#nahida wants to see how you’ve been doing! get dressed”
salsflore · 2 years
hehehehe i had a dream about childe and it was good. finally got a break from all the insanity i’ve been dreaming of lately www
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Dehya + Arlecchino Forgotten!Creator AU
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A proper response to @ninjacomix sorry for the wait!
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You woke up in the deserts of Sumeru when you first arrived in Teyvat, so it’s no surprise that the first people you met were Eremites 
Unlike the Traveler, you are not immediately attacked- half because of your divinity subtly making them more docile, and half because you’re covered in sand and dressed in foreign clothes and practically melting under the sun- and yeah, you look too pathetic to rob
They end up taking you back to Aaru Village, and that’s where you end up meeting Dehya.
Well, technically you meet Dehya the day after you arrive, when you rush outside during a sandstorm and spot her fighting monsters
It’s a bit surreal, watching an actual fight like this, and you’re frozen in awe
At least until you notice the Rifthound sneaking up on her
You’re panicking as you lunge forward, feeling something begin to expand inside you, and-
Everything is still
Both the storm and the Rifthounds are frozen in place, and Dehya is looking at you, extremely confused
“What is this?!?” “HOW SHOULD I KNOW?!?!” “YOU’RE THE ONE DOING IT!!!!”
Dehya dispatches the Rifthounds quickly, and the sandstorm resumes
And the next day, the both of you set out towards the Akademiya, wanting to figure out what your deal is
(You don’t realize that now the gods are remembering the creator, the Akademiya is Scrambling to find any and all information on you and why they forgot you)
During the journey the both of you grow close, and a few weeks in, the both of you wrapped in a blanket to protect from the chill of a desert night, you turn to her.
“Hey, let’s get married.”
And after choking on her water, she agrees to it
Congratulations! You have a wife!
The Creator, showing up hand in hand with an Eremite is not what an Akademiya scholar expected to see at four in the morning on a random day, but that is what he saw- and he thinks the subsequent panic is very understandable
Before you know it, you and your new wife are sitting in the acting grand sages office as Nahida uses some kind of Archon communication to page the other Archons
It takes about an hour for them to burst through the door
(In that time you’ve taught Alhaitham and Dehya how to play Rock Paper Scissors, Go Fish, Uno, and you’re in the middle of teaching them slapjack. Alhaithams hands are suspiciously red and Dehya is smirking)
They’re instantly fretting over you, apologizing for forgetting you and generally praising you, completely overwhelming until Dehya pulls you away
“Hey! Who are you supposed to be!” It’s Venti, disappointed that his god has been taken from him
“That’s my wife!” You state proudly.
And then everything clicks
“Wait, I’m a god?” 
The room explodes in noise, but Dehya’s hand never leaves yours
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When it comes to Arlecchino, instead of taking you to Aaru Village, you ask them to take you to the border of Fontaine
You’ve only made it to the end of Sumeru in the Archon Quests- maybe if you head to Fontaine now, you’ll get to see the Archon Quest in person!
It’s only once you’ve taken the Aquabus to the Court of Fontaine that you realize you do not have a single mora on your person. 
It’s after a day of exploring that you end up near the sea, and after being startled by a giant crab appearing from nowhere (It was Very Scary I promise) you end up tumbling into the water, you’re trapped under, and-
Wait… you can still breathe!
You light up with excitement, diving deeper, and that begins your life as a diver.
You end up becoming a collector, selling cool shells and oddities to anyone in the Court who’s willing to buy them (You’ve built up a pretty good rapport with the supply manager of Chiori’s Boutique)
It’s also underwater that you discover you’re the creator- finding an old abandoned temple with murals of a god that look just like you, helping you make sense of the power beneath your skin
But hey, if no one else was gonna bring it up, you wouldn’t either
And it’s underwater that you end up meeting your first Fatui member: Freminet
He was surprised when he first saw you swimming around- but now he’s grown pretty accustomed to you, and sometimes you guys even interact
Admittedly, sound doesn’t travel well underwater, so most of your communication is via charades, but the two of you end up growing close
Freminet shows you cool diving spots, you collect valuables from the ocean floor together, swim together in blissful silence, and play with all the friendly ocean animals you seem to attract
It only takes about a month for Freminet to begin mentally referring to you as mother (This boy is starved of a parental figure)
And after that it only takes a week before he slips up
He’s waiting in Father’s office, looking around as he waits for him to arrive
It’s pretty sparsely decorated- but there are a few ornaments still left around.
“Mother would like this…” Freminet muses, looking at a small model boat, delicate and intricately carved.
A flash of heat at his back. “… What did you just say?”
After a very long and frantic explanation, and a slightly shorter lecture on stranger danger, Arlecchino demands to meet you.
You first meet the harbinger after a day diving with Freminet, and he shoots you an apologetic look as you both surface to find a harbinger on the shore
And then you make eye contact
Your thoughts: That is a harbinger. From the Fatui. Huh. I’m going to pretend not to know that.
Arlecchino’s thoughts: That is the Creator that The Tsaritsa told me to look out for. They have the exact same appearance. I will pretend not to know that.
Arlecchino asks you to tea to get to know you better, and it devolves from there.
At your tea party, she introduces herself as a completely normal orphanage matron, and you’re polite enough to not point out that her brooch is a tiny Fatui emblem
You introduce yourself as a normal diver and she ignores the fact that your spoon has been stirring sugar into your tea without you even touching it
Your relationship continues in a similar fashion, with the both of you pretending to be a completely normal couple
After a few months, when both of you are getting married, you both ignore the oddities of your guests
“Ah, darling, the Fatui are here.” “Oh yes, they sponsor my orphanage, how polite of them to come.”
