#namseok fanfic
jemshopes · 2 years
Would You Wait For Me?
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-namseok drabble
-bookshop owner namjoon
-worn out university student hoseok who often falls asleep in the bookshop (namjoon doesn't have the heart to wake him up, so he often keeps the shop open much longer than necessary)
I picture the shop being like the height of comfy bookish aesthetic. It has a little cafe area where you can order coffee, other drinks, and little snacks. It has little reading nooks with pillows and blankets and old armchairs. The bookshelves are old and worn. It has a table where all the books are wrapped in brown paper, so you don't know what you're buying. All that cute bookish shit. All the comfort. Literally anything any reader could want in a bookshop.
There's a section in the back of the shop, hidden away from prying eyes, where Hoseok always goes. The bookshop has a couple of shelves there that are full of worn secondhand books--novels, textbooks, etc. You can sit and read any of them for as long as you want. It doesn't really matter if they get damaged--spines creased, pages folded--just use them. Have fun.
It's where the shop puts books they can't sell, as well as books that've been donated, but Hoseok always feels guilty for only using that section. Because, let's be real, he's broke, he's a student working two part time jobs and trying to make it through uni. He just doesn't have the money to buy new books. So he does his best to hurry through the shop each day and stay out of sight of the staff.
Sometimes he buys coffee and a snack to make himself feel a bit better (and to keep himself from passing out), but even then, he really tries his best not to spend money on things he doesn't need. He doesn't need coffee, he can get through the day without it. It's an unnecessary expense. So most days he doesn't buy it. He just holes up in the little reading nook and tries to get some studying done.
He falls asleep studying a lot because... well, he doesn't drink coffee and his sleep schedule is a mess from all the late nights he spends trying to study more.
At first this was okay, him falling asleep in the shop, because no one seemed to notice. But one Saturday afternoon he falls asleep and wakes to find it's dark outside and his phone is dead. When he makes his way out of the reading nook, the shop is bright, but empty. not a customer in sight. But then he sees Namjoon sweeping the floor by the cafe counter.
He knows Namjoon by sight (and only by name because of the tag he wears on his shirt). He's not much older than Hoseok and he's always working at the bookshop. Hoseok had noticed awhile ago that namjoon was the one most customers went to when they were looking for recommendations. Or the one they got sent to if they asked another member of staff for recommendations. He's tall and sweet-looking, with an approachable smile. but tonight, all Hoseok can think when namjoon smiles at him is about how embarrassed he is to have to stumble over and ask namjoon what the time is.
"It's almost eleven," Namjoon tells him.
"E-eleven? But... doesn't the shop close at nine?"
Namjoon tells him it does, but don't worry about it.
At the time, Hoseok is too sleepy and confused to really take in what "dont worry about it" even means. So he just says goodnight and goes home. It's only when it happens again, and again he finds himself asking Namjoon for the time, that he realises what's happening. And then he just feels bad because he's being such an inconvenience. But Namjoon tells him not to worry about it. he doesn't mind. And, anyway, Hoseok's been falling asleep back there for months now. His body must be screaming to sleep all the time. If keeping the shop open a few extra hours is helping out a student, it's okay.
Hoseok gets flustered when Namjoon tells him he's known about the naps Hoseok takes during the day. He'd really thought no one noticed. And he shouldn't be using a bookshop as his bedroom, so now it's all the more humiliating.
He leaves as fast as possible.
The third time it happens, he doesn't ask Namjoon for the time.
He walks past him, but then he stops. And he turns around and, well, it's supposed to come out as an apology for falling asleep, but what he says really turns into more of a distressed mental breakdown about how he feels like he should spend more money here and he's sorry he can't. And he feels bad for staying so long and not even buying coffee or whatever else they sell at the cafe. He would absolutely spend more money here, but he's got rent to pay and student loans. And he barely has money to spare for anything. And when he's not studying here, he's working. And his body really is just screaming to sleep all the time.
At the end of this, Namjoon tells him to sit down. He makes Hoseok a hot chocolate on the house and he tells Hoseok, once again, not to worry about it. "Everything I've put into this shop was supposed to make it a comfortable, accessible space for students. When I went to university, I didn't have money for textbooks. I was stressed to the point of not eating because I was studying so hard, and I ended up dropping out. So I made this place. and I got secondhand textbooks for people to use--there's never enough, really, but it's the least I can do. You can get discounts on books here as a student, and, within reason, obviously, there's free drinks and food. You can stay as long as you like."
All of this new information overwhelms Hoseok a little bit, so the only thing he can get out of his mouth is, "You own this place?"
Namjoon sheepishly explains how he called the bookshop Namu's because namu sounds a bit like namjoon. And also books are made out of trees and stuff. It's a dumb name, but he likes it.
They talk for a long time that night, about Namjoon's university experiences and Hoseok's. Namjoon has a whole plethora of advice for him, resources to help with rent and other money related issues. It's all been available in the shop the entire time, pamphlets by the till that Hoseok never got close enough to look at.
It's midnight by the time Hoseok leaves, thanking Namjoon profusely, a weight off his shoulders.
The next time he goes into the bookshop, Namjoon brings him a drink and some food. And it kind of becomes their thing. Hoseok arrives, makes himself comfortable, and Namjoon finds him. Sometimes they talk a little. Hoseok still falls asleep. and when he wakes up to find it's dark, Namjoon is always sweeping the floor and ready to offer him hot chocolate and an hour or so of conversation.
Hoseok begins looking forward to seeing Namjoon, not just being in the bookshop. And he thinks Namjoon looks forward to seeing him too. They drop the formal honourifics. And not long after that, Hoseok decides to drop the fact he's gay into one of their conversations.
Namjoon doesn't react at all. And it scares Hoseok a little at first—he spends a night tossing and turning in bed wondering if Namjoon might not treat him the same way tomorrow.
It's impossible not to notice Namjoon's stiffness the next day. He seems twitchy and uncomfortable, and he can't look Hoseok in the eye. They talk that night, but Hoseok leaves early, freaking out and most of all just sad. He'd thought Namjoon wouldn't be bothered. And he wonders why Namjoon is as he trudges down the road, snow swirling in the air around him.
It's almost Christmas, and now it feels like everything's ruined. His friends are going back to see their families. He wouldn't go and spend Christmas with his family if he did have the money to travel there. Seokjin had offered to let Hoseok spend Christmas with him and his boyfriend, but they were insufferable when you were the third wheel. A couple of weeks ago, Namjoon had told him the shop stayed open on Christmas day for the students who couldn't go home for Christmas. “There are way more than you'd think. It sort of becomes a party.” He even got out a little karaoke machine so people could sing carols. Hoseok had been planning on spending Christmas in the shop with Namjoon, but now he's not sure he can. Or that there's any point.
