#nanbaka honey imagines
villain-in-love · 1 year
@canarycurse Oh boy, now that you mentioned your other s/is, I'm curious about Azalea and Madeline and their relationship with their respective f/os. And maybe some more information about Kojiro and Tauro themselves since, unlike with Musashi, I don't know much about them.
Anyways, in return to Zeroes' statement about their Halloween "costumes", Nico would obviously be the one to bring up Addams family and others would have to censure him because of the copyright again.
Your Zero suddenly stopping answering Kiji's questions during the school event and everyone realizing that where she was sitting just now is already an empty space sounds very much like a canonical joke for Nanbaka. And it sure is unfortunate that she can’t dress up like everyone else, since it’s one of the rare instances in canon where characters had a chance to wear something different from their usual outfits. I’m still curious what you Zero would have worn if she could change clothes, though.
Finding other "emotion ghosts" of the same person is a sensible suggestion, especially if your Zero wants to get more knowledge about her existence, but I don’t think tracking them down would be an easy task. Obviously, she would need to find the original source first and question her, and then she would have to take on a role of a detective and go investigating all the places where others first appeared... Or maybe you already have better ideas on how to find them?
I think your idea of your Zero’s introduction to the plot is a solid one (ha), she would do well getting established as a reoccurring character from the start and something of a local myth that is very much the truth. And with her knowing other characters that would make appearances later, she could easily drop some “easter eggs” here and there.
By the way, since he’s also one of the main characters, what does Hajime thinks about your Zero and her hanging out around his building?
Okay, giving my answers to your questions (which include some of my own questions):
About Trois, Honey, and their favourite underwear question:
For a few seconds Zero looked genuinely thoughtful. The next thing she said was: “You know, in a neighbourhood I was taught that I can and should beat people up for questions like these…” After hearing this, all characters who were near rushed in to save Trois and Honey, asking if they have a death wish.
Obviously, Zero couldn’t be actually bothered by questions like these, she was just wondering about the implications and what it says about Honey’s and Trois’s personalities. Though she still considered the option of beating them up for fun and then using their question as a justification. Really, she’s always just waiting for a good excuse to get violent.
About extra chapters with school event:
Zero does have some academic knowledge and there are subjects she’s genuinely good at – literature, biology, math, psychology, even history, when it comes to the culture and not political dates and events. But it would be objectively funnier to see her answer questions she’s not qualified to answer.
There’s an idea of her giving ridiculous answers when talking about geography. Because she wasn’t planning on travelling abroad any time soon (well, she kinda did anyway, but getting transported to jail doesn’t count), she didn’t bother to learn much about geography and only has some vague understanding based on someone’s personal stories or mentions from books. And once again, outdated information. “Ah yes, the Ottoman Empire, I remember it was there.” “And this must be Речь Посполитая – my old friend used to live there…” “Wait, Singapore is actually a country and not a city? It's so tiny, why is this a country and not a city?”
OR she might give disturbingly accurate answers in anatomy. I imagine, when asked about how organs work as a system, she will give a very detailed answer, even starting to draw a scheme on a blackboard. Then she realizes that she’s bad at drawing, so she will drag someone (for some reason I imagine it either being Honey or Nico) from their desk and in front of the “class”, swiftly ripping the shirt off them and putting a claw to their abdomen, being like: “It can get a little bloody and I can only show this once, so look carefully.” At this point she would have to get dragged away by guards who are responsible for her.
I also jumped on the opportunity to give her some new outfits, because I love giving my OCs extensive wardrobes:
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She could have rocked that black-and-red sailor uniform look. Might even paint the tips of her claws red.
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Or she could have gone another route and dressed up in classic "white top, black bottoms" look. Thought if she was to wear a short skirt Kiji would have to remind her to sit "properly" every so often.
"I know you said it doesn’t really fill her up but does she have a favourite human food?"
Here's the biggest difference between me and Zero: she’s not a picky eater. So even if she does have some preferences, she can eat almost anything, and I mean it. Anything.
But I guess her favourite food is pancakes with meat – as in regular thin pancakes with meat wrapped into it. Her Grandma used to make pancakes with human meat, so those were obviously the best, but animal meat is fine too. (In reality I hate pancakes that aren't sweet, but I figured that Zero would like it)
Zero also likes aforementioned sushi rolls and always throws absolutely ungodly amounts of wasabi into the soy sauce. She’s quite fond of desserts as well, for example, some belgian waffles with ice cream and several other toppings sound good.
I must note that Zero generally prefers bigger and heartier dishes – I mean, she's capable of consuming several adult human bodies in one sitting, so if it’s some light snack she might not even notice eating it.
As a bonus: Her favourite human body parts to eat are hearts and the meat from the thighs, and the spinal column is the best to crunch on. Her least favourite part is intestine – she can eat a human whole, but she often leaves those untouched, which used to really confuse police at some point.
"Could I ask her impressions of any other members of the cast?"
When it comes to other Nanbaka characters who aren’t Jyugo or Liang, Zero doesn’t hold any particularly strong opinions. She’s fine with almost everyone, as long as they provide a good show for her. But I can comment on several character specifically:
Uno – she quickly identified him as the brain, the leader, and the mom of the group. He obviously cares about Jyugo a lot, and for that she’s somewhat thankful to him. She finds his obsession with being the prettiest and most popular with girls laughable, but overall he left a good impression. (Uno himself is still trying to recover from the sight of Zero eating the guards)
Much to Liang’s and Upa’s confusion, Zero genuinely likes and admires Qi. She sees him as an intelligent and sensible person with whom they can easily understand each other, and while she finds the situation of Liang and Upa constantly berating and blaming him for everything wrong with the world funny in its ridiculousness, she majorly disagrees with their opinion. Qi is also the reason she finally took interest and started learning chemistry.
I think that Zero is likely to get along well with Man with the Scar aka Mashiro in the future and get invested in experiments his organisation conducts. She also would be highly impressed by the schemes his team pulled, like the way they sabotaged Enki or set up other people to confront Jyugo and Zakuro to make the two stronger (while putting Elf inside them as a the kind of "safety catch" to ensure that they use their powers when needed and don't die)
Out of the staff she likes Mitsuru the most – he’s chill and easy-going, brings lively and chaotic atmosphere everywhere he goes, and while it could have been easy to view him as another moron, she gets an impression that despite his eccentric behaviour, this guy always knows exactly what he’s doing. So I think they would be on pretty good terms.
Zero doesn't have anything against Kiji, but as someone who does (surprisingly) take interest and is somewhat knowledgeable about fashion herself, she doesn't quite understand Kiji's decisions when it comes to the colour scheme of his outfits. (And makeup. And hair.)
Hajime reminds Zero a bit of russian gopniks, which is funny. While Hajime dislikes Zero for several reasons, she herself couldn’t care less about it – she’s fond of him simply because he’s very fun to observe, especially when Cell 13 is involved.
Yamato and Seitaro are labelled as "Idiot No.1" and "Idiot No.2" in her mind. Not that she actually dislikes them, but they make her question the quality of the guard selection for this prison.
It’s incredibly rare for Zero to actively dislike someone, but she would have preferred to stay away from Ahato. She happened to visit Building 3 once, for educational purposes, and she does not want to deal with cosmetics and restrictive clothes again – it’s impractical and you can’t possibly expect her to care about not ruining her makeup or be careful to not tear clothes. He almost makes her regret agreeing to never use any force against staff members again. (And she's not pleased with Kiji for supporting all of this.)
When it comes to other people who didn't leave the best of impressions, she would have loved to pick apart Honey’s brain. It’s one of the rare instances when someone’s peculiar temper doesn’t entertain her, but instead makes her question “what is his problem”. She would also prefer if he dropped the act of being a gentleman, she can already smell acting from miles away. Though she is curious about those threads/strings of his, it’s mechanics and techniques of using them. Well, there's at least one thing Honey is good for, and it's making Liang lose his temper – Zero finds their squabbles to be awfully fun to watch.
She’s not impressed with Shin at all and she found it amusing to spoil his mood whenever she had to deal with him.
Also Zero and Dread tried to kill each other several times. Dread is highly irritated by Zero as a person, while Zero considers her to be a nuisance and can't for the life of her understand Dread's devotion to Shin.
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
I am generally considered very sweet and intelligent, with a delightful sense of humor. I have been told that I have a brilliant mind and crave knowing. I am a true geek at heart and take pride in my vast knowledge across various topics. However, some negative aspects of me are that I can be overly sensitive and often get overwhelmed easily. My self esteem isn’t the best, as I am insecure about myself so I tend to be self deprecating, which can often make people sad. I am working on this as much as I can but it is certainly a struggle, so it’s likely that I’d need frequent reassurance. I love deeply and will fight tooth and nail for those that I love. Thank you so much! I really love Nanbaka and KHR. 👉👈
Hey there anon dear! Thank you so much for sending in something for a match-up! I hope no parts of this got lost and since I didn't have a name to publish you under, I hope you don't mind your ask being posted, and that you'll enjoy your matches!
