#naruko x kakashi
yn-uzumaki-hatake · 10 months
Title: These Are The Days We'll Remember
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Kakashi Hatake and his beloved wife, Naruko Uzumaki, stood side by side in front of the grand entrance of the Konoha Ninja Academy. It was a bright and promising morning, marked by their bittersweet emotions as they watched their only child, Kazuki Hatake, embark on his first day at the academy.
A gentle breeze rustled through the trees as Kakashi wrapped his arm around Naruko's waist, offering her comfort during this emotional milestone. They exchanged knowing glances filled with love and pride for their son. As "These Are The Days" softly played in their minds, memories flooded back to them like a cherished melody.
In those early years when Kazuki was just learning to walk and talk, Kakashi and Naruko had whispered dreams into his tiny ears. They envisioned him becoming an exceptional ninja one day—a legacy that would surpass even their own achievements. But now, standing outside the academy gates, they realized how fast time had slipped through their fingers.
With tears brimming in her eyes, Naruko reminisced about the countless times she spent chasing after young Kazuki as he stumbled clumsily across the yard or laughed heartily while playing pranks on unsuspecting villagers. She remembered how his eyes sparkled with mischief—reflecting both her husband's intelligence and her own fiery spirit.
As the song played on inside their hearts, it reminded Kakashi and Naruko of all the valuable lessons they had taught Kazuki throughout his childhood. From mastering jutsus to instilling strong morals within him, they were proud of every obstacle he overcame and each triumph he achieved.
They gazed upon the academy building where countless future ninjas had honed their skills over generations. It felt like just yesterday when they had been the ones standing in those very same spots, eagerly awaiting their own instructors. The cycle of life was a constant reminder of the passage of time.
Lost in their thoughts, Kakashi and Naruko realized that Kazuki's journey was only beginning. Their hearts swelled with both excitement and trepidation as they contemplated what lay ahead for their son. They knew that he would face challenges, heartache, and moments of triumph—just as they had.
However, one thing remained certain: love would guide them through it all. As "These Are The Days" played its final chords within their souls, Kakashi and Naruko shared a tender embrace—a silent promise to support each other and celebrate every achievement on this new path they were embarking upon together.
Years later, when Kazuki became a renowned ninja in his own right, he stood before his parents outside the academy gates once again—this time with his family by his side. With pride shining in his eyes, he thanked Kakashi and Naruko for believing in him and nurturing his dreams.
As they basked in the warm embrace of family, the song echoed softly in their memories—a testament to how quickly time had flown but also to the enduring love that remained unchanged. These were indeed the days they'd remember forever—the moments that shaped not only Kazuki's childhood but also Kakashi and Naruko's bond as parents.
And as Kazuki walked away with his own child towards a new adventure, he silently vowed to carry forward these cherished traditions—to nurture dreams and pass on the legacy of love forged by his extraordinary parents.
Note: This fan fiction is inspired by Cory Asbury's song "These Are The Days."
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sleeppyreader · 6 months
Original Wattpad Story
The Fox That Got Lost in the Clouds Part 1
The Fox That Got Lost in the Clouds Part 2
I wrote this about 3 years ago now I believe, I lost the password to this account a long time ago, and I might even continue it too!!
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Hello, can i ask for a secnario or a headcannon for naruko (female version of naruto) x male water bender reader who can bloodbend, who was isekai'd to the narutoverse? And the reader show's naruko their bloodbending in a mission. oh and female sasuke x firebender male reader headcannon or scenario who can lightning bend, and show sasuki the reader lightning bending after sasuki say the reader is lying oh and the reader show sasuki that they can redirect lightning too.
As much as I wanted to write this with the entire Naruto-verse being gender-bent, I had to cave to the original names for everyone (except Naruki and Sasuki) for my sanity. Just bullet point story plus head canons until I can work on the novelization on AO3 (and similar fanfic sites) later. Not sure how often I'll be able to update that part of the project, but it will be written with the Naruto-verse gender-bent.
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Naurki x Issekai Waterbender M!Reader
The way you meet is by falling nearby shortly after Team Kakashi is formed and given the mission to rescue Gaara.
However, everyone is highly suspicious of you from the get-go.
Even after you try explaining that you're a waterbender and a healer, they don't fully believe you and Tsunade keeps you with her until further notice.
You are 100% put through your paces as a healer and deemed by Tsunade to be rather advanced for your age.
Sakura just thinks of you as a talented version of Naruki (and is lowkey jealous of your skills) but given your slightly more chill side most accept you as part of the Village until you can either find a way home or decide something else
No one really believes you, they think you come from the Land of Steel, maybe a small village of only Water Jutsu users nearby.
Everyone is weirded out by the fact that you don't need to perform hand signs.
Yes, Kakashi has tried (several times) to copy your 'justu' but to no avail... and no, you can't teach anyone how you're waterbending
Naruki is the first attempt to befriend you, given that the other option is Sai...
You are assigned to Team Kakashi despite this leading to a large team because Tsunade doesn't know whether you or Sai will remain on the final team due to your being a healer vs how Sai is with Sakura and Naruki.
But you manage to help smooth things over nicely... with one of the few aggressive things you'll ever say (don't judge someone you don't know personally)
When Yamato suggests leaving Sakura behind, you insist that you could stay and help heal her then catch up. But Yamato is equally stubborn (and demanding) about not leaving the only two healers behind making the argument that the moving party will need one healer.
The mission still goes according to plan, except for the retrieve Sasuki part...
When the team returns to the village, You go to comfort Naruki.
Instead of asking about Sasuki, you tell her about your life, your best friend, the weight of being somewhere so foreign to yourself, and the difficulty of the choices you'll have to make if there even is a way for you to get home.
This is when Naruki realizes her feelings toward you are stronger than friendship and this deepens fast with you helping Naruki with training.
However, it aggravates Kakashi to no end since he can't copy your waterbending (no, Kakashi never lets this go because he is certain you're using a jutsu... just figuring out how you're guarding it so well...)
Between the training and you constantly breaking up fights between Naruki and Sai, Naruki falls pretty fast
Naruki is the one who ends up asking you out (after a few months of training and a few failed attempts at spying on you)
Though, her idea of a date is going to get ramen... and she didn't expressly say it was a romantic date...
So you end up thinking of it as a friend thing, until you two go for a walk around the village and have a heart to heart and actually talk through what you're both feeling
It isn't an instant "we're dating" after that, but you and Naruki do talk much more often.
Sakura thinks she's meddling and playing matchmaker for Naruki... until Sakura says something directly to you
Sakura's jaw drops when you mention how you and Naruki are taking things slow instead of rushing head first into anything serious
The first time Kakashi pryed into extra abilities of yours, you mentioned being able to blood bend but never actually used it save for dire medical procedures
When time came to use it in combat, no one looked at you the same. To them, it was like watching a chill pet suddenly attack someone
Naruki was beyond worried about you using that on Sasuki and practically begged you not to
You managed to calm her down, promising to only use it as a method of capture and in a way that wouldn't hurt
It wasn't until you were extremely comfortable with your new life, happily dating Naruki, and trying to not let her get into the politics that you even met back up with your friend (the other insert below)
Though it was only because you'd followed Saukra, being able to bend the KO poison out before it could take effect
You didn't outright fight with your friend, but you did try to question him extensively to figure out what happened.
