#national security printing company jobs 2022
Deals this week: Fossil Group, Metro Retail Stores, Velasca
Fossil Group Inc. and Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW) have agreed to develop and distribute BMW-branded watches and smartwatches worldwide through 2023.
BMW-branded watches and accessories will also be created by Fossil Group and released next year.
Over 4,000 BMW and Fossil Group key retailers around the world will carry the collection.
METRO Retail Stores Group Inc. plans to establish a joint venture (JV) to broaden its product offering.
The Philippines-based department store, hypermarket, and supermarket operator Metro Retail
Security Bank and MUFG Bank recently held a business matchmaking fair for Japanese and Philippine businesses, which the company recently attended.
In a round of funding led by P101 SGR, Velasca has raised €2.5 million ($2.9 million).
Milano Investment Partners and other private investors have also contributed to the funding round.
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Italy-based Velasca is a luxury shoe and accessory manufacturer for men.
The funds will be used for the company’s national and international expansion, with an emphasis on improving its Omnichannel model.
Through a series A round, Order Handler has received funding from DCM China.
The subsidizing round has likewise elaborate support from Meituan-Dianping.
“The new academy will strengthen its digitalization efforts in the business and improve the skills of its employees,” DCM China is a venture capital firm, while Order Handler is an e-commerce company.
China is the location of all of the businesses involved in the transaction.
In Surrey, British Columbia (BC), Walmart Canada intends to invest more than $175 million in the construction of a frozen grocery store.
The new 300,000 square foot facility will be built beginning in early 2021. Up to 200 jobs will be created by the facility, which is expected to open in early 2022.
A warehouse technology company and the retailer have also collaborated on the design of a cutting-edge building.
A women’s clothing collection was created by GP & J Baker and Hennes & Mauritz (H&M).
H&M is a Swedish clothing retailer, and GP & J Baker is a UK wallpaper and textile manufacturer.
H&M’s in-house design team created fashionable designs for the new collection of GP & J Baker archival prints, which include the classic Oriental Bird, Blossom, and Hydrangea Bird prints. Beginning on August 2, 2018, it will be available online and in select stores around the world.
Marks and Spencer (M&S) has collaborated with Decoded for the send off of another retail information foundation called M&S Information Institute.
The new academy will strengthen the business’s efforts to digitize and improve employees’ skills.
Through its Data Leadership program, M&S’s leadership team will also learn about new technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.
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jwood718 · 2 years
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“The six plane factories of the Douglas Aircraft Company have been termed an industrial melting pot, since men and women of fifty-eight national origins work side by side in pushing America's plane output. S. O. Porter, Douglas director of personnel, recently declared that Negros are doing an outstanding job in all plants. Luedell Mitchell and Lavada Cherry are shown in the El Segundo Plant of the Douglas Aircraft Company”  Unknown photog; early 1940s (minor processing by Jake Wood, 2022).
Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog
Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection
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noorwalibaz · 2 years
national security printing company jobs 2022
national security printing company jobs 2022
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hungline · 5 years
it’s getting dark (but here comes the sun)
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pairings: vmon, side jihope and yoonkook/jinkook  genre: angst, fluff, future au, space au, rated t  warnings: longing  a/n: written for @lievlua​ as part of the vmon rites of spring fest!  words: 3745 
summary: He has been gone three years now and most likely will be gone for three more. 
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Namjoon makes sure that his polite smile remains on his face for the duration of the lecture.
He goes through his slides at a leisure pace and stops when needed to answer questions about the lesson. His students are paying attention and taking dutiful notes, but Namjoon can't help that the joy of teaching no longer fills him with excitement and hope like it once used to.
He does manage to hold onto a tiny spark of amusement when he hands back the graded essays from last week and his students groan when they chance a look at their scores. Namjoon dismisses class after that and waits patiently by his desk for the students who have questions about their papers or why they got a certain grade and how they can improve their essay techniques for next time. Namjoon entertains them for twenty minutes and then reminds them of his office hours for that week if they have any more questions or need further help before he leads the way out for the next class to enter. He waves at Professor Min in the hallway and decides to ask Yoongi how the students in his women studies class are doing later in the week when they meet for lunch.
Absentmindedly, he weaves his way through the crowds of students on campus and makes a pit stop at the office he shares with two other English professors and revises his current lesson plan. Namjoon takes notes of the points he wants to expand on during the lecture next week and updates his version of the textbook he assigned his classes. He had done his best to find a textbook that wasn't so expensive but still contained the material that Namjoon would need for his students to get the most out of the money they would spend just to take his class. In his first year of teaching, he printed out a multitude of articles back when paper was still used and made his students buy a twelve dollar guidebook off amazon and almost had a break down with how awful his students were struggling to understand the concepts introduced in the guidebook because they were never explained on later in detail as they should have been.
After that, Namjoon did his research and found a relatively affordable textbook that would do the job just fine. He always gives his students at least three weeks to get the book after the term has begun just in case they need to pay bills first before they buy school books. He knows that even though they may reside in Washington, D.C, it doesn't mean that everyone who attends school in the area is rich. He struggled plenty with money and school books when he was a student himself and had often thought of dropping out, but there was always one reason he persevered through his hard times.
(He never said a word of it out loud, but having someone to talk to and help him study and just generally keep him company saved Namjoon more times than he would like to count during his college years. Somehow, Taehyung seemed to realized this anyway and teased Namjoon about it enough for the fondness he felt for his husband to override any negative feelings a younger Namjoon might have had.)
One of the other professors enters their office then, tearing Namjoon out of his thoughts. He smiles at them, making small talk before he packs his things up and clears out for their office hours once a student timidly knocks on the door. Namjoon taps his watch and sends a message to Alexa, the house A.I., that he is on his way home and to turn the heater on so that by the time he arrives, the house will not be freezing.
Back in the early 2000s, most of the Earth's environmentalists had warned everybody of the quickly oncoming effects of global warming while various governments downplayed their claims by distracting the general public with other less important issues such as national security that was not at any actual risk. Truthfully, global warming had been a rapidly rising problem ever since the ‘90s and ‘80s, but as far as Namjoon could tell, the general population only began to pay attention to it in the late 2010s. By then, it was too late because in 2022 the Earth's temperatures dropped seemingly “out of nowhere” and have remained there ever since.
Namjoon only knows about any of this in such detail because Yoongi's boyfriend, Jeongguk, and Jeongguk’s boyfriend, Seokjin, are two of the many scientists who are working on getting the Earth's temperature back to a normal state. They always complain about work on those rare occasions that they join Namjoon and Yoongi for lunch and bicker about their data results constantly. Namjoon was nervous the first time he met them, mostly because he had no idea how to treat them after Yoongi explained that Jeongguk is polyamorous while his partners are not and are okay with him dating them both, but Namjoon gradually relaxed as the meet-ups continued and he got to know all three of them better.
Seokjin is the eldest of them all and never acts like his age which is hilarious when Namjoon compares that to Jeongguk always listening to him with rapt attention whenever Namjoon is explaining something about his latest lesson. Their easy-going natures made it hard for him to remain reserved around the two new additions and soon, Namjoon found himself frequently at Yoongi’s home for dinner during the week and sometimes housing them at his own. Jeongguk had made the mistake of asking Namjoon about his wedding band during their very first meeting as well and Namjoon forced himself not to let his smile fall as he explained about Taehyung.
(Namjoon is positive that Yoongi purposefully changed the subject after that for his benefit and berated his boyfriend for the question in private afterward because no one ever brought it up again after that.)
