#nautilus liveblogs
mysticalspiders · 2 years
Voyage of the Nautilus Liveblog: At Random
that stray rock Dutch seamen had named Cape Horn after their hometown of Hoorn
20,000 Leauges is educational! (Assuming that this is a true fact)
Eyes and spyglasses (a bit dazzled, it is true, by the vista of $2,000.00) didn’t remain at rest for an instant.
Aronnax has such a specific and funny sense of humor! I keep copying these lines like I’m annotating a book because they amuse me and then realizing I have nothing more than haha! to write in this liveblog. 
while Conseil, as stoic as ever, kept repeating to me in a calm tone: “If master’s eyes would kindly stop bulging, master will see farther!”
I’m not sure if I would say thats stoic Aronnax just doesn’t get Conseil’s dry sense of humor. 
and judging by your narwhale’s personality, it hates growing moldy from hanging out too long in the same waterways
I take it all back Conseil’s the funniest character in this book. 
On July 20 we cut the Tropic of Capricorn at longitude 105 degrees, and by the 27th of the same month, we had cleared the equator on the 110th meridian.
There is a part of me that wishes this substack had been in real time and for months we’d just get half a sentence every week or so. 
For three months, during which each day seemed like a century,
I take back what I just said that would have been torture. Honestly surprised it took three months for the “reaction” to set in once they reached the Pacific. I would have guessed like a week at most. 
With typical human fickleness, they jumped from one extreme to the other. Inevitably, the most enthusiastic supporters of the undertaking became its most energetic opponents.
This whole meta story about the arguments over the what this thing is is like a microcosm of arguments among large groