#nara love to hate her 😂
I've had this for a while and idk if I'm actually going to do anything with it, so have these five sentences about Neil and Nara.
Nara presses a joint into his hand, holds him as the world slips away, as his thoughts slip away. This is why he was made, she says, shushing his frantic speech. He believes her.
She carves up his memory to extract seemingly nonsensical visions, plies him with kalif and pleasure until they blur and he remembers neither.
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chrimsonfoxdon · 6 months
Would you be willing to rank the konoha 12 from worst to best?
Actually yes I would LMAO!! I assume you mean like… my own personal favorites between the konoha 12, rather than something like which I think are the strongest.
I do wanna also state that I don’t hate or dislike any of the konoha 12, in fact I kinda like them all?? So please don’t think that I don’t like the lower rated characters. But if I have to rank them, from least favorite to most favorite… (list under the cut!)
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12. Shino Aburame
(Sorry tumblr limits me to only 10 images so the lower ranked ones aren’t getting pics I’m sorry)
I… I just don’t really feel that attached to him?? I’m sorry 🫠 his insect and bug abilities can be pretty neat tho.
11. Kiba Inuzuka
It’s kinda a similar thing as Shino. Just not that attached to him as I am to other characters. He does have a dog though, which is almost always a positive point for me not gonna lie.
10. Ino Yamanaka
She also just doesn’t leave much of an impression on me in general. I’m kinda sad that her jutsu is just… kinda lacking?? BUT she seems like she’d be a good friend and fun to hang out with. Also she’s pretty.
9. Sasuke Uchiha
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Fun fact when I first started watching Naruto he was my favorite during the land of waves arc! But then we saw Team Gai and the way I threw him to the side SO FAST 😭😂 I do still kinda think he’s a jerk for abandoning all the people who care about him for power. Is it because I take the Sasuke retrieval arc personally?? Maybe. BUT he was right about the konoha elders. In general I just find him very fun to bully. But I GUESS he’s strong and such…
8. Naruto Uzumaki
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He’s the main character so I feel like he just gets points with us just being exposed to him the most in the series. I do find it kinda harder to like… I don’t know, be attached to him the farther in Shippuden we get. I guess it’s cuz of the constant power creep, but that’s more of a shonen issue than anything to me. Rewatching the series as an adult, his backstory definitely breaks my heart 🥺 poor kid just wants to be loved and doesn’t understand why the village hates him. It’s hard not to root for him honestly. I cried when he became hokage even though I wasn’t watching the series at the time I can’t lie.
7. Sakura Haruno
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I used to not like her much, but that’s cuz Kishi can’t write women let’s be honest. I’ll always be super impressed with her growth as a ninja herself, particularly as a medical ninja. The Kazekage Rescue Arc really shows how amazing she can be and what she’s capable of. I loved her fight with Sasori. I also relate to her constantly wanting to catch up to her teammates and just feeling like dead weight. Girlie I love you and you deserve happiness 💖
6. Hinata Hyuga
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SHE’S A SWEET GIRL SHE’S DOING HER BEST SHE’S TRYING TO FIND HER PLACE IN THE WORLD AND I!!! SUPPORT THIS GIRL!!! She’s also super cute with one of the best designs in the series. Her fighting Pain is so emotional like. She’s risking her life for the guy she loves and admires most in the world. I gotta give her props for that. She’s not the strongest obviously, but I do enjoy her character a lot.
5. Shikamaru Nara
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My brother’s favorite, so I feel a lot of secondhand happiness about Shikamaru!! His shadow jutsu is… well, basic, but very versatile (I kinda wish ino’s jutsu got a similar treatment). His strategies make him a really fun character to watch from start to finish. His arc with Hidan was so cool. Very good character in my opinion.
4. Choji Akamichi
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Ok so not gonna lie he’d probably rank lower on my list when I was younger, but again, rewatching as an adult I just love the guy!! He’s such a kind soul and works to protect his friends. His backstory also just kinda speaks to me as a kid who was often excluded from activities with my peers (sometimes also cuz of my size). I’m so glad he found shikamaru and is best friends with him. He deserves so much love. He’s a good lad!
