#nano sponge
giazhou1 · 1 year
Nano Sponges Contain Formaldehyde Contamination?
Kitchen grease cleaning has always been a headache, and traditional cleaning sponges often need to be used with chemical cleaning agents, making cleaning stubborn stains time-consuming and laborious. In recent years, the new nano sponge has become popular because it is ideal for cleaning stubborn stains and does not require any chemical cleaning agents. So where does the cleaning superpower of the nano sponge come from?
A discreet and introverted "techie".
Nano sponges are known by the scientific name melamine foam, commonly known as magic wipe, high-tech sponge and so on. The main component of the nano sponge is a melamine resin foam, made from melamine and formaldehyde polymerisation. The melamine resin has a high porosity three-dimensional mesh structure, each "bubble hole" has at least 3 holes or 2 destructive surfaces, and most of the bubble prongs are shared by at least 3 structural units. The capillary openings in the sponge automatically absorb stains from the surface during the wiping process. Because of its comprehensive properties such as good sound absorption, flame retardancy and resistance to humidity and heat, nano sponges are widely used in the construction industry, electronic products, biological treatment processes and other fields. The nano sponge is also a good helper in household chores, with high grease removal capacity and high water efficiency (only 30-40% of the water used in traditional cleaning methods), making it a highly acclaimed cleaning tool.
Rumoured to be toxic?
While melamine and formaldehyde are both toxic chemicals when singled out, the synthetic amine resin is a stable substance that does not decompose into formaldehyde again. However, during the polymerisation of the two molecules, some of the unreacted free formaldehyde is present in the nano sponge. Therefore, manufacturers reduce the free formaldehyde content by improving the foaming process and maturing the formaldehyde removal process. In addition, formaldehyde itself is a water-soluble and chemically unstable substance and can be removed by placing it in a ventilated area or rinsing with water before use. If you buy a nano sponge from a qualified merchant, ventilate it for a period of time, rinse it and then use it, you can basically avoid the danger of formaldehyde!
From a hygiene point of view, the spaces between the sponges can accumulate a lot of grease and food residue, which should be rinsed and dried after use.
Do not use the nano sponge on electrical products that are not suitable for contact with water.
Do not use bleach or hot water to disinfect the sponge as this will cause the sponge to yellow and deteriorate and will shorten its life.
More information or free samples or price quotations, please contact us via email: [email protected] , or voice to us at: +86-28-8411-1861.
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
hi mod! you are the person i know who knows and is most excited about fish, and my favorite way to learn is to ask people whose passion and delight i am already familiar with. i know this is stuff i could find digging around on yt or search engines but it is just less fun and often less informative. but ofc feel free not to answer if you don't have the time/energy etc!
i am coming to realize that i would really like fish (after attempting to convince my wife that he would like them and then they pointed out that it kind of sounded like *i* wanted the fish and well). but i am very chronically ill (spend most of my time laying down in bed) and also poor. i'm worried about not being able to take care of them well enough.
assuming i restrain myself (that is don't deep dive into habitat design or breeding or anything beyond just having some guys to spend time with while i'm stuck in bed) what are the daily, weekly, monthly things i'd have to make sure got taken care of? are there ways i can simplify or automate tasks while not sacrificing their care?
OR do you know of good places where people have already talked about this, or other people who love fish a lot and might wanna share their knowledge?
my partner is also suggesting a plant&snail tank instead of fish but i'm even less sure how to approach their care needs!
watching you get into fish reminded me of how much i love them (had some when i was young but was not primary caretaker). it's good to see you make creatures so happy.
well thank you for reading and i hope you are having a good weekend!
ahhh weeee haha fish ask fish ask
there's definitely ways to make mega low maintenance tanks! what you're going for is overfiltering, understocking, and planting as much as possible. I'll go over those points. this got mega long so i'll put it under a cut.
overfiltering basically means bumping your filter up a size. if you have a 10g tank, get a 20g filter. this will reduce how often you need to maintain that filter. I'd recommend sponge filters, they're by far the cheapest option and imo easiest to maintain. you'll need the sponge and an air pump. i see a lot of mega reduced amazon sales for the tetra whisper air pump. depending on how dirty it gets you're looking at every 2-3 months taking it out into a bucket of clean tank water and squeezing out the gunk.
in that vein, you wanna get as big a tank as you can. seems counterintuitive, but the more water you have, the more stability. the less maintenance. so if you wanted a 5g for a betta, consider getting a 10g. if you want a little 10g nano school, get a 20g long. if you want a 20g community, get a 40g breeder. whatever's gonna fit in your space. my best recommendation for tank size is 20g long, it gives you sooo many options without being massive. if you're in America the cheapest way to get a tank is wait for Petco to have their quarterly tank sale. otherwise look for something on the local market.
now onto understocking. basically pick animals that aren't gonna shit that much lol, and put in less than can technically fit in the tank. the snail tank is a definite fun option, as long as you're sticking with pest snails and fewer large snails (big snails have a big bioload, even bigger than most fish). a planted 10g with a variety of big snails (a mystery, a rabbit, a nerite, etc), pest snails, and a few amano shrimp, would be fun and extremely low maintenance. you'd even have the option of trying some fancy shrimp, tho they might breed like crazy. if you want a tank with fish instead, i recommend getting a school of a tiny species like chili rasbora, ember tetras, pygmy corys, basically anything that stays little so you can get as many as possible without a big bioload. for schooling/shoaling fish, the more the merrier. absolutely do not get live bearers. no guppies, no mollies, no platys. that's the opposite of low maintenance. shit machines that will multiply forever, don't do it.
