❤️💚Lihkku Sámi álbmotbeivviin! 💛💙 Gratulerer med samefolkets nasjonaldag!
Congratulation on the Sami people national day!
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epistulae-ex · 4 months
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bunads on nasjonaldag in Oslo
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arsonistman · 4 months
ALSO! Happy 17th May to any fellow Norwegians!!!
Det e kanskje nasjonaldag men d stoppe ikkje meg fra å reblogge gay fanart
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n4mless · 8 months
Lihkku sámi álbmotbeivviin!
Happy Sami national day!
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Today commemorates the first Sami meeting in Trondheim, Norway in 1917. It was the first time Sami people from Sweden and Norway met to discuss common issues for the Sami people.
This is the Northern Sami national song:
I would also recommend searching Sami joik to find more Sami music!
Most of the information here comes from https://sametinget.no/om-sametinget/nasjonaldag-og-nasjonale-symboler/ it is in Norwegian but has a lot of useful links if you want to learn more about today and Sami history.
I would also recommend Ida Helene Benonisen on TikTok and instagram. She has a lot of good content on Sami history and current issues that Sami people are facing.
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eng-nor-words · 2 years
Lihkku beivviin! / Læhkoeh biejjine! / Vuorbbe biejvijn!
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Today is Sámi National Day. The Sámi live in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. There are 10 Sámi languages. The most spoken Sámi languages in Norway are North Sámi, Lule Sámi and South Sámi. Unfortunately, all of the Sámi languages are considered endangered as a result of the Norwegianisation and discrimination to which the Sámi have been subjected.
English - Norwegian bokmål - North Sámi - South Sámi - Lule Sámi
Sámi, Saami, Sami - Same - Sápmelaš - Saemie - Sábme, Sábmelasj
Samiland - Sameland - Sápmi - Saepmie - Sámeednam, Sábme
Norway - Norge - Norga - Nöörje - Vuodna
Sweden - Sverige - Ruoŧŧa - Sveerje - Svierik
Finland - Finland - Suopma - Soeme - Suoma
Happy Sámi National Day - Gratulerer med dagen - Lihkku beivviin - Læhkoeh biejjine - Vuorbbe biejvijn 
Sámi, Saami, Sami (language) - Samisk (språk) - Sámegiella - Saemiengïele - Sámegiella
North Sámi (language) - Nordsamisk (språk) - Davvisámegiella (in North Sámi)
South Sámi (language) - Sørsamisk (språk) - Åarjelsaemiengïele (in South Sámi)
Lule Sámi (language) - Lulesamisk (språk) - Julevsámegiella, julevsáme (in Lule Sámi)
Please let me know if there are any mistakes!
Saami dictionaries (https://dicts.uit.no/index.eng.html)
Sámi (in English) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A1mi)
Samer (in Norwegian) (https://snl.no/samer) 
Sámi languages (in English) (https://site.uit.no/sagastallamin/the-sami-languages/)
Samiske TV-programmer, Sámi TV (NRK) (https://tv.nrk.no/programmer/samisk)
Samenes nasjonaldag, Sámi National Day (in Norwegian, FN/UN) (https://www.fn.no/om-fn/fn-dager-kalender/kalender/samenes-nasjonaldag)
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astridterese-blog · 4 months
Smakebit ~ Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World
God pinsesøndag og velkommen til nye smakebiter! Jeg håper du har en like fin og varm søndag som vi har! Det var Norges nasjonaldag på fredag, med rekordvarme mange steder. Vi var bare hjemme og koste oss i sola med god mat og god drikke. I dag, lørdag har vi bygget port til hagen og vasket litt klær, men søndag begynner vi på pinsens store prosjekt; vaske min avdeling på biblioteket. Hver sommer…
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forfattarspire · 5 months
Utgjevingsdatoen er no satt. Den 17.juni vert diktboka Undring utgjeven. Eg gler meg veldig. For dei som veit noko om Island, så veit de kanskje at 17.juni er Islands nasjonaldag. Sidan eg er halvt islandsk og ho som ha måla framsida er heilt islandsk, så er det ein kjempefin utgjevingsdag. Merk dagen!
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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Sami National Day
Sámi National Day on February 6 is a cultural celebration for the Sámi people. On this day in 1917, the first Sámi congress took place in Trondheim, Norway. The national holiday is also called ‘Samenes Nasjonaldag.’ The Sámi people, or ‘Urbefolkning’ in Norwegian, are indigenous people who live mainly in Norway, but also in Finland, Russia, and Sweden.