The drive home is short and Namjoon stops by the mailbox to click on its screen to check for any new mail. Most of it is just bills, but there is also a postcard from Hoseok and Jimin included in the files. Namjoon syncs the mail to his watch with a few more taps then shuts down the screen with a dismissive swipe across it and walks leisurely towards his front door.
Thankfully, it is warm inside his home and Namjoon sighs as he kicks off his shoes and hangs his jacket in the hallway closet. He throws his keys in the bowl by the door and walks forward, tapping away at the face of his watch to check his other notifications. He pays the bills with another swipe and asks Alexa to play his welcome home playlist before he grabs the handle of the fridge and waits for the screen to tell him what he currently has inside the icebox and how fresh it currently is. He doesn't find much that he is in the mood for and grabs the freezer handle, smiling when he catches sight of the ground beef at 89% freshness sitting on top of an oven pizza Namjoon is saving for one of his very bad days. Today has been well and on top of that, Namjoon wants to cook something relatively easy, so the obvious choice is spaghetti.
Namjoon grabs the beef and goes over to the sink and fills it with hot water before he places the ground beef in it to defrost quickly, cursing the fact that he hadn’t set it out earlier before he left for his classes in the late morning. He knows what is in the pantry because he finished restocking it before he left for class and grabbing the package of angel hair off one of the top shelves is effortless. Namjoon sets the pasta on the counter and searches for a pot, checking all of his drawers individually when it would be much easier to pull up the kitchen manifest file he has downloaded and synced on his watch instead. Eventually, he finds a pot and fills it with water, asking Alexa to turn the stove on as he does. Namjoon hums along to his playlist as he sets the pot on the stove, looking over the stove's statistics before nodding his head in satisfaction and making his way towards the master bedroom.
The room feels bare with none of Taehyung’s clothes thrown carelessly everywhere and it is obvious that only one side of the bed is actually slept on, but Namjoon ignores the familiar ache in his chest and rushes to the closet. He finds a clean set of pajamas with blue stripes running down them vertically and an alien with a heart-shaped head scattered across the lines. It doesn't actually belong to him, but Namjoon ignores that fact and finds a clean pair of underwear before he takes his long-awaited shower of the day.
Namjoon still isn't used to the open shower in the bathroom and he knows that he most likely never will be. He powers through his shower anyway, drying himself off with a towel instead of the built-in blow dryers that retract from the walls because they always make his skin feel sticky afterward and changes into the pajamas back in the bedroom. He continues to ruffle his hair with his towel before he throws it into the hamper and with that done, Namjoon walks back into the kitchen to check on the pot of water he left to boil in his absence.
The water is ready and Namjoon makes sure to measure out an appropriate amount of pasta from the package before he reseals it with the sealing machine found in one of their drawers and drops them into the pot. He checks on the ground beef and finds it thawed enough for his tastes. His watch has already alerted him where another pot can be found and Namjoon wastes no time in filling it up with water and setting it down on an empty burner beside the pot of pasta. He drains the sink and opens the shrink wrap on the ground beef, scooping his usual amount of it in his hand before he breaks the meat into pieces and starts rolling them into balls between the palms of his hands. Before long, Namjoon has five meatballs ready that he added a meager amount of salt to and carefully settles them into the second boiling pot of water on the stove.
Thankfully, the angel hair is only just beginning to soften so Namjoon grabs one of his spoons reserved for pasta and starts stirring, asking Alexa if there is any butter in the fridge. It is easy to settle into his movements then. Namjoon barely has to think as he grabs the butter out of the fridge and uses a spoon to scoop some out of the tub and mix into his pot of boiling pasta. He continues to stir the pot, keeping an eye on his meatballs as well while he continues to sing along with his playlist. Here Comes The Sun is currently playing and Namjoon can’t stop himself from swaying with the beat of the music.
He lifts a noodle up from the hot, boiling water and blows on it until it is cool enough for him to bite. He chews with no difficulty and smiles to himself as he asks Alexa to turn the first burner off. Namjoon checks the kitchen manifest for the strainer and pulls it out of a drawer he never would have guessed to look through before he sets it near the sink and checks on his meatballs. When he opens one slightly with a fork, the meat isn’t pink and the next one he checks still has pink when he breaks it open enough to peer inside, so he sighs and asks Alexa to lower the heat on the burner before he focuses on straining the pasta.
The last song on his playlist comes to end once the stove has been turned off completely and Namjoon is fishing his meatballs out of the pot and onto his spaghetti. After straining his pasta, he had poured tomato sauce over it while it was still in its pot and turned the other burner back on to heat everything up because he hates pouring room temperature sauce over his pasta. Now his meatballs are finally done, he resealed the ground beef before sticking it back into the freezer, and the plate of delicious-looking spaghetti before him is making his stomach rumble with hunger.
Namjoon moves his plate to the kitchen table and the pots into the dishwasher, asking Alexa to start the pre-soak and then wait for his signal to start the regular wash cycle again. He grabs a glass from the cupboard and takes the pitcher of lemonade he made yesterday out of the fridge before returning to the table.
“Alexa, play Taehyung’s playlist,” Namjoon murmurs as he sits, having poured himself a glass of lemonade and twirled his fork through his spaghetti already.
A soft jazz ensemble begins to play and Namjoon takes a bite of his food, doing his best to ignore the ache in his chest and the way his hands are beginning to shake. He forces himself to get through his meal, pushing away the lonely thoughts that have plagued him ever since Taehyung left as the music continues to play. Eventually, Namjoon has to stop once he realizes that the wetness on his cheeks isn’t tomato sauce at all but his tears instead.
“Alexa, play the last video message received from Taehyung.”
Namjoon ignores the fact that his voice is raspy and cracked twice when he spoke and instead focuses on the video that begins to play in the seat across from him that Taehyung used to sit in when they would have dinner together. Taehyung’s familiar face is blown up to fill the entire space allowed by the projected video and Namjoon grabs a napkin from the middle of the table to start wiping his face. He can clearly see black emptiness behind Taehyung and a green-blue glow lights up his face enough so Namjoon can tell that he is in his suit at that moment. Floating in the middle of space. Making his way towards Mars of all places. So very far away from the Earth and Namjoon in general.
He has been gone three years now and most likely will be gone for three more. Namjoon knows that if he had left for Mars any earlier, Taehyung would be out in space for over twenty years instead of the expected seven he was enduring now. Hoseok and Jimin were engineers and had worked for years on the rocket that Taehyung and a group of other trained astronauts would use to get to Mars and back with all of their new findings. Namjoon had met them when he swung by the base one time to bring Taehyung his lunch that he had forgotten and had not been able to leave until Hoseok and Taehyung both dragged Jimin away from pinching Namjoon’s cheeks any further. He still doesn’t understand the fascination, but Hoseok and Jimin are in the Bahamas for a long deserved vacation they were finally allowed to go on a few months ago and he is happy that they finally get to rest.
Namjoon became friends with Yoongi soon after his only other friends left the country for what they called their second honeymoon and he knows that he isn’t really alone. He knows that if he asked, Yoongi would invite him over to his place and ask Namjoon to spend the night so he wouldn’t feel so lonely in the dead of the night when he’s curled up on Taehyung’s side of the bed, failing to fall asleep yet again. He also knows that if he even let a hint of his unhappiness show whenever he video chats with them, Hoseok and Jimin would hop on the fastest porter and follow him around everywhere, refusing to leave him alone even for a minute. He knows this, but he would never allow himself to be so selfish either.
Yoongi has his own relationship to pay attention to and with the difficulty of it, Namjoon knows that his fellow teacher’s attention is spread thin at any given time. Hoseok and Jimin are so wrapped up in each other that he once had to stop them from having sex right in front of him. Plus, those two deserve their vacation. Namjoon doesn’t want to ruin that.