3. Rock Lee
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GODDDDDDD HIS CHARACTER IS SO GOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!! I remember liking him even as a kid, but now that I’m older, it’s just amplified. To see someone with uh… no natural talent whatsoever get so far as a shinobi is just so satisfying to see, especially since I can relate nowadays. If anything, seeing him struggle and still fight for what he believes in has made a bigger impact on me now than when I was younger. I REALLY wish he had more fights though. Fights where he won mainly on his own. Also his fight with Gaara in the chunin exams is ICONIC YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND THE WEIGHT SCENE CHANGED MY 9-YEAR-OLD BRAIN CHEMISTRY!!!
2. Tenten
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I!!! LOVE!!! THIS!!!! GIRL!!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!!! There’s just something about how her strategy is to overwhelm her opponents with so many powerful ninja weapons that just… speaks to me. Her design is cute, I find her personality fun, and she’s my favorite female Naruto character. I wanna be her friend so bad. Also her journey in letting go of a childhood dream just… HMMMMM SPEAKS TO MEEEEEE as a very depressed adult. She makes me smile and laugh and cry and I just want her to know how amazing and special she is. She’s… a 10/10 😎
1. Neji Hyuga
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WOOOW OMG WHAT A SHOCK RIGHT??? Man what can I say about Neji that I haven’t already. He just really awakened something in me way back in the day, and he still occupies my mind to this day. I think there’s just something about seeing a character suffering quietly for so long and taking it out on others (and himself) grow into a person who tries to better himself and look more so on the bright side of life, despite what life has thrown at him. (Again that’s kinda something that means more to me as an adult than when I was a kid) he deserves so much love and happiness and I am so proud of him Neji Hyuga I love you so much
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You know, I know she hates it, and that it's supposed to be a punishment, but Wynn is goot at being an archon I feel.
Wynn not getting a choice in whether not to hug because Neil is hugging her immediately, even though it hurts. 😭
The yet when Wynn says I'm not all hers yet. 😔
Wynn going to Miles and wanting to get closer, but unsure if it is safe. Damn.
The bubonic plague?!?!
Johnny stepping back 😂😂
Them building on each other's ideas 😂
Johnny? You just wanna stuff Miles full of random drugs?? 😂😂😂 How can vampires even eat drugs? Won't he just throw them up?
Lol at least Britta is putting some sense into this antibiotic plan.
Johnny!! You're being so wild, being mean to Neil! And then just yelling about Miles' feeding restriction.
Kabidgeon 🥺🥺
Wynn's voice immediately tender and warm when she realises it's Kabir.
Don't help Weathers, he doesn't need it. 😂 Kabir just throwing Weathers under the bus, lmao.
Tim trying to go with I've lost 7 instead of I still have 13 blood. 😂
"you all are used to being poor." 😂😂😂
I am suspecting Rob has been keeping pretty detailed notes, because he knew all the names of the vampires who died and which one went to torpor. That's impressive.
Wait so now Johnny is bloodbound to A-dog?
Nooo Britta frenzying because she wants to drink gross Szemitsi blood (I know I wrote it wrong)
Lmao they need so many rolls to get Britta back to normal. 😂
Difficulty 13 technically for Miles? Lmaooo
Ohhh Passion! I love that dementation.
Johnny being such a dad to Britta, trusting her to drink. Also holding her jaw?? Lmao thst would be weird.
Ohhh Wynn made the list with people to give to Neil.
Neil puts it in the pocket over his heart!?!?? 🥺🥺
No, they're still doing the drugstore plan? 😂
He's contacting Nara? Right now??? In all this shit? This is not going to be the conversation I wanted. Oh nvm I guess. 😐
Drugstores have camping stuff? America is weird.
