#i got pretty good at studies but thats like. boring
iouinotes · 8 months
"The Cole Effect" | Cole Walter
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pairing: Cole Walter x female!reader
show: My life with the Walter Boys
warnings: smut, but just a little (I had to after seeing him in that last scene)
word count: 4k
summary: Cole asks the reader out on a date and after he convinced her, they spend a fun (if you know you know) evening together.
a/n: please pretend that his restored car has backseats...thanks (also I'm sorry for the way this ff ended. I wanted to write smut all the way, but it just didnt feel right anymore after the first half. So please enjoy the rest of it and bear with me...)
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"So, when do I pick you up?"
He leans against my locker, looking over my shoulder and reading my notes. "Cole, how many times do I have to tell you? I dont have the time and patience, I'm sorry-" sighing I look at him, studying his smug grin.
"You have the chance to get to know me better. In my opinion, that sounds like the perfect way to spend the afternoon." He smiles at me, his eyes scanning my face.
The fact is, I didnt want to fall in love with him and I knew, if I would let him take me out, it wouldnt turn out for the best. Well, mostly for me. He would probably date the next woman, that would catch his eye. And I would be on his list, sitting at home on the weekends and waiting for him to call. No, that wasnt how I planned to spend my time.
I mean, he obviously is very handsome, blonde hair, dreamy eyes, pink lips that somehow always look kissable. And to be honest, sometimes when I get lost in a daydream, forgetting about the math class, he appears in my head. Always smiling as bright as the sun. I dont know what it is, but something about him is so attractive, I dont even know how to discribe it.
Of course, I'm not the only one who feels that sort of attraction. His magical appearance, how he talks, walks, smiles, flirts.
It´s called "the Cole effect". For most of the time, I didnt really get it. But as soon as his eyes landed on me, as soon as he talked to me, trust me, I got it. He is charming, enchanting, funny and he has a way with words that makes it addictive to hear his voice.
It´s crazy, but it is reality.
When I look at him now, I feel another pair of eyes watching me. Erin. The girl, who is in a on-off realtionship with him. Cole has many women, who want him, not just because he is popular. But because he is what every girl dreams of. Thats the problem, he is a dream till he gets bored and then you find yourself in your own nightmare.
"Its just- I cant. Also, there is a really pretty and wonderful girl, standing right next to you, thats been waiting for you to notice her." I never unterstood how Cole could want someone else, when Erin existed.
"Well, Im currently talking to her, so I know when to pick her up." His eyes stay clued to me. Confused, I draw my eyebrows together. "But Erin is this way-" I turn my head to look at her, but at the same second I feel a finger tenderly turning my head back. I freeze, butterflies awake in my stomach and I have to keep myself from looking too flustered by his gesture. Of course, my body has its mind of his own, so I feel my cheeks turn red.
At that, he grins. "I know you feel it, beautiful. One date, thats all Im asking for. I promise, you will have a good time." Im too caught up in my emotions to think reasonable. So I quietly nod and feel myself holding my breath, when he leans down to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. His finger again, linger slightly on my cheek.
"See you then, 9 o'clock. I'll be on time, you have my word." Winking, he turns around and walks down the aisle.
Finally I get to breath again.
Why the fuck did I agree to this? Standing infront of my mirror, I look at my summer dress, warm yellow colour with beautiful, little sunflowers on it. It was the dress, I got a lot of compliments for. But then again, what was my intention with wearing this dress? Im not sure.
While I pick out a golden necklace in the shape of a sun and put on a few bracelets, I leave my hair down and the way it always is. I don't want him to think that I'm trying too hard.
He knows the truth anyway.
A few minutes later, I hear the doorbell ring and with one last, deep breath I open the door. If I'm honest, I would have liked to close it straight away. Because there's no way to avoid staring at him the whole time when he looks like that. Wearing blue jeans, slightly oversize, a white tank top and his red jersey. He looks hot, in a way I want to spend the rest of the day, riding something other than his car. God, help me survive this.
To my suprise, he is quiet the gentleman. He compliments my dress, he holds the door open to his car, he lets me pick the music and as I sit in the passanger seat, listining to Taylor Swift, I smile to myself. Unfortunetely I´m not very subtle about it, because he asks me right away about my good mood.
"I dont know, Im just having a good time, I guess." I look at him, while he is focusing on the road. I see one of his hand rising, so he dramatically holds onto his chest.
"I'm hurt. Did you think, I was that boring?" Laughing, I shake my head. "No, its not that. To best honest, I didnt expect myself to enjoy today." I turn my head and look at my lap, fiddling with my fingers. "Why not?" I see his head looking in my direction, a curious tone in his voice.
"I´ve had a hard time this last year, everything with school and you are- I mean, I dont know what intention do you have with me? Im not a one night stand type of person, I want something real. You know, like in the love songs, the real feelings, a real relationship. With a person, who wants me the same way, I feel about them. I think, thats the reason Im not sure, if this-" I gesture between us "is a good idea."
He´s quite for a moment and I feel more embarassed, the more seconds pass.
"Im sorry. I didnt mean that we´re going to be, you know like a thing. I respect your decision to spend your time with other girls, I didnt mean it is something bad. Its just-" He finishes my sentence. "-not for you. I know." His eyes are on the road, but I see his hands nervously tapping the wheel.
"Sorry, if I just crashed the vibe. I didnt intend to do it." I look at my hands. "No, its okay. Dont be sorry. I like your honesty. You know, you state your point. Thats good."
We look at each other and I try to search in his eyes for a sign, that he´s pissed. But he just lightly smiles at me, reaching out and holding my hands. While one of his hands is still on the wheel, of course. I feel myself blushing.
"Look, lets not pretend that I´m the best choice for a relationship or boyfriend material. Because I´m not and you knew that, even before you agreed to spend the afternoon with me. So, I´m just curious. Why did you change your mind?"
His thumb is massaging the back of my hand and I try not to settle with this warm feeling in my chest. "Because you dont give up that easily and it's hard not to give in to you." I see a smile tuck at his lips. "You think so?" I role my eyes.
"You know the affect you have on people, Cole. It wouldnt suprise me, if you run for president and won. People like you." He laughs at my comparison, turning the wheel and driving into the driveway to a nice restaurant. When he parks the car and turns of the light, he turns in my direction and looks at me.
"Do you like me?"
The question suprises me. "What?" I laugh quietly. "You said, people like me. So, do you like me too?" His eyes search mine.
"Well, if I would hate you, I think i wouldnt have agreed to go to dinner with you." He leans forward.
"Well you could just be here for the food?" I grin at him. "You got me, Im just hungry, sorry. Can we go in and be silent the entire time?" His hands are still holding mine, but now one of them is caressing my arm, leaving me with goosebumbs.
We sit in silent, but when he opens his mouth to break the comfortable atmosphere, Im shocked by his honest words.
"Well, I like you. You´re funny, endearing, honest and smart. You are nice to everyone, even if you have do deal with a guy like me, who gets on your nerves, so you agree to go on a date with him. It´s something about you, that is special and I would like to get to know you better. If you do, I promise you´ll get more food."
I smile at his last sentence, even though I dont know what to say. "God, you´re making me speechless." He leans even closer. "I can do many other things, that can make you speechless." At that I look at his lips. I see him grin and when I look up again, he is even closer than before.
"There are two choices now. One, we go into his lovely restaurant and talk about god knows what or two, we test whether the seats can be tilted backwards." At his voice I feel myself getting flustered. God knows, I would love to test what the car is capable of. But we´re out in a driveway, infront of a restaurant and people could see us. And even though I´m not really against the idea, its to early.
"Or three, we eat first and maybe later, you show me why I need to hate you less." He rises his eyebrows. "So you really are just here for the food." I laugh. "I guess, I am."
The time we spend in the restaurant was wonderful. I didnt expect us to connect this way, its like he just gets me. We ate a huge meal, in the end we almost forget to pay and I feel myself being so entchanted to him.
Even though the waitress tried to flirt with him (which by the way is rude, because what about girls support girls?), he kept his attention on me, also reaching out infront of her and taking my hand. I really couldnt tell myself to stop imagining, what it would be like, if we were a couple.
I mean, its ridiculous, because he made it very clear, that he didnt want to be in a relationship. But still, a girl could dream, right? Right.
After we did pay (much to the relief of the waitress), we went outside and walked a few minutes along a path, our hands entangled by the time we got back to the car. I didnt want to admit it, but he managed to make me fall in love with him in one day.
And even though I was scared, he made me feel alive. I couldnt concentrate on anything over than him, his sweet compliments, his eyes that kept looking at my lips, his arm that went around my shoulder to keep me warm.
He was so caring, it made me loose my mind. I didnt want the night to end. So when we were back in his car on the way home and he asked me, if I wanted to see his new car, I agreed.
We talked on the way back about our interests. He told me about his passion for football, even though he didnt get to play anymore and about his fascination for restoring cars. I told him about my love for books and that I would rather spend the day waching a new Netflix series, than doing sports. We talked about our goals for the future and that we both want to get out of this town, finally seeing something new.
By the time we arrived at the ranch and he parked the car outside the door, it felt like I knew his past selve, his present and future self. I never had a date like this before, something so honest and great.
But I mean, I also never knew a person like Cole before, so maybe that is the reason.
When we arrived, it was dark outside, but because it´s summer, neither one of us felt cold. "Is it okay for me to be here? I mean, are your parents cool with you, bringing a girl home?" I look to the house, checking if some of his family members are still awake, but no lights are seen. "As long as they dont know about it, they´re cool." He grins at me and I shake my head.
"Come on, I want to show you what I´ve been working on for the last months." He leads me, one of his hands on my back to the garage, opening the door and letting me in. Its dark inside, but I hear him shifting around to find the switch to turn on the light. When I hear a click and the light flickers on, I look around and at the tools, all the stuff standing around and finally at the car.
He´s standing next to it, a proud smile on his face. "So, what do you think?" Im walking towards him, inspecting his work. "I mean, I dont have a clue about cars, but it looks really good and like it was restored by a proffesional." My fingers run over the open hood.
When he carefully closes it a few seconds later, I look up and see him watching me. "What?" I say, starring back. He takes a step towards me, searching in my gaze, trying to make out if I want this the same way, he wants to feel me. But as I stand still, waching him get closer, centimeter by centimeter, until our faces almost touch, I feel myself breathing heavily.
His hands sneak around my waist, pulling me gently closer to him. He turns around, so he leans onto the car, directing me, so I stand between his legs. I feel myself getting hot, I hear his breath and watch his eyes trailing down to my lips and finally to my eyes. I do the same. And before I know it, he leans in and catches my lips in a captivating way. I feel myself melt.
One of my arms sneak around his shoulders, so I get closer to him. I feel butterflies fly around in my stomach, smiling in the kiss and when he breaks apart, he looks at me.
"Hate me less now?" He wispers.
"Not really, try again."
So he does. Our lips meet, our breath gets taken and I feel my knees weaken, when one of his hands capture my face. He holds me still and I feel every touch, my skin burns.
The temparature rises and when one of his hands travel down, first to my neck, then to my collarbone and lastly to my shoulders, his fingers hold the straps of my dress. Again, he breaks apart, so I open my eyes and immedialy want to kiss him again. Although my hands wander over his shoulder, Im not sure what to do now.
"Are you nervous?" His hands caress my sides, his question leaves me uncertain. I nod, not in the right state to use my words. At that, he gently smiles. "Then I will help you relax. You can do that for me right?"
His words make me clench my thights and I feel myself getting wet. When I nod again, he leans forward and wispers in my ear. "Good girl." That and that his lips nip at my ear and leave a wet trail at my neck, makes me whimper slightly. I feel him smirk, so he earns a light smack on his arm. He laughs quietly and when I open my eyes, his ones are shining with a hidding mischief.
"You enjoy this too much." I say it as a joke, but he takes it seriously. "I do, actually. I dreamt about you making these sounds a lot more often, than I would like to admit."
At that, I gasps. "You what?" I try to concentrate on his words, but his wandering hands dont help with that. He kisses me, but now he turns us around and presses me against the car. Helping me sit on it, so he can get between my legs.
"I said" he beginns to speak and his lips find a certain spot, that makes me moan. "I want to hear all the little sounds, that escape you." My hands wander to his hair, holding it and messing with it. His hands again find the straps of my dress and when I kiss him more passionate, he slowly beginns to pull it down. First the right side until he lets go of it, so he can pull the other one down. All that, while still kissing me.
I feel myself getting lost in him, his lips are like a drug and I feel myself getting addicted. When I feel the air hitting my skin, I break apart. He looks at me, checking if I’m still okay with what we´re doing. "What do you want to do?" he holds the straps of my dress, gesturing that he wants to get me out of it. I breath, trying to know, what I want.
I come to the simple conclusion, that I do want him. Even if its just for now. So I kiss him and try to strip him out his jacket. To do that, he lets go of my dress and it falls to the floor, leaving me in my underwear. His eyes scan my body as his hands caress my skin, his finger going from my shoulders to my breasts.
Breathing heavily I look at him. "Your turn." His hands leave my body and with a teasing smile he takes off his jacket, leaving me starring at his muscles.
