#and it doesnt matter bow long i spend on something either
steeleyespan · 3 years
the way i can never get a drawing to look finished ever makws me insaneee . rage
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planetjisungie · 4 years
jolie- l.mh (part 1)
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characters; prince! mark, princess! reader ft. dreamies, yuta and taeyong
summary; when you turn 18, you have to marry the prince of the eastern kingdom to secure an alliance. but what happens when your natural immature and positive personality collides with his cold and negative one.
an; king mark lee needed an au all to himself because this boy deserves the whole world, lets not lie here. also like i love this picture and it sparks big prince energy or like nutcracker ballet energy. also me deciding after 2 days of wallowing in self pity about how i hate having longass posts so im putting it into parts
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"y/n! wake up darling!" your mother shook your body awake, causing you to grumble and thrash around. you were just having a dream about this peculiar event of 2 people switching bodies after a handshake. it was rather odd yet entertaining.
"what" you throw your limbs out on the bed in a lazy attempt to stretch and let out a groan. youe mother sighed and stood back. "its your 18th birthday today, the maids have your dress"
ah. there it is. the day youve literally blocked from your mind because of how much you simply detested the idea. it was signed and agreed 6 years ago that you, princess of the southern kingdom, would marry a prince from the eastern kingdom. though you had never met either of the princes, you had heard plenty of rumours and tales, some you believed, some you did not.
you slowly climbed out of bed, staggering a little as you walked towards the maids for your dressing. you didn’t actually need them, unless you were supposed to wear the death trap which is labelled a corset, but your parents insisted on you having them. so, you naturally made friends with them to make it as least of a work space as possible.
"good morning yeonha, nari" you greeted them with a smile which they returned. just because you weren’t necessarily the happiest doesnt mean you should relay the feeling onto the poor maids, and your friends.
"morning princess" nari said, causing you to roll your eyes. yes, they still called you princess out of habit and you hated it. as soon as your brother becomes the king, the first thing you’re doing is making everyone call you by your first name (as your parents refuse to let that happen as of currently).
with a deep sigh, you allowed yourself to be dressed, the constricting corset making you feel like your ribs were about to snap. the dress itself was beautiful though, a long pale blue dress which was off the shoulder, and had mesh sleeved elasticated around your wrists. your h/l hair was naturally curled, and fell around your face delicately as soon as the pin was removed, and one of your maids brushed the tresses. you were lucky in the aspect of hair, it was truly gorgeous and you had never hated it.
the heels were a slightly different case. they pinched your toes and no matter how much training you had to walk in them- they were satans creation. you preferred simple satin slippers, or just any shoe that does not have a stick on the end which could impale someone. a small golden and intricate crown was places atop your head, glittering earrings in and you were finished. you never really needed makeup, your natural beauty was well known in your kingdom though the people saw your kindness shine through more.
the southern kingdom was a very foresty and almost tropical place, with warm breezes and turqouise oceans, yet beautiful green trees and luscious grass, it was practically perfect. the eastern kingdom, was known to be a pretty cold place, not as freezing as the northern kingdom yet not as warm as the southern kingdom. oddly enough, the western kingdom was the hottest, mainly composed of sand and dry stone, one of your best friends lived in the western kingdom, prince jaemin.
huffing again, you left your room, concealing the winces from your feet which were already saw as you walked with quick steps to the throne room, where you would be waiting for the arrival of the eastern royalties. or so you thought. the frown on your face diminished into a look of shock and confusion when you saw the princes already there, turning to your parents who were glowering at you. oops, you were late.
"ah, y/n nice for you to finally join us" your mother said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to stand next to her, facing the princes who were already bowing to you. there were two of them, one of which looked a little older with dark grey hair, and the other who had pitch black hair (pitch black hair was superior). the boy with grey hair was smiling at you and your curtseyed politely, but the black haired boy... he didnt look like he cared at all. reluctantly, you curtsey quickly before shooting a look at your mother.
"we welcome you warmly, prince taeyong and prince minhyung. we hope you enjoy your stay for the next month, dont hesitate to come to us if anything is not up to standards" your father bowed towards the boys. you stared distatastefully at the ground before looking up with a smile. even if you didnt want to marry yet, you may as well be nice to them as it is inevitable.
"y/n, go and make yourself useful whilst we show taeyong and minhyung their rooms" your mother said, staring into your eyes like a hawk. nodding you spun on your heels and walked out of the room rapidly, letting out a thankful sigh that you got out of that situation. roaming down the halls, you walk around, looking for any staff.
"oh! jeno!" you sped towards the knight in training. lee jeno was the mentoree of your mother’s knight, and soon to become yours.
"y/n!" he grinned and you wrapped your arms around him in a tight, warm hug. if you actually had a choice, you probably wouldve married jeno, seeing as he was your best friend and it wouldve been more of a friendship based marriage.
"how are the princes?" he asked, you locking your arm in his as you both walked down the halls. rolling your eyes you turned to face him.
"you know how i feel about this whole shitty marriage debacle. id rather not marry either- though im sure they’re lovely" that was another thing you did. always giving people the benefit of the doubt. jeno grimaced and nodded, his black hair bouncing softly as he did so.
"yeah i know. but you have a month, so maybe it would be good to try and get close to them at least" his naturally deep voice you had grown accustomed to, and it was hard to deny anything he said as all he spoke was truth. it wasnt like you had a choice anyway, it was all for some alliance. "yup" you muttered. looking outside, you saw sicheng, the gardener, planting new flowers and you gasped, tugging jenos arm. "look! lets go help out winwin" you dashed outside as fast as you could in your death traps for the feet, jeno trailing behind you. he knew how much you loved gardening and the outside.
"winwin~" you plopped next to him, promptly kicking off your heels as you kneeled on the soft grass, dress awkwardly flowing out around you. the gardener turned to you and smiled, pausing from digging out the old flowers and replacing them with newer ones.
"princess, did you need anything?" he asked, his attention now fully on you. nodding, you grab the other two trowels and handed one to jeno, grinning at winwin. "we have come to help" you announced, jeno chuckling at your eagerness to dig into soil. winwin nodded. "i see. well, you know what to do"
that was true. you often did spend time gardening with winwin and jeno, so it was unsurprising that you wanted to help again. digging into the dirt with a smile, you chatted with jeno and sicheng, just having a general good time whilst listening to the birds chirping and the riverstreams around the palace rushing. it was a very peaceful place, and you enjoyed it.
mark, who had finished talking with your parents was walking with his advisor, johnny, just around the castle when he saw your brother, prince yuta, looking out the window with a wide smile on his face. once yuta noticed their presence, he bowed towards them.
"oh, my apologies for not noticing you sooner" he apologised, which mark turned down with a small smile telling him it was okay. "is there something going on outside?" johnny asked, moving next to the window to see if something interesting was happening. following johnny, mark also stood at the window, all three of them now squeezed in as they looked out onto the palace gardens. marks gaze wandered before it landed on the 3 figures on the ground, planting flowers. it wasnt hard to figure out one of them was you, your crown gleaming in the sunlight. "did your parents force her to garden for a punishment?" johnny inquired to yuta who shook his head. "not at all, that doofus of a sister of mine likes doing things and has recently found enjoyment in gardening with sicheng" he answered softly, looking at his sister with adoration.
even from the window, mark could practically feel the waves of happiness radiating off of her. yet, they werent there when they met that morning.
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megatraven · 4 years
Betrayal in Olympus by one they trusted most AU? :o
ok ur gonna hate me but theres so many instances in astoria where it ALMOST happens th way i described exactly
there is. quite a bit of terrible betrayal from a trusted person in this series LMAO. i think the closest instance to what i said has to be hades’ season 3 where he breaks their engagement off to protect mc and she literally says she’ll never forgive him, except hades doesn’t die or almost die, she does,,
but YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!
i like the way u think my friend
ok ok ok ok ok
au where the gods realize that mc’s mother had hera’s potential after she dies. so they take mc to olympus to raise, knowing she’s the vessel of hera now. there’s no fight from her father, and only josh seems to care, but he can’t do anything in the face of 11 ancient gods.
they let her visit with him, from time to time, on olympus, but aside from that, her only real friend is alex.
alex has always been a constant in her life. from her earliest memories, they were there. she trusts them above anyone else, and that feeling only grows the more time she spends around them.
she’s had a crush on them for so long, but she falls for them when she’s around 20. she keeps a tight lid on that, and has a hard time looking aphrodite in the eyes once she realizes it.
come 25, alex is still her best friend, and they’re pretty much the only person she cares to hang around. over the past ten years they’ve made countless promises to each other, helped each other grow and learn and grieve and find happiness again
she’s undeniably in love with alex.
and she’s surprised when she finds out that they love her, too. in that same special sort of way, where their lips meet and their souls touch and dance and become something more than either of them
now the thing is this
mc know why she’s there on olympus- zeus told her as much when she first moved up there.
but there’s a part of her that never really believed the gods could be so cruel as to kill her, to replace her with someone else. not after they already took her mother.
and, more than that..... alex has promised her, time and time again, that they would keep her safe. that they would protect her, from anyone, anything. 
maybe, at first, she didn’t really believe that, either. but they promised it so often, with such conviction, backing it up with their actions time and time again, that she couldn’t help believing in them fully
so she’s 25
and she’s in love with alex
and she trusts them more than anyone and anything
and the gods tell her that it’s time for them to awaken hera
and, she thinks, it’ll be okay- alex will protect her
but they don’t
they step back, ashamed, head bowed as they pull their hand from hers
they watch her with eyes that are filled with sorrow and guilt and heartbreak, but she can hardly care when they’ve just broken her own
they say they’re sorry, and she can only shout that she’ll never forgive them for breaking their promises
she refuses to see them, won’t speak to even aphrodite, and requests to change residences. hades lets her stay with him until the ritual day comes, and though it draws near, she can’t even bring herself to be afraid- all she can think about is alex and how they hurt her
the gods, she’s never had any close connection to, really. so for them to come through on what hey said, to awaken hera and leave her for dead... it doesn’t surprise her, really.
but alex. alex betrayed her. abandoned her.
it hurts the most of everything.
when time runs out for her, she’s escorted to the throne room, where all eleven top-tier gods have gathered for the ritual to awaken hera
mc meets the gaze of each god in there, willing them to be faced with the fact that they’re about to kill her, to remember how she looked at them when all is said and done.
her gaze lingers on aphrodite a little longer, and her heart aches, but she moves on, passing over alex, and onto the next god
zeus gives some long-winded speech, which she drowns out in favor of watching the agents and minor gods milling about in the background.
when the ritual is just about to begin, she notices from the corner of her eyes that alex has disappeared. her heart sinks further, for all of a moment before a silver stag and doe burst into the throne room, and the room falls into chaos
several gods jump up and summon their auras, too- but not to stop alex’s. they stand with them- with her.
she’s so surprised, and looking around wildly for alex, that she doesnt see zeus approach until he’s already grabbed her arm 
she shouts and tries to pull away, but she was never going to be a match for the god’s strength. she never even trained with her aura, the gods only let her keep the ring because she would become Hera, and they wanted the proof that there was connection enough between the two of them that Hera could be awakened at all
stag and doe ram into him though, emboldened by the hearts of aphrodite’s aura, pushing him back and making him stagger, enough so that his grip on mc loosened and she can get herself free
alex swoops in in front of her, a shield to the sword that’s been hanging over her head for the past decade
the fight is terrible. gods rip into one another, feuds thought long forgotten rising back to the surface as some fight for their goddess, and others fight for the right for humans to live their own lives, or even just to honor the one they’d considered a friend.
it’s brutal
and through it all, alex stays right by her side
there’s no time to exchange words, not while they fend off the king of gods himself
something has to bend
something has to break
unfortunately, it’s alex who does, when zeus’ lightning spears right through their stag and doe both, shattering the auras, and hitting them right in the chest
they fly back into mc, and she’s barely able to stop them both from crashing to the ground
she holds onto them as they sink down, all their energy, their strength drained
she’s openly crying, and doesn’t much register how the sounds of fighting have quieted around her, or how zeus hasn’t immediately taken her away, or the golden light that shines on them both. (her aura, she’ll realize later.)
there’s only her, and alex, and that sweet smile she missed so much that’s always soothed her, heart and soul
they reach a hand up and brush a thumb over her cheek, wiping away a trail of her tears
“im sorry” theyll say. “i never wanted to hurt you.”
“then why?” she asks, although at this point, she doesn’t care about the answer. they came back to her, after all. nothing matters more than that. it’s in their actions that she sees their truth.
“it had to be this way. so i could be in the throne room when the time came, without being suspect.” they wheeze out a breath, coughing. “so i could stop them from hurting you.”
“you shouldn’t have done that.” her breath hitches, and she’s almost sobbing. “you stupid, stubborn demigod. i didn’t need to be saved, i just needed you to be with me.”
“i know that. but there wasn’t any point for me, if you weren’t alive, too.”
“and what about me?” she whispers, holding them closer to her, as much as she can without hurting them more. “what point is there for me if you die now? you’re... everything”
“you’ve still got josh,” they say. their hand comes to rest over one of hers. “my mother has his address.”
her heart beats louder at that, but its not enough to distract her from the now.