So he watches and listens to Taehyung’s video attentively, wiping at his face when Taehyung smiles for him and tells him that he loves him before the feed cuts off and Namjoon is left staring at the back of Taehyung’s chair.
He misses Taehyung more than words could ever say and he always finds himself spinning his wedding band around on his finger whenever he thinks of him.
He misses his husband, but he never would have convinced Taehyung to stay on Earth and choose a different career path instead. This is what he signed up for when he got set up on a blind date by his sister and his date never showed up, but Taehyung had pretended to be his date just as the waiter was swooping in to ask if Namjoon still wanted to wait after an hour had passed. Since then, Namjoon has never once thought of anyone but him and it was easy to ask Taehyung out on a real date since they had exchanged numbers on Namjoon’s botched one.
For Namjoon, his choice has always been Taehyung and always will be. No matter what.
He might miss Taehyung more than he ever thought he knew how to miss anybody or anything, but Namjoon loves his husband more than everything in this galaxy and he believes in him. He believes in them and that is why when he thinks of how much he aches for his husband to come home, he also thinks of how Taehyung is going to be the first man on Mars and make history.
Most of all, he thinks of how happy and accomplished Taehyung is going to feel when he finally comes home.
Namjoon will wait for as long as he has to.
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     Taehyung double checks that his suit is still in working order when he takes the last few steps down the ramp and sets a foot down on firm ground, officially making him the first man to step on Mars.
The giddy feeling that spreads through him reminds him of his wedding day when he looked up to see Namjoon standing at the end of the aisle looking breathtakingly beautiful. Taehyung knows that he cried as Namjoon walked towards him and he is proud of that fact no matter how many times Hoseok and Jimin teased him for it when they saw his wedding video. Now they have it downloaded to their joint data bank and would constantly play the clip over and over again when he would swing by the R&D department to check out how the spaceship was coming along.
He can say that he misses the teasing now that he hasn’t been able to endure it for over an entire Earth year, but he is grateful for the technology that his friends crafted to get him where he is now.
His crew is quick to follow him and Taehyung smiles as Joshua plants the U.S. flag in the soil while their watches record the scene from multiple angles. Taehyung is mostly amazed that their smartwatches still retain their basic functions so far out of range from any kind of signal except for that of the ship, but he won’t start complaining about it any time soon. Their watches come more in handy than anyone would like to think.
Mars is dusty and a rich dark brown that almost looks red if he weren’t paying close attention to it. The dunes their old rovers took photos of for them two decades ago are more impressive in real life and Taehyung can hardly believe this is all real. But he has a mission, one specifically crafted just for him, and he cannot let himself fail it now.
Luckily, his target isn’t too far from their landing spot and Taehyung makes sure his camera is in working order before he trudges across the surface of Mars and kneels down before a very dusty and beloved rover. He wipes off the dust on the solar panels and cups what he has always thought of as something like a face while the robot begins to take in energy and charge up.
Joshua is still standing by the flag he made sure to stick into Mars’ land, but the entire crew is holding their breath, waiting.
They do not have to wait for long because soon enough the screen on the rover’s chest is flickering on and the rover’s face moves in his hands, leaning into Taehyung’s touch.
Music begins to play from Vernon’s watch and Taehyung almost cries when he realizes that it is Here Comes The Sun. It is Namjoon’s favorite song and just the thought of his husband alone and missing him back on Earth has Taehyung itching to snatch up the robot and book it for the ship, setting the fastest course for home so he can return as soon as he can to the one he loves and misses most.
Except this is important and Namjoon would understand. Namjoon has always accommodated him and loved him without fault. This time would be no different.
That all recedes to the back of his mind when the rover begins to move once more, treading forward slightly until it bumps into Taehyung’s knee. It stops and makes a noise Taehyung would assume is an apology but he is just too happy to care.
“Hello, Oppy. Are you ready to go home?” Taehyung asks, grinning as his crew erupts into cheers behind him.
The journey is now halfway over. He knows that the team will need to take multiple samples of Mars’ surface and conduct a number of tests, but his mission is finally complete.
Taehyung can return to Earth, and more importantly, he can return to Namjoon.
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pkjobs · 2 years
NSPC Jobs 2022 | National Security Printing Company NSPC Headquarters Announced Latest Advertisement Jobs 2022
NSPC Jobs 2022 | National Security Printing Company NSPC Headquarters Announced Latest Advertisement Jobs 2022
NSPC Jobs 2022 has announced the latest jobs in its organization. Candidates from all over Pakistan are eligible to apply for the given government jobs.
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pakjobscareer · 2 years
Stenographer Jobs in National Security Printing Company Karachi 2022 July NSPC Ministry of Finance Latest
Stenographer Jobs in National Security Printing Company Karachi 2022 July NSPC Ministry of Finance Latest
Stenographer Jobs in National Security Printing Company Karachi 2022 July NSPC Ministry of Finance Latest Positions: 02 Stenographers City / Location: Jobs in Karachi, Sindh Keywords: Current / Fresh / New / Latest Stenographer Jobs in National Security Printing Company Karachi 2022 July NSPC Ministry of Finance Advertisement in Daily Jang Newspaper on Sunday 24-July-2022 Graduate /…
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careerborse · 2 years
National Security Printing Company Jobs 2022, NSPC Jobs Islamabad
National Security Printing Company Jobs 2022, NSPC Jobs Islamabad
National Security Printing Company Jobs 2022, NSPC Jobs Islamabad National Security Printing Company Jobs 2022, NSPC Jobs Islamabad Vacant Position in NSPC Jobs: Stenographer Pay 45000 How to Apply in Civil Aviation Pakistan Karachi Interested candidates are requested to submit their application via online . Candidate can Upload their scan copy of their education and cnic testimonial for…
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jobuganda · 2 years
Nation Media Group Jobs 2022 – Fresher DistributionAssistant
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Job Title: Distribution Assistant – Nation Media Group Jobs 2022 Organization: Nation Media Group (NMG) Uganda Location: Kampala Reports to: Transport Officer      Nation Media Group Profile: The Nation Media Group is the largest independent media house in East and Central Africa with operations in print, broadcast and digital media, which attract and serve unparalleled audiences in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda. As a brand, we are committed to generating and creating content that will inform, educate and entertain our consumers across the different platforms, keeping in mind the changing needs and trends in the industry.     Job Summary: To transport staff, deliver newspapers and parcels to various destinations safely and securely within set deadlines.     Roles and Responsibilities: - Drives staff/delivers newspapers and parcels to various destinations as assigned. - Provide administrative and logistical support such as requisitioning for consumables, picking invoices from suppliers and distribution of uniforms and stationery. - Ensure timely renewal of contracts for temporary drivers as well as monthly drafting of invoices for payment. - Keeps the vehicle in the cleanest and top mechanical condition. - Monitors the distances covered, book the vehicle for service and ensures that it is serviced as required. - Maintains a work book for each assignment and logs in the distances covered. - Monitors the condition of the vehicle and reports defects for rectifying immediately. - Fuels the vehicle, takes care of the tools and accessories. - Checks the duty roster, routes and vehicles assigned. - Sorts and loads parcels ensuring the first-in-last-out order for efficient drops en route. - Signs off the loading strip list and leaves for destination within set deadline.     Minimum Qualifications - Academic: O’ Level Certificate (Uganda Certificate of Education) or its equivalent. - Professional: A valid driver’s license with at least 2 classes e.g. CM or DL - Experience: At least 3-5 years working experience as a company driver. CORE COMPETENCIES - Strong communication and interpersonal skills. - Very good command of English. - High drive for results and ability to work within deadlines. - Very high personal standards - Mechanical knowledge is an added advantage.     How To Apply for the Nation Media Group Jobs 2022 If you believe that you are our ideal candidate, please submit your application, detailed CV and academic documents with a daytime telephone number, quoting the position you have applied for in the subject line by 8th July, 2022 to the HR Lead-NMGU, Monitor Publications Limited at [email protected]. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Deadline: 8th July 2022     For similar Jobs in Uganda today and great Uganda jobs, please remember to subscribe using the form below: NOTE: No employer should ask you for money in return for advancement in the recruitment process or for being offered a position. Please contact Fresher Jobs Uganda if it ever happens with any of the jobs that we advertise. Read the full article
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jwood718 · 2 years
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“The six plane factories of the Douglas Aircraft Company have been termed an industrial melting pot, since men and women of fifty-eight national origins work side by side in pushing Americas's plane output. S. O. Porter, Douglas director of personnel, recently declared that Negros are doing an outstanding job in all plants. Dolores Aldrich is employed in the Long Beach Plant of the Douglas Aircraft Company”  Unknown photog; early 1940s (minor processing by Jake Wood, 2022).
Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog
Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection
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wadhwanifoundation · 4 years
The reinvented skill development framework in a post-Covid world — Wadhwani Foundation
A paradigm shift to virtual operations is inevitable with digital platforms mushrooming in sectors like healthcare, education and retail, and generating significant employment — By Sunil Dahiya
The Covid-19 pandemic is an extraordinary challenge for the world. Unmatched in both scale and impact, it has not only taken a huge toll on human lives but also devastated the global economy and destroyed millions of jobs leaving governments grappling with the crucial question of kickstarting economic activity.
The skilling domain now clearly needs a new game plan. The new ‘work from home’ normal has necessitated the redefining of functional roles and day-to-day operations, leading to a fundamental change in the future of work, workforce and the workspace. Therefore, innovation in skill development focused on online models will be integral to the new emerging realities.
Key questions on everybody’s mind are — How do we improve the readiness of businesses in using online tools for moving seamlessly towards a remote economy? What will the future workforce look like? And what will be the new skill requirements?
A FICCI, Nasscom and EY “Future of Jobs in India — a 2022 perspective” report states that by 2022, 9 per cent Indians will be in jobs that do not exist today and 37 per cent of the Indian workforce would be employed in jobs with radically changed skill sets. And this is now accentuated further due to the pandemic and its fallout, with the skilling fabric of the nation witnessing the widening of existing fault lines. Thus, the prime focus will be to reinvent, reskill, upskill and multi-skill the workforce for dealing with the structural issues in the economy and the changing employment landscape where new emerging sectors like logistics, food delivery, fintech, BPOs etc. are expected to create more jobs.
Digital transformation The biggest post-pandemic change in the business world will be the permanent shift to a distributed workforce which operates remotely. This has emerged as the single most significant driver of digital transformation and platform-based services. Work from Home (WFH) is the new normal in almost all sectors of the economy with India Inc waking up to the realities of virtual operations.
Working virtually will demand significantly different workforce capabilities. There is now a need for greater data-driven decision-making and digitisation. As technology will be the cornerstone of almost all innovation and new ideas aimed at productivity, efficiency, ease and scale, reskilling the employees accordingly will be a new challenge.
Employees will need to be abreast with the skills to work from remote locations. Companies like Tata Consultancy Services have discarded their 20-year old operating model and are looking at 75 per cent of their employees to work from home in the run-up to 2025 making use of a new operating model christened as, ‘Secure Borderless Workspaces’ (SBWS). Many other organisations have followed suit with their similar models that allow them to deploy virtual workspaces seamlessly.
Post pandemic new world order has led business leaders to embrace a slew of digital innovations into their business operations which will require the reskilling of employees to these technologies. For example, the extension of digital technologies and cloud offerings like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented/Virtual Reality, and 3D printing to simpler and daily tasks will lead to enhanced productivity and cost optimisation.
The downside While reskilling for enhanced capabilities will become the prime driver, the mental and emotional stress on individuals should simultaneously be addressed. Turning the house into a workplace, 24×7 availability and managing domestic responsibilities, can lead to psychological and mental stress. Therefore, the mental health of employees must remain a central pillar of the organizations.
To stay ahead in the innovation game, India’s knowledge-led economy has the opportunity to showcase its global competitiveness. For this, India must ensure that the workforce upgrades its knowledge and acquires new skills to deal with a post-Covid world. We must change our mindset to Reskilling @scale and speed by harnessing our human resources and technological capabilities.
About Wadhwani Foundation:
Wadhwani Foundation was founded in 2000 by Dr. Romesh Wadhwani, with the primary mission of accelerating #job creation in India and other emerging economies through large-scale initiatives in entrepreneurship, small business growth, #innovation, and #skilling. The Wadhwani Foundation operates in 20 countries, including India, South East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines), East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda), Southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Namibia), West Africa (Nigeria, Ghana), Egypt, and Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile). The Wadhwani Foundation works in partnership with governments, foundations, corporations, and educational institutes.
To know more about Wadhwani Foundation and its Initiatives: https://www.wfglobal.org
Click here to subscribe WF YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8J1yxr4VDX5KbkACBhMMQA
Connect with us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wadhwanifoundation Twitter: https://twitter.com/WadhwaniF LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wadhwanifoundation Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wadhwanifoundation
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Buy Research Paper For An A Grade .Guaranteed! Both tables are used to calculate a “whole necessities desk,” which exhibits how much whole output immediately and not directly is required primarily based on interindustry relationships per final demand dollar. Then, the entire requirements table is reworked to an employment necessities desk utilizing employment–output ratios that mirror labor productivity. The diagram summarizes the input–output system. On July 31, DHS announced a ultimate rule on the USCIS charge schedule. Investment-associated employment primarily accounted for the whole thing of job declines for the entire economy in 2008. Government-associated spending and employment at the federal stage increased, whereas state and local government-associated spending and employment remained virtually flat. Export-associated spending and employment elevated barely (see figures 7–9). The rule adjusts charges that we charge for sure immigration and naturalization benefit requests to help get well the full operating costs of our providers. Along with social isolation, the clouding of work-­family boundaries is a significant challenge for distant staff. Teleworkers working from a house workplace lack the physical and psychological separation between these two domains that exists in a standard office setting, says Golden. On the one hand, household and social obligations can simply bleed over into work hours. But extra often, studies show, teleworkers’ professional obligations tend to increase past the traditional workday, interrupting household time and preventing teleworkers from ever really disconnecting. In 2011 overall employment increased by 1.6 million jobs or 1.3 percent, properly under the job growth following other recessions and slower than PCE-associated gains. Federal authorities–related employment began to decline from its 2010 peak, whereas export-associated employment reached 2007 ranges. By the last quarter of 2008, because the recession deepened, consumers reduce spending by over $200 billion from the previous year to only beneath $9.1 trillion, with decrease purchases of goods, especially vehicles. Employment supported by shopper spending decreased barely as shopper-supported jobs fell by 7,600 . Nearly all PCE-associated employment declines had been confined to goods-producing industries . Federal enterprises are typically intermediate companies, just like the National Flood Insurance Program. In 2012 PCE-associated employment lastly recovered recessionary losses . Because the time series of employment regarding consumption only extends back to 1993, the restoration from the newest recession can solely be in contrast with the 2001 recession. In the 2001 recession, PCE-related employment took 3 years to recuperate to 2001 highs, and total employment took 4 years to recuperate. In the most recent recession, PCE-associated employment recovered in 5 years, whereas complete employment required 7. On the other hand, the share of PCE-related jobs in the retail business hovered round 16.5 percent. In 2011 and 2012, as employment began to recuperate in different sectors, the share of PCE-related jobs in the health care and social assistance sector held regular. With growing older child boomers, nonetheless, upward employment pressure will likely continue for this trade . Table 5 also exhibits the detailed industries with the largest and most speedy features in client-associated employment through the latest recession. Industries that gained essentially the most jobs related to consumer spending had been sometimes within the well being care or education sectors. Faculty, employees, and students have online access to over forty% of UML’s print collections through HathiTrust's Emergency Temporary Access Service. On-premises HPC workloads are available in a variety of sizes and variations. Cloud has been brief on security and performance. HPC IaaS lets you ship excessive-value infrastructure and application providers for even the most demanding HPC necessities. Tables 1 and 4 break out domestic PCE and shopper-related employment by major sector—which are reviewed in more depth within the next section—and determine 6 illustrates quarterly PCE from 2007 by way of 2012. Though most attention in this article is given to 2007–2012 and projections via 2022, long-time period developments for consumption and employment use a time sequence courting again to 1993. Historical BLS publications are relied upon to determine approximate ranges for the interval from 1977 to 1993. Health care and education jobs have been also among the quickest rising for each shopper-associated employment and complete employment. The 10 industries with the most speedy declines in PCE-associated jobs have been all manufacturing industries. Six of the industries with probably the most rapid PCE-associated job declines had been additionally among the prime 10 industries with the most fast declines within the general economic system. The remaining four industries with probably the most fast job declines for the general financial system had been all investment-related within the construction industry. (Note that a number of the industries that shed jobs most quickly when client demand lessened had a low base of consumer-related employment to start with). BLS utilizes enter–output “use” and “make” tables to determine interindustry manufacturing relationships. The “use” table shows what commodities every business makes use of for production , and the “make” desk shows what commodities every trade finally creates .
