#Honey Nanbaka x reader
hunn1e-bunn1e · 7 months
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Honey - Teaching You How to Play Darts
I apologize for not posting this in a timely manner, this ask was scheduled to be posted after the Kalim ask and I was having a lot of trouble with that one. Anyway, I decided to make this one into a oneshot instead of having it be Headcannons. Thank you for requesting something for Nanbaka, it's one of my favorite animes/mangas at the moment. —Benny🐰
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"Huh? Darts..?"
[Name] asks, tilting his head to the side and making his somewhat long hair sway with the motion.
It was during lunch that Honey, along with Trois, had appeared in front of the eating h/c-ette and suggested playing a game of darts. The purple-pink-haired inmate nodded proudly, taking a seat next to his boyfriend.
"Yes, Darts! You remember the prize for winning inmates at the New Year's tournament?—"
He asked, leaning an arm on the table and receiving a soft nod from [Name].
"—Well, that number eleven from building thirteen had a game room be built there as his prize. They have a few dart boards in there, so I wanted to ask Supervisor Kiji to let us go so I could teach you how to play!"
[Name] raised a brow and set his chopsticks down on the edges of his bowl, pausing to finish his meal in favor of answering his handsome boyfriend. He rested his head on the palm of his hand and closed his eyes shut for a moment, shielding them from the cafeteria's overhead lights.
"Hm. Thirteen's supervisor is okay with sharp objects like darts being in the hands of inmates? Is that even allowed? It sounds irresponsible..."
The h/c-ette mutters, picking up his cup and taking a sip of his tea while reopening his eyes and sending a half-lidded side glance to the man seated next to him.
Honey chuckles and puts an arm around the taller's shoulder, pulling him in close. He leans in and presses a kiss to the corner of his lips; ignoring Trois' catcalling in the background.
"That's true~... but you'll go, yes? For me?"
He hums as he rests his head on the e/c-eyed man's shoulder; bringing his other hand up to play with a few locks of hair.
[Name] lets out a huff from his nose as he narrows his eyes for a second before sighing and gently laying his head on top of Honey's.
"Hm... fine."
He mutters quietly, pressing a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.
"This is the game room? Isn't this a bit... excessive?"
[Name] mutters from his position behind Kiji, Trois, and Honey; a comical sweatdrop slowly going down his head as he observes the room that the four of them had just entered.
The game room was very spacious and welcoming; a large lounge area with wide sofas was occupied by an inmate who seemed to be reading what looked like tonight's dinner menu and another who was taking the plastic off of a couple of card games. Off to the side was a sit-in bar that presumably served nonalcoholic drinks, this is still a prison after all. A few arcade games, one of which being played by a bandaged inmate with green hair, lined the wall, and a nice billiards table stood in the middle of the room.
And, of course, a few dart booths were there, just as Honey had said, sitting just opposite the lounging area.
It was far too grand to be here in a prison in [Name]'s opinion, but this is Nanba we're talking about here. The entire prison island glimmered like a freshly polished diamond, there's not much that seems out of place when it comes to that.
"They're over here, ignore those three and let's get to throwing some darts!"
Honey cheers; breaking h/c-ette from his observation as he takes them by the hand and drags them over to the unoccupied dart booths.
Stopping in front of them, the purple-pink-haired man releases [Name]'s hand and turns to the booth, and squats down, opening the large cabinet doors at the bottom and taking out the needed box of darts and board. He then stands, closing the cabinet and handing the taller the box before fixing the board into place.
"Alright. Now, I want you to show me how you throw; I need to know how good you are first."
The handsome man directed, gently taking the box from the taller's hands and sliding it open to reveal the darts inside.
[Name] sighed quietly, hoping his lover couldn't hear it as he hesitantly pinched a dart between his fingers and nervously took aim at the board. He threw a few glances at Honey, each time receiving an encouraging nod back before he finally threw it;—
—it was way off. Sticking out of the printed three and ever so slowly slipping out before it clattered onto the hard wooden lip that sat atop the cabinet.
Honey chuckles from beside the h/c-ette; taking out another and holding it beside his face, just about eye level before handing it off to the taller and gesturing for him to try again.
[Name] huffs as he replicates his boyfriend's movements and prepares to throw the dart once again before you're stopped by Honey as he sets the box to the side and makes his way behind him.
"Move this leg forward just a bit and when you throw, don't let your wrist go limp."
The shorter directs from behind, resting his hands on the e/c eyed's waist after he corrects their posture.
[Name] hummus as he glances back at his lover with lightly warmed cheeks before turning his focus back to the board.
Following the earlier example and directions he was given, the h/c-ette aims the board, holding the dart at eye level before throwing it forward.—
—Ending up just three inches shy of the bullseye in the middle.
"Good job, Baby! I knew you could do it!"
Honey cheers from his new place in front of [Name] before he wraps his arms around their waist and stands on his toes to place a loving kiss on their lips.
The taller looks away with burning cheeks before their moment is interrupted by the loud exclamations of the surrounding inmates and two supervisors that they seemed to have forgotten about. Well, barring Trois of course, he only gave the two a thumbs up and a smirk before turning back to the billiards table.
They turned the rest out; though they could faintly hear the loud questions from building thirteen's cell thirteen and the screams of building thirteen's supervisor towards their own.
What a day.
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short-black-diamond · 11 months
I finished reading your fic to my request and it was really fun!! Although what I had in mind was different, it was still fun! I really like how it really matches the vibe :DD
But I'm here to explain the nanbaka reverse au: so basically there's like this one picture I found of cell 13 wearing different guards' outfit so I went like "Oh my god what if the guards and prisoners had a reverse role" like it would be so cool
That's my whole thought process :]
- 🍰nom
Naaaw, now I wanna see that pic too... Anyways, my precious 🍰nom, I'll start with headcannons and then I will just recreate one of the scenes if that's alright with you, okay?
Warnings: Nanbaka on crack, hopefully funny scenes, swearing
Don't let your guard down!
To be honest, Hajime didn't even deserve to be here
He was just minding his business when all of a sudden, some drunk guy came to him and punched him
And that's how he somehow ended up here, in Nanba
Nanba as itself was nice, but the inmates as well as the guards there were a bit stupid
For example there was one building, where apparently two "handsome" guards, aka Trois and Honey, went to events for who was the most pretty person, along with their "handsome" inmate, Kiji Mitsuba
why were there even events for handsome prisoners and guards??
Or when he saw a blue haired woman who glared at him?
Hajime always shuddered when he thought about her glare.
Then there was his old friend, Mitsuru Hitokoe who was way too loud, and even though Hajime held him somwhat dear to him, he was glad he didn't have to share a cell with him.
but when looking at his own guards?
No thanks
Hajime didn't like this. One. Bit.
Why couldn't he just chill in his own cell? He could've been more productive. He'd even share a cell with the monkey inmate, Samon Gokuu. At least he could fight against him...
But here? In cell 13?
Nah, everything was shit.
He had to share his precious cell with the crybaby Seitaro Tanabata, who got bullied by the four guards who were supervising this building. The other cellmate was Yamato Godai, who was eerily fond of training his body and tormented his it with a sunshine face.
Yeah, Hajime didn't get why or how these two guys could end up doing a crime that they'd end up here in Nanba, but oh well.
"Hajime~!", Uno's voice echoed, and Hajime 'Tsk!'ed only at the approaching footsteps of the young guard. "Did ya miss us~?"
"Hell no. Now leave me alone.", he only grumbled, facing the door with his back.
Uno only chuckled before he started speaking again. "A special inmate would like to speak to youuuuu!"
Hajime only had a vague idea of who it might be.
Samon? Maybe. Or that dog like guy...what was his name?
Yakuza...yokai...Ah! Yozakura Kenshirou!
"Who is it?", he only asked impatiently before he got dragged out. Uno was humming happily ahead while Hajime was thinking of a way to escape or at least go back to his cell, but Uno's grip was terrifyingly strong.
"Say...where's the rest of you? You know, Jyugo, Nico and Rock?"
"They are speaking to her. That's why I'm dragging you there as well, you know? To be honest, it should've been one of the others to take you there. She was so pretty!"
All Hajime heard was Uno's annoyingly high pitched voice as the guard described the girl to him. Hajime had a feeling that he knew that girl all too well.
When they finally arrived the cell, tick marks appeared on Hajime's temple and neck.
"What the hell are you doing here?!", the inmate yelled, but got hit by Rock.
"Hello Hajime!", the person on the other end of the visiting room greeted.
The guards looked back and forth between the blonde and the bald one.
"So what gives? You said you didn't have a girlfriend Haji-"
"Don't change the subject!", the inmate yelled.
"That's his girl? Ah, there's no way.", Rock said.
"Out of his league.", Uno stated.
"You catch her at a low point?", Nico asked.
"You freaking punks-", Hajime started, but got interrupted by the blonde.
"Big brother, who are all these boys?", the relative asked, and the guards repeated the words "big brother" in an asking manner.
"Oh so are these your friends?"
"Like hell they are!"
The blonde haired person then looked at the guards with a smile. "Everyone, please take care of my brother."
and they answered with blushing faces. "Sure~!"
However, Jyugo had a question. "What's the deal Hajime? You never told us you had a sister."
Undo chimed in, again with his high pitched voice. "It's also kinda rude that you haven't untroduced us yet!"
"Her dress is adorable!", Nico complimented the blonde.
"Almost as cute as her.", Rock said while averting his eyes.
"He's my brother.", Hajime only said.
"This is my little bro-ther.", Hajime pronounced.
His brother smiled. "Hitoshi Sugoroku."
And then the guards lost it. They all screamed and Uno asked Jyugo something weird. "You said you liked boys too, right, Jyugo?!"
And he just nodded. "Yep, I did."
Hajime just couldn't with these idiot guards.
Hello again! I hope this was okay, I didn't really know what else to write, so this is it for now! Tbh it was kinda short in my opinion...
Please write in the comments how you found it, and yeah!
Read you in the next post!
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ljdoublecc · 8 months
(F/F) and Honey
Honey X Reader
(F/F) -  Favorite Flavor
"Why am I wearing this stupid costume?!" Hissed a violet-headed boy whose hair turned into tiny arrows at his best friend (Y/N).
It was that time of year again where it was acceptable to wear costumes of any kind and people can get candy from strangers by saying the magical phrase "trick or treat!" Yes, it was Halloween and the two little friends were excited. 
Every year, they wore costumes that complemented the other's like the year prior where she dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and Honey was the Big Bad Wolf.  It gained them many treats when they did it and this year was not going to be different. Except, (Y/N) wanted to pick out the costumes. Which Honey was okay with until now. She had decided on a flavor-themed costume and what flavor did she choose for her dear bestie Honey? Why, honey of course! Though he was not pleased with the attire.
At the moment, he was irritated with the Winnie the Pooh style honey pot costume that she had forced him to wear the moment he walked into her house.
"Oh, come on, Honey!" Teeny (Y/N) whined in her very own flavor costume, (F/F), “ that costume is perfect for you! Maybe even meant for you!”
“Oh really?” He commented with sarcasm and an eye roll but she ignored it.
“Yes!” She exclaimed walking over to him and slipping her hand into his,” your name is Honey after all. Besides...” She leaned over to peak his cheek rapidly leaving Honey stunned.  
“You taste like honey!”
“Then,” Honey returned the favor when he regained his senses, he kissed her cheek,” you taste like (F/F).”
(Y/N) smiled bashfully at him as he found himself hating the costume a little less than before. With that said and done, the duo walked out of the house hand in hand as…
(F/F) and Honey
****End of FlashBack****
You sighed with exasperation as you sat in Building 13th’s mess hall picking at the delectable slice of cake that was given to you and your friends courtesy of Shiro. Sadly, you couldn’t enjoy the pastry but not because it wasn’t up to par with his usual creations, far from it. You were simply irritated with the morning’s events.
You were sound asleep laying on your fiance, Honey when Kiji barged into the cell and he made you three get up at an ungodly hour--you thought it was at least. You all opted to ignore him, thinking that if he continued his rant long enough you all could sleep a while longer, as you had all done before. The plan was working perfectly...Until Trois started coughing a little and Kiji noticed Honey’s slightly flushed face. You were tossed like a ragdoll off Honey and jerked awake to see Kiji drag the two off to the medical wing. That happened in the morning and now it was dinner time.
Sighing again, you unblocked the noises around you to focus on your friend’s conversation. 
“Jyugo would definitely be vanilla,” Uno stated matter-of-factly.
“Why would I be vanilla?” Jyugo asked with annoyance.
“Because you’re plain and boring,” Uno shot back without hesitation resulting in Jyugo sulking in his seat next to you because he knew that it was true.
Somehow, while you were twitching with furry and worry at that morning’s events your friends had started comparing everyone’s personalities to flavors.
You softly grinned at Jyugo while stroking his back,” aw, don’t be upset that you’re vanilla. It’s the most commonly used flavor and when combined with other flavors it enhances the taste.”
Jyugo stopped sulking momentarily to take in what you had told him. Then, a grin blossomed on his face leading you to believe that he took your words as a compliment--as they were intended to be.
"What flavor would (Y/N) be?" Qi questioned.
"Obviously she would be a spicy flavor," Uno winked at you, earning an eye roll," because of how hot she is." 
"I would have thought because of how intimidating she can be when she is furious," Liang commented and everyone shivered remembering the last time it happened.
"I think she would be a sweet flavor," Nico smiled, gaining an 'aw' from you," because she's so nice."
"And because of the soft spot she has for Nico, Upa, Jyugo, and Honey," Rock added.
"What flavor do you think you are (Y/N)?" Jyugo asked you and the others turned to you to hear the answer.
”I’m honestly not sure.” You tapped your chin in thought.
The discussion was starting up again but was cut short before a definite answer was reached by Kiji. The others and yourself were protesting to allow you to stay longer but Kiji was very convincing.
“I guess Honey will have to wait in the empty cell...all alone,” Kiji faked pity with a solemn look on his face and, to top it all off, a hand on his cheek.
You were quick to hop out of your seat and drag a laughing Kiji away from the other inmates who laughed as well.
****Short Time Skip****
It had been a while since you've got back to the cell and indeed Honey was all alone in the cell. Honey informed you that Trois indeed did have a slight fever. It prevented him from returning and he had to stay. 
Currently, as they waited for curfew they sat next to each other watching a ninja movie with that actor that Honey liked so much, Tsukumo. He was enthralled with the actor on screen but you weren't. Instead, your concentration wandered to the topic of dinner. It sort of bothered you that everyone else had a designated flavor but you. It really shouldn't yet it did!
You sighed with irritation and flopped on the cell floor starfish style in frustration at all the flavor possibilities you could be! Honey took notice at your internal debate and asked with knitted eyebrows.
"What's wrong?"
"It's stupid," you said with a frown, "you'd laugh at me if I told you."
Now it was Honey's turn to sigh, "no I won't, I promise, so now tell me."
Giving in you told him, "okay, at dinner today we got on the topic of what flavor everyone was--well, almost everyone. We never got to me and while I know it sounds silly to be upset not to know what flavor you are it's still bothering me!"
Yup, you were right, Honey would have laughed at you but he reframed from doing so. One, because he promised you he wouldn't and two, even if he hadn't he knew how terrifying you were when angered. He stared at you as your eyes looked at the ceiling with despair, movie long forgotten as he thought of a way to cheer you up. He racked his brain for ideas when a memory from one Halloween came to his mind. He smiled at the sweet, fond memory the two shared and knew what to do. He crawled up to you and obstructed your view of the ceiling as well as snapping you from your thought. 
You gave him a questioning look as he smirked at you. The answer became clear when he kissed you on the lips. You blush having not expected him to do that but returned the kiss all the same. After a moment, he pulled away from the kiss but his breath was still felt on your lips.
Gazing lovingly into your eyes Honey spoke softly, as if not to ruin the moment, "you taste like (F/F)."
"Then," you pecked his lips, "you taste like honey."
They stared at each other with bashful expressions before connecting lips again for an equally loving kiss as before.
That night on Halloween was certainly not the only or last time they were...
(F/F) and honey
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 month
Hello and Thank you for taking this request (Nanbaka x Reader- Childhood Friend)!
If it's okay could you do another one, but different, Y/N's animal companion is a Pheasant (and its personality similar to Kiji).
Supervisor Kiji, and Guards and Inmates from building 3. Can be romatic/platonic
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-Your partner, as he wasn’t your pet, a Japanese Green Pheasent named Emerald, was perched on your shoulder, wearing a mini guard hat, that you made for him, as you were walking down the halls of Building 3, holding a stack of paperwork that you had to deliver to your supervisor, Kiji.
-Emerald was your ‘watch dog’ to put it simply, watching all around you as you were a bit oblivious at times, not paying attention to where you were going.
-Kiji, waiting for your reports, heard you let out a yelp down the hall, followed by a crash before Emerald started squawking while you were comically crying.
-Kiji sighed softly, you were really too much sometimes as he stood, rushing out of his office to see Emerald before you, squawking like he was scolding you as you were picking up the paperwork, sniffling softly.
-He came over to you both, “Did you trip on that first step again?” you couldn’t lie to him, seeing the bandaged lump on your head, again, as you looked like a kicked puppy, “Yes~~”
-He pinched the bridge between his eyes, looking exasperated as both him and Emerald started scolding you, in their own ways, as they led you back to the office. Kiji attended to your wounds, “You need to take care of yourself Y/N- if your lovely skin gets damaged it will lower your stunning beauty!”
-You apologized to him, but he wasn’t really upset with you, as you always seemed to mis that first step leading down into his office.
-Emerald was looking at himself in Kiji’s floor length mirror, posing dramatically, acting so much like Kiji, who openly welcomed it, finding it endearing as your supervisor stood, giving you a small pat on your head before he took the paperwork from you.
-You took Honey and Trois to their doctor’s appointment, the two of them holding your hands, which you allowed since they behaved so well for you, as Emerald was on your head, still nagging at you while you looked like a kicked puppy, which the two inmates thought was rather cute.
-Trois was sympathetic to you, “Did you fall on that first step again?” you nodded, pouting only slightly as the two inmates hugged you in a sandwich hug, lamenting their bad luck, which did make you feel a bit better.
-Despite being spacy and kind of clumsy, you had the four of them, Honey, Trois, Kiji, and Emerald all looking out for you, and you couldn’t help but smile, feeling so cared for.
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snxffer-tv · 10 months
Could I request Kiji (nanbaka) x male guard reader that always wears a clown mask (like the image without the red nose, instead it's just a normal nose) like no one's seen him without it.
https://pin.it/6LTfYpj (the clown mask, but without the red nose)
But without it on he's gorgeous?
For his personality I'm thinking he barely speaks but when he does he speaks in riddle's, oh and he laughs and giggles at lot, he sometimes just starts randomly laughing or giggling, btw he can be mean (he's barely ever actually nice, and he's not shy btw
Oh you can do this as a face reveal almost? (It wasn't him who chose to do it, it was an accident)
Handsome Clown
Kiji x m!reader
Characters: Kiji, Y/N, Ahato, Trois, Aki, Nico, Uno, Hajime and Jyugo
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Sorry I didn‘t do the riddle speaking since I have no idea on how to implant it, at the end Y/N is out of character, again I am sorry. Hopefully you like it. I had my fun in writing it. Also didn‘t do any beta reading
‘‘If someone would to describe Building 3, they would say it‘s interesting. I mean there is one Guard who is everyones stylist in building 3, some dude who has an interesting way to dress up and than there is the most mysterious one of all these… A guy who wears a clown mask all the time, who almost never speaks and if he speaks,he speaks in riddles and everyone is left confused. He also randomly starts giggling or laughing.
No one really knows what his face looks like. Uno actually once tried to pry the mask off his face but it was like glued into his face. Many started rumoring that the reason he is wearing that mask, is because he is ugly under that mask. Y/N, the guard we are talking about, never denied nor confirmed these rumors and he never plans to until…
It was a nice morning for once in the Nanba Prison. ‘‘ So Y/N, it is very hot outside and you wear that mask… Isn‘t it hot under it?‘‘ asked one of the prisoners of Building 3, to be exact Trois. In the past he made clear that he had quite the interest in Y/N. Like expected there came no answer from Y/N. Why should he answer? It is none of Trois‘s Buisness. It was quite for while until Y/N started giggling. Like always it is random when he does. Ahato came into the picture : ‘‘ What‘s got you all so giggling?‘‘ Ahato asked and looked at Trois. He just shrugged. ‘‘Okaaayyy, anyways Y/N, Kiji wants to see you in his office‘‘ Y/N stopped giggling and just walked away without sparing a glance at the people who talked to him
‘‘So, why don‘t you take your mask of? I mean it is highly unprofessional for a Guard to wear a mask.‘‘ That was Kiji‘s first sentance as soon as Y/N closed the office doors. Kiji was joking. He just wants to see the face of the person who is infront of him. ‘‘Where is it you buisness on what I wear? Just look at yourself‘‘ Y/N said. Kiji should be offened at what he said but his voice was just so attractive. After just standing there Y/N just decided to leave. Little did he know that was going to be one of his biggest mistake.
Sometimes time is going at speed. Some days where time is going so slow that one hour feels like five hours and on other days times goes so fast that one hour was actually five hours. Today was one of the days where time is going fast. In just a blink it went from 8am to 12pm and with that also lunch time has started. So normally Y/N would go to the cafeteria, get his desired a food and leave to go to a private area to eat it food in peace. After he would be done Honey, Haru, Aki and Trois would sit at the table and would eat their food. Maybe if they are lucky Kiji and Ahato would also come.
Now before we start with the accident, I lied. One person has almost seen the face of the Handsome Clown (Y/N). It was none other than Kiji himself. As a human need, you need to shower. Usually Y/N Showers always alone, he waits until Ahato and Kiji are done so he can go. Well there was this one time were he was showering and Kiji just walked in and took the stall next to Y/N. Let me tell you, Y/N made it clear at the beginning the when he showers that he wants to be alone. Well Kiji forgot it apparently and just took the stall next to Y/N. ‘‘Kiji… what did I tell you guys at the beginning‘‘ Y/N said in a calm and scary voice. Kiji looked to the side and just the outline of Y/N face. He didn‘t saw the face of Y/N really.
