#naoya answers
naoyafacts · 2 years
Naoya gives me the vibe that he can’t swim or ride a bike
he likes liquid as a concept but not if it interferes with a face full of fenty
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scrivenger-grimgar · 4 months
Persona Series Arcana
Big thanks to LinkTheSniper on DeviantArt for the tarot cards!!
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Here's a resource for writers, artists, and readers regarding the Arcana assignment in all of the Persona games! Its ordered by Tarot Arcana, then game release.
There's an additional note for P5 Joker, because he's an interesting variant of modern Persona games in that he does not attain the World Arcana by the end of the game, but rather retains the Fool Arcana which is more in line with the Trickster archetype.
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kamiversee · 6 months
Nah bc why is Naoya so fucking hot only for him to be insufferable
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He just needs to stfu, thats all🙏
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sukirichi · 4 months
How likely (percentage is fine if you feel so inclined) is each prince likely to be end game?
Note: I am aware this does not mean the highest one will be end game as you have stated in the past that the ending has not been fully decided and/or could change.
ooooooh let’s get into it (i’ll answer this generally and not where yn’s emotions are at the moment)
kiyoomi has the highest chance to be endgame. i haven’t posted kiyoomi arc yet, but once its out, it will all make sense. but he has the highest chance of being endgame because the way he loves is genuine. he will always put yn first before everything, and he’s yn’s type, so. the only thing holding him back is that he isn’t very expressive with his emotions. he could love yn a lot, but because he prefers keeping to himself, yn might think he’s uninterested :( but out of all the princes, he’s the one yn could fall for the most (even after meeting suna)
rin has a good chance of being endgame, maybe 60%. there’s more of rin we haven’t seen yet, that not even yn has. why is he the way he is? why is he messed up? who is he, truly, when all we’ve ever known from him was when he was charming and pursuing us, to the lying and manipulative husband he is now? i feel like when he finally becomes honest with himself and with yn, their relationship can and will improve. not to say all is forgiven, but he’d be seen less as an evil man but more as a troubled person who only needed help
oikawa has the least chance of being endgame. not only is he the husband of maiko, who yn is friends with, but his feelings come more from a place of wanting to be ‘the good guy’ rather than the ‘worthless prince.’ oikawa is infamous for not having any good connections and an overall bad reputation + he’s pissy and rude to his brothers. no one really likes him. that’s why he wants to be good in yn’s eyes, and prove that he’s not so bad. his actions are motivated more by his self esteem, and not because he’s totally in love yet, although he is romantically interested. however, he is the most effortful out of his brothers, and he’s always the one helping her and staying by her side when no one else would (not even kiyoomi, bcos kiyoomi tends to come off as neutral due to his avoidance of conflict) so there is still a good chance he can be endgame once yn sees that oikawa is the most devoted
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epickiya722 · 5 months
I know nothing abt jjk but that naoya guy literally looks like a lesser Monoma i'm so sorry lol
Anon, you didn't just... Anon! Okay, but you lowkey right. I can't unsee now.
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cloudvaria · 17 days
Hello! I'm a bit of a newbie here, so I'm curious. Can you tell me a little about your character and the projects involving them? I'm a bit confused about the quantities of Hibari ><
And oh, oops ^^;
I can understand the confusion because ngl, I made another Hibari in my upcoming short comics ahahah xD
My main MC is this particular family member: Naoya Hibari.
The Cloud Varia.
But I see you liked the recent commission, basically, my proto-type fanfiction which I wrote, and plan to make as a ‘Manga Pilot / one-shot’, is “AU Kyoya”, or my fave nickname for them, Kyoyako.
Basically I admit now publicly moreso,
Kyoyako / AU Kyoya is basically Naoya Hibari.
AU Kyoya is from another universe- again, one-shot.
Again, so…
I haven’t made a formal profile yet cause I struggle TwT
You can find info on them on my blog via typing “Naoya Hibari”.
But ya, he’s confirmed to be related to Kyoya, but I’m not saying how yet.
On physical appearance, they are supposed to look-a-like except with obvious differences I gave to my MC.
Naoya has freckles and orange at the center of his eyes. And also tans and dyes his hair in current arcs a lot. ALSO SOMETHING I STRUGGLE MYSELF WITH, Naoya is supposed have thicker hair than Kyoya, like ears, ehehehe… * ^^;
Here are following pictures by various talented artists and mutuals and me.
My art:
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Art by @dreamieparadise and @mimiruku
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Art by @einsatzzz and
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Art by @cloud-chaser-2224
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And ofc the recent commission by @hunnymzdrawsposts ✨🧡🧡🧡🩵🩵🩵
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So ya, if you zoom even that one, you can see AU Kyoya has freckles and orangey eyes at the center.
This is how my MC looks so far if that’s what you want to know more.