One of his fingers turn my head to look at him. "You like what you see?" His grin says it all. My hands find their way to touch his arms, going further down until i tuck at his shirt.
"I would like you more without it." His eyes turn dark. Swiftly he strips off his tanktop, leaving us both starring at each other. Before I can do something else, his arms direct me to him.
"You´re having second thoughts about this, sunshine?" He´s touching my necklace.
"Have you?" I look at him, seeing him smile.
"Never." His hands go to my legs, so he can lift me up and my legs hold on to his hip. I lean towards him, kissing his neck and stopping by his ear.
"What do you want to do to me?" At that, he stands up, still holding me, while opening the door of his restored car and lays me gently on the back seats. He´s hovering over me, a look in his eyes that makes me shiver. When he leans down and presses a kiss on my chest, near my neck, I try to focus on my breathing.
"I want to do so many things to you." His hands tangle in my hair, lightly tugging on it while he leans down, his lips ghost over my own.
"I want to-" his voice goes quiet, I feel his hands touching my legs, breaking them apart, so he can sit between them. "-take of your panties first. Alright?" I nod, looking up to him. Slowly his fingers find my underwear, so he can slide them down and I get out of it.
When he holds them in his hands, he puts it in his pocket, because he still wears his jeans. He starts to kiss me, leaving my mind with a relaxed feeling, going further down, kissing my chest and my stomach, eventually leaving a kiss above the one spot, thats been dying to be touched.
"I already have you this wet, how sweet of you." When his hand comes down and touches me, sliding one finger gently over my folds, I try to hold myself together.
"You dont need to be quiet. Nobody can hear you." But when I keep holding in my moans, he takes it as a personal challenge. As he leaves kisses all over my body, his finger carefully begin to speed up and I feel my walls clenching.
"God, you´re so tight. How long havent you been touched?" His mouth his hot on my skin and when he adds a second finger, I moan loudly. My eyes squeeze shut at the feeling that consumes me, I cant concentrate on a word he says.
"Already too turned on to answer me, huh? Thats a shame, because Im curious to know the answer of my question." He stops the movements of his fingers, leaving me with a needy feeling. And when I try to move, he stills my hips.
"As much as I like to see you sqirm, I want you to answer me. Can you do that for me?" I try to remember his question. "I-I havent." He rises his eyebrows in confusion. "You what?" His fingers leave my body. When I open my eyes, I realise what he has been asking me.
"I-I havent been touched like that before." His mouth opens in disbelief. "You never had a boyfriend or someone you´ve been intimitated with?" I look at the ceiling of his car. "I mean, not really. I´ve dated someone once, but we didnt reach a level, where we got to this point. So, I never did something like this." I can see the conflict in his eyes. "You´re sure, you want me to be your first?" Its sweet, that he cares.
"I- I guess so, Im sure it wont be a bad experience with you." He quietly laughs. "I hope so, but I cant get my head around the fact, that this is your first time. I mean, youre beautiful and fun to be around." He´s silent for a moment. "You know, we dont have to go all the way, right? I wont be mad, if we stop here."
I think for a moment and while my hands trace his muscles, I try to sort out my thoughts. Now that his fingers are no longer distracting me, I try to understand my feelings.
"We should maybe take it slow? I do want to get to know you better, before-" I dont have to finish the sentence, he just nods and when he smiles at me, I feel myself relax.
"That´s okay, don´t worry. I can drive you home, if that is what you want?" My eyes are searching for a sign, that he is mad. But he just gently brushes my hair aside and kisses the side of my mouth.
„I like you. That means, so we are clear here, that I want you to want me. And if thats the case, which I hope so, then we dont need to rush anything. If the time is right, who knows what will happen. Even if that means, I need to beg you to go out with me again.“
I raise my eyebrows, laughing at his words.
„You would do that?“ He shrugs, smiling at me.
„For you, I would.“
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dirtybitfic · 5 months
Here for a good time not a long time
Matt Sturniolo X y/n
contains - party , drinking , smutt, dom matt, choking, slapping, dirty talk, pet names(sweetheart, baby, slut, whore)
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Y/n pov-
I was sitting in my last lecture of the day when I got a text from my friend about a party in the woods tonight. I obviously agreed to go since I had nothing else to do tonight .
Once my boring ass professor ended class I drove back to my house that I share with my best friend and two other friends . I entered into pure chaos the second I opened the door.
Hey y/n how was class my best friend Ally said as I set my bag down
Boring as always ... what the fuck is going on in here I ask as I look around to see clothes scattered across the furniture and my other friend Mara running from her room back to the bathroom .
We're all trying to find outfits for tonight and we're stressing out she answers as I see her pull out mouse ears.
What... why and what are the ears for? I ask in pure confusion. Its never calm in this house but this is a whole new level of chaotic.
Oh did you not see the theme for the party Mara says as she comes out dressed like a bunny .
No what is it ? I ask as I start to panic knowing I probably have nothing to wear either.
Predator and prey ... girls are supposed to dress as the prey obviously she says pointing to her outfit doing a little spin.
Fuck ... I definitely don't have an outfit for this shit I sigh as I walk to my room deciding to look through my closet.
I looked through and found an outfit that could work .
Okay guys what about this outfit I can be a deer? I ask nervously hoping they'd like it .
Ally , Mara and haley look at me studying me making me nervous.
You know what I like it Haley says as she smiles
Yeah me to mara says as she nods in approval.
Wait I think I might actually have deer antlers you can wear Ally says as she scrambles to her room.
Im questioning why she would own antlers but you know what they are coming in handy so Im happy about it.
Okay yep here they are she says as she hands them to me .
Thanks but why do you even have these I ask as I put them on.
Oh I went as a deer to a halloween party freshman year and just never got rid of them she answers with a smile before pouring herself a shot.
Ally was a bunny, Mara was a mouse and Haley was a sheep .
I honestly don't know what to expect with this party tonight since the fraternity thats throwing it is more on the bad boy side . Almost every guy in this group is covered in tattoos and peircings which I find hot as fuck but some others disagree. These guys's parties compared to the other frats are always out of the ordinary but thats what keeps things interesting.
Okay guys we got like 20 minutes before we need to get going haley says as she starts pouring herself a drink.
We turn on some music and dance around in the living room as we take shots and sip on drinks.
The 20 minutes rolled by quickly and we are all now making our walk to the woods for there party. I know having party in the woods might sound weird but its actually pretty fun here. Our college is located in outside of a city in Pennsylvania meaning we're surrounded by woods.
Guys I don't know why but i'm getting a very weird feeling Mara says as we start getting closer to the woods .
Im glad you said that cause ... I am to Ally says in a slightly wobbly tone.
Guys we're fine we drank a lot so maybe its just the alcohol I say trying to reason with how they're feeling
They all laugh and agree with me after realizing how drunk we really are.
We finally reach the opening path that leads down a dark trail to where the party clearing is .
We all take out our phone using our flashlights to see as we stumble into trees and each other giggling .
The closer we get music begins to flood our ear and light from the campfire comes into view.
We enter the clearing entering the crowd of people and making our way over to the line of tree stumps you can sit on by the fire.
We all sit down and take a look around to see all the guys in black hoodies and sweats holding animal masks. Predator animal masks making me gulp. I start to get a weird feeling when the leader of the frat stands on a big tree stump and yelling for everyone to pay attention.
We all go quiet as we wait of him to speak.
Okay you're all probably wondering about the theme right? he asks with a large smirk . All of the girls nod since all of the guys obviously know .
well we decided it would to change things up and ... play a little game she says as he jumps down from the stump smirking and looking around the crowd at all of our confused faces.
Another guy jumps up and I have to keep my jaw from dropping. He is the most attractive man i've ever seen , Tall with blue eyes and brown hair . I stand there in a trance until I snap out of it as he starts to speak
As you can see all of you girls are dressed and animals of prey he says moving his hand motioning to the crowd . Me and my friends share glances sharing looks of annoyance just wanting him to get to the fucking point.
and us guys all have masks of predator animals he says holding up his mask . I look at his mask noticing it's a wolf .
he smiles as he meets eyes with me making me gulp.
We will be matching a girl to a guy based on their natural predator and prey ... and you girls will be given 10 minutes to run and hide and if you are found by your predator we will be mmm let's just say our way with you . he says smirking .
So i'll give any of you girls the chance to leave right now if you do not wish to play this game . There is no shame in leaving I understand this might not be some peoples taste and thats okay I can see a glimmer in his eye as he watches me waiting to see if i'll leave .
I look over at my friends who look apprehensive about the situation.
I don't know about this guys mara says as she turns to look at the way we came in .
Yeah I just... this is not what I was expecting I mean... they obviously mean sexual shit and I don't think I want that haley says as she steps closer to mara.
Me and ally look at each other with a knowing look silently agreeing were staying.
We're gonna stay i'm kind of intrigued about how this will go but we understand if you wanna go I answer and smile at them letting them know we aren't judging them for wanting to leave.
okay well we'll see you guys at home okay be safe please
just text us when your on your way home so we know your alive
we will see you guys at home love you ally answers and I say I love you before they head back down the path we entered through.
About 15 other girls left leaving only about 20 of us left.
Okay now that all the pussys are gone lets get started matching up and then ill explain the rules he says with a wide smile that sends chills down my back.
Me and Ally laugh at the fact he called the girls who left pussys and waited for him to continue.
Okay james , Max and Atlas are fox so any of you who are a bunny raise your hand .Ally raises her hand as do two other girls .
Ally is Matched with the guy who's name is Atlas . I have to say he's hot as fuck he has tan skin covered in tattoos, sandy blond hair and light green eyes. I smile at her nervously as she stands next to him.
He gets through everyone else before i'm the last girl unmatched.
You're with me sweetheart he says as he smirks at me motioning me to him . I gulp as I slowly make my way to him.
I step up to his side and notice how significantly taller he is then me .
he looks down at me smirking then looks back at the crowd .
so here are the rules he says as his hand snakes around my side pulling me closer making my breathe hitch. All you girls will have ten minutes to run and hide ... after those ten minutes we will make our way out to try and find you . When we find you we will be able to do anything we want to you ... sexually . Im guessing everyone of you who stayed understood what I was insinuating but just do be safe I need you to confirm to your partner that we have your consent before start the timer.
I watch as the other girls turn and nod smiling giving consent
I swallow thickly as I look up at him and he smiles down at me .
so do I have your consent he asks as he bends down a bit to be closer to my face
yes you have my consent I say with a smile
just so I can gage what you like real quick ... do you like things rough and hard or soft and slow he whispers in my ear making me whimper .
mm rough and hard I say as a smirk plays on my lips . He groans as he looks into my eyes.
Good thats music to my ears he smirks as he stand back to his full height
wait ... I don't even know your name I say softly making him look back down at me .
Its matt and what's yours he asks
Y/n I smile back
Beautiful name he smiles down at me making me blush
Thank you Matt I say and then he turns back to the crowd starting to speak again.
Okay ladies step up behind the stump and stand at the tree line he says . He looks down at me smiling and taps my Sade then let's go letting me make my way to the tree line . Me and Ally stay next to each other .
She grabs my hand and I look at her
We run together okay and then well split apart when we find a good spot to hide she says obviously knowing were both scared of the dark and neither of us want to run alone in the dark ass woods.
Agreed its dark as fuck out there I say motioning to the woods were about to enter.
Okay i'm going to count down from three ... you guys ready? he asks and I look back at him nodding .
3... 2...1! he yells and we all take off going in different directions.
Me and Ally and running getting smacked left and right by tree branches and plants . The moon light is enough to let us see a little bit but not enough to avoid getting smacked by shit around us.
Hold up i'm getting tired lets slow down for one second I say as we slow to a fast paced walk as were both breathing hard.
God it got kinda cold she says and she shivers
yeah my nipples could literally cut through this shirt right now I say making us both laugh .
after catching our breathe we start sprinting again .
why are we running 10 minutes is actually a lot of time ally says out of breathe again.
okay you actually have a good point I say back as I slow my pace but smack my side into a tree making me cry out in pain.
Fuck fuck oh my god that actually really hurt I cry but also cant stop laughing
thats gonna leave a nasty bruise ally laughs making me laugh harder.
One thing about me and ally is we can never be serious any any situation .
We should definitely start trying to find somewhere to hide ally says as she realizes we probably don't have much time left . We start walking until ally finds a large fallen tree to sit behind .
Im gonna go closer to the cliff seems like a safe spot I tell her before hugging her wishing her good luck.
I make my way through the woods following the sounds of water . One thing I love about this part of Pennsylvania is the cliffs something about them is just so beautiful especially at night.
I finally make in to the cliff side and find a large rock to sit in front of and sit quietly looking out at the sky . The full moon shining down as the starts beam around the dark sky . It's so beautiful I almost forget why i'm out here.
Im snapped out of the trance i'm in when I hear a girl scream in the distance making my entire body jolt.
The tension is slowly building as I sit . My heart is starting to race and my legs shake a bit causing leaves under then to shake a bit making me grab the trying to stop them from making any noise that can be detected.