Unfortunately the situation surrounding that particular reunion was cut short as he ran off with Sasuki...
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Sasaki x Issekai Firebender M!Reader
You didn't so much land in front of Sasuki... you landed on her
She and the rest of Team Hebi/Taka were just leaving Nekobaa when you dropped in
You didn't so much land in front of Sasuki... you landed on her
She and the rest of Team Hebi/Taka were just leaving Nekobaa when you dropped in
After making sure Sasuki was okay, you introduced yourself and tried to ask questions... Sasuki was cold and indifferent to the point that she didn't even bother answering or care that you're following them
It comes down to Karin and Suigetsu to explain anything... Karin wants you gone, Suigetsu doesn't care much but loves the drama your presence brings
Juugo is the most neutral to you, but also is the most comfortable around you since you act a lot like Sasuki
This gets under Sasuki's skin in a weird way (denial of feelings)
Takes slow burn romance to a whole new level as Sasuki is far more resistant to even talking to you for longer than it takes to bark an order or ask a simple question about abilities
She never believes you about the lightening bending, much less being able to redirect a natural lightening bolt
When you show her, she gets more pissed... treating you like a rival as you try to get closer
The first time you manage to make her smile is when Sasuki lets you talk 'at' her over things that aren't related to the missions and goals
While it takes a while to find Itachi, you manage to at least befriend Sasuki in this time... not that she will admit to it
After the fight, you swoop in to rescue Sasuki but you barely catch up to the strange masked person calling themselves Madara
Sasuki sorta listens to you when you voice your opinion about how off everything sounds
But eventually you just have to follow along to keep Sasuki safe (you fell first but Sasuki fell much harder)
You spend a lot of time late into the evening just talking with Sasuki about everything going on, trying to get her to confront her feelings over what she did
It takes you opening up about your life and your friend before she starts talking about her own past
During the trip to hunting Danzo, Sasuki started cozing up to you and won't deny it... very subtly just acting like a couple instead of solidifying the relationship
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woman-child91 · 2 years
I hope this doesn't sound offensive, but can you list everything you hate about Boruto both the character himself and the series??(I wanted to ask you since I wanted to get as much information as possible to imagine a re-write or arc to fix the problems)
The way the original cast is drawn as adults. Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara, Mizukage Mei, Kiba, Hinata, Anko, Yamato, etc. They were made sooo ugly! Ugh!
How they completely ruined Hinata and NaruHina. Because, all Hinata does is act like those abusive wives who were all sweet and nice when they were dating. But, after they get married? They turn into horrible women with their husbands.
How Sasuke is so lame, docile and OOC as hell! It’s just like Vegeta from Dragon Ball Super. I prefer the original ones that I saw at the beginning.
Boruto is just so dislikable. He’s crap! He’s so annoying. He’s just like Sailor Mini Moon. They think they’re so much stronger and cooler than their parents. But, they’re not. They think they’re so perfect, powerful and mature. They’re not!
How Boruto was basically, befriending and changing his enemies like Naruto used to in Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. That’s blasphemy!!! I HATE BORUTO! That kid isn’t his dad! He’s not charismatic at all and I don’t believe he’s able to change people. I don’t buy it. The stupid creator (whose name I wrote down in my Death Note) of Boruto just did it. Because, Boruto is the main character.
How they made ALL of Naruto’s Semes/Tops completely forget about the love and how gay they were for him.
How they brainwashed Sai and erased ALL of his memories of Naruto and him. Then, they replaced them with fake ones of Ino.
Okay, the whole Mitsuki x Boruto ship. I ABHOR IT! Mitsuki was forced to love Boruto! It’s something that was implanted into his brain since he was born. The only sun & moon ship i acknowledge is, SasuNaru.
How they nerfed Sasuke and Naruto.
How they made Orochimaru all young and pretty. But, made Yamato old and ugly.
How Kakashi’s infatuation with Minato-sensei is completely gone. SERIOUSLY! What the hell?! Even Homophobic guys liked how much he idolized Minato in Shippuden.
How they took away all of Naruto‘a cool moves. Wind Shuriken? He doesn’t know it. How many thousands of shadow clones he could make? Nope. He can only make 7 or 8 now.
How some episodes are just cheap and crappy remakes of ones that we’ve already seen in Naruto and Naruto Shippuden.
They made Tsunade flat-chested. Why? That was her trait.
They cured Konohamaru of his Narutosexuality by, making him fall in love with a 99¢ store version of Tsunade in a freaking filler arc!!!
Naruto!!! Poor Naruto is no longer the cheerful boy he once was. Before anyone says something stupid about how he’s an adult now and HAD to change. That is BS! I’m 32 years old and I’ve had the exact same personality since the day I was born. My Dad too!! And like, what about Minato and Kushina? They kept the exact same personality they had as children! I mean, I understand that a person’s personality SOME TIMES changes with time or from childhood > adolescence > adulthood. OR if they had a traumatic experience. Which is what I think could be the case here. Naruto was forced to marry and have children with Hinata. Who he didn’t feel anything towards! He HAD to have an entire movie made so that he would be forced to love her. Please!!! Give me a freaking break!!! You wanna know what Naruto and Sasuke (including their American Voice Actors) wanted? They wanted to be together! Naruto wanted to “restore” Sasuke’s clan. If Sasuke would’ve asked? Well, Naruto would have transformed into Naruko/Sexy Jutsu to have children or something. They both would’ve been so happy together.
I’m probably leaving out a lot of other issues. But, I’m busy right now. I’m playing Dragon Age Inquisition on my PS5. I’m leveling up and talking to characters in the game to grind points. Bye.
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geonusboy · 4 years
My 6th Naruto OTP
The Akatsuki
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All the Jinchuriki (- Naruto)
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Did i mention Deidara?
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And me!!
(not pictured :))
... Yes... that is the whole ship... yes, all of us together... no, im not joking...
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yukina94 · 4 years
Okay, I have absolutely no confidence after reading a lot of ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS FANFICS! With this chance I wanna thank every writer who wrote a KakaNaru fanfic and let me say that you’re all amazing and I hope you all are safe and happy!
I’ve started this story (hell) of mine about Naruto having a lil twin sister Naruko and their lonely journey towards love. Naruto is a sucker for Kakashi-sensei and Naruko can’t help falling in love with S-! Ugh, no more spoiler! I’m already seeing that this will be the longest slow burn I’ve ever tried to write in my life and it’s probably obvious in my rambling that English is not my native language. However, I wanna contribute something to the KakaNaru fandom as well and of course I had to start with one of my longest ideas ^^’
So here’s a sneak peek in the story (side note: I’ve just started it and there’s a hell lot of work to do, but I hope you’ll like it):
The little girl looked at her little brother, saw the exact same dark eyes she saw when she looked in the mirror, saw the longing on his face when a few older women appeared and called their kids home to eat lunch. How she had to look away when she saw the tears glide down and heard the first sniffs, just to get closer and hug her brother and try to comfort him even when she was just as down, scrubbing her own tears away.
They were alone since they could remember. They were always locked in a small room, given food and water once or twice a day, were beaten by the matron and the kids as well whenever they had the chance to get out, and were beaten and looked down whenever they got the chance to ran away from the orphanage.
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moderndayportia · 5 years
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Kakashi X Naruko by  餅太郎@ついった on Pixiv | Posted with permission |
All credit goes to the artists. Visit their Pixiv to or @mochio_97 on Twitter to like, follow and support. DO NOT repost, crop or edit this art or remove this description.
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silentmagi · 3 years
Naruko x Hinata in "Loveboat"
When a mission has Team Kakashi and Team Kurenai travelling for a month on a ship posing as tourists, some members of the teams see it as a chance to sail another type of ship.
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olliya · 4 years
The most popular Naruto ships on FF.Net
Now, that’s a deceptively easy question… It’s very difficult to find the answer.
FF.Net doesn’t have a built-in ranking system (in contrast to AO3). The only way to search the popularity is to scroll through the Filter Menu. One would need to chose Character A, click the Pairing Option On, and then scroll through all the possible Character Bs, checking the number of fics as it appears in the lower part of Filter Menu.
The point is that there are 324 characters listed in Naruto Filter (if I counted correctly). If one would want to search all the combinations, one would need to check (324x324)/2 i.e. 52488 combinations of characters. Well, there are better ways to spend time.
The approach I took was the following:
1.      I identified Top Ten most popular Characters through scrolling through all the characters (Pairing Option was Off at this stage) and taking note of their fic numbers. There are 49 characters that have more than 1000 fics to their name, and those characters will be considered further. Top Ten were (in order of popularity): Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Itachi, Kakashi, Gaara, Neji, Ino, Shikamaru
2.      For each of the Top Ten characters I switched the Pairing Option On and scrolled through all the listed Character Bs, taking note of the ships with more than 100 fics. This way, I systematically checked all possible ships where at least one partner belonged to Top Ten.
At that point it should become apparent for everyone that here lies the greatest limitation of this method. Namely, there can be a ship, consisting of both partners outside the Top Ten that nevertheless is popular enough to rank high.
3.      Since I wasn’t ready to search systematically through further characters, I concentrated on ships featuring characters ranking 11-49 that struck me as possibly popular (canon pairs, Akatsuki teams, fandoms favs known to me) and checked manually the fic numbers for those fics. This check was by all means not exhaustive and was obviously biased.
Limitations of the method
The biggest limitation of this method is described in point 2., and the partial solution provided in point 3.
Additionally, this method is based exclusively on Pairing Option. Pairing Option was introduced in October 2013 and fics tagged with it tend to be new. The parallel ship tagging system (so called Ship Names, i.e. SasuSaku, NaruHina, etc.) was in place for the majority of the Naruto fandom history on FF.Net and is still widely in use. For more details see here. This analysis doesn’t include in any way the fics tagged with Ship Names (and the differences in rankings between the systems can be large; for example featuring Sakura’s ships see here).
The Table below summarizes 42 ships that I identified applying approach described in point 2 and supplementing it with approach from point 3. This list is not exhaustive and I am pretty sure there are couple of ships towards the bottom of the ranking that slipped through my fingers.
Ships identified via point 3. are marked red. Those ships are: MinaKushi, SasoDei, BoruSara and MadaTobi. It is worth mentioning that MinaKushi is ranked 10th, and it had I not used the manual check, it’s place would have been taken by ShikaIno, which proves that also relatively high-ranking ships may escape the procedure from point 2.
Since FF.Net lists “Naruko” as separate character, ship Sasuke x Naruko appeared as a separate entity in my method. It has 178 fics and is ranked 28. If one adds those 178 fics to the classical SasuNaru ship, it introduces profound changes in the top of the ranking. Namely, SasuNaru with 4105 fics takes the 2nd place from NaruHina (with 3930 fic), as those two ships have practically identical fic number. Btw, I checked Hinata x Naruko, just to be fair, and since it has 29 fics, it wouldn’t make NaruHina win its 2nd place.
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The ranking is dominated by ships consisting of four players: Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and Hinata. Almost all combinations of ships featuring those 4 characters (except of SakuHina) rank at the top of the list. The ships featuring those 4 characters are also the only ones that cross the boundary of 1000 fics per ship.
SasuSaku dominates the ranking with 5826 fics, followed by an almost-tie between NaruHina and SasuNaru with 3930 and 3927 fics, respectively (or the 2nd and 3rd ranks are reversed, see above).
Interestingly, there is a second almost-tie on the 4th and 5th place with NaruSaku (1733 fics) and SasuHina (1728 fics).
There are 23 F/M ships in the ranking, 10 M/M and 1 F/F. 8 ships (with OCs, Kurama and Naruko) are hard to categorize.
In Top Ten there are 4 canonical ships, while the fifth prominent one (InoSai) ranks 13. However, for every canonical ship, the uncanonical ‘options’ for either, or both partners, feature equally prominently and usually on similar place in the ranking (the ‘Top 4 Characters’ situation described above; ShikaTema (7th) vs ShikaIno (11th), InoSai (13th) vs ShikaIno (11th), and SasuIno (12th))
Several ships ranking very highly in AO3 rank low on FF.Net. KakaIru, which is the 2nd most popular ship on AO3 ranks 15 on FF.Net (though it can be an artifact of using exclusively the Pairing Option, I have an impression that this ship used to be far more popular in the past). KakaObi (5th on AO3) is ranked 33. MadaTobi which is ranked 7th on AO3 barely makes the cut.
MadaSaku is 36th, but since it’s towards the end of the ranking, I would treat it more as an orientation than as a set-in-stone number, as there might be a fic or two that I missed that would rank higher.
It is interesting to note that 5 high ranking ships are the ships with OC. The canonical ship-partners in these pairings are: Kakashi, Itachi, Gaara, Sasuke and Naruto.
And finally, the curiosities: there are two ships of Kurama that made it in: with Naruto (ok, I can understand that) and with Itachi (WTF? If anyone read Kurama x Itachi fic, please, let me know what it was about!)
 As always, comments, critique and ideas for development are most welcome!
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Kakashi: *sulking while laying in bed*
Naruko: What's wrong, puppy?
Kakashi: *incoherent mumbles*
Naruko: I can't hear you when you mumble, baby.
Kakashi: The other Jounin laughed at me because I... I'm... "the bottom"...
Naruko: Puppy, come here, *pulls Kakashi into a hug*
Naruko: Do you like being mine?
Kakashi: M-mmhm.
Naruko: Do you enjoy submitting to me?
Kakashi: Yes...
Naruko: Then it doesn't matter what others do or say. As long as you're comfortable and happy.
Kakashi: ... I love you, Naruko.