I’m open to any further questions you have, of course.✨💜💖
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seijorhi · 3 months
rhi could we get a hint about the line up??? cause I feel like everyone forgets higuruma and I have a feeling he's definitely in there...
hmmmm all five of the characters appear together in the same arc but not all on the same side
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screampied · 7 months
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naoya is just a worse version of my boy jouno 😣😣😣
LMAOOOOO NOT JOUNO. i knew he had a resemblance somewhere 🦧
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ficsforeren · 11 months
HEY KANA!!! how are you? i hope everything’s good and everyone in your life! I just wanted to tell you that i found a VERY VERY VERYYYYY similar fic to yours , the «  Shh baby daddy’s on the phone » one , way too similar that i’ve figured out that she literally copied your work :o her acc is momowritings and the fic is « Welcome Home »! Have a good day🤍
Hi, my darling!! I'm doing good, thanks for asking, I hope you're doing well too❤️
Thank you so much for letting me know! I read their fic and it does sound very similar to Shhh, Baby, Daddy's on The Phone 😅 but well... they didn't exactly copy my work word per word, just the storyline/idea so umm... I guess it's okay?? Would've been nice if they mentioned that they were inspired by this fic or something but I'll try to be positive and think that maybe they came up with the plot themselves LMAO
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queen-ofsunflowers · 5 months
How would rank the Persona protagonists in terms of magic prowess?
Please note that this list only goes with main game protagonists plus Kotone. P5X isn't on here since I haven't started that game and know next to nothing about it. This is also based on my own personal opinions, so keep that in mind too. If anyone has a different list, I'd like to see it.
Also, please keep in mind that all of them are powerful in their own ways -- and in terms of magic prowess, eventually gain the strength they need. That's all. Onto the list!
7. Maya Amano
Maya's a pretty tough gal, and I love her to bits but unfortunately, she's at the bottom of this list. Sorry, Maya fans.
A lot of what she does is through sheer will power and stubborness, which has nothing to do with magic prowess. I have yet to write out Eternal Punishment or get a good idea about it, so that might change. Who knows?
But yeah, unlike the others, she really has no added ability or skills that put her higher on the list. If anything, it's more physical prowess for her than magic.
6. Minato Arisato
It was hard to rank Minato and Kotone, as the two are pretty much equal terms when it comes to magical prowess by the end of P3. In the end, Minato's a few points below Kotone for good reason, despite a lot of stuff that happens in P3.
Yes, Minato did manage to summon his weapon first months before Kotone did. However, that's not due to magical prowess. Elizabeth and later Yu in P4 describe the act as an ability a witch with a strong enough heart can achieve. Basically, he was able to do this because he overcame a personal and internal struggle of his during the June Full Moon.
There's also the case of Minato's sigil, which protects him from the Full Moon Shadows and being possessed by Death. That's all it does, though. He's not invincible against all Shadows, and the Full Moon Shadows still had an effect on him. Not as severe as it did with the others, but it still had an effect.
The major reason Minato is below Kotone, though, has to do with the fact that he suppressed his magic for about a decade. That is why he's at the spot he is on this list. Sure, he had some extra help in catching up, but that only got him to where Kotone was in the end. It's going to take a lot more work, and not learning magic when he was younger did take a bit of a toll on his magical prowess in the end.
So don't be like Minato and bottle shit up.
5. Kotone Shiomi
As stated previously, Minato and Kotone are sort of equal in terms of magical prowess by the end of P3, so it was hard to rank them.
Kotone only gets put into the spot above Minato due to her being able to cast healing spells. Those spells are incredibly difficult to learn and takes years of training and study to be able to use them to their full extent (i.e. that diarahan). So that earns her some points above Minato.
4. Yu Narukami
Yu ranks higher above Minato and Kotone due to his precognitive ability. He's able to see into the future within this universe, though he isn't always sure of the whole picture which is why he's not any higher.
He wasn't generally using his magic freely like some others, but he still learned and practiced what he was taught. Though, this is primarily because Yu easily loses control of his magic when his emotions run awry, which was often when he was younger. No one likes getting electrocuted or a sudden static shock.
3. Tatsuya Suou
So there's a reason that Tatsuya is high on this list. Two reasons, actually.
The first is that sort of parallel to Yu's precognitive ability, Tatsuya possesses as retrocognitive ability. He can see the past history of an object if he touches it. He's got more control over this than Yu does with his, hence why he's a spot higher.
The MnM!Tatsuya is also technically two people in one. He's both the Other Side and This Side Tatsuya, since the former doesn't vanish in this AU. Tatsuya was strong enough to create a loophole in Philemon's deal, which lead to him recovering his memories alone. The memories of the Other Side helps in terms of magical prowess.
2. Naoya Toudou
...I have my reasons for this, I swear that I do. First, there's an ability that Naoya possesses that doesn't really come into play until P5 canonically, but this is an AU and I do what I want. So Naoya has the Third Eye ability from P5. The Third Eye ability is also an inherited one, so Naoya passes it down to Ren. That's primarily what helps him get so far up the list.