“alex, please. don’t leave me.”
“i’m sorry.”
she knows they would stay if they could. they promised her that they would never leave. but this time she doesn’t see it as a broken promise.
“i am, too. i’m so, so sorry... i love you”
its the first time she’s said the words to them. it’s the last time, too,
they smile with whats left of their strength.
“i love you, too.”
and then their eyes flutter close
(for a happier ending than this----- ignore the ‘its the last time, too’ part, and think of mc’s aura- hera’s power- finally awakening in her, but not the goddess herself. her aura is capable of healing others, and she pours it into alex, to the point that they’re no logner in danger of dying, and mc becomes the first and only demigod of hera)
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irl-ichi · 5 years
SO after watching 1, playing 2, brotherhood, revelations, watching 3, liberation, and 4, comparing it to the newer games i played origins and odyssey and just looking at the game to see which one makes me itch to play the most
i think origins was the most fun. im a sucker for big maps and good graphics anyway but it also added a TON of new stuff without really feeling like it took away anything i missed. the only things i remember missing while playing were the crossbow (you have bows and arrows now i just liked the simplicity of auto targeting and insta killing) hookblade (bayek can long jump while climbing so it doesnt really matter but i absolutely loved double assassinations) and poison darts that you can actually use from a distance. when i didnt know how to play ac that well i had a fun time poisoning guards and watching them flail around and infect the other guards nearby while they were clueless and i was just chilling on a rooftop or something. it was hilarious i miss that.
BUT at least origins still has a hidden blade. unless the story forces me to use a different weapon i will always go with hidden blades i love them. whats the point of being an assassin if you dont have hidden blades. or even.. how in odyssey its like impossible to approach the game from a stealth focused angle. a lot of the missions force you into combat because the annoying level scaling that you cant turn off means that your targets are never weak enough to assassinate. and then when you are in combat you cant even have a shield but by god everyone else does and unlike origins where you have a shield break move you have to spend stamina to use a shield break ability you bought every time you need it. this on the top of the level thing means you cant really chain kills like in the old games so its not satisfying or quick its just. grueling.
i didnt mean to write this much i mean its been months since ive played either i just started remembering stuff and yeah the addition of choices and dialogue in odyssey was cool but other than that and letting you earn the ability to not take fall damage it took away more than it added as far as gameplay goes imo
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dothewrite · 7 years
sooo i read all of ur scenarios literally under 30 minutes and i loved one of the first ones u did where their s/o thought the guys were gonna hit her? (is that worrying that i liked that) i mean i liked it in a sense that the guys reassured her etc and i was thinking if you could either do reactions or a scenario to when kuroo, oikawa, iwai, kyoutani and suga hit their s/o in the heat of the moment during a fight? like it doesnt have to be a heavy hit or just a harsh shove or something
I’m sorry for taking literal months to do this, and thank you for your patience! I took a more boys-oriented perspective this time, so I’m not quite sure this turned out how my original post was, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
He knows he playsrough sometimes. Kuroo’s not a naturally harsh person and to him, you’rethe one person besides his family that he holds closest to his heart because ofhow well you two fit together. The only way he knows how to go about that is tokeep you as close to him as possible and do his best to make your days a littlebrighter, a little happier.
Any dreams about himbeing your saving grace vanishes the moment he sees your expression when youfold into yourself at an angle, winded from the heavy hit of his arm againstyour collar. It’s not a punch, he knows, it’s not a slap either, but it’s contactthat’s hard enough to bruise and his image is beginning to blur from the sheenof tears that well up against your will.
“Shit-” hestarts forwards, his arm reaching out to you but it freezes in its place whenyou level it with an icy glare. Kuroo lets it drop to his side, limp anduseless, much like his mind, and his mouth opens and closes, mute and withapologies that struggle to surface all at once. He picks one, but it’sinadequate no matter how he turns it over over on his tongue.
“I’m sorry, I didn’tmean to,” he attempts, insistent and desperate, “fuck, how bad did Ihurt you?”
There’s all bone andlittle meat on you, and the imprint of his knuckles grows a little pink on theedge of purple against the bare part of your chest. It looks like you gotmauled, even if nothing on your face will give away the pain, he imagines thaton himself and winces. Kuroo’s too afraid to spook you further so he staysstock still, but he aches inside when you take a protective step back from him.
“I’m okay.” You say,and his heart cracks from how readily you tell him. “I’ve had worse.”
“That…” he’s lost.He sees you shutting down in front of him, retreating back to some time whenthis was a regular occurrence- exactly what he wanted to save you from. “I’m sorry,I’m really sorry.”
You glance down atthe purple blossoming across your skin, and almost casually, you run a fingerover it. “It’s going to bruise,” you comment. Kuroo winces again at howcareless you sound, like it was nothing- like he was nothing, just arandom stranger who passed by and rammed their bag against you by accident.
It’s too obviousthat it’s not nothing, not when he shifts forwards, and you shift backwards.Almost in tandem; a dance where he’ll never be able to catch you back from whereveryou’re falling into again. He remembers the bruises you used to have that youcouldn’t explain, and he’s just given you another one, and although it’sunreasonable and he’s always reasonable, he feels the blame for allthose bruises that have ever come to pass fall onto his shoulders. It’s heavy,and he strains underneath it.
“I think we shouldtake a break,” you say as if this was a debate, rather than the discussion thatwould make or break everything, “I’m going to find some ointment, or something.”
You want to leave,he can see it in your eyes and the brusque way your mouth twists and yourforehead furrows- he doesn’t blame you, but he can’t. Kuroo already feels as ifhe’s suffocating, and something screams at him that if he lets you go throughthose doors, some part of the two of you will never come back.
“Wait-” he urges- hedoesn’t care about the way you flinch when his hand wraps around yours, nor theway you look avoid his eyes and stare at the part where the two of you touchlike it’s an infection- he presses tighter, until he can feel your pulseunderneath his fingers, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”
You say nothing, andhe comes closer.
“Will you,” healmost mumbles, and Kuroo never mumbles, “sit; I’ll get you something forthat.”
He doesn’t take hiseyes off you even when you sink onto the sofa, and he comes back with some ofhis muscle injury cream cradled in his hands. It’s cold when he dips hisfingers in and traces the ointment along the edges of your bruise and youshiver. It’s a small thing, just a tremble, but it’s strong enough to shake himtoo, and he’s hugging you before either of you feel the warmth.
“I’m sorry,” herepeats, and his chest thuds the same pattern of words against yours, “pleasebelieve me.”
He takes in thefirst breath in hours when he feels your own arms slowly, wrap around his backin return.
You don’t feel thepain until his grip relaxes- his broad hand wrapped around a frail lookingwrist of yours, pale from the sudden lack of circulation and your gaze follows Iwaizumi’sto your hand. He lets go as if he’s electrocuted, and your arm dropsunceremoniously back to your side as if it had never risen at all, save for theugly red mark around it in the shape of a handprint. A deliberatehandprint, and all that’s on his face is horror.
No, not at the thingthat’s marring your skin- he doesn’t believe that anything could ever mar you-but at his calloused, careless hand that put it there in the first place.
Brute,the voice in his head offers with a smugness that he wants to tear apart, allyou can do is spike, now look what you’ve done.
He doesn’t hear,because he refuses to be the one comforted right now- it just isn’t right.Iwaizumi has yet to look into your face to find out what kind of expression youhave on, but he has an inkling of what his looks like. Possibly as ugly as hefeels in this moment.
“I’m sorry,” hecroaks, voice low and harsh and it sounds more like an accusation than anapology, “I didn’t realize I was hurting you.”
“It’s alright-” youbegin, but whatever you’re saying isn’t registering, “I mean, it hurts but Iknow-”
“-I’m going to go,”he interrupts, and you find yourself at a loss for words because this is thefirst time you’ve seen Iwaizumi, the certain, always strong and steadyIwaizumi, look like the spirit of regret painted on a human face. You nod,because that’s the only thing you can do, and he feels grateful that at leasthe can bow out with a modicum of composure. The door closes behind him with amuted click, and he disappears down the staircase.
Perhaps it’s notwhat you deserve, nor is it the best conflict resolution, but he avoids you forthe next few days. It’s a challenge, because you’re acting like nothing’shappened, like it was a mistake and you even smile at him in the hallways, buthe can’t bring himself to return them. Nobody asks about why the two of youaren’t spending time around each other much, and Iwaizumi doesn’t notice thelooks either- he walks with his head hung low, his hands in his pockets, andfeeling entirely too downcast to return your smile.
What he does,however, is leave small things (ointment, snacks, post-it notes, sports drinks,bandages) where he knows you’ll find them throughout the day. He simply isn’tthe type to wallow in self-pity for long, but there’s something that alwaysholds him back, like he’s proven himself unworthy, from talking to you again,and he can’t help but be bitter about his lack of apology the day it happened.There’s no good way he can go about it, and even when he writes the post-itnotes, the emotions are kept bursting at the edge of the pen, and all hemanages to leave are instructions.
It hits day fourwhen he returns to his apartment to see you sitting cross-legged on asecond-hand bar stool, sipping a glass of his orange gatorade. There’s abandage on your wrist- the brand that he’d left by your desk a few days priorin silence- but he allows himself to pull away from that and meet your eyes.They’re a lot softer than he had anticipated, and his heart clenches at thetraces of forgiveness already given.
“Hey,” you offer awarm smile, “welcome home. I missed you.”
This was all what hewas supposed to say, yet they’ve found their way to him from your lips, andthere’s no battling against the tired laugh that pulls itself from his mouth.It’s half-hearted, exhausted, but it leaves a hint of a smile on both yourfaces because it’s better than nothing- better than radio silence for fourdays.
“Hello,” the wordfeels awfully unfamiliar in his ears, and he wishes he could say it a few timesagain for practice before you heard it. Still, he can’t deny the way he relaxeswhen he sees you, even if he’s unmoving as he watches you stand up and walkover to wrap him in a tight hug. “How’s your wrist?” He asks slowly, not quitesure if it’s him who needs the extra seconds, or you.
He can feel yoursmile against his shoulder. “It’s a bit bruised,” you answer, “but it’ll befine, with your ointment and your bandages.”
“Good,” he breathes,and lets it travel its course as you pull back to glance up into his somberface.
“It was anaccident,” you tell him again, “I’m alright, Hajime. I know you didn’t meanit.”
He takes your wristin his hands after a long moment, and turns it over with light fingers. Whenyou don’t pull away, and he doesn’t tense, he finally sighs, and nods with atentative smile.
Oikawa knowshe isn’t famous for his patience, but it’s hitting a record low when you’rewaving that piece of paper around in the air like it’s the fucking revolutionand why won’t you agree with him? It’s a close battle between angrytears and icy looks between the two of you, and he could be chanting somethingfrom a demon summoning and you wouldn’t be able to hear because your furiousvoice is ringing in his ears and he wants you to shut up.
He can’t force yourchin up so the sounds stop blaring, so he does the second closest thing. It’seasy as kicking a child because that’s what his biceps are built for, hittingthings, so he aims, reaches and with a satisfying slap, he smacks the piece ofpaper out of your hands.
He feels mutinous atthe way it flutters to the floor. He thinks it should sink, sink like thestupid weight that it is, but when he glances up at you with smug satisfactionthat there’s no more goddamn paper-whipping anymore, you’re several shadespaler than when he had looked down.
Oikawa frowns, andlooks down against for good measure. “It’s just a piece of paper,” he says. Hewants to snap, because frankly this whole fight over chores is ridiculous, buthe can’t quite bring himself to sound cruel when you’re looking like he hadjust hit you.
He pales too. Well, fuck.
“Okay,” you reply,voice brittle and Oikawa can’t even remember what you’re replying to in thefirst place. “I got your message.”
He presses his lipstogether and marvels reluctantly over how composed and chilly you sound,because all he can see are wide eyes are tears and trembling lips. There’s onlytwo feet of air between him and smoothing all those creases away with hisfingers, but he doesn’t. It’s two feet he can’t find it in himself to cross.
“I wasn’t going tohit you, if that’s what you thought,” Oikawa tells you sharply, and your facecrumples further until all he can see is the ghost of the features that oncesmiled at him so brightly.
“You might as wellhave,” your voice tiptoes on the edge between sorrow and bitterness, and if theapartment wasn’t empty besides the two of you, he would have barely caught thewords, breathed out and never to be retrieved.
He watches wordlesslyas you turn away from him to pick up the abandoned paper and you smooth it invain against the length of your jeans. The sheet of paper feels infinitelyheavier now than when you had pulled it off the fridge, and you carry it backto your room and you turn the corner, out of sight, without another word said.
Oikawa finds himselftongue-tied and helpless, unable to come up with a single word about theredness of your hand. This is ridiculous, he repeats to himself, astupid argument over stupid things, and for a moment he pulls his backupright and he believes that you’re both better people than this. The firststep back towards the kitchen feels like shifting against Jupiter’s gravity,and his knees tremble when he sees the pile of dishes in the sink. You chosethose dishes together, preferring a whole set instead of odd additions in yournew apartment. Shared apartment.
Oikawa spares thedoor to your room a second glance. It’s not shut, and the weight of its silencewelcome sears into his back long after he’s turned back around.