Naruko: I love you too, puppy
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aoiyutaka · 7 years
an incomplete list of favorite ships in favorite fandoms so i can think abt what i might wanna write a fanfic of??? yowapeda: theres So Many but my favorites are onoda/manami, onoda/naruko/imaizumi, tadokoro/makishima/toudou, teshima/aoyagi, arakita/kinjou, arakita/fukutomi, kinjou/arakita/fukutomi (separate bc all have Different dynamics that arent the same together, while with tadomakitou i think everythings improved by them three being together), imaizumi/sugimoto, shinkai/izumida, kaburagi/danchiku, miki/aya ace attorney: theres so many characters but Uh, phoenix/edgeworth, maya/franziska, manfred/gregory, edgeworth/lang(/phoenix), apollo/klavier, adrian andrews/a supportive and good girlfriend please..., mia/lana, uhhhh im def forgetting a lot and also im a Fake who still isnt done with dual destinies or the first investigations games so theres a lot of ships idk about but appreciate bc i know friends like them the get down: dizzee/thor, zeke dating both shaolin and mylene hxh: gon/killua, canary/amane, lots of gay/lesbian phantom troupe ships, knuckle/shoot(/meleoron), i'm absolutely forgetting more and also theres lots of really embarrassing stuff that still would be interesting to explore (like shaiapouf/menthuthuyoupi or ging/pariston afskshsjkdbd) naruto: theres so many here idk if i could even list them all but like the obvious ones off the top of my head are gai/kakashi, sakura/ino, sasuke/naruto(/gaara) gatchaman crowds: hajime/utsutsu, rui/x ace attorney: hatoful boyfriend: nageki/anghel
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fineillsignup · 7 years
My Translated Naruto Manhua (Doujinshi) Masterpost
I’m gonna try to keep this up-to-date but you know how it is, there’s also a high chance that it will never be updated from this moment forward. Do you feel lucky?
Long manhua that are more than one post will link to the first post only, but have the number of pages currently translated listed. Multiple posts SHOULD link to each other; if I forgot a link or one is broken, please tell me! You can also try clicking on the author tag to find other portions of a work in case of broken or no links.
Chinese to English translation requests are OPEN, but I of course can decline to translate anything without giving a reason. I will not translate post-699 canon SasuSaku so don’t bother asking; it’s my NOTP. Genin SS and AU SS is fine to request. I’m open to translating pretty much any other pairing; obviously if I also ship it I’m more likely to do it.
Multi-page Manhua and series
Kakashi’s Wish by @allhatakekakashi (Kakashi-centric, no ships so far; Time-Travel AU; p. 1-63 translated of ?) The Weird Tale of 1LDK by @yomi-gaeru (MadaSaku; Romance, Mystery, Horror; 18 pages) Tears by Da Biaosao (SasuSaku; Romance, Tragedy; 7 pages) The Mysterious Haruno Sakura by Da Biaosao (genin pre-SasuSaku; Fluff; 18 pages) A Little Bit by Da Biaosao (pre-NaruSaku; Fluff; 7 pages) Moment by Da Biaosao (pre-SaiSaku; Fluff; 8 pages) Uncle by Da Biaosao (pre-KakaSaku; Fluff; 20 pages) Cowardly by Da Biaosao (NaruSaku; Romance; 21 pages) After Class by Da Biaosao (NaruSaku; Romance, High School AU; 19 pages) Destination by Photinia (Temari-centric; Growing up; 14 pages) Lingering by @yomi-gaeru (MadaSaku; Romance; 24 pages) A Strange Heart-to-Heart by @allhatakekakashi (pre-Tsunade x Sakura; romance; 8 pages) NaruHina comic by Zhi Feng Chui (NaruHina; romance, past angst; two long pages) Hand Temperature by Da Biaosao (genin pre-SasuSaku, but more focused on Team 7 as a unit; bittersweet fluff; 24 pages) SasuSaku Modern AU by @yomi-gaeru (SasuSaku; Romance and Humour; 12 pages + a bonus page) Half-Hearted by Photinia (ShikaTema; domestic fluff; 9 pages) The Flower of Joy by @yomi-gaeru (SasuSaku, domestic fluff, 19 pages) From the Sea Mist by MAOQ (MadaSaku, SasuSaku, ghost story,  p. 1-11 long pages plus omake) You, Like a Sunflower by An Sikui (NaruSaku primary; plot lines for NaruHina, ShikaIno, and platonic/brotherly Sasuke and Itachi, and Hinata and Neji; modern AU; ch. 1-19 translated) Kindred Spirits by Translucence (wuxia and youkai AU about demon hunter Sakura, youkai Team Taka, and many others pursuing the Nine Tails; issue 1 is gen, but the artist ships SS so there is likely to be SS later; issue 1 translated, 52 pages) Wanna Be Friends With Kakuzu-sempai! by Paranoia. (crack KakuHida adopting Fuu comic; parts 1 to 6 translated so far) In That Box...? by Yan (R18 married ShikaTema, 22 pages) SasuKarin fireworks comic by Ssonno (10 pages) Madamew by Nina Zhang (AU where Madara is Hashirama’s evil pet cat) Millennium Bird by Goose (sad, tragic KarinSaku with background of Karin’s other sad relationships. IT’S SAD.)