(something similar like this, just behind a shower curtain and you behind it)
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Anyways after that you can say Kiji was lovestruck. He fell inlove with Y/N. You would think due Y/N Character that he would reject Kiji but no… Let‘s just say Y/N had always that deep down desire for Kiji. Y/N wants to keep up his facade that he built, he didn‘t want to end up like some other guards. He lived his whole life like that. Mean Face Guy. Kiji just somehow broke it. Don‘t worry he keeps up the facade during work but behind the private walls he let‘s the wall down, ONLY for Kiji Eyes. I mean of course only his voice tone. Kiji hasen‘t seen Y/N Face yet, simply because Y/N doesn‘t want to. You would think because of insecurity but nahh, he just too lazy to take off the mask, he only takes off the mask when he showers. He even sleeps with the mask on his face. Kiji thinks it‘s weird. The thing is, Kiji tried to take off the mask from Y/N‘s face when he was sleeping. Turns out Y/N has an inner sensor when someone‘s hand is near his face. He just grabbed Kiji‘s hand, before it touches his mask and just plain up coldy said ‘No.‘ After that Kiji never tried again.
Let‘s go to the said accident. Y/N grabbed his plate of food from the counter and walked to ‘his‘ section. He didn‘t get far. Uno from building 13 ran straight into Y/N and knocked both of them down. Somehow during this the mask slipped from Y/N face and EVERYONE saw his face. Some had fangirling moment, some passed out and some of them looked scared. Y/N didn‘t look pleased. Uno laid still on the ground meanwhile Y/N slowly stood up. He just looked at Uno, with an blank face. Yes it was a very classy way that his face was revealed. Y/N thought that someone steals his mask while he was showering and because of that he was forced to walk around without his mask to search for the thief. He thought that‘s how his face was being shown to everyone. He didn‘t expect it to be in a classy way. ‘‘Now, what were you thinking number 11?‘‘ Y/N asked. Uno was shocked and didn‘t bring out a peep. He just stared silently at Y/N with pure shock. Y/N took Uno by his collar and brought him really close to his face. ‘‘I asked you a question‘‘ Y/N said slow. His question was answered pretty fast? Why because an angry looking Hajime Sugoroku stromed into the cafeteria. Hajime‘s anger got even worse when he saw the scene infront him. ‘‘UNO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!‘‘ Hajime asked, he wasn‘t very pleased. Uno started to stutter but no real answer came out. Y/N let go of Uno and he fell down with a very loud thud. Y/N just grabbed his mask, put it on his face and just walked away.
He left everyone by surprise. No one dared to say anything.
AND that is how everyone got to see Y/N face‘‘ Nico explained to Jyugo. ‘‘I AM ONE DAY SICK AND I MISS EVERYTHING SPECIAL. WHY? Also Guard Kiji and Y/N are dating?‘‘ Nico just nodded
Somewhere in Nanba Prison:
‘‘My handsome clown, I love you sooo much‘‘ Kiji said with a lovestruck face. Y/N was just laying on his chest and smiled to himself and just cuddled himself as close as possible to Kiji, he said, more like mumbled an ‘I love you too‘.
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thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Could you do a Samon x reader, Hajimes younger sister (middle child) Hajime knows she is dating someone who is a jail guard but doesn’t know who. She comes to Nanbaka because her bf forgot his lunch and Hajime talks to her before her bf arrives….Samon opens the door and Hajime finds out who her bf is. After she leaves…..he gets a bit scary and asks Samon if he’s dating his sister to get to him and the consequences that would follow if that is the case. Samon really cares for them and wouldn’t do something so low.
Ooh this was an interesting idea to work with! Hope you like it!
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🐒 Samon x Reader, Hajime Discovers your Relationship HCs 🐒
For a while now, Hajime had been aware that you had a romantic relationship with a Nanba guard, but you had never told him who
This annoyed him a little bit, but he decided not to pry you for answers
He wouldn’t have to wait much longer to find out who it was, though..
One day, you had come to the prison because your boyfriend had apparently forgotten his lunch
When you stopped at the place you agreed to meet up to give him his lunch, you find Hajime, and decide to talk while you wait
About twelve minutes pass, and Samon shows up at the door
“Oh! Hey honey! Here’s your lunch.”
Hajime’s eyes blow wide when the realization that Samon was your boyfriend dawns upon him
Samon seems a bit nervous that Hajime had just found out about the two of you, avoiding eye contact with the supervisor
The two of you had been keeping it secret from him due to the rivalry they had, but now he’s found out, and Samon knew confronation was coming
Soon as you leave to go home, Hajime glares over at Samon
“So.. you’re dating my sister.”
“Yeah? So what if I am?”
“If you’re dating her just to try and get on my nerves, I swear I will end you, you annoying monkey.”
Samon gets majorly offended at the implication that he would date you for any other reason than loving you, and whips around to get in Hajime’s face
“You think I’m dating her just because of that?! You got some nerve, you damn gorilla! I love her! I’d never play with her emotions and lie to her about such a thing just to get a rise out of pissing you off!”
Hajime and Samon eventually settle down and part ways on a decent note, only after Hajime made Samon promise he’d treat you like the queen you were and never break your heart
Of course, that promise was easy for him to make
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shirasemi3darmie9 · 3 years
Nanbaka Oneshot
"Alright, this is your cell," the guard tosses Y/n into a cell and she scowled.
"Don't throw a woman, you cretin!" She scoffed and folded her legs into a sitting position. Two males came up to her and opened their mouths to ask questions.
"If you interrupt my meditating to ask me pervy questions, I'll interrupt your breathing," she said blatantly. The tip toed back and kept an eye on the female.
She breathed and opened one eye, "Your names are Honey and Trois, inmate numbers are 82 and 3. Both pretty boys, extremely perverted, vulgar, and impertinent, supervisor is Kiji Mitsuba, also known as Pheasant. He would be your favorite guard, correct? Don't answer that. Abilities include seducing any gender with a smile and ability to manipulate bullets that secrete a glowing purple aura."
"H-how do you know all of that?!" Honey screeched and Trois looked triggered.
"My ability; seer. Allows me to know anything and everything about anybody and everybody by taking just a quick glance at them. That includes their past and future..." She sighs and stands up, stretching, thus causing her bones to pop. The two males shivered and took a step back.
"It may seem nugatory or futile, but I assure you that it's quite beneficial," she glanced at the duo and they seem to have a relatively interested spark in their gazes.
"You two seem rapt, why don't you sit down and I'll elucidate further," she sat once more and patted the floor in front of her, they obeyed and took a seat.
She inspected the males, "So, my ability's also capable of foreseeing events, but I refuse to examine the future for conspicuous reasons. I was apprehended for the reason that I was charged with stalking. But, I wasn't stalking, it's just my ability. Also, if we're going to conjugate, I want to ask you to be a little less.....presumptuous."  They nodded and ogled at the girl.
"I'd appreciate if you'd stop looking at me in that manner," she folded her arms and glowered at them.
"Nope, this is what we live for."
Please stand by.
"NEXT TIME YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT, I'LL BASH YOUR FACES INTO THE CEMENT!!" Y/n screamed, slapping Honey. She'd already dealt with Trois.
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akinumi · 5 years
Hmm, this might be oddly specific. But how would Honey (Nanbaka) feel if he like.. walked in on s/o changing and found out that s/o is actually a girl? And s/o asked him to keep her gender a secret. Would he comply?