now. you know i love my bettas, favorite fish, but i'm always hesitant to recommend them. they're wonderfully personable but the caveat is that it seems more and more they run into health problems as they get commercially overbred. it's luck of the draw. you might get an easy buddy who can survive anything, or you'll get a sicky. most of the time my bettas are super low maintenance and rewarding, but when they ARE sick, it's hard. it can be daily water changes and treatment for weeks, and sometimes even that doesn't help in the end.
so with that said, my dream low maintenance tank stocking would be 20g long with 4 amano shrimp, 1 mystery snail, 1 rabbit snail, 1 nerite snail, and a school of around 15 nano fish (I'd do either chili rasbora or celestial pearl danio cuz they prettyyy). OR i'd just have a centerpiece in that big old tank, like 1 betta for the whole tank or a pair of sparkling gouramis. fish choice is definitely too much to get into for this post lol.
now third point, planting the crap out of it. this is where things can get expensive. i really do recommend investing in this step at setup, but try to cut costs by buying from local sellers, or even seeing if people are giving cuttings away. the lowest maintenance plants are ones that don't require trimming, like crypts, buce, anubias; these plants are gorgeous but they don't filter water that well. faster growing stem plants and floaters will REALLY help to filter the water, but require more maintenance via trimming and replanting stems (monthly) or removing overgrown floaters (weekly). hornwort and guppy grass are great options for something fast growing that you can just chuck in a tank, no need to plant. what I'd most highly recommend for the sake of lowering maintenance is adding some pothos cuttings coming out of the water. terrestrial plants are much better at filtering water than aquatic plants because of their direct co2 exposure, and I've had the most success with pothos! i also love a spider plant in water.
some other money specific points. for substrate, you can use rinsed play sand and/or pea gravel from a hardware store, but you would need to add nutrients if you have things planted into the substrate. you can add root tabs (api root tabs cost about 8 bucks a pack, but you need to replenish them every few months) or a small layer of aquasoil at the bottom. (aqueon has a little bag of shrimp/plant soil on amazon for i think 12 bucks). and the one thing you shouldn't go cheap on is the heater. their failure is more dangerous than other hardware because they tend to fail ON, aka they cook the water. you wanna make sure you trust it. the cheapest heater i trust are the aqueon preset submersible heaters, also frequently on sale. or you can forgo the heater and commit to only "cold" temperature livestock; the snails and amano shrimp idea would be fine w/o a heater.
labor specific points, once it's cycled (which can take weeks, during which time you'll do literally nothing to the tank) and stocked, it'll depend on how fast those plants eat up your nitrates on how often you do water changes. for me, i do 25% every two weeks on my 20g. it could probably stand to have more since mine is pretty overstocked but fish are ok to sit in slightly higher nitrates as long as they're used to it. when testing, i do recommend the api master test kit. it's more expensive than strips but way more accurate and it's lasted me longer than 2 tubes of strips. if you don't want to buy the test kit, just do water changes as often as you can. every 2 weeks if possible, then you can try pushing to 3 weeks, or even monthly.
get a water siphon to make it as easy as possible. empty water into a bucket on wheels so nobody has to carry anything. you can also look into getting a submersible pump with a long enough tube that you can empty water directly into the nearest drain, then to refill with clean water put a bucket in the sink with tap water, put the submersible pump in that bucket, and run the tube back to your tank, adding dechlorinator directly to the tank beforehand. just be careful with this method if you have small animals at risk of being caught in the siphon.
also, some people with planted tanks don't do water changes AT ALL. they just top off as water evaporates. what i do some would consider overkill, but i'm so frequent with my water changes because i have really hard water and there's this thing called old tank syndrome that can happen if you only top off, and yeah that's this other whole spiel lmao BUT not doing water changes IS possible, people have success. just not me!
so monthly tasks; rinsing sponge filter every 2-3 months. weekly tasks; depends on how often you decide to do water changes. daily tasks; feeding, frequency varies depending on livestock, but i basically feed once a day. if you're going for a self contained ecosystem low maintenance dealio, feed as little as possible. i know of people who do this and sprinkle in food weekly or less. i don't have experience with automatic feeders, but i'm wary of them lol, they could be totally fine, idk. it's better imo to just feed infrequently than risk the auto feeder dumping too much food.
to wrap it up, i'll be real with you, setting up something that's as low maintenance as possible while working with budget constraints is hard (at least in my area). this hobby is notoriously expensive, especially when you're just starting out. you need to see what the local market is like. see if there's fish hobby groups in your area that can help you with spare supplies and plant trimmings. your partner's idea of a plant/snail tank might be the best place to start! as far as other resources, the fish subreddits have soooooooooooo much info.