“Angel, Morax is here.” “Huh. Isn’t he supposed to be dead?” “Yes.” “Well, I’m glad he could make it.” 
The both of you continue with intense purposeful ignorance
Venti: Your grace, do you really want to marry the harbinger? Is she threatening you?
You: What harbinger? I’m marrying a completely normal and totally average orphanage owner. So kind and generous she is.
Arlecchino, in the background, kicking Childe for trying to start a fight at her wedding, pausing to turn and wave: Hello.
Also Freminet is the flower girl
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chainelunaire · 1 year
a heart of a jack of clubs
(7,4k words. angst through and through, somehow ambigious ending. slowburn. so slow, it takes them quarter of a century to fuck.)
when you’re almost 8 months pregnant, you meet scaramouche.
it’s pretty awkward, actually - you sit under a tree in a chinju forest, trying to breathe, but you do a pretty bad job at that. everything hurts so much, you hoped no one would hear your crying, but gods like to laugh at you. you close your eyes from time to time, hoping you would never open them again. you never knew that giving birth is such a challenge, you only heard of it, and you thought you’ve prepared yourself. but it was supposed to be a month more untill you meet your child. and now, well, yeah. nothing is ever right in your life.
when you open your eyes again, after getting so tired of screaming and maybe losing your consciousness for a minute, there’s three of them right in front of you: a little girl with soft white hair in a pretty green dress, touching your forehead. a man with a stark red strand in his light grey hair, his gaze is so worried and pained. the third man stays behind those two, and you can’t even comprehend how he looks like.
“i think she’s dying” girls says a little too brightly. the man with white hair looks a little bit bewildered.
“don’t say it like that!”
“does it matter?” the third man says. “open your eyes, kaedehara. she is dying.”
“still, you can hurt her with this even more” the kind man sits in front of you - his touch is blessedly chill against your feverish skin. “lady, can you hear me? can you understand what i say to you?”
you can only blink slowly in response. because of the pain you can’t really scream anymore, but tears start streaming down your face once again. you want to ask them to kill you, because you’ve suffered for god knows how many hours by now. maybe you even do ask them, considering that the girl now frowns, the kind man tries to wipe your tears away and even the third man stiffens because of your cries.
“i am no expert, but i think it’s a preterm birth.” girl says, her tone really sad now “she really might die. we need to move her in some more of a clean space, quickly.”
“we can’t really move her, you know?” girl turns her head and you guess her gaze makes the third man sigh loudly. “okay, okay, don’t look at me like that” you hear his steps and he finally bends in front of you. you can’t really see his face because of how ridiculously big his hat is, but his voice is much softer now when he speaks to you directly “hold on my shoulders, lady, we’re gonna take a quick ride.”
you do as he says, feeling another wave of terrible pain shuttering your body. almost laying on his chest, yet you hear no heartbeat. his skin velvety and cool under your fingertips, when he easily lifts you from the ground, and from now on you don’t remember anything.
you took your son outside to play in grass, when scaramouche returns from sumeru. unexpectedly, as always.
here’s the trick: even if you can say now, that kazuha is your friend (and thank god for him, he’s the best human who ever walked this earth), nahida is probably your friend too, even though you don’t see her a lot and she’s much, much more reserved than kazuha (who is a grown man, despite his height), scaramouche is an interesting case. you’ve never ever asked him, who he even was, what he did for life. you felt like you had no right, since you’ve been nobody yourself. he’s just kinda...there. you don’t know what to think of him. you can’t label it, so you just don’t do it.
he visits you regularly. he’s at your house more often, then even kazuha; he has more than enough duties in sea, and scaramouche doesn’t. he just does as he pleases. and it seems like he wants to be near you a lot of the times. you don’t mind, really: he’s a nice company, very useful and not overbearing. he also seems to know a lot about caring for kids, which you find unexpected, but again, you need that guidance. 
even if in the beginning you thought he was the one with a cold heart, now you’re definitely not sure. you gave birth that night and you’ve slept for over two weeks after. nahida told you, that she put you in that state, since she was afraid, you die. your body was so fragile after giving birth, she spent days and nights healing you. kazuha was busy building you new home with the help of the beidou’s crew - you don’t want to know, how nahida learnt, that you were homeless. in that time, scaramouche was the one who cared for your son: he fed him, lulled him to sleep, checked on his health. you’ve learnt that only months after, nahida told you that. but you kinda got the feeling anyway.
you could easily say, scaramouche liked spending time with the kid. he brought him presents anytime he visited. expensive toys from fontaine, liyue and snezhnaya, clothes from natlan, candies and some delicious food from sumeru. he says, he doesn’t care about mora, and it looks like he doesn’t lie, but you still feel uneasy with how much he spends on your son. but again, he helped you. he still helps you a lot. weeks, then months go by, and you’re so used to him at your side, you start to feel a bit lost when he finally leaves again. you know he’ll return, yet you still wonder, what if not.