Still, he ends up going because he's pathetic and spending Christmas day in the most unfestive dingy little apartment--his apartment--in the world is just depressing. He hasn't gone to the bookshop since the night Namjoon acted so shifty. It was kind of his way of mentally preparing for the worst. Distance would make it easier if Namjoon turned out to be homophobic. supposedly, anyway.
He tries not to spend an hour in front of the mirror, fiddling with his collar and his hair and wondering if his jeans really go with his shirt. Because what's the point of looking nice for Namjoon if Namjoon might be an asshole? But he does spend an hour there anyway because, honestly, he refuses to believe this day could get any more depressing. If Namjoon acts weird around him, he can go sit in his reading nook. It's not like they have to be around each other tonight.
It's a shock when he steps into the shop. The little book tables have been pushed to the side. It all feels so much more spacious than before. There's a Christmas tree in the window, tinsel and fairy lights draped on the shelves. It's the crowd that really surprises him, and the singing. Someone is belting a Christmas carol atop a stage that looks like it's been made out of a few pieces of wood and a cloth. People are singing along with them. There's talk and laughter. Alcohol. It's quaint and lovely. And he finds himself liking Namjoon even more just knowing he'd set all this up. There are even a few people tucked into the armchairs reading.
He hears Namjoon before he sees him. He's weaving through the crowd, talking here, nodding his head there, interacting with everyone like he knows everyone.
When their eyes meet, Hoseok lifts a hand tentatively, waving and mouthing a "hey".
Namjoon holds up two fingers--i'll be right with you, just a sec. And before Hoseok can get close enough to talk, he's disappearing between two girls towards the counter.
Ten minutes pass with Hoseok standing awkwardly at the edge of the crowd. Ten minutes isn't that long, he tells himself. Namjoon would be busy because he'd be short on staff because it's Christmas, so it's not weird that he hasn't come back yet.
It gets weird when ten minutes turns to forty, though. At some point, he makes his way over to the counter and got himself a drink. A girl serves him. Namjoon is nowhere in sight. He thinks about going to his reading nook, but that suddenly seems even more pathetic than not going to the party at all. It’s all pretty pathetic, to be honest. Standing on the sidelines of a party with no friends, dressed nice and waiting for someone who may or may not be uncomfortable with you just existing. And maybe he’s being paranoid about it, but it pays to count it as a possibility.
After an hour and half, Hoseok shrugs into his coat and lets himself out into the cold. Snow is piled on the pavements, still fluttering in the air. It crunches under his boots. Cars drone past, headlights too bright.
The shop bell tinkles. Someone else leaving. At least he's not the only one.
"Wait, you're leaving already?"
He turns to see Namjoon standing in the middle of the pavement, awkward and out of place in his apron, hands clasped behind his back. Snowflakes are already catching in his hair. He swallows the lump in his throat. "Body's screaming for sleep."
"Oh," Namjoon says bluntly, brow furrowing. "Yeah, the shop’s not really... good for sleeping in right now, is it? Sorry tonight's so busy."
Hoseok lifts one shoulder in what he hopes is a nonchalant shrug. "No, it's nice in there. I'm just not really in the mood tonight. I'll see you next year, uh, I suppose?"
Namjoon nods, the movement oddly jerky. "Yeah. Next year."
"See you." Hoseok bobs his head, turning away.
"Wait," Namjoon calls, footsteps muffled by the snow.
He stops in front of Hoseok, breath pluming in the air. "I... I have something for you. Two things, actually. You don't have to open them now. Merry Christmas." From behind his back, he produces a letter and what is unmistakably a book wrapped in newspaper. He shoves them into Hoseok's hands.
"For me?" Hoseok says faintly, flipping open the little card stuck on top of the newspaper. Scrawled inside is his name and below it is a small heart.
"Yeah. You,” Namjoon breathes. "I thought you might like to read something that's not a textbook for once. It's one of my favourites, so if you hate it, don't tell me."
Hoseok turns the package over, eyes prickling. "Thank you. I-I'll open it when I get home. I don't want it getting snowed on. I..." His smile fades, the swell of happiness in his chest quelled. "I didn't get you anything."
"And there's no obligation to get me anything," Namjoon says, bouncing on the balls of his feet nervously. "I got it because I wanted to give you a present."
He tucks the package into his coat pocket, hoping the heat in his cheeks will be mistaken as a reaction to the cold. He tears open the letter eagerly.
Namjoon winces, hands coming up, "Be careful. Don't rip what's inside."
Out slides two cinema tickets and a folded piece of notepaper.
"If the date doesn't work for you, we can change it. Or if you don't want to go at all, it's fine,” Namjoon says quickly. "I won't be offended, but I thought it was worth asking to see if you'd be interested."
"Interested?" Hoseok mumbles, unfolding the paper.
Namjoon snatches it, paper crumpling in his fist. "Actually, uhm, I may as well say it instead of you reading it. I am right here."
"Okay," Hoseok smiles shyly, trying not to hold his breath. "Sure."
"Well, this part isn't in the note, but you look really nice tonight. you look nice every time I see you, but..." Namjoon laughs awkwardly, face flushing red. He drops his gaze to Hoseok's boots. "Anyway..." he clears his throat.
"Anyway?" Hoseok prompts softly.
His fingers are going numb now they aren't in his pockets. He puts the tickets back in the envelope and stows it away beside the book.
Then he waits, watching Namjoon fidget with the bracelet on his left wrist.
"I... am... bisexual," he says slowly, each word punctuated with a nod of the head. "I should have said that two weeks ago when you said you were gay, but I was nervous. Because even other queer people sometimes... don't want me because of that... and I didn't want you to not want me. I really enjoy our talks. You're so funny and intelligent--you're going to have no trouble getting your degree. this isn't in the note either, but i feel like you're smarter than me, so that also made me nervous. I'd imagine you'd want to date someone on your level, but I've spent a lot of time not asking people I like out. I would have asked you out sooner, but you haven't visited in two weeks. My initial plan was to ask you out, go on a date, then you'd come to the party and I'd do something corny with mistletoe and we'd kiss, but that didn't happen, so here we are. Uhm... hang on." He frowns, un-crumpling the note and scanning it in the dim light from the shop's window. "Uh... hang on... I lost my place... Hang on..."
Hoseok tries to speak and realises he's grinning like an idiot. And that his eyes are wet. And that if he does speak he's going to cry more and that'll be really embarrassing. So he stays quiet, taking the opportunity to run his knuckles under his eyes while Namjoon isn't looking at him.
