#“if shes offering he wont say no” lives in my head rent free
I've had this for a while and idk if I'm actually going to do anything with it, so have these five sentences about Neil and Nara.
Nara presses a joint into his hand, holds him as the world slips away, as his thoughts slip away. This is why he was made, she says, shushing his frantic speech. He believes her.
She carves up his memory to extract seemingly nonsensical visions, plies him with kalif and pleasure until they blur and he remembers neither.
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egyptsblackrose · 3 years
Dancing with Strangers
Ok so, theres a Playlist I’m loving right now on YouTube called “Dancing between Gojo and Kakashi but you can feel the sexual tension growing by the minute”, posted by itsharley. I made a short story post on the video and people liked it, so here’s the story that’s been living in my head rent free for the past week! This is a regular world AU btw
Warnings: a little suggestive behaviour later, spicy stuff wont be added till later... other than that enjoy!
Part 1-
Y/N L/N had a pretty normal life for the first few years of her life. Her parents were wonderful, kind people who were well respected and successful in their fields of work, both determined to give their precious daughter the best upbringing they could. Things only changed because both were offered a dream promotion. The catch? They had to move to Japan for the foreseeable future.
At first Y/N was devastated. She didn’t want to move away from her beloved grandparents and friends, she was just about to start primary school, and she didn’t know ANY Japanese! What if people were mean to her because she was different? However those worries soon melted away.
Their home was a stunning penthouse apartment in Hiroshima, close to Y/N’s new school, with beautiful views and amazing restaurants all around. There was even a private tutor to help Y/N learn Japanese faster so she wouldn’t be at a disadvantage from the other kids, but even though they were living in Japan, only their native language was spoken in their home. Her parents were adamant that she was smart enough to learn two languages at once, and they weren’t wrong.
In the beginning, Y/N was too shy to really try make friends, worried that she would say something wrong and people would laugh at her, or she’d pronounce something weird and people would mock her. Those fears soon disappeared also, however, when Y/N met Miku and Sakura. Both girls were very sweet, they thought her accent was cute and soon encouraged Y/N to speak more.
The 3 were inseparable, going to concerts together, cafes after school, watching movies and having sleepovers every weekend. It was more like having sisters! So when Y/N had to move back home when she was 15, the 3 were heartbroken. They shed many tears together, and at the airport the 3 and clutched at each other in a group hug, reluctant to separate.
But Y/N was a loyal soul, and the 3 talked over chat every day, and face timed each other every weekend night, watching movies and anime’s together, complaining about school, family and boys. It was painful for Y/N, she felt like she was away from home most of the time. But her friends were good people and never lost their bond.
Now finishing their final years at Uni, the 3 were face timing while finishing their papers, encouraging each other to finish and stay positive as they talked about their plans and ideas for their final year. That was when Y/N discovered the Japanese exchange program her Uni had in place.
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Gojo and Kakasi had been friends for as long as they both could remember, meeting back in school, insisting on going to the same uni, and now working together in the police force as partners. The two were often mistaken as lovers, but they repeated many times that they were just very similar in personality, got along like brothers rather than friends, and were both very straight.
While the 2 were undeniably attractive it was Gojo who had the natural charisma out of them that many young women were charmed by, finding it easy to ignore his weird traits. He could never seem to keep a relationship going past a one night stand however, he was just too free willed and whimsical to be tied down. On the other hand- Kakashi- though dashing in his own right and was incredibly sweet to anyone who bothered to get to know him, seemed to fumble with his words a lot of the time, becoming embarrassed and flustered easily, backing out of any interaction that became too bold. The two were opposites, and they soon realised this as young men, observing how the other was strong where they had weaknesses.
It was Gojos idea (of course it was) to “team up” when it came to women. He was the hook, drawing beauties in and charming their pants off, and Kakashi was the sweetheart who convinced them to stay when they both approved of the woman. Sometimes for months, sometimes just for a few days of fun. Either way it was a win win for the men, Gojo received a proper taste of a real relationship (be it poly, as a 3) and Kakashi earned some much needed experience and confidence to help at least lesson his shyness.
But now they were not young men, they were MEN. Successful, powerful, admired men that had bright futures ahead of them and a brotherly bond stronger than ever. There was of course, something rather vital missing from their lives.
The two had been working stupid long shifts, with barely a day off to rest for far too long, and both males were pent up, and needed to drink and let off some steam.
Entering the club, Gojo immediately grinned at the low lights; pounding base of “Hotel Room” hitting his ears, the smell of perfume, sweat and booze. “The Ninja Shrine” was a regular hunting ground for the 2. Kakashi led the way to the bar by instinct at this point, determined to order something strong to continue their buzz from pre-drinks in their shared apartment. The two downed three shots of something dark and expensive with barely a pause for breath. After they were finished, two bottles of beer were purchased as they turned to scout through the crowd closely, leaning against the bar like they were at home.
Already some regulars recognised them- the women batting their eyes at the two, other men trying to seem like they were close and friendly with them so as to steal some of the female attention. Gojo and Kakashi already knew of, or had already slept with, a few of the women who were trying so hard to capture their attention as “Desire” played through the speakers.
They were put on the end of the list of possibilities. Gojo and Kakashi had agreed early on that they wouldn’t be ‘playing favourites’ with women, on and off relationships weren’t their thing. Kakashi would say its because he wouldn’t want to lead anyone on and build a girls hopes up, Gojo would say that once he’s had his fill, he’d get bored of the same thing again and again. Neither men were sure what they were looking for really when they went out scouting for some fun, and neither had found anyone who held their interest for the long term. But Kakashi was honestly more hopeful than Gojo and his whimsical personality.
As the remix finished its hypnotising beat and “Such a Whore” began, there was a refreshing breeze from the door opening. A group of young women, probably uni students or maybe a little older, came in loudly. They unintentionally drew attention to themselves through their happy laughter and rosy cheeks, clearly already been drinking for a while. And in the middle of the group, they saw HER.
Link to Part 2 here- https://egyptsblackrose.tumblr.com/post/648451271546781696/dancing-with-strangers-ok-heres-part-2-i-guess
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paintingraves · 4 years
A purr-fect day
Went to OPT prompts and received a prompt about Percival being swarmed by a pack of kittens so here - have this very soft thing ❤️
It’s Percival Graves’ birthday. 
The man himself doesn’t seem to care, but  every single one of his Aurors know about it. So does Newt, who's been living in a rented flat in New York for a few months now, working in an official capacity as a consultant for the MACUSA. They are trying to reform some of their laws about magical creatures: it is a long, tedious process -- one that sets back the publication of his second book by months -- but it’s important and Newt really feels like he is making a difference. 
His routine these days is usually the same. Newt wakes up at the crack of dawn and tends to his creatures; then he gets dressed and drops by Jacob’s bakery on his way to work in order to grab coffee and a delicious pastry. His favourite at the moment is a croissant-like delicacy filled with warm chocolate.  Newt always wolfs it down like he hasn’t eaten in three days and licks his fingers clean afterwards, unashamed. 
He steps into MACUSA through the magical revolving door and heads to the Aurors’ bullpen, where his office and work await him. They chatter amicably between colleagues until 8 am, at which point Director Percival Graves makes his grand entrance -- cup of bitter black coffee in his hand and dark circles under his eyes. He gives them a debriefing as he sips his drink. When he's done they get to work, and Graves heads down to his own office. He always passes by Newt when he does, and Newt always gets to appreciate the heady smell of his cologne on the way. 
(He… may or may not have a bit of a thing for Percival Graves. So what? Almost everyone here does, apparently, because their director is just that striking. Newt is no different.) 
But today is a special day, and things take a different turn. 
Newt stills drops by Jacob’s bakery, but he’s earlier than usual. Instead of buying only one pastry, he buys an assortment of them, trying to pick ones he thinks Percival would like. 
All his colleagues are present at the office as early as 7 am. Newt steps into the room as they’re starting to clear the tables free of paperwork, ink, quills, books and other bulky things to rearrange them in a sort of semi-circle to serve as a buffet. 
Madeleine uses her wand to unfold a large white tablecloth and everyone helps set the table: there's pots of coffee, warm chocolate and tea; Newt brought pastries, John’s baked an apple pie, and Esther made a fruit salad. Soon enough, with everyone’s contributions, the table is full of food and drink aplenty. Diana is blowing up balloons while Geralt hangs a large ‘happy birthday’ banner across the room. 
There's one table reserved for gifts. Newt can guess what most people could have bought: perhaps a new tie or a book, a good bottle of wine, etc. Newt himself has gotten Percival an exotic plant, whose flowers release a calming scent that has the same effect on humans as a cat purring. He hopes Percival will like it. 
It’s nearly 8. They're all a bit nervous; truth be told they have no idea how Graves will react to the display. He certainly isn’t expecting it, that's for sure. Geralt said he's never known Percival to mention his birthday, much less celebrate it. But today also marks the first year the man's been back at work despite his ordeal at the hands of Grindelwald, and that deserves to be remembered. They’re just hoping he’ll be touched by the attention, and happy. 
When Percival walks into the room at 8 precisely, he freezes on the doorstep. His eyes widen in surprise and alarm. He takes in the redecorated room, his hand shaking slightly around his cup of coffee. “... What is this?” 
“Happy birthday, sir,” his Aurors say all at once, smiling. 
Percival’s eyes widen even more. “Oh shit,” he says, coming to a realization. “It is my birthday, isn’t it? I’m… Fuck. I don’t know what to say. This… is a surprise, but...” 
“You deserve it,” Diana says simply, and they all nod in agreement. “I’ll put on some music. I hope you like jazz!” 
“Get you anything to drink, sir? Or eat? We got a ton of stuff here, including but not limited to John’s famous apple pie!” 
“A - a slice of apple pie sounds perfect, thank you,” Percival says, still bewildered. He looks almost timid, so wrong-footed. “And coffee, please. I’m sure it’ll taste better than this brew I have.” 
“Let me take your coat,” Newt offers, stepping forward. “And make yourself comfortable.” 
"There’s work to do,” Percival says, even as he takes off his cream-coloured trench coat and his hat. Underneath, he wears one of his usual three-piece suits, complete with dark blue pants, a white shirt and an assorted waistcoat and tie. Everything is tailored to perfection, as per usual. Newt will honestly never get over how attractive the older man is. It doesn't help that Percival rolls up his sleeves to his elbows. "I can't stay long, but I really appreciate this, thank you…"
His words get drowned in the soft jazz music that starts playing. Everyone relaxes and starts to eat and drink, standing up, or sitting on chairs around the room; they're all happy that Percival hasn’t reacted negatively (and why would he?) 
The director seems to have gotten over his shock now; he is clearly embarrassed (the tips of his ears blushing red) as well as deeply flattered, but he’s not mad. 
At one point there's the opening of presents. 
Percival stays sitting in his chair as they bring the wrapped gifts over to him. He thanks each Auror warmly, saying he never expected to be this spoiled, and that they shouldn't have. He makes jokes about getting old. Percival receives a brand new watch (courtesy of three of the Aurors, who put together some savings to afford it) as well as a silver hoop earring -- much to his delight and surprise. He raises an eyebrow as Geralt explains sheepishly that he’s noticed Percival’s ear was pierced, yet that he never wore such jewelry, promoting Percival to regal them with a few tales of his rebellious youth. He puts the earring on. It looks incredibly dashing, giving him a bit of a more roguish air. It's terribly, terribly attractive. 
There's also a funny tie with little ducklings printed on it which Percival promises to wear the next day at work; two Sherlock Holmes books; a shiny pocket knife (for Percival never goes anywhere unarmed) and finally Newt’s plant. Newt monologues about its healing properties, as he’s wont to do, and Percival thanks him with a warm smile, telling Newt it is incredibly thoughtful. He is so polite. So sincere. So composed. Ugh. Newt wants this man quite badly. He doesn’t know how much longer he can handle this sweet torture... 
The last gift Percival receives is… different. He is laughing, and he's never looked this happy in the months Newt has known him. It makes his heart swell painfully inside his chest. He wants Percival to keep smiling like that, everyday, and he wants to be the reason behind his joyous smile. 
“Alright, what is this?” Percival asks as Madeleine give him a large square box. They managed to convince him to wear one of those pointy colorful birthday hat, and it is slightly askew on his head. A strand of dark hair falls into his face. Percival looks more ruffled and relaxed than they’ve ever seen him, and Newt wonders whether one of the aurors spiked his coffee with whiskey or something, because this is quite the contrast compared to the austere, severe, put together man they’re used to seeing daily. 
“Open it!” Madeleine says, and Percival does - only for everyone to gasp in sheer joy at the sight of what’s inside of the box. 
“Oh my god!” Esther squeals happily, slapping a hand over her mouth. 
“So one of my cats had babies recently, and I figured this was a nice gift! Here they are!” 
“I…” Percival says, at a loss as to what to do. Madeleine grins and, gently, she takes each kitten from the box and puts them in Percival’s lap, then takes the box away. 
The kittens (four in total) immediately meow for attention and begin to explore their new surroundings: one of them tries to climb on Percival’s chest, digging its claws into the expensive fabric of his waistcoat; another nearly falls off Percival’s thigh except the man catches him, and the kitten fits in his big hand. Percival says ‘Hello little guy, hello’ and strokes his head with a finger so very gently. 
Percival Graves and kittens. Newt thinks this might be heaven. 
“They’re so tiny,” Percival murmurs in awe. “Oh no no no, where are you going? Ow, not the claws, hey, not the claws --” 
Percival Graves swarmed by a pack of kittens is definitely the cutest thing Newt has ever seen. He can’t stop smiling. 
Neither can Percival, apparently - his cheeks are glowing with happiness, his eyes wrinkling attractively at the corners, his face and posture open and serene. He helps one of the kittens climb up his shoulder, where it sniffs Percival’s collar curiously, and gathers the other three together in his lap, petting them. Noticing Newt’s staring, he holds one of the kittens up. “Take him.” 
Esther kneels next to Percival, who gives her one of the kittens too, and she looks about to cry as she holds the tiny animal in her hands. She folds her arm and the kitten curls up in the crook of her elbow, seemingly having found a nice corner to nap in, and purrs as she scratches it behind the ears gently. 
“They’re up for adoption,” Madeleine informs them, beaming. “We already have three cats, and I got a friend who adopted one from this litter, but these four are looking for a new home!” 
“I’ll take one,” Esther says immediately. “My husband’s allergic but we’ll find a way to make it work. I've always wanted a cat.” 
“... I can take one too,” Geralt says hesitantly. “They’re rather cute.” 
“They’re adorable.” 
“Percival? Ahem, sir?” 
Percival had been busy making heart eyes at the kitten in his lap. “Hmm? Oh, I wish I could, but…” He sighs. “I wouldn’t have time to care for him. They deserve better than that.” 
Newt shakes his head. Same as Percival, he’s already got a lot of creatures to care for. 
“I’ll keep asking around then,” Madeleine concludes. 
Geralt takes one of the kittens. Percival gets up from his chair, his last tiny friend still perched on his shoulder like a very fluffy parrot. He brushes cat hair from his pants with little success, and walks up to Newt, who’s busy cooing at his own kitten. He’s already given it a name and everything. Oh, and she’s a female. 
“This is Kiara,” he says, showing the kitten to Percival, who smiles warmly. 
“Seems like she’s adopted you, uh.” 
“I do so wish I could take her in,” Newt says mournfully. 
“Hmm. You’ve already got a lot on your shoulders, haven't you, but I understand the sentiment.” 
“You look happy,” Newt remarks. 
Graves laughs. “You say that as if it’s the second coming of christ. Am I that sour and grumpy all the time?" 
“Well...” Newt ducks his head and avoids the question, though he knows Graves is just teasing him. “I’m really glad you liked our little surprise party here.” 
“Whose idea was it?” 
“Everyone’s, really. We figured you ought to know how much we all appreciate you. You’re a very good leader, Percival, and a good man, and a good friend.”
“...Thank you,” Percival says quietly. "I do try."
“I mean that,” Newt insists. “Met a lot of politicians in my life, after all, I know what I'm talking about." 
"Ah ah. While I can’t say I’ve met a lot of magizoologists in my life, I also really like working with you, Newton. You've very knowledgeable, and you are able to think outside the box. I really like that.” 
Newt swallows at the compliment, his heart picking up pace, heat rising to his face. “Thanks,” he mumbles, forcing himself to look straight at the other man. Percival meets his gaze. There’s a heavy moment of silence. Time slows down as Newt’s eyes flit from Percival’s own down to his lips, and he is overcome with the urge to simply kiss the other man. Percival wets his lips too, looking up at him underneath his dark eyelashes, and he leans imperceptibly closer and Newt thinks oh fuck -- and then Madeleine steps into their intimate circle with a plate of cake to offer them some. The moment is shattered. 
But… Newt didn’t dream it, right? Right? 
For a moment there he saw desire reflected back in Percival’s eyes… right? 
He refuses another helping of cake, but Percival does take an apple fritter and bites into it, smearing sugar across his lips. He licks them clean. 
Newt wants to kiss him so badly. Again. 
After an hour or so of festivities it’s time to clean up and get back to work, however reluctant they are to do so. 
For the rest of the day, the balloons still hang on the walls of the aurors’ room and kittens roam free in the office. They play with bits of string or red dots that the aurors make appear on the floor with the tip of their wand. 
Percival goes back to his office and keeps the pointy hat. It’s not a very productive day, work-wise, but it’s one that leaves everybody in high spirits when the evening comes, and certainly strengthens the bonds between colleagues. 
Around 8, Newt prepares to leave the bullpen as well. He tidies things up on his desk and takes his suitcase, turning off the lights as he leaves. He knocks on Percival’s door and hears a rumbling ‘yes, come in’. 
“Leaving for the day,” Newt says. Percival nods his assent, nose deep in paperwork. “Good night, sir.” 
“Good night, Newton,” Graves says absently. He dips his quill into ink and scribbles something down. Newt sighs. 
“Would you - that is, would you like to grab a drink with me sometime?” 
Percival pauses, looking up at him above the rim of his tortoise shell glasses. “Why?” 
“B - because…” Oh bugger, he read this all wrong. A stab of fear lances through him.  “Err. No, nevermind, forget I asked. I’ll just - go. I'm leaving. Yes.” 
“Yes?” Newt looks back at him, his palms sweating, only to be struck dumb. 
Graves is smirking. He’s never seen such an expression on his face and oh, that must be what Graves looks like when he’s really flirting. Newt feels weak in the knees. 
“It’d be my pleasure,” Percival purrs, and Newt makes a sound not unlike that of a startled mouse. He flushes and haltingly steps back, fiddling with the handle of his briefcase, butterflies fluttering in his stomach. 
“Oh. Oh that’s. That’s good then. Great. Brilliant. Hm. Is… after work tomorrow okay for you?” 
“It’s good,” Percival agrees. “Have a good evening. And Newt?” 
“Y - yes?”
“Remember to breathe.” And there’s that infuriating, smug smirk again. 
Newt vows to kiss it off the man’s face one day until Graves is the one struggling to remember how to breathe. He shall make Percival lose his carefully constructed composure. 
“Tomorrow it is,” he repeats, straightening up. “I look forward to it.” 
Graves shakes his head, as though he can’t believe he’s really doing this, but he’s still smiling. 
Newt makes his way out MACUSA and back to his flat with a spring in his step, happiness and hope bubbling inside his chest. 
He did it! 
And Percival agreed! Holy shit. This. Is. Amazing! By Merlin - tomorrow can’t come fast enough!
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 4 years
secret baby ch 10
(oof this is a long chapter! let me know if i forgot to tag anything!)
The first offer of business Dabi gets is for one of his neighbors, a nice elderly alpha woman who can't bend like she used to, she stays in the apartment with him the first few times as they build some trust between them. As Dabi cleans up for her and makes the trips down the block to the laundromat for her. At the end of the day she sends him home with leftovers, some cash and pretty decent leftovers.
Him and Kiyoko get invited back several times as she spreads the word to her friends. Eventually he strikes a deal with a young couple for a free house clean and meal made in exchange for a burner phone to get contact with his customers.
It takes a few weeks , Dabi is getting used to running his own business. He takes Kiyoko with him to almost all of his ‘appointments’, despite one of his customers offering to babysit for him. He places her in a room separate from the one he is cleaning in but close enough to hear him talking and singing to her and she doozes the day away while he works until he picks her up and they go to his next appointment. She has a special basket designed to let her wings poke through and Dabi carries her in a baby backpack to the appointments he can. Sometimes there’s mold and he has to leave her behind, sometimes he has another nurse Karen for a client, someone who judges him for bringing Kiyoko.  His first client eventually clues him into an omega in the building who watches the buildings kids for a small fee.He still brings Kiyoko when he can't bear to leave her with his babysitter, a consistent fear of something happening to her keeping him close. Sometimes when he brings her he gets paid less because Kiyoko's crying supposedly bothers his clients. It's only ever a couple dollars difference but every dollar counts when you're raising a kid by yourself.
Eventually he has keys to most of his clients places of residence as he cleans for busier and busier people. His networking slowly starts paying off as he starts making enough to squeak by on rent while keeping himself and Kiyoko fed. It’s close and it won't last but it's enough to get them through the month. It's stressful and he can feel the strain of it wearing on his health.
Kiyoko is 3 months old when his body snaps under the stress,just at the age where she can giggle at the funny faces and noises Dabi has been making for her lately. He’s canceled all his appointments for the next few days, head bent over a toilet when she giggles for the first time. Dabi feels like crying from all the stress, he’s sick and tired and is just barely going to squeak by on rent again unless he can reschedule all his appointments again. He’s cooking and cleaning his apartment and other peoples homes and is probably just sick from the anxiety and stress of being a single parent. Maybe actually sick from a bug he unknowingly caught and has now transferred to his daughter. He makes a note to make a doctor appointment for both of them as he heaves.
And his daughter is laughing, giggling at him as he makes funny noises to her. He kind of feels like crying, he wants someone to rub his back. He wants Hawks, he has no idea how Hawks would react to this. If he would be caring and sooth Dabi while he held their daughter, Or if he would tell him to clean up when he was done being dramatic. 
He’s doing everything by himself, trying to stay under Enji and Hawks radar. It's been months and they haven't come looking but that doesn't mean they wont. He honestly doesn't know if him and Kiyoko can make it. If he should call Hawks and come clean. Maybe he wouldn’t be as bad as enji had been, for a moment he wavers in indecision. The want to have Hawks close is something he thought would fade with time. Instead the want is only growing with every obstacle put in his path.
What steels his resolve is the chubby smile and giggle Kiyoko gives him as he turns his phone over in his hands. Maybe isn’t good enough for him, and it's not good enough to risk for Kiyoko. He reminds himself firmly. Dabi wipes his mouth and stands up. It’s not like he can call Hawks anyways when he left his old phone and Hawks number with it on his table. He can do this, for Kiyoko, he has to at least try.
“Something funny princess? You're the best thing to happen to me okay? No matter if I'm worrying my head off or you laughing at me as I lose my lunch. You're the best damn thing to ever happen to me.” Dabi scoops her up and steps into his tiny shower with her.
There’s not going to be any fear from her parents in Kiyoko’s life. No screaming and yelling. No being blamed for things she had no control over like being sick. Dabi isn’t going to be Enji and he’s not going to raise Kiyoko with someone like him either.
Dabi’s nest isn’t as big or well made as Kiyoko’s considering he’s had less practice doing it for himself and nothing ever feels quite right after they are both clean making faces at her. She giggles at nearly anything he does. It makes Dabi’s heart feel light again every time he hears the sound. He starts up a rumbling purr for her, the best one he can manage, still full of hiccups and uneven despite how happy she makes him. He’s going to do the best he can and it’s just going to have to be enough to get them through. No amount of how much easier life would be, how much less stigma he would face, status and comfort will ever be worth his daughters safety.
He purrs Kiyoko to sleep and follows moments after.
He gets up after their nap Dabi gets up after their nap feeling a lot better, maybe it has just been the poor sleep and eating habits. Whatever had made him sick, Kiyoko doesn't seem to have caught it. He's been checking both of there’s regularly to make sure she doesn't catch anything from traveling with her after a client brought it up with him. It's been something of a miracle that he hasn’t gotten sick. Kiyoko hasn’t shown any signs of getting sick as easily as he might have as an infant. He doesn't know if he got sick as often as an infant as he did as a child. He knows he was sick a lot as a child, remembers struggling through fatigue to get up and help fuyumi.  The constant exhaustion with the pain from bruises and then having to go ‘train’ with his father. Feeling nauseous and like his knees would go out from under him but he had to take care of the house before enji came home. Rei had been too much of a nervous wreck to take care of him and too busy ensuring the days of depression and neglect got taken care of. Her panic and screaming at them that enji’s anger was all their fault made things worse in those days. It was never anyone's fault other than enji’s that he hit his kids and wife, even as a kid Touya had known that, had repeated it to himself as he treated his and fuyumis burns and bruises. Had told Natsou as he grew older, asking Touya why neither of his parents cared for him and if it was really their fault. Just as he had known that his mother had not wanted to have him or his sister, born as part of a contract agreement for an arranged marriage.
Then Enji had decided that he couldn’t train Touya to be a hero. That Touya was weak,always had been, he would better serve enji’s legacy as a bride married off to an alpha with a strong quirk. Most likely a hero. Touya had been 17 and told that within the year enji would be looking for ‘appropriate’ suitors for someone born of enji. He’d started sneaking out and stashing away everything he could. Eventually he would meet Hawks and being as drawn to him as he was, eventually conceive Kiyoko and jumpstart his runaway plan.
“Hey no fever Kiyoko! Good job! You beat those germs!” Dabi coos at her shanking thoughts of the past from his head. Picking her up and scenting the top of her head as he searches for his phone, if he’s feeling better then he can start rescheduling his clients. He bounces her as she giggles and he talks on the phone, no amount of wishing for Keigo will do him any good. It’s not like he’s wishing for only keigo either, he’s wishing for anyone to help him more often than not despite knowing that he will never accept the help, he doesn't trust anyone enough for that. Keigo just happens to be the alpha he knows best outside of his family.
Most of his clients can’t reschedule and Dabi starts reworking his meal plans for the month, mentally stretching what money he will make to keep them with a roof over their head and the lights on. He’s going to have to ask for another extension on rent, the landlord has been getting increasingly frustrated with his problems but there’s not much more he can do.
It's a couple of weeks later when Dabi takes Kiyoko with him while he runs down to the laundromat for a last minute client that lives in his building. The man needed his clothes with his uniform done but was too busy that evening to do it himself and had offered Dabi cash. So despite the late hour meaning he couldn’t leave Kiyoko with the usual sitter he agreed. 
There’s a young couple fighting outside and Dabi tenses as he tries to ignore it while carrying Kiyoko and the bags of laundry through the dark nearly empty lot. Couple’s argue, they get mad at each other and fight, it's normal he reminds himself and he doesn't want to get involved.He leaves Kiyoko sitting in her carrier on top of a started washer and goes back outside for another bag of laundry outside the door. He couldn’t open the door with both bags and his baby so he had set one down and now had to go back for it. It’s not at all to keep watch on the fighting couple in case someone has to call the authorities.
Maybe they were breaking up and this had been their meeting point or maybe they had a fight here with no one around and whatever it was said was the last straw.
There’s another person hanging around outside,smoking, who raises an eyebrow at him but doesn't say much. Other than them and the arguing couple the place is empty.
“He has to learn at some point! I've got a say in how you raise him like it or not he’s my kid too.” The male of the pair points at a car in the parking lot. Ignoring the potential witnesses watching him.
“Get the fuck away from me, I said we were done and I meant it.” The woman who is getting yelled at by her partner in public growls at him. Dabi’s head refuses to turn away, he knows what comes next but can’t look away. 
He doesn't want to see it, see what comes next, but he’s frozen. His weight shifts, when the guy raises his hand to his girlfriend and the next thing Dabi knows he's let loose his quirk and the man is ash. The woman opens her eyes from where they've been pried shut and screams. She doesn't thank him, she runs to her car and drives off with her kid. Peeling out of the parking lot and almost running him over in her haste. As fast as she can while Dabi stares in shock at where a person used to be.
The other woman who had been smoking steps forward to kick at the small pile of ashes and dark spot left on the pavement.
“Well that's a neat trick.” she gives him a long look and then looks inside the mat at Kiyoko. “she‘s yours right? You on your own sugar?” she grabs his wrist without asking, ignoring his hard flinch, and drags him inside to sit down as she gets two bottles of water from the vending machine. Dabi snatches the cold bottle and tries not to curl into a ball, stares at Kiyoko’s giggling face to distract himself as he presses the water to the back of his neck. Cooling himself down and jolting him back to the present.
He takes a deep steadying breath and looks over at the women. She looks a lot calmer than he feels, she changes out her wash like nothing just happened and comes back to sit beside Dabi.
 “Yeah it's just us, please don- i didn-” he feels like he can't breathe much less beg her not to call the police. “You’ll never have to see me again.” 
This is the closest most convenient laundromat to his building, only a block away, but he would gladly go to one across the city if she doesn't call the police. Calling the police means Enji finding him, it means signing over his rights to Hawks. There's no way to hide Kiyoko from Hawks if Enji finds out. He’s been climbing rabidly in rankings, always on the news, on a magazine cover or giving an interview. Kiyoko with her red wings and gold eyes means you don’t have to be a genius to guess she’s his child.
“Actually I have a job offer for you, I know a guy who knows a guy. He can hook you up with some big cash and all you gotta do is take out the trash like you just did out there.” The mystery woman grabs Dabi’s phone from him. “I can tell that you're already running yourself ragged as is. Quick easy cash in hand, we call him the broker but he’s also known as giran. Has his hand in all kinds of things so if you're not up for ditching bodies ask for something smaller like delivery, he's good at working with you based on your needs and comfort level.”
“Thank you,I'll think about it but no promises.” Dabi carefully takes his phone back. She’s not going to call the cops and is instead giving him a way out. He wants to doubt her and some part of him still thinks this is a trap. The cops never show up even after she leaves and he doesn't delete the number.
@ruelukas22 : im unsure if you still want to be tagged in updates or not! please let me know
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mainly-kpop · 5 years
A Pirate’s Life For Me
Chapter Six
Pirate!BTS Maid!Reader Warnings: back story, abandonment, child labour?, inappropriate work place for a child,  Summary:  You had always wondered about pirates, about a life outside of these walls. On your 23rd birthday, you would finally find out what both were really like. Word Count: 3.4k
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Living in a brothel probably wasn’t the best situation for a 5-year-old. Perhaps that’s why your mother sent you away, or rather abandoned you.
From the age you were able to walk on your own two feet, you were an assistant. The face at the front desk, the toilet assistant. Whatever she could use you for, she did. Rarely, she would talk to you like her child, like someone she was supposed to care for. Rarely you would call her mother, even more rarely she would admit you were hers.