“look who’s all grown up now” your son squeals in delight when he hears scaramouche’s voice, and you turn your head too, because your son tends to have better sight than you, he also hears a lot more than you. 
scaramouche’s on his way to your little home, and you stand up to greet him. you actually stop, because he stumbles funnily, when you come near him. it’s as if he wanted to hug you, forgetting himself for a second. you see no problem though. you would hug him, if he wanted you to. 
it’s always a happy time, when he’s at your home - playing with your son, while you make dinner, then telling you both his stories. they’re quite endearing, and he has such a nice voice, while telling them, it’s as if he was truly a balladeer. your son loves listening to him, he actually likes to sit on his lap and watching him speak. you usually stand near the kitchenette, cup of tea in your hands, watching them talk.
it brings you somewhere close to longing for something you never had. but you, weakly, love that feeling. and sometimes scaramouche looks at you strangely, like he wants to ask, what are you thinking, but even if he did ask, you don’t know what to tell him. you don’t know what you want of him yourself.
you love when scaramouche comes to your home. that you know for sure.
this time is only slightly different. your son is sleeping soundly in your arms, when you want to bring him to his bed. you hear scaramouche’s voice near your ear:
“lemme hold him. please”
you look at him with wide eyes.
he actually rarely took your son in his arms. it wasn’t like he didn’t want to, more out of his respect for you as your son’s mother. 
he holds your son with such gentleness, caressing his hair through his fingers. you smile, because of how fond you find that gesture. he studies the kid’s face for a minute, and then he looks straight in your eyes:
“you really love him, huh?”
“what? of course i do. i am his mom”
“not every mother loves her child” and you know, there’s a bad, bad story behind those words, yet you say nothing on that matter. 
“you love him too” you say instead. it’s as clear as the sky is blue to you. it’s clear for pretty anybody - read, nahida and kazuha - too.
and yet, for a second, he looks like a kid, who got cought stealing candies before dinner.
“bullshit. i’m just helping you because you’re such a baby and know nothing”
“yeah. that’s why you asked to hold my son”
“okay. give him back to me then”
he actually takes a step back. you think it’s funny how he looks like he will fight you if you try to snatch a baby back in your arms. so you laugh quietely.
“scaramouche” you call him.
“what” he snaps back, but quiet enough not to wake your son. you take one step towards him, then another, untill you can hug him lightly, and he’s so stiff in your arms, like a porcelain doll.
“it’s okay. you can love my son too,” you whisper, feeling how his head falls on your shoulder. “i allow that.”
you stay like that for long, long moments, and you’re actually so surprised that your heart doesn’t beat so fast. it’s just so calm to you, being near him.
“i wanted to say to you that it’s okay to stay here, you know” 
“i always stay, stupid”
“no. i mean for real. i know you don’t want that, probably. but you can always stay with us. for however long”
you hear him laugh bitterly.
“you say you know i don’t want to stay? so funny”
“because it means you truly know nothing”
your first kiss with scaramouche happens when your son is five and he learns that everyone has a father, except him.
interestingly enough, it’s kazuha, who tells you that. he visited you again, while being in inazuma, as he always did for past years. your bond only grew stronger with years, but you know that it’s nothing, comparing to his bond with scaramouche. they weren’t even that good of a friends. it’s more likely that something tragic bonded them, and you’re partly glad you know nothing about it.
you’ve learned a lot about scaramouche in past years while living with him. he still left sometimes, when nahida needed him or his duties called, but he lived with you for much longer. his trips were much shorter too. you fell into some kind of ruitine, and with that came few things you needed to know about each other.
he never actually hid anything from you, it’s just that you felt uncomfortable being persistent, so you learned thing at a time. you’ve learnt he doesn’t need to eat or drink, but he likes to cook and does this often. you’ve learnt he doesn’t care if it’s hot or cold outside, he’s fine anytime. if listen closely, you can hear how his joints quietely screeching everytime he moves. his skin is slightly velvety to touch, like cold porcelain. he sleeps with his eyes open.
he’s not a human, not really. you thought that would worry you more, with everything you’ve been through, yet you just... don’t care.
“i never thought i would tell you this, but it doesn’t matter. you’ve learned this yourself!” kazuha says, and you stand outside the room, hearing everything they say, hoping, they won’t see you. “you know, how much nahida loves you, and i know you love her - don’t you dare to interrupt me right now. it doesn’t always have to be blood. don’t fool me and say you don’t love the kid.”
“i do” scaramouche says after a long pause “and i’m not his father. there’s no need for a father at all. they’re useless.”
“but he wants one. he wants you to be”
“he has a father, he was born somehow, wasn’t he? do you see him here? me too. so that’s what i’m not. i’m not his father.”
you feel so much pain you can’t breathe.
you don’t even go out to say your goodbye to kazuha. you just sit on a stone near the cliff, watching foxes running and playing around. you hate them with your whole being.
“so you heard everything”
it’s rare now to see scaramouche parading in his hat and fancy outfit. his hair grew a bit longer, he wears no hat, and his shorts and shirt are very simple. his haori is a present from you on his birthday. he wears it religiously.
and you’re pained.
“i have”
“i see. may i sit near you?”
you nod, turning your head away.
he sits silently next to you. he’s still the most pleasant person to just sit next to in complete silence, and you despise yourself for how weak you were. you gave up on being close to him, but your son? what he ever did to him?
“actually, i genuinely hate inazuma” scaramouche says suddenly - your heart clenches, because yeah, of course, why would he love it here? you live in a deep of a chinju forest, in small wooden house with your son. he has an opportunity to visit anywhere he wants. whay would he want to even be there, of all places? “i hate it so fucking much, you can’t imagine.”
“i truly can’t”
“yeah, you can’t” he says again, no mockery in his voice. “this is the place where i was born and left behind. the only thing i ever wanted is to set everything up in flames here. and i felt like that for years. centuries.”
your heart sinks.
“i thought you’re i don’t know? twenty five?” kazuha is around thirty, so you’ve guessed he’s also around his age, even with how young he looks. scaramouche chuckles.
“yeah. slightly older than that” he looks at you with unreadable smile “still, i’m here. any ideas, why?”
“you’re masochistic?”
