#namjoon sickfic
comfortjoonie · 1 year
@kaisah09 this is your request...sorry i couldn't finish it my brain just stops
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Namjoon groaned as he woke up.  His head was pounding.  He drew in a shaky breath and put his hand to his head.  Not only was his head in agony, but he was freezing cold.  He sat up and groaned again.  
“Namjoon?” Yoongi turned his head from his phone and towards his dongsaeng.  “Something wrong?”
“Yeah..” Namjoon mumbled.  “My head,...and….I’m freezing.”  Yoongi set down his phone and walked over to Namjoon.
“Want water?”  He put his hand on Namjoon’s back and gasped.  “You’re burning.  Let me grab the thermometer first.  Yoongi flipped on the light switch, and Namjoon gasped in pain.
“Sorry, Joon, I have to find the thermometer.  Just keep your eyes shut for now,” Yoongi said, fumbling around in the drawers until he found it.  He walked back over to Namjoon.
“Let me just run this over your forehead,” Yoongi whispered.  He winced when he pulled the thermometer away.  “102.3,...we need to get that down, Joonie.”
Namjoon nodded slightly.
“Why don’t you take a cold bath?  That could help?” Yoongi suggested.
Namjoon didn’t respond.  His arms were suddenly crossed around his stomach, his Adam’s apple moving down slowly as he swallowed.  “Namjoon?” Yoongi asked.
Namjoon suddenly made a coughing-gagging sound, and Yoongi started to help him towards the bathroom.  It was tough, but they got there.
Yoongi closed the door behind them just as Namjoon started vomiting on his hands and knees into the toilet.  Yoongi put his hand under Namjoon’s shirt and patted his back, holding his grown out hair with his other hand.  Namjoon coughed and gagged for what felt like hours.  Yoongi could feel his muscles contract under his hand as he vomited.  He hated the feeling, but he didn’t move away.
When Namjoon was done, he made a thumbs up at his side and Yoongi wiped his mouth and flushed the toilet.  “Better?” Yoongi asked.  Namjoon shook his head.
Yoongi sighed.  He didn’t know what to do.  “I’m gonna go get Jin-hyung.  You stay here, alright?  Don’t move.”
Namjoon put the lid of the toilet seat down and rested one hand on his arm while the other arm wrapped around his stomach.  Everything hurt, and he was out of breath.
He opened his eyes when he felt Seokjin’s hand on his back.  “Did you give him anything?”
“No.  We can try, but he’ll need to eat something.  He’s empty now,” Yoongi replied.
“Poor thing,” Seokjin muttered.  “Joonie, how are you feeling?”
“Bad,” Namjoon whimpered. 
“You should eat a little.  Let’s go to the kitchen.”
Namjoon had barely finished eating before he was throwing up again, this time in the kitchen sink.  Seokjin was rubbing his back this time, Yoongi grabbing the maknaes so they could watch Namjoon while the hyungs went to the grocery store for medicine and some more bland food.  Seokjin helped Namjoon to sit down on the couch and tried to help him rest, but Namjoon was too uncomfortable.  Within a few minutes, all the hyungs were gone and all the maknaes were in the living room with Namjoon.  Namjoon’s head rested on Jungkook’s lap while Jimin sat next to him and Taehyung made tea.  When Taehyung brought the tea back, Namjoon was refusing to drink it.
“Come on, Joonie-hyung, it’ll help your stomach,” Taehyung said, but Namjoon shook his head.
Taehyung looked at Jimin.  “Just one sip, hyung,” Jimin said, “Please.”
Namjoon frowned, but nodded and took the cup in his hand.  He took a small sip, but before he could even get it down, he gagged.  Jungkook clamped a hand over his mouth.  “Sorry.  Just need to keep it down for a minute.”  Namjoon whined and pulled Jungkook’s hand off his mouth.
He started to pull himself into a sitting position before hiccuping.  “I feel so sick,” he mumbled.  Jungkook put a hand on his shoulder and rubbed it.
“Just try to keep it down, ok?  Then we can try to feed you a little,” Jimin said.  Namjoon swallowed.
“I can’t,” he said, standing up and stumbling towards the kitchen sink.  It only took one weak gag to bring up the tea, and a few more to bring up whatever was left in his stomach.  Taehyung rushed over to pat his back.  Namjoon coughed and leaned over further, nearly falling over, but Taehyung held him up by his waist.  Namjoon panted, squeezing his eyes shut.  He was shaking harshly.  Taehyung turned on the tap water and started to guide Namjoon back to the couch, but Namjoon could barely get halfway there before he stopped.
“Joonah?” Taehyung asked.  Namjoon didn’t respond.  He just collapsed onto the floor, hitting his head before anyone could move.  Instantly, all the maknaes rushed over to Namjoon, shaking him.  He was completely unconscious.
“Call Jin-hyung–”
“--call an ambulance–”
“Taehyung rushed to get his phone from the kitchen countertop and dialed for Seokjin.
“Jin hyung–”
“What?” Jin said on the other side of the phone.
pls lmk if you want part two...sorry guys
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crystalsnow95z · 3 months
I'm unhappy with my current drafts so I'm just gonna write just whatever comes to mind. No matter how it ends up, I'm gonna post it. Forgive me if it's not good. Some days, you just have to write just for the enjoyment and not care about results.
As Jin is returning soon he's the target of my story
Warning: emeto, fever.
Sickie: Jin with a bit of Yoongi. (Because my mind said so)
Caregivers: ot7
Jin presses his forehead against Yoongi's shoulder, trying to shield his eyes from the light that caused pain to ripple across his aching head.
"What's wrong Hyungie? Your breathing is off.." Yoongi speaks softly to him, running his hand through his hair. Yoongi couldn't recall Jin ever getting sick from flying. Seokjin is usually the one caring for the younger members, him included.
"All the flashing lights at the airport gave me a headache that's all.. I'll be okay." Jin picks up his head to talk to Yoongi, but Yoongi pushes him back down when he sees a flash of pain in Seokjins eyes.
"I got some medicine to help with the pain, just rest now. Okay? Let me take care of you this time Hyungie" Yoongi digs through his carry on for some pain relievers and an eye mask frowning when he hears only a single pill rattling. Sh*t.. will this be enough to help? I thought I had more.
"This should help at least a little..it's only 200mgs though.." Yoongi speaks softly, not wanting to risk making his hyung feel worse. "I'm sorry..I'm usually better prepared for travel.."
"No, no its okay. Thank you..this will be enough to help. Its not that bad really..I'll just sleep it off." Jin swallows the small pill, drinking the bit of water he had left in his bottle, covering his eyes up, leaning his head back against Yoongi.
Yoongi tries to gently massage Jin's temple to help ease the pain, relaxing when he hears the older’s breathing slow as he falls asleep. "I hope you feel better soon.." he whispers, brushing Jin's hair behind his ear when he sees it tickling Jin's ear, making him twitch in his sleep.
"What's wrong with Seokjinnie-hyung?" Namjoon whispers when he sees Yoongi's worried expression, taking out his headphones.
"Hyungie isn't feeling well, he said he just had a headache, but it sounds like he was suppressing coughs while we were going through the airport.." Yoongi whispers underneath his breath, Namjoon having to read his lips and lean forward to understand him.
"I'll get some medicine for him.." Namjoon promises, knowing Yoongi wouldn't want to risk waking up Jin by trying to flag down a staff member.
"That'd be great, thanks Namjoon-ah.. i gave him what i had, but i don't think its enough..Namjoon... could you ah..get me some water too?" Yoongi asks in a small voice.
"Are you feeling sick too?" Namjoon furrows his brow with worry when he sees that Yoongi's cheeks lacked color.
"I'm fine. I just took the medicine for motion sickness a little too late. It'll pass in a bit.. Don't worry." Yoongi gives Namjoon a reassuring smile, ignoring the fluttering in his stomach. There's no focus point in the sky like in a car to help.. maybe I'll try to sleep too..
"Tell me if you still feel sick an hour after landing okay hyung?" Namjoon orders gently. "Just because Seokjinnie-hyung is feeling sick doesn't mean how you feel isn’t just as important.."
"I will, Joon-ah.. thank you.." Yoongi leans his head against Jin's closing his eyes, finding comfort in the familiar scent of Jin's shampoo filling his nostrils. It's a short flight.. just two and a half hours.. when I wake up, we'll be landing.. I'll feel better then..
"Hyung.." Yoongi calls to Jin, who was still asleep on his shoulder. "We landed. You need to wake up now.. Hyung.." he gently shakes his shoulder to try to jostle him awake.
"Mmmn? What?" Jin blinks his eyes slowly, trying to process what the oldest rapper was saying to him, removing the blind fold. "Yoongi..?"
"Hyungie we landed. It's time to get off the plane.." Yoongi repeats himself patiently, waiting for recognition to light up in Jin's eyes.
"Ah..right.. the award show.." Jin sits upright, wincing at the tension in his neck. "I slept in that position too long.."
"I'll see what I can do about it while we're in the car. I'm sorry, me sleeping against your head probably made it worse.." Yoongi gently rubs the back of Jin's neck, feeling the tension that limited Jin's movement.
"Yoongi please don't.. that hurts.." Jin pushes Yoongi's hands away, wincing at his touch."I'll ask for a heat pack.."
"I'm sorry Hyungie. I'm sorry.." Yoongi frowns, his eyes dilating with worry, his stomach knotting with guilt.. "You might need to make an appointment to see a chiropractor."
"Don't worry so much Yoongi-yah. You just wanted to help and i appreciate it, but it's okay. it's not that bad, but I'll talk to staff if it'll make you feel better." Jin smiles through the pain, putting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "Let's get off this plane. I'm gonna take a shower and nap until we need to work."
"Alright Hyung, here.. you can wear my hat. It'll help block the camera lights." Yoongi unsnaps his hat from his carry on bag, placing it on Jin's head and snapping it to fit him. "I'll lead you. Just keep your head down."
Jin nods, taking Yoongi's elbow. "Ready."
Yoongi leads Jin off the plane, moving quickly to get past the mob of photographers, reporters and fans who filled the airport, all screaming for them to look in their direction.
Jimin tries to ask them to move so they can have a path, making hand motions to clear the way, Taehyung trying to shush the crowd, but it was in vain.
"Not so fast..I can't keep the pace.." Jin tries to pull away from Yoongi, but Yoongi grabs onto his arm, nearly tripping over their security guard when he quickly stepped in front of him to push a girl's arm away from grabbing onto Yoongi.
"I'm sorry Hyung..but you'll get trampled if we don't keep going this speed.. i can see the car. Please bear with it a little longer." Yoongi couldn't tell if Jin heard him over the chaos, but Jin didn't try to pull away. Namjoon went on the other side of Jin, Jungkook walking behind him, keeping a hand on Jin's shoulder.
"I..I'm going to be sick.." Jin swayed, swallowing hard refusing to let himself, the only thing keeping him on his feet is Yoongi and Namjoon holding him in a tight grip.His stomach churned his body reaching its limits. Theres so many flashes..it's making me dizzy..and the screams..my head is splitting..
Yoongi gets in the car first, pulling Jin in with him. Namjoon and Jungkook follow right behind, Hoseok pulling the door shut behind him.
"Hyung are you okay?" Yoongi asks speaking softly, rubbing his hand across his shoulder. "We're out of the crowd now. It's okay.." Yoongi tries to comfort Jin when he realizes he's shaking.
Jin shakes his head, afraid to open his mouth to speak. He places his hand over his face,his muscles tightened around his abdomen, pushing up thick bile into his throat. No..not now..please..
Namjoon acts quickly when he notices the color completely drain from Jin's face, knowing whats coming before Jin even clamped his hand over his mouth. "Sh*t, Fu*k.." he curses, reaching forward to ruffle through the center console, finding a plastic bag.
Jin tried to hold it back while Namjoon searched for something, swallowing down the bile, but it ended coming right back up with more force. He felt the warm sick fill his hand only upsetting his stomach even more.
Namjoon quickly opens the plastic bag for Jin, holding it underneath him. Yoongi looks for napkins, using the water from his carry on to wet it, taking Jins hand to clean it.
"I-im..I'm sorr..sorry.." Jin whimpers in between heaves, throwing up into the bag Namjoon held open as wide as possible.
"Hyung no, don't be sorry. Things happen..you can't help being sick. It's okay." Yoongi wets another napkin, swallowing the spit that pooled in his mouth. I can handle this. It's no big deal.. I can just wash my hands later..I can't get sick too..hyungie needs help..
Yoongi quickly tosses the soiled napkin in the bag in-between heaves, checking Jin's hand once more to be sure he got it all before taking his hand in his, rubbing his knuckles. His heart clenched when he saw Jin's eyes pooling with tears as another mouthful pushes up.
Hoseok buried his face into Jungkooks shoulder, his stomach churning sympathetically at the sound of Jin.
"Hang on, I'll help.. Hobi-hyung just wait.."Jungkook ruffles through his pocket, finding his headphones and sticking them in Hoseoks ears, turning on music to try to help. The distraction of helping Hoseok helped him hold back his emotions.
Namjoon tried to keep Jin's mind distracted so he didn't notice the others around him, talking to him gently to try to keep the focus on him and not the fact Yoongi had lost the color to his face, Hoseok was fighting the urge to Vomit from the sound of him and the teary eyed Kook who couldn't stand seeing his brothers like this.
"You'll feel better once it's all out.. it's okay.. most of us have gotten airsick before..it's no big deal..just focus on breathing.. it's okay..it's okay.."
Jin let out another few mouthfuls of half digested food, his body trembling with effort, his energy draining. His muscles burned, pushing up less each time until nothing came but thick saliva.
"I..i..m..done now.." Jin speaks in a hoarse whisper, leaning against Yoongi, trying to catch his breath again. "I'm..I'm okay now.."
"Do you think you can drink some water?" Namjoon asks softly, his hands shaking as he ties up the bag, staff grabbing to take it from him. He's still really pale and his breathing is really rough.. I hope we can get to the hotel without any issues..we had to switch hotels twice when we were in the Phillipines..
"Namjoon-ah..calm down..it's okay..I'm feeling better than I look..really.." Jin coughs in between his sentences, ruining the comfort he was trying to give his anxious leader. Jin takes a drink of the water, hoping that would help soothe his nerves.
Namjoon pushes Jin's bangs out of his face, checking to see if he felt warm to the touch, relaxing when he hardly feels warmer than his own forehead. "Try to rest until it's time to get out hyungie.."
Jin nods, getting comfortable on Yoongi's shoulder, only taking a few minutes for exhaustion to hit.
"Hyungie.. the alarm is going off. Are you awake?" Taehyung calls softly to Jin from his bed in the hotel room they shared.
"I am now..."Jin yawns, rolling over to face Taehyung, closing his eyes when the bright light from the window hits his face, making him painfully aware of the pounding headache he had didn't go away even after napping and a couple pain relievers. "What time is it..?"
"It's four-thirty, we need to be ready in an hour to go to the show..I'm sorry to wake you.. I wanted to give you time to get ready.." Taehyung apologizes with a bow,feeling guilty to wake up Jin, his stomach knotting.
He quickly runs to close the blinds when he notices it is bothering his older brother. "Sorry. I didn't want to turn on the light..the bedside lamp is broken.."
"It's okay Vuu, don't apologize. You did the right thing. I'd hate to make staff have to work on dirty hair" Jin drags himself out of bed, trying to keep himself from shaking in front of Taehyung. "I'm going to shower. Could you choose me and an outfit?"
"Of course Hyung." Taehyung goes to Jin's suitcase to find something comfortable. Jinnie-hyung still looks pale.. I'll have to tell Namjoon..
Jin goes into the bathroom, taking a few shaky breaths. Why do I feel worse after sleeping? My head still hurts just as much as before and my muscles still burn.. I need to pull myself together..Namjoon needs me to be there for him. He gets so nervous at events like this..
He slowly strips out of his clothes, turning on the shower, sitting in the tub, letting the water cascade down his back, hoping the warmth could do something for the pain.
Jin is awake now, but I don't think he's feeling any better.. It's too early for him to take another dose of pain pills, though..
Taehyung makes a chat with the other members excluding Jin.
Medical staff hasn't landed, the other flight got delayed.. they won't be here until tomorrow. Staff is looking for a local doctor that will come see him. If he gets any worse tell me. I'll get staff to take him to the hospital.
Namjoon texts. He had already wanted to find him help as soon as they landed, but finding a doctor that makes house calls last minute when it wasn't an emergency wasn't working in his favor.
Taehyung felt his heart fluttering with worry when he hears Jin coughing hard in the bathroom, rushing to check on him. "Are you throwing up hyung..?"
"No, no I'm okay..my throat is just sore from getting sick like that earlier." Jin reassures Taehyung, trying to clear his throat.
"I'll make you some tea Hyung." Taehyung places the clothes he chose for Jin on the counter, going to the keurig and placing a green tea pod inside.
Taehyung returns to the bathroom letting the tea brew. "Hyung do you want me to wash your hair? Maybe a scalp massage will help your headache."
"Alright.. but you aren't coming in here." Jin wets his hair once more before turning off the showerhead, the water running in the bath, hitting his feet.
Taehyung opens the curtains, taking the shampoo and creating a lather, massaging it gently into Jin's scalp. "I'm not being too rough am i?"
"No..it feels nice.." Jin hums, closing his eyes when Taehyung washes his bangs, the gentle circles ebbing a bit of the pain away to make it more tolerable.
Taehyung feels his shoulders relax when he hears Jin's soft sigh, giving him a sign that he was doing something to help ease the pain that plagued his eldest hyung. "Does your stomach still hurt hyung?"
"It hurts, but like..don't feel like I'm going to throw up, but my sides burn when i take a deep breath..it's sore.." Jin tells him earnestly.
