sntnano · 1 year
NanoSPA-LA: Next-Gen Scintillator for SPA
NanoSPA-LA is a next-generation scintillator that offers increased sensitivity, reduced background noise, and improved signal-to-noise ratio for scintillation proximity assays.
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lasseling · 29 days
He STATES CLEARLY that his ‘Vaccines’ have Nanotechnology.
DOES ANYONE honestly believe this is to make people healthier?
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mindblowingscience · 4 months
A team of researchers from the URV and the RMIT University (Australia) has designed and manufactured a surface that uses mechanical means to mitigate the infectious potential of viruses. Made of silicon, the artificial surface consists of a series of tiny spikes that damage the structure of viruses when they come into contact with it. The work is published in the journal ACS Nano. The research has revealed how these processes work and that they are 96% effective. Using this technology in environments in which there is potentially dangerous biological material would make laboratories easier to control and safer for the professionals who work there.
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nanotechnologyworld · 21 days
Physicists from Princeton University have made a major advance in understanding a form of magnetism known as kinetic magnetism, using ultracold atoms bound in an artificial laser-built lattice. Their experiments, chronicled in a paper published this week in the journal Nature(Link is external), allowed the researchers to directly image the microscopic object responsible for this magnetism, an unusual type of polaron, or quasiparticle that emerges in an interacting quantum system.
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honestlyobsessed · 3 months
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Two-faced solar panels can generate more power at up to 70% less cost
Researchers have built a new kind of two-faced (bifacial) panel. They used single-walled carbon nanotubes as both front and back electrodes. These tubes are just 2.2 nanometers across. That is slightly thinner than a strand of human DNA. A piece of paper is thicker than 45,000 nanotubes stacked on top of each other. The study is published in the journal Nature Communications, and the team included Surrey scientists working with colleagues at the University of Cambridge, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xidian University, and Zhengzhou University, China. Dr. Jing Zhang, research fellow at Surrey's Advanced Technology Institute, said, "Our bifacial cells can harvest sunlight from both front and back panels. This generates more energy and depends less on which angle the light hits them.
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ancientorigins · 4 months
The secrets behind some of history's advanced ancient inventions, from the Byzantine's enigmatic Greek fire to the Roman glassmaker's elusive vitrum flexile, have been lost, leaving us mystified by the remarkable innovations crafted by our ancestors thousands of years ago.
The legendary universal antidote, Mithridatium, perfected by King Mithridates VI and Nero's physician, featured a concoction of opium, chopped vipers, and ancient wisdom.
Archimedes' heat-ray weapon, inspiring modern warfare, found its echo in DARPA's 2001 unveiling of a heat-ray weapon
The fascinating stories behind these timeless creations continue to inspire wonder, from the rediscovery of Damascus steel, blending ancient craftsmanship with modern insights and nanotechnology, to the mysteries of lost inventions now thriving in the modern era.
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thescribblings · 3 months
Long post ahead! (It got out of hand, this is very wordy)
So! I've mentioned his second prosthetic. I've spent a while trying to draw some sort of visual aid to my explanations since I'm not the best with words lol-
I also might have burned myself out a bit but anyway-
Here's what i came up with!
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Individuals, backstory, and info under the cut!
Backstory - prosthetic - random notes
How about a little storytime then?
Leo was 23. He and raph were leading a supply run, and everything was fine until they bumped into sister krang, and she brought backup. How lucky amirite?
Lets fast forward a bit towards the end of the battle, troops were fighting hounds, zombies, tech - you name it, they fought it. And while that's happening, Raph had taken on sister krang herself in an attempt to stall for everyone to escape, and leo was trying to make a path through the chaos for the troops.
But no matter his size, raph wasn't strong enough to take on sister krang alone. Leo knew this, raph knew this, She knew this. Leo started making his way over to raph, sprinting and teleporting left and right, getting glimpses of that stable red and her sadistic smile.
When he was almost there, leo got knocked back a few hundred feet by a sudden explosion, knocking him out for a minute or so
Miraculously he was fine when he came to and started his mad dash towards raph once again, but before he could reach him, sister krang reeled her hand back and plunged it straight into his construct, dead center.
Leo screamed when his construct started falling apart, but raph only smiled at him before it fizzled out completely. Then sister krang finally noticed leo, her smile turning to a sneer. This unlocked something in leo, giant blue portals opening under all the troops, sending them anywhere else while he reached his older brothers mangled corpse.
While he was mourning, krang knocked him away. All he managed to grab was raph's mask as he flew across the battlefield and passed out on impact.
Sadistic as she was, sister krang decided to have fun with him. He woke to his odachi laying broken, just out of reach. While she was slowly breaking his right arm off before tossing it to a hound as a treat, then she started slowly, excruciatingly carving away at his leg, from his hip to his knee, all the way to his femur.