“no, anything else? come on, you can do better than that” his smile disappears as fastly, as it was brought. “here i thought you would explain me why”
you don’t answer anything to that. he chuckles again - more bitterly this time.
“i meant what i said. kid has a father. a shitty one, i assume. i don’t want to be anything like that. you need to believe me” he takes your hand in his and squeezes it slightly, making you look at him. and he’s so serious and worried right now, you feel your heart might explode. “i wish only the best on you two. i wouldn’t do anything to harm you. and you don’t have to tell me anything. i know a thing or two about how shitty those kitsune bastards can be. in the end, it’s your life, and i’m no one to you, you owe me nothing”
“are you serious right now?!” you almost yell, yanking your hand away. “you’ve lived here for five years! five! you’ve teached my son how to read, you’ve played with him, you brought him gifts, you brought me gifts, and you sleep in my room on a bed that stands next to mine, and you are no one to me?! you fucking selfish little-” you stop only when you hear him laughing. it makes you even more mad, but it disappears the moment you see how glassy his eyes are. and he keeps laughing and laughing and laughing, untill he stops completely.
“i do sound like my mother” he whispers, more to himself than to you. and then he looks at you again, his eyes are so clear and sad for how badly he hurt you. “i shouldn’t have said that”
the worst part is that you don’t feel hurt for yourself. you feel bad for your kid.
you never planned on having kids. your plan was to become a priestess in a great shrine, which is really ironic, considering of course it was a kitsune who made you change your mind. who made you drop everything you planned behind, to run away with him from your hometown, only for him to drop you the second he got what he wanted from you. and maybe he didn’t even want anything at all. probably that, because that’s just how cruel yokais can be. it was all just a fun game, and you kinda lost. you would strongly disagree it was fun at all.
that’s the reason your pregnancy was so difficult. the baby was just too strong for your human body. he keeps getting stronger every day, and you were so thankful to scaramouche because he seemed to know how to handle your son. he’s so strong willed and independent even now, that you need help. because yeah, you do not know how to raise a child.
your son looks like a normal kid, except for his now little dark claws. they showed when he became four, and he cried that night, thinking he’s very ugly now. and you know why he’s thinking that. some might say he’s scary and looks like a demon, but even though your son’s eyes are blood red with a vertical pupil, they remind you strangely of kazuha, of all people. your son is half yokai, yeah, and people might be scared of him, but his gaze holds no malice. he’s the sweetest boy, who loves you deeply, who loves scaramouche, nahida and kazuha. you hope, he’ll be like kazuha, because his kindness and gentleness is seen in him even now, and you don’t want to hate your kid just because for who his father is.
the dinner is very silent - even your son keeps it low, because he somehow sensed that something is wrong between you two. he thanks you for food, kisses you on a cheek while saying goodnight and then turns to his room.
“don’t you wanna say goodnight to me too?” scaramouche asks suddenly. your son turns to him, surprised. ever so gentle, scaramouche rarely openly show affection towards kid, even when your son wanted him to.
“can i?” he asks hesitantly. scaramouche smiles lightly and extends his hand.
“come here, give your dad a hug”
you drop the plate you were holding, and your son literally runs towards scaramouche. you know if it was you he would probably hit you (not intentionally, but he’s that strong at his age), but scaramouche catches him easily, and it reminds you of a day when he brought you here just as easily. you chew your bottom lip, while watching, how happily your son hugs said man, and that man, while smiling, looks you right into the eyes, as if asking for your forgiveness.
you turn away.
scaramouche usually reads after the dinner, yet you’re not surprised to find him in your room. he looks up at you - it’s late in the evening, your son is very much asleep, so it’s quiet and cozy here.
“that was super weird.”
“which part?”
“i’m not his father. i’m not anyone’s father” he frowns “and it felt really weird saying things like that”
“oh, really”
“don’t fucking laugh at me, woman” you think it’s adorable, how his harsh words don’t match the soft tone of his voice. “i’m not-”
“can i kiss you?”
you’re afraid you broke him for a minute - he looks at you with such a strange expression on his face, you can’t comprehend it. he looks so young and vulnerable and alive, you can’t imagive, how he’s not a human. and how much you want him by your side.
“yes” he says quietely, voice not above just a whisper “yes, you can”
your son is eleven, when his... father decides to show up.
and you think, why would it end differently? of course there’s always a way to ruin it for you. last few years was the best you ever had in your life, so something needs to change to show you, how are you not actually in charge.
your life became just a little bit too perfect. it consisted of you, scaramouche and your son having a breakfast together, then you stay to study with your son, while scaramouche works in a garden, because you can’t do hard work, so your health won’t worsen. later you usually go for a walk to a shrine or at the seacost. you’ve visited countless festivals and watched fireworks together. in evenings you still listen to scaramouche’s stories, and then you say goodnight to your son, so you can to bed together. years later, you still only sleep together. he likes to kiss you, yeah, but nothing more. you’re fine. you’re not sure your body won’t betray you anyway.
so of course it has to be ruined.
and this prick - you really can’t even bring yourself to call him a father of your beautiful, kind, sweet son - shows up looking exactly like you’ve seen him last time. you know time flies, and you’re fine with you aging, yet it feels like a slap in a face. you’ve never felt this way with scaramouche, even though he too, obviously, doesn’t change a bit.
give me my son, that prick says. you did everything i’ve wanted from you. now it’s time for me to teach my son how he needs to be.
your blood boils with such rage, you think you’ve never been able to feel this much. you remember how one morning he just never returned, and later you found out you were pregnant. how much you cried, feeling horror almost in your bones, and how high priestess said that if you decide to keep the child, best case scenario it’ll take a good half of your life. the decision wasn’t up to you anyway. it was late, and you made peace with the fact that you will probably die soon.
