ml-rarepairs · 1 year
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"adrino is love, adrino is life"
"They’re best friends and they love each other."
"Back in the S1 times, before most of the characters got ruined weirdly, both characters with their different personalities had just as the main ship got that Yin-Yang dynamic."
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ecofinisher · 5 years
Day 8 (Mistletoe)
My real life has got me so busy, I could only manage to write this one-shot. 
Day 8: Mistletoe @wearemiraculous
Pairing: Nathaniel x Lila a.k.a Tomatofox
Present characters: Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Luka Couffaine, Alix Kubdel, Lila Rossi, Kagami Tsurugi, 
„Hold still Nath, I‘m almost done, “ A blonde girl said standing in front of a student taking care of him while on another table sat a blue-haired girl cross-stitching on an A3 sheet-like formed textile a yellow sun on the corner of the unfinished project which resembled a landscape of a farm. In the middle of the room sat Luka together with his sister on a bean bag both with their guitar practicing together from an open booklet they had lying on the ground with the music notes on it. 
„The melody isn't that bad as I have expected it to be“ Luka mentioned looking to the side, where his sister sat adjusting the cords of her guitar, then looked back at her brother. „That was good Jule“
„I enjoyed listening to it Luka“ Marinette complimented as she stopped with the cross stitch to look at the raven-haired boy.
„Thanks Marinette, “ The brother of Juleka said with a smile, watching the girl go back to the stitching, then looked in front to Rose, the blonde girl, who was doing something he couldn‘t figure out yet with his childhood friend Nathaniel.
„Are you done with him, Rose?“ Luka asked watching the girl in the pink dress back away from the boy and stretched her hands out at the redhead similar to a famous Will Smith meme revealing Nathaniel with a red Santa hat and various red gift paper ribbons stick all over his face, including one tied around his neck to make it look like a regular bow tie for a suit.
„I look terrible, right?“ Nathaniel asked making Marinette laugh along with Alix and Luka. „I knew it!“
„With a red nose you would look better,“ Luka mentioned jokingly making Alix wide her eyes and walk at the other side of the classroom to another student which was painting on a canvas and borrowed the artist‘s palette and ran back to the redhead, then passed her index and middle finger over the red paint and leaned into Nathaniel‘s face to paint him, but he backed off to the table.
„Alix no!“ Nathaniel hissed and Alix made it to color his nose with the taint.
„Aww now you‘re just like Rudolph, but much cuter“ Rose complimented while Nathaniel turned slowly red from embarrassment.
„People are going to make fun of me, just because of your idea!“ The redhead complained. „Why did I even allow you to do this?“
„Everyone knows you would end up allowing it“ Luka mentioned while his little sister nodded. „We both and Rose know you very well and it‘s unlikely of you to not accept anything when you after the rejection see you made them sad“
„I sometimes hate myself for that“ Nathaniel grunted, making Rose giggle.
„Come on Nath, you look so handsome,“ Rose complimented making the pink-haired friend laugh.
„Yeah, like a real chick magnet, “ Alix said in a sarcastic tone, making Nathaniel roll his eyes at his friend‘s joke.
„More like a chicken magnet“
„Come on, I‘ll prove it, “ Rose said looking at Marinette, which was grinning like a doofus at Nathaniel‘s look. „He is a chick magnet isn‘t he?“ The blonde asked, then Marinette covered her mouth starting to laugh and smash her fist on the table while she was on it.
„Well, I guess we need to ask another girl about it“ Rose mentioned then Alix took a picture of Nathaniel frightening him and he jumped up trying to take off the phone of his friend‘s hands.
„No Alix, please don‘t send this anyone, please I beg you“
„Oh now I want to see you beg“ Alix mentioned with a smug smile, then Nathaniel looked around while Alix furrowed her eyebrows wondering what the boy was doing. Nathaniel took the smartphone away and ran away from the girl towards the exit and crashed against a person, that was about to come in.
„Watch it!“ The person shouted as she fell on the floor along with Nathaniel. Nathaniel clenched his teeth as he saw against who he had crashed into. Right in front of him sat the talented fencing student Kagami Tsurugi, which was caressing her head after the hit from the boy.
„S..Sorry Kagami, I wasn‘t expecting to see you right here“ Nathaniel mentioned holding his hand out to help her up, then as she grabbed his hand she wide her eyes in confusion as she saw his face.
„That‘s what people do in art classes?“ Kagami asked Nathaniel, which looked away from the blue-haired girl.
„Not really, but Rose had this idea and she didn‘t stop pleading until I accepted it“ Nathaniel mentioned, then he wide his eyes as he observed at the stairs a brunette talking with a brunette boy, that showed her a picture on his smartphone. Nathaniel got in panic and ran into the classroom back leaving Kagami back on the floor.
„Hmm“ Kagami mumbled getting up from the floor by herself as Nathaniel didn‘t help her and moved her head to the two brunettes, then widened her eyes believing she figured out, why Nathaniel ran off. Kagami watched the brunette girl in the black romper come along her way meeting her at the entrance of the classroom.
„Didn‘t I hear Nathaniel‘s voice?“ Questioned Lila making Kagami nod.
„He was….used by Rose as an experiment I think“ Kagami answered making Lila raise up one eyebrow.
„He said Rose wanted to try out something and begged him to help her, then he agreed“
„And what exactly has she done to him?“ The Italian asked watching Kagami shrug her shoulders.
„You better see it to understand it“ Kagami answered watching the brunette step in to see Alix stand beside a mannequin looking behind it along with Luka.
„Come on, no one's gonna laugh at you“ Luka assured looking behind the mannequin, where Nathaniel stood with his back leaned against it.
„First, I‘m going to wait until Lila and Kagami are gone“
„What are you talking about, they‘re not here“ Alix mentioned looking back, then she saw Lila standing there with Kagami smiling amused at the situation. „Oh good guess“
„Hey is something wrong with Nathaniel?“ The Italian questioned making Nathaniel nervous as she mentioned him.
„IIIIII‘m fine Lila! Don‘t you need to worry about me“ Nathaniel stated from the back of the mannequin doll, then heard the brunette reply back.
„Okay“ Lila responded holding her index finger in front of her lips warning the two friends to be quiet and she sneaked forward at the mannequin.
Nathaniel sighed in relief, then leaned his back on the mannequin causing it to fall back, which he noted and he looked back with a shocked face as it fell down bringing Lila, who had just approached the mannequin.
„Woah, you‘re alright?“ Luka asked seeing Lila lying on the ground with her belly down looking up at the mannequin, that lied over her.
„Whoa“ Lila mentioned, then Kagami tried to pull it up and Nathaniel, who had caused the mannequin to fall over his crush saw Lila lying on the floor and he ran at the girl to help the Japanese fencing student move the mannequin away from her.
„You‘re alright Lila?“ Nathaniel asked looking at the brunette along with Kagami.
„You know the mannequin is not that heavy Nathaniel?“ Kagami asked looking at Nathaniel, which opened his mouth bewildered.
„Uh….no?“ Nathaniel responded unsure.
„He just wanted to help me, right Nathy?“ Lila asked looking up at the redhead, which blushed at the nickname she uses on him.
„Y...yeah“ He responded helping her up, then she smirks at seeing Nathaniel wearing ribbons all over his body and Nathaniel looked down at himself, then glanced back at the brunette. „I look stupid, right?“ The redhead questioned making Lila chuckle.
„Well these ribbons all over you are a little too much, otherwise the hat and the bow tie look nice on you“ Answered Lila while adjusting the bow tie on his neck a little better.
„R...really?“ Questioned Nathaniel earning a nod from the brunette. Nathaniel blushed at Lila‘s answer, then rolled his eyes down in shyness and followed Lila‘s hands, which she was using to remove the smaller ribbons over Nathaniel‘s arms.
„Didn‘t I tell you, people would like it?“ Rose questioned the redhead, that rolled his eyes at the blonde‘s question. „Wait I still need to take a picture of Nathaniel like that“
„No!“ Nathaniel shouted making Lila laugh.