“Exposed” - Honey x Reader(Anime): Nanbaka
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[ cannot find a good gif of Honey :( ]
When Honey got home, the first thing he always does is call for his s/o.
But when you don’t reply, he just assumes you’re probably asleep in your shared bedroom.
So Honey, going to be the most charming boyfriend ever, would wake you up, and tell you to do something productive.
Sweet, isn’t it?
He knocks softly on the door and opens it.
“Babe, don’t you think you sle—“
You shrieked out of surprise and panic. And after that. There was just absolute,
Just silence.
A cliche moment happened, and that’s walking in on you changing.
But that wasn’t the thing Honey was complete stunned about.
“...you’re..a girl?”
Your cheeks flushed red and your eyes widened with sudden realization.
Quite quickly, you crouched down and hid your body from his gaze.
“A-Are you an idiot!? Who knocks on the door, and then opens it without consent!!?”
“That doesn’t matter! You’re a female!!”
Honey shuts the bedroom door and crouches beside you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
There was another silence, and it was more awkward than ever.
“..when we first met, you thought I was a guy. This was when our group of friends had to study for our final exams...and it was our first time meeting.”
You shut your eyes and a slight feeling of calm washes over you, and your lover.
“Over time, you fell in love with me as a ‘guy’ and I thought, if you were to know my real sex..you’d leave me.”
“You thought I was gay.”
Quickly, you waved your hands around frantically, “O-Oh! Are you not just into guys?? I thought you were just into them because you saw me as a guy. Y’know? I probably shouldn’t have assumed—“
Honey covers your mouth with his hand, “Does anyone else know about this..?”
You shook your head, “Are you going to tell anyone?”
“Please don’t tell anyone...I think that’s going to ruin my whole relationships with them!”
He sighs, and scratches his head.
“To be honest, if they were to stop being friends with you just because you lied about your gender, is their problem.”
“And if they have any problems with that, they’ll go through me.” he boops your nose and smiles.
“But~ this might have to come at a price..”
Honey’s s/o started sweating bullets, “..like...?”
He stands, and he stretches, “It’s movie night and cuddle sesh tonight!”
“Get dress, I’ll make snacks. Oh! And I’ll pick out the movie. Since, you owe me.”
Honey leaves the room and his s/o can just hear him laugh outside.
s/o couldn’t help but smile, “I love you, Honey.”
If you were to come back home, you’d say “Honey! I’m home~”
And his response is— “OH MY GOD STOP.”
a/n: motivation was very slim for me, so i’m so sorry that this came out so late. i hope it’s okay. i was working the little motivation i had.
i also see Honey keeping things a secret for a price. When Honey recognized Tsukumo as the famous actor and such.
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nxnbakahc · 6 years
Honey x Reader
Drabble Challenge #48
“We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about.”
“My, isn’t someone affectionate today?” commented Trois while looking at Honey cling to you. 
“Shutup, Trois.” replied Honey while resting his chin on your shoulder as you sat on his lap. You raised your hand and stroked his hair softly.
“Now Honey, let’s not be rude.” you hummed while trying to put together a small gadget that you broke earlier.
“Forgive me, love. Trois is just being an ass as usual.” He wrapped his arms around your waist to keep you close to him.
“You know, he’s not wrong. It’s like..” you trailed off, then shook your head and continued working.
“Like what?” questioned Honey.
“We’ve become the clingy couple that you used to complain about.”
“Y/N, I think you hurt his feelings.” mused Trois.
“Shutup, Trois!” said Honey, more annoyed. He then turned his attention to you. “As for you, I have no idea what you mean, I’m offended.”
“Come on, Honey. Let’s be real. You’ve been like this for the past few days, I’ve noticed.”
“Well excuse me for openly portraying my feelings for you, I am your boyfriend you know!” You laughed softly and kissed his cheek.
“I know, I know. I was just saying.” He continued to rest his chin on your shoulder and relax more.
“If anything, it really is cute.” said Trois. 
“You think so? Honey used to think that couples like this were disgusting.” you giggled.
“I’m right here, you know.” Tick marks showed on his head. You placed your hand on the side of his face to bring him closer, then kissed his cheek again.
“I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, I like the affection!” He buried his face in the crook of your neck.
“Both of you, just stop talking.” He mumbled. You and Trois looked at each other and shared a glance that said he’s like a kid sometimes. 
“Hey, Honey?”
“I love you.”
“Hmph....love you too.” He pulled you closer on his lap and exhaled into your neck. You closed your eyes and leaned back against him, ignoring the fact of how cheesy this was. Let’s be honest, you really did enjoy it this little change in your boyfriend.
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αѕ ρяσмιѕє∂ нєяє ιѕ σиє σf тнє fαиfι¢ѕ!! ι ωιℓℓ ρσѕт тнє σтнєя σиє αѕ ωєℓℓ, ѕσ ∂σи'т ωσяяу! αи∂ αѕ αℓωαуѕ ιf тнєяє αяє αиу ѕρєℓℓιиg мιѕтαкє(ѕ)/єяяσя(ѕ), ρℓєαѕє тєℓℓ мє αи∂ ι ωιℓℓ fιχ ιт тнє ѕαмє gσєѕ fσя тнє тяαиѕℓαтισи(ѕ)!! αи∂ мαувє fσя α fєω σf тнє ∂єfιиιтισи(ѕ)! αgαιи, αℓℓ σf тнєѕє ωιℓℓ вє σи ωαттα∂ тσσ!
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Supporting ship(s):
🎥Tsukumo🎥 X 💢Honey💢
AU(Alternative Universe):
Love interest for Reader:
🚻(Y/N)’s P.O.V🚻(Point of View):
“For the last game! Is of course, the sake barrel tournament!” Mitsuru claimed, while floating over the roaring audience. After explaining what the objective was, the game soon began.
Samon immediately charged after Kiji, while Honey and Trois quickly ran towards the large wooden barrel, with cell 8 on their tail.
I feel myself getting worried, knowing that Trois and Honey weren’t really much of a fighter. So cell 8 beating them wouldn't really be much of a surprise.
“Quit it Monkey! Don’t you dare ruin my makeup! Do you know how much time I spent on this!” Kiji cried out, using his dual weapons to dodge Samon’s swinging staff.
“Shut up, Pheasant!” Samon shouted, trying to at least hit one of the pressure spots on Kiji’s body.
Suddenly Trois grabs Honey’s leg before swinging him around, and tossing him towards the wooden sake barrel, Honey landing perfectly in the middle, breaking the wooden seal over the wooden sake barrel, before falling in, and getting soaked by the sake.
The audience being completely silent, clearly shocked by what Trois had done, before roaring out cheers of excitement.
“And there ya have it folks! Seems like Building 3 finally won the new year's tournament, for once!” Mitsuru announced over the mic, clearly pumped up.
Suddenly Kiji brings one of his hands, and places it on his hip, striking a victorious pose. “Hmp, and that’s what you all get for doubting me.” Kiji purred out, his confidence showing.
Honey soon rises from the wooden sake barrel about to shout at Trois for what he just did, before trying to process everything that had happened staring back at the said frenchie.
Once he realizes what had happened he gets out of the barrel before cheering himself. Trois on the other hand stares at me, before flashing a charming, but gentle smile.
I felt my cheeks getting warm, before smiling back. Giving him a thumbs up. “Aren’t you going to give him a victory kiss, inmate 6?” Ahato asked, giving me a closed-eyed smile.