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In my opinion, your ideal Nanbaka match is TROIS!
You and Trois had chemistry right from the get-go. Don't let his pretty face fool you - Trois is a very intelligent man and that was part of what drew him to you right away. He likes the fact he can hold good, intelligent conversations with you, that you show interest in his passions and his intellectual pursuits. Of course, he's also always interested to learn about what you're currently interested in and learning about. Trois likes you teaching him things and, of course, he tries hard to teach you as much as you teach him.
Now, you did mention that you can be rather insecure at times and that definitely will flare up at times during your relationship with Trois. He is a very handsome man and does get hit on a lot and there are times you feel inadequate or worried. Trois is rather more observant than he lets on though and he does notice this, notices you tossing out more self-deprecating 'jokes' and comments. However, Trois is more than willing to give out compliments. This is especially true for his relationship with you, where he will feed you compliments like candy, all truly meant, even when you feel like they might not be or don't seem true. While Trois can be a little brutal in his choice of words at times, and does keep company with Honey, who is even more so, he does his best to keep how sensitive you are to people's words and actions in mind and to not give you reasons to worry.
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In my opinion, your ideal KHR match is BYAKURAN!
Now, on the other hand, I do see you and Byakuran having a pretty solid friendship before things turn romantic. Byakuran really is attracted and interested in intelligent people, people with things they're passionate and nerdy about, people who love to constantly be learning. It's because, at his core, Byakuran is this imaginative, creative, fiercely intelligent absolutely geek. He has his passions and interests and the two of you would likely have met and grown a friendship through a shared passion. I think that, over time, your sweet nature, so at odds with his more ambitious and sometimes warped or morbid personality, your company and how you make him feel, how supportive you are to him, and how much you obviously cared about him led him to develop deeper feelings for you and he began to pursue you, with all the signature Byakuran drive, to change the relationship between you to something more romantic.
I do think there are times your sensitive nature, the fact you get overwhelmed, and your lack of self-esteem does cause some issues in the relationship. And honestly, because Byakuran is who he is, I do think there are times he might even try to provoke those emotions in you. I'm sorry but Byakuran is not always the healthiest in relationships. However, most of the time, Byakuran is more than reassuring. He loves spoiling you rotten, drops compliments and gifts in heaps at your figurative feet. It's just that sometimes he gets distracted by things he's really into at the moment or he gets in a mood and wants his own reassurance about how bad you need or want him around and gets distant to make you chase him. If you can hold up to those times and fight for him against his own unhealthy habits, I do see this relationship being happy a large majority of the time and you become someone he is actually absolutely loyal to.
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akinumi · 5 years
Hmm, this might be oddly specific. But how would Honey (Nanbaka) feel if he like.. walked in on s/o changing and found out that s/o is actually a girl? And s/o asked him to keep her gender a secret. Would he comply?
“Exposed” - Honey x Reader(Anime): Nanbaka
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[ cannot find a good gif of Honey :( ]
When Honey got home, the first thing he always does is call for his s/o.
But when you don’t reply, he just assumes you’re probably asleep in your shared bedroom.
So Honey, going to be the most charming boyfriend ever, would wake you up, and tell you to do something productive.
Sweet, isn’t it?
He knocks softly on the door and opens it.
“Babe, don’t you think you sle—“
You shrieked out of surprise and panic. And after that. There was just absolute,
Just silence.
A cliche moment happened, and that’s walking in on you changing.
But that wasn’t the thing Honey was complete stunned about.
“...you’re..a girl?”
Your cheeks flushed red and your eyes widened with sudden realization.
Quite quickly, you crouched down and hid your body from his gaze.
“A-Are you an idiot!? Who knocks on the door, and then opens it without consent!!?”
“That doesn’t matter! You’re a female!!”
Honey shuts the bedroom door and crouches beside you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
There was another silence, and it was more awkward than ever.
“..when we first met, you thought I was a guy. This was when our group of friends had to study for our final exams...and it was our first time meeting.”
You shut your eyes and a slight feeling of calm washes over you, and your lover.
“Over time, you fell in love with me as a ‘guy’ and I thought, if you were to know my real sex..you’d leave me.”
“You thought I was gay.”
Quickly, you waved your hands around frantically, “O-Oh! Are you not just into guys?? I thought you were just into them because you saw me as a guy. Y’know? I probably shouldn’t have assumed—“
Honey covers your mouth with his hand, “Does anyone else know about this..?”
You shook your head, “Are you going to tell anyone?”
“Please don’t tell anyone...I think that’s going to ruin my whole relationships with them!”
He sighs, and scratches his head.
“To be honest, if they were to stop being friends with you just because you lied about your gender, is their problem.”
“And if they have any problems with that, they’ll go through me.” he boops your nose and smiles.
“But~ this might have to come at a price..”
Honey’s s/o started sweating bullets, “..like...?”
He stands, and he stretches, “It’s movie night and cuddle sesh tonight!”
“Get dress, I’ll make snacks. Oh! And I’ll pick out the movie. Since, you owe me.”
Honey leaves the room and his s/o can just hear him laugh outside.
s/o couldn’t help but smile, “I love you, Honey.”
If you were to come back home, you’d say “Honey! I’m home~”
And his response is— “OH MY GOD STOP.”
a/n: motivation was very slim for me, so i’m so sorry that this came out so late. i hope it’s okay. i was working the little motivation i had.
i also see Honey keeping things a secret for a price. When Honey recognized Tsukumo as the famous actor and such.
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thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Okay, the parent headcanons for cell 13 was adorable, how about we get some for Honey and Trois, too? :D
Sure thing!! ôヮô
Also, side note announcement, I hope everyone has been having a good Holiday Season, whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Yule, Christmas, etc! Can't believe its already Christmas Eve and that 2021 is just a week away from ending ⊙.��� This year felt so long but so fast at the same time
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🎯 Honey 🎯
From the start, he was fond of the idea of having a family with you. At least two or three kids, any gender.
He's the one to bring up starting a family first. If you tell him that you aren't ready yet, he's willing to wait. But just be ready for him to be pestering you, asking if you're ready yet every other one to two months
He's already very protective of you, so just imagine how protective he is during your pregnancy!
If Honey doesn't trust someone enough with your and your bump, he won't let them get anywhere near you
"And who said you can touch her?! Back off!" *Flips them off*
He even gets iffy letting friends or family touch your belly
Honey, it's not like the bump's gonna burst at the tiniest touch--
Come the day the baby is born, they've got him wrapped around their tiny little finger right at first sight.
"Oh, look at how beautiful you are.. such a darling little one.."
One of his least favorite things about parenthood? Those late night feedings and sleepless nights.
You'll probably be the one taking care of the baby most of those nights cause he's so stubborn on getting up to do it himself
Bonds with the baby in the cutest playful ways. As soon as he knows what things make the baby laugh, he'll use them constantly till they finally get old.
He just loves making them laugh, he thinks that squeaky baby laugh is the cutest thing ever
Again, protective dad™️
When they're still a baby he's constantly watching them when nearby to make sure they don't hurt themself on accident, and like when you were still pregnant, is reluctant to let anyone other than you and him get close to, touch, or hold the baby
On that note he is strict with rules, mainly those that ensure the kid's safety
But when they get older and more independent he gets a LOT more protective.
For the longest time he doesn't let them go anywhere alone, even if they're old enough. Makes them carry some form of defense once he drops that rule.
If he finds out someone hurt or bullied his little angel, you'll need to hold him back before he smacks someone up the chin or worse
If you have a daughter, he ends up being that "No boyfriends until you're 20!!" sort of dad. VERY serious about keeping boys away from his little girl until he thinks she's at an "appropriate" age.
But, as much as he is overly protective, he's just as- if not more- loving and caring.
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🎱 Trois 🎱
Similarly to Honey, the idea of having kids with you was on his mind not too long into the start of your relationship. He wants at least a son, and is happy with however many kids you have.
As much as he desired to start a family, he waits for you to bring it up first. He wanted to be sure you were ready and was hesitant to ask in care you weren't.
Is very excited and agrees right away when you finally do ask him what he thinks about having a baby
Absolutely spoils you during the pregnancy
Makes sure your cravings are met, gets you gifts when he has the extra money for it (Including baby stuff), constantly compliments how cute you look with your baby bump, and- while he mainly excells in machinery- he also looks into making things like a crib, rocking chair and other furniture for the nursery.
When you're at the store buying baby articles, he's almost always the one to pick up something and just sob over how tiny or cute it is. Probably more than one time.
*Tearing up* "Oh my god, Y/N, look at how tiny these socks are!!"
