#n2n rp
aparticularbandit · 10 months
Do you write for Next to Normal? I just posted my first fic for the fandom on ao3, and I feel like you’d be really good at writing for the fandom!
I haven’t written any fic for N2N, unfortunately, but I did have a very, very brief stint where I had an RP account for Diana!  We were a very small group, and I...did not maintain my account very long.  (By which I mean I have exactly one reply on that account, which is why I’m choosing not to link it.)
That said, N2N’s influence has greatly shown up in other stuff I’ve written, probably most notably with how I write (wrote????) Luisa Alver from Jane the Virgin.  (And I guess Jessica Rabbit to a point, but I feel like that’s an entirely different situation in context.  It’s debatable whether Jess was actually hallucinating Roger.  She thought she was, but textual analysis suggests maybe not.)
Unrelated, I’d love to see your fic!  I honestly haven’t read a lot for the fandom (read: none), but I’d love to check it out!
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aliceripleyisaqueen · 4 years
Any N2N fans that would like to Rp? Pm if you want to!
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
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“even if everything e l s e turns to dirt, you’ll be the one thing in this world that won’t h u r t.“ 
                              henry davis written by callie / @slackerphilosopher 
                                natalie goodman loved by ro / @dcarhcarts 
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requismsa-blog · 6 years
like for a starter ! specify muse or it will be random. also if you want it to be plotted lmk.
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memesfucker · 7 years
* next to normal sentence pack ( act 1 )
❛ what are you doing up? it’s 3:30. ❜ ❛ it’s the seventh night this week i’ve sat ‘til morning, imagining the ways you might have died. ❜ ❛ you’ve got to let go, mom/dad. i’m almost eighteen. ❜ ❛ everything’s great! why wouldn’t it be great? it’s great. ❜ ❛ some days i think i’m dying, but i’m really only trying to get through. ❜ ❛ what doesn’t kill me doesn’t kill me. ❜ ❛ it only hurts when i say ‘it’s just another day,’ ❜ ❛ we’re a perfect loving family.  if they say we’re not then fuck ‘em. ❜ ❛ i think the house is spinning. ❜ ❛ everything’s fine. i’m just... making sandwiches. on the floor. ❜ ❛ so you graduate early, you’re gone as of may, and there’s nothing your paranoid parents can say. ❜ ❛ we’ve gone to school together for, like, six years. i sit behind you in like four classes. ❜ ❛ you give up way too easily. ❜ ❛ he knows my deepest secrets. i know his name. ❜ ❛ oh, you’re one of those pretentious stoner types. ❜ ❛ what did mozart know anyway? he should have just smoked a bowl and jammed on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. ❜ ❛ i was so young. and so dumb. and now i am old. ❜ ❛ now there’s no sex; she’s depressed; and me, I’m just tired. ❜ ❛ they say love is blind, but believe me: love is insane. ❜ ❛ i don’t feel like myself. i mean, i don’t feel anything. ❜ ❛ your mom is, like, in the next room. ❜ ❛ i’m one fuck-up from disaster. ❜ ❛ this is one fucked up seduction. ❜ ❛ how do you know this isn’t a sign saying we belong together? ❜ ❛ how do you know it’s not a sign saying ‘get new rubbers?’ ❜ ❛ i miss my life. ❜ ❛ everything’s great here. fantastic! i disinfected the entire house, rewired the computer, and did some decoupage. ❜ ❛ we’ve been going out for nine weeks and three days. don’t i get to meet your family? ❜ ❛ i know that you’re hurting. i’m hurting, too. ❜ ❛ it’s like living on a cliffside, not knowing when you’ll dive. ❜ ❛ you don’t know what it’s like to live that way. ❜ ❛ are you wanting all that she can’t give? ❜ ❛ i wish i could fly. i’d fly far away from here. ❜ ❛ i love you as much as i can. ❜ ❛ they have depression chatrooms? ❜ ❛ when i was young, my mother called me high-spirited. she would know. she was so high-spirited, she was banned from the PTA. ❜ ❛ most people who think they’re happy just haven’t thought about it enough. most people who think they’re happy are actually just stupid. ❜ ❛ this is never going to get better, is it? ❜ ❛ you know, _____, it’s not all about your comfort. ❜ ❛ if you won’t grieve me, you won’t leave me behind. ❜ ❛ the baby wasn’t planned. neither was the marriage. ❜ ❛ i couldn’t hold him/her in the hospital. ❜ ❛ that’s the first time you’ve mentioned _____ in weeks of therapy. ❜ ❛ well that seems very... fucked. ❜ ❛ i know i have to help her/him/them but hell if i know how. ❜ ❛ what makes you think i’d lose my mind for you? ❜ ❛ take this chance ‘cause it may be our last. ❜