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ophelliate · 5 months
small bootleg!tmnt details/fun facts
from what i've seen nobody ever pointed them out so i thought it'd be nice to share ^^ spoilers ahead ofc
in 'who needs a vet', the stockman's remedy is actually a large contributor to the boys' recovery as the recipe was developed by superfly to aid his family/mutants
the intervention gag in 'sports! any%' and 'leon ardo alone' is inspired by the same gag in How I Met Your Mother
in 'pizza-nal economics', the only reason why leroy hired mikey (and by extension, keno) is because he knew he could fight/defend himself from the customers of their business
according to the boys' pizza tier list, Run of the Mill is an A tier
Raph-Bucks were inspired by the unicon bits from the las pegasus unicon incident
the episode's ending with mikey walking in to the raph-buck revolution is also inspired by the community pizza fire meme
as mentioned by casey in 'i thought YOU were sneaking out', raph had technically met them during his sports speedrun, as they were the goalie raph hit in the shin
bishop is actually teased as early as the episode 'fiend trip' by the principal
melissa is very heavily inspired by old friends of mine which is why she's Like That lmao
i mutated the general into scale tail for the sake of using the concept design before the mutant mayhem script released and revealed that his name is actually spider... oops–
lotus's background wasn't actually planned and was made during her introduction in 'leon ardo alone', the reason being is because i didn't want to actually make her last name blossom
the reason why klunk duplicates is due to the sea sponge dna she mutated with, as some sea sponges can create extensions of themselves if they feel like they are in danger
by extension, when klunk is scared, she hardens for defense, but when she's happy/relaxed, her entire body softens, including her organs
the person bishop is calling throughout 'green party candidates' and briefly in 'the devolution of turtle' is irma's mother, mrs. lynette knight, though they are close enough for first name basis
as explained in 'no paint no gain', keno is well liked by/has easy entry to the crime scene of nyc due to his cousin being in the foot clan
although not explored in season 1, angel has a heavy interest in film and has implemented tv systems in each room of hun's house
leo told bishop about the market incident, as he mentioned to casey in 'no paint no gain', which is why tcri (and eventually hun) knows about casey's involvement and relationship with the turtles
i did not know about the 03 nano episodes in depth before writing marion into donnie's tech circle and for that i am so sorry
in 'the psat', irma is supposed to act as the proper example of how to treat the psats: completely unseriously
i didn't know normani announced her album around the time of 'the psat' episode's release until a month after
'the devolution of turtle' was genuinely gonna be a lot more of a sillier episode but it really took a turn after bishop started being developed
the mutants in the cages is basically a gateway implementation for mutants introduced in canon tottmnt when it comes out
the reason the turtles turtle-piled in 'is mutant a heritage' is because it became a coping mechanism for them after the previous episode
and last but not least for the finale (and spoiler tidbit for s2):
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news-3-9 · 11 months
"Chinese scientists have created some experimental sponges out of starch and gelatin that can soak up microplastics which could be adopted in various places to reduce plastic pollution from entering the oceans.
The sponges are literally as light as a feather, and inside their pores, not only microplastics, but nanoplastic particles of less than one micron in size—or 1 millionth of a meter—can become trapped."
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ubu507 · 6 months
I've probably said too much already. No doubt there are some, such as Elmer Olden Burke, who would try to drown a fellow in a puddle for exposing such a marvelous truth about the electric plastic sponge mop. I’m not saying that it was developed using alien technology obtained in a barter program for the bodies of 15 month old babies which are considered delicacies among the discerning inhabitants of the Dog Star, but I will guarantee that it will be a boon to you, your housekeeper, or your babysitter, and it may even be beneficial to all dudes' ceaseless quest to seduce the hottest of ladies by having a sparkling pad for them to perhaps spend the night in carnal enjoyment within. No one can say for sure how vast this and many other benefits will be in unlocking the hidden vibrational frequencies in your closet or lurking among your linens, but I think it’s safe to say that whoever tries the electric plastic sponge mop will find that it is the finest electric plastic sponge mop that they have ever brought into their home, workplace, or place of temporary or permanent confinement. It even works to nullify the humiliating effects of the so-called "monitor" bracelet unjustly placed around the ankle of many an innocent man who desires only to come clean with the latest in nano-mop technology.
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spidermilkshake · 7 months
Now that all my little nano feesh buddies are settled in (and I'm more mobile in my walking boot, rather than a heavy ole cast), I'm thinking about the Final Tank and its residents.
Assassin Snails for sure, so that this 30-gallon can be the default "this is where I trap a bunch of my pest bladder snails with a chunk of cuke and drop them off" zone. I only have a sponge filter in this one so I can try more low-flow fishes, but I'm thinking I'll add one of my small air pumps to it for some redundancy and try to see if the flow will be enough to happily keep a few bamboo shrimp. I know it's got a TON of microorganisms living in it from the ample copepod, amphipod, hydra and microworm populations (which also yee, free fish food source if I'm ever unable to feed them for a couple days), just thinking an additional source of current is what I'd need to satisfy the needs of these cool filter-feeding shrimp.