„Don‘t worry, you‘ll look better without them. I promise“ Lila declared the boy, which observed Rose looking in her backpack for her smartphone.
Kagami watched Lila removing carefully the ribbons off the dress jacket of the redhead noticing the facial expression of her friend, which looked a little more amorous, than a regular smile she used to see her with. Also on Nathaniel, she noted, that he couldn‘t manage to look at her without having to heat up on his face or feel awkward in her near. Kagami smirked as she had a brilliant idea to help the two move faster forward, then she placed her hand inside the pocket of her jacket and took out her smartphone to look up for something.
„So that was the last one“ The Italian mentioned watching the redhead smile at her softly, making Lila roll her eyes away from the boy, also turning red on her face.
„Look there's a mistletoe over you two!“ Kagami announced loud holding up her smartphone over the head of the two with the image of a mistletoe branch with red berries on it. Nathaniel and Lila looked up at the smartphone of the Japanese girl to see the image on the display, then looked at each other surprised at the deed of the girl. Nathaniel gulped, while Lila giggled softly and Nathaniel looked around looking helpless at the moment, then Luka winked at the redhead signaling him to go for it. Nathaniel swallowed hard and looked at Lila, which was smiling at him waiting for him to do it, then Nathaniel creased his eyebrows serious before leaning in and closed his eyes approaching her face with his and planted his lips on Lila‘s making the girl wide her eyes in surprise as the boy finally did it, afterward she closed her eyes. Nathaniel shut his eyes up to see he actually kissed Lila and she didn‘t back off or anything she was returning it. Nathaniel closed his eyes again, then grabbed Lila by her hand to deepen their kiss more making Kagami smile along with the others.
Rose had finally found her smartphone, then she saw Nathaniel and Lila kissing making her drop her mouth wide open and smile excited about it, then she decided to take a picture of their kiss including Kagami holding her smartphone up and having her eyes glued on the couple glad about the plan having worked.
Nathaniel and Lila split after their kiss, then Nathaniel shook his head in confusion and rubbed his eyes with his fists, then looked at Lila smiling flirty in front of him.
„This wasn‘t a dream, right?“ Nathaniel asked making Kagami chuckle and Lila shook her head.
„No it isn‘t and believe me I‘m really happy to know it isn‘t“ Lila mentioned making Nathaniel smile a little embarrassed, then Lila grabbed the boy by the shoulder leaning her forehead beside the side of his head and Rose jumped with her arms wide open at the two lovebirds, hugging them hard.
„I‘m so happy for you two!“ Rose shouted. „I knew one day it would have happened and it finally did!“
„Aww Rose“ Lila replied watching the blonde lean her head on her shoulder, then she patted the blonde strands of the shorter girl.
„Was worth waiting“ Kagami mentioned with a cheeky smile looking at her friend and the boy.
„You‘re the best Kagami“ Lila commented, then the Japanese girl hugged from the other side Lila and Nathaniel, followed by Luka embracing Lila while Alix did the same behind Nathaniel happy about the two love birds finally have come closer to each other.
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minimenace · 5 years
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42 notes · View notes
loving-steffi · 6 years
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I have waited for this moment for a long time :')
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flycat501 · 7 years
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나타릴라 합작
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tomatofox-ship · 7 years
Same the same finale
“I don’t understand. What do you mean that’s not how I act.” Evillustrator said while rubbing his check with an ice pack he drew. Lila put the broom against a wall and walked towards him. He stared at her blood shot eyes. “Lila sweetie can you talk to me.” She balled her hand into a fist. “Oh come on, pick a personality already!” “What?” “That not how you talk to me. You never call me sweetie.” Lila took him by the collar and pushed out the door “You are not coming back until you pick a personality Nathaniel!”
That sound was ringing in his ears. Normally me would just go home. However he needed closure. He opened the door slowly with his head hung low. “Is it me, am I the problem?” he said in a low tone. “No your not the problem.” He rest his hands on shoulders and takes a deep breath. She didn’t flinch. In fact his touch was soft and gentle, like a soft blanket. He wiped a small tear from her face. “This is the last time I’m asking. What is wrong?” His stare was like an ice cube going down her back. She can’t hide anything from him anymore. “Normally you don’t be this bold; however if I’m wrong your not afraid to tell me. You call me out on my lies. Your kind and selfless. Unlike everyone else you want to be my friend. I don’t want you to change. You can change your looks but not your personality." 
He didn’t think of himself like this. What  she said made him smile and giggle. "What’s so funny?” She asked. “Maybe I have changed because of you. You not afraid to show your emotional. Your brave, cunning and confident. To be honest I want to be more like that. Plus some of the story you make up are pretty amazing. I would love to work on a comic book with you.” If she had talk with him in the first place maybe she wouldn’t feel this bad. She was so happy that she gave him a super tight bear hug. “You…crushing…me!!!!” “Sorry about that.” she said as she let go of him. They couldn’t help but laugh after words.
“Well well this is so touching but you forgot one thing. WHERE IS MY F***ING MIRACULOUS!!!!!!!” Hawkmoth yelled at his ear. He was angrier than Hawkmoth at this point. All he wanted was a moment of peace but it was ruined by this purple cock blocker.  "Thanks to you I have the courage to do this.“ He whispered in Lila’s ear. "I don’t have to listen to you. How about your get off of your irony tower and fight ladybrat and trash noir for once! You lazy excuse for a power ranger knock off villain!” He took the poster, ripped it and the akuma free. “Well Lila, I’ll see at school tomorrow.” She kissed him on cheek.it made him turn into a deep dark purple. “ See ya and thank you for everything.” she said sweetly.“I should the one thanking you.” He drew himself a jetpack a flew home.
Luckily Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting the last of his clones when they notice the akuma was fighting over their heads. She swings her yoyo and devilized it. A white butterfly landed on Lila’s finger. She didn’t want to forget this day. Everything expected the ladybugs flying all over the city. They fixed the poster that the Evillustrator left on the roof. It was a picture of Volpina and the Evillustrator holding hands while Nath and herself where in background. She when to her room and hung it on her wall. 
“What a day this turned out to be. I wonder if I should ask him out on a date as a thank you for the poster?” She as she went to bed with a smile on her face.
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nobodys-pearls · 8 years
Drawing For Love
Here is my Valentine’s Day fic! Read on [AO3]
In this order: Chloe x Sabrina, Alya x Nino, Juleka x Rose, Max x Kim, Nathanael x Lila, Ivan x Mylene, Alix x Herself, Chat Noir x Ladybug
Sabrina slid into her seat beside Chloe, an excited grin on her face.
“Morning, Chloe.”
Chloe looked her desk mate up and down suspiciously, and noticed that she was holding something behind her back.
“What’s gotten you in such a good mood?”
Sabrina giggled and bounced a little in her seat. Chloe tried to hold back her smile – gosh she was adorable.
“Chloe, don’t you know what day it is?” Sabrina asked, her blue eyes shining.
“Um, Tuesday?” Chloe replied, looking at her nails in apparent boredom as she tried not to think too much about what was behind Sabrina’s back.
“Well, yes, that’s true.” Sabrina said, adjusting her glasses with her free hand. “But it’s also Valentine’s Day!”
Chloe rolled her eyes and sunk down in her seat. “Hooray.” She said, crossing her arms.
Sabrina’s eyes widened. “Do you not like Valentine’s Day?”
Chloe flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked out the window. She watched as a couple strolled down the street, hand in hand.
“I just don’t understand the hype.” She admitted, refusing to look at Sabrina. She could feel her gaze on her and it made her heart beat a little faster.
“Aw, Chloe.” Sabrina said, coming up behind her desk mate and wrapping her arms around her neck. Chloe could feel her soft hair on her cheek as she kept her eyes trained on the window. “But Valentine’s Day is about love and romance and flowers! Who couldn’t be excited about that?”