He stifles a sniffle in the back of his hand. His fingers are fucking freezing, but he doesn't care.
"Oh," Namjoon says, "yeah, here. You're funny and intelligent. I kind of feel like those two words aren't enough to convey how... well," he stumbles, lips trembling, "funny and intelligent you are. Two words aren't enough. They fall flat. They sound hollow, like I'm not being genuine, but I am. And you're so beautiful and kind."
Hoseok presses his fingers to his lips, holding back whatever the noise is that his body is fighting to let free. It feels like something between a laugh and a sob, but all of it so full of joy it hurts to breathe. It's good to breathe, even when the ice cold air burns his throat and lungs and his tears scorch his cheeks. Crap, he's crying. He isn't supposed to be crying and he's just glad Namjoon is still reading from the letter so he can't see.
"You just make me really happy," Namjoon mumbles. "I know going to the cinema together isn't that great of a first date. Like... everyone does it and really I'd have liked to come up with something better, but I'm playing it safe because I didn't want to pick something you'd hate and look stupid. It's kind of hard not to like the cinema. I booked the tickets for the evening showing so we can have dinner, um..." He lowers the letter suddenly, gripping the paper so hard his knuckles lose their colour. "This is stupid. I'm sorry."
"What?" Hoseok blurts, still smiling, his half sob half laugh coming out not a second later.
Namjoon isn't looking at him. He's as tall as Hoseok, if not taller, but he suddenly looks so small and defeated and conscious of every bone in his body that it breaks Hoseok's heart.
"Wait here," he tells him, a lightbulb going off in his head.
Namjoon lifts his head, eyes widening in alarm when he sees hoseok's tear streaked face. "Wh--"
"Just wait. I'll be back. Close your eyes and don't look until I say so. Promise?"
Dazed, Namjoon nods. "O-okay. Um..." He puts his hands over his eyes. "Like this?"
"Yeah. Perfect. I won't be a minute."
He leaves Namjoon on the street, feet slipping and sliding on the snow in his hurry. The bell on the shop door tinkles, noise and warmth engulfing him. It takes him thirty seconds to convince someone to lend him their chair so he can reach the ceiling.
A breathless, most definitely embarrassed moment of fumbling, then he's on the floor again, out the door, out of breath and in front of Namjoon again, who hasn't moved at all.
"I'm back. Open your eyes."
He giggles, the bright sound piercing the calm night. His heart is thumping wildly. There's no one on the street but them.
Namjoon lowers his hands.
Hoseok holds the bundle of plastic mistletoe high above their heads, a shock of doubt striking him. Namjoon had said he'd only planned on doing this after they'd been on a date. Was it too forward to expect this so soon?
"I--only if you want to," he stammers, dropping down from his tiptoes with a jolt. He'd been buzzing with so much pride and excitement at his idea that he doesn't remember beginning to stand on them. "No pressure, i--"
In one swift movement, Namjoon takes him by the collar and pulls. They meet in the middle of the space between them. A peck that doesn't last long enough for Hoseok to fully register the soft sensation of Namjoon's mouth on his.
Namjoon steps back slightly, pressing his lips together. His dimples pop out, cheeks tinted pink. He drops his head as he laughs, looking at Hoseok from beneath long, soft lashes. There's a snowflake caught on them.
"I-it's not stupid," Hoseok says, lowering his arm slowly. He fiddles with the mistletoe, twirling it between his fingers. "Everything you said was... all I've wanted to say to you for the last few months."
Namjoon's hands are still on his collar and he can feel how cold they are through the thin material. Still, there's something comforting about the touch that spurs him to keep speaking instead of attempting another kiss.
"Sorry people haven't wanted you. That's so stupid and ignorant... They didn't deserve you... Um, I was worried you wouldn't want me too. Not romantically, just… in any way…"
"What? Why?" Namjoon asks, pain flashing in his eyes. "Did I do something?"
Hoseok shakes his head quickly. "No. You just didn't say anything when I told you I was gay. It's not like I expected a fanfair, but... a 'that's cool' or something... just so I know you're okay with it. But you seemed kind of shifty... It freaked me out..."
"You thought I wasn't okay with it?" Namjoon's eyes shimmer.
Hoseok flushes, huffing a shaky laugh. "Well, it sounds stupid now."
"No," Namjoon says earnestly, grip tightening, "that makes sense. I'd have done the same. I'm sorry," he continues, brow wrinkling in distress. "I can't believe I didn't think that you'd feel that way. Feels like I failed at being gay."
His entire body feels wobbly after his small confession. It's embarrassing how exposed it makes him feel. How fragile, but Namjoon's words make him smile softly. "I don't know how to break it to you, but... it's hard to fail at being gay when you're kissing guys under mistletoe and writing them love letters for christmas."
He holds the mistletoe up between them. "Do we need this this time?"
"This time?" Namjoon laughs.
This time, Hoseok drops the mistletoe in the snow so he can take Namjoon's face in both hands to kiss him. And he does kiss him, softly, slowly. He soaks up the feeling of Namjoon's lips turning up in a smile, preserving it in his mind, framing it. Namjoon's skin smells faintly of the fresh coffee served at the bookshop. his hands are now in hoseok's hair.
It's perfect.
He's freezing.
But despite the happiness bursting in his chest, he thinks about the last year of university ahead of him and what might happen when he leaves. Namjoon has a life here, a business, a purpose. So does Hoseok, but the life he's mapped out for himself after university is so detached from Namjoon's cosy little world. Namjoon is settled. Hoseok is not. His plans have never been to stay here. And he's not about to try to drag Namjoon around the world with him. He can't ask that of Namjoon when Namjoon has so clearly found a calling in life. He's content with little things. He doesn't need the world like Hoseok does. He just needs to know he's making people's lives that little bit more bearable.
They have an expiration date. Namjoon must know it too. It isn't like they haven't talked about Hoseok's plans to travel. Does he think they'll do long distance? Is the unread part of Namjoon's letter asking Hoseok to stay?
The kiss ends, leaving Hoseok disoriented and twisted up inside. He smiles when Namjoon asks if he wants to go back inside, and decides maybe tonight isn't the time to think about a year from now. It's Christmas and he needs a few drinks to wash away the jitters of their talk. He doesn't want to ruin it just yet. He can ask Namjoon tomorrow where he thinks this is supposed to go. But for now, all he does is let Namjoon take his hand and squeeze gently, before they both head towards the bookshop.
As they step back into the shop, the familiar sense of home wraps around him, and he thinks he could spend a happy life here someday. He can see himself helping Namjoon behind the counter, pouring drinks, helping people find books. He's not thought too deeply about children before, but maybe they could have one. Namjoon seems like the kind of person who would want kids.