Often times whenever you wake up, you'll notice Trois isn't in his usual sleeping position, but now moved down to be sleeping with your belly as a pillow, and if he's awake doing it, his hand is gently rubbing it and he's whispering or babytalking to it.
He's obsessed with your baby bump, basically. I mean, his baby is in there, can you blame him?
There's definitely tears when he finally meets and holds the baby
"T-they're.. they're absolutely perfect in every way, Y/N.. just look at them!"
Is pretty good when it comes to getting the baby to calm down and/or sleep
Sometimes it makes you wonder if- like his "seductive aura"- he might have some sort of "calming aura" that he uses on your baby. It sure seems like it!
He spends lots of time with the baby, even if he's exhausted from those common up-all-nighters. Sometimes you might find him dozed off on the couch with the baby either sleeping in his arms or grabbing at his glasses
As the baby gets older, he does his best to help teach them what he knows, and always assists them with homework.
Rules aren't too strict, but just enough so. He's more on the laid back side.
When working on machinery, your kid will be the one to hand the tools to Trois if he can't grab them himself, and Trois likes to refer to the kid as "his assistant", or "rookie", during these exchanges.
Don’t be surprised if your dear husband and child come back from the garage- or wherever Trois does his work- covered in rust, dirt or other residue. Dirty and stained clothes are a common thing with these two.
Totally wants to get your kid into the same occupation of being a mechanic, and has thought about starting a business of the type with them when they’re old enough.
Basically an entheusiastic mechanic dad who loves his kiddo dearly
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honeyedfanfics · 5 years
Some Jyugo relationship headcanons? ~ヾ(^∇^) How he'll act like on dates, where he'd like to go, nicknames, etc. I'm curious! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
of course! here ya go! (´∀`ゞ
Jyugo Relationship Headcanons
This sweet, small bean is all about casual dates. He has absolutely no experience with romantic relationships so he’s likely going to want to start off slow and simple.
His anxiety is going to be pretty bad on the first and he’ll be stumbling over all his words. He tries so, so hard to follow Uno’s advice but ends up failing miserably. Be sure to remind him gently that you wanted to date him and not Uno so he’ll act more naturally. 
Since his imprisonment limits his date choices he’ll likely choose something like spending time in the arcade room! After that though? Literally anything you do together will be a date in his eyes! Running away from Hajime together? It’s a date! Eating dinner together in the mess hall? Duh, it’s a date!
Giving nicknames isn’t something that Jyugo is gifted at, sadly. He sticks to standard ones more often than not. His most frequent nicknames are babe or cutie! If his s/o has a certain trait that stands out, such as red hair or freckles, he may choose to use a nickname based on that trait! He wishes he could use the nickname honey but chooses not to because of a certain inmate…
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iamapoopmuffin · 6 years
Trois: I look awful.
Honey: We're wearing the same thing.
Trois: You look awful too.
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permanentlysp00ked · 6 years
I should be asleep, yet here I am, laughing my ass off, about the idea of Honey being dressed as a turkey.
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zombiesama · 3 years
Hey may I here some of your Nanbaka opinions? It's my special interest as well!
!!! Yeah!! Keep in mind these are like entirely headcanon tho lmao
You know how Nico and Rock sleep close together? Its bc Nico gets nightmares and Rock is like. His comfort person, so just waking up to see him there calms him down!
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When random hair color syndrome strikes, Musashi can clearly tell something is up so obviously it changes hair texture too! Imagine how absolutely weird it would feel for your hair texture to change in one second lmao
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The only inmate I am 100% confident would be multilingual is Musashi.
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3/4 cell 13 boys are from native english speaking countries, so Jyugo definitely picked up some English from them & he spent time in at least 1 American prison, but he does not strike me as the type to really try to learn a language.
It's implied/stated that Jyugo taught Nico to read though so one of them has to be multilingual, but with Nico's Japan obsession I lean towards him being multilingual (especially since he's so into limited edition stuff. It's way easier to collect limited edition anime merch if you can at least somewhat navigate japanese websites). Plus it's just funnier to me if Nico cant read in his first language (english) but can read Japanese.
The building 5 boys are all chinese and have Samon, another chinese man, guarding them. They don't have a real need to know a second language.
Of course, the plot doesnt really work if they cant all communicate (especially the "We Got Our Rewards!" Chapters) so it'd make sense that there'd be more overlap.
Namely Nico needs to be able to communicate with Upa, Liang needs to be able to communicate with Rock, and Honey and Trois both need to be able to communicate with Uno
Honey is American, so he should speak english, probably, so him communicating with Uno would be no problem.
Trois is French (DEROGATORY) and I could see him knowing english probably, especially since he's stuck with Honey as a cellmate.
Upa grew up isolated so either he does not know a second language or he was forced to learn one, either way I feel like he would not be comfortable speaking anything other than Mandarin.
Liang was probably too busy killing people & working out to learn a second language.
What I'm saying is, realistically there would be so much miscommunication and language barriers. But that would not be fun to watch, I suppose. Any of them Could be multilingual they just dont have multilingual vibes ok. It's called nanbaka for a reason, they're all stupid.
(Musashi is definitely only book smart tho and I'll die on that hill.)
I'm Still a lil suspicious of Mitsuru. He just seems to know too much and hides too much from the warden. Like hiding cell 13s breakouts was one thing but he was mighty suspicious during the building 5 arc.
I love him but I do not trust him. I feel like he has something to do with Elf and the man with the scar but I haven't read nearly as much of the manga as other people (due to lack of access to it [sobs]) though so like. Dont quote me on this.
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I have more stuff probably but I csnt think of anything atm and this is long enough as is so we'll leave off here
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Also have u ever noticed how Nico is whitewashed in the ending theme?
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clarisrenaldis · 3 years
I find it quite odd that in Nanbaka for Liang's small character arc, for lack of a beter word, of seeing women in another light other than weak beings starts by talking to Honey and Trois.
Because I can only think of the New Year Tournament arc, where the inmates all, or the majority, discover that the Warden is a woman.
Because when you think about it, Liang, Qi and Upa have been longer than the main gang, I imagine. But if the haven't, they must have known bc of Samon, given that all the staff have tremendous respect for her and he, of the best four, is the one that works the closest with her. So I imagine that either Samon starts talking to them about how amazing and strong the warden is, or scolds Liang if he says anything about the warden being a woman.
That's why the thought of Liang thinking there are no strong women so far into the manga confuses me a little. I would imagine that Samon gives him a piece of his mind given that he also has a big sister figure he respects.
Then him continuing that with Honey, Trois and Uno, since they are the ones that absolutely love women. Although I feel like Uno would be the one to teach Liang to respect them while Trois and Honey to give them their space and protect them. But idk.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
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I do not know what to do with this menTAL IMAGE, MAN??! XD Haha
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visanimus · 7 years
Nanbaka Cafe AU
I decided to create some cafe au hcs for Nanbaka and I was chatting with a cool person from @nanbakaimaginesyo.
• Kiji is the one who creates new drinks that are beautiful, you know those designs in coffee beverage that uses the foam and syrup to create them, he is the one that creates those designs. He teaches the new baristas and those who want to know.
• Trois loves to see Kiji create these designs and is ready to learn them and create his own. Kiji is so happy to have a student who wants to learn how to make coffee the way he does. Kiji slightly favors Trois and gives him compliments.
• Kiji, Honey and Trois earn the most in tips because of how sociable they are and how they are able to put the customers at ease with the compliment they give out and how they are able to create easy conversation. Though Seitarou sometimes out shines them when every customer requests him as their server.
• Seitarou is sometimes helps out when he sees that everyone is busy and is so polite that everyone leaves him with a bit extra. He tries to decline but that doesn’t work which makes the customers want to visit sooner than usual if it meant being served by him.
• Shiro is the baker of the shop, Rock always wants to hang in the back so he can learn to bake just like him. Shiro is able to create the most delicate of desserts which leave many leaving compliments to the chef which fuels Shiro’s drive to create even more baked goods than normal. Rock loves to be the taste tester to new recipes he learns.
• Momoko loves the idea of holiday themed events they throw in the cafe. She lives seeing how happy her customers and her workers get so lively and smiling when they do these events. Momoko loves being able to dress a bit more freely than usual.
• Mitsuru is Momoko’s personal assistant that makes sure everything is following according to her plan. Though he teases her about her apparent crush on the accountant Hajime. Sometimes he drops hints here and there to just mess with her. Momoko murders him behind closed doors and everybody knows to avoid her office for an hour.
• Hakuryuu (Shiro’s cat) and Kuu (Hajime’s cat) usually sit around the entrance to the cafe and guard the tip jars and provide customers a nice pleasant meow and purr. If customers want to let them, they can if Haku and Kuu let that happen.