did you really think i’ll just leave my son be with you, he asks, not really wanting you answer. 
fuck you. scaramouche is his father, you think stubbornly. and, also, fuck you again.
he says, he’ll return back when your kid will turn twelve, and he’ll ask if he stays with you or go with him. he will know that man who raised him never was his father, and he’ll hate you for it. 
and maybe if you were stupid young self, you would listen to him. you would dread the date and think a hundred times over how to tell your son that... how to tell him anything. you would cry because your son might turn into his father, hurting more and more people, without the possibility for this cycle to break.
now you’re smarter. 
you see there’s a lot of foxes near your house. your son sits at a table, focused on a book scaramoche presented him just a week ago. it’s a book from nahida, so it’s very special. scaramouche is nowhere to be seen - he’s probably in city, buying stuff you need. your heart aches for how heartbroken he will be.
foxes get closer to your son. be it your young self, you would cry out of horror.
but now you’re smarter. 
so you take your son’s hand and just run.
you hide with your son for five years, when you meet nahida.
your son is first to pinpoint her in the crowd. people moving and dancing around you, there’s smell of hot spice and something sweet in the air, the sun is so hot and red. you change regions frequently, you need to, but natlan so far is the least favourite of yours. you hate how loud it is, how hot it is. there’s no serenity in those lands, only war and feasts.
“nahida? nahida!” your son’s voice helps you to snap out of it. you feel something between panic and excitement.
there she is: still so small and young, an adult in a kid’s body. you’r afraid people might hurt her. but she moves right towards you, her gaze stoic and unwavering.
“nahida!” your son kneels so he can hug her and she does immediately hug him back, her little hands look even smaller on his back. your son is not very tall, rather lean and not so broad. he reminds you of a fox - the only one you won’t hate.
“i’m so glad to see you. it’s been so long” you blame yourself for longing in his voice. you took everything from him too.
“how have you been?” she asks him, holding his face with her hands. he smiles widely.
“we’re fine. wanna talk to mom? i thought you like me better” she finally giggles and pats him on a head.
“we’ll have plenty of a time to talk. but yes, i need to talk to your mother”
you can’t let go of your habits that easily - all those years you spend watching your son every moment, so no one would steal him from you. nahida sees that, she was always capable of seeing through people.
“i wonder what it takes to be able to hide from everyone, even from the goddess of wisdom” she starts. 
you sigh.
“you wouldn’t want to know”
“i always wanna know” she argues “i can’t believe i was finally able to find you. we’ve all tried to find you”
“please, don’t torture me like that. please.”
she gets quiet for a moment.
“you look sick” it’s because you are sick. there was no peace in your life, not a second since you were on a run. you don’t age like normal humans, not after given a birth to yokai, yet sometimes you wish you just get grey hair and that’s it. your body hurts all the time, so much, sometimes you can’t sit straight. “i told you years ago, if you don’t watch yourself you will-”
“don’t care”
“but i do. your son does.” you know who else does too, probably. “can you at least tell me, what happened? i can’t help you if-”
“no one can help me.”
“i think we might argue about that” she gets closer to you and takes your hand into hers. you immediately feel strange relief, as if something very heavy was taken off your shoulders. “tell me. we will find a way. i, as an archon of wisdom, will find a way for you”
there’s sunset, and music gets louder, people start dancing again. your son looks at you, his lips trembling. you so, so want to go back to your home in a dark forest. 
“please, mom” he whispers, almost inaudible. “let’s return”
the ghost of his father still haunts you at nights, but with years passing your horror started to fade away. there’s no way somebody was able to make your son someone different. he loved you deeply, yet you knew he judged you for not saying anyone a word. 
he looked so much like scaramouche sometimes, it brought you to a physical pain. he frowned like him, his smile was just as mischievous and fond as his, he liked to read, liked to watch fireworks and work in garden. he was so softspoken even when he was hurt or angry.
there’s no way he could be like anyone but his father.
you blink once, twice, feeling tears sting your eyes. 
and start speaking.
you’re with kazuha in mondstadt year later, when scaramouche steps in your rented room.
“there you are” is all he says. you almost jump off the chair, turning to him immediately.
“i’ll leave you two” kazuha stands up and winks at you. “good luck”
what you expected to see? scaramouche looks exactly like six years ago, still young and lean, though he looks much, much darker now. his clothes are from the way back, when he dressed in black and turqiuose, but now it has more purple to it. the bells on his veil dangle dangerously.
"let’s summarize what we have here” he says as if nothing happened, as if you haven’t seen him for so long. “instead of talking to me and just saying you need some help, you decided to run away and hide for years, am i right?”
“it wasn’t like that”
“oh? tell me how it was then”
you have no words. you knew he would be mad, that’s why you begged nahida not to tell him anything. nahida said okay. and there was kazuha, who didn’t say anything, when you tried to ask for his promise to stay silent.
he probably did it for your son. he wanted to see him so much, it became hard to keep him low.
“i hear nothing” the venom in his voice almost burns you.
“i couldn’t say anything. he would take my son away”
“he wouldn’t”
you smile sadly. you still feel heavy in your stomach, your back hurts.
“he would” you repeat, and for the first time scaramouche looks less mad. “when i returned home, after i found out i was pregnant, he followed me. i didn’t know that. and when i told my family i needed help, well...”
he looks at you expectantly. you feel so cold in your limbs.
“what did he do?” he asks you, way calmly this time.
“my yonger sister, she... she went out one day and never came back. my parents searched everywhere, nothing. and week later another girl. and another”
he stays silent, yet you see how he clenches his fists so much, you hear that sweet, sweet sound of creaking joints. you can’t smile anymore. 