It all feels a bit absurd to picture them staying together forever, but he wants it to last. At least, at this moment in time.
They spend the next few hours apart for the most part, Namjoon run off his feet. Hoseok offers to help, but Namjoon won't hear of it. And when things quieten down, they find a corner to tuck themselves into, away from prying eyes.
By the time Namjoon walks him home, Hoseok only has one question, and it's one he's not sure he can ask just yet.
If I went away for awhile, would you wait for me?
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mightbekelly · 1 year
Bungeoppang - a NamSeok drabble
I wrote this cute little fic for BTS Foodie Fest.
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Title: Bungeoppang
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deepslowpanicfics · 2 years
♡ deepslowpanic Namseok Fics ♡
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Sit, Stay [ E | 6k ] light dom/sub | puppy play | collars and leashes | soft established relationship | they're so whipped for each other
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These moments and vibrant hues [ E | 15k ] friends to lovers | mutual pining | misunderstandings | soft skateboarding boys | companion to this yoonkook
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I can feel the sun on you [ E | 2.3k ] Neighbors | awkward situations | getting together | clumsy namjoon | sunrise flirting
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asadfangirlbitxh · 2 years
We were only seven.
Min Yoongi and his brother Kim Taehyung have always been very different. They only ever had two things in common- they were fiercely loyal to their friends and they both loved Park Jimin. Yoongi hasn't seen his friends, his brother, or Jimin since his brother's high school graduation. They all went their separate ways but suddenly Taehyung adds them all to a group chat and invites them to his wedding with Jimin. So that's how Yoongi finds himself at his brother's wedding with 5 of his ex-best friends.
Disclaimer: I do not believe any of the bts members are in a real relationship. This is just fiction.
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i-uranus · 2 years
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– bts gif matching ⁚ icons, 12 icons gif´¸ ♡
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hopepoint · 1 year
had polytan thoughts on my drive home but what if the boys are all together, maybe staying in a hotel for some kind of promotion.
yg's room next to sj's because the younger wanted to be a little closer to his hyung (even though they live less than 10 min away from eo)
and vmin naturally find each other's rooms, but when th gets there jk is already in jm's room so they enjoy their time together until they all itch to bug their eldest hyung sj, so of course they tumble into his room grinning and bubbly with excitement-
except, yg beat them there, sitting right next to the bed in an armchair that is a little too small for his body to be curled into it along with his laptop balancing on the armrest. th ends up curled at the base of the chair, his hair tickling yg's legs but he doesn't care
because it's been too long since this many of them were in one place. yg types something up as th hums underneath him and eventually, he lowers his legs so th can wrap himself closer.
when they got there jm and jk settled on the bed, im now scrolls at the foot of the bed while jk watches sj play a video game on his laptop, both of them crunched against the headboard. Yet, they both manage to tangle their legs with jm's in an odd jumble of limbs.
and sj can't even falsify annoyance when jk knocks his knee against his be it means he is actually there, it means there aren't kilometers of space and a phone screen separating them from eo. he is really there, hugging his waist and shoving his short-haired head into his neck.
eventually, th makes it to the bed flopping on jm who wiggled his way between sj and jk's legs. the two sleepily groan from th's impact but jm's laugh drowns them out. he tells them hs went to his room and is now texting him asking if he is still awake.
because hs knows jm has him on emergency bypass, all of them do. of course they do. so jm's phone continues to chirp w/ea of hs's texts until jm tells him sj's room number. because of course hs looked for him, worried he fell asleep without brushing his teeth after an exhuasting plane ride.
and when hs gets there he finds nj nervously shifting his weight from foot to foot t in front of sj's door. he is so lost in thought when hs wraps his arm around his much wider waist he jumps. his already red ears burn more and he asks if they are still awake.
be of course even if nj wanted to go in he would rather walk away from a room full of comfort than bother them by waking them all up after an exhausting day.
he puts them first always. and hs knows when to push, so he squeezes the taut muscle of ni's side and knocks on the door. and when it opens he pushes nj inside, pushes him toward the five people who look to him for comfort like he does them.
hs makes a beeline for m and th, flopping onto their tangled bodies which naturally make room for him like a lost piece of their puzzle. but still nj lingers at the foot of the bed, hand clutching the comforter watching the five in bed slowly melt closer together.
then a hand in his, if he could call it that, it's the tips of yg's fingers tracing his calloused palm and then wrapping around his wrist. his touch light and soft, giving him ample opportunity to untangle himself from his grasp. but of course he doesn't, of course he follows.
he follows him to the other end of the room and they grab the couch pressed against the wall, slowly and sleepily they maneuver it to jk and sj's side of the bed.
nj motions for yg to take the side closest to the bed, closest to everyone else, but y coxes him onto that side with that same soft grasp. groggily sj groans about jk rolling over to spoon ni, but the eldest still tucks himself behind the younger in a warm embrace.
yg tucks his head under nj’s chin resting his cheek against his chest, and nj feels him relax against him. slowly, after he is sure everyone has fallen asleep, soft shores filling the room, nj falls asleep. all of them tucked away in a room full of their greatest comforts.
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year
Time for another request. Namjoon was spared from my last food poisoning story but he isn't safe this time and it hits him hard.
Warning: vom!t that's all. Let's get into the story. Feel free to make any suggestions
"Can we stop to get something to eat before the interview? I'm starving hyung.." Taehyung looks at Namjoon with big puppy dog eyes. "I haven't gotten to eat today.."
Namjoon checks the time. "We only got an hour before the interview, are you sure you can't wait?"
"I can wait.." Taehyung says with a pout.
"We can stop somewhere on the way, can't we, Namjoonie-hyung? He won't be able to focus if he's hungry and my stomach is growling, too." Jimin suggests gently.
"Alright, we can stop somewhere, but we have to make it quick. There's a burger place nearby. I'll ask staff if they could get us some." Namjoon gives in to his younger brothers.
"You hardly ate, are you feeling okay?" Jin asks taking the last bite of his burger.
"I'm fine, I'm just not really hungry." Namjoon states. "I ate a lot last night, I'll be fine."
"We're leaving in five minutes." A staff member says knocking on the door.
"Okay!" Namjoon calls to them. "Lunch time is over, it's time to clean up." He orders the others, helping them clean up.
Taehyung shoves a few more fries in his mouth while Namjoon tries to put it away. "You're going to gain weight if you keep eating like that."
"Hobi-hyung, he's picking on me..." Taehyung playfully whines with a fake cry going to the closest big brother, making J-hope giggle, hugging Taehyung close.