Chloe fought back the rising blush in her cheeks and struggled to break free of Sabrina’s embrace. “Love is fickle.” She declared, turning her ice blue eyes on Sabrina. “People say that they love each other, convince themselves that they love each other, and then they leave like it didn’t even matter.” Chloe looked away, remembering the image of her Mom walking out of the house with a suitcase in her hand. Although it was eight years ago, she remembered it like it was yesterday. She would always remember it like it was yesterday. “People always leave, in the end.”
“I’ll never leave you, Chloe.” Sabrina said softly. Chloe snapped her gaze towards her.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Sabrina.” Chloe said with a sigh.
Sabrina pouted. “I mean it!” She declared, furrowing her brow. Chloe’s mouth opened slightly in shock as she saw the intensity in her desk mate’s eyes.
“I made these.” Sabrina said, putting two objects on their desk. They were key chains – one was red with black polka dots and had the name “Chloe” on it, and the other was black with green paw prints and had the name “Sabrina” on it. Each one had a single plastic key.
“This one is for you.” Sabrina said nervously, handing over the black and green keychain. “And this one is for me.” She explained, taking the red and black one gently in her hand.
“What are the keys for? What do they unlock?” Chloe asked, looking down at the gift in her hand. She admired the graceful curves in Sabrina’s name. When she looked up she saw that Sabrina was blushing.
“That’s up to you.” She said, looking away as she moved a lock of hair behind her ear. Then she looked back at Chloe and clenched her fists. “Just know that I’m holding on to my key forever.”
Chloe looked at her with wide eyes, too shocked to even hide the blush on her cheeks.
“You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.” Sabrina added, crossing her arms.
Chloe stared at her for a moment, then her gaze softened. She held the keychain tightly in her fist. “I don’t think I ever will. Besides, what’s a Ladybug without her Chat Noir?” She pointed out with a smirk.
She watched as Sabrina’s smile widened, and couldn’t help but get a little lost in the sparkles in her eyes. Then she looked down and saw the Ladybug keychain held tightly in Sabrina’s fist, making out the first three letters of her name. The key dangled from it, swaying slowly back and forth.
Chloe knew what that key meant to her. It her own heart, and Sabrina held it in her hand, always.
“Daddy gave me a box of chocolates this morning, but I’ll never be able to finish them. Would you want to share?” Chloe asked, rummaging through her school bag.
Sabrina squealed a little in excitement and Chloe’s heart warmed. “Of course!”
Chloe found the heart shape box and placed it on the desk between them. She heard Sabrina giggle in excitement once she opened the lid and saw all of the assorted candies underneath.
“You pick first.” Chloe said. She watched Sabrina’s wide eyes scan over the box before carefully picking up round ball of dark chocolate.
“These are my favorite.” Sabrina said between chews.
‘I know.’ Chloe thought to herself, smiling as she watched Sabrina take another. Then she put the tag in her bag without her desk mate noticing.
The tag said, in Chloe’s loopy handwriting: To Sabrina, With Love.
“Hey girl.” Alya said, greeting Marinette as she hurried into the classroom. “I’m surprised you’re already here.”
“It’s two minutes before class starts.” Marinette said, a little out of breath as she went to sit down.
Marinette rolled her eyes and smiled. “Well I made sure to get here on time so I could give you this.” She said, sliding over a neat, white box.
Alya saw the bakery logo on the top. “Ooooo, how fancy.” She opened the lid and saw a perfect row of pink and red macaroons.
“It’s the first thing we shared, you know, the day we met.” Marinette explained, tugging nervously on one of her pig tails.
Alya’s eyes softened and she looked up at her friend. “I remember. They were delicious.”
Marinette smiled.
“I got you something too.” Alya said, presenting a box of her own.
Marinette wiggled in her seat and tore open the box. It was full of gorgeous pink fabric, new sewing needles, and a package of band aids.
“Alya.” Marinette whispered, running a gentle hand along the soft cloth.
“I knew you were already starting on some spring ideas, so I thought you’d need some new fabric.” Alya explained, giving Marinette a wink.
Marinette gave her a wide smile and tackled her in a hug. “You’re the best!”
Alya laughed, popping a macaroon in her mouth. “I know.”
“Seriously, I am so lucky to have you in my life, Alya.” Marinette said, her eyes bright as she pulled away from the hug to look at her best friend.
“Me too, girl.” Alya said, her eyes warm. “We’re still on for that sleepover tonight, right?”
“Of course! I rented the cheesiest romance movies, bought the popcorn, and Papa is making extra sweets.” Marinette listed, counting off her fingers.
“And I’ll make sure to bring the fuzzy blankets and my Mom’s special homemade mint chocolate chip ice cream.” Alya stated.
“And are you sure that Nino is okay with you coming over tonight?”
“We’re planning on having a picnic in the park in the afternoon, so it won’t conflict. Besides, he knows that I need some time with my best girl.”
“You two are adorable together!” Marinette sighed. “I’m so happy that I-uh, Ladybug put you two in that cage at the zoo!” She added, waving her arms a little.
“I am too.” Alya confessed, trying to hide her blush. Marinette gave her a knowing look and Alya shoved her playfully in return. Then they both began to laugh.
“Morning ladies.” Nino said as he and Adrien took their seats.
“Morning babe.” Alya said with a smirk. “Oh, and good morning Nino.”
Nino choked and Marinette giggled behind her hand. Even Adrien couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Happy Valentine’s Day Alya, Marinette.” Adrien said with a smile, looking between his two friends.
“H-happy Valentine’s Day, A-adrien.” Marinette said quietly, blushing as she looked at the table.
“Happy Valentine’s Day sweetie.” Alya replied with an easy smile.
“So if you’re done flirting with my girlfriend,” Nino said, giving Adrien a pointed look, “I’d like to give her my Valentine’s Day present.” He gave Alya a small, plain-looking box.
“Hmmmm.” Alya mumbled, shaking it a little. Then she carefully opened the top. The moment she looked inside she gasped.
“What is it?” Marinette asked, leaning over to look in the box. Alya slowly pulled out a bracelet. A single Ladybug charm dangled from it, catching the light.
“This is beautiful.” Alya breathed, unable to pull her eyes away from it.
Nino rubbed the back of his neck. “I know how much you love Ladybug, and you always seem to like throwing yourself in the middle of danger, so it’s a lucky charm.” He laughed nervously. “Get it?”
Alya smiled and looked at Nino. “I love it. Thank you.” Then she pulled a medium sized package out of her school bag and handed it over to her boyfriend. “I’m worried that my gift will pale in comparison.” She admitted.
“Just being your boyfriend is a gift in itself.” Nino declared, opening the box.
Adrien whistled. “That was smooth.” Marinette giggled.
“Al.” Nino said, looking down at the box. “These are awesome!” He exclaimed, pulling out a brand new pair of royal blue headphones. “I thought these weren’t supposed to come out yet!”
“One of my latest ladyvlogs took place in front of Harry’s music store, and apparently he got a lot of business because of it. So he let me buy it half-price.” Alya explained, a look of pride in her eyes.
“It’s perfect, Alya.” He leaned over and gave his girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.
“Gross, PDA.” Adrien whined, trying to hold back his smile.
Alya rolled his eyes. “What about you, Agreste? Who’s your Valentine?”
“Well, I wanted it to be Nino, I even got him that new Mecha Strike that came out, but he rejected my declaration of love.” Adrien admitted.
“Hey, and I got you that Ladybug sweatshirt you wanted, so we’re even.” Nino pointed out, putting an arm around Adrien’s shoulders.
Adrien sighed dramatically. “I suppose.”
“Ladybug sweatshirt?” Alya asked, raising her eyebrow.
Adrien laughed nervously and looked down at his shoes.
“Let’s just say that he’s a big fan. If he could pick his Valentine it’d probably be her.” Nino said, looking between Marinette and Alya.
“It’s not like that.” Adrien said, the blush rising in her cheeks. “I just really…appreciate her work.
Alya snorted. “As long as we’re clear that I’m her number one fan.”