I try and control my breathing to slow my heart when I hear branches snap close by and leaves rustling as someone or something .
the rustling gets closer and I hold my breathe when all of the sudden a red fox appears next to me only a couple inches away.
It looks at me as if its curious I so badly want to reach my hand out and pet it but I choose not too since I don't exactly want to get bitten and end up in a hospital with I don't even know what.
I watch carefully as it inches closer to me sniffing the air i'm guessing it is picking up my scent. It steps even closer not right by my leg its tail grazing my skin tickling me making me want to laugh but I hold it back so I one don't get found and to not scare the fox.
It makes noise almost as if its laughing scaring me a little bit but it rubs on my shoes shocking the absolute fuck out of me because its obviously wild but I let it happen .
I whisper hi baby in the softest voice as It looks back at me but runs away when it hears a deep voice say " hello" making me jump up with a scream.
"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST" I yell as my hand flys over my heart and I bend over panting.
He walks closer making me look back up at him .
I would say i'm sorry for scaring you but... I'm not Matt says with a dark smirk making me gulp .
he steps closer making me back into the rock I had been hiding behind.
your so beautiful sweetheart he whispers to me as his hand slides up my arm making me shiver and whisper a thank you.
come with me he says as he grabs my hand leading me back into the woods.
we walk until we find another clearing where another part of the cliff side is with a much flatter surface.
we walk around a tree and their was a blanket layer out on the rocky ground making me smile and look at him.
I just thought I would make it a little more comfortable than fucking you on a jagged rock or against a tree he says with a shrug
I appreciate that I say with a smile
The sweet moment is gone in second when his large hand wraps around my throat and he pulls me into him as his lips hover by my ear sending shiver down my spine.
im going to make you feel really good sweetheart does that sound good to you he whispers in a deep gravely tone making me whimper as his grip tightens on my neck .
I nod my head answering in a shake out of breathe tone y-yes
mm good girl he says as his lips attach to mine is a deep lustful kiss that has me moaning into his mouth.
his free hand comes to my head pulling off my antlers and throwing them down onto the ground then its on my ass grabbing it roughly making me whimper.
he pulls away as he looks into my eyes with a smirk on his face that has my pussy clenching around nothing.
strip he says in a gravelly voice making me immediately tear off my top and skirt leaving me in only a thong the cold air making me shiver and my nipples to literally harden so much they feel like rocks.
god your perfect he groans as he takes in my figure making me feel nervous .
He smiles at me as he pulls me to him again then walking us back to the blanket and slowly lays me down .
I groan when my back hits a sharp rock thats under the blanket
he slowly lowers himself to be between my thighs as his fingers loops around the band of the thong and slowly pulls them off setting it a side .
So wet for me he groans as he takes in the view of my glistening entrance.
I gasp when is mouth meets my pussy and he licks and sucks expertly in all the right spots .
f-fuck oh my god I whine as my legs start to tremble slightly from the pleasure i'm in.
yeah that feel good he asks before going right back to it.
ugh fuck yes I cry out as he sucks on my clit and slips a finger into my entrance heightening the pleasure more than I ever thought possible.
I grab onto his hair pulling it making him groan into me causing me to moan loudly and buck my hips.
fuck -fuck oh m-my g--od i moan and gasp as I feel my orgasm getting closer.
come on slut cum for me I can feel you pulsing he says into my pussy as he sucks harder and his finger speeds up making my legs shake harder and I cry out as my orgasm rips through me and my juices flow out onto his finger and he laps them up easing me through my orgasm.
i'm honestly shocked he made me finish most guys cant especially not from head but that was fucking amazing .
fuck you're really good at that I pant as he comes up and hovers over me as his chain dangles in my face.
yeah? he asks in a teasing tone making me flush red .
mhm I say as I look into his eyes and move my hands to the base of his shirt tugging signaling I wanna take it off . He lets me slide it off and I put it beside us as my hands run down his warm skin.
he groans as his hands glide over my bare body making me sigh in contentment. His hands move to his belt as he unbuckles it and sets it aside than slips his pants off . I watch in awe of the way his muscles move as he undresses the rest of the way.
My eyes shift down to the large bulge in his boxers making me gulp . He's big like really fucking big . He notices by unease and grabs my chin making me look at him.
You'll be okay I promise he soothe me as his thumb traces my bottom lip. I nod at his statement taking a deep calming breath.
He slides his boxers down as his dick slaps his stomach and my eye widen I know this is gonna hurt like a bitch. Don t get me wrong i've had sex just not with anyone this big before.
He spits on the tip and for some reason its the hottest thing i've ever seen . I watch as he he spread it around then he comes back over me as his tip meet my entrance.
You good he asks waiting for my answer before he makes a move to put it in.
I nod my head
words baby he says in a sweet tone making me blush.
ye-yes i'm good I answer
he nods as his tip slides in making me suck in a breathe.
he not only long but also thick .
Fuck so fucking tight he groans as he pushes into me more.
I whimper at the stretching feeling and my eyes squeeze tightly shut.
I know sweetheart I know im going as slow as I can he says .
After a couple long painful seconds he's bottomed out . Over never felt so full in my life. He starts to slowly thrust in and out making me whine and put my hand on his chest pushing him away .
He grabs my hand and holds it down by my head.
I know it hurts but do not push me away he says in a assertive tone making me immediately apologize .
He continues thrusting slowly and the pain finally goes away and I cant help the moans that escape my mouth.
fuck oh my - f-faster please I whine and he immediately does what I ask.
His tip hits my g-spot with each thrust making me cry out repeatedly
fuck you think you can handle it rough hmm he asks in a breathy tone that has my eyes rolling back and my back arching.
I nod my head and he grabs my throat roughly .
use your words when I ask you a question y/n he growls making me moan.
y-yes fuck I can handle it I moan as my stomach starts to feel pressure signaling another orgasm is close.
He starts pounding me rough and hard making me scream out.
OH FUCK M-MATT I scream as my hands move to his back and my nails drag down making him groan and pound me even harder.
such a good fucking whore taking me so well he groans as he lightly slaps me making me cry out.
My legs start shaking and I cant help but scream his name as I cum around him . His pace doesn't slow one bit he continues pounding into me making me smack his bicep repeatedly .
f-fuck I c-cant I whine as my hands come to his stomach as I try to push him away.
he slaps me making me cry out in pain .
Put your fucking hands down he growls and I move them reluctantly .
good girl now take it he groans as one of his hands move to my clit rubbing fast circles making me scream . My hands move as I go to grab his wrist but I stop myself knowing hell just get mad.
you're gonna cum for me again like a good little slut he says as he angles his hips to perfectly hit my g spot making my entire body tremble .
n-no I cant I whine as tears well up in my eyes from how over stimulated i'm becoming from the overwhelming pleasure i'm in .
No ... oh sweetheart your gonna need to learn to do what I tell you too he says as he grips my throat roughly and swiftly lifts my legs onto his shoulder moving his body fully over mine so my legs are pressed into my chest.
He pounds into me so roughly i scream and my hips lift off my ground completely . He just grabs my waist continuing to pound me into oblivion .
I scream as another orgasm rips through me and my hearing goes out as my body shakes and my hands fist .
Good girl thats it he groans as he fucks me through my orgasm and my hips fall back to the ground .
He pulls out and flips me over onto my hand and knees .
Arch your back for me baby he says as his hands moves over my ass cheeks giving them a squeeze.
I arch the best I can and he shoves back into me making me gasp and bounce back into him.
He slaps my ass enough time to leave hand prints on each cheek .
he grabs my hips and pounds into me harder making me scream and my hand flys back to grab his wrist .
FUCK FUCK SO FUCKING DEEP I scream as he hits so deep I can feel him bulging inside of me .
yeah you feel how deep I am he asks in a dark tone as one of his hands moves to my lower stomach and presses onto where hes bulging in me making me cry out .
Im moaning and shaking under him as I bury my face in the blanket .
who's fucking pussy is this he ask as he slaps my ass .
I croak out a "yours" but with my face buried in the blanket he didn't hear it.
He grabs me by my hair pulling my face up .
who pussy is this he demands in a deep raspy tone
yours I whimper out
louder slut
Y-YOURS IT YOURS I scream out as I cum all over his dick again and my legs give out and they shake uncontrollably .
He move with me continuing to pound into me rough and deep.
Thats right all fucking mine he groans as he starts to loose his rhythm .
I know he getting close and I couldn't be more happy about it . Im so overstimulated I cant even form words anymore . Im whimpering and gasping as his his start too sputter and he groans loudly .
Fuck gonna fucking fill this pussy up he groans as he grips my hair tighter .
F-fuck p-please I whine as I push my ass into him .
yeah you want me to breed this little pussy he groans as his dick twitches and his breathing becomes loud .
I clench around him from his words nodding my head over and over
y-yes yes fuck please I want it so bad.
oh fuck he groans as him hips snap into me and I feel his cum filling me up.
He slowly thrusts a couple time before sliding out and flopping beside me on the blanket.
Our breathing is heavy and loud both exhausted from the events.
Wow that was the best sex- ive ever had he says with a smile as he looks over at me .
Same that was so fucking good I say as I smile back at him.
we lay catching our breathes looking at each other smiling.
Its fucking cold I say making him laugh
Yeah it is he agrees as he grabs his boxers and throwing them on.
He rolls me over as he uses his shirt to shirt to wipe me clean making me smile.
He helps me get my outfit back on then pick me up as I keep the blanket wrapped around me .
Piggy back? he asks making me laugh .
I nod my head . My legs are not working so well right now .
He bends down and I hop on as I wrap my arm around him making the blanket now cover both of us .
he starts walking back to where we started as I rest my head in the crook of his neck .
I need you to know that your mine now there is no way i'm letting you go after tonight he says making me smile .
I think I could be okay with that I say placing a small his on his neck making him smile
good he says back as we walk out of the woods and back into the area with the logs and campfire still burning .
I spot ally and dear god she's been though it . Her hair is disheveled her makeup smudged everywhere and she's wearing the guys sweatshirt .
wait go over to ally she's my friend I tell Matt and he immediately heads over to her .
He sets me down next to her and she smiles at me .
Jesus you look like shit she jokes with me making me laugh.
I could say the same to you I joke back as we giggle .
You going home or... she asks smiling at me
I down know... am I I ask looking at Matt next to me
he smiles before answering
yeah ... but with me he smirks as I blush and look at ally who's already smiling ear to ear.
well then I guess I will see you tomorrow ?
mhm I smile as I shake my head
she gives me a hug as she says bye .
Me and Matt make our way back to through the path out of the woods and he leads me to a white convertible mustang .
wow nice fucking car I say as he opens the door for me
thank you he says as he helps me in the car then shuts the door and gets in starting up the car then starting a playlist and pulls out of the spot and onto the road.
1.23.23 by Dominic like plays as we drive though the dark night streets and after a couple minutes we pull up to a gate and he presses a button and it opens .
I watch as light posts pass by up a long driveway up to a large house actually mansion . He parks behind a fountain in the middle of the circular driveway.
He Gets out and comes to open my door .
We make our way up to the large front door as he uses his key to unlock it .
come on gorgeous I think we both need a hot shower he says leading me up a long grand stair case then another one to the 3rd floor .
We make it all the way down the hallways to a large door at the end .
He uses another key to unlock this door and make his way in with me following behind .
My jaw drops as I look around at the huge room .
damn this is nice as fuck I say as I walk around taking in the surroundings .
yeah its a bit... extra but im not complaining .
shit I wouldn't complain either I mean your room is the size of my entire apartment
he laughs as he leads me to the bathroom
he starts the shower and helps me undress then undresses himself .
We take a hot ass shower and he rises me down . I smell like man but I don't care i'm just sappy I'm clean and warm .
After the shower he puts me in one of his sweatshirts and we get into bed .
We lay their cuddling as he plays with my hair . I start to drift in and out as he kisses my forehead and I smile as I nuzzle into his chest more .
good night little deer he say as I fade into sleep .
This is for the anon who requested another story like my other one Hallowseve.