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loganpaul9797-blog · 5 years
The Battle Over Security Systems Companies in Kuwait and How to Win It
All About Security Systems Companies in Kuwait
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Security systems can be complex since they include many distinct components that need to work together.  There are various kinds of retail security systems for numerous kinds of stores and selecting the right system and clothing tags will prevent false alarms and make sure that the store is secure throughout the workday.  Reliable access control is among the most crucial features of security, especially where traffic is heavy and the chance of unauthorized entry is increased.  When you have customized your preferred access control, the computer software sends all of the information to all the IP readers.  Door access control has gotten very flexible and trustworthy.  Elevator Control Using Door Access ReadersDoor access readers can be utilized to establish what floors an individual can reach based on their credential authorization. Visitor management systems also offer the convenience of printing a short-term photo ID badge for the visitor, while providing security by making it hard for the individual checked in to provide the visitor pass to a different individual.
The Battle Over Security Systems Companies in Kuwait and How to Win It
The list wasn't updated in 2013.  It has not been updated since 2014.  It is almost endless how bad guys can make money off you.
IP door readers have the benefit of being very simple to install. The door control readers may also be utilized in many unique applications. Fingerprint readers detect the qualities of an individual's fingerprint and make a digital code that's employed as a distinctive digital template. The newest RC04 readers are offered in several various styles and capability.
In America, a similar project seems to have suffered a setback.  Upcoming projects including FIFA World Cup 2022 (Qatar) and Dubai World Expo 2020 is anticipated to boost the tourist footfall in the nation, which would increase the increase of the food processing industry on the other side of the region.  Individuals that are passionate about the job they do.  You may contact us for assistance with your installation and any technical support you might need.
At the start of the 21st Century, the organization started expanding their company and has come to be one of the main Companies in Kuwait and GCC.  In addition, it touts the low cost of its system.  So when the hiring company hasn't provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to think of a sensible estimate for what it is possible to anticipate.
The large investments that have been undertaken for the development of the health care sector during the public-private partnership (PPP) route are forecast to grow the pharmaceuticals market too in the next few years.  The downstream sector is an enabler for those operations in the majority of the industries and the society too.  The UAE economy is regarded among the most attractive for investments in the area.   Nowadays, the Iraqi government provides very little threat to Kuwait.   Various nations have different leading players in every single segment of technology.
All About Security Systems Companies in Kuwait
Both solutions offer a similar capability.  Technology plays an important function in protecting you, but ultimately you're the ideal defense.   Today's technology is continually changing and improving and you want a business that is a step ahead on your side.  Our innovation leads the marketplace and changes the entire industry.  Everybody's enterprise differs, and that includes their security requirements.
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skrisiloff · 7 years
Earnings Call Digest
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Each week we read dozens of transcripts from earnings calls and presentations as part of our investment process. Below is a weekly post which contains some of the most important quotes about the economy and industry trends from those transcripts. Click here to receive these posts weekly via email.
Earnings season started this week, but only with a few reports. Many more companies will report next week. A couple of industrial distributors, MSC and Fastenal, confirmed that the industrial economy is holding strong. Prices haven’t moved yet, but probably will if the economy continues to improve.
While there weren’t a lot of companies speaking, a lot of central bankers were. Yellen spoke about balance sheet normalization with Congress, and other central banks around the world are likely to begin normalizing soon too.
Bank of the Ozarks made a comment about commercial construction markets that bears watching though. The regional bank said it expects markets to slow because of high costs of labor, increasing interest rates and satisfaction of pent up demand. If this is true, it’s an interest rate sensitive market that is showing signs of sluggishness. This is a classic late cycle event. We will watch what other bank CEOs say next week for confirmation.