“i know it was him.” you say simply. “there’s no evidence. i don’t know what he did to them. i hope they hadn’t suffered and died quickly, because he enjoys... he loves to play.”
“i killed him” he says matter-of-factly. you feel cold sweat on your back with how calm and lifeless he looks. “he broke the rules anyway. so i did what i had to do”.
“what rules are you talking about? how did you even found him?”
“i asked my mother” that surprises you. “see, i could, of course, just kill him in silence. but the forest belongs to yokai. there are rules. kitsune can’t really mess with humans that much anymore. apparently, that made everyone’s life difficult, and it was not easy to lure him in... long story short, he’s dead. he won’t bother you anymore.”
“you asked your mother?”
now he looked nervous.
“i had to. i needed help to track him down. this is her land. she knows where he could hide, since she’s yokai herself” you remember all the times he spoke to you about his family, his mothers or his sister. he rarely did this, granted, yet it pains you even more to hear him going through it alone.
“are you okay?”
“you kidding?” he looks at you, bewildered “that’s what you choose to ask me?!”
“i don’t know what else to ask” you asnwer truthfully. 
you see the gnosis on his chest starts to shine - he closes it with his hand, as if his heart hurt. you know he has no heart. you’ve never heard his heartbeat.
suddenly the door slams open.
there’s kazuha with your son, standing in front door. kazuha took him under his wing, helping you hide him, because there’s no such place as the ocean, and though kitsune usually hate water, your son loved it. you’ve seen him only yestersay, thinking he’s already on a ship, which is now under kazuha’s command.
but it seems like everything goes not how you expected today.
you see so much emotions on scaramouche’s face. from surprise and joy to sadness and anger. he’s angry at you, because you’ve stolen him of those years he could spent near you and your kid, like a family that you were. you see, that it’ll take time for him to forgive you for those years he lost, net seeing your son growing up, changing and become who he is now. they’re the same height now, the eyes of your son are still bright red and kind, but not at all naive. he’ll only learn now, how simillar they look, when they get angry, or how their sense of humour is basically the same. they look nothing alike, and yet it was your son and his behaviour who reminded you always of what you’ve left behind. and you’re so sorry too.
you’re so, so sorry you hurt them both.
and then scaramouche smiles - widely, so fond and kind, like years ago.
“so grown up now, you don’t even want to give me a hug?” he says, only half-joking. he’s testing waters, if he could take what was his once back.
your son runs towards him in a second.
kazuha pats your back reassuringly, as if saying that it’s going to be okay now. you’re sure you’ve never seen scaramouche cry. it’s just tears down his face, as he smiles and hugs your son tighter. and you actually now know, what you want to ask.
can you return home?
it’s almost twenty five years after you first meet scaramouche, when you finally can say you’ve found peace.
scaramouche chuckles, when you say that to him, as if you said something really funny.
“your standarts are still really low” he says, and you nod thoughtfully.
“yeah. i’m living with you at the end of the day”
he glares at you, but says nothing. you’ve learnt a lot from him in those years, so now he keeps his mouth shut.
when you first returned to your home in a forest, you were too busy bringing it back it’s cozy view. it was still not as abandoned, as you imagined. kazuha told you, scaramouche returned here regularly, hoping to meet you here one day. 
it took him a year to become less paranoid. you could understand that, since you too couldn’t really let go of the feeling that you’re free to do what you want. finally, what you want. not what you need. nahida took your son to sumeru, to help him become more independent, and you? you were truly all for youself, the first time in your life.
“what is going on inside that brain of yours now?” scaramouche asks you impatiently. you only smile in response.
“that’s a secret”
“ugh. disgusting” he holds you closer, eyes sparkling with mischief “tell me”
you look at him and can’t not smile. he’s so beautiful in your eyes. you could never understand, how he switches so easily between being angsty teen brat and a centuries old wise son of a god. you think that that sounds right, because only a god could create someone so endearing and loving and vulnerable and brave-
“you’re doing it again”
“doing what?”
“drifting off” he says seriously. “what’s on your mind?”
what’s on your mind? your son was no longer there, so you couldn’t tell yourself scaramouche was here only for him. however much he loved him, it was stupid to stay in denial. you couldn’t afford that anymore.
“do you love me?” you ask him. he looks surprised for a second, but collects himself very quickly.
“of course not. i just enjoy spending years of my life near somebody i hate”
“you would love that. you easily could do that out of spite, don’t lie.”
“you know me so well” he retorts sarcastically, but stops himself, seeing your face “why you asking stupid questions?”
“because i want more”
he stays silent, and you hate how sometimes you truly can’t say, what he’s thinking right now.
“okay let’s forget-”
“you’ve seen me naked” he starts cautiously. that you did. “i’m not human. i am a puppet at the end of the day.”
“do i look like somebody who would spend years of their life living with a puppet and suddenly find out that yeah, i might actually care that said puppet has no dick?” he coughs, as you quirk your eyebrow. “yeah, exactly”
“but can you imagine my mother designing my dick?” he asks in the most flat tone, his face unreadable. you can’t help but cackle. the corner of his mouth twitches, as if he tries to supress a smile. “that fox bitch definitely could though.”
“maybe it’s for the best she was stopped”
“probably, yeah”
you want to say to him, he’s not a puppet, he should stop thinking of himself like that, but you know it would just anger him, if anything. he was always realistic. he was a puppet. with his own mind, his thoughts, desires, feelings. he was just...like that.
and the thing is, even with your inexperience, you know, that there are definitely more skilled men in a block. maybe you could even snatch one for a good night, but you don’t want to, genuinely. you never did. you want this puppet - you want him - and there all it is to it.
so when he finally gives in and kisses you, rolling on his back so you would be on top of him, you can only sigh. he sits up and puts your hair from your face with quiet, yet so fond smile, you can feel your heart breaking your ribs.