Short Comics - Serious(ish)
MadaSaku hospital by @yomi-gaeru​ Madara as Team 7′s Sensei AU by MAOQ High School AU pt 1 by MAOQ High School AU pt 2 by MAOQ High School AU sketches by MAOQ Obito demands a Christmas Gift from Kakashi by @allhatakekakashi​ Youkai AU by MAOQ Baby Naruto and Team Minato by Uncle Loki Goose ObiRin - scars by LUMi Itachi Demands a Christmas Gift From Kakashi by @allhatakekakashi​ MadaSaku fashion designer and model AU by MAOQ Smol Sakura meets Smol Naruto by MAOQ ObiSaku by @yomi-gaeru​ InoSaku by Pettifogger Genderflipped Team Guy by @sikuzxxx​ KakaYama ANBU flirting by @asure95 NejiTen birthday by Mark KakaYama confession by @asure95 KakaYama art by Taiiii Young Sasori and the Kazekage by Paranoia Neji using concealer by L_O_V_E_is_E_V_I_L Consequences of Izuna’s Death by HANA✿ Izuna by HANA✿ Purple Lightning by @warishell-peaceisshell NejiTen reincarnation AU by reanrean Yamato supports Kakashi by qingzhuxi Madara and Obito reincarnation AU series 1, 2, and 3 by HANA✿ If: A Happy Story (ObiRin) by aramaginhiro Good Morning, Mrs. Hatake (kakasaku) by akatsukiyuki-hk Zabuza and Haku by Shumingzi Newborn (ShikaTema) by Yan KakaYama comic by Paranoia KakaYama comic by sleepingcrow KakaYama art by Pennybear How to Lose Face (Sakura x male Sakura) by Goose Drunk ShikaTema by Yan MadaSaku and never give up on Sakura by yomi-gaeru Kakashi x Reader comic by Dickbird Genderbend Sakura-kun design notes by Goose Moonlight Talk (ShikaTema) by Yan Good Morning KakaSaku by akatsuki-yukihk Zabuza and Haku by Shumingzi
Short Comics - Purely Comedic
MadaSaku time travel AU by @yomi-gaeru Team 7 by MAOQ Kakashi trolling Obito by @allhatakekakashi Actors AU 1 by Da Biaosao Actors AU 2 by Da Biaosao Kakashi and Yamato’s Eyes by @allhatakekakashi Team 7′s determination by Da Biaosao Team 7 has a hard time focusing by Da Biaosao Sakura wants Kakashi by Pollyanna Mirai and Kakashi’s Icha Icha Book Tour by @allhatakekakashi Kakashi gives Mirai a Christmas Gift by @allhatakekakashi Baby Naruto and baby Sasuke by @kazea-free Has the Rokudaime ever gotten fat? by @allhatakekakashi April Fools MadaSaku by @yomi-gaeru I Won’t! Believe! That Obito Never Did This! by ghosttt Sasuke’s Poor Clothing Choices by @yomi-gaeru Pikashi by Hikazi MadaSaku in a nutshell by MAOQ Infinite Tsukuyomi Cancelled: Dat Booty Too Fine by @yomi-gaeru​ Mad Scientist Tobirama by Kinkin Hashirama’s Day by River of Light No One Wants Your Grimy Eyeball Shisui by @sikuzxxx​ Minato-papa Gets Drive-By Trolled by Kakashi by Uncle Loki Goose Fire + Water = Steam by River of Light Gaara Meets Himawari by Zhifengchui About the Proposal 1-3 by theAya (canon ending pairings) Yamato sprouted by Jiangji_jiangji Marriage (NejiTen) by Mark Crush-Loaded (MadaSaku) by @yomi-gaeru​ KakaGai vs the Fourth Wall by @allhatakekakashi​ Madara-sensei AU 1 and 2 by Delicate Memento MadaSaku and IndraSaku by Delicate Memento Sakura is tired of cutesy SNS by @sikuzxxx​ NejiTen cuteness by L_O_V_E_is_E_V_I_L InoSaku hair switch by Flower and Bird NejiTen wedding by Pharaoh Rao NaruHina comic by Kurumi Silly Naruto vs Kakashi by ProperCybertron Happy Dragon Boat Festival by Glean  How to Draw Uchiha Shisui by YA Naruto Propaganda by Anonymous Beer by HANA✿ Deidara and Tobi’s Face by HANA✿ “On the Way Home” by River of Light Kakashi-bunny bullies Yamato-kitty by Mantoubaozou Hashirama can’t do dark and edgy by HANA✿ SNS Summer Vacation by Chairman Lan Boruto needs better â€œroll” model by gazelleoryx KakaYama daily life sketch dump by Pennybear Happy Birthday Kakashi! by mantoubaozou Beautiful Madara and Hashirama by Ashley Happy Birthday Sai by Three Bowls of Mala Soup Konoha Founders Good Brothers’ Day by HANA✿ Naruto hates veggies by Chairman Lan Halloween NaruHina by Kurumi Halloween comic by Scheiter The Story Of How Obito Picked His Fourth War Outfit by R-517 Hashirama and the Get-along Handcuffs by HANA✿ Kushina wishes Kakashi happy birthday by Psychemoon KakuHida â€œCan’t Ignore It” by Paranoia Deidara and Ino by yake1221 Sasuke is Tired of Naruto Playing the Friend Card by Chairman Lan Kakashi Character Eating Meme by Scheiter Team 8 and KibaShino art by Xiongwang Sancheng Sakura-chan the Jerk (platonic TsunaSaku) by @allhatakekakashi Kakuzu proposal to Hidan by Nina Zhang PopLee and PipiNeji by momoyuyu884 Naruko loves Sakura-chan, Sakura-kun, and himself by Goose Naruko is too happy about sleeping in Sakura-kun’s arms by Goose Team 7 watches a horror film by Goose Happy Birthday Obito by Scheiter
Collaboration with @yomi-gaeru, I wrote the words for a MadaSaku comic here.
Not Naruto:
Zoe’s language adventures with Newaza by Zoe p. 1-3 (slice of life, language humour) Ed x Winry: Height Difference by Lare
Last updated July 2018
4K notes · View notes
silentmagi · 3 years
Naruko x Tenten in “Spying”
Covert observation was an important trait in any shinobi or kunoichi's arsenal.
And that would be why they were spying on the date between Kakashi and Gai.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me!
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olliya · 4 years
How popular is MadaSaku in context of other Madara’s and Sakura’s ships? Part 2
I am honestly shocked how many people liked my ship popularity analysis. Well, prepared for the second part - Fanfiction.net. It’s even longer!!! But imo more interesting.
Finding the popularity of ships on ff.net is both easier and more complicated, depending how do you approach the problem.
Let’s break up the task into two parts.
Approach 1
FF.net has a Pairing Option that was introduced in October 2013. This function makes the names of characters appear in square bracket, for example: [Madara U., Sakura H.] indicating that those characters form a romantic pair in a given fic.
When using Filters (Figure 1.a.) after choosing the character of interest, one can tick the Pairing Option, and then browse (using up and down arrows) through all the characters of the fandom. The number of fics tagged with Pairing Option between the character of interest (here: Madara) and every character B (here: Sakura) appear on the bottom of the panel (Figure 1.b.).
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Data gathered through browsing through all of the Naruto characters with Pairing Option On give unequivocal results. The only limitations of this method is the relatively late introduction time point of Pairing Option (introduced in 2013, while Naruto started publishing in 1999), and sometimes peculiar definitions of “Characters” on ff.net (example: Naruko as a separate character, “Team 7” as a “Character”).
Results for Madara and Sakura are presented below (Figures 2. and 3.) For clarity, ships with four or more fics are shown for Madara. In case of Sakura, all the ships with >4 fics in a graph would blur the picture. Therefore, her Top 20 ships are presented in Figure 3., and the rest is summarized in the Table 1. The analysis was performed on 22.10.2019.
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However, ff.net was launched on 15.10.1998 (which precedes publication of Naruto by one year) so there is a 14 year-worth of fic creation when the Pairing Option wasn’t available. To get the complete overview of ship popularity it is necessary to include the body of work created in the earlier years of ff.net.
This issue was addressed through Approach 2.
Approach 2
During the period of 1998-2013 fics were labelled with ship names in the summaries, and readers would look for ships of interest typing ship name into the search box. During those times certain conventional phrases were coined for the ships, and putting those in the summary allowed potential readers to find the story. Searching ff.net using selected phrases and collecting the corresponding fic numbers gives insight into those part of fanworks. Employment of search engine is shown in Figure 4. on the example of phrase “madasaku”.
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I performed searches for common ships, basing the list on the ships with 4 or more fics as found using Pairing Option (see: section above).
I searched for the phrases that were and still are still commonly used ship names in Naruto fandom.
