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It’s Asexual Awareness Week and you know what it means!
time for me to spread my headcanon (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
All my fics are written with the ace!Akihiro headcanon in mind, but these are those where asexuality is mentioned and discussed:
Ties that bind [the behemoth. Akihiro/Johnny, 252k words of drama, intricate plot, hurt/comfort, snikt family feels, and a slow exploration of asexuality too]
In gentle fervour [Akihiro/Johnny, fluff, cuddling, domesticity, 8k words, and Akihiro lovingly watching as Johnny masturbates. There’s art too!]
Reverence [this is *ahem* porn. Akihiro/Johnny/Bobby, poliamory negotiations when a member of the throuple is ace. 10k words]
Also! @fandom-susceptible has been writing a lovely fic featuring asexual Akihiro too! Their Changing tactics is currently being published. Contains Akihiro/Johnny, lots of talking, Johnny clearly communicating his needs and Akihiro falling fast.
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physicsandfandoms · 5 years
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It’s almost that time of year again! Asexual Awareness Week is October 20th - 26th 2019!
I’ve been posting the Asexual Awareness Week Fandom Challenge the past couple of years because it is a tradition that I don’t want to see die out. I had an idea to do something a bit differently this year though! Rather than daily prompts, the challenge is to get a “bingo” of five prompts that you respond to in any part of the week. You can respond to more than five of them too if you’d like!
You can respond with any type of fanworks; fanfic, fanart, meta, edits, playlists, etc. You can make content for any characters who are canonically, or you headcanon as anywhere on the asexual spectrum. Use the tag #AAWFC or #AAWFC 2019.
If you do a total blackout (post something for each of these prompts) I’ll make you an icon/lockscreen/banner/etc. with your choice of character and asexual spectrum flag! Just use a specific tag so I can easily verify them on your blog, and send me a message when you’re done!
B1: What is ace culture like for the time/place this character lives? How do they interact with it?
B2: Post about a grey asexual headcanon.
B3: How does the character respond to allonormativity? What kind of allonormativity have they faced?
B4: How has this character come out? Or have they not?
B5: Post about a canonically asexual character.
I1: Post about a demisexual headcanon
I2: How does the character’s asexual spectrum identity interact with their other identities? (gender, culture, etc.)
I3: Recommend a professionally published work (not a fanwork) that includes an asexual spectrum character. Books, (web)comics, TV, etc. are all fair game.
I4: Does this asexual spectrum character want to have kids? How does their asexual spectrum identity effect that if they do? (adoption, etc.)
I5: Why does asexual spectrum representation matter?
N1: Post about an asexual spectrum OC, either your own, or a friend’s (with their permission). Both fanwork and original work OCs are welcome! 
N2: What kind of familial expectations does this character experience that interacts with their asexual spectrum identity?
N3: Post about an asexual headcanon.
N4: Does this character have any mentors or friends (aspec themselves or otherwise) who help them with understanding or coming out as their asexual spectrum identity?
N5: What is this character’s relationship with their asexual spectrum identity? Are they out and proud? Is it a big part of their life?
G1: Post about this character’s family, either found family, or blood relations.
G2: Post about an instance where this character being asexual spectrum was to their advantage. Did they help their friends escape hungry sirens? Evade the infamous Star Trek sex pollen?
G3: How does this character show their aspec pride?
G4: Recommend a fanfic with an asexual spectrum character.
G5: Post about a character you headcanon as asexual and aromantic.
O1: Post about the character making a discovery about their asexual identity. 
O2: Post about a canonical Grey-Asexual or Demisexual character.
O3: Post about a character you headcanon as asexual and alloromantic.
O4: Post about a character you headcanon as asexual and demiromantic/grey-aromantic.
O5: How does being asexual spectrum affect this character’s relationships?
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
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Beloved Canon Asexual Character for 🖤 A 🔘 C ⚪️ E 💜 Awareness Week: Raphael Santiago (Shadowhunters)
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esperata · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Gotham (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma Additional Tags: Pride, Asexuality, Asexual Oswald Cobblepot Summary:
Nothing's so simple as attending a Pride event when you're the King Pin of Gotham.
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G3 - Asexual spectrum pride
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acesartemis · 5 years
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aawfc bingo 2019  ⇒ square N3: an asexual headcanon
aceflux sam winchester ↳ aceflux is a gray asexuality and it describes someone whose experience of sexual attraction varies over time. Someone who is aceflux, for example, may feel very strongly asexual one day (definitely not feeling any sexual attraction to anyone), but less strongly asexual (maybe feeling weak sexual attraction) another day.   
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aroseandapen · 5 years
For AAW Fandom Bingo, combining G1 and O1: Family and Discovery
Just a small drabble about Rantaro noticing his feelings differ from each of his sisters, and finding a word for it.
A big family meant a dozen experiences differing from his own. Some he could attribute to seeing things differently as the oldest, or as the only son of the family. But once his sisters began to talk about crushes and dating, Rantaro found himself at a loss.
Read More (AO3)
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sabetha · 6 years
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'I admire Enjolras,' said Bossuet. 'His impassive boldness astonishes me. He lives alone, which makes him perhaps a little sad. Enjolras suffers for his greatness, which binds him to celibacy. A man without a woman is a pistol without a hammer; it's the woman who makes the man go off. Well, Enjolras has no woman. He's not in love, yet he finds a way to be intrepid. It is an incredible thing that a man can be as cold as ice and as bold as fire.' Enjolras did not appear to listen; but any one who had been near him might have heard him murmur, in a low voice, 'Patria.'