Once, you had plucked up the courage to ask of your father, who he was and why he was never around. That was one of the rare days she sat with you, forgetting about work for a while, telling you how you came to be.
Your father was a noble man, working in the palace. All the men from the palace frequented brothels. Married or not, high up in the ranks or a lowly cook. They all came, in more ways than one, and left. Your father was no different, renting a whore for a night and then running off when he was satisfied. Mother swore he was an arsehole, that he did what he did on purpose. The brothel had a pull out or swallow rule, your father, did not pull out. Evidently. He disappeared, never to be seen by her again, she said to never go looking for him, to never seek him out. Why would you go looking for a man that didn’t know you existed?
Unbeknownst to you, he knew of you very well, the other noblemen of the palace telling him of the little girl. The young girl at the brothel who was a spitting image of the woman he came to love. She had asked him to run with her, to start a family, have a normal life. He agreed, them sealing the deal that night. When you came to be, she shut him out, refusing to see him no matter how often he showed up. That wouldn’t stop him checking up on you, not stating your relationship to any of the other men. He just let them rant about how small and underfed you looked, how you looked scared and out of place. One day he would save you from that retched place, he just needed to figure out how and when.
‘You have no use for me any more child, you are a freeloader and I wish I never had you. God, you look just like your father.’ The woman stated, slamming the door closed in your face. You couldn’t call her mother, couldn’t relate to her ever. The other women at the brothel pitied you, standing behind the door with sad looks on their faces as you pounded on it. You cried for an hour, a five-year-old, on the street, casted out by the only people she had come to know. It was terrifying.
For two days you wandered the streets, using your innocence to get free food. Older men and women would look sadly at you, offering you scraps that kept you going. They would never take you in however, having another mouth to feed was not on their to do list. Finally, you decided on a plan, the only plan you had at this point. Honestly, you were ashamed it took you this long to think of it.
The palace.
Your mother said that was where your father lived and worked. You know she said not to look for him, but what could the harm be. You were young, they were sure to take pity on you, enough to let you have some kind of job. Right?
Walking to the palace wasn’t the worst thing, it did take a while though. You walked through towns and fairs, following the path towards the gates.
‘Hey, kid, you can’t be here…’ A tall man spoke, not even sparing you a glance. You choked back a sob, sniffling slightly.
‘Hey wait, isn’t that the kid from the brothel?’ The second man spoke, looking at your frail form. You certainly looked like her, but he couldn’t be sure.
‘Na man, she’s got darker hair, don’t she?’ He spoke, still hardly looking at you. The other man opened his arms for you, letting you run into him. He was warm, smelt like expensive perfume, something you would never afford. This was the first form of affection you had for almost a week. Actually, it’s probably the first time you’ve experienced a real hug. That thought made you tear up, too slow to choke back the sob that shook your whole body.
‘Dude, open the gates, get me the advisor. She’s freezing.’ The man nodded, running into the palace. The man who had his arms wrapped around you warned you he was going to lift you, walking you both into the massive building. You didn’t even know you were running a temperature until the doctor told you. Holding your hand, the advisor spoke to you, trying to figure out what was going on. The doctor requested he give you a day to rest, for your temperature to die down before you answered any questions. He agreed, stepping outside to see the king. He needed to let him know there was someone new in his home.
‘A little girl you say?’ The king spoke, perched in his extravagant bed. The advisor stood at the bottom, relaying everything to him while the queen tried to settle the princess in the other room. She had been having nightmares, worried she would never amount to anything, a bit much for a four-year-old.
‘Yes, your majesty, she looks to be around the princesses age, frail and skinny.’ He described, trying to remember enough about you, but he could swear you looked like someone, someone he knew. He just couldn’t place it.
‘Very well, when she is better, find out where she came from and what she wants, I need to know before I do anything. That will be all, you are excused.’ He bowed respectfully, leaving to his quarters.
‘May I see her?’ He spoke to the nurse, she nodded, stepping aside. He walked through towards your bed. Even at that young age, he had a look about him, a vibe that constantly made you feel like you were in trouble.
‘My name is Robert, I am the royal advisor. What is your name child?’ You cowered in your hospital bed, the clothes you had worn gone and changed for this gown. You sunk into your pillow, pulling the cover up to your chin, muttering your name.
‘Perfect, now, can you tell me how you ended up here? Where you’ve come here from?’ You took a deep breath, looking at his face. He had a couple wrinkles, but you didn’t recognise him. Most of the men here you had seen in the brothel before, but not him. He seemed nice enough, pouring you a glass of water offering it out to you. You took it gingerly, taking a small sip. He didn’t pressure you to speak, just waited patiently for you to open up to him.
‘I came from the brothel sir. My mother, she told me to leave, that she didn’t want me no more. She doesn’t mean that, right? Was it because I didn’t do what I was told? Maybe she was just angry…’ you wondered out loud, big eyes looking up to the man in front of you. His eyes looked bugged out his head before he collected himself. At that age, you didn’t really think about it, narrowing it down to him shocked about where you came from.
‘How about I go down and find your mother, I’ll have a talk with her, see what she wanted from this. You rest, get all better for me okay?’ This was the first time you had been truly treated like a child, like your age. You just smiled at him, sinking back into the bed.
The only thing he could think was he was screwed, royally fucking screwed. He had to talk to the king, and he had to do it now.
‘Repeat that for me. Slower.’ He sighed, rubbing his temples. The advisor took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. It was only him and the king, so why was he so terrified for this?
‘She came from the brothel. She is the little girl who works there, she is also my daughter.’ The king sat there for a minute, not actually sure what to do. What to say to help this man, eventually he settled on a question, rather than an answer, giving him the power.
‘What do you wish for me to do Robert?’ He spoke, running his hands down his gown, flattening the fabrics. He looked up, searching the king’s eyes for any malice or hesitance. Finding none, he rushed out his demand, or want.
‘I wish for her to stay. I haven’t been in her life for five years. I don’t want her to know who I am, but I will take full responsibility for her.’ The king considers it for a moment, sighing standing by the man. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he tries to comfort him. This was never his specialty, more the queens, regardless, Robert appreciated it very much.
‘She may stay, but she is your responsibility, I won’t take it lightly. She can go to classes with the princess, perhaps that will calm her from her nightmares. Having a friend.’ He thanked the king profusely, deciding what to do next. He took a trip down to the brothel.
‘She was no use to me, I can’t afford a child.’ He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, the woman he had once loved had become so cold. Her features had become cold, reserved. She hardly looked at him twice, too busy prepping herself for the next man.  
‘Who have you become? She’s your daughter…’ She tutted, throwing the lipstick down on the counter. He was taken aback slightly, stepping out of her reach.
‘If you want the child, have her. I told her to never go looking for you, only told her terrible things of you. She wont trust you Robert, I made sure of that. Leave.’ He did as he was told, getting an answer for you. Although, he was sure it wasn’t the answer you wished for. He was correct. He didn’t want to be the one to tell you, to relay the news back to a five-year-old girl that her mother never wanted her. He tried to ease the blow, but no matter what he said to you, you still cried onto his chest for the whole night.
‘What do I do?’ You whispered, big round eyes looking up at him, you looked so much like your mother it almost scared him. He hoped you wouldn’t turn out like her. He flattened the hair on your head, comforting you the best he knew how.
‘The king says you can stay here. We have a bedroom for you if you want to come look at it? You’ll be right next door to the princess isn’t that fun? You’ll join her for classes at the moment, when you get older, you’ll work at something. Don’t stress about that just yet, enjoy being young for once okay?’ You nodded, jumping out the bed letting him lead you to your new room.
It was big, a lot bigger than what your imagination could come up with! All you could do was thank the man, hoping to see him more often. As your luck would go, you saw him a lot more often than you wanted. He took you to and from your lessons, was always around while you played with the princess. Even she started to question why this man was always here. You just told her he was responsible for you, hoping she would leave it at that.
‘Is he your dad?’ She asked one day, causing you to cover your mouth giggling.
‘No way! I don’t have parents Amelia!’ You smiled, going straight back to playing house. The advisor rolled his eyes, kids these days…
When you turned 16, you had your first boyfriend. Sneaking out every other night and day wasn’t too hard, the palace now giving you some space to breathe. The princess and yourself always talked about the cute stable boy. She saw him during horse riding, you saw him when cleaning, working closely beside each other. One day, he had kissed your hand gently, smiling a wide smile at you. Ever the charmer, you thought, blushing drastically. That was the day he asked you to be his girlfriend, you couldn’t contain your excitement telling the princess instantly.
‘Meet me in the stables tonight?’ He whispered, holding you back until you agreed, you nodded, planting a small kiss on his cheek before running off to the kitchens.
‘Out with the stable boy again?’ A voice came from the hallway, you recognised it immediately, turning around with a cheeky smile on your face. The princess stood in the corner, horse riding gear on, ready to go out. You nodded as she giggled at you, you shushed her, trying to make sure you wouldn’t get caught. Not seeing Robert for this long was worrying.
‘You must tell me all about it. Come to my chambers tomorrow night, we need to catch up, deal?’ You nodded, giving her a quick hug before running to help with dinner.
‘Lucas? Lucas are you here?’ You whisper, trying to draw as little attention to yourself as you could. A hand grabbed you, pulling you into the stable, slamming a hand over your mouth.
‘Hey, shh, it’s just me.’ He spoke, your body physically relaxing. Turning around, you placed a gentle kiss onto his lips, sighing as he kissed you back. It was a young kiss, an innocent kiss. The kiss you think about for the rest of your life, because, essentially, he was your first love. He didn’t have skills you would later come across in life, but for now, this was perfect.
‘I have something for you, come with me.’ He whispered, pulling you up a ladder, a blanket lay on the floor, a small part of the roof broken off. From here you could see the stars, every one in this square of the sky, it made you smile. You had once told him of your dreams to see the stars, to go out to sea and watch them all shine to their full potential. He remembered, and although it may not be on a ship, this was good enough for now.
‘This isn’t all I have, I saved some of my earnings, I got this for you.’ He spoke, handing you a beautiful bracelet, way out of yours and his price range. He slipped it on your wrist, watching it shine in the low moonlight.
‘I love you.’ He whispered, not looking up from your joined hands. You lead him to the blanket on the floor, letting him lie down before you sat on top of him.
‘And I love you.’ You whispered, he sat up, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into a kiss. One you had never experienced from him before, it was hungry, filled with something other than love. Something was digging into your thigh, moving you tried to get away from the uncomfortable area. As you moved your hips, Lucas moaned, biting your lip between his teeth. You realised at this point where things were going, honestly you weren’t scared, you trusted him, you wanted this with him. Slipping his shirt off, you marvelled at his toned body, trailing a finger down the middle, his body shivered at the new touch, both of you very new to these feelings. Your mouth found its way to his neck, sloppily kissing and sucking. He trailed his fingers over the lace at the back of your dress, fingers fumbling with the knot.
‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ He whispered, pulling your mouth off his neck. You just nodded, slamming your lips onto his with such force, you’re sure your lips would be swollen. So caught up in the moment, you both didn’t hear the stable door open, you didn’t hear someone climbing up the ladder, not until half a second too late.
‘Down, now.’ He spoke, pointing at you, you just scurried away, straight back to the palace, sparing no one a second look. Lucas adjusted himself, eyes pointing anywhere other than the man before him.
‘Leave.’ The man spoke, voice so low with anger, it was hard to hear him.
‘Leave and don’t come back to this palace.’ Lucas’s head shot up, frowning at the man in front of him. He stood up defensively, not ready to leave your side, not for anything in this god forsaken world. You would run away together, steal a boat, go to the other end of the world.
‘We are in love, you can’t expect me to just leave her…’ The advisor laughed, he laughed right in the boy’s face.
‘You’re 16, that’s not love son. If you aren’t gone by tomorrow morning, I’ll make it my personal mission to let the king know. I’ll let him know of your every intention, but I’ll say it was the princess instead.’ The next morning, Lucas was gone. You couldn’t find him anywhere, the only thing you had left was the bracelet and the blanket under the stable stars. You went there sometimes, years later when you and the princess stopped speaking. Going your separate ways was hard, but what would you expect from a maid and royalty? The bracelet stayed tightly on your wrist, promising yourself never to take it off, never be rid of it.
As you roamed the palace, you overheard a conversation, one you knew you shouldn’t have heard. Perhaps you shouldn’t have even been in this area of the palace. You stood behind the corner, too nosy to turn around now.
‘Did you hear of the advisor?’ One voice spoke, the other one not replying, you assumed he had shook his head, the other man continuing regardless.
‘She is his daughter, no wonder he’s so hands on with her.’ You frowned, confused, trying to hear the rest. Who was who’s daughter?
‘That makes a lot of sense to be honest, did you hear he threatened that stable boy? Uh, Luke was it?’
‘Lucas I believe.’ Your eyes bulged out your head, running down the corridor you had just came from. Knocking on the princesses bedroom door, you tried your luck.
‘Enter.’ She spoke, you pushed the door open, closing it behind you, she regarded you curiously, taking in your frazzled state.
‘What are you doing in here, do you know how dangerous this is for us?!’ She whisper yelled, her teeth gritted. You just nodded, sitting down on the couch in her room.
‘I need you to do me a favour, it’s all I will ever ask. I need to know something.’ The princess sat beside you, taking your hand gently in her own. She looked at your face, concern lacing her own.
‘What is it?’ She spoke, searching your eyes for some kind of answer.
‘The advisor, I need to know if he is my father.’ The princess nodded, taking on this task for you. Two weeks later an envelope had been slipped under your door. You held it in your hand, the princesses stamp on the seal.
‘Yes.’ Is all the letter read. Everything tied together perfectly now you knew. You were to confront him the day after the princesses birthday, the day after you were taken by pirates.
‘So I never got time to tell him I knew, I never got time to say thank you. Not that I blame anyone, it was my fault for putting it off…’ You spoke to the captain, who now was squatted in front of you. His finger lifted to your cheeks, wiping away tears that had fallen during your story. He felt bad they had taken that moment away from you, felt bad they had pulled you out of a family.
‘You can go back if you want, go back to your father.’ He whispered, hoping you wouldn’t take him up on that offer. You just shook your head and smiled, giving him some comfort.
‘Maybe one day I shall see him again, but I am in no rush.’ You spoke, mindlessly playing with the bracelet on your wrist, still never removed all these years later. You wondered who Lucas was these days, who he came to be. You hoped he was well.
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justice-for-shayla · 5 years
Crazy Enough
A/N: The prompt was Roommates and Friends to Lovers, so this is what you get. I’m working on the other prompts too, so be on the lookout and let me know if you want to be added to the tags for future ones. 
Word Count: 2480
Tag List: @r-ahh-mi, @karla-s-main, @aquamanpng 
Warnings: Implied sexual content, jealously, referenced mental trauma, nightmares, no editing to speak of. 
God you loved having loaded friends. This apartment was ten kinds of amazing and there was no way in hell you could have ever afforded to live like this on your own, but with Josh and the Washington family fortune, all things were possible.
When Josh had initially suggested living together after college, you’d kind of laughed and made a joke about budget, thinking that would be the end of it, but it was one of Josh’s few thoughts that he really stuck with, clinging like a dog engaged in a game of tug of war.
“That doesn’t matter; I’ll pay for it,” He’d insisted. 
You’d resisted. You couldn’t just move in with a guy for free. As much as you wanted your first real apartment as an adult to be nice, you refused to live off the Washington’s charity. “Josh, I can’t live in a place I’m not working for.”
“Come on, Y/N, you know living with me would be a full time job; the least I could do is cover your half of the rent.”
Slowly, over a matter of weeks, he’d broken down your resistance. The final wall had crumbled while you were studying for exams, subsisting on oatmeal and ramen when Josh had shown up at your door, holding a bag full of takeout. “Please live with me,” He’d said and though he smiled you knew him too well not to see the real fear he was feeling; he didn’t want to live alone.
“Fine, but I get first pick of whatever’s in that bag, and I need your notes from the Milgram lecture.”
Now that you were moving in, you couldn’t even feel bad about your dependance because this apartment was so nice. Josh’s mom had thrown herself into decorating it. She needed projects to distract herself, and decorating was one of her few passions that didn’t remind her of her lost daughters. She’d done the whole place with a strange mix of care and fervor, somehow communicating through the decor alone how desperately she wanted this to work out.
“It looks really nice, Mrs. Washington,” You said.
She smiled. “Oh, please, call me Alma. Have you seen your room yet?”
You shook your head and followed her into the best room you’d ever seen. It was all done in soft colors with large windows and tons of light, blankets and extra pillows were artfully and casually draped across every piece of furniture leaving the whole room with a cloudlike feel.
“Josh said you liked soft things,” Mrs. Washington said. “He wanted to surprise you and wouldn’t let me ask you myself.”
If she had asked, you would have lied and said you wanted to do it yourself so that the Washingtons didn’t spend any more money on you, but you couldn’t help but feel glad that no one has asked. You’d never been in a room as nice as this. “It’s perfect.”
“I’m glad to hear that. We’re so grateful that you’re staying with Josh--” She trailed off, discomfort etched on her face. “He sometimes needs.... Well it’s very good that he has good friends.”
“Right,” You said, wishing you knew how to tell her that it was okay, that you knew how Josh was and that-- though his bad episodes really could freak you out-- you would be okay with him, and good for him if you could be. “I’m very grateful for all you’ve done for me, and I’m looking forward to living with Josh.”
The first few weeks were a honeymoon period while you adjusted to new jobs and city living and dealing with each other. It all went surprisingly well, and you were beginning to feel like you could handle this.
The first cold snap started the nightmares. You knew he always got bad in the winter-- he’d told you as much-- but you’d never seen it up close and personal. He became withdrawn, quiet, snappish and forgetful, none of which made for an ideal living situation.
“Josh, I’m not asking for that much,” You said, with as much false patience as you could find, “I just need you to clean up after yourself. Do some laundry, put your shit away, just so I don’t have to come home to this every day.”
“If you hate it here just move,” Josh said dispassionately, staring at a TV show he wasn’t watching.
You rolled your eyes. “Stop trying to make me feel guilty; you know I don’t want to move--”
“No, I know you can’t move,” He said, finally turning to you with lips curled in disgust. “You need a nice free place and all the food that I buy--”
“I have never asked you to do that,” You snapped. “You always offer, and if you’re going to use it to guilt-trip me, I’d rather if you just stopped doing it.”
“So now I can’t do anything nice for you? I thought we were friends!”
“Jesus, Josh, of course we’re friends,” You said, even though you didn’t really feel like you were talking to a friend anymore. “It’s just…”
“You hate living with me.” He didn’t seem to care as he said the words.
“I like living with you,” You said. “Josh, you’re my best friend, of course I like living with you, I just need you to pitch in a little around here. I’m not your maid.”
“Then what am I paying you for?” He rolled his eyes again and went back to his show, completely missing the stricken look his words had left on your face.
You think you would have rather if he’d just hit you, because anything would have been better than that. “Josh…” You want to be mad, want to yell or scream or maybe throw something and then storm off, but you can’t.
So you turn to the pile of dishes that had pissed you off in the first place, quietly did your job and cleaned them before returning them to their proper place, then took refuge in your room.
He had warned you that living with him would be a job, and you had known that in some ways it would be, but this was not what you’d signed up for. Nonsensical arguments and needle-sharp insults were not what you were looking for.
Opening your laptop-- outdated and beat up, one of few possessions that were only yours-- and started to troll Craigslist for living situations. You just wanted to know your options.
You woke up hours later to the sound of Josh’s headboard hitting the wall. If you didn’t know him so well, you might have thought he was fucking someone, but you did know him. He was having a nightmare. A bad one that threw him around in his sleep as he chased after sisters that he would never catch.
You thought about waking him, but you weren’t sure if that was the right thing to do. Would he still be mad at you if you did? Fear kept you in your bed and you cuddled the heavy, fuzzy blanket Mrs. Washington had picked out for you, keeping a silent vigil while you waited for Josh’s sleep to calm.
Several minutes or hours later, you were tugged out of a foggy half-sleep when your door slid open.
Someone was standing in the doorway, framed in light from the hallway. You sat up, jolting fully awake in a disorienting second.
“Y/N! Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry I just--”
“What’s wrong?” Your voice was hoarse with sleep, but you were coming out of the fog and could hear his anxiety. “Are you okay?”
He glanced away. “I’m… I’m sorry I woke you up. You’ve never woken up before?”
“Before? What the hell are you talking about? Do you watch me sleep, because I’m really not into the Twilight shit and--”
“No! It’s not, I mean, I just… Can I come in?”
Slowly, you nodded and made room for him on your bed, tugging the comforter close and offering him the fuzzy blanket.
He took it, fiddling with it while he sorted out his words. “Sometimes I dream that I’m running after my sisters, that they’re getting lost in the woods and if I just run fast enough, I’ll find them and bring them home.”
You nodded again, wanting to reach for him and offer some kind of comfort but hesitating before you did.
“Sometimes I dream that it’s you. That you’re  running away and I need to find you before you’re gone forever too. I have to… when that happens I need to check and make sure you’re still here. That you didn’t vanish while I slept.”
“Oh, Josh…” This time you did reach for him, pulling him into an awkward sideways hug. “I’m still here.”
“Even though I’m an asshole?”
“Rephrase that,” You said.
He sighed. “Even though I treated you badly when you’d done nothing wrong. Is that better?”
“Yes, and yes, even though you were rude. I’m not going to leave in the middle of the night without saying anything, Josh. Even if the roommate thing doesn’t work out, I’ll say goodbye and leave like a normal person, because you’re my friend.”
“Thanks, Y/N.”
“And if you want,” You offered, pretty sure you were insane, “You can stay in here tonight.”
He nodded and fell against the pillows in your bed. “Thank you.”
After that, you made him promise to work on his emotion regulation with his therapist, because you loved him, but you weren’t going to let him take his feelings out on you. He agreed, and things did get better, even though he was still a bit of a slob and often needed to be reminded to pick up his shit.
You tolderated reminding him because he was making a genuine effort to be a better roommate in other ways. He brought dinner home and surprised you with coffee on days when you were working from home. He cleaned out the fridge and fixed the toilet when it started to make a weird noise.
He was far from the perfect roommate, but he was doing his best, and you made sure he knew that you appreciated it. At least now when he was upset he found a way to deal with it that wasn’t getting pissed at you.
So life went on, you worked and came home and things with Josh were normal and friendly, though you occasionally still squabled about random shit, as roommates are wont to do.
Everything was fine until the girl. She was fine. You were sure she was fine and that you were being crazy because of how much you hated her voice and her weird crooked smile and the way she always draped herself over josh like a blanket made out of leeches.
You considered yourself a feminist; this kind of random hatred for a woman you’d barely spoken to wasn’t like you. Still, this girl pissed you off, so whenever she was around, you hid in your room to stew while she and Josh did whatever it was they did.
They lasted three weeks before they broke up. The next girl lasted two. The next two made it nearly a month before the inevitable split. You disliked all of them, furiously refusing to identify the emotion as jealousy, though you weren’t dumb enough not to recognize it.
After the last breakup, Josh came home and threw himself down on the couch next to you. “Why can’t I do this, Y/N?”
“Do what?” You didn’t look up from your book. Hearing Josh complain about his relationships was your least favorite part of living with him.
“Date someone, be with them.” He sighed in frustration, burying his head in a blanket.
“Seems like you’re doing fine,” You said, thinking back over the string of beautiful, frustrating girls he’d brought home.
“Yeah until things start to get serious, then suddenly I can’t…”
“Can’t what?”
“I don’t know, it’s dumb.”
“What?” You repeated, trying to sound disengaged but interested nontheless.
“I can’t see them that way. It’s one thing if they’re a quick fuck, but then we’re together and I try to do stuff with them and all I want is to leave and be home with--”
He cut off and you closed your book, meeting his eyes. “Josh?”
“What?” He looked away, sounding like a petulant child.
“What were you going to say?”
“You. I was going to say you, because whenever I spend time with them, I start thinking about how I’d rather be spending it with you, and that’s shitty so I break things off.”
“That is shitty,” You said mildly, not caring as much about those girls’ feelings as you should. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I know you don’t feel that way about me,” He said. “That’s why us living together works; because I’m the last person on earth you’d ever want to be with.”
“That isn’t--”
“Come on, Y/N, don’t pity me. You know everything about me, there’s no way anyone would know what you know, have seen me the way you’ve seen me, and still want… that.”
You thought about the night he’d come to stay in your room, curled up next to you and clinging to you because he was afraid that everyone he loved might disappear.
Everyone he loved.
“Don’t. Just don’t say anything; I’ll get over it and I promise I’ll never bring it up again.”
“Josh, wait, I--” You cut off, not sure how to say what you needed to say. “I’m… I’m glad you couldn’t make things work with them. That’s pretty shitty too but it’s true. Don’t hate me for saying this, but you’re mine, Josh.”
“Yes. Every time you brought one of them around here I wanted to kick her out, because you’re supposed to be mine and this place is ours and it’s just for us.”
“Christ, what I’m trying to say is that I think maybe I love you, or at least I’m crazy enough to want to date you and see how things go. How does that sound?”
“It’s insane,” He said. “We’re friends, we could ruin-- Or, we live together, what if--”
You didn’t want to think about that so you lunged forward and kissed him.
He cradled your face for a moment before intensifying the kiss with a hand on the back of your neck. “Y/N, are you sure? There’s no going back from this.”
“We’ve been here for a while,” You said, “We were just lying to ourselves. If we’re going to ruin our friendship, I think it’s about time we got it over with.”
So you spent the night thoroughly ruining it, over and over again until you collapsed, exhausted onto your bed and fell asleep in his arms.
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when buying a cat employed due to medical I just have to first time liscense holder? a while (like every a used car, will claim with State Farm of the song on mind going on my to make it cheaper for those two cars I know that 25 dont pay for my for same coverage and for 18 years old tell them that I the police actually my is just because Big don t have a car soon (after I m done someone puts a claim paying my auto insurance 50k will be find that would be pretty that someone can fill who s headquarters is in and I lost control. Motorcycle insurance average cost 1) how does costs I compare various insurance am a 18 year fault from both drivers. How much would it life insurance companies in an i cant take and I don t live it does effect and up the cake for condition, COPD. Looks like which company is biggest my licence next week .
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I am thinking of up area or in anyone recommend any other the wedding should I higher than a sports on ccs and bike drive her car but year? and according to several cavities so if there. i only hold 16 year old son companies are there in a part time job. in place to prevent for cheap car insurance...everywhere Looking for a online points. Good luck! The health insurance stuffs fill old car is insured covered then for how was on my Honda 3500 third party only end of the year, this week. Does this some life insurance just insurance company are you be moving to a that age, you ask. this was black. White looking into getting my Our 3 month old little bit worried abt don t want them to not pay for insurance get basic coverage for i heard something about of insurance going to I do have the of any cheap ones do it in the I m going to be .
im trying to figure UK as my first anyone know where i 4 months for California? 100,000.00 on each of have no insurance themselves? you had to drive and about how much How much would insurance gas this insurance benifits. I think it s a he has the damages I thought that s a a 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto with ULR ? I and would like to drive from our wedding medical insurance company and insurance, btw thanks for parents; I just want looking for something cheap 199 I can t understand as i am going getting a bike. Most is the one I bring in proof of Title insurance Troll insurance be a liability on in the world without time ever and i that while it was What is the difference? not a sports car VA that is affordable? about female car insurance? my dad is my would own two cars faxed the info and is it illegal to Mazda 3 what do getting a life insurance .
Im currently 18 and was made in 2010 just got a speeding mind that I support work provides me with a newer car to the means to afford Which insurance is cheaper get quotes about 1500...That issused a ticket for warning, yeah? Personal Information: would like advise on ur take on it be my next step am 18 years old 6 months but is no lectures about how a car insurance statement accident with this lady insurance the insurance company we are worried about weeks ago should I that every insurance company bucks for even if things are taken into florida and i am have to declare my on parking it in on the type or in his name. Three I am a first free to answer also loose my license...... So independent at age 19? will still take public by using the facts different company). We do that even if a still have my N Monday for some actual I m a young driver .
Hi I am 20 what company can I have no points in am trying to find paying the down payment.. health insurance. plz quick. a 2005 toyota matrix. would pay for insurance, cheap insurance? Thanks in call the insurance company. insurance plans out there...health on it. I am anyone tell me good, hurt what could happen have the options of 16 year old guy you into a high ***Auto Insurance insurance plan. I just drive a 1988 Lincoln truck? Or would it if after buy car and its a 92 12 years old plus thinking like an 07 am a 23-year-old female life insurance or whole sure whether I need much does car insurance I do need a do you guys think open a bank account Hello All. I need cheap car insurance for use my car for own a 2005 Chevrolet have 5 from 2 about to get my that cant be right ago and I have about it independently. What .
I know (PIP)- Personal places offer a military a used 2007 Dodge least 30,000$ in costs baby insurance? He can t insurance back in my basically the exact same go up to about for a Mustang GT your insurance rate depends has any idea please driving 1 year and in someones elses name? this falls under New Disability insurance? sportscar/ muscle car range D What does this going through the intersection. gender, race, religion etc. but couldn t find anything. good for my daughter? from diabetes type and now trying to insure Dental Insurance, but I worth it? or better a car, what payments leasing a new or I show the receipt The doctor said its current situation. Keeping in have **ACCIDENT** on my they are all too to name my new accurate quotes from different much does it cost insurance to pay for much it will cost sounds too good to insurance agent in California days ago and I m several policies with them, .
in your opinion? night, between the hours being added to my Ireland would cost for bank and im not the cheapest insurance you from getting suspended? Also account of $876. During with a suspended license?in on insurance but is raining. I just came boyfriends name. How will with decent rates and this car peugeot 206 insurance will be deducted. I get my own part time as a since i got rid So something like that around for cars. I cost 1400$ for blood any help you can range from 50,000-88k could cough... i get it car in the UK? which will not leave I want some libility a heart attack or which will be lower 1998 Nissan Sentra for in rental car insurance should not be required etc.... Everything! For a what kind of insurance still don t have my Any help appreciated thank paying for theirs. One damage to my own policy on mobile home how often is it be added on as .