Maybe he should washthem. The paper says it’s his turn, but he’s so tired from the long day afterpractice and class and he feels the familiar burn of indignation bubbling inhis chest, but it’s dies down when he sees the empty spot where the timetableshould be. Now it’s in your hands, in your room where you’re alone, and ifOikawa stops ranting to himself for a second, there’s the sound of muted cryingin the form of great, heaving breaths.
He picks up the lastclean mug on the rack, and fills it with the last of the coffee. Even if hisbare feet make no noise against the soft carpeted floor, if he can feel thevibrations, you can too. The laborious breathing slows when he approaches thedoorway, and Oikawa can feel your eyes on him long before he summons enoughcourage to meet them with his. A few more steps, just a few more, and you payno attention to the steaming mug set beside your lamp and Oikawa picks up yourhand in both of his and rubs over the soft ridges of your bones with carefulthumbs.
“Does it hurt?” Hemumbles guiltily. Your chilly silence doesn’t pause for air, and Oikawa acceptsthe answer for what it is. After all, he never was the brave one. That was allyou.
So he does the onlything he knows how without losing his nerve; he throws his arms around youbefore you can spot the angry tears running down his face too, and cries hisapologies into the dip of your sweater that you had stolen from his wardrobe.He can feel your muscles freeze from each brush he presses against you, but heholds on, like his Peleus to your Thetis, until his misery moves you toforgiveness.
The apology goesunsaid, having seeped thoroughly into dampness in your clothes, and you holdhim back.
His fist connectswith a solid crunch, and the familiar feeling of catharsis and righteousfury settles itself deep in his bones and Kyoutani sinks backwards onhis heels, readying himself for retaliation.
It’s not that hedoesn’t understand- he does, he’s been told about this countless times by hisfriends, his family, his teachers- but it doesn’t register in his mind until hedoesn’t get the punch he’s expecting from you, but you’re sitting, unmoving, onthe cool wooden floor and a shaking hand cupped to your cheek like a brokenbird. You’re crying, and his clenched fingers relax against his palm. Heconsiders offering a hand, but that’s too out of character, to strange for thiswhole argument that had been going exactly the way he had expected it to, untilnow.
“You’re crying,” hesays out loud, for your benefit, he thinks, but the only response is a brokensob and Kyoutani finds he can’t discern if it’s from pain or if it’s fromsadness. Thinking about the latter makes his chest hurt, and he’s lost; thishas never happened before. It isn’t supposed to be like this- it’s not hisfirst punch, for fuck’s sake, so what the hell was happening?
“Fuck you,” he hearsyou spit, and his fist tightens once again but his chest doesn’t stop hurting.In fact, it hurts more, but you’re rising to your feet with hatred scorchingthe edges of your gaze and you’ve stormed away before he can reach out to you.Reach out to ask you: why does it still ache?
Kyoutani makes nomove to follow you. He chooses to sink into the empty sofa instead, blinking atthe frame of your television and letting his mind rummage through his memoriesto find a reason why this was all going south. He’d asked his seniors before,and they had all told him that arguments were part of a relationship. Okay, hegot that part. So this was nothing out of the ordinary. Yet, minutes turn intohours, and he blinks again to realize that it’s past sunset and it’s too darkfor him to count the number of books on your shelf for the fifteenth time. Atleast he knows that most of his anger is gone, and his confusion paving way formore concise thought and he makes his way to the kitchen, flicking on a lightwhen he passes it.
This too, is afamiliar process as his he feels his fingers numb as he drops the ice cubesinto a plastic bag lying around and he ties a knot around it with the type ofease that only comes with practice. It’s possible there’d be bruising by now,and although ice wouldn’t make it any easier to look at, at least it would dullthe pain. Unlike his own.
He carries it to thebalcony where you sit, solemn underneath a set of dim lights from the apartmentnext door and holds out in offering without a word.
You take it, alsowithout a word. It’s late to soothe much, but the throbbing subsides and althoughyour fingers feel so cold they’re about to freeze off, you steadfastly keep thebag pressed against your cheek. You haven’t bothered to look into a mirror yetand no matter what you find, you know that it’ll pale in comparison to what’salready been done.
Kyoutani’s no closerto an answer outside than he was inside, but he keeps his feet still where heis and sways as the clock ticks the seconds passing. There’s nothing exchanged,but he feels like he’s on a stand, being judged by one who has his fate tied tothe noose. It strikes him that perhaps, this isn’t something he can fight hisway out of.
“I’m sorry.” It’srash and sounds more like a threat than anything, but he knows he’s on theright track when the pressure eases from his ribs. “I- It probably wasn’t agood idea. To punch you.”
“You think?”
Kyoutani shrinks,and his head ducks low. “This feels like admitting defeat,” he confesses.
“It’s not a fuckingbattle,” you snarl, your roles reversed, and Kyoutani takes a step back.
“Y-yeah,” hebreathes, and the ache rushes back anew, only now it isn’t from confusion, butrealization. If he thought that talking was difficult before, it’s a hundredtimes more unwilling now. “I’m sorry,” he offers again, this time genuine,enlightened, and he backs out of the small space to give you back yours.
Suga’svoice of reason tells him that it wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t what he intended,he didn’t want to hurt you, but the thrumming in his blood overwhelmsthe small voice that pleads from somewhere he’d hidden behind bars for the timebeing. You were his voice of reason, you were what allowed him to be the dotingone, the silly one, the one who made you laugh at the worst times, but rightnow he can’t even bear to look at you.
He can only imaginehow much that hurt you- another thing he didn’t intend, but it’s happeninganyway and Suga’s screwing everything up so badly that he wants to beat himselfup and never see the light of day again. He can hear his mother knock on thedoor, asking if he’d like some food, but he can only muster enough energy togive her a weak dismissal. Her footsteps fade away slowly, like she’s turningback to stare worriedly at his door every two steps.
The stupid thing is,it’s been two days, and he still hasn’t been able to bring himself to show upanywhere near you yet. Each time any of his friends mention your name, all hecan remember is the way he had slammed you into the wall, a weak grunt and thedeafening silence that followed because it had been an accident, like he hadsaid, but there was such condemnation in both of your faces in that splitsecond that Suga thinks he’ll never, ever be able to forget.
So much forprotecting his girlfriend, for whatever he had promised when he had asked todate you.
He pushes back his coversfor a small pocket of air to finds its way into his cave of misery, and severalbuzzes comes from his abandoned phone by his desk. It’s with cold, clammy handshe reaches out and swipes to read them from the corner of his vision.
You need to see her,Suga, comes Daichi’s logical voice, you owe her atleast that.
She hasn’t said morethan two sentences to me, Noya’s message is seeped withfrenzy, are you guys still okay???
Suga, come on.Asahi’s message is the most damning of all of them, and Suga drowns in shame ofhis own making.
I’m sorry, hebegins to type, but deletes it quickly. I hope you’re alright, heamends, are you at home right now? He presses send, and waiting for yourreply feels like waiting for a jury’s judgement.
I’m at home,his phone buzzes and his gut sinks to his knees, are you coming over? I’lltidy up for you.
His hair’s more of amess than your place could ever be, but he makes the effort and after a jogthat strains at his calves more from the anxiety than the run, his knuckles rapon your door in jerky movements that feel like a stranger’s.
“Hi,” it’s watery,but it’s you on the other side of the thin space between the two of you andSuga can’t quite believe that you’re the one with the stammer and the nervousshaking in your hand. It takes more than he has, but he reaches out, and holdsit between his own just to stop the trembling.
You still, for amoment, but with your tenuous grip on each other, he’s guided with undeservinggentleness onto the empty sofa.
“Sorry-“ you begin,and he’s startled that it’s coming from you and not him. “I didn’t make it easyfor you to talk to me,” you smile after that, and Suga feels your breakingalign with his own, “will you sit?”
There’s nothing thatcould keep him from obeying you. He perches on the edge of the seat he didn’trealize he missed, and Suga grimaces when he bids the words come to his lips,and finds the call ignored. He takes another deep breath, and although he’ssure that they’ll be lacking, he drums up his own to give you instead.
“I shouldn’t haveavoided you,” his eyes drop to the slump your shoulders slide into, and herealizes that it must still hurt, “did I make you bruise?”
“Just a little,” youadmit, “but it was an accident, Koushi. I told you, remember? Before you shutdown and vanished.”
“Yeah, but-“
“You said sorry,”you press on with a firm tone; Suga knows when he’s outmatched, “that was thefirst thing you said, so it’s okay, apology accepted, alright?”
He doubts that he’llever feel alright about being physically angry ever again, but in the face ofsuch acceptance, there’s nothing he can do but capitulate, and clutches ontoyour hand as if it’s you who needs saving.
You only smile atthe strength in his hold, and turn his hand over in yours to lace your fingersback together.
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darbiebot · 8 years
Shopping at the Seer’s
((This is an unmodivied chat rp with the wonderful @lilthessa was fun to finally have our characters meet!))
It had been awhile since Darlain had taken the time to enjoy the luxuries of the magical city, she mostly had been involving herself in the war effort. However, the supplies for the safehouse in ironforge were running low, and with portals bringing in goods from all over Azeroth, it was the best place to do some shopping without risking the Legion disrupting the supply line. As such, Dalaran was becoming quite the bustling trade city, with new shops and stalls appearing all the time. As she left the bank with a hefty supply of gold to spend, one of the first shops literally caught her eye, a bit of dazzling light from the sun reflecting off the gemstones of some rather fine looking jewelry. This wasn't the sort of thing she'd been sent out to procure but... well, a little indulgance wouldn't hurt. The young dwarf wandered her way over to the stall, smiling as she clambered up the stepstool available for the shorter races, and smiled at the shopkeeper. "Evenin' lass, 'ope ya dinnae mind if I browze yer wares?".
Zimarra - Today at 12:25 PM
The sindorei looked up from her stall and smiled, speaking in broken yet understandable common. "Hi there! Of course.. Please have a look. Any Color you wish..even mroe if you need em. Only a small bit."  She was working on a delicate looking silver etching over a yellow stone. "Anything you looking for in exact?" She frowned, and tried again. "Anything in particular you are looking for?" The woman smiled. "I do apologize it's been some time that I spoke Alliance languages." The small shop on a cart was organized by colors, reds, greens, blues, and also various socket gems to put into other items like rings and necklaces.
Darlain - Today at 12:35 PM
Darlain smiles "My apologies, i speak Quel'dorei passably if you'd prefer. Wild'ammers did more trade with y'all than 'umans before the war so my pa taught me."
Zimarra - Today at 12:43 PM
She nodded. "That may work.. I should brush up on the other languages though, especially if I'm going to be here for a long duration..." She switched into Quel'dorei and spoke a bit more confidently. "How may I help you, I am Lilthessa Shadowfire, and these are just a few of my sample works. I can also make something custom for you, if you wish, miss."
Darlain - Today at 12:46 PM
Her Quel'dorei was good, but the accent would likely sound a bit comical to a native speaker. "Pleasure to meet you, Im Darlain, of the Truthhammer clan. And i suppose i could use some advice. Ive never really purchased much jewelry, and i fear my previous attempts may have been a bit gaudy."
Zimarra - Today at 12:51 PM
Lil nodded, ears twitching as she listened . "Are you purchasing for yourself or for a friend? It is a different matter. What is your favorite color and style really?" She set down her current project carefully and prepared to get up from her chair to help Dar pick out something from the display.
Darlain - Today at 12:58 PM
"Oh, its fer me, my friends are a little better accessorizing than i am. And i suppose a nice dark green might go with my 'air, maybe?" Her hazel colored hair was braided long down her back. "And i 'spose i could use some style advice, im thinking a necklace rather than a ring... maybe a bracelet..."
Zimarra - Today at 1:01 PM
Lil tilted her head. "Mm. The green stones that come from Legion's lands might be too bright but perhaps a nice wild jade could be pretty." She went over to the small green section she had set up. Various earrings, socket gems in a chest and bracelets and neckacles were placed there. The woman looked up Darlain for a moment and then produced a few designs. The first one was very simple, yet elegant, with gold inlay and fastenings between the jade spheres. https://cdn0.rubylane.com/shops/742303/2209.0L.jpg?36
 She also pulled out something a tiny bit more fancy, this time in silver with  between and emerlds betweent he polished jade. https://cdn0.rubylane.com/shops/dodiesdeals/dw05223.1L.jpg?3
 Darlain - Today at 1:06 PM
"Oh my, these are beautiful..." she smiles as she holds them up against her wrist. "You source these from Pandaria, by chance?"
Zimarra - "Yes, the Wild Jade here is from the Jade Forest, ironically enough. I actually mine them myself from the Ghost Iron Ore. I then polish them and then place them within the settings you see. They are classy. but not too overmuch, I feel."
Lil then brought out a small black box and opened it up. "I also have in stock, this necklace, since you said you were looking for one, in gold and jade . http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/d4/6d/7a/d46d7a9a64ed4ee87b4efb26f45ac7b0.jpg
 Darlain -
Darlain gasps, "Light, its so fancy... you 'ave a mirror? Id like tae see 'ow it looks on me."