"Hang on, hyung.." Taehyung goes to the kitchen, getting the ice bucket. He fills it with water halfway, using it to get the soap out of Jin's hair without having to shove his head under the sink or stand in the shower. "Keep your eyes closed, please hyung..." Taehyung keeps one hand on Jins forehead, making a barrier to keep the soap from running down into Jins eyes.
Jin obeys, pawing at his sore stomach, trying to rub the pain away. "Thank you Tete.." Jin says with a gentle smile when Taehyung finishes up with his hair, holding back a cough. "You should focus on getting ready yourself, I can wash up myself from here. I'm feeling much better now.."
"Okay hyung..I'll leave the door cracked..call for me if you need anything." Taehyung leaves, looking back at Jin before Jin pulled the curtain shut to turn back on the shower.
Washing him perked him up a bit, but he's got a cough now.. I hope he'll be okay to do the interview and performance..
Taehyung types his worries.
His throat is probably just sore from puking earlier, but I asked staff to get some medicine just in case.
Hoseok texts back, followed by Namjoon.
I'll do what I can to keep the questions off of him during the interview, and if he's not feeling well enough to perform, we can always have him sit it out.
Namjoon texts back,Taehyung feeling the tension in his shoulders loosen. The hyungs have it handled. I just need to do all i can for the team..
Okay. I made him some tea to see if that will help with his throat..
Taehyung quickly texts back, putting his phone down and returning to the kitchen to add a bit of sugar to try to combat the bitter of the tea.
Jin finishes up in the bath, wrapping a towel around his body, his knees folding underneath him when he tries to stand, dizziness making him crash onto the tile.
Taehyung runs to check on him when he hears the sound, checking his ankles for any sign of injury before getting him to his feet, sitting him up on the toliet to get him dry, rubbing a towel across his dripping body.
"Are you okay, hyung?" Taehyung says, voice a pitch higher with worry, checking Jin's legs for injuries, frowning when he sees a bruise forming on his knee."What happened?"
"I'm okay Vuu, I just fell. It's just a little bruise. It's no big deal." Jin tells Taehyung, trying to get his vision to focus on him. What's going on with me? My body feels so weak.. I need to pull myself together..
"Hyung please don't lie to me.. Are you sure you can do this? You don't look well.." Taehyung speaks softly, trying to dry Jin's hair with the towel, his his heart tightening when Jin coughs when he tries to answer.
Taehyung rubs his back, trying to ease the pain, sighing with relief when the cough stops as quickly as it begins, but that isn't good enough for him."Hyung, I don't think you should perform.. Please, consider sitting it out? At least the dancing?" He asks gently.
"I'm okay Taehyungie, I just caught a cold.. I'll take some medicine and go to bed early tonight." Jin reassures Taehyung sounding more confident than he really felt. Army worked hard to help us win this award..the least I can do is perform a few songs for them...
Jin coughs into his sleeve, trying to silence it to stop himself from interrupting Namjoon, who was politely answering the interviewers question. He feels a hand touch his thigh, looking at the owner of it, meeting the eyes of Jungkook.
The mankae offers him a water bottle, him taking it gratefully. 'Thank you..' Jin mouths, trying to wash down the foul taste of phlegm that his body kept coughing up.
Why do I feel worse after taking medicine? This isn't good..I'm performing soon..
"One last question for the group. This is the first time you'll be performing Destiny live. Army is so excited. Does it have choreography?" The interviewer asks, Jin's heart dropping into his stomach when the realization hits him.
That's right.. we've been practicing this song for a month now to show Army.. I can't let the sleepless nights we spent go to waste.. why do I have to have a center position..?
"It's okay Hyung.. you got this.." Jimin leans in to Jin, pressing his forehead against his cheek to comfort him, quickly pulling back when he feels the warmth. "Hyung-"
Jimin gets cut off by Namjoon’s voice. "This has been..."
"BTS.." Everyone speaks after him, ending the interview, the boys being rushed by staff to quickly get ready.
Jimin goes to go to Namjoon to tell him about Jin's declining health, but Jin takes his wrist. "Jimin-ah please, don't tell him.. I can do this.. I'll tell him after we perform Destiny. We worked so hard on it.. I won't be able to sleep tonight if I ruin this for everyone. It's only been twenty minutes since I took the medicine, it'll kick in by the time we perform. I'll ge okay.."
Jimin wanted to argue against him, but the determination and desperation in Jin's eyes made him give in. This means so much to him.. he'll regret it if he doesn't try and the guilt will only make him feel worse..
"Please Jimin?" Jin asks once more, knowing Jimin was close to giving in.
"Hyung please take it easy when you perform.. Army will understand if you don't give it your all..okay?" Jimin touches his shoulder, pleading in a whisper when he sees staff approaching them, giving them their mics.
"Five minutes until you perform."
Jin could feel the sweat already pooling at the back of his neck, covering up his mic to cough. He could hear Army starting the fanchant, waiting for the lights to come on.
Please..please I just need to last four minutes, please..
Jin pleaded with his body, his stomach twisting and churning with every movement, his head pounding at the sound of the screams he would normally cherish.
The lights turned on, making the screams louder as soon as Jungkook started to sing. Jin forced himself to move, his knee throbbing when he dropped to the ground to the beat, stumbling when he tried to quickly rise back to his feet.
Guilt churned his already sour stomach, bile trying to rise up his throat, but he continued to perform, ignoring his body's plea for him to stop. He moves to the next position, singing his part without letting the audience know how poorly he is feeling, quickly moving to side to cough, his throat unable to handle the notes he usually hit with ease.
Namjoon joins him, quickly getting him water before Hoseok finishes his verse. "Hyung you need to take it easy. I can see your hands trembling.. Are you okay?"
Jin doesn't answer him, taking the water from his hand and taking a drink,but the water his too heavy on his stomach, his body instantly pushing it up, placing his hand over his mouth, Vomit soaking his palm.
He could hear the crowd in front of him screaming in worry for him, his legs turning to jello, Namjoon quickly catching him before he hits the floor.
"Sh*t, Hyung.. we need to get you back stage, hang on.."
Namjoon flags staff over, the security guards leading him down the steps. Namjoon clenches his teeth, forcing himself not to follow Jin, quickly going back to the stage, nearly running into Jimin . It'll be too hard on the team for two of us to be missing. I'll check on him the moment we get off stage..
The members already knew what happened without Namjoon telling him, Jimin's voice trembling when he sings knowing he could've prevented it if he just told on Jin in the final place.
Jin is lead to the nearest waste bin, Mr. Lee holding him up as he throws up a thick liquid, his body trembling, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"I..i..ruined it.." He sobs, another mouthful of sick coming in-between reaches. "I let..everyone d..do.." his words get cut off by his stomach pushing up more hot sick, splashing into the bin.
"Don't speak. No one will blame you for being sick. Just focus on breathing right now.. okay Seokjin-sii?" Mr. Lee rubs his hand across Jin's back, feeling his body trembling with effort. "It's okay.. you need to calm down.."
Jin tries to take deep breaths, but each breath he tries to take only causes him to cough, his lungs screaming for air. "I...i..can't.."
After a few minutes he could hear the sound of his members rushing to him, Namjoon taking over for Mr.Lee. "hyung you can be so stubborn.. you should've told me you still felt like this.."
Jin felt Namjoon's arms wrap around his chest, supporting his weight as he dry heaves pushing up nothing but strings of spit "I'm..I'm sorry.." he answers in a raspy whisper, leaning into Namjoon, waiting for the waves of nausea to end.
"Hyung you dont have anything left in your stomach.. please try to breathe..." Namjoon adds softly, feeling himself sweat from contact, using his sleeve to wipe the sweat from Jin's face. "You're burning up.."
Jon focuses on breathing, the dry heaves dying down to coughs, pushing the can away from him, leaning into Namjoon. Namjoon gently lowers him gently moving him to be able to rest his head on his lap.
Yoongi wets a towel with a bottle of water, gently wiping the sweat from Jin's face, his heart tightening to see Jin's pained expression up close, his eyes tightly shut when he breathes in from his strained muscles.
"I'm sorry..I just wanted to do one.. song and I thought I had it.. under control.." Jins voice comes out soft, still trying to catch his breath, covering his face with his arm.
"Don't worry about that right now.. just focus on your breathing right now? Do you think you can drink some water?" Namjoon asks softly.
Jim shakes his head, his stomach churning at the thought of putting anything in his system. "Maybe...I should go to the hospital to get an IV.." he sits up slowly, holding his sore middle.
Yoongi places a hand on Jin's back to help him. "Hyung we weren't going to give you a choice on that one.. you really scared us Hyung.. especially Jiminie."
Jin looks around, his chest tightening when he sees Jimins eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "Im sorry I should've tried harder to talk you into not performing.."
"Jimin-ah..come here." Seokjin pulls Jimin into a hug. "I shouldn't asked you to be quiet.. it's not your fault okay? It's just mine for letting my emotions get the better of..." he coughs, trying to cover it with his fist.
"The car is ready." Staff tells them.
"Thank you.." Namjoon says, gently leading Jin to his feet, feeling him tremble with effort. He's trying to act tough, but he's still so pale and shaky. "Let's get you taken care of.. no more hiding how you feel okay hyung?"
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sickonthedancefloor · 8 months
All Hands On Deck - part 2
Sickies: OT7 Caretakers: Themselves + Managers
Part: [one]
Hoseok didn’t think he was ready for this. Here he had Jungkook, weirdly both pale and green-tinted, in a wet, vomit-sprayed tee and looking on the verge of crying. Before Jungkook could even consider apologizing, Hoseok merely shushed him softly, reaching a hand up to swipe his cheeks in comfort before tears could even begin to fall. His youngest dongsaeng, despite being taller and more muscular than him already, looked so small standing next to him with how sick he was. There was something about his big eyes being so watery and upset that pulled at Hoseok’s heartstrings immediately.
He was very weak for his members.
“It’s okay, Jungkook-ah, let’s get you changed and in bed. Sound good?”
He received a small hum in agreement, as the younger dancer dropped his face against Hoseok’s shoulder. Oh no… not vomit on the Balenciaga… It was honestly inevitable. He’d definitely have to ask one of the managers for their cleaning trick to get it out later for sure. But first… His hand rubbed small circles on Jungkook’s back as he walked him away from the bathroom, away from the new noises of vomiting from behind the door. It seemed to upset Jungkook further to hear it, and the last thing Hoseok wanted to do was have him sick again, and in the hallway where the clean-up would be harder. The two shuffled awkwardly and slow, but it didn’t seem to nauseate the youngest further, so Hoseok was alright with the pace.
“H-hyung,” Jungkook murmured. “Jin-hyung’s—”
“Hm? Jin-hyung?”
Jungkook pointed at the door. Ah… that made sense.
“Oh, you mean Jin-hyung’s room?” Hoseok guessed. That got a soft laugh and a thumbs up. Perfect, honestly; Jin’s door was closer, anyway. Hoseok merely shuffled to Jin’s room, leading Jungkook inside. Jungkook looked at the bed, but Hoseok merely held onto him, grabbing his shirt. “Come on, let’s get you changed into something cleaner. Okay, hands up.”
Jungkook looked so little. As Hoseok pulled the shirt from him, he couldn’t help but coo at how he scrunched his face. Once off, Hoseok just turned it inside out and dropped it near the door, before helping Jungkook out of his baggy jeans. He was like a child again, like that young teen who was so shy but still crawled into their beds when he felt too lonely or upset or just wanted comfort. Cute. Once in just his boxers, Hoseok led him to sit on the bed, ruffling his hair affectionately. “Stay right here, I’m gonna see what Jin’s got that you can fit.” For good measure, he moved the desk trash can next to the bed.
Hoseok tossed Jungkook’s pants, and his own sweatshirt (feeling too warm for it now anyway, he guessed someone turned the heater up for one of their sick members) to the pile and went to rummage through Jin’s closet for something light. He managed to dig up a simple dark tee and basketball shorts, and dressed Jungkook quickly as he noticed his eyes shutting. He was more than thankful that Jin and Jungkook fit the same clothes; it made it easier, for sure. Hoseok tugged the blanket back as he eased their maknae to lay down, then just ran his hands through Jungkook’s hair until the younger fell asleep.
Once he seemed settled, Hoseok sighed, leaning his head on the side of the bedframe. What a day… It was already giving him a headache, but he was glad to at least be helpful.
In the bathroom, on the other hand, Jin wished for peace. But all he received was a sharp stench of putrid, vile vomit that seemed rather discomforting being two distinctively different scents of yuck. He honestly didn’t think puke could have identifying smells, but whatever Taehyung was expelling before him had some odd, creamy scent to it that made his own stomach feel uncomfortable. But just taking a sharp breath upward, he merely continued to rub Taehyung’s back, thankful that his curls were at least short enough to stay out of his face.
Taehyung’s vomiting was calmer than Jungkook’s in a sense. Less loud, bouncy motions but more harsh, almost twitching gasps as he coughed up whatever wanted to make its way up his esophagus. He had tried to speak twice, barely getting out Jin’s name, and a broken apology, before he merely gave up. Taehyung had a shaky hand braced on his knee, fingers white-knuckled gripping his sweatpants as if it was the only lifeline he had between staying upright and falling into the porcelain nightmare (oh god, Jin realized, that was going to be a nightmare to clean).
“It’s okay, Taehyung-ah,” Jin said calmly. His hand on Taehyung’s back formed a fist and he rubbed his knuckles with a little more force on Taehyung’s back. Something more of a sensation, hopefully a bit of a distraction. “Try to take a breath now, hm?”
Taehyung coughed up a mouthful and then spit. Jin took the opportunity to flush, hoping to reduce some of the smell. But ever the diligent dongsaeng, Taehyung tried to take a breath. His shoulders slumped and he eased back. And took a second breath.
“I’m here, Taehyung-ah. You’re okay. Just keep breathing—or… that, I guess.”
On Taehyung’s next breath, he gagged and immediately lifted himself back to the toilet, regurgitating out another thick mouthful of sludge. His hand on Jin’s hand merely loosened his grip and he swatted at him, albeit shaky and weakly.
“I know, I know. Not funny. But you always laugh at my jokes.”
Taehyung swatted him again, and coughed. He heaved again, but nothing came out.
“See, my jokes cured you.”
But another heave, and a mouthful of pure bile escaped. Taehyung was running on empty, and Jin could see it. He continued rubbing his back, encouraging him to take another breath. It took Taehyung another few minutes of dry heaving before he managed to sink back, forehead dropping on the toilet. Jin smiled.
“Good job, you stopped. Let’s wait a few minutes before we move, just in case.”
Taehyung just nodded as his eyes closed, his body trying to succumb to at least a few moments rest before Jin made him move. Jin let him have these extra moments in peace, just keeping one hand rubbing his back but now in slow circles. It gave Jin time to send a one-handed text message to Namjoon, letting him know their second youngest was also ill. This was already proving to be a disaster. They were going to need back-up, that was for sure.
From his spot on the couch, Yoongi looked towards the bathrooms on the left. He’d begun rubbing the sleep from his eyes when he heard Jungkook, but he was wide awake the moment Taehyung also disappeared. This already wasn’t good, and they hadn’t bought that much juk. They’d need more… and given whatever the two had, Yoongi figured he may as well begin messing with inventory.
He yawned as he stood, stretching his arms upward. The noise was enough to have Namjoon looking at him with a frown. “You’re not sick too, are you?”
Yoongi shook his head. “Wouldn’t dream of getting sick before you, Joon. I’m just going to make some juk. I have a feeling we’re going to need more, if Hobi-ah hasn’t come back from checking on them.” He really, really hoped Hoseok wasn’t also sick; that man hated throwing up, the last thing they really needed was an anxiety attack flaring up from anyone over illness. At least, for now, Namjoon and Jimin seemed alright, so after reassuring their leader that he was okay, Yoongi merely trekked his way into the kitchen and went to pull out the big pot. He’d make enough juk to last them a few days; thankfully it wasn’t hard at all. Opening the kitchen, he went to work, glad that Hoseok had organized their kitchen prior.
As Yoongi began cutting green onions, he realized he wasn’t alone. Despite seeming exhausted, Namjoon was out standing by the counter, frowning at his phone as he reread Jin’s updates. “Ah… Hyung, what can I do to help?”
Yoongi smiled. “Can you go check on Hobi and Jungkook? Hobi might need some help. Juk should be ready within the hour.”
An easy task. Namjoon gave a thumbs up and headed down the hall to peer in Jungkook’s room, then Hoseok and Jimin’s, only to find both empty. He just decided to search each room to find them, peering briefly into Yoongi’s empty bedroom before he landed on Jin’s. And there he saw Hoseok running his hand through Jungkook’s hair, Jungkook curled up next to him with his head in his lap on their oldest hyung’s bed. When Hoseok spotted Namjoon in the doorway, he smiled, holding a finger to his lips.
“Did he just fall asleep?”
Hoseok nodded. “I wanted to wait a little before giving him medication in case he could eat anything.”
“Yoongi-hyung’s making juk.” He wheeled over the desk chair to sit in, so he wouldn’t move the bed. “He thinks we’re going to need more.”
With a sigh, Hoseok nodded again. “I wouldn’t be surprised… Someone else is going to get it, I bet. When it’s done, let me know?” It only took a few minutes more before Jungkook began snoring, and the two sighed in relief. He was out. The rappers spent a few moments discussing their gameplan on if more of them came down with this—double line the trash cans, keep their two sick members comfortable, try to keep their medications on schedule. Check everyone just to be safe. Hoseok texted the managers their update while Namjoon headed out to give Jin and Yoongi their new update. The juk would take a bit, so he didn’t rush.
As he made it to the bathroom closest to his room, he knocked lightly. “Jin-hyung? You in there?”