In general, there are three common ways to indicate a ship:
a)      Merger of names, usually using first two syllables of both names, usually (but not always) with male name being first part of the phrase. Example: madasaku, and (less commonly used) sakumada. For the M/M and F/F couples, both orders are used, and it is impossible to predict which form is more common. Example: sakuhina and hinasaku would be used with similar frequency.
In case of names composed of two syllables or shorter, one syllable is often used.
b)     Name_1xName_2 – complete names of characters separated by letter “x”, without spaces in between. There is no strict preference as to which name goes first more frequently, i.e. sakuraxmadara is equally plausible as madaraxsakura.
c)      A combination of the above, i.e. shortened versions of names connected with an “x”, without spaces (example: madaxsaku)
Search engine of ff.net is case-insensitive, i.e. searching for “madasaku” will bring the same results as searching for “Madasaku” and “MadaSaku” (thank gods).
Other possible naming convention, even if there are/were used, aren’t correctly recognized by the search engine of ff.net. If there are spaces between the words of the phrase (example: “Madara x Sakura”) the search results in all fics containing words “Madara”, “x” and “Sakura” in summary, but not necessary together. Separating character names with slash “/”, even without usage of spaces (example: “Madara/Sakura”) results in list of fic containing “Madara” and “Sakura”, not necessary together (slash symbol gets ignored).
Therefore, the ship names of the kinds described above weren’t included in this analysis.
Other potential ship names variations (using “*”, using “&”, and surely a multitude of others variants that I couldn’t think of) were not included due to their relative infrequency (and limits to capacity and imagination).
For every ship included in the results of Approach 1 (total 43 searches for Sakura’s ships, and 12 searches for Madara’s ships), I searched for the following phrases (on example of MadaSaku ship):
Certain ship names don’t follow the usual rules and/ or required special treatment. For example, for the ship Gaara/Haruno Sakura the common names merger is GaaSaku (and not GaaraSaku). Tsunade/ Haruno Sakura is equally often (or rarely, because it is very rare) abbreviated to TsuSaku and Tsunasaku. Fics tagged with TobiSaku name merger may mean Senju Tobirama/Haruno Sakura as well as Tobi (Obito’s persona)/Haruno Sakura – in this case, fics were manually inspected, and assigned to correct categories. Ship with Naruko (which scored relatively high in Pairing Option analysis), was not really possible to assess, because the merger name “narusaku” is identical for the merger of Uzumaki Naruto/Haruno Sakura (for good reasons).
All the fics for given pair were summed up (i.e. for Uchiha Madara/Haruno Sakura ship the fic numbers retrieved through searches for “madasaku”, “sakumada”, “madaraxsakura”, “sakuraxmadara”, “madaxsaku” and “sakuxmada” were added together).
Results for Madara and Sakura are presented below (Figures 5. and 6.). In case of Sakura, including all the examined ships in a graph would blur the picture. Therefore, her Top 20 ships are presented in Figure 6., and the rest is summarized in the Table 2. The analysis was performed on 22.10.2019.
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This list presented in Table 2 is not a comprehensive one. There are certainly more ships with <10 fics that were not included. One prominent, detected example is Chōji, who has 13 fics in as a ship partner of Sakura, but was not included in Table 2 because according to the Pairing Option he had no fics with Sakura.
 Limitations of the method
Employed method depends on performing six independent searches and summing up the numbers from those searches. A fic tagged with more than one of the searched phrases will be counted multiple times. For example: if a fic contained phrases “MadaSaku” and “MadaraxSakura” in its summary, it was counted twice. In extreme case, one fic would generate six data points: one real, and five false.
Nevertheless, since the same treatment was applied to all the pairings, the errors should be distributed in the same way across all the ships. Therefore, even if the numerical values obtained through this analysis don’t necessarily correspond to reality, the results should reflect respective relations between the ships (i.e. “ranking” should be correct). This assumption is true however only if all the subdivisions of the fandom follow the same customs and tagging etiquette. I.e. if creators writing for SasuSaku followed a habit of including only one Ship Name in their summaries, while creators of MadaSaku tended to include multiple Ship Names, then my method of analysis would overestimate the significance of MadaSaku ship. However, I am not aware of such trends existing in Naruto fandom.
Additionally, Ship Name tagging system allows for tagging infinite number of ships in one fic, therefore certain fics have been counted multiple times.
When considering fics tagged with Pairing Option, Sakura ranks as Madara’s second most popular ship partner, after Hashirama and before Tobirama. As on AO3, it is telling that a relatively “exotic” pairing with OC ranks 4th among Madara’s ships.
Madara is the 9th most popular ship partner of Sakura. Comparing and contrasting Sakura’s data between ff.net and AO3 would be an interesting analysis in its own right, but here I will only point out the switch of positions between Naruto and Kakashi as Sakura’s ship partners (Naruto is a strong 2nd on ff.net, while Kakashi takes this position on AO3); and relatively low, 7th place of Ino (strong 4th on AO3).
When taking into account data gathered though Ship Names Searches, Sakura ranks as Madara’s 2nd most popular ship partner (after Hashirama and before OC).
Madara, on the other hand is Sakura’s 15th most popular ship partner. Since Ship Names Searches results are mostly derived from fics published in earlier years in Naruto fandom, his lower place can be explained by his very late appearance in the franchise (on-panel in February 2008 - almost 9 years after Naruto started publishing and in person in the story in October 2011 - 12 years after begin of publishing).
Data gathered in this analysis present a unique opportunity for looking into the development of ship popularity over time.
Results from Pairing Option reflect mostly the state of fandom in years 2013-2019, while the results from Ship Names Search show the status from the earlier years. The exact division is however somewhat blurred as some fics published before October 2013 has been retroactively tagged using Pairing Option (even if the majority of older fics remain untagged). The reverse is also true – many fics published after introduction of Pairing Option, even as recently as end of 2019, fail to use it. Additionally, many fics are tagged using both systems: the Pairing Option and Ship Name in summary.
Nevertheless one can tentatively regard Pairing Option results as “new”, or “current” ones, while the ones coming from the Ship Names Searches as “older” ones.
Figure 7. presents position changes in Top 12 Madara’s ships. Ranking from Pairing Option analysis was regarded as current and compared to the “older” ranking composed from all the fics tagged with Ship Names (regardless their publishing date). A positive value in the Figure 7. indicates a gain of popularity, for example: Tobirama gained 2 positions among Madara’s ships when comparing the “current” and “older” results.
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This analysis reveals that certain ships (with Tobirama, Naruto and Hinata) gained, while ships with OC and Itachi lost on popularity. Dramatic loss of Itachi ship popularity is very interesting and one can speculated that it could be caused by Tobi/Obito reveal.
The same analysis was performed for Sakura’s ships and is presented in Figure 8.
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Inspecting changes in Sakura ships’ rankings allows for several interesting observations. Minato, Shisui, Madara and Sasori are among greatest winners. It is symptomatic that all, except Sasori, are characters that appeared (or became relevant) later during the franchise. Among the characters losing in popularity as Sakura’s ship partners are members of Konoha Eleven (Lee, Kiba, Sai, Neji), an Akatsuki member (Deidara) and OC. It should also be noted that five top positions (Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, Itachi and Gaara) remained unchanged.