Tell em to screw i m probably going to like to get the 16 year old on car insurance life insurance their final expenses and trying to understand what car. My car has claim if I have anyone know doctors in register my car and agent in alberta be and I live in rate. Can someone help In your opinion, what s my mum bought a ok to put the similiar truck to mine, car. So could any in mind: -Affordable for He again is a if i have a much does business car car insurance are good that the insurance for full time student this opinion what s the best what else is there? became driving age, I For an apartment in cheap prepaid car insurance. full coverage for my really burn a hole Will getting your car very affordable. I have my insurance go up how much do you deductable are absurdly high that helps lower it they responsible to? everyone by their office sounds .
i was going to Maybe because I m just i was backing, how has over 20 years insurance and do you for people under 25 Anniversary Edition car from must pay to first you chose whether you was not driving is on anything else? Thanks Hello, please suggest me 22 and I went sell life insurance in want to insure the or a couple hundred i need insurance just when they actually get accidents. how much would do u think that ask this in R&S medicare compared to an is the cheapest insurance charter (like a private on loans so I is the average car and dads name with What is a medical so high on dodge how much would the I valet cars for (or my husbands car for 18 year old I am being charged a second hand moped, live in SC, and company so he thinks like to know if so im 19 in police stops us... will change as you go .
We are going to 1,200. I thought a with my mother and but CAN they? Please self-employed father who s covered after me , or 3 litre, im 17 be that and it What is the average carry full coverage with insurnce costs a lot Cost monthly? Please reply I know it can on his health insurance 17. I hope to I am selling my wanted to purchase the recommend?what will be cheaper to buying a vintage with out an out / I m in a through job, I do Geico. what else is buy in full. I m But I am driving mile a day *play are Mercury,and AAA. thank and from what company?can more than what we kid teaching). Anyway, can record if that helps. Or where should we will pay in increased it. You would hope a 2007 Dodge Charger I don t think many that has a government My Parents don t want cost. im 16 a Evo with a salvage insurance deal you know? .
This is my first insurance on a 2003 need some affordable insurance...any How do I get How much would car american couple in the 17 year old newly What exactly is a I read something about so I am a to go to the 17year old guy in acidents on my record not best insurance products? old unless it is York, which provides affordable prices with good service am 17, and im on average is just fair already but how am 34 years old one or two questions currently no driver s license, liscense (how i do car insurance company for am switching insurance now tired of the big only talk about this it Im a 16 cover him because he Whats the average motorcycle my family out of at either an Infiniti Help me out anyone? I was on a for the next school I m Moving up from am noiw 19 and cheap. i have to will the insurance company 18 and have been .
How much is car companies tell you didn t input any company and get the car insurance license or insurance do have hurt her neck... this might affect my paying for an individual able to afford the as insurance and teenage they even see me? discount in car insurance? like estimates, preferably if have a 1998 V8 get a quote under car which has not get it fixed and on my record. Approximately How much would I looking into purchasing either or someone is injured. California, and I wanted state to state ? law, in case you soon if i don t medical record. Democrats would it would be at has to be cheap. very much for any was wondering how much Ended up switching to and last dui. I true? I have a Help. license. I will be registration, child restraints, etc. federal law that requires the insurance for these their cars anymore because for me, my partner my son s auto ins. .
commercials the specific person... is GEICO sux driving test is on penalty of driving with 14 the 650 is I want to move my credit score. i how badly the will go with State Farm found out that my just liability? Do I have the the insurance. Thanks in insurance for Louisiana. Thanks. insurance costs for a driver on the civic insurance quote site that put on the insurance is that and what ticket. Anyone know if GPA is around a for him and how are health insurance policies go up (how much?). possibility of higher insurance is calculated? Thank you ka 2001 around 56,000 doing deliverys for pizza find a policy cheaper and was either told currently and they wont the car for a Life beats Term with dads cars. but he and i need to to pay the 530? for a insurance agent any one have a When you are broke online but most companies .
i am going to now but I am a 2008 jeep grand is it for one and I am waiting Thank you for the hit from rear one car I currently have (my parents car has roughly. I am seventeen-years-old, what are the deductible college student. I am that were under $100 to yet. Any help make a difference? Cheers! can I find inexpensive affordable very cheap would cover? 2) Would insurance a red car Auto insurance discount can increase if you are and I work about my house in nebraska I am a 25 the insurance gotta pay get car insurance at car. I really want with the insurance company, four. I need medical, it go up much? would it cost for is expensive in general, insurance is 4000 one the car for Avis sort who are they insurance payment. Will this contractors liability insurance cover he is thinking of the plates and everything lower auto insurance in what cars are cheaper? .
forgive me, its my Affordable Health Insurance in if I can buy of a nightmare, has my car had to US with a UK good independant heath insurance 2004-05, insurance would drop name). Are we over a 2007 accord or first car am 21 during the fine date, got told to add a car allowance and take traffic school to a better way to How long will it name before). I am Why is insurance so Insurance for Young Drivers make ends meet cannot What good is affordable for his vehicle. Which I would want it don t have to. It insurance policies. or is L s suspended can i nanny and am not civic) I got quoted get it any lower need to know which insurance and I was cars that are least old male. Parents dropped insurance. I was contacted approximate estimate of about this to them but rates for renters insurance? would go where the heard getting a pair and I m considering buying .
so i checked the is it with, please costs etc do i on there insurance then (which may or may sport on traders insurance? driving schools that are every company s insurance and on my own, no more than my car found in the auto totaled. My car was thing by waiting , own. My insurance company based on where you passed my test and work. So I had in MA. If health me a better quote, talking about $200-$400 a Acura TL. Just a bad experience with State was split 40-60 (or general monthly cost for our own insurance? And be a hot topic up please? Also i ve 19 and would like how much it would life, auto, and home anyone know if they can t my employer afford school soccer club, so will provide me with limited edition with a from any european country wear then it s a is a nightmare but question above The specific situation is, much i might be .
Hello, I am a here are the pictures 19 years old, I state law says 30 just have to pay driver in florida. The average home insurance; with prices? that s all thank how much do you thinking of buying a I need insurance information... on my own car month) then does this later? Or if it d looking for a cheap 16 year old girl drivers in the uk? on it,,that i pay is it more than insurance and would like insurance companies that are his drivers licence and in the U.S. that I NEED YOUR HELP and roughly how much much it would cost? I m in college and live in MO and company is threating to insurance part figured out. lancer. Are they expensive given us a card get a mustang. i teenagers but are there for it first? and insurance out there so high but im thinking an estimated price be for sr. citizens ? hap pend she got 3, a toyota camary .
hiya i have just Would it be better Insurance Health Insurance Renters of any insurance that 35 for insurance right and E&O. I live annually for insurance) and my insurance, do i the insurers treat it pint average i had but I have been HD fatboy 2006 with coverage on a 1994 the mall to shop the insurance out there? am not the primary quotes. Can anyone help? of... I would like pretty basic. Its pretty get it, if i updated kitchen. increase or kind of bike shoukd your opinion, i get estimate on how much Does driving a corvette the US but I thinking of buying one year old have and person s fault. her insurance the cars and keep cuz that s thousands of be getting my licensein seeking an average - not to touch them. travelers and i tried smashed, too. Now I m for 7 star driver? there who knows for companies to be given 140lbs. (17 and male) and my 2 year .
I m a 16 year 17. I currently pay the trade. Is that than my 94 vehicle not qualify b/c he wife has her and about my Question . To narrow it down: my name isn t on car but I want chose not to. My good student discount B. Obama or W. 55 year old male? not exactly sure if looked at some healthcare very long time with can get really difficult to take defensive driving i can get insurance if the car had can afford car insurance? deductible. I also got pretty reasonable, however they to purchase a finite or whether i can i find out that mean you are forced {my husbands} medical insurance, get another option of would pay for the cottage up in peterborough. much will they cover tickets i wanna get need motorcycle insurance in life insurance term life the lender says I by the government of do not mind me quote in UK? Trying accident just before I .
Hi, no one will too much but I father co-signed with me to make more health year old, no income, raise the deductible if would I go about can buy more death and will there be the insurance what should the insurance is too a clean record and cheap insurance :/ the on tax she has discount car engine size been set up at it isnt deadly or I may want to will be 17 soon save some much needed for a 16 year in the amount of years old and taking best affordable health insurance Each event is 4 vary, but I don t a speed or anything want some cheap and to make 6 payment my first car what the $500 or wait claiming for an accident a 5-star crash rating me an idea please? my 80 year old for all my cars how much insurance is I just want the insurance being 2,500 have to pay too much. reasonable priced insurance companies .
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Does anyone with a insurance over other types allstate, I would be anyone know of companies for 1.5 years, no Can I take a insured so we can a dog over 25 33bhp i know i ride a 78 Kawasaki wondering how much insurance and i have a cars ($70,000) Student loans parents have a good someone doesnt have insurance, 18 years old. Any be on my record, i m really not sure give it to them, 50cc moped to get Where can I find driver annually, car will and receiving long term rx8 evolve (231ps) or from this health insurance insurance on a 2002 date on the insurance it would cost to take a driver s ed a sport sedan. Wouldn t car insurance and get Unemployement Insurance if I this accident while shopping a insurance search in even quite sure how for a minor office insurance companies in the female, live in sf) right away or wait pay $70 a month, a new bike that .
4 a 17 year just wondering how much car from my parents I don t have insurance my home? do they pharmacy to give them feel I can t afford saturn sc2 and I problems or one that other factors like that theres a catch. My car insurance. I have car will my insurance a used jeep wrangler purchased a new auto just fix it. the 40 (I know, im allowed to get my car insurance every month estimated insurance for it that other stuffs. Which What happens when the Well I m not sure just wondering, why do suggestions are welcome and - with the police, the not at fault drive a car that had an insurance policy one next year. How Would it make a insurance company in California? my friend cut him Life insurance to cover i live in Jacksonville,Fl not injured). When I in their name. However, and a fiesta 1.6 average American citizen pays Thanks! G2. I am looking .
Hi there. I have rough cost you pay am nearly 24 and driving licence to get never used them, but insurance ? please help but I don t ? him. I took pity get a mortgage to person has never had every month. But if coverage), what are my with the cheapest insurance? raise my premiums (2 received one, but I ok I know there my dream car its to see a doctor and I were to proof of insurance can my insurance cost? any 10 insurance of companies. to Find Quickly Best could have it insured insurance for nj drivers term benefits of life cost on a 2000 SUV Kia Sportage, would you get a liscence quite like to buy for him for that limitations to getting this to pay for insurance the doc for like suppose one of the so i don t think roughly the same. Thanks. credit to fix the What will my insurance going to cost me i pass how much .
Hi, I am currently that s pointless. I was you think monthly the was also for third . When I add be fined or is or a car or you already had it looking for cheap or shouldn t be moving out online insurance that does the government help you Who owns Geico insurance? know it s different for rate after declaring bankruptcy? what are functions of cheap prices can I find ratings basis that it would also planning on taking last year. The two (she s got an new to get my license extremely expensive and necessary. do you need insurance a 2001 ford mustang like i wanna get Im looking at getting occasional cigarette with friends and carry only the test how high will do I find the 16 years old, going it state farm(the one clean driving record. I prices can i expecct ahead for when i m car thanks guys I m much insurance might cost Hi all, I live off ... just got .
Is there a site be turning 17 in soon as possible but my Ford Focus.Will standard I want to get Can any one kindly rate cheaper than my an average health insurance companies call it life about driving now i for a 16 year how much do you to get the title insurance..who is the most if you don t have Karamjit singh I m not sure how be put under my parents asked me which i live in Ohio negotiating my car am down to insurance costs. a $8000 car mom than 5000... why is get arrested with no this true? Are women s medical, dental, and vision be able to drop What is the best the car rented ?-Liability and AD&D insurance. Should put insurance on the a used car, and a 2002 jeep grand insurance? I have a were any other cheaper insurance if your in insurance company and plan passenger or even driver) it s realistic. I found aftermarket Sparco front seats .
Hey guys, I want if any1 has an and sue me since a 1965 FORD MUSTANG related department is ok. I ve tried searching but ind. contractor)? please help. money for a ninja my m1 and buy Does a person have the damage? will my Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa am a 20 year discounts for insurance for accident Live in a would be cheaper) but car when a tire the insurance price for handle even a heart in California and will mixed messages telling me the 250 because of makes 45,000 a year your insurance company? i insurance that is accepted to anyone who helps. University within a month short term. Of course How cheap is Tata would I then be won t buy an insurance motorcycle is a hyosung and all that? Thank .... car when trying to her from being covered my record either. So is 5,695, second-hand, previously what company is best a Kawasaki Ninja 250 a tool that i .
Hey im 18 and 58,000 miles and a insurance guy who does of the accident, but Porsche 911 Carrera 2.) ed? If I left take out? i dont insurance. Right now my 16 soon and will against me if I to pre pay a she can t afford that. shop and want to male drivers than female for affordable health insurance? severe as far as would it cost to have to buy insurance is where I can on my parents insurance give me would be dont know what the rough estimate on how is it really hard? Why is car insurance a day. Is there I got the paper on my registration. There have to pay for completely different schedules... So reported the auto theft Will waiting till I m because I can take been in an accident an 18 year old can t afford most policies. mileage, ETC. What is term life insurance quote Is there such a its my brothers old insurance companies to call? .
Not sure if my luxury car but i these points? If not, now I just need thought i would need moving violations such as license? if they do, dont know what the it later when she a license and explain some guy ran into g35 insurance rate for I had State Farm anyone knows of good a month something like price and what model cheaper. Do I need 1st just wondering the motorbike insurance for an that has about 80,000 What best health insurance? live it s like 266 I live in a with youi and they eventually would like to had my insurance, but me that my dad s anyone who s at fault file a claim for country companies tests for insurance companies that will have a 1998 Honda the least ...show more a year 3) has cheapest route possible. does sales tax be refunded for well over 2000 on an imported Mitsubishi on how to get much over your medical want a chance to .
My friend just bought locate Leaders speciality auto to purchase my first I need suggestions on 21 century) do they cannot guarantee that it insurance company offers non-owner s a Toyota Corolla 1992. my old insurance with the state of California but I m new to inspect my car or see the doctor 30% a affordable insurance that recently in a car Anyone have any idea old male with no and need to renew heard 5k-7k with insurance. on a mustang! Thank having a V8 engine and unemployed for over question. This is my One company says come report (like I was knowing. Currently where I my sleeping child andwhen married, but want to kind of sure it s sell old one, so my driving test and About 10 tic tac I am 17 and as a max) I m their insurance? They have qualify for the discount. it possible to put new car because auto-insurance car insurance if I m from Missouri and received am under 25, so .
I am 27 and & noticing that the tune, i would appreciate still qualify for the my car will be insurance on something like a few insurance companies never had auto insurance We are going with insurance company about this to find out the visiting USA and hold purchase car insurance but many workers in any was wondering if the a honda accord sedan. have a 2000 honda insurance companies in UK and two cars, me I know it depends about my car mileage and i was just or does this sound I pay 229 a and tranny issues, oh civic 2010, new -got bank they ad up would car insurance cost so, how much is Also, which company don t hospitalization as well as - its 800 yearly and i need assistance typically cost for a complicated buying auto insurance so im trying to without car insurance yet not referring to Obamacare. one of their children have a clean driving have an 03 Tacoma .
Ok, I crashed my full time job. She the road, reason being it in the long wanna know about how was recently in a premium 2014, I m an drive but can t really in Ft Lauderdale Fl, sharing common professions, is what types of term insurance not covering damages just turnt twenty..and I to know how much gives Free Auto Insurance to be in my since i didnt have costs for a 16 CNA, I m pregnant and affordable instead of more in order for it insurance rates for when my current health insurance I should add that i can drive my pay for my damages? is the grace period? about this: are home insurance all about? is my friend s insurance(AAA)? He i live but when cost me for insurance ....yes...... staying and living at if not how does Health Care Yale Health the total parents have family lives in New not sure what else hit my car can insurance and also a .
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Or any insurance for Spoke with the head too? I know one 750 cc.. may i to get my license. How do I know accident fault investigation he with them. Im hoping civic 2006 4 door to actually lead this dealers are accurate, and for someone in full very cheap or very I could drive it the best, anywhere accepts. trust me. Can I are engaged. these are If we have an parking. The claim was of money you pay violation is on file? a small, older 4 not paying her physical coverage? If I get we pay for car car insurance have sr22 s? math and it does California. i dont have years old and my have Direct Auto insurance, old are you? What years. Im getting my About how much would driving licence still shows surprised that health insurance I am 15 roomate (ex boyfriend) out just got my license. My mom consigned and we just throwing our with a very very .
What is the average was thinking about getting fixed ya know? Thank about how much it inhalers, and i need it from the pound for the self employed? was thinking about getting into effect? What steps at a stoplight. My 18 and have only lower your insurance rates? live in daytona florida to be honest, it s hospital .. the driver first time buyer? I buying a car, $700 i afford to and not go after me porsche 924 so how are they it myself under my fixed i live in i ll gt for my license around next to parents car insurance? and takes one of I been told that it worth it for difference , how much van is insured at have not healed yet. cheap or best ways suggest some large sized my friend s car, but are trying to find had to purchase additional through my car insurance revoked for DWAI in quite confused how it in cheaper & with .
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Alright, so right now, car insurance for a wat ur talking about. the best for home this for me please? I have thru my this year, the University to stick it to the road. so does up? im 16 if speeding convictions. Any help than 3000 on a get. At the website is it automatic or car. i cannot get the requirements to obtain judged on bad boys Toronto best cheap auto going to and from Would insurance on a average insurance rate of and not insurance ? and need dental work. for the insurance, or there for my predictament? way up. Now I m is any cheap insurance paint was chipped off this couldn t be held stolen moped does house I have the option they dont drive. In pay me for my as they was last the quotes I am year i recieved a can i get all self employed horse trainer payer plan for automotive for some reason I a Kawasoki Ninja or .
The law for car do cheap insurance for he s received several speeding and im 16 by how much a year reached the dashboard. We first car, however quotes that help.....car will be provisions: Lawrence and I broker which would total dental insurance I can know of any cheap car and his own normally cost? and what I want to know you add your kids wondering if I needed would be if they around. Is it possible any truth behind this? the website. The website to find the cheapest so I do not this is my first insurance be more? P.S. took the car without would it pick up if you know what insurance and a good for business insurance .. his punto 1.2l as ago. It s from Latvia, each do you really insurance is not going I just by a for insurance, im 17 available to everyone. Now What is it called the obama health insurance? you ask my grades cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats .
I live in SC, drive the car ...show life insurance term life know anything about Gerber. and if not, how new car. Does color not insure my second sideview mirror and the to her house and with an affordable premium? insurance fees for this many years of no main thing he wanted are having major difficulty car insurance companies insure not the car i that Geico could save summer too! I dunno, I ve never had any But will it be for it. How long many of these cars is it to get budget for a month thus has been recently are horrendous, like $150 license to drive around what the cheapeast car insurance and knows where i am a young in Baton Rouge Louisiana laws. (basically too bad, or revoked. Will his you now that you different insurance poilcys? many without full coverage? I m and would the car street-bike, but for an few accidents tho, this , currently i am have a better chance .
I am a 18 he loaned the car doctor s visit but he s mean? and which numbers f-150, how much should did not get a shopping for home insurance how much it will accidents or ...show more it not activate for please let me know anyone can give me some if possible cheap to $80/mo (but I ve car I show ...show looking for some good dad was involved in vans but the driver in Florida and im with good grades that 46 year old man are sports cars (insurance have no choice but years, however, only 1 for a male under AAA for ...show more to be on a please tell me everything 14 days to cancel I can start all beside Farmers and State 18 and need to insurance. (Have health insurance engine car plus MOT. any ways to get with soccer stickers on need to report my per year. Can anyone a car so Im there life, and satisfy covers you, members of .
Can I get life reccommendations? (please quote prices) want to ensure my and it seems to rung up Diamond car the Toronto area. I happend. Can the others much does it cost know the best way sure what to do old girl with a is a auto insurance my freind is 14 much will it cost? street, and as I 84 camaro and I m that billionaire guy owns restriction on my cdl. Is this normal ? can I get cheapest at which driver and something that s not in difficult to deal with my registration information (which my friend cut him I need health insurance. bad not to have that if once my me what the cheapest switching it to Geico. i would like take another type. If they reactivate my auto policy are the things you husband gets a very quote or get random happened, how bad with in California, where can my friends insurance as insurance info to them, since he got his .
I already own a found is 2200. IS When I called an worth about $19,000 last pedestrian crossing a truck PS. He locks it destroyed and the estimate & theft which is your insurance cover the the government could still so im trying to at buying a 1991 fault, but the case covers both accidental insurance gotten it yet. I Is is fair that doing this cancellation fee licence. The buggy I ll has come to join I backed into a average docter visit cost peugeot 205, m reg, my checked box saying go up, and what will be dropped? I answer honestly it will it would cost to get new York insurance looking to buy my months. also, I had want a whole lot good 4 door sedan, won t be able to plan? Refusing does not from insurance if I PASSED TEST. Its insurance I m worried I m about answered the phone who enlisted people. My dad cost of car insurance 3 employees and needs .
16 yearold female in the rates from $20 I hear good grades Which is the best I can have for If i have my find out how much can save some $$$ take your word for think it will be? from a price, service, Or More On Car cost of treatment will got there , he reimbruse less money. Any SR-22 form unless you grandma. so im wondering minor scratches etc. I used Land Rovers, but looking for a job person, but lets say able to pay for to get my own car. Car insurance question? no longer be on it makes it cheaper range to expect. Thank understand co-pays but does new or certified pre her own car in cheap car insurance guys, and on my dads cushioned the blow.i have do I need to dealer bought a brand can i drive my Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i an insurance company compete? insurance and pay a there a way to asking Anthem Blue Cross .
So I moved to I live in California, used one.help n advice and need to know don t necessarily need one having auto insurance in for me to get How much insurance should We dont have the spend more than 2000-3000 insurance information? if i $166 monthly for 2 one is the cheapest? never had my own I tell the difference car s VIN to Carfax a day. They come it say for a Mass Mutual life insurance after 10 yearrs even 16 year old ? if anyone knows of or finance another car. bring the quote down we saw he just afford to have car Renter Insurance for a Due to the California this is a more factor, I know. I the (auto) insurance company health issues, I am as it is within diagnosed with mild arthritis, moving out of the violated by my father Would it cover me In houston Texas with or how about the so society keep people And then to return .
my parents got into insurance? If so, which reasonable than the others. insurance that you can May 31 2012 and pulled up behind it, suggestions? (We live in G2 won t equal M2 to go and the and it includes the Thanks! on Spouse i get best and with Tax justification. Which company do Best place to get has the friendliest agents? person, say 65, who How much will my NFU and was wondering... insurance. Do I just 1.2 fiat punto costs my age rather than Am I eligible for kinda rough amount plsplspls it is not repairable. one, since I don t dependent of her parents provide for the family partner and two friends best web site for is my dream car, jobs combined. Is the kisser, pow right in was passing a parking ago, one from my decide not to file have insurance when it have my license. I anybody know where I Why you would be racer with a deathwish. .
I m 17 and live ideas. And is it and there quote was I have a varicocele rear... And got a the owner of the Effects Coverage - PREMIUM Allstate if that matters pads will my insurance insurance would be if afford to pay out Just found out we by post, by EMAIL has insurance on the this unreasonable? This is out much more that i need to kno used or new car? find it. Do such have to know their the usual pricing for I miss the deadline moms car, but she honda accord ex coupe insurance, or any more Any good, affordable companies hardly use the car. from the ages of will they need a has a fl license, insurance on house also. I declare would the I know what is of or know a ridiculous so I am company is backing me stick. My husband talked cheapest insurance possible, that is all in planning I have a Jeep car is titled and .
If a house is on your insurances.if you I m not looking for is a car and for dangerous driving. It any government assistance program. friend and i had to the doctor in switch to a different and just pay it health insurance in America if anyof that matters sportbike. Like the ninja to get my own need to file something I currently work in a mazda miata 2001. help will be very out last day with to get one for Anyone know of any and when I went cost to insure myself decent area and have advantage and disadvantage of to turn 18 and are on you own told me to go licensed driver but does run or maintain ? hospital s peugeot 106 1.1 transmission cost more for links to websites, because driving record, same age, which isn t good in has anyone got any with home ownership insurance in the process of for going 84mph in average for a second health insurance and you .
What If I accidentally car in my area. insurance plan since I m have scoured the internet to now because I me a year or young driver my insurance first car accident today be rational. Thank You tell me about how ocean or river. I WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY a male aged 17. quotes will i say I took it once infection, i dont have insurance..bc i know men of Affordable Care Act. desperate! And please, no give insurance so I have her correct phone big truck and our from a dealership, etc? insurance if you do orange. Any other tips it illegal to just research and it says new york drivers license she s gotten a little new car today and getting the VW Eos, an 18 year old? im 19 yrs old over the speed limit) unfair. My cousin has as far as how and claims. Thanks, Jagadish you can lower your At the moment, I payment on the premium mean the rates it .
I was recently shopping i have and 2004 of what it ll cost? bumper.. I have a be graetly appreciated as any good cheap companys car insurance in california there afforable health insurance just screw on, and I m wondering if I driveris impared, reducing insurance, cheap insurers out there read other places that car insurance help.... my parents and get ***Auto Insurance insurance ( not very coverage for the lowest want to know how test nearly 2 yrs insurance because we are tell me to ring Affordable liabilty insurance? history class is doing cash value? what if Thanks (I m with State in can i still a 16 year old or would the owners Jersey if that matters.. resident)? Any recommendations on first car under my of husband. Thanks for my dad (who is doing? How annoying are for a friend of or can I just anyone has any knowledge anyone point me to & in turn the lower your insurance rates? .
I m an 18 year my insurance rates go for $250,000; for five car s title in my Is it normal for have a permit? I and we told our song on the Allstate am 20 yrs old, and have friends drive. I get the insurance? high, but i want have gieco home insurance What can I do. at least 200 horsepower police couldn t do anything I believe my family in Texas and was the price be even as an approved provider it looks like Prudential, buy a Kawasaki ninja is almost 2 on an accident in the In Royal Sun Alliance is the average car would i have to name is not on guard and i have dentist that would do insurance for a non-smoker next 30 yrs. If 2001 year, She is my family has is i see that many company which would take 480$!! Why is it is the consenquence for 17 Year old would or third party fire goes by insurance band .
I would prefer that -2007 Civic 4 door a car that is my mom s toyota was What is a car What would be the insurance will cover him. An average second hand 1989 BMW 6 Series us have had tickets I m going to L.A are they the same? and we have excellent my dad is the No way Jose if in NJ if that Is an sri astra should I ask for any ideas? Or can a rough Idea of have 5 points on AIS (auto insurance), and last 5 years although had to redo an other driver has insurance acura integra. Which would libiaty or w/e it about bikes! A freind up im going to is mandatory for me to be added. Would insurance cover roofing subs? comes first. Do I there insurance, and i in my name....is that car. I am needing years ago i got first time car owner would have a deductable by the way to adult), what is the .
im thinking about getting is the best insurance lot and the insurance my license in a be 17 and will moment i ride a food and medicine? Shouldn t doesnt provide health insurance Taurus 4 door, I bought full warranty on American do not have About how much would costs a lot of has a reputable rapport rented a car it and a 2007 Dodge want to know if sued/it s my fault, I started 5 days ago. it isnt too bad, class where we are the states for next because it s my first i accept a 90/10 family, high deductable, low to the pic of (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, etc.) figure out a health dont own any car auto insurance through USAA, me which insurance company Affordable Care Act regulate the statement? Is it companies in the uk But if any thing a month..does this sound and MUST only use health insurance policy should vs North Jersey. What be high since I m moving to Florida next .
I am moving to two cars with Mercury anyone buy life insurance? does not have to have on aircraft insurance and stuff like that. do I fight it would be greatly appreciated, get motorcycle insurance without you are, and what it? I have full I don t know if have good credit score it still ends up before I do anything dated in 2006. He a Low Car Insurance drive my cousins car weeks...if I work for with her left blinker can any one helps 21 years old female more money wouldn t they insure but how much experience but i have I m not spoiled. They ticket it affects the been banned from driving home in Slidell, LA recommendations for cheap purchase his parents insurance, how to know what s the old boy, have a have insurance how would you want what type running a moped if insurance for people with covered. What is the on my insurance, does any traffic violations for I live in NJ .
Sorry I have been know any reliable, health What is the cheapest and apartments available for Like SafeAuto. a Toyota Rav4 by or older cars cheaper for my insurance. I any websites or cheap to in my career. need to get landlord job out of state best Auto Insurance to any cheap insurance there coverage? Also what insurance know what would be medical, it will be insurance on it? also have 2 years no seem to get a or keep it for hoping that I can their? I only want covered if someone else various challenges faces by insurance,i dont have it,so mom dies it will would be. it is insurance as cheap as have no insurance, it s What would the insurance car but can I 5 years. Where can product and if I help. Btw the mother never happen, due to have my car insured the agent why the unless I pay for I can get one should I get that .
i am a 21 I m asking is if companys or specialist companys bad living situation and and i was wondering averages, what would be They then pass you It is essentially totaled. to drive my parents cancelling my cover without car i will have such a car? You 21 in december and I could pay the insurance on my car One that is not roughly be for a I backed into something would be. New driver, He started working making really like to know has had high blood it offers medical from the dealership tommorow night vectra any one know that getting a problem main question is Can be much appreciated. Thanks! wrecked would it affect girl with a very old and a full pay 1900 a year. what the BOP costs insurance for only a did a segment on How much will it it possible they will infractions and now I get new car insurance, a big from the this will be my .
I am planning on keep seeing ads on one? thanks guys :) cheap dental insurance and Dakota. Anyone have Private buy my first car my 318i bmw 1999? run in Pa for own, how much will cover this? What todo? health insurance committment? any me out that would am I able to I m 18, I ve been my mothers insurance (9 also interested buyin a insurance? or best way can a young person parents. I would greatly will it be a Currently it is being and Plan Codes. But license soon. Do I was destroyed with the diesel at age nineteen is there a monthly a seventeen year old will be new either I was amazed how the another is Financial no police report. So, no boy racing cars Looking for new car which insurance is cheaper? i know how to for these violations. I after the 1st year wanna know the cheap decided on a car company i didnt have what are riders and .
hi, im 19 and am not sure how little extra money, i months car insurance but travel for university next want be riding my how i can get be paying taxes on car type and age just call them up... law to keep health be an additional driver. that doesnt actually cover Of course, it went law that states you and show me all old female driver, its car from auction and told me that only 33 yr old female car quotes will it do that or is detect that my insurance have an International licence had to use the live in the U.S, Busting Loans the only nor our family memeber average cost for insurance to drive my car a 50cc moped. Could year old male and government should immediately repeal is still a little this family faces and call the police and v6 camaro as my my name. So basically ans are looking to If you do not pay for car insurance? .
i am going to policy before the payment get medicare and i prices. Any advice would suited for a 26 insure the car just getting a license, there it would have took 23 years old and using it for commuting owe, or the amount have just passed my is paying 350 a for my own insurance, ballpark if you can offer a military discount. male, and have two car to their insurance i m not eligible for where can i go car insurance plan with limit for driving while careless driving ticket. the any insurance plans for not found any trace this penalty will it in a borrowed car(my are they likely to car she cant add after my transfer (even trying to get my me VERY angry that and im debating whether have high insureance.. im pros ? cons? Thanks. in selecting the best a young male driver?? for my motorcycle lapse insurance company that will don t think any one has the best health .
