#thats just not healthy
I've had this for a while and idk if I'm actually going to do anything with it, so have these five sentences about Neil and Nara.
Nara presses a joint into his hand, holds him as the world slips away, as his thoughts slip away. This is why he was made, she says, shushing his frantic speech. He believes her.
She carves up his memory to extract seemingly nonsensical visions, plies him with kalif and pleasure until they blur and he remembers neither.
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sleepwalkersqueen · 2 months
Healthy Birb >:3
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He's very kitten shaped ur honor
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hajihiko · 3 months
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a long time ago I was like "I bet there are a lot of characters that are both touch-starved and touch-averse" so. Thinks
Impostor explanation: has been around the whole scale as various identities, has a hard time understanding themselves and their own true preference. Tends to just adjust to whoever they're around.
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merehumsafar · 6 months
"how do you manage all of it?" i dont. i just. don't.
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horrorknife · 1 month
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babe, this wouldn't be the first time it will not be the last time there's no parasol that could shelter this weather
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himejoshiangels · 3 months
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obsessed w how bitter and upset duke is w Bruce in this arc. and he has every right to be! he knew Bruce almost personally at that point, and his parents were joker gassed in a recreation of the wayne murders in an effort to get to batman. they were collateral damage and duke had been suffering pretty much alone as a result. his whole ideology is that robin doesn't need batman but on a more personal scale, you can see why he thinks that! when he needed Bruce he wasn't there, when he needed batman he wasn't there either. And he'll fret like he didn't care like it didn't matter but it DID
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Ik I talk abt this panel often but that's bcs KTZZZZ ITS SO CRUCIAL TO DUKES CHARACTER!! He becomes completely self reliant, isolates himself he can't wait on batman to save the city, can't wait on batman to find his parents or wait on batman to save him, he's all he could rely on, and that self-reliance later grew into an almost cynical worldview. it's why his whole "emphasis on the word 'we'" thing at the we of WAR meant so much. he had hope in not just his own beliefs but in others' as well.
ANDDD it's why his and bruce's dynamic drives me up a wall but that's another post for another time..
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swiftfootedachilles · 4 months
mickey fans who think ian is bad/toxic/"worse" than mickey (or any other character for that matter) is so funny because like. how do you think mickey would react to you saying that. the whole appeal of mickey is that hes a flea-invested rabid dog that keeps crawling back to ian no matter how bad it is for both of them. thats the whole point of their dynamic. they treat each other like shit, run away to lick their wounds, then mickey drags himself back to lay at ians feet, and ian takes him back every single time because he knows nobody is ever gonna care for him like mickey does. mickey blatantly states in the show that he would extend his prison sentence if it meant staying with ian. if he can obsess over ian unconditionally then so can anyone else idk
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stiffyck · 5 months
What if people started saying "I need to exercise more" or "I need to eat a bit healthier" instead of "I need to lose weight"
You can be healthy and fat
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vristrogen · 1 month
something about people calling vrisrezi "toxic yuri" always puts me off. i understand the lack of words to really put their dynamic but like you know theyre in a relationship thats largely good for them right. they arent dating because "it sucks but it would be worse without each other" they genuinely really love each other a lot
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witchspeka · 1 year
It's always "Shou and Ritsu need to blow stuff up with their minds for mental health reasons" or Ritsu and Teru or even Shou and Teru!
But what about Mob? When does he get to blow stuff up with his mind for funsies? For shits and giggles? He didn't go through all of those meltdowns and character development for nothing, let him go ham on a junkyard car or something smh
I believe in Mob's narrative given right to fuck shit up sometimes
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jebiknights · 5 months
Sometimes I just remember that oh right it's apparently a slightly controversial opinion that I think if Palpatine hadn't been involved at all that Anakin could've been perfectly happy and fulfilled with the Jedi.
Like just from rots we see Anakin want to follow Jedi ideals, to seek advice and even help from the very Jedi that fandom loves to act like he hates and who hate him in return, and we see the Jedi around him actually have a lot of respect for him! But every time he makes progress Palpatine is whispering in his ear and pulling out the stitches and re-opening the wounds, making it near impossible for him to actually grow as a Jedi and instead he grows closer to Falling. Not to mention the war, which was orchestrated in part to actively challenge the Jedi's morals and make them make bad and questionable choices.
Plenty of Legends canon and even current canon in things like the marvel comics show Anakin actively wrestling and considering Jedi philosophy, the pros and cons, and working through all his trauma and trying to figure out what's right for him and what the Jedi code actually means. People act like he only ever does lightsaber training and that he never picked up a book in his entire padawanship (which not only is just not how the Jedi Order works from what we see but honestly is just a boring take on the character imo).
Like, I just don't think that Anakin is actually incompatible with the Jedi Order! I think he could've thrived there if he wasn't being actively sabotaged and also had more time.
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tangledinink · 6 months
new gemini update was so good as always but I can't stop thinking:
big mama: there's nothing wrong with my sons
splinter: you fucked up two perfectly good kids is what you did. look at blue. he's got an eating disorder
wwhhhattttt? nooo, don't be silly. leo doesn't have an eating disorder.
leo and donnie have eating disorders--
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 months
My study partner and I got to weigh our rainbow trout, and wow have they grown! They came to us weighing an average of 10 grams, and only in a month’s time even the smallest fish have doubled in weight! There were some very hefty guys too, from a randomly selected group of fish the biggest weighed 81 grams, a massive amount of growth considering how small they were before! We’re aiming for an average weight of 100-150 grams, so we’re well on our way there.