To further examine the “current” and “older” state of fandom, upon harvesting Ship Names data I sorted the fics according to publication date and took note of how many fics were published before and how many after 01.10.2013 (approximate date of introduction of Pairing Option tool).
If one repeats the analysis from Figures 7. and 8. considering only fics published before 01.10.2013 as “older” ones, the following pictures appears (Figure 9. and 10.):
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Using this definition of “older” fics (i.e. fics tagged with Ship Names that were published until October 2013), the gain of popularity of Tobirama ship becomes even mor evident (gain of 7 positions). Ships with Itachi (as in the previous analysis) and Sasuke (undetected in the previous analysis) lost on popularity.
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Sakura ships’ dynamics according to this definition of “older” fics show even more pronounced position gains of Minato and Shisui, but otherwise similar trends to previous analysis.
Analysis of ship popularity on ff.net is a challenging one, but since this platform was, and still is main archive for Naruto fandom (407 thousands fics vs 49 thousand on AO3) it is important to address this issue even if methodology is far from perfect.
I am open to all the comments, suggestions and hints, as the data collection was a major effort and I’m sure that this data can be used in many other different ways.
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silentmagi · 3 years
Naruko x Tenten in “Are We Forgetting Something?”
As the pair had a late brunch, they couldn't help but feel they had forgotten something. Meanwhile, the joint training between Team Kakashi and Team Gai was going... abysmally with one teacher missing, and four students awol, Sakura was forced to train her taijutsu skills with the green spandex demons.
She didn't want to think where they got the pink one for her, but only Ino would ever see her wear something that form fitting, thank you.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me!
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olliya · 4 years
How popular is MadaSaku in context of other Madara’s and Sakura’s ships? Part 2 - revamped
Thank you @purple-possibilities​ for your suggestions about searches of multi-words phrases on ff.net. Putting the phrase between quotation marks worked and I could include 4 additional phrases into searches for each ship!
Additionally, I noticed and error! Grrrr... Even though I took under consideration that Tobisaku may mean Tobirama x Sakura and Obito x Sakura, later on I switched from manual to automatic layout of formulas in my excel. And, of course, automatic layout had no clue about Obito/Tobi thing...
So, important errata: Tobirama had only 13 fics (as opposed to 31 which I reported) according to Ship Names Searches. I corrected it also in the original post.
I’m posting the improved version below, but for those who are not into reading this again: Including additional Ship Names in my search didn’t change much. Lee and Ino switched places 6th and 7th, Madara x OC ship gained a lot of entries, but not enough for a position change, and that’s basically it.
Finding the popularity of ships on ff.net is both easier and more complicated, depending how do you approach the problem.
Let’s break down the task into two parts.
Approach 1
FF.net has a Pairing Option that was introduced in October 2013. This function makes the names of characters appear in square bracket, for example: [Madara U., Sakura H.] indicating that those characters form a romantic pair in a given fic.
When using Filters (Figure 1.a.) after choosing the character of interest, one can tick the Pairing Option, and then browse (using up and down arrows) through all the characters of the fandom. The number of fics tagged with Pairing Option between the character of interest (here: Madara) and every character B (here: Sakura) appear on the bottom of the panel (Figure 1.b.).
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Data gathered through browsing through all of the Naruto characters with Pairing Option On give unequivocal results. The only limitations of this method is the relatively late introduction time point of Pairing Option (introduced in 2013, while Naruto started publishing in 1999), and sometimes peculiar definitions of “Characters” on ff.net (example: Naruko as a separate character, “Team 7” as a “Character”).
Results for Madara and Sakura are presented below (Figures 2. and 3.) For clarity, ships with four or more fics are shown for Madara. In case of Sakura, all the ships with >4 fics in a graph would blur the picture. Therefore, her Top 20 ships are presented in Figure 3., and the rest is summarized in the Table 1. The analysis was performed on 22.10.2019.
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However, ff.net was launched on 15.10.1998 (which precedes publication of Naruto by one year) so there is a 14 year-worth of fic creation when the Pairing Option wasn’t available. To get the complete overview of ship popularity it is necessary to include the body of work created in the earlier years of ff.net.
This issue was addressed through Approach 2.
Approach 2
During the period of 1998-2013 fics were labelled with ship names in the summaries, and readers would look for ships of interest typing ship name into the search box. During those times certain conventional phrases were coined for the ships, and putting those in the summary allowed potential readers to find the story. Searching ff.net using selected phrases and collecting the corresponding fic numbers gives insight into those part of fanworks. Employment of search engine is shown in Figure 4. on the example of phrase “madasaku”.
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I performed searches for common ships, basing the list on the ships with 4 or more fics as found using Pairing Option (see: section above).
I searched for the phrases that were and still are still commonly used ship names in Naruto fandom.
In general, there are three common ways to indicate a ship:
a)      Merger of names, usually using first two syllables of both names, usually (but not always) with male name being first part of the phrase. Example: madasaku, and (less commonly used) sakumada. For the M/M and F/F couples, both orders are used, and it is impossible to predict which form is more common. Example: sakuhina and hinasaku would be used with similar frequency. In case of names composed of two syllables or shorter, one syllable is often used.
b)     Name_1xName_2 – complete names of characters separated by letter “x”, without spaces in between. There is no strict preference as to which name goes first more frequently, i.e. sakuraxmadara is equally plausible as madaraxsakura.
The same naming scheme exists also in a version with spaces (example: Madara x Sakura). Searching for such phrases (and all phrases including spaces) required putting the Ship Name between quotation marks (”Madara x Sakura”).
c)      A combination of the above, i.e. shortened versions of names connected with an “x”; with  spaces (example: mada x saku) and without spaces (madaxsaku - again searched using apostrophes)
Search engine of ff.net is case-insensitive, i.e. searching for “madasaku” will bring the same results as searching for “Madasaku” and “MadaSaku” (thank gods).
Naming convention that is common on AO3, i.e. separating character names with slash “/”, isn’t correctly recognized by search engine. If the phrase is written without usage of spaces (example: Madara/Sakura) the search results in list of fics containing “Madara” and “Sakura”, not necessary together (slash symbol gets ignored). When phrase “Madara/Sakura” is searched with quotation marks, slash still gets ignored and results include all entries with any symbol between the names. Therefore, the ship names weren’t included in this analysis.
Other potential ship names variations (using “*”, using “&”, and surely a multitude of others variants that I couldn’t think of) were not included due to their relative infrequency (and limits to my capacity and imagination).