• Mitsuru loves helping Momoko decorate the cafe and even picks weird and nice new music that strangely works with the holiday feel of the cafe and it’s workers. Mitsuru sometimes hijacks the sound system to go rogue and play something with a crazy beat to “liven the place up”.
• Trois is the one to go to fix the coffee and espresso machine when things are in the fritz. He loves being able to work on the machines and work at the register (he’s a great cashier). Everyone depends on Trois to always be there to fix any problem that arises - he is more than eager to fix the problem. Trois actually decided to create the machines in the cafe.
• Honey is great server, that many leave their numbers with the tips they shower him with, but this causes some clashes between him and Uno. Uno brings out Honey’s temper so their schedules are arranged to never be at the same time. Uno loves to compete with Honey on how many people flirt with them and how much tips they’ve earned. Honey usually wins except for that one time Uno beat him and rubs it in his face.
• Jyugo is super awkward when serving customers. He is slightly clumsy since he can’t carry many things at once so he is usually put in the back to avoid any incidents. Though a few customers like to chat with him but notice he’s always in his little world, so Uno or Nico are always there to save him and steer the attention to something to make the customer happy.
• Nico is shy towards every customer until he gets use to them. When he opens up to certain customers, he’ll chatter with them about manga and video games that are coming out or ones that he has played or enjoyed. Most are older women or teenagers who enjoy talking to him and patting his head like a child. Those who loves talking to Nico leave candy along with their tips so he can get buy more things. Nico always thanks them in a cute way with stars in his eyes and a giant smile (even though he wants to hug them because he’s so thankful).
• Upa doesn’t enjoy being called cute it adorable but blushes whenever a customer compliments him and how much of a hard worker he is. Upa hates blushing because it makes him trip and it doesn’t make it any better when Nico is there to draw more attention to him since when customers see their interactive interactions because they are just adorable together. Some customers requests them to be there servers and to chat with them. Upa sighs but secretly didn’t mind as much than before.
• Qi is the one who picks what tea leaves, flowers and other herbs are used in the cafe’ teas and desserts that lean more towards the healthy side. Qi loves picking out which plants are used in the cafe’s menu. He personally oversees and take care of the garden that is owned by the cafe. He lived being able to nap outside with the garden where no one will bother him. One time one of his plants died, he was sad for a week until Samon got him a new one.
• Liang tries his best to do a good job to impress his manager Samon, but sometimes he’ll be so focused on work that he doesn’t notice the customers’ needs until Samon comes in and saves the day. Liang is extremely respectful to the customers. A few ask him for some life advice when they’re upset since he has some words of wisdom; he comforted a customer who became a regular since Liang’s advice helped them with their problem.
• Samon is one of the managers that gets into fights with Hajime when it comes to budget and work schedules. Samon works at the cashier and is a barista, next to Kiji and Kenshirou, and is a nimble worker who loves to create extra sugary iced coffees and serve sugary desserts to the customers. On his breaks he enjoys eating absurd amounts of desserts and coffee from the menu - he really likes the ice coffees that have layers upon layers of sugar that could create cavities.
• Kenshirou is the coworker who enjoys working silently, creating a air of mystery that makes the customers request him as a server in order to talk to him and see why he is so mysterious, and he does his job without making much fuss and in a orderly fashion. Kenshirou works as efficiently as possible in hopes of impressing Momoko but she doesn’t notice but he does his best reguardless since he has standards for himself in this line of work.
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villain-in-love · 6 months
At last, a bunch of Liang x Zero headcanons
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⬩ Ah yes, the “Peace Was Never An Option” team.
⬩ It's basically one unemotional, socially unadapted combatant x another unemotional, socially unadapted combatant. Well, "unemotional" if we don’t count sadistic glee for Zero and annoyance/anger for Liang. Wow, what a pair.
⬩ I don’t think these two are familiar with dating customs that are known to most normal people, not just because of the peculiar lifestyles/upbringing, but also because both Liang and Zero were never interested in romance before. In fact, they are still not interested in romance. They are interested in each other, and there is a difference.
⬩ I still have very little idea on how exactly they could meet, but what I can say already is that the first impression was not the best, at least from Liang’s perspective. Zero, on the other hand, fell in love practically at first sight. But it’s ironic how, instead of Trois, Honey, and cell 13 boys, who were all so eager for female attention and happy to finally have a girl around, said “girl” decided that instead she wants the only guy who doesn’t want anything to do with her and overall would rather be left alone.
⬩ At first Liang was mostly just interested in convincing Zero to fight him (just a bit less reckless decision than trying to fight Hajime), because by absolutely refusing to hurt him while delivering injuries to others left and right, she unintentionally injured his ego more than any physical damage could ever do.
⬩ It lowkey made him feel insecure, like, does she see him as fragile? An unworthy opponent? What on Earth did her "I'd hate to hurt you, so stay away" even mean??
⬩ They haven’t seen each other for almost a year after the incident, and the first thing Liang did when they met again was immediately trying to challenge her to a duel and demanding a reason why she refused to fight him back then.
⬩ It was actually pretty funny how for quite some time, most of their interactions inevitably came down to: “Fight me.” “No.”
⬩ At this point Liang was starting to hate her. Until one day she agreed. I went as well as one can imagine because even a martial artist as skilled as Liang cannot compete with this absolute monster.
⬩ The reason Zero refused to fight him is simple – she doesn’t want to hurt or kill the first person that actually made her feel something, especially not before she manages to make sense of this strange phenomenon. And she’s not interested in a fight where she can’t injure or kill. Not to mention, Zero is actually not that great at controlling her own strength and she’s somewhat concerned about possibly slipping and going into the killing mode by a force of instinct.
⬩ One would think that difference in species and very weird age difference would cause problems, but considering that ever since she crawled into existence 8 years ago, Zero was wandering around, exploring, studying, and trying to socialize with humans, she’s practically on the same level of life experience as Liang who dedicated all his 19 years of life to studying martial arts and later working in mafia, where most of the “normal people” he interacted with were his targets. It could have been a "Born Sexy Yesterday" trope, but no, they both are just really weird.
⬩ Because of his lack of any experience with opposite sex and romantic love in general, and because he’s just a tiny bit of a moron (I mean, it’s Nanbaka we’re talking about…), I wonder how much time it would take for Liang to realise that Zero is genuinely into him and her weird attempts at flirting are not just her trying to pick a fight or make him uncomfortable. And then how much time will pass before he realises that he himself caught feelings for her (imagine Liang feeling weirdly nervous and excited when seeing Zero and thinking that he probably just got sick).
⬩ One of the first signs of Liang falling in love with Zero was him starting to ward off other guys from her when they start getting flirty. When asked why, he justifies it by saying that he finds their actions generally inappropriate and embarrassing.
⬩ He also never misses a chance to show off, dragging Zero to the trainings grounds of the Building 5 with him, while actively brainstorming how he can impress a demonic abomination with superpowers. Honestly, he just found another reason to obsess over getting stronger…
⬩ Liang used to be somewhat jealous of Qi because Zero was more enthusiastic about spending time with him and his biology books than sports and trainings with Liang. Until Qi told him that most of the time when they are not talking about science, Zero just talks about Liang non-stop and desperately tries to pry more information about him out of Qi.
⬩ He barely convinced her to spar with him, and it’s more of a challenge for Liang to figure out a way to defeat her (A hard task for a human, but not completely impossible). While she’s not keen on the idea of fighting him, Zero still thinks it’s beneficial for Liang to try and fight stronger opponents, so he could further improve his strategy and creative thinking, and not just pure skill.
⬩ If we’re being honest, personally for Zero their sparrings feel more like a dance than a fight (and that’s probably the closest you could ever get to these two dancing together).
⬩ Love is stealing each other’s combat moves.
⬩ It took some time for him to open up, as using techniques from his past is not something he likes, but Zero was truly delighted to see Liang fight dirty and use that vicious fighting style he was taught in mafia.
⬩ Liang is a bit annoyed and envious because while she doesn’t even train, Zero will always be leagues stronger than him just because she got lucky and was born as supernatural creature.
⬩ He will still try to convince her that she should do some training, because if he puts his personal feelings of being annoyed at such unfair power imbalance aside, he really wants to see just how much more powerful she could get if she tried and realised her full potential.
⬩ And so Liang’s interest in her strength and Zero’s love for experiments collided, resulting in Liang proceeding to come up with increasingly more ridiculous ways to challenge Zero and her abilities, and so our long-suffering guards ended up forced to keep an eye on these two, so that they won’t accidentally destroy the entirety of building 5.
⬩ Liang would die before he makes a first move romantically, though. He generally has no idea what he’s supposed to do in this situation, the only thing he knows is to not listen to any word Qi has to say on that matter.
⬩ Qi got the memo that his romantic advice is unwanted, but still actively tried to play a matchmaker and make ship happen, because finally, this boy got interested in something other than trainings and combat. Honestly, Qi didn’t think he would live long enough to witness this moment.