And yes, Third Eye still exists in this AU, I'll probably talk more about it later but it's what helps him get so high up compared to others.
He's also a self-imposed alchemical genius, which helps as well. He's noted for making his own healing potions at the like since he was young. Though, this is primarily due to Kazuya's death. If someone gets gravely hurt, he wants to be prepared to step in when need be.
It should be noted that Naoya's the only one on this list and out of every witch in the series thus far to have changed their affinity. He was originally Wind, but then changed to Fire towards the end of P1.
1. Ren Amamiya
Ren being the strongest out of the seven of them primarily comes down to his title and role as 'Trickster'. That's just about it.
He's also studied magic heavily since he was a little kid, which lead to him having a bit more training when it came to honing his prowess.
The latter also leads to him having more 'tricks' up his sleeve so to speak. Out of most of the protagonists, he has a wide range of spells from his extensive studies.
Also possesses the Third Eye ability like his father, which just adds to that.
...you'll see a good example of his power when we get there.
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bluevelvet-room · 2 years
please talk to me about naokei :3 dont mess with the naokei fandom theres like 5 of us
ohoho anon. i promise you with my entire heart that i am one of those 5. not a day goes by that i'm not thinking about those boys. now, to preface any ramblings that may happen after this, i will say: a lot of how i view naoya's character has to do with the manga, but not All of it. i've never actually read the manga, just played the game (smt persona, not revelations). i basically treat the smt persona characters like they are my own personal blorbos in my head, and i am not responsible for anything that might not align with your own view of naokei (though all views of naokei are valid)
ANYWAYS. (under a readmore for the rambling, hope it works)
in my head, their relationship doesn't happen until post game. i mean, obviously i dont really think it should happen while they are going through the worst questionable amount of days of their life, but i also dont really want it to happen during their school years either. naoya has some healing to do and kei has some growing up to do. i do think at this point kei has a crush on naoya, but that it is not necessarily reciprocated.
BUT, being wayyyy more detailed about my own personal naokei (the naokei that lives in my brain and is therefore superior) i do have a version of this vague thought where they do like. kiss during the events of the game, similarly to naoya recieving a kiss from fake maki - kei initiates, naoya gently rejects. and then it is a game of sort of avoiding each other in a fun misunderstanding way and everyone else is like guys what tf happened??? you were fine and now we can't get you to be in the same room for longer than two seconds? annoying!!!! once they graduate, kei goes off as he canonically does to work in his own company to become Humbled, and naoya leaves for new york city with yuka and mark to study art (hehe. artist friends :3 yuka's studying for fashion design but she is also modeling. no we couldnt get thru anything related to smt persona without me bringing her up)
and then the events of persona 2 (and part 2 electric boogaloo) happen. no i havent played them we dont need to talk about it. what i DO know is that at the end of the second one the st hermelin bitches have a reunion and naoya appears there. convenient, yes? (i had to go look it up to make sure i had not made this up) naoya has had time to heal and trust close relationships, kei has matured. their friends wont shut up about the "fight" they had in high school, they wont stop insisting they never fought and they are Not avoiding each other. they are both tipsy to full on drunk. they leave the bar together. they either fuck or have a heartfelt conversation or both. either way they are dating by the next day. (and then a few years later in p1 parents au they adopt baby akira, bc this is fully canon to that au)
i really like their dynamic in the end bc it's like. you'd think theyre total opposites but they actually have a lot in common? and they love each other :3c
in conclusion.
naoya, was playing pokemon the entire time they were in a nightmare hellscape: in case you haven't noticed, i'm a gamer. i game. i don't stop gaming. and i dont want to stop gaming. you ever see me without this stupid gameboy in my hands? that's video games.
kei: what's a pokeman????????
(sorry if this is not what you wanted from me anon, and i'm sure i can pull more thoughts out of my ass if anyone ends up interested)
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sukirichi · 1 month
LOVE LETTERS: longer asks
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from: shhh anon
okay so with the limited time i’ve had, i do finally have some theories and things ive realised, i also think i may have gone a little overboard so enjoy this mini novel 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
let’s start from the beginning ☝️
→ SHHH ANON OMG this was 1.6k words that’s CRAZYYY I love you for that, really <3 okay LET US DIG IN also I am so sorry this took me forever to reply to, my life is just hectic *sobs*
chapter 1)
wakatoshi being the crowned prince by king’s favor makes sense — he’s the most responsible and with the newly added info that rin isn’t the kings biological son, it’s obvious the king would have wanted to be preceded by someone of his own blood even if it wasn’t an official crowned prince. a male born to a concubine may still become an heir if there is no other option iirc.
oooh yes this!! especially because I mentioned before that ushijima is the favorite son since his mother was the one that the king really liked!