She then grabbed his femur and twisted it out of its socket as slowly as she could, laughing. He managed one more burst of ninpo, teleporting himself, his severed leg, and his odachi out of harms way.
Onto the prosthesis!
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Here he is! My favorite middle-aged turtle
What you see here is his uncovered prosthetic since he took off the sleeve for this (more on that later), the majority of his thigh had been too damaged to save from sister krangs little torture session, and instead of just doing something like a rotationplasty and calling it a day
(Image taken from google)
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Donnie decided to just remove the damaged tissue and replace it with nanotechnology instead.
Since his femur was left with krang, donnie made him a new one out of some sort of metal as well. It's hollow because why not. but let's talk nanotech, yeah?
I'm not the best at explaining these things (and i only have a surface level understanding of it), but I'll try.
If you've ever watched endgame and watched when Iron Man tapped his chest and his suit built itself on the spot, that's nanotech. Teeny tiny pieces of metal that make something bigger! Or, if you've watched Big Hero 6, it's kinda like the nanobots. The gist is that you just have to program the tech to do what you want. In this case, it's been programmed to act as muscle tissue.
The tech formed individual muscle strands that interlocked with his remaining muscle. That way, it had a pretty straightforward connection. Why make something complex when the body is a perfectly functional mechanism in and of itself?
So, as you might assume with an injury this severe, it took months upon months to heal, even with their impressive healing factor, this is a lot. And to avoid oberwhelming Leo's body and mind too much while he's healing, donnie decided to manually keep the severed leg alive in a machine that simulates the body, providing oxygen and nutrients, and of course, doing physical therapy on a set schedule.
Let me tell you, leo did not like this at all. He was forced to look at the bloody remnants of his leg constantly, always reminded of everything he lost in that last battle for months.
Donnie installed the ports separately and let them heal before reattaching the limb months later. This was especially rough for leo as he had literally lost an arm and a leg and was forced to look at the bloody proof 24/7. When his leg was finally back on his body, he hated it. It felt weird and unnatural at first, but soon enough, he refused to take it off at all.
Present day, he forgets it's a prosthetic half the time, he's just so used to it that it's become part of him, the only time the realisation hits that yes, his leg is gone now, is when he has to do maintenance on it. (lil more on that later, not much, tho)
The prosthetic was designed to function just like an ordinary leg would, and it was a success! It acts just like it did before the injury.
You might be wondering how his reattached leg is still alive, right? Since, y'know, there's nothing but tech connecting it to his body now. Remember how the femur is hollow? There are actually teeny tiny pipes running through the walls of his femur that provide blood to his leg!
At first i thought i could make blood pass through the metal muscle like it would with flesh, but i quickly realised a major flaw in that, were he to, say, get stabbed or something, the muscle would rebuild in moments sure, but there would be blood in the prosthesis and he might get some deadly blood disease from it so-
I decided it would be more practical for it to pass through the femur, since it would take some very severe damage to the prosthetic for it to cause any actual issues, even if he did get stabbed or slashed he would be stunned, but over-all fine when the tech retakes its shape
Now, you might be thinking 'well it can't possibly be removable! It must be permanent' jokes on you. It's completely detachable!
Kinda rushed these drawings, lol, but you get the gist
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This whole 'secondary prosthetic' idea is something i actually thought of while drawing these! Since it would be pretty flawed if he was suddenly bedridden or reliant on someone strong enough to carry him if they suddenly needed to escape, lol (my boy weighs like 200+ kg, sure, it's doable, but it's better if he can handle himself in emergencies)
So! His leg can, in fact, be removed! It'll sustain itself for upwards of 12 hours with the built-in mechanism that circulates and provides oxygen and nutrients to the blood in his leg, i won't go into too much detail about that whole process since i already wrote down the gist of it in the picture itself.
What i didn't mention is that the secondary prosthetic is optional, so he can choose to just go legless if he feels like it. He never really went without it in the apocalypse, usually choosing to keep up his everyday work instead of taking a break for once in his miserable life. but now that he's safe and all, he usually just hangs out on the couch or something. Actually, there's some emotions here
When he does take it off, mainly for maintenance, he gets hit with the realisation that he had, in fact, lost most of his leg, followed by depressive episodes where he refuses to leave his room - the couch - or any space he percieves as safe until it's back on. Usually, he ends up moping on the couch bundled up in at least two blankets until his leg is returned to him or, more commonly, he usually does maintenance on it himself, and yes, he mopes the entire time. He will mope for hours on end without saying a single word at times
Donnie, ever the tech enthusiast, invented a whole new fucking metal for this prosthetic, it's specifically made so that normal x-rays pick it up as bone and flesh instead of metal, he also designed a special x-ray that sees the prosthetic as metal, of course. But they usually just used the regular ones just in case something got caught in the tech
Since leo is, well.. leo. He did sometimes store raph's mask in the hollow space in his femur, donnie highly discouraged it but jokes on him. His mask was also stored in there at some point. It wasn't a common occurrence, of course. Just mainly when he wanted to hide them from someone who would have otherwise seen them on the handle of his (very historically inaccurate btw, i did some research), custom nagamaki blade, it's more based on a nagamaki blade than it is an actual nagamaki blade, leo wanted it that way lol
Onto the sleeve!