The Macro Outlook:
The industrial economy is showing continued and steady improvement
“Feedback from customers is consistent with the theme of continued and steady improvement…From an end market perspective, aerospace, fabricated metals and machine jobs continued to improve as did oil and gas related business…end markets like heavy truck and agriculture have appeared to bottom and showed some improvement.” —MSC Industrial Direct CEO Erik Gershwind (Industrial Distributor)
Pretty much all markets are performing well
“In fact, it’s difficult to identify a major market that is acting particularly poorly at this point. And the feedback that we’re getting from our RVPs remains overall very favorable.” —Fastenal CFO Holden Lewis (Industrial Distributor)
Prices still haven’t moved, but that could change
“…even if the commodities have moved and to be honest that’s something that surprised a bit over the last call it 6 months to 12 months these commodities certainly for a while have firmed up and there wasn’t as much manufacturer movement. Now, that could change. We are hearing bits and pieces that that could change as capacity starts to get fueled out by the manufacturers. But really for us the trigger is seeing a manufacturer move their list prices.” —MSC Industrial Direct CEO Erik Gershwind (Industrial Distributor)
A better economy will eventually allow companies to take price
“if we continue to see demand get better and the environment remains somewhat inflationary, then a window would probably open for us to take advantage of a little bit of pricing if the market affords.” —Fastenal CEO Daniel Florness (Industrial Distributor)
But the Fed continues to expect that interest rates will remain low for the longer run
“the Committee continues to anticipate that the longer-run neutral level of the federal funds rate is likely to remain below levels that prevailed in previous decades.” —Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen (Central Bank)
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The global economy is strong and central banks are noticing
“for the first time in many years, the global economy is experiencing synchronous growth, and authorities in the euro area and the United Kingdom are beginning to discuss the time when the need for monetary accommodation will diminish.” —Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard (Central Bank)
If the Fed keeps hiking, the ECB will have to follow
“If the U.S. hikes more than once or two times it is going to be very difficult for the ECB to stay on hold for too long. I think that you don’t want to create too much of an interest rate gap between the between the euro and the dollar.” —UBS CEO Sergio Ermotti (Bank)
Canada is already beginning to raise rates
“Recognizing the lag between monetary policy actions and future inflation, Governing Council considers it appropriate to raise its overnight rate target at this time” —Bank of Canada
Central bank actions could impact currency markets
“the pace and timing of how central banks around the world proceed with normalization, and the importance of balance sheet policy relative to changes in short term rates in these normalization plans, could have important implications for exchange rates and financial conditions globally.” —Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard (Central Bank)
British consumer confidence is currently quite volatile
“the customer is quite volatile and what do I mean by that, they are shopping very much for today…we’re seeing fluctuations on a weekly basis in departments like men’s knitwear from sort of plus 50 to minus 20 on a weekly basis, depending on weathers. So, they’re really are shopping for today…consumer confidence overall, how they feel about themselves, is actually reasonably robust albeit it came down by about 5 or 6% over the last few weeks…In terms of how they feel about the economic environment though, they still feel less robust about that as we move forward” —Marks and Spencer CEO Steve Rowe (Retail)
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Yellen expects to start winding down the balance sheet “relatively soon”
“If the economy continues to evolve in line with our expectations, it is something we should begin to do this year. To my mind, I would say relatively soon. The exact timing of this, I do not think matters a great deal. It is something we have long been preparing to undertake.” —Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen (Central Bank)
Caps will start at $10B per month and rise to $50B over the course of a year
“The cap will initially start at low levels, $6 billion a month for treasuries and $4 billion a month for mortgage backed securities. And over the space of a year we will ramp that up to $20 billion for mortgage backed securities and $30 billion for treasuries.” —Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen (Central Bank)
This process could go on until 2022
“I would say this process will play out probably to around 2022, when our balance sheet will probably be shrinking to normal levels…Our balance sheet will end up substantially larger than it was before the crisis, but appreciably lower than it is now.” —Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen (Central Bank)
It sounds like the Fed will focus on the Fed Funds rate if the economy deteriorates while normalization is under way
“the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) decided to delay balance sheet normalization until the federal funds rate had reached a high enough level to enable it to be cut materially if economic conditions deteriorate, thus guarding against the risk of returning to the effective lower bound (ELB) in an environment with a historically low neutral interest rate.” —Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard (Central Bank)
This is the end of an era
“we are at a) the end of that nine-year era of continuous pressings down on interest rates and pushing out of money that created the liquidity-fueled moves in the economies and markets, and b) the beginning of the late-cycle phase of the business/short-term debt cycle, in which central bankers try to tighten at paces that are exactly right in order to keep growth and inflation neither too hot nor too cold, until they don’t get it right and we have our next downturn. Recognizing that, our responsibility now is to keep dancing but closer to the exit and with a sharp eye on the tea leaves.” —Bridgewater Chairman Ray Dalio (Hedge Fund)
The risks may be greater than people think
“We’ve never had QE like this before, we’ve never had unwinding like this before. Obviously that should say something to you about the risk that might mean, because we’ve never lived with it before….When that happens of size or substance, it could be a little more disruptive than people think. We act like we know exactly how it’s going to happen and we don’t.” —JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon (Bank)
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Consumers want less carbonation and less sugar in their diets
“we continue to transform our beverage portfolio to offer more non-carbonated options and reducing sugar levels across the portfolio.” —Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi (Beverage)
QSR dining looks much different in China
“If you now come to China and visit a KFC you will be surprised of the number of people not standing in line but actually ordering on their phone just like you would at an airport where you check in at a machine. And also Alipay, WeChat have been very good at expanding their networks and promoting it well. As a result of that we believe China is far ahead of anybody else in terms of mobile payment.” —Yum China CEO Micky Pant (Restaurant)
The Youtube Generation still prefers printed textbooks
“Printed textbooks are still the format of choice for most students…While the evolution toward digital solutions has been slower than some originally anticipated, we saw an increasing shift toward a broader adoption of digital solutions in fiscal 2017” —Barnes and Noble Education CEO Max Roberts (Books)
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Construction may be starting to slow
“We do have the expectation that construction nationally across all product types and all markets across country is likely to pullback a little bit and whether that number is 10% or 20% I don’t know, but in talking with our customers…they are passing that feedback along to me, cost of labor and materials in some markets are going up significantly. Cost of construction financing is going up…So, it’s costing more…to build things and we are working against a period of years coming out of the great recession, where supply did not keep pace with demand and supply of product and lot of product types has caught up with demand now and lot of submarkets. So, there are lot of markets around the country where you might have had 5 projects coming to market a year ago, but there is really only a need for two more projects coming to market this year and that is slowing the volume to some extent.” —Bank of the Ozarks CEO George Gleason (Bank)
Manufacturers are paying up for productivity
“most of our customers right now they are facing competitive threats, they need more productivity, they need to get product to markets faster, etcetera, etcetera. They are starving for productivity…so what’s actually…happening like if you take our cutting tool portfolio, it’s actually migrating up in quality of products, because in a lot of cases they are going to spend more for the product if they are going to get a much better length of cutter, the length of the tool life and the productivity coming out of the tool. And it’s actually moving the other way towards high performance. So I think our core customers anyway the big lever for them is productivity and getting more output for less dollars” —MSC Industrial Direct CEO Erik Gershwind (Industrial Distributor)
Materials, Energy:
One oil company CEO says we could see $60 oil by the end of the year
“my personal view is we will probably edge back in the $60 range by the end of calendar 2017. I think it will be in the high 50s, low 60s….the amount of capital that’s actually come out of spending programs, globally depends on who you read, but its on the order of $1 trillion to $2 trillion, and that capital is not being reinvested in. It will start to cause declines with some point. So while we do have production growth in the Permian and it’s a fantastic resource, I do believe that the supply and other things will have a supply crunch at some point and we’ll see high oil prices.” —TAG Oil CEO Toby Pierce (Energy)
Miscellaneous Nuggets of Wisdom:
It’s better to go slow in the right direction than fast in the wrong one
“I would like to share with you a quote from Simon Sinek, it’s better to go slow in the right direction than to go fast in the wrong direction” —WD-40 CEO Garry Ridge (Industrial supplies)
Full transcripts can be found at www.seekingalpha.com
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inpeaks · 6 years
We usually love to work in a clean and clutter-free environment. The saying ‘clean space, promotes clean mind’ stands true, especially when we talk about the workplace. Keeping a hygienic and well-maintained work-space is essential for important for employees retention and overall growth of the company. A dirty space not only hampers the productivity of employees but also fails to win the trust of the clients. So keep your office clean no matter what its size is. It must have proper cleaning arrangements. Cleaning services include a vast range of services such as window cleaning, floor cleaning, carpet cleaning, and other services that are required by both commercial and residential sectors. The demand for such services has increased because of an increase in construction activities, disposable income, investment in real estate and the number of working women. According to Allied Market Research, the cleaning service market is expected to reach $74,299 million by 2022 globally. Just imagine how the office building will look like without a professional cleaning service. There would be scrap piling up, dirty bathrooms, and rugs that need vacuuming so badly that you wouldn’t even want to walk on them. Choosing the right cleaning company for your particular situation is more important than you may have realized. Should it be a big national chain or a small company with strong ties to a specific region? Well, this blog will help you in making the most informed decision when choosing a cleaning company for your work-space.
1)  Types of services offered
The first and foremost thing is to check out the services offered by the cleaning company. There are companies which provide full cleaning services while others deliver only specialized services like window cleaning, carpet cleaning, etc. Some cleaning providers also propose customized services. Seasonal disinfecting, carpet shampooing, computer and hardware cleaning, construction clean-up are few examples of such services that are not offered by all companies.
