#nano trouble
writey-unicorn · 2 years
the powers out but I have my phone's data, my Spotify, and the Internet Typewriter, let's GOOOOOOOOO!
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awkward-teabag · 4 months
Was looking at my iPod Nano and thought how utterly BS it is that companies say it takes too much room to have a headphone jack.
I already thought it was BS before but the claim invariably comes down to form factor and keeping the jacks would make the device too big.
My Nano is ~5mm thick with the jack (also it's thinner than that but the glass stands out to make it thicker). That's nearly 3mm thinner than the latest iPhone and even the thinnest iPhone is over 2mm thicker.
You're telling me as components and ports shrink and boards also get smaller, it's unfeasible to do something that was done a decade ago?
It's almost as if it's not that form factor/technology doesn't allow it and it's all about selling proprietary adapters and/or Apple-brand headphones/earbuds/airpods that can be paired without a jack, and removing customer freedom.
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skymeria · 1 year
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Ahh... nothing like breaking your writing buddy's heart on a sunny afternoon 😎
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NaNoWriMo day 6 total words: 17,352
(+ 3,166 words today)
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dahldahlbills · 7 months
nano day 15
total word count: 582 😬
my main priority was finishing scene 9. which I did! I’m a bit clueless as to how scene 10 is gonna go, and I’m too tired to think abt it rn so that’s tomorrow’s problem lol
Officially halfway through nano!! Total word count is 21174, leaving me ~4k short from the goal. I’m hoping I can pick up the pace a bit next week. I keep telling myself that it’s fine if I don’t hit the 50k and I know it’s fine if I don’t. But being short 4k kinda stings lol. Like it’s right there. ah well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we still have 15 days who knows what’ll happen
thank you to everyone who’s cheered me on so far!! The encouragement is extremely appreciated :’)
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reneesbooks · 1 year
WIP Intro: Hurts, Doesn't It?
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I figured it was about time I introduced the novel I'm working on for Camp Nano :)
Will's a florist, not an expert on politics, but he knows a few things: the Executive runs things from the Capitol, which was rebuilt after the Second Civil War, and eventually his son will be the Executive. He never thought about it much; he was focused on going to NYU for botany and horticulture and the Olympics for archery. But now? Now, he's in prison for smuggling forged art (which he didn't do) and all his cellmates want to talk about it how the government is horrible and the Resistance (terrorists) are actually the good guys.
Enter Kat Barrick--the girl who got Will put in prison in the first place. When she breaks him out and offers her help getting him home, he is reasonably skeptical. Despite her secrets, she is trying to help him. He'll give her a chance to get him home. But as he learns more about her world and the truth behind his history books, he begins to wonder if home is still within reach.
my baby my novel that i've been writing for years my beloved. here are the main characters (picrew used):
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Will Moore: He's a florist from Jersey who did NOT sign up for any of this. that's okay, though. he's figuring it out. His favorite hobbies are archery and talking to people about flowers. He will find a way to mention the fact that he's a florist in any conversation. wants to go to the olympics but already won the himbolympics
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Kat Barrick: she's an art forger who ran away from home at seventeen and supports her family by selling her paintings on the black market. yes she throws knives no you don't get to know where she learned to. not here to fuck around, just trying to get through the day. she WILL stab you if you get in her way though
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Peyton Barrick: Kat's older brother and perpetually exhausted mother hen. Great public speaker but prefers to be cooking most of the time. Definitely going to trick you into being a vegetarian because he is and knows his way around a spice rack enough to convince you that you are eating pork, not eggplant. why is he a vegetarian? none of your fucking business.
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Scarlett Carter: battle-worn leader of the Resistance and antique revolver enthusiast. yes it's very funny that she has a gigantic scar across her face and her name is Scarlett. mention it again and she'll show you one of those revolvers up close. these new kids are giving her grey hairs.