Adrien looked up at her and smirked. “Of course.” But there was the flash of a challenge in his eyes.
Then the bell rang and they took their seats, no one seeming to notice the furious blush on Marinette’s face as she hid behind her sketchbook.
“Happy Valentine’s Day Juleka!” Rose yelled, wrapping her arms around her science partner. Juleka gave her a small smile and took her seat at the lab table.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” She answered back.
“I have something for you.” Rose declared, rummaging through her bag to find a heart shaped card. “Here!” She said, presenting it to Juleka.
Juleka slowly took it in her hands, admiring the lace around the edges. “It’s purple.”
“Yes! I wanted to make it your favorite color!” Rose said excitedly, leaning over in her seat. Juleka noticed that she smelled like vanilla today.
“Awesome.” Juleka said with a smile.
“Open it! Open it!” Rose said, grabbing her partner’s arm in anticipation. Juleka laughed.
“Okay, okay.” She carefully undid the tape and lifted one side of the card. There was a message written in pink cursive.
Juleka cleared her throat, “To Juleka, the love of my life. I can’t wait to spend Valentine’s Day with you.” She smiled at the little drawing of the two of them holding hands.
She looked up and was about to thank Rose when she saw the nervous expression on her face.
“What is it?” Juleka asked, concern in her voice.
Rose looked down at her lap and began to fidget in her seat. “I mean it.” She said quietly.
“Mean what?”
“That you’re the love of my life.” Rose said with a smile, looking up at Juleka. Juleka stared at her for a moment, and then she began to laugh.
“What? Why are you laughing? Oh, I knew that that drawing was too cheesy!” Rose groaned, putting her head in her hands.
“Rose,” Juleka said, lifting up her chin until those big blue eyes were looking back. “We’ve been dating for eleven months. You give me ‘I love you’ texts every morning. My contact name in your phone is ‘The Love of My Life’ with a bunch of hearts. This isn’t exactly breaking news.”
Rose pouted and looked away, crossing her arms. “I was trying to be romantic.”
Juleka laughed again. “You are very romantic. I’m the terrible girlfriend. I don’t deserve you.”
“That’s not true.” Rose said firmly, taking Juleka’s hand in her own. “You deserve the world.”
Juleka smiled and gave her hand a squeeze, then she pulled out a pink package from her book bag. “Time to open my gift.”
“I thought we promised not to get each other gifts!” Rose exclaimed.
“No, we decided that you wouldn’t get me a gift since you get me gifts every day. It was my turn to be thoughtful.” Juleka said, placing the package in Rose’s hands. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Rose sighed and smiled. “You’re impossible.” Then she gently undid the wrapping paper and held a delicate glass bottle in her hands. “What’s this?”
“Mrs. Mendeleiev helped me create a perfume in this lab.” Juleka explained. “I wanted to give you something unique, something that would remind you of us.”
Rose looked more closely at the bottle. “Rose Lavillant.” She read.
“It’s one of a kind, just like you.” Juleka said. “Try it out.”
Rose bounced excitedly in her seat and sprayed some on her wrist. “It smells like, vanilla, and-and sandalwood.” She sniffed her wrist again. “Ooo, is that orchid?”
“And there’s just a hint of Rose.” Juleka said with a smile. Rose giggled.
“I love it. I’m going to wear it every day.” Rose declared, putting the bottle carefully in her bag.
“I love you, Rose.” Juleka said, taking her hand and gently rubbing her knuckles with her thumb.
“I love you too.” Rose echoed, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.
Although their classmates had begun to file into the room, all Rose and Juleka saw were each other.
Max took a deep breath and looked at the sky. It was a deep blue today, and only a single cloud moved lazily in the distance.
“Hmmm, there was supposed to be a 78% chance of rain today.” Max mused. Then he looked over at Kim, who was doing laps around the track.
‘But I guess not everything is meant to be predicted.’ He thought to himself, swallowing hard.
It wasn’t like a video game, where progress was made sequentially and coding and numbers provided a logical structure. He couldn’t look up cheat codes or walkthroughs or replay the level if he ended up losing.
Having a crush on Kim wasn’t a video game, it was a nightmare.
It didn’t make sense. They had nothing in common. They were nothing alike. Kim used to have a crush on Chloe of all people. And yet whenever he looked into those stormy gray eyes he couldn’t help but feel electricity under his skin.
Why was he programmed like this? Maybe there was a circuit loose? A frayed wire? A glitch in the system? But whenever he felt his heart skip a beat or his hands get sweaty, he knew there was no malfunction. He was simply human.
“Hey Max!” Kim called, waving his arm as he jogged up to his best friend. Max felt his knees shake a little as he waved nervously back.
‘You can do this. Just follow the steps.’ Max thought to himself, taking a deep breath and standing up straighter. “Hello Kim, lovely weather we’re having.” He mentally smacked himself on the forehead. ‘Lovely weather we’re having? He’s your friend, Max. Get it together.’
Kim slowed down to stop in front of him. Max tried not to focus too much on the sweat on his brow, or the way the muscles in his arms flexed when he went to cross them over his chest. “Yeah, didn’t you say that it was going to rain?”
Max pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “According to my calculations, there was a very high probability. But I guess I was mistaken.”
Kim laughed and punched Max lightly on the arm. “Well that’s a first.” Max gave him a small smile in response.
“So, um,” Max began, his throat suddenly dry. “Do you…have any plans for Valentine’s Day?”
Kim scoffed and stretched his arms, the hem of his t-shirt lifting up to show a strip of flat stomach. Max tried not to stare. “After what happened last year with Chloe? I think I’ve written off Valentine’s Day forever.”
Max remembered when he first saw that Kim was akumatized. He remembered the way his heart clenched in pain. He should have been there for him. He had helped Kim with his plan to give Chloe that gift, so he felt like part of it was his fault.
“Right, about last year, I –”
“Don’t worry about it.” Kim said with an easy smile, raising up a hand to stop him. “I dodged a bullet anyway. Chloe is definitely not my type.” Max could almost swear that he saw a light blush on Kim’s cheeks, but he must have been imagining it.
“So you’re just going to do nothing today?” Max asked, looking into those gray eyes.
Kim shrugged and looked at the track field, shifting his weight on his other foot. “I guess not. I haven’t really thought about it.”
Max hesitated for a moment, and then he clenched his fists and lifted up his chin a little. “Well you have plans now.” He declared.
Kim shifted his gaze towards him, a slightly startled expression on his face. “Wha –”
“Valentine’s Day is meant to be celebrated, and I won’t let you be alone. So, so –” Max said, summoning up his courage. “I am going to be your Valentine!” He yelled, then he quickly closed his eyes and shrunk into himself.
‘Why did I say that? He’s going to hate me our friendship is over I won’t be able to talk to him again I –” Max panicked, then he felt a firm hand on his shoulder.
“Really? You want to be my Valentine?” Kim said softly. Max opened his eyes and looked up at him. They were only a foot apart.
“Sorry It’s stupid I –” Max stumbled out. Then Kim moved to hold one of his hands gently in his own.
“I wouldn’t want my Valentine to be anyone else.” Kim admitted, struggling to meet Max’s gaze.
Max’s eyes widened. “R-really?”
Kim looked at him and smiled. “Really. I was just afraid to ask you, you know, since it ended pretty badly for me last year.”
“You were going to ask me?” Max said, awe in his voice.
Kim simply nodded his head in response, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.
“So I beat you to it.” Max said, a smile tugging at his lips. Then he began to laugh. “I was faster than you! For once it my life I was faster than Kim!” He yelled, his voice carrying around the entire field. He heard Nino begin to clap from the opposite side of the track.
Kim choked and straightened up, a slight pout on his face as he crossed his arms. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
“Admit it. I beat you. Gosh, we should have made a bet.” Max said, bouncing on his feet.
Kim kept pouting, but then a wide grin spread across his face. “Then let’s make a new bet.” He said. Then he bent down and whispered something in Max’s ear.
