thing that jumped into your attention.
“Yeah, Jeanist. I didn’t know you were dating.” He said.
“Oh?” You said. “Oh! He’s not my boyfriend, I just asked him for his opinion on the new uniforms I was going to get for the shop. Not that he was any help he just said it needed more denim.”
“Oh,” Aizawa said looking taken off guard.
“I like you too, Aizawa.” You replied taking advantage of his silence while he processed everything. “Like a lot. Maybe even more than just like.”
“Oh.” He repeated looking at you so innocently with those soft eyes. You could feel the embarrassment of his jumping to conclusions.
“I wanted to tell you but I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way but I guess we’re both on the same page.” You said looking up at him.
The two of you stood there for a moment.
“An alleyway is a very romantic location for a love confession.” You joked.
Aizawa let out an unexpected laugh. He reached out grabbing your wrist pulling you towards him. He looked down at you, inches away from your face. Your gaze flickered down to his lips back up to his dark eyes. He got the hint leaning in to kiss you, his arms wrapping around you and holding you to him.
It was easy to get taken away in the passionate kiss but you had to come back for air. You let out a laugh as you pressed your forehead against his, smiling big.
“For such a logical man you really thought I was dating Jeanist after I’ve been flirting with you for months.” You teased.
“What can I say, I guess you make me illogical.” He teased, pulling you closer. You laughed, hiding your face in his chest. His hand brushed against your chin pulling your gaze back to him. “Let me take you out tonight, show you how I feel properly. Not in an alley.”
You smiled up at him.
“That sounds good to me.” You said before going in for another kiss.
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five-rivers · 4 years
DP/HP twin fic chapter 1
This would be the first chapter of that DP/HP twin fic...  I need a name for it before I post it elsewhere...  I can’t think of a name... help...  @ladylynse I blame you for this entirely.  It’s 3k and they haven’t even met yet.  What am I doing.
Here’s the thing.  Danny had encountered wizards before.  And witches.  Multiple times.  
He was not a fan.  
Burning, or other forms of murder, hadn’t ever crossed his mind as a solution to them, even when Freakshow decided to derail his life yet again.  Still. There were only so many times you could stumble upon members of a certain group zapping people with bargain-bin neuralyzers and leaving hours’ worth of uncertain memories in their wake before you got sort of fed up.  
Memory erasure was great in fiction.  Not so much in real life.  
Danny got it.  He’d erased a couple of memories himself.  Well, a lot of memories, depending on how one took the Reality Gauntlet incident.  But as far as motivations went, ‘trying not to be dissected by the government’ was a lot different from ‘we can’t be bothered to be discreet about our sporting events and we think it’s funny that our venue managed to attract ghost hunters when these magicless fools have never seen a real ghost in their lives so we’re going to mess with them.’  
Yeah.  Danny was still annoyed about that.  Also, about their reactions to him when he crossed an invisible line that was apparently supposed to repulse ‘no-majs.’  
That was before getting into Desiree, one of the few witches to become a proper ghost.  According to her, witches and wizards had a different system, and it was rare for magic users to enter the Infinite Realms.  Dora’s dragon amulet had also been enchanted prior to her death, although that could have been a ghost’s work, and Dora had never shared where it had come from.  
Anyway, the point was that Danny knew about magic as an entity separate from ghost powers and at least a small subset of the living beings that relied upon it.  
So, when the woman who dressed like she was living a century ago and smelled of magic walked up to his house, he’d braced himself for a fight.  He wasn’t going to let his parents be ‘obliviated’ again.  They were oblivious enough as it was!
But.  No. She’d come in, no wand in sight (although Danny still wasn’t entirely sure those were necessary) and sat down on the couch, hands primly folded, ignoring all of the… rather questionable features of the Fenton living room.  
To add to the weirdness, his parents had been expecting her.  They knew her by name.  They wanted Danny to be in the room to meet her.  
“Edna,” Jack said, with a strained smile.  “How have you been?”
“Well enough,” said Edna, her eyes flicking to where Danny stood in the kitchen door, watching. “And this must be young Deneb Alased, correct?”
“Yeah,” said Danny, frowning.  There weren’t a whole lot of people who knew his legal name, let alone his middle name.  So, who was this?  “I am.” He looked at his parents, willing them to clear up whatever this was.  
Both of their faces were sour, but they were trying to hide it.  Maddie was doing better than Jack.  
“This is Edna,” said Maddie.  “Why don’t you come and sit down, Danny?”  She patted the back of Jack’s favorite recliner.
Danny noticed how Edna’s mouth twitched down at his nickname. His fingers curled, ghost energy buzzing under his skin just barely kept from his eyes.  He didn’t like this.  
“It’s alright,” said Edna, smiling kindly.  “This must be very confusing for you.  I would be concerned myself, under these circumstances. What I’m about to tell you may be difficult to process, however.”
“We’d like to start it off, actually,” said Maddie. “When you called this morning—” She broke off, making a face.  “We were told this wouldn’t happen.”
“Yes, well,” said Edna.  She shrugged.  “Purebloods. What can you do?  Evidently—Well.  You should have your say, first.”
Danny gave Edna another suspicious glance.  Maybe all wizards weren’t bad.  Maybe Freakshow was an outlier and sports fans just sucked in general.
Yeah, honestly, that tracked.  (Cough, Vlad, cough, Dash, cough.)
He sat down.  “Okay,” he said.  “Way to be ominous.  What’s going on?”
“Well, Danno,” said Jack.  He laughed nervously.
“You’re adopted,” said Maddie, bluntly.
Danny blinked.  “Wait, what?” he said.  “Adopted?  But I look just like you guys!”
Jack’s nervous chuckles continued.  “We are related to your birth parents…  not closely, but…  Yes.”
“Oh my gosh,” said Danny, feeling several layers of personal identity float away from him.  He’d always blamed his weirdness on genetics and family history.  Especially the ghost stuff.  Then again, his name, which definitely did not match with his parents’ or sister’s, probably should have tipped him off.  “You’re serious?”
“I’m afraid so, Danny,” said Jack, kneeling by the chair and patting his knee.  “But don’t worry!  You’ll always be a Fenton, no matter what!”
Danny nodded, swallowing back emotion.  “And Jazz?  Is she…?”
“She’s adopted, too.  At about the same time as you, in fact,” said Maddie.  “So am I and Alicia.  It’s a long story.”
“Okay,” said Danny, determined to get that story at some point.  “Why is she here, then?”
“I was involved in your adoption,” she explained, “and certain members of your birth family want to get back in contact with you.”  
Ancients, that was sure a thing to hit a guy with right after the ‘you’re adopted’ revelation.  
Hold up.  He was forgetting something.  This was a witch.  How did that play into this?  Because it had to.  Witches and wizards, as far as Danny could tell, tended to isolate themselves from the rest of humanity.  
He decided he did not like the probable trajectory of this conversation.  
“Why?” he asked, because he wasn’t going to say he knew about magic until and unless someone else cracked first.  
“Yes,” said Maddie.  “Why?  Why now? We were under the impression that they would never contact us.”
“Evidently,” said Edna, “Deneb’s birth mother was not properly informed of the decision to put him up for adoption.”
Okay.  Yeah. That was a lead-in to his biological parents being magical because he couldn’t think of a single modern western country where that would fly.  
“So, what?  I was kidnapped at birth or something?” asked Danny.
“Not exactly,” said Edna, wincing.  “It was your birth father who filed the paperwork.”
“And she’s only now wondering where Danny is?” asked Maddie, a little shrilly.  Her stress from before was now spilling over into anger so sharp Danny could taste it like a knife on his tongue.  “Did she somehow manage to forget giving birth?”
“No,” said Edna.  “Which brings us to the other matter.  One of the other matters.  The one who first sent the request for your adoption information was actually your twin brother.”
A third monumental revelation.  Wonderful.  What next?