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Hayden Stone: Scarlett's husband and the brains of the Resistance. NOT a morning person, will greet you with a shotgun if you wake him up. loves his daughter and is very sad that she decided to be a spy when he's just trying to keep her safe. thinks Will's puns are shitty and has a bet going on how long it'll take Kat to kill him.
My goal for Camp Nano has been to write 25,000 words and as of 4/11 I'm about halfway there :D
Posts tagged for this novel can be found here. A few highlights so far:
Kat and Will getting drunk and watching the news
15-question character interview of Kat and Will
Kat and Will having an Emotional Talk
Will taking a serious risk
The following excerpt is the opening scene, where Will meets Kat in his shop for the first time. let me know if you're interested in being added to the taglist for this wip! <3
I nudged the unconscious man with the bristles of the broom. “Are you dead?”
A small groan escaped. “She left me…”
“Jesus, you’re a sad drunk,” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Dude, you have to make like a tree and leave.”
He mumbled something that sounded like an insult and turned over, face-down on the floor. I nudged him again with the broom, then smacked him when he didn’t move. He lurched up into a sitting position, swearing vaguely in my direction, and nearly knocked over a potted plant on a stand.
“I’m calling the cops if you don’t leave,” I said, moving towards the counter. “Whatever your deal is, it’s none of my business, but you gotta do it somewhere else.”
He grumbled and groaned but another smack with the broom had him up and stumbling out of the store. I rearranged the vases and potted plants that he’d disturbed and swept up the fallen leaves and petals.
The bell over the door rang and I turned to greet the customer. “Welcome to Lydia’s Fine Flowers, how can I help you?”
The young woman smiled, running her fingers over the head of one of the flowers near the door. “Just looking, thank you,” she said. “Who’s Lydia?”
“My mom,” I said, retreating behind the counter. “She grows all these flowers herself. Best florist in Jersey.”
“Not that you’d ever brag,” the young woman said with a smirk.
“That would be utterly unbe-leaf-able,” I replied, setting the broom back in its spot. “Bragging is very unbecoming.”
“Plant puns must be part of the job,” she said.
“The fun part.”
“Hmm.” She turned to look at the refrigerated arrangements. I went back to the shop computer, squinting at the inventory numbers. We would need to sell the summer arrangements soon, with fall coming up. I bit my lip. My mom would be on her own in a few months. I’d been helping out in the shop for as long as I could remember, and now I was off to college. How would she fare without me?
I turned around, shaking off the worry. My mom would be fine. I spotted the young woman frowning at a bouquet and walked over.
She jumped a little when I got close, her hand going to her waist. She relaxed when she saw it was me. I grinned at her. “Forget me not.”
She blinked. “What?”
I gestured at the display. “Forget-me-nots. I can check the pricing if you’d like.”
She sighed, her hand dropping away from her waist. “No, thanks. I was just thinking about a picture I saw once. I recognized the flowers from that.”
“I see. Let me know if you have any questions,” I said, returning to the counter. I picked up my book from behind the register and flipped through the pages until I found the spot I had left off at.
Olympic Committee Requirements
My fingers itched, imagining myself at the Olympic tryouts the next summer. I would win gold, I was sure of it. I'd already won state and regional archery competitions, gone to nationals, and beaten more experienced archers who were twice my age. I was more than cut out for it.
I was going to make it.
The crinkle of tissue paper jolted me out of the book. “Will?”
I glanced up at the young woman, startled. She smiled at me, her eyes flicking down to my nametag. I grinned back. “I feel like I’m at a disadvantage here. You don’t have a nametag.”
“How much for these?” she asked, gesturing at the bouquet of lilies she’d set on the counter.
“Fifteen.” I punched it into the register. “Cash or card?”
“Cash.” She set the money down on the counter and fiddled with the lilies as I made change.
“Are those a gift for someone or just for you?” I wrapped them up in paper and added a packet of plant food.
“They’re for my little sister.” Her lips twitched. “They’re her favorite.”