“It was all my Mother’s plan to put me on the throne, and I accepted because she promised I could make you my concubine!” this was from rin in chapter 1. the queen was so adamant about rin becoming the king that she made promises out of desperation, her son becoming king would mean she is still protected by the royal law and even if it had gotten out that rintarou isn’t the late king’s biological son, he’d already have the highest rank of authority. the queen was desperate to keep her title and i guess the benefits of being royalty? or maybe she has nowhere else to go. the more i reread, the more i realise — yuzuru and the queen aren’t as similar as i thought. they’re the same side of different coins, yes they were both cheated on and their husbands ended up impregnating other women, but yuzuru would NEVER be desperate for a royal title like the queen is, like that fuckass eyeball mfer is.
right again, shhh anon! the queen really has taken measures to ensure she’d keep her title as queen because it comes with a lot of privilege, and like that cersei lannister scene, “power is power.” and yeah!! yuzuru would never be desperate for royalty and wealth because she already grew up very privileged and has loving parents, so yuzuru pre-marriage really won the lottery in life. but here’s the thing – the queen’s background wasn’t really divulged, but I will say that she wasn’t poor or struggling like eyeball either. in a nutshell, she really is just greedy LMAO
chapter 2!
‘Princess Iris played the naive part well of concealing her feelings’ it should’ve been obvious from the start, iris never loved anyone really, she loved being loved, but to her everything was an act to keep her afloat, bro actually get me in the ring with her i need to fight this bitch atp.
“you had to choose someone with the power to tear the family apart as soon as she finds out about your affair? I would not take her wrath lightly.” i mentioned this quote in another theory, but i think the foreshadowing was just really well done. i also think it helps highlight the difference between iris and yuzu, like iris was able to make rin believe she was everything he needed to love, she played the part of the heartbroken lover well. yuzu turned her sadness into power and motivation, she knows she’s capable of more than just manipulating the men around her. iris is a performer, she spends her free time being a puppeteer. yn spends her time playing the game of chess that the queen has set up, and i fr believe she’s going to have a checkmate soon.
HELL YEAH. iris loves being loved! she grew up having none of that, and when she became princess, she felt like she was becoming the exact opposite of what she believed – someone great, someone worthy of adoration. AGSHJKA BUT NO WORRIES I CAN GET YOU IN THE RING WITH HER. OOOHHH YES LIKE that’s a really good analysis actually – iris is a performer and a great actor, but yuzuru isn’t. while iris likes to flaunt to the people of what she has to prove a point, yuzuru prefers to have her own way by working behind the scenes (much like how the queen does, she keeps things very subtle but also will not hesitate to go out with a big bang if need be. iris isn’t like that. she’s much more straightforward and not that much of a strategist, we only saw her pull out the big guns from chapter 18 when she also broadcasted that public announcement to make rin a target of the government.
“I know there are no limits to your actions if it means protecting your power and wealth.” this was said to the queen iirc, and again THE FORESHADOWINGGGG. hindsight is truly a blessing
‘Your loneliness was one of the reasons you fell madly in love with the Crown Prince.’ yuzuru uses her loneliness to bond with people, iris uses her loneliness to use people. it’s why iris and suna don’t work well. they’re both people who see loneliness as a reason to be greedy and use those around them to fulfil their emotional needs, and how will those needs be met when they have nothing emotional to give to each other? whereas yuzuomi, both use their loneliness to form a connection and proper bond. or maybe it’s just cuz they’re actually normal humans who have functioning brain cells and don’t live in “me me me” land like ipiss. (rin gets a slight pass cuz he was essentially raised to be selfish and alone as crowned prince)
yuzuru uses her loneliness to bond with people, iris uses her loneliness to use people. OMG YES. A HUNDRED PERCENT YES. iris and suna see their loneliness as something that highlights what they’re lacking in, and it makes them want to take and take, while yuzuru sees her loneliness as a space to be filled and shared with someone else. that’s why yuzuomi works so well – they see that they have spaces in their heart left to be filled, and they welcome love with open arms <3 me me me land like ipiss IM CRYING AGHSJAA
‘You were confused what to feel—disgusted that she thought she could fool you into thinking her husband would be the father when the Prince was rumored to be rarely at home, or utterly mortified with dread over the possibility her husband was not the father.’ clocked it from chapter two, iris being rin’s baby momma was foreshadowed 🗣️🗣️
YEAHHH THE FORESHADOWING IS THERE also CAN I JUST SAY I’m so happy you went back to read the first chapters and noticed all these little things because I was actually trying my best to drop hints here and there that can all be connected to the latest updates and to have someone notice those details… I’m so so happy, you have no idea😭💓
“Royal marriages either happen to form alliances [or] hide a revolting scandal” this is where iris’ family comes in, i 100% believe they used sensitive information to get iris married in. im thinking her family were the original royals in itachiyama (the broken down castle) when it was still connected to inarizaki, and the queen could’ve had to give in, as a way to stop a war from breaking out between the two countries, icepole also referred to her marriage as being “forced, to stop [their] countries from going to war”…. so there’s that, but i do also believe they used rintarou’s status as an illegitimate child as the main bribe. which i also feel like is yuzu’s motivation to publish the article, cuz wdym you’re gonna threaten my husbands peace and identity for your own selfish gain? she got me sooo fucked up. but that begs the question… what is in that article? defamation? an allegation of treason?