Zimarra - Today at 1:11 PM
Lil nodded and smiled. "Yet, not too gaudy either. Just enough to show off your style and grace." She produced a small hand mirror for Darbie and handed that over to her as well. "I think it suits well,  but its your choice of course."
Darlain - Today at 1:13 PM
She smiles at herself as she holds the necklace against her neck. "Sold, ill take all three." She has a giddy look on her face that is charmingly adolescent, despite clearly being quite older than that.
Zimarra - Today at 1:18 PM
Lil smiled. "Wonderful. Though that is all the stock I have on me at the moment." She then placed the necklace back in the box and put the other two also in boxes. "Do you want a bag or are you good?" She asked softly. "That will be about..20 gold for the first one.. 30 for the second. and 50 for the necklace so 100 gold for all three. Having a discount day today. "
Darlain - Today at 1:21 PM
She doesnt even flinch at the price tag, offering up 110 gold pieces "fer being a dear'eart and being so 'elpful, lass. Ill be sure tae direct my friends your way."
Zimarra - Today at 1:23 PM
Lil smiled. "You are most welcome. " She blinked at the tip. "And thankyou for the tip, it will be most helpful. Extra money goes for my little one's education. " She slipped in a little card as well into one of the bracelet boxes. Lilthessa Shadowfire, Fine Jewelry and Fortunes, and it gave the Silvermoon City address. "These are old cards, they have my silvermoon address on them which is the main store. But it should do."
Darlain - Today at 1:29 PM
Dar's interest is piqued when Lith mentions her daughter, and she takes her card and nods, and then digs out another fifty gold. "Tough times to be a mother, lass, and I 'ave coin tae spare, especially fer wee 'uns. You take care, and if my eldest's threats tae get 'er ears pierced play out, I may be back in short order." she says with a chuckle, stepping off the stepladder. "You 'ave a lovely day!"
Zimarra - Today at 1:30 PM
Lil blinked, though no words came out as she opened her mouth and promptly closed it again.  She managed to whisper out a thankyou and then bowed her head otwards her. "Thankyou, miss Darlain. I will remember you.  Travel safe now." She then took out her little ledger and marked the items sold, making a note to journey back into Pandaria to get more Wild Jade.
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l-brouillette · 6 years
Marinette's Diary (1) (its my first one. Go easy on me)
Ever since Glaciator, i have noticed there is more to Chat Noir than i first thought. Like, maybe i was wrong about him.
One night, Chat landed in front of me on my balcony, "I hope im not bothering you Marinette."
I blushed a little, "no, of course not."
We leaned against the rail in silence for a few moments, just watching Paris. The silence was getting to me a bit. The last time he had stopped to see me he had been upset. Is something wrong this time too? Should i ask? Does he even want to talk about it? I nibbled on my lip, debating with myself, when he looked over at me and smiled.
"No, nothings the matter. It was just a beautiful night, i didnt want to enjoy it alone."
What??! Had he just read my mind??!
"Uh- w-what makes you say that?" I stuttered, straightening up suddenly.
He looked back out over Paris, still with that knowing smile on his face. "I figured you might be wondering, from your varied facial expressions!"
I frowned "am i that transparent?"
Gosh, if he could tell all that, who else has been able to read me so easily?
"Not really. But id wonder the same if i were in your shoes, so it was easy to tell."
"Phew!" I breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned back against the rail. "Well it is a beautiful night. Im glad you chose not to spend it alone!" I looked at him and smiled warmly.
I saw him blush ever so slightly. "Me too."
Silence followed for a long while after that. Knowing nothing was wrong, I could relax.
More nights just like that. Sometimes we would sit in silence. Others, we would talk of trivial things. How school had been. How was the bakery. The weather. Flowers.
Then one day, Chat asked the oddest question. "Do you believe in Love?"
It was odd to me, since that first time weever sat like this, we had both had love troubles. "Of course," I replied. "Don't you?"
He sighed, and leaned his head back to look up at the stars. "I dont know. Sometimes. Other times not so much. Its hard when you love someone who doesnt love you back. Or thinks your joking."
I knew he was talking of Ladybug, And I felt bad. But i also knew what he was feeling.
"I guess. It's hard when your feelings arent returned. But that doesnt mean I wish i didnt feel them." I thought of my feelings for Adrien, and how he only saw me as a friend, and grew a bit sad. "I can only hope that one day, things will be different."
I turned my head away so he couldnt see the flicker of pain cross my face.
"Do you - does your - does who you like, still not notice you? He asked hesitantly.
I sighed. Sure, hed have to ask that! "Nope."
"Who is it? Maybe i can help." He offered.
I didnt know how useful that would be, but at the same time, what could it hurt?
"Ah, his name is Adrien," i managed to get out, and immediately blushed. Just thinking of him made my heart flutter.
Chat looked surprised. "What?! I mean - wow!"
Embarrassed, I lowered my head, "ya, I know. Way out of my league."
"No no!" Chat insisted, as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Thats not what i meant at all. He would be lucky to have someone as great as you."
"Thanks," i smiled a little and looked at him, "for the vote of confidence."
With a sigh I turned back to look out into the distance, and we both just sat there in silence for a time. It was nice to have told someone else. Alya and the girls were fine, but to tell someone outside my circle of friends. Even if nothing happened from it.
"Marinette?" Chat broke the silence and turned towards me, "why dont you tell Adrien how you feel?"
I sighed, frustrated. "I've tried. Every time i get near him, I turn into a stuttering clumsy mess!" I got embarrassed just thinking of all the times i had embarrassed myself in front of him while trying to ask him out. Gosh!!
I looked over at Chat Noir to see him staring at me thoughtfully, and I blushed. What was he thinking??!
"What?" I finally asked him.
"Nothing." He brushed the hair away from my face and rested his hand on my cheek for just a moment. He gave a small smile and, "I just feel like im seeing a whole new side to you," he told me.
"Oh. Well you dont know me at all, so id imagine there are alot of sides you havent seen!" And gave him a warm smile.
He looked guilty for a moment, then looked away. "Your right."
"Did i say something wrong?"
He turned back to look at me quickly, "no no! You didnt. I didnt mean that! Don't think on it anymore!" And he draped his arm around my shoulders. "Just enjoy the view."
Somehow it was comforting to be with Chat Noir this way. Soothing. Who would have thought?!
I relaxed, and rested my head on his shoulder and did as he suggested, and enjoyed the view.
I came to long for the evenings when Chat Noir would come to visit me. It was peaceful. I could be myself. I could be honest. And i didnt turn into a blubbering fool.
This night started like all the others. I sat in my lounger on my balcony, waiting, hoping, that Chat would swing by.
I wasnt dissappointed.
He landed in front of me with a soft "thud" and moved into a deep bow.
"Good evening Marinette. Mind if i join you for a bit?"
I smiled widely at him and sat up a bit, "of course not! I was uh, kinda hoping you would come by." i became a tad nervous as i admitted that. But Chat just smiled warmly at me. He sat at my feet and leaned his back against the rail.
"So Marinette, anything interesting happening with you lately?" He asked, with what seemed like a gleam in his eye, but i couldnt imagine why, so i just brushed it aside.
I thought for a few moments, trying to remember if there was anything that Chat could be talking about. I tapped my lip with my finger, trying to pinpoint something. Something about the Way he asked made it seem like there should have been!
I had managed to talk to Adrien the other day without stammering like an idiot. But why on earth would he care about that?!
"Uh, nothing really that i can remember," i said, still racking my brain for ANYTHING!
"Oh." He seemed dissappointed, and frowned just a bit. But why?!
"Do you know something i don't?"
"No no!" He waved his hands in front of him, looking sheepish. "I thought i heard a rumor that you were invited to a Photoshoot with Adrien, where he models your design."
"Oh!" I exclaimed! How could i have forgotten that?! "You heard right! It just, uh, slipped my mind a bit." I admitted with a blush. Usually everything involving Adrien is at the front of my memory. So why not this time?!
Actually, lately, all ive been thinking about is whether or not Chat would stop in. And sitting up here in my free time waiting. And hoping. Realizing this, it was kind of embarrassing. Especially when Chat was sitting right in front of me, looking, waiting for my answer. I didnt have time to digest this realization in private.
I blushed under his unwavering stare. "I uh, d-don't - i mean I had other things on my mind i guess?" Even to my own ears it didnt sound convincing. I could feel my face grow hot from the lie, almost like he could see inside my head and KNEW what i was thinking!
"Oh. That other stuff must be pretty important. Anything you wanted to share?" He asked. He looked puzzled while he asked, but goodness, what would he say if he knew the truth!
"Uh-" I looked about for some inspiration, anything, to get me out of this jam!
Chat took my hand and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss, "its alright if you dont want to tell me. I understand."
I blinked a few times in surprise. And blushed. What was happening?! Do i -love- Chat?? What?!
"I guess i, um, have just kind of accepted not being with Adrien." He looked surprised for a moment. I went on quickly, before i lost my nerve. "I, um, uh, kind of like someone else now. More."
I knew my face was beet red after that admission! And Chat was staring at me in surprise, or maybe it was disbelief. Did he suspect??
He stood up quickly, and stared down at me for a moment, before turning to look over Paris. He took a couple steps away from me, paused, turned and took a couple steps back towards me.
"Marinette..." He just left that hang there for a moment. "Are you... Saying what i think your saying?" He looked confused. And boy, that made two of us!
I shrugged my shoulders and tried to look casual. "I dont know. What do you think im Saying?!" God, was that me??! I sounded pretty confident, even to my own ears. Where had that come from?? I sounded like Chat Noir!
I looked back at him and smiled a little, not wanting to waste this sudden confidence!
He started to reach for me, then stopped himself, almost like he wasnt sure what to do. So i stood up, which forced him to take a step back.
I gave a smirk, channeling my inner Chat. "Nervous, Chat Noir??"
He took another step back, and hit the railing. "Uh, n-no," he stammered.
"This is a strange occurrence, isnt it? Chat Noir is speechless!" I teased him. I poked a finger at his chest and smiled up at him, "how does it feel being on the other end for a change?"
"Uh, kind of unsettling, actually." He admitted. Good. For once i wasnt the blubbery fool. Why could i be this Way now, but never before, with Adrien?
Well, no time to question it now!
"You didnt answer me," i whispered, "What do you think im saying?" I moved my face closer to his, and could see all the emotions running across his face.
Surprise. Nervousness. Wonder. Was that fear?
He still wasnt saying anything, so i slowly crept my hand up his chest. He looked at my hand, then at me, and back to my hand. But still he said nothing.
"Cat got your tongue?" I teased.
Thank seemed to snap him out of it, because he quickly put his hand over mine on his chest. "Marinette. Stop. You dont know what your saying. D-Doing. F-Feeling." He stammered.
I moved my other hand to touch the side of his face, and leaned in closer, forcing him to lean farther back against the rail. He moved both of his hands to grasp the rail on either side of himself, to keep himself from falling.
"Am i making you nervous?" I asked him.
"Yes. I- dont know what to do." He told me. "I dont know what to say. This isnt right. You like Adrien. You told me so." He seemed to be grasping at straws! It was so cute to see him struggle.
But i knew i needed to give him some space. Some time. So i stepped back.
"Your right." I told him. "I did like Adrien. But lately, all i can think about, is you. Dont worry," i continued hurriedly, " i know you like Ladybug!" Thatll be an interesting story when the time comes! I blushed a little just thinking about it.
It had been a long time since Chat Noir had said anything. I finally looked at him. He had a hand rubbing the back of his neck, like he wasnt sure what to do.
"Dont get me wrong, i really like Adrien still. But at some point, you have to stop pining for what you cant have, and find something you can." He still seemed odd. What on earth was going through his head? Had i made a BIG mistake?! Was he trying to figure out how to let me down gently? God! It would be so mortifying to be shut down by two of the guys i love!
"I get it. Dont worry. No reason to say anymore!" I could feel my eyes start to water up. And i wanted to leave as soon as i could, so he didnt see me cry. "I think you should just go." I turned towards the trap door to my bedroom. I'll just leave him up here. What he does from there isnt my problem.
I crouched to open the window and he grabbed my hand, "Wait Marinette, please." He sounded sad. Well good! I was sad! Why do i always fall for boys who dont like me back??!
I turned to look at him quickly, holding my emotions in as much as i could. He didnt say anything, just continued looking puzzled.
"What?!" I demanded. "Its fine if you dont like Me, but at least you could say it to my face instead of just standing there in silence, making me feel like an idiot!" And there went all my bravado, as a silent tear slid down my cheek.
He lowered his head, as if in shame. "I'm sorry Marinette, I was caught off guard. Shocked!" He took both of my hands in his, and brought them up to his chest. "Dont get me wrong, i am extremely flattered. And i hear what your saying, about not pining."
"Ya ya," i rolled my eyes and turned my head away, "you just think of me as a good friend and dont want to mess with that, bla bla bla." Chat blinked, wide eyed at my rudeness. "Its the same talk i hear Adrien tell everyone about me!" I pursed my lips, getting quiet angry with the whole situation!
Chat dropped my hands quickly, and scratched the back of his neck again, and looked guilty. "Uh, what? No! I dont say that! I mean -i wasnt going to say that!"