“That’s sweet.” I handed her the change. “I never did get your name.”
“Hmm.” She turned, curling brown hair swinging over her shoulder. I caught the faint whiff of mint before the bell chimed and she was gone. I stared after her for a second before returning to my book.
I had bigger things to worry about.
if you want to get into the mood, this wip does have a playlist
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vaguely-annoyed · 4 months
a meet cute? in dreams? it's more likely than you think!
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Two good news, Damien! :)
Damien leaned back against the tree, staring up at the sky, absentmindedly massaging his right hand.
Every single choice Ed had given him had been nothing more than an illusion. Every possible decision he could make would only be in that sadist’s favor. There would never be a way out for him. It was a game he had already lost.
1) You will soon get out :D
2) Your hand won’t give you trouble much longer! :)
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hakuryuu · 2 years
unstoppable force (desire to start a new story and write something new for nano) vs immovable object (Brain Fucking Broken)
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NaNoWriMo Day 3
I think enemies to friends/siblings/lovers is a popular trope because of the way that people have to experience personal growth in some way in order to begin to like each other.
Also the drama.
Rabbit holes I fell down:
Medieval castle interiors
What are walls made of
When was drywall invented
How long does it take for someone to bleed out from a stab wound
What are the best and worst light colors to use in the dark
What are the best and worse light colors to use during the day
Holy shit is that why police cars use red and blue lights (yes)
How long it takes the average person to climb eight flights of stairs
Wound healing sped up (I am traumatized :) and for no reason because I ended up deciding that I Did Not Care and did what I was planning anyways)
Do identical twins have the same blood type
Flower language (again, always)
Word count (for today): 3225
Word count (total): 8446
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*through gritted teeth* ao3 is an archive and there is far weirder stuff on there i am not cringe for posting my self-indulgent fics i am just one in a vast sea of other people posting self-indulgent fics
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writey-unicorn · 2 months
So I haven't been here in a while and when I did, I didn't talk politics. But NaNoWriMo doesn't care about the community and it is making me just mad enough that I have to say something.
The way they're handling this situation is fucked up. Should the woman who started this get fired? Yes! Should we punish the moderators? Sure! Why not? Fire every single one for all I care! All of this could have been solved entirely if they had just put in a block button and gotten rid of the moderators entirely! It's likely that last year's NaNo still would have been ruined but we would have had forums for Camp April and a guarantee of having forums for Camp July and for this year's NaNo. Instead, this has dragged on for over 6 months now because NaNo can't pull their heads out of their ass.
They have blocked off all of the ways the community could speak to them directly, tech support has stopped answering questions, and there is no end to this in sight. I know I can't be the only one who has lost any faith I had in them; something that wouldn't have happened if they had dealt with this in a reasonable, swift fashion when it became a problem.
I don't know what NaNoWriMo is doing but whatever it is, it isn't out of love for the community because if they gave one shit out the community then this problem would have been solved by now and this would be a sad blip in the rearview mirror. this would allow us to still talk to them. Tech support would still be answering questions. So I don't know what they are doing this for, virtue signaling or power tripping or politics, but it's not for the community. I never gave any donations before although I had thought about it but now, now that they've shown themselves to be untrustworthy, I can't imagine anyone who would give money to them. If anyone knows of a good replacement for the community that NaNo has destroyed then please, I need to know about it because, at this point, I doubt they're going to fix it.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
How are y'all making the good serious wip intros without several layers of bullshit shitposts
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htonl-writes · 2 years
so i’ve finally hit the point i always knew i was going to hit at some point during nanowrimo, which is that writing has become much much harder, and i’m about a day behind my wordcount goal. in addition, i pivoted what i’m doing with this next chapter after i’d already put a day’s worth of words in, and i had to start over. so... the next update will be a day or two late. jsuk.
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thelittlestspider · 12 days
need to get back to every me and every you at some point
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0800mason · 23 days
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