2) Reliability and Reputation
Checking the reputation of the cleaning company before hiring is essential. How long have they been in the business? Do they have a web presence? Are their cleaning logo professionally designed? Are they active members of any business community or industry associations? These are some of the questions that need to be asked before making the final decision. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for the references and contact details of the current clients. You must have noticed that small companies always try to prove themselves as being reliable as well as affordable. But still, it’s better to invest your time and efforts in doing all the necessary due diligence just like you do before taking any important business decision.
3) Ask for quotation
Before you hire a company, you should know its pricing structure. Once you’ve finally shortlisted a few companies, request them to send you quotations. It’s important to get an estimate because every company has its own cost, depending on a lot of factors. Once you have a fair understanding of market price, you can negotiate on the price as per your budget.
Make sure you choose a cleaning company that offers you the best services at a competitive price. Click To Tweet
Tip: Don’t hire a cleaning company that provides a quotation over the phone. How can someone send you the quotation before visiting your office space? How will they get to know what exactly you need?
4) Supplies and Equipment
Buying a vacuum is not everything. Perhaps, every company can afford to buy one, but it doesn’t mean that everyone has the right vacuum for your job. Choosing a cleaning company that is dedicated to using commercial equipment can mean getting the job done in the proper manner and in less time. It also benefits you in maintaining your space for a longer term and reduces wear and tear. When you choose a cleaning company, take detailed information about the products and equipment they use. Doing some research beforehand will help you in finalizing the best company.
5) Staff training and Qualification
It’s a great thought to choose a cleaning company because you get a team of experts at one place. However, it is essential to check the qualification and training of each person assigned to you. The professional cleaning companies take hiring seriously, and hire a qualified workforce and provide regular training to them. They also provide uniforms and badges to their staff with a company logo printed on it.  Make sure that it has live support for all your queries and concerns.
6) Bonded & Insured
When looking for a cleaning company, it is essential to ensure if the company is bonded and insured. You surely don’t want to be penalized for someone else’s mistake. A bonded and insured company is an indicator that the company is trustworthy. Before finalizing the company, take a copy of the insurance coverage, inspect all the documents, and find out if the company has any prior accident history.
7) No hidden charges or fees
Last but not the least; you also need to check if the company sticks to the decided price throughout the delivery of the services. There are companies who after completing services ask clients to pay hidden charges. And if the client refuses to pay it, they hold the property until the client pays the full amount. Be transparent with all the hidden charges or fees during the time of asking quotations.
8) Green-cleaning practices
Green cleaning means taking a more holistic approach to clean and care buildings. Those buildings where people are living, or the environment in general, must be cleaned through the use of health and eco-conscious materials and practices. It not only minimizes the adverse impact of cleaning equipment but also reduces the harmful residues that may affect human beings.
As far as commercial cleaning is concerned, appearance is not the only thing that you are supposed to consider. It’s necessary to make sure the company cleans deeper than the surface so that your property and health of employees are protected. The right and professional cleaning company will work closely with you. They will ensure that your property is serviced by the right people with the right tools and equipment. Choosing a commercial cleaning company is never an easy task.  Following the above guidelines can help you to choose a cleaning company you can rely upon for quality, security, and trustworthiness.
The post How to choose a cleaning company appeared first on Digital Ideas.
via Digital Ideas
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constructionfirm · 7 years
Modular momentum in 2018 construction industry
Factories in flat-packs and homes built in factories—modular construction will build new momentum in 2018. However, the industry is battling with significant skills shortages and must manage increasing globalization. These are the three industry predictions for 2018 from Kenny Ingram, Global Industry Director of Construction and Contracting at IFS.
1. Skills shortages will force the industry to adapt to new technology and business models A shortage of one crucial resource threatens the rate of growth worldwide. Can you guess what it is? Energy? Water, maybe? Capital? Actually, it’s manpower. On every continent, skills and labor shortages are hitting hard. In 2018, it could force permanent, decisive changes in how construction does business and meets demands.
The recent global Turner & Townsend international construction survey shows that 23 of the 43 markets surveyed suffers from skills shortage, up from 20 the previous year. Only four regions reported a surplus; Muscat, Perth, Santiago and São Paulo, according to the survey. Another source pointing in this direction is the World Economic Forum Report, ‘Shaping the Future of Construction’, that shows that the US construction industry’s productivity has fallen 19 percent since 1964.
In the same period, non-agricultural industries improved by 153 percent. This was also brought up in the UK in a recent government-commissioned report, the Farmer Review, that has rung alarm bells in the construction industry. Subtitled Modernize or die, time to decide on the industry’s future, it details how skills shortages drive costs up, quality down, and lead to poor productivity.
Skills shortages are worldwide
In the US the Associated General Contractors of America found that 86 percent of 1,400 firms had difficulty filling available posts, with carpenters and concrete workers topping the list.
In the UK 400,000 skilled workers will retire from the construction industry in the next ten years (CITB, Construction Industry Training Board.) Over the next five years, 182,000 new jobs will need to be filled.
In Asia too, labor shortages loom. Over the next 30 years China’s working-age population will shrink by 180 m. The ILO (International Labour Organization) forecasts that China’s projected labor shortfall in 2030 will be equivalent to 24 percent of its current working-age population.
However, there is hope too. The review details many innovative high-quality cases where the merger of manufacturing and construction has opened up new markets and revenue streams with creative construction solutions.
One such modular construction is GSK’s ‘factory in a box’, designed by modular and BIM construction studio Bryden Wood. The solution is a color-coded, easy-to-assemble pharma factory that can be shipped in a crate and put together in emerging markets – helping meet demanding local compliance standards, high potential, but limited money available for large specialist onsite teams. Designed with business information modeling (BIM), the factory in a box is a great example of how design-led innovation in construction can produce more assets with fewer resources.
In 2018, I believe we will see a perfect storm of factors – an aging global workforce, a lack of new entrants, and growing restrictions on free movement of labor – begin to decisively accelerate the uptake of construction-integrated manufacturing. Governments, regulatory bodies and the industry alike will start to realize that, while getting more people into the industry is important, as well as trying to increase the number of people onsite, the most strategic solution would be to fundamentally change the way we build in the first place.
2. With construction-integrated manufacturing, 10 percent of traditional contractors could disappear over the next five years It is beyond doubt that modular construction and construction-integrated manufacturing is playing an increasingly important role all over the world.
Modular is expected to rise 6 percent globally by 2022, with some countries already leading the pre-fab charge. Sweden is a model for modular home building – around 84 percent of detached homes built in the Scandinavian nation use pre-fabricated timber elements. Compare this against the US, Australia and the UK where the figure is just 5 percent, and Sweden is practically a modular world leader. Meanwhile, also the third world countries are considering how pre-fab can meet their housing shortages and cost constraints. Nigeria is one example that is taking a long look at modular housing to meet its crippling housing shortage – close to 20 million units at the last count.
In Japan, around a quarter of all new houses are prefabricated. Japan’s success shows both the quality of assets manufactured in controlled conditions, and how many new entrants they attract. As well as market leaders Sekisui House and Daiwa House, Japanese retail giant Muji recently started developing modules, and Toyota has manufactured prefabs for over 20 years. Japan particularly prizes prefab construction for its quality and efficiency. Offsite modular construction removes the last-minute changes that can plague onsite construction and reduce the quality of the finished asset. Small wonder from 1963 to 2014 manufacturers built 9 million prefab homes in Japan.
With growing skills shortages and a need to build faster and more cost-effectively, it will become a crucial competitive advantage to be able to invest in the right technologies and people and find the right business partners to leverage construction-integrated manufacturing.