Max felt the heat rise all the way up to his ears and he swallowed hard. “I-I guess we’ll just have to see.”
“What, no calculations? No predictions?” Kim asked with a smug grin. Then it began to drizzle.
A wide grin spread across Max’s face. “I bet that it’ll be me.” He declared, then he grabbed the collar of Kim’s shirt and pulled him in for a short kiss. When he pulled away he saw the dazed expression on his best friend’s face.
“I guess you win then.” Kim said, running a hand through his hair as he looked at Max in surprise. They both heard Nino whoop in the distance and broke out into laughter.
“So where do you want to go?” Kim asked, resting his hands behind his head as they made their way back into the school.
“Anywhere but the zoo.” Max stated, shuddering. He looked over when he heard Kim’s laugh, and he felt a surge of affection. That familiar electricity.
Nathanael walked into the classroom after lunch, and his eyes immediately fell on his desk mate. It looks like he wasn’t the only one who wanted to get there early.
“Hey, Lila.” Nathanael said in greeting, adjusting the strap on his bag.
“Hi.” Lila said curtly, looking out the window. Nathanael followed her gaze; it had just started to rain as he was making his way back into the school. He ran a hand through his damp hair and began to walk to his desk, Lila pretending not to notice him.
“I love the rain.” Nathanael said, moving to sit down. He saw Lila’s eyes flick towards him and away.
“It’s depressing.” She stated.
“I don’t think so. I think it’s beautiful.” Nathanael scooted his chair to face the window. “I mean, look at the windowsill. It’s like it’s covered in beads of glass. And the clouds, a mix of deep grays and pale sunlight. And the whole city looks glossy and new.” Nathanael grabbed his sketchbook and pencil, and began to draw. “Rain brings new beginnings, don’t you think?”
Lila looked at him for a moment, but then she raised her nose in the air. “No, it just makes this wet.” She declared.
Nathanael laughed and shook his head, his hair falling in his eyes. “I guess that’s true.”
The next moment was filled with the soft scratch of Nathanael’s pencil.
“What are you drawing?” Lila asked, curious eyes looking down at his sketchbook.
Nathanael looked up and smiled. “That couple over there, on the bench.” He said, pointing towards the window. Outside two people were sitting together under a large yellow umbrella.
Nathanael and Lila watched them for a minute.
“They look happy.” Lila said, a small smile on her lips. Nathanael looked at her.
“Well, it is Valentine’s Day.” He said, then got back to his drawing. “It’s meant for romantic stuff like that, right?”
“It sounds like you’ve never really gotten into the Valentine’s Day spirit, have you?” Lila asked, a wry smile on her lips as she watched Nathanael draw.
“Haven’t found the right person to spend it with, I suppose.” Nathanael said with a shrug.
“I’ve never had a problem with that. I always have to fend off boys declaring their undying love for me this time of the year.” Lila said, looking back at the couple. Nathanael glanced at her and saw a tightness in her eyes. He had come to learn by now that that meant that she was lying.
Being her desk mate for the past couple of months made him notice a lot of things about her. She was distant, tempestuous, blunt, even downright prickly. But in those moments in between, in the moments when she thought no one was looking, she was gentle, she was pensive, she was lonely. Nathanael had come to learn that for all of the lies that came out of her mouth, none of it could compare to the lies she held in her eyes.
“Then I guess you don’t want my Valentine, then.” Nathanael said casually, looking back down at his sketchbook. He felt her eyes shift towards him.
“Well, you must be sick of it. You’ve probably gotten tons of them already. Mine’s silly anyway.” Nathanael said, shrugging as he began to shade in the woman’s coat. He tried to keep his tone neutral, but he could feel his heart beat quicken. It was true, he did make Lila a sort of Valentine. But he never planned on actually giving it to her. Not after what happened with Marinette. His hands still twitched when he thought about his time as the Evillustrator.
“Nothing you make is ever silly.” Lila said. Nathanael looked up at her in shock, and saw the light blush on her cheeks. “I-I mean, you’re an artist, so obviously you’re just exaggerating.” She recovered, crossing her arms and averting her gaze.
“So, does that mean you want it?” Nathanael asked, still looking at her.
Lila glanced back at him. “I suppose I might as well take it.”
Nathanael flipped through his sketchbook and carefully tore out one of the pages. He could tell that his hands were shaking a little. He could smell Lila’s perfume. “It’s not heart-shaped, and it doesn’t have lace or glitter or anything like that –”
Lila took it from his hands and inspected the sheet of paper. He watched her eyes widen. “This-this is me.” She breathed.
“Sorry, I know it’s kind of weird, but I was bored in class and you looked so focused and –” Nathanael could feel the heat rising in his cheeks.
“To Lila, I wouldn’t want anyone else as my desk mate. Happy Valentine’s Day, Nathanael.” Lila read aloud.
“I told you it’s stupid I’m sorry I shouldn’t have –”
“I love it.” Lila interrupted, looking at Nathanael with bright green eyes.
“Y-you do?”
Lila took a deep breath, looking as if she was debating her next words. “I wouldn’t want anyone else as my desk mate either.” She confessed, looking off to the side.
Nathanael felt his heart skip a beat. What was this? Why were his hands sweaty? Why was his throat so dry all of a sudden? Why did he keep getting lost in her eyes? This never happened with Marinette. This never happened with anyone. What did it mean? Was this –?
“I actually have something for you too.” Lila said, the blush in her cheeks deepening.
“Really?” Nathanael asked, swallowing hard.
“Close your eyes.” Lila instructed.
“Lila –”
“You can trust me. I promise.” Lila said, her gaze firm and unwavering, even though she was fidgeting with her hands in her lap.
“O-okay.” Nathanael managed to say. He gave Lila one last questioning look, then he closed his eyes. He heard Lila take a deep breath, and felt a shiver down his spine as she moved a lock of hair behind his ear. Then Lila pressed her lips slowly but determinedly on his cheek. Nathanael felt a small gasp at the base of his throat. The kiss ended as quickly as it came, and Nathanael could feel his neck getting hotter.
“Are you okay, Nathanael? You look like you’re burning up.” Ivan asked, sitting at his desk. Nathanael opened his eyes and saw that his classmates were beginning to file in. Then he looked over at Lila, who was opening her notebook as if nothing had happened.
“I-I’m fine. Just – got distracted.” Nathanael explained, clearing his throat. Ivan shrugged and sat down. Nathanael looked at Lila one last time, but she refused to meet his gaze. He blew a lock of hair out of his face and went back to his sketch, but then he saw a small note in the corner of the page. It said: Notre Dame, seven o-clock. He looked back at Lila and saw the small smile on her lips as she began to take notes.
Nathanael looked back down at the note in disbelief. Then he smiled. This was not how he expected his Valentine’s Day to go, but he couldn’t have imagined anything better.
Mylene filed into the classroom with her fellow students and gasped when she looked at her desk. In front of her seat was a large bouquet of deep purple lilies.
“Oh wow.” She breathed, walking up to her desk, unable to look away from the flowers.
“Do you like them?” Ivan said from behind her. She could hear the nervousness in his voice.
“You remembered.” Mylene said, thinking back to their first date. They had talked about their favorite things, and she had mentioned that her parents would always keep a small bouquet of lilies in their kitchen windowsill. She explained how lilies reminded her of home, they made her calm, and therefore they were her favorite flowers.
“There’s a card.” Ivan pointed out, reaching to pluck a small, folded piece of paper that was hidden in the flowers. He offered it to Mylene and she took it carefully in her hand.
“Ivan, you gave me a box of chocolates this morning, and you planned out our whole date tonight –”
“Is it too much?” Ivan asked, his eyes worried as he wrung his hands. “I’m sorry if I overdid it I didn’t mean to overwhelm you I just –”
Mylene smiled and stood on her tiptoes, giving Ivan a kiss on the cheek. She giggled as she watched him blush. “It’s perfect. I just feel bad for only getting you that CD.”