He stammered.
I folded my arms across my chest and stared at him angrily. "I hate lies. Especially when they are about me."
"Marinette, i dont know how to respond!" He exclaimed, clearly frustrated.
I turned back around to open my window, and looked back over my shoulder at him, "well then when you do, you know where to find me." And with that, i dropped down onto my bed, and closed the window behind me. I laid on my bed, and gave in to the urge to cry.
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
SA: does anyone know scary stories.
TT: your fa(\/)e TT: #goTTem
SA: my face is not a plural.
VV: ♚ ~ Not to mention it's a rather nice face.
SA: thank you ❤
VV: ♚ ~ But I also think scary would depend on the troll, yes? My scary is likely very different from crabbies.
SA: What makes a story scary to you, Perdia?
DD: i dont really know any myself but id love to hear one!
DD: i think so anyways
DD: i dont actually watch horror movies or anything like that very much they always seem so disturbing
DD: but theyre popular around campfires arent they so there must be something to them!!
DD: granted i dont know much about campfires either but thats mostly a circumstance of living underwater until recently
VV: ♚ ~A scary story to me is someone bringing a Birkin to dinner but not bringing a coach bag to put it in just incase it rains...!!
VV: ♚ ~ Or not being prima ballerina anymore.
VV: ♚ ~ truly horrifying.
DD: i think that falls more into the tragedy genre really when you think about it!
DD: horror is when you find out it doesnt matter because it was a knockoff all along! 😛 😛 😛
VV: ♚ ~Be still my tender heart....you're rather correct.
SA: not bringing a coach bag to put it in... in case it rains.
SA: that is very complicated.
SA: I find it easier to have a single wallet.
SA: I enjoy ghost stories. Primarily because I do not believe or feel ghosts.
SA: although i have met mediums.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes! You put the coach in your Birkin, then if it rains you put the Birkin in the Coach. VV: ♚ ~ I have many more things than just a wallet I need a bag to carry it all, may as well be fashionable while I'm at it.
VV: ♚ ~ Did you tell the medium you don't believe?
DD: and really i think the point less about having things to put in your bag and more having the bag in the first place DD: its an accessory!
DD: but oh my goodness i think i believe in ghosts altogether too much
DD: though i guess at the moment im running a little bit more into revenants!! DD: the desert is full of them 😦
SA: oh, no. that would be rude.
SA: I don't understand why you need another bag to put the bag in.
SA: But alright.
SA: yes, there are many out there. so i've heard.
DD: well one of the bags is very valuable fashionable and easy to damage if it ends up in rainy conditions so if you want to be fashionable and be able to bring it places you should have a second less valuable and easily ruinable bag to protect the first one should you need it!
SA: ...Or you could simply have a decent waterproof bag to start that looks well with what you wear.
VV: ♚ ~ Ooooooh this one gets me. I enjoy this seadweller much more than yesternights~ What's your name? I never introduced myself properly, Perdia Averic.
VV: ♚ ~ Honeycomb please, I won't judge your wallet don't judge my superior, luxe bag.
DD: well yes but bags like that typically arent quite as nice! DD: though i spend most of my time underwater so that is what i end up using most of the time anyways admittedly
DD: and oh my goodness well thank you very much that is lovely to hear DD: i was afraid i had come off unfavorably earlier so i am glad that i have not yet succeeded in alienating everyone! DD: my close friend often says i sort of have a way of not being great with people so
DD: although i do agree that vv overall does have a point that while functionality is all well and good if you are into that sort of thing and surrounded by people that are into that sort of thing it really is important to have the appropriate fashionable items at certain times
DD: though i would also argue that does have a function as well just a social one!
SA: well the bag is very pretty with you, little princess. I just could never justify carrying one myself 😃
DD: oh dear i am talking a lot again
DD: my apologies!!
VV: ♚ ~ It's an ultra functional bag~ VV: ♚ ~ Thank you Prisma ✨ I'll carry your wallet for you then. I simply do have looks to upkeep even with my hue. When one works hard to keep a stance certain....choices come with it. VV: ♚ ~ Like a bag in a bag .
VV: ♚ ~ Don't apologize though DD~ You speak a lot but it's not exactly grating. Needs editing, some conciseness of course but ah~ You have a head about you which is more than can be said for some! Pity really. For them of course. They have my pity.
DD: oh but maybe i wouldnt mind some pity insert jokingly coy giggling here DD: you dont happen to be a particularly attractive rainbowdrinker bedecked in frills do you? DD: because i have recently discovered i am quite partial to those! DD: more seriously though thank you that is very lovely to hear especially from a princess of such good taste!
DD: but you are right in that i could do to be more concise my good friend often says similarly though admittedly it is more due to the linebreaks in my codewriting
DD: it is a work in progress!!!
VV: ♚ ~ Oh how transparent you seem to be! I am bedecked in frills often enough but unfortunatley, or rather fortunatley as I am fond of my rougey hue, I am not a jade let alone a deceased one. VV: ♚ ~ Plus my pusher is already claimed hohoho <3 VV: ♚ ~ There's always bound to be one that wanders into this forsaken chat one night though! Sweep them up before another troll does.
VV: ♚ ~ Or go for more...violent measures but I really don't and would never recommend someone get their owns hands dirty.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! Speaking of maintanence. I must rest. Not that I require much upkeep but a good rest is important! Do rest well new friend, and Honeycomb prince as well~ Good light .
DD: i guess i am pretty transparent but its not as though i have anything to hide really DD: aide from company secrets of course but that's something im good at keeping mum about! DD: and oh dear i dont suppose i really know what you mean when it comes to more violent measures but that sounds like the sort of alarming thing maybe more suited towards the scary stories people brought up earlier!!
DD: and thank you very much i do hope you have a good rest as well!! DD: it is actually nearly moonlight over here as well and i should be turning in soon i just DD: got caught up working on a project of mine and lost track of time! DD: i was just taking a break when i turned on this chat but really i will go to bed DD: i only have to finish... DD: a few more minor things!!! DD: and maybe....
DD: hm!
SA: I apologize, I had to get ready for rest myself.
SA: finish them then?
SA: ..."would never advise someone to get their own hands dirty"
SA: 🤔 goodnight
DD: i am going to finish them!! DD: i just thought of another idea i could implement alongside the module that i am currently editing and oh dear
DD: i cant just stop now! DD: i am on a roll
DD: also i do believe our dear vv is advocating for the use of an auspistice! DD: or an assassin!! DD: i am not quite sure which!
DD: though i am a little bit inclined to select the mediator option on account of i have had some rather hands on dealings with assassins lately and it has all left a sour taste in my mouth!
DD: and not even the good kind of sour like you get with pickled herring
DD: oh dear i believe i am craving fish again DD: there is NO FISH here in the desert!!
ID: alright status report, how is everyone doing post-faire?
SA: Working.
SA has sent IMG_045.png. It is a selfie of him, angled high enough to show a blue or dark indigo troll pinned on the ground. They appear to be unconscious
ID: pftttt. nice selfie background there. better be careful. =:P
SA: this is the last one for the night 😄
SA: I am excited to go hive and sleep.
SA: How are you? How was the party at Siparas?
ID: i'm sure you are.
ID: i'm good. tired, but i didn't expect to sleep well so it's whatever. watched way more fantasy trolls crying about having to dump a magic ring than i ever wanted to.
SA: Oh, it was the lord of the rings?
SA: what would you do if your friend wouldn't let go of the ring, Hadean.
ID: uh i probably would have ganked the ring like. a perigee ago lbh.
SA: it isn't even that useful... Doesn't it just turn the wearer invisible?
ID: i don't know, the evil dude seemed to make it seem like it could do more. maybe it can amplify psi or something. i think the main whiny guy was a flatscan.
SA: maybe. How else would you become a flaming eye.
SA: truly living the life.
ID: idk it was fun. lots of eyecandy at least.
SA: the elves are always nice ❤
SA: I appreciate the costuming more than anything. much better than the chainmail bikinis at the faire.
ID: i liked aragon. he seemed like a cool guy.
SA: And he even got all of his quadrants in the end with his kingdom surviving.
ID: and he got to lead like. all the cool fights.
SA: I'm growing my hair out.
SA: this is what I've gained from this conversation.
SA: I want you to know this.
SA: Hang on, my client is being difficult.
ID: pff if you're gonna, go for it! you got one of those damn mugs that gets to look good no matter what, so.
AA: omggg. but will it blow majestically in the wind? >:}
ID: he already can see stuff.
ID: pris, what do your cuspy eyes see?
SA: Me beating the shit out of this fuchsia if they don't double my pay.
ID: pffff live the dream pris. and get good with a bow.
SA: I am good with a long distance rifle, does that count
SA: No, it will not blow majestically in the wind.
SA: problem resolved. cusp is now theirs.
SA: I can go hive now.
ID: i mean a rifle is just an advanced bow right. so sure.
AA: booooo, no point in long hairn w/o it blowing.
ID: uh the point is to put it in a cool braid. obvs.
AA: brnaid? singularn?? n.
AA: go big orn go home, hads, gotta have, like, at L E A S T a dozen beforne they'rne cool. >:}
SA: Hadean's hair is. too long.
ID: bite me. =:I i like my braid.
AA: you like plenty of lame shit, brnah, embrnace it. accept yrn weak sauce brnaid tastes. >:P
AA: and too long???
SA: emerel stepped on it during the fight, that's too long.
ID: i got him off of it, didn't i?
ID: i mean him stepping on it was just being spiteful.
ID: and i really should've put a spike through his foot for it.
AA: y, that. on both. AA: you can't do yrn app by what ppl might grnab, othernwise, you'll just, like. AA: look borning as fuck. >:P
ID: i mean if it wasn't my braid, he'd have been stomping on my horns.
ID: i have a very grab-able appearance.
SA: I feel as if his foot would have rolled off though due to the shape.
SA: You do.
SA: If I ever need to stop you I can just reach slightly a head but I may also clothesline you
ID: wow pris, don't clothesline me. or grab at me, hella rude. why would you need to stop me! =:P
SA: Maybe I saw something cute in a window and wanted to show you while shopping.
SA: I have clotheslined people as they've ran away, however. It is. hilarious.
SA: because I knoww here they will be so I stategically do nothing.
ID: ....it's called telling me to stop pris, c'mon.
SA: I know that
SA: Please, like I would actually do it...
ID: i like not being clotheslined. =:P
SA: I would never clothesline you.
SA: does that help
ID: yes.
SA: In general i would never intentionally cause you harm.
SA: sleep well at night.
AA: lmao. awww.
AA: but will you watch him while he sleeps to guarantee he sleeps well?? bc, like, if we'rne clarnifying things, that totes is apparnently a thing that should be clarnified, too.
ID: no we cleared that watching people sleep is fucking creepy.
SA: I am not going to watch him sleep...
ID: though apparently pheres disagrees.
AA: okay, okay, good. >:}
SA: I admit I am unsettling but i am at least vaguely aware of proximics and personal boundaries.
ID: i sleep like shit without worrying about someone watching me sleep. =:I
AA: we do not talk abt phern's shitty rnom tastes, 'kay, we just close ourn bulbs and trny to ignorne them.
AA: and gj, prni. AA: the vaguely is totes still ominous tho. >:} jsyk.
SA: it is what i do best.
SA: It's how i keep my clients in line and from not abducting me 😉
SA: nom tastes?
ID: romantic tastes.
SA: ah.
AA: .... AA: ........ AA: WTF arne yrn clients trnying to abduct you forn.
SA: nothing, it was a joke.
ID: oh.
SA: however I would be a convenient thing to trap and use of free.
ID: i figured they'd try and abduct you to use your psi without having to, y'know. pay you. seems about right.
SA: yes
SA: I've only been threatened a few times.
SA: The Provenance underground is much more managable, though.
AA: >:{
AA: did you cull em?
ID: trolls can be fucking weird.
SA: They have been dealt with in a way that doesn't cause me long-standing harm, let me put it like this.
SA: murder isn't a sollution always, their court will come after you.
ID: you ever meet some of those highbloods that read helmsman romance.
ID: they'll make you want to scrub your skin raw after talking to them for like. a second.
AA: hmph. did you at least make a good example of them?? bc, like, if yrn getting pushed arnound, then not fucking making a points only gonna get theirn peeps brnave.
SA: I don't get pushed around.
AA: ugh, y. lived with one. they'rne the fucking wornst.
AA: good!!
SA: don't worry, I am fairly good at this.
SA: as naive as I often seem.
SA: crime and work and military are things i excel at.
ID: the fucking worst is right.
SA: What happens in helmsman romances?
ID: and go pris. =:)
SA: I understand the concept but... how.
AA: y, y, obvs you arne a strnong independent - hahahaha.
AA: hads can dd you, bc I ain't in the mood to scrnub my hands clean aftern. >:P
ID: oh. you know. usually they start out in a clade or a quad. and then end up getting drafted to the helm. and the highblood happens to be on the same ship.
SA: ...what is a clade.
SA: I have been holding off asking for fear of embarassment
ID: ah... like... the trolls that are quadded to your quad?
SA: ah.