"He's been working hard, he'll be okay." J-hope kisses Taehyung on the top of the head lovingly. "Let's get going."
"Namjoon..she asked you a question.." Yoongi gently nudges Namjoon with his elbow whispering.
Namjoon couldn't focus on the interview, his stomach screaming in pain. (Maybe i should've eaten with the others...) He tried to discreetly rub his stomach to try to ease the pain.
"Namjoon-ah.." Yoongi speaks a little louder, Namjoon looks at Yoongi who gestures at the interviewer holding the mic to him.
Namjoon quickly looks at the woman standing in front of him, bowing deeply. "{I'm sorry, but could you repeat the question..}"
"{I asked how many countries you are visiting for on your tour. I know there are three different cities you are visiting in the US.}" The woman repeats.
"{We are going to five other countries after we leave the US..}" Namjoon answers.
"{We are going to Brazil next, then Germany.}" Yoongi draws the attention away from Namjoon.
He feels someone grab his hand, looking down to see Taehyungs slender fingers wrap around.
"Hyung you're shaking.." Taehyung whispers. "Are you okay?"
"I'll be okay. Focus on the reporter...we don't want to be rude.." Namjoon gives his hand a squeeze leaning a bit against him.
J-hope glares at their translator, motioning for them to translate. Jin moves in front of him, blocking him from the reporters view to stop her from asking him anymore questions.
The interview went smoothly thanks to the members handling the situation. Namjoon cheered loudly when the members cheered, even though he wasn't concentrating on the conversation. (I have to keep smiling.. I don't want to worry, army..)
J-hope tucks his arm in the crook of Namjoons elbow, the group moving quickly to get him away from all the camera flashes.
Namjoon finally lets his smile drop when they enter the waiting room. His voice comes out small only being heard by J-hope."I think I'm going to throw up.." As soon as he spoke, a wet burp escaped him. Namjoon covers his mouth, trying to hold in the bile thar rose up his throat. Jin helps him into a chair, "Jungukk get the wastebin."
Jungkook quickly looks for a waste bin, bringing it to Namjoon. "Here, hyung."
Namjoon holds it close to his chest, his dinner from last night coming back up again. It comes out in violent heaves, leaving him feeling weak and dizzy. Anytime he tried to gasp to get air, his stomach stopped him, adding more mostly digested food into the bin. The acid tang burned his throat, making him cough.
"Poor Joon.. he's really sick.." Jin keeps his hands firmly on Namjoon's shoulders to keep him from falling forward, feeling him trembling. "He can't perform tonight.."
"We will have to have someone cover his parts or-"
"No..no I can do it.. it's just two songs.." Namjoon interrupts J-hope, shakily sitting up, trying to catch his breath.
"Namjoonie, are you sure? You shouldn't push yourself." J-hope looks at him with worried eyes.
"Yes, I'm feeling better now.. I can do it.." Namjoon places the trash bin on the floor.
Jimin hands Namjoon a tissue box. "I don't think you should perform. You don't look like you're feeling better.."
"I can do it.." Namjoon tried so sound more confident than he felt, trying his best to wipe the sweat and vomit from his face. (My right side hurts every time I breathe.. I need to get my breathing under control..)
"I'll trust you.. but try to take it easy when you perform. You should sit and perform instead of dancing."J-hope says, rubbing his back.
"I'm okay. Really." Namjoon insisted. "It's probably just because I didn't eat today.. I'll eat right after the performance.." (I don't want to disappoint army..)
J-hope hugs him from behind. "You're so stubborn. If you really think you can do it I won't stop you, but I'll At least get them to put a chair on stage just in case, but if you throw up again before we go on I'm pulling you from the performance. I'm serious."
The boys quickly got their makeup touched up before going into the audience to watch the others perform. Namjoon puts on a face mask to try to hide his face, and Taehyung takes a hat from his bag putting it on him.
"They'll have to style my hair again.."
"I'll apologize to them. I just don't want the camera to focus on you.." Taehyung takes Namjoon by the hand putting him in the middle of him and Jin.
They didn't get to sit for long before the group was called on stage to accept an award announcing them as the winner. Yoongi puts a hand on his shoulder as they walk. They give the award to Namjoon and try to pass him the mic, but J-hope reaches for it instead.
"AAMMMIII..." He yells into the mic, drawing the attention to himself. Jin and Jungkook stand to block Namjoon from view, and Yoongi speaks next, trying to mimic the speech Namjoon was reciting to himself in the car.
Namjoon leans his chin on Jin, a wave of vertigo blurring his vision. Jungkook takes Namjoon's hand, leading him off the stage. Namjoon nearly tripped going down the steps, Jin steadying him."It's okay if you can't perform. You don't have to do this. You can hardly handle the steps.."
"I just tripped. I'm okay." Namjoon tells him. (If I keep repeating myself, maybe it'll come true..)
They win three more awards before the performance, the members playing keep away with their leader any time they tried to make him speak. Their performance was next and they went into the green room to get their in ears and mics.
(We're doing the beginning of save me..then switching to I'm fine...) Namjoon let out a dry chuckle at the irony of the situation.
"What's so funny?" Jungkook asks.
"The songs we choose.." Namjoon answers.
"Are you sure you don't want to sit this one out?" J-hope asks again, his voice thick with worry not finding the situation humorous. "It's okay to rest if you have to. Army doesn't want us pushing too hard. If we explain.."
Namjoon shakes his head. "I can do it." (At least.. I hope I can..) His stomach felt a little better, but the medicine the staff gave him was not doing much to help with the nauseous feeling that washed over him as soon as he went under the hot stage lights.
His body moved on instinct, running to his position and getting in sync with the other members. The sound of Army chanting their names gave him strength, but he the jumping made the pain in his stomach return with a vengeance. When he layed down for Jimin's verse he was afraid he wouldn't be able to get back up again, but he forced himself back up, fear washing over him when he remembered he was going to be center for his rap verse.
The members couldn't stop looking in his direction, and when his rap part came he came a second too late, having to do it off beat.
He stopped to try to get back on track, and when he did he heard thousands of voices singing his part with him. Army had joined in with him. Their voices gave him the adrenalin he needed, coming back strong to finish his part.
(I can do this.. we're halfway through.. I just need to hold out a little longer..)He couldn't jump as high as the other members, getting off sync because his feet hit the ground too early. (Sh*t..i can't do this...)Namjoon couldn't help but wrap a hand around his sour stomach when another painful cramp hit, the stress getting to him. (It's J-hope's verse now...) He was glad to stop moving a moment, but when it was his turn to jerk back up he stumbled into J-hope.