ICEPOLE AGAHJSK okay so here’s the thing – we all know that inarizaki and itachiyama were originally one kingdom when a faction decided to split apart and be independent. however, they all still share the same land/country in a way, and itachiyama was richer when it came to natural resources, while inarizaki was more advanced in technology and society overall. the two countries have a peace treaty that they can equally benefit from one another, but as time went on, inarizaki’s monarchs were failing in their ruling hence the economic problems that were discussed around chapter eight or so, and it’s a problem that was attempted to be solved by having iris and kiyoomi marry because the royal family felt that they needed itachiyaman representatives within the crown to show that they are all “still as one.” it worked for a little bit, and it did stop the two countries from going to war (although it was mostly inarizaki being desperate because they needed itachiyama more than itachiyama needed them), buttttt it was still complicated because itachiyama was weirded out that iris (who was supposed to be their princess, too) never visited them, and they felt like she was never really a good rep for them
“Prince Kiyoomi is not the type of man to be reckless and drag himself into scandals,” but he defo cares enough about his brothers to sacrifice his freedom in order to protect them. or maybe he got the short end of the stick and had to take one for the team cuz he’s a fancy farm boy from itachiyama💀
he got the short end of the stick, unfortunately *sobs* the king mostly keeps his conquests his conquests within his kingdom but when he saw kiyoomi’s mother… he just couldn’t help himself, and when he was born, the king thought, “wait, this boy can actually be of use.”
chapter 3.
“Would you rather me impregnate a woman purely for that reason? To father a child I was not ready to have? To bear such the burden of the Crown onto a young boy who was born not because his parents wanted to love him, but rather because I am someone who ‘had to fulfill my duty’?” unironically, that’s exactly what he did. in his mission to rid iris of her loneliness, he impregnated her with a child he was not ready to have.
“And sometimes a lowly Prince must be smart enough to turn away from matters that do not concern him, lest he wishes to be exiled from the only place that puts food in his mouth,” rintarou is going to lose it all. i think the way dtd is going to end will be something like this: rin and his mother lose their titles, or well…. rin steps down, he has growth as a person and learns that the materialistic life and more power than you could ever imagine just… isn’t worth losing your humanity over. or maybe he does it for yn, but i do think he would step down. a motivation to step down as king / crowned prince is the fact that his mother lied, and rintarou realises that after only ever being used as a chess piece for his mother, a tool for her to use to give herself an advantage - after realising he was never his own person but a doll that sat pretty, only ever being dressed up and thrown around, no aspirations for himself other than what he’s been fed to desire… he takes control of his life and gets the ultimate revenge.
EEEEE YOU PREDICTED THIS OMG – RIN AND THE QUEEN LOSING THEIR TITLES DID HAPPEN!! although I will not lie, I really wanted to try a different ending where Rin faces the queen head on and exposes himself as he steps down from the crown, to show the queen that he wasn’t going to continue being her puppet, and also to finally be honest for once to his wife – to let yuzuru know that their marriage was never a valid royal one, so technically, they’re annulled, and he’d hope she’d finally be free from him because rin knows that if he doesn’t do something, yuzuru would still remain devoted to him (even if she’d already fallen for omi.)
HUUUGEEE jump cuz chapters 4-7 already have my theories iirc
chapter 8)
“I never knew my name could sound so important without the titles attached to it.” this kinda feeds into my idea from before!! i think this is the start of rinta realising, being a normal guy isn’t so bad. he has a name beyond the crown, he is a person beyond the roles and responsibilities he’s been forced to have. i think ushiwaka will be crowned prince and eventually king. despite being traditional, i think he would probably make an exception to the royal marriage rule for omi and yn. since their situations were very unique compared to what most royal marriages were about. yn’s technically would be allowed since rintarou isn’t even royalty technically, and id assume he’d let omi out of that marriage since iris technically threatened the royal family!
OOOH I LIKE THIS THEORY but yes!! I really do want rin to realize that being a normal guy isn’t so bad, although it’s still hard for him to accept because then it really just shows how he was a nobody who ruined yuzuru’s life, and the guilt will be something he’ll carry with him forever. not to say that he thinks he’ll have more right if he was someone wealthy, but… yeah that’s really how he thought during the first parts of dtd, that’s why he always said “as the crown prince, I don’t deserve anyone lesser than her.” for ushi though, yes I do think he can make exceptions to allow omi and yn to marry if we ever go down that route – he may be traditional but he is also such a softie deep down!