“Ahhh, Namjoon-ah! Yeah, I’m in here. Careful if you open the door, Taehyungie’s legs—”
Namjoon was not careful. Upon immediate push of the door, he immediately knocked the wood onto Taehyung’s legs. Similar to Hoseok and Jungkook, Taehyung had taken Jin’s lap as a pillow, but with a damp towel over his eyes. He groaned but otherwise did not move, and Jin immediately began to fuss as Namjoon apologized.
“Is he sick too, Jin-hyung?”
“He spent ten minutes vomiting and now he won’t get up. And he won’t let me get up. Joon-ah, I can’t help him from down here! We don’t even have a traditional Korean bathroom, I could have just hosed down the mess but no, we have to clean it up! I could have just hosed Taehyung off of me—”
With that, Namjoon laughed, squeezing in and kneeling next to them. Taeyhung, while not as tall as Jin or Namjoon, had put on a significant amount of muscle on his frame, rivaling Jin in terms of weight already. And so much of it was muscle; but his reluctance to move overtook Jin’s attempt to keep him from the floor. It was a lose-lose situation for Jin. Taehyung’s button-up had vomit stains all along the front, and was damp with sweat. Jin had wiped his face already, but the younger vocalist seemed comfortable with the cloth blocking the light.
“Headache, Tae-yah?” Namjoon asked.
He received a mumbled ‘yes’. Fever confirmed by touch. Chills, possibly from the floor, possibly the fever. With a sigh, Jin rubbed his back again.
“Come on, let’s try to make it to the room with Joon, yeah?”
Taehyung grumbles again. “’m dirty…”
“It’s okay buddy, you’ve been sick. You want to try and take a bath?”
That gets the young singer to groan, his hand reaching up to press the cold cloth over his eyes. “I don’t want to move… Every time I move I get woozy.”
Jin sighed, stroking his hair. “Well, let’s at least try to get you changed and clean so you’re more comfortable.”
“Not… not yet.” Taehyung grumbled. He kicked a foot lazily to the side, but it bumped Namjoon’s leg—exactly what he was planning. “Go ‘way.”
Namjoon chuckled softly, patting Taehyung’s shoulder from where he sat. He was pretty sure Jin would catch it, being in proximity of now two vomiting members, but he wasn’t going to stress out over it. As Jin leaned his head back against the wall, he reached a hand over to swat at Namjoon too.
“Just bring him some fresh clothes? We’ll be out when we can, okay?”
Namjoon nodded and scurried out, returning five minutes later with a fresh pair of pajamas. On his way out, he added: “Oh, Jungkook’s taken over your bed.”
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dimplessjoon · 8 months
Namjoon Stress Fever
God its been forever since i posted. I am so sorry it took so long. I haven't been able to write at all. I don't really like it, but I can't seen to make it any better. Sorry if you find this disappointing. Hopefully you'll be able to somewhat enjoy it. Thank you for requesting.
“Joon-ah, come on open up.” Jin says knocking on Rkive’s door.
Namjoon opens the door and gets back to working.
“What is it, hyung?” Namjoon asks, eyes focused on the computer screen.
“Gosh, why is it so hot in here, any way, forget about that, just pack up Joonie, we’re going home.” Jin says
“Sorry Hyung, you go on ahead, I still have a lot of work to finish.” Namjoon says his eyes still focused on the screen and his fingers working on the keyboard.
“Namjoon, you haven’t been home in days, and it looks like you haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep forever. You need rest, otherwise you’re gonna get sick.” Jin says
"Hyung, I'm fine, besides I have too much work to finish. I don't have time to rest." Namjoon adds on still focusing on his work.
Jin comes next to him and takes the mouse from his hand saving his work and shutting off his computer.
"Hyung" Namjoon says protesting to what Jin is doing.
"No Namjoon, your health comes first, when was the last time you had a proper meal, or proper rest. I'm not gonna stand by and watch you neglect yourself. We can talk to the management and extend your deadlines. But right now we're going home. " Jin says
"But..." Namjoon says
"No buts, get up we're going home." Jin says holding his hand to get him up, but when he touches it he realizes it's hot.
Jin moves his hand up to touch Namjoon's forehead and gasps.
"Namjoon, you have a fever, see this is why I tell you not to overwork yourself, but since you didn't listen now you're sick. Come on let's get you home and resting." Jin says helping Namjoon up
Namjoon is reluctant for a bit but soon gives up to Jin's wishes knowing he is not gonna back down. And in all honesty, Namjoon himself knows he needs the rest. He feels like shit, his stomach hurts, his whole body aches, he has a terrible migraine and he feels way too cold. Now, it makes sense that he has been having all these symptoms since he has a fever.
Jin guides Namjoon to his car and drives him back to the dorm. But the moving car makes Namjoon's stomach feel queasy.
"Stop, the car hyung." Namjoon says putting his hand over his mouth.
"What?" Jin says but soon realizes what's going on so he stops the car.
Namjoon rushes out of the car and goes by a tree and starts heaving, but nothing more than some water and stomach acid comes up due to the lack of food in his body. Jin comes up behind him and starts rubbing his back.
After a while Namjoon stops and they go back to the car and Jin gives some water to Namjoon.
Namjoon drinks some water to get the taste of vomit out of his mouth.
"Thanks" Namjoon says
"Let's wait a bit for your stomach to settle and then we can go home." Jin adds helping Namjoon sit down in the passenger seat.
After a while they start to go home, and Namjoon tries to keep himself from throwing up and luckily he doesn't throw up again, however when he goes into the elevator to get to his apartment, his stomach starts going into knots, and he feels like throwing up.
As soon as the elevator stops he rushes towards the door and unlocks it and makes a run towards the bathroom where he starts throwing up again. The water he drank earlier came up and he continued to throw up even after there was nothing left in his stomach. Jin helps him get up takes him to the couch where the other members are waiting worried for their leader after he rushed in.
"Hyung are you okay?" Jimin asks sitting next to Namjoon on the couch.
"He's sick" Jin says
"Yoongi, can you please make some soup for him. We need to get some food into him. Jungkook can you get the thermometer, and Tae get some fever reducers and nauseau medicine. Hobi and Jimin-ah you guys stay here with him, I'll go with Yoongi to help make the soup." Jin lists of things for everyone to do.
"My poor Joonie" Hobi says sitting next to him and running his hands through his hair, Jimin brings a blanket and puts it over Namjoon to make him feel more comfortable and joins the other two on the sofa.
Everyone soon comes back, and Jungkook gives Namjoon the thermometer. After it beeps Jungkook takes it sees the tempreature.
"101.2 F, not too bad but still high." Jungkook says
Here Joonie eat the soup and then you can take the medicines.
"Thanks guys." Namjoon says and slowly starts eating the soup. After eating some he stops due to his nausea rising.
"Hyung just try to eat a bit more." Taehyung says.
"No, I'm done." Namjoon says relenting to eat more as he knows if he does he'll soon throw up.
"Fine Joonie, here take some medicine." Jimin says, when it was sure they couldn't convince Namjoon to finish his soup.
"Why don't you sleep and get some rest Namu, it'll help you feel better." Hoseok says.
Namjoon nods and get comfortable on the couch with his head in Hoseok's lap and Hobi runs his hand through his hair. Jin puts a bucket by his side just in case he needs it later.
Namjoon soon falls asleep and everyone starts doing their own things. Jin reading a book, Yoongi doing something on his laptop, Hoseok going through his phone while still running his hand through Namjoon's hair, and the maknaes playing a video game on the TV.
The maknaes get a bit excited and starts getting a little loud.
"Guys, Namjoon is sleeping chill out." Yoongi whispers trying to make the quite.
"Sorry hyung" Jimin says as the three of the quite down.
After some time Jungkook shouts, "Yah Taehyung stop cheating, if you do this I'm not gonna play with you anymore."
This startles Namjoon awake.
"Huh, what's happening." Namjoon says confused as he jumps up from his sleep.
"Its ok Joon-ah calm down go back to sleep" Hoseok say trying to get him to lay back down.
But he rushes forward taking the bucket Jin put in his hands and starts throwing up. The sudden movements and waking up making him nauseous.
Soon after he calms down and Hoseok helps him clean up a bit, before helping him lie down again. Jin takes the bucket and cleans it out, and glares at the maknae line for disturbing Namjoon.
The three maknaes look at each other and the floor feeling guilty about waking Namjoon up and cauing him to throw up. After a while Namjoon falls asleep again.
"Hobi, cover Joon-ah's ears." Jin whispers.
After Hoseok does it, Jin starts running after the Maknaes and shouting.
"WE TOLD YOU TO KEEP IT QUIET! Now look what you did you made poor Joonie get sick again. I swear to god you kids have no respect for your elders." Jin says
The maknaes running away from him and vehemently apologizing. While the other two members quietly laugh at their members shenanigans.
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sickiesope · 6 months
Energy boost
Sickie: Taehyung
Caretaker: Jungkook
TW: emeto
Taehyung woke up tired today. He didn't sleep the best and just feels overall sluggish. Taehyung can usually hide that he's tired and is good at covering up his yawning in public. But he just hates that feeling weighing him down. They're filming a short dance number for army today and he needs a lot of stamina.
Taehyung doesn't like coffee at all and doesn't understand how Yoongi can drink so much of it. He can't stand the smell or the taste. He's trying to think of another quick fix and wound up buying an energy drink. It's strawberry flavored so he figured he'd try it.
"Since when do you drink energy drinks?" Yoongi teases.
"It tastes better than that burnt hot bean water" Taehyung sasses playfully.
"Maybe, but coffee doesn't make you crash like those do" Yoongi smirks.
Taehyung found it tasted pretty sweet; a little too sweet from what's he's used to but he drank half of it and already feels a little more perky. It gives him more hope about the day. When finished his stomach feels.. weird. He drank that pretty fast. His stomach gurgles with the fizzy drink bubbling up. He burps and pauses for a minute. He feels the caffeine kicking in and rushes to get prepared.
The guys stand in position and Taehyung tries to stay still. He's all jittery and his stomach keeps going off. He doesn't know if anyone else can hear it and palms it cautiously.
"Everyone in place!"
The music starts playing and the choreography is fast pace. Taehyung's body keeps up with the movements but he regrets having that energy drink. The liquid swishes and sloshes inside his stomach with each jump and turn. It feels like his stomach is a bottle being shaken and bubbling up, ready to go off. But he can't stop now, they're halfway through the song. Then his stomach burbles and Taehyung stumbles and hiccups, almost tripping.
"Cut!" They all stop and look at him.
"Tae, why'd you stop?" Hoseok asks.
Taehyung wants to say his stomach hurts but doesn't want to throw off the day. He already messed up and doesn't want people getting mad at him. "I-I'm fine--" *he burps mid sentence.* Taehyung covers his mouth, flustered.
They all look at him strange. Yoongi is looking with concern. That wasn't exactly a small sized can he chugged.
"Ugh, sorry.. I'm sorry, I can keep going." Taehyung says quickly. He just wants to get through this.
"Hmm okay, let's try again" Hoseok gestures them to walk back to starting position. Taehyung puts a fist to his mouth and descretely burps again. He wants to think it helps but isn't sure. His stomach feels queasy and he worries he'll throw up instead. The cameras are going again and he definitely doesn't want that.
On the second take Taehyung isn't as fast, his stomach hurts with all the movements and sloshing. His body can't handle it and his stomach lurches. Taehyung hiccups again and bends over, holding his abdomen. Suddenly he belches and his stomach opens the floodgates, spewing out a fast large wave. 
"Whoa Tae!" Jimin and Jungkook jump back, they were closest to him and just missed getting splashed. Taehyung can't say anything as his stomach is still forcing out it's contents.
The music stops and everyone is shocked at what just happened. Namjoon waves at the staff to stop the cameras and the members run to Taehyung. Taehyung falls to his knees clutching his middle. He sighs in disbelief but his stomach cuts him off with another hard retch. He pants and looks at the pink puddle on the floor. "Ugh, why did I have that?" Taehyung mutters.
Yoongi looks at the young vocalist sympathetically. "It's okay Tae, it could've happened to anyone."
Taehyung feels ridiculous and thought forsure they would scold him but everyone was benevolent and understanding.
Taehyung wasn't thrilled about the car ride back. His stomach's still complaining after all that vomiting. He tries to rub it but he's so tired. Whenever the car hits a bump or a turn his stomach gurgles, making him moan quietly.
"Awwh hyung, that drink really upset your tummy huh?" Jungkook put his hand on Taehyung's stomach. Taehyung just nods as his sick stomach churns. Jungkook wants to help it and starts rubbing lightly "how does this feel?"
Taehyung hums approvingly, letting JK take over. The maknae's hands feel so nice. Taehyung yawns and leans on Jungkook closing his eyes. He's crashing. Jungkook looks and smiles fondly, shifting a bit to make it more comfortable.
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darl-ingfics · 1 month
Jin bts sneezing
Took me a minute to put something together, and I hope you're down for fluff.
Quiet Time
Fandom: BTS
Sickie: Seokjin
Caregiver(s): Namjoon
Word Count: 1,622
Namjoon was used to a hive of activity in the dorm. With seven of them sharing the space, there was always something happening: video game tournaments, anime marathons, spur of the moment games invented on the spot that always involved a lot of excited yelling. The dorm was rarely a quiet space, unless a majority of the members were sleeping, or if Yoongi was writing, (which he rarely did seriously at home, but still, if the thunderbolt of inspiration struck, they had to listen to it.)  
So when the boys had been blessed with a rare Friday afternoon off, Namjoon silently begged the universe for a chance for some quiet. The group already had the weekend free from schedules, so the extra few hours were an unexpected treat. Namjoon loved his members, loved their hysterical shenanigans, and loved being at the very center of much of that chaos. But he also loved his quiet time, his space to recenter and recharge. 
And the universe seemed to have heard him. Jungkook suggested they all go and see a movie, something they hadn’t been able to do in a while, and Jimin and Taehyung had quickly agreed. Yoongi, however, opted to spend a few hours in his studio, finishing up a project so he could have the next two days entirely to himself. This shattered the hope of a group movie, but also softened the blow when Seokjin announced he planned to stay home and sleep off the cold that had held him hostage all week. Hoseok had then announced he would join the moviegoers and take them out of ice cream after, much to the delight of the younger members. Namjoon smiled to himself, watching his hyungs work their magic: Yoongi giving Jin the out to stay home and Hoseok swooping in to distract both the eldest and the maknaes from the disappointment of that choice. It was a maneuver he’d seen the three of them enact time and time again to get one another, (as well as the rest of the members, including Namjoon himself), the break they needed when social pressures called. 
For his part, Namjoon had not verbally committed to any sort of plans, but it had been assumed he was in for the movie. When it was time to leave, however, he made the excuse that he had just gotten to the point of no return in his book while the rest of the members were getting ready, and he had decided to just stay and finish that instead. Besides, he’d argued, someone should stay home just in case Seokjin took a turn for the worse. That swiftly ended any attempts from Jungkook and Jimin to convince him to go out, and Hoseok shepherded them out the door, blowing a kiss back to Namjoon as he closed the door behind him. As their voices faded down the hallway, the dorm fell silent.  
Namjoon had been reading on the couch ever since. And while he stopped reading when he heard the footsteps in the hallway, Namjoon didn’t look up from his book. He did quickly glance at his watch, noting that it had only been half an hour since the other members had left, marking an hour and a half since they’d gotten home. Meaning Seokjin wouldn’t be too out of it when he rounded that corner from the hallway. 
Namjoon wanted to play this casual; when Jimin so sweetly asked if Jin didn’t want them all to postpone their movie adventure until he was able to go with them, Seokjin had very sternly told them all to go out without him, to enjoy their weekend off and not worry about him. Namjoon had, clearly, not listened to a word of that. 
Sure enough, when Seokjin entered the room, the first thing he saw was Namjoon. Despite his sleepy appearance, (all wrinkled hoodie and pajama pants, hair askew), his eyes immediately narrowed. The impact of his glare was, however, immediately interrupted when he bent to the waist by two uncharacteristically violent sneezes, “H’tschue! HA’schue!”
“Bless you.” 
“What’re you doin’ here?” Seokjin muttered, rubbing at his eyes under his glasses before squinting at Namjoon again, checking he wasn’t just seeing things. 
Namjoon held up his book. “Reading.”
Seokjin shook his head, lips pouting. “No, no.” He cleared his throat, wincing slightly. “You’re supposed to be at the movies. With Kook and the rest.” 
Namjoon shrugged. “I wanted to stay here.”
“I told you not to stay back for me.”
“Who said I did?” Jin simply narrowed his eyes at him, unconvinced. Namjoon’s smile didn’t falter as he patted the couch next to him. Despite the frown still on his face, Seokjin didn’t hesitate to slump into the offered seat, head falling against Namjoon’s shoulder. The leader sighed as his hand tangled in Jin’s hair and the older man instinctively wrapped his arms around his friend’s abdomen. Their movements were practiced, sliding effortlessly into an embrace built on years of carrying each other through the churning sea of life. They sat like that, just taking in each other’s presence, while Namjoon finished his chapter. 
“How are you?” Namjoon asked into the comfortable silence as he slid his book mark between the pages. 
Seokjin shrugged. “I’m tired,” he answered honestly. “It’s been a long week.”
Namjoon scoffed. “You’re telling me. And I wasn’t even sick.” He didn’t need to be looking at Jin to see how dramatically he rolled his eyes. 
“You’re all acting like I have the plague,” he griped. “I’m literally fine. They call it the common cold for a reason.”
“I vividly remember you saying otherwise to Tae last month. Something about how ‘just because it’s common doesn’t mean it’s not a big deal.’”
That earned him a not-so-gentle jab in the side. Namjoon squawked in shock more than pain, quickly dissolving into laughter. “First of all, rude. Second, that was entirely different. Taehyung was much sicker than I am now, and we were filming outside, in a rainstorm.”
Namjoon chuckled again. “How was the nap?”
“I’ve barely slept.”