3. Globalization will increase the foreign content of construction projects by 20 percent within five years. Offsite, logistics-centric construction will be a catalyst for increased globalization too. Currently, 95 percent of construction projects are carried out by local firms sourcing local materials. But we see that this is changing. Customized, large-scale components and elements will increasingly be sourced globally, meaning increased competition and, potentially, margins. It’s a big shift for an industry that has traditionally been highly country-specific. But for operators agile and disciplined enough to start planning and handling logistics and invest in new joint ventures, the gains could be huge.
Take Spain. With a significantly smaller GDP than, for example, the US or the UK, seven of the world’s top 100 construction companies are Spanish. Yet while the country’s recent economic difficulties took out many companies, Spain’s construction sector fared remarkably well. One of the main reasons is that Spanish construction companies often partner globally and thereby reduce the risks of exposing the business to domestic economic challenges. Here, the Spanish construction industry’s strong tradition of joint ventures and global partnerships was a powerful competitive advantage.
New technology is making it easier to work profitably on a global level as well. With 3D printing, for example, costs for both material and long transports are decreasing substantially. Using technologies such as these, the partnerships will focus more on global competence exchange rather than long-haul transports.
All three of these trends are woven tight together. Contractors need to work hard to ensure that the right competences are secured while considering how to implement new business models for modular buildings and construction-integrated manufacturing—all this in a construction industry that is becoming more global and offers new forms of partnerships. The players who master this balance act will be the winners in 2018.
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trepmoola-blog · 7 years
What Small Business Opportunities Does the Future Hold?
Written by: Candice - a freelance writer, jeweler, and digital marketing hybrid. You can learn more about her on her personal website or reach out to her on Twitter @candylandau.
The world is changing before our eyes
According to Pearson, in the 19th century, it took Britain 150 years to double its GDP per capita.
In the 20th century, it took the U.S. 50 years to do the same thing. And in the 21st century, it will take China and India just 15 years.
In a similar vein, where once it might have taken a few decades for a majority of the population to adopt something like the telephone or electricity, today adoption rates for consumer products like cellphones and the internet happen within five to 10 years.
Naturally, because the pace of technology adoption is speeding up, if you’re going to hold a competitive advantage in one of these areas, you’re going to need to be able to move fast and be able to meet demands as they increase.
Over the course of the next 20 years, the world’s middle class will increase from one billion to three billion, and become the most important economic and social sector in most countries. This means we should see a significantly higher demand for consumer goods and services. Small business opportunities, as well as bigger business opportunities, should abound. 
If you’re looking to be in business for the long haul, it can’t hurt to take these trends into account. How will they affect supply and demand? How will technology revolutionize our products and processes? What areas are ripe for disruption?
According to a report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), some of the key demographic and socioeconomic drivers of change include:
Changing     work environments and flexible working arrangements
The rise of     the middle class in emerging markets
Climate     change, natural resource constraints, and the transition to a greener     economy
Rising     geopolitical volatility
New     consumer concerns about ethical and privacy issues
Longevity     and aging societies
Young     demographics in emerging markets
Women’s     rising aspirations and economic power
Rapid     urbanization
And, according to this same report, key technological drivers of change include:
Mobile     internet and cloud technology
Advances in     computing power and big data
New energy     supplies and technologies
The     “Internet of Things”
Crowdsourcing,     the sharing economy, and peer-to-peer platforms
Advanced     robotics and autonomous transport
Artificial     intelligence and machine learning
Advanced     manufacturing and 3D printing
Advanced     materials, biotechnology, and genomics
Consider how these changes will affect the industry you’re interested in, or what opportunities they might present.
For example, flexible working arrangements may well mean the rise of coworking spaces (either for individuals, or whole companies) and increased demand for space and power outlets in coffee shops. So, starting a cafe business or a coworking space might just be a great idea. Rapid urbanization also presents another good opportunity. With more people flocking to work in cities, the need for affordable housing will rise. This means real estate firms and construction companies are probably going to do well. It also means there are going to be big environmental risk factors. You could either specialize and become a “sustainable developer,” or become an environmental impact assessor. It might also be a great time to go into law, or to open a legal practice, perhaps specializing in compliance and commercial law.
The rise of and our dependence on smart objects, aka the “Internet of Things” (think smart thermostats, wearable fitness devices, and built-in sensors for just about everything) will not only unleash a huge amount of data about how we live, but will open up opportunities in semiconductor and software fields, as well as areas related to information privacy, security, and systems integration.
According to research by The McKinsey Institute, the “Internet of Things” has a potential economic impact of $4 trillion to $11 trillion come 2025. In this study, they map out some of the key areas where value may accrue. It’s worth looking into. 
Another great opportunity is represented by the rise of the sharing, or the collaborative economy business. Today, companies that operate within the collaborative economy model enjoy immense success and an ever-expanding user base. This has largely been enabled by the internet, which has in turn allowed for the creation of sites like AirBnB that allow anyone to list their apartment or home online and offer it up as a vacation rental, or of course that allow people to book a taxi from on app on their phone, wherever they are.
These companies and companies like them have already disrupted marketplaces (like the taxi industry, in the case of Uber and Lyft) and will continue to do so moving forward.
How business is conducted is changing, and if you’re not willing to adapt, you may be left behind.
Being future-oriented isn’t rocket science
Beyond hypothesizing about how the world will continue to change, there are many annually published reports you can turn to to find out what is actually changing now.
Each year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes a list of declining industries, many of which fall within the manufacturing sector. When you think about it, this is hardly a surprise given the affordability of having products manufactured overseas instead of on U.S. soil.
It also can’t hurt to keep an eye on the Bureau’s fastest growing and fastest declining occupations. This will give you a close-up on the bird’s eye view.
For example, one occupation in high demand—wind turbine service technicians—perfectly illustrates the growth of the engineering and alternative, clean energy sector.
Cross reference these lists with the list of declining industries, and you’ll rapidly start picking out the patterns.
Skills for the future
The U.K. government published a paper in July 2014 that compiled research findings from a number of U.K.-based research institutions. The paper, entitled The Labour Market Story: Skills for the Future, addressed those skills that will be in demand in 2022, including emerging skills and how these relate to jobs.
Naturally, any studies predicting what the future holds should be taken with a grain of salt. They are still predictions, and unseen market forces and technologies might just as well disrupt an industry seemingly on the rise.
That said, the findings show that employment share in the primary and utilities, and manufacturing sectors is projected to fall, while employment in construction, trade, and accommodation and transportation will grow most between 2012 and 2022.
If you’re keen on starting a construction business now, you may just reap the rewards later. However, if you’re thinking about setting up a manufacturing business, you might want to look into whether or not this is really a good small business opportunity for the long term.
Naturally, these statistics do not take into account those factors that could disrupt these predictions, so don’t be put off if you’ve got the drive and great ideas.
Findings from this same paper show occupations on the rise, including managers, professionals, associate professionals, caring, leisure, and other. Skills related to operating within these professions will also be on the rise.
In general, people with a broad range of “generic skills” will be highly prized. This includes skills related to problem solving, communication, teamwork, and information and communications technologies.
Even if you don’t plan to be working for someone else come 2022, it’s worth making sure you’ve got the skills to move your business into the future.
Many countries and independent institutions publish reports of a similar nature, either lists of skills that will become more important in the future, or the in-demand university degrees. Pay attention to these reports, as they are indicative of larger trends and needs in the marketplace.
At the end of 2014, The National Association of Colleges and Employers released data gathered from 260 companies and organizations. Based on the data, they were able to compile a comprehensive list of bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees in demand. The top three bachelors and masters degrees included finance, accounting, and computer science. The top doctorate degrees were all in the engineering and sciences fields.
  Posted by David Seagraves                                                            
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