“We, of course, contacted his parents, and discovered the irregularity regarding your birth mother’s consent.  Hence my presence here today.”  She opened her bag and removed a small glass tube, about twice the length of Danny’s palm and the same diameter as a quarter.   “There was also the issue regarding how young you were when you were put up for adoption.  Generally, our agency deals with the placement of children aged from five to eleven.”  She held the tube out to Danny.  “Could you hold this, please?”
“Do you really need to do this?” asked Jack.  
“Due to all the irregularities involved, yes,” said Edna. “Our organization charter unfortunately requires it.  If the mother was not consulted, as is required, the reasoning is that other required things are not as certain.”
“Hold up,” said Danny, hands tightening around the ends of the armrests.  “These people—” Who were most probably wizards, and wasn’t that a thing to get his head around, “—they’re not trying to get custody of me again, are they? After giving me away?”
“No,” said Maddie.  “We won’t let that happen.”
“We’re not going to give him back to people who were going to abandon him just because—!”  Dad broke off.  “Uh. Because.”
“You know,” said Danny, deciding to cut off… whatever this was. “Even if this ‘test’ is, like…” He trailed off.  “Whatever result you want it to be.  I don’t know.  I’m still going to find out whatever it is you’re dancing around anyway.  Because I’m not going to forget this conversation.”
The witch twitched slightly towards where Danny knew her wand was hidden.  
Screw it.  “And I’m not going to let you erase my memory.  You people do get how messed up that is, right?”
Danny was treated to the sound and sight of three jaws dropping open.  
“How do you-?” started Maddie.  
“You remember when we went to that camp because people thought it was haunted?  But you didn’t find anything?  Well, they managed to get both of you that time, but not me.  And I know you’re one of them, so I’m betting that whatever this is, it has to do with magic.”  He paused. “It was some weird magic sporting event, apparently.”
“The-?  You went to the Quidditch World Cup?” asked Edna.
“What?  No!” protested Maddie.  “That was in Britain, wasn’t it?  We were just in the next state.”  She scowled. “I’m going to write a letter of complaint.  Even if we’re living without magic, we’re not no-majs.  We’re squibs.  They had no right to obliviate us.”
“Okay,” said Danny.  “Yeah.  You’ve lost me.  Squibs?”
No one seemed willing to answer the question.  
“If you’d just take this,” said Edna, holding out the tube a little desperately.  “It will be much easier to explain all at once.”
Danny looked up at his parents.  Jack looked at Maddie.  Maddie drummed her fingers on the back of his chair.  
“It’ll be fine,” said Maddie, “probably.”
“Fine,” said Danny.  He took the tube.  Almost at once, it started glowing green.  
“Oh,” said Edna, frowning and leaning closer.  “It usually isn’t—”
The tube exploded, embedding several small glass shards in Danny’s hands.  
“Ow,” said Danny.  
“Oh,” said Edna again, evidently not registering the small splinter of glass in her cheek.  “Well. Whoever your birth father hired to test your magic as an infant obviously got it wrong.  Congratulations, Mr. Fenton.  You’re a wizard.”
“My hand is bleeding.”
“Yes,” agreed Edna.  “It isn’t supposed to explode, you see.”
Once Danny got cleaned up, which involved a lot of glaring at Edna from Maddie and Jack, they adjourned to the kitchen, which was free of random glass shards.  
“The adoption organization I work for,” said Edna, “places squibs—people born to magical parents who do not have magic themselves—with families of squibs.  Assuming the child’s birth parents do want to give up their child over something like not having magic.”  Her nose wrinkled.  “The common wisdom is that it is easier for such children to grow up in an environment that is not explicitly magical.  In any case, it is my personal belief that anyone who would give up a child over something like that isn’t going to be the best of parents.”
“Alright,” said Danny, “so… all of us are squibs.”
“Except you, apparently,” said Edna.  “It’s hard to tell whether or not someone as young as you were when you were given up will be magical or not.  Which is why we usually only deal with older children.  I don’t suppose you’ve noticed anything odd happening around yourself?  Or unusual abilities?”
Danny stared at her flatly for several long moments.  His entire life could be classified as ‘odd,’ and most of it he wasn’t about to share with Edna.  Or his parents, as much as he loved them.
But, on the other hand, he now had a great excuse for at least some of his weirdness.  His parents wouldn’t think ghost if they could think wizard first.
“Like, define ‘odd,’” said Danny.  Despite his earlier encounters with wizards, he had no idea what was normal for them.  Other than memory wiping.  Which he could not do and wouldn’t have demonstrated anyway.  
Okay.  If was actually a wizard, and Edna’s doohickey wasn’t just reacting to his ghostliness, he probably could learn how to do the memory thing, but he didn’t know now, so the distinction was meaningless.  
(Maybe being a wizard or a squib or whatever was why he wasn’t just.  Dead.)
(Yeah, he didn’t want to think about that.)
“Just…  Being in one place, and then a different place.  Surviving something you shouldn’t have been able to unscathed.  Things moving by themselves or changing color or size. Temperature changes.  Something you want very badly happening, even if it is impossible or extremely unlikely.”
“Okay,” said Danny.  “Yeah.”
“To which one?” asked Jack, concerned.  “I haven’t noticed anything like that except what the ghosts do.”
“Um,” said Danny.  “This?”  He put his hand down on the table, intending to leave an icy handprint.  That should be acceptable, right?  If temperature changes were normal…
His nerves got the best of him.  He knew he was nervous showing even one of his powers around his parents.  He overcompensated.  
The table was covered with frost.  
“Oops?” said Danny.  
All the blood had left Edna’s face.  Jack and Maddie didn’t look much better.  
“Dear lord,” said Edna.  “You can do that at will?”
“Yes,” said Danny, holding his hand close to his chest. “More or less.”
“Danny,” said Jack, “why didn’t you tell us?”
“I thought you’d think it was a ghost thing.  You kind of shoot first and ask questions later about ghost things.”
“Oh my god,” said Edna.  “Never mind that.  You can do wandless magic and you’re fourteen?”
“Fifteen,” said Danny, “but, yeah.  I guess.”
Evidently, this wasn’t normal.  
Also, his comment about shooting first hurt his parents’ feelings.  Go figure. Not like they weren’t keeping a massive secret.  
“So,” said Danny, once the other discussions had been shelved for the time being, “I have a brother?  I think a brother was, at some point, mentioned.”
“Yes,” said Edna.  “A twin brother.  He wants to meet you.  Along with your biological mother.”
“And if I don’t want to?” asked Danny.  “If I don’t want to have anything to do with them?”
“I don’t even know,” said Edna.  “I can’t believe you slipped under the national detection spell. There’s going to be so much paperwork involved in this.  International paperwork.”
“You were born in Britain,” said Edna, as if this were a minor detail.  
Yeah.  Like his sense of self needed any further pummeling.  
“But it isn’t our fault everything is so messed up,” said Danny.  He maybe had some curiosity about his twin brother, but if there was any risk he’d be taken away…
“I understand,” said Edna, “but nothing like this has come up before, as far as we know.”  She sighed. “If it makes you feel better, I will use any influence I have in the matter to recommend that you retain custody of Deneb.  In the meantime…  Do you want to, uh, open communications with any members of your biological family?”
“I don’t know,” said Danny.  “Can I think about it?”
Relations in the Malfoy household had been strained ever since Draco’s investigation of his family tree (unrelated to the return of the Dark Lord and how blood purity was now much, much more important) had revealed that his twin brother had not, in fact, died at birth.  
And by strained, Draco meant that his parents had taken to living on opposite sides of the manor, interacting only when there were visitors.  Visitors such as his father’s Death Eater friends, members of society, and various government officials.  All of whom were more alike, and had greater overlap, than even Draco had initially suspected.  
This left Draco walking on eggshells between the two of them and wishing for Hogwarts to start again.  Anything he did to please one had to be entirely out of sight of the other, or else they began to fight again.  Truthfully, Draco was more on his mother’s side, all things considered, but his father was the one with the friends, and Draco couldn’t stay home under his mother’s wings for all his life.  Like his dragon namesake, he had to fly.  