⬩ Liang will probably still wait at least another year before trying to actively reciprocate Zero’s advances, because falling for the first girl you befriended is already pathetic enough, and he still has some pride.
⬩ It’s not like Zero is better at communicating her feeling, though, she’s only slightly better because she's physically incapable of feeling embarrassment. When she tried to confess her love to him she said “I have this intense craving for you… It feels almost as if I want to eat you, but not quite.” Which can be scary to hear coming from a cannibal.
⬩ Samon is... lowkey concerned about Liang's friendship with Zero. Building 5 supervisor clearly sees sees her as a danger and possible bad influence.
⬩ In the end, Samon tolerates her for now, but Zero often ends up getting hit or thrown into the walls when he thinks she acts inappropriately towards Liang (not that it would do her any harm, it’s just a little annoying at worst). Though even Liang finds such measures lowkey extreme, as it’s not like he can’t handle himself.
⬩ Zero stays in prison only because Liang is here, and plays nice because she wants to be able to get out of her cell to see him. But when he finally leaves… Nothing can stop her from going after him, and she will do whatever it takes to break out.
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imaginenanbaka · 7 years
Honey react to his crush are good ice skater
·      Let’s be honest: the reasonhe took them ice skating at all was to get touchy-feely while “teaching” hiss/o to skate
·      He’s completely sure of hisabilities as a skater to the point of cockiness, so when his s/o starts iceskating like there’s no tomorrow he’d definitely take a bit of a hit to his ego
·      While he skated with them,he’d try to look cool and show off to them
·      He’d even go so far as totry and learn cool new ice skating moves so he can show them to his s/o andmake them smile
·      If his s/o was wearing askirt, he’d be all over them when they did any wort of spins or jumps (forscience)
·      he’d always be clingy inthe rink, skating right next to them and glaring at anyone who tries to look athis s/o
·      after a long day ofskating, he’d make it a point to snuggle in a warm place (and maybe do more)
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pinktatertots99 · 6 years
Nanbaka for the Fandom ships~
oh boi! i actually re-did my nanbaka ship list recently but new chapters and my imagination have now stirred up an update haha!
qi x liang
momoko x noriko
ikkaku x kojirou
hitoshi x houzuki x seitarou
trois x kaguya x honey
fuji-san x kusatsu
fuji-san x qi x kusatsu
yamato x navarin
kazari x okina
kujyaku x fourth
nijimasu x damian
mao x chikako
taurus x momoko
taurus x youriki
taurus x …any girl tbh.
dread x shin
chikako x dread
kaguya x musashi
kaguya x rock
kaguya x uno
kiji x ahato
kiji x ahato x ruka
ruka x enki
ikkaku x uno
honey x trois
upa x nico
rock x nico
rock x uno
uno x jyugo
jyugo x zakuro
youriki x hitoshi
rokuriki x hitoshi
musashi x kenshirou
tsukumo x musashi
hajime x mitsuru
kenshirou x momoko
samon x inori *hides*
dread x kenshirou
musashi x hitoshi
elf x the doctor
manji x ikkau (….sinny made me ship this.)
noriko x enki (mostly in aus where ikkaku’s their kid. idk why it’s just the only time i ship em.)
noriko x seitarou (my mind was bored and came up with this.)
six x the doc (bored mind.)
six x yakuno (….blame sinny again.)
manji x yakuno (my mind…blame it.)
tomato x trash can (boi lost his shipping chances with mao and chikako. nyeh!)
any ship i didn’t mention i either don’t ship or casually find it okay but not a ship i’d ship (if that makes sense haha.)
now honorable mentions to oc ships and self insert ships! i’d list em all but there’s so many haha. so this goes out to ALL OF THEM! same thing to crossover ships haha.
as for guilty pleasures…i made a list of them last time. i’m not repeating it.
here’re the other ship lists i’ve done before (just cause i like showing them off):
not much changed haha.
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feitanswife · 7 years
Day three- brotp
Wise guy
Summary: dual-story! Checking another piece off the long Shotgun Verse to-do list and fulfilling a Nanbaka Week prompt!  This one was either relationship or brotp and I went with the cutest bros to ever bro, Seitorou and Nico! Also this is a story about Nico getting his wisdom teeth removed, and discovering that needles aren’t the only medical thing he’s afraid of. And I’m also projecting real hard because basically this is what happened to me. I’m petrified of medication don’t blame me it’s basically drilled into us in this state like some kind of anti-everything cult.
              Nico was crying, gauze stuffed in his creeks, looking hypothetically cute, but more pity inducing than anything else.
              “H-Hajime” the muffled voice calls out, “don’t weave me hewre awone! I’m gonna die!”
              Hajime pushes him gently off, “you won’t die Nico, it’s just a half dose of pain medication, you literally could not be more careful if you tried.”
              “But… But… it’s inside me!”
              “and? You take worse shit daily!”
              Nico slunk to the floor, sobbing. No one could make out the words he was trying to say anymore.
              Rock pulled Hajime to the side, “listen man, I can explain. It’s an American thing. Especially in the city where we grew up, that word printed on that bottle? That… we don’t even say it. It’s like that old saying, ‘speak of the devil and he shall appear’. That shit’s a death sentence in pill form. There is no coming back from that. If it doesn’t kill you directly it’ll starve you by siphoning your money until you lose everything.”
              “maybe in a higher dosage, it’s 75% Tylenol what they gave him. And he only took a one when the thing said two pills.”
              Rock shook his head, and clenched his jaw before sighing, “It’s still scary, even for someone like Nico, not to mention the anesthesia hasn’t completely worn off, he’s going to get emotional. Just… please don’t force him to take them. If the pin gets bad enough he will, but for now just let him take the standard Tylenol.”
               Hajime threw his hands up, “fine, whatever, but I’m going home. I have a pregnant fiancée to take care of!”
              Nico had stopped crying, “I-I’m sowry Rovk, if I didn’t have this stupid allergy to Ibu…ibe… that thing, we wouldn’t have had to get the alternative ones.”
              Rock helped Nico back into the recliner, “Nico, it’s fine, you’re fine. You head what hajime said, that only made up ¼ of the pill, and you only took a ½ dose. And from here on out you don’t have to take any more unless you want to. I’ll leave them here, in case you need them. Seitorou will be here in a minute, and he’ll keep you safe!”
              Nico had sat watching food network for a while until Seitorou wandered in with a shopping bag.
              “Ah, there you are! Hajime said I was going to be watching you tonight. Are you doing better?”
              Nico shrugs, but pointed to the pile of used up gauze on the table next to him.
              “Yeah, you always have been a bleeder. I bought some extra gauze just in case. Do you think you’re up to eat something?”
              Nico removed some gauze to talk somewhat normally, “tongue’s still numb but I am hungry.”
              They managed to get some jello into Nico’s stomach, but he didn’t look satisfied.
              “tummy feels bad.”
              Seitorou furrows his brow, “your stomach? Did you take an medicine?”
              “half dose of that- had a panic attack after.”
              Seitorou picked up the bottle Nico had pointed to and read over it, grimacing, “oh wow, I guess with your allergies they didn’t have much of a choice. But this probably could upset your stomach, even at a half dose. But you’re half way through the time so at a half dose it should wear soon. Are you planning on taking more of these? Or do you want to try with just the normal ones for a while?”
              “Normal.” Nico murmurd, “Hajime got mad though.”
              “Well he’s not too well versed in American drug culture, so he probably thought you were being overly dramatic. But Rock explained it to me before I came it. Anyway, enough about pills and culture, why don’t we watch some anime? I never did get around to watching that one that came out last November that everyone loved to much.”
              Nico’s face lit up even though he couldn’t smile. Seitorou didn’t know what he was missing!
              Several hours later, they sat crying happy tears in the dark lounge, Nico’s head resting against Seitorou’s shoulder. The dramatic near-death of the main character’s beloved pet and eventual tearful reunion between the love interests was just too much to bear. It was Nico’s third watch, but it still got him every time. Or maybe it was the sleep deprivation and lack of proper sustenance. Hard to eat anything when you can only open your mouth an inch or so.
              He had wanted to sleep but he kept thinking the gauze would fall out of place and he’d choke on it. It was a rational fear! But he couldn’t take it out to sleep because A. he’s still bleeding after like ten hours, B. having it out hurt for some reason, and C. although he hadn’t fully read the instructions, it sounded like something he wasn’t supposed to do.
              And apparently if you somehow screw this up, it’ll ruin your life forever, according to the internet.
              So instead they decided to Re-watch One Punch Man for like the fifth time and hopefully be lulled to sleep by the sounds of breaking bones and explosions.
              It worked. Somehow.
              Day two was fine, not much happened.
              But day three, oh god day three.
              Day three is the worst, lemme tell you.
