#narumi yūya
So…I know I’ve mentioned this before (not sure if here or my main) but ah…
Well, before I reveal that, lemme give some context.
I’m in the works of making a Persona/Shin Megami Tensei (mostly Persona) AU. For the first Persona events, the main character has been split into three characters.
Naoya, who takes inspiration from Manga!Naoya. Jihei, who is partly based on the white version of MC (though he’s half-white, but I’m using the appearance as reference).
And then there’s Yūya, who I’m going to talk about.
Not much to say, but he’s aroace (and Jihei’s gay and Naoya’s…not sure. I either do or do not have notes on what I think, but I do know he’s attracted and engages in relationship(s) with women (edit: notes says he’s bi so...)).
So, basically, a heroic persona user is aroace. Though admittedly Yūya has some issues since his background is quite similar to Akechi’s, and some other stuff that happens, but he tries his best.
He’s a good one.
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theonlineidofme · 8 years
Persona 1 and 3 Protagonists
I feel like this might have been speculated on, but the sprite of the first Persona protagonist and the Persona 3 protagonist look pretty similar.
My main thing is that while they are acknowledged to be in the same universe, I’ve seen some people mention the P3 was basically a reboot for the series.
Most of their similarities lie in that they have blue hair, at least in sprite form for the first protagonist (as he had black hair in the anime movie scenes and his portrait). I wonder, though as I’ve vaguely gotten to, is if it was a symbolic passing of the torch.
That the protagonist of the game that started the series came back with a new background and place, and to bring the series to where it is now (though I doubt they fully knew how big it would get).
Just…things I’m musing about, and since I couldn’t find it I decided to write it up myself.
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agastyatreepetals · 6 years
Persona 1, The Protagonist Spilt into Three
I was going to edit my digimon fic but! I remembered what I posted on here. So time to talk persona.
This is going to be about Persona 1, mostly the protagonists.
First off, I split the player character into three people.
Also this go long so...under the cut!
So we have Naoya Tōdō
Who has a similar backstory to the manga. He was a twin, the twin was named Kazuya, Kazuya died. What changes is involved with one of the other protagonist characters so I’ll address that in a bit.
He’s related to both of the other protags. Again, I’ll address it when I get to those characters
He’s THE main character figure since he has the player character’s arcanas and main personas
I have a note that he’s bisexual. I remember that I plan for him to have a thing with Maki, and I’m pretty sure there’s something with Nanjō too
I don’t remember why exactly I put this - I think I was just figuring out “fatal flaws” - but his shadow would be lethargic
Specifically: “Why should I care?”
His arc continues post-p1, even after...a thing happens circa p2
His p1 arc follows the SEBEC route
His nickname is Naorin...I think only Brown calls him that
So next character is Yūya Narumi!
He’s Naoya and Kazuya’s half-brother
Complicated family stuff
I think I lowkey considered having it more convoluted but I don’t think I’ll do that. Basically the three share a dad but not a mom
Yūya has a similar story to Akechi, because of the whole “bastard son, and mom commits suicide”
Which I might change because fridging the mom
But at least his dad’s eventually like “I’d like you in my life”
Then Mikage-Cho gets thrown into a palace demon world, and stuff goes down
He’s aromantic and asexual, and I’ll definitely have that come up when the whole charm thing from demons happens
Aka some trauma time
Also some of his companions develop some romantic feelings for him and He’s Not Okay With That but it takes him a few years to deal with it
Also his shadow is based around failure, loneliness, being a burden, and not good feelings
Specifically: “You are alone, and that will never change”
His arcana changes through his arc - and that arc spans p1 and later stories
He’s about six months older than Kazuya and Naoya
His p1 arc follows the Snow Queen Quest
He has an older brother/paternal streak in him because he finds a couple of characters in the chaos of Mikage-Cho I’ll talk about in a later post
The arcana I’ve chosen for him is Hanged man, World, Star, Fool, Tower - pretty sure at least a couple come later when he has changes in his life that affects his arcana
The personas I have listed for him are Amatsu Mikaboshi (second), Barbatos (first), Cerberus (final)
Then we have Jihei Suzakuin
He’s biracial - he has the appearance of the westernized persona 1
I was originally going to play with that, but I have no experience to what he would live
So while I don’t think I’ll ignore it, I won’t focus on it
I’ll need to find a new motivation for him being a problem child tho
He’s Naoya and Kazuya’s cousin. No relation to Yūya
He smokes
He travels with Reiji
So kind of the SEBEC route but also not really
Gay as fuck
A New Year’s baby (which makes him older than both Naoya and Yūya)
His arcana is Death, Hermit, Strength
I only have the persona Ankou listed for him
His shadow, which because of the above change I need to find a new reason for, has to do with the closet, foreignness, and rejection...oh I could deal with homophobia...I forgot I embedded that in his shadow. We’ll see
But the specific quote I have associated with him is: “What am I? What do I hide?”