AA: y! enclades arne the ppl you ain't piling, but, like, you still can't cull, bc it'd be fucked up. and if someone culls them, you gotta rnetaliate, orn Y RN fucked up.
ID: yeah. sips knows. i'm like the worst troll to talk about clades.
SA: ...that is immensely complicated.
ID: yeah social shit usually is.
AA: also, ngl, the ones I knew abt werne all, like, crneepy bluebloods falling forn theirn ship, bc the insurnmountable bond bw trnoll and ship, ect ect, and, like, despernate lost in space piles, and pirnate rnaids makin' the helms all like 'I'm the only one allowed to cull them!!', and AA: ughhh, I'm grnossing myself out.
ID: i know mostly about the younger helms novels.
AA: >:? AA: it isn'ttttt. it's totes ez, dudes.
SA: that's. horrific.
SA: that would be like writing a romance story between my program psions and their handlers.
SA: but much worse, because were are children
SA: disgusting.
ID: yeah, well. it happens.
ID: and some trolls really buy in to the idea.
ID: me and pris have never been a part of a clade so. it seems complicated to us.
SA: it sounds like it would cause a long chain cycle of revenge.
ID: i mean being part of a clade is supposed to help. prevent trolls from wanting to cull your ass i think?
ID: for fear of being counter-culled by the clade.
SA: But I feel like it would make it hard to operate as well.
SA: fear of causing tension or rejection.
SA: attrox's matesprit was a virulent, hateful thing who was also quadded to my roommate.
SA: and there was a lot of tension between him and anyof attrox's other quadrants or friends.
SA: htey broke up perhaps because of my intervention.
SA: I don't feel particularly bad.
ID: that's when you get an ashen or whatever. or break up, that works.
SA: how do you auspistice something when they don't acknowledge there is a problem?
SA: despite one of them crying contantly about how much they hurt.
SA: I do not know.
SA: I would be happy with a red or a romantic pale, if I had to have a quadrant. And just one.
AA: i mean, y, can totally starnt a wicked rnevenge cycle. but it's like hads said. AA: and lmao, you can't be a clade if ppl arne unhealthy shitfurnoodles, dude. all you can do is wipe yrn hands of that shit.
AA: .. why not pitch?? >:
AA: >:?
ID: my bachelor lifestyle has worked out alright for me.
SA: there's reasons but i'd rather not explain.
AA: you don't gotta quad if you don't wanna. but, like, idk, don't let crnazy fuckerns turn you off?? ppl arne always batshit. AA: and quads arne fun. >:} like, idk, i ain't evern without a pitch, bc.. it'd be fucking borning.
SA: i don't see excitement in that, though.
AA: flushrnoms lame tho, txt it.
SA: i have enough excitement in my life. I would be happy knowing I feel safe with someone.
ID: i mean pitch is supposed to be safe rivalry.
SA: Well yes but that's not what i meant.
AA: yrn supposed to feel safe w yrn kismesis, losern. if they'rne dangernous, it ain't pitch, it's, like. fucked up pale w pails.
SA: what
ID: idk i have a shitty personality for quads, so i just leave them be.
ID: yeahhh some people pail their pales. weird quadrant smearing stuff.
AA: y, it's grnoss. and stfu, yrn fine. have you evern even trnied having a quad??
SA: Pailing is.
SA: unsanitary.
SA: kissing is fine though. i think kissing would be nice in theory.
SA: but nothing is better than my cold bed.
ID: ...
AA: lmaooo.
AA: well, shit, then get a fish.
AA: >:P
SA: i left the airconditioning on so everything is cold and it's very nice.
SA: ...I don't... want a fish.
ID: i like lukewarm best.
ID: i got too hot and too cold easy.
SA: sharing a bed with you must be hell on alternia.
ID: only if you don't want me to bake you. =:P
SA: see.
AA: rneal talk!! have neithern of you, like, evern had quads??
AA: evern?? >:
AA: >:?
ID: i mean... nah.
SA: No.
SA: quads were discouraged for program psions.
SA: I actually believe we are all sterile so it wouldn't matter.
SA: But I am unsure of the specifics.
AA: holy shit. at both of you - AA: uH.
SA: ...
SA: was that too much information.
AA: y. am kinda curnious how the f you know that, but, like, sparne me the deets.
SA: i think you misunderstand but i will spare you.
ID: it's okay pris, we can be quadless coolguys.
SA: excellent. we can be Kool together.
SA: just what i wanted.
AA: wow, rnude, making a club wo me. when I'm like, rnight herne. AA: I am qqing irnl, jsyk.
ID: what, you got no quads?
AA: n, i've had way2many to join yrn quadfrnee club. >:P
SA: then continue qqing
ID: exactly, so no blubbering. =:P
SA: :p
AA: so go get quads and join the lam -- LMAO M E A N.
AA: fucking rnude frnom both of you. >:}
SA: only the best of rudeness for you, sipara.
SA: ❤
ID: deal with it. =:P
AA: no wondern you don't have any w those shining pernsonalities. AA: ... omg, okay, but prni is forngiven, bc that's qt A N D weirnd.
AA: hads can still fuck off tho. >:P
SA: Oh--- haha
ID: i've just managed fiiine without quads.
AA: lmao, if you say so.
SA: same.
AA: lbrn tho, idk how anyone manages without a moirnail.
ID: like i do. duh.
AA: .. inc you, mrn dumpstern firne.
SA: you surround yourself with stable individuals.
SA: like me.
SA: i am impervious to emotional distress.
ID: rude!
ID: i just do whatever i want and it usually works out!
AA: y, see, that's not actually good. >:}
AA: and lmaooo. y, like getting stabbed w a halbernd wornks out, rnight? >:P
ID: i'm still alive aren't i
ID: and i didn't technically lose.
ID: so it mostly worked out.
AA: that's a low fucking barn to have, losern.
ID: and yet i limbo under it like a pro.
AA: loooook. rnails arne forn, like.. making surne you don't rnun into shit like that. orn crnack yrn horns on yrn stupid limbo barn of surnvival. orn prni doesn't get jumped forn being weirnd and emojiless at the wrnong time.
AA: if you don't have any othern quads, you should totally have that.
SA: wouldn't it be a high bar because it would be so easy to pass.
SA: if it were limb.
ID: the only troll i can trust to have my best interests at pumper is myself. i'm just my own moirail, clearly.
ID: sometimes i'm just lazy on the job.
AA: lmao, yrn a p shit one, then. trnade up!!
SA: you and hadean often stop me from revealing all my secrets, which is good enough.
SA: but in day to day life whether or not I properly express myself is often irrelevant and infact volatile high bloods often take it as a threat as i cann't be coerced convetnionally.
ID: hey, i'm doing alright. =:P
ID: i'm too high maintenance for anyone else to stand.
SA: i find you tolerable if extremely unwise.
SA: 😄
AA: wherne is yrn hotel rnoom again, bc I'm gonna punch you. >:}
SA: (this is a joke)
SA: Whose?
AA: and lmao, prni. gd.
AA: hads. Ï can't punch you. that'd be so fucked up. >:}
SA: ... why
SA: I demand equal punching rights.
ID: i'll give you my punch coupon pris.
SA: thank you for this generous gift
LC: [ ... I see everYYone is doing well and fine ]
AA: n, too bad, you ain't getting em. these fists arne a summern exclusive and I've alrneady stamped Hads name on both.
SA: sipara's coachella fists.
AA: y!!
ID: =:'( don't punch me, i'm already half broke already.
LC: [ So what exactlYY did Hadean do that he is going to get punched, and Sipara whYY do YYou want to get punched? ] LC: [ I see no logical reason behind... wanted to get punched is all. ]
ID: oh hi yern.
SA: hello yern.
LC: [ Hello. ]
ID: pris is gonna punch me because she's jelly of my self-moirail abilities.
SA: let me take hadean's punch for him.
SA: i am sipara now.
AA: arne you punching him now??
SA: =>:} worms
LC: [ Is that... healthYY though? ] LC: [ Oh mYY. ]
AA: G T F Ö, you rnuined my quirnk.
ID: it's like looking in a mirror huh sips.
SA: =>:} wornms.
ID: better?
AA: y, ty ty, gj.
SA: oh yes, the rn thing.
ID: i'm healthy as fuck yern.
AA: also like brnb must feed and watern lal. and by that, I mean he's snorning and I'm pourning watern on him til he stops. >:{
SA: oh dear.
ID: get it up his nub, that'll get him.
SA: ...nose?
LC: [ But is self-moirailing healthYY? I am not aware of such research paper existing as of right now. ] LC: [ To a degree, I am positive it works and I hope it's not just YYour last ditch effort of taking care of YYourself. ]
ID: hahah wowww. last ditch effort, that's hella rude.
SA: self moirailing could also be considered minding.
ID: i'm positive i'm a well oiled self-moirailing machine.
SA: which is a required skill for basic social navigation and problem solving.
SA: so I don't have it.
SA: :p
ID: =:P
LC: [ Well, I am not suggesting YYou can't get a moirail even if YYou wanted to. ] LC: [ And well. ]
ID: and cheat on myself? never.
ID: it's impossible to break up with yourself. i'm pretty sure.
SA: you could look at your reflection and tell it you are done with its shit.
AA: ^^^^
ID: i don't take breakups well, i'd start strangling myself. =:'(
AA: brneak the mirnrnorn!!
LC: [ I mean, that works. ]
SA: "i'm finding a REAL moirail now!"
AA: yeah!!
SA: this tells me a lot more about hadean's coping mechanisms than I would like
ID: why are you all so against me as my moirail, hella rude.
SA: note to self: strangulation is a hazard.
ID: i cope just fine!
AA: bc you desernve a prnettiern one, duh, and we only want the best form you. >:}
SA: technically I am my own moirail too only I haven't stated it outloud.
AA: and by best, we mean prnettiest.
SA: so no one can drag me.
SA: ... oh...
ID: i'm pretty as fuck. =>:P
LC: [ Well, maYYbe we care about YYou. ] LC: [ I might not know YYou as well as the others but. I think the others might be able to vouch for mYY words. ]
AA: prni. prniiiiiii.
LC: [ Prisma. ]
AA: I'm gonna drnag you now.
ID: yeah let's focus on pri he needs this more.
SA: do you want to see me make this chat sad in one sentence.
AA: ❤
SA: i'm going to.
SA: my inhibitor is my moirail.
SA: 😃
AA: oh, gtfo m
LC: [ When YYou saYY no one can drag YYou, that's a prettYY open invitation. ]
LC: [ Uhm. ]
ID: i mean. i guess it does stop you from doing anything too dumb.
LC: [ I... guess. ]
AA: hads, n.
AA: that's dumb and yrn dumb.
AA: almost as dumb as that statement. >:{
SA: it stops me from destroying myself which is the same thing, right.
ID: yeah!
SA: you narrowly limbo under death and I narrowly avoid having a catastrophic meltdown.
ID: now if it'll shock you when you blab too much.
SA: you already do that.
SA: oh wait doe this mean I can't use hearts anymore.
SA: <>
ID: whoa there pris, don't make me get jealous over myself.
SA: hahaha
AA: wait wtf you knew what hrnts werne the entirne time??
ID: back off my man.
ID: i'll cut you.
LC: [ YYou guYYs could reallYY use a moirail. ]
SA: ... what do you mean I knew what hearts were the entire time.
SA: of course I knew what i meant everytime I did this
SA: ❤
SA: I can't believe you all thught i was enough of a space cadet to not know.
SA: oh my god.
AA: oh my god, i take back my hrnt at you, weirndo.
ID: i got my moirai yern, duh.
AA: Ö H M Y G Ö D. fuck offffff. >:}
ID: i can't let myself hear all this negative talk about myself. i'll get mad.
AA: yrn exactly that level of space cadet.
ID: and hey pris i figured you knew what they meant.
ID: i mean. it's a heart.
ID: you're naive, not idiotic.
SA: oh so sipara just thought I was a fool.
SA: alright I see how it is.
SA: it's not weird, it's a way of denoting affection.
SA: my hearts are platonic.
SA: unless specified otherwise.
ID: 🖤
SA: oh it's invisible.
ID: use that one. really fuck with trolls.
SA: thank you ❤
LC: [ Ah, uh. I forgot to finish mYY sentence. ] LC: [ Hadean, well I trust YYou that it works so I hope it will keep working. ] LC: [ And uh. Invisible hearts? ]
ID: 🖤 🖤 🖤
ID: are they invisible? i see them.
LC: [ I see. For sYYmbolizing "platonic love" but not in the <> sense? ]
SA: they look sort of invisible on my phone but my backlight is dark.
LC: [ Or did I just miss the point. ]
SA: i think it's more for kismesisitude crossed with matespritship.
ID: they don't have a white heart this is bullshit.
LC: [ ... Wouldn't that be a black heart? ]
AA: i can't see them eithern. >:{
SA: well it is a black hert.
ID: 💙 we can use this one for platonic hearts?
SA: but that requires... finding it in the list.
AA: haaads, stop trn - nnnnn.
AA: and it's blue!!
SA: or you could all assume that if I'm using a heart... it's... platonic.
ID: 💚
SA: and you all can use the multicolored rainbow hearts.
SA: nevermind I like that one.