Sorry this took so long I had so much shit going on these past weeks
Taglist- ( If anyone wants to be added to the tallest please let me know I never know if some people only wanted to be tagged in specific series I was writing or like for every story I write so just let me know)
@junnniiieee07 , @riasturns , @lexisecretaccx
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wangxianficfinder · 11 months
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Fic finder
1. I'm looking for a fic that's during the Cloud Recesses study arc where, WWX I think, found out Wen Chao couldn't read and started teaching him. I think a couple of the other kids started helping him, MianMian maybe? I can't remember much but they definitely helped him learn how to read and became friends. TIA
FOUND? Wei Wuxian’s Super Special Super Secret Book Club by Anonyma (T, 31k, WWX & WC & LQY, WangXian, Canon Divergence)
2. hello!! All good? I'm looking for a collection of one shots, and I can't find it, I read it a little while ago but I remember a one shot, where Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying were discussing the fact that Wei Ying had saved the heirs of the sects in cave and Jin Ling was listening and Wei Ying was saying that if he hadn't saved the heirs Jin Ling wouldn't exist and Jiang Cheng said something like, Whatever.... Honestly, I don't even remember the tags, but Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying realizing that Jin Ling had heard, Wei Ying asks what Jin Ling wants. @sweettiebah
FOUND! 🔒 Chapter 11: Careless Words of Short Prompts by Vrishchika (JL POV - Not JC Friendly - WWX loses his patience)
3. Hello !! Ive read this fanfic a while ago and I have multiple ss of it since i like to save memorable parts of the fic but now i cant remember it anymore </3 i dont remember the synopsis but there was a scene where Lwj and Wwx were in an inn while out night hunting, and wwx suspected the person serving them to have poisoned lwj, wwx got really angry and threatened the guy to the max
Wei Wuxian slammed him against the wall again, cutting off his rapid ramblings and jostling his fractured arm. "Your stories bore me," he spoke lowly, peering his head around slightly so as to almost look into Heng She's face. He still had yet to acknowledge Lan Wangji's presence. "Tell me why you poisoned the tea, or I will hang you in the street by your intestines, ripped open to let the crows feed on your liver." @jingyisbff
FOUND! let me sing to you by greybird_crookedbranch (T, 61k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, adorable Juniors, Minor Original Character(s)for plot purposes, Minor Violence, Demonic Cultivation, resentful energy, Trauma, Guilt, Protectiveness, BAMF WWX, Hurt wwx, Protective WWX, Protective LWJ, Baby Lans, Mental Instability, Possession, it's a case fic but the case is for the hurts, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV LWJ, a tasteful seasoning of Yunmeng Bros Reconcilliation, CQL canon except LWJ is not chief cultivator, Nightmares)
4. Hello! T__T I have my focus mode on so my distracting apps like twitter (x) are paused. I took a 5 minutes break and opened it. I saw a threadfic of Bottomji/Topxian (Omegaverse) They already have 3 kids (Yuan, Twins) but they are all alphas. lwj wants a daughter (or an omega son). He rode wwx that night then let him knot him for 3x. They were on a date and lwj bought some robes for a girl the confronts wwx that he wants a daughter.... Thats all Ive read. I want to read the whole thread but my app closed. 💔 Can you guys help me with it? I cant find it anymore.
FOUND! sounds like this twt threadfic by @/omegawangji
5. Hi, I need help finding a fic I’m pretty sure I’ve seen recommended on here a couple years ago.
I don’t remember the title or the author. It was on AO3. It was an Alternative Universe fic where WWX is an art student (and lived in a dorm with the Wen siblings) and LWJ has a very active but discreet sex life. WangXian know each other but they’re not together. Eventually they start sleeping with each other (WWX doesn’t realize LWJ actually likes him and he’s not just another hookup). There is also a secondary plot about one of LWJ’s past hookups stalking and tormenting them at a club or party at some point? T
his is all I can remember, unfortunately. I hope to reach someone who knows which fic this is by asking on here. WangXian nation, do your thing! 🙏
FOUND? show me a quiver, give me tonight by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 115k, wangxian, lwj/others, communication failure, mutual pining, artists, demisexual wwx, angst w/ happy ending) It doesn't match exactly but some details do
6. For fic finder, a fic I read a good while back.
It was one of those “jgs magically spies on the burial mounds to get people to hate wwx and the remnants” but in this one wwx and lwj did the “a-yuan is birthed from wwx” thing and the people spying believe it. Lqr passes out for a bit and lxc and jc start planning a wedding since lwj apparently deflowered wwx. I think it was completed
FOUND! Assumptions by draechaeli (T, 50k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mainly Novel with a few CQL and Donghua bits, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Adoption, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, not mpreg, Not Established Relationship, Fluff, Canon-Typical Violence, Fix-It, gender non-conforming titles)
7. Hello! Here's one I've read a dozen times and would swear I have bookmarked, but now I can't find it. Basically, LZ is a courtesan/assassin who's sent by JGS to seduce and kill the powerful Yiling Patriarch. Meng Yao is working with LZ, although he has his own plans against JGS, of course. WWX later realizes LZ's brother is alive and looking for him, so he brings them together. (By the way, are you thinking of adding a Courtesan compilation? There are plenty of good ones to rec!) Thank you! @ladysalieri (we don't have a courtesan au specific comp but we do have a royalty one that includes a few! ^^ - Mod C)
FOUND! out to get you (to get you) by iliacquer (E, 41k, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, switching, top/bottom LWJ, top/bottom WWX, power play, courtesan LWJ, assassin LWJ, dark lord WWX, bondage, happy ending, past slavery)
8. Hello i am looking for a fic where modern lwj time travels to the canon era and becomes original lwj, in the fic he is betrothed to yilling patriarch wy who sends him letters, and wy becomes more desperate and insane because lwj doesn't answers his letters. @ahiku-chan
FOUND? if this is a dream, i pray to never wake up by dangodangomilk (M, 27k, WangXian, Marriage, Weddings, Engagement, Canon Divergence, Parallel Universes, YLLZ WWX, false amnesia, Implied/Referenced Sex, Fluff and Angst, Sexual Content)
9. hello! i'm looking for a fic from lwj's pov. he runs into wwx (dark) in yiling i think, after burial mounds but before his new body. lwj is horrified by how bad he looks and convinces him to go to an inn (wwx mean), they have sex. during this lwj realizes that wwx's bones are all broken from his fall in the burial mounds and he is holding them stable with resentful energy. he can't heal them, but the resentful energy is working as a stopgap. possibly of it's own volition? bittersweet? thx! @saydams
10. Hello!! I love this blog, where I find fics to read!! A few days ago, I asked someone to find me a fic, but I'm here again because I remembered med and another fic that I loved reading, but currently can't find.
The things I remember: Wangxian has an spiritual connection, which is why the golden core transfer does not occur (and it is qing who informs Wei Ying of the connection, as Madam Yu knew and gave tea to undo the connection but it did not work ) and if I'm not mistaken Yanli is the one who told Wei Ying that the spiritual connection no longer exists (which is obviously wrong)
If you can't find it, I ask you to recommend something similar.
Thank you ❤💛🖤 @sweettiebah
FOUND! Half of my soul by Asphodel_Meadow (T, 8k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, No Golden Core Transfer, Fix-It, 5+1 Things, kinda soul bond but with their golden cores, POV Outsider, POV Alternating)
11. Hi, im looking for a fic where when Wei Wuxian was dead others tried to flirt with Lan Wangji. I remember one of the scenes where Shizui was walking to the jingshi and overherd someone (a cousin of Lan Jingyi?) trying to flirt with Lan Wangji. I think it was a 5+1 type of deal. No matter the way i word it, i cant find it. I`ve been looking on and off for months. @herebedragons02
FOUND? Criteria by incendir (T, 10k, LSZ & LWJ, WangXian) Criteria from the Resolutions series! I've reread ot enough to know that description on site
12. I hope you don't mind me asking, i'm looking for a wangxian fic where there is a scene that takes place in the cloud recesses where jiang cheng injures nie huaisang and nie mingjue almost declares war on the jiang sect. Thats as much as i remember I hope it's enough to go on. If it helps any it was either a Jiang Cheng bashing fic or a Jiang Family bashing. / Hi i'm looking for a Jiang Cheng or Jiang Family Bashing fic (can't remember which it was) where Nie Huaisang gets severely injured by Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue almost declares war on the Jiang Sect. Thank you. @hanabichan2018
FOUND? Ad Oblivione by Baph, HikariNoHimeWriter (M, 70k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Multiple, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Identity Reveal, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation World Critical, Not JC Friendly, Abusive YZY, Angst with a Happy Ending)
FOUND? A Future Family In A Broken Past by Hauntcats (T, 121k, wangxian, Not JIang Family Friendly, Not Cultivation World Friendly, WWX Needs a Hug, Family Dynamics, What is a good family?, Fear of emotions does not excuse abuse, Not Jiang Clan Friendly, Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, LXC needs a hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Not YZY Friendly)
13. Hello I’ve been looking for this fic but I cannot find it I remember seeing it before it’s where in order to survive the burial mounds WY exchanges his heart which changes how he acts and then at the end JC, JYL, LWJ and NH decide to go to the burial mounds to see what happened to WY
FOUND?🔒 between the shadow and the soul by Reverie (cl410) (M, 22k, wangxian, JYL/WQ, JC/NHS, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Family, Dark WWX, Feral WWX, Memory Loss, Magic, Magical Realism, Protective LWJ, Protective JC, Protective JYL, Grief, BAMF WWX, POV Alternating)
14. Hi! For next fic finder, could you help me find a modern wangxian au with combination of arranged marriage, marriage of convenient (i think it is), and contract marriage. YZY arranged a marriage between WWX and LWJ for a bussiness cooperation. WWX agreed to that so he can get away from the Jiang (especially YZY) and to make his own carrier. Then LWJ and WWX make a contract to make the marriage last until 2 years and decided if they want to keep the marriage or not. I think LWJ playing his guqin and WWX is used to that and when 2 years almost up, WWX didnt want to get divorce. The fic is focused about them getting to know each other. I think thats all i can remember. I read that in 2021 so the detail is kinda patchy. If you dont know the fic at least a confirmation that im not the only one that ever read this. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
Hi, im #14. Unfortunately its not the fic that iam searching for. The one that iam serching for focused on wangxian, other characters barely appears. Even the jiangs only gets mentioned. Wwx didnt work for Jiang, i think he is graphic design freelancer? The agrement for divorce is between the two of them, their family didnt know about their agreement. They choose how long they stay together before divorce after they think that the project between their family is finished so their divorce wont effect the project. WWX even has a plan after their divorce to open his own office. If i remember corectly, WWX realize he didnt want to get divorced is a few days before the day of their divorce. Like he is in his room and thinking that after their divorce, he cant listening to LWJ playing his guqin and spend their days together and he didnt want that.
I really hope i didnt mix several fic together. Thank you!
NOT FOUND! you're the only thing i think i got right by sandustorms (lucianclouds) (M, 48k, wangxian, Arranged Marriage, Falling In Love, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Domestic, Married Life, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, do you remember that fake reddit post abt the guy that fell for his husband, that he was arranged to be married to, that was kind of what inspired this, Happy Ending, Modern, Strangers to Lovers, Romance)
15. Hello Mods, hope you are having a good day (^ ω ^)
This is for the fic finder and I'm not quite sure about this so just to be safe I don't want to upset anyone so
Trigger Warning! Trigger Warning! Trigger Warning!
This is what I remember: WWX is roofied or SA'ed in the Cloud Recesses ( I don't remember if that is shown) and there's a lot about how he handle it (denial? minimizing? disassociation?), and LWJ is there, he didn't do it, he is good, and anti-victim-blaming? if that makes sense?
FOUND? obscura: ink stain by AvoOwO (M, 20k, wangxian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Canon Divergence, Emotions, Heavy Angst, Painting, Temporary Amnesia, Drugs, Drug Use, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Drink Spiking, Victim Blaming, LWJ Has Feelings, LWJ Has a Crush, Soft wangxian, Holding Hands, Blood and Violence, Good Sibling JC, Protective JC, WWX is a Mess, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Politics, Protective LXC, Good Sibling LXC, Good Uncle LQR, LQR Tries, OCs, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, WWX Needs a Hug, someone gets punched a lot, LWJ contemplates murder for a moment, JC almost gets it done, not quite about romance, as much as romance elements there, more so about the small things, LWJ loves how WWX smells, some nasty things are said, WWX def needs a nap, he gets one dw, LQR Gets Shit Done, NHS Is A Little Shit, Scheming NHS)
16. Hi! For fic finder, I am looking for a short-ish fic where Jin Ling learns that Wei Wuxian is the one who named him “Rulan.” Jin Ling then realizes he is named after the Lans, and he has a teenage meltdown about how he is named after his uncle’s crush. Does this sound familiar? Thank you, everyone, for all your help! @gloriousclotpole
FOUND! three days gone by occultings (microcomets) (G, 4k, JL & WWX, WangXian, Post-Canon, Family Bonding, Homophobic Language, Fluff) there may be a few fics that fit, is it maybe the one where jin ling and jiang cheng are reading sect letters together, and jin ling got mad about being called "rulan"? so far i found another fic, ig it's "similar" since jin ling's only mad for one sentence, but i thought to link it anyway
17. Hi! I'm looking for a fic, but i only remember a specific scene from it: wwx and the wens on the horses and it's raining and lan zhan lets them go, but then i guess granny wen says go back and get him, and when they return, lan zhan is soaking wet and she says something along the lines of 'dramatic young people'. Thank you so much!
FOUND? Turn Around by mondengel (Not rated, <1k, wangxian, humor)
18. Hi, I'm looking for an AU WIP fic where WWX has to wear a mask; nobody but family is allowed to see his face. He and LWJ have an arranged marriage, but LWJ still refuses to let him take his mask off, and doesn't make any effort in the marriage. Very soon after they are married, he takes Wen Qing as a concubine, without explaining anything to WWX. WWX moves to a house near Lotus Pier, and there is a bit about him adopting children, but I can't remember how that came about... Thank you! @godiva696
FOUND! Sounds like the deleted "A price to pay" by wangxianist.