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justyncase · 7 years
((OOC: while waiting for asks/more hijacks… I did this with my mom… my mom being the voice at the beginning…
The song is “There’s a World” from the musical, Next to Normal))
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inferno-principe · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: My friends call me Mazz
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF:  I have fibromyalgia so I can get hurt doing pretty much nothing. Last week I hurt my leg by laying down in bed :’D Even having someone poke me in the arm with their finger makes me hurt for ages.
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON:  Fucking lol. I’m demi-romantic/asexual, y’all. I don’t really have much physical attraction. But eyes are pretty if I had to pick something.
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF:   Cauliflower, and probably curry. You can do so much with curry.
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Tomatoes and any kind of lunch meat. Slimy, gross.
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Terrible movies and tv shows :D I live for things like Cats and Riverdale
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Pajamas :’D nothing special
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious relationships -cough- looks at @oddxdolls​
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I would get myself to therapy waaaaay earlier and I wouldn’t give up on college. my mental health has caused me a plethora of problems lately.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Yesssss. I’m a kisser. My birdies know that well 
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Moana, Mean Girls, Secret of Kells
12. FAVORITE BOOK: This is so sad I haven’t read a book in years, i can’t focus enough
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: If it could be literally any animal, then maybe a fennec? I love foxies. But if we’re talking legit pets, more budgies! I’d love a nice flock.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:  Uhhh.... right now my big ship is Linhardt and Caspar from FE3H, but i’m also a sucker for Takumi and Leo from FE Fates. The rest are probably my own :’D Terry/Si, Sabah/Kae, and tbh probably Sitri/Si because it’s pure and it’s a ship I’ve had since i made the boi four years ago
15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake
16. FAVORITE SCENT: I loooove lavender and peppermint. But then there’s like...weird smells that I really like? There’s a pizza place on our block and when I walk to work I can smell the pizza being made and it reminds me of getting pizza when i was a kid with my mom. It’s nice :3
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: None. I have a perfectly good partner right here
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: I’d go to see my babe and then I’d get my ass over to @mus-brunneis​
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert biiiiig time
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Yes, but I mostly disturb easily. Like...ridiculously easy.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android. 
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Ahahaha if you follow my personal you know I do. I am so hyperfixated on Fire Emblem it’s not even funny. FE3H, Pokemon, holding out for Animal Crossing next month.
23. DREAM JOB:  I want to be a child psychologist. I work with preschoolers  and it is the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had.
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS:  Pay off my loans, spoil the bae, and save the rest.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: I still can’t get into Edelgard whoops. Also I’ve been watching Grey’s Anatomy lately and tbh Derek Shepherd is kind of an asswipe and I kinda hate him
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Baby’s first fandom was musical theater, so like N2N, American Idiot, then it was Kuroshitsuji for ages, and Kagepro.
tagged by:  stole it from @queensconquest​ shhhhh
tagging: You reading this!
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justfollowmyhansel · 7 years
What?? You wanna tear me down?? Come on and--
Wait a minute. I don't rp in this blog. Hansel, was machst du?