“you’re so beautiful” he whispers, while looking you straight in the eyes “always were and always will be”
you kiss him with desire you refuse to ignore any longer. 
he’s definitely not the most expirienced either, but what he lacks with skill he makes up to with his patience and tenderness. he has to be gentle because of how fragile your health is, so he tries to do that exactly. his smile so innocent, almost angelic, if only it wasn’t for the devilish sparks in his eyes, that lit up when you whine his name. you quickly decide, that you both love that. that, and how cool his skin feels under your touch, especially when he kisses your neck, while telling you to lift yourself a bit. you shiver in anticipation and yet still moan, when you feel the first finger inside. you don’t see his face, but you know that now he must be smiling like a stupid arrogant brat that he is.
and yet, his fingers feel so good, you clench on his shoulders with such force you fear you can break him. he only shushes you, his other hand patting your back, mouth never leaves your neck for long. he fucks you slow and steadily, keeping you in place, so you don’t move and he’s the one deciding the pace. even when you beg him to go faster, he only kisses you lovingly and continues to torture you with slow deep thrusts. you hate him for it, but not really.
you come with his name on your lips, and he keeps fucking you through it, so tenderly you feel tears in your eyes. to your surprise, you feel something wet on your neck too.
“scaramouche?” you ask worriedly, lifting his face with your hands so you can look at him properly. “are you okay?”
his eyes are glassy, and his cheeks are wet with tears, but you’ve learned a long ago that his tears are the only way showing anything of his emotions. and even though he cries, that’s not all to it.
“i’m great” he chuckles and kisses your shoulder, as you ruffle his hair “better than i have ever been”.
it’s winter, when you talk to scaramouche abouth death.
you have always dodged this topic elegantly. nahida told you, now decades ago, that your life won’t be long, nor that it would be joyful. scaramouche argued with her on that, but you silently agree with her. your life was on a thread the minute you felt your son in you. you can’t believe he’s so mature now, even though he still looks like a teen boy. and while scaramouche doesn’t visit his mothers ever, your son did visit his mom once. he later stayed in her shrine for about a year, learning from her, since she was, in scaramouche’s words, a knowledgeable bitch. 
but it wasn’t you and your condition, that triggered that talk.
kazuha dies so suddenly, it leaves everyone in shock. of course he was an old man now, but still you hadn’t expect it. you’re sure, if it was up to scaramouche or nahida, they would try to save him, but he just... dies in his sleep, that’s kind of it. the most peaceful, most kind death one could ever imagine. your heart roars in loss when you hear the news, your son cries in his bed when he learns his favourite unckle won’t ever return. he was your friend, the best friend of your small family, his kindness saved you the day you wanted to die - losing him feels worse than losing an arm. even nahida, who, you know, is very, very reserved, can’t help but shed a few tears.
only scaramouche stays stoic. even months after, you don’t really talk about how he lost another human that he loved dearly. 
you lay in bed together, your face in his neck, while he stares at a ceiling, swirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. 
“you're angry” you whisper. you know he is. you know his fears all too well now.
but he surprises you.
“no” he says quietely. “not really”
“if it was me, say, hundred years ago, i would be so pissed with him” he says with a smile - not his usual arrogant one, something different. “that would make me so mad, i would probably find a way to bring him back alive just to kill him myself for that. but i think i get it now. huh. we really do change through our lives, don’t we?”
you don’t know what to answer to that, so you just lay there silently.
“i asked nahida to turn my head off, when you die”
this is such a shock, you stand up on your elbows to look at him. but he looks back at you - calmly and peaceful.
“what did you just say?”
“i said, i asked nahida to turn me off, when you die.” he scoffs softly and caresses your hand gently. “because you will die, y/n. like i said, i get it know. it’s not something you can’t decide not to do. yet i can decide what to do with myself. and six hundred years is more than enough”
“you can’t just decide to kill yourself” you whisper in shock, “nahida won’t do that, she won’t do that to you” he looks at you in surprise, but then smiles.
“oh, it’s not like that. she just... she’ll change the things in my head, i don’t know. she’s way better with tech, than me. so one day i’ll just stop working, i guess.” it’s impossible to you how he smiles dreamily, how content he looks “huh, i don’t know for how long i’ll walk on this land after you, but i’m looking forward to find it out.”
“what about our son?” and there it is, the only pain he lets himself have.
“nahida will take care of it. and, like i said, i won’t be gone in a blink of an eye. i’ll take care of him myself too. i guess, i’ll just finally have a life i’ve always dreamt about” he again turns to you and smiles fondly “i had a purpose and i fullfilled it. that would be a normal human life. have i ever told you? i once wanted to become a god. now i want nothing, but to become a mortal.”
you know it’s useless to argue with him, but you try to keep in mind that he really is centuries old. you would never know what it feels like to be this old. and to think of it - you don’t really want to find out. you see the example right before your eyes, how lonely it can be.
“you look so worried”
“i feel like i’ve been bamboozeled”
“oh, you definitely have been” he laughs and puts you near himself, so he can kiss your forehead. “but let’s use what we have now yeah?” you nod and he smiles wider, while rolling you on your back, so he can be on top of you. he looks so smug doing it you can’t help but scoff. 
“alright then” he kisses your nose lovingly, and you giggle again. “hold on my shoulders, lady. we’re gonna take a wild ride.”