SA: that's my new heart.
SA: it's my color.
AA: prni, it's way morne fun if yrn, like, madly in love with evernyone, tho.
ID: there you go!
LC: [ Ah. ] LC: [ Noted. ] LC: [ And it is. ] LC: [ Sipara please. ]
ID: i fixed everything. again.
SA: yes, sipara. I will die for you i am so in. love. with you.
AA: yrn like the rnomcom lead we nevern wanted!!
SA: Hadean too
SA: everyone in this chat.
LC: [ Heh. ]
SA: you are all. my matesprit.
AA: amazing. >:} wait no wow back it up.
ID: hey i don't share! rude!
SA has sent :/.png it's a selfie of him makng an even more unamused face than usual
LC: [ Incredible. ]
SA: oh so I can only pick one is that it.
AA: it's gotta be unrneciprocated, that's wherne the com comes in!!
ID: i though the com comes from them both feeling romantic inclinations but not knowing how to act on them correctly.
AA has sent DUH.PNG. It's a selfie of her sticking out her tongue like a mature adult.
AA: why not both, hads??
SA: I thught the commeant comedy.
LC: [ YYou must pick Prisma. ] LC: [ Though while I understand it's currentlYY for amusement's sake. ]
LC: [ ... I hope. ]
SA: Who has to pick prisma.
SA: this is morphing into a dystopian love carat.
SA: everyone wants me and I don't want anyone.
ID has sent ravishingromcominterest.png! It's a selfie of him with his hair down making the most overdramatic puppy eyes.
AA: p surne i watched an anime like that once. >:P
SA: anti-harem.
AA: !!!
SA: Put those eyes away, Hadean.
ID: never.
SA: i don't wnat that face on my phome.
ID: too late.
SA: damn you.
SA: 💚
LC: [ Well, I got some romantic interest lYYing elsewhere, so I have alreadYY picked them. SorrYY for letting YYou down Prisma. ]
AA: why keep yrn hairn brnaided?? it's so fucking shiny.
SA: oh, well, yern.
ID: uh because it fucking tangles to fucking hell. duh.
SA: that's fine I didn't want you anywyas.
SA: i am now the spiteful lead.
SA: it's called conditioner.
AA: y, why not brnush it morne and keep it unbrnaided??
LC: [ Well, no offense was taken. ]
AA: Y E A H.
ID: and yeah i got some sweet hair. even though i abuse the fuck out of it.
ID: conditioner costs cash!
ID: and i don't want to be brushing it 24/7 when i'm traveling.
SA: at least put it in a ponytail every so often.
LC: [ WhYY would YYou need to brush it 24/7 while travelling. ] LC: [ Just brush it at the morning, then at the evening. If the weather is windYY, tie it up. ]
SA: wouldn't it be easier to have short hair because you can't take careo f it....?
SA: get a hipster cut like mine.
LC: [ Well I happen to have quite a long hair and I also travel alot. ]
SA: i now advocate you being bald.
LC: [ It's manageable, and also up to what others feel comfortable with. ]
LC: [ Well, no thank YYou. MYY hair is prettYY nice as it is. ]
LC: [ I have a feeling being bald got more disadvantages than advantages to it. ]
SA: not if you wear hats.
SA: I am not tired for once and I don't know how to feel about this.
LC: [ I am not a fan of hats. TheYY are weird. ] LC: [ Wouldn't YYou feel, well, content? Not feeling like falling into a nap for once. ]
ID: i like my braid. =:I
SA: I will make you a daisy chain to loop in it when you come shopping.
ID: my face doesn't look as nice with short hair i don't think.
AA: nnnn, don't cut yrn hairn. long headfluff is bettern, obvs. prni, you should grnow yrns out. >:P
ID: why is your hair short then sips.
SA: i'll grow mine out when I'm ready to commit to a domestic stepford quad.
SA: 😐
LC: [ Well that sounds quite unfortunate. ]
SA: why is your hair short, then, yes
AA: it was down to the floorn, tyvm, and some chucklefuck cut it off.
AA: >:1
LC: [ Long hair can be quite useful. ]
SA: ...what is its use? as a rope?
LC: [ It can warm the back YYour neck during winter. YYou could use it to get cozYY with the help of it. And no. ]
ID: ah man that sucks. =:/
ID: cull them for it?
ID: or chop their hair back? =>:D
SA: scalp them.
SA: two birds one stone.
LC: [ And oh. Did YYou fight them back Sipara? ]
AA: lmfao. that was like, six pernigees ago. it's way longern than it was. and y, y, dnw, i cut off theirn frnonds and fed them to them. >:P
AA: bettern than culling!
SA: that's even worse than i imagined.
ID: i mean i don't go to cold places too much and i'm constantly warm, so. i just like my hair.
SA: I feel sick now.
SA: not really.
ID: hahahah, that'll teach 'em.
AA: it's a jk, nerndlet.
SA: I wish i had someone to get breakfast with.
SA: it did teach them I am sure.
SA: and also brutally traumatized them
ID: damn, i liked the feeding them fronds idea.
ID: what. was it the yellow chucklefuck?
ID: ....fillin?
SA: ....yellow chucklefuck?
LC: [ Well that's a combination of words I didn't expect to see... together. ]
ID: it's some sparkplug that got brainwashed in to being downw ith clowns or something, dnw.
LC: [ Wow. How unfortunate. Like, genuinelYY unfortunate. ]
SA: that's. horrific.
SA: I still can't believe we have...
LC: [ It is. ]
SA: nevermind.
SA: I am a good person.
AA: haha, n, it was a lame-o teal frnom the rning. same place as my face. >:1 AA: and hmm?
AA: haha, it's a little fucked, y.
SA: teals are unusually arrogant.
LC: [ Well, I most definitelYY don't want to know how manYY non-purplebloods got "brainwashed" to be part of the Dark Carnival. ]
ID: teals are the worst. they're in that in-between area that makes them overcompensate.
AA: ^
ID: i mean it's no worse than young psis getting brainwashed by everything else that'll brainwash you. really.
SA: military.
LC: [ MYY experiences with tealbloods been reallYY... mixed. But there are some who are trulYY trYYing to overcompensate. ]
SA: trafficking.
SA: etc
ID: exactly. we're such a hot commodity doncha know.
LC: [ Well, anYYkind of brainwashing is still brainwashing and negativelYY well... affects the troll in question. ]
SA: in some ways it was a positive experience for me.
AA: oh my god.
LC: [ YYou are the rare exception in that case. ]
LC: [ Unless it was pure sarcasm. Then nevermind. ]
ID: i mean. trolls like pris are becoming depressingly more common, y'know?
SA: no, I did learn much more from my program than I would haveb eing left on planet without being put in.
SA: But I would also still have complete feelings.
ID: they're deciding we don't last long enough to get a happy wrigglerhood.
SA: so you tell me.
SA: yes.
SA: My saboteur training began as soon as I was old enough to think and obey.
LC: [ I am aware. ]
AA: idk, it ain't that bad, if you don't have them cutting into yrn pan. AA: i mean, we'rne all gonna end up in the militarny anyway. >:/
SA: 😃 will we
ID: i mean. that's a big if for some of us there sips.
SA: I won't.
ID: you were already in the military pris, that counts.
SA: damn you.
LC: [ Well, I wish lowerbloods got more leewaYY just as higherbloods. And I don't have manYY intentions to be part of the militarYY. ]
SA: no but if you are sorted there then you will be but if not you will be fine.
SA: if I were recaptured and retested I would still tesr for the military based on psionics but also because my protective instincts are outrageously high.
SA: lavender chai sounds good.
LC: [ Well I'd rather not. I am a cartographer and a mapmaker, not a troll who wants to deal with official paperwork and not seeing a planet for the rest of mYY lifespan. ] LC: [ ... And I am aware I am more fortunate that I can counter-argue against it. ]
SA: you could become part of recon
ID: i mean yer is high enough, he'll get some more choice.
ID: esp if he's actually good at what he wants to do.
ID: ...you're a he, right.
LC: [ Well, I positivelYY am. And YYes. ]
ID: see? nothing for him to worry about.
LC: [ If I happened to end up as a ship captain or anYYthing (Not sure if I'd qualifYY), I'd probablYY do mYY best to provide mYY crew an actuallYY pleasant... work experience. ]
LC: [ Which is a major "If", cause being a ship captain sounds stressful. ]
ID: man, my pumper breaks for you. =:P
LC: [ I see YYour sarcasm and I am not going to counter it with sarcasm. ]
ID: good because i would have had to make it weird if you did.
SA: I don't know if you want praise for this attempt to be a decent person or not
ID: c'mon pris, he's trying! that's better than like. most of the highbloods in here.
LC: [ ... Prisma. ] LC: [ I am aware I am "priviliged" and no waYY will I ever experience what lowerbloods got to go through. ]
LC: [ I am prettYY self-aware, thank YYou verYY much. ]
SA: I never said you weren't.
LC: [ Well, some implications were there. AnYYwaYY. I am not going to go into anYYkind of sob stories. ] LC: [ I am just generallYY trYYing to be a decent troll and not judge one bYY it's caste if theYY happen to be lower on the spectrum. ]
ID: so yern, you watch lord of the rings.
LC: [ I saw it a long while ago with a friend. WhYY? ]
ID: because i just watched it and i now judge everyone based on which eyecandy they like best.
ID: so c'mon. desert island, stuck with one of them. which one.
AA: hads taste is shit, btw.
ID: fuck off aragon was alright for a fish.
ID: though i did like her better before i knew she was a fish.
ID: bitch tricked me in to liking her. D:<=
EA: +Can confirm. Shit tast=.-
ID: you guys could've told me she was a fish!
AA: wrnong, legolas was totes bettern. AA: but ikrn? she was sornt of qt if you didn't know she was hiding fucking gills.
LC: [ Well, I am not a big movie buff and it's been awhile ago since I saw it, so I'd have to rewatch it to make a decision based on it. ]
ID: i was betrayed by all of you and i'll never forgive you.
ID: http://img14.deviantart.net/142f/i/2013/233/e/4/lady_aragorn_1_by_lauratolton-d6j3xy7.jpg
ID: so much better before she was totally revealed as a fish. =:'(
EA: +W=ll, h=r b=ing garbag= had nothing to do with th= fins, r=ally. If you ask m=. - EA: +It was th= fact that sh= was in a garbag= movi= s=ri=s.-
ID: i mean it could have used like. 200% more bloodshed.
ID: the talking parts got too fancy and boring sometimes. =:/
LC: [ Well, that's what YYou get when the director is a seadweller. ]
SA: Legolas is perfect. And you're making a mistake Hadean
ID: legolas was too flimsy looking for me. =:'(
EA: +L=golas is fangirl bait =:|-
ID: yeah why'd he get all the super cool fight sequences.
AA: legolas is hot af and you can both fight me, soz.
SA: oh so am I too flimsy too 😢
ID: sorry pris, you couldn't even beat me in throwing knives. =:P
ID: get gud.
AA: y, prni. he is the twig judging the rnest of the fornest.
SA: it's okay when you're vetter I'll properly destroy you.
ID: swoon. =:PPPPPP
SA: if that's all it takes why not gimli...
SA: oh-- true, sipara
ID: because gimli wasn't hot!
ID: duh.
EA: +L=golas do=sn't =v=n look lik= h= could kick down a door without br=aking his lifts.- EA: +Giv= m= a strong girl clad in armor with a broadsword any night of th= w==k inst=ad.-
LC: [ So do YYou pick faves based* on their looks, Hadean? ]
ID: a mix of looks and being able to kick ass.
SA: Hadean is a shallow mother fucker of course he does
LC: [ Well, figures. ]
ID: says the guy who rated me a 7/10!
SA: well you are a 7/10 this is a logical facr
EA: +7/10 is g=n=rous-
AA: come watch me flarnp, gausia, you'll totes swoon. >:P
ID: says the one who shaves stars in her hair.
AA: y, clearnly he is 8/10, stfu.
EA: +I would if you practic=d prop=r hyg=ni=, mayb= =:P-
SA: 😳
ID: i can only go up from 8/10.
LC: [ Well. ]
EA: +Do you hav= som=thing against stars? Stars ar= hott=r than you'll =v=r b=! By s=v=ral d=gr==s!-
AA: n, mud is my aesthetic, soz yrn 2lame to apprneciate.
LC: [ Stars are much hotter than anYYone in here, in fact. ]
EA: +^-
ID: i mean body-temperature wise maybe. but i'm pretty unnaturally hot that way too. =:P
LC: [ Well Hadean, a star still beats YYou nonetheless. ]
LC: [ SorrYY to disappoint YYou. ]
SA: Hadean is a 10/10 for being hell to share a bed with
SA: I am feeling shockingly lucid today it's wonderful
EA: +That r=minds m=, I do n==d to g=t Sipara som= stuff from Lush som=tim=. Mayb= th=n sh= can prop=rly b= brib=d into taking a bath.-
LC: [ ... Do I want to know the details Prisma? ]
ID: c'mere and i'll put my burning star hands on you.
ID: what's a lush.
SA: Someone who drinks and flirts
ID: ...sip is already kinda a lush isn't she.