Anyway. So we arrived and I got my first taste of Japanese 4G "high speed data." High speed, my ass. I soon understood why so many people in Japan have very basic, non-smart phones and tablets that they pay for Wi-Fi hot spots for. No John-spotting.
Did do some trainspotting though, but that was later.
I followed the signage to where I needed to check in through customs, had my passport scanned for the...6th? time, and went down to baggage claim. Remember, I had no checked baggage. So how to get out? How to get over to the side of the airport that would give me my freedom, John, and possibly... food. Damn, Hansel, I can't believe you haven't found time to eat something yet, you're so prepared....
The plane had been a little late. Not much, like ten minutes maybe, but late.
What delayed me further was still getting out of baggage claim. I found bathrooms, I found luggage trolleys, but no exit except that which the people WITH luggage were trying.
Eventuality, the weight of what felt like 50lbs of clothes started to bear down on me and I needed to get out.
I got in line and that line closed so I picked a new, actually moving, line and finally find my way to the right side of the airport.
The first thing I bought was a bottle of coffee and a pack of British chocolate biscuits. I was mildly disappointed in myself for not picking something Japanese to eat, but whatever this whole trip was going to be an opportunity to try Japanese food. New Japanese food, I should say. I didn't really have to make a conscious effort to avoid things I've tried before since there's not a whole lot of them that I've actually seen. Maybe like.... Pocky? Ummm.... I don't think I've seen any of the other non-American brands before.
I texted Miya that I'd arrived and was ready whenever she was. She had told me to take the train and I'd already found the ticket seller so.....
When I bought the ticket, I completely forgot, despite having the instructions to do so, to buy a Pasmo card. It would have been a little bit cheaper, but.... Oy.
At first, I was CERTAIN that I had gotten on the wrong train from Narita to Nippori. The map I had was only showing Some of the stops and they seemed to coming up far too fast for the distance we had to go. I said basically as much to Miya and she told me which stations the train would be stopping at. I texted her once I hit each one.
When I arrived, Miya waved me over to her. We had texted each other photos beforehand and while I was on the train so I knew both who I was looking for and what she was wearing. (An If/Then t-shirt!)
We decided to get food so she took me to one of her favourite chain restaurants; a burger place called Mos Burger. As usual, I had fries and a hamburger (and another iced coffee.) All the more fitting considering that I had chosen my t-shirt with French Fries saying ‘Je t’aime!’ on it.
We chatted a bit, caught up, discovered new things about each other, and in my case, that there's a sort of smoking jail on the upper level for people to smoke while they eat. It wasn't shocking per se to see a smoking section, but I hadn't actually seen a smoking section in a public building since I was little.
On the way to the train that would take us closer to Miya’s apartment, I mentioned that I needed to buy a power adapter. She offered to loan me one of hers so that we wouldn’t have to stop off anywhere unnecessary and to save me the added expense.
After the train, and after we purchases for me a Suica card so that I could ride the train cheaper, we went to the convenience store. 7/11s in Japan are different, but recognizable. I was able to watch Miya print her ticket to N2N on one of the days (Sat) to see how she would have printed my Hedwig tiks! I bought a few things including another coffee and some things for the next day to have as breakfast.
My first card, my debit card, was declined. I tried the credit card and it worked, buuttt...this was not a good indication to me. I texted my mom to fix it.
We showered and settled into sleep. I was so excited, I barely slept. At that point, I'd been awake almost as long as I normally am when I work at Michaels and then somewhere else without pause. Normally, I'd be dead tired. But tomorrow -- my Hedwig!!! In person!!! In the second row!!!
Again, I was awake for close to an hour before actually getting up. I had checked my phone and despite having messages, I didn't get up until John posted.
Once again, it is time for another post shift.