Which he would most certainly do.  Soon.  No, he wasn’t hiding from his parents in his room.  That would be ridiculous.  They knew where his room was.  They could find him if they wanted to, and neither of them was anywhere near him.  He knew.  He’d checked.
This made the inarticulate shriek of rage he overheard from his mother all the more concerning.  
It was enough to make him emerge – cautiously! – from his self-imposed exile.  
He was curious.  And stupid.  It got him into enough trouble at school, why not at home?
Also, he really needed to know.  For his own safety.  Tiptoeing around whatever disaster just happened would be impossible if he didn’t know what it was.  
Instead, he tiptoed after his mother.  
His mother, who was angry enough that sparks were coming off the end of her tightly gripped wand.  Green sparks.  
Draco had never actually seen the killing curse in action, but his mother’s face screamed murder all on its own, no magic required, despite the fact that Draco was only catching glimpses of it as she strode towards his father’s half of the house.  
This was going to be bad.  Terrible.  Possibly the kind of event that saw one of his parents in Azkaban and the other in little, tiny pieces all around the smoking room.  
Lucius, for his part, looked paralyzed where he stood, and Draco briefly entertained the notion that Narcissa had managed to cast petrificus totalis on him without moving her wand or speaking the words.
Narcissa planted herself firmly in front of Lucius and glared up at him, seething, her breath making sucking noises as it passed through her teeth.  
She punched Lucius in the face.  The man toppled, clutching his nose.  Narcissa kicked him.
It was a good thing that the Malfoys had no neighbors, because what Narcissa screamed next likely could have been heard for at least a mile.
“He wasn’t even a squib, you lying bastard!”
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
In Your Eyes
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Bokuto Kōtarō x Chubby!Reader
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Author’s Note : There are some dark things in here and if you feel suicidal please do not keep it bottled in. It’s not healthy and needs to be addressed. The really bad stuff isn’t until the middle (right before the smut, basically), so be warned! That’s where the suicidal stuff is and like I said, if you do any of this or feel suicidal please seek professional help because it’s not worth keeping unhealthy feelings inside ; If you are wondering why Bokuto’s obsessed with licking and biting in this, I have been rereading a doujin where Bokuto does that and, well, it’s hot ; I swear this would not have taken me so long if I didn’t keep crying while writing it omg I would be dead if I had a shot every time I had to stop writing so I could wipe my tears and snot. This is why I don’t like to read or write angst but wow was that therapeutic.
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Warnings: angst, fat shaming, use of the word “pig”, body dysmorphia (inability to look in a mirror), vomit, suicidal tendencies/intention (via overdose) + implied past actions alcohol, soft!dom Bokuto, choking, creampie(s), mating press+doggy style, licking and biting, facesitting
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The cheers of the crowd erupted as the whistle blew. Once again, the MSBY Black Jackals had won. This match was against the Red Falcons, another team in the V.1 division. It was a close call, but Hinata managed to break the deuce with his monstrous quick attack and seal the set with their victory.
The team was jumping and bouncing, giving out high fives as they did. Of course, they had to shake hands with the Adlers, bowing to the audience and thanking them for their support. When Bokuto did his classic ‘Bokuto Beam’ move towards the audience, you could hear the girls squealing and giggling. It isn’t like they didn’t do the same when Atsumu or Hinata waved to them, but it hit you different. After all, they were beautiful in your eyes, slim and flawless.
Oh, yes. You’re the MSBY Black Jackal’s manager, being a classmate of Hinata in his second and third year (as in you tutored him and helped manage the volleyball club with Yachi). Hinata was your first friend, which kind of sounds pathetic. It was, if you were being honest with yourself. Being heavier than the average girl at your school subjected you to bullying and pranks that ended with you crying until you threw up. Hinata never made you feel like that, though. He always made sure you were comfortable and every member of the club at Karasuno treated you like an angel. You ended up applying to be the MSBY manager when Hinata asked, saying they needed a manager and wondered if you could apply. Well, it was either that or finding a job at the circus, as your family would sneer at you. Truly, Hinata was the first to accept you.
Once you got the job, it was like being back at Karasuno, honestly. Everyone was friendly and treated you no differently than they would treat others. However, you wished one of them would treat you differently.
He was the ace of the team, a goofy fella that could make anyone smile. Including you. Aside from Hinata, he made you feel accepted and made you forget about any woes and horrid thoughts you were facing. He didn’t know about them like Hinata did, but you were sure he’d treat you different if he knew.
Once everything was packed up, you and the coach headed out, the team not too far behind you.
“Shōyō-kun, that was one of yer best sets yet!” Atsumu cheerily piped up, walking behind Hinata. Hinata was right beside you, as he always was.
“I’m glad you think so! I don’t know if we can surprise the Adlers next time, though. Kageyama still knows my tricks,” he huffed as he finished his statement, putting his hair down so he could mock Kageyama. You giggled at his antics.
“Alright, change up and meet at the bus in 10 minutes, let’s go!” Coach commanded. Each member voiced their acquiescence. You decided to use this opportunity to go to the bathroom. After all, their match lasted almost an hour, if not more.
In the restrooms, you were almost done when you heard a bunch of girls giggling as they entered. Instead of leaving, you stayed in place, waiting for them to go.
You wish you hadn’t.
“Gosh, those boys are so attractive!” One of them said. Two voices agreed.
“Have you seen Atsumu and Kageyama? They’re both so hot!”
“I was too focused on that number 12,” oh no, “Bokuto, I think? He’s a good looking man, bet he has the stamina of a god, too,”
“Yeah, it’s a shame their brand is ruined by that mascot of theirs.” What?
“Mascot? Oh! You mean the pig? Yeah, she does put a damper on everything, doesn’t she? Imagine being that attractive and having that thing follow you around!” The girl cackled, her friends following suit. You felt your stomach drop, tears springing in the corner of your eyes as you listened to them.
It was easy to forget you were different when you with the team since they made you feel normal, but that didn’t mean others wouldn’t notice you.
The girls eventually left, the door slamming shut behind them. Whether they came in there to do makeup or just talk shit about you knowing you were in there didn’t matter. Not when you were crumpled up on the floor as sobs wracked your frame. Life sucks.
It’s not like you didn’t try! That’s the other thing! You try to lose weight and nothing happens, exercising doesn’t do much and diets are practically useless. You used to go to the gym, but stopped when you kept getting stares. You also used to run with Hinata in the mornings, but since he was so much faster than you, you stopped. What’s the point if you’re panting and breathless after a minute while he’s still going strong after 30 minutes? It felt like nothing would ever help.
A buzzing interrupted your crying fest, you sniffling as you wipe away the tears and look at the screen. It’s from the groupchat, Hinata asking if you’re okay and they were all at the bus. You typed back a quick ‘K’ and got up. The best you could hope for was nobody would point out the red eyes and the sniffling.
Hinata knew of your troubles, being there for you when you broke down in school more often than not. When you confided that he was the first person you felt comfortable with, it broke him. Seeing you had bottled up your emotions because nobody bothered to listen or care, it made him want to include you in his life. He would invite you over for dinner and his sister would excitedly talk to you, never making you feel uncomfortable. When he heard that you were in Osaka, he immediately called you up about being the MSBY manager.
He also knew of your crush on Bokuto. It was obvious to him, with how you looked at the ace with longing. Hinata even encouraged you to confess, but that was quickly dismissed when you told Hinata how you felt like Bokuto deserved better than someone like you. Bokuto was muscular, attractive, and charming — in your eyes, he deserved to be with someone his equal. That did not mean you. Hinata knew of your troubles, but he also knew of Bokuto’s. Bokuto has a crush on you, too, finding himself more accepted with you around. Contrary to the ace’s personality, he was insecure in a lot of things. He wasn’t very smart, which was often pointed out by others. He knew when someone was upset, though, so he always knew he needed to make you feel better.
Once you arrived at the bus, Hinata greeted you as everyone else had boarded. “What’s wrong?”