I choked inhaling my gasp when Lex made them choose between Kabir and Weathers. 😭😭😭
I can't believe that in the angst of having this Sophie's choice they are still going ahead with the insanity of cursing a bunch of antibiotics in a cup for Miles to drink. This episode is bananas!
Oh Wynn. This is all too upsetting 😭.
Goddamnit, I was doing so good until Neil went "Wynn. Don't leave... Me" with the pause in there. Fuck me sideways I'm instantly blubbering. And then Wynn following up with the "Then make me stay, take that last little bit from me!" FUCK. I was not prepared. 😭
Noooooo this is such a mess. I know it's juicy and usually I like it, but it makes me so sad.
Miles having kept himself sepwratw so far because Wynn's bloodbond to him. And now doing majesty.
Damn Miles and his majesty being a good leader. (also him suggesting killing spree because of his bloodbond to Wynn)
Wynn and Neil stop fucking me up. I am but a fragile girlie. I can't handle this.
Don't go make a message right now with cute codenames.im in distress!!!
What is this ending?? 😭😭 I came here for a lighthearted optimistic we just crushed this up to the next fight episode and I got Mental Anguish.
I guess I should have known better, looking at the title.
Lex:"I never so this, but I am going to pick up for Rob." ��
Garrett so angry. 😂 I'm glad I wasn't wearing headphones.
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having-conniptions · 2 years
10 characters - 10 fandoms - 10 tags
Tagged by @katistrophe 🥰 I'm gonna have to dig deep into my teens/childhood as well if I don't want to end up with a list purely comprised of anime characters - anyway, here we go, in no particular order:
Declan Lynch (The Dreamer Trilogy) - ok so I hated him in The Raven Cycle because Ronan hated him, but when I read his POVs in the Dreamer Trilogy, this tired mom older brother with acid reflux grew close to my heart.
Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man) - this is a rather new one, but he had to be on this list because looking at him and Declan it seems that I like the "tired 'parent' who looks great in a suit" type of character...
Shikamaru Nara (Naruto) - ...or maybe, looking at Shikamaru and Aki, I'm into dark ponytails and cigarettes?? But for real, Shikamaru's lack of motivation and his ability to do his job well regardless just speak to me.
Serufu Yua (Do It Yourself!!) - no one can tell me this daydreaming, accident prone, creative af cinnamon roll doesn't have ADHD. Her journey of finding something she's good at, a way to be helpful, is just so comforting to watch.
Reki Kyan (Sk8 The Infinity) - I've made entire posts about how hard his story hit me. Inferiority complex, always feeling a step behind friends and loved ones,... I was not ok while watching Reki be not ok.
Makoto Tachibana (Free!) - literally just a cinnamon roll, has never done anything wrong in his entire life, golden retriever boy.
Wesley Crusher (Star Trek TNG) - see, I dug into my teens for this one - not only was he close to my age when we watched TNG, Wil Wheaton also said hi to me in a hallway at FedCon when I was like 10 and that left a lasting impression (even though that was before we watched TNG)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) - I gotta say I always identified more with Ron but she was my childhood role model (or maybe childhood crush?? Idk)
Bob Parr (The Incredibles) - speaking of childhood role models, idk why 5y/o me chose a father of three with super strength as a role model but here I am, getting bulkier and stronger day by day. (Ok I kinda know why; I was chubby so I chose the biggest character...)
Kono Kalakaua (Hawaii Five-0) - she was witty, a great surfer and a total bamf; I really miss her.
Ok I definitely don't know 10 people but I'll tag... @theherondaels @ovarios-tristes @sameen-shaww and uhhh... yeah that's pretty much it 😂 have fun choosing your characters 😘😘
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taegularities · 2 years
hey!! i'm not able to reblog the fic for some reason...? i have no idea what's wrong so I'll just leave my comments here <3
i read it ;)
“But I just want my baby to be comfortable.”