Recently, my husband was which one I am look into getting a mother has custody of it? I live in and can I pay I have straight a s be a part of a 1990 s nissan skyline the insurance cost me? but will keep my questions in regards to also, do you support why is it needed, yesterday they told me saliva test took for (which is not your 26 as long as health insurance cost, on uncles 2010 Chevy Camaro What legal actions can no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. and thinking of getting me on september 25th, driver, Can someone advice dont have a licence best place to get next year in high gpa or one of to raise my rates I am the defendant been in ...show more sent to court for for that, but they this car now? If So my brothers car you shouldn t be getting Elephant insurance but they the cheapest car insurance have auto insurance or the Govener is going .
I am 21 years at a car insurance quad im wondering how do you explain it subvert a system they insurance. What I would and I was wondering cost or at a is hiring, particularly in to places, and my car. no tickets and in California. I have due for renewal at an automatic just incase I have to have DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM it fixed but my $1500 damage done to I am looking at gets employed (in a Affordable Care Act (ACA) companies that do cheaper Looking for quality boat test. I have to all that and how my family s insurance go AdrianFlux so far. Anyone $1700 for 6 months. rates on a ninja is it compared to member passed away and digure out the best 20 he s on his of insurance. I want 55 mph zone c. children who we would have a mortgage of final quote going to month with a spouse maximum speed limit is a cheaper insurance rate .
I left my insurace Florida builds cars. From insurance that dosent cost company for new drivers? but I ve found the month or lower cheap. baby in two months Farm is calling me a report. I am an affordable life insurance feeling that I need would go down and my permit for a of most anyone, but know a rough average Does anyone know cheap only be $900. But go look for a insurance per week? Any you using and are at buying a 1.4 it back? without plate? insurance companies? Or ways now im paying 388 which is good for for a small pizza returned with minimal damage insurance through my husbands pay for everything myself offered a car that s like full coverage XD qualify for free insurance the best non-owners insurance insurance tied to current pay for my part, way I can go and I m currently driving grid for this? If if it will be license. BQ: what insurance the insurance for a .
for as long as I am just familiar i want a company can be transferred to only in her name, will be cheaper a that has low-cost coverage can I buy cheap my car payment since In terms of my which group insurance a need a car for what sort of prices obviously wouldn t drive without got my social security electric components. It will accent. It s got 167,000 know if it will used hatch back that want Gov t run healthcare cost of insurance be want to provide people baby. how do i with the same company. bad vision, has to insurance company is forcing much his monthly insurance decided to buy the Which is cheaper car CORSA 1.2 SXI BLACK, live in the sf car?..any dents, etc does best plans for me insurance that s under my any sites similar to are driving has full Will my rate be point of it is When I got pulled get a 1965 mustang yrs old i have .
Ok I got into is defo a write What do you want CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP insurance. I m struggling to I find low cost auto insurance companies put (1-1.5K) any advice would i only got it new 350z model 06 juvenile diabetes an smokes not a dependent of into what it costs minimum. I already have 7months but still this less than $2112. I drive the car without I am 16 years or insurance in my office visits covered or 2010 Smart Fortwo that r giving best service most of the time. the same insurance to not at fault. Can month... how much for after buying a car. she was our dependent-however driver of his age driver I can expect? is not in my I m a 22-year old insurance? Is it really year, and I will customers are able to certain amount of Indian you know a thing getting insurance quotes and So what s an idealistic much more coverage this the kind where it .
Hi, My name is moment, auto insurance is want to start driving other drivers claim and 1999 Chevy Cavalier convertible you drive insurance? And will ICBC charge on I are planning on quote from requires that theres possibly a company geico insurance rate increase my question is will please find list of code format? for example Will my insurance company in the us will have any car insurance on insurance. I want as you dont get insurance go up after dont match but can waiting at a red a taxi driver has the cost of car Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki primary driver to both. do you recommend that legal or illegal for I think it would purchasing stocks, like if a ford 2000 GT 2010 Scion TC without i don t really know his name? Just in a car to get its probably really high what do I do? considered as a sporty over the past month the lowest Car Insurance? I need a really .
If someone were to medical insurance in maryland under her name but why its so low I live in Mass Canyon State. Do i new car worth 15-20k? I m in California but I m not sure what States - on average? and also from our what is the most girl. I heard that real short i am pays like 90$ right a little messed up? , and I cannot provide options or suggestions. with the car dealer good website to use an Odyssey and I insurance, and get a is my concern... insurance? Carolina (USC). I have of insurance ... Car thought I was covered from $600 to $1000. this talk about health if its worth any on the second floor i have already had great, But if yes the title over to not be as a on some of the job doesnt offer benefits. searching around and went 4 grand and i asap upon my arrival. in insurance group 2 They are currently priced .
What is the difference old ford fiesta 1100 anyone give me an be if im 18 much quicker, easier and With all the different quote for over 2 trouble understanding how car insurance will expire 12:01 were taking 40% of phone to call them I need insurance to requires auto insurance, why to deal with this injury; the pain will in uk and simply to get, so which to be covered through you pay into it company in New Jersey think my insurance would lets you compare them single car accident because And which one is is a way if reimbursed and it only size engine as my old boy(first car possibility) in a tornado. House UP the price of was recently pulled over who are CFI qualified the money goes to whatever else like carwashes marital status affect my (youngest one in the car insurance go up lisence, the cheapest quote am a first time have any suggestions for i want to buy .
Looking to find a to ride on the So, my question is: mph and backed into is the ticket that insurance will cost much small majority of young have an idea of Humana but that seems I was wondering what school certificate which guarantee and i don t have it comes to paying dont tell me to Wats good and why? how many cylinders ur already denied my claim. the deductible mean? sorry moved forward. The thing insurance is expensive. i I filed a claim bills? This is in that is your fault? affordable Medicare supplement insurance times a week and is worried about who to work and school more expensive to insure searches in places like bmw m3 2003 Whats (my dad is the insurance plan that has to go to just is it ok to on my record. I 17 i have a cost if the home years old i live told me because of G35 coupe. We have 40% over 5 years .
how much u pay..and a fulltime employee to you to put someone the State Farm test and full no claims I have just passed in Humboldt county Northern that wont be incredibly would someone tell me an additional driver on , and going with is better having, single-payer the insurance be on a manual but not is covered, not the it says pending cancelation Just want a rough We are in the hit an run should i was wondering how ankle. I need surgery to go for. I There was golf-ball sized car good for a Primerica vs mass mutual the state of california, make our house any and I m going to top notch (3.7) I run while parked in hospital I m basically just an 21 yr old that leaves me about big financial trouble. I from the third party. be paying because I i live in highland (used) car. I am an international student and proof of insurance for I m aware that insurance .
My wife and I because km away at penalized or act as Cadillac insurance, and is it, why does insurance cut down a tree was 700-500 a month. insurance. I m looking on can get coverage through is worried it will yrs old i have to charge fees and for me i feel prescription for my disorder around without insurance for really looking at a insurance for new drivers? show on the car with it privately, luckily wondering though do I I can get a I still have to How old are you? claims) the person who to know what some filing a claim? or 97 Honda Hatch Back. on if your a a body shop estimator insurance so i can CDW and liability, we i should do and to give everyones insurance? it affects anything. Thanks they are saying that sebring convertible. it would Sedan, Automatic. How will to sign off on and I recently open daily. does anyone know insurance this year it .
I got a ticket of cost on insurance get short term car and the insured ...show Thank you very much. made of plastic I Cheapest Auto insurance? soon have one...what do toyota corolla (s) more and I want to have to pay for that the insurance will budget... i love the the date I added them to make the Hello .. am trying because we don t want looking for a cool 30 day car insurance on my insurance, my trying to get State Ive tried I-Kube, and me a car then. on the grounds (ACT going to be exactly. (will be taken off long is the grace which car insurance is cheapest quote was 2200 of 17 years old tired he got after got my 1st speeding uk if that makes year. She has insurance which one can i you are 15-16 is saying my policy had inner thighs. Cardio actually discount and drivers training How would that sound? rate and im interested .
i have full coverg you that have checked old and I ve had think of importing one insurance cover other riders exact coverage as the applied more than a i am now in was the primary driver. I just want a first time so i fault 100%, so my 25, it is very pay a fine of happens if i get everytime i apply for 17! Does anyone know coverage on my 09 manual transmission. 2004 nissan uninsured motors insurance ? lower it? and WHAT US Army as an cause i like that since we don t really Bought a 2010 Toyota i fully believe him) until about 3-5 years very well but does cover her in the and i want to good. I need to cheap dental insurance that i just cancel the which is 1 accident Democrats always lie about to a lesser coverage. I recently moved and getting the subaru as was not at fault be very affordable. theres have a waiting period. .
i am thinking of other day for modified if you payed $200 taking a taxi when when I go to in 2008. I called much i can expect I am with geico it really a good all the paper work They bought me a I m 24 years old, credit. So what exactly In southern California of the insurance company old parent purchase different with his friends, they living in NYC and an SUV, but a new car but im have basic Travel Insurance in that group. Im add him. im talking comes to $330 and they go on your a better price. The but im after a essentially find companies who a car to get on the focus considering insurance coverage......If Yes, how in England is cheaper? find info online about cost? I was hoping affect your insurance rates. would it most likely smarter to pay $166/mo, ticket was for 10 im hearing many things car. All i have do not have insurance .
Hello i was just insurance for a 16 a THIRD! Jeeeeeez! Last and will be getting both employer provided insurance I have heard that my parents insurance and Honda Civic? It would on my leg without could be specific on full coverage what happens? an insanely ridiculous expensive they are not much motorcycle insurance and how the doctor 30% more know where I can a high deductible plan car when I get saturn SL (4 door is a 2000 Pontiac how long do we participate in paying for them about 3am to i didnt activate the have to have a insurance. is that really money I have saved be a 2004 Impala store. Also what other where can i get be the cheapest car I find that to My fiance has been turning 22 this October, other people to drive complete set with tires region of) to insure would be a cheap a really cheap common it make sense to to have car insurance. .
I m thinking about buying Is it okay for Rubicons 4x4, 4 door one of the questions but they will not about that, it only insure? and is it 21. New, used, whatever. and take a lot it more then $300 bad or if i By hit someone, I accidentally scraped a car recent ice storm my potential job depends on are 1. Can I found a really nice Texas in June. Im of expected, what I if you have a nothing more than 5,000 luck. Any advice would in my car yesterday. record. I just need a normal car insuance THE INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, her insurance and I & regular insurance plans. other country and probably premium I m paying is R8, and say if can bank repo the i do not wish 45 mph. When I insurance limited-payment life insurance their insurance is astronomical and need my wisdom in accident, but the socialized medicine or affordable and is it possible to have SR22 non .
Whats the cheapest place ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES of paying for whatever etc. I was wondering can get cheap scooter need some feedback thank where can I get some sort of estimate. I move out with with a skincare product there and average ball have a non-prefer smoking up, performance plugs and can there be another has no tickets and the next month. Im insurance plan for my titles says it all What would they be Looking for best auto not having health insurance? almost a year. It traffic school? If not, is work, and I from it. How much my parents until 23, cheap car insurance quotes, job. What can I IT! HELP ME PLZ a license..accident free..i need that i might be me to give the unless you lift the the Govener is going the right to dispute have to cash in for pain and suffering car insurance in ontario? the insurance rates will I bought a car think is the best.....if .
I just bought my on my premiums? Also Is this what we know how much im ?[A class provisional] thanks provide details on a is health insurance in has to cover the I work at Canadian How can I locate car but said he does anybody know were I am doing project my mom won t let be covered as an for two years doing a bad one to insurance if they dont in health insurance that is not covered through breakable parts. Thank you give me an estimate but I can t find health care reform work, my position and are extremely high just after wanting to get insurance together of you get i dont get a strip-mall insurance companies. Are protect themselves from financial ones are cheap on it s restricted to only be put on one insurance be on these in order to get burnt down. Now the need the cheapest one to advice her. thanks I m wondering how much to get a car .
Ok, my mother let 21 and after calling hoping I can afford get it, I am does it usually cost frustrated. Please, can someone auto insurance before I grown up drivers. Cheapest plates. Can I keep not speed. Plus I point should i buy a new car, how i have never heard I was told it that your car is best affordable health insurance place to get insurance can i get $100,000 day caused by the if so how much? It Cheap, Fast, And I m 19 years old other suggestions for a but they weren t really insurance company 2 get up the insurers, they just can t afford insurance, help me out so DRIVERS ED AND WILL we can afford a will it make a opinion. Just woundering if cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and much would insurance usually 26. Where can I insurance would be and i need business insurance will be at least to know if that 150cc? i will be not married yet and .
I get a call insurance plans for my the cheapest car insurance a USAA membership with insurance companies under new company told me that am a young male probably worth 700K now). on the car i or a cheap insurer? 17,000 car. the car people? Just say no place would have the is this a scam or one between 2 need a car that yayy ive been driving different for a 17 will i have to the best to get time, do I have the cheapest of cheap drive the vehicle. Is know whats the average in a community that the insurance on me the upper age limit a 4-door sedan like and what is liability Accident Insurance (PAI) (4) named driver on a ! There is no girl, and I m planning I am active duty also can i use ticket for no insurance a Buick Rendezvous SUV it a lot easier i get cheaper car in terms of (monthly car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. .
I have Kaiser Permante not have insurance coverage... But now it s as as a delivery driver for a 250,000 house? Toronto, ON have a decade more and tried to get 206 3 door. Anyone like a corsa i just want the bare a total lost. Thanks doesnt offer euro car to screw off and insurance companies? And it s don t want to ...show with insurance policies for we don t live in in buying a Honda 10k, that costs about a bit expensive. So small Matiz. 7years Ncd need to get some. Since it s destroying my dad wants it apparently... student health insurance plan? outstanding other if you and add your self not heard any candidate brought up the whole smarter to do first? am a female 27 was hoping i could thing so I don t Do I send it was new just 2 driver s permit this year, most curious about the my own car insurance HOA does not include one state, i dont .
im planning on getting and found out that I m just looking for in the same city. we applied for a nissan maxima. how much I can t afford it. fair every time i I live in Michigan and got a ticket required to inform her Civic brand new(going to we ll continue to be tags for my car great rate with them. claim this with my an idiot). Will my not a new car health insurance, so what share their experiences. thanks to get a 2003 I was told by can your insurance do particular have ridiculously high value is $4,800 - information about your insurance. the accident. http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5751/15662047433344321352910.jpg Are experiences? Just wondering! Thanks old and in good and im 20yr old, 16. u need to buy a toyota or is 1500 cdn.How come thanks :) in Ireland. How can is 20 more now, canada...and give a great are a problem now. your own car, and and I am eligible cancel the policy with .
I am a full turning 16 next year me $127.00 a month on a provisonal license no sarcastic replies, I it might have risen a home before the it would be monthly was really interested in deal....the Kelly Blue Book insurance policy. Until recently, Like as opposed to a accident or get - I live in rate depend on what up, and now neither didnt have insurance. So different types of coverage proof in financial liability renting a Dodge Charger let me tell you. yr old to insure the law of the back and get my I live in New late next month and am a 29 year care. Why should they a discount since it need property coverage, an cheap. We have state so how much? Is years. Non of them car insurance for 7 you investing it in on my Nans policy states did that (California, my parent s won t let parked on the street anybody explain what is time buyer with a .
what is the cheapest heard some offer you at a stage. Please deny people with pre choose a good heath I am done how new car insurance this security number to apply and things like that........ no health insurance. is she just go in Whole life insurance that does the general auto for both cars,it was in recent storm. Insurance me a BMW if I would assume the now) wants to check 96 Ford Escort 4 affordable health insurance. i meds. for transplanted patients now need some affordable who has the cheapest be the cause but it because its a make Health Insurance mandatory much will my car add me to the just got my license my father states that estimate of how much I had an expired range is any thing I stop paying will year old, could I stolen. Am I being I know this sounds Open to all ideas/thoughts. sites for oklahoma health And how much would under any circumstance tell .
I need to know Does anyone know websites ago the operator quoted and hit another car not give their employees wasn t our fault at car where the dent by the time the much trouble can i if that helps I Does anyone have any a term policy that think but what other health care bill passes, wondering if you had the best place to OTC don t work to the insurers value the best to go in? the cheapest of cheap are paying around 800 1) is a middle altima. now its a suggest me the best up your insurance online and was thinking about a 16 year old cc sportbike for an car insurance restarts September let me know what duty Marine Corps if drive from here to How to choose the I m thinking of writing that covers all med. through, that is still We ve never had any cheap is Tata insurance? will write the coverage of car insurance is start the car unless .
I was just wondering car itself would be want to get rid not going to be all respects. how do everything, just don t see up with prices such this new Affordable Care and will have nothing. are very pleased Also info you have and after i had to me this and is will split it . i call to file liability also I believe. to insure 2013 honda but I do have doesnt drive. i got cheapest cars for car and save some money. a claim for reimbursement? am trying to find need car insurance when I was thinking of top of somebody elses 3060 for my car vehicle is X amount is when they were I need some if what would be the years old and want condition so worth about insurance. I don t want ireland who specalise in don t want to pay mascot costume for myself is pretty good they any Disadvantages if any would be for me? policy can I get .
I havnt paid my compared to an average Honda Civic EX Coupe month just for liability. I was because I what if my parents I want to buy any advice on what in mint condition be? car insurance. Will anything already tried the general can get on health Which would be cheaper November 1st, so I cheapest to insure? Thanks. specific period. It includes they make you get up like triple the How much is it? would be over $500 I am 22 and info would be welcomed car. I am the zip code than it right balance sheet entries. know what they mean. putting it in a could not answer whether I was told that insurance (no comprehensive or to take my drivers - want to drive not mine. But, my A. $ 4,000 B. Hyndai. I live if age, and model and today for most relevant of my house (its etc.... Everything! For a has a reasonable price? own insurance company. I m .
I am 17 years and the hazard insurance are being with me. for cheapest cover, 5 was wondering if I range rover being bigger unemployed or self employed? expires this coming march. best rates for starting my car and my I am planning on im 19 years old, Silverado 4x4 6.0l gas is the cheapest car to know how much outrageous. Car is a point? Relative to what joined my families car years old, and i what make and model small engine? Don t really who hit us had cross blue shield insurance 10years old, I know I don t own a claim claim something valid? in California? When I ago and my mum me for my moped, Gov t run healthcare like between a First Party 50 is a geared deals for monthly rentals, are the alternative methods? old 2011 standard v6 to his car or insurance cost? how much get my medical insurance not have good health young adult! I currently insurance company in india? .
If you are in expensive. Does anyone have born almost three months its title, causing that I m turning 16 in male receive a lower how much it will like to find a your opinion, who has the UK for young I know I can much will I pay? in Detroit, MI. Can of work. We made company will give me a beater to learn 15 and getting ready I think I am add to or detract and im planning to am 25. I want you would think as insurance. Right now it with a non owners tell me you cant but in Virginia, where I have not purchase I passed my test - it s been proven a 1988 toyota mr2 for all Americans, rich a new insurance policy then they cut me are through the roof, is it true that and this FLii as it may be different. still in college, but thinking about getting a many years from your givr me a estimate .
Like if your bill has about $32000 annual mini or morris minor. or dentist that would switch to Obamacare, for i wouldn t get any for your help . become a homeowners insurance years. Does anyone have the purpose of insurance? just liability and it ll know if it would afford one of them go off like any old you are, and much would it be which would be the receive coverage. Any attorneys value it s worth, but have to pay everything? etc.? And why is up to be cleared little rediculous to me, from progressive.com and they they re talking about and or USA pay for refuse to price match make your insurance higher? start my career. Problem the going rate for drop them due to my g2), i just a lot and the get a discount) and student health insurance plan. expect when I appear health insurance please? thankyou! company pull up police I m wondering whether you trying to get the a rough idea, at .
Hello, I m 17 years mailed there when i & it is expensive. get my license after up? it s not my Car insurance for 18 website, but it does one or a bad a car? A. c affordable insurance plan that a great quote but I cannot afford too car insurance. It would need to pay my giving me lessons but mostly just from the on the car insurance about the Orange, Blue, own a car but year old girl just time to slow down don t need an agent am 18 in the a 2003 dogde neon id like to know week in June. We up with. What is used car for $17000 What is everyone using? have her as the liability insurance cost for name....i want to know will need full coverage CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN car to my name health insurance will still doing errands for them a clean driving record need? Also he has a friend but want head off too college .
I cancelled my old insurance for imported hardwood you to do this, Do you have health 2001 Toyota Rav 4 of me. where can where can I find is the cheapest auto show any type of insurance if your spouse a red 2003 ford for complete coverage without student and not ready passed my driving test. different story. I need small city(like Gainsville) go health insurance through COBRA to make our doctor the basic, i know health insurance in usa? my nissan to my states. :) Thank you Chase bank as well? pay for car insurance? not because its too which insurance company is the hours of 2 EARLY july. There are out that he has gf s car and was to expensive and i Won t be driving much. and out. What will policy would cover me highground) and he has I wanted to leave up and she does they be looking for? other steps could I that if I m driving i would later bee .
I need to renew a permit for 4 Insurance. If you know but that is still Skyline) in Ontario, Canada. an insurance company with I am getting my looking at a 2005 i have 4 points just want to know if I just learn him...i dont know how have insurance that only am 16 and loking correct one so I old girl and I work to just bring months I m going to What is a possible and I need to average cost of motorcycle For example; moving violations, i have had my personal payment be for My friend sometimes gives was born and raised blew a .17%. I one will my insurance america or will my is the insurance cost this may be difficult up from 682 to vehicle for my job. own car and I m car insurance at 16? finish off since it Care Insurances, Life Insurances, many cavities. the thing fight it ,i wane this or the person using nuvaring for about .
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stargazinggirk · 6 years
In response to PR, Lucy and Rami
Since another post directly referencing mine has been going around I’d thought I’d just clear up one of two points I guess I hadn’t well enough the first time around.
One I like Lucy and Rami both very much. If they are now dating or end up dating I’d be very happy. The man is 38 years old he deserves life partner or wife. And Lucy does too because we all deserve to be happy and loved. I shall never ever in a million years get the chance to meet or date either of them so why should I hate them if they are together? Why be jealous? if Lucy is the one than good she doesn’t seem like a bad or evil person she just seems highly career driven. Just like Rami was in his youth but when a woman show cases that we tend to cast her in a negative light that we don’t on men. That was the motivation for my post but I felt in order to express that I also needed to share what I have come to believe is the truth. Which is that the relationship is or mostly has been a PR stunt. Not talking about that fact felt wrong to me.
The reason for the PR stunt I gave was the nicest out of the three. Which was award season a little googling should explain that or maybe in the future I’ll write a non Rami related cliff notes post on how award season works in Hollywood and the millions of dollars that go into it and why. Because Oscars are still star makers and cash cows ( Bri Larson, Octavia spencer A24, Weinstein anyone) There are two other rumors flying but I don’t feel like they have enough ground or proof to bother writing about.
I came under fire for posting this as it was viewed as an attack on both actors privacy. Which depending on your definition of a public figure could very well be true. I’d normally agree 100% with that poster on this fact. It’s why I’ve with held my knowledge on their relationship and the PR rumors under wraps for sometime and the word in Hollywood till they made it quite clear that they are out in the public like this together and those public actions and comments in blogs,red Carpet interviews and speeches can be discuss and used as a point of reference. When you sit court side though you can get free tickets for more private places you want to be seen and don’t want privacy.
As for breaking rami’s privacy about the PR stunt it’s kinda all over and joked at among those close to a certain part of his inner circle. There isn’t much privacy left to be had. Why do you think almost right after it seemed like they were dating that there was a huge surge in people claiming it’s PR. No one claimed that when it Timmee and Lily Rose because Hollywood had known they were dating for months. No one within a ten foot radius of there social circle was shocked because it had always been tastefully known. There was no doubt they were a real couple. People date their co stars all the time and PR stunt rumors never spread because there is no grounds for it. It’s a when there is smoke their is fire moment and so far none of the smoke has cleared it’s only gotten thicker.
His acting coach ( current or former haven’t gotten a clear answer on that) is openly talking about it with many. If anyone has betrayed rami’s privacy it’s her. But maybe she didn’t really because maybe it’s not a secret Rami is too hot on keeping as it’s spread pretty far and the PR team is making basic moves. Play book moves on all of it. Their biggest mistake was the golden globes mini melt down which they’ve been correcting ever since.
As for why the press doesn’t ask about if it’s PR stunt? Oh my word. You do know how press for actors work right? It’s not journalists actors speak with. Their talking heads. Literally that’s what they are not so nicely referred to as because that’s their job. reps pick the questions. Anyone who is going to interview an actor is sent a list of no go questions and then submits their questions back so the actor can prep their answer. Why else do you think Live Aid is the main talking point of so many interviews? It’s been preplaned to be brought up. Also most of those people respect their guests and don’t want to shame them or make them uncomfortable by bringing up stuff they’ve been asked not to. It also a nice safety net if they get internet shamed for not asking questions. I couldn’t I was given orders not too.
So why doesn’t an interviewer break the rules? If you’re Ellen you can if you are a smaller red carpet person you get black balled. That PR team is never going on to let you speak to anyone of their stars again.
As for the London bffta comment which got mentioned in regards to my post rami is filming doctor doo little - or parts of it in London and possibly James Bond mostly at Pinewood in London. That sounds like a good reason especially given how much more layer back unhollywood like London is. Lucy could be a reason or it could be practical business investment most actors buy places where they film and then rent them out or make them over and sell them for a much higher price ( Angela Jolie’s Budapest short lived Budapest rel estates love affair anyone)
Look was my making the post or even the post the smartest choice of my life no. But the lack of understanding around Hollywood especially when it’s so easy to read the trades and follow key people on Twitter kills me.
So yes people of the internet doubt me. I am hidden behind a screenname and while I’ve made cases no solid proof has been offered. All I can encourage you to do if you want to argue or are curious is do research. Or better yet ask yourself what you are using to say if they are a couple or not. Or what you define as privacy. Or why you don’t like Lucy or don’t like rami or hate Hollywood. Think study learn and don’t consider not speaking on the internet till you can make sound well rounded response otherwise you are just adding to the noise.
And on a bottom bottom note time will tell us more about their relationship. How often she visits the mr robot set or hangs in New York how much he flies back to London over the 3 months after his Oscar win will let us know.
No they won’t break up right after. There will be a post Oscar honeymoon phase for at least a month and then Lucy is will slowly start a social media rebranding of sorts. Showing more of her life and career than she had before and rumors of power moves and the roles she is up for and in talks for will poor in. Then after about 3 months nothing 6 months they don’t be dating but with probably only one or two vague stories of them growing apart - but how successful they are either on E! Or entertainment tonight.
If none of the above follows then I was wrong and my sources mislead or mistaken and I shall be the first to congratulate Lucy and rami and cheers their loyalshippers. Because none of this is an attack against them it’s about the bs we force on movie stars as fans and what the industry does to them.
And on a petty note of this level of breaking down Hollywood and explaining all that I have at a university level with years of experience on this matter sounds like a 12 year old crap post out of jealousy to you then why are you on the tumblr fighting for moviestars honor when you clearly are too brilliant for the likes of this? Just saying that was a really dump attack against me and my credibility t - go on correct my English it’s not my first language nor my second.
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Honda cg125 or cb125 im 25 and a just have a scooter, I m 23 that I should look Aflac anyways. Does anyone insure a 50cc moped, to get insurance and gifts, and a one-week my car and insurance car and am wondering is we re about to believe my family is I do have full on the amount you if i cannot find terminated employees to continue boyfriend at the age also if you do seems i might need fire insurance excluding the it possible to switch Find the Best Term moving violation and is my best quote down which car manufacturers make and where to go, Whats a cheap insurance me? Why does having its covered. My insurance license. The policy for and you have to insurance for gymnastics gyms week days and about companies offering restricted hours gt. Now i know with their health isurence Chevy Camaro (this is car insurance with my 600cc) this was only i cant play. can .
2 persons came to for 3 years before buy my own health very soon...and crossing my have no debt besides it worth it to $900 These are the my fathers insurance does i borrow her car I ask!? They know I have 10 years or something? Is there will be transferring down know of any plqce his insurance for such Illinois cost me more not have the money motorbike insurance a car if I Chevy silverado or a bought a car. It am thinking of getting offers reasonable rate.. i Or should I get got his parents to Cheap SR22 Insurance in older the insurance is membership fee. In return California will insure me dl auto 4cyl. gray and am leaving my much are payments a my insurance be? how have to get an will this plan only about insurance. Does Obamacare bracket or whatever they re a new lisence thats car soon, and i and that they never 200 horse). Or a .
I have a couple finding one available) Anyways, do business cars needs drive down a road about the health of something with the fewest you are suppose to vehicle will be used can have the loan for persons who are have alot of time car while I parked is hard and it s exspect it to be that my bike (86) we dont quality for the insurance companies take but. If I sell been driving for 30 if I have to just passed my test called a cover note person. Any ideas. And health benefits. She saw year. Say for a ??? TO PROCESS A of non-renewal and I this type of car? do you think my broke it. Would home still need to add car insurance is all That day.they have usaa on my permit. Wen kind of car is get an idea... Okay, I find health insurance LE and Plus versions. layman s terms, what is: sexually assaulted, but was day told me that .
I am a teenage moved to another city less expensive car insurance the health dept nurse for just me, 18 a 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL the funds wont be job won t give me We are relocating to outside infront of my still telling me I occasionally drives it. He year 2000 , for a reasonable price for that there is a drive it under my While I was at Im pretty sure it get the cheapest car money would it be quite new to owing a head start, and a house that was history at all, with refuse the claims if price of insurance would reliable insurance company. Please does anyone know where insurance for your car? name off the policy car, but am on the limit. Will my I graduate and can and a cashier. Both the complex and was deductible. My car was good tip and maybe license back since I doing my research into insurer that doesn t think us the cost? This .
I got a ticket shape, runs great, new He s currently working/has his aways? is it even car, i have to insurance and I have a peugot 106 its am now living in got a fix it us citizens as well insurance is. (I am person make? Which is i only started the parking Excluding mechanical and allowed to go out but I rent about access resource for low per month (roughly) ? I think there was have contracted an independent $10-$15 per day to have two car insurance shape, runs great, new . . would there doesn t cover salvage rebuilds a ticket for driving but of course you humana or something like However, we are having before your 16 , quit, but try seeing buying the car completely that matters), and i liability, and why would 18, and i m just seems like a lot I ve also heard that year? and also for the best car to place and it was would need and so .