“The same old thing, you know,” you sniffle, your voice cracking as you remember the hateful words. Hinata’s face soured as you said those words. Back in high school, he would sit down and cry with you. Now, he was tired of you still being picked on as an adult.
“Immature, that’s what they are. Come on, we’re gonna stop by that restaurant you love.” Oh great, food. You may have been starving when the match ended, but after the incident, you just wanted to go home and cry. You numbly nodded and followed Hinata onto the bus. The coach didn’t bother pointing out anything, but he sent you a sad look when he noticed the red eyes on you. You sadly smiled and continued to your seat, behind the coach as the bus started to move. Curling into your jacket, you tried to think of something else.
The restaurant was a disaster. Everyone had been excited and gotten off the bus when a bunch of fangirls came up to them. You had just smiled and shook your head, feeling better already. At least, you had been until the girls noticed you and gave you looks of disgust. It was short lived, their attention turning back to the boys, so you briskly walked off, into the restaurant, away from the crowd. It took almost 5 minutes for the girls to leave, but you refused to eat anything other than a salad and drink water. Even then, you excused yourself to the restroom to take a break, crying and attempting to force yourself to throw up. Once home, you locked the front door and let your emotions spill out. Crying and screaming was common, so that’s what you did. Then came the process — getting rid of any reflective surface. Turning off the lights, turning on the tv, covering the mirrors with sheets, closing the blinds, shutting out any possibility of looking at yourself. Even with nobody around, those words and looks stuck and struck deep, you eventually curling into yourself on your bed as you cried yourself to sleep.
The next day came, your alarm ringing and the sound bouncing off the walls. You turned it off, completely turning off your phone. Instead of dealing with alarms and people, you’d suffer alone behind the comfort of your home.
The team was worried, you were never late. Bokuto was more pouty than normal, your cheerful greeting missing from his morning and his bear hug. Atsumu also missed your cheerful greeting, asking Hinata if he knew of anything. When Hinata said he did not, he texted and called you, receiving no answer.
Okay, then he’d go to you.
Hinata had stayed at your apartment before, spending the night or just to hang out. Sometimes he brings you food and snacks when you need it, or he just checks on you. He has a spare key in case of anything and he’s glad he does when the door’s locked with no answer. He calls you once more time, knocking until he hears something. It’s faint, but it sounds like movement. So, you’re awake. But not answering the door. Sighing, he unlocks the door.
The apartment is not surprising to him, the windows covered and reflective surfaces covered. He was afraid of this, but he continues on. When he reaches your room, he hears more sniffling and crying. “[Y/N]?”
“Leave me be, Shōyō,”
“[Y/N], please. The team misses you,”
“Fuck off. I’m a charity case to them, I know it. Why else would they keep me around? I should just wallow away,” your voice sounds tired, the thought of the boys sticking with you out of pity a common thought you’ve had.
A thought that isn’t true, but breaks Hinata’s heart. “You know that’s not true. Everyone loves you! Even Bokuto,”
“Shōyō, shut up. Empty words do nothing. Maybe it’d be better if I just... stayed here. Maybe I should just end the misery,”
“Do not. Talk like that. Please.” Hinata’s voice cracks with each word. He knew you were bad, but you could pretend like everything was fine. He should’ve known the harsh treatment yesterday would affect you like this. He should’ve spent the night with you when you ordered a salad and a water. He should’ve told the coach or Meian when you went to the bathroom for 10 minutes that you were trying to throw up. Your lie of there being a line was obvious, a common excuse after a long time away. Hinata felt his chest tighten as he realized you didn’t answer him. “I’m getting Bokuto.”
“Shōyō! Don’t you dare!” Your screams do nothing as he basically runs out your apartment, you flinging the door open to see him gone. You start crying more, afraid that Bokuto will see just how pathetic you are. If he ever looked at you with disgust, the way everyone else does, you don’t know if you could continue on with your life.
Maybe it’d be better that way.
Bokuto doesn’t really know what’s going on, one moment he’s stretching and the next he’s running to the train station with Hinata’s words repeating over and over again.
‘[Y/N] needs you’
Bokuto’s first thought immediately went into the gutters, a blush coating his cheeks until Hinata continued.
‘I think she’s in trouble’
With those two sentences, Bokuto ran off, forgetting his bag and just taking his phone with him. He only needed his phone, really. Strange stares from the public didn’t bother him, he knows he’s still wearing his practice clothes and his knee pads, the material looking like leggings. He made it to the train station before it left, getting on and calling Hinata back.
“I’m on the train, is everything okay?” He was panting, the train station being a bit away from the practice gym. He didn’t even bother sitting, just standing beside the doors.
“I don’t know. She’s.. She’s in a bad place. She won’t listen to me, but she’ll listen to you,” Hinata’s words are slightly muffled, sniffling accompanying his sentence. The words make Bokuto’s chest tighten.
“I don’t know what I can do, you’re her best friend. What could I do?”
“She’s in love with you. Has been for a while, actually. I know you can help her where I can’t. Just — I’ll give you her apartment key when you get to the station. Once I do, please go to her. Please,”
“I—“ Bokuto’s eyes are wide, his face definitely pink now. He’s still worried about you, but the idea of you actually liking him — no, loving him the same way he loves you, it makes him giddy. It gives him the push he needs to make it to you.
As soon as the doors open, there’s Hinata, holding a key ring for him to take. Bokuto doesn’t hesitate, a quick nod in Hinata’s direction before he rushes off to your apartment complex. All of the boys have been to your apartment before, but Bokuto and Hinata are the only ones who know the way to the place. Bokuto has gotten a bit drunk before and ended up crashing at your place, as well as just staying there when practices run late since his place is the farthest away from their practice gym.
Arriving at the apartment, he slides the key in and turns the knob, momentarily confused at the sheets covering your glass coffee table and the TV, but he continues in. He knocks on your bedroom door. “[Y/N]? Are you in here?” When he gets no response, he freaks out. Turning the knob, he notices you’re not in there, but there are more sheets covering things, as well as the blinds being shut. Even more confused, he turns back to the hallway and notices the bathroom door is closed. Fear strikes him as he thinks he knows why you’re not answering — he hopes he’s wrong.
When he opens the door, he realizes he was partially right. With a bottle of wine pressed to your lips, an empty pill bottle in one hand, your eyes wide as Bokuto’s golden eyes met yours. A brief moment of anger flashed across his face before you were forced over the toilet, his thick fingers going down your throat.
“Shtap!” Your muffled voice comes out, gagging around his fingers as he attempts to activate your gag reflex. He doesn’t stop, your squirming easily quelled against his strong grip on your arms pinning them back. You feel the bile rise and then you’re expelling the contents of your stomach into the toilet, coughing and sputtering as the painkillers you just took are now emptied into the porcelain bowl. Bokuto doesn’t let go of you as you cry, trying to get out of his hold.
He doesn’t know what he should bring up first, the fact Hinata called him over or the fact he caught you in the middle of a suicide attempt. You’re screaming and telling him to get off of you, but he instead holds you closer, your sobs fading as tears spill out of his own eyes, staining the hoodie you’re in. “Why would you do that?” He whispers.
You don’t know how to respond to that, instead choosing the phrase, “why not?” His face scrunches up and you don’t know if he’s in pain or angry as he shakes you.
“Why would you do that?! Don’t you know how many people would be distraught over you? Hinata would be inconsolable! Who would TsumTsum and I joke with? Did you even think about that? Did you think about me?” His voice is loud and it makes you cry harder, the weight of his words hitting deep. Bokuto’s been there for you through a lot and you’ve been facing all your problems on your own. “You can’t just do that! That’s selfish!”
“Why would it matter, Bo? What’s the point? I can’t face myself let alone face my feelings! Why not just stop hurting?” You’re both crying, him holding onto you tightly as you dry heave a bit, a stinging in the back of your throat and an arrow in your heart.