History of Sami National Day
On February 6, 1917, Northern and Southern Sámi people came together for the first time for a joint meeting in Trondheim, Norway. Historically crucial, the common concerns of the community were shared and addressed as they worked together to find solutions. The latest statistics estimate that 80,000 Sami people are spread across the four countries — 50,000 in Norway, 20,000 in Sweden, 8,000 in Finland, and 2,000 in Russia.
Sami National Day was created during the proceedings of the 15th Sami conference in Helsinki in 1992. As a combined minority of four countries, Sami people were looked down upon at one point in history. Many laws were forced upon them in an attempt to mold them with the general population. This led to a need for establishing a dedicated day to appreciate them. The first Sámi National Day was observed on February 6, 1993. At the same time, the United Nations proclaimed the opening of the International Year of Indigenous People in Sweden.
Ever since, this holiday has been celebrated grandly by the Sami people residing in Norway. The Sami flag is seen everywhere, and the Sami language is used to chant, sing songs, and the national anthem.
Sami National Day timeline
February 6, 1917
A Joint Meeting
The Sami people’s congress meets for the first time.
The Sami Flag
An important symbol representing the Sami people, the Sami flag is approved at the 13th Nordic Sami Conference.
National Celebration
The Sami National Day is adopted in Norway.
First Celebration
The Sami National Day is celebrated for the first time.
Sami National Day FAQs
How do people celebrate Sami National Day?
Sami National Day is widely celebrated all over Norway and in other countries where Sami people live. The cultural significance of the day is discussed and shared especially in schools. The Sami flag is hoisted, and the national anthem is sung. Traditional food is cooked and the signature clothing of the Sami people is worn today.
How do you say Happy Sami day in Sami?
‘Lihkku Sámi Álbmotbeivviin!’
What is Sami nationality?
Sami are the indigenous people of Northern Sweden, Finland, Norway, and a small part of Russia.
How to Observe Sami National Day
Learn about the Sami people: Sami people are majorly indigenous and are relatively still considered a minority, but their culture is rich and unique. Learn about their traditions and history.
Eat ‘reinsdyrkjøtt’: Eat the popular Sami dishes on Sami National Day. Try reindeer meat, or reinsdyrkjøtt and fish.
Wear traditional clothing: What better way to get into the spirit of the day than by wearing the traditional ‘gákti’ of the Sami people? Wear traditional Sami clothing with respect for the culture and heritage.
5 Interesting Facts About The Sami Flag
Designer of the flag: Astrid Båhl from Skibotn in Norway designed the flag of the Sami people.
The color scheme is intentional: The flag’s colors, red, blue, green, and yellow, are the same as in the traditional Sami costume known as 'kolt.'
The colors are also symbolic: The colors chosen represent essentials that are important for living — red for fire, green for plants, yellow for the sun, and blue for water.
The sun and the moon: The circles on the flag represent both the sun and the moon.
Compulsory traditions: Municipal administrative buildings must fly the Norwegian flag and also the Sami flag.
Why Sami National Day is Important
It celebrates a minority group: The Sami people are well-celebrated throughout the region on this day, but it wasn’t always that way. The community has had a long history of struggle for appreciation, and we are all for giving it!
It is an important holiday: Sami National Day is overall a very important event for Norwegians. It is ideal for learning about the roots of the country’s culture, values, and history.
Breaking barriers: Globalization is gradually eliminating barriers and accepting people for who they are. Indigenous people and minorities are getting the recognition they deserve, and Sami National Day is one such day advocating this.
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camandwhitplus2 · 1 year
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16. May 2023
Celia in her classroom with her classmates… no idea what she’s doing, but I think it may be related to nasjonaldag ?! Maybe the teacher was playing some of the songs ?! I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ but she looks like she’s having fun!