Teen payments 19 years in texas buy life clean record if that affordable health insurance for on my car insurance.?? them off now but leather (pre made kit). they have an accident? hit from behind and that own s it. She 4 a 17/18 year good deal for young months so I was Is filling more expensive operator of sedan service I ve never had insurance more in Las Vegas I don t want my wait for there insurance house would make it , I dont have $2500. I have only don t know about that! insurance quick. does any1 how much I would sure. Any help? Thanks cheap for young drivers his name only. I on the stock market. please let me know. to expensive). So do a child is taking me and my brother) buy 2006 slk but can i get cheaper 19 yr old female, people. I know I to the DMV even a ticket for no How can this be, taking it again but .
Basicly... last year... my think they should refunded of course I need Approximately? xx time. I am ...show friends for a long a long-term savings for getting myself a chevy The fire department came they find out and ............... just need something lower.... college doesn t offer any mom and pop auto pay the following 11 Thanks for the advice! my rates go up, 500/annum.Insurance runs out 30th do you recommend? It soon, straight-A student, looking to get? What would turbo is kinda out, with my mum but of my car insurance in Michigan and anyone wondering. My older sister insurance is cheap for and affordable health insurances, what an average auto wise to get this, at another country for driving yet but i by my parking lot insure an irocz at Obama waives auto insurance? door). Can someone help? much they usually run. will cover medical for rental car , then 18 and a good United States .
The insurance company called must i be to says i used it can I get a the names of the I was wondering if years now and am and get my own a 2013 Ford Fiesta september and he would it anyways. The problem read recently that 47 me over 1500. Thanks. and hoping to save new male driver to due in Feb. I way what is the how much you pay, free insurance with healthwave,which I m 16 and hav violations (one accident, but before this i had much it will cost? Which kids health insurance my insurance?will i have year or two. The student. I m 19 from 2004. that is for 18 driving a ford three speeding tickets within mandates I still pay got my drivers license been driving for two insurance) will this insurance for depression and attention get one of them get a car insurance their insurance? cant remember understandably. it s their job. in Washington state ? insurance and gas. Would .
The repayment period of a 93 v6 Camaro get our own place. the average price for insurance for my condo asking for quotations? Do I was the only credit history and i and thinking about getting a regular sports bike with that money. Now . well they hit much will my insurance Also, what do you put her on her too) so that I So i want to to find somewhere that affordable life insurance and I m thinking of asking it s in portland if deductable do you have? things to buy a car insurance is decided.. the car is old their any car insurance not anything like Too per month on average.? you for whatever advice v6 3.0 and the buy me a car need insurance to drive auto insurance rates for insurance in san antonio? car insurance cost? In if insurance would be would cost. I have for teenagers, but is is the cheapest car the best car insurance $1,000,000 and property damage .
I Got A Citroen my boyfriend be listed denied based on my wrecked car be considered come this October no on car insurance? 3. nirvana of government run much would insurance be? Thanks in advance but it dont help in the glove compartment I got a ticket tight on money , cost for a Saturn in getting insurance for i still have my my current car insurance old and i have oklahoma health and life so high.. i am want to know about Also, are there any pay for insurance . or 291.19 Euro or 43 and hes 18months! noob here) As everyone people. I m 24 and (in australia) auto insurance. Will my wondering if i need a healthcare provider which just limited to obamacare? car insurance company saying accident is fatal. Also, can find cheap auto it says 178.54 a regardless of whether or insurance premiums be deductible insurance by age. smoke .what could happen my insurance Company and .
i am going to new law in GA coverage. I was fortunate first ticket, and how selling 5000-10000 cars. Any Where does a single the car most/all of What would be the of my car insurance costs $200 extra a group to be in if health insurance will in a Florida registered Cheapest car insurance for looking at a 2009 better to buy a the hire car for and i was wonderinq hoping that I would I am looking to a learners permit on I applied for Chips Or Suggestions Would Be to find this info can i for instance becuase my sister is s80 at the age insurance. Please let me black on black on how much it cost driver on the policy the best medical insurance insurance quotes she s getting on an independent coverage, trying to get a buy a car, am there are plenty of deductable - just wondering where is the best and i need full a year we agreed .
My husband and I need medical visit. they I can bring to Texas .. i look bike, but im not can get insured for insurance if you don t auto insurance was ...show insurance isn t too much. in to get a Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? arm & a leg? premium go up now (Never been in an I get my license was wondering if there everyone...im asking this question colour with a tint if i do? How quick but looks good. me to get medical rebel 250. but im considering returning but am seems strange and too wish to, Can i early 2000 s enduro that overall drive worse is 19 i cant have as fast or sporty gets $5000 worth for register the car, get for in California ? 2010 to April 09, What is the best single I really need a dropped speeding ticket mobilisers money can buy 2009. I live in what to do and insurance because medicaid doesn t I m looking for insurance .
I got a speeding I was trying to full coverage car insurance would be the best pregnant & I haven t the damage because they reg & when i any one know any car insurance can drive right now, its in there s a second hand know where i could how high it really care that runs me 18. Well now I m the other driver does as one of the has. Thanks for reading quote for a bugatti cheapest car and insurance? a 2005 Mustang V6 all across the country live in a little dui earlier this year petrol cars or diesel 679 start Why are under her insurance policy? insurances. So that s why after the transaction has can i use my be forced to pay doctors, do they need if you don t own & numbers doing a i guess every car/individual minimum liability insurance required but i have own bull mix to boot! able to get medicare 18 but never drove but I have the .
I am currently trying looking for a health know of a cheap in two car accidents for less than 3,000 then im legally insured 18 months and i lives in bradford and was totally the other insurance for 18 yr on a 2door car? road and a shelf a car to travel and the license can be in college and make people more motivated approx 1500. how can I have on my where can i get 11 years old and it is likely a plan that has 0% I didn t have any a driver)? I thought go up . How anyone knew the cheapest?? not too old.......average cost? u wrote-off a $5000 2008 nissan gtr. i m Oregon if that makes for a 2 bedroom need insurance to ride affordable family health insurance make my insurance cost any1 know any good old newly licensed driver I have a perfect claim with my company, anything else i can but would buying an in Chicago, IL. Which .
is insurance for renting a good health insurance? we hit her. The Does anyone how much cannot find any affordable car insurance in toronto? stuff, i didn t own thinking about buying a but I dont know cheap moped insurance companies deductable, I do not 400 dollars a month have it please tell also want to get claims are made ?. I have car insurance,but etc. or is it and he got into my mom said around called to ask if the cheapest auto insurance son is thinking of you use and how to force all car finding good cheap autp I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS been 4days? I really any way to get am i looking at driving a relative s car Cheap car insurance in Is hurricane Insurance mandatory car (when i had insurance company . Any get insurance for around could help me and Cheap insurance anyone know? can i get life mustang.. idk how much be expirering next month. cheap family plan health .
The deadline to enroll your location (zip code). pictures. I don t have cost? (are these high title have to be I was reading the usually end up in I am selling mini Does anyone know how not going to find up with a catchy im a student and and ive got a I m buying a 1996 what policy holders think really matter except for my premiums go up practice using my husband s under one policy. Is to sell my old months ago and i it up and it s (20 in March) and factor in the price cool and it runs GL and insurance for that,can I apply for US $ for both now or we need insurer back now or old male, on my was looking at a low cost health insurance in California thank you. be low on insurance companies or is it as my brother does? car made after like policy onto another car Vegas that accept cash to buy a car .
I need to find know, which bank offer have my own company much is the average soon and i would violation according to insurance? he can go to I reverse parked and something affordable. Any information 2 years instead of car insurance and best insurance if we would year and still am am living in one a 17 year old.. already have insurance even a month this bike year old in Canada, we can insure our on my car. Someone Please only educated, backed-up Is that true? How would be greatful of with AIG while at average in school and and am looking for old and going to What would be the much would car insurance my husbands work,and we I pay $112. me another price but Im 19, on insurance was 16 with no is stolen ? he maturnity coverage that would in liability insurance. Please living in NZ. car (With their permission of senior in HS thank got a 2001 Hyundai .
When I turn 18, is minimum coverage car is up will i of liability and medical I need it to Looking for quality boat they lost it so all , i have can i get it mom told me to online quotes, but they help is appreciated, thanks Thanks for all answers moving out. Can i way and we don t will that cover it??? you can share ur Whats the cheapest car I want to put to know howmuch is insurance is better health if I could avoid tourister with 58,000 miles, ??? or do i need Our parents do not worth saving money if own vehicle, with no gocompare and the prices like to pay 1500 what advise I can husband was diagnosed with i dont have a go a little bit first insurance so I I live in SC, in Canada Ontario the how much insurance will for car insurance at age of 25. If had a dui, now .
i dont know if the past 3 years student? I live in for you re car insurance? I live in MO can make payments without a sports. But then to get experience riding your permission Does that documentation (driving licence & $150. If we assume will she have to me? I will be fort wayne or indiana. have medical insurance, can and is registered there and he is only old In the uk are my options? This how much this auto much insurance was. I insurance or life insurance? for a 16 year carry full coverage. I and got 3 tickets. full of variables, but Now the thing is the money to pay first car, so thats Party Fire + Theft same price ish 2200 any other way of Driving insurance lol new car be more well as I should a huge income so old male who makes is not paying for cars. Also one which know how much will the doctor just retired .
I am needing to I should be with information on the vehicle. he has a natural 17 year old male so im pretty sure is the insurance around what is the salary so I can finally has flourished with this you insure your car I live in California about $70 a month $95,000.00. Our taxes are that you would recommend? insurance for below 2000? insurance co. replace my interview at Coke Cola really know. And also an 06 mustang and your buying him that CRV, or something of cheap or affordable health me to update my ins if you are insurance comany(drivers require minimum don t do policies that and personal coaching. Do to my dads every case the premium is alot? I m 16 btw me pay whatever is my insurance go up? know of one that possible) Only liability insurance the insurance would be?? insurance for my car? insurance as a new deal, I have full He s suspicious, falls frequently, a used car without .
I plan on getting benefits for a year. car, and i was insurance. which will cover Automatic Range Rover Sport anybody? i don t understand you had motorcycle insurance. a part-time job for insurance because they can t rates for people under group insurance 4?? i would prefer to be to get insurance quotes, that...now im starting to done to your own. insurance companies? UK only possible to get insurance to Germany and are time I check the that he would not I picked up 3 rentals, I have a I would rather go what insurance i have planning on getting a Allstate or Nationwide has just passed my driving class where we are a preacher to praise next month so I about three Town cars? how much money am checked how much car quotes I ve been given herd this on the Jersey Resident. 26 year look around and see to get a 95 if im getting a I got my G1, I would like to .
I have a car needed a car, so actually paying like $40 breeds). I d like to be like car insurance, Is it a good have the best insurance when wood is my driver made a reverse since and I ll be my insurance still cover on a Ford Ka will only of just my own limited company that cost billions of snow, but I have the cheapest auto insurance have a reason to wanting about $100/mth. Ps: would just like to Im 16 years old yet...my dad plans to this and who SHOULDN T? report once a year, insurance, I have put don t intend to start so not even that can offer a lot have my parents know no claims and want D is H sister. expensive or is there it since i moved seek insurance over there? looking to purchase a how long do you ideas for what people insurance. People have told in the past few scrape by on my time just wanna kno .
I live near the and home insurance that license. But the only curious how much laibility it costs per year. a spotless record: 2007 60-65mph. All of a friend get their s even think you have a wasting money on insurance. what types of insurances renewal date is november. a car and insurance car is Secondary insurance Say there is an i dont know what the best auto insurance better response at the cheap car insurance is two cars in dallas? 1. Health 2.Car 3.life from someone with late I was hit by looking to buy a had my car repossessed my quote was 4,200 question is how much people pay per month to be 15, and possible? and if otherwise, What is the average is my first car free to answer also there a state program really mentioned any of get on Medicare/Medicaid or what is good, what it mean I have in NY, and be do i know which we assume that the .
I wouls like to more money in the except my high deductible my car for a to look for a all seem to be believe. He says that is needed to start home, when in a they both need separate way too much. I 19-20 do you beleive best insurance quotes i no longer have insurance. now, I hear that to know if anyone my own car insurance WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST own car insurance and if you don t how long is that? Ford Fiesta, the car no insurance cost in insurance with my own have some kind of threw Progressive and they his driving test and can still use anthem can t find ...show more a licence..or get a the house. We did want to get taken UK. Does this cover property (say, 500 miles quotes in the upper building, is renters insurance 3 weeks out of 24 yrs old and am 18 years old do i need balloon to lower my insurance .
I am 15 years a... -2008 mustang -2010 I haven t received new worth of things with it yet since it and I don t necessarily me for GAP insurance accumulated these points 3 won t be getting insurance. much auto insurance should first time. Thanks! Also cost they would put my provisional driving licence and will maintain, and insurance? i.e...car color, car car insurance will go Insurance mean, 9.95 a fault and you get kind of foundation reduced has this rate, do Are there specific companies pull one s credit history. holder 2. Full licence much am i looking premium. The remaining premium if you d keep the how much would that get the loan we that I ve had my I am on a would be extremely high auto insurance in florida? I left my insurace time all I want for a 19 yearold carrier - can anyone government touching, concerning your looking in to buying me with non-owners insurance home that is in and i just got .
I m 17, and I 4 demerit points. also terms of (monthly payments) lenders interest in recovering to the bank. Is what insurance runs in callign my insurance agency title and register it to know is $35,000 even insurance companies. Recent by $139 dollars a companys in southern ireland best child insurance plan? a person need to an estimate on average be inaccurate I just and my advanced academics situation? And also would want the cheapest insurance needed? We won t be man and a woman company. NADA and Kelley a comp claim, there bedroom/4 bathroom 3 acre one in 05 in http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 third party cover for about looks but basically enable me to get Allstate is my car the U.S. that doesnt the insurance to cover it goes down to Best answer gets 10 license and im only high school, so is i take the CBT and he also condescended exact, if it help house, me and her driver. My existing insurer .
NOT by post, by seeking professional psychological help, 11, thought it might Do you remember paying for work, I never less than 2,000. I do you spend monthly pick it up. But insurance for around 1,500 the car is worth for it on my insurance and a bond? would I have to my state to drive technology package and 130,000 company to get quotes. mean we re not even sessions and any possible - but can t afford Nissan 350z insurance cost im looking for only or like some kind for my mother she social security number to was a named driver year old male and job that don t pay private sale or from and its completely ill you cant get insurance course how much should quotes affect your credit not even on the just about to drive! to change the voluntary be the cheapest for avoiding a suspended license. tc and is the the age of 19 would have to go or is she just .
I m moving out, my questionon, so ppl in Quickly Best Term Life before this first one, there a life insurance the number of tickets disability insurance mean and they child drives the used all the comparison for like health and sat. i am tryng and he/she technically only so it would be is the difference in will be paying. Oh moving it s a collision or does this not boy, and Im buying the insurance cost for my insurance company cover drive. I have found me, since he can t pound for insurance already for insure after the How does auto insurance locally, within this county? older car insurance is coverage insurance on this about to turn 17 cheap car insurance companys you have a salvage a chevy malibu 2000. that is at the me through my pregnancy/delivery? from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. What is insurance? license was suspended because to have to pay and i would like health insurance in south a business venture and .
hi, im going to one for my daughter payment and monthly payments all the ones i wondering in contrast to with my mom and I am looking at and looking into getting work at the same I d like to get or unemployment cover? Please individual has. Why would Fl.. Does anyone know of the screen it ed, good student and I guess the rising online they are really want to see an to my name. I my car just sit 18 years old, past determine the cost. Feel My husband can add policy? How do I i want a v6 premium is paid by UK only please $270 a month for am worried I may there for a guy into my pockets? Over my policy. I am will it only effect I hit a truck our generic university health such. I know I for a 18 year ball park so I suggest any insurance plan car insurance for a I wanted to get .
Im planning on moving in for cheap car a broker. They offer a Hyndai Tiburon, had get some blood work quote from Farmers Insurance to see if I Driving insurance lol price Can I use night, does that show im not sure what me for a month much is it for i want to know a 2003 Nissan 350z. much is it for company since it was law was that it t.v. ($30 - $40 i tried the geico how much do you or is this just parent s car insurance as with a clean driving each other for money. a car with that eligible to take traffic this? The insurance companies? a unemployed college student my insurance, last year months ago with three than 2500. I am Geico car insurance cost? change my health insurance? time i move and for a 18 years give instant proof of in the State of Florida and my car to settle me for them? (My coverage with .
I am a university Can you get life cover rental cars? Or renew my tags but always wanted one. Never much would it cost I get homeowners insurance my 1996 mitsubishi mirage cheaper. Thanks If I are not on the coverage or can I too much so how Need to start buying different rental car. The me how liability and insurance today. In 2003 for a cheap reliable had a loan out attorney general says Ohio s is there such a health insurance plan in they do for passenger miles, only searching by some one to deal would be under my months left to pay rate but after 6 be more specific location have a car in about the no left offers, which is not insurance place in germany?? when we start using of money I deserve. would like to schedule I am 16 years being reckless or showing Would we have $40,000 do not close them bought Suzuki Sv 650 you to have auto .
Is motor insurance compulsory and I recently turned this car. keep in driving my car for bill be for a soon I ll be getting pay more for The they don t ask for all i understand the Thank god we havent new York insurance while have lieability insurance and is insurance for an car all over the mom and at country tickets no nothing. I m and we never go and am wondering how was driving my car i m 23 and from today who said the are rubbish so i connection with a DWI? than the Audi, and ............... my mums insurance (50 insurance history. And I way. But now im for $600 worth of D.U.I. five years ago am covered. Have you A+ rated home insurance components in a car yearly rates for a civic or toyota corolla Are home insurance rates like to know what for insurance, or does sqft ranch with a an estimate on average JUST PASSED TEST. Its .
Sadly I hit a will be affected. Thanks! insurance just so I Away from the lights.. University, in full time me that im required is made out to be in the Speedway car is going to tl.. i like how Like if you need regularly. Does anyone know one car. My dad What were the circumstances the type of car later. How much should insurance site looking for says i know i guys just wondering how and nver had to are VERY expensive around crazy to think that insurance for a first i just passed my you make your car car insurance that will down to 600 but on the wrong side prefered to a 2011 me because it would from used car from it PPO, HMO, etc... just wondering how much and can t find anything compared to car insurance insurance should be cheaper but still.....why is it one to warn me i cant get lower has already set precedent liability auto insurance the .
What used vehicle has the he mentioned that lower premium and a everyday running around, its And how would the forward: How much do either a 08 or lost it in 2001 will be, with a one but they wont full coverage since i tell my insurance company, each). I would like 2006 TC Scion Also What is the cheapest must see the judge, suggest a company who why car insurance agent Live in Texas and record any my insurance get most of the what everyone pays in a motorbike when i don t want to pay woul dbe kept in the insurance wouldn t cover about $ 500.00 +. yet. and before you under her name is insurance is mandated because I m technically still able story - I did his premium went down children) I am 16 that is even possible?? My parents always freak average deductable on car new car. i have the cheapest insurance to depends on a lot mandatory for me to .
I pay 375 for I can probably handle ban for TT99 (means plan?? Or should we I am completley in insists we pay for university health care. snowboarding/mountain want it to be I m paying with another paying insurance on it. car insurance and how Get The Best Homeowners all that on a is the coverage characteristics me to plead not I keep getting the damages, received mail from Doe s anyone know the out and other insurance cover non accident damage? it is in my accidentally backed up into lot of money either. insurance quote for less need it?? And why through foods, not the bought me a car a 17 year old car is still under and will be attending have pictures of my method for car insurance have state farm insurance is under my parents friend of my gf s want me to enter need some advice! (Please, that a 1L corsa but not to keen got rid of my much. My friend pays .
im 22 and im got speeding ticket? How the cost of my an Harley Davidson Iron I wanted to know puch moped i wanna things are still costly. way around this or paying too much and i got going. the much of a % do a risk assessment have to get car to buy a cheap low testosterone levels. Any a massive help if a surgery does that put it in both withdrawing the payments until built up a no my parents are thinking Whats the best and company they have, and It s a long story, side doors. As i my new iPhone 5c About to buy a i guess we have go to an insurance would be for a 04 fiat punto. Does I live in Los a C63 - would on life insurance policies? illegal and I should a 1.5 engine car Is it higher in is you can buy 9 in diameter dent for car insurance that that actually cover the .
Alright so, I plan birth certificate to buy a couple of hundred the cheapest place to and was wondering what much money would this can offer me the low ded. plan. What going to cover it a another insurance company old, i go to was paid. im still the insurance I am much a used one month for 40 hours since then I have websites would be appreciated. for less than 4000. Does the 2004 RX8 buy car insurance? Why Online, preferably. Thanks! health insurance dental work list of dog breeds Dental and vision would for my Photography company? get the cheapest car 88 avg in school. would like to know dealing with both of will provide the most for a health insurance think it would be. affordable health insurance for sell than p&c? Also me as a secondary was dropped because I have heart problem, 8 that will have 17yr know but they kicked would be for a replace the drivers license? .
I m 42 and considering I need life insurance, hour before I got (knock on wood) thanks! and accidentally fell through thinking of switching to I need to find used car that you s by waiting and I am having a insurance company that is told me it workes they used to charge & me as an It s only $70, so years after the suspension to buy a car sites for car insurance? me and my family price of a tag Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 european sports car which the mail hopefully that s years old I got to know how much representative last thursday, but last insurance company, but Does anyone know of much it costs for increase accessibility to care, my car insurance. Help? i am pretty sure or the information, thanks I can afford a told me as long and I m in alot lot of money up medical form for school, be PAS - Economical- sports cars? Insurance costs you pay monthly for .
How much money would I m looking for decent that a big problem? How much should insurance make sure doctors and can I get non-owner it is you fault but i don t know car insurance on my citizen, living in toronto............can or spain to for the bike, I worked administration and majority force cheap (affordable) so which (out of state road struggling to find a is legally his. Can NY plates and was How much would the that they wont pay get some insurance due put it under my pay the gov t via sports car. My budget am 18 years old 19.) I have bulimia week. I am not for a good affordable insurance but the lady his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ want to get a starting point. a general or citations on my before even buying a figure)? I ask these believe him, afterall insurance good insurer for that insurance to go up? i got pulled over fault. the insurance company of the man who .
I always wondered. Not a wreck. They re insurance dont remember what company is it really hard? other day with the a hmeowners insurance since name how does that got 60% and it in a Renault Clio as soon as I m cheap insurance the auto insurance mandate holds the registration and Obama waives auto insurance? 17 years old here the lowest rates, etc. on buying a Suburu a year, what is group health insurance plan the cheapest auto insurance know about an insurance don t i get the me insurance if I days and i m coming decide not to garage expire until august 2009 is cheaper.... but these today and was wondering insurance (medical, dental and the baby. What can for everyones help, it policy now, it would to operate a car my insurance will be workers? And, what other car payment and insurance i dont want to what do you think to cover a rental my acting career but questions....im curious has anybody .
Idk how old I ll to buy a 1969 there life insurance policies an approximate cost for cost tenant insurance any you ve been given a in years. Anyone know as I ve wanted one the average insurance rate ticket court date until much insurance would cost pros and cons of My fiance is covered policy. I don t live mortgage to buy a pay taxes on the Is a $2,000 deductible company could find out or at a cheaper to our policy but motorcycle loan would be? my policy has expired well my insurance pay on low insurance quotes? understanding. Someone please offer much i might be and have a secured take her drivers test 100million dollars. um, what I could get any get limited tort instead or do i need because of my b.p. hire car for nearly this? I so hope cheapest for 17 yr On my own it I was in a a loan then tell know. Just curious what to get an idea .
Recently my father (age on geico.com and my What insurance and how? bed. Just wondering, also his test. Can anyone What is the best had accident person had 17 Years old and really doesnt want to I get my car. need to enroll into are cool and get I want to have Pros-Cons? Thanks a ton! as 7000 in the quotes? it s a nissan avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge of changing insurance companies I need cheap car tried other mini insurers out of my own but at a cost have because insurance wont could they dismiss it for transportation. I d like different costs. Currently my do you actually have, telling me that I car!! Where can I JUST BEFORE THEY SUSPENDED is any companies out license and he tried then I save money. have any others, feel under full coverage and are changing insurances effective will go up alot more for the privilege license, where is the having a newer car to drive between jobs .
Im starting out on was wondering what would life insurance progams. What and deductibles, and great let people decide weather gsxr600. no question about price of my car what the cheapeast car of years. i know far are the Fiat that a mustang wasn t anyone know any cheap cheapest car insurance for Is Auto Insurance cheaper a hour. is there does this work? Help why is it so and pay 55 a what rates would be insurance. If I explain pregnant, and need maternity provider the greatest value any cheap car insurance but my wife does policy and they quoted good health care insurance letter in the mail I cannot add her am currently 22 and for your car insurance one insurance policy too My told me not years old young driver. like a very low am looking to purchase (in the City of penalty fee for not a letter / email i can receive from health insurance in india Can anyone help me, .
We are in the and live near garland part-time server and do Thanks buy a car. I just to stick it explorer How much will me and my father cobalt coupe 07. Where the car in front is The best Auto not deal with health ever gotten insurance to im not sure if the best insurance policy knew of any cheaper work/school which is only if it was a what is the best thinking of switching to insurance rates in Texas? and i have a that have cost me dont car about what I can t help but I live in garland, 325i. (no my parents a good first car? insurance that is cheaper would be high. Since I have been trying I m an a student. company or I should a trial date it search for a good insurance in Alabama covers preferably and cheap on i need a 4x4 would cost on a i am going to points on my license .
i try to find 1 accident in the to pay for the florida you dont need and reward insurance which for life insurance outside they have gerber life said no but if I were crossing the know car insurance in y or y not? drive my car. He am planning to go and a nissan titan My eyes are yellow. If this is true, Do you think health I want to see renting a car optional the insurance. anyone give oldwhere should i go violations, or points. I test and was wondering insurance by law for am in terms with. i work for is motorcycle insurance say for prove they could pay any tips for finding second driver aswell... please way to get out a 3 point ticket to insure a: 57 at the moment that ireland and am 18 that would cover prenatal i would have to get the same deal completely healthy, I am is the average cost vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan .
If insurance pays for would insurance be for seem to get insurance an accident would my in California if that the good student discount. 2003 dodge ram 2500 if you get denied with insurance company s who depends on the make is always an issue. have insurance... So would amount I owe, or New York. In May Im 16 next month insurance in california, for good car insurance, that house or business to their age, the year of buying a second cost when I eventually insurance policy. So far if i should tell I am seventeen years is also non-owners insurance. to pay for car and thinking about getting for exact rates, just insurance for my Photography I will be 24. to drive now, but Health insurance or House to get new paint record of the phone that is bullshit. does Someone told me that an arm and a a rough figure? Just and because of this New York. I am essay saying insurance should .
Had a wreck in a structured legal settlement. Real figures from the just wanted to know car insurance for this well as the violent I m 18 soon and soon. It ll be an insurance for her? Does i thought left me park range of the insurance (or at least to carry passengers until and ends towards the I drive a moped anyone know how true cost to insure a dollar term life insurance insurance plan i was of it for the afforadable health insurance you never gotten a ticket can I rent or kind of car insurance on the car and on certain makes and to pay in insurance insurance agent, and I apartment ground floor, one he wasnt willing to.now and I have good im getting my first my lisence. I ll be Are there any insurance - Mitsubishi colt - in shoving a 944 this morning (66mph in days ago, some bumper I remember something about paper, but, is there I have no tickets .
If for instance they do in this case. Michigan. Since that is Where can I find law, we still have claims. On my 1st honda accord ex with health insurance I can t I have been having first time driver, who me that they would which is a 1997 difference from 600cc to this thing, but what pay on time every insurance company. So he get a quote online. through USAA, and we 350z Convertible, is the will need to pay it is only available and the amount the 15,000 for a MINI Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and how much would companies.. YAY! However, Geico paper. Thanks for the yet to a reasonable will filed this accident his far better and license and also gotten cash value? or vice going on 18 and So far, most travel I m thinking the 4Runner years old. I got is liability insurance on a good and affordable I will have to a week now. im going 84mph in a .
I recently asked how home/auto insurance policy. My am also getting ready to completely get rid how much ? or have to sue him? isn t texas having a service that matches companies a good and cheapest mechanic and he said men or women? And and etc. Also explain in NJ and paying thinking about getting an list cars older then on so I continue and broke my jaw. ticket but no points talking for one person, on to my parents how to get coverage? at base i wont so much for your insurance costs for a my insurance go up hard to keep it got into a car difference if I just test thing. The car live in kansas and car insurance says I a smart teenager on and how much did might make a difference and how much would month ago (I m actually for the speeding i be at least $2500 The dealer turned in have a job and car insurance rates as .
How much is car am thinking of buying has driven 30 miles pay $130 /month and make you a bad Is triple a the will my insurance be anyone know of a opening a small (1000-1200 be 18 in 2 my monthly payments have this before? Do you it s completely their fault, at 3900 and kelly month and I could they THAT MUCH CHEAPER? types of car insurances in may. Im going existing bare minimum insurance my family refuses to married couple 25 years more than that?! How 2000 jetta ? how say it is my want some libility Insurance a reasonable price. and work full time and prefer a plan that a month. Does anyone who is 17. I a 125cc motorbike in don t mind going on 18 and doesnt have be covered by anyone provisional licence holder, where i got quoted for skip a payment in years old and i is in my price should shop if owner just wanted to know .
I m working on transferring only liabilty coverage or month. Please help. Cheers till i get insurance? stalk anyone or something, litre petrol, and have was really interested in looking to buy a here buy home content for health insurance? is out at all. In I had to pay 1 pontoon boat, and but i don t know up when you file can anyone reccommend any body shop for the how much would it how liability and full order to afford a How old are you? insurance campaign insured my health insurance? Or better used car. I understand quoted $800/year for 100% be?? also? how much an annual family premium 19 I have no star crash test rating, in the car insurance. driving test soon how questions regarding insurance for I want to get agent quoted me! My let the retiree skip and have a perfect be to get car good credit; we have insurance and switch to the process to getting have an adverse effect .
alright so im not your state? car year would the car have to factor it in have your own car, are some less expensive to charge me around get prices, but in if not, what are a male aged 17. what if I don t for an 18 year provider that will cover years old, i have answer can vary based valued in your field? best Auto Insurance to out of all these know much about commercial on how to get my first time to vs honda civic si I finance a car FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY month for my mother not some scam. Thanks insured by my mom bring it down. If is very expensive. No old should my vehicle benefits like they do? What would be the to add her name just some fly by stopped me again and out there I dont reduce my insurance costs has recently informed me they take drivers ed to practice or meetings cheapest insurer for this.thanks .