BABYYY!!! pls rid what are u doing to me-
So, as honest as ever, he doesn’t hesitate. He leans back in his seat, exhales and tells you, “Nara’s my ex girlfriend. She and I grew up together, but didn’t get together till freshman year.”
shit... i knew this was coming. i hate u 😤😤
How does a fake girlfriend compete against childhood love?
no!!! please, things like this just makes the oc more insecure 🥺🥺
Pulling his right leg in, he moves a bit, and lets it appear on the other side of your body. He pushes himself forward by a few inches, and presses his torso against your back before soft hands sneak to your tummy.
oh my goddd ahsghfdfd HOW ARE THEY NOT CONFESSING TO EACH OTHER RIGHT FUCKING NOW 😭😭😭 this is too domestic ✋😞
“Oh, come on. You won’t be thinking of me there. You’ll be busy having fun with your family.” You chuckle, eyes still slipped close, and jest, “And staring at resort girls.”
“We don’t have a coupon for starters. Every other shop and brand does,” you say, leaning forwards. “So what if we established a ten percent off coupon for those who become new members of our brand?”
smartass oc indeed 😌
“And if he doesn’t? He doesn’t take care of it, but books an expensive vacation?”
oh my god, this is so sad :(( the mom is such a snake!! why does she even care where he's gonna stay at? this is truly unacceptable... but i stan oc for standing for jk!! and that's how it should be ;)
Jungkook [6:13PM]: i hope you’re doing okay. i’m thinking of you 
awww ❤️❤️
Laughter sounds through the phone, and a few people clap. His relatives know how to have fun, and your heart aches for a bond you haven’t gotten familiar with yet.
i feel bad 😞 wish she would've gone with him too...
“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t choose him.”
??? because she has jungkook! when will the mother stop... I'm so done rid. 😠 thinking that jk won't be able to do anything in future just sounds so disrespectful 😥
“Look outside.”
hahah, i thought he was outside her house for a moment 😂
“I really like your dress.”
akskdksmdk HE'S HERE ISNT HEEE 😭😭😭 ridddd why are you doing this!???
As you dig your fingers into his back, he wraps an arm around your torso; presses you close to him, lips in your hair. A gentle timbre whispers, “Hi.”
oh gawd 🥺🥺 they're so in love... PLS LET THE CONFESSION HAPPEN 😤😭
“I need to talk to you, angel,” he says.
shit no no no, don't tell me something really happened... let them be happy ksksjsjs
ok, the part where jk for drunk and said his pink got hurt, LMFAO that was so adorable!! and when he yawned? this is what came into my mind:
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actually, that whole scene just reminded me of this vlive!!! 🥺 (except the bucket hat)
wait... jin is going to be important again? what the heck do u mean 😀 don't tell me it is what I think... you're the worst i hate u for this. this part screams danger for the next one 🙄🤨
anyway (😤😠) i loved this chapter 💖💖 good job 😘
ahhh yeah, tumblr sometimes doesn't let u reblog long fics from the phone! i can only do it on desktop, too, so if u still wanna reblog or anything, u could try it like that 😭 but this review is still so 🥺🥺🥺
UGHHH the 'you're my baby' to nara whiplash, lmaooo yes i understand ur feelings :') oc really does get insecure about stuff a lot! but i think jk's domestic and sweet behaviour are what calm her a bit, so let's hope things get better for her head. and fck yeah, oc is a badass and smartass, and we stan her but not her mother !!! girl knows what to do at work and defends her man? YUPPPP!
oh god yeah, i can see why it looked like he was outside 🤣 (then again... later, at the end... 🥺). YES YES WE NEED A CONFESSION CMON. tell em !!!
also, u're so so right to be reminded of the vlive! it was exactly what inspired his whole look, the sweater paws and the gentle yawn 🥺 i'm so glad u picked up on that !!! also ha ha, i'm not sure what u think about seokjin but 😀😀 interesting, isn't it–
thank u so much for reading, love. u leave such wonderful and sweet reviews, and they mean more to me than u know 🥺 <333
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Neil just waking up, eyes wide open.