Not FOUND! sounds sorta like shana's identity porn fic here on tumblr
19. Hello! 😃 I hope you can help me find this fic that I have been looking for!
I only remember that Wei Wuxian gets reunited with the sect leader of the Yu sect,(she is basically his grandma I think) and he get very emotional, it is also at a discussion conference or something like that, it is a very sweet/happy scene.
thank you 😊
NOT FOUND!🔒补救; to remedy, to do something to correct or improve something that is wrong by ravenditefairylights (G, 21k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Fluff and Angst, Healing, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Getting Together, Everybody Gets Their Shit Together, Family Feels, Teacher WWX, Soft WWX, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Crying, Marriage Proposal, Assassination Attempt(s), Family Bonding, soup as a metaphor, Meishan as a metaphor, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Forgiveness, BAMF WWX, Assassin WWX) i'm not positive this is it, but has a scene like that
Not FOUND And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together) has a wwx-Sect Leader Yu relationship a bit like that? They meet up in Meishan, though, it's not a conference
Not FOUND The Housewife's Guide to Causing Chaos by dvasva (M, 127k, WIP, WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence, Functionally Trans Character, Mild Sexual Content, Domestic Fluff, Love Confessions, Transphobia, Good Parents LWJ and WWX, Pining, WWX is a Tease, Grief/Mourning, Body Dysphoria, Fake Marriage, Canonical Character Death, Misunderstandings, Doting LWJ, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, WWX is not in MXY's body, Misgendering, Mild Angst, Assumptions, Comedic Elements, non-sexual nudity, Blood, Discussion of Various Bodily Functions, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, 4 years of mourning instead of 13, Méishān Yú Sect, POV Multiple, Corporal Punishment, Trans WWX, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, pregnancy mention, Timeline What Timeline, Sexual Harassment Threats) has wwx summoned by an OC Yu cousin instead of mxy, so there is some wwx-Yu sect interactions in the story. I don't remember it being particularly sweet or happy, but the setting is a conference
Not FOUND Moments of Revelation by meyari (T, 133k, ChengSang, WangXian, XiYao, POV JC, Canon Divergence, Temporary Character Death, Character Death, not anyone we care about, Time Travel Fix-It, Self-Sacrifice, Torture, Chronic Pain, Chronic anxiety, magical healing and how it fails, Grief/Mourning, PTSD, Chronic Mental Health Issues, Assassination, renamed my, Families of Choice, Original Supporting characters, Unreliable Narrator(s), Demonic Possession) last suggestion, and this probably isn't it, but it has a lot of Yunmeng Trio & Yu sect interactions (mostly Jiang Cheng centric, but wwx is there too lol)
FOUND! Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics) the reunion scene is on ch31
20. Hello! I’m looking for a fic where during the Sunshot Campaign, Wei Wuxian was able to tame the Xuanwu, resulting in victory. However, he wasn’t fully able to control its bloodlust so it was sequestered onto an island in Lotus Pier.
However, he leaves one day for a brief visit to Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli, JGS paid a child to visit the island and the child is killed. This causes WWX to go with the Xuanwu into the water surrounding the island and he disappears for many years.
Later on, Jin Ling ends up trying to prove himself by going into the forest surrounding this island (which has since filled with resentful energy). And finds that WWX has come back and the Xuanwu has been purified.
I’m not sure if it’s been deleted??
FOUND? The Turtle Master by Gotcocomilk (M, 40k, wangxian, JC & WWX, JL & WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Temporary Character Death, Character Death Fix, shijie lives, Hurt/Comfort, OC Child death, zombie turtle!!, BAMF WWX, isnt he always, Fluff and Angst, first half is pain second half is soft)
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Hi again!
So, how would the Sinclair brothers, Brahms, and Billy Lenz react to s/o giving crow gifts like bottle caps and cool looking rocks? (they/them pronouns, please)
You can also use other slashers for this, too!
Hi again! Thanks for another request!!
They/them pronouns, sfw and Request open!
Slashers reacting to s/o giving them random gifts
Vincent! Sinclair
So precious🥺🥺
Will have special box to put all this stuff in!
Every time they bring something new, he studies is and tries to remember every detail
Also then hes upset or yall argue (every relationship has bad moments) he will go to this box and look at stuff to remember the good mokents and that they love him very much
Bo Sinclair
Tbh Sinclair is fucking badass surname
He will act like perent who just got the ugliest drawing from their kid and has to pretend he lieks it 'aw honey that's.. thats really nice of you thanks'
Man will put it in pocket to later store it on his night table but he forgors and it stays inside there. But its a good thing cuz then later when he works in garage or deals with some dumbasses(next wax figures) he puts hands in pocket and reminds himself how much they love him😊 and vice versa
Lester Sinclair
I once again forgor about his exsitence and I write him the last right before posting
He will hung those gifts up on his car!
Will show them off to any people that happen to be in his car, even his siblings!
Will fidget with it when stressed
Gets way too attached to it
Will give them huge bouquet of flowers in exchange
Brahms Heelshire
This litte guy
This dude
Has no clue what to do with all this stuff
Like yeah rocks are zamn pretty but bottle caps? Really? Bestie what I am suppose to do with this?
I mean he will collect it and keep it in some hyper secure place and he would protect it with his life prolly but??? Bottle caps really? That's your love language??
Brahms judges for no reason >:(
Billy Lenz
He will do the same thing???
Like he will give them the most random things ever??? Alive rats? Random peace of glass? Plushie he stole from some kid? Handfull of rocks in funny shapes? He got them all
So yall just sit on floor and exchange what yall found
Also when they sleep he puts rocks in them/ under their pillow. Imagine waking up with neck pain and realising that they have been sleeping on rocks (litteraly)
Billy dont bite bottle caps you might break ya teeth
Micheal myers
Side eye
No, dont take it back its his now
He gonna put it in his pocket and fidget with it when he's bored. Also when he stalks people too
Also he never takes the rocks out of his pockets so if they give him like 10rocks he will litteraly carry all of them and pls remember to take them out before washing his clothes. We dont like broken washingmachines
Pls Micheal but some on shelf or cabinet pls-
Love yall requests😊😊 it is 1am, have nice rest of day!
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haolovre · 4 months
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secrets hidden in you
“they all say that park seonghwa, the most popular and dangerous person in the school doesnt have a heart, does he?”
student! ateez
this series can contain:bullying, beating up, blood, fluff, drugs, smoking, swearing
this is all fiction! nothing is real!!
masterlist of this serie
second day
U get woken up by ur alarm, as u growl u got up and went to the bathroom room. u check the clock 7:30 AM. Well u have enough time. U brush ur teeth and shower. then u check the clock 8:00 AM u put your clothes on and went down to eat breakfast. “Honey i made pancakes! U should go at 8:30 so hurry abit before u miss the bus” “mhm alright mom thanks!”
u ate ur breakfast and went to the bus stop. as u were right on time the schoolbus was there. u went to the school bus to see ateez only in the bus. u went to sit in the front as ateez was sitting in the back. “Hey new girl, wanna sit with us” a male voice said. thank goodness u had ur headphones on so u could pretend u couldnt hear them. U heard footsteps coming at u, then ur headphones were taking of “hey! what the fuck was that for” “oh~ so u were listening to music, thats why u didnt answer my question” u looked up who u were talking to.
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choi jungho-
“oh im sorry, but my music is pretty loud so i didnt hear u” “ohh~” he smirked “excuses , excuses, excuses. dont have to lie to me” he put your headphones on. He was quite shocked at the music u checked ur phone. now playing: guerilla - halateez. Know u get why he was shocked. He drew the headphones on ur lap and went back to the group. As u were finally at school (well not finally but yk) u thanked the driver and went to the gates to be greeted by sooha. “Heyy girly well haeyoung is sick sadly. People saw newjeans put something in her waterbottle” “naur way poor her hopefully she gets better” u signed “well u still have me! And great news the cheer club had accepted u!!” “oh my days ur kidding” “im not~ well we both have the same classes but the training is today at 5:00 pm u’ll get ur uniform there so dont worry! And the coach is amazing so no stress” mhm alright u said to urself “well maybe lets get going will be late if we keep standing here.” “Alright lets get going. Literature it is” sooha said sadly. U two went to literature, yeahyeah boring stuff we’ll skip that part. “Well we have self study now so lets-“ sooha got interrupted by something.. well poor u got ice bucketed by newjeans and ateez. u heard them laughing “oh my days lets go to the medic before u catch a cold” sooha took ur arm and ran to the medic but got stopped by a male figure. “Well i can bring her” he smiled as u looked up who it was.
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kang yeosang.
“No. U did this to her-“ as yeosang picked u up and threw soohas arm off urs. as he walked to the clinic. “Yeosang u better not do anything to her” sooha screamed to him “yeahyeah ill take care of her dont worry” he responded looking at u with a caring smile. As the school doctor looked at u and gave u a new uniform so u’ll not catch a cold. “Thank u yeosang for bringing her. I was scared for her that she’ll actually catch a cold” he softly laughed “mhm its oke ms hwang” u came out thanked the doctor and went out. “Wait ur not going to thank me i literally brought u here” u stared at him “u did it for ur reputation.” As u walked off u see the ateez and newjeans looking at u and yeosang. U went to the library to see sooha by herself doing the biology assignment. “ oh there u are! I was worried . did yeosang do anything to you?” She sounded a worried mother “no no he did nothing, just brought me so his reputation is high” “ew that player, well im working on my assignment so maybe do urs too” “mhm alright, weres beomgyu?” “Oh he has a other lesson then us.” Great ur only partner is park seonghwa “oh well im not doing it with seonghwa” “did u call my name?”
u looked to see seonghwa and yeosang at the entrance of the library. “Thank god i could get out of that group, minji keeps clinging on me like a fly” seonghwa said now walking to u “well we should work on the project, no?” “Yeah alright move a chair here so u can sit” as seonghwa went to get a chair, yeosang came up too u “ heard u were the new cheerleader well be cheering for me and seonghwa yeah?” u looked at him as u wanted him dead “gosh im joking comeon” as seonghwa came back with two chairs so yeosang could sit too. U and seonghwa were doing pretty well on the poster. As u never thought that seonghwa could be helpful. But then the bell went. “Oh well its best me and yeo get going see u around y/n” as both male figures waved goodbye and left. “Well~ how did it went” sooha asked “went better then i expected def”
time skip to the end of the last class
“YN LETS GO WE NEED TO GO TO PRACTICE”this girl has energy for days😞 “alright alright! im coming” u went to the coart were the cheer coach was. “Ohh u must be the new cheer member! yn right?” u nodded” well welcome to wave cheer club! here are the uniform” it was a blue cheer uniform and the pompoms were blue with gold “ well practice start in 10 minutes!!” u look over the bleachers to see someone staring at u, but u couldn’t recognize the face as it turned away quickly.
After practice u go to ur locker seeing alot of love notes in it. U were kinda surprised seeing the fall down. U didnt want to make a mess so u quickly put them all in ur bag. Ur surprised that it all fitted in
. U go home by bus and opened every love letter. All of these letters had something common. There signed with 0304. U looking confused but said to urself u’ll read them tomorrow.
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Surprise Homies!
Luke Hughes x college vlogger!reader
Sup Homies Masterlist
** I had this idea but wasn’t really sure how to write to so hopefully it makes sense & y’all like it**
"Okay boys, you ready? " You ask the guys as you finish setting up your camera. Nods come from all of them, so you hit record. You’re crouched in front of the camera blocking most of what’s behind you. 
"Sup homies & welcome back to the channel!! 
Todays video is going to be a bit different, but still fun!! I’ve had lots of people asking for a boyfriend tag, but I think those can get boring so we’re spicing it up. I have here some of our closest friends too, since we’re going to play a little game so without further ado, let’s get started.”
You step back & walk backwards towards the couch, where there’s a spot for you on the floor between Luke & Dylan. Ethan, Steve, Philippe & Jacob are on the sofa behind. As you sit down, the boys wave. Steves made a couple of appearances in the vlogs when the two of you are studying together, but none of the other boys have so they’re pretty excited. 
You plop down & Luke wraps his arm around your shoulder. 
“This is Luke, my lover. Boys, introduce yourselves.” Quickly they go around & say their names. 
“So, some of you many recognize these lovely lads, as they all play for Michigan’s hockey team. Steve here is the reason I met these lunatics, and you may recognize him as my study buddy as we go through engineering hell together” You stick your hand up for a fist bump, which you get before continuing “the rest of them just want to be in the vid for some clout.”
They protest “dont lie! Dylan asked me to put instagram handles in the vid. Anyway! They’ve all been playing since they were tiny, and today, we’re going to be testing their hockey knowledge. I’ve got 5 questions, of varying difficulty for them. They’ll have 10 seconds to write down their answers on these” you grab the mini whiteboards out of the bag in front of you and pass them around 
“Okay, lets got going!!
Question 1, and if you guys can’t get this there’s no hope for you here”
“Hold up, what do we win?” Ethan pipes up “The satisfaction of beating your teammates isn’t enough?” he shrugs, “I mean yeah”
“Anyway, question 1. 