As far as fish go, fewer but slightly larger. Since it's lower surface disturbance with some already pretty lush little water sprite cuttings and nice bendy thin woodscape, I'm deciding between having a small (2-3) betta sorority since I still love bettas and it would be great to keep some in... less ignorant conditions than previous attempts during childhood where I didn't have the power to choose tanks and plants and whatnot. If not bettas, I love little gouramis! Sparkling gouramis would be lovely and too small to really bother the shrimp, and honey gouramis would be lovely as well since they're so cute and chill... well, with other fish. XD They can get sassy with each other, but I'm familiar with my flame tetras' various soap opera antics, so turf disputes and little chases are pretty normal. And on the bottom I'm contemplating a few species of catfish. Smaller corydoras of course--like a group of 6 would be great of Juliis, or Pandas, or Salt-and-Peppers. I'm also wondering if the stocking would also permit either a school of 6 or so Anchor Catfish (teeny little cute dudes who love shuffling in sand and leaves) or a Bristlenose pleco? I know it would have to be one or the other, since the filtration is large for a sponge but still relatively small. They should all get on together regardless of what arrangement it ends up being.
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prompt Kid ness was friends with the older robots and when they are brought in during a museum exhibit at the pizza plex they see one of there fav humans has been haunted by the man that killed them....big mistake
Number generated prompt, lol, because I need words for NaNo! This was number 42, which three people have submitted! So I knew I had to start with this one.
Apparently, when I added this one to the prompt list, I didn't copy-paste, so the ficlet might be a lil different. It also has a lot of stuff just implied rather than outright stated, but if you’ve read the prompt, it should hopefully be pretty clear what’s going on. 
Once a Protector, Always a Protector
“So these were around when you were a kid?” Gregory poked at the old model of Bonnie, making a face at the sticky fabric. 
“Yep,” Vanessa said with a grunt, heaving the dead weight of Freddy into a sitting position. “How are these heavier than the current models?” 
“They’re… furry.” 
“Great observation, Sherlock.” She dusted her hands off and surveyed the four animatronics. They were all pretty beat up, and there was no small amount of grime and dust matting the fur of the suits. “They only transitioned to plastic for the shells later on.” 
“Is that why you don’t really like how they look? Ours, I mean. Because your favorites are these?”
“Who says they’re my favorites?” 
Gregory looked down at the array of buckets and towels and sponges and soaps Vanessa had recruited him to help carry down here. “Just a hunch. You’ve never offered to clean ours.” 
She sent him a dark look. If she knew Gregory well at all, she’d end up having to bribe him not to mention this to the Glamrocks, else they’d probably start making demands. They had an automated cleaning bay in Parts and Services that did a good enough job, but according to Roxy (and agreed upon by the rest), humans did a better job. 
When he only smiled back at her, eyes alight with mischief, she fished a twenty out of her wallet and said, “I’ll give you another ten if you keep any of the others from coming down here.” 
“Deal!” the brat cried, snatching the money and darting out of the storage room. 
Vanessa rolled her eyes. Planting her hands on her hips, she critically examined the four run-down animatronics propped up against the wall. They were a lot like she remembered, though perhaps not as big as she would have guessed. Her numerous growth spurts had certainly changed her perspective. No more having to tilt her head back just to meet their eyes. 
She mused on her childhood as she got to work. 
Her family had moved away long before any kids had gone missing from that location, so she never saw it in the derelict state she’d heard it’d become. Vanessa’s memories were bright, happy things, if a little faint from the passage of time. 
Chica had been her favorite, with Foxy a close second, and back then, they’d still been allowed to interact with the guests, even picking the children up. She’d liked that a lot; it’d been fun to be taller than all the other kids, held high in the air. 
“Don’t know if you remember me,” she said after a few minutes of silence. “But I was part of the after school program for a while.” Vanessa sat back on her heels, frowning. “I don’t think they’ve done that for ages, actually. Yikes, that makes me sound old.” 
Patting Chica on the shoulder, she faux whispered, “You were my favorite. Saved me from a couple bullies once, actually. Just, whoosh, picked me right up from over one of their heads and got all huffy with them.” 
She knew they couldn’t hear her, not shut down and damaged as they were. They’d probably never be turned on again, which made a bubble of frustrated sadness burn in her chest. But that hadn’t stopped her from being excited when she was told they were being brought here to be stored, and it wouldn’t ruin her mood now. 
It was peaceful down here, in one of the basement storage rooms. Probably no one had set foot through the door in months before the delivery of these animatronics. 
In the solitude and silence, Vanessa could almost forget about the past few weeks. About the nightmares and the constant headaches and the bruises and scratches she’d wake up with. Even after the worst was over, she still wasn’t totally free. 
Actually. Hang on.
Vanessa paused and straightened up from wringing a cloth out over a bucket. Her headache, which no amount or type of medication had been able to even put a dent in, was gone. The pressure behind her eyes, the tightness at the back of her skull, the thickness against her sinuses—all gone. 
And so was a different feeling, one she hadn’t even been fully aware of until now that it had vanished. An ever-present heaviness wrapped around her, like a tangible feeling of danger or being watched. She felt lighter, could breathe easier. 
“Uh,” she said, a bit stupefied. She’d complained about the pounding in her head not half an hour ago, before she and Gregory had come down here.
With the release of the pain and tension she’d been dealing with for more than a month, exhaustion swept through her. Her vision went a little fuzzy around the edges, and she stumbled to catch her balance. 