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bau-bee · 2 months
♡*:.𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 & 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭.:*♡
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You may NOT post my works as your own. If you see my worksheets published anywhere other than my account please tell me!
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Hello! I am Bau Bee and I have recently made the decision to start writing here instead and slowly transfer all my old works onto tumblr as fillers for updates. Most of the time I will be taking requests but it is subject to change at any time due to any reason.
𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞: Whilst you can call me by my tag I have absolutely no problem being referred to as a nick name or just my real name! That being Sloane. As you may have observed at the top of this blog I am 21 years old and I am taking college classes as of now.
𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠: I am a pretty open minded person so a lot of odd/unique requests will be at least considered. However, that’s not to say I don’t have rules, I will not write incest, underage characters, or pedophilia. These limits are NOT negotiable and never will be. Now, as in every blog, MDNI. Even if you do ignore that please don’t interact and brag about being underage and reading my smut or heavy topic angst, I cannot control you but I do expect you to not interact with the blog.
Master Lists
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 (𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨٫ 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫!:
Bungou stray dogs:
Dazai Osamu
Nakahara Chuuya
Ranpo Edogawa
Yasano Akiko
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Akutagawa Gin
Michizo Tachihara
Doppo Kunikida
Edgar Allan Poe
Sakunosuke Oda
Ango Sakaguchi
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nikolai Gogol
Call of duty: Modern Warfare 2:
Simon ‘Ghost’ Rylie
Captain Johnathan Price
Sergeant John ‘Soap’ MacTavish
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Gojo Satoru
Yugi Itadori (no smut)
Geto Suguru
Megumi Fushiguro (no smut)
Nobara Kugisaki (no smut)
Shoko Ieiri
Ryomen Sukuna
Nanami Kento
Toge Inumaki (no smut)
Maki Zenin (no smut)
Genshin Inpactf:
Raiden Shogun
Klee (platonic only)
Yaoyao (platonic only)
Qiqi (platonic only)
Nahida (platonic only)
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭:
Explicit Fluff Promots:
♡Baking w/ them!
♡Cuddles w/ them!
♡Going to the park w/ them!
♡Teaching them how to roller-skate!
♡They teach you how to roller-skate!
♡They get baby fever
♡Breaking into an abandoned area with them! (Specify)
♡They come home to you wearing their clothes!
♡Taking a nap on their lap!
♡Tackle hugs with them!
♡Making playlists with them!
And any others you may think of!
Explicit Angst prompts:
(TW on most of these)
☁︎Reader or character have panic attack.(specify on who)
☁︎Miscarriage hurt/comfort
☁︎SH hurt/comfort
☁︎ED hurt/comfort
☁︎Reader or character dies in the others arms (specify on who)
☁︎Previously abused reader hurt/comfort
And anything else you can think of!
Explict NSFW Prompts:
1.➢ They can’t wait to come home to you
2.➢ You dressed so special for them, why not take advantage of that?
3.➢ You've gotta be quiet just this once
4.➢You give them a visit in their office
5.➢You feel they’ve been a bit too over worked lately, and you plan to help them with that.
6.➢They found your special box.
7.➢You’ve been way too bratty for their liking ;)
8.➢You got too close to someone and they decide to put you in your place.
And any others you may think of!
Quoted Fluff Prompts:
♡ “Well, only if you’ll be there with me.”
2. ♡”I’m in love with you and that’s really all that matters to me.”
3. ♡”Please, for me?”
4. ♡”I think my parents love you more than me at this point”
5. ♡“Stay with me, I don’t want you to leave”
6. ♡”I think I’m in love with you. No, scratch that, I know I am.”
7. ♡“Take me away to a dream world far from here”
8. ♡“Y’ alright, doll?”
9. ♡“You wouldn’t forget me, right?”
10. ♡“Your love has dug me into a hole and I can’t seem to put down the shovel”
11. ♡“You’ve been working for so long my love. Why not take a break with me.”
12.♡“Calm down I’m just braiding your hair.”
13.♡“Its called a hug, dweebatron”
14. ♡“Dance with me”
15. ♡“I dub thee, my cuddle buddy!”
16. ♡“Go ahead and take a nap, sleepyhead”
And any others you may think of!
Quoted Angst Prompts:
☁︎”So did this mean nothing to you?! Did I mean nothing to you?”
☁︎”Please come get me.”
☁︎”It doesn’t have to be this way!”
☁︎”Go ahead, walk out that door and never come back.”
☁︎”God, you are just so annoying! I don’t want to talk to you or even see you!”
☁︎“So why do you even stick around with me?!”
☁︎“Please don’t say you love me.”
☁︎”Just leave before I start missing you.”
☁︎“Why am I always your second choice?”
☁︎“I guess that’s just how little I meant to you.”
☁︎”Don’t do this here.”
☁︎“I know, I know I wasn’t enough. I always did.”
☁︎“Hey, don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself.”
And any others you may think of!
Quoted NSFW Prompts:
➢”Keep talking like that and I’ll bend you over this table in front of everyone”
➢”Don’t kink shame me!”
➢ “You’re not going out in that.”
➢”You’re not wearing anything under that, are you?”
➢”Put that thing away!”
➢”if you interrupt me one more time during this, so help me god.”
➢”I could just pull your bikini bottoms down right here in front of everyone and you couldn’t do anything about it.”
➢”I’m not jealous! You just happen to be mine…”
➢”Don’t ruin the sofa”
Now that’s all out of the way I would like to mention that I will be taking requests outside of those prompts and at some point I do plan on doing matchups! Also, special thanks to everyone who read this far!
-XOXO Bau Bee
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