“but it was always a famous royal saying that whoever was your last dance on your debutante ball was your destined lover.” red string theory!!! MY BELOVEDDDD. this is why i think yuzutarou will have a platonic ending while kiyoomi becomes the main love interest, destiny is something akin to fate, it can’t be change no matter how much you try to manipulate the situation. just like how the queen cannot change her fate, she was destined to fail and i think we could possibly see a conversation in the future about how the universe would not allow her plan to succeed? probably from keiji. i also think she’s gonna rope keiji into her scheme tbh, get him to commit a little treachery maybe? have him be a scapegoat to protect herself and give herself a fighting chance… per chance?
ooooh also I’m sorry to disappoint in this part but when I said that the queen had plans to use Keiji, I actually wasn’t going to write any scenes about that BUT it’s true that the queen planned that if ever rin doesn’t become King, and Atsumu wasn’t approved to be King by the public, then Keiji would be her puppet King since she knows he’s ‘weak’ in terms of title and power, so Keiji “might agree” to be King 🥴
anyways that’s all for now, idk if i was cooking or just regurgitating stuff you’ve basically said 😭 i just don’t think the villains in this story are iris and suna anymore. the villains were always the villainesses - the queen and iris. theyll fight against whatever odds to change their fate, theyll use and abuse whoever they need in order to stay at the top.
this is deadass so fucking long but im excusing myself cuz its got content from like five chapters LOL also sorry for the lack of jokes, i was ‘erm ackchually’ing my way through this entire thing 🤓🤓 goofy ass text analysis bruh, got me typing shit as if me and sigmund freud were psychoanalysis rivals.
→ ANYWAYS I LOVED YOUR THEORIES AND ANALYSES SO MUCH LIKE i hope you know you have a special place in my heart!! you have shown so much love and support to dtd and i am just so so soft about that. thank you again!! AGAHJSK ERHM ACTUALLY I GET THAT BUT YOU GOT THEM RIGHT SO YOU WERE SO ON POINT!!
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from: @kyriaan
Bruh i imagined such dark scene 😅😅😅 im so sorry this is very dark dhdhhshahha but imagine after rin tells yn he wants a divorce she just stays there, empty expression, her ears ringing. The word divorce repeating in her head until something shatters. Yn smiles softly but its not quite right? She moves graciously to her room and gets her gun. As graciously she walks around, searching for a certain woman in her house. White noise is all yn hears and then she finds her. BAM she shoots her gun not even hesitating, hitting iris in her stomach. Another shot echoes in the walls and then a thud as iris lifeless body falls on the ground. Rin shows right after his eyes opened wide, shocked as he hesitantly looks at his wife. Scared, hes so scared and she's there smiling oh so innocently and yet so unsettling. 'see, it took care of the problem, isnt that right? Rin' yns voice is sweet, the only thing rintarou's mind can register over the ringing of his ears.
→ I’m not really reading yandere content but does this count as yan?!?! anyways omg. also because it’s a well known fact that yn knows how to use a gun and is an exceptional shooter as well AGHSJAK. I do think this would go well on a darker theme (and ngl I have debated making dtd darker but it just!! didn’t fit the vibe LMAOOO) but also I feel like if yn really did shoot iris, she’d do it during a manic episode and then not even realize what she did until it’s too late 😭
Awww now that you talked about it i remember you briefly telling me the tooru ending and thinking about it made my tiny heart sad then and sad now 🥺 its a bitter sweet ending while they end up together and basically love each others company, yn never ends up loving him 😔 But yes! Totally just write the ending you like best (even if that shatters everyone's heart 🥹) its your story after all 😌
→ THE TOORU ENDING. I remember back in 2022 when I was still getting so much ideas on how DTD would go, my heart really wanted a tooru ending but idk AGHSJA somehow along writing it, I did not really expect to fall for Omi and have him move up a notch on my faves so him or suna have the highest possible endings </3
So the evil in me is working.... while i still want iris to abort... Theres something mmmm say usually women are in danger or miscarrying in their first trimester and iris have been looking rather sick, rin also mentioned doctor telling iris to move bla bla in case she gets sick..... How fucked up would be if she i dont knowwww miscarried it? 👁️ I mean even if she survives the 1st trimester theres just so much stress in the royal life especially now that her safety net aka omi is kinda not feeling so 'safe' now mmmm
→ i actually did plan for iris to miscarry it because she would be too stressed out from being deposed but she's offscreen right now so even if she did miscarry, we would never know 😭