For every ship included in the results of Approach 1 (total 43 searches for Sakura’s ships, and 12 searches for Madara’s ships), I searched for the following phrases (on example of MadaSaku ship):
madara x sakura
sakura x madara
mada x saku
saku x mada
Certain ship names don’t follow the usual rules and/or required special treatment. For example, for the ship Gaara/Haruno Sakura the common name merger is GaaSaku (and not GaaraSaku). Tsunade/ Haruno Sakura is equally often (or rarely, because it is very rare) abbreviated to TsuSaku and Tsunasaku. Fics tagged with TobiSaku name merger may mean Senju Tobirama/Haruno Sakura as well as Tobi (Obito’s persona)/Haruno Sakura – in this case, fics were manually inspected, and assigned to correct categories. Ship with Naruko (which scored relatively high in Pairing Option analysis), was not possible to correctly assess, because the merger name “narusaku” is identical for the merger of Uzumaki Naruto/Haruno Sakura (for good reasons).
All the fics for given pair were summed up (i.e. for Uchiha Madara/Haruno Sakura ship the fic numbers retrieved through searches for “madasaku”, “sakumada”, “madaraxsakura”, “sakuraxmadara”, “madaxsaku”, “sakuxmada” “madara x sakura”, “sakura x madara”, “mada x saku” and “saku x mada” were added together). The obtained results will be referred to as those of “Ship Name” in this analysis.
Results for Madara and Sakura are presented below (Figures 5. and 6.). In case of Sakura, including all the examined ships in a graph would blur the picture. Therefore, her Top 20 ships are presented in Figure 6., and the rest is summarized in the Table 2. The analysis was performed on 22.10.2019. The additionally searches performed on 31.12.2019 did not take under consideration fics published after 22.10.2019, to reflect the state of fandom on the day of main analysis.
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This list presented in Table 2 is not a comprehensive one. There are certainly more ships with >10 fics that were not included. One prominent, detected example is Chōji, who has 13 fics in as a ship partner of Sakura, but was not included in Table 2 because according to the Pairing Option he had no fics with Sakura.
 Limitations of the method
Employed method depends on performing six independent searches and summing up the numbers from those searches. A fic tagged with more than one of the searched phrases will be counted multiple times. For example: if a fic contained phrases “MadaSaku” and “MadaraxSakura” in its summary, it was counted twice. In extreme case, one fic would generate ten data points: one real, and nine false.
Nevertheless, since the same treatment was applied to all the pairings, the errors should be distributed in the same way across all the ships. Therefore, even if the numerical values obtained through this analysis don’t necessarily correspond to reality, the results should reflect respective relations between the ships (i.e. “ranking” should be correct). This assumption is true however only if all the subdivisions of the fandom follow the same customs and tagging etiquette. I.e. if creators writing for SasuSaku followed a habit of including only one Ship Name in their summaries, while creators of MadaSaku tended to include multiple Ship Names, then my method of analysis would overestimate the significance of MadaSaku ship. However, I am not aware about such trends existing in Naruto fandom.
Additionally, Ship Name tagging system allows for tagging infinite number of ships in one fic, therefore certain fics have been counted multiple times.
When considering fics tagged with Pairing Option, Sakura ranks as Madara’s second most popular ship partner, after Hashirama and before Tobirama. As on AO3, it is telling that a relatively “exotic” pairing with OC ranks 4th among Madara’s ships.
Madara is the 9th most popular ship partner of Sakura. Comparing and contrasting Sakura’s data between ff.net and AO3 would be an interesting analysis in its own right, but here I will only point out the switch of positions between Naruto and Kakashi as Sakura’s ship partners (Naruto is a strong 2nd on ff.net, while Kakashi takes this position on AO3); and relatively low, 7th place of Ino (strong 4th on AO3).
When taking into account data gathered though Ship Names Searches, Sakura ranks as Madara’s 2nd most popular ship partner (after Hashirama and before OC).
Madara, on the other hand is Sakura’s 15th most popular ship partner. Since Ship Names Searches results are mostly derived from fics published in earlier years in Naruto fandom, his lower place can be explained by his very late appearance in the franchise (on-panel in February 2008 - almost 9 years after Naruto started publishing and in person in the story in October 2011 - 12 years after begin of publishing).
 Data gathered in this analysis present a unique opportunity for looking into the development of ship popularity over time.
Results from Pairing Option reflect mostly the state of fandom in years 2013-2019, while the results from Ship Names Search show the status from the earlier years. The exact division is however somewhat blurred as some fics published before October 2013 has been retroactively tagged using Pairing Option (even if the majority of older fics remain untagged). The reverse is also true – many fics published after introduction of Pairing Option, even as recently as end of 2019, fail to use it. Additionally, many fics are tagged using both systems: the Pairing Option and Ship Name in summary.
Nevertheless one can tentatively regard Pairing Option results as “new”, or “current” ones, while the ones coming from the Ship Names Searches as “older” ones.
Figure 7. presents position changes in Top 12 Madara’s ships. Ranking from Pairing Option analysis was regarded as current and compared to the “older” ranking composed from all the fics tagged with Ship Names (regardless their publishing date). A positive value in the Figure 7. indicates a gain of popularity, for example: Tobirama gained 2 positions among Madara’s ships when comparing the “current” and “older” results.
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This analysis reveals that certain ships (with Tobirama, Naruto and Hinata) gained, while ships with OC and Itachi lost on popularity. Dramatic loss of Itachi ship popularity is very interesting and one can speculated that it could be caused by Tobi/Obito reveal.
The same analysis was performed for Sakura’s ships and is presented in Figure 8.
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Inspecting changes in Sakura ships’ rankings allows for several interesting observations. Minato, Shisui, Madara and Sasori are among greater winners. It is symptomatic that all, except Sasori, are characters that appeared (or became relevant) later during the franchise. Among the characters losing in popularity as Sakura’s ship partners are members of Konoha Eleven (Lee, Kiba, Sai, Neji), an Akatsuki member (Deidara) and OC. It should also be noted that five top positions (Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, Itachi and Gaara) remained unchanged.
 To further examine the “current” and “older” state of fandom, upon harvesting Ship Names data I sorted the fics according to publication date and took note of how many fics were published before and how many after 01.10.2013 (approximate date of introduction of Pairing Option tool).
If one repeats the analysis from Figures 7. and 8. considering only fics published before 01.10.2013 as “older” ones, the following pictures appears (Figure 9. and 10.):
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Using this definition of “older” fics (i.e. fics tagged with Ship Names that were published until October 2013), the gain of popularity of Tobirama ship becomes even more evident (gain of 7 positions). Ships with Itachi (as in the previous analysis) and Sasuke (undetected in the previous analysis) lost on popularity.
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Sakura ships’ dynamics according to this definition of “older” fics show even more pronounced positions’ gains of Minato and Shisui, but otherwise similar trends to previous analysis.
Analysis of ship popularity on ff.net is a challenging one, but since this platform was, and still is main archive for Naruto fandom (407 thousands fics vs 49 thousand on AO3) it is important to address this issue even if methodology is far from perfect.
I am open to all the comments, suggestions and hints, as the data collection was a major effort and I’m sure that this data can be used in many other different ways.
And, your feedback showed me that people are interested in such stuff. Thank you for this!!! I have at least three further ideas for analysis, and now, when I have some experience and first insight into data, it will be easier.
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