#nad its always like i post it dont look for ages and then look again and am lik omg its badddd
steeleyespan · 3 years
the way i can never get a drawing to look finished ever makws me insaneee . rage
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aska234 · 4 years
Noone expected im alive, but i am!!! XD
Soooooooo since i dont have Good excuse for my... "short" break i'll just go straight to The point (kinda).
(Since my last chapter my writting style Has Changed A little and I hope its for The best ^^")
FROM NOW ON, THERE WILL BE POSTED SOMETHING AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH!!! (And this chapter includes bad english, since i didint have much time for correct translation. IM LOOKING 4 BETA READER XD)
This chapter is just an short flashback. These will apear every now and Then to introduce u to come backstory nad New plot.
Nothing Good Comes From Secrets
Chapter 4
—What if it doesn't work?— Asked the young boy, looking unsurely at his old friend. It was a quiet spring morning when the older man called on him to come to his aid. As his assistant boy unfortunately, had no other choice then to come to him and help his "boss". Regardless of the day or time, young assistant nad to be always Ready to come to this.. Blanc and not very clear room. This time He was sitting quietly on one of the many tables in a fairly large room. Young boy was stretching and yawning every now and then, from both obradom nad exuastion. After all, he too was human himself. He couldn't just stay awake for.. woj knows how many days in a row and be in fully rested. At the moment he was under the influence of a "few" mugs of coffee... which he didn't really mind, but probably wasn't the healthiest. While the aforementioned man walked around the room, going from one place to another, the boy most simply enjoyed doing nothing, and enjoyed a moment of peace.
—Don't whine, just stop hanging around and help me here.— said the old man quite dryly when finally, after several minutes of running from place to place, he stopped at a rather.. strange device.. or at least it could seem strange to people who didn't know it. From the very beginning of the device's development, the boy helped an adult onlocrat in constructing it, therefore both the general idea and the operation of the mechanisms were very well known to him. As soon as he paused at the typewriter for a moment, he immediately began rummaging through it, tinkering with a mass of colored cables. As the boy often pointed out to him, the adult never took a break. However, it didn't bother him somehow.. until adult didn't go too far with this all... "job" and happened to knock to his door at Like, for example 5 am. That was quite problematic and annoying. —Would you give me a screwdriver?— He said snapping him out of his mind, rather unhappy with the work of his assistant... since when nothing came to him, he just sits on this damned table and does nothing.
The boy sighed heavily, rolling his eyes at the tone of his friend's voice, then looked around for the tool. He looked around the room for a moment before he saw the screwdriver lying on the table... a few yards away... it was far too far to get up from a comfortable position and go get it... so he focused on the object lying nearby. him, extending his hand towards him. After a short while the object slowly and quite unsteadily lifted into the air and then slowly ventilated to the man, who grabbed it without any problems, even without looking at it. —Thank you, but you could move sometimes for a change— he said as if nothing had happened, continuing to work.
Hearing the tone of his voice, the teenager sighed heavily, placing his elbows on his lap and resting his head on his hands. He was even kicking his legs for some kind of fun in this robił od boredom. How many times has he heard that, and not only from his boss... still only people told him to get his ass off and finally get down to something.. only, his family didn't know where he was working, and couldn't never find out. He won't allow it. He don't want anything to happen to them. —Maybe… I could… but what for, when I can use mine…— he didn't even have a chance to finish The sentence because the older man spoke up, interrupting him.
—Your "tricks"?— He asked, rolling his eyes. He had known his assistant for so long that he already knew every answer or excuse he made almost event day. After all, not only was he working for him, but he also knew it from childhood. From an early age he knew this kid was a really special child.. it was also one of the only reasons why he had not been fired for his laziness yet. Only when he trully wanted something, he could get himself together. If he set something as a goal, it was impossible to stop him from fulfilling it... he always just needed a little kick to the momentum. —unfortunately for you, knowing all these "tricks" doesn't excuse you from not moving at all.— He said quite indifferently, continuing to work. Unfortunately, he did not have time to constantly reprimand his assistant. He was busy literally all the time. After all, he wasn't the type of person to sit still and do nothing. Even if he wanted to, he just couldn't.
At the end of this conversation, the boy shrugged the theatrical shoulders, before he lay down completely on the table he had been sitting on. He had had enough of this. All this craving for his boss... he didn't need a second father since he already had one. Besides, he was also able to take care of himself, even in the most unfavorable conditions. He has proven it more than once, and if necessary, he will prove it again. He's practically an adult, so people have to learn not to treat him like a baby. —yeah, whatever you say.— he said slowly closing his eyes. Maybe if he tries his best, he will get some sleep? At least he hoped so...
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