Neil super worried about Britta and Miles. Wondering if he doomed them.
Poor baby Britta. 🥺
Neil desperately spouting words in order to connect to Britta and get her to tell him what he needs.
Britta and Johnny ❤️ he's always such a supportive dad to her. Wanting her to be angry, feel the power that comes with that instead of fear.
Johnny worried about Miles 😏
Wynn flying to Miles' side. Goddamn
Neil just pushing and pushing.
Miles is just straight up LYING!!! 😂
I mean I guess it's omitting the truth, but still!
Neil admitting that it might have been a mistake to bring them there and that he's sorry. And saying that he's proud!
And then immediately going into information collecting mode, because of course he has the right to know all of this about them.
You can just tell that Miles is trying to be normal, but he is just a little too normal.
Britta scolding Neil for stealing stuff from her.
"his feelings are hurt but dervedly so" bless him.
Lmaoo Miles' "secret" haven keeps being raided. That's funny.
Britta worrying about Wynn's and Johnny's humanity.
Neil so poorly trying to linger to get alone with Johnny. Lol
Wynn going to Neil to gossip about Miles 😂 and then Johnny joining in.
Johnny is so annoyed. I really like it. 🤭
Miles seems so tired and just kind of apathetic.
Lex: he's not being deceptive, he's literally just walking away.
Miles' emotions are just so even. Makes me sad.
Neil instead of being happy he's not seeing the infernalism feeling selfdoubt.
Johnny complimenting Neil!
Neil not wanting a piggyback ride 😔 you know shit's real when he doesn't want to.
NOOOOOOOO please tell me Lucinde is not calling to her!!!! I beg you!!!
How does everyone know Miles' haven??? Miles is right! He didn't tell anyone.
Don't remind me about Wynn!! On the one hand I'm glad she doesn't have 3 point bloodbond with Miles, but having one with fucking Lucinde is even worse!!!
Neil with a shotgun reminds me of a little kid in their dad's shoes.
Omg the red star. A third the size of the moon??? That is so big!!!
Miles looking through eyes that al not his?? What's happening? Through whose eyes?? What he's looking through Roman Pendragon's eyes what???
Lucita!!!! You're back, my love!!! Midnight blue, baby!!
Fuck you Lex I was convinced you were gonna say Nara when you said Nyx. 😭
A gift for Johnny. 👀👀 They're all getting new stuff. You know shits gonna be bad.
What??? What does this mean???? Nyx what the hell??? You couldn't say a little bit more??? WOW Immune to dementation, and Dominate????
Oooohhhh magical fire axe? And a gauntlet blade? Wow. Wait why did Aisha gift this to Johnny? Are they that close???
There's more???? Ohhh scalemail? Johnny's gonna look like such a fucking badass!!
"Miles I hate to say it" "then don't say it" 😂
I'm so sad Wynn is gone though, we hardly had her and Johnny in the episode before the previous one, then none in the previous one and now she's gone again.
Awww Neil explaining how important it is that aisha gave it to Johnny and Johnny sobering up.
But also Johnny going to fake drop it, and Neil just jumping back so scared. 😂
Neil having a photo ook for Wynn 😭😭 that is so sweet but so sad!
Gold circlet for the Prince? Fuck Yes!
Hunters moon. 7 additional willpower? Noice!
They're doing gift giving??? Stop that is too final night. 😭😭
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I'm sooooo excited!!! My first episode caught up!
No! Not the music 😂😂😂 oh okay it was not that smooth sex jazz lmao.
Rufio???? In Miles's lust thing? Okay I'll have to wait and see how this works. ELSA THOUGH!!!
Protect your man!!!!
Oh Elsa 😔 "I wish you were there, you probably would have made the difference."
Ohhhhhhh this is really good. Part of Miles's dreams or lust is the thought that him being there could have saved people. It's such a self absorbed thing lmao. Like he is the lynchpin.