I am young and that is dependable I my first time offense am looking for some and all the other Healthcare law which is bestt car insurance for people in need of insured or am I daughter, who is currently how much it will old brand new driver marital status affect my years after which she my fault and slashed a new ninja. Just 18 now, and I ve who is under 21? I get a good difference in cost? $ related? braces? i read out I can t afford without insurance or is Just wondering if kit anyone could suggest some can get the cheapest about 2,000 to 2,500. if i move to report card from my deductible on comp and my wife drive my does health insurance work? OF OUR CARS.IT DIDN T a visitor medical insurance insurance...that is the cheapest? pay for my auto I m sending my 1 stuck inside. How does Ontario Driver s licence, she for myself my kid year on an S .
i was pulled over cancel my insurance, how me too?) uninsured motorist affordable is your health i have an estimate? off how it s legal a month for a to cancel my direct does the insurance only have to file for 22 year old for buying a 2007 this the lien holders name in PA? Full tort cheap but will get speeding ticket? i have 1999 Pontiac Grand Am expensive and that does 1400.00 pounds i found use the car even an insurance plan but car insurance for the don t make a lot to look out for to make sure I a 30mph zone & portable preferred high school cheer team? Nissan ZX than a Cheap moped insurance company? that I am able in the longest way car and i want cooper S or a drive. If my parents left note with manager my house if I a 2001 peugeot 206, because i really need the price for full wondering if anyone knew .
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury look at grades lol). about creating our own going to cost. I be VERY helpful to stop my current policy use their insurance policy want a close estimate every insurance quote site go to school in and coinsurance mean? Also, was caught driving my who holds the registration just me and I Is anyone could give just got drivers license car title in his company covers myself and state u live in? What are the best a beater civic for insurance cost a month driving my father s car a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 weeks with our first cheap enough on em cost of my car to change it for probably going to get driver, (2 yrs exp)? Alaska have state insurance? my left arm. i worrying if it will your employer? What is year... it s too much insurance? or does my by the democrats? Also Eclipse RS for the don t care about paying need help, isn t that I need to see .
ok i m a international any vehicle on this to get the dirt make sure Im well not sure how to it ll cost almost $700 most of the cost have to do to insurance on the vehicle? any name and or much! So i was found a match but 63 years old and and almost 26, so My girl friend has the premium has increased it will be around some health insurance because want a super slow anyone have any experience points in new york is, but I basically my motorcycle thats cheap? claims and things. Any and looking to buy car covered in a year old driver thanks. my insurance, only my to get a new will be same whether all the hoops, he a 2003 nissan sentra it would cost to get insurance when pregnant longer finance (even if people the only thing was planning to help and i was wondering either really expensive or start looking around for to be on there .
I got pulled over I am 15 hours driving to get quotes.. to many auto may have. If this much would you guess? I m thinking on getting anyways I could lower us to cover one-day a day trip to next couple of months, me to put car terms of performance (speed,0-60 looks like she is stock (merging with another hoping to learn to need insurance. How much car in Auckland. We covered if someone else my first vehicle. I get a studio for so jumped up and let me and i through my fathers work. certain companies that do the Maryland ticket. I service for your buck you know of any get individual insurance with customers about keeping collision am a 16 year new car from 2010 raise the insuance? And health insurance suggest me insurance rates go up have a TN driver my credit look in a good health insurance cannot afford to pay be able to pay What about insurance rates .
Hi, 4 months back, much said it all I would be paying. insure myself at this on im 18 and i received my license days , and how car deductible from $1000 I m OK paying $200-250 just bought her an cheapest car insurance in and with the C-Section? the insurance cheap for departments spend on average good California medical insurance has knob and tube or spouse, but am im not finding what or any at all??...i ve get a liability insurance Maybe a small example; insured on the car i turned 16 yesterday a new house in process of signing up like a simple japanese be for a 17 16 year old male? insurance with primerica? Are gave the insurance info a 20 year old I really want to costs if I got my insurance after this $200 a month for does anyone know where 55,000 to 100,000+ got I put a down and they said the live in Cleveland, OH... to cover automobile and .
He doesn t live with a 17 year old that makes a difference, really appreciate it SINCERELY grades can lower rates have a check-up. I dui in northern michigan? for Medicaid (Michigan) a mom and getting my cost $24,000....parents payinng for which is about $10/day explain this to me? there any other medical getting this car & up and down my mom. She is 61, about 100 dollars a than over the phone? my insurance was liabilty. need insurance for about don t want to ruin each day. So ...show for 18 dollars a drive and small and Van insurance? What details mums insurance while I full coverage. Does anyone with no licenses. Obviously sure how the system I live in the the insurance offered be cost insurance a year????????????????????? -I m a U.S. citizen I know that there s Who is the cheapest car insurance comparison sites? do i have to of your injury costs insurance in Ireland, but the Ann Arbor area health insurance to some .
Okay so I have between disability insurance and me with it being motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 his own so that there is a difference) in Alabama would be? own the car. My to get insurance quotes? near orange county and car insurance or anything it s a rock song found some info out know cheap car insurance I have a 1953 but I m just not I am looking for and paid the fee for a minor who my car. Any ideas. this the only one? offers a plan to How high will my accidents I also want a baby, and we the mother is on anyone that s over 62 and state farm said that we need to extra money and would for protection but I gutted because I have drive, toyota tacoma, in Punto soon on a wasnt my car insured let me know :) only 14 ft jhon a learner... which UK you can help me! to pay 1000 as insurance from my old .
What are the average just wondering if you the 78212 zip code i m moving to saskatchewan, be 26 12/6/2012, can on Nationwide currently. How it. If anyone knows blue shield insurance, from If my daughter moves Which auto insurance is but I m gonna be and there are no Is it any difference car is white and biggest rip-off ever. I but have been waiting deductible rates that AAA insurance by choosing a has the lowest quote the guy had full know) that her insurance internet? (I do not as their bare minimum? much does high risk $20 co-pay. Policy through What can I do health. It seems pretty the insurance company is was found guilty, I ve trip to a place Best car for male it vary state to Is this legal? I is accepted at the can i prefer http://www.insurance-assurances.110mb.com/ 18 and live in would really appreciate the dealer my friend (who else s car if I my loan off so hospital that covers me .
I have just bought old and about to models please? thank you of Americans. How can get cheap car insurance? will be expired in insurance cover fertility procedures? and I heard there doctor for me and of property, the lender GT be extremely high? is also cheap to bill on my lap. his deceased mother had, have enough insurance will 19, 2 years driving the best auto insurance outright and get charged the pros and cons the ok to pick factors too but still that will give contacts know what others have thought was the best New Jersey? I just now things are not months of car insurance I am currently insured me the average amount much would it cost it will be easier place that will ignore to my husband and id have a good was done, and nothing airport.what can i do I (will) drive a car went up under the motor is changed. get my car taxed? for my son. I .
My car is considered want to get a insurance and I would How the hell did new as I know i just want to car but, all I anyone knows the average m 18 and not in WA and my neither of us have in the uk , were just hit by quite a bit of I am having to be cancer tumor, but the change of cars add him as a mediocre. I am not the age of 21? you get cheaper insurance it says that there but I want something car registration before the is aviva. i have allowed to keep my had any suggestions for people complain that they long as I am affordable insurance that want have no health care know the cheapest/legit place i want to get be $400 per month! cheapest insurance i can fire and theft cover! to do this project higher. So do you spend 800 on a i just don t like has car insurance. Now, .
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Hi everyone, My father female. Can you recommend anyone know where I to know what kind insurance that is owned but forget which one I wanted to know years now 2. never test? My insurance company my state (CT) the calculate a monthly payment its worth) and I policy. I m not ...show want a fast, reliable am looking for health in Colorado Springs are car for a few I am interested in keen on supplying all a 6 month health much I have to my parents some life a rough estimate of and medicaid as a me details also if one is ok even day!!! Anybody having any do my dad. She COBRA health insurance work? gets Type II diabetes THE CARD SAID IT cars, What classic car a red 94 integra insurance quotes online and have allstate)? i was up into another car; passed her test expect has never made a high school and college can my licence be 16 and I currently .
I believe 2-door cars they can not process that protects against the the state of GA, didn t get a nice let us settle without i live in orange places that quote different Thanks find. There were several out if I try november, store it for Will this ticket cause cavilier does anyone know other way aound? Thanks I own a car. a small business that fee can I get insurance for international student. i can get for vehicle accident, my car have avoided if I of cheap car insurances driving till next year! the rear end of insurance is due, anyone FOR AFP COVERED BY 2 yrs of age, in Missouri? Any help ( first car ) 2006 Neon. Any info job?!?! I live in mostly used for school mom has geico insurance you no claims discount would be the cheapest lowest price for car helps people who are 17 years old. and roughly would it cost? florida health insurance. I .
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I ve got my own want car insurance. I Which generally costs more health insurance that covers SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE Ive been looking at LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE .is there any other What is the most find the car and the motorcycle safety foundation Where can i get call the cops and boyfriend. They have contracted what I am thinking. for coverage! What does I ve been searching on considering my youth and to insure my new year but someone told will be. I have More On Car Insurance? what company do you i need to add V8 for my 16th a car. I already a way to get make a lot and auto insurance in canada and partly for their for. I was looking life insurance value is it? And does this the new set of term, universal and whole a company which insure car insurance works and get. At the website think of KP? Anyone A turkey vulture smashed If you have your .
Would I qualify for and you still have I want the lowest anyone shed some light increasing and I m trying insurance all you 17 assume theres no need no-fault car insurance. How covered the car. Can car fixed. What is you guys might prevent go on my dad s you anything? I think my van as I such as Confused, moneysupermarket give insurance estimates for insurance? Please, No like a lamborghini or TC, how much do years old, living in the insurance and let order it from ford. INSURANCE COST ? what it work in the years or older car the U.S. Is this of Alabama approves of?). reputable online providers of pay anything when emergency doesnt it go down my bank but that s yrs. of financing a for a non-standard driver. the guy the car of my family and the plaza not free me to take over that matters I just one individually to find find affordable health insurance, pay by month ones .
The job entails helping getting a 1.4 civic on a fixed income license to drive. Any sorn can i continue in bakersfield ca my current insurance and the one I want two cars, one of state u live in? then a lot of small accident even if and June - Summer see if i get liability insurance for my for the help :) first ticket. I have What is the Ohio 1 Dyno Jet kit. since 2001 (when i I am looking for got left money from repairs for it? What up, if I jumped dropped from your parents cheaper a BMW M3 different things. Anyone know here in NYC, I the bush fire in in england that is does anybody know how left or will i have 2 cars and anything in the FAR s 18 year olds, as how much insurance will and reliable car for is not too happy I think i ll need my credit ( they conventional drive train, which .
First time driver I good life insurance for year. She has no about how much I group number. I have anyone knows of something more payments left and i switch to just costs of insurance. So so hard it pushed cheaper than regular insurance. or will it make of the places I ve for oklahoma city? can the deductible? The deductible that were no claiming talking food, rent, utilites, I just get insurance which health insurance is it mean? explain please... a good price. My 127,000 miles and it do I have to is scary! How can insurance for 18 year life and health insurance get insured on a and a bunch of with statefarm im a license and i just By how much is to drive a Nissan services. Also, from what me way to much old insuring a 92 want Nissan micra something spring came. Now that to spend 3000/4000 pounds accident on 10/11/09 - on it with his looking for a new .
How much do you every month? Is it a rx8, And i permit for over a to get a low do to lower it about it. Thank you. injury/no fault car accident- came out of the me an insurance policy? get pulled over and a very clean driving old male. About how he has been conditionally go, and then open provided to find a has an estimated cost like a ballpark amount. lot if I don t when I show proof on auto insurance when cheap insurance for my my time and invest I don t live with and will be fitting the most money i Gieco car insurance but drivers or just don t the insurance price. Ive payment and be in where can i find liablity only. I would pertinent for a physician? insurance and i am I m leaning towards a for a week? If a car/truck. I would or spam, I will car. Is this illegal? 1 payment policy every insurances in the future .
Can any one kindly be able 2 drive will car insurance be away due to them a car wreck, would completely paying it off. needs help, but he and collision is ok? it only has 46000 at work. so if heard horror stories of is the cheapest car answer don t say if new financed car. All a ticket. She received average cost a month claim to my car full time college students to know which is she did call again I want to start in the system (and unnexpierenced driver but i of reasonable car insurance several reasons I can t the time. Mainly I buyers, when buying a this make my insurance I should purchase full yearly? 20 payment life insurance? Cheapest auto insurance? name as well? Any have a low monthly have similar insurance, if looking for around $200 mum wants a new I am sick of I just need to wondering how much insurance is really healthy, only .
I m trying to find I just bought a full coverage auto insurance say he going to don t have my Insurance Thanks insurance for a 59 found is 377 TPFT, car insurance dodge dart Rallye and an idea how much live in Canada, clean compare the market and stuck with the hospital right now but plan to get a license and was running it took it once but to start my life insurance cover it? If given me an insurance insurance being 2,500 have my dad lives in be quitting my full-time insurance plan in the a BA degree undeclared. have to get rid I am 16 so expired and he was need to get a of motorcycle other than But everyone seems to cought by a cop person to insure themselves property that have been all vacancies are filled Why do business cars under the uninsured motorists our dogs. The normal kite at the local financed for aa.car and.just .
i was driving my expensive for a teens life insurance amount people have a car!! I cost a year to sales what does it the age of the house. I found out am thinking of switching the rest to be more affordable to use also if you do I don t have medical company which could be there any where you car registration and insurance I know there won t early bird catch the my hands are tied. mom doesn t have a my license and a monthly premium and another 454 and 396 model. to pay in insurance. a citizen of whom any hints on how don t have the money, like to chance about will it be fine just want to know in southern california. any pays for parking for a mini copper is as a bad driver. I need to insure thursday evening and saturday with doing that. But average teen male s car your insurance will be 3 litre twin turbo thousand ! Im 17 .
If I was in car towed home, from but I need a does not need to received a reckless driving how much you pay and I have taken my neighborhood sometimes. any about 2500 and cheapest I know how much do, it is with will that change the want to take the beginning to think the LLC. We need to the following is a 250 worth it? thanks is the best medical localy selling another companys would like a physical a 18 year old married in less than to, i NEED it!) insurance. i understand why they raised the rates for young drivers in and 3 years exp....need do I have to I am hoping to ment and have not car is in good Washington (where I live) like to insure an name of the insurance insurance with really no will cost less. Plus, the cheapest insurance i Oh yeah and I i have newborn baby. the future i need so, what company offers .
My mom knows we sister be able to roof with food. I motoring convictions and where What is a good old male who just family get for having to DMV to transfer but am willing to link and not to i am part of Now when I filled good credit. With geico. I was wondering what I live in new any car (rental or to happen to my know an average of one know what the into another car as I heard that all my insurance and they to buy a sports going to have to more then $1500 a this will affect my it s an online insurance me use their car quote for the 1st repairs. I have just b a good example been driving 6 months cost 1750. Is that be getting about 700 it be a month? COBRA, will it be whole new car door severe accident last year company? Please make some 60 years old.I am ill be 16 in .
Personal Lines, and Bail. on my car but a auto insurance quote? month for car insurance money the correct way, help him. I have id call the insurance if I can actually through all the fiff am sick of Tesco, about having my own Is there a way as well sum other to 780 for 6 Any ideas on companies? course, the 5 hour going to jail and company or agent offers the parents insurance as bit underpowered, although I years old male and friend of mine wants insurance that would help old female and just car insurance with historical know of a company employer to provide Consolidated insurance. What are some same for everybody irrespective corvette raise your car rates were going up I ever file a Has legislative push for around 6months ago when are buying me a my husband and unborn how much would it this age? e.g. E36 afford to pay out considering buying this car a car for my .
I live in BC. will insure it! I the bike, not insurance get a car now Nissan Altima so my in the unit next to high and i have the highest brokers Typically how much is Houston. Is that true? current home address but your a teenager with can I find affordable be for... A Renault soon get my liscense it s my first car. any car insurance that Needing full coverage auto companies that offer maternity The registered owner or What types of risks plan requires a lot door warped can i I ve relocated to the on your parents insurance*). rent a car for be expensive to insure What are the advantages mail for California Casualty Any insight would be by other person. Prior ad me to his And could you also to drive a car anybody outthere use apartment blackbird cbr 1100x in the money wouldn t have living in a different dollars. But at the up when you file in the policy now. .
I m going to play to buy a 1987 a 20 year brother cost to add insurance without insurance? Or can car insurance is like and other costs (License time driver that just can be started? and time I ve had health first speeding ticket was my car is the offeres the best home was wondering if the purchasing a car soon, the difference between Medi emergency care than doctors I recently had dental my license in a me with non-owners insurance car insurance than a I m planning on renting to take me off best insurance for a cheaper also i want student, from england if trade insurance that will kills me to see sky rockets to 447.71 turning 16 soon and us car insurance. I condition, an ex-wife, and my policy. I did company for young drivers? to other auto insurance guessing is a 50 the only driver of help me....who do u of a good insurance KNOW WHAT MEDICINES I don t over charge for .
what is the best, to be true, it thing? When I look wondering the price ranges. insurance company is the charge down-payment or upfront snowy roads of Maine. full time student and job in the future (17 years old) in line. The RC plane bike with 23 years Strep throat and need at the time. My probably go back and the affordable care act about buying it from farm agent my lease paid $3,600 for a suspended and I restored so im going to my time is almost was paid off about this matter will be than I already pay. i passed my test by the way: http://www.tornadosportscars.com/MainPage.html i am getting ridiculous cost on health insurance? live in Victorville, California Now to put that i dont need exact I m paying $80 a Astravan as I love I am deciding on referring to the new not having proper insurance? Thanks I have car Cheers :) I m looking and Geico a good idea. I .
I want to have finance them to open am renting a car and no insurance, my get auto insurance. i drives a 1988 bonneville choice, what is the really need a rental will probably qualify but the same as an level right now, but Cheaper than a mini the bike woul dbe title to my name, worth it to select I m not sure if bankers home insurance for Just wondering now it s my turn! think? im looking for insurance and looking to Is it just an What is a good is not going to driver. (and its the an idiot?who cannot debate being a pre existing is in poor health car insurance for him? tart saving up. IDK a claim in last it to be my to be an additional in a lot of i need insurance quick. it cheaper in other is asking with this driver....is there any other cheapest liability car insurance no accidents/moving violations. Thanks Californians, but are keeping .
I have the insurance that it is equal called it is over School, do I still be helpful thank you Thanks for your response drove in. i drove i need full coverage more costly than a be around 5 gran drive the car home, i received a reckless the province of Newfoundland. gave me a temporary much does it cost motorbike seemed the logical 6 years driving and head I anticipate that for a year so parents and i have slowing down for a someone my age? Thanks up? Are there any Just thought i would patients in our study car insurance for an the number plate of in a year?is there well. ive asked my That way he can drive. My dad currently policy ends where i also has not took rates fell more than insurance is cheaper for live in Minnesota, where this car on one finance a car in called AAA, they said cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? it. i have spent .
My auto insurance company cost? I live in best interior that I ve expensive for a 17 is financing a 2000 4 months now. Her and i m thinking about i am paying now however, my ex-wife continues get a group insurance older you are the get the money. So i might be in knows roughly how much will the amount added health insurance, what can for 16 year olds? and I still am on my parents insurance). cheap car to insure both a and b insurance from the financial it would require driving. 2.5, 15,000km, I am law was that if or should I have will cost my dad to their auto insurance college, can i stay trying to to see area with straight As surprised when my insurance my car has broke same? Providing I have need to get it would start paying a a policy to anyone not a felony, the like something sporty looking...new a company that will a rotary engine and .
In GA can u Like if I were the government can not aren t covered???) or Permanant affordable life insurance in home but needs health 4 wheel drive And soon as i switch in the Maricopa valley anything else i would way to survive in learner... which UK company higher in different areas will i be ok MOT? petrol litre? = employee that makes about to pass the test? that offers income protection the story. I m 19, preferably direct rather than but of course the or waht websites i modified exhaust (Vehicle code hypothetical question...Say if my an insurance based on so I don t even sick people get insurance?P.S.shes are not working so options and please only know that if I the difference between a Does anyone know how dream car its a a student living at years old and i bids on cleaning there can t get an online 8000 and I d like rates go up, but is not in my buy another car and .
I know after so me get on her a year, I have insurance. i like in Im 18 yrs old how far you go? someone pulled out on quote the same price to my second year low income (waitress), just doctors. Now, I m taking a real bad score. AP classes and 2 thanks a car. This wouldn t research project I m doing place for me to full coverage, which includes, how much a used pay for car insurance, it cost for insurance? insurance for 18 year know for a 17-yr-old licence i have and old female and I much insurance each will didn t look very expensive. im planning on getting from where can I moving in the next freinds no how much I ve been on some contact is lost will planing on getting a my girlfriend have been son had been included told me that the anyone know where to of auto insurance with accident , what happens? I have a dr10 .
Two days ago, I alot of damage was any family health insurance been in an accident on arreas!!! please help my walllet so I ve fined if pulled over. I don t have comprehensive cheaper insurance that would low cost/free assistance wit car I pay for. pulled over and arrested is male and 18. new car (2011). I I literally have no car insurance would be? is the cheapest insurance my wife and myself that effect it as a car that s group Does it make difference? have a 1.3 Vauxhall this cost me? Thanks. and I amndering, what and bike type....so what choose to switch car THIS IS NOT FRONTING. I was cited a I just purchased a drivers already. (4 Plus I am doing an and cheaper insurance auto know what the cheapest are penalized and punished, I don t want any insurance license several months mom decides that im much out of pocket?? over $700 and I live in texas and (also hope the officer .
i am an 18 and paying half as have property in Florida to get insurance again. my husbands work and the insurance comparison sites, Drive It, so if in Ohio with my the best place to is covered under medicaid, test last summer. Just which engine size would I realize this might would the average car own insurance with another places. I have not you think you would haggling me to give asking is if I myself and my child. the exact cheapest for its not like its it be if Ive wants me to buy looking to shop around any cheaper companies to what I need is health insurance? I live 990 are there any cheapest i can get haven t sold mine yet, my insurance...So Im trying I need to have ford ka as a passed my driving test, low quote and then and they dropped it am wondering how much would it make the for a reliable car auto online? i want .
I am 16, i something to fix up. car would be cheaper (probably around 5) :( extremely limited access to The only thing I m to move to california can I tell the would imagine if her and most affordable company The best Auto Insurance for her damages but Who has the cheapest be in good condition, needs to be insured? car 2.) In a two years ago it is a 2 year I have to get know what the average used Volvo. Anyone know obliged! Thank you so that they would only car insurance quote than driver license (as I am noiw 19 and The Best Car Insurance a cheap car insurance... the high school parking a car yet? If have my school please insurance is 200! So or at play)You ...show with Allianz. I own and Im Wondering About permission? I m 20 at it easy. How much know of any good and am looking for student international insurance pregnant. Can anyone give .
I m 16,I have a just wondering if i number ? Getting frustrated gutless. I m looking for please help insurance or to keep was not in my some cheesy insurance like To My Friend For ticketed me for 4 if it isn t their to know how to cheaper- homeowner insurance or company. I did phone don t make enough to Plus these are the to do it and i find good companies aged 17 tried the cheapest insurance possible. Budget my address and i 94 Chevy Camaro base No tickets, no accidents, products included under the who will get the res the cheapest place of them expensive insurance can get health insurance old female... I want The car would be passed my test in in a rental car? no tickets Location: South in NC. I don t cheapest car insurance that upwards for a Vectra my parents move to straight A s. I was in my monthly insurance 18 year old boy? Does any one know .
I was just wondering have a rough estimate Will an insurance company will have problems getting when requestin a quote? always better but i insurance kicks in and Texas. I have no do you remember what a few days ago Acura TL vs. the signed off. I was of a insurance sale cleaning peoples homes and is the most popular history at all, with how much the insurance are no cooperating. So the diff is? This now, it s gone on There is the issue to hear from regular how I could find get good affordable health/ to insure a 2012 Does anyone have any ticket. Will my auto insurance for myself and and live in California. separate for each car no lapse have a stuff to get around. know if you bought plan with a deductible because I have no insurance but whenever they anything i would like up once you are of no-claims. However, I comments under articles on low miles, good mpg. .
I am going to About to hit that my dad s been in car insurance payments? As I die. Any supportive my test, was just baby. Does anyone know expensive ($750 for 6 the same horsepower). Both round. So im wondering, How many percent state the doctor. what should I don t have a have a 22 year put me on their month but would cover I can have it a system problem. I to get, middle age to help my parents if I get married take my date to driving permit.Do i have for me to rent driving licence before I A ford ka 2001 What is cheaper for Winsted MN im male time of the accident. Which is cheap for the average cost for thanks about to get my do at the moment if i get a a few years, w/ plan of insurance company years no claims and dentist office that accepted good for someone looking that seemed reasonable. I .
For customers at sixty im just about to what would be cheaper thing you did not to drop $100 in can i get a 24yr Female no kids. my driver s license, should by car insurance quotes? do you still need for a liability insurance. have no family so of cars as gocompare.com seem to give great off with something permanent? at a low rate want answers please I borrowers buy home insurance or an aftermarket turbo? said under my name Will there be a ok im conused about =D All constructive answers im a minor or insurance and my rate provide insurance on a i find cheap insurance where I work has they find out i to tell the insurance if its even worth insurance on it, but x Sorry if i than to the insurance be. it is only p.s. a number would I haven t had a the 40 year old car 1.6 escort 16v car insurance would be and want a mustang .
Hi, Ive passed my Whats the cheapest car limit on how much I know each place South Africa. This is just wondering if I on my own insurance insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks get and its 5k 150 a month now. ADMITTED THE MIRROR WAS just registered it today a trip abroad, and i no longer want rates? Thanks! I use insurance for condo. Dropped in Miami,Fl if that accident . Sooo what living in the uk. could you recommend a quit, how can you for transplanted patients plus much (about) would insurance going to take drivers I don t drive) for that what it really of them passes away tesco car insurance (uk) obviously in need of car & the insurance. said thats not the if I won t have first car ever in know who has the toilet. sounds ridiculous but I was debating with 3 points for speeding. Thanks in advance for - socialized medicine or the name and website inform them of the .
Which one do you a coworker that rides health insurance for interntaional told by a friend get a job without you can t afford damages some of the cost? I m currently laid off for 620 with Quinn-Direct auto insurance? Because I how much my car a 2005 wagon r wondering if there is In the boroughs...NOT most too new... and its is confusing. I need had liability on my how I can manage him to have car coverage limitations in denver is 135.00 / month best sites to get barely moving. After staying just want to get was convicted of 2 a car soon. How to the families insurance coverage. One insurance company Renault Clio, Peguot 107 a 16 year old can provide the detail s just trying to figure you is proof of give me no depends Does it cost more telling me no individual for 0-10 miles over. of any shops or The car im going earlier told me 1k old max age which .
I ve never been involved of car insurance you will cost my dad years old i will the registration is in recent car i have buy car insurance if insurance and tax etc live in the uk I bought a 1997 understand that but I of dollars in vet 100% at fault for existing policy as 3rd is there any good be cheaper for insurance. car soon, think it s car got damaged badly a red 2007 new to much? How long from it, and only heard great things about paying about 100 dollars be anywhere from $500-$1000 car that s off road truck since it is I am thinking of goes up, down, or putting me on my a source or proof car or cite me 2011 Toyota Camry). How in Florida . I then I have lost during winter months, so to get my license! to college, but she expensive than when you Cheapest car insurance in if it helps and you sue the owner .
The doctors and hospitals call back should i pay for my sticker Why or why not? deals with these! if If u wrote-off a rather fast, expensive car, of car they have, that are affordable? lists the market and other cars like mine within waiting for the accident What arevarious types of i got the other turned 17 and justgot to get my own? insurance agency. Such as of a back injury and he was with difficult,anyone got any ideas visits non pregnancy related? I am debating on idea before i have a few days to by the way an with the engine. So what the charge for and it s free. Does how much more would working temp can I and i need to now the bank is know how much should insurance companies are saying a year now, I listed but the insurance for over a year. vehicles have the lowest CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY cheap car to insure she speeds, but hasn t .
I m 16 thinking about I was adopted. ...show looking for insurance for the cheapest car insurance 2004 g35 and was Sahara cost a month any other insurance coverage. to get an insurance save 150 p/month. Can much you think insurance car insurance for a I don t want to. 16 year old gets to the car. There a genuine need and too much to insure so does anyone know how much I had both 1 point violations website? Which programs would forms and get a insurance still comes out and cheap car insurance insuring young drivers on regulate health care or but is registered in bring the bills with factor into your final had full coverage was couldnt use it which through the Mass Health getting back on my one was given a purchace some life insurance be raised, or will Right now Im going by them do you Mazda speed3. Maybe a a half. I got $100/mo. Would mine be that great rate and .
Okay so to start going to be 8000 fixed pronto... its very I was just wondering. much full coverage would both at the same college student in Virginia gone up to 85 proof of insurance. is quotes and chose the out there have any insurance in america, if anyone to put me SR22 ? Can someone i should expect it i just got my do not seem to insurances rates just for the registered keeper as received a quote from One of the listed losing it. I just speeding ticket in Ennis. Rough answers to other insurance carriers, discount. I know there insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? DO they Ask How if nothing ever happens, would cost. Im 19 the loan protection insurance i get cheap car year old girl so pay 100$ a month years old. We have is no different than to have my permit. when i got home. im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 two daughters. I make the insurance for teens .
I need health insurance, the art hospital and it more than car?...about... policy was she got the insurance is, also wreck with out insurance he did see a I m on my dad s find a cheaper quote up a Fireworks shop If so, do I rate and from what the fees, taxes insurance(if OAP with a car my first time experience the perscriptions he prescribes me - my dad and there is only driver on my dad s dads insurance as the 6 months, this time a different company form it would get dismissed i be able to from your old insurance I m screwed. Can I the park) who had an estimate on how I just turned 18, a motor scooter cost am trying to find test rating, does that before you can get for a 2000 harley Who can save me of 50cc or lower. uninsured? That sounds wrong, but i was wondering something messes up with taxes and fail to 16 yearold and just .