“I suppose so.” I replied, leaning against the red railings, desperately trying to calm down my raging blush. Soon enough Cell 6 returned back to their seats. Each boy being seated on my side.
“I, Ahato, is always and very impressed with what you do! You did great, Kiji Onee-sama! We’ll finally get a raise!~” Ahato fanboyed, high-fiving Kiji with both of his arms.
“Aren’t you forgetting something, Mon Amour~” Trois asked, tapping his cheek with his pointer finger. I rolled my (E/C) coloured eyes at him, before giving in, and giving him a victory kiss on his cheek.
While Honey sat on the other side of me, completely ignoring the both of us. The warden soon started her speech congratulating the winning building.
During said speech I had managed to nudge Honey’s arm using my elbow, catching his attention. I pointed to a different building, building 13.
While pointing to the said different building, I was also directly pointing at a certain pink haired shinobi. This action made Honey blush, turning his gaze away from me, and staring at the shinobi.
‘He totally has the hots for him.’ I thought to myself smugly, while smirking. From the corner of my eye, I saw the said shinobi waving at Honey, which Honey waved back. A little smile grazing his face.
‘I didn’t know he could make that face.’ I thought to myself, finally ignoring the two of them, and focusing on the speech.
Soon enough, the speech was over, and the feast took place! After the feast we got escorted back to our cell. “Goodnight you three!~” Kiji announced, doing his final rounds before going home.
Suddenly Honey raises himself using his elbows. Trois doing the same shortly after. While I just turned at them, laying down, too lazy to sit up.
“This year was nice.” Trois commented, smiling softly. “Another year, where I get to see your hideous face, once again, Trois.” Honey teased, a smirk planted on his face. Trois ignored his comment, paying attention to me.
“What did you two want, exactly?” I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me. “A lingerie viewing exhibit~” Both of them purred out, clearly excited. A little blush could be seen on their cheeks. While their eyes sparkled.
I just shivered, not knowing why they’re so fascinated with women’s underwear. “Lights out!” Ahato announced, before shortly shutting off the lights after. “What about you, (Y/N)?” Trois asked, while Honey didn’t say anything. Although, clearly listening in.
“A phone that stores all genres of Manga, Manhua, Manhwas, and Anime!” I announced, excited. My (E/C) eyes sparkling. “That sounds nice.” Trois commented, a small smile grazing his features.
Soon enough Honey slowly went to sleep, snuggling deeper inside his dark purple futon, the both of us following shortly after. Trois slowly gets up from his mint green futon, and slips in my (Y/F/C) futon.
Trois held me protectively, yet softly, his legs tangled with mine. He raises a few of my (H/C) coloured hair out of my forehead, before planting a soft kiss. Giving my lips a small peck as well. I placed my hand on his cheek, caressing it. He softly grabs my wrist, before planting another kiss directly on it.
Giving me yet another gentle loving smile. Me, softly smiling back.
“Ugh, get a room.” Honey groaned out, annoyed. “Says the one who has a crush on that ninja from building 13.” I replied, annoyed as well, clearly just trying to enjoy peace, and quiet with my lover.
🚻(Y/N)’s P.O.V🚻(Point of View):
The next day soon came, as well as our prizes. After eating breakfast in the cafeteria. Feeling absolute euphoria eating (Y/F/F), my favorite!~
While Trois ate some Cream stew, and Honey a clam chowder. We quickly got escorted to Kazari’s lab by Kiji. “Oh, hello there number 6. Just wait here, while I grab your prize.” Kazari explained, hurrying to go get the prize from another room.
I sat on a chair, patiently waiting for Kazari to come back. Soon after she comes back with a (Y/F/C) coloured phone, which she hands to me.
“It has all the latest Mangas and Animes, along with some of the oldest ones, and ones in between.” Kazari added, petting my head.
“Thank you so much Kazari!~” I cheered, quickly opening the phone. Hopping on a Manga I’ve always wanted to read. Soon enough we got to the boy’s prize.
Trois inviting Uno, thinking he might want to see it as well, much to Honey’s dismay. Kiji soon comes back, fetching us, before taking us to another separate room. The boys quickly head inside, clearly excited.
“Oh my~” Both boys mutter out, surprised. Once they settle down from their excitement, they scatter looking at the different lingeries, bras, and panties.
“Oh my god! This is pure heaven!~” Honey cheered, looking at the different selections of panties. “They even have white lace~” He mutters out, reading the sign on the bottom. His emerald eyes sparkling with endearment.
Uno soon joins in, entering through the door, before looking at a certain baby blue lingerie two piece set. His ocean coloured eyes sparkling with excitement.
I just stare at the unnecessary commotion their making, my (E/C) orbs judging them ever so slightly. As much as I loved my perverted boyfriend, Trois, sometimes his pervertedness can get out of hand.
I quickly go back to reading (F/M) on my(Y/F/C) phone, ignoring them, and leaning against the wall. That focus slowly breaking from the commotion the boys were making.
I walk around, looking at the different things as well. Before stumbling on a plain (Y/F/C) corset vest. ‘I have been wanting to try a corset for the last few days.’ I wondered to myself, not knowing that I was actually muttering it out. All of a sudden I felt someone hugging me from behind, making me jump, since I was surprised.
I looked behind me only to instantly calm down, seeing that it was only Trois. He places a few strands of my (H/L) (H/C) behind my ear, before trailing a few light, fluttery kisses down my neck. I chuckle, the sensation making me feel slightly ticklish. Making me blush lightly.
“Did that one catch your eye, mon chéri~” Trois asks, his deep rose coloured eyes showing nothing but mischief. “And what if I say yes?” I asked him back, wondering what he had stored.
“Ugh! I told you before, get a fucking room!”
“Damn pretty boy!”
🚻(Y/N)’s P.O.V🚻(Point of View):
“Apparently Honey was allowed to stay at cell 11, building 13 for the night.” Trois explained, using his towel to dry his hair, before brushing it. I nod, to show that I was listening.
“Lights out!” Kiji announces, before doing another round. Soon after the lights shut off, covering us in total darkness. The only light coming from the moon in the starry sky.
“I got you a little of something (Y/N).”
“And what might that be?”
I sat up from my (Y/F/C) futon, curious for what he got me. He quickly goes towards one of the white fancy wardrobes, pulling on one of the bottom drawers, before fetching a medium sized (Y/F/C) wrapped box.
He hands me the box, excited for me to open it. Once I opened it, I realized that it was the corset vest I took a liking to. “How did you even get this?” I asked him, generally surprised, before excitement took place.
He ignored my question, quickly pecking my lips. “You’re too cute for your own good, Mon Amour.” Trois purred out, taking my hand, and kissing it.
“Such a gentleman~” I praised him, feeding his ever growing ego. “Do you mind if you put it on me?” I ask him, turning away in order to hide my red face. “Whatever you need sweetheart~”
Trois sits beside me, before grabbing my wrist, which makes me fall directly on his lap, facing him. He quickly fetches the corset, placing it on me.
I hook the pieces on the front. I feel Trois’ hands on each side of my hips, guiding them up and down, before getting the two strings from the back of the corset, wrapping it around his hands, and pulling.
I slightly jumped, getting startled, before relaxing once again. Once he had completely pulled them he quickly tied them. “You look like an absolute God/Goddess in that (Y/N).” Trois whispers into my ear, before placing his head on my shoulder, cuddling me.
He soon raises his head, capturing my lips against his. Our tongues moved smoothly against each other. We quickly pulled apart, since the need for air was growing stronger. A string of saliva connecting to each other’s lips.