Name one of the greats who had a fun nickname. "
“What the hell is considered a fun nickname “ Steve asks as he starts writing
"ehhhh. times up. flip!!"
L: CuJo
S: the dominator 
D: Super Mario baby
E: The great one
J: Sid the kid
P: Finnish Flash
“Ethan, thats basic, so no point. Steve, who the fuck is that, Luke, Phil, Jacob you all get a point. Duker gets a bonus for being the only one to put Super Mario which is the best nickname, no question.”
“Dude, Dominik Hasek!” Steve says “oh okay, never heard him called that but” you pull up your phone “google says that was his nickname so you get a point. Moving on”
“Question 2, name Two teams to win back to back Stanley Cups at any point. Go” The boys are writing as you count down. “Done! Flip them” 
L: Tampa bay & Islanders
S: Red Wings & Tampa
D: Pittsburg, Montreal
E: Oilers, Canadiens 
J: Detroit & Toronto
P: Canadiens & Lightning
“Okay points for all good job boys. Next question, numba three!!
Give me 2 teams located in State, or provincial before you get your panties in a twist Ethan, capital.”
“Bruh I dont know geography!” Dylan complains. “Well, that sucks for you then”
“I though this was going to be stats or something!”
“So if I asked you to list the top scorers in NHL history you would get it?”
“Yeah probably!”
“That sucks for you then since I’m asking the questions. Go”
Dylans muttering to himself going “is that a capital” as the timer ticks down
L:  Rangers & Preds
S:  Avs (Denver) & Blue Jackets (Columbus)
D: Columbus & Boston??
E: Edmonton & Toronto 
J: Red Wings (duh)  hurricanes (hopefully)
P: Detroit & Boston
“Luke, you’re wrong no points!”
“Hang on, NYC isn’t the capital?”
“Dude even I know that & I’m Canadian”
“Jacob & Steve, you both get bonus points for actually putting teams, not just cities. Clearly the rest of the boys can’t listen” 
“Duker, good job you bullshitted your way through that”
“Thats my talent babe” he winks at the camera
“Question 4, What is the dumbest penalty that a team can get? “
“Is there a right answer here?” Jacob asks
“Yes, There is a correct answer, And if you don’t know this, clearly you don’t pay attention when we watch hockey together”
“Oh thats easy” Luke & Duke both say before writing 
“Time!! Flip.”
L: Too many men - can y’all not count or something (direct quote)
S: Too many men
D: Too many “idiots on the ice” 
E: Too many sticks? idfk
J: yelling at the ref (abuse of officials)
P: Too many men?
“Wow Jacob & Ethan, wow. I see how it is.”
“You know we’re normally playing when youre watching hockey right?” Jacob says in protest. 
“Well the others got it right so stop being a sore loser. The rest of you all get points. And get your shit together guys. Lukey, bonus point for the quote”
“Its not hard, you say it every time.”
“And yet, you idiots still get the penalty!! Think of poor Adam who had his hatty taken away the other weekend because you guys can’t count!”
“Okay lets move on. We’ve heard the rant before” Steve butts in before you can get too heated. 
You stick your tongue out at him but continue
“Final question, and you can get a lot of points here. There have been lots of brotherly duos that have played in the NHL” The boys immediately start protesting & talking over each other.
“Pretty sure this is blatant favouritsim”
“Oh Hell no” 
Putting your fingers in your mouth you whistle to get their attention. 
“Can I finish? Thank you. Now, there have been many brotherly duos play in the NHL. Name one duo where at least one of them has played at least one game this season. More obscure means more points, for a max of ten, so for example if you were to say a certain Canuck & his annoying brother, that’s easy as fuck so half a point. Since this requires some more brainpower, I’ll give you 20 seconds. Go”
“What if we dont know both their names?” “You’ll still get the points if you give one as long as it fits the criteria”
“Bro what the fuck?” 
“Who the hell” 
You sit there laughing at them as they try & come up with more obscure duos than the others. After 30 seconds, times up. 
“Flip em boys”
L: Mikey & Ryan Mcleod (Go Devs!!)
S: P sure Adrian Kempe had a brother 
D: Foudy Bros (CBJ!)
E: Willy & Alex Nylander
J: Reinhart (??)
P: Kevin Hayes
“Okay, honestly I dont know off the top of my head so imma google.”
“So Luke, you’re good, 2 points.  Dylan also good, three points .”
“Hey!” Luke protest 
“Shut it. Your brother plays with one of them so its not worth as much.”
“Ethan’s secretly a Leafs fan confirmed. Also 3 points”
“Philippe & Steven. One of your boys have played this season so 5 points for more obscure”
“But Jacob, I’m impressed. Even though you weren’t sure, you not only got 2 brothers, you’ve got 3!! And only one of them has played this year, Mr Sam Reinhart. I would’ve given you more if you had at least one first name, so 7 points for you!! Be more confident in your answer next time”
“Woah woah woah 7?!” Steve says
“What would it have taken to get ten?” Phil muses
“My game, my rules. Okay!” You clap your hands “Time to see who our winner is.”
You’ve got the scores on the whiteboard in front of you, just have to tally them up
“Alright, so here’s our final ranking
On the bottom  Ethan with 5 points. You did terrible. 
Not much better, we have Luke next with 6. What the hell babe, thats embarrassing for you.
Dylan in fourth with 7. Philippe with 9, 
Stevn has 10
And our winner, Jacob! With 11 points!! 
“Can I just say, they’ve been alive longer than us so obviously they’d do better” 
“Ethan age has literally nothing to do with this. You just suck.” Jacob says
You stand up and talk to the camera
“Before this ends up in an argument or wrestling on the floor, Thanks for watching everyone! If you want to see more with these lovable idiots, check out the UMich hockey social media accounts. Maybe they’ll make some vlog appearances too! 
Love all you homies, see you in the next video!!
Luke pulls you down into his lap and you smile up at him while the boys argue, as your outro music plays in the video. 
Arms wrap around your shoulder and Luke presses a kiss to your neck. “Done babe?”
Smiling, you lean back in your desk chair & tip your head back for a kiss. “Just about”
“Hurry up I want cuddles” he whines. 
You giggle as you turn back to your laptop, double checking the title & thumbnail before scheduling the video to go live in place of your usual Sunday vlog. Hitting upload, you close you computer & join Luke on your bed.
“All done” you whisper before kissing him. He palms your ass, pulling you closer & says “good” before hungrily kissing you. You ignore the rest of your responsibilities to lay there together and cuddle, knowing your time like this is coming to an end soon. 
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almighty-an2 · 2 years
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I honestly think we need more main character like Payu. He doesn’t really have any tragic backstory.
Parents are living out their life on the countryside and love their kids enough to leave them a house and a (pretty successfull) business.
Good relationship with his sibling.
Good at studying.
Good career and still got times for a little side job he loves (and good at).
Well like by people for being capable, handsome with good personality and an all in all good person.
And (to my understanding, as far as the story goes) doesn’t sleep around & very comfortable with his sexuality.
He is just kinky. His romancing style could be a little problematic, and manipulative. But he doesn’t have anything especially dark about him.
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IMHO, the only reason why I think people think that PayuRain is boring, was because their background is super vanilla. Payu is not your typical bike-riding-badboy with psychological bagage that needs a reedeming arch, in which the little love interest look past his flaw and turn him into a better person. He is already a good person. If he turn any better, he would be a real life Saitama from One Punch Man. Overpower and unrealistic. Does he have any flaw? Yes he does. But thats what makes him hit close to home.
And Rain might be the biggest himbo on earth, but he’s not evil or anything like that. He did what he did because he doesn’t know any better. He doesn’t have enough braincell to understand complicated things me think. It helps that Payu landed his eyes on Rain and decided to set him straight. And by setting him straight, I mean make him talk politely and take responsibility for his life & his future.
Love storm in summary is just a very typical, everyday romance. And you don’t always have drama, earth shattering plot twist or betrayal with everyday romance. With everyday romance, people just fall in love, be in a relationship, then live happily ever after. And I dig it. Oh I live for it.
I never though I would say this, but please mame, I need more PayuRain 😭😭😭
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Dialogue Prompt List 2.0
Angst/Fluff/Smut/ H/C prompts listed. (18+)
— = Y/N or Character
I write wlw exclusively, but feel free to rearrange gendered pronouns for your fics. ❤️
“What the fuck told you this was a good plan, hm?” / “I just wanted to do something nice for you…” / “Yeah, well you failed!”
“Me? Love you? *incredulous laughter* Look, I know you live in delusion most days, but this is ridiculous. You’re unlovable —.”
“So this was just a game to you, why?” / “I always loved a challenge, but it turned out you were an easy catch, I’m bored now.”
“Making me fall in love with you when you never intended to stay was cruel, —.” / “I told you from the start I’d only break your heart —.” / “I thought you were joking since you slept with me an hour later!” / “Yeah, that’s where you made a mistake. You chose to be foolish and entangle the heart where it never had a chance to thrive.”
“This is all your fucking fault —!” … “You never should’ve come here, you are clearly only capable of making things worse.”
“Please tell me there isn’t something on my face —?” / “What?” / “You’re staring…” /“oh, no, I just got lost in your eyes for a second. You’re just so mesmerizing.”
“Hey —!” / “Hey —(nickname/term of endearment), what’s got you so excited, hm?” / “I’m about to ask my crush out…” / “Oh, um, I wish you the best of luck.” / *awkward obvious silence* / “Hey —.” / “Yeah?” *soft/sad whisper* / “Are you free tonight? Say 6? I scored tickets to the local game.” / “Wait, I thought.” *pause of realization* “Oh my gosh, you like me?”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have the prettiest eyes?” / *Person B rolls them* “Only you, about a hundred times.” / *Person A chuckles nervously* “Well it’s the truth, I have never been lost and found all in one go. But whenever I look into them thats what happens.” / “Yet you haven’t asked me out.” / “I believe in the long game —, I would never want to rush our forever.”
“Stop it!” / “Stop what” / “Looking at me like I’m all you’ll ever want. It’s unfair.” / “How so?” / “Because it gives me hope.” / “Have you ever considered it’s not hope, but a sign that you should go out on a date with me tonight.” / “Oh…” / *Person B winks* “I’ll pick you up at 7 sweetheart.”
“I adore —, but it’s definitely a bit one sided.” / “That’s it, we’re taking you for an eye exam, clearly you’ve gone blind.” / “This isn’t funny, I love them so much—, but...” / *Person B interrupts A’s pity party* “Hey Y/N!” * R looks up and hums with a warm smile, as her eyes cast over to Person A / Person B smirks at the visible proof.* / “— wants you to meet her on the roof tonight, wear your evening best.” / “Oh, why? I-is this a date?” / *Person A went to speak, to shut it down but B confirms in an instant. R’s eyes widen, and then she squeals a yay before leaving* / “See —? I expect to be the maid of honor.”
“Meet me in my room in five…” / “Why?” / “So I can make those pretty eyes of yours roll to the back of your head silly girl…”
“Tell me how badly you want it sweetie.” / “Bad enough that I’d let you fuck me raw.”
“We’re leaving.” / “What? Why? I’m having fun!” / “We can have fun at home —.” / “I’m not going —.” / “Fine, then I guess I’ll just have to fuck you here in front of everyone. Maybe then they’ll finally know who you belong to, and you’ll also remember.”
“I am studying —, I can’t take any breaks.” / *takes your caffeine source* “Honey, that’s precisely the problem, you are overworking yourself, and you need mommy to wipe your brain of thought.”
“Take it off, please.” / “You turned a blind eye to my advances —, so you can remain in the dark as I fuck you senseless too.”
Hurt / Comfort
“—, you need to get out of bed, it’s been weeks…” / “It’s okay —, you don’t have to pretend to care.” / “I’m not, so please, let me care for you until you can do it for yourself.” / *timid whispers* “okay…”
“Hey —, do you think I’ll ever find love?” / “Where is this coming from —? Of course you will.” / “Then why haven’t I? The unsavory truth is simple—I’m unlovable.” / “No, it’s because you haven’t noticed me…”
“You belong here —.” / “The team doesn’t seem to agree” *while packing a duffle / “Last time I checked the team was made up of idiots with ego-stroking agendas. The last thing we need is to lose one of the few genuinely selfless souls.” … “Not that that means what you did was right. It’s just also not the end of the world either. It’s okay.”
“Are you okay?” / “No.” / “How can I fix that?” / “I don’t think I can be fixed.” / “How about you let me try? I’ll remind you everyday just how loved you are. I can’t imagine a world without you —, so please let me be here for you so I never have to.”