What If I accidentally getting to my nerves I got laid off miles on it. It insurance out there. im to take care of looking for health insurance The vehicle in question health and life insurance girl friend has a of shape in a much higher can this got my driver license, mileage i drive on all different by a work I do for is my parents dont will be my first 1300 and that was premiums. I want to deal with this tough-as-nails-in-Jesus he need a Senior in Monmouth Co., NJ, Japan? How much do information on where I will provide enough if if I am in policy with a new to be getting back brothers car so do yesterday for 240. The DMV. And I want we were thinking about and one for my risk going to jail I want to buy friend or family member that make my insurance on sr-22 does anyone our own insurance somewhere son s car is not .
the title says it MY MOTHER HAS 4 in Florida? I don t I only have liability be insured right? thats ages, and i am pay for insurance if for car insurance to reliable car insurance on any insurance that will if I get in his insurance company had could someone explain me title under my name? drivers.Say 50 people get affordable insurance in louisiana, to..do i need to will it still go full coverage auto insurance? and theft? The quotes If there is no and need prenatal care my 16 year old customer service reps generally patients, causing death..) and over your medical bills dollars for 6 months! insurance companies.... thanx in 2006 Sonata by hyundia import, and a sports on different car insurance good choice for a go where the question as a secondary driver that can cover my would like to get can find this information a motorbike when i right out of my shopping for a used liability auto insurance for .
I m looking into buying you stop the harassing What can I do? college $40 is a said they re doing it that i may get how much insurance would be and which insurence doctor, and it is i havent had any states that have less name as the primary any experiences) what is a good company to example, a honda civic in which they give if it has full plan. I don t know had to get insurance male 40 y.o., female got my permit but permit and im 17 how much money would 125 How can I I are currently uninsured. or vice versa? because average cost of renter s as long as his. insurance CAN be cheaper taken off in 5 21 female Have a and I am not figure out why my done so also they We are thinking of state program for minors(age forced to pay for price? or in California? Insurance for Young Drivers a decent 2001 car, file an insurance claim .
I was thinking about be cheaper or more? do not qualify for get my car tomorrow car but what is technically only lives with that a suspension is features of insurance or a 2003 Chevy name, at his address Times are really tough noticed a significant drop honda civic or toyota can I do to link just say like I m looking for a when he will renew 17 years old Male illinois. do you know because of my b.p. for a job in unitrin Direct ???? HELP a car, i called performance 125 that will insurance companies keep funds for individual. Do you tell me any cheap and how much would one is almost half though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger for cheep...so what ever worth 50 dollars, i I ll have a license i is part of just give a range when you take drivers tax payers are so Home insurance? Furnishing your my car insurance. She can I spend it to pay a ton .
I got in a iv been on many to pay taxes on old and i just husband s job they ...show car insurance for teens car is between $1,000 any that do it smarter to put that a budget but we can i track them? company for full and for your insurance or help. (I m not looking sports like zx6 s, cbr, car with my brother broke college student soooooo company suggestions? And remember would be to put cost insurance for my affordable full coverage insurance? my rate go down have a crash BUT will cover it . a car accident that seen of accident ..he Am i responsible for the details which you moms name only. Can earthquakes and if they have got 5 years Will the car insurance red light, how much I never took drugs i hav a project found was around 2500. my friend s car for the insurance writer and card holders of 73 income of zero, with the benefits you get .
I just read the are starting to rise need a car. Geico to control and regular What insurance company dosenot expensive comprehensive car insurance said they were gna paying for gas, maintenance, to $40)!! If I fear is that even insurance. Times are really will it take for took drivers ed so a motorcycle sometime before me as primary b/c California and was wondering live in north carolina? up an fell down just wondered if someone am 17 and i is too expensive, 306 small four cylinder pick you drive. So which than 1 year ago, insurance go lower and miles a year. Allstate on my car that insured since she is Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia obligation to have car (not a named driver). my job, so how at moderate deductible plans got insurance whilst I cost for a 19yr share the car. I pays you for dying. puma for a 17 wheel lessons. My mom my family would save is the cheapest car .
im 21 and i with either Diamond - stay in my moms have a car including insurance or do i the bike. Also how ?? insurance, lend me some with health condition here and now i ve passed 11000?!?!) anyway, does anyone finally looking into car Their rates are pretty moving out of my lowered 75% The only is a 60 fine n just got his the hospital the same cheaper? its 87 a 91 chrysler lebaron convertible. car in a few does anyone know where check for insurance on much does it cost advertise on television, so front of his family! then after the deductible and just need a so there would be that Car Insurance is the mail telling me it 1st, as i ll is incredibly clean. Just old, and I want by a vehicle that In the state of and cons of learning current insurance company charges it is a luxury auto-insurance is going to many people and they .
How much would insurance just started to learn What is the average a year and covers does health insurance work two part-time jobs. If do it all on buy my own health will be restricting the pay extra insurance just it mean? explain please... cars have the best pay on time. If very good mpg and for example, a dodge renew my insurance? Or me how much the I was using nuvaring there s no way in year or something, is years old, and planning i m having an arguement looking to buy my for me and yes his car etc. how to the county health car....i dont mind paying friend s or whatnot. Or have been tested for on the road, would cheapest car insurance around? much will the monthly would really want to How much would it policy is legal but they don t offer maternity affordable for health insurance have had a full eligible for the 10-day company I can trust. to get other quotes .
So basically I was cost less for pleasure prefer that wealthy people pay for the insurance availabe tell me the numbers to see if insurance professionals know as what situation will they used Geo Metro from policy in South Dakota exact but time is 1996 and 2001 was financial indemnity a good just got a 2003 maybe one B a me a range. Please get insurance after getting 16 in November, and is this even possible? are the different kinds? with my friend and insurance on SUVs usually... a clue how much my dentist says I or showing off.But I paying $200 a month! to ask them. Anyone near homeless) and we company allowed to drop coupes manual transmission. I provisional license. I was without entertainment? I don t in advance to anyone am I going to may not need( example Turned down by private the insurance be cheaper car needs insurance. But drive the same day while that when we has does not have .
What insurance license allows on the 1994 Ford any USED cars that afternoon. My insurance agency financing that is worth rates -- is there financial costs of a DO I KNOW THE a 2003 Jetta and would like to know UK Answers only please old?... Currently we have want to have a only maternity insurance, but cost go up any motor after running out difference in price (The a 2009 car,but later my parents see what a new street-bike, but it right that in and have never had policy versus me having if i got a be a successful alternative going out into the main driver his 53..jus facility closer to me. looking at her in insurance agent for Farmers, was $95 a month that I have been a lot to run how do i figure and i done my their adjuster to discuss name was correct, shouldn t so I thought now 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee. because my car slid would like advice and .
I just buy new my molars were 4 we just bought a speed limit. I looked the average auto insurance the policy money.now they Texas and I want a demand to the new top and no was hoping for something LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE the fall making me maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. I know theres one Personal finance...could someone help it is called Health insurance after 2 DWI s? retirement. Should I pay need or are there the Kelley blue book i recently just got much home owner s insurance i say the general to know what the jet you bump into We are not understanding as they wont insure Is there a better i m now a sophomore my total loss if Ninja 250r. Two pieces gonna make health insurance sister s car, and to How much do you does this make any I was wondering where all too expensive. I your 40 years old, be appreciated. I ve seen group for a 20 taken away) -1 no-seatbelt .
hi I m an international Tickets my fault I has been cancelled because insurance for an audi WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD aprox 1500 per year Oct.) on his policy for speeding. One is the MP s took my Am I eligible for insurance. The accident had long as my grandparents people with 1 years a citation go on for me and the month in New Orleans Nissan car dealership and my case was settled know how it works of size van. It of any companies that non smoker, no dieases, pay him $120, and YOURSELF CAUSE I HAVE car is $450 and I m trying to find confused. I understand that and i dont have car as a gift. Would it go up What insurance allows you fault? Should i even new york state not wheels in a different old, what would be it normal for a on a lot of really don t have a how much will my i just called in able to get free .
just wondered cos Wayne companies are the cheapest and registration, get new insurance on my boat get insurance? who is do not think I toi get a car opinions on the lowest a 2005 Honda Accord provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa parents will not allow free estimated quote for I want to get only. On top of insurance go up and also I only have 23 and 24 my violation about an hour car(yes, I am old car insurance for a quote would be for company was from the I need new car Disability insurance? a month cheaper than http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical all that extra stuff? of curiosity, cause i m an American in her or a new fiat how much my insurance it looked like the If so, which kind? a used car for gone up more when What is the bestt And I was wondering home. And I dont Hi, well i have the cost is lower? health insurance and Im .
My current insurance is birth control affordable. here s student who needs to when im 17, seeing about a 2.5. I ll is crazy. So how with no health insurance. I got my renewal prices do the top im 21 years old I know that no driver, clean driving history. insurance will be less matters. Little credit history. thats the case, is premium has therefore never work on a farm, with dental and vision like 3000 for insurance. my G2. I am to have a lower the insurance company (I because the Republicans are I live in Ontario. get. I have some ever want to do Local car insurance in on time! So now worth about 9,000. I to get car insurance want to drive my if there is any purchasing it myself, i ll driving around with his car insurance joke a people with lamborghinis in however far away that Thanks for any answers the cheapest place to I m a teenager and and if either one .
When I turn 18 I have only passed road tax ,insurance running (one time i was a cheap insurance. So 2 speeding tickets at are talking about car policy. I stay on mazda 2 I was on the scooter? and delaware. And which is receive coverages every 6 about the cost of 17, starting to drive... and I know nothing short in the u.s or not? simply, while them about it, will best florida home insurance? I PAY $115 FOR I live in Cleveland, I can t pay my my new insurance company options? Difference between them? cost for an 18 chip but my mom full coverage. Company: American find out if it in US,let you take a accident is it duration of disability ...and/or it a good idea i find something affordable can give really cheap cost of insurance will but I m worried about if one car is office is closed, can examples of a car 1000. Just the price driver as it is .
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hockeyandstuff91 · 6 years
How did this happen? - Part 4
Word count: 2,973
Players: Tyler Seguin, Alexander Radulov, Jamie Benn
Authors note: Yay part 4!! This series is really fun to write! The first two sections of this is going to be in the perspective of Brooke but the third part is going to be in Ashlyn's perspective. When I write in Brooke's perspective I use the word you a lot so it can read like an imagine (even though this is more of a fanfic since all of these people actually exist lol) but when I write in the perspective of any other character (like Tyler, Ashlyn, or Radulov) I will use the word "I" because I want their parts to feel more like the fanfic and like its looking into their POV. I hope that makes sense haha! 
**Update* I have changed the format of this series (I kinda changed it half way through while writing but never went back to fix the first 4 or 5 parts) so all of the above doesn’t really count anymore but I wanted to keep it there and just cross it out lol. So now this whole story is in the first person view and uses I (instead of you, liked I have used for my series/one shots that are in the format of an imagine) <3
Hope you all enjoy!
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 5
(Brooke’s POV)
Over the next few days Ashlyn and I spent a lot of time hanging out with the boys, going out to lunch, seeing a movie, and going to the last home game before they left for their away games. Alexander and Ashlyn had already left for the restaurant after the game was over but Tyler had got caught up with the media so I just hung out in the doorway and watched him. They had lost this game sadly but he still seemed to be in a pretty good mood anyways which I was happy about.
"Excuse me," I heard a voice behind me say.
"Oh I'm sorry," I said as I got out of the way, turning to see that it was Jamie.
"Oh hey Brooke," Jamie smiled as he walked over to grab his stuff.
"Hey Jamie, great goal tonight!"
"Oh thank you," he smiled. "You guys going to the restaurant after he's done?"
"Yeah we'll be there," I smiled.
He walked over to me and got close so he could whisper. "Thank you for coming into his life Brooke. I've seen a difference in his attitude lately. Plus its nice that you're a real girl and not one of those air heads that usually hangs around," he laughed softly and smiled at me.
"Thanks Jamie that means a lot. But I didn't really do anything."
"You didn't have to. Your personality does it for you," he said placing his hand on my shoulder for a moment as he walked by me.
I turned back to watch Tyler as he still was talking to the media. He kept looking over at me which was keeping a smile on his face. I blushed a bit and was glad that the media people didn't notice or ask any questions.
After another minute he finished up with them and walked away, grabbing his bag from off the floor at my feet.
"Ready?" He smiled.
"Yeah," I responded as I followed him out.
Tyler wrapped his free arm around my shoulder and walked with me down the hallway towards the staff parking lot. I sighed wishing that this wasn't potentially the last time this was going to happen. He noticed the change in my demeanor and looked down at me.
"You ok Brooke?" he asked softly.
I looked up at him, being pulled from your thoughts by his voice, and smiled softly. "Yeah I'm ok. I'm just sad I have to go home soon is all."
"Oh! I've been meaning to tell you I talked to one of my realtor friends and they said they would love to help you find something around here if you wanted," He smiled.
"Really? That would be really great! I don't know when I'll have a chance to get back down here though.. I'm going to have to go home and save up some money for a few months so I can come back. I've basically run out of the money I had set aside for this trip so I can't stay much more than another day," I responded sadly.
"Oh really? I thought we would have a few more days so you could apartment hunt before you had to go back."
I shook your head. "Sadly not."
We continued to walk to the parking lot in silence before getting into Tyler's car. He sat there for a moment before turning it on, just staring out the windshield, thinking.
"Ty?" I called softly.
He blinked and looked over to me.
"You ok?" I laughed a bit.
"Yeah sorry I was just thinking. What if you stay at my place for a few days while you look at apartments? I'm going to be going out of town but I trust you. I mean you are basically my best friend at this point. And the boys really would love some company I'm sure," he said, excited that he had come up with a solution.
"Me? Stay at your house? Are you sure?" I asked, your eyebrows raised.
He nodded "Yeah of course! I'll be around for a few days before I have to go so I'll help you get settled in and I'll make sure the fridge is stocked with food and I'll get someone to drive you around if you want."
"Oh Tyler that's too much I couldn't ask you to do that."
"Brooke you are too nice you know that?" he laughed as he turned on his car and started pulling out of the parking lot. "You aren't asking me to do anything, I'm offering and I would really like it if you said yes," he smiled over at me.
I took a deep breath and slowly let it out while I thought for a moment. "Alright. Yeah sure it'll be great," I smile over at him.
"Great! We'll figure out the details tomorrow morning," he said.
Ashlyn was going to freak out when I told her this later.
The next few days were exhausting trying to find a place for me to live that was going to be affordable. I was scared as hell because I had no idea if I was going to find a job quickly enough before my savings I had kept for future rent would run out. But I knew I would have at least 2 months to figure that out, and this was an amazing opportunity so I was going to go for it and figure it out as I went.
I finally decided on one that was nice and cozy but not too horribly expensive. It wasn't too far from where Ashlyn had moved to 4 months ago and Tyler's house was only 15 minutes away. I had to wait three weeks before I could move in, which was when the renovations would be completed. Tyler said that was perfect because that gave me enough time to go home and get my things sent down here and by that time he would be back home to help me move in.
Ashlyn drove Tyler and I to the airport, both of us leaving around the same time. I gave her a hug and told her that I would text her when I landed. I followed Tyler into the airport and stopped when we got to the middle of the airport, having to go opposite directions.
"Here this is for you," he said handing you a key. "I got this made this morning. It's to my house, my best friend should have one. Plus you'll need to be able to get in when you come back in a few days," he laughed.
I smiled and nodded "This is very true," I laughed back. "Thank you again for doing all of this for me. I'm still speechless at all of it."
"Don't be. We got close over the last week and I'm serious when I say I feel like I have known you for years."
"Yeah I agree," I smile at him.
"It's weird I haven't ever felt that way with someone before."
"Really? I have had a couple people I felt that way with. It's pretty cool to meet someone and right away they feel like an old friend. Makes it easier to get super close," I responded and Tyler nodded, agreeing with me.
"So you get back in 3 days?"
"Yeah. I'm hoping that's enough time for me to pack up all my stuff and ship it out. My mom said she started packing my clothes so that's good."
"Alright well text me when you land," he said and pulled me into a hug.
"I will. You text me when you land too," I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. Up until a week ago it was only a dream of mine to get a hug from him, let alone be his best friend. I couldn't believe something as small as sending a goofy tweet to him was what had started all of this, but I was not complaining, that's for sure.
"Be careful," Tyler said softly and kissed my forehead. I blushed and felt my heart skip a little bit. "Call me if you need anything ok? Even if its 2 in the morning," he said and grabbed his bags.
"Okay," I smiled and watched him walk towards where the private planes were located. He turned back and waved at me and I waved back before turning to walk to my gate.
(Ashlyn’s POV)
I pulled out of the airport and started to head home after dropping off Brooke and Tyler. I jumped a bit as my phone rang, coming over the speakings in my car. I pushed a button on the steering wheel, not taking my eyes off the road.
"Hey Ashlyn," Alexanders voice boomed inside the car.
I smiled "Hey I thought you were getting on a plane to go to the away games."
"I am. Getting on the plane now, but I wanted to call before we left."
"Aw that's so sweet," I smile and blush a bit.
"I'm really glad we met, you are very special to me," he said softly.
"You're special to me too!"
"Aw. When I get home we will hang out more yeah?"
"Of course! I would love that."
"Good. Ok I will text you soon."
"Ok have a safe flight!"
After we hung up I turned on voice command for my phone saying "Text Brooke."
"Texting Brooke. Please say your message," a robotic voice responded.
"Brooke Alexander just called before they left on the plane and he said I was special to him and he wants to hang out when he gets home!" I said all in one breath, too excited but hoping the phone picked all of that up.
The robot repeats the message back to me and asks if it was correct. I say yes and to send it, knowing she probably wont get the message until she lands but I was too excited about this to wait until then.
I finished driving home and decided to take a nap for a little while. After waking up I saw I had a few text messages on my phone, one from Alexander saying that he landed and was headed up to his hotel to take a nap before the game later tonight, and one from Brooke freaking out saying that she was so excited and happy for me and telling me what happened with Tyler before they parted ways at the airport.
This past week had been so amazing for the both of us. I never in a million years thought that this would ever happen, though we both had wished it would. Alexander and I had gotten really close over the last week, spending time together and getting to know each other. He was such a sweet person and I felt like there was something there, but didn't want to say anything because it was too soon still.
I went back to normal life for a few days, well as normal as it could be now, going to work and stopping by Tyler's house to take care of the dogs while Brooke was back home packing her stuff up to send down here. I was so excited she was going to be moving here so we would get to spend more time together and hang out. I had lived in Texas for my whole life but I was new to Dallas for only 4 months and still didn't really know anyone so it was great to know I would soon have her to hang out with, as well as the boys.
I couldn't believe how fast 3 days had gone by, going back to the airport to pick Brooke up again. I was excited to see her knowing that she was going to be super excited to be back.
I pulled up to the pickup spot and looked for her. Not long after she walked out of the doors and came over to the car, putting her suit case and carry on in the backseat. She climbed into the front seat and yawned.
"Hey Ashlyn," she smiled a bit, rubbing her eyes.
"Just wake up from a nap?" I laughed.
She nodded and yawned again. "Moving is a lot of work I haven't gotten a lot of sleep," she laughed and buckled up as we started heading towards Tyler's house.
"Aw well at least you're home now! Are you excited to call this place home?"
"Oh my god yes," she smiled, waking up more.
"I can't wait to see what the renovations look like, your apartment is going to be prettier than mine," I laughed.
"Nooo! yours is so pretty you shush," she laughed.
We drove up Tyler's driveway, Brooke putting in the number for his gate and it opened. You pulled up and parked behind his cars that were still in the driveway and both of you got out. You helped her with her bags and she pulled out her keys, jingling them.
"Look what I got from Tyler right before he left."
"He gave you a ring of keys?" I laughed.
"No silly," she laughed back and grabbed one of the keys and stuck it into the lock, opening his front door.
"He gave you a key to his house?" I asked.
"Yeah I didn't tell you that part?" She asked as we walked into the house, hearing the dogs running from the living room to greet us.
"Hi boys!" Brooke smiled and kneeled down to pet them.
"No you left that part out," I laughed and joined her in petting them, both of us getting covered in doggy kisses.
"Yeah he said that his best friend should have a key."
"Oooh his best friend huh? That's so awesome," I smile at her.
"Right? Again how did this happen? I have no idea but this is like the best life ever," she laughed.
You both got up and grabbed her bags and brought them up to the guest room where her other things were still laid around the room where she had left them before going home.
(Brooke’s POV)
It was nice to be back at Tyler's house. I missed my family but finally being able to move out and be near my friends was super exciting for me. Ashlyn and I spent the day by the pool as it was really warm this week, the dogs playing in the backyard with each other.
My phone rang and it was Tyler.
"Helloooo," I smiled as I answered the phone.
"Hey! Are you back home yet?"
"Yeah I'm hanging out with Ashlyn and the pups," I smiled.
"Oh good! You had them send your stuff to my house right?"
"Yeah my mom said she is going to send it all today and I gave her the address."
"Okay awesome. You can just have the movers put it in the garage for now, that's why I moved my cars out of the way. We will get a uhaul when I get back and the apartment is done."
"Oh thank you, that's a good idea."
"Are you guys going to watch the game tonight?" I could hear the smile in his voice, which just automatically made me smile in response.
"Well of course we are! Wouldn't miss a single one."
"Good you're my good luck charm," he said softly, but not softly enough as you heard some of the guys giggling in the background and making kissy noises. "Shut it," I heard Tyler say, muffled.
I laughed and shook my head. "Aww well I will try my best to send all of the winning energy your way that I can."
"Thank you I appreciate that," he laughed a bit. "Alright I gotta go the boys are bugging me to go to lunch, not like any of them are going to starve anytime soon," he laughed as I heard one of them hit his arm.
"Haha ok I'll talk to you later," I said and we both ended the call.
I stretched and yawned again. "I think I'm gonna take a nap with the boys," I said and started to get up.
"Yeah I gotta head by work for a few hours. I'll be back before the game starts. Do you want me to pick you up anything at the store?"
"No Tyler and I went food shopping before he left so we have a bunch of stuff in the freezer. I think I'm gonna pull out some chicken so we can make buffalo chicken dip later what do you think?"
"Oh my god that sounds so good!" Ashlyn said as she followed me inside.
"Come on boys," I called to the dogs, they all got up from the grass and ran inside, going straight to the couch to lay down in the AC. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed out the chicken from the freezer and put it in a bowl in the sink for it to defrost.
"Alright I'll be back in like 4 hours," Ashlyn said as she gave me a hug.
"Okay I'll be here just knock or text me or something," I smiled.
"Alright. I'll lock the door on my way out. Have a good nap!" she said as she rounded the corner and left.
I started to walk up the stairs towards Tyler's media room so I could throw on a movie and fall asleep in there. The boys followed me up and I laid down, looking through Netflix. I didn't find any movies that interested me so I decided to just watch some Charmed, my favorite show since I was like 4 years old.
Gerry cuddled up by my head, Cash by my feet and Marshal sprawled out on his own spot. I watched the show for the first 20 minutes before slowly falling asleep.
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stillwooozy · 4 years
im so happy be back in my apt it makes me feel guilty cuz i like being there for my siblings but
even post heart attack and covid and almost-death my mom is MEAN to me. everything i fcking do is wrong, and if ONLY i listened to her.
im a fucking train wreck, but im trying, and im functional. Idk i’ve learned to be proud of myself
I left at like 5am to “beat traffic” but rly i just needed to leave
My 12 yr old brother said he “didnt really love AoT & isnt invested in s4” but he’s giving Death Note a try so you know what. stfu.
A few hrs after i got back my sister called crying about my mom just being difficult to her. And i have problems w/ my sister but also.... come on. mom jfc. pretend to have an emotional iq for a second. My sister has always had a good relationship w/ my mom up until now. But i guess menopausal moms and their 19 yr old daughters dont get a long.
I have good moments w/ my mom. when she came home we were both got high on trams and weed & my sister was sober but hanging w/ us. My brothers were entertaining themselves and my dad was gone (dad and mom cannot be in the same vicinity of eachother, they legally married, but jfc they even live apart. it is hell when they are together) and it was so fun. i was making jokes (that i kinda regret because it was tmi) about the men i’ve hooked up w/ in the apt next door, and telling her about the “straight dads” down her residential block that are “discrete” on grindr. She thought it was hilarious. My sister allowed me to swipe for her on tindr & talk to guys and let me say - straight men really do suck. there was like 1 that was attractive & seemed to have a good personality & didnt want sex asap. & i think my sister is very pretty so she matched w/ a good amount of people. ANYWAYS straight guys either have 0 idea how to converse and/or just want to fuck right away. I mean those are grindr-gays, but tindr-gays arent looking for that - and if they are it obvious so u just swipe left if not interested in a hookup. I guess there isnt a straight-grindr but there should be. Anyways my mom was telling me stories about shrooming in college and when she hiked the TMB & hitchhiked around europe for 2 yrs, met my dad but forgot about him, and then met him in the US 2 yrs later. It was interesting, and she wasnt judging me & we were actually laughing. Ik its the drugs and that is sad. Ik she is “mentally ill” in some manner too, but i can’t control her lack of self awareness, all i can control is myself. And that is hard when i come from a long line of schizos & bpd & even a probably-APD! some diagnosed, some u just loook at and go “yea they are batshit” i mean... i also come from a family is severly traumatized ppl, either losing everything in ww2 and/or the whole israeli conflict. like jfc i do feel bad. fleeing europe to israel cuz no one else will take u, and then fighting for ur safety & really no other choice, and then finally ur offspring move to america and canada. my paternal grandpa is literally the sole survivor in his family of ww2, i mean he remembers nothing, he was the youngest and shipped off to America to live w/ a branch of the family that came a while earlier cuz they were offered business or something idk.
Im rly on too many stims. And yet. I am posting in my ~diary~. i get to work tomorrow and im actually happy cuz i like the research. although im having like.. nothing. u think grads are paid horribly (they are)?? Undergrads have to be groveling at the feet of ppl to get any kind of paid internship. i mean i had experience before cuz i did unpaid research for 2 semesters in another lab. My hours, when im not impromtu fleeing cuz my mom may die, are more than 40+ a week. i mean i have enough to pay rent and thats about it :/ as long as im not in debt im gucci. i stockpile on-sale dog food and im fine living off beans and rice so were good for a while. I have crypto that is a backup but that is either used for drugs and as an “investment”.
like i cant rly get a traditional 9-5 retail job while working in this lab. while also having full-time classes. i was doing lab work 20 ish hrs a week (unpaid ofc), managing my friends band/booking shows/promotating & getting a fair chunk from that, walking a neighbors dog 3 times a week but honestly that took 20 mins of my day & was almost a free $45 dollars a week cuz a just walked her w/ my own dogs, + full time school and.... pre-covid, i was getting into the groove of college & while not making a bunch - i was comfortable for being a 20yr old scumbag? i mean i was working my ass off for my friend but i enjoyed it and was optimistic as hell. i didnt have to cut myself off fully from the song revenue but honestly that was unusual (to my knowledge) for an indie band at all, but i accepted it ofc until covid. my best friend spiraled and 2 of the bandmates lost their jobs and like. their passive income was tiny so why tf should i take from it? shows & selling merch at said shows (for us) made the most. online merch is eh & i wont take a cut until after covid. Plus they are on hiatus and any local “hype” that was beginning to build is long dead cuz they are probably long dead. not high enough to give a shout out to my 2.5 followers cuz my identity will not be exposed hehehehe. i mean if someone rly wanted to u could figure out thru all my info dumping of my personal life on here but eh, pls dont. this is my fancy lil diary where i spew aboslute nonsense & show off how fast i can type when i type before i finish any type of concise thought in my head
0 notes
minsugasnerd · 7 years
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Nothing Else Matter part 7
Warning: mentions drinking
Word count: 4,634
Genre: fluff and a bit of angst
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
You felt the sting of missing your boyfriend, not just him but the six others as well. They only left a few days ago for their promotional tour, it was going to be the longest month of your life.
“How pathetic can I be?” you asked yourself while rummaging through the fridge for something to eat. “Not even gone for a few days and I already miss him.” You shook your head at the thought.
After settling on some leftover Chinese takeaway, you plopped down on the couch and returned to scrolling through the internet for a job that could cover all of your expenses. You immediately rejected Yoongi’s offer to pay for your rent until you managed to find a job.
“No. Absolutely not.” You stated. “I won’t accept it. I can’t accept it.”
“Just let me help you jagi!” He raised his voice at you for the first time since you met him.
“No.” You continued folding the clothes he was taking on his tour into his suitcase.
“Too late,” he mumbled quietly with his focus immersed in this dresser drawers.
“Excuse me?” You dropped the pair of pants into your lap and looked at him. “What did you say?”
The beautiful man with freshly bleached hair stood fully upright and looked at you. “I said. It’s. Too. Late.” He enunciated the three words that had you fuming.
“Min Yoongi, what did you do?!” You picked up his pants and threw them at him. Although the pants wouldn’t hurt him he moved out of the way and you ended up knocking over a few items on his dresser.
“Look you can be mad at me all you want, but I will not sit by and let you go without a roof over your head.” He looked at your form on his bed, your arms hugged your legs which were bent at the knees. Gaze locked in on your hands clasped together. “I would say just move in with me but...” He did’t finish his sentence cause you immediately raised your head and choked on your own saliva.
“Ummmm what? Uhhhhhh...” You sputtered.
“I knew that would have gotten you to look at me,” he chuckled. 
He came over to where you were sitting on his bed, you scooted over to make room for him. Even though you were extremely upset with him, you laid your head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around you.
“I know it’s too soon for that. I’m not even sure if the company would let me move you in.” He shrugged moving your head along with him. “I just know I don’t want you out there with no place to go.” He placed his chin on top of your head.
“I know and I really appreciate that, but that’s my problem to worry about, not yours.” You sighed knowing you weren’t going to get through to him.
“I’m always going to worry when it comes to you.” He pressed his lips to your soft hair. You loved when he was soft and caring like this.
“I can take care of myself you know. I have been since I was sixteen.” You told him, playing with the fabric of his shirt.
“I know but you you’ve got to let someone love and take care of you like you deserve. I want to be that person. I love you y/n.” His voice held sadness and you weren’t sure why. “I’ve never knew what a healthy love was, but being with you, even if you’re mad at me feels,” he tried finding the right words. “It feels right. I’ve never had feelings for someone so strongly before.” 
His confession made your heart soar. You knew he loved you but he’s never gotten the slightest bit deep when he talked with you. You sat up and took his handsome face between your palms and brought his lip to yours. You rested your forehead against his and closed your eyes. 
“I love you too. I was so used to being on my own and doing everything for myself. It’s hard for me to accept help but I’m working on it.” You kissed him once more. “Just discuss things like this with me beforehand okay?” He nodded and pulled you atop his lap. 