We both panted, clearly out of breath. He headed over to my neck, covering it with noticeable hickeys, and love bites. Before I could moan, I covered my mouth with my hand, so that I wouldn’t make any embarrassing noises.
“People can see them.” I panted out, blush covering my cheeks, from what had earlier happened. “Good~ People can see that you're mine.” Trois replied, smirking to himself.
“Oh my God! Trois what are you doing!” Kiji shrieked out, shining his flashlight on us. “Wait, is that the corset from the exhibit?!” Honey questions, a mixture of surprise and disgust hinted in his voice. “Honey weren’t you supposed to be with your ninja boyfriend!” I questioned back, panicking.
• Mon Amour = My Love.
• Mon Cherie = My Dear.
• (Y/F/C) = Your Favorite Colour.
• (Y/N) = Your Name.
• (H/L) = Hair Length.
• (H/C) = Hair Colour.
• (F/M) = Favorite Manga/Manhua/Manhwa.
• (E/C) = Eye Colour.
• (Y/F/F) = Your Favorite Food.
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rhenuvee · 4 years
Request Guidelines
Please try to read through if you plan on requesting. REQUESTS ARE TO BE SENT THROUGH INBOX.
Requests currently open for: Everyone!! (Only HCs for Nanbaka)
Genres I write for
Yes: x reader, fluff (romantic or platonic), crack (humour), hurt/comfort
No: Angst (I rarely write it so not guaranteed to be good), smut (may be suggestive but never full smut)
Characters I Write For
Nanbaka: Jyugo, Uno, Rock, Trois, Honey, Liang, Qi, Tsukumo, Seitarou, Samon, Kenshirou, Kiji
Genshin Impact: any playable character
Tears of Themis: Luke, Artem, Vyn, Marius
Honkai Star Rail: any playable character
DO NOT Request the Following
Anything illegal, discriminatory, inappropriate or triggering: NSFW, r*pe, racism, inc*st, heavy gore, self harm, etc.
Character x character (unless platonic), character x OC
Emergency requests: I’m very sorry, I’m very busy and not always online, so I feel guilty if I don’t answer. I know you may feel overwhelmed/stressed and need something to help you feel better, but there are going to be times when I cannot answer and do your request at the very moment. I suggest going to another blog to ask for emergency requests, again I hope you can understand.
Reader that is of a certain race/culture: It is not my place, plain and simple. Please do not request.
Other Notes
I do not plan to become a writer, this is just for fun. Therefore, I DO NOT want any “critiques” on my writing.
I take requests as a suggestion, though most of the times I will write as long as it follows the rules.
I am busy with school/work, so I might not have the time or motivation to write your request, and I apologize for this. Most of the time I will accept it.
I usually try my best to make y/n gender neutral. I am AFAB, therefore if you request male!reader it might be hard for me (though I am not writing smut or anything to do with male anatomy, but your choice. If you don’t like it then ask me to delete it).
If you have any questions on what you can or cannot request, don't hesitate to ask me.
Thank you and happy requesting!
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animeniac-writings · 7 years
Liang x reader hc
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Anime: Nanbaka
Honey and Trois seeing Liang with his hair down, thinking he's a beautiful lady, so of course they had some important questions, poor Liang is just thinking 'wtf' at first when his s/o comes walks up "Why are you asking my boyfriend about his underwear? ...Liang did you wear my silk panties again? is that what this is about?"
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ao3feed-yurionice · 7 years
Anime x reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pd3MYQ
by Uno_the_gambling_master
Words: 11, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, ノラガミ | Noragami, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, ナンバカ | Nanbaka, Naruto, Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Victor Nikiforov, plisetsky yuri, Katsuki Yuuri, Kuroki Tomoki, Urushihara Hanzou | Lucifer, Maou Sadao | Satan Jacob, Rock (Nanbaka), Jyugo (Nanbaka), Uno (Nanbaka), Sugoroku Hajime, Gokuu Samon, Uchiha Sasuke, Deidara (Naruto), Tobi (Naruto), Yato (Noragami), Trois (Nanbaka), Honey (Nanbaka), Reader
Relationships: Kuroki Tomoki/reader, Levi/Reader, kuklo/reader, 707 | Luciel Choi/Reader, Jyugo/reader, uno/reader, rock/reader, trois/reader, Honey/Reader, Gokuu Samon/Reader, Sugoroku hajime/reader, Yuri Plisetsky/Reader, Victor Nikiforov/Reader, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Additional Tags: Manga & Anime, You never find Tomoki x readers
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pd3MYQ
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ao3feed-victuuri · 7 years
Anime x reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pd3MYQ
by Uno_the_gambling_master
Words: 11, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, ノラガミ | Noragami, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, ナンバカ | Nanbaka, Naruto
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Victor Nikiforov, plisetsky yuri, Katsuki Yuuri, Kuroki Tomoki, Urushihara Hanzou | Lucifer, Maou Sadao | Satan Jacob, Rock (Nanbaka), Jyugo (Nanbaka), Uno (Nanbaka), Sugoroku Hajime, Gokuu Samon, Uchiha Sasuke, Deidara (Naruto), Tobi (Naruto), Yato (Noragami), Trois (Nanbaka), Honey (Nanbaka), Reader
Relationships: Kuroki Tomoki/reader, Levi/Reader, kuklo/reader, 707 | Luciel Choi/Reader, Jyugo/reader, uno/reader, rock/reader, trois/reader, Honey/Reader, Gokuu Samon/Reader, Sugoroku hajime/reader, Yuri Plisetsky/Reader, Victor Nikiforov/Reader, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Additional Tags: Manga & Anime, You never find Tomoki x readers
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pd3MYQ
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thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Okay, the parent headcanons for cell 13 was adorable, how about we get some for Honey and Trois, too? :D
Sure thing!! ôヮô
Also, side note announcement, I hope everyone has been having a good Holiday Season, whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Yule, Christmas, etc! Can't believe its already Christmas Eve and that 2021 is just a week away from ending ⊙.☉ This year felt so long but so fast at the same time
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🎯 Honey 🎯
From the start, he was fond of the idea of having a family with you. At least two or three kids, any gender.
He's the one to bring up starting a family first. If you tell him that you aren't ready yet, he's willing to wait. But just be ready for him to be pestering you, asking if you're ready yet every other one to two months
He's already very protective of you, so just imagine how protective he is during your pregnancy!
If Honey doesn't trust someone enough with your and your bump, he won't let them get anywhere near you
"And who said you can touch her?! Back off!" *Flips them off*
He even gets iffy letting friends or family touch your belly
Honey, it's not like the bump's gonna burst at the tiniest touch--
Come the day the baby is born, they've got him wrapped around their tiny little finger right at first sight.
"Oh, look at how beautiful you are.. such a darling little one.."
One of his least favorite things about parenthood? Those late night feedings and sleepless nights.
You'll probably be the one taking care of the baby most of those nights cause he's so stubborn on getting up to do it himself
Bonds with the baby in the cutest playful ways. As soon as he knows what things make the baby laugh, he'll use them constantly till they finally get old.
He just loves making them laugh, he thinks that squeaky baby laugh is the cutest thing ever
Again, protective dad™️
When they're still a baby he's constantly watching them when nearby to make sure they don't hurt themself on accident, and like when you were still pregnant, is reluctant to let anyone other than you and him get close to, touch, or hold the baby
On that note he is strict with rules, mainly those that ensure the kid's safety
But when they get older and more independent he gets a LOT more protective.