              Nico sat, the bottle of pills in his hand, jaw throbbing like Saitama himself had just socked him right in the face. It was excruciating, and it had begun to swell and bruise a dark, ugly yellow.
              Go to a mirror and puff out your creeks as hard as you can. Now imagine that it looked like you just lost a fistfight with god. Combine those images. And you have Nico’s current predicament.
              At least it had stopped bleeding? But it still felt better to have the gauze supporting his jaw.
              Seitorou had stepped out to go to the bathroom, and Nico knew this was his only chance. He had just downed a bowl of terrible chicken soup and a jello cup, meaning he was more than set for the nausea to come.
              But… maybe he’d do a one-fourth dose, just in case.
              He had to swallow his pride before the pill, but he managed it before Seitorou returned.
              And the regret was immediate. His knees went immediately week, the room spinning more than it already had been in his weakened state. He dropped to the floor next to the mirror he used to help take the pills while he couldn’t open his mouth like he normally would. He’d cry, but with how much it hurt to do anything, it likely wasn’t a solid idea.
              Seitorou had returned then.
              “Nico! Nico what happened?” his voice was high, trembling.
              “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I couldn’t take it!” Nico cried, handing over the bottle and pill cutter, “it hurts too much.”
              Seitorou kneeled next to Nico’s trembling form, hushing him gently, “you’re okay, you survived the first one right? And this one’s even less.”
              “but I can’t Sei! I can’t!”
              Seitorou took his hand, “Yes you can. The doctor wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, you know that. Come on, lets go back to the couch and watch something, to take your mind off it. How about we check out a show Hitoshi recommended to me? It’s a magical girl show themed around princesses and apparently it’s really good.”
              There was around 50 episodes of it, so they’d easily be busy watching for the rest of the recovery time at least. And it really was a good series. It was unique, nothing like the rest of it’s franchise, but it brought a fresh spin to the concept and the execution was just great. It was the sort of show that reminded the viewer why they jumped down the anime rabbit hole in the first place.
              And, as Seitorou had so expertly predicted, Nico was quickly and surely distracted.
              It had taken five days for Nico to be up and about at all, even though the surgeon had estimated he’d be back in his cell in four, tops. But Seitorou had been glad to spend the extra time with him, as there really was no need to watch the halls these days. Everyone, even the prisoners, were too focused on the wedding to cause mischief.
              An when Seitorou was finally tore away from his coddling/anime binge session, something just didn’t feel right about returning to his post.
              “don’t tell me you’re getting attached to the kid now.” Hajime grumbled.
              “w-well he’s really not that bad Hajime!”
              “still, you’re a prison guard! And regardless of how ridiculous his circumstance is, he cant just be your friend like that!”
              Seitorou frowned, “and what makes you say that? Your future wife doesn’t seem to have much of an issue with it.”
              They both turned to Momoko, who was reading through some mail, “what? Don’t drag me into your fight. It’s hardly my business what Seitorou does with his free time as long as he doesn’t cause any trouble.”
              Seitorou grinned smugly, “you know, he even gave me a nickname~”
              Hajime’s head hit the table so hard it cracked.
(A/N: hey, if you’re curious about the rest of this crazy AU then check out the Nanbaka tag on ao3, you’ll find my incomplete mess of fics there! i swear i’m going to be publishing new chapters of both Who I Am and Shotgun itself the minute this week of prompts ends! and when I finish Who I Am, i’m going to start on the Honey and Trois mini arc... or maybe the Rock and Liang mini arc? idk i’ll see where my muse takes me.) 
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iamapoopmuffin · 5 years
Victims With Numbers
Fandom: Nanbaka/Corpse Party (crossover) Genre: Horror Characters: Hajime Sugoroku, Samon Gokuu, Kiji Mitsuba, Kenshirou Yozakura, Jyugo, Uno, Nico, Rock, Tsukumo, Liang, Upa, Qi, Honey, Trois, Musashi, Sachiko Shinozaki, Ryou Yoshizawa, Yuki Kanno, Tokiko Tsuji, Yoshikazu Yanagihori, Yoshie Shinozaki, Takamine Yanagihori, some OCs to take the role of Kizami later on instead of actual Kizami Includes major character death. Chapter 2 of ?
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Something seemed different when they got out into the hall. Like the holes in the floor were in different places now. Weird, but Honey figured he was probably imagining it. Besides, it still smelled of piss and mould. The two set to finding an exit, heading out to look for some stairs. The view out the window told them at the very least that they were on an upper floor, so the front entryway was likely down a flight and hopefully not too far. The halls they passed by were each as old and decrepit as the last, and there wasn't a pretty thing in sight, besides the two of them, of course. It took a few minutes of mindless wandering, but finally they managed to get downstairs and to what appeared to be the entryway. Well, there was a big door, shoe cubbies arranged in neat lines with abandoned footwear lying here and there, and an umbrella stand as well. It looked like the entrance, so the boys stepped over the shoes, clearly children's shoes, and made their way to the door.
"See? I told you we'd find it!" Trois chirped happily as he reached out to tug the door open. Immediately, he frowned. "It seems to be stuck."
"You have got to be kidding." Honey muttered, reaching out himself to help pull. It wouldn't budge even slightly. "The door's locked?!"
"Don't panic. Even if it is locked, there's probably a key around here, or an emergency exit that we'll be able to open from inside. Failing that, like I said before, according to building code at least one window here needs to open. We'll find a way out easily." A smile on his face, Trois went to lead them both away before spotting something in one of the cubbies. "Are these candles?" He asked, as he reached out to grab them. They were short, stubby, white objects partially wrapped in newspaper. At a glance, they did look like candles. "If we find a lighter or matches, we can use these to help light our way. I believe the supervisor of Building 13 smokes, so if we find him, if he's here-" He cut off with a disgusted noise and dropped the candles.
"Those aren't candles."
"They aren't?" Honey looked down to where they had fallen. Trois had unwrapped them as he spoke, and now he could see that each of them had a little red on one end, and a little pink on the other. The pink was glittery, and looked kind of like nail polish. "Oh god! They're fingers!"
"Human fingers. I was holding severed human fingers. That is so unsanitary."
"Those are a girl's fingers, aren't they?"
"I think so."
"Why are there some girl's fingers in the shoe lockers?!"
"I don't know, Honey. We shouldn't stick around here, though. We need to find somewhere for me to wash my hands, and that emergency exit." With that, they wandered back up the stairs, opening classroom doors as they passed. None of them had any obvious exit in place, and they didn't find anything but classrooms until they got to the top floor, where they found the bathrooms. Trois was delighted, at least. In he marched to wash his hands, and Honey reluctantly went with him. At least if there was running water, he could get something to drink.
The bathrooms stank. Stale urine, clogged drains full of murky water and hair, bugs skittering over the dirty porcelain. When Trois saw the bugs, he backed up from the faucet, looking strangely pale. Well, Honey was always in charge of getting rid of any bugs that made it into their cell, so he was at least a little bit aware that Trois didn't like the nasty little things. Honey turned the tap. It was stiff and rusted, but it turned. Only, no water came out when it did. Not a trickle, not a drop. It looked like all the water that had ever been in the plumbing system was now in the nasty brown puddles in the basins. He tried the other taps as well, to no avail. God damn it, he was thirsty!
"We could collect rain water from an open window." Trois suggested helpfully.
"Right." Honey muttered, stepping back and letting him support him again.
"We ought to check the classrooms in more detail. Actually go inside them and search around. Of course, a lot of them were very dark, so some actual candles would be useful...and we haven't been to the east side of the building yet. There could be something useful over there."
"Right." He repeated. Trois was being oddly positive, and for some reason it was starting to tick Honey off. Before heading back down, Trois suggested they tried the taps in the girls' bathrooms, but of course they didn't work either.
The first classroom they stepped into was darker than the one they'd woken up in, and something about it felt wrong to Honey, but Trois could see a cabinet in the corner and wanted to go check it out, certain there would be something helpful inside. They crossed about halfway to the cabinet before Honey saw something that made him freeze. It was a body, slumped in a chair, nothing but bone and a school uniform. His sudden stop and the intake of breath caught Trois' attention, and he followed his gaze.
"Is that...real?"
"I can't tell. I hope not. It can't be, can it?"
"The fingers were real." Trois went over to get a closer look. "It's real."
"How can you even tell?!"
"Just trust me on this. She couldn't have been much older than fifteen." He seemed to examine the hole in the girl's skull, and Honey looked away. After a moment, he heard Trois cross to the cabinet and try and open it, and then a sound of disappointment. "I can't see anything but hair and dead insects. It's disgusting." And then, he gasped. Honey's head shot up, and Trois was looking back at the body. Only...no, he wasn't looking at the body, he was looking past it, at the opposite corner of the room. Honey followed his gaze, and saw the little girl, no older than seven, crouched in the corner and staring right at him. She didn't look well. Her eyes were dull, and her skin had a grey tint to it, and it looked like there was a blue light around her. "What the fu-?"