“Are you serious?!” Namjoon lurched away, turning his body so he was facing Seokjin instead. The older man frowned at the loss of contact. “Why not?” When he opened his mouth to reply, Jin immediately held up a finger before burying his face in his sleeve and sneezing three times. “Okay, so that.”
“Yeah, that.” He sniffled, coughing before dropping his arm back to his side. He sighed, shoulders caving forward. “But also when I lay down, everything in my head just feels like concrete and I can’t breathe and then I start coughing and just… sleep is hard without drugs. And it isn’t doctor recommended I take more of those for another two hours.” He rubbed at the bridge of his nose, pinching the space between his eyes, sniffling again. 
Namjoon pouted, wheels turning in his brain. “Are you comfy here?”
Seokjin craned his neck just enough for their eyes to meet. “Always.”
“Then go to sleep.” It was Jin’s turn to pout at him. Namjoon shrugged his unoccupied shoulder, tossing his book onto the coffee table. “If being vertical like this helps you breathe easier, then use me as your pillow.”
“Joonie, I’m not trapping you on the couch.”
“You’re doing nothing of the sort.” Namjoon grabbed the remote from the side table and clicked on the TV. “I’ve got some shows I’ve been meaning to catch up on. You’re actually doing me a favor.”
As he navigated to said shows, Seokjin considered the offer. Catching a few extra hours of sleep had been one of the goals of their half day, and if the normal methods of ‘lay down, conk out’ wasn’t working, why not sleep here, curled up with his best friend? Truth be told, this position propped up against the couch and Namjoon’s shoulder was the most comfortable he’d found all week. The physical contact was so incredibly soothing; Namjoon had a way of knowing exactly what Seokjin needed, caring for him so expertly. And his eyes were suddenly so very, very heavy…
Seokjin nodded ever so slightly as he pulled his knees up beneath him on the couch, settling deeper against Namjoon. The leader smiled. “Glasses?” Seokjin lifted his head just enough to pull off said glasses, and Namjoon gently took them from him, setting them on the side table. His fingers returned to Jin’s hair, smoothing circles at the nape of his neck. The older man simply closed his eyes, sighing contentedly. Namjoon hit play on his show, and reached for a blanket from the basket under the side table. After rather clumsily draping the blanket across both Seokjin and himself, which was no easy feat with only one had to work with, he settled back against the couch himself. 
Namjoon genuinely thought Seokjin was already asleep when the older man whispered: “Be honest: did you stay back for me?”
Namjoon smiled. “Not entirely. I was worried about you, and didn’t want you to wake up disoriented to an empty house. But I also really wanted to lay on the couch instead of going out. You just gave me a solid defense against Kookie’s puppy eyes. So thanks for that.” 
Seokjin chuckled, the sound vibrating against Namjoon’s own rib cage. His arms wrapped a bit more tightly around the younger man’s waist. “You’re welcome,” he whispered with his final burst of energy before slipping into the peaceful, deep sleep he’d been craving for days. Namjoon’s smile widened in time with his friend’s breathing, still congested but soothing all the same. He turned his attention to the TV, and allowed himself to be totally absorbed in the fictional world unfolding before him.
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btshurtcomfortprompts · 4 months
Category: Sickfic (Tonsillitis)
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretakers: OT7
Prompt: It starts with Jungkook getting a bad cold in the winter as soon as the weather changes, and he’s miserable for a bit but he recovers quickly. But a few weeks later, he comes down with another sore throat and he’s not sure how he got sick again so soon. On his third cold, which he catches less than a month later, he starts to worry– especially with how much his throat is hurting. His hyungs tease him about his weak immune system but they’re clearly worried too. Jungkook goes to the doctor and gets diagnosed with tonsillitis. And then, mere weeks after he’s recovered from that, he gets sick AGAIN. This time, the pain in his throat is almost unbearable and he ends up having to get his tonsils out. Of course, he’s very anxious about how it will affect his singing/performance/etc. and of course, his hyungs take very good care of him during his recovery.
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soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
Studio Sickness (Namkook)
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Sick: Jungkook
Caretakers: Namjoon, minor Hoseok and Seokjin
Tw: Emeto, vom*****, mentions of nausea, descriptions of illness
Word count: 1957
(Jungkook suddenly gets sick when visiting Namjoon's studio. He has to take him home and look after him)
Enjoy!!! Sorry about any mistakes!!
*knock knock*
"Hey, hyung. I was wondering if you could listen to this melody I've been working on?" Jungkook asks, standing in the doorway to Namjoon's studio. The older is looking particularly comforting in soft sweat pants and a loose fitted tshirt, all grouped nicely with an inviting smile.
"Of course, Kook-ah. Come sit," Namjoon wheels over another chair and positions it next to him. Jungkook wastes no time and plops his laptop on Namjoon's desk. He gives the leader headphones and he presses play.
Jungkook watches Namjoon as he listens to his hard work, getting distracted by a pain forming in his middle. Jungkook frowns slightly, hand skimming across his abdomen. Namjoon is bopping his head, listening intently. But Jungkook's stomach is getting increasingly upset at a rapid rate and he can't come up with a reason as to why.
The youngest gets paler by the second, nausea making itself known and even he's concerned, he was fine earlier? Right? Jungkook feels himself get shaky and goosebumps prickle his skin. He rests his elbows on his knees and lowers his head. Namjoon removes the headphones and turns to face Jungkook. "This is really good Jungko... Hey, you okay?" Namjoon spots Jungkook, who is starting to look a little green.
"Um- I don't know, hyung. I fe- feel.." Jungkook trails off, like he's been punched in the stomach. Namjoon furrows his brows, placing his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, waiting for him to continue. But Jungkook can't get the words out so he covers his mouth and points to the small bin placed near Namjoon's desk.
"You need to puke?" Namjoon fills, swiping up the trash can and placing it in Jungkook's lap. The youngest holds onto it with shaky hands and Namjoon swivels his chair so he can rub the maknae's back. There's paper with scribbles of lyric ideas scrunched up in the bin and Jungkook would hate to throw up all over them.
"How long have you been feeling sick, Kookie?" Namjoon croons, Jungkook swallows the urge to gag. "I was fine earlier hyung, I promise.." Jungkook pants, a string of saliva hanging off his lip. He feels so nauseous. Namjoon gives him a sympathetic look, "Deep breaths, maybe it'll pass." Namjoon suggests.
Jungkook stares blankly into the bin, it's not often his stomach gets upset, he almost forgot how uncomfortable it is to be nauseous. His stomach twists and a quiet burp escapes Jungkook's lips. "Sorry.." Jungkook breaths out, certain he's about to throw up. "Don't be sorry, babe." Namjoon comforts, his large hand gracing Jungkook's back does make him feel better.
"Oooh—hyung..." Jungkook moans and shudders with an intense wave, he can't tell if he wants to throw up or try ride it out. "I don't want to be sick.." Jungkook murmurs into the bin. "I know Kookie but if something's wrong we need to get it out of you." Namjoon replies, lightly patting Jungkook's upper back.
Jungkook inhales deeply through his nose, but it must've gotten caught because he ends up coughing with a fist to his mouth. A cough morphs into a gag, bringing up saliva that he spits out. Namjoon does a double take of the trash can to see if he actually threw up, frowning when it's still clean.
Jungkook tastes vomit in the back of his throat and that alone is strong enough for him to gag again, bringing up a mouthful of puke that splatters into the bin. "There we go.. you got it." Namjoon comforts, slightly alarmed that Jungkook can get so sick in such a short amount of time.
Jungkook's stomach aches and clenches, prompting more torrents to land in the trash can. His chest burns and the smell is starting to do numbers on him, making him feel even more poorly. His cheeks are burning a light crimson because his leader has to see him like this. "Y-you don't—hrrpph—have to s-stay-" Jungkook coughs out between gags.
"Don't say that Kookie, I'm staying. Our maknae needs taking care of, no need to be embarrassed." Namjoon smiles softly, raking fingers through Jungkook's hair. The youngest heaves again, productively emptying whatever he's eaten today. Tears from exertion sit in the corners of Jungkook's eyes, shining and making him look even younger than he actually is.
Namjoon recalls the many times bts have been hit with some sort of stomach illness, contagious or not, he's grown to be unphased by vomiting. But for Jungkook to be the one throwing up—it's rare. So you can't blame Namjoon for being surprised to say the least.
Jungkook's retching tapers off into bile and eventually he's left spitting out thick strings of saliva. "Think you're all done, Kook?" Namjoon rubs the latter's back. "I think so. My stomach still feels a bit funny.." Jungkook comments, moving the bin to the floor and lifting the edges of the plastic lining to cover up the mess of the contents.
Namjoon tuts, "I can ask Jinnie if he'll make you some soup? It might settle your belly some." Namjoon suggests, noticing the strained nod he receives. "Let's call it a day, Kookie."
The two of them are taken home by a manager (after cleaning the bin of course) and Jungkook rests his head on Namjoon's shoulder the whole ride back. He's still looking pale and Namjoon suspects that the car ride made his 'funny tummy' get a little more unsettled.
Namjoon has Jungkook walk close to him as they reach their dorm, even helping him take his shoes off and put his stuff down. The two are met with Seokjin and Hoseok on the living room couch, watching a drama together. "Hey Jinnie, hey Hobi." Namjoon greets. "Hi hyungs." Jungkook says, voice quieter and noticeably tired sounding.
"Hey you're both back a little earlier. I made some jjigae, there's some leftovers in the kitchen if you'd like." Seokjin smiles, "or you can watch this new drama with us too," Hoseok grins. Namjoon shows dimples, glancing at Jungkook on his side. "Jungkook-ah, how about you sit with Hobi and I'll grab us some food with Jin-hyung?" Namjoon says, fairly confident Jungkook is a little shy about these things, even if it is just them.
Seokjin does a double take on Jungkook, noticing the youngest's pale features and sad eyes. The eldest and leader make their way to the kitchen, Namjoon turning to the older once out of sight. "Everything okay Namjoon-ah?" Seokjin butts before Namjoon can open his mouth.
"Uh.. sort of? It's Jungkookie, he came to my studio and I was looking over his work, but then he started feeling super nauseous and was throwing up—I was wondering if you could help make him a light soup?" Namjoon explains, a worried crease on his forehead. Seokjin blinks at the leader, "of course, Joon. Poor Kookie... do you think he's coming down with something? He didn't have a fever or anything did he?" Seokjin cringes at the thought of more members throwing up because of a virus.
"I think something just isn't agreeing with him, he didn't have a fever." Namjoon replies. The two are in mid thought when they hear a splatter, both of them cross their fingers that it's just some water that's been spilt but their hopes and dreams get crushed when Hoseok gives a surprised yelp.
The two rush back in the living room to see poor Jungkook in tears, puke dripping down his chin and a small puddle on the hard wood floors in front of him. "Aigoo, Jungkookie. Oh baby, is there more or are you all done?" Hoseok comforts while Seokjin leaves quickly and comes back with some wipes, paper towels and a bowl. Hoseok looks at Namjoon for answers, the poor dancer is a little confused at the sudden turn of events.
Jungkook is unable to contain his tears, though he makes an effort to dry his watery eyes. "Kookie, let's move over a little, shall we?" Namjoon aids Hoseok in guiding Jungkook to a different spot on the couch, away from the mess. Seokjin passes the bowl to Hoseok, and Namjoon takes a tissue to clear any residue around Jungkook's mouth. Meeting the leader's gaze, Jungkook's sad eyes prompt Namjoon to offer reassurance with a smile.
Hoseok is slowly rubbing Jungkook's back and keeping the bowl steady. Seokjin keeps a neutral face while cleaning up the puddle, it's only when he hears Jungkook gag that he frowns. Namjoon's hand retracts at the sudden lurch but then quickly he's saying quiet affirmations. "Mm, you're still feeling pretty icky, huh Kook?" "It's alright, just do what you gotta do." Namjoon assures.
Jungkook's head dives into the bowl when he gives another productive heave and his stomach still churns unhappily. "I'm s-sorry H-Hobi-hyung.. I didn' mean to–" Jungkook cries, back arching with another round of puke. "Ayy, Kookie. Oh Jungkookie~ don't be sorry! You can't help it baby." Hoseok coos, ruffling the maknae's long locks.
Jungkook throws up again, mostly water and bile but it still burns his throat. He's got running tears down his cheeks but they've slowed some. Seokjin has skilfully made the floors look untouched again and Namjoon is comforting Jungkook. "Tummy feeling better, Jungkook?" Namjoon asks, actively wiping away some of the younger's tears.
"Mhm, I think so.." Jungkook replies, sniffling and trying not to look at the bowl set in front of him. He looks guiltily at Seokjin, still cleaning up after him. Seokjin makes eye contact with Jungkook and his heart breaks but he flashes a handsome smile. "Ay it's okay Jungkookie, I'm used to this. You don't want to know how many times I have to clean up after sick Jiminie." Seokjin says, "poor thing has a sensitive tummy."
Jungkook feels a little better at that and Hoseok rubbing his back is making him feel more settled. "Here let me take this, and Hoba can take you to your room." Namjoon takes the bowl, knowing Hoseok can get squimish. Jungkook nods and wraps an arm around Hoseok's shoulder. "Come on Jungkookie, slow steps." The older supports him and slowly takes Jungkook to his room.
Jungkook is an unmoving corpse once he makes contact with his bed. Hoseok can't help but giggle at the sight. The youngest is laying on his belly, head barely on his pillow and almost half asleep already. Hoseok taps him on the bum playfully and Seokjin comes in just in time to see the endearing sight. "Get some rest Jungkook-ah, I'll send Namjoon in here. He got quite worried about you." Seokjin hums, not minding that Jungkook is practically in dream land.
"So Jungkook was sick before when he was with Joon-ah?" Hoseok asks, "yeah, they were in Namjoonie's studio and Jungkook just started feeling really bad. Poor thing." Seokjin explains, "we should give him some medicine once he's rested up a little more. No point if he might..... again." Seokjin makes a vomiting gesture and Hoseok nods in agreement.
Namjoon enters after a few minutes, clean bowl in hand. "He's asleep already?" He questions, placing the dish on the nightstand. "Yep, he should be. Gosh he's had a rough time today.. Jin-hyung told me what happened." Hoseok says, bottom lip jutted out in worry.
"Joonie could you stay with him? You need a break from the studio anyways. He seems pretty attached to you too," Seokjin smiles. Namjoon's ears go a little pink but he climbs into Jungkook's bed nonetheless. Who can resist their youngest anyway? "Seokie and I will leave you two be, let me know if things go downhill or he wakes up." Seokjin locks arms with Hoseok, blowing a kiss on his way out.
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comfortjoonie · 2 years
here's part two of the namjoon sickfic requested by @kaisah09 !
hope you enjoy. part one is my most recent post!
tw: emeto, sickness, yelling
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Namjoon was sleeping for almost all of the ride to the interview.  No one had expected it – they assumed he’d just get horribly carsick.  But he was able to sleep, and Jungkook was able to put enough foundation on him so that he looked normal.  No one wanted to wake him up when they arrived, but they had to.  Again, they helped him out of the car and into their seats in the interview room.  The interviewer was already there.
“Are we ready to get started, then?” he asked in Japanese, and Namjoon translated for the rest of the members, who nodded.  All of Namjoon’s dongsaengs watched in awe as Namjoon gave the approval for the livestream to start.  He was so sick, but he was incredible at hiding it and acting like a leader when he needed to.
Namjoon answered the questions smoothly, translating back and forth.  He badly wanted to put a hand over his aching stomach, but he couldn’t.  Aching wasn’t even the right word, though.  HIs stomach was trying to kill him.  The pain was so overwhelming that his vision was blurry.  But he pushed on.
Until the interviewer asked a question, and Namjoon wasn’t able to respond.  He couldn’t process it.  The only thing he could think about was the pain.
“Kim-san,” the interviewer said.  “Are you going to answer the question?  You’re the leader after all, right?”  Namjoon squeezed his eyes shut.
“Sorry, what was the question?”
The interviewer laughed.  “You know, for a leader, you can be kind of absentminded at times.  Pay more attention for your members.”  Namjoon swallowed and translated for his members.  He watched as Yoongi’s face grew to fury. 
“Sorry.  Can you just repeat the question?” Namjoon asked.
The interviewer nodded and repeated it, but halfway through it, Namjoon moaned and doubled over in pain.  “Kim-san, focus,” the interviewer said, this time in Korean.
Yoongi stood up.  “We’re going home.”  He didn’t care if it was a livestream.  This interviewer was making Namjoon’s life so much worse, embarrassing him on livestream, and Yoongi wouldn’t have it.  Namjoon put his head in his hands, trying not to cry.
“Wait–” the interviewer said in Korean.  
“I said, we’re going home.  Don’t talk to me,” Yoongi snarled at the interviewer, and everyone stood up with him besides Namjoon.  Jin approached Namjoon and helped him up, bringing his head out of his hands and wrapping his arms around himself and Jungkook.
Namjoon tried to walk, but he was so shaky and dizzy that he couldn’t.  The world was spinning.  The nausea was rising fast.  “B-bathroom,” he mumbled.  
The interviewer pointed down at the hall.  Yoongi shot him one last glare, and Jimin mouthed a “thank you”.  Everyone followed Namjoon, Jungkook, and Seokjin down the hall and to the bathroom.  They placed Namjoon in front of the toilet, and he started vomiting instantly.  Somehow, there was more left.  He was coughing, sputtering, and crying in between gags, and Seokjin winced every time.  His face turned white, even showing through the foundation, and he vomited more every time with each gag.  Everyone but Seokjin was too shocked and frozen to comfort Namjoon.  Jin patted his back and whispered words of comfort to him.  It went on for what felt like forever.  Every time Namjoon could catch a two minute break, he’d come back gagging harder.  At least 20 minutes had passed before Seokjin decided it needed to end.