For the longest time he doesn't let them go anywhere alone, even if they're old enough. Makes them carry some form of defense once he drops that rule.
If he finds out someone hurt or bullied his little angel, you'll need to hold him back before he smacks someone up the chin or worse
If you have a daughter, he ends up being that "No boyfriends until you're 20!!" sort of dad. VERY serious about keeping boys away from his little girl until he thinks she's at an "appropriate" age.
But, as much as he is overly protective, he's just as- if not more- loving and caring.
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🎱 Trois 🎱
Similarly to Honey, the idea of having kids with you was on his mind not too long into the start of your relationship. He wants at least a son, and is happy with however many kids you have.
As much as he desired to start a family, he waits for you to bring it up first. He wanted to be sure you were ready and was hesitant to ask in care you weren't.
Is very excited and agrees right away when you finally do ask him what he thinks about having a baby
Absolutely spoils you during the pregnancy
Makes sure your cravings are met, gets you gifts when he has the extra money for it (Including baby stuff), constantly compliments how cute you look with your baby bump, and- while he mainly excells in machinery- he also looks into making things like a crib, rocking chair and other furniture for the nursery.
When you're at the store buying baby articles, he's almost always the one to pick up something and just sob over how tiny or cute it is. Probably more than one time.
*Tearing up* "Oh my god, Y/N, look at how tiny these socks are!!"
Often times whenever you wake up, you'll notice Trois isn't in his usual sleeping position, but now moved down to be sleeping with your belly as a pillow, and if he's awake doing it, his hand is gently rubbing it and he's whispering or babytalking to it.
He's obsessed with your baby bump, basically. I mean, his baby is in there, can you blame him?
There's definitely tears when he finally meets and holds the baby
"T-they're.. they're absolutely perfect in every way, Y/N.. just look at them!"
Is pretty good when it comes to getting the baby to calm down and/or sleep
Sometimes it makes you wonder if- like his "seductive aura"- he might have some sort of "calming aura" that he uses on your baby. It sure seems like it!
He spends lots of time with the baby, even if he's exhausted from those common up-all-nighters. Sometimes you might find him dozed off on the couch with the baby either sleeping in his arms or grabbing at his glasses
As the baby gets older, he does his best to help teach them what he knows, and always assists them with homework.
Rules aren't too strict, but just enough so. He's more on the laid back side.
When working on machinery, your kid will be the one to hand the tools to Trois if he can't grab them himself, and Trois likes to refer to the kid as "his assistant", or "rookie", during these exchanges.
Don’t be surprised if your dear husband and child come back from the garage- or wherever Trois does his work- covered in rust, dirt or other residue. Dirty and stained clothes are a common thing with these two.
Totally wants to get your kid into the same occupation of being a mechanic, and has thought about starting a business of the type with them when they’re old enough.
Basically an entheusiastic mechanic dad who loves his kiddo dearly
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
Fluff headcanons of tsuguko (nanbaka) x reader where the reader sees his face for the first time and calls him pretty plz?
tsukumo when his s/o sees his face: headcanons
[𖤐] hello lovely, and thank you for requesting!! i'm sorry for depriving my nanbaka fans of content, its all been tokyo revengers lately 😭 i'll definitely be making more even if it's not requested just because i love it sm and i never really get a lot of reqs for it; anyways, i hope you enjoy!! this idea was so cute <33
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✗ it had been something that he had been debating for the past couple of weeks; should he reveal his face covering to you? it wasn’t as if there was some horrible scar that he was trying to hide, or that he was even trying to hide his actual face from you, but it was more of the fact that he was nervous about what your reaction would be. would you laugh at him? would you never speak to him again? what if you thought he was ugly?
✗ tsukumo has never been one to think too much about his appearances and how others perceive him, but when it came to you, everything about that suddenly changed. he wanted you to look at him and think like his fans would, that he was “perfect”, (he knows he truly is not, and hates the standard that was pushed onto him, but he can’t help the fact that he still lives by it sometimes).
✗ for you, it was a bit hard to try to figure out what had been wrong with him for these past weeks. for some reason, he seemed to be almost...avoiding you? you would admit, it hurt a little bit; had you done something wrong? had you done something to upset him?
✗ nonetheless, you tried your best to act the same as you always did, although it would seem that your somber mood didn’t go unnoticed by everyone. one might say that jyugo is rather horrible at reading people, but for some reason, he’s able to read his friends like a book, (more like he noticed the odd mutterings of tsukumo in passing, something like, ‘i can’t show them my face, what if…’).
“tsukumo, you’re pushing (y/n)-chan away,”
“j-jyugo?! what’re you doing here? what do you mean by-?”
“just look at them.”
✗ just from a couple moments of watching you, it was clear that there was something weighing on your mind, but...was he really the reason for it? had he really been avoiding you that much?
✗ following a talk from jyugo, he just decided to suck it up and go for it. i mean, you are his precious s/o, and he would never want to be the cause of your sorrow, (much less over something dumb such as this).
✗ that evening, he had quite easily convinced yamato to let him visit your cell before turning in for the night, (he knew that yamato was gullible beyond belief, but he really didn’t realize that it was to this extent). safe to say, you were pretty surprised when tsukumo suddenly showed up before lights out. what was he doing here so late? shouldn’t he be in his own cell?
“tsukumo…? what’re you doing here-”
“(y/n), i’m sorry i’ve been avoiding you...there’s just been a lot on my mind…”
“so, i didn’t do anything to upset you?”
“no! no, it was just me...um, would you want to, see under, my mask?”
✗ his question caught you off guard, to say the least. you’d always been a bit curious on what was underneath your boyfriend’s face covering, but you had never really asked about it, since you’d figured that he would show you whenever he was ready. you were right about it, but you just hadn’t been expecting it to be so soon, (you’d figured it would’ve aken at least a couple more months).
“only if you’re comfortable with it, but i’m still going to love just as much either way. may i…?”
✗ tsukumo inwardly cursed himself for stuttering, but as you moved closer, he forgot all about it, gulping down his nervousness as your finger slowly let down his mask.
“wow, you’re so...pretty,”
“oh, sorry about that, but just, wow, you’re gorgeous!”
✗ a blush was immediately evident on his cheeks as his face exploded into red, the words he was trying to get out just turning into a mumbled mess, his thoughts going all over the place. you had just called him pretty! although the compliment is used for girls, he somehow can’t help but feel extremely flustered and flattered by it, (it was quite evident he was flustered from the way his heart was pounding and the way his mind was all jumbled).
“ahh, you’re so cute, i really can’t help myself! thank you for showing me though…”
✗ before he could even try to think of a response, you had pressed a soft kiss to his lips. he didn’t even know what was going on, and it took a good few seconds for him to slowly melt into your kiss; his lips were surprisingly soft, although you shouldn’t have expected anything less from a former actor, (he most likely still had his old routines that he would do).
✗ you finally broke away after a few seconds, and you laughed a bit at tsukumo’s extremely flushed and pink face. not giving him much time to process, you just hurried him out, telling him that he should get back to his cell before yamato gets smacked by hajime for having him be late.
✗ it isn’t until he actually sits down in his cell that he finally processes what just happened, and honestly, he really just malfunctioned, (for lack of a better term). it was almost like he was a computer that had just crashed; he literally just passed out until the next morning.
✗ probably got flushed again when he saw you the next morning because he remembered what had happened the night before, (and gets questioned by honey and trois on what exactly happened LMAO).
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