J-hope steadied him, helping him back into position, continuing the choreography. Namjoon tries to do the same, but he couldn't focus. His body remembered the steps for him.
"Let me lift V instead." He hears Yoongi whisper, gently nudging him to go into his position.
It took a moment to process what he was saying before it clicked. (Yoongi already had to lift Taehyung once..) it was too late to make any more changes, Yoongi already in position to lift Taehyung.
The two rappers struggled to switch back to the original positions, almost colliding into each other.(Now Yoongi made a mistake because of me. I can't mess up anymore..) Namjoon pushed through the last thirty seconds of the song, feeling his body swaying at the end. He tried to close his eyes to wait for the dizziness to pass, but his knees buckled. Jin quickly grabbed him by the shoulders. J-hope and Jin help him off the stage, moving quickly to get him away from the crowd, going into the green room. "I'm sorry..I did so bad..." Namjoon felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes. "I'm gonna throw up..."
Taehyung quickly grabs the waste bin, putting it in front of Namjoon. "You did great for being so sick."
"You did the best you could. I can't believe you actually made it through the whole performance.." J-hope rubs his back as he gets sick. Namjoon had nothing left his his stomach, only acid coming up, making him gag more at the awful taste.
"Don't worry about it. All you can do is give it everything you got. You did that and more." Jin tries to comfort Namjoon, rubbing his tensed shoulders.
"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have performed.. I should've listened." Namjoon sobbed, burying his face in his hands, then quickly looking up again. "Yoongi-yah.. are you okay?"
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Just focus on yourself." Yoongi tried to sound strong, but pain laced his voice, rubbing his shoulder.
"That was quick thinking Yoongi-hyung. I feel stupid for not realizing that would be an issue. I should've done it instead." J-hope praises Yoongi, causing him to blush lightly.
"I was the closest one that could do it so I just followed my instinct. I didn't want him or Taehyung getting hurt." Yoongi dismisses the praise.
"Thanks, Yoongi-hyung.." Namjoon says softly.
Jungkook wipes Namjoon's tears, handing him a water bottle. "Please don't cry hyung. You're going to make me cry.."
Namjoon looks up at the mankae, his eyes already shining with unshed tears. "I'm sorry. I'm fine now.."
"Let's get you home." Jin helps Namjoon get the mic pack and inears off. "I'll make you some jook. You need to eat something."
"I don't think I can eat.." Namjoon responds honestly, taking a small sip of water to try to get rid of the taste in his mouth.
"You have to try at least a little for me. Please at least try.. Okay?" Jin begs
"hyung..." Namjoon's stomach churns at just the thought of food, causing him to gag more bile coming up, cursing under his breath. His eyes water as his stomach tightens, painfully vomiting.
Jin looks around at the others, everyone getting ready to help Namjoon get home, forming a circle like the body guards.
Fans flash photos of the boys while they get to the car, screaming for the boys to try to get their attention. Namjoon struggles just to keep walking forward, the adrenalin that kept him going gone. The six boys form a bubble around him, blocking him from view, them waving wildly and flashing hearts. The body guards are extra protective as well, making sure no one steps a single foot over the ropes.
Jin keeps one hand discreetly around Namjoon's waist to be sure he doesn't fall, and yoongi keeps hold of Namjoon's clammy hand, holding it tight.
"Love you army!" J-hope and Taehyung yell cheerfully over the crowd, bowing and making hearts as Jin and Yoongi help Namjoon into the car, moving him by the window.
"Thank you, army. Love you!" Jungkook joins in making a heart over his head.
The seven boys make it in the car safely, Taehyung and Jungkook waving out the window before rolling it up again.
"It's finally over." Namjoon sighs in relief, leaning his head on Jin.
"You're really warm, Joon.." Jin sucks in air through his teeth, running a hand across Namjoon's forehead into his hair. "You're still sweating, too."
"I'll take a bath when we get back. I don't think I could stand long enough for a shower.." Namjoon closes his eyes tightly, the movement of the car being too much for his stomach to handle. "Please.. stop the car.."
When the driver tries to switch lanes to pull over, the bile already rose up his throat, all color leaving his face.
"It can't wait. Roll down the window!" J-hope orders, Jin rolling down the window and helping Namjoon move to stick his head out. Namjoon gets sick all over the car door, body trembling violently.
"We need to get him to a hospital.. he's going to need an IV at this rate.." Jin says sounding panicked, rubbing Namjoon's back. "Please, take us to a hospital.." He asks the driver.
When they arrive at the hospital Namjoon couldn't walk, needing to sit in a wheelchair as he waits, a nurse gives him a pink bin in case he had to get sick again, and to Namjoon's horror, his stomach tightened, causing him to heave, more sick coming out.
"{Please. No flim. No photo. No post.}" Jin pleads with the people around them in English, taking off his jacket to cover up Namjoon from view.
Security had to usher people away but that didn't stop them from trying to get as much footage as they could before being pushed away.
The hospital is quick to get them in a private room. Jin helps Namjoon onto the bed then helping him undress to put on the gown. The nurse knocks on the door, Jin peeking through the crack before letting her in.
"{Hello I'm Miss. Maple, I'm going to be your nurse today, do you understand?}" She speaks slowly.
"{I'm fluent in English..}" Namjoon explains to her, voice shaking.
Jin held Namjoon's hand as he spoke with the nurse, rubbing his thumb across his knuckles. "It's okay if you need to cry." He whispers. "She'll understand."
Namjoon shakes his head, elbowing Jin softly, not letting his emotions out until she leaves the room to get an IV bag.
"It's going to be everywhere.." Namjoon whimpers, hot tears rolling down his cheeks.
"No it won't. I'll make sure of it even if I have to report every video myself." Jin tells him. "The company will handle it. The other members are already on it too. We will get this taken care of. You just focus on getting better." Jin wipes the tears from Namjoon's face, pulling a small pack of tissues from his bag. "You got snot all over your face." Jin tuts, cleaning up his nose. "It's not that big of a deal. Everyone gets sick."
"I'm sorry Hyung.." Namjoon sniffles, trying to stop.
"Don't be. It's not your fault. Just try to rest some while we wait for the nurse. You look exhausted." Jin gives him a soft kiss on the forehead.
Namjoon went back to the hotel after two IV bags, the doctor confirming it's just food poisoning. Namjoon felt safer at the hotel where the other members were not wanting to spend a night alone in the hospital.
To his surprise when Jin lead him back to his room to rest for the night, the other five members were in his room.
"Namjoonie-hyung!" Jungkook was the first to go greet him, hugging him lightly. "Are you feeling any better?"
"A little..what are you doing in here..?" Namjoon asks
"I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until I saw you in person, and the others felt the same." Taehyung answers, taking his turn to hug onto Namjoon.