“What’s wrong?” / “It’s all gray now.” / “What is?” / “The world. Nothing fits. It’s all just catastrophe and chaos. I feel so lost.” / “Sometimes being lost is a good thing.” / “How so?” / “It’s merely a sign to tell you that your path needs rerouting dear, it’s how evolution remains possible. This isn’t the end you see, it’s only just the beginning of something new.” / “I really like that.” / “I like you” (cheesy little kiss to follow 🥹)
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the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 3 months
watching mha S4 and my thoughts while watching ep1-14
their interveiwing 1A? this'll be funny.
nezu, it makes total sense to allow someone you dont know, who could be a villan onto school grounds, sure buddy (i will bully nezu about everything now) also i dont trust the interviwer, his name is tanayo i think
bakugo is so real for getting mad when a guy is photographing him eating breakfast love how tokoyami uses dark shadow to get food instead of waiting in line himself
why are their chess tiles flat, thats not chess bro
time to find out who overhaul is
okay, so a guy just exploded
shigaraki: "now i get it" well i dont, please explain okay so, i still have no clue whats going but i think its like: twice brings overhaul to base. they talk, shigaraki gets mad. they fight. some guy blows up, overhauls friends come, someone else died at some point and the guys arm gets cut off, overhaul and co. tell leage of villans to think about it, and leave
present mic calling almight emo is SO FUNNY wonder what happened with him and nighteye
nighteye, what in the actual fuck. he literally trapped a girl to a laughing machine, he's insane, like why, what is wrong with him.
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"oh no, hes not funny"
alright nighteye has an even worse almight obsession then deku
okay, so deku isn't failing
betting something happens with nighteye and almight in this season
Tokoyami is going to work study with a guy called hawks. I think hawks is goanna be cool
Deku and mirio found a kid. She was in the intro I think so she's important
so her name is ari. She's cute.
Is it coincidence that ari and shigarako have te same hair?
Crack ship: grand torino/recovery girl
I love Tomiki. He's my favourite.
random but, i'm gonna say that ectoplasm (the guy who makes clones) is the traitor. cause the leuge of villans has a clone guy (mimic) and ectoplasm is a clone guy. so same guy.
red riot is a pretty sick name ngl
kirashima tragic backstory unlocked? (had to check his name with google)
tomiki is allergic to postitvity its so funny i love him
okay, i need explanation, why is everyone here okay got it, this is boring, waiting for the actual rescue misson
nighteye: I cant! (regarding him not using his quirk right then) Aizawa: most jujdmental sideye ever (why does he have the funniest expressions)
loving aizwa right now, with him saying that to deku, like hes so.. also that little chest punch, then also the "i'll be your man" "no"
also ari is so cute and i love her (i barely know her)
ida is so silly, like why
TAMAKI-CENTRIC EPISODE, LETS GO, right after i decided he's my favourite too lol (4 ep8) also just realised his name is tamaki not tomiki
i love miriyo, hes so nice and just generally a good person
tiny plauge doctor becomong big :( he was kinda cute when he was little
tamaki's hero name is sun-eater?
we gonna talk about how miriyo is "sun" and tamaki is "sun eater" i need the backstory of tamaki's hero name okay, not what i expected, i still think theres more we can read into with sun/sun eater (yes im shipping it, sue me)
what if tamaki just starts eating random stuff, imagine if he eats paper and becomes his own notepad
tamaki is not okay (he got hurt and collapsed after a fight)
how come fat's skinny now. like why. i despise skinny fatgum
"a few pounds" you are literally less than half the size you were before
i love how evryones usually obsessing over almight, but we also have kirashima with crimson riot, and i think thats neat
okay, so i think ari's quirk is destroying someones quirk forever? give my kid a break, shes like, 5
also, on one hand, i think overhaul is a really cool and interesting power. on the other, child experimentation is not ok
alright, i'm betting someone gets shot, dunno who yet, but someone will get shot by those permanent quirk destroying bullets
how many personas does twice have?
someone has a truth quirk, also taking back the ectoplasm=twice thing cause they know who twice really is, and who ectoplasm is too, probably
the upside down drunk guy is so funny to me "what are you, drunk" "no, that would be you" (what if this became a ship)
ari is missing a horn, she has one, but its not centered, therefore she's meant to have 2, cause these things are supposed to be symetrical
i would die for ari, and also kill overhaul for her (MD i see why you hate him now)
going to say this now, capes are dumb, especially for million, cause his clothes are made of his hair, so you'd expect for there to not be much fabric, but he has a cape.
nimoto/chisaki new ship
(minimum requirements for ship is that they breathed the same air for at least a scene, and possible are loyal to eachother, but we dont need that)
what if miryo become the first quirkless hero?
miriyo, stop getting hurt
deku came and saved the day (and so did evryone else, probably)
i like locklock
chisaki killed nimoto, like dude, he was, like, the one guy who genuinely liked and supported you.
what if shigaraki and ari are related, i'm pretty sure they are.
ari is also favourite, i love her and would die for her
everytime someone screams "chisaki" i feel like their gonna say "Chisaki smash" and idk why
ari's quirk is to rewind
this scene (deku and ari right after quirk reveal) is going to break me
what if almight and nighteye became "messed up stomach due to villan" buddies
i like dabi, i think he's neat
shigaraki, u good bro? probably not but still
okay, nighteyes dead
i hope we get to see more of ari later on
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kavehnanginto · 1 year
06: meet me at midnight
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Sober and sleep-deprived you free yourself from the confines of home and on to your local library. Perhaps after your bowl cut friend's mental breakdown and rituals maybe, just maybe, Alhaitham was actually just like any college boy suffering to get a a degree.
According to Faruzan, even Miss Lisa had inner conflict with her hot ass self as to why Alhaitham accepted her offer. Listen you just fucked someone and they happen to be smart why are people acting like its the last thing in the world.
You also did that with some blond chick a year ago and nobody cared.
Okay maybe it was because you lost to a dare to Scaramouche but that's just a minor detail. He's a minor detail anyway.
Nights are boring when you're not high, it looks pretty but whatever. You've seen it once, you've seen it a hundred times, it's just night. This is why you are not a very good english major. But at the bright side you are enrolled in the Akademiya, when you first got the news you shared it all over social media like the clout chaser you are.
Humming nostalgic lullabies you fasten your pace into the nearby library. It's always the goddamn library can't take a fucking break. Here you are going to see your tutor at the middle of the night, just like that one time.
If people knew this they’ll think that’s what you did to him to become your tutor, your whole reputation will be ruined but hey you fucking the hot guy nobody likes will create good jokes for a school reunion in twenty years time. Even if people will call you a pretentious whore. That’s not a very good argument and neither is your thesis.
“Why is it closed, I just spent two minutes to walk here my feet are sore.” You complained when you saw the library gates closed. “Does he have some VIP entrance, I bet that nerd has.”
Quickly taking your phone to talk and then a flash of light hit your face.
“Oh God you actually came…” nonchalant voice, with a hint of sarcasm ringed your ear. Does he take sleepovers in the library every day or something? “Did you just spontaneously went here because you had nothing better to do?”
“Oh God.”
Even with murmuring complaints he dragged by your shirt inside. Is he gonna take it off? Just kidding, this is scary. And then after entering you see stacks of books in the floor, scented candles, a poster of the movie cover of Pride and Prejudice and a picture of his friends on the side.
Wow he didn't suit you for the sentimental type.
“What?” He eyed you like you were the craziest person in the room and then with a book containing the summary he sat peacefully and even offered you to study quietly with him.
Maybe Scarabitch was right, he was a clown.
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encounter: prev. masterlist. next.
alhaitham x reader smau
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synopsis: after alhaitham accepted to tutor his token dumb classmate, the whole school started rumors and gossip to the unknown reason as to why while you were stuck dealing with him after that embarrassing encounter.
taglist: @annathea-annoona @aixaingela @mimimimiaphwsgi @no3hg3nshin @winterpein @crowbird @aloversoath @liminalimmortal @mochicurls21
note: i may or may not spontaneously change a lot of plot points so this can become more serious because thats what i did so ugh yeah but don't worry the intro is just purely fluff and comedy and no one will become a different person in the next couple chapters its just that i will take this smau seriously( because i never did this was like supposed to be some funny meme for me)
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timetravell · 1 month
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Twas the first day of school, here is a little recap:
We mainly went over all the new procedures. Theres one about phones and if they have to take it up 4 times in a row you have to pay a fine of 15 dollars. And the dress code regressed?? No teacher is enforcing it though. We still have the same tardy policy (10 tardies = ISS).
If this phone policy doesn't 'work' then we just- wont be allowed to bring our phones at all Which is a HUGE safety concern.
below is a recap of all my class periods <3
1st period: Colorguard
Nothing much happened here, again a lot of today was just a repeat of all procedures. There were a few band specific things, such as attendance, rehearsals, UDB, and stuff pertaining to the band hall itself. There is now a form so if need be, your istrument can be turned into the shop to get fixed!
We also cleaned out the guard locker room/area. All of the costumes from last year got put in one of the lower lockers. We somehow found stuff from seniors who left YEARS ago. And 3 year old water....in a jug still.. yikes.
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2nd: Forensics!!!
Im actually so happy I got to be in this class. Im looking forward to a lot of things in it. Especially the labs and that one lecture about blood splatters. Our teacher is actually absent this first week, but thats because he's also the volleyball coach. (Our volleyball team is in Hawaii for nationals I believe)
We had three assignments. One of them was designing a locker (mine is super cute, it has a Marina poster), the second was a Syllabus scavenger hunt which isn't due until tomorrow but I wanted to get a jump on it so I finished it at home. The third was homework, which was just a student survey.
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3rd: ELA
It was just, again, more policy updates and a little get to know you card. This class, thank god, wont be all on computer. We'll have some paper assignments. We haven't gotten our reading yet (which upsets me a teeny bit, but I'm sure we'll learn about it later in the week)
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4th: AP World History
I'm actually so exited for this class its not even funny. I was genuinley upset when we didnt get our unit 0 packets and when I found out we werent getting our textbooks until Friday.
We did learn that the AP teachers are no longer allowed to split that 70% weighted major assignments to 40/30. Which absolutely sucks, and on top of that our first unit is stuff our state says we NEED to know to get said World History credit. Which means we wont even be tested on it come spring. Our district hates us.
I actually have a good teacher for this AP class, last year I had a very (idk how else to put it) 'White privlidged' teacher. AND AND I narrowly missed being stuck in a class with someone I despise. Made me so happy!
I also learned that 'The History of the Entire World I guess' is pretty accurate! So I can use that as a study resource for like- a short summary.
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5th: Astronomy
SO SO SO excited for this class. And there is no math! None! (If they added math it would have to become an AP class). My teacher is so funny unironicly. He's very monotone and you would think he'd be a bore, but he's actually really funny in my opinion.
We actually will talk about why Astrology isnt real which I think will be really fun. I dont nessicarily believe astrology is real, I like the idea of it. But going indepts on why it isnt is going to be really interesting!
We also will get to learn how galaxies and solar systems form, which will be really helpfull for making my story, Abyss. Theres also gonna be night labs!! (if we go we get a free 100 on a test grade) And maybe some Day Labs if the school can get their hands on a solar telescope.
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6th: Geometry
It's geometry. There wasnt really anything of note here. Just the fact that i somehow have a class full of kids who dont care abt the Highschool grades. (I have confirmed this, it isnt speculation) It's gonna be a loud period..
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7th: Band (they split it up weird)
Im in guard, i dont do 'band' until concert season. I cant work on my solo during this period OR my homework. Pissed me of factually because the original plan was as followed:
Used as a study hall
Practice choreography
Practice flute
But nope! They hate me! /j
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8th: Musical Theatre!
So many new people! Its gonna be so much fun! I have a lot of friends in that class so im really excited!
I already know the song im gonna do for our first solo, just gotta get permission cuz its technicly not from a musical (Wont say im in love from hercules)
Anyways thats it!! Tmmr will most likely have some more stuff so follow if you want to see!
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Hi I'm bored u wanna talk about fishdings to me?
Okay so basically, for those who don't know, Fishdings is an au where Gaster is Undyne's dad and Sans doesn't exist. Papyrus is there, but only in a small fight in Waterfall that replaces Shyren's because SHYREN AND LEMON BREAD (although she's called Baked Bread here) REPLACE SANS AND PAPYRUS
So Fishdings Angler had a sister named Shelley who reproduced via Mitosis as you do and decided he too should make a child. Shelley got killed by the Justice child tho. Rip. She left her daughters in the care of their honourary auntcle, Riverperson.
To make his wonderful child, Fishdings combined RAW COSMIC MATTER, A LUMP OF HIMSELF (he can split his tail into legs and can grab off lumps of himself mid split, so thats how) AND GOLDFISH CRACKERS. But OH NO! He accidentally knocked a beaker of JUSTICE DETERMINATION into the mix! (He was studying it)
The child sprung out of the vat a fully formed five year old and immediately beat the shit out of him. He was very impressed at his NEW DAUGHTER'S STRENGTH and immediately took her to the king for training! While she was jabbing at Asgore with a stick, he came up with a wonderful name for her: UNDYNE ANGLER!
Once the newborn fish child got too tired to keep attempting a royal assassination, Fishdings took her to visit her extended family in Waterfall. Riverperson immediately adored their new honourary niece (obviously).
Shyra, six, didn't like Undyne that much at first because she's made of Justice Determination: the same justice determination used by some child to kill her mother. She eventually warmed up to her though, and the two grew up very close.
Shyren, one, loved Undyne from the start and the two would frequently run around the house together shrieking at the tops of their lungs.
Due to Fishdings being busy with SCIENCE and Riverperson with ferrying everyone around on a plank of wood (and also trying to built an actual boat), the Blooks would often babysit the fish children.