“Ok, Namjoonie.  We’re done.  You’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep doing this.”  He flushed the toilet, and Namjoon sobbed.  “Sh, it’s ok Nam.  We’re gonna go home now.”  Namjoon nodded and Seokjin wiped his mouth with a tissue before helping him up again.
They were only three steps out of the building before the cameras started flashing and the paparazzi were crowding their leader.  “Aish,” Yoongi muttered.  “Just don’t look.  Keep your eyes forward.  Don’t answer any questions.”
Namjoon tried not to sob.  How much more embarrassing could this get?  He was barely able to walk, completely leaning on Seokjin and Jungkook, until his stomach cramped the worst yet and he started to collapse.  Seokjin and Jungkook were able to keep him on his feet, but Namjoon was sobbing again in pain.  “Taehyung, put him on your back,” Seokjin instructed, and Taehyung did so.  He could feel Namjoon shaking with sobs against his back, and he tried his best not to cry with him.  He could already see the articles: BTS’s leader storms out of interview after an emotional breakdown, Kim Namjoon was carried to the car by his members after a fit of injury or sickness, BTS member breaks down in tears outside of interview… he couldn’t stand to think about it.  The car was already waiting for them, and Taehyung opened the door.  There was no time to think or debate seating arrangements. He placed Namjoon in the middle row of the limo with him.  Everyone else followed, climbing into the car.
“To the dorms?” the driver said.
“Yes,” Seokjin said.  It was only a twenty minute drive, but it felt longer with everyone’s eyes on Namjoon.  He was shaking and pale, and if he wasn’t sitting, they’d be scared he’d collapse at any moment and seriously injure himself.  Namjoon’s eyes were open, staring at nothing in particular, and an arm was crossed over his stomach.  He didn’t look bloated or nauseous anymore, just uncomfortable and in pain.  Which was a huge improvement.  But what confidence and order he’d had during the interview had disappeared completely, leaving an empty and exhausted Namjoon.
Yoongi was still seething with anger over the interviewer.  No one should talk to Namjoon like that, when he worked so hard, even through such bad sickness – it wasn’t fair.  He knew Namjoon probably wasn’t mad, but he was.  He’d be giving the managers a piece of his mind for hiring someone like that.
But for now, he needed to take care of Namjoon.  He rubbed Namjoon’s shoulder gently.  “How are you feeling?”
Namjoon inhaled.  “It hurts.”  Yoongi frowned. 
“I know, Joon.  We’ll give you some more painkillers back at the dorms.”
“Yeah, hyung,” Jimin chimed in.  “We’ll get you some more medicine too.”  Namjoon nodded slowly, exhaustedly.  
“I’m tired.”
“You can sleep.”
Namjoon shook his head.  “It hurts too much.” Jimin sighed.
“You can just rest your head on Taehyung’s shoulder for the ride, right, Tae?”  Taehyung nodded, and Namjoon rested his head, sighing softly.  Taehyung patted his head.  The car was still so tense with worry in the maknae line and anger in the hyung line.  Namjoon was in the middle of it all, and he felt guilty for both sides.
When the car pulled up, Namjoon surprisingly seemed to be more at peace.  But it went away as soon as he stood up again.  Tears poked at his eyes.  He couldn’t get over the pain, it was the worst he’d ever had.  This was the worst part about food poisoning.  He was lifted onto Taehyung’s back again and carried all the way to his bed as Jin grabbed him painkillers.  He gently put them in his dongsaeng’s mouth and Namjoon chewed and swallowed.
“I’ll go get some plain broth,” Jimin said, and Taehyung and Jungkook followed.  
“Seokjin-hyung, I need to talk to you outside quickly,” Yoongi said.  Namjoon glanced with worry, but Hoseok smiled at him. 
“It’s ok, they’ll be back.”  The two oldest walked out of the room, but Namjoon could still hear them whisper-shouting.  Yoongi was insisting that the company should find a way for the interviewer to get fired, but Jin didn’t want revenge.  He wanted to keep everything as quiet as possible.  Hoseok rubbed Namjoon’s shoulder.
“Do you feel any better?  Not nauseous anymore?” he asked, and Namjoon nodded.
“Just hurts,” he said softly.
Hoseok looked at his watch.  “The painkillers should work soon.  Then you can sleep.”  The 94-liners sat in silence for a few seconds until they heard shouting.  Namjoon squeezed his eyes shut.
“Hyung, I TOLD you this already, and you didn’t listen to me.  You’re just like that interviewer, you know?  You won’t even stand up for Nam–”
“Do NOT talk to me like that.  You’re being dramatic and protective.  It was just a mistake–”
  “It WASN’T a mistake.  He embarrassed Namjoon!  He embarrassed my best friend when he was vulnerable!  He needs to be fired–”
“YOU need to calm down.” Jin lowered his voice.  “This will all work out in the end.  If you don’t calm down right now, I’m kicking you out of the dorm.  Namjoon does not need this stress-”
“Kick me out of the dorm?! Are you–”
Namjoon put his head down.  “It’s ok, Joon.  They’re not mad at you,” Hoseok said.
“It’s my fault.”
“No, it’s not.”
Hoseok was interrupted by a loud shout. 
“I will kick you out of this dorm whenever the hell I want, I am your SUPERIOR–”
“Oh, so you’re right because you’re older?  I’ve known Namjoon longer than you have, and I know that–” “I know that you better watch your damn mouth Yoongi before I make sure that you don’t get to speak to Namjoon until he’s better.”
“You can’t do that–”
“YES I CAN!” There was a long pause.  “You will not talk to me this way.  Ever again.  You will go inside, you will help Namjoon get changed into his pajamas, and you will NOT speak to me until you’re ready to respect your hyung.”
They heard the slam of a door and a loud sigh before footsteps walked away.  Namjoon was still looking down.  What had he done?  That was the angriest he’d ever heard Jin before.  And it was his fault.
When Jin walked back in, he had a smile on his face.  “How are we feeling?”  Namjoon felt awkward talking to him after that crazy argument that Seokjin had no idea he heard.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook walked in with the bowl of broth and a spoon.  “Where’s Yoongi?” Jimin asked.
“He’s in his room.  He’s just resting for a bit, he’ll be back,” Jin lied.
“Oh. Alright.”  Jimin handed the bowl to Namjoon, and Namjoon took a sip.  “Good?”  Namjoon nodded.  For the first time today, eating didn’t make him feel nauseous.
Yoongi walked back in while Namjoon was still sipping the bowl, and he came back with a smile.  “You should change when you’re done with that, Namjoon.”
Namjoon got about halfway through the bowl, nodding, but that was when Seokjin gently took it from him.  “You can’t drink all that, you might be sick again.  Just get some rest for now, ok?”
Namjoon nodded.  “I can try.”
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crystalsnow95z · 5 months
your allergy fics are so good! would you be able to write one with jungkook? any caretaker, with jungkook coming into contact with something he's terribly allergic to but he wants to enjoy (like a bouquet of flowers or a cute kitten idk) and it sets him off sneezing a ton, with a super itchy nose. thank you!
I have plenty of mostly finished projects, but I can't bring myself to post them, so I keep working on new ones, and after months, I finally made one I like!
"Jaykay...Jungkook-ah.. wake up.. we're landing.." Hoseok shakes the mankae when his gentle approach doesn't work. "Jaykay your face is so puffy.." Hoseok smiles fondly, grabbing Jungkook's face and smooshing his face in between his fingers.
Jungkook moans in complaint, his eyes fluttering open to look at Hoseok. "Hyung..what time is it?" he grabs Hoseok's wrist to get him to stop attacking his cheeks, rubbing at his eyes. "It's morning still?"
"It is..Good morning Junggukkie." Hoseok smiles, feeling pride in successfully getting him to start moving. "It's because of the time difference. Remember?"
Jungkook studies his surroundings perplexed before his eyes widen with recognition when the sleep that fogged his memory dissipates, replaced with excitement. "Oh! I know! We're filming a music video!I'm so excited! We're going to be filming by a real waterfall and going to a garden with hundreds of different flowers and we're going to work with birds!" The memory of the meeting floods over him.
"We're going to get amazing photos. I wonder if we'll get to see a real toucan." Taehyung adds in his own excitement, leaning forward to talk to Jungkook.
"Toucan? Do you really think we can see a real one? I've seen videos of them and they don't look real." Hoseok adds in.
"Everyone, please return to your seats and buckle up." The boys hear the announcement, gathering up their things.
"Namjoon-ah do you have everything?" Yoongi asks, placing his tablet into his bag.
"Of course. You gifted me a holder for my passport after that incident in japan.." Namjoon pulls out the passport that was tucked into his shirt.
"That's because we almost couldn't perform.. you're lucky that man found it in the bathroom for you.. What about your headphones?"
Namjoon opens his airpod case, ears reddening when he sees there's only one inside, feeling around his seat until he finds it. "You knew i lost one didn't you hyung.."
"It fell out when you were sleeping." Yoongi smiles, then gasps in surprise when the turbulence hits, clutching onto the armrest, his stomach churning uncomfortably.
"You okay Yoongi?" Jin asks, taking out his headphones when he feels Yoongi's hand brush against his arm.
"I'm okay, my stomach just fluttered.." Yoongi swallows the saliva that filled his mouth, taking a deep breath. "It'll pass.."
"We're almost on the ground, and we'll have a few hours to rest." Jin reassures the daegu rapper, taking his hand.
"Thanks hyungie.." Yoongi speaks softly, squeezing Jin's hand.
"You don't have to thank me. Just take it easy until the shoot okay?" Jin gently runs his thumb across Yoongi's knuckles.
"We landed!" Jungkook says excitedly, unbuckling himself, but Hoseok puts his hand on Jungkook's thigh.
"Let's wait a bit to get off Kook-ah." Hoseok orders gently side eyeing Yoongi, who still hadn't regained the color in his cheeks.
"Yes hyung..." Jungkook settles back in, eyes sparkling. It doesn't matter if I have to wait. I'll be able to film with the birds and see the waterfall and take pretty photos for army.
"Is everyone finished changing?" Namjoon asks, looking over his team, frowning when he notices Jungkook's darker outfit in comparison to everyone else's vibrant colors."Jungkook, that's the wrong outfit..that's for the garden shoot.."
"Aish..I'm sorry Hyung.." Jungkook quickly starts stripping to switch outfits. "Everything looks so pretty from the carride and the hotel view..I got excited.." he casts his eyes down guiltily. I'm not some teenager anymore.. I need to concentrate and not make such rookie mistakes.. I should've noticed I didn't match..
"It's okay, just pay attention from now on, alright? We need to focus on filming. We only have so much daylight with outside shoots." Namjoon rubs Jungkook's back, helping him get changed to make it quicker.
"I'll pay attention from now on.." Jungkook promises shyly looking away from Namjoon. After switching to match the others in the mankae line, the seven boys leave the dressing room, Jungkook fighting the urge to run towards the sound of the waterfall.
Hoseok and Jimin links arms with Jungkook, keeping him at pace with the others. "Calm down Jaykay you don't want to risk getting hurt on this uneven ground before we even get there." Hoseok scolds him gently, leading him around a tree root.
"I'll be careful, sorry hyung.." Jungkook watches his feet carefully stepping over branches and stones that made it on the path. Taehyung and Namjoon walk ahead of them, taking photos of the scenery in front of them. "Why can't I run free with Rapmonie hyung and Taehyungie-hyungie?"
"What? You don't want to walk with me?" Jimin pouts, letting go of Jungkook. "Fine, go play with them."
"I didn't mean it like that Jimin-shii.. I just wanted to go ahead too.." Jungkook relinks his arm with Jimin pulling him and Hoseok to walk ahead with the others.
"Look Hyung! That tree.. it's filled with birds." Jungkook points our, his voice scaring the birds into fleeing in several directions.
"Kook-ah you scared them away." Namjoon frowns, watching them go with disappointment.
"I'm sor..ah..ah.." Jungkook puts his hand over his nose with an itch forms, breath hitching. "Ah..heygifh!"
"[Bless you]" Jimin speaks in English. "You okay? Not catching a cold are you? You did sleep the whole plane ride.."
"No, no I'm okay..my nose just had a bad itch.."Jungkook sniffles, wiping his nose with the side of his hand. "A feather must've tickled my nose or something..I haven't felt sick today."
"I can see the waterfall!" Jin announces, everyone looking forward, trying to spot it through the trees.
"Oh wow, it's bigger than I thought it would be.." Yoongi's eyes widen when he sees it, the boys rushing to get closer.
Jungkook bends down to take a photo of a cluster of flowers,trying to ignore the itch that annoyed the tip of his nose.
"Don't get too close to the water, Jungkook-ah. You need to stay dry for the shoot."
"I won't hyung..I'm just looking at the flowers.." Jungkook's breath hitches when another sneeze builds up, but he gently rubs it away. I can't be getting sick now.. we're spending four days in a tropical paradise.
"Did you get water in your nose Gukkie?" Taehyung asks when he approaches Jungkook, the younger jumping when he sees Taehyung next to him.
"Aish, Hyung you scared me.. I didn't hear you coming over the water. I don't know what's wrong with me, but .ah..agh..heh'ticgish!" Jungkook quickly covers his face, Taehyung grabbing the back of his shirt to keep him balanced. "Ugh. Thanks Taehyungie-hyung. I was fine earlier..I don't know why I'm sneezing all of a sudden.."
"Maybe it's all the flowers.. maybe you should take some medicine just in case.." Taehyung suggests, pulling Jungkook away from them.
"But I want to get some good shots for Army to see." Jungkook whines, but makes no attempt to pull away.
"We have to work now. We can take photos together later, and I can take photos for you if you can't get close." Taehyung promises leading him back to the others. "Is there any way we can get allergy medicine for Jungkook? His nose is getting red and stuffy.."
"I'm sorry, but we would have to go back to the resort for that.. I'll send someone to go get some. Do you think you can film until then Jungkook-sii?" The manager asks.
"Yes, I'll be okay. It's not that bad. It's just an annoyance.. I can still film.." Jungkook replies politely.
A female staff member digs in her purse, handing him a small packet of tissues. "Here Jungkook. Blowing your nose might help."
"Thanks Noona.." he bows, turning away from the others to try to clear his nose of the clear goo. "That's much better.."
As soon as the seven members get their makeup redone and the director gives them their directions, the boys get right to work going through the scenes and choreography.
"Jimin-ah..you weren't looking in the same direction as the others and you led on the wrong foot.." Hoseok scolds him when they were reviewing the clips, noticing Jimin was looking at Jungkook who couldn't stop sniffling, fighting off the urge to sneeze.
"I'm sorry.. can we do it one more time? I'll get it right this time." Jimin bows in apology to his members, looking at Jungkook when he does it. Jungkookie looks uncomfortable..I need to get it right the first time so he can get some time to rest.
Jungkook tries to hold back another sneeze when he sees Jimin's worried gaze staring back at him, but Jimin could see his nose twitching as the itch builds up.
"Noona will be back soon.." Jimin gently uses his thumb to wipe the tear that formed in Jungkook's tear duct. "You don't have to be tough for us, okay?"
"I'm not crying..my eyes are just watering because of my allergies.." Jungkook sniffles. "I'm okay..it's just irrita..ah..itdgitch! Heh'itchu!"
"Bless you.." Hoseok frowns, hugging Jungkook from behind. "My poor baby.."
"Jungkook-sii I got..you the medicine." The staff member who ran to the resort calls to him, out of breath from running back.
Taehyung rushes over to get the medicine from her, popping the blister pack to get the round pink pill for Jungkook, bringing it back to him. "Here Jungkookie, I got it."
"Thanks Hyung." Jungkook swallows the pill Taehyung gives him, Jimin getting him water to help it go down quicker. "Let's do the shoot again."
"You don't want time for it to kick in?” Jin asks, fretting over the youngest.
Jungkook shakes his head."No, I already got us behind schedule with all the touch ups.. I can do it.."
Jungkook and Taehyung rush ahead of the other members despite the older members calling to them,unable to hear them over the sound of the birds.
"Oh wow.. it's so pretty!" Jungkook's pupils take over his irises, his eyes becoming to round black discs, taking in the special guests for their music video. "Oh wow..This one's purple..I never seen a purple bird before!'
"This is [purple honeycreeper.] This one rescue. I thought he would be perfect for you ." The bird handler smiles when he sees the boys look surprised at his Korean skills.
"[Purple honeycreeper..]" Jungkook repeats the name in English. "[What's bird name?]"
"[Ah, right introductions...] I'm Gary and this bird here is Viola."
"Can I touch?" Jungkook asks, ignoring his body's warning. The medicine helped him yesterday, but at the moment he felt just as bad as he did the first day they were filming.
"Hold out finger." Gary tells him, showing Taehyung what to do by getting Viola to go on his finger. "[Step up Viola.]" He gives the command, letting her climb onto his finger.
The other members catch up, taking in the sights of the colorful birds surrounding them.
Jungkook holds his to Viola, gasping when he feels the bird use its beak to balance herself while she climbs onto his finger. "Look Hyung..i'm holding a bird!" Jungkook sniffles, turning to the man. "Can i pet?"
"As long as you only touch her head and neck." Gary gently ordered.
"You can't touch a bird anywhere else or it will think you want to mate." Yoongi tells Jungkook.
Jungkook turns to the handler, who blushes."Ah, that's true. It.. excites them if you touch its wings or chest too much.."
Jungkook nods, gently touching Viola's head, gently ruffling the feathers. Oh no.. not now..
Jungkook quickly places his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, hoping the bird would have a safe escape from the sneezes he could feel coming despite his efforts to hold them back. "Heh'heh..heygifh! Heh'itchu! Higtcvhsgh!"
Viola screeches, flapping her wings in fear jumping off of Jungkook's hand and jumping onto Taehyung's head, trying to get farther from the sound that startled her.
The other birds go into panic at the sound of viola, Hoseok clinging to Namjoon when they take flight.