"I want to show you something!" J-hope says, pulling up something on his laptop. When Namjoon went over to see what he was talking about he saw it was Twitter. He was trending all over Twitter, but he didn't see a single clip of him getting sick. Twitter was flooded with get well messages and praise.
"All the platforms are like this. The company put out a warning about filming our private moments, but it looks like Army has your back, too. If the clips are out there, they are getting reported so fast I haven't seen them." J-hope gets up, hugging Namjoon. "You have no reason to worry. Everyone understands."
Relief washes over Namjoon, sighing in relief.
"Now that you're feeling better mentally, let's work on physically. You need to rest, but first, could you at least eat this banana or some applesauce? Just something small so you have something in your stomach..?" Jimin asks with worry plastered on his face. "I read it's good for when you've been throwing up."
"Alright.. I'll try, but after you guys need to get to bed. You look dead on your feet." Namjoon peels the banana open, taking a bite to appease the young vocalist.
Namjoon lays in bed, regretting his decision to please Jimin, but he wasn't worried about being sick anymore.
(They all handled the situation so well.. I'm so proud to be a part of this team, and army.. They were quick to defend me..)
Namjoon rushes to go throw up again, just barely having the strength to sit up. As he throws up the mush that was once a banana, another wave of dizziness makes it hard to stay sitting up.
When starts falling, he feels an arm stop him. "I got you.." J-hope coos. "It's okay.."
"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you.."Namjoon apologizes.
J-hope tuts his tongue at him. "Stop being sorry. I'd much rather you wake me up than you suffer alone.. I love you Namjoon. I don't mind losing sleep to take care of you. If any of us were worried about you waking us up we would've just went to our hotel rooms. Let's get you back to bed, okay. Hyung could you help?"
Namjoon looks up to see who he's talking to, Jin leaning down to help him up. He leads him back to his bed that the three youngest members took over, Taehyung holding out his arms to Namjoon.
Namjoon wasn't usually the cuddly type, but with how awful he was feeling he felt needy for human contact, feeling comforted by the warmth of his old roommate's body and his steady heart beat as he lays on his chest.
"Don't get used to this Tae.." Namjoon says with a yawn.
"I won't.. I love you Namjoonie-hyung..I hope you get better soon..." Taehyung rubs Namjoon's stomach, whispering softly.
Namjoon falls asleep quickly after murmuring a soft, 'I love you..' Back to him, finally falling into the deep sleep he desperately needed.
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byuljoonie · 1 year
My birthday was yesterday so finally had to change the number in my bio🥲 anywho new post coming soon, but idk for who yet. It might be Taekook, Namseok, Jimin, Seokjin, or Yoongi(😭😭😭😭).
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snowpetaly · 1 year
Be kind.
namseok moodboard ❤️🍓🤍🍰
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Feel free to use/prompt 🌸 credits are welcome!
idea: Light Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, small town boy and idol, strawberry plantation, summer rain
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depressedhouseplant · 9 months
Just Fucking Write 2k24 - Day 10
Prompt: Thirst traps to bring joy
WC: 193
“Um, not that I don’t appreciate it, but why did you send me a selfie right after you got out of the shower?” Hobi asked.
“You were having a bad day. You always seem happy when I send you selfies after I work out so I thought this would cheer you up, too. Didn’t it?” Namjoon replied. He wasn’t wrong. Getting the sweaty post workout mirror selfies did always improve Hobi’s day. Now Hobi had a freshly showered the counter barely covering his cock post shower selfie to add to the encrypted album he had for the very bad days.
“Yes, yes it did cheer me up. Thank you,” Hobi smiled. If Hobi didn’t know any better, Namjoon almost looked relieved.
“Oh good. I want you to only have good days,” Namjoon said.
“In which case you’re welcome to send me selfies whenever you want,” Hobi kissed him.
“Would you mind ones that are a little more…explicit?” Namjoon asked.
“Just maybe give me a warning first,” Hobi said.
“Absolutely,” Namjoon nodded.
I really do love this man, Hobi thought as he made a mental note to get a privacy screen for his phone.
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juicysaladnut · 1 year
Shai's Alternative universe.
Started : 21/9/2023
Last updated : 27/11/2023
Total works: 25
2. Namjoon
3. Seokjin
4. Yoongi
5. Hoseok
Koobi/ Hopekook
6. Jimin
7. Taehyung
(Jungkook fics are added above in each member's list)
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screamlet · 2 years
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it happened one night
❄️ namseok (& background pairings) ❄️ 6k, complete, rated T ❄️ college au ❄️ love at first sight ❄️ namjoon's over-the-top daydreaming
One night during finals week, Kim Namjoon walks into the library and falls in love. One night during finals week, Jung Hoseok takes the night shift at the library and falls in love.
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mightbekelly · 1 year
Bungeoppang: A NamSeok Drabble
Title: Bungeoppang
Ship: NamSeok
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1.7k
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A series of snapshots of teacher Hoseok's daily life as he keeps track of idol group Bangtan & waits for his boyfriend's return. Written for BTS Foodie Fest.
The train finally empties enough that Hoseok is able to find a seat. His feet have been aching after a long day of teaching and running down third graders, but it leaves him immensely satisfied as he takes the long ride home. There's nothing he'd rather be doing more.
He pulls his phone out and opens Instagram first. Immediately a picture of a handsome idol holding a bungeoppang is at the top of his feed. RM, leader of the 6 member group Bangtan, is proudly displaying his fish-shaped treat in front of the Olympic Stadium. Jimin is riding Jungkook piggy-back style in the background and it looks like being chased by V. Seokjin is leaning into the frame opposite RM throwing up a peace sign. "Tour starts tonight! Will we see you there?" says the caption.
Hoseok smiles fondly and likes the picture. He leaves a little comment: "Fighting!" with a purple heart emoji. He stares at the picture a little longer admiring RM's smile with the dimple making an appearance. The rapper looks so happy and it fills Hoseok's heart. The group's journey has been a long one, and it's really amazing that they are going on a sold out stadium tour. It's everything they deserve.
After he's had his fill, Hoseok closes the app and opens his KKT clicking on the contact "jagiya."
Hobi: Have fun tonight. I'm so proud of you.
He doesn't wait for a response before calmly tucking the phone back into his pocket and looking up to judge how many more stops he has. By the time he gets home, he'll have just enough time to make something to eat and go to bed. Then he has to get up early tomorrow morning and do it all again.
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aiseehope · 1 year
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Angel Baby
Hobi harem AU
AO3 Link -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/49448737
Hoseok accidentally wakes up in a fanfic as the token leftover het.