“Why can’t you face your feelings? You have Hinata and me!” Before you can tell him something else, he presses his lips to your forehead. You freeze. “I don’t know what I’d do if you left me. I don’t think I could live without you,” He dryly chuckles, tears still streaking down his face. You hiccup and look down, afraid to face him.
“You don’t mean that. You’re trying to make me feel better, I know. Just be honest with your feelings. I’m already low enough, no reason to keep up appearances,” more tears come out as you try to not break into another fit. Bokuto would never look at you the same you looked at him, especially not after seeing you like this. You couldn’t blame him, you look like a mess in your old sweatpants and the old hoodie that felt too tight even if it was one of the largest sizes you could find. Your hair is no better, hasn’t been brushed and you’ve been in bed for a while.
“Hinata said you loved me—“
“So I came because he said he was worried—“
“You don’t need to say it,”
“If I had been a second later—“
“Stop it, please,”
“I wouldn’t have been able to tell you my feelings—“
“Please, don’t,” you cover your face, tears blurring your vision anyways. Bokuto removes your hands, looking into your eyes. His own are full of warmth and love, not disgust or regret. It makes you cry more, a horrible wail as you dive into his chest. He laughs as his arms wrap around you, comforting in these dark moments.
“I love you, you know? I have for a while,”
“Why? What do you see in me? What could I possibly have to attract you? I’m not—“
“Don’t say it. Don’t say ‘I’m not like other girls’, because everyone’s different. You make me want to be a better man, you make me excited for each new day. Nobody can compare to you,”
“I can’t.. I’m sorry, I can’t trust you. I’ve— I’ve been made fun of for too long, I want to trust you, I want to love you, I want to be with you, but I don’t know if my heart can take another one,”
“Another— what?”
“It’s a long story, I don’t want to bore you,”
“Baby, I’m not going anywhere,” he nuzzles your cheek, more tears spilling out as your chest tightens with love.
You decided to explain to him what happened in the past and how you trusted Hinata. Bokuto brought you to your room and made you some tea, brought a bottle of water, and also made you a snack. The thought of eating made you feel sick, but a pouty buff man had you slowly nibbling on the piece of toast. You hadn’t eaten since dinner the previous day, so you wanted to inhale it, but you didn’t think you could stomach it.
After explaining everything to Bokuto, you tried to laugh it off, saying it wasn’t a big deal, but he refused to accept that. A quick call to Hinata to let him know you were okay and that Bokuto would be taking a day off was the next step, letting Bokuto stay with you for the rest of the day. He didn’t want to leave you alone, the fear of almost losing you still making his heart race in a bad way. Even as you just scrolled through InstaGram on your phone, he worried if he left you’d go back to the dark headspace. He couldn’t stop it, but he figured he could prevent it.
The first thing to change your mood is get you in the shower.
When he bounced back into your room, you looked at him from your position. You looked exhausted, the toast only half eaten but the glass was empty. Bokuto shook his head and clicked his tongue. “You need to refresh yourself. Time to take a shower!”
“What are you, my dad? If you want me to do it then make me,” You muttered, snuggling back under the covers. Bokuto closed his eyes and sighed, trying to not say anything sexual.
“I will throw you over my shoulder and into the bathroom. Don’t underestimate me, [Y/N],” the bed dips as he sits on the edge. “I’ll strip you down and wash you if I have to,”
“Why are you so forceful? Damn,” you made it sound like a bad thing, but you were smiling. “Fine, I’ll shower. You don’t gotta wash me, I’m not a baby,”
“But you’re my baby?” He sounded so confused, you freezing half out of the bed. Clearing your throat, you continued.
“Uh, sure. Are you planning on leaving soon? Or..”
“Nope! I’m staying over. I’ll change the sheets while you shower, too!”
“Oh, okay,” you say, numbly getting up to get clothes. With the lack of clean clothes, you have a few shirts and some pajama pants, but your stomach twists as you realize why they’re clean. They don’t fit as nicely as the other clothes, so you face two options: reuse the hoodie you’re wearing or face the humiliation of putting on a tight shirt. Thinking of the restriction, you decide the hoodie would be best. A large pair of pajama pants and a pair of panties is all you take, but Bokuto notices the lack of clothes.
“Are you just changing your pants? You’re showering, right?” Hes rifling through his bag, planning on changing out his practice clothes while you’re in the shower. He doesn’t want to get your clean sheets dirty, after all.
“Um, I’m out of shirts, so.. I’ll just reuse the hoodie,” you shrug, not seeing a problem. His eyes light up as he holds a finger up, digging through his bag once more. Apparently, Hinata dropped it off while you were taking a nap, all that crying had exhausted you. Bokuto smiles brightly as he pulls out his own hoodie, the black hoodie with the golden MSBY brand and the Black Jackal claws. “I don’t think—“
“I’ve been dreaming of you in my hoodie for some time, so this is a perfect opportunity! I’d prefer you to wear this,”
“Uh, I’m pretty big, Bokuto. I don’t think it’ll fit, if I’m being honest,” you look down at the ground, the disgust from earlier rising in your chest. Bokuto just tilts his head to the side.
“I think it’ll fit. It’s pretty big on me, so it’ll fit. If it doesn’t, let me know. I’ll get you something else,” he just shrugs, holding out the hoodie. His name is on the back and in a way, it feels like he’s marking his territory. You take it, thanking him as you head towards the bathroom. If it didn’t fit, you didn’t know what you’d do.
When you finished washing up, you put on the clothes. As big as Bokuto was, you still didn’t expect the hoodie to fit. When it slid on easily, you were highly surprised, but also it took you a moment to collect yourself. Seeing you in his hoodie was something out of your wildest dreams, him even telling you he’s fantasized about it making your body hotter than it should be. You had to calm yourself down before exiting the bathroom, entering the bedroom to see him lying on the bed in sweatpants. That’s it.
“Where the hell are your clothes?!” You cover your face, spreading your fingers a bit to see him stand up excitedly.
“You look so good in my hoodie!” He hugged you tightly, lifting you up a bit.
“Don’t pick me up, put on a shirt!” The only thing separating your skin from his was the hoodie which, well, wasn’t very thick. The zipper itself was as high as it could go but still felt too low.
“Why? Don’t I look good? Are you uncomfortable?”
“Yes, you look good and I’m uncomfortable. This is just a weird situation,” you try to explain... as if you had a shred of dignity left. The laptop propped open with the opening of your favorite movie caught your attention. “Are you gonna watch a movie?”
“We’re gonna watch it! To make you feel better, of course!” He seemed so proud of himself, standing with his fists on his hips as he smiled. You shook your head, rolling your eyes.
“Okay, then. Do you want snacks?”
After getting snacks for the movie, to which he fed you some while you fed him, you ended up falling asleep as you watched the movie. It was nice and warm under the covers and Bokuto’s body heat right next to you helped to lull you to sleep. He didn’t seem to notice you falling asleep until your head hit his shoulder, eyes closed as you peacefully slept. After pressing a kiss to your forehead, he closed to laptop and got comfortable under the sheets. The worry of him losing you was still there, but he kept his arms around you tightly in case it was a dream. Like you, he hoped it wasn’t.
Waking up wasn’t that bad, an urge to quench your dry throat a common thing to wake up to. What wasn’t common, however, was the thing poking your butt. Now fully awake, you tried to shoot up in bed to see what was going on but Bokuto’s arms held you down. It was then you realized what was poking you. Attempting to get his arms off of you was a hard feat, trying to squeeze out of the grip when he moaned. You froze and looked at his face, still asleep. Attempting to move again, he let out another one. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out.
He was having a wet dream. In your bed. Beside you.
Your immediate thought was who? Your next thought was me? You dismissed that idea, rolling your eyes as if that could happen. Well, until your name came past his lips. You were surprised to hear it, even if he showed and attempted to prove his feelings for you. Him dreaming of you subconsciously? It gave you confidence.
Enough confidence to wake him up and let him continue his dream in reality? No.