He didn't get another sound out before Trois grabbed him by the collar and yanked him hard to the door.
"Trois, what the hell was that for?!" He snapped, as soon as he could breathe again.
"I just got a really bad feeling from that ghost."
"Ghost?" Honey didn't really believe in ghosts, but he had to admit, looking at that girl, he had felt a cold chill down his spine. It hadn't felt right in that room, after all.
"Ghost, yes. I think if we see another one, it's best to avoid it."
Honey nodded uncertainly. "Who do you think the girl was?" He asked as they limped towards a flight of stairs.
"I'm not sure, but I got a bad feeling from her."
"She was a kid."
"A dead kid."
"What the hell is wrong with this pl-" Honey cut off with a shriek as his ankle gave out with a snap. He went pitching down the stairs, only to be caught by his companion before he could go for a hard tumble. "Fuck, fuck, god!" He managed, clinging to Trois for support.
"It's okay, Honey. Sit down. Let me see your leg."
"It fucking hurts!"
"I know. Hold still." Trois removed Honey's shoe as gently as he could. "It's quite swollen. Hopefully that crack wasn't the bone breaking. If we get to another classroom, you could sit at one of the desks-"
"What if they have bodies in them?"
"You'll just have to deal with it. A dead body can't hurt you."
"What about the ghosts that you have bad feelings about? Trois, I am not going into another damn room with a kid's corpse in it!"
Trois scowled. "Fine. Maybe we can find an infirmary or a nurse's office, or a teacher's lounge. Somewhere for you to rest, anyway."
"I promise." He stood and helped Honey up, continuing to support him as they went to explore the rest of the school.
True to his word, Honey refused to enter any other classrooms, despite Trois' complaints that he was impeding their progress. The longer they stayed in this place that was filled with death, the more anxious and angry Honey felt himself getting, and his companion's complaints were definitely not helping. He could feel his short-fuse temper getting closer and closer to blowing, and the bodies made him feel worse. What if there was someone abducting all these people and killing them? What if that was how they ended up there? Sure, a lot of the bodies were old and bleached, but some were fresh, recently deceased, just like the one they found in the hallway.
They first noticed the smell. Of course, all the bodies had smelled, but there was something really strong about this smell. A metallic smell. If you'd ever had to dissect a body part in a science class, you might know the kind of thing. The smell of the bucket of hearts or whatever else that the teachers wanted you to cut open, giving an overwhelming bloody stench. When they turned the corner, they saw it. The remains of a person, decorating the wall right before them. Honey gagged, covering his mouth and nose as Trois stared at the body in shock.
"This was a person." He whispered in what Honey hoped was horror. "An actual human body." The whole thing was a red mess. Blood, bone and guts splattered over the wall, ceiling and floor. The person it used to be was unrecognisable. No face, no recognisable features of any kind. Wet and dripping and wretched. It was the most gruesome thing Honey had ever seen. Retching, he stumbled back as far as Trois' hold on him would allow. The Frenchman tightened his hold and tried to urge him forward.
"Come on, Honey, just don't look at it and keep walking."
"Stop, I don't want to go this way!"
"There's an infirmary through here, I can see the sign! Just a little further and you can rest your leg. We might even be able to find something to splint you."
After a moment's thought, Honey gave ground, and heard a squelching sound. Trois looked down, and found his foot planted firmly over the body's intestine.
"You stepped in it!"
"There's blood on my shoe. Honey, do you have a tissue?"
"That was disgusting. It was like...the way it gave way, the squelching sound-"
Honey retched again. "Stop! Shut the fuck up!" He managed when he was sure he wasn't going to throw up.
"Sorry...come on, let's get your foot seen to."
The infirmary itself was okay. No dead bodies or blood stains. Two beds, some cabinets full of medical supplies, an old space heater they couldn't light and some matches (if only those 'candles' had actually been candles). Another sink was in one corner, and as with all the others, it didn't work. Trois made him sit on the edge of the bed while he rifled around the cabinets. He came over a moment later with some bandages and what looked like a stick of wood.
"There." Trois chirped happily. "All better."
Honey had to admit that he'd done a pretty good job at stabilising his ankle. It actually did feel better. "Thanks, Trois." Was all he said before lying back on the bed.
"Shuffle over a little. I'd like to lie down as well."
He did as told, and the two lay side by side, staring at the ceiling.
"How long do you think we've been here?" Honey asked after a moment.
"I'm not sure. I think dinner's been and gone though."
"Yeah. M'hungry."
"Same. And thirsty."
Honey shifted in place, placing his head near Trois' shoulder. "Do you think anyone else is here? Anyone from the prison, anyone alive..."
"I'm not sure. We haven't seen anyone, have we?"
"I don't know if we're completely alone."
"I hope not. But, I don't want to be in here with some utter psycho. Plus, people like Uno will just be freaking out."
"I get what you mean. Poor guy."
"Mm." They went quiet for a bit, staying there, side by side.
Then they heard the scream. Trois sat bolt upright. "Was that Uno?"
"It sounded like Uno." Honey muttered, frowning. "I mean, we know what him screaming sounds like."
"It was from upstairs." He got up off the bed. "I'll go look for him." Only, a hand around his wrist stopped him.
"Wait, I'm coming too."
"No, you're hurt. Just stay here and look after yourself. I'll just be a moment, I promise. I'll look around upstairs, but if I can't find him within a few minutes, I'll run right back here."
"You sure?"
"Trust me, I don't want to be alone in here any more than you do, but I doubt Uno wants to be alone either. Maybe he's just seen one of the dead bodies."
"I'll be back before anything bad can happen."
"You'd better be."
Trois nodded and gave him a wave before leaving the infirmary, shutting the door gently behind him. Honey placed his hands behind his head with a sigh. At least having Uno with them would be useful for something, if Trois could find him. He shut his eyes, allowing himself to relax a little. Trois was right, he needed to rest.
Somewhere in the distance, he heard a bell toll. It sounded like a clock. The first sign of the passage of time, beyond his grumbling stomach and growing fatigue. Damn it, this sucked. They'd better find that emergency exit soon, especially before they ended up like that body just outside...actually, maybe it was a good thing his stomach was empty. The thought alone of that body could have him throwing up profusely if he was full. That would be embarrassing. It was colder here as well, now Trois wasn't right next to him. Not that he would ever express that thought out loud.
He was snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of laughter. Children's laughter. Only, unlike the bell, this sounded like it was right beside him. He turned his head to look, or at least he tried to, but he found he couldn't move. All he could do was strain his eyes trying to look around. The laughter continued, but he couldn't see any children nearby. He did see a flash of red to his other side, and when he looked that way it looked like blood was oozing down the wall. This was actually terrifying. Well, it would be one thing if all this was happening around him and he could move, but no matter how much his mind screamed at him to get out of that bed, his muscles didn't so much as twitch. He couldn't even open his mouth to call for help. The next sound to assault his ears was the sound of scratching, like pen on paper. There had been a notebook on the desk, he remembered, but they'd not given it much thought at all. They'd been preoccupied with Honey's worsening injury. Was someone in here with him? He'd not heard anyone come in, but he may have dozed off after Trois left. He couldn't see anyone, and he couldn't speak to ask. It was so cold, and he had no idea what was going on. He just knew he had no way to defend himself against whatever was in here with him.
A chair moved. He saw it out of the corner of his eye, and then he heard the voice. A woman's voice.
"Let's all go on a trip over the summer vacation." She said, to which a chorus of children's voices agreed quite happily. There was someone here in the room with him, definitely, but he couldn't see her.
He at least hoped she would be hot.
The chair moved over to his bedside, and he watched it approach. No-one there. And the woman's voice again, closer now, like it was coming from the chair. "Sacchan...have you come to find me?" This was so freaky. He couldn't see her at all, and of course had no idea who 'Sacchan' was...though Tsukumo's story had mentioned a female staff member who died and her missing daughter, hadn't it? Was this the murderous teacher ghost?
No, of course not. Honey didn't believe in that sort of stuff at all, it was ridiculous to even think it as a possibility. This was all some kind of sick prank that Building 13 was pulling on them, and when it was over and done with, they would be hearing from his lawyers. They were probably watching from somewhere and having a good laugh. Only...that didn't make sense either. Unless this place really was underneath the building, but then what about what was out the window? He couldn't make sense of any of this and now his mind was going a mile a minute and he had to admit at least to himself that he was panicking.
Then the spirit appeared. It wasn't a hot lady, it wasn't even recognisable as a lady. It was a thick, black smoke in a vaguely human shape, with shining red eyes, sat calmly in the chair. It reached out one creepy arm towards him, and called out that name again. 'Sacchan'.