“No, don’t apologize! I’ve been wanting that album for months and I could never find it!” Ivan exclaimed, then he rubbed his hand nervously on the back of his neck and looked at the card in Mylene’s hand.
She gave him a pat on the cheek and opened it. “Mylene: sweeter than a lily, prettier than an orchid, more special than a rose. I love you, and I hope our love never comes to a close.” Mylene could feel the tears in her eyes. “Oh, Ivan.”
“Is it bad? I’m sorry Mylene I didn’t mean to make you cry –” Ivan said, wringing his hands once more and looking guilty. Then he heard Mylene laugh.
“You’re amazing, Ivan. I love it.” Then she took her boyfriend’s hands gently in her own. “And I love you.”
Ivan’s eyes widened and a slow smile spread across his face. “I love you too, Mylene.”
Then they heard Nino clapping from his seat and both turned to look at him. Alya smacked the back of his head. “Ow!” He protested. “What? I’m a sucker for romance! Is that a crime?” Nino said, pouting and crossing his arms.
Mylene and Ivan looked back at each other in surprise, then they broke out into laughter, still holding hands.
Alix put on her roller blades and jumped over the school’s front steps, then she headed home.
“Finally, a day with no homework!” Alix yelled in triumph, stretching her arms. She looked around and saw the Valentine’s Day advertisements, the giggling couples, and the pink and red flowers in the shop windows. She tried not to gag.
She never understood romance. It just seemed so…unnecessary. She knew that other people felt the need to have it in their lives, and she respected that, but she had come to realize that she simply wasn’t made the same way. She was content to love herself, he friends, her family, but she couldn’t love in the way that other people did. Not in the way that Valentine’s Day expected you to love.
Alix sighed and bent her knees, gaining momentum as she sped along the sidewalk. She knew her parents were going to be out all night. They said they had something “special” planned for just the two of them. Alix’s plans consisted of watching TV and raiding the fridge. Then she saw the sign pointing towards the Louvre.
Acting on a whim, she skidded on the sidewalk and changed directions, heading for the art museum. ‘I wonder if he’s still there.’ Alix mused, picking up speed.
She quickly made it to the famous glass pyramid and took off her roller skates.
“Hi Sam.” She said, waving to the security guard as she walked past the entrance.
“Your brother’s in the office.” Sam said with a smile, then he returned to his work.
Alix had always liked Sam. He never asked her if she had a boyfriend or told her that she was going to be a “heartbreaker”. Any other adult would probably have asked her why she was visiting the Louvre when she should be going on a romantic date. But not Sam. He saw everything. That was probably why he was such a good security guard.
“Thanks Sam.” Alix said behind her shoulder as she made her way into the Louvre, knowing exactly where to go. Since her father had such an important job here, she had practically grew up in these long hallways. She easily made it to the office and leaned against the doorframe, looking at her older brother’s back as he rustled through a pile of papers.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jalil.” Alix said, snickering when she saw him jump.
Jalil quickly spun around, papers still in hand. “Oh, Alix, it’s you.”
“The one and only.” Alix replied, slinging her skates over her shoulder. “Hey, do you have any plans tonight?”
“Plans?” Jalil asked, adjusting his glasses.
“You know, lovey dovey plans with chocolates and flowers and gifts and romantic boat rides on the Seine.” Alix teased, waving her free arm in a grand gesture.
“Oh dear God no, that sounds horrible.” Jalil said, turning back to his desk.
“Great. Then we’re hanging out tonight. Sibling bonding time.” Alix said with a grin, coming to stand beside her brother.
“I don’t know –” Jalil began, glancing at another stack of paper on his desk.
“Come on, Jalil.” Alix groaned, tugging on her brother’s sleeve. “Please don’t leave me all alone in the house, it’s so boring. Besides, you need a break. I’m pretty sure that was the same shirt you wore two days ago.”
Jalil looked down at his shirt, and Alix flicked his nose. “Gotcha.” She said, laughing.
Jalil smiled down at his sister as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Okay, but on one condition,” He said, raising a finger.
“Name it.”
“We do this night Kubdel Sibling Style.” He said with a grin.
Alix gave him a wide smile and excitedly put on her roller skates. “Is there any other way to spend Valentine’s Day? Let’s go!” She grabbed her brother by the arm and led him out of the Louvre, the two siblings laughing all the way out.
“I’m taking him hostage; he’ll be back tomorrow!” Alix called over her shoulder to Sam, practically dragging Jalil behind her. She could hear Sam’s distant chuckle.
“Gotta love Kubdel Sibling Style.” He said, laughing to himself.
The two siblings made their way home to the empty house. Then they proceeded to gather up all of the pillows and blankets they could find and built a gigantic pillow fort. Jalil brought some Christmas lights from the closet and hung them around the fort, red and green dancing on the walls. Alix got the biggest bowl she could find and began to microwave multiple bags of popcorn, then she brought out the tubs of ice cream.
“Bug Horror Show 1 or 2?” Jalil called from the pillow fort, sifting through the DVD collection.
“The original obviously.” Alix scoffed, carrying in the food. They both found comfortable spots under the fort and Jalil put the DVD in.
They both began to laugh when they heard that familiar cheesy intro music. Then Jalil turned to face his sister.
“Although you can be a pain, I love you, sis.” Jalil said, ruffling her hair.
“And as much as you can be a dork, I kinda love you too.” Alix replied, lightly punching his arm.
This is what Valentine’s Day meant to Alix – no flowers, no gifts, no chocolates or whispered promises of affection – just spending time with her brother and watching old movies. She may be different, but in that moment, she knew she wasn’t broken.
Ladybug landed lightly on the metal beam, looking down at the city below. She marveled at every twinkling light, each one reflecting the little lives that she was tasked to protect. She loved her city. She loved the people in it. She loved being Ladybug.
“It’s quite a view, isn’t it?” A voice said. She turned and saw Chat Noir staring at her, his green eyes glowing.
“I see that you’ve decided to visit our spot tonight too.” Ladybug said with a smirk. She looked down and saw the Eiffel Tower stretched below them.
“It’s like fate brought us here together.” Chat Noir stated, opening his arms towards Paris.
Ladybug rolled her eyes and flicked his bell. “What does bring you out here tonight, kitty? I would have expected the Chat-sanova to be out on a romantic date.”
Chat Noir smiled as he looked down on the city. “Ah, it appears that this cat is regretfully unattached for the evening.”
“And why is that?” Ladybug asked, turning her curious blue eyes on him.
Chat looked back at her, seeming like he was about to say something, but then he looked away. “Let’s just say that she doesn’t return my feelings quite yet.”
“Oh I’m sorry, Chat.” Ladybug said, moving to sit down, her legs dangling off the edge. “It’s her loss.”
Chat sighed and sat down next to her. “I really think that it’s mine. But don’t worry, I’ll win her over someday.”
“Must be a special girl.” Ladybug said, smiling and closing her eyes as the breeze hit her face. She didn’t notice Chat looking at her.
“Yes. She is.” Then he ran a hand through his hair and began to inspect his claws. “What about you, my lady? Someone with your beauty, grace, and intelligence cannot paw-sibly be alone on Valentine’s Day night.” Chat said with a grin.
Ladybug scoffed and rolled her eyes. “I’m actually sleeping over at a friend’s house, but I needed to get some fresh air.”
“So you didn’t have a Valentine?” Chat asked. He felt a little guilty for the hopeful note in his tone.
“Let’s just say that I’m in the same boat as you, kitty. He just hasn’t noticed me quite yet – at least, not in the way I want him to notice me.” Ladybug confessed, looking down at her hands in her lap.
“Who couldn’t notice you?” Chat asked with wide eyes, unable to hide his surprise.
Ladybug laughed and leaned back on her palms. “Well for one I don’t wear a red and black polka-dotted suit in my day-to-day life.” Then she sighed. “He’s perfect, Chat – kind, talented, smart. He could have any girl he wants, and whenever I’m around him I act like a stammering mess.”
