gaybuckybarnesss · 21 days
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BILL SKARSGÅRD Castle Rock 1.05 "Harvest"
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skinreflectsthesun · 27 days
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Who decided it would be a good idea to work out in the garage in 94 degrees? Couldn’t be me 😬🫥🥵
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aspiringh0l3 · 1 year
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dxrktopaz · 9 months
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had time to do a strip tease in my car before clocking in to work for my last 12h this weekend ;))
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sunatsubu · 4 months
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thank you @hayesflint for your ingenious idea of kalluzeb Proposal AU 🤣
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elivanto · 1 year
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theloveinc · 11 months
It's a little bit further into your relationship with art student!Bakugo and you've been working together now for the good portion of two semesters...
Except for whatever reason, your professor assigns him a different model for the upcoming final, and when you go to look for him after class (since at the announcement, he stormed out of the room in frustration, slamming back his desk and knocking over the overflowing recycling bin by the door), you find him weeping in frustration in the janitor's closet next door adhfnlkjadshfk
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gooseco · 2 years
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more ep 70 nonsense
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damn-it-not-again · 18 days
You ever just see someone's art style and you just KNOW that they'd make a wonderful proshipper? Like you can just see how wonderful l0lish0 or inc3st would look in their style?
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happyzyx · 1 year
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230814 layzhang: Long time no see my X Back ~~~~~
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kirihara · 2 hours
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overwhelmed-frog · 4 months
as soon as I’m able to speak to other human beings without turning bright red, sweating literal buckets, and getting heart palpitations it’s over for you bitches
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nobully · 1 year
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what do you mean me looking "weird"
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theloveinc · 2 years
chubby baby kirishima 😻😻
WAHHHH they’re literal hell to birth but it’s so, so worth it when they end up being the cutest little dough ball anyone has ever seen. Cutest cheeks, cutest arms, cutest thighs… and they’re always smiling, bouncing, chewing on their toes, getting so, so happy whenever you or Kiri pick them up. Every single time they make grabby hands so that you’ll rub their squishy cheek against yours or even give them little raspberries on their belly.
And I’m just thinking about when Kiri has skin to skin time with them, too. You find them on the couch together, their chunky rolls stuck to his as he rubs their back and pats their diaper to help them sleep… all the while trying not to cry over how cute they are🥺🥺🥺
Both of them def get a little upset when you try to move baby to the crib. Kiri’s just… so good w/ babies it makes me want to SCREAM.
(It’s actually a bit scary though, at least before they’re born… cuz maybe 6-7 months into your pregnancy, Kiri is showing you a picture of him as a baby… and then wondering why the sight nearly makes you faint. Dude was so big as an infant, you should’ve know literally all his spawn were gonna come out as big as MELONS.
Takes a while to get over honestly, but by then… it’s too late🤧🤧🤧)
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lesbianlenas · 7 months
can you please add a tw for memes? some of us have zero sense of humor and like to be killjoys
lmfaoooo ur so right i should b tagging for that my bad!
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adozentothedawn · 7 months
Anon sitting on her throne on the bridge, Marazhai smugly sprawled on her lap, as she's patiently cutting delicate little shapes into his cheeks and throat.
a bit away, Ulfar is having his nked poetry slam battle with the other space vikings.
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