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theonlineidofme · 7 years
So…this isn’t like really a crossover, but it is based on an AU fic that I’ve done some work on.
Basically, Yūya (who I’ve mentioned is aroace) and Yū (who is demi-bisexual) develop a brotherly relationship. They don’t initially bond over their shared identity of ace-spec, but I think once they realize their are similarities, that would help deepen their bond.
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theonlineidofme · 7 years
Day 3 - Games and Such
I have more with video games, but also a lot of them are player characters so it’s…complicated, really.
I’ve got Yūya from the first persona (sort of, since I’ve split that character in three people), I also have a note for Maki as asexual (I’m a little unsure now), and Yū is ace-spec (Persona 4).
Several of the pokêmon protagonists (in reference to the games, I remember Red, Brendan/Yuki, Ethan/Hibiki, but I feel like there are more) are ace-spec, I headcanon my Mahariel as asexual.
I also have notes for Mitsuru as demi-bisexual, and I feel it’s a good one.
I am fond of the idea of Morrigan being asexual, or ace-spec. Yet, I haven’t gotten into “this is my version of canon, I love it” so I might eventually move away from it.
I didn’t talk about them yesterday, since I was a bit confused about what category they were in, but I fell in love with Sora and Taichi being asexual. I’ve actually decided Sora ace-spec while Taichi feels no sexual attraction. I have others I’ve been working with in regards to a future fic (all these vague references to fics…) - like one of Jyou’s older brothers is aroace, Wallace (Willis) is demi-bi (Sora’s demi-pan) and Ryō is also asexual, but none of the other characters are ace. At least I haven’t decided on some of them - I feel like a lot of them are gonna be queer though.
So, this is late, so my bad. I might have more, but I don’t want to search my notes (and if I have no notes, then I just don’t remember it). Close enough to yesterday I guess.
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theonlineidofme · 8 years
Haha, something I just realized is that like…my headcanon about Yūya is a bit rude (or shitty, however you want to go with it).
But! I don’t always see him as the protagonist. Boy with Earring is more flexible, but I specifically headcanon Narumi Yūya as aromantic asexual for a specific reason.
I’m working on a persona fanfiction, where the identity of the protagonist is split up - we have Yūya, and Tōdō Naoya, and Suzakuin Jihei. Yūya’s only one of the characters - and I think I only headcanon one other Persona character as ace-spectrum (Yū).
I only wanted to clarify this because I realized that I was insensitive in my headcanon because there’s a racist trend of desexualizing Southeast Asian men and like…I wanted to apologize.
So I’m sorry for doing that, and not being clear about what I just explained above.
Edit: I also realized that my headcanon about Tadashi Hamada being asexual falls into that issue so shit…Although I’m not sure what I headcanon Hiro as so like…I dunno. I can get down with different interpretations of him (though I’ve only seen aroace or straight when in healthy relationships)
I also realize that other characters I headcanon as some sort of a-spec (thinking pokémon, as most regions are based on Japan…and digimon, with Tai and probably Sora - I don’t remember if I went with that or not) fall into this problem. Most are romantically attracted to other people, and I ship them with people. I’m trying to think of an aroace headcanon for a pokémon trainer that I have and I’m drawing a blank…I don’t want to look it up. Damn. The holes I get myself into when I don’t fuckin’ think about what I’m doing.
Again, I am so fuckin’ sorry for doing this. Especially if I’ve hurt people in anyway with my headcanons. They might change and develop, but I’m not sure right now.
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