Chat titled his head to the side. He could never imagine Ladybug acting the way she described. But then again he still had a lot to learn about her. And he wanted to know everything. If only their masks didn’t keep this barrier up between them.
“Just be patient. He’ll see you for the amazing girl you are soon enough, it’s impossible not to.” Chat said, smiling at his partner. Ladybug turned her gaze on him and smiled back.
“Same goes for you, kitty. Don’t give up.”
They looked down at the Parisian streets for a few minutes, watching the lights twinkle and hearing the laughs of couples in love. Sitting there together, looking down at their city, nothing had ever felt more right.
“How about we be each other’s Valentine’s for tonight?” Chat suggested. It wasn’t a declaration of love, or some grand gesture of romance, but rather an extension of friendship and affection.
Ladybug smiled down at her city, then she looked over at Chat. “Sounds like a deal.”
They stayed like that for the next hour, simply enjoying the sound of each other’s steady breathing, the warmth of each other’s presence. They had found home in each other, whether they knew exactly what that meant or not.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, kitty.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my lady.”
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ripyuuri · 8 years
I miss seeing Nathanette, now it's about NathLila. I hate Lila, she doesn't deserve our (my) precious tomato! Do you agree ripyuuri?
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i think hopefully people start making mari/nath art to balance it out! Nath needs all the. love he can get ! ALSO HAIRSTYLE SWAP
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ecofinisher · 5 years
The Fox and the Hound - Miraculous AU
Tod, a red fox = Nathaniel, the red fox
Copper, a bloodhound/coonhound puppy mix = Luka, a Braque Française mixed breed
Chief, an Irish Wolfhound = Anarka, a Braque Française dog
Big Mama, an owl = Caline, a cat owl
Dinky the sparrow = Max, a yellowhammer 
Boomer the woodpecker = Kim,  a falcon
Vixey, a vixen = Lila, a vixen
Widow Tweed, the farmer = Older Amelîe Graham de Vanily
Amos Slade, the hunter = Older Gabriel Agreste
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During hunting season a strange Redfox escapes from a forest dropping a young fox kit under the stairs of the house, which belongs to the farmer Amelie Graham de Vanily. Caline, an owl that resides at one of the trees at the farm observed this scene and witnesses the old fox run off and get shot far away from there, shocking her and she went to the small kit to see him lying under the stairs sad. 
Caline hears in the sky two known voices and looks up to the sky to see the yellowhammer Max and the falcon Kim fly and she asks them to assist her to find a new home for the cub. 
The three managed to call the farmer’s attention and arranged her first encounter with the red fox kit, which the woman found adorable and carried him into her house to give him something to eat. 
Meanwhile, her neighbor, a ruthless hunter and fur lover had left his house to bring a bowl with meat for his hunting dog Anarka, which had given birth to three puppies, sadly two of them had died only the oldest newborn survived, which the hunter named him Luka. 
A few weeks later the red kit named Nathaniel was bored and looking for someplace to play and in the meanwhile, the puppy was tracking down a strange scent which ends up being Nathaniel’s and both encounter each other in the forest and decided to become playmates. 
With the time both become very good friends and Luka is apprehended at home by Gabriel, because of leaving the house without any warning and Nathaniel felt bad and visited Luka to play with him there and as they accidentally woke up Anarka, which was resting she barked scaring Nathaniel which ran along the plot of Gabriel, who left his house to see, why Anarka was barking and saw the fox kit ran on his plot. 
Nathaniel hides inside the stall, where Amelie was working and Gabriel threats the woman next time he kills her fox if he puts his paws on the plot of the man again. Amelie afterward explains Nathaniel he should not go there to the man, cause it could have cost his life and Nathaniel got sad, then in the next morning as Amelie was going to the stall she saw Gabriel was leaving along with the dog and the puppy to go on a trip and Amelie let Nathaniel go out with her and Nathaniel ran to the entrance of Amelie’s farm to observe Luka leave, which howled back at the kit and the kit just waved at him with his paw sadly. Caline witnessed it and decided, that it was time for her to explain Nathaniel, that his future with Luka will change because they’re supposed to be natural enemies and after Luka’s return he will be a hunts dog, which Nathaniel ignores to believe, cause Luka would never do that
In Springtime Luka returns now a fully grown dog while Nathaniel also matured and earned a new collar as the pet of Amelie. In the night Nathaniel visits Luka to see him and although Luka was excited to see him he warns Nathaniel, they can’t be seen together, cause they’re supposed to be enemies. Anarka wakes up as she recognizes the scent and Nathaniel ran off, while Gabriel ran out of his house releasing the hounds to track Nathaniel down. Luka found Nathaniel first hiding under a tree stomp and Luka lets Nathaniel go for the last time and the fox escapes to a road and is afterward pursued by Luka’s mother, which is hit by a car and left back injured, while Nathaniel kept running and hears Luka swear revenge on the fox as he found his mother injured.
Nathaniel ran his way back home and encounters Amelie on the way, which picked him up happily, that nothing happened to him and tells him, she has to set him free, cause at home he would only be in danger because of Gabriel.
Nathaniel passed his first night bad, because he wasn’t used to living in the wild and he is visited by Caline, Kim and Max to see how he was doing. Kim assured Nathaniel the forest was great and he would soon like to be there and as Nathaniel wanted to leave he encountered another beautiful female fox sitting in front of a river drinking water, attracting Nathaniel which admitted he never saw something like that and the group suggested him to talk to her, in which he did.
Soon in a somewhat clumsy way, Nathaniel woke up the vixen’s interest on him and both went together to see the forest together leaving the birds back happy about the boy. 
On the next morning before Gabriel leaves the house he explains Luka his plan in catching Nathaniel, then they head out to the house to board the car and head in the forest and later they prepared a couple of traps for the fox and to their luck they encountered Nathaniel now together with the female vixen walk together into the forest, while Lila was starting to hesitate, cause she felt danger. Soon both ran off as they heard a branch crack and Gabriel followed along with Luka the foxes and on the way, Nathaniel stood back to fight Luka to give Lila more time to be away from the danger zone, soon Nathaniel went behind her as he managed to stop Luka for a while. As the two foxes were far away on the mountains, Gabriel is stuck on his own trap and endangered by a mountain lion and Luka tried to protect the owner bringing himself in danger as the lion hurt him. Nathaniel far away heard Luka whining in pain, making Nathaniel feel bad and announce Lila to continue, he had to deal with the cougar and he managed to get the lion off his friend and he ran away with the lion chasing him and he ran at the same direction he went last time with Anarka and he ran on the road with the cougar behind him and then there was a ranger van approaching him and the cougar and Nathaniel shortly changed direction, moving aside while the lion shrieked as he saw the car and the rangers broke down harsh, but unluckily they hit the feline and came to check it while Nathaniel was on the side watching the humans around the animal. Nathaniel ran back down to find Luka was gone along with Gabriel, then he shrieked as he heard from behind him Gabriel stand there with the gun pointed at the fox and from the side Luka appeared jumping at Gabriel pushing him down causing him to shot somewhere else and Nathaniel stepped back in shock to see Luka saved him from his death. Luka smiled at Nathaniel’s deed in helping him out although he wanted to kill him and Nathaniel left Luka back, soon a ranger ran down at the hunter to grab him on his hands and arrest him from hunting in a restricted area.
A month later Amelie sat on the outside of her house giving Luka and his now healed mother Anarka food to eat, enjoying their new life with the old lady and far away sat the Redfox Nathaniel observing his old home, thinking of the old times, then the now pregnant vixen Lila joined him cheering him up.
The End
I’m still trying to continue to work on my WIP’s but it doesn’t really work -_-
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minimenace · 5 years
Have you already watched Ladybug? Thoughts on Nath and Lila interactions?
I’m glad they’re there, but I don’t imagine there will be anything between them. But Nath’s expression when Marinette and Lila were asked to leave? I’m real interested in that.
