#nancy wtf was that
b0ytr4sh · 2 years
A moment; they lock eyes: Nancy's bashful smile; chin lowered… Jonathan who?
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spinach-pine · 1 year
This scene will never cease to be hilarious to me
If 🤛 this 🤛 were 🤛 Nancy 🤛 could 🤛 she 🤛 take 🤛 this 🤛
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musicalchaos07 · 1 year
Nancy realizing that Mike and Will are together because Mike is wearing one of Will's sweaters that used to be Jonathan's gotta be one of my favorite genres
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judeswhore · 2 years
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robin-buckely · 2 years
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NANCY WHEELER in STRANGER THINGS 4.09 | Chapter Nine: The Piggyback
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imthursdaysyme · 10 months
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Stobin talking about anything and everything all the time
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gayofthefae · 5 months
"X is the biggest Byler proof" - me all the time about everything
But it's this. It's this. Because this is what converted me. This is what made me go "there is heterosexual explanation for this" without even realizing it until I had a homosexual one. It's this shit.
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findafight · 1 year
Absolutely bonkers trying to find a fic where Nancy and Steve talk about her cheating on him in S2 and literally the whole ao3 tag besides like. Two? is filled with Steve cheating fics??? As though. He would do that???
I am a firm believer in just keep scrolling. Saying He Would Not Do That and moving on. But I find it fascinating in a frustrating way that such a fundamental and early introduced part of Steve (his extreme sensitivity to infidelity) is just. Reversed? Like I can and have forgiven a lot of characterizations I don't particularly agree with in fic. It happens in Fandom all the time. I just don't understand how you could see him in either S1 or 2 and think yeah...this guy would cheat...That's just a completely different guy for the most part at that point. Blows the mind
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poinsettiapavilion · 1 month
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was asked to post face and I'm weak so here's my costume from last Halloween~ 🧡🎃
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hauntedonfire · 9 months
Idk I saw an ask of @thorniest-rose's wondering how Steve would feel if he saw that so many people wanted to dom him and now I'm imagining a scenerio where Steve is voted both most handome boy and prettiest girl senior year like Hugh Dancy was at oxford and at first he thinks it's a joke and they're making fun of him, but then everyone's congratulating him and making coy little comments, shooting their shot before they graduate and he realizes they're...serious? More than half the class thinks he's prettier than any girl and now everyone knows they're not the only one, it's been agreed upon that Steve Harrington is the prettiest girl at Hawkins High and people are getting bold af.
They all look at him differently, they talk to him differently. They whisper things in his ear that make him dizzy. Sweet things at first and then dirty. He's got a date for every day of the week, sometimes two. He's getting pulled into closets and empty classrooms multiple times a day. And they all want the same thing...to tease him, to touch him, to rough him up, hold him down and make him cry from pain or pleasure, the line becoming hopelessly blurred. To tell him how pretty he is, call him princess and sweet girl while they take whatever they want from his body, so overwhelmed with it all he never lasts long...and he's never been happier.
It's not that he's never felt desired before, of course he has, but not like this, not FOR this. He feels exposed, stripped down to the bone every time and he can't believe they still want him, but they do. They even bring him flowers and gifts at school sometimes, always at school where everyone else can see. The weirdest thing is that no one gets jealous, they all seem perfectly fine with sharing him. It's like the vote has bonded them somehow. They've given eachother permission to want this and now he belongs to all of them. Even Tommy and Carol take a turn. They're extra rough with him, call him a pathetic whore and spit in his face but even they can't stay mad at him when he just melts in their hands and begs for more.
I imagine this as a sort of mass hysteria situation where all their repressed desires are uncorked all at once lol 🤭
(And then they graduate and most of them go off to college, leaving poor Stevie behind. The rest like to pretend it never happened and can barely look him in the eye...but not Eddie "the freak" Munson who never needed permission and never liked sharing. 😈)
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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will80sbyers · 8 months
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STRANGER THINGS 4 • Chapter One: The Hellfire Club
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musicalchaos07 · 1 year
I know we all want an og monster hunting trio revival in s5 but consider the following instead:
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It's giving The boys are back in town, the boys of summer, The boys are back. A little mansplain, manipulate, malewife. Very much introducing your new bestie to the one that got away and them hitting it off.
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lavenderstobins · 2 months
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why fight about rovickie vs ronance when robin can have TWO girlfriends
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Season 2 rewrite that I think will be super cool: what if Eddie was a part of Kali's gang?
Maybe Eddie used to live in another state with his dad and when the police came to arrest him, Eddie doesn't wait for child services, he never finds out about his uncle, he just runs away.
He meets the gang and he likes what he sees: a bunch of outcasts, freaks, who want to take revenge on the people who hurt them. Eddie is full of anger, just like them, and he wants to make his father pay for what he has done to him and his mother.
But then, as he follows them in their avenging missions, something feels wrong. Despite all the anger in his bones, he can't bring himself to enjoy hurting others. He decides to stay on the sidelines, has no other place to go, no family, and doesn't want to turn his back on the first people who accepted him, even with their debatable moral compass.
When Jane arrives, Eddie, much like Kali, sees something of himself in her. When they go on her first mission, he decides to join them, much to everyone's surprise. And when Jane spares the man who she was supposed to kill, Eddie knows for certain she's just like him.
Jane doesn't belong with Kali, Eddie doesn't belong with Kali. But Jane has some people, friends, she told Eddie about, that are the closest thing to a family that she ever had.
The cops arrive at their hiding place, they're jumping on the van, but Jane doesn't. Eddie looks at the cops coming close, then at Jane, then at Kali, then he jumps out the van and follows her.
He wants to meet these friends who are worth fighting for.
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pendinganchor · 2 years
“we never see billy change his ways in canon”
because he dies saving all their lives?????????
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