But, you didn’t think you’d have another dark episode anytime soon. He didn’t seem to relent his grip on your body, so you dealt with it, staring at the wall in the dark as he continued his noises. Well, at least until he bucked his hips. You gasped as he did, him waking up to your noise. “You ‘kay? Somethin’ wrong?”
Wide eyes looked at him, before glancing down and flickering back up. He follows your eyes and his face goes red. It’s hard to tell in the dark, but the moonlight coming in from the uncovered window illuminates enough. “I am so sorry, I’ll le—“
“Why?” You can’t stop yourself from asking, immediately smacking your forehead. He’s a bit confused from your actions, but you continue. “Um, I’d, uh- I’d like to know what you dreaming about.” Confidence? Yeah, right. You’re practically shaking from the fear of his answer. Of course, it was your name but you could’ve heard wrong, right? Yeah, you—
“My boner speaks for itself, doesn’t it?” Does he have shame? You just look at him so exasperated as he just stares at you, not too sure what you were expecting. “Or do you not know?”
“I— Okay. Was it me?”
“Who... who else would it be?”
“Oh, okay. Why?” You’re both so confused, you not understanding the appeal while he’s not understanding why it’s so weird. Or confusing.
“Why not? I’m in the bed with my girlfriend, longtime crush, who I find extremely attractive? Is this too much? Is it wrong for me to, um, wanna do that? Or dream about it?” No shame!
“I’m still having problems seeing things from your perspective, but okay. Still cannot see the appealing side of me, so it’s just... it’s weird for me to actually realize you like that. You actually,” you gulp, “like me,”
“I’ll say it as many times as I need to, [Y/N]. You’re perfect in my eyes. I want you to see that in your eyes, too,”
“I cannot, if ever, do that. Sorry,” you just shrug, going back to lay down. It isn’t long until he’s straddling you. “What are you doing?”
“I want to make you see things how I do. You gave me this,” he gestured to the bulge in his sweatpants. Looking at it too long scares you, the size scaring you more. “I want you,”
“Oh my god, I’m being dead serious now: you are not gonna like what you see. I’m not attractive, Bo,”
“Let me be the judge of that, hm?” It’s the only thing he says, but you hesitantly nod. He smiles and as much as you want to enjoy it, you’re still shaking. You have no idea what’s coming next, you don’t know what he’s gonna do once he sees what’s underneath and it scares you. So badly. His hands go underneath your—his hoodie, running over your skin. “If you’re scared, I can stop. I don’t want to push you into anything,”
“It’s not that, I just can’t see what you see. But I want to. I want to see myself in your eyes, if you can do that,”
“All you gotta do is give me a signal if you want me to stop. I’ll try my best but you’re gonna have to relax, baby,” he has no idea what his words are doing to you. You just nod as he smiles, leaning down to kiss your forehead. He isn’t rough and excited, but rather gentle and soothing. Hands running under the hoodie eventually go up to the zipper, slowly pulling it down. It’s a small thing, but you notice his eyes flickering to your face for any sign of distress. Evening your breathing, you let him completely pull the zipper down as your skin is completely bare to him. You hide your face in shame, ready to apologize and have a million excuses lined up, but he doesn’t let that happen when he starts licking your chest.
“Oh!” Your hands thread through his hair, softer than you expected as it barely brushes against your skin. His eyes are still on you, your fingers moving his strands away so he could clearly see you and you, him. The way his predatory gaze latches onto your face has heat pooling between your legs, rubbing them together to create some kind of friction. Keeping his tongue connected to your skin, his eyes on yours, he moves onto one of your breasts. Popping your nipple into his mouth, he swirls the perked nipple in his mouth as his hand tweaks your other nipple. You’re panting, your head is thrown back as he continues. Soon enough, just rolling your nipples in between his fingers is not enough.
Gathering spit in his mouth, he lets it dribble onto your skin. It’s warm and slick, when he smears it across your other breast as goes back to tweaking your nipples. You look down at what he’s doing only to find him grinning devilishly at you. He then goes down to your stomach, biting into the flesh there. “Bokuto!”
“What? I just wanna taste you,” he shrugs, before licking the area he bit. He has a lot of spit, too, sucking into your flesh and leaving behind a bite mark and his saliva. It’s.. kind of gross, but hot. When he comes back up to your face, he pushes his lips against yours so forcefully that you’re reeling back, mouth opening as he slips his tongue in. It’s a deep, passionate kiss as he runs his hands over your body, squeezing anything he can as he slips his fingers into your pants. “May I?”
“Of course.” Once he has the okay, he moves back down, occasionally leaving love bites as he does. Pulling down your pants, he finds himself face to face with your damp panties. You don’t have time to get embarrassed, however, when he sticks his nose into your crotch and licks the fabric. “What is up with you and licking?” You giggle, finding humor in it. He just pops back up, shrugging. You giggle again, throwing your head back in the pillows. He goes to pull down your panties, sliding them down your legs until they’re completely off. Except for his hoodie, you’re completely naked.
Now if only you could have his cum in you, then would his wet dream be complete. However, there was one more thing he’s always wanted to try, but he’s worried you’ll be against it. “Babe?”
“Is something wrong?”
“No! No! Nothing’s wrong!” He hates how your mind immediately goes negative. Your shoulders relax and your wide eyes slowly lessen as you realize nothing wrong, yet. “Um, can you sit on my face?”
“Bokuto, I don’t-“
“C’mon, please? I’ve always wanted to try it! Especially between them delicious thick thighs of yours,” he then licked his lips with a resounding moan. Although embarrassed, you roll your eyes.
“If I’m too heavy, let me know. I’ll— I’ll get off,” you prop yourself up on your hands, feeling his spit ooze down your body. “You have a lot of spit. Reminds me of how much you sweat,”
“I produce a lot of liquids, y’know?” If it wasn’t for his wiggling eyebrows as he widely grins, you would not know he meant it to be sexual.
“Lay down!”
“Yes, ma’am,” he excitedly gets on his back, his bulge much more prominent than before now that it’s just there. You can see it. You’re still hesitant, but eventually move to straddle his face. He helps you, easily maneuvering your dripping cunt over his mouth. With his strong hands, he forces you down on top of him to the point where your legs can’t keep you up. You attempt to get up, afraid you’re crushing him but he keeps you firmly planted on his face.
A growl erupts from his throat when he gets tired of your squirming, you halting your movements as you try to calm down. His thumbs run over the skin of your thighs to try and soothe you. And it works. You’re feeling lightheaded as he sucks and licks your cunt and probably makes it messier than it is. He brushes his teeth over your clit, sending shivers down your spine as you moan from the feeling. With a grin, you can tell, he gets to work on tongue fucking you as well as sucking on your clit. It isn’t long until your fingernails are digging into his abdomen as you let out a high moan as you come undone on his face. He moans himself, using his thick tongue to gather up every ounce you produced. He also makes a loud slurping noise as he cleans it up.
You move off of him, panting as you look at him. He looks absolutely blissed out, like he saw Nirvana and Heaven all at once. You smile at him, his own smile wide and proud. He immediately gets up, pushing hips lips against yours once more as he licks the corners of your mouth. He is quickly moving to pull down his sweatpants and boxers, but hesitates. “You sure you want this?”
“You aren’t allowed to stop now,” you giggle as he glows, pulling down his pants. Your eyes go wide as you realize how big he actually is. The bulge in his pants was nothing. It is scary, you wondering if it’ll fit.
“Everything okay? Do you— Do you not want it?” He sounds so sad, you immediately coo at him, forgetting the third leg he has.
“No, no, no baby! It’s just— you’re very big. I did not expect that. Just be gentle, yeah?”
“Of course!” Another kiss to your lips, this one more of a peck than a passionate open mouthed kiss. “Can you get on your hands and knees?” You listen to him, rolling over on your stomach before getting in position. This way, you don’t have to worry about seeing him and can focus on what he’s doing, so it’s better in a way. Really, Bokuto just wants to end the night with you on your back and he plans on having you shaking from multiple orgasms before it’s over. He guides his cock to your entrance, a shaky breath leave him as his tip brushes against your folds. You shiver yourself, feeling yourself about to cry, but you wait.