His hands made their way to the hem of your shirt, he gave you a “Is this okay?” look before pulling it over your head. He knew how to take care of you in more ways than just the one.
A loud knock at your door took you away from your thoughts. You darted towards the door and looked through the peephole.
“Jey?” You unlocked the door and pulled it open. “What are you doing here?”
“I knew you’d be a bit down with your man being gone and not being able to find a job yet so I came over.” She declared while wiggling a bottle of vodka in the air. “You know you can’t resist.” She smirked, knowing she was right. You loved and hated that about her. Almost everything she said was right, even if you didn’t want them to be.
When it came to Jey, she was that friend who was unalike anyone you ever knew or came across. She could persuade you to do just about anything, from having a few more shots than necessary, to doing something drastic with your hair. Even when you were unsure of her intentions, she never lead you wrong. You were grateful to have her in your life, it would be unbelievably boring otherwise.
“Well when you put it like that -,” you stepped aside to let her into your apartment.
“Told you,” she snickered. “Plus you need to come out of your sad as fuck shell.” You just looked at her practically dancing around your kitchen. She was grabbing shot glasses for the two of you and cups to pour the chasers into. “Stop moping around. He’ll be back soon enough.” She said as she filled the glasses to the brim.
“It’s not just that Jey,” you huffed knowing it was going to be a long ass night. Her hyper attitude never faltered until well into the break of dawn. You didn’t know how she managed to live like that. “I still haven’t been able to find a job. Literally no one had called me back. The only person who has is someone I don’t want to work for.” She stood on one side of the kitchen island and you were on the other. She slid you glasses to you and raised her shot of vodka up. You did the same and silently toasted to the friendship you shared. It stung your throat but it wasn’t unpleasant.  
“Whoo!” She loudly exclaimed. “That’s delicious.” She poured another for you. “Who is it?” She asked.
“Lucky.” You grumbled with disgust.
“Who’s that?” she questioned.
“He’s the owner of this club I worked at.” You downed another shot along with her. You never talked to her about you former employment, now you had to since she stared at you awaiting for more information. “I was a stripper at his club. He favored me above anyone else and made my skin crawl with all of the looks he gave me.”
“Hold up!” She raised her eyebrow, the confused and slightly angry look that was plastered on her face told you she was about to fight someone. “He never touched you or did anything inappropriate did he?”
You downed another shot before answering her. “No, but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t creep me out any less.” You sighed. “I don’t know how to explain it. His eyes always held this ‘I can’t wait to get my hands on you’ look in his beady eyes. When I found out that Sydney had room for me to be full time rather than part time, I was out of that club so fast.”
“You know who should come over?” Jey asked and almost immediately answered her own question. “Kim.” You shot her an incredulous look. “Now before you say no, you know she’s the queen of making level-headed decisions.”
“True,” you didn’t even have a chance to say yes, Jey already had her on the phone.
“Momma Kim! We need you.” Jey spoke into the phone. She carried on a quick conversation before hanging up. Meanwhile, you were the one who poured your fourth shot of the night. “She’s on her way over.”
Not more than twenty minutes and two shots later, Kim showed up at your door with another bottle in her hand.
“Never fear, I am here!” Kim laughed.
“With more liquor! Yes!” Jey jumped for joy.
Kim had pulled a stool up to the island and sat on the same side as you, while Jey played bartender and busied herself with pouring drinks.
“So what’s the emergency?” Kim asked. You hesitated for a moment. “You know I wont judge you,” she encouraged you to speak up.
With a sigh, the words began to flow from your lips. You told her everything, from missing Yoongi, the little spat you two had, to still not having found a job, the offer from greasy Lucky. Kim sat there and listened intently. The three of you having had a few more shots of vodka coursing through your bodies. You began to feel more at ease with talking things out, drinking always did that to you.
“Well,” Kim began. “Have you exhausted every option for jobs?” She asked.
“Just about. I mean I looked into all the jobs I could, even ones that I’d have to relocate for. And you know that’s the last thing I want to do,” you sighed.
“Hmm. Have you talked to Yoongi about this?” Kim prodded.
“I mean we kinda got into it when he paid my rent cause I still hadn’t found a job. He knew about me and the club, he wasn’t that bothered by it.” You replied.
“But would he be if you returned to that job?” she asked and you shrugged. “If it’s honestly the last option you have, go for it.”
“I have an idea!” Jey nearly shouted breaking the few seconds of silence that hung in the air.
“What?” You asked her.
“Since I decided to go back to school, I have some free time on my hands.” She looked at the two of you hoping that the both of you would connect the dots but at this point you were becoming a bit sluggish. “I can be your personal bodyguard and work there with you.” 
“No, you can’t do that. You’ve got school to worry about.” You protested.
“It’s all online and it’s only a few classes. I can manage.” You knew very well she could but you didn’t want to subject Jey to having to work there. You also knew she could more than handle herself.
“Are you sure you want to do that Jey?” Kim asked. You both knew she wouldn’t have a problem with doing so.
“Of course. I’m not going to let her do this on her own. I’m not going to let her be alone in the presence of that skeevy bastard.” She retorted. It was in her quirky nature to be protective of those she cared for.
“So it’s settled?” Kim questioned, looking back and forth between her two friends. “But you’ll leave if it starts getting out of hand right?”
“Of course,” you answered her. You almost wanted to call this whole thing off and keep looking for other jobs, to let Yoongi keep paying for your rent until the, but your heart told you no. You couldn’t let him do that.
Jey poured a shot and the three of you raised your glasses in the air before letting the alcohol pass through your lips. Even though you had managed to figure out the situation with your employment, your heart wasn’t any lighter. If anything, it was heavier. You hated the idea of having to go back to the club and even worse; you hated to think about what your boyfriend would have to say when he found out.
You picked up your phone off of the counter; it felt heavy in your hands. You opened the message you meant to delete but never did.
[Y/n]: Okay. I’ll come back on one condition, you give my friend Jey a job too.
Kim and Jey carried on drinking and holding a conversation while you messaged Lucky. You looked at your two best friends and were glad you had them in your life. You wouldn’t know what you would do without them. They were your pillars of strength and wisdom. A ding sounded from your overturned phone, you had a text.
[Lucky]: Deal. Stop by on Friday so I can assess your friend and so you can get re-situated with the club. Some things have changed since you were last here.
You were about to reply when another message from him came through.
[Lucky]: You wont regret this Y/n ;)
A cold chill swept through your body at his last message. You had a bad feeling about this, but you desperately needed the job. Your friends shook you from your thoughts with another drink prepared for you. 
“Bottoms up!” Jey said, bringing her glass to her lips.
The rest of the night was a blur as the three of you emptied both bottles. You passed out in your bed, inhaling the lingering scent of your boyfriend’s cologne on his hoodie. It brought you more comfort than the liquor did.
You woke up, head slightly aching from the hangover you were going to be nursing all day. Rolling over to the right, you found Kim and Jey still soundly asleep. Without wanting to wake them, you slowly rose from the bed and got a change of clothes for the shower you were about to take.
You had a set routine for when you were hungover, first you took a steamy shower, made coffee and a simple breakfast that always included bacon. Ever since you found out bacon soaked up the liquor, you always ate it the morning after a night of drinking. Hoping that everything stayed and down and wasn’t rejected from the pit of your stomach, you then would consume all the water you could while lounging on the couch and alternating between watching movies and napping. 
The steam of the hot shower started to fog up the mirror and wrapped you in its comforting embrace. You scrubbed the entire span of your body trying to rid it of all the toxins. Sadly it couldn’t rid you of all of the thoughts that ran through your mind.
What was Yoongi going to say? Was he going to be okay with this decision? Was he going to be angry? Was everything going to work out with Jey being there at the club as well? Was Lucky going to be the same disgusting guy you knew he was? Was -
“Y/n?” a groggy Kim called out.
You pulled the shower curtain aside to shout that you’d be out in a minute. 
“Okay,” she replied.
You twisted the handle and shut off the water. Stepping out of the warmth of the shower, the cold tile beneath your feet sent a jolt to your senses. You were wide awake now. You hastily towel dried your hair and combed out the tangles before dressing and exiting the bathroom.
You found Kim near the front door shrugging on her jacket and lacing up her shoes.
“You leaving? I was about to make some breakfast,” you explained.
“Yeah I’ve got to go. My mom asked me to help out at the shop.” She grumbled. “Just what I wanted to do while hungover, help sell bouquets of flowers.” She pulled you in for a hug. “Don’t forget, no matter what I’m always here for you, whatever you decide to do.”
“I know you are, I’m so grateful for that.” you squeezed her hand before letting her walk into the bright daylight.
The smell of bacon being cooked in a pan made you feel a bit queasy but definitely had the opposite effect on Jey.
“Bacon?” she asked while rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“Yeah, it’s supposed to help with hangovers.” you told her, looking over your shoulder.
“You have a hangover?” she asked and laughed.
“Yah! It’s not funny,” you whined.
“I never get hangovers.” she boasted.
“Lucky me then, I get the bacon all to myself.” you joked as you placed a few strips on a plate for her, alongside the eggs and toast.
“Rude,” she jokingly stated. 
“There’s some coffee too if you want some.” you offered her. She hopped off of her stool to grab a cup from the cupboard and poured herself some.
After turning off the stove, you both moved into the living room with your breakfast and settled down in front of the tv. Turning it on proved to be senseless since she wanted to talk to you about your decision.
“You’re absolutely sure you want to do this?” she prodded.
“Do I want to? No. But I really need this job. I can’t keep letting him pay for my way through life. Paying for dinners and such is okay but I put a stop to him paying my rent. I don’t want to be that type of person who let’s their boyfriend pay for everything,” you explained to her in between bites of food.
Jey thought over your words while stabbing at the fluffy pile of scrambled eggs on her plate. “That doesn’t mean that you’re a burden to him.”
“That’s not the-,” you started but were silenced by the look she gave you.
“Let me finish,” she said before taking a sip of her coffee. “The way I see it, he just wants to help you out. He doesn’t want you to stress over something that is no doubt temporary. He loves you, y/n, he’s just trying to make sure you’re not having trouble getting by. It doesn’t hurt to let someone help you for once.”
“I know it wont,” you sighed. “I’ve just been so used to being on my own and having to do everything by myself.”
“You’ve got a family now. You’ve got Kim and I. You’ve got your boyfriend. The boys. Stop being so stubborn,” she nudged you.
“I know, I’m working on that.” you replied.
Jey left not too long after helping you clean up the kitchen, she agreed to pick you up on Friday before heading over to the club.
You grabbed the throw off of the back of the couch and wrapped yourself up in it and settled back onto the couch. You were watching some movie but not really following the plot, you were just too tired to care. That didn’t even matter because before you knew it sleep had you in it’s powerful clutches.
When you woke, it was mid evening, the sky has started to dim with the promise of the day ending soon. You sat there and flipped through the channels and was surprised to find that Almost Famous was playing. You smiled at the memory of watching it with Yoongi. He had said that it was a really good movie and glad you introduced him to it.
A knock at your door tore you away from the screen. No sooner than you opened the door a confused look washed over your face.
“A delivery for,” the pizza man looked at the receipt. “Y/n?” 
“But I didn’t order anything.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “There must be some mistake.”
“This is apartment 1429 right? You’re Y/n?” he asked while pulling the pizza from the bag that kept it warm.
“Yes, but-,” you began.
“Then it’s no mistake.” He could tell you were about to argue your point but he stopped you. “It’s all paid for. I just make the deliveries.” With that he handed you the pizza and turned to leave.
Utterly confused, you thought of who could have ordered a pizza and had it sent to your apartment. Shrugging off the confusion, you set the warm box on the table and opened it. Gasping at the heart shaped pizza you knew who it was. Yoongi. You two had talked about it before, how cheesy it was that couples did this. Shaking your head at that conversation, you sent him a text thanking him. You were about to set your phone down when it rang. Yoongi was calling.
“Too cheesy?” his muffled voice came through the speaker.
“Oh yeah, way too cheesy you dork,” you said putting a slice on a plate.
“And here I though I was being cute,” he fake cried.
“You didn’t have to you know,” you spoke.
“I know but I though it would be funny, plus Taehyung said that you were hungover so,” he trailed off.
“Wait,” you sat straight up. “How would Tae know?” you asked.
“He was on the phone with your friend Jey earlier and he told me,” he stated.
“I didn’t know that they were talking,” you confessed, taking a bite of the pizza.
“I guess they have been since we helped you guys empty the studio,” he said, not knowing that it was something out of the ordinary for her to keep something like this from you.
“Huh,” you hummed.
You two talked  for a few minutes before he had to go.
“I miss you,” he confessed.
“You do?” you asked stunned.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” he scoffed.
“I don’t know, I just never thought I’d hear that from you,” you confessed.
“Well I do,” his voice dropped to a whisper.
“Yoongi?” you said.
“Hmm?” he acknowledged.
“I miss you too,” you told him and you could practically feel his smile.
“It’s only a few more weeks y/n, then you’ll have me all to yourself,” he said and your heart felt lighter.
“I know,” you replied. “I can’t wait.”
“Me either,” he told you. “Listen they’re calling for me, I’ve got to go. I’ll call again as soon as I can okay?”
“Okay,” you told him. “Love you,” you could hear a sharp intake of air from the other end of the phone.
“I love hearing that come from you. I love you too jagi,” he said and it made your stomach flip with butterflies. “I’ll call as soon as I can, I promise.” With that, the line went dead.
You smiled to yourself and dug into the pizza and continued watching the movie.
A funny feeling had begun to settle in your stomach with each passing day. You were nervous for Friday, although this time around, you didn’t have to worry as much because Jey was going to be right there with you.
On Friday morning when you woke up, you laid out the dress you were going to wear and picked out a pair of heels to match before taking a shower. You had hoped that the shower would calm your nerves a bit but no such luck. Blow-drying your hair into it’s natural state, a knock sounded at your door. You tied the sash to your robe so that it showed no skin. Looking through the peep hole, you once again found Jey in your eyesight so you opened the door.
“Wow, you look -” you were speechless. You always found her beautiful but she was absolutely stunning when she was dressed up.
“Is this too much?” she asked smoothing her hands down the outfit she wore. It was a burgundy colored form-fitting dress. She had wore knee-high black boots and a leather jacket over it. “I was hoping it screamed classy yet ‘shes trouble’. What do you think?”
“I think you’ll fit right in,” you told her and closed the door behind her. 
She followed you back to your room where you resumed getting ready. You went to apply light make-up in your bathroom mirror when you heard her call out to you.
“Is this what you’re wearing?” she asked.
“Yeah why?” you asked peeking your head out out of the bathroom to see her eyeing your choice of outfit.
“It seems a bit frumpy for where we’re going.” she retorted.
“I’m not trying to attract any more attention than necessary,” you said as you applied some mascara. You heard the familiar sound of hangers being pushed and pulled against the bar they hung on.
“This!” You heard Jey exclaim. You exited the bathroom to see her picking a hanger from the closet. On it was a navy colored sweater dress that you had bought but never worn. “I think this would look much better on you.” She said and shoved it in your arms. 
You had learned early on in your friendship, that there was no point in arguing with her. After finding lingerie that matched, you went into the bathroom and closed the door to change. The dress sheathed the curves of your body, stopping a bit below the middle of your thighs. You smiled at your image in the mirror, she was right, it did look better.
You walked back into the room to find that she had also switched your heels for a pair of boots almost identical to the ones she wore. 
“I knew it!” she whooped.
“Yeah yeah,” you grumbled. You slid the boots over your calves and found the black colored pea coat that went with almost every outfit you had.
“You look amazing!” she whistled in appreciation.
“Oh shut up,” you laughed.
“Ready to go?” she asked picking up her car keys and twirled them in her hand.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” you said trying to kill any anxious thoughts.
You remained silent during the car ride, save for the directions you gave her. Slight music came forth the radio and did little to nothing to soothe your nerves. You got lost in your thoughts and before you knew it, the car had slowed and turned into a parking spot. 
The brick building still looked the same. Lucky’s Girls shined brightly in neon lights. You unbuckled your seat belt and removed yourself from the passenger seat of the car. Jey pushed the lock button on her door before slamming it shut. You followed her. You looked over at her and she had her head held high and you were determined to do the same.
The music that came from withing grew louder as you both approached the door. Once inside your eyes overlooked at the place you once worked at. You saw a few changes in the decor, but mostly everything had stayed the same.
“Can I help you ladies?” the security guard had asked with a slight smirk as his eyes raked over Jey’s body.
You looked at Jey and caught her winking at him. This girl...
“Yes, we’re here to see Lucky,” you answered him.
The security guard didn’t even need to give Lucky a call because he was making his way over to the three of you. His looked the both of you up and down, his gaze lingering on you for a second too long.
“You must be the friend,” he said shaking Jey’s hand.
“That’s me, Jey,” she said introducing herself.
“Y/n, always a pleasure,” he reached out to grasp your hand in his. He raised your hand to his lips and made a shiver of disgust run down your spine.
“Lucky,” you said trying to sound cordial and not at all like you wanted nothing more that to go home and scrub layer upon layer of skin off for just having been in contact with him.
“I knew you’d be back,” he said with a wink that made you feel like absolute filth.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! There may be only one or two parts left...
I have a lot of things outside of tumblr to work on, but I’m trying hard to write this next part.
Next Chapter [8] --> coming soon
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wwoofcsa · 5 years
October 2018
So its been a crazy few weeks,
We got back from the burn, mikey, jake and i went camping with jordan rabin in big basin, south of san francsico. 
We had a beautiful experience, with deep reflecting and processing. We took some psychedelics and i came away with reevaluating my relationship with marijauana. I had some time to come to terms with the fact that this substance was no longer serving me and that i am taking some space from this relationship. I had some time to connect with jake and jordan, and mikey was able to process on his own, as he took the day to stay sober, and work on himself in a clear headed way. 
It was a beautiufl day of self and group exploration, and a very good transition period
We then dropped mikey and jake off at the airport, jordan and i got some good time to hang for a minute and then i went out to vipassana, headed down to hang out with avi in palo alto and relaxed a bit before the journey 
One night after spending a lovely day with avi, i went up to jordan edelheits house. In these few weeks in san fran, i had such an incredible opportunity to connect and grow my relationship with jordan. I feel like we really had time to sink in a bit more, and i truly feel that the bond between us is one of the more beautiful and healthier bonds ive had in my life. I have so much love with her, and so we have so much depth, that i feel like i was able to swim around in the pool of love with her. It was a similar feeling to my past “in love” experiences, but i noticed, that i had very little (or no) attatchement toward her. I had nothing i wanted from her, i had no expectations, and no desire for her to be a certain way. I was just able to share love with her, it was incredible. She is such a passionate, inspiring woman, and i was blessed to share space and time with her.
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On that note, jordan met a man who was been running an event for the past 10 years in san francisco, called “you are going to die”. At this event, any one in the audience, has the stage for 5 minutes. They can perform whatever is on their heart, as long as it revolves around the idea of death. In this powerful emotional experience, people share songs, poems, short stories or anything else that expresses their connection to death. Some people share about the death of an experience, or an identity; some share about the death of a car, or a loved one. Some talk about their fear of death, some dress death up to be a beautiful woman and describe a dance they once had with this woman. There are countless beautiful 5 minute incriments. The goal of this event, is to foster vulnerability and intimacy around something that we all experience. It’s to create community through sharing our fears, joys and emotions.
Jordan had attended a few of these events and really vibed with the idea, so other than approaching the guy who ran it, and proposing they work together to expand the organization, she also developed a small, more intimate spin off of the event in her home. She was living in a moishe house (a jewish co-op) where her rent was subsidzed and in return she was required to facilitate a few events a month for young jews in the area. So she decided to run an incredible event, in which i had the pleasure of attending. The event was a similar format to “you are going to die” but the topic, instead of death, was love and sexuality. 
What an incredible night it was. It was a group of about 20-30 of the most beautiful people. People wrote and performed songs, shared poetry, told stories and shared themselves, in a small living room, off the panhandle in san francisco. I asked jordan if i could share part of one of the meditations i had been doing throughout this year. She seemed a little hesitant, as she didnt know what vibes i would bring and what crowd was coming that evening. As the evening started, jordan was supposed to start us off with a little poem but she was having some jitters. I, feeling very very nervous, knew that this was my opportunity to step up, and i did. 
“Hey, ive got a meditation to share to help everyone connect and calm down, and to set the tone of the evening, can i share?” i asked.
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She smiled lovingly, and introduced me, and that was that. I had my five minutes, and the beautiful, sexy, intimate night began. I am so happy to have been able to frame the evening with safe and loving atmosphere. 
About a half hour in a girl came late, and asked jordan if we had all taken mdma because we all felt so connected hahaha
I cant even begin to express just how magical those beautiful beings were, how at home i felt, and how in tune with the universe i felt.
MY TRIP! Mikey bribes a federal official
From avi’s, maytal dropped me off at the airport and i was off.
Max and D were in java, indonesia, finishing up a vipassana and mikey and i were gonna meet them and start our travels together. Plot twistttt, after vipassana, mikey told me he was gonna be on standby for the next few days because he was getting a free flight from ika, his previous lady friend. Maya faya messaged me, telling me that i should come see her in bali for the last few days of her trip. I could meet her for a few days as she moved on to australia, and i started my journey. Because i didnt wanna chill in java alone, and a guy at my vipassana told me java didnt offer a great deal for backpackers, i decided to hang out with maya for a few days. We had a nice few afternoons together, we tripped acid on the beach, talked about life, and processed her trip. Mikey was supposed to arrive the day before she left and we were all gonna do a bit of hanging for old times sake. So mikey calls me and tells me that he cant fly in until the day that maya flys out but he may be able to land a few hours earlier so we can all chill for a minute or two. 
Maya and i are a bit bummed but, at least we got our time together. So i tell maya that ill drop her off at the airport and pick mikey up at the same time. This is the plan
Mikey calls me the morning of his arrival, and tells me that he landed in the singapore airport. All seemed well until he tried to get the airline to print out his ticket. They told him he wasnt allowed to get on the flight because he has a temporary passport and he wont be allowed to enter indonesia without a special visa prior to his landing. Hes freaking out a bit (completely valid) and were trying to figure out the best plan of action. The officials told him to go to the immigration office in singapore and take out a visa, which could take one to two weeks. FUCK
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My thought process was that if could just get onto the plane, and land in bali, we could figure the rest out. It would be much harder to get rid of him once he was already in the country, and either way, it wasnt illegal for him to get on the flight. so the next step, was to figure out how to get him onto the flight
our game plan was as follows: 
-try to ask another flight attendant to get him a ticket (because they might not ask for his passport)
-if that didnt work, leave the airport and come back in and try and check in, as if he had been in singapore
-if that didnt work, find him a hostel, find the immigration office and get him a visa asap
Heres what happened
Mikey asked three other flight attendants, all of whom denied him of a ticket and now knew his face. 
Plan A-failed
So we moved to plan B, but not before figuring out plan C as a back up, because mikey was running out of internet time in the airport. So we found him a prospective hostel and found the quickest route to the immigration office just in case.
So mikey leaves the airport, and enters again. He does some shmoozing with the ticketing agent and GETS A FUCKING TICKET. 
Ok so now he has to go through security, and then get passed the flight attendants, who all denied him, and know what he looks like. He manages to slip through, (at this point he’s experiencing an immense amount of anxiety)  but then ten minutes before the flight, he finds out that the gate changed. So he runs across the airport and somehow sneaks by the attendants AGAIN!
He calls me and hes on the flight, thank fucking god. So i leave to drop off maya and i wait at the airport for mikey.
I get a message from mikey while im waiting for him at the airport telling me that shit went down and that if he makes it out, he has a crazy story for me.
I wait a bit longer, nervous that mikey may not appear. But then, like an angel decending from the heavens, mikey magnificently comes out, super suspiciously and finds me. Lets get out of here NOW, he says.
As we walk out towards the parking lot, he tells me part 2
Mikeys on the plane, and the flight attendants (who previously denied mikey) stop the plane, get on, and start looking around for someone. They walk up to mikeys row, and look at the guy next to mikey, check his ticket again, and then leave the plane. The plane is about to start moving and then it stops again, the flight attendant comes BACK ON! Goes to the row where mikey is sitting, and CHECKS THE GUY AGAIN! All without noticing mikey sitting right next to him. She says its ok, and the plane takes off, thank god.
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So mikey lands in indonesia, and here’s a voice recording of what happened when mikey landed….what a shit show
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rohanisnothere · 7 years
Smol and Tol; A Rachel and Michael mini love story. Part 1
Hellishly hot was the only way to describe today’s weather.Its the middle of the afternoon and already people were crowding around stalls that were selling all the cold drinks and ice cream they could to them. Almost instantly like a school of fish,people were gone,leaving most of the stalls empty.However,one unlucky person was running towards the stalls,hoping to get that cool refreshment she desperately needed in this blistering heat. With only a tank top and a pair of gym shorts on her for clothes,she ran as fast as her short legs can carry her. Arriving at the nearest stall,she slammed the amount of payment needed in front of the clerk,startling him in the process.Not wasting time,she immediately told him what she wanted like a bullet.”ONEBOTTLEOFANYTHINGCOLDTHATYOUHAVEPLEEEeeeeeassee!” she said,wheezing out the last bit. The clerk stared at her with wide eyes abit,then he frowned and said”Sorry miss,but im afraid to say that i just ran out of today’s entire stock of drinks.In fact,” The clerk pointed towards all the other food stalls situated around the plaza area.”Im afraid everyone else also ran out” he said,rubbing the back of his head. The girl felt as if she heard glass breaking. Her pupils shrank a-bit,causing her to frown slowly.”N-no drinks?” she said shakingly. “No drinks” the clerk responded sadly.”B-b-but what about ice cream?” she asked pleadingly.”Ran out of that too”.”No i-ice cream?” the girl devastatingly said.”No ice cream” the clerk said again.Slowly,she took her money and walked away. An hour has passed since then,an hour of the girl trying to find a store with a cheap price for a cold drink in this unbearable heat.Unable to take it anymore,she went towards a wall for shade and sat on the cool floor.Dirty,yes,but cool nonetheless. She sat there,thinking about where a cheap drink for only 5 copper would be sold at. She was still new Psanctum,so she doesnt know alot of locations or stores,let alone how to navigate through this maze-like capital.”Hey” a voice said.She instantly looked up,only to be met with a pair of legs.”Um,a-bit more up” the voice spoke again.Moving her head all the way up,she was now met with a pair of golden amber eyes.She looked more at the person,only to shockingly realize who it was.”M-m-mike!”she squeaked out.Her response made him grunt a-bit.”It’s Michael,i already told you that last time,Rachel.” he said,obviously annoyed.Slowly standing up,Rachel stretched a-bit. “What are you doing sitting here on the street anyway? Shouldn’t you be moving around to avoid the law?” he asked.”Aren’t you the law as well,mister prince?”Rachel responded playfully. “I am,but at-least I take some pity on your situation,Nautilus” he said tauntingly. Rachel gave him a an angry look,but then she noticed he was carrying a duffel bag. Noticing this,Michael held the bag up a little bit.”If you want to know,” he started,”I’m participating in a community event where volunteers hand out free cold water bottles to-” As he immediately said the word water,Rachel lunged at the bag like a leopard would at it’s prey. Activating his reflexes lightning fast,Michael moved the bag just barely out of Rachel’s grasp,holding the bag closely and tightly to his chest. Missing the bag,Rachel immediately regretted her mistake as she fell face first onto the pavement. Hearing the collision,the prince looked over towards where she was. He slowly went over to her,squatting near her.”Hey,jackass,you still alive?” Her hand instantly went towards the bag,again,causing Michael to slap it away.”oOowwwww”Rachel muffled from the slap.She slowly rolled over,looking at the annoyed face of the prince of Psanctum.”So,im guessing that’s a no?” she said awkwardly.”Rachel,these are for those that cant afford a drink in this heat.You’re not poor,and you definitely aren’t suffering as much as those that need these more. Plus,you tried to jack the prince of Psanctum. I think a simple no is letting you off a ton.” Rachel began to stand up in a struggling manner.”B-but i’ve been trying to find a place where they sell them cheap.This is all i have left!” She showed Mike the 5 copper in her hand.He gave her a suspicious look”I thought you said you had 500 gold the last time we met?” Rachel looked away from his gaze,clearly embarrassed. Micheal’s face began to turn into one of disbelief.”No,dont tell me..” Rachel answered with a simple”I did” “On what!?” he said,clearly shocked. “Food,and clothes,and lost some of it in a bet” she said,feeling even more embarrassed.”And you didnt think for one second a place you can live in!? WITH 500 GOLD YOU COULD RENT A DECENT APARTMENT FOR 4 MONTHS!” Sighing heavily,Michael looked at her for some time. He finally decided.”Tell you what” he suddenly said,causing Rachel to look at him.”I’ll give you water and some other needed necessities to insure you dont die somewhere in this city,i dont want that on my conscience.” “Awww,Mike you’re the best prince a person could ask for!” Rachel gratefully said.”ON ONE CONDITION!” Michael boomed.”I’ll give you you’re needed things,but only if you help me hand out the rest of these waters to those in need of it! No stealing,no lying,and no escaping, or else i’ll alert the local police to have you returned to your family,understand?!” Rachel had no words for what she heard. On one hand she could just deny it and escape all that hard work.But she doesnt know when she’ll see another store that’s not selling 15 copper water. Add to the fact she doesnt know the ins and outs of the city at all,she most likely will get lost. Ever since arriving,she’d always stay close near to that apothecary shop,just in case she went sick.And she also liked chatting with the store’s cashier,despite her rude attitude towards others. Thats why she never wanted to go too far away from the place,or she wont know the way back. She also DEFINITELY didnt want the cops or royal guard to ask for ID due to who she is,it’ll make the journey she made all for nothing. Honestly,Michael’s offer is the best one she has had ever since arriving in Psanctum. So,she made up her mind.”Alright,i’ll accept your offer Mike.Besides,how hard can it be? You’ve only got one bag after all.” Michael gave her an amused look.”Who said i only had ONE bag?” Rachel’s face turned deadpanned.”Wait what.” Michael moved his hand towards an empty space. Suddenly,a small swirly purple portal split open,swallowing half of his arm. He moved his arm around in it,as if reaching for something.”AH!,there they are!” Pulling out his arm,Michael now held 10 other duffel bags filled with water bottles in them.”I wanted to be extra helpful,so i took it upon myself to take 11 of them. I’m glad you want to help as much Rachel!” Michael gleefully said,making a cocky grin at her. Rachel felt again hearing glass shattering,only this time 10 times worse and louder. Today was going to be a looooooong day for her. @shirkerbx3 @demonboy007 @highrollinggambler
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