“Okay, wow,” she said. “Nap time, I guess.” 
Abandoning her supplies, Vanessa managed not to trip to the door, only to hesitate to open it. A little voice that wasn’t really a voice in the back of her head was urging her to stay. 
Releasing the door handle, Vanessa took a step back. She glanced around, but the storage room wasn’t exactly teeming with chairs or couches. Her eyes landed on the animatronics. 
With a shrug, she squeezed between Chica and Bonnie, who had the least offensive smell, and wiggled until she was half sprawled on the former’s torso. It was almost like being tucked under Chica’s arm, if it wasn’t loose and limp on the ground.
“Fingers crossed that my luck holds,” she murmured, cheek squished against Chica’s surprisingly comfy suit, “and I get a nice, nightmare-free nap.” 
Between the silence and the lack of pain, it didn’t take long for Vanessa to feel herself start to drift off. She clung to the hazy hope of getting true rest for once, and that little not-voice offered comforting reassurance. 
Just before sleep claimed her, she could have sworn she felt a hand press gently against her back. 
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firedragon1321 · 11 months
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Holy JESUS. I mean, even with the short story words in there, I sure wrote a LOT.
(Note that my final draft will be somewhere in the 60000 word range. I cannot wrap this shit up in 8000 words. I'll post when I meet the 50000 word goal, but continue nightly updates until the draft is done.)
Here's the highlight reel. Huge spoilers for if I ever publish this. Like- spoilers that if it was a movie, you'd want to murder your friend if they told you. Readmore'd just in case.
I've finished Joran's trip around his friend's mansion. Unfortunately, his mission impossible proved too impossible. Teosur is now infected by the love brain fungus. Oh noez!
Joran resolves to save Teosur, even if it seems impossible.
Some backstory stuff involving Joran's brother, Jagzid (pun on "jagged"), who noped off when he met his soulmate and left Joran running the house alone at age sixteen.
Joran's antics have made him a target of not just his town, but the entire cluster. That's a group of ten towns. All of which are desperate to get him to just hook up already so they can go about their normal lives.
Joran receives help from a girl named Ally, who provided him with many of the secrets of his world. She lives with a group known as the People, who exist outside the love-fungus-fueled dystopia. She takes Joran and his four-year-old sister to her family, which consists of her father and brother.
The brother is kind of a loser who wears shirts that say "That's What She Said", but he's a nice guy.
Ally's father has the ability to surgically remove soulmate timers that have yet to go off. He offers to do so for Joran. He accepts.
This surgery will only freeze Joran's soulmate's timer. She won't be hurt, but she will think he's dead. This may be to his benefit later.
Before the surgery, Joran and Ally's dad have a discussion about love and its many forms. Keep in mind Joran lives in a world where gay and trans people don't technically exist, and no-one can choose to be single, amongst many other bullshit nuclear family rules. He's a little overwhelmed with all the forms of love now presented to him.
I also get to mention gay rams and penguins. It's only for a line. But I think it's cute.
Joran undergoes the surgery offscreen. It's a success! Thanks to something he said beforehand, though, Ally's father has an idea that may help Teosur, and perhaps the world. He's taken Joran's fungus to run some tests on.
I stopped midway through a light chapter where Joran treats himself to a sponge bath and movie marathon. The kid deserves it.
Also present- four-year-old Jibby making cookies out of dirt and winning the quiet game on the way to Ally's house. There are finally adults to take care of her. Yippie!
Plus two scenes from the original short story were remade into dream sequences. The short story had multiple endings, which I incorporated into the novel as dreams! I won't be able to use this cheat going forward. But that'll plunk me down at around 50000 words anyway.
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aquabasedesign · 11 months
My Contest Aquarium from "The Art of the Planted Aquarium" - the largest Live Aquascaping Contest in Europe
The wood in the 35L Dennerle tank have coloured the water due to their humic substances. This is also clearly visible on the back wall, which is actually white.
However, this becomes less and less from time to time and water changes help a lot. 😁
Incidentally, I replaced the Dennerle corner filter with an Aquael Versamax Mini Hang-On filter. Simply so that there is more space in the tank and unfortunately I don't have room for an external filter here.
The filter is currently filled with filter wool and sponge. Depending on how this fits into the filter, as it is very small, I will add some Seachem Purigen to make the water even clearer.
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Aquarium: Dennerle Nano Tank Plant Pro 35L
Filter: Aquael Versamax Mini
Lighting: Chihiros A II 401
Hardscape: Ikebana Wood & Titan Stones
Substrate: JBL Volcano Mineral, Plant Soil & Sansibar River Sand
For more content, behind the scenes and full setup videos don't forget to follow my Instagram and YouTube channel.
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childishagate84 · 1 year
ya know, the AI comedy shit like AI sponge was funny for the first 5 nano seconds, but it has nothing on a good quality YTP. Please take us back to a time where people spent hours making spongebob say sauss fvuck hoosis sasas saaaass before dr robotnik comes in and asks for a kraby pingas promotion. With AI all we get is the infinite monkey cage of edgy 14 year olds making the AI say "edgy" (bigoted) jokes.
Also the fact that sentence mixing uses real audio and not an AI makes it 1000x funnier (it also took effort).