Once he pushes into you, the tears come out for a different reason. “I’m sorry, it’ll feel better in a moment,” he licks your cheek, nuzzling you. You nod as you try to relax, him continuing to push into you. It isn’t until he nudged against your cervix does he stop. Even then, he is still not completely in you. He focuses on evening his breathing, inhaling your shampooed hair. It’s hard to not blow his load so quickly, you squeezing him so tightly. You’re nice and snug, though, your walls eventually relaxing as he stays inside.
“You can— you can move, Bo,”
“Fuck yeah,” he grunts, pulling out only to roughly thrust into you. You lurch forward from the thrust, immediately dropping your mouth open to moan as he sets a steady pace. It’s not fast or slow, but he’s definitely rough with his thrusts. It’s the grunts that really do you in, the way his hands grab at your ass and hips, sounds of pleasure coming from his as sinks his cock into your cunt that has you tightening around him. With a mewl, you have another orgasm and he curses, a low “shit” coming out as he struggles to pull out. He leans down to put his mouth next to your ear, biting the shell as he continues. He doesn’t even break a sweat as he does, stilling himself deep inside you as he lets out a low groan, your eyes scrunch together as you whimper. His cum fills you up to the brim, his hips swiveling to make sure he’s all done.
Well, for that round.
You’re panting heavily as he leaves you, leaning back as he watches your legs shake. His cum oozes out of you, your cunt clenching as it makes more pour out. It’s a beautiful reality, but he wants more. You’re soon flipped onto your back as he is over you again, his hands on the back of your knees, pushing them up. It’s not uncomfortable, but it’s not a very comfortable position, either. Confusion is etched in your face as he does, but his lidded eyes as he licks his lips tell you he’s not done. You’re exhausted, but he’s not.
He wastes no time in sinking himself back into you, his eyes focused on your face as you moan. His grin is almost evil, the way his lips stretch as he bottoms out inside you before roughly thrusting into you. It didn’t take long for another orgasm to start to buildup in you, your head thrown back as your back arches, your head turned to the side as he leans down to lick and bite your collarbone, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. His hands find yours, intertwining his fingers with yours as he brings them up to your head. You focus on the way his arms flex, the muscles bulging with each thrusts as he puts every ounce of effort into the action. It really shows to how much he loves you and your body.
Even with all the marks on your body, even with all the places he’s touched and licked, that gnawing thought of you worrying nags him. The thought that you’ll still not know just how much he loves you. The thought that you’ll think it was a one time thing. He needs to know you know. He needs to know you’re seeing things in his perspective now. One hand leaves yours, it finding itself around your throat.
“Say my name,” he grunts, alternating his gaze between your face and his cock disappearing inside you. It’s something he’ll never get over. Maybe next time, he can record you two.
“No, my given name. I want you to scream it,” his grip on your neck gets tighter, your walls tightening at the same time. He groans as he throws his head back, his thrusts slowing down as he drags his cock against your walls. “I want your neighbors to know who’s fucking you,”
“You, Kōtarō!” You loudly moan, humming in pleasure as he picks up the pace.
“Who’s making you feel this good? Who does your little cunt belong to?”
“God, you! It belongs to Kōtarō!” You scream, your eyes rolling back as his hands go back to under your knees, pushing them up to your chest. It’s hard to breathe, but you’re clamping down on his cock as a sheen of white forms around it, your slick dripping down your ass and down his balls. The last urge he needed to fuck you like an animal was that, you screaming his name. Your ands wrap around his neck, the material of his jacket rubbing against his thick neck as your nails take down his back. Hissing, he fucks you faster and harder, determination set to get you to one more orgasm. It doesn’t take long, your mouth hanging open as you come undone for one last time, him burying himself as far as he can as he spills another load into you. It’s heavy and fulfilling, but it’s wonderful. A wonderful feeling of being loved.
As you both come down from your highs, he gives you another sloppy kiss. Instead of pulling out, he released your legs and lays on his side, taking you with him.
“Shouldn’t we clean up?”
“That can wait. I don’t wanna leave quite yet,” he pants out, another sloppy kiss. Like he can’t get enough.
Really though, he can’t. He loves you too much
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yourwildsimp · 3 years
This did not at all go where I thought it would, but it’s here. This is my first X Reader I’ve done so if you have some input, it would be greatly appreciated-
includes: Levi, Y/N
warnings: Mentions of dark thoughts
length: 2,535 words
You were quick to glance over your shoulder, wondering how you've messed up this time. You were just about to leave the mess hall, so you were probably going to be scolded for being the last one out, or for not eating again. Levi always snapped about how he needs you at your best.
"You forgot this," the captain said, his stoney blue eyes narrowing as yours widened, "Or did you leave it on purpose?"
It was your journal, the one you were always buried in whenever you could be. You did leave it on purpose, hoping someone would find it and save you from yourself. Hoping that someone would notice all of the changes in your behavior, hoping someone would hear your silent screams. Yet, seeing that it was Levi fucking Ackerman who returned the journal? You wished you had kept suffering alone.
"And it has so many…" Levi hesitated, almost like he was trying to find the right words to string together. "So many horrific thoughts written inside of it."
You could practically feel how serious he was while he gripped your prized possession just a bit tighter. You couldn't handle the growing silence, so you broke it.
"I should know. It's mine, after all." He didn't find your joke very funny. 
Levi opened his mouth, picking his next words carefully, "What's going on with you? You haven't been yourself recently."
You mentally swore, fingers twitching at your side. Levi didn't fail to notice, making his abnormal concern grow.
"What do you mean, Captain? I'm perfectly fine." As much as you wished the forced chuckle in your voice would change his way of thinking, it didn't.
"I'm more than certain something is happening with you," his voice grew more pointed as he stared at you, "There's no point in trying to hide it. Just spit it out."
"Why would you even bother asking?" Your muttered question left your lips before you could stop it.
"I want to know because I care about you. That's something a lot of people can't say, so don't go off wasting my support," Levi's tone didn't change and you sucked in a much needed breath. 
You wearily watched him place the journal on one of the long tables in the room, the soft thud reminding you of how many hours have gone into fruitless attempts of venting out your pain.
"Stop being stubborn and tell me what's going on, cadet." He inched closer, and you stepped back in response, eyes darting to the table.
"Once again, Jean and Eren left their spots disgusting. Do you want me to clean up, or would you rather chew them out yourself?" You gave a tight smile, forcing yourself to look back at him.
"Don't change the subject," he growled, a strange blaze flaring up in his eyes. Levi noticed how you tensed and he sighed to calm himself. "The things that you wrote in that book," he started, never once looking away from you, "Those were some seriously dark thoughts, and if you honestly do feel that way, you need to talk about it. So, stop trying to be the coldhearted badass and let me know what's running through your mind."
He sounded like a parent trying to convince a child to admit they broke something. It was a bit frightening in all honesty. 
You didn't say anything, teeth digging painfully into your tongue so you would keep quiet. You had just now noticed you'd been staring at the wooden floorboards this whole time, and yet you didn't stop.
Levi noticed that you weren't going to contribute, so he did it himself.
"What are you afraid of? Do you think I'm going to be mad at you?" 
You could've kicked yourself when your panicked chuckle wormed its way into the one-sided conversation. 
"Look at me," he demanded. You didn't listen, a thick gulp being your only reaction. "Cadet, look at me." This time it came out as a snarl, and you obeyed out of pure fear. 
Levi shut his eyes for just a moment, a heavy sigh leaving him as he tried to compose himself again. You both knew that he wasn't great with feelings, but he was trying. 
"I'm not mad at you. You can tell me whatever you're going through and I'll listen. Don't ever be afraid to let someone know how you feel, that is the only way someone can understand you." You had to clench your jaw to keep a snarky remark from making the situation worse. "Stop hiding from people, stop holding on to these emotions, and thinking that by some miracle things are going to work out by keeping silent. Things don't ever work out that way, and it only prolongs the pain. It only gives time for shit to get worse. So, stop being an idiot and just tell me what's going on already." 