As you might have noticed, he's missing some skin, right? Not to worry! Donnie designed a protective cover out of a silicon like material. It's like artificial skin!
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Showing you his most commonly worn sleeve while standing like the gayest middle-aged turtle you ever did see
When i draw him in colour, his sleeve will most likely be black, as it's my favorite colour on him lol.
His two main ones are black and green, the green one is a bit off in colour, a bit too saturated compared to his scales, it matched his skintone better when he was younger since his scales have dulled with age. And as of right now, none of his sleeves have his markings on them. They're all pretty plain
And as you can see, the sleeve makes his leg look completely normal in shape! You wouldn't even know it's fake if he wore full lenght pants! (Don't tell him i called it a fake leg, he'd smack me lol) anywho, the green sleeve is more discreet if he wants to wear shorts out in public without catching everyones attention, y'know?
He 100% has like three of these just laying around. We all know he's gonna get stabbed, donnie knew, at least
(Sidenote, remember how he lost his arm at the same time? And how raph died? He begged donnie to model his new arm after raph for a very special reason. 'So he and raph could still fight side by side', sappy, i know)
I definitely missed something, and i might add it later if i remember what it is, but here it is! My own prosthetic design
Thank you vv much for reading!
Have nice day
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mysharona1987 · 11 months
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 month
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Scientists use magnetic resonance microscopy as a non-invasive MRI method to visualise internal organs. This spiky-looking specimen is actually a rat kidney.
Photograph: Gary Cowin/AIBN
2023 Australian Institute For Bioengineering And Nanotechnology Image Contest
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soliloquent-stark · 18 days
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i'm more than half asleep and forgot about this the second i clicked post and i was like what did i do?? oh just regular sad posting hours. 💋 i'm sorry my darlings, but it's true. that suit was not designed with a survival strategy in mind. ❤️‍🩹 and also i like to inflict pain 🫡 like, how steve probably carried him off the battlegrounds and they had to peel the suit off him and extract his body. removing it piece by piece and hating it for failing him whilst knowing it's the very thing that saved his life 15 years ago. saved it for this, so he can fulfill his destiny. one in fourteen million chances. one man in eight billion. the story was always gonna end like this etcetera :)
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sntnano · 1 year
Nanotechnologies: Pioneering the Future of Science
Delve into the cutting-edge world of nanotechnologies and their role in shaping the future of science with scintillation nanotechnologies
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mindblowingscience · 1 month
Self-assembling molecules that spontaneously organize themselves to form complex structures are common in nature. For example, the tough outer layer of insects, called the cuticle, is rich in proteins that can self-assemble. Self-assembly is a cost-effective, environmentally sustainable and quick way of manufacturing nanostructures with critical applications in various industries, ranging from therapeutics to self-replicating machines. Harnessing the self-assembling abilities of proteins from the cuticles of Asian corn borer moth caterpillars (Ostrinia furnacalis), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) scientists have created nanosized capsules that could be used to deliver drugs and messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA is a molecule that instructs cells to produce proteins and has been used in COVID-19 vaccines.
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nanotechnologyworld · 2 months
The new properties of goldene are due to the fact that the gold has two free bonds when two-dimensional. Thanks to this, future applications could include carbon dioxide conversion, hydrogen-generating catalysis, selective production of value-added #chemicals, #hydrogen production, #water purification, #communication, and much more.
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Harvesting human motion energy: The promise of wearable triboelectric nanogenerators
There is a lot of mechanical energy in human activities, but human activities are low frequency and irregular. As such, traditional electromagnetic power generation mode cannot efficiently collect this energy without affecting the normal activities of the human body. A new energy harvesting method, called triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG), can efficiently collect low-frequency and irregular mechanical energy such as mechanical vibration, sound waves, raindrops, and so on. But there's a catch: Achieving the flexibility, stretchability, and wearability of the TENG is a prerequisite for harvesting energy from the human body. Therefore, the scientists' mission is to make the TENG wearable. Current methods for achieving TENG flexibility and stretchability mostly rely on the properties of the material itself.
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