Jungkook covers his face,trying to muffle the sound, but when the birds take flight the feeling only worsens. "Hehtichih!"
"[Woah, Woah. It's okay Viola.. it's okay..]" Taehyung tries to speak English for the frightened bird, Gary trying to calm his other pets down.
"Somethings wrong you need to get away.." Jin starts leading Jungkook away from the chaos, his heart racing in fear.
I can't breathe..I need to calm down..
Jungkook staggered away from the others, Jin keeping a tight grip on the mankae"Woah Jungkook I got you.."
"Heh..hehitxgh! Heh'itchu! Hey'itchi!" Jungkook let out another flurry of sneezes, holding Jin tightly. It wasn't the flowers..
"Here Jungkookie, look at me.." Jin gently leads his chin up, taking a nasal spray from the bag he was given as an accessory. "I got this just in case.."
"Thanks hyung.." Jungkook sniffles, taking it from Jin. "Heh'itchii! Hey'itchi!" He sneezes as soon as he puts it near his nose only amplifying the itch that plagued his sinuses.
"Here let hyung do it." Jin gently grabs Jungkook's chin, tilting his head upwards. "Try to sit still for me. I'll make it quick..okay?"
Jungkook nods, holding his breath to try to avoid sneezing on Jin as he swiftly sprays the medicine into one nostril than the other.
"Hei' etfhitch! Heh'itchu!" Jungkook's eyes water as he sneezes. "I'm sorry Hyung.."
"It's okay baby.. I know you aren't feeling well." Jin rubs the back of Jungkook's neck. "I think your allergic to birds Jungkookie.."
"I was around birds before..I was fine.." Jungkook sniffles, rubbing at his nose to try to ease the itch that threatened to cause more sneezes to erupt from him.
"You can develop new allergies Kook-ah.. I know how excited you were to play with them, but outside of filming I think you should avoid them." Jin tells him solemnly.
Yoongi goes up to them with a small packet of tissues,giving it to Jungkook. "They got the birds under control, but they want to give them time to fully calm down."
"That's good. I was worried I ruined the...heh..heh.." Jungkook felt the sneeze building, but it was only a false start. "Ruined the music shoot.." he finishes, his voice coming out as a nasally whisper, trying to clear his nose to see if that would ease the discomfort that was making him miserable.
"It's not your fault, Jungkookie. We could always make changes. What's important is that you don't suffer for the shoot. Even if you push through it, army will be able to see how much you're suffering." Yoongi puts his arm around Jungkook, pulling him close.
"I'll go get the others so we can see what our next move is. We'll figure this out together, okay Kookie?" Jin leaves to the filming site.
"Hyung I really wanted to play with the birds.." Jungkook sighs, knowing that all the members would agree with Jin.
"I know. Life sucks.. now you and Jiminie can suffer together." Yoongi teases him lightly, getting a small smile out of Jungkook.
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mikrokoskooks · 1 year
Just a stomach ache (rewrite)
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretakers: Namjoon and Seokjin
TW: Emeto, medically inaccurate, pain, stomach aches mentions of vom!t
*Knock knock knock*
“Who is it?” Jungkook mumbles sitting up in his bed and glancing over at the door. “It's Namjoon,” the older man says sounding a bit weak  “What is it hyung,” Jungkook starts sleepily “It's the middle of the night”
“I don't feel well kook-ah.” Jungkook looks worried at the sudden announcement “Why? What's wrong”  “My stomach hurts...” Namjoon states placing his hands on his abdomen, his pale face now becoming more clear to the youngest. “Will you be okay?” The rapper gives no response and suddenly passes out. “Hyung!?”
Jungkook gasps and looks around him, sighing in relief when he realizes It was just a nightmare, a horrible horrible nightmare. He decides he should go to Namjoon's room and check to see if he was truly alright but when Jungkook shuffles forward in his bed his stomach gifts him with a rather nasty cramp.
He winces and rubs his stomach adding pressure in an attempt to massage away the pain but it's unsuccessful and he just causes himself more discomfort. Although the sudden pain is an inconvenience he still manages to make it to Namjoon's room, Minus a slight detour to the medicine cabinet for some Pepto Bismol.
Jungkook knocks on his hyungs bedroom door and awaits a response. “Jungkook...? What's wrong? ” Namjoon asks looking up from his novel. “I had a bad dream about you hyung, you said u felt ill and I wasn't much help to you, and then you just, well, fainted,” Jungkook says freaking out a little “So I came to check if you were okay."
Namjoon smiles at the boy's cuteness and bursts out laughing “Oh Jungkook, what am I going to do with you it was just a dream silly of course I'm fine.”
Jungkook nods slowly and goes to sit on Namjoons bed, the older pulling him into a hug as he does so. They lie like that and chat for a while until Jungkook starts squirming around in the rapper's arms. Namjoon releases him, “You alright?”
The youngest lets out a sound of agreement, “Yeah my stomach just feels weird.” Namjoon looks the boy over scanning for any visual symptoms such as pale skin or flushed cheeks but there are non. “Weird how?” Namjoon asks trying to get a grip on the situation.
“Weird like cramps, random cramps,” Jungkook answers palming his stomach gently. He tries to think of a logical diagnosis for himself but they all seem too extreme. “When did they start?”
The vocalist thinks for a second before answering, “Just before I came to your room, I was getting out of bed then it happened.” Namjoon nods and opens his mouth to speak but is cut off by a low gurgle from the youngest's tummy.
Jungkook lets out a groan at the sudden commotion in his insides. “Did you eat something bad?” “No, just the pasta you made.” Jungkook yawns and then grins, “That was probably it then.”
Namjoon playfully rolls his eyes, “Hey, my cooking isn't that bad you know.” He looks next to him and sees Jungkook gradually falling asleep so he stops talking. He pulls the covers over the vocalist and strokes his hair till he's fully asleep.
— — —
Namjoon lies in his bed fast asleep, he'd only just decided to put the book down and snooze. (I love that word, snooze. A cheeky snooze) Unfortunately, his sleep is disturbed by a bright light coming from under the bathroom, he tries to ignore it but it's just too bright.
As he gets up to turn it off he notices Jungkook missing, ‘maybe Jungkook's using it’ he thinks to himself. But when he goes to knock on the door weak-looking Jungkook staggers out. Namjoon was stunned he looked way worse than he did earlier on.
“Hyung? Did I wake you up 'm sorry” Jungkook manages to say his voice almost a whisper. Namjoon speaks up “No, no you didn't wake me up kook-ah but what's wrong?” The youngest cheeks flush with embarrassment “I threw up... I'm sorry” he says tears forming in his eyes.
Namjoons heart breaks at younger words “Aww Jungkook, don't be sorry you can't help it, baby.” Namjoon pulls the boy into a hug rubbing his back gently. It seems to be helping calm the maknae so Namjoon is caught off guard when the Jk suddenly pushes off him and bolts back into the bathroom.
*GLARGBLE * (best retching ever okay 👌🏾😭)
Jungkook bends over the bowl, bringing up everything he'd had for dinner. His hand are wrapped tightly around his stomach and his breathing is fast and painful. Namjoon follows him in and gasps, “Oh Jungkook, you poor thing” he cooes
Jungkook doesn't say anything but nods his head he truly feels horrible. After a good 10 minutes, he finishes vomiting he wipes his mouth and flushes the toilet. As he prepares to stand up his vision suddenly starts to go spotty and he passes out luckily landing on Namjoon.
The rapper sits there in shock and worry, he doesn't quite know what to do all he truly knows is something is seriously wrong with Jungkook. Namjoon pulls out his phone and calls Seokjin he would know what to do as the oldest. Wouldn't he?
“Yah Namjoon-ah it's 2 in the morning what do you need,” Seokjin asks sounding annoyed his beauty sleep was interrupted. “It's Jungkook he's really poorly. He's thrown up for ages and he's just fainted" Seokjin ends the calls and fast footsteps are soon heard through the hallway.
He busts into Namjoon's room and finds a worried Namjoon with a pale unconscious Jungkook in his lap. “Oh my god” Seokjin exclaims “What- how did this happen?” Namjoon puts a hand on his head, “I don't know he said he had stomach cramps and then he puked lots then he just..” he gestures down to him and Jin gets the point.
“We need to take him to the hospital, Joon I think he's really unwell, feel his forehead he's burning up” Just then jungkook starts to regain consciousness. His eyes flutter open but then he hugs his stomach and whines in agony. “Oh, hyung,” Jungkook says abruptly.
Seokjin smiles nervously and gives a small wave before saying “Jungkook honey, we're gonna take u to the hospital, okay, something's not right ” Jungkook makes a face and shakes his head “Noo, I'm not going to the hospital I'm finee seee” he says weakly before promptly leaning forward and vomiting.
"Oh," he mutters before passing out again. “Joon call an ambulance,” Seokjin says strong authority in his voice. “Already on it hyung” They both look at Jungkook scared about what's wrong with him but they know he'll be okay since he's their golden maknae.
— — —
“Acute Appendicitis,” The doctor says “He needs to go to surgery immediately.” “Will he be okay?” Namjoon asks biting his lip anxiously. “Yes you brought him in in time, he will be just fine”
Seokjin and Namjoon both thank the doctor and wait in the waiting room until Jungkooks surgery is over. They're happy they got the boy in at the right time because they don't know what they would do without their golden maknae who they loved so much.
—After the surgery—
Both Jin and joon are allowed into the room to see jungkook he looks much better than earlier and he looks peaceful in his sleep. Seokjin goes over and hold his hand masarging it gently “I love you jungkook but if you ever get sick like this again hyung's heart might just break” Namjoon hums in agreement. “Sorry hyung,”Jungkook whispers “I love you too.”
Do you guys like this or the original more?
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dimplessjoon · 11 months
can you wrjite a namjoon sickfic, entirely from the third person perspective, where he had the stomach flu and it starts when he's in the car with jin and suddenly vomits, jin has to help him walk back to the dorms and take care of him, he has a fever and is weak
Grocery Trip Gone Wrong
"Guys calm down, Yoongi and Hobi have gone out for the day and I don't need the three of you to burn down the dorm, while I'm out." Jin says to the maknaes.
"Where are you going hyung?" Jungkook asks as the three of them calm down.
"Aish, if you were not busy trying to beat each other, you would've heard me say that me and Namjoon are going to go grocery shopping. So please don't do anything stupid." Jin says
"Oh, don't worry hyung we're adults we'll be fine." Jimin replies, while Jungkook and Tae are play fighting in the background.
"Ya, sure let's go with that." Jin says
"Just take care of yourself, We'll be back in a couple of hours." Jin says before shouting
"Namjoon let's get going."
"I'm coming, hyung." Namjoon says while going to where everyone is.
Namjoon had woken up feeling a little queasy today, but since it was their day off he thought resting for a couple of hours will be good enough to make him feel better. But it was already close to being evening and he did not feel better at all. In fact, it seemed like he was getting worse but he had promised Jin that he was going to go with him to get grocery. So he was going to have to go out even though he wanted to rest. But he couldn’t leave Jin hanging so he just convinced himself that the fresh air would help him feel better. “Hey Hyung, im ready to go.” Namjoon says when he reaches Jin.
“Ok let’s go, we’re leaving guys.” Jin says to the maknaes as they leave the apartment. The maknaes bid them goodbye and Jin and Namjoon go in the car and go to the grocery store.
The car ride was making Namjoon feel weird in his stomach. But it wasn't so bad that he had to throw up. Soon enough, they reached the store and they started to go in. Getting out of the car did help calm his stomach down a bit he was still feeling kinda nauseous. Jin noticed the discomfort on his face. “Joonie, are u feeling ok? You look a little pale.” Jin says
“Ya hyung, I’m fine don’t worry.” Namjoon replies and Jin nods a little and they continue shopping. The rest of the shopping goes fine. They get all the stuff and get it billed and go into the car to go back home. Namjoon was still not feeling well, he just wanted to go home and go to sleep before his stomach decided it needed to empty itself. The car starts and they start going home. But this time Namjoon’s stomach does not show him mercy and he knows he’s going to throw up. He tries holding it in but he’s can’t. “Hyung stop the car.” Namjoon says
“What?” Jin asks confused.
“Stop the car” Namjoon insists again.
Seeing the panic on Namjoon’s face Jin quickly goes to the side of the road and stops the car. Namjoon rushes out and goes near a tree before starting to throw up. Jin comes after him and starts rubbing his back while saying reassuring things to him. Soon enough Namjoon finishes and Jin gives him some water.
“You feeling better?” Jin asks.
“Ya a bit.” Namjoon says, his stomach has calmed down a bit but by the way he is bloated he knows he’s gonna throw up again.
Jin nods and puts his hands on Namjoon’s forehead. “Joonie, you have a fever. How long have you been feeling sick.”
"Since, I woke up." Namjoon says leaning into his touch.
"Damn it, Joon-ah you should have told me." Jin adds on frustrated with himself that he didn't notice Namjoon's discomfort.
"I'm sorry." Namjoon says in a small voice.
"Why don't we wait for a while, till your stomach calms down a bit and then we can go back home." Jin asks.
Namjoon nods and let's Jin take him away to a nearby bench. It is very noticeable that he Namjoon has no energy left. He is completely leaning onto Jin the entire time. The two of them are wearing masks so that they don't get recognized but they still can't stay out too long.
After some time they decide to go home, when Namjoon's stomach feels a better so he knows he's not gonna throw in the car again. After reaching home, Jin helps Namjoon out of the car and takes him inside. Namjoon is leaning on Jin and is to weak to be able to carry his own weight.
"We're back guys." Jin says entering the house.
The maknaes greet them back and when they see Namjoon leaning on Jin they rush over.
"Joonie hyung are you okay, what happened?" Taehyung asks, worried.
"I'm okay, just a little sick." Namjoon answers back not wanting to worry them.
"Sick, why what happened." Jimin asks the panic evident in his voice.
"He's going to be fine, he just needs some rest. I am going to take him to his room, why don't you guys make him some soup." Jin answers.
The maknaes agree and go to the kitchen to start working.
Jin takes Namjoon to his room and helps him lie down on the bed. Then he goes to pull over a trash can and puts it next to his bed and also gets some water for him.
"Thanks hyung." Namjoon says
"Don't worry about it." Jin says sitting next to him and running his hand through his hair.
"After you drink the soup, I'll give you some medicine for your fever." Jin says
Namjoon nods and says "Thanks hyung, sorry I troubled you."
"You didn't trouble me, I like taking care of you kids. But next time just tell me you're sick, instead of almost throwing up in my car." Jin says
"Hey, I'm not a kid. And I should have told you, I'm sorry." Namjoon adds on.
"It's fine, I am gonna check on the maknaes, get some rest." Jin says while starting to go out of the room.
Namjoon nods and settle in, glad that he has his family to take care of him.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed the fic. Sorry anon for taking so long to write it. Sorry it's so short.
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sickiesope · 5 months
Heyy<3 I hope it‘s okay if I request something✨ Could you write a sick, sleepy and moody Namjoon who is also on the verge of tears anytime someone raises their voice or when he feels overwhelmed. They are just done with a concert and all members are in their rooms (Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi share a room) Maybe Jin and Yoongi are the caretakers? Only an idea;) Have a wonderful time and thank you so much!!!
This request is from awhile back, sorry for the wait anon! I wrote this fic during a rainstorm!
Sensory overload
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretakers: Jin and Yoongi
TW: very light emeto near end
Namjoon seems to get sick at the absolute worst of times.
The guys just finished a concert and Namjoon is exhausted. He's been on edge all night and can barely stand it anymore. His entire body hurts and he's had an ongoing headache. He pushed through the entire concert, feeding off the energy of army. It worked well and he was able to forget about the pain briefly.
When it's over his ears are ringing and his head throbbing. It's starting to affect his mood. Everyone is talking to him but he can barely comprehend anything. Jungkook and Jimin were both at the same time, trying to get his attention. Hoseok was asking him about his upcoming solo music. Their manager trying to arrange plans for next week. It's all too much at once and he's overstimulated.
Namjoon goes back to his dressing room. He wishes he had it to himself but he's sharing it with Seokjin and Yoongi. Part of him wants to just ask if he could be alone in it but he doesn't want to kick them out and seem rude.
Yoongi comes in and opened the door louder than expected. It frightens Namjoon
"Ugh...please...not so loud.." the leader whimpers to himself. Every little noise freaks him out.
Jin's can of hairspray falls down along with makeup and other things. The noise of it all agitates Namjoon further. "Oh my god.."
Namjoon sits at the table burying his face in his arms. His social battery ran out long ago. He sighs and closes his eyes, feeling like he can sleep on the spot.
"Namjoon, wake up. We're not done yet!" Jin gives his shoulder a light shake. The gesture startles Namjoon and he yelps slightly.
Seokjin looks at him weirdly. "Joonah?"
Namjoon's face flushes. What in the world was that? He gets up and promptly leaves the room, wanting to be left alone. He takes off his ear piece and the mic off his shirt. He wants to take his shirt off too, he's still sweating from the show but keeps it on.
Namjoon just paces back and forth in the hallway trying to walk off his anxiety. His headache is getting worse and his stomach feels a bit upset. He avoids the gaze of anyone looking at him, not wanting to engage in conversation. It's nothing against them, Namjoon himself is just having a hard time. All he wants right now is his bed in a dark isolated space. He sees Taehyung and Jungkook start walking his way. He quickly turns around and retreats back to his room.
Namjoon accidentally knocked over the coat hanger, creating more mess and noise. "Ughh, I can't take it anymore!" Namjoon sighs heavily.
"Joonah, what's got you so worked up?" Yoongi asks him calmly. The older can sense the stress on him from a mile away.
Namjoon runs to the trash bin in the corner. He stands over it holding his middle with a distressed face. He gags slightly and spits up a small mouthful. "Ugghh.."