"You sound like you're speaking from experience," you muttered after letting his words sink in. 
You didn't get a response, so you let your gaze lower, but not drop completely. Levi waited for you. The Levi Ackerman patiently waited for you to let go of some agony. So you did.
"Sometimes," it was difficult for you to refill your lungs with fresh air, "I get these recurring dreams that make me think about the things I'd kill to forget." A fly could be heard over your quiet voice, but you had spoken, and Levi found it a big step forward.
"I see," he spoke more to himself than anything. "So that's why…" 
His words trailed off as he remembered walking past the cadet sleeping quarters in the ungodly hours of the morning and often hearing whimpers of fear and sleepy pleads for directions on what to do. His eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"You've been having those, too, haven't you?" He paused, knowing damn well that the night terrors weren't anything but a small piece to the puzzle. But it was progress. "It's not uncommon. Everyone gets those nightmares."
You resisted the urge to insist that's the reason why your problems weren't such a big deal.
"Having thoughts about the people that you've lost, the people that you'd cared about," Levi tightened his jaw, taking a deep breath through his nose and not saying anything for a heartbeat. He changed his wording, "You're allowed to feel. You're allowed to grieve and to be angry, to be hurt." It was like he was reading from the list of your emotional insecurities.
It was starting to get painfully tense, so you attempted to redirect the topic of choice.
"That's funny, considering who's speaking. You only seem slightly agitated whenever you hear about the trouble Eren is constantly causing. I'm surprised you don't have grey's, old man," you laughed in spite of yourself, the noise tense and borderline frantic.
"Writing these thoughts in this book," of course he wouldn't budge. The man's like a stone wall, despite his height. "It's probably your way of coping with what’s happened to you." 
You swallowed, glancing away before sucking on your tongue to distract yourself.
"But, you have to be able to talk to someone as well, to be able to hear your problems leave you." Levi didn't say anything after that, quietly observing how you tilted your head up to stop your brimming tears from falling.
He surprised you by taking a seat on the table's bench, a good four or five feet from your journal. "Come here," he said gently, patting his legs, "You look like you need to be held. If you feel comfortable, that is." 
"On your lap?" You asked, chest tightening. You knew all it was going to take was one hug- just one god damned hug- and you'd crumble.
"Yes, on my lap. Come on," Levi couldn't care less about your height or weight, none of it bothering him in the slightest. 
You hesitated, the exit door seeming all too tempting. You didn't leave, though, and it wasn't because Levi would catch you if you were to run, nor that he would only confront you more forcefully in the future. You knew you needed this- that's the whole reason you had left your secrets behind. But, fuck, it was so hard to make yourself sit on his lap.
"There we go." His encouragement nearly ripped you to shreds.
"What are you? Santa Claus?" You mused, eyes burning holes into your lap with how determined you were to look anywhere but. 
"Go on, let it out," Levi pushed you to speak again, this time far more effective.
"Let what out exactly? My Christmas list?" Your voice cracked, heart painfully throbbing.
"Come on, cadet," Levi breathed again, sickeningly gentle eyes looking at you.
"I wish for a cup of hot chocolate with cookies on the side," you forced a twisted smile on your face as burning hot tears started to slip down your cheek. "Maybe at least one good night's rest. O-Or a chance to go back in time." 
You were breaking down, caving in on yourself as you choked on a sob.
"I've got you."
But you weren't alone. The captain was rubbing comforting shapes into your back.
You shook violently, tremors growing worse before you gave in completely. Harsh sobs thrashed your body as you buried your face into Levi's chest, letting every bit of your pain out.
"It's alright," Levi's voice warded off the ringing in your ears. "It's going to be okay. Do you hear me? You're going to be okay."
Promises of betterment and words of comfort soothed you as you soaked his uniform with tears. Tears that you've held in for far too long, tears that represented your suffering.
"You did all you could. Stop blaming yourself for whatever happened or you'll never be able to move forward. If all you keep doing is holding onto the past, you'll stay stuck in this shitty, painful cycle," Levi told you exactly what you needed to hear as he alternated between pats and rubs on your back. 
He took a deep breath, and you heard his heart rate kick up as your crying quieted, though you didn't- couldn't- stop.
"I had two friends who died on the same damn day. People I considered my family- gone, just like that. People I'd just met, people I had just been acquainted with that morning, died later that day, too," he shared his pain, opening castrated wounds all for you. "Sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers," he listed, voice wavering before he righted himself, holding you closer. "Dead. Gone. And who was in charge? I was." You felt his chest steeply rise and fall as you sniffled. 
"There are things that you'll have to live with, situations you'll be placed in that you'll have to get through." His thumb and index finger captured your chin, forcing you to look at him. "I just want you to remember that you don't have to find a way on your own. You don't have to feel like you need to take all the burden, all the pain, by yourself." 
The hand that was on your back navigated to the Scouts emblem on your jacket, gently thumbing at it. 
"That's why you have us," there was a smile dancing in his voice, though it never quite reached his face. "We can support each other." 
Your tears had calmed down to a few rogue leftovers, and you found yourself ready to slip off of his lap. Levi didn't seem to mind the massive wet stain that bled through his white button-up and onto his peck. Didn't seem to on the outside, but you knew he was a cleaning fanatic.
"My office, my doors, are always open," his tone turned sarcastically bitter, "Unless I have paperwork to fill in, or I'm cleaning up Jaeger's damn mess." He relished the small giggle that left your lips. "If neither of the two are happening, you can always come to me."
He narrowed his eyes at you, lightly flicking your forehead.
"You hear me? Always, cadet." He gently smiled at you. "Not only are my doors open, but my arms are open, too." 
You glanced away to hide the sparkle in your eyes. Your attention returned to the captain, however, when a warm hand found itself on your shoulder.
"I know that feeling of thinking everything is your fault," he swallowed, casting his gaze down before looking back at you. "That feeling of being disappointed in yourself, down in the gutter, beating yourself up and wishing that it was you instead." There was a solemn look in his eyes before he spoke again, "I know that feeling, and I know how it eats you alive." 
Levi pulled you in for another hug, resting his chin on your shoulder as he shuddered in another breath. 
"I also know the feeling of being comforted. Of being reminded that there is a tomorrow, and that things can get better." He gave you a small squeeze before pulling away, both hands on your shoulders now. "That if you make it past today, you can make it past tomorrow, too." 
He allowed you to sit back, and the words he spoke were more than welcomed.
"After everything that you've been through, there is no storm that comes your way that you're not strong enough to face," the proud gleam in his eyes spoke volumes. "And, if you feel like you can't handle it alone, you can face it with me by your side. I'll always be here to brace the storm with you."
Nothing could prepare you for what he said next.
"That is a promise, cadet."
Levi never made promises- not like this. The only thing he's ever promised was to dropkick Eren if he ever went so long without showering again.
"Now breathe," his voice reverted back to that gentle, but commanding tone. He took a deep breath with you, in and out before staring you dead in the eyes. "Everything is going to be okay. It might not be perfect, but we will make it through this. Every battle has an end. Don't go giving up until you find your ending." You felt the grip on your shoulder tighten, his Adam's apple bobbing as he continued, "Please... Hold on for me." 
That left you picking your jaw off the floor before Levi mentioned it, not able to do anything but nod. You, a cadet, had gotten him to say please.
"There is so much to live for in this life," he noticed your doubt before you even said a word. "Let's start living for the people who don't get to, who don't have a choice."
A comforting silence settled into the atmosphere. Levi smiled before standing, mentally double-checking if you were okay. "Oh, and one more thing?" You perked up when he spoke.
"I'll break your fucking legs if you talk about me being soft, cadet."
Ah. There was the Levi you knew.
"Wouldn't dream of it, captain," you said gently, proudly saluting him as he walked towards the back exit.
You would never know, but an extremely proud smile graced his features as he watched you hesitate before throwing the journal away.
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