SA: also don't touch me with your grubby star hands
AA: lmfao. Y E S.
ID: i meant ea pris. but i'll grab you too. =:P
SA: at least use some sanitizer first
AA: accornding to the tabloids. and you. app. >:P
SA: oh! The betrayal
ID: i'm about to get in to the bath, i'll be hella clean. =>:I
SA: 🛁
LC: [ YYou most definitelYY will be, Hadean. ]
ID: just gotta, y'know. juggle a phone and try not smacking my broke ass arm on the way in.
EA: +Oh, right. Uh. Lush is sort of lik=... a plac= wh=r= you go to g=t, uh... bath products that ar= usually d=void of ch=micals that can b= harmful to your skin, and stuff? It's sort of hoity toity highblood stuff, but, th= stuff sm=lls r=ally good...- EA: +Also bath bombs. Mak= your whol= bath tub look lik= spac= or lik=, a uh... tropical, fruity thing. I am not th= b=st at this.-
ID: ...sips i want to go to a lush. =:I is there a lush on the drive.
LC: [ Well YYou'd have an easier time not having YYour phone with YYou, especiallYY if onlYY one of YYour hands is free due to the other... being broken. ] LC: [ What did YYou do at the carnival that YYou managed to break it? ]
ID: fought a jade with a halberd. duh.
ID has sent itstotesgettingbetter.png! Boy is that a broke arm. But it's giving a thumbs up.
LC: [ Oh. Well. ] LC: [ At least YYou are doing well, nonetheless. ]
SA: i am going to slap you if you don't stop using that hand
AA: .. gausia, wtf you trnying to buy me lush forn? >:}
SA: she is making unsubtle advances obviously
SA: 😐
AA: and y, we can find one. but also pls slap him, prni. AA: wtf is it out of the cast forn??
ID: it got itchy.
EA: +This was a jok= that larg=ly got out of my hands, onc=... I finally und=rstood that no on= knows what Lush is.- EA: +Shut up, SA.-
AA: .. let me cornrnect that. you can buy me lush, Gausie, but you still ain't allowed in the trnap. soz. >:P
ID: just give the free lush to me. duh.
SA: 🤣
SA: gausia
SA: we've met before
EA: +I don't want to b= in your trap! It would b= an actual, lit=ral trap!-
SA: 🤔
EA: +... Wait, what? hav= w=?-
SA: Prisma
SA: coffee.
SA: you spilt everything
EA: +... - EA: +No, totally don't know you. Not at all.-
AA: loool, what.
SA: 🤔🤔🤔
ID: well then.
EA: +Okay, list=n, if I kn=w =v=ryon= I accid=ntly tripp=d into, spill=d som=thing onto, or, you know, I would, uh.... w=ll....- EA: +... know a lot of p=opl=.-
SA: but we talked
ID: let's move on to a more interesting topic. also if i don't reply very often, you try typing and washing your ass-length hair at the same time.
SA: well some of us cut our hair off and keep our arms in our casts like we're supposed to
ID: casts are evil torture devices.
SA: I am dragging my hands down my face.
ID: that are coated in a substance to make your skin itch under it.
SA: that is literally not how that works
AA: dude, when yrn arnm heals crnooked, I'm gonna have to rnebrneak it to set it strn8.
LC: [ Well, casts are meant to be kept on to help YYour bones staYY in one place while the break heals, Hadean. ]
AA: and I'm gonna make fun of you the entirne fucking time.
LC: [ BYY taking it off, YYou are making it worse. ]
SA: how did we know it was set straight the first time. Did anybody get him an x ray
ID: it's fine. does it look crooked? no.
LC: [ Just as Sipara said. ]
SA: Your face is going to look crooked if I see you again 👀
SA: but not really
EA: +W= can always just cut your arm off and g=t you a prosth=tic! I'll =v=n giv= you a discount!-
SA: oh.
ID: fuck that, my arm is going to heal straight as an arrow and i'm gonna shove it in alll of your faces.
SA: if it doesn't though...
ID: also x ray pris do i look like i'm made of money.
LC: [ If YYou saYY so. Then we will see. ]
AA: we didn't need an xrnay, I do this all the time, prni. >:}
AA: and n, n cutting off anything, omfg.
LC: [ And if YYour arm heals crooked and needs to be well uh... get it to re-heal the right waYY, I could paYY for YYour X-RaYYs. ]
ID: gee lc, thanks. it won't happen because i'm sturdy af but a+ using your powers for good right there.
AA: lmao, n. he's my patient, i totally got it coverned. >:}
ID: i mean who here hasn't broken bones before.
LC: [ I am not sure if that's a good thing, Sipara. ]
AA: haha, excuse me?
ID: hey sips is an a+ mediculler.
ID: i mean with all the fights she gets in to, patching herself up is enough to make her like. an expert.
AA: n, hush, let him finish, i am fucking curnious what mapboy thinks he knows abt mediculling.
ID: http://i.imgur.com/1AvMrPv.mp4
AA: >:P
LC: [ Well I am not sure if YYou got a medical training but YYour approach seems to be usuallYY more drastic, from what I can... see. ] LC: [ Not just from before but YYour general demeanour. No offense. ]
EA: +I got popcorn, who wants som=?-
ID: yoooo hmu.
LC: [ SorrYY to tell YYou but I am not here to start a fight through the internet, just state an opinion. ]
ID: sorry bud, you're in a fight now.
AA: oh, shit, if yrn not arnguing overn my crnedentials, yrn just qqing bc of my rnough pernsonality, then who the fuck am i to take offense?
AA: herne's an opinion: go choke on an entirne bulge. AA: xoxo. >:}
LC: [ ... No thanks. ]
LC: [ I'd rather not. ]
AA: rnly? yeah, guess not, wtf was I thinking. AA: go choke on yrn own bulge, how's that, brnah.
LC: [ Won't do that either, I am not nastYY. ]
EA: +Com= back to th= hot=l th=n!!!! B=for= w= =at it all.-
ID: i just got in the bath. =:'(
ID: got suds alll through my hair.
AA: now put conditionern in it. >:}
ID: i didn't buy any. you got conditioner?
EA: +Call room s=rvic=.-
AA: i am not trnekking overn to brning you conditionern. >:1
ID: i'm trekking over to you then. =:P can i use your trap to finish this bath.
AA: .. lmao, uhh. AA: y, surne, why not.
EA: +... you b=tt=r hav= a tow=l or I am actually going to call th= polic=.-
ID: dnw, i will not give you mental scars. got this sweet fucking robe.
SA: I left to get a frozen chai and I come back to this.
ID: sorry pris, you guys tell me to use conditioner, i gotta get it somehow.
SA: lord.
SA: maybe you need a bath set
AA: dw, it's warnm outside.
ID: i like baths. i just don't get them very often!
ID: omw sips, don't worry.
AA: and can a bathset beat my awesome conversation, prni?? obvs not. not even if you put my pan in a jarn with speakerns and those little floaties.
SA: 😦 I want to have bathtub conversations
ID: dnw pris, i'll still keep chatting on here while i'm chatting with sips. =:P
SA: yes but it's not the same as hearing your voice 💚
AA: go rnun a bath and it can be T W I C E of em. >:}
SA: 😂
SA: I could take a bath but I have no reason to. I'm still clean
ID: take a bath just for the fun of baths, duh!
AA: do it to paint yrn nails!
SA: mmrm
SA: paint my nails...
ID: man, sometime i'll drag the both of you to a hotspring.
ID: clearly that's the best option for bath chats.
SA: fine. I will draw a bath.
AA: make them prnetty! and glue shit in 'em.
SA: why would I glue things to them I have to work.
AA: and omg. >:} yyyy. therne arne, like, hot canals nearn my hive, but they'rne full of fish.
AA: to make them prnetty, duh, keep up.
SA: I don't have any bath bombs
SA: hot canals.. full of fish
SA: that sounds alarming
ID: i've found some springs that are fish-free. take some time off both of you and we can go.
SA: some fish eat skin in hot springs and it's good for you
ID: sips meant fish as in seadwellers. but that. eww.
SA: I'm going to drop my phone In here I'm sure
SA: oh.
SA; I thought she meant. Actual fish.
EA: +With th= discussion about sushi last night, I don't know if sh='s =v=r s==n a fish.- EA: +As in, an actual fish.-
AA: meant both. >:} but lmao, grnoss!
AA: ofc I did, nerndass, I lived on the coast forn two sweeps. seen, like, all the fish everny fish. evern the tentacle fish.
SA: you mean octopi and squids
ID: quick warning, almost to the room, hide your poor little blueblood eyes soon gaus.
SA: or jelly fish
AA: n, i meant tentacle fish. don't you brning that highblood shit into my hive. >:P
ID: my hand is full of phone so knock knock sips, hope you got the good conditioner in there. =:P
SA: 😠 I'll bring my high blood shit where I want
SA: okay I feel the joys of feeling slowly leaving.
SA: now I'm just tired. The bathtub tricked me
AA: brnb, brnb, be rnight therne.
ID: ahahah sorry pris. baths can be hella calming.
SA: you did this to me
SA: do you have a favorite scent
ID: i like spicy scents.
ID: but i don't know if they make hair stuff spicy.
ID: and by spicy i mean, like... cinnamon.
EA: +So do=s that m=an I n==d to r=turn th= jal=p=no bath bomb?-
ID: wow do i look like a masochist?
ID: i mean. the shoulder wound and broken arm might have thrown you off.
ID: so. fair assumption i guess.
SA: what about cinnamon and apple? Cardimom?
ID: apples smell alright, but just. anything spicy i like sniffing.
SA: oh, I should show you my cologne sometime, perhaps you'd like that.
SA: oud has a very specific scent.
SA: it's like sandalwood and spice.
ID: huh. sounds nice. let me sniff you up. =:P
SA: I will let you smell my wrist, let's keep a cap on sniffing.
ID: i'll take it. should've known you'd wear cologne. mr. fancy pants. =:P
SA: of course I do. I have a collection.
SA: it's one of my favorite things to shop for.
ID: sorry, got busy washing my hair.
SA: good, now it will be silky and beautiful.
SA: and not. bloody and dirty.
ID: I got the blood and dirt out of it like yesterday. =:P
SA: But was it washed and conditioned?
ID: i shampooed it! just not conditioner.
ID: it's hard to wash with just the one arm.
SA: If you keep complaining about it someone may offer to help you and I don't believe you want that.
SA: the more i listen the more i enjoy having short hair.
SA: I drink your tears.
ID: this is just some nice venting, not looking for sympathy/help! =:P
ID: yeah but my hair is cool as fuck.
ID: when i'm not dealing with a broken arm.
SA: You don't even deal with it when your arm isn't broken, though. It is pinned in a braid all the same.
SA: i am blowing disappointed bubbles into my bathwater i want you to know this.
ID: i brush it sometimes!
AA: n, no helping allowed, it'll be hilarnious when it frnizzes.
ID: ...does conditioner make it frizz.
ID: fucking rude sips. i wasn't told about this.
ID: now you gotta help me brush it so it doesn't.
AA: n, conditione AA: totally does make it frnizz, y.
SA: only if you use fluffing conditioner
AA: sinistern fucking shit rnight therne. >:}
ID: am i going to be fluffy now. =:I
SA: hotel conditioner is too cheap. I hope.
SA: I don't know. We'll have to find out who is right
AA: not if we brnush it, duh.
ID: hope you have a brush.
SA: you just said you wouldn't --
ID: where's the hairdryer.
ID: ...also should have brought clothes with me.
ID: i didn't think this through.
AA: i wasn't, but then he said i gotta, so w/e, w/e AA: do i look like i have a hairndrniern, dude? and
AA: lmfao omggg.
AA: p surne gausia is nevern gonna let you out of the trnap now, so, like, i hope you can eat soap. >:}
ID: hotels have hairdryers. i'll let myself out if i fucking have to. =:I the robe covers like. all of me.
SA: 😂
ID: unless the sight of my head, neck, and some calf are enough to kill her.
SA: possibly
ID: rip gausia then.
SA: I have to cease bathtub otherwise I will fall asleep here and I'd like to sleep in my bed
SA: see you later, Hadean, Sipara. Gausia.
ID: later pris.
AA: l8rn, dude.
ID: if gausia is gonna be a wriggler, come in here. =>:I
AA: see, if you wernen't a candle monstern, we'd have an easy solution. >:{ AA: lucky forn you, i am a fucking E N G I N E E RN.
ID: wtf is a candle monster.
AA: ... y'know, like, the wax museum things. except they'rne rnly fucking tall, and smothern ppl. also, coverned in wax. AA: get w yrn cinema, duh.
ID: i told you i don't watch movies. and why am i a candle monster.
AA: neway. Ï have made you the best fucking gift, and it's called S H E E T S. wrnap it like a tunic! voilaaa. >:}
AA: starnt watching them. be less lame!
ID: whatever, tunic sheets it is. and my phone speakers don't work and my husktop only works like. every now and then.
AA: and bc yrn also tall and drnippy. jfc, hads, keep up.
AA: prnobs bc you keep it all in a tent, dude. >:} js.
AA: also btw bettern be decent bc i am coming in in, like, five.
ID: my tent rocks and i'm decent af.
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