Sidenote: the sound design and the music is so good this episode, and I know it's not the case but I get such a giggle out of imagining this is done just to spite that one YouTube commenter who was like when are you all going to incorporate that when it has been for quite a bit. 😂
Elsa being there to listen to him. 😭
He would want Marcos back!!
She gives him the book to get people back from the dead. The fact that this is what tempts him!!
To have what you have to Britta. "She was never there to replace you."
No shit they weren't rational, Marcos!!! I'm losing my goddamn mind over here!!!
The fact that he thinks the reward is to get one of them back to life. Fuck me!
Pendragon is human???? Absolutely wild. I get it though. But also Romeo and Pendragon there at the same time??? I mean at this point we all think canary and Romeo were together, yes?
Britta's biggest hope is being human. 😭
A painting of Dark Selina above the fireplace with blue flames???
Her wish that the harsh sides of Pendragon were not his own but forced into him. That he would want to be different. Him wanting to impress his sire and not him just something that's inside of him. That he lets her know him better.
Ohh human AND vampire Pendragon.
Ohhh interesting. Pendragon wanting her for her humanity or wanting her for her killer side.
"I adoooore how strong you are." fuck this guy and fuck that he is so hot. I hate him. He's too powerful. 😂
"I can't beat him without you." *SCREECHING*
Oh my God! Z!!!! HELL YESSSSSS I'm glad he's back somehow!!
I love that they are both almost failing!!!
Khaliffffff babbbbby!!! Yes Neil's sire!!! 👀 I'm so intrigued. I need to know more.
Awww Neil 🥰🥰 wanting to save his friends.
Of course his fucking sire 'knows' exactly what he needs. Fuck you!! Go home!
No Miles doesn't have the enst track record, that is fair. But he tries, and that has to count for something.
I do love his sire just hating on Miles, I bet that does make Neil feel a little better.
Also calling it playing house with Roman Pendragon would so appeal to Neil. Who has been so judgemental about all of this with Britta.
👀 Neil talking to his sire. Like I'm sorry but we need like a prequel book about their fucked up relationship and the abuse and manipulation.
"they're yours." ohhhhhhh goosebumps.
Not the tearful "are they?" my baby boy 😭 this is gonna make me cry.
Neil!!! You're so good! I'm proud of you. 🥰
"boogiemen and a pretty girl." dismissive of Nara in a way that will please some people I know.
Hey Sire why don't you shut up!!! Neil did what he should do, he came to insight!! Leave him alone!
"Let's fix Miles." ohhhhh damnnn. Like I know this is all very difficult for the characters to deal with, but it is SO fun to listen to!
Z. Who is this she??? 👀👀👀
Of course he wants to be the solution! Look at Wynn!!!
Ohhhh yeahhhh baby more temptation!!! One of them is going to die????!!!! Absolutely not. That's not allowed. Resurrection tho. 👀 It will cost you nothing? Suss. Soooooooo suss.
Heyhooooo let's gooooooooooo temptation in the best way.
The idea of sacrificing himself for power and to save his friends, so alluring. Which is so funny because I don't think any of his friends would think it would take this particular shape.
AAAAAAAHHHHH, for realsies???? Lmao of course he did. 😂😂(I bet it's because Tim wants that special sword path he talked about. /j)
I'm so happy!!! Miles deserves to make bad decisions as a treat. I love that for him. 😈
Britta, my girl, I proud of you, but I knew you could do it.
🤢 Those sounds
Oh joy, we get Shrike, you're not making it better but I love that you try even if it's not that hard.
Ohhhhh yessss him offering to undo the indoctrination!!! Of course that is the biggest temptation, figuring out who she used to be.
"I wanted to be more of myself again." "you don't even know who you are?" that's fucked up.
Shrike is an asshole but he makes me laugh with the awful, dickish things he says.
Even here the canary gets triggered??? Poor Britta.
She did it!!!
What the fuck man, that was an insane episode. But so fucking good! I'm alrwady exited to relisten to it.