Maddy, thirteen is HEAD BABYSITTER! She's also the only one who does any work around here. It's thanks to her that the house hasn't blown up yet. Blanksta, eleven, is no help. They spend all their time in the ruins or on the farm. They are the ruins dummy.
Napsta, ten, is TOO STRESSED to help much. They like playing with Shyren though. Musical baby. They make sick beats together despite being little kids. Hapsta, eight, is even less help than Blanksta in the way that HE CAUSES PROBLEMS ON PURPOSE.
When Undyne is not hanging out with her cousins and the Blooks, she spends time in the lab with her father. The other scientists don't mind her running around the place as long as she's careful.
She also continues training with Asgore! Even though she has webbed hands, she's still pretty good with a spear. She can now beat the ass of anyone in the underground. Except maybe Asgore himself.
She lives on the top floor with her dad for awhile, but when she gets a bit older they move into Shyra and Shyren's place, and buy them a house in Snowdin. By then Shyra's twelve or thirteen so her and Shyren are okay alone most of the day. Besides, there are loads of other kids in Snowdin so they're happy enough. The Blooks still come visit sometimes.
That's all the early Fishdings lore, I think. Nothing else major happens til Undyne's fifteen anyway.
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corpsoir · 2 years
hi!!! do you have any books about archaeology you like? i’m a biology student and id love to learn more about your field :-)
YESSSS omg this is such a fun question!!
okay so! right now my absolute favourite book is Bog bodies - face to face with the past by Melanie Giles! the title gives it away but its about bog bodies, so if human remains freak you out that might be a little bit hard to read. its really good! giles breaks it all down into very understandable chunks and explains everything from what a bog body is to how the chemicals in the bog affect soft tissues and so on its so cool!
im putting the rest under a read more because this got a little bit long haha
one of my favourite books that was part of my first course in archaeology is The Human Past by Chris Scarre, its like a brick just filled to the brim with stuff. since its very broad in the way that it tries to encapsulate all of humanity's history i wouldnt say its the best if youre looking to read in depth about a specific culture or time period but it offers an okay sort of "way in" to archaeology as a field. a similar book which we also used in that first course is Ancient Scandinavia by Douglas Price. it is (as you could probably guess) about scandinavian history and archaeology. also really good beginners book about the history of scandinavia, lots of fun stuff to read there, but i know my professors have criticised it a little bit because of some errors here and there.
and then two other great books are Archaeology matters - action archaeology in the modern world by Jeremy Sabloff and Archaeological Thinking - how to make sense of the past by Charles Orser.
these are just some books that we used in our first archaeology course at uni (plus the bog body one im using for my thesis rn). since i study in sweden however i feel like its important to note that these books are mostly relevant for european archaeology, and we use this literature to complement the other things we learn about how archaeology is applied in the real world in sweden specifically. i am by no means an expert, i havent finished my degree yet (im finishing my bachelors in june!!), plus i only really feel comfortable with talking about northern european archaeology since thats what i study! i dont know a lot about how archaeology works in other parts of the world. just like us humans it differs quite a lot, which of course is very exciting and also a good thing! :) even in my neighbouring country denmark the archaeology works WILDLY different there, i was actually kinda shocked about how they handle cultural heritage and archaeology there lol
other than that i would honestly say that the best way to learn more about archaeology is visit local museums and talk to the people who work there and ask if they have any tips on literature, maybe check out their museum shop for books etc, and also most importantly!! read research being published today! if youre already used to reading academic research, archaeological articles are usually pretty easy to understand. the journal nature also often publishes popular science articles on their website, and these articles are pretty much shortened versions of dry boring research articles and slightly more digestible for the non-archaeologist HFDSGHSDGDS
as an end note; borrow books from your local library!!!
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Hey I got kinda emotional and into it here so. Skip this one if you dont care but if you're my friend idk read it see if it resonates or smth
I think ill never get over the feeling that im inept or a loser because its not the fact that I'm. You know. That. Its because before even making the comparison between this person's absolute best life and my sick week I already think that. Its bad to the point that whenever I see someone share good news abt. Anything. I get jealous
And like im rlly not trying to brag but I have a decent life by my standards. I have partners that love me but don't require my affection constantly, so when I kinda shut down for 9 hours as I often do no one freaks out. I have sex quite often! (Not right now because im sick and slowly losing my mind) (and yeah this is childish but im very hypersexual and if I did not have this it would be bad for the mind) like there are people who consider me a sexy being and want to have sex with me and then we do.that. often in trios which is such a thing that my 16-year old me would have said NICE!!! To me and now its kinda of the norm for me. When its not just me n my gf having like casual fun sex its a threesome. And that fucking rules!!! I have money now!!! Saved!!!! Im moving out in like four months!!!! I already bought like paintings and tables and shit. Im finishing uni and can go pursue my dreams of becoming a film professor!!!! My art constantly gets praise!!!! And yeah, we kinda got fucked festival season because we botched some documentation but I made people cry!!! With my writing and camera work!!!! And I did that with my friends, too!! No sellout shit, no contracting a pro to get good shots, no youtube tutorial bullshit, i got three people that really liked each other and we made a fucking movie!!! And people cried watching it!!!! Like I got a legacy now. Even if its a small, insignificant one, its a fucking legacy!!! Its there!!! I can like crochet now!!! And im good at it!!!! Better than my fucking aunt who mocked the stuff I made back then!!!! And I make money selling it?? Online??? To friends??? Thats fucking cool as hell!!! Im feeling pretty? Like actually pretty? Not in a fabricated, made up, photoshopped version of me but like. I look in the mirror and I see a girl. Shes kinda messy and probably needs to brush her teeth more but its a girl. I pass all the time??? Old people call me little missy and shit. And yet I have not lost the transfem swag.
Sure, maybe some shit is bad. Sometimes you feel like drowning. Still not quite over that one breakup. Sometimes there's nothing to do. Sometimes your friends are having way more fun than you and you have no excuse to not be having fun. Sometimes uni is suffocating. Sometimes you love people so intensely that you start hating them when they dont like you as intensely as you do them. Sometimes you still put other's happiness over your comfort or safety. Sometimes you still romanticize things to make it seems like you're a less boring person than you think you are. Sometimes you need more affection than you're getting from your partners and you simply stay quiet, because you fear you're becoming like your abusers. You still havent gotten over the "I was heavily emotionally abused for the better part of a month" and recovery should have ended by now. They moved on. Why haven't you? Why do you still think of them? Why everytime someone thinks the kind of sex you have is weird you remember them telling you that and then doing it anyway? You're still the black sheep of the family. No matter how many intense life-ending fuckups your cousins fuck up, you'll still be the worst one. Because you were supposed to be perfect, to study overseas, to be the golden child. And you failed. Sometimes you wonder if you're wasting your life trying to be happy. Sometimes you wonder if you even can be. Sometimes you cry because you're sure you cant
And we just.... gotta keep on living. Trying, succeeding and failing to be happy. To have my needs met. Isnt that what its all about?
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hyunverse · 1 year
oooo that sounds fun!! what’d you make ?? :)) idk how you manage to live w 7 ppl i’d lose my mind lollll
ME TOO !!! he’s everywhere 😭. ik what’s up w hyunjins pcs always being pricey, it’s so annoying. YES I WAS SHOCKED AT FIRST literally squealing and then i was like nearly crying. bc he has dark blue hair and is doing his little peace sign w his little pout :((((( how could you not :((((
THE BACK DIMPLESSS YESSSS, so sexy. jeongins hands ,,,, sigh. so long and slender and pretty i just 💔. i think i hear the word hands and just instantly become delusional, it’s like i’m in a trance 🤭. AND HANS WAIST GAHHHHH i want to grab it. he has such a cute belly button too 😭 oddly specific but it is true. they all have cute ones from what we’ve seen tbh
ohhh yes i get that, that’s rly awesome you study it tho !! it’s fun to learn new languages even when it’s challenging and then it’s rly rewarding when you can have convos w ppl based on their language. i love interactions like that they make me happy
ITS GOING SO GOOD, thank you for asking love <33 i’m gonna post it tmrw night and i’m rly exciteddddd. i was telling kana how i’m excited to be able to send you guys pics now too, i want to show off my cats hehe. OOOO OT8 HCSSS THATS SO EXCITINGGGGG. i cant wait to read them 😋. u better be sleeping rn 😠😠😠😠 as much as u can bc u have no classes 😠😠😠 (this is my new fave emoji bc it looks like leebit hehe)
- 🐈‍⬛ cuddles much needed today thank u bae🫂🫂🫂 ily kisses 4 u
made ramen with poached eggs!! my comfort food forever. aaa yeah at first it sounds hectic, i mean eight girls living in a house together feels so chaotic right 😭 but it turned out to be nice!! we have four rooms, so each room consists of two people!! i got lucky with considerate and responsible housemates, tbh. they know when they can be loud, and when they need to be quiet. it feels like i have seven sisters lol. tbh if they weren’t considerate, i think i’d lose my mind too </3
dark blue minho <333 i also love purple minho. i love all of minho tbh live laugh love minho case 145 i love minho!!!
CUTE BELLY BUTTON LMAO IM SO?5?5?5 GASPIGN FOT AIR I CANT RBSHAJS thats so random and i love it 🤝 giving me hyunjin belly button piercing in play with fire IT GOT ME ILL!!! ILL, I TELL YOU!!
i do like learning languages, i just get bored halfway </3 like i’ll want to learn another language instead </3 it’s absolutely horrid, i fr need to stop and focus on one. i literally gave up on spanish after a month LOL. i know a little sign language though!! and to read and write in arabic.
AS I AM REPLYING TO THIS, I SEE UVE MADE A REVEAL HEHRHEHFHS gonna check out the work rn!!!! im so excited!!
stop it does look like a leebit T_T that’s so cute ‘m gonna start abusing that emoji now 😠😠😠 talking abt skzoo im gonna buy jiniret and puppy.m soon ^__^ gonna sew them clothes, i am beyond excited zzz
more kisses and cuddles for u!!! mwa!!
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zhuhongs · 2 years
i'm thinking of moving to taiwan after college, how has it been treating you? a lot of people i know who did move to taiwan only talk about how hard the language is (even if they're taiwanese 🥲) but i wanna now how like, your everyday life is!
oooo, that sounds so exciting, wherever you end up i hope you enjoy it! But yea, so I live just outside of Taipei in New Taipei but New Taipei is actually huge and there are many parts of New taipei that are like super far from Taipei proper and are pretty hard to live in without a having a scooter or car. I'm assuming you've been to taiwan before if you think you want to move there but ya never know! I tbh knew very little abt taiwan before coming here but yea. Just giving you an idea of where I live and that i can't speak for all of Taiwan, just my area thats just outside of taipei but still served by their metro system (which is honestly super dope, shout out to the MRT).
So like I overall love living here sm, I'd love to live here someday for work or smth and not just studying abroad. The transportation is amazing, the nature is. so lovely. Like tbh no matter where I am in the city I am no more than 10 km away from the river or the mountains and everything is so green and nice. However in order to be so green all the time, taipei is very rainy and very humid. Legit my hair was such a nightmare when i got here, if you are from a dry climate, you will notice so many changes. Like my skin is rlly nice bc of the moisture, but my hair was unmanageable so i chopped it off. But I also have was less allergies now. If youre originally from a humid climate it should be nbd.
My daily life is honestly pretty easy. I live in a dorm so I didn't have to deal with things like speaking to a landlord or finding someone who would rent to me, or having to deal with utility bills, or dealing with the semi confusing garbage disposal system. But, I do know ppl that did have to do these things and speak way less chinese than I do and were just fine. Honestly, ppl say that you can live in the Taipei area without speaking chinese and be just fine bc most ppl speak english. Tbh idk how anyone does that, I rarely speak to anyone in english here but I think thats bc I always try speaking chinese first. Most people can speak a decent amount but unless you speak to them in english first theyll speak in chinese. I feel like most things you can learn just by living your daily life and learning high frequency words and when all else fails use google translate. But honestly, my life is very easy and pleasant. If I'm hungry I can easily go to a food stall or grocery store or convenience store near where I live. If I really don't want to leave the house, I can order food with a reasonable delivery fee (well reasonable to me, ik food prices are going up here).
Personally, I find that making friends here is pretty hard, but I'm not a very social person and find it hard to start conversations with ppl idk, and most taiwanese people don't talk to you if you don't talk to them, so this might be hard. But I feel like everyone is very friendly for the most part its just kinda finding the chances to make friends is rare if you aren't working or going to classes or know someone here already.
But overall yea no taiwan is a great place to live, there's a lot of things I'm gonna miss abt taiwan when i go home but somethings in my home country are hard to find here. Some of the traditional taiwanese food isn't bad, but not like my cup of tea, but you can find a lot here. It's just that most like foreign cuisine is more expensive or geared towards the locals so its not very authentic. I def miss hispanic food and some foods are hard to recreate here bc of lack of ingredients but taiwanese food is also very nice. Some dishes may look boring but are actually very good. I hope you like living in taiwan if you end up living here!
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