Well i read the full update.. I dont know who i despise more now tbh The queen or iris Probably still iris but i was not at all expecting the surpreme bitch to 1st threaten to kill Rin and second threaten to exile us and Rin and then threatening to make Tsumu above all the king like 👁️👄👁️ Welp i cried when we called for Rin while sick and when Rin rejected us.. Like i said i thought it would hurt less now that i know he loves us but ahah 🤡 I still hope iris miscarries or aborts or goes ahead and dies while miscarrying 🤷 Kinda don't get it why they're all 'i need her here as the father of the child in case she gets sick bla bla bla' when she basically admitted she never wanted to be with him at all since hes no real prince or even royalty, and since both wanted the kid gone AND with the obvious no no from the supreme bitch but wtf do i even know anymore 😭 Like why all this now? They say one thing then they do another at this point my heart and my body are too exhausted to even process reasons why 😭 So much for iris wanting to be our friend and wanting rin to move on and be with us 😒 Also i see you Omi but sorry i still foolishly stand for RinTeam
→ hate the queen more, she’s more fucked up lmao! NOOO BECAUSE PLANNING TO MAKE TSUMU KING WAS SO FOUL LIKE not only did the queen force an incestuous marriage but she really wanted a sex offender be king :skull: oh the whole “I need to be there for her because I’m her baby daddy” thing was actually NOT real at all lol, they never went to a doctor or whatever because both rin and iris plan on getting an abortion anyway. it really was just rin’s sick plan of inviting iris to their room so he can hurt us more when we return, because at that point he really didn’t want us getting close *sobs*
Until now rin always said 'it was always her never you' right? And he never really told us he loves us even tho we know (well we readers do). So imagine if he gets to the point where he just goes like 'it was never her it was always you' when he finally admits his true feelings Jfjsjkaofhak The fact this works in both an endearing good happy scene and a really angsty one, leaves me both hopeful and extremely terrified 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
→ IT WAS NEVER HER IT WAS ALWAYS YOU AGHAJKS I NEED THIS SCENE TO HAPPEN SO BADLY and you’re so right!! whether it’s a happy ending or a sad one that line delivery would be so heartbreaking AAAAH WHY’RE YOU DOING THIS TO ME RIN
BRO THE MOMENT I SAW FORCED INCEST I HAD THIS WAR FLASHBACK OF YOU TELLING ME IRIS AND OMI WERE HALF SIBLINGS AND I IMMEDIATELY KNEW WHAT THIS WAS ABOUT DHSHGDBSJJAJJA Kinda... Made me realize that iris... Said she was lonely because her husband/HER BROTHER never touched her... 🤢🤢🤢 Like i would forgive her if they were step siblings like no blood related but half siblings.... Yeahhhhhh I was really fucking satisfied by seeing iris in deep shit but god fucking damnit bitch always has to find a way to get back up 😒 like fucking suffer bitch By the way tho since she knew about rin being a fraud doesnt that make her an accomplice 👀👀👀👀 cause he didnt know but she did sooooo if she never told anyone and 'protected' the secret BITCH YOURE GUILTY TOO! PRISON WITH HER! Now the part where rin was drunk had me wanting to spoil him full of kisses omg 😭😭😭😭 Us saying we would pick omi tho 😒😒😒😒😒 like no So the last part while im fucking jumping in happiness since we're with rin now im hating the fact we're all omi omi when in the very last chapter we admitted we still loved rin and well technically we said he still holds a big part of our heart so.. Praying omi was just infatuation since we were sad and cravingg affection 🤣🤣🤣🙏 Thank you so much for this chapter like holy shit i was in the edge of my sit the part where we shoot??? BRUHHHH SO GOOD
→ AGHJKSLAA YES ALTHOUGH I actually took out the whole half siblings thing with omi since I thought it was gonna be just sooo weird but I was like yknow what screw it!! AND YEAH LMAO that’s why omi never touched her. and yes it does make her an accomplice for keeping it a secret!! NAURRR UNFORTUNATELY OMI WAS NOT JUST AN INFATUATION LIKE. we loved him fr. but we also love rintaro (more than romantically) that we couldn’t abandon him… also thank you so much AAAA IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!
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from: 🎧 anon
Owieee you had a busy week :(( but is oki now because it's done!! Speaking of my dream uni, my classes start on August 9 and to be honest, I'm scared because my schedule everyday (except Thursday and Saturday and Sunday) is from 7 am to 7 pm... Plus we still have Saturday classes and I still don't know if I officially have no class on Thursday or if it will be for something else. Yes, I still read Bonten Wives... I read it whenever I miss TokRev and watching Windbreaker made me miss them sm 😭😭 so I ended up rereading the manga again 🤧🤧 and I'm falling for Mitsuya and Rindou all over again 😭😭😭😭 AND YES!! JO IS DEFINITELY NOT A MANWHORE LIKE AIKU AJSHAHSHAHHA SUKI! From the moment I first saw Jo on screen, I knew, that I have fallen HAGSHAGSHAHAHA so here are my rambles This is quite common for genres like TokRev and Windbreaker but sometimes, I like to think on how I wanna patch up their wounds when they run to you. I imagine, Jo would act all smug at first before admitting that he's hurt 🥹🥹 I want a Jo Togame in my life 🤧🤧🤧🤧 Someone to snuggle and cuddle to and all that OKAY BUT HEAR ME OUT! Imagine if the Yn that Jo is dating is like someone's little sister in Bofurin!!!! *sigh* can I not be a college student and just get transported in Windbreaker AHGSHAGSHAGSHA ALSO! Can't wait for later's update in DTD!!! Love ya lots!
