#nano answers
vaguely-annoyed · 2 years
20 ? :]
20. do you say soda or pop?
as a non-native speaker, the one that feels more natural is soda! the all aboard eng books tried so hard to make us say pop, however
[ weird asks ask game :3c ]
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the-life-is-rubbish · 8 months
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ok bby girl
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caffeineandkerosene · 1 month
what i would give for a fic exploring emma and nano's relationship tbh
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Hey, yeah so I’m trying to find a good fanfiction where Tommy alternate versions of himself know like multi-verse
okay so. hm. i don't... read dsmp fic much? like i read it if a friend recommends it but i'm not really in that fandom anymore. also i was, uh, always really more of a techno main so modern tommy fic has never really been my thing. i'm very sorry but i think you have the wrong blog! someone else might have something for you? good luck!
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theetherealraphael · 3 months
Ralph you said you were going to sleepppppp
ikkkk im going to sleep nowww i just had a few things to doooo
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mechdyke · 9 days
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shes super CUTE augh thank u i hope u like it!!! very normal about them!! vyery
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jackinalex · 8 months
Could help but notice Nano liked a Ronnie Radke tweet about demanding pvris issue an apology to their guitarist since he was falsely accused of sa and it's always so weird seeing where others in the atl camp stand with these kinds of things since clearly the "falsely accused" part could very well apply to Jack too
I also read that in the context of Jack. The apology, not the Ronnie tweet. I don’t follow him on anything. This is a hard situation because I can genuinely see both sides. And I especially hate this in context with Jack because even if we could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ~big~ anonymous allegation was false (which I’m pretty convinced it is), people who are casually informed will never accept it because of the “99 allegations” bullshit tweet. That suuuuuucks. But also, nano and atl in general need to stay FAR from Ronnie lmfaoooo. That’s a recipe for disaster.
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alycias-wonderland · 2 years
Helloo~. I'm so happy that you write for Nano Machine as it's one of my favourite Manhwas 😁. Could I please request a scenario or headcanons for a Cheon Yeo Woon x fem!reader. Thanks and I really love your writing ♥️.
Hello my lovely. Cheon Yeo Woo x fem reality der coming right up!
Romantic Headcanons
You are probably someone interesting he met during his time at the Demonic Academy. Before you officially began dating everyone else thought you were dating due to the way you acted around each other.
Once it's official you two are together, he always goes above and beyond just for you.
You are his queen.
His life line and his beloved.
Dates with him are always interesting since it always involves some mind of physical training where he uses the excuse of helping you to respectfully cop a feel.
I am a firm believer that this man has W Rizz. Like he could just be panting and sweating disgustingly but he makes it look so hot.
You guys have arguments pretty often considering the fact he often goes missing due to Nano and his quests, and when he comes back he gives you zero explanations on where he was.
He is head strong and stubborn therefore refuses to apologize until you do for screaming at him for supposedly no reason.
It isn't until you break up after weeks of him doing this that he comes back running and begging on his knees for you to take him back.
That is all I have for you babes❤.Thanks again for the request.
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vaguely-annoyed · 2 months
out of curiosity, *do you practice what you want to say in your head
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zephsthings · 3 months
17 for nanosoldiers because everyone should hear ur playlist eyes emoji
GASP yes you're so right
17-- Does your fic/AU have a music playlist you associate with it?
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princepsumbra · 11 months
✧ justing: the habit of telling yourself that just one tweak could solve all of your problems, which leaves you feeling perpetually on the cusp of a better life.
Obscure Sorrows
Leo was three when he asked what inferior meant. His mother looked askance at him, embroidery needle gleaming sharply in her delicate fingers. Crimson thread drooped from the softer end.
"It means lesser. Now sit up straight. You're a prince; behave like one."
He obeyed without another word, little shoulders pulling taught as he returned to his book. He filed the information away for later. Mother had said lesser in the same cadence she said Leon when he'd done something disappointing. With determination uncharacteristic of typical three year olds, he tells himself mother would be happier with him if he stopped acting inferior.
By the time he turned eight, he understood that despite his best efforts, he'd always be a half-step behind everyone else. That hope in his heart of eventually becoming enough, an equal, dwindled, no matter how hard he threw himself into a task.
Adolescence arrived with a bone-deep conviction he was missing something. Courage, or confidence, or some other unidentifiable thing that blessed his siblings but deemed him unworthy. If he could simply set aside his irritation--both at himself and at them--wouldn't that make everything click into place? He'd finally assume his place at their side.
He will bide his time, as he has always done. Wait for that golden, shining moment to strike, and then he will finally be complete.
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altruistic-meme · 11 months
can somebody please explain nanowrimo to me like im an annoyingly persistent yet endearing 8 year old boy who asks "why?" every time you finish talking?
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
is the different thing you’re working on the techno fic
not currently that one may be my nano fic though. i should write it. being reminded of sexyman. has reminded me i should write it.
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glassofpumpkinjuice · 11 months
i dont know why your ipod got so many notes but i do know it inspired me to get an ipod in the year of our lord 2023 and i have never been better. so thank you so much for living your truth
oh my god, that actually makes me so happy. enjoy ur offline music listening experience :)
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sotwk · 10 months
Hi! Hope nanowrimo is going well for you! And most of all hope you're enjoying it! Sending best wishes!💖
Hello Kind Anon!
Thanks for checking in! <3 To no one's surprise, NaNo has been another bust for me this year, unfortunately. I had a really bad week last week (anxiety/stress), and although I'm much better now, a whole week is a big loss of time!
However, I'm all right with letting NaNo goals go and just keep writing as best as I can. I have an event deadline looming (FotF's THAUC) for my Legolas one-shot, so I'm gonna need to focus on that for a while but ALSO catch up on Asks. Writing Thranduil headcanons helps turn the gears for Legolas fics, so I'm gonna try to bust out a few of those too.
Come December, I certainly hope I can deliver next on my my Eomer and Boromir fics AND some WIPs I have that are very close to finished! So much going on, on top of the Holiday Maddness!
But I'm happy and I'm good, and I'm thankful to have thoughtful friends like you checking in. <3
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druidx · 11 months
[Muse Monday!] Nessy! Do you have any coworkers, or is it just you and your boat for your boat tours? If you've got coworkers, have any of them come close to discovering The Truth about you?
Ahoy there.
Aye lassie (//squints// or is it laddie? Anyhoo...), I've co-workers (family too, but I'm sure you're not as interested in my wifey and not-so-wee bairns). The company I work for has 3 great boats we rotate through the season, and each can carry up to 200 passengers. I'm but the guide and storyteller; the young lads and lassies (and Ol' Petey) are the ones that keep us sailing.
As for discovering me truth... //scratches at his chin// If anyone's got their suspicions they've not said as such to my face, neither've me and the missus had any ill dealings with folk making accusations. I reckon if anyone's had any inklings it'd be Ol' Petey. Known him since we was nippers and worked the boat for years too. But as I said, the old man's kept shtum.
Ye have t'understand, m'wee friend, I'm not the first 'Monster of the Loch', and with grand-babbies on the way, I doubt I'll be the last. After Aunty Aileen's little debacle back in the day, we like stirring up a bit o' mischief every so often. Gotta keep the tourists coming back, aye?
Thanks for the chat, hen. I'd best be getting on...
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