Upstairs, Trois still hadn't found Uno. He didn't think he'd been gone that long, but he had to admit, being alone in here was unnerving. He was doing a quick sweep of the upper floors, jogging but not running, keeping his eyes and ears peeled as he called out for Uno. He had to be somewhere nearby, this had to be where he'd heard that scream coming from. He was considering turning back and returning to the infirmary when he turned the corner and saw the figure slumped in the chair. It was mostly in the shadows, and they had their back to him, but he could just about make out the long, blond braid trailing down over the floor.
"Uno?" He called uncertainly as he drew closer, slowing to a walk now. The body in the chair was very still, unnaturally so. That wasn't a good sign. Plus, it wasn't even Uno to begin with. The person's hair was blonde, just blonde, no other colour in sight, unless that was a trick of the light, or lack thereof. So why was he still walking towards them? "Are you okay?" He heard himself asking as he reached out to tap the person on the shoulder. His touch caused the body to overbalance and fall. Well, the top half, anyway. The person's top half had come away from the bottom, and it looked like the body had been there for a while. There was something oozing from it and he didn't think it was blood, but whatever it was, it was on his hand now and he needed to find somewhere to wipe it off, urgently. His clean hand, or relatively clean, anyway, since he still hadn't been able to wash up after touching the severed fingers, came up over his mouth and nose as he backed away, only to step on something hard. A bone. No, there was still flesh attached, but it looked like it had been eaten away. It took a lot more effort than he'd have liked to swallow back the scream bubbling up in his chest. They needed to get out of here, and soon. He jogged back the way he came, aiming to get back to the infirmary before anything could happen to him.
Honey couldn't breathe. The smokey figure was thick and heavy, and baring down hard on his chest. His lungs didn't have any room to expand, and the smoke flowing into his nose and forcing open his jaw to dive down his throat meant there was no way he'd be able to get any air. He was choking. He couldn't see past the smoke. His consciousness was fading out and everything hurt, everything burnt. This was it. This was how he was going to die. Hadn't Trois promised he would be back before anything bad could happen? Where was he? Why was he about to die alone and scared in this nasty old room? He'd said they would get out of there together, so where was he?
Why was he just giving up? Why couldn't he move? Why couldn't he even twitch? Was it fear locking him up like this, or was it something about this room, about these spirits? This thing that was attacking him...
Another scream filled his ears, and suddenly he found his limbs obeying him. It was like he had been pinned down by something, and the scream had attracted its attention. Perhaps he really had dozed off when Trois left and that had all been a nightmare, but once that weight was gone, he sat up, coughing, spluttering, trying to take great gulps of air. He screwed his eyes shut and tried to get his breath back, call out for help, but his throat was so sore now, he could barely raise his voice. But it was fine now, right? That shadowy thing had left him alone. It was all a bad dream.
He wiped his eyes dry before opening them again, and saw the thing right next to the bed still. And he screamed. It reached for him again, and he scrambled off the end of the bed, running right for the door. He had to get out of there before that thing grabbed him again. He managed to get there without falling flat on his face, but the door was covered in something black. Like it was covered in thick, black hair, criss-crossed all over the place. He couldn't even see the handle. He tried to grip the edge of the door and pull, but the hair held it in place. He couldn't open the door. He was trapped in there with that apparition. How the hell was he supposed to get rid of all that hair?
The matches. The matches next to the space heater. He could burn it. He pushed away from the door, and ran right through the ghost, which at least told him it wasn't solid enough to stop him, but even passing through that smoke briefly was awful. It was cold and thick and had him gagging and coughing again. He staggered and fell, gasping as he felt his insides freezing and churning, and crawled towards the heater. His path was blocked by a sudden shoot of what appeared to be flame, but dark. It gave off the heat of a real fire, but at the same time it was like the shadow of a flame...if flame could give off a shadow. He had to get around it, get around to the other side without burning himself or going through that ghost again. As he scrambled up, he at least noticed the damn thing was moving slowly. Sure, with the panic, the obstacles and his injury, he couldn't exactly move at speed himself, but it made it just a bit easier to scrabble past it. He almost knocked over one of the dividing curtains in his rush to get past the desk and cabinets, to get to the small box of matches. It never crossed his mind to search the cabinets for anything else he could use. He wouldn't have had enough time anyway. As it was, in the time it took him to get down and pick up the box, the spirit had moved to follow the path he took, meaning that when he went to pass the desk again, it was right there in the way. With a shriek, he jerked back, and backed right into one of the cabinets.
The sound of the bottles hitting the floor had him looking down long enough to make sure he wouldn't step on any glass or end up flat on his back, and long enough to spot the word 'alcohol' on one of the bottles. Long enough for a thought to spark in his head. Alcohol had more of a chance of catching alight than the dry hair, right? At least, it would burn faster, right? With the fire blocking one path of escape, and the deadly ghost lady blocking the other, and the assumption that neither the alcohol nor the matches would get rid of either threat, he had to think fast, and thinking fast brought him to the conclusion that he could charge through the partitions, use them as a path. When he knocked the curtain over and tried to cross it, another flame erupted, bursting through it and causing him to veer to the side at the last minute. The ghost happily stepped on the curtain, but seemed to speed up as he tried to get his balance back, almost as if trashing the infirmary was pissing it off. Well, good. Screw the stupid thing, as long as its angry, ethereal ass didn't catch him and choke him to death. As he dashed towards the door, he fumbled with the lid of the bottle. Once it was open, he threw it at the door and tried to light a match in a panic.
"Come on!" He yelled, "Light! Just fucking light!"
There! A flame! The hair was alight, the smell just as foul as any other in this building, and as he felt the spirit draw closer, Honey gave in to the panic and grabbed the door, heaving it open. The burning hair gave way as the ghostly hands made another grab for him, and he screamed as the flames seared his flesh, but the door opened and he went sprawling in his rush to leave. He scrambled away from the door, and glanced back to see the spirit hadn't left the infirmary. It stood just past the door, staring at him as he tried to get his breath back.
"I'll kill you"
Not wanting to be near that thing any longer, Honey forced himself to his feet and ran down the hall, only to meet with a sight he didn't want to see again. The body on the wall. He dropped to his knees in front of it and threw up. He threw up until he couldn't bring up any more bile, and continued to dry heave even after that. And then there was a hand on his back and a soothing voice by his ear.
"It's okay, Honey, it's okay." Trois was back. "Take a moment. It's going to be okay."
"How...how can you say that?"
Honey shot a glare at him and pushed him away. "How can you say it's going to be okay? The doors won't open, the windows won't open, this place is full of dead bodies! We can't find a single living person! We are alone in here, and we are never getting out of here alive, you realise that, don't you? Don't you? We're going to die, and nobody will ever find our bodies! They won't even think to look for us! What will we be to them but a couple of escaped convicts? It'll never cross their minds that we were abducted!"
"You're overreacting." Trois assured him with a gentle smile. "I'm certain we'll find a way out of here, and you know the others. They wouldn't just assume we escaped under such suspicious circumstances."
"Bullshit. We wouldn't be a priority. And as for you, where the hell did you go?!"
"I was-"
"Looking for Uno, I know. Well? Did you find him? Obviously not, or he'd be with you now! You said you'd be back before anything happened! You were gone for hours, you stupid ass! That thing in the nurse's office could have killed me! Would you even care? I doubt it, you'd probably pass some stupid snarky comment."
Trois was clearly getting tired of this. He sighed, but plastered another strained smile on his face. "Okay, I won't take this personally. I understand now, you've experienced something traumatic. You're very stressed out. I'd rather you didn't take it out on me, but just take a moment, try and calm down."
"Stop talking like that! You're being so freaking positive, it's creepy! It's like some sick part of you is enjoying this, and you're pissed that I'm not having as much fucked up fun as you are!...You are enjoying this. You must be even more of a psycho than I thought! I bet you wouldn't even care if someone here did die! You'd just find it fascinating, or something creepy like that! Just get away from me!"
Trois let the smile slip away from his face, and Honey knew he'd gone too far. Somewhere in his ranting, he'd managed to strike a nerve. Trois was right. He was spewing venom at him, and it was by no means his fault that he was in such a pissy mood, or that he had just been attacked. He needed to apologise.
"You don't know anything about me." Trois told him in a warning tone. "Besides, I thought you didn't want to be alone."
"I...I...I don't care any more! I'd rather be on my own than with a freak like you! Just get lost!"
That wasn't what he meant to say. His companion nodded and got to his feet.
"I see. I'll go this way, then, and see if I can find anyone else. If you want to come with me, I won't stop you. You don't even have to apologise, just follow. If you really do want to split up and be by yourself for a bit, so be it. Just walk the other way."
Honey listened to his footsteps fade away, then cursed under his breath and walked in the opposite direction.
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