To weigh the fish, we put them under anaesthesia so they wouldn’t be too stressed about the situation or thrash around in the weighing bucket. Here’s a picture I took of some rainbow trouts still coming to from said anaesthesia, absolutely zonked:
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You can see some drastic size differences between different rainbow trout individuals. Not to worry, every fish recovered and was swimming normally with their buddies after a few minutes!
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arsenicflame · 8 months
i think the reason izzy can be so blasé about his relationship with ed is not because hes taken to blaming a shark instead, but because hes actually already done a lot of the processing in the previous episode.
hes mourned his leg, hes had his drunk crying rants. hes gone through the five stages of grief. and then? the crew reaches out to him, offers him their support. they make him a new leg, they nominate him their new figurehead. when he stands there on the prow of the ship, leg on, letter in hand, thats his acceptance, thats his moving on.
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jakes3resin · 2 months
Hmmm thinking thoughts about Modern Clegan Break Up Fight AU
Just the pair getting into a fight because Bucky wants to go public about their relationship, but Buck doesn't understand why. Their close friends know, and they know. Who else needs to know? Buck asks this, and Bucky says he wants everyone to know. He wants to do all the cheesy romance shit like meeting the parents and siblings and stuff. Bucky wants to go to parties or events with Buck as his date. He wants to go out on public dates where people see them and know. Buck says he likes their private dates, and he likes how they don't have to be a side show for the people they go to school with (university not high school).
They go back and forth until finally Bucky bursts out that he wants everyone to know because he doesn't want to be the one left behind anymore. Bucky's the good time guy, or so everyone who's ever hooked up with him or gone out with him has said. He's scared that Buck will eventually agree with them (like Buck ever would but Bucky is scared). So now he wants to prove to Gale that he's serious about this, serious about them.
But, Buck's scared in his own way. His dad's still in the picture, and he would rather die than let his shitty excuse for a father anywhere near Bucky. Because his dad is the type to show up and try to teach the boy dating his son a lesson. Except he doesn't say that to Bucky. He says John I don't want to go public with this.
Poor Bucky takes that the exact wrong way. Usually he can read Buck like the back of his hand, but right now he's too emotional and stuck in his own head. He can't see past the facade right now. They start to really argue, building off of each other's energy until finally Bucky says that he can't be with someone who feels like they have to hide being in love with him.
Bucky storms out saying they're over. Heads back to his apartment where he tries to calm down and breathe. He goes and drinks some water to calm down. Except he accidently slices his hand open dropping his water glass. He gets blood all over his bathroom trying to fix it. That's how Curt finds him.
Curt is Bucky's roommate. He wasn't even supposed to be there that weekend. He was actually supposed to be in a different state for a concert the next night, but he forgot his wallet and turned back around after only being on the road for an hour. He finds Bucky bleeding and crying his eyes out, telling himself that that's what he gets for trying to be more than a good time. Curt goes into lockdown mode cause that's bullshit. He cleans Bucky up, and when Bucky looks at him with bright teary eyes and says he and Buck broke up, it's heartbreaking. Bucky sniffles and says he doesn't know what to do because he can't face anyone after this. Curt stuffs Bucky into his car and books it. Bucky forgets his cellphone in the apartment in the rush to get out of there. He realizes it a few hours later when it's too late to turn back.
Buck, meanwhile, has had his panic attack and calmed down. He knows that neither of them were in a good place for that argument, and he gives Bucky some space (a few hours) before he shows up to try and talk to him again. Only Bucky isn't at his apartment, and when Buck can't find him at any of the parties or bars on campus or with their mutual friends, he starts to get scared. Bucky's phone goes straight to voicemail over and over again. Buck goes back and breaks in (uses the spare key Bucky gave him) only to stumble upon an apartment trashed and covered with blood. He freaks out and calls everyone he can think of. Everyone joins the search, and it turns into a whole thing.
Hospitals get called, and then the cops get called, who since they're college town cops are suitably useless. Buck spends the next three days thinking Bucky hurt himself or was hurt bad enough he can't make it to one of their friends or a hospital.
Bucky is having a lovely time by the way. He managed to get a ticket to the concert, maybe Curt had an extra, and it's a great band. He's still heartbroken, but sometimes you just have to scream along to some artist you only learned about yesterday cause it's better than crying. He and Curt end up so hungover the next day that they don't get on the road back to their university until it's super late. They don't tell anyone they got back in town and pass out not knowing everyone in their life thinks Bucky is missing.
Bucky shows up to classes the next day, and he doesn't understand why Brady loses his shit when he sees Bucky walking around campus like their entire friend group hasn't been losing their shit all weekend. Brady drags him away even though Bucky's whining about missing his morning class.
Big reunion scene back at Bucky's apartment where Buck breaks down in tears because he's just so fucking relieved Bucky is okay. They work through their shit, and Bucky has to promise never to go on anymore impromptu road trips.
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mihotose · 3 months
my recent playthrough i kept feeling like coffee was being mentioned Suspiciously often:
Evrart Claire - "We're not gonna give nothing. We're gonna *take* Terminal B away from them: the roads, the gates, the containers, that big crane... even the damn coffee maker. We're gonna take all of it for the people -- and *fuck* Wild Pines."
Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer) - "Why not? I'll be here until 23.00, drinking coffee most likely..."
Rhetoric - The acrid smell of failure...
Electrochemistry - No, that's just slightly burnt coffee. A smell you would recognise anywhere.
Echo Maker - "I would commit war crimes for some real Saramirizian coffee."
and so on. so i check fayde and find this interaction telling you not everything is Something. fine i get it!!
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