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giazhou1 · 9 months
Is Nano Sponge (Melamine Foam) Harmful to the Human Body when Used for Cleaning?
Nano sponge is also called cleaning sponge\magic sponge\magic wipe, and the technical term is Melamine Foam. It is very effective for cleaning household stainless steel products, bathroom products, glass products, tiles and porcelain, leather sofas, cars, tables and chairs, wooden floors and other things. When cleaning, you only need to use water to quickly remove stains, so it is quickly familiar to everyone.
However, there are reports that the raw material of nano sponge is melamine. Will this be harmful to the human body? The main reason why people have doubts is the impact of the melamine-tainted milk powder incident.
Compared with melamine, more and more people are paying attention to the formaldehyde release of magic wipes. Here we will explain it to you in detail.
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1. According to the "Hygienic Standards for Formaldehyde in Bedroom Air", the maximum allowable concentration of formaldehyde in bedroom air is 0.08 mg/cubic meter. Put the nano sponge into a large closed beaker to measure the formaldehyde concentration. According to this measurement method, all the home decoration materials placed in it will probably exceed the standard. It should be noted that the formaldehyde concentration measured is the formaldehyde concentration in the indoor air, not the formaldehyde concentration measured by placing purchased decorations in a small sealed box.
2. Formaldehyde is a substance that is easily soluble in water and chemically unstable. It dissipates before it can be enriched. Compared with the convenience brought by nano sponge and the disadvantages of many cleaning tools before it (nano sponge is not easy to get moldy, people who have used it should have noticed that stainless steel wire is more harmful to tableware. Ordinary sponges are very susceptible to mold growth, and ordinary rags are even more fungus-centered).
3. When melamine resin is used as tableware, the country actually issued relevant standards as early as 1980. This standard has been revised twice and is currently GB9690-2009, which has requirements for the migration amount of formaldehyde. Although tableware and nano-sponge are different, they are both melamine and kitchen supplies. Before the national standard of nano-sponge is released, they can also be used for reference. According to this standard, it is determined whether the nano sponge meets the standard, instead of simply saying that it is unqualified if it releases formaldehyde. There are many things containing formaldehyde. As for the consequences, it is still subject to not exceeding the standard.
Where does the Nano Sponge’s excellent cleaning ability come from?
Due to its high hardness and brittleness, melamine-formaldehyde resin foam is brittle and can separate from the foam surface through friction and disperse into fine particles. When wiping stains, these fine particles shed from the foam surface form effective friction with stubborn stains, wiping the stains off and effectively adsorbing them into the pores of the foam. Therefore, this resin foam dry wipe also has great cleaning capabilities.
Melamine formaldehyde resin foam has an open three-dimensional network porous structure, and the cell structure is thin and good. These tiny porous network structures easily absorb moisture and show hydrophilicity, so the adsorption performance is excellent. The excellent adsorption performance of this microporous structure also has a good cleaning effect on stains on scratches on the surface of objects.
Moreover, the nano sponge itself has good physical stability, does not melt in water, and is fireproof.
More information or free samples or price quotations, please contact us via email: [email protected] , or voice to us at: +86-28-8411-1861.
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hyperbolicreverie · 2 years
For the fic ask meme: 1, 4, 39 and 49? :D
What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Hmm. I would have to go with either Lost in Translation, because it's a good snapshot of both my tendency to write languages as well as the way I often structure fics, or Territorial Disputes (Gifts, Unexpected) because it's a good blend of how I do humor, character interactions, and more serious moments. Not the funniest or the most gut-punching moments I've written, but a decent sampler.
What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
Since you didn't give me a fic for this ask, I'm going to go with how Sentinel came out. It's the only time I've written second-person, and it worked so well for a character study for Rayleigh. It doesn't get a lot of attention, but it's still one of my favorite pieces. 39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
If there is, I couldn't name them. It's very likely, though, as I am a sponge when it comes to things like that. I like more lyrical, descriptive styles of writing, and finding the right cadence to the words to make those descriptions sing, but I couldn't pin down where or when or why I started doing that.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
I am always working on multiple things, because I can't just ever have one WIP, much to my dismay sometimes. I've got a timeswap fic in the works, and a couple more character-based pieces, and I definitely haven't run out of ideas for my Seas AU yet. But right now, the big thing is a highly-indulgent changeling/fae AU, because I thought devil fruits sounded an awful lot like a fae bargain and the thoughts just spiraled from there. It's the first time I've written anything of this length or with chapters, and I am both terribly excited and terrified of it. It's my NaNo project, and it's 50.5k words and climbing with no end in sight, so...help.
A snippet, in Luffy's POV, chosen because I love these idiots:
Torao looks more tired than normal, wrapped up in a really soft looking hoodie and jeans, his normal hat nowhere to be found and his hair sticking up in every direction. He would laugh, except he still needs to talk to Torao, and that will probably go easier if he’s not mad at Luffy specifically.
He still looks pretty funny, though.
“Hey, Law,” Ace says cheerfully. “Wow, you. You just got home from work, didn’t you?” Torao just stares at him, unblinkingly. “Well, sorry to bother you, but we found someone in need of your assistance on the way over, and…” He gestures at the redhead and his friend, pointedly nodding at the places where he was bleeding from several deep cuts. “So, uh. Yeah.” He scrambles at his pocket, pulling out Sanji’s slightly squished rice balls. “Sanji sent these over for you.”