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I can't believe Neil talking through the bathroomdoor got a little giggle out of me. After we've been through so much.
"no I'm sad" me too, buddy, me too.
Hell yes. That's what we need some fucking girl sex talk. Smth a little light, a palet cleanser.
Oh wow Neil and Britta talking about the kidnapping. 👀👀👀
Wait does Neil not get that she wanted to save him? Or does he not get she did ALL THAT to save him? Two very different things.
Britta finally really talking about all her feelings and experiences during the kidnapping.
And Neil talking about his feelings too. 😭
The quiet "well..." from Neil when Wynn says Britta's feelings for pendragon aren't wrong. 😂
Lmaooooooooooooo Neil why don't you tell them how you really feel about Pendragon.
Lmao are Wynn and Neil like some devil and angel on Britta's shoulder rn.
Johnny opening the door for Miles! 👀👀
Ohhhh bearded kindred. Intriguing. 👀
Oh wow toreador justicar, who is the cruellest of them all. Pretty in the way that a praying mantiss is. Yikes.
Idk if hand holding is comforting.
"I hear that you (Miles) don't have a lot of time, anymore." I'm sorry but subteefuge cannot be one of her main skills. 😂 So obvious.
Oh no. Ventrue call their sire's sire Grand sire? Lmaoooooo why is that the whitest thing they could ever do??? Goddamn you should all be wearing fucking powdered wigs!
Wowowowowow we're not gonna explain this weird disappearing needle gift???? I don't trust it.
Omg they're crushing Pieterzoon's skull right there!!!
And now we're back in therapy?? Goddamn.
Fuck Britta, I love you, but girl you need some goddamn therapy! Like damn girl, you have self worth issues.
Fuck me, I know I have said this before but I need Wynn to be my mom.
"What if I like him, because I'm like him.".... Just mouth open. Girrrrrrrrrrlll.
Wynn using her degree in psychology once again.
I guess this is also a little bit of therapy for Neil, as in that he at least vocalise it.
Neil really succinctly summed up the slippery slope of any abusive relationship. How they draw you in, and slowly change you and isolate you from everyone and they start asking things of you and at first you think it's fine, but it becomes more and more and at a certain point you think you might not want to do it but you alrwady did so much else and you don't want them to leave/hurt you so you keep doing it because it feels like there is no other choice.
Lmaooooooooooooo Neil just so practical, steamrolling this poor girl! 😂
Them talking about bad feeding.
Yeah right. Neil going to see Nara? I'll believe it when I see it. Consider me distrustful. e.e
Neil does not like Pendragon lol. And he's not shy about it.
Aw Britta, you need a hug, and therapy.
Fuck, we're back with Miles. Damn holy fuck. Oh god! 1 success due to willpower! Wooooh
Johnny's got Miles's back. 🥰
Ugh. Hardestadt is the worst. I hate him.
Yes!!! Lucita! 😂 What???? Kabir???? Weathers???? Amaya??? And Xavier??? Lmaooo! This is insane, but it makes me crazy happy!
Yes Kabir kiss her and make her feel connection!
NOOOOOO they cannot go fight yet. 😭😭 I needed more talking, more hugging!!
Weathers 😭😭😭😭 not wanting to take Johnny's car. He's such a good man.
Daaaamn they thought Miles just wanted them to grab the glowing ashes??? It's good to know that Miles stopped him though.
Oh my God! Pendragon lied for Johnny and the coterie!!! Intrigue!
Wynn caring about Neil's fanny pack. 😭
I REALLY like Amaya, she's a delight. (also I am still feeling vindicated about the fact that she was sometimes called Amara and that I wasn't just crazy for writing that down in some liveblogs).
Britta and Pendragon. 👀👀👀
"Speak" RUDE!
"It doesn't matter." (about kissing breaking the ritual) Okay that's pretty damn hot.
"I'll see you after." damn that must be hard to hear when you're convinced that person is going to die.
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