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thickcrskiin · 7 years
fuck i'm sending my url
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i’ll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: listen i really love the muse alex a lot, like– she has so much going for her and she’s so believable as a person and whatnot?? I JUST. LOVE HER. SO MUCH. and i love the whole being more oc than si with universe hopping abilities thing too like we should make a club with t-shirts and cookieshow they play them: beautifully bc fight me in the arby’s parking lot helenthe mun: so we’ve known each other for at least a couple of years by now?? (idk exact times, man) but like I remember watching N2N on YouTube and then looking for blogs from it. Lo and behold, three hours into searching, I found one of the only active Natalie blogs- yours. I was terrified of trying to approach, but I did it anyway bc the worst you could have said was no, right? We lost contact after a while (we might have each other on FB, but I hardly check that anymore) ANYWAYS. you’re a great person in my opinion, alex. you work really hard on your blogs and characterizations and your writing, and the effort shows. you are a good bean, my dude. a v good bean and ily.
do i;
rp with them: yeeeewant to rp with them: always tbh
what is my;
overall opinion: if you’re not following alex, i honestly urge you too bc she’s really great. i adore both the mun and the muse and the writing. just. check ‘em out, okay? you won’t be disappointed. i know i’m not.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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andryuska · 7 years
♛ for slackerphilosopher?
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i’ll tell you the following ( accepting ) // @slackerphilosopher
my opinion on;
character in general: *looks back in time to when i listened to n2n* from what i remember, i always liked how good a soul henry had, but how at the same time they didnt turn him into a sjw or anything like that. what a sweetie, honestly.how they play them: from what i’ve read, it’s a good portrayal!the mun: super nice + puts up with my socially awkward bullshit. a++
do i;
follow them: yesrp with them: yeswant to rp with them: see aboveship their character with mine: no
what is my;
overall opinion: a good blog! always nice to interact with!
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aliceripleyisaqueen · 4 years
Is there anyone in the Next To Normal fandom that wants to Rp?
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requismsa-blog · 6 years
like this post for a short starter from natalie goodman! or click here if you’d rather have a plotted starter!
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memesfucker · 7 years
* next to normal sentence pack ( act 2 )
❛ hey, isn’t three clubs a little much for a tuesday night? ...wednesday morning? ❜ ❛ they told me it would change me, though they don’t know how it does. ❜ ❛ i am worlds away from who i was. ❜ ❛ i’m trying to enjoy it but i’m missing all the fun. ❜ ❛ this is, like, the fifth night in a row that i’ve had to come find you at some random club. ❜ ❛ i’ve missed you these days. i thought you might call. it’s been weeks. ❜ ❛ have you been on the scene? ‘cause you look like a mess. ❜ ❛ will you come to this dance? it’s some spring formal dance. it’s march first, and it’s cheese, but it’s fun and it’s free. ❜ ❛ i don’t do dances. ❜ ❛ i couldn’t give a flying fuck what’s normal. ❜ ❛ do you still feel your head is filled with concrete? ❜ ❛ it was raining. it was portland. you eloped. ❜ ❛ maybe get us back to better than before. ❜ ❛ gonna get us back to normal, gonna get us back to good. ❜ ❛ your life has kind of sucked, i think. ❜ ❛ you wonder which is worse: the symptom or the cure. ❜ ❛ say wait and i’ll wait. ❜ ❛ you remind me of me and how fucked up i can be. ❜ ❛ i don’t know how this started so i won’t know when it’s done. ❜ ❛ we played it for the baby. sometimes it helped him sleep. ❜ ❛ how could i ever forget? ❜ ❛ you think this will help but it won’t. ❜ ❛ i was a child raising a child. ❜ ❛ this was the moment my life was set. ❜ ❛ why would you want to remember the things that hurt you? ❜ ❛ enduring and coping and hurting and hoping for day after fucking day. why stay? ❜ ❛ the promise i made to stay and i stay true. ❜ ❛ one thing that’s sure is that there is no cure, but that doesn’t mean we don’t fight. ❜ ❛ maybe the falling isn’t so bad after all. ❜ ❛ it’s time for