Torao looks Kid up and down silently. And then, without saying anything, he extremely deliberately slams the door in their face.
Ace sighs. Luffy cracks up laughing.
“Well, fuck you too, Trafalgar!” Kid yells, banging on the door. “Open the door before I break it down and use it to whoop your skinny ass!”
Torao does not open the door.
“Maybe,” the masked guy says, in a tone of voice that reminds Luffy of when Nami is really, really done with him, “maybe we don’t antagonize the only doctor willing to treat you, Kid.”
“He’s fucking insufferable, Killer, I’m going to…”
Abruptly the door swings open again, and Torao is standing there again, looking just the same as before, except with the addition of a large mug of something steaming hot. Abruptly the commotion on the front step stops.
“Sorry,” he says, in a tone of voice that is not sorry at all, taking a big sip of his drink. “I just needed something stronger before I was ready to deal with your bullshit.” He blinks slowly. “Now get in here before you make the neighbors suspicious. And don’t bleed on my carpet.” Looking at Ace, he grabs the rice balls, and without a word turns to walk back into the house.
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carhouseqatar · 2 years
What are the benefits of car polishing?
A car enthusiast will never allow anything to happen to their vehicle since to them, their car is like a child. It hurts to see even a small scratch on your car. The solutions that Car House offers might prevent you from experiencing these issues. When trying to make any changes to your car, turning it over to a reputable business is much more crucial. The greatest choice is Car House.
The process of polishing a car has several advantages.
This contains:
Removing little or large blemishes or flaws
Paintwork decontamination that a bucket and sponge are unable to remove
Paint rectification
Repair of deteriorating paint
Glossing and polishing the paintwork
Enhancement of color depth and color renewal
Sad to say, few of us have the time to give our automobiles a thorough cut and polish on a monthly basis. There are various factors that can damage your paint when you're travelling on the road.
Everyone wants their own stylish and well-maintained car. Car House provides Best Car Polishing in Qatar. The body of the vehicle needs to be polished properly on both the inside and outside if it is to last as long as possible. We are one of the most well-known service providers in Qatar, and our services are unmatched and irreplaceable. Start your journey with us. We promise to protect the engine, repair the automobile without causing any damage, and always treat our customers with the utmost respect. Let your car speak highly of you. We explicitly consider auto detailing, automobile washing, waxing, and full body polishing as protective services.
 Car house provides its clients with a variety of services for car protection. This includes
Full body polishing and waxing
Nano ceramic coating
Paint protection film (3M)
Interior detailing service
Engine room cleaning etc.
Your overall personality can be gleaned from the way you keep your car. You must now be convinced of the advantages of automobile cleaning for your vehicle after reading all of these perks. It's not just about making your car's inside look nice; it's also about getting rid of any obvious flaws. However, get a monthly best hand vehicle polish from the best auto repair specialist in your area to prevent damage to your car's original paint. To get proper polishing and protecting done, always choose Car House to make your car look brand new. Car also provides you with Car Interior Detailing in Qatar.
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creativeera · 17 days
Polyethyleneimine: An Important Building Block in Various Applications In Industry
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What is Polyethyleneimine?
Polyethyleneimine (PEI) is a polymeric compound composed of repeating units of ethyleneimine monomers. It is a white solid polymer that is soluble in water. PEI is classified as a branched or linear cationic polymer that is formulated through the polymerization of aziridine. The polymer's molecular weight can range from 300 to over 10,000 Daltons depending on its intended use. Properties and Structure of PEI
PEI is a polymer that contains secondary nitrogen atoms along its backbone that provide cationic charge centers. These nitrogen atoms can interact and form electrostatic bonds with negatively charged macromolecules or surfaces. The cationic nature of PEI allows it to act as a polycation and complex or condense with negatively charged substances like DNA or RNA. PEI is also very hygroscopic due to its numerous amine groups that attract water molecules. Its branched structure provides greater buffering capacity and DNA condensation ability compared to the linear form of PEI. Uses in Gene Delivery
One of the most important uses of Polyethyleneimine is in non-viral gene delivery applications. Its cationic charge allows it to efficiently bind and compact negatively charged nucleic acids like plasmids, forming nano-sized polyplexes that can transfect cells. The polyplexes are effectively endocytosed by cells and the low pH of endosomes triggers PEI to buffer the compartment, releasing the DNA from the complex. This "proton sponge" mechanism of PEI facilitates effective intracellular delivery and expression of the gene of interest. It is commonly used as a transfection agent for in vitro studies as well as in vivo gene therapies and vaccines. Role in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
Given its favorable properties, PEI also finds extensive use as biomaterials for tissue engineering applications. Its cationic nature permits binding of PEI to negatively charged components of the extracellular matrix like glycosaminoglycans. This helps direct cell adhesion, growth, and function. PEI can act as a coating onto implants and scaffolds, promoting their integration with surrounding tissues. It allows bioconjugation of signaling cues to influence cell behavior in regenerative therapies as well. The tunable properties of PEI through controlling its molecular weight or branching also expand its utility in the design of biomaterials.