→ OMG NGLL I DON’T THINK MY BUSY WEEKS ARE ENDING AGSHJK I have classes that are like 8-10 hours a day (sometimes less, sometimes more LOL) and I also go out like everyday so *screeches* also no way omg?! 12 hour classes?! weekend classes too? honestly I would cry but my class schedules were also like that for a while SOOOO BRACE YOURSELF BABE!!
and aww you still read bonten wives, that’s so cute! I actually miss tokrev so much too, like remember when it was so popular in 2021 and we just had so much content of it? like the dance trends, the filo memes, the timeskip content and everyone was just soooo hyped, ugh I miss that time. also!! rereading the manga after windbreaker is so real! when I got into WB I was actually missing tokrev so much but also I love how WB is still its own thing, and I’m just as in love with the characters as I did with tokrev! (okay, that’s a lie because I may or may not be a little more insane when it comes to the windbreaker boys. like. HAVE YOU SEEN SUO.) ALSO MITSUYA AND RINDOU – THE CANONICALLY BEST BOYFRIENDS <3 OH NO YEAH LIKE I DO FEEL LIKE TOGAME MIGHT GIVE OFF MANWHORE VIBES LIKE AIKU AT FIRST BUT?? idk, but I’ll forever die on the hill that togame is a soft loverboy!! aiku though… honestly I wouldn’t mind if he cheats on me because at least I’m still on his roster LMAO /lh
EEEE PATCHING UP JO’S WOUNDS?!! HIS BLOODY KNUCKLESS!! I think he’d be so soft and gentle while he just sits back and lets us do everything :< but yeah he’s going to play it off for sure and be like, “nah, this is nothing” but as soon as you’re not looking, he’s wincing from the pain AHSJKA. no omG I THINK ABOUT THAT ON THE DAILY TOO LIKE? TOGAME JO IS ACTUALLY MY IDEAL BOYFRIEND IN LIFE but where can I find a man like him?!?! ALSOOOO??????? SOMEONE’S LITTLE SISTER???? OOOH WHY DO I FEEL LIKE IT’D BE GOOD IF WE WERE UME’S LITTLE SISTER?!!?
awww love you lots too headphones anon, I hope you’re doing well in uni!!
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forest-hashira · 6 months
I hardcore agree with your Gojo opinion lol. Honestly I don’t think there’s a single jjk man that is a true and genuine hard/daddy dom. Maybe Naoya but he’s a bitch too.
The jjk men deserve tenderness! Give it to them god fucking damn it!!!
oh thank god you agree lmao. i also think you're right. all of these men either already have a tender part of themselves they can't help but share with their partners, or they're looking for someone to help them embrace their gentleness bc they've never been able to before. in my opinion.
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cloudvaria · 1 month
does Naoya also have an animal motif? which animal do you relate to them 🥺 and why if there is any reason.
And ahh…
So far Naoya will have Rock the Mole, lmaoo.
I actually first got this idea as Crack because Naoya has a lot of freckles and therefore some Beauty MOLE Marks (and he is ‘Vanity’ in Varia, bahahhaa).
Also it worked well with complimenting Kyoya’s Hedgehog Box Animal, Roll, as irl moles are one of the hedgehog species closest genetic relatives. (Also I did purposely name the mole “Rock” not only for it’s “Stubborn as a rock!!” nature, but to also have a ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll’ pun with Roll, ehe.)
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Ngl, I have made further modifications to Naoya’s Box Animal which I hope people look forward to✨👀 (and I hope I can reach to draw ultimately xD.) A hint I can give is ‘Tokyo Ghoul’ to sum up Rock’s function and future.✨✨
As for other animals that symbolize Naoya…
Kinda spoilery. So I will give spoilery hints:
So I actually do develop the other Vongola too. And yes, ofc Hibari Kyoya.
I actually give them quite more animals since in canon I can take advantage Kyoya likes animals too. And creates Foundation Organization in the future which researchs into Box Animals. (This includes Hibirds✨👀)
There are even some… Mythical ones assigned to that family. - Like Byakuran has.
All I can say is, SO YES, Naoya is totally based on foxes and therefore, the Mythical Kitsune.✨💜❤️‍🔥
But also…
Each Hibari member will have a specific, even heavier mythical, assigned.
And if you plan to skim through my ‘Part 2’ of my one-shot, Kyoyako kinda spoils what Naoya’s ultimate mythical is in all his ‘verses.
Also another spoiler I need to clarify: In my story, the Hibari family extends quite a lot.
One of the new Vongola OCs, the one dedicated for the Hibari fans in general, is a Hibari too. But much more distant…
I hope you look forward Jojie.✨🥺
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cielomist · 8 months
sad that the visuals of p3r rub me the wrong way and also they arent including femc. i couldve had it all with a junpei not voiced by v*c
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elendsessor · 8 months
bonus points if the headphones are either part hearing aids and/or actually sense sounds or something. give him the tech nobody in the late 2000s would ever understand.
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