Can he navigate through the fic so that he doesn't get the lame ending he was predestined?
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koofishy · 1 year
A Cup-le of Idiots
AU where fwbs namseok arrive to a party only to see four stacks of cups in different colors... and not be able to decide which one to choose from.
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I originally posted this as a twitter thread but decided to upload it here too, mostly to test the waters bc I'm very new to tumblr lol
I wrote this on a whim and on my phone, so there are probably a few mistakes, but whatever! Enjoy
There are four stacks of cups on the table, each with a label stating what their colors represent. Pink means 'taken', purple is 'DTF', blue reads 'single AF' and green is 'it's complicated'.
Namjoon and Hoseok have been staring at them for like 10 minutes now. They had to stand aside because a whole frickin' line accumulated behind them, angry partygoers shouting at them to "just take one, oh my gosh, it's not that deep, get it over with!"
But it is that deep, actually, thank you very much. Their whole relationship depends on this tiny colored piece of plastic. This choice will determine the future of their arrangement, for better or for worse.
Hoseok glances at Namjoon nervously, who has a hand on his nape and beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. He looks back at Hoseok, uneasy grin splitting his lips awkwardly.
"So, uh. Which. Which one should we?"
Hoseok giggles anxiously, hands fisting the edge of his shirt.
"Uh, you can choose. I'm on the same page," he says. Like he did twenty times before.
Namjoon pales.
Hoseok takes pity on him.
"Okay, maybe this one-," he reaches for the blue cup.
Right at the same time as Namjoon reaches for the green.
They both pause, eyes wide and yank their hands back.
"Of course, blue is- it's good, yes," Namjoon nearly falls over himself in his hurry to take a blue cup off the stack.
"Nonono, it can be green, you're absolutely right!," Hoseok tries to push his hand away.
His pulse is running a mile a minute in his ears. It's similar to the first time he and Namjoon... did the do, but less euphoric and more... throwing up-ish.
Why didn't they discuss their relationship better before falling head first into it??
"You're right, green is perfect, we're stuggling right now too, we are complicated for sure," Hoseok tries to argue.
Namjoon shakes his head.
"Blue is good, it's not like we're in a relationship."
Hoseok's heart cracks a little, feeling heavy as lead, even though it was him who chose blue in the first place.
"But other people might come up to us, then. You said you weren't interested in anything serious," Hoseok says. He feels Namjoon freeze next to him, but ignores it in favor of picking up a purple cup. "Wouldn't this be better, then?
"I said I didn't want anything serious?," he hears Namjoon ask.
"Yeah. That's why we're, y'know. Like this," Hoseok gestures vaguely, still eyeing the purple plastic thing. "I don't really feel DTF though, maybe I should just take the blue one. But you can go with purple-"
"Hoseok," Namjoon grabs his arm, huge hand enveloping Hoseok's slim wrist, making a light blush rise to his cheeks. "Hoseok!"
"What," he turns to Namjoon and halts.
The man looks like a deer caught in headlights, pretty brown eyes wide in shock.
"What is it?," Hoseok asks again worriedly. He reaches out on instinct, putting a hand over Namjoon's. "Is something wrong?"
"Hoseok," Namjoon repeats, then shakes his head. "Are you- Did you say we're fwbs because of me? Because I didn't want anything serious?"
"Uh," Hoseok frowns. "Yeah? You don't remember?"
Namjoon takes a breath.
"I thought we were fwbs because you didn't want anything serious!"
Hoseok stares at him for a good second.
"No," he says, confused. He agreed to it because he wanted to be as close to Namjoon as possible and that seemed to be the only way.
"Hoba," Namjoon leans down a little to be face-to-face with Hoseok. Gosh, he's huge.
And so nervous. The anxious lines on his forehead are visible from miles away. He's biting his lip hard as he tries to find the right words.
Hoseok brushes his thumbs across Namjoon's knuckles gently.
"What is it, Joonie?"
He doesn't know why he's holding his breath.
Namjoon struggles for another second, then he closes his eyes, inhales. When he looks up again, he is much calmer. More determined.
Hoseok's heart is beating out of his ribcage. He holds Namjoon's gaze.
"Hoba," Namjoon starts, pronouncing the nickname oh-so gently. Hoseok's blush deepens. "I only agreed to be fwbs because I thought you wanted that."
Namjoon's plush lips curl into a small smile.
"I wanted to be your boyfriend. I just thought you weren't looking for that."
Hoseok's brain stops, short-circuits. Everything feels fuzzy around him.
"What?," his voice sounds weak.
Namjoon's hand slips from his wrist, only to intertwine his fingers with Hoseok's.
It's warm. Feels right.
"I still want to be your boyfriend, you know," Namjoon is gazing at Hoseok with eyes full of fondess. "I will say that out loud before we misinterpret each other again."
Hoseok blinks.
He feels like he's dreaming.
But Namjoon squeezes his hands affectionately, fingers fitting perfectly between Hoseok's, and looks at him with so much care he feels flowers blooming inside himself.
Hoseok reaches out without a second thought. He's done with overthinking this.
He fists a hand in Namjoon's shirt and yanks him forward, meeting him halfway in a kiss that's both familiar and so new. Namjoon pulls him closer instantly, one hand still holding Hoseok's, the other going around his waist.
They get lost in the feeling, in each other. It's sweet and leaves them breathless when they part.
"I like you so much," Hoseok whispers, leaning in for another peck that Namjoon deepens into another kiss.
Hoseok's heart shaped smile is wide and shining when they pull away.
"We are so fucking stupid," he states, making both of them laugh.
"We are," Namjoon agrees. Then, he turns to the stacks of cups Hoseok has completely forgotten about. "I presume we know what to pick now."
Hoseok snatches two pink cups, giggles bubbling from his chest, feeling lighter than a butterfly.
"If I see any other color in your hands, you're dead, Kim Namjoon," he warns, but dissolves into a laughing mess when Namjoon pulls him into a hug, peppering kisses all over Hoseok's face.
"I've been dreaming of this far too long, baby, you won't pry this pink cup out of my cold dead hands!"
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asadfangirlbitxh · 1 year
My favorite ships in fanfics
(this is fun, I don't actually ship any of them, this based on the way people usually write their dynamic and not about the members actual friendship)
1) Yoonmin
2) Taegi
3) Jinkook
4) 2seok
5) Namjin
6) Namkook
7) Jihope
9) Namseok
10) Taejoon
11) Vmin
12) Yoonjin
13) Minjoon
14) Sope
15) Hopekook
16) Yoonkook
17) Taejin
18) Namgi
19) Taekook
20) Jinmin
21) Jikook
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