you to start thinking of your own happiness. ❜ ❛ i see me in you. ❜ ❛ where has all this caring been for __ years? ❜ ❛ maybe we can’t be okay. but maybe we’re tough and we’ll try anyway. ❜ ❛ we wanted to give you a normal life, but i realize i have no clue what that is. ❜ ❛ you look like a star. ❜ ❛ i thought we were through. me and you... ❜ ❛ you say that right here. but then give it a year, or ten years, or a life. i could end up your wife/husband/spouse, sitting staring at walls, throwing shit down the stairs, freaking out at the store, running nude down the street, bleeding out in the bath... ❜ ❛ sometimes life is insane. but crazy, i know i can do. ❜ ❛ crazy is perfect and fucked up is perfect and i will be perfect for you. ❜ ❛ so anyway, i’m leaving. i thought you’d like to know. ❜ ❛ you’re faithful come what may, but clearly i can’t stay. ❜ ❛ with you always believing that we can still come through, it makes me feel the fool to know that it’s not true. ❜ ❛ what doctors called dysfunction, we tried to call romance. ❜ ❛ and now you act like you just don’t give a damn. ❜ ❛ i know you told her that i’m not worth a damn. ❜ ❛ so it’s just me and you for now. ❜ ❛ you can’t sit here in the dark, and all alone. ❜ ❛ we’ve waited far too long for all that’s wrong to be made right. ❜ ❛ you find out you don’t have to be happy at all to be happy you’re alive. ❜ ❛ going home has never really been a solution to my problems. ❜ ❛ seriously? you’re, like, number three on my list of issues. ❜
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thickcrskiin · 8 years
me url if you don't mind
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: listen i really love the muse alex a lot, like-- she has so much going for her and she's so believable as a person and whatnot?? I JUST. LOVE HER. SO MUCH. and i love the whole being more oc than si with universe hopping abilities thing too like we should make a club with t-shirts and cookieshow they play them: beautifully bc fight me in the arby's parking lot helenthe mun: so we've known each other for at least a couple of years by now?? (idk exact times, man) but like I remember watching N2N on YouTube and then looking for blogs from it. Lo and behold, three hours into searching, I found one of the only active Natalie blogs- yours. I was terrified of trying to approach, but I did it anyway bc the worst you could have said was no, right? We lost contact after a while (we might have each other on FB, but I hardly check that anymore') ANYWAYS. you're a great person in my opinion, alex. you work really hard on your blogs and characterizations and your writing, and the effort shows. you are a good bean, my dude. a v good bean and ily.
do i;
follow them: yeeerp with them: yeeeewant to rp with them: always tbhship their character with mine: they are basically bros, my dude, but also [ shrugging jan noises ]
what is my;
overall opinion: if you're not following alex, i honestly urge you too bc she's really great. i adore both the mun and the muse and the writing. just. check 'em out, okay? you won't be disappointed. i know i'm not.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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sgtxpreacher a réagi à votre billet : sgtxpreacher a réagi à votre billet : do you wake...
dude yes!! i rp’d gabe goodman for like. probably a solid year and a half at least?? and dr. madden too. i was really into the n2n rp fandom for a while. it’s just such a good show with so much interesting analysis that can be done on that oh man
( wanted to rp gabe for a while, but never did, but a year on the same muse is great! even more one from a “random” musical. was the rp community there or it was a very very small fandom? i really love all the character’s relationship and i love also that despite the first degree (or layer, i’m tired) of the show, the audience can choose to analyze what gabriel is? like the canon can be warped a bit. from 100% hallucination to ghost or whatever. but that’s a very small reason why i love the show. it’s just audience friendly (makes you cry if you’re the kind that cries, but still audience friendly shhh) and the acting is so great. i have to admit i have a big preference for gabriel’s character psychology (or the psychology given by his mom since he died a babe). and the singing. i really really love rewatching (because good quality) the tony performance of “you don’t know” and “i am the one”. )
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