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trykkeriet · 1 year
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Hei! En kort sommerhilsen fra oss i BSS. Vi ønsker alle en fin nasjonaldag den 17. og en god sommer. BSS holder det som vanlig gående i sommer, og Trykkeriet Vårt tar på seg oppdrag som vanlig. Økonomisk går det ganske greit med oss, men vi trenger stadig flere folk! Det ser ut til at det har oppstått litt misforståelser angående BSS/TV sin møteplass på mandager og torsdager.Den er åpen for alle som ønsker å se hva vi driver med eller bli bruker hos oss.Det har vært flere som har vært innom i det siste, noe som er kjempebra og veldig koselig for oss i BSS. Men BSS/TV er åpen alle andre dager også. Det kan hende en ordre tar ekstra tid, eller at det er noe som skal gjøres på en PC. Kanskje trenger vi å handle til møteplassen, eller kanskje det bare er behov for en kopp kaffe? Hasteoppdrag kan også dukke opp. Hjelp oss med å spre dette videre, da det virker som om dette er litt ukjent for flere. Brukere med nøkler styrer dagene sine selv og gjør avtaler basert på det, slik det alltid har vært hos oss. Så som aktiv bruker har du mange goder, og trivelige folk å komme til 7 dager i uka. Vi minner om at vi sammen med Mental Helse Molde nå viser Molde-kamper på en projektor, og at BSS disponerer sesongkort som kan lånes ut. Første kamp ble kronet med en 0-4 seier, og vi hadde besøk av landslederen(ny) i Mental Helse, leder i Mental Helse Molde, og nestlederen(ny) Mental Helse Møre og Romsdal Videre har Mental Helse Molde lunsjpraten på torsdager og en aktivitetskveld den siste tirsdagen i måneden, åpent for alle! Årsmøtet er nå unnagjort, det har gitt oss ny nestleder Svein Are Viset, og førstevara Wenche Kirknes og andrevara Aud Kari Misfjord. En stor applaus og takk til dere, vi håper dere vil trives i BSS Vi er også glad for at dere andre ville fortsette! Så er det også sagt Med vennlig hilsen Styreleder/kontaktperson1: Oddrun Beyer Holm (MHM), Nestleder: Svein Are Viset(ny), Kontaktperson 2: Tonny Frøyen, Sosialansvarlig: Oddrun Beyer Holm og Wenche Kirknes(ny) og Trykkeriet Vårt: Tonny Frøyen og Svein Are Viset, og Kasserer: Solveig Jacobsen E-post: [email protected]: https://www.facebook.com/brukerstyrtsentermr/Facebook-gruppe:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/316552335083052/Telefon: 984 02 480Adresse: Grandfjæra 28, 6415 Molde (naboen til Moldeveggen) #trykkeri #profilering #markedsføring #trykk #design #printdesign #produksjon #lavterskel #frivillighet #møteplass #psykiskhelse #aktivhverdag #gratis #handlelokalt #plakater #brosjyre #hefte #storformatprint #Moldeby #Moldetorget #Roseby #Moldesentrum #mentalhelse #lunsj
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grandboute · 3 years
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Gratulerer med nasjonaldag - God nasjonaldag til mine norske !!
Happy national day to my Norwegian friends !
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alex-gold-art · 3 years
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Norway is a small country, about half the size of Sweden, but it has a very good film climate because they have municipal cinemas, so even in the smallest towns you have a cinema that shows art house films from all over the world. #autumn #switzerland #nordland #usa #norwaylandscape #landscapephotography #aurora #nato #splendid_nature #nasjonaldag #instagram #norwaylove #norwegian #tromsø #norwegiannature #ベトナム #mostrainternazionale #tinywhoop #norwaypark #kristiansand #landscape #norwaycollection #naturelovers #ドローン #travel #pearlnails #explore #oneplus7tpro #godmorgennorge #instoreapp (at Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT6b_McAogZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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artistant-dreaming · 3 years
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Heyoo! Happy 17th of May (Norways National day / Birthday). I felt I had to have something somewhat relevant to post today. Which is why I sat down yesterday and came up with this little narrative piece. It was inspired by Norwegian folklore, so I hope you like it. Again, happy 17th, enjoy your day, eat some good food and take it easy. . . "May Child" - She had been human once. Now however, little remained of her humanity, other than her ability to withstand sunlight. Change had come slowly. So slowly that she never took much notice of it herself. That was the way things had been for a long time, ever since the day she had left her family for the Mountain King. Revelling in the deep places of the world she rarely saw sunlight, and when she did, the bright light would sting her eyes. Yet, in memory of the family she once had, every May, she would step forth from the mountain halls to look over the descendants of her siblings, and once more be reminded of the humanity she once had.
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cloudberry-oslo · 3 years
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Happy 17th of May Norway!!! s
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Gratulerer med dagen, Norge!✨
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eventyrforalle · 4 years
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En riktig god 17. mai fra EventyrForAlle!
Hipp hipp! Hurra! Vi har grunnlovsdag i da'! Hver en kvinne, hver en mann Rop for dette eventyrlige land! Hurra!
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