ragnarokhound · 1 month
I can guarantee you that arkham knight Jason is also yearning & pining & perishing <3 I live for your comments dude lololol
I haven't actually finished the Arkham Knight game, but I did start it Purely Because Jason is in it TuT I stare at him sometimes and a single tear rolls down my cheek thinking about him trapped in this somehow even grimmer and darker version of Gotham. And Tim is bald and married so he doesn't even get to have a twink boyfriend about it akdmxnsk
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sbnkalny · 7 days
kalny are you an escaped Foundation AIC gone rogue
I need ideas for a scp Foundation entry
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brightbluecore · 2 years
oh also is jello just chunky water?
also yeah I lied the world isn't shutting down anytime soon (probably)
Alright! Alright. Good. World… not shutting down. We’re all fine.
Anyways, I don’t know why you keep sending me all of these questions about food, and stuff. Again, for the final time, I’m not the guy you guy you should be asking! Exact opposite of the guy you should be asking, in fact! Don’t even have a whatchamacallit-tive system! Unbelievable.
No. That’s my answer. There you go.
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5mind · 1 month
'Mystery Box 🎁' : It's a box that just has more smaller replicas of the same box in it. Infinitely. Don't ask how. (for anyone)
My muse just put their hand inside a mystery box. What do they find? Send 'Mystery Box 🎁' along with the item inside the box for my muse's reaction
It's been almost an hour and yet the mechanical bird was still at it, pulling out box after box from the boxes. She was transfixed. The room was half filled with boxes, some stacked upon one another but many just haphazardly tossed into messy piles.
A door opens...or at least tried to. It was blocked by the sheer amount of box cluttered up before it. Chirptune opens another box.
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(she flies into the room and pauses on one of the crates in the corner to check something on her wristband)
*xue sees her and immediately attacks her like a cat to a moth he's a fox but still*
sup, "nightwing"
can you answer some questions for me?
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seahdalune · 8 months
me watching The Creator (2023): this is like that one plot thread in Overwatch but actually good
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the-haunted-office · 1 year
( @n1ghtw1ng-scp - Continued from here!)
Thursday blanches when Night indicates that it followed her here, into the office.
Oh no. Oh no. Oh nonononononono, not the mist again. Not the mist again. She just got free from it, she doesn’t want to go through all that again!
She almost starts to panic, but then reaches for her towel and fidgets with the edge of it to remind herself not to panic. That’s half of the reason why she carries it with her, after all. The other half is that all hoopy froods know where their towels are, and she definitely considers herself a hoopy frood.
She listens while Night explains, listens and fidgets and nods. And her fears are confirmed. It was looking for a host.
But then why didn’t it take her? Or did it take her and she doesn’t realize it yet?
Oh god.
“Okay. Okay, so it- it- it needs a new host, but it- Wait! Night, wait!” Thursday calls after her and goes after her. She can’t let her friend go after that mist by herself. And she can’t let that mist take someone else in the offices as a host either - not without consent! “Can we catch it? How could we do that? Can we talk to it?”
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so how did you get into scps in the first place? I found them through this comic dubs yt channel doing SCP Oversimplified
I have little recollection I THINK it was like 3 years ago? I was starting to play Roblox with my church group thing and when I was on my own found SCP games which I thought nothing of it and I forgot what somehow found SCP's read one about the dark heart I think it was? found the scp channel known as "The Rubber" then started watching about SCP's loved them and yea I think that's what happened sorry if it makes no sense
And now I cant stop nitpicking roblox games with scp functions that I feel are un accurate... .Send help
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you really said "no more talking to humanity 💥" and then have a Tumblr with asks on. logic 100
I am severely limited here in my interactions with humanity. I may see humans, see their lives, but I cannot speak to them as I once did, I cannot help them as I use to. There will come a day, perhaps far in the future in which my voice will be heard again, but it is not now.
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hello, cores! im nightwing and yeahhhh, forget the introductions. straight to the questions. where's adhesion? do you guys even know them?
Adhesion? Hmm… That’s the gel that they scrapped, correct? The purple one?
Oh, wow… how cool would it be if there was an ADHESION core?
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wjat is this pizza game content that materializes on my dash,,, youre making me curious help
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bro who are you and why are you scamming people??
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brightbluecore · 2 years
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Ooooooh! S- So it’s a compliment?
Well, it’s a pretty bad compliment, don’t you think? I’m not young, exactly. Or a woman. Or… attractive. Probably not that either. Not the best thing I’ve ever been called, but- but you know, not the worst either. Y- You tried, I guess. You tried. Good job on that!
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5mind · 12 days
18 and 19 for Fivemind
18. do they prefer cats or dogs? or neither?
If they had to choose an animal it would be a bird. But between those choices, Fivemind prefers dogs even though they get very worried about accidentally hurting the animal when approached.
19.what are their phobias? do they have any at all?
One of Fivemind's greatest fears is getting possessed or controlled - loss of free will over their physical bodies in general. Although afraid of the prospect, they're wary towards but not that fearful towards ghosts and hackers on their own. It's only when it happens in front of them that they get scared lol
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scpaesthetics · 2 months
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SCP Aesthetics: Church of Maxwellism (requested by @n1ghtw1ng-scp)
No central organizing church body is known to exist. However, interviews and covert surveillance has determined that all known cells are in regular contact with one another, and capable of coordination. (blue/orange, connectedness, the digital age)
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kacey-byten · 6 months
@crowfrombackdoor tagged me in a tag game and i went 'EEP' out loud!
last song: Possessed! by Louie Zong (i relate to it too much for a silly halloween song)
last movie/tv show: the little mermaid (which i also relate to too much), and the scott pilgrim anime
sweet/spicy/savory?: wrong. it's salty. i have eaten raw salt in the past. i cannot control myself around a saltlick.
last thing i googled: 'craig from south park' because a friend told me i looked like him 😭
current obsession: getting better at drag makeup! i unfortunately can't post pics but i've already improved a lot!
people i'm tagging: @lilacrax @n1ghtw1ng-scp @fineredmist
obv you don't have to do it lol, i just think it's fun
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