In addition to the major uses mentioned above, PEI has applications in many other fields due to its versatile characteristics. It acts as a flocculating agent in wastewater treatment processes to remove pollutants and purify water. PEI finds increasing importance as a hardener in epoxy resins used in manufacturing infrastructure and electronics. Its buffering ability makes it valuable as a non-corrosive alternative to replace hazardous chemicals in industrial cleaning agents as well. Overall, the unique polymeric structure and properties of PEI designate it as an essential building block material with myriad applications.
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Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights.
(LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
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spookysaladchaos · 2 months
Global Top 15 Companies Accounted for 57% of total Automotive Body Sealing Systems market (QYResearch, 2021)
Body sealing system is commonly made of EPDM rubber and PVC, a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) mix of plastic and rubber, and a thermoplastic olefin (TPO) polymer/filler blend. The goal of body sealing system is to prevent rain and water from entering entirely or partially and accomplishes this by either returning or rerouting water. A secondary goal of body sealing system is to keep interior air in, thus saving energy on heating and air conditioning.
The automotive body sealing system means the edges of a vehicle's windshield, windows, doors and trunk lid, etc. Automobile Sealing System strip is usually made into a hollow sponge foam tube.
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According to the new market research report “Global Automotive Body Sealing Systems Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Automotive Body Sealing Systems market size is projected to reach USD 25.95 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 13.3% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Automotive Body Sealing Systems Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Automotive Body Sealing Systems Top 15 Players Ranking and Market Share(Based on data of 2021, Continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Automotive Body Sealing Systems include Cooper Standard, Toyoda Gosei, Hwaseung, Hutchinson, Nishikawa Rubber, SaarGummi Group, Henniges Automotive, Jianxin Zhao’s Group, Standard Profil, Kinugawa Rubber Industrial, etc. In 2021, the global top five players had a share approximately 57.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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futuristicpaintercat · 2 months
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Rutile: The Most Common Naturally Occurring Form of TiO2
Properties and Characteristics of Titanium dioxide Rutile is a naturally occurring oxide mineral composed of titanium dioxide (TiO2). It is chemically inert and highly stable when exposed to heat, acids and weathering. Titanium dioxide crystallizes in the tetragonal crystal system and is hard - measuring 6 on the Mohs hardness scale. This gives it a metallic luster and its color ranges from gray to black with tints of yellow and red. Reddish brown is the most common color for titanium dioxide. It has a high refractive index of 2.9 and specific gravity of 4.2. Occurrence and Formation Titanium dioxide is one of the most common minerals found in igneous and metamorphic rocks across the world. It forms when igneous and metamorphic rocks cool and crystallize from high temperature conditions. It is a natural accessory mineral present in igneous rocks like granite and gabbros. Titanium dioxide also occurs in metamorphic rocks such as quartzite, marble, schist and gneiss that are formed from pre-existing sandstones and limestones under heat and pressure. Hydrothermal deposits are another source of titanium dioxide formation where hot fluids carry titanium-rich solutions and precipitate into vein deposits. Beach sands containing titanium dioxide form an important natural reserve of this mineral. Commercial Significance Rutile is a commercially important ore of titanium. It accounts for approximately 95% of the world's natural pigment production as well as a major source for production of titanium metal. Finely ground titanium dioxide provides a brilliant white pigment used in paints, paper, plastics, laminates, food supplements and many other applications. Titanium dioxide pigment has excellent hiding power, brightness and opacity. Titanium dioxide is also used to produce titanium sponge - a key intermediate material used in manufacturing titanium metal and its alloys. Titanium metals find wide applications from aerospace and military hardware to medical implants due to excellent corrosion resistance and high strength-to-weight ratio. Health and Environmental Aspects Titanium dioxide is designated as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by FDA for use as a colorant in foods, drugs and cosmetics. However, concerns have been raised about possible carcinogenicity of nano-sized titanium dioxide particles. Long-term inhalation or ingestion of nano titanium dioxide particles may potentially affect the lungs or gastrointestinal tract. To minimize health risks, nano titanium dioxide particles are produced to be stable, inert and bound within products. Mining and processing of titanium dioxide generates industrial wastes that require proper treatment and disposal to avoid pollution of air, water and soil. Large-scale mining also causes environmental impacts like habitat loss, erosion and disruption of aquatic life. Sustainable and eco-friendly mining practices are needed to harvest this critical natural resource. Conservation and Future Outlook As a result of its widespread industrial consumption, earth's estimated reserves of Rutile ore are being steadily depleted. Major producers include Australia, South Africa and India while important deposits also occur in Kenya, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Norway and the United States. Exploration for new titanium dioxide deposits continues around the world to meet growing demands of titanium metal and pigment industries. Improvement in mining techniques to recover leaner grades of ore helps conserve resources and increases reserves. Use of titanium dioxide in value-added applications, recycling titanium wastes and finding substitutes also hold promise to provide long term sustainability for this colorless yet industrially irreplaceable mineral. With increasing needs of high-tech and lightweight materials across multiple sunrise sectors, Rutile is projected to retain its strategic importance in advanced materials revolution in the future.
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About Author:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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