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aroacehogwarts · 6 years
“Close, but no,” Charlie shook his head at his younger sister. His only sister. He wanted her to understand his orientation, more than anything. She had been asking lately when he would bring home a girlfriend - some of her friends had started developing crushes and she was curious. He couldn’t blame her.
Yesterday, she had asked whether he was going to bring home a boyfriend. “It’s okay if you do,” Ginny had told him in a gentle voice. “Everyone would be okay with it. My friend Sophie’s brother has a boyfriend.” She had seemed so proud of her revelation, and Charlie was proud of her too. He made sure to tell her that. How understanding and accepting she was had been utterly moving.
Today, Charlie had entered her room after dinner, when everyone was doing their own thing. Their mother had ordered them to check their belongings, make lists for what they needed ready for the new term. Judging by the small explosions he had heard, the twins had not taken the order seriously.
“I won’t be bringing anyone home, pumpkin,” Charlie smiled nervously at his little sister. “I just don’t love anyone that way.”
“But you still love your dragons, right?”
“Yes, I still love my dragons.”
“And you still love us?”
“Forever and always, pumpkin.”
Written by the Gryffindor Mod, from the alternative AAWFC prompts! Definitely more fluffy than it was supposed to be for today’s prompts, but I couldn’t help myself with this quote!
Check out the AAWFC promts here, with alternative prompts here! Read our post about the AAWFC here for more information! Anything you submit for AAW is worth double points - just include your house initial in the ask or submission!
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richardcampbells · 6 years
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theprogeek · 5 years
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Hikaru Sulu had always wanted kids. His family was supportive until he told them he was asexual. It was strange, how as soon as he came out the jokes about him "using protection" turned into worrying about him and questioning if he really wanted kids. Adoption would've been his first choice, even if he hadn't been asexual. The day he finally got to bring his daughter home was the happiest of his life (next to the day he married his husband).
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Happy Asexual Awareness Week! Friendly reminder that Daken Akihiro is extremely ace 💖
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physicsandfandoms · 6 years
Asexual Awareness Week Fandom Challenge 2018
This is a tradition that started as part of Asexual Awareness Week back in 2014 that I’d like to see continue. Back in 2014 there were only a handful of canonical asexual characters, and none of them were in mainstream media. In the past four years we’ve seen that number grow, and characters enter more mainstream comics, books, and shows! By no means is asexual representation plentiful, but it is getting better. With that in mind this year I would like to continue to celebrate canonically asexual spectrum characters, as well as generating more content for asexual spectrum headcanons.
You’re welcome to respond to these prompts in any way you’d like, art, fic, edits, meta, etc. Feel free to interpret these prompts loosely and adapt this as you please. As in past years, the tag is #AAWFC
Sunday October 21st:  Post about canonically asexual spectrum characters, and/or what you would like to see in future asexual representation.
Monday October 22nd: For canonical or headcanoned asexual spectrum characters, what relationship do they have with their identity? Are they out and proud? How did they discover their identity?
Tuesday October 23rd: Post about characters that you headcanon as asexual.
Wednesday October 24th:  For canonical or headcanoned asexual spectrum characters, how does their identity affect their life and relationships?
Thursday October 25th: Post about characters that you headcanon as demisexual or grey-asexual.
Friday October 26th:  For canonical or headcanoned asexual spectrum characters, how do their other identities interact with their asexual spectrum identity? (i.e. romantic orientation, race, culture, gender, religion, etc.)
Saturday October 27th: Post about a romantic or queerplatonic/quasiplatonic relationship in fiction that you see as having one or more asexual spectrum partner(s).
If you do write fanfic, @esperata has started a collection on AO3 here!
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
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J 🖤 A 🔘 C ⚪️ E 💜 PRIDE
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esperata · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bruce Banner/Thor Characters: Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel) Additional Tags: Parenthood, Relationship Discussions, Asexual Bruce Banner Summary:
Bruce thinks his life is finally settled but that's before Thor raises an unexpected proposal.
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I4 - Having kids
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acesartemis · 5 years
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aawfc bingo 2019 ⇒  square i4: does this asexual spectrum character want to have kids? ↳  dog hyena mom harley & plant mom ivy
Grayace Harleen Quinzel is no fool; she knows she can barely take care of herself. Why add an extra fragile life in the mix? That would result in true disaster. Plus, she has babies already. So what if they have fur and sharp teeth? They’d be nothing compared to the Harley you’d get if you hurt them.
Aceflux Pamela Isley is perfectly content with nurturing her little saplings to be big, beautiful plants. She goes through the gamut of emotions just as any human parent would. They all have names and different needs. She supports them when they falter and is filled with immense pride when they beat the odds. She has her hands full with Harley, to boot. (Honestly, who has time for a dependent little human after all that?)
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aroseandapen · 5 years
For G5 of AAW Fandom Bingo: An aro/ace headcanon
Gotta start out with everyone’s favorite for V3, Rantaro Amami, since I’m working on a little drabble for him in the same vein. Tell me, if he’s not supposed to be aro, then why is his name RantARO. AND his most prominent color is green. Checkmate, everyone.
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