If it ends up being that Nath and Lila are kinda friends and Nath is in a position where he needs to choose a friend, he’ll likely be choosing Marinette because they’re closer and have more history and he knows her. And I imagine this would upset Lila greatly because as a diplobrat, all she really needs right now is something close to her for the time being, and if she loses that, she’s going to be A) sad or B) livid
So I’m curious. And torn because Nath/Marc and Nath/Lila *whispers* marcnathlilapolyship
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loving-steffi · 7 years
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Nathlila for Christmas <3
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pegasus-anarchy · 8 years
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For someone who mostly hates Lila I sure do draw her a lot with the bf. Thnks Nath. @tomatofox-ship :)
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solunia · 8 years
Hey I love your art. Would you draw tomatofox?
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*sparkle eyes*
I had to look up this ship. And now I’m going to draw more of them.
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ecofinisher · 5 years
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There should be two things, that I would love to see: 
- Both are the main super villains and fight Ladygug and Cat Noir a lot (Exp. like Drakken and Shego)
- Evillustrator a.k.a Super Nathan is fighting Hawk Moth and he has Volpina as his new sidekick who does his job instead and the two develop a crush on each other. 
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ecofinisher · 5 years
TomatoFox Wolkenbruch AU
This is based on my memory from this movie I saw almost about a year ago.  
Mordechai “Motti” Wolkenbruch - Nathaniel Kurtzberg (The Jewish boy) Laura - Lila Rossi (The Schicksa) Michèle - Mylène (Other Jewish girl) Jael - Alix (The one-night stand) Yossi - Ivan (Motti’s friend) Judith Wolkenbruch - Nathaniel’s mother Moische Wolkenbruch - Nathaniel’s father
Fortune teller = Marianne Lenoir
The Rabbi = Master Fu
The young Jewish orthodox man Nathaniel Kurtzberg is in his 20ties and the mother is trying to hook him up with other Jewish women much to Nathaniel’s dismay. After many times her mother finally thinks Nathaniel starts to take interest on the girl Mylène Hapréle which actually got along with Nathaniel pretending to like each other so their parents would stop with the shipping. At the university Nathaniel fells high over heels with a new exchange student named Lila, which is a so-called schicksa, a non-Jewish girl.
Nathaniel loses his way from the traditions by getting rid of his beard and substituting his glasses by contact lens, which causes his mother to get losing hopes on him.
A rabbi suggested his parents to send him to Israel to get to know better his culture and he ends up having a one night stand with a girl named Alix.
Nathaniel came back all modern dressed waking up the interest of the Italian exchange student, which invites him to a drink. She invites him afterward to a party inside her commune and both end up sleeping with each other.
The next day Nathaniel tells Lila he would like to introduce her to her mother hoping she would like Lila. They had a more or less normal conversation and after Lila left his mother went riot arguing with his son and Nathaniel got kicked out from the house and he went back to Lila to tell what happened. Lila confesses Nathaniel she isn’t ready for a relationship breaking Nathaniel’s heart which left her back alone and reserved a room in a hotel, where he ended up getting drunk as he wanted to cure his heart.
At the university, Nathaniel comes along Mylene, who had a date with Ivan and both cheered him up and left Nathaniel alone, which then received a phone call from Lila afterward, he walked away while the phone kept ringing.
(The movie left the viewers an open ending, so it’s up to them, what happens afterward) 
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ecofinisher · 5 years
TomatoFox - Need for Speed AU
Tobey - Nathaniel Kurtzberg Julia - Lila Rossi Benny - Kim chien Le Pete - Luka Couffaine Finn - Wayhem Joe - Ivan Bruel Anita - Juleka Couffaine
The Monarch - Armand D’Argencourt
Dino - Original character
Nathaniel’s group got convinced by OC to rebuild an unfinished vehicle for his auctions, promising the team to give a quarter of the money they earned by seeling the vehicle successfully.
At the auction a young woman from Italy came to talk about the new car, explaining her father was interested into that vehicle and would buy it, if it would pass over a certain miles per hour. Behind the OC’s back Nathaniel and Luka took Lila out to a racing track to top the speed and OC is enraged about the act of the two, even though the Rossi’s still bought the vehicle. OC challenges Nathaniel and Luka into a race and the winner gets all the score from the sell.
During the race OC is losing towards Nathaniel and Luka. While OC is closer to Luka, who’s trying to avoid OC to pass in front OC hits his car on purpose causing Luka to lose control of the vehicle and fly off the road causing an accident and die as the vehicle had got up in fire. Nathaniel shocked about the accident drove back to help, but he was late and cried the death of his best friend.
Nathaniel got sentenced to 2/½ years jail, because he couldn’t prove the police that they were all racing along with OC and with Luka being the only witness to have been there Nathaniel couldn’t prove OC’s sayings towards the cops were a lie.
After being released from jail, Nathaniel and Kim waited for Mr. Rossi, that Nathaniel had convinced him in borrowing him back the tuned vehicle he and his team upgraded a few years ago and in change Mr. Rossi would receive the winner prize of the race Nathaniel is going to participate. Much to Nathaniel’s frustration Mr. Rossi had sent his daughter Lila to accompany the man, cause he didn’t trust fully on Nathaniel and so the “longest drive of his life” had started.
During the drive Nathaniel showed off driving skills and playing with the cops around, trying to get the attention of the Monarch while Kim films Nathaniel from up the sky. During a live talk from the Monarch talking about Nathaniel’s past accident Lila and Nathaniel listened to it during the ride, which made Nathanniel feel sad and Lila phoned the Monarch to explain the situation they were in and why Nathaniel wanted so bad to participate in the race. Interested between the story between him and OC the Monarch welcomes Nathaniel in the race and Nathaniel receives the location to meet up with the other’s including OC.
In the meanwhile OC hears about Nathaniel having been added to the race and sets his most rarest car as bounty for the person that gets rid of Nathaniel and when OC leaves his office Juleka, the girlfriend of OC and Luka’s younger sister who had secretly heard the conversation from the Monarch and OC sneaks into the office to look up in his computer for anything and discovers the missing car, that OC had used in the race a few years ago, where her older brother got killed, shocking Juleka about the story of Nathaniel.
Until Lila and Nathaniel arrive at the meeting point after having to deal with other mysetrious men, that wanted to get rid of the two Nathaniel enters the hotel alone meeting OC on the way and Nathaniel wants to take care of OC, but leaves the place angrily because OC could blame him for crimes without any problems with all the people around them. Lila comforts Nathaniel about the incident and offers him the two should overnight in another hotel and as they’re about to leave a truck purposely crashes towards their car causing it to flip around and leaves the two there. Nathaniel escaping with light injuries calls Wayhem and Ivan to help them out and the three help Lila out of the car to bring her uncoucious to the nearest hospital.
Nathaniel calls Juleka for help and she gives him the key to OC’s garage, where they discover the vehicle that OC had used in the race, where Luka died.
Wayhem who had stood back with Lila showed him, where she was and Nathaniel went to talk with the brunette and realizes that he had fallen in love with the girl during the trip and shares with her a kiss.
The next day Nathaniel appears at the race with the car, that used to belong to OC making OC as he realized that Nathaniel found out about his car and the two along with 4 other competitors started the race which turned into a police pursuit during the time and all got eliminated by the police only leaving Nathaniel and OC racing to the finish line. A few miles before OC tries to do the same to Nathaniel as he did to Luka, but Nathaniel managed to trick him out and OC’s car ends up flipping around landing on the roof starting to burn. Nathaniel kept driving, but ended up stopping and thinking about last time he saw his friend die and drove all the way back to save OC. Before the cops arrived Nathaniel left and raced to the finish line followed by a few cops and was considered champion by the Monarch. OC got arrested by the cops too and the others that arrested Nathaniel found out, that the vehicle Nathaniel took was the missing vehicle of Luka’s accident years ago and additionally added this to OC’s file for the court in the future.
200 days later Nathaniel was freed earlier from jail for good behavior and got picked up by Lila and the two made their way up to pick up Kim Chien Le who was being released from prison for the same motive as Nathaniel.
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