"Joonah! Are you okay??" Jin runs to his aid.
Namjoon wanted to shoo him away but he actually likes the comfort of his hyung's voice.
Seokjin and Yoongi help him to the couch. They take the trash can with them and a box of tissues.
"I'm exhausted hyung" Namjoon whines "everything hurts and I feel sick.."
Yoongi furrows his brows with worry, gently patting his back.
"I just, w-wanna go h-home" Namjoon chokes between sobs.
"It's okay Joonah, we're going home now. The night's over."
Seokjin and Yoongi look at him with great sympathy. Jin gets Namjoon to lie back and gives the leader a shoulder massage. His strong hands feel amazing digging into his sore tense muscles.
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blu-archer · 1 year
Only fools catch colds
Sickie; Joon
caretaker; Yoongi
a/u - based in that universe where magic and hybrids and all that fun stuff exist, and takes place before any of the other fic's in the universe so we have rm/yoongi roommates living daily life I guess.
No warnings, its all very standard. I don't really know what to label it as..
Purely platonic with the mention of NamJin.
Also did I make Yoongi mildly germophobic - maybe. But read it as you will.
Please enjoy and ignore the usual mistakes! Sorry it's a bit rushed![I am sick and sleep deprived, so it might not be great💀]
word count: 3499
Business was slow. Not that anything related to part timing in this half assed antique store was fast, but it was definitely slower than usual. Namjoon had been sitting at the register for the past 2 hours trying to prep materials for potions that he needed to make later and the pounding in his head had yet to ease off despite already having two caffeine fixes since clocking in.
His neck and back ached, most likely from this god-awful stool, and it took all his will power not to text his boyfriend -who unlike him- had a fulltime job and was busy doing ‘proper adulting’ things. So he didn’t really want to disturb Jin, instead he was counting the seconds until Yoongi would arrive to drive them home. He would still technically be on working hours when he goes since he would be brewing potions for clients (a side gig that him and his roommate had recently started up once they’d left the Academy) but at least he’d be at home. Warm, clean, and far more peaceful than any other place he’d ever visited ever since Yoongi spelled the apartment to suppress any unnecessary sounds. 
He sighed, taking a moment to massage at his temple even though it didn’t ease any of the pain. He could hear the shop owner rummaging in the back of the store and the sounds of cars and wind bellowing from outside. Everything sounding louder.
He was bagging up the last of his herbs, dusting off the small bits he couldn’t scoop up when he had to pause with a sudden stuttering breath before crunching towards his lap with a surprisingly damp sneeze. Sniffling with a frown, he rubbed his nose once everything was bagged but was unable to relieve the itch that had rapidly buried itself in his sinuses. 
The fine dust clinging to some of his ground materials must finally be catching up to him. He didn’t have any allergies, not like how Yoongi reacted to dust, but it still left him irritated at times. Now, apparently , even more so than usual. Just one more thing to go against him today it seems.
The gentle ‘ding’ of the shop door opening had his heart skip with the hope of leaving, but he was only met with a wind tousled customer. The first since he’d replaced his boss in the front that morning. Usually he’d be excited for some new interactions to distract him from how positively boring it can get, but he found himself having to force his smile towards the new face as he watched them casually stroll around the store.
“Namjoon-ah?” His boss called from the small office. “Can you run upstairs to storage and grab some of  the new stock that got sent in? There’s some glassware and other collectables in quite large crates, I forgot to mention it earlier.”
Of course he would be given work right before he wanted to leave.
He quickly shoved his bagged materials into his satchel and moved to the storage room after letting his boss know to keep an eye in the front.
It thankfully wasn’t a lot of work, just seven crates that were a lot heavier than they looked, but he was lucky enough that he didn’t have to shelve and price them as well. That of course did nothing to ease his aching muscles and the irritation that the musky air and dust was causing to his sinuses. By the time he’d reached the last crate, he had been forced to start sniffing and rubbing his nose with his wrist to keep his need to sneeze at bay. The last thing he needed was to sneeze when carrying glass down a flight of stairs – he was clumsy enough as it was.
 He had raced through and made it to the office without too much of a falter, dropping the final crate off before he could finally cave. He stared breathlessly into the sharp florescent light until he pitched forward into a fit of harsh sneezes.
“Dust bothering you?”
Sniffling, he nodded sheepishly at his boss who had peeked their head in. He hadn’t meant for the sneezes to come out quite so aggressively and his throat wasn’t feeling too great after that. His head was also aching a little worse than before… The stuffy air of the store seemed dead set on affecting him today.
“Well, it’s a bit early still but your friend is here already so you can clock out and head home if you want?”
“Are you sure?” He asked, wincing at slight hoarseness seeping into his voice.
“Positive. I can handle the rest, then I’ll see you on Friday again. Get some rest, Namjoon-ah.” His boss smiled. “I know we aren’t always the busiest, but you work hard, you deserve a break sometimes.”
Namjoon had a feeling they were talking about resting from his other work as well, but unfortunately that wasn’t a possibility right now.
“Thanks, I’ll see you on Friday then.” He rushed through signing out and grabbed his bag from behind the counter, just barely seeing Yoongi’s familiar bleached blond hair gradually moving in between the shelves of books in the far corner. The warlock had made it a habit to unconsciously search for spell books whenever he saw a collection of books anywhere, even if Namjoon was sure that nothing the antique store owned had anything to do with magic.
“Hey Yoongi.” He greeted as he found his friend. The warlock blinked, then placed the book he held back on the shelf.
“Hey. The car’s out front, there was actually parking there for once.”
Namjoon was grateful that they at least didn’t have to walk far in the wind. Sure he had dressed for the cold weather but he kind of wanted to avoid any unnecessary factors as much as possible.
“Let’s go. I need to get started on some spells as soon as possible. I have everything bagged and ready.”
That put some more speed into Yoongi as they gave a final wave back to Namjoon’s boss before exiting into the cold and running for the car.
It was halfway through the drive home when Yoongi finally couldn’t take it anymore. He had brushed the first few sniffles off as a reaction from the cold, but they had only progressively continued, and he could only take so much.
“Are you getting sick or something?”
“You. Sick. Are you?” He asked bluntly as he sharply took a corner.
Namjoon shook his head. “I’m fine. I think I breathed in some dust from my dried materials and its been irritating my nose a bit.”
Yoongi arched a brow, sparing the witch a single glance before returning his attention to the road. He didn’t see how it could still be irritating him, but alas, he would drop it. With a single tap of his finger on the wheel, the glove compartment dropped open to reveal all the random scraps of things that he hadn’t bothered to clean out of his car yet.
“There’s tissues in there somewhere. Please blow your nose before you drive me insane.”
The words were abrupt, but Namjoon was familiar enough with the warlock to know that his friend was at least a little concerned. Although, the knowledge didn’t stop him from flushing with embarrassment and sheepishly begin searching through the pages until he found a fresh packet of travel tissues, quickly following through on the demand. It helped a little. Namjoon felt a bit more relieved than he had earlier, but he couldn’t help but question the subtle burn that spread through his sinuses.
Maybe he was getting sick… but that surely wasn’t possible. He was constantly taking health potions to prevent that, so it had to have been something else. He couldn’t be sick... But there was nothing against keeping the tissues a bit closer just in case his materials were to set him off later again.
They had barely been home for two hours and Yoongi was already calling the workday a colossal loss. He couldn’t focus on the intricate magic that he needed for some of their commissions when there was a mess of a witch attempting to craft just across the room throwing him off with all his barely muffled noises and bad vibes. Even on the best days they struggled to work in the same space at the same time, but Yoongi’s patience was running thin, and they didn’t have the supplies to waste on failed magic.
He'd asked Namjoon earlier when they had first started working if he was certain that he felt alright because frankly, he was looking a little peaked. And what did that dumb witch respond with? That he was fine. Like a liar.
How was he ‘fine’ when he had started to religiously dab at his nose or clear his throat while brewing. He’d never been bothered by the concoctions before, why would now be any different?
The final straw was the sneeze that had ripped out of the younger. He’d successfully twisted away from his work but unfortunately managed to knock one of his completed potions straight off of his shelf with his elbow. It had shattered with a finality that just could not be ignored any longer.
Yoongi didn’t feel even a little bit bad at the exhausted glare he received when he used his magic to aggressively finger snap his projects back into their organised casings before he stormed from his work desk and out of the room. If Namjoon wanted to lie to himself then fine, but not at the cost of their main source of income. Honestly it would have been smarter for him to rest and let Yoongi do his work first since creating potions and charms didn’t rely as much on energies as it did on the three m’s – ‘materials, methods, and measurements’ – which seemed to embody witchcraft.
But since the witch he had once considered a genius was being too stubborn to see that his symptoms weren’t quite adding up to what he had believed them to be, then Yoongi would just have to be the one to step away to work on a new project. The Kim Namjoon care package.
Step one: to the kitchen Their cupboards were practically bare, with the exception of instant ramen so…
Step one: to the grocery store, and then the kitchen.
Namjoon couldn’t remember a time where his head had ever felt so heavy. He had taken a moments break at his workstation to just rest his chin in the palm of his hand while his next batch of potions brewed and now he didn’t think he’d be able to lift it when the necessary moment arrived. He would have most likely fallen asleep if it hadn’t been for the slamming of their front door a little while back – Yoongi must have returned from wherever he had run off too.
Yet that still didn’t help him in trying to finish his work. It was as if his energy was being suctioned out of his body and was being replaced with the burning desire close his eyes and succumb to dreams or to fight losing battles against his increasingly irritated sinuses and need to find tissues. He hadn’t, obviously. That would mean he’d need to get up and that only returned I’m to his first problem at hand. So he’d been using his shirts sleeve to lazily wipe or shield his work from any mess, and his nose not very forgiving for it. He didn’t need to look at his rippling reflection in his potion to know that his nose had taken on deep pink hue, that was only reddening further with each sniffle.
This definitely wasn’t a lingering effect of some allergy or dust, and he wasn’t looking forward to annoyed ‘I knew it’ face when he finally admitted defeat. Not that the warlock would rub it in, but Namjoon didn’t particularly like not being right – especially about himself. Which is why he had continued working even when he knew he should most likely stop, Soekjin had always teased him about his fragile pride. Well his boyfriend probably wouldn’t tease him now. Tell him off and completely isolate him from anything productive? That seemed more likely.
Namjoon gave a half-hearted groan and shifted enough to be able stir the gradually thickening solution. He couldn’t quite remember if this was one that was supposed to be a thick consistency, but he sure hoped so. Or else this was going to be all for nothing. He readied his glass jars and then waited a few more minutes before pulling himself to his feet and giving the potion one final stir.
The pairing of the sharply sweet scent and constant wave of steam was making a mess of him. Namjoon had failed to turn away or cover a few too many times at this point but – as unprofessional as this may be – he just couldn’t bring himself to care anymore. His sniffling didn’t stop his nose from running like a faucet as he moved with great effort to try and fill the jars without spilling too much, and even that was asking too much. One surprise sneeze mid pour was all it took for a bit of his potion to seep over the brim of a jar and splatter onto his desk and floor. Another had him knocking over one of the full bottles, then there were hands taking pot and fussily pushing him away into his chair.
Namjoon sneezed the third and – hopefully – final time into his sleeved palms, sniffling deeply and only then looking up to see Yoongi finishing off the bottling with precise ease. He’d made a huge mess, not only of himself but also of their small workspace. The bottle that he had pushed off managed to splatter widely across the floor, even creeping into Yoongi’s side of the room, joining the previous potion he’d knocked off earlier, and his worktable hadn’t been such a mess since his academy days. He was making rookie mistakes.
“What exactly were you trying to make here Joon?” Yoongi muttered, squinting with disgust at the gloopy, pale mixture as he sealed them all. He tried his best to avoid getting any mess on himself but there wasn’t much he could do to avoid it at this point.
The witch wiped at his aching nose with whatever embarrassment he could gather. “Id’s su’posed to increhh’H’NXGSHH – ugh, increase confidence and suh-ahh.. snfff. Success rades.”
“Rades.” Namjoon muffled a cough and rolled his eyes. “I’m congesded, shud up.”
Yoongi didn’t even try to hold back his chuckle. Sure this had all escalated into something annoying and he still thought it would have gone better if Namjoon had just been honest from the beginning, but it was still a little funny. In the delusional mess of things.
“To be honest Joon,” Yoongi gave everything a once over, finally settling on the poor state of his friend. “I think the only thing this batch is going to be successful for is maybe purposely getting someone sick. Its not the same as the previous ones you’ve made, its not even the same colour.”
Namjoon sighed; he wasn’t  surprised. “I did sdeeze in id more than I should have.”
“That is disgusting. Please leave this house immediately.”
He was sure Yoongi had meant it to be at least a little humorous, but he just didn’t have the energy to laugh along. Everything ached and he just wanted to close his eyes and wake up once everything was over and gone.
“Hey, hey. Don’t go to sleep here, seriously.” Yoongi shook him into awareness, wincing at having to be breathing in his friends germs. He grabbed Namjoon’s arm and led him carefully around the mess of potion and glass and out of the room. “I made you some soup, but I think you should take a bath first. I feel like I should take a bath. My skin is crawling just looking at you.”
Yoongi barely made out the muttered apology as he shoved Namjoon into their tiny bathroom. “Don’t apologise. Just get better, you know I don’t do well at this whole ‘sick’ thing.” Although he definitely handled it a lot better than he used too. 
Yoongi got to work on running a bath, making sure to drop a health potion as well as some menthol dissolvent that Soekjin had made them buy ages ago the last time one of them was sick. He tried to drown out the sounds of Namjoon blowing his nose or coughing into his hand by focusing on the water and his tasks, but he still felt like he needed to disinfect himself. Probably their whole apartment at this point.
“Okay, I’m going to leave it to you.” He switched off the water, stood up and turned to his friend who was looking even more pitiful in the bright light. “Just check the temperature, I think it can go warmer, but I need to go clean our workshop before it becomes a hazzard. I’ll go fetch you some new clothes as well, so just hop in, okay?” He gave Namjoon a once over. “Do you need my help getting undressed?”
“Dno.” Namjoon slowly dragged his shirt off, over his head. He shivered at the open air on his skin but otherwise seemed awake enough to handle himself.
“Okay, well. Scream if you need me.”
It had taken longer than he had wanted to clean up the mess his friend had made, but they had made it a rule to not use their magic or craft in each other’s immediate workspaces. It probably wouldn’t even make much of a significant difference, but Yoongi wasn’t going to go against the rules they’d laid down when they’d first moved in together. Space was limited so it was best to respect it no matter the circumstances. It definitely hadn’t been fun though.
If he never touched that potion another day in his life it would be too soon. He’d left the bottles on Namjoon’s shelf after marking them as unusable with his reasoning being a simple “contaminated” and receded immediately to the kitchen sink to scrub the residual potion from his hands. The mixture probably wouldn’t have any effect on him, but he preferred not to think about how much of it had already seeped into his skin. He was already mapping out a lengthy lecture to give his roommate as soon as he was feeling better – although he had a feeling he wouldn’t get very far in the delivery before Namjoon’s boyfriend would but in like some type of defence lawyer. Jin had a weird way of knowing when his attitude was needed, even in the most unserious of events.
He turned his head enough to see Namjoon sleepily pad into the kitchen, clothed in the fresh pyjamas and extra sweater Yoongi had slipped through to him earlier. The witch was a bit worse for wear, almost a complete 180 from the collected Namjoon Yoongi had said goodbye to that morning before Namjoon had left for work.
“You’re alive, colour me surprised.” Yoongi smiled, wiping off his hands on a dish towel before moving on to get some bowls. “I made seaweed soup with some rice, then you should probably take some medicine and go sleep this off.”
Namjoon nodded, not up for any real conversation as he slumped onto the couch that served entirely as their living room and dining area. And honestly, Yoongi didn’t blame him.
Once he was finished dishing up the food, he set the bowls down in Namjoon’s lap and pulled a small table closer in case he needed to put them on a more stable surface at some point. Then with a wave of his hand – the burst of warm magic surging through him both soothing and energising – he materialised one of their thicker blankets and some of the new softer tissues that he preferred and dumped them on the seat next to the witch.
 “You made my mom’s soup.” Namjoon sniffed as he sipped at the broth and Yoongi hoped that it was mostly because of the steam. He couldn’t deal with a sentimental witch on top of a sick one. Especially if they were one in the same.
“It’s good soup.” Yoongi said bluntly, finally sitting down with his own bowl. Then added while handing out some tissues for the younger to take. “I thought it would make you feel better.”
 That brought a small smile to Namjoon’s lips as he replaced his bowl with the much-needed tissues. Already catching hot breath palm as he felt the tell-tale signs of a sneeze coming on. “You’re the best, hyung.”
Yoongi wasn’t quite sure, but as long as Namjoon finally took the time to rest and stopped spreading accidental chaos, then he was calling it a win.
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sickonthedancefloor · 9 months
Boy in Syncope
Sickie: Hoseok Caretaker:  Namjoon (primarily) Content: fainting, fever, hospitals.
Hoseok faints during the filming of Boy in Luv.
"Was it because of overworking or did you catch a cold? Or did you just want to rest?" - Mnet interview, February 2014
This was just sitting in the drafts, and I found it while searching for a different one. Happy Holidays, everyone!
The boys had been buzzing with excitement since they woke up that morning in the dorm. Hoseok had, unsurprisingly, woken up second only to Seokjin, and the two happily shared a moment over tea as they waited for their manager to bring them breakfast. It was going to be another long day of filming, but they had been rehearsing nonstop for the past few weeks. Hoseok felt good about practice; they were going to do great.
After helping wake up the rest of the boys, they crammed into the bathroom in groups as they rushed to brush their teeth and wash faces and change. The typical days in the Bangtan household when they were grabbing things for a shoot were just consistent noise and jokes, barely even silent when they shoved food in their faces.
"You sure you're not going to finish your rice, Hoseok-hyung?" Jungkook asked as his hand gently wrapped around the small bowl.
"Aish, you food thief! Just take it." Hoseok made a stabbing motion with his chopsticks, slow enough that Jungkook managed to pull his hand and the rice bowl away before the utensils hit the table below. Carbs weren't bad, but they made Hoseok feel heavy on their mass dancing days. He just shoved a piece of pork belly into his mouth and chewed quickly before washing it down with soup.
"Twenty minutes then we've gotta head out!" Sejin called to them from his seat in the entrance way. "Make sure you all eat something!"
He honestly didn't have to tell them twice. Shouting of missing socks and passing shoes, grabbing any last-minute needed items, a missing pair of headphones, water, and Sejin had the gang out right on time. Everything seemed to become a whirlwind from there. They had their choreographer there for any last minute reminders, but Hoseok was also there to make sure everyone remembered. The setting of Boy In Luv's music video had been a school, with most of the dancing taking place in the classroom. The company had rented a school set for the first day of filming, and they were nothing but laughs. Honestly, filming wasn’t as tough, they were extremely prepared. For their first major comeback, they had gone all out with preparations. Long nights of practicing and rehearsals and finetuning, but it would be worth it.
Hours had passed before they knew it. Downtime for set-changes and makeup touchups had been spent playing around for the cameras or checking the footage. Hoseok had been bouncing between goofing with Taehyung and Jungkook, and talking with the choreographer and the camera staff. For some reason, things felt almost… airy.
“Hoseok-ah?” one of the makeup noonas called to him.
He’d been staring at the monitor as the choreographer checked the captured footage again, and although he was also examining it… did he almost space out? The young woman brought him back to earth, and the ground almost felt shaky as he turned to face her. She took a sheet of oil blotting paper out and pressed it against his forehead.
“You’re sweating a little, let me touch you up real fast before next take.”
He found himself smiling, closing his eyes a little as she gently pressed powder on his forehead. The noonas were nice, Hoseok liked their staff. He waited as she swept a brush over his nose and checked his cheeks, blotting out a few oily spots with rice paper. Hoseok always got sweaty if they rehearsed too hard or if it was too warm, but he was actually a little chilled in the room. When she finished, she smiled up at him. “All done.”
The director on set at that moment called out to them, one more take from the middle chorus. The footage looked good, but the producing staff wanted a different angle. Which meant one more time. The team moved back to the front of the classroom and arranged themselves, and Hoseok suddenly felt his footing leave him. He bumped right into Jimin, and both boys laughed it off.
“Okay, ready?” They nodded.
“Dul, set!”
Namjoon wasn't exactly sure what happened. One moment, they'd been dancing while the camera followed them, and the next, the staff was stopping them due to a syncing error. Hoseok had stepped out of place, which was already bizarre given their dance captain was a stickler for details. Nerves, Namjoon had been willing to dismiss it--but as he'd turned his head, he caught sight of Hoseok’s eyes rolling to the back of his skull, and the dancer crumpled almost immediately. His body hit the ground hard.
Son Sung Deuk, their choreographer, was quick to move to their aid, pushing Hoseok onto his back. "Don't crowd him."
Namjoon just stared at his fellow 94-liner, whose face had gone white as a sheet, and he felt terrified. Namjoon and Hoseok had been through a lot together as friends. They were some of BigHit's earliest trainees, and they were two of the first three in the group. They had been roommates and friends for nearly five years now, and they'd already seen each other's good and bad sides. They’d been there for each other’s first worst drunken nights, overworked injuries, seasonal illnesses… But one side Namjoon had never seen was a nearly-lifeless Hoseok looking so ashen. Hoseok had often overworked himself dancing, but not to the brink of collapse, not like this... He wasn't sure what he could do, if there was anything he could.
Faintly, Namjoon could feel a small hand grip onto his arm, and he looked down to realize it was Jimin, whose eyes were wet and worried. Namjoon automatically wrapped an arm around the younger one's shoulders and held him close, a gesture of comfort, but he had to honestly wonder if this was to comfort himself as well.
Sung Deuk felt for Hoseok's pulse, then placed a hand on his forehead to check for a fever. Hoseok, albeit unconscious, was breathing a little too hard for their liking, almost struggling with the strain of trying to keep air going, and the older man began to fan Hoseok with his hand. One of the makeup noonas rushed over with an electric fan and took over trying to cool him down.
"Hoseok-ah, wake up! Come on, kid!" His hand shook Hoseok's shoulder gently, then pat his cheek.
The boys held their breath, waiting for a response. Another staffer hurried over, bringing with her an ice pack which she pressed against his neck. A third behind them, Namjoon noticed, had an AED kit--just in case, it seemed. Namjoon’s blood ran cold—if they needed a defibrillator…
At first touch of the cold pack, Hoseok's head lulled to the side from Sung Deuk's motions, but soon he grimaced, a hand slowly moving to his head. He opened his eyes, but quickly shut them at the light.
"Hobi-hyung!" Jimin and Jungkook both squeaked out.
"Nn... what happened?" Hoseok mumbled, voice slurred in confusion. " 'm not... the dorms."
They all sighed in relief. There was some realization there, that was a good sign. Sung Deuk smiled, patting his hair carefully. "You fainted, kid. Just take a deep breath for me, we're gonna get you some help."
Hoseok frowned, his lips forming the so familiar pouting siot letter even while disoriented and confused. Although his eyes were closed, Namjoon could tell he seemed ready to cry. "It's okay, Hope-ah," he tried to encourage. His voice was trembling. He swallowed it back, for his friend’s sake. "They're gonna take care of you."
"Joon-ah...?" Hoseok asked softly. His hand in his hair balled into a loose fist, and Sung Deuk gently peeled his fingers back and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze in his own.
"Yeah. I'm here, we're all here," Namjoon answered him. Reaching a hand over he smoothed back Hoseok’s hair. His hand stroked his cheek gently, and his older friend seemed to melt under the touch. His face began to relax, turning his cheek towards the touch. It seemed to be soothing, and he was glad that even though he wasn’t sure what caused the sudden ailment, at least it was easing his pain.
The staffer with the ice pack just moved it around as she spoke with Sung Deuk in hushed tones, and the two decided to move him from the floor. “Hoseok-ah,” Sung Deuk called softly, “let’s try to sit up, okay? Joon-ah.”
Namjoon nodded, shifting a little closer. As Sung Deuk pulled Hoseok’s arm, Namjoon moved behind him to help hold him up—and Hoseok’s eyes rolled in the back of his skull again. His body felt almost too heavy as he immediately fell back on Namjoon, and for a moment Sung Deuk watched him carefully. Namjoon was absolutely horrified, holding Hoseok in his arms as if he’d break if he let go.
“What happened?” he could hear Jin asking behind them.
“I think his blood pressure dropped.” Sung Deuk sighed as the realization hit him. He’d seen this in some performers before, especially some of the hardest working trainees. “He probably overdid it and didn’t realize… We’re going to take him to the hospital.”
As Sejin hurried over, Sung Deuk reached to pull Hoseok from Namjoon, but the tall rapper was too concerned to let his buddy go. Their choreographer had to smile, and he reached a hand for Namjoon’s shoulder. “Let us carry him to the car, okay?”
Hoseok stirred at that moment, head falling to Namjoon’s shoulder. With that, Namjoon sighed, nodding. He uncurled his hands and, with Jin’s help, the three of them got Hoseok onto Sejin’s back. Sejin quickly walked with him out of the classroom, the other boys hurrying after him. It was only once they made it to the van did they turn to the group for a headcount. Teary eyes, worried faces…
“Only one of you. He’s going to be just fine, but I don’t need all six of you worrying in the waiting room,” Sejin said to the group.
It was unanimous, and with a gentle shove from Jimin who’d been clinging to his sleeve, Namjoon stepped forward. “I’ll go,” declared their leader.
With a nod, Sejin wasted no time in turning back to help Hoseok into the car. He’d come to once more, and despite being a little disoriented, was coordinated enough to climb into the van and sit on his own. Sejin moved to the front to the driver’s seat and Namjoon crawled in on the other side, but it was then that the Hoseok could see the worried faces of his band members. He seemed confused, but despite the grimace that seemed to take residence on his face, he put on a bright smile for the boys.
“I’m okay, it’s okay,” he told them softly.
“H-hyung,” Jungkook squeaked, before more tears began to fall from his cheeks. Jin pulled him close to his chest. Before they could get too emotional, Sung Deuk buckled Hoseok in and pat his shoulder. “See you soon.”
“Ah… yeah.” Hoseok gave him a shaky thumbs up. And with that, Sung Deuk closed the car door. From there, they decided to call a break for the rest of them. Missing two of them, there wasn’t much else they could do, and the boys they knew would be too worried for their fallen comrade to focus, so their filming staff didn’t make them. With their choreographer leading them back into the classroom area, they went for snacks and drinks, and the staff made sure to check on each of the boys to make sure they were physically feeling okay and staying hydrated. They couldn’t have another one falling apart on them.
The hospital had gotten to Hoseok quickly. Hoseok managed to stand on his own alright when the driver pulled the car to the front, but he looked pale and weak as Namjoon held his arm. They opted to set him in a wheelchair to lead him in, concerned about his double fainting spells, and the nurse led them to a private room in the back. A brief checking of his vitals showed no illness, but definite signs of overexertion. Preliminary scans showed no concussion, but he was dehydrated enough that the staff had attached him to an IV almost immediately.
Only a few minutes into the bag and color already began to return to Hoseok’s face. Namjoon breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at Hoseok and noticed his friend’s demeanor already perking up a little from the cot he lay on. He still looked tired, but not as pallid, and definitely seemed more aware of everything going on in the hospital. With a sigh of relief, once the doctor left, Namjoon just smacked his arm.
“Don’t scare us like that anymore, Seok-ah!”
Hoseok grinned, looking exhausted but still amused. “I didn’t mean it… I’m sorry, I ruined the shoot.”
“You didn’t ruin the shoot. Sejin-nim said we can always go back.”
Sejin, sitting in the corner, nodded as he typed away on his phone. “We can have the studio for another day. If you’re feeling better tomorrow, Hoseok-ssi, we can try again tomorrow.”
With that, Hoseok’s smile fell and he shook his head. “No, let’s try tonight. I’ll be okay.”
Sejin and Namjoon both frowned at that.
“No way, Seok-ah.”
“Yes way, Joon-ah.”
Both of them frowned at one another, until someone cleared their throat from the doorway. At the sight of the doctor, Namjoon bowed slightly and stepped back. “Doctor, he’s going to need to rest for the day after this, won’t he?”
“I’m feeling better,” Hoseok answered instead.
The doctor chuckled as he walked over. “I know you’re eager to get back, Hoseok-ssi, but we just need to make sure this won’t happen a second time.” He moved over to check Hoseok’s vitals again, pleased to know he didn’t develop a fever. He already ran warmer than normal, but his temperature hovered right at 99F. His pulse seemed back to normal too, which had him smiling. Hoseok watched the check, eyes more aware. “Well… You are stable as he is right now. What I want to do is at least get your blood sugar up, see if that will help as well.” With that, he reached into the pocket of his white coat and handed Hoseok a package of salted crackers and a granola bar. “Eat these.”
Hoseok looked at the snacks and grinned. “Thank you, Doctor!”
The doctor pat his shoulder and left the room, and Namjoon sighed, reaching over to open the cracker pack. “So you just needed water and snacks? Jeez, Hoseok-ah, next time eat the rice at breakfast!”
Laughing, Hoseok shoved Namjoon’s hand back and bit into the granola bar. Not deterred, Namjoon opened the pack anyway and stole a cracker. Hoseok just snacked lazily as Namjoon pulled out his phone and called Yoongi’s cell, amused when it was quickly on speakerphone. After reassuring them that everything was fine, they merely chatted for a few extra minutes as background noise, about their game plan. They still had to wait for the doctor’s clearance for Hoseok to leave, but they couldn’t make any rash decisions yet. The boys knew that. They were just relieved to hear Hoseok awake, laughing along with another terrible joke from Jin.
The doctor returned half an hour later, and after confirming Hoseok’s vitals were still looking good, he gave them the clearance to leave. He heavily recommended they take him home to get some rest and a proper meal later, and orders to return if systems persisted. But they were free to go.
“Guess it was just a fluke,” Namjoon said, ruffling his friend’s hair.
Hoseok swatted his hand away, but looked at Sejin the moment the doctor left the room. Sejin grabbed Hoseok’s uniform jacket and turned to look at him, but the young dancer reached up for it. “We were almost done with filming, right?”
Sejin nodded. “Just the last rose scene with the actress, and the second set before tomorrow’s film change.”
Looking up at him, Hoseok nodded. “Can we go back?”
That had the manager pausing, staring as if he didn’t hear the young man before him. But given Hoseok’s determined look… despite overworking himself to the brink, Hoseok was still ready to give it his all.
Namjoon and Sejin exchanged glances. And Namjoon turned back to his friend. “Hobi—”
“No, let’s go back,” Hoseok interrupted him. “I’m okay, I can finish the dance.”
“But Hobi, you just—”
“And I feel better now. I don’t want to set us farther back.”
Sejin sighed. “It won’t set us back. We can just book the set again; we have time through editing.”
But Namjoon could see the determination in Hoseok’s eyes. When his friend became this driven, it was very hard to say no to him. Namjoon just slumped in the chair, closing his eyes. “Take a nap, Hob-ah. If you’re still doing okay when we get there, we’ll see what Sung Deuk-nim says when we get there.”
That was as close to ‘yes’ as possible. Hoseok grinned and just leaned against Namjoon, eyes closing as he felt Namjoon’s arm drape over his shoulders. Despite his best attempt, he did doze right on his leader’s shoulders. Namjoon waited until he heard Hoseok’s little sleeping sniffle before he opened his eyes, making brief contact with Sejin from the front seat.
“He’s not going to take no for an answer even when we get back, is he,” Sejin sighed.
Namjoon nodded. “He barely listens to me on a good day about rest. But if we work through the evening…”
“I’m sure we can clear your schedules for tomorrow.” Sejin smiled, immediately opening a text message. Namjoon smiled; Sejin kept his promises, he’d make it work out.
“Pleeeease?” Hoseok begged. He was a lot more chipper when they arrived, apparently feeling loads better after the car’s power nap. The commute wasn’t a far distance, but the traffic getting back in midday Seoul rush-hour took nearly an hour. It was enough time for Hoseok and Namjoon to both catch power naps, but while Namjoon still seemed to be waking himself up, Hoseok was bright-eyed and energetic. Perhaps some of it was an act, anything to convince their choreographer to continue, perhaps it was just to convince himself.
Their choreographer sighed, giving him another once-over. He’d already briefed the others that their dance leader wanted to continue and had pushed them back to the stylists for refreshing their makeup to play it safe. They only had a few scenes left, having finished with their female co-star before Hoseok’s earlier collapse. It would be intense, primarily dancing, but Hoseok’s determination shown too brightly to be ignored.
And he was a softie. He caved immediately.
“Go revisit the stylist-noonas. Joon, you too, your hair’s flattening. We’ll resume in 30 minutes.”
Hoseok cheered aloud. His enthusiasm was infectious, the three maknae joining in on his cheers as he nearly skipped over to the stylist’s room. Jin just looked to Namjoon, who had paused to shrug off his hoodie.
“Are you sure he’s okay?” Jin asked.
“Of course not,” Namjoon grunted back. He just sighed heavily. “But he’s not going to listen to me. We’re just going to have to watch out for him. The doctor said he was okay to leave, so Hob-ah says it was just a fluke.” The two shared worried glances with Yoongi, who’d come over after fixing his shoes.
Yoongi just shook his head. As their second eldest and a great reader of people, they both silently asked for his input. Yoongi thought on it for a moment, then shrugged. “You said Sejin-nim’s clearing our schedule tomorrow, right? It’s worth letting Hobi tire himself out with a job well done. He’ll be stressed out if we don’t let him try, and then we’ll all have to wake up early tomorrow.”
That was true… they’d probably have to continue early, which wouldn’t help any of them. It wasn’t like they had healthy rest schedules, being a rookie group anyway, but if they were getting a clear schedule over pushing through one evening, it was worth trying.
They heard loud laughter coming from the stylist room, and could immediately tell it was Hoseok’s.
“That does it, then.” Jin sighed, pushing Namjoon’s shoulder. “Go on and get your curly chicken feather fixed.”
“It doesn’t look like a chicken feather, hyung!” Namjoon complained, but he hurried over to get his hair fixed as Jin gathered the maknae back over. They were in for a long evening.
It wasn’t as long as they’d thought, surprisingly enough. The seven boys gathered around the monitor behind their choreographer while he replayed their last clip of footage. It was clean, insanely clean. Their best take yet! And with that, the cinematographer clapped his hands and dismissed them for the day. With a loud cheer, the group bowed to the staff before they were lined up to film the end of the shooting sketch. Excited to be done, Yoongi went for the camera first, hamming it up with Taehyung. Namjoon glanced over at Hoseok, who looked tired but proud, glad they’d finally finished the filming and wouldn’t need to push anything further. With one final cocky phrase to the camera, Hoseok did his best to look smug, but he hurried off as dots began to swim in his vision again. As the camerawoman moved to film Jungkook and Jimin next, Hoseok found the closest seat and dropped down, sighing.
Namjoon and Yoongi just fanned him with their hands. With a thumbs up from Sejin, Namjoon reached over to ruffle his friend’s hair.
“Come on, Seok-ah, let’s go home.”
And the relieved but bright smile on Hoseok’s face was the best thing the other two rappers had seen all day. Tomorrow was a well-deserved day off.
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soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
"Are you sick?"
"You want to throw up?"
- Yoongi
Run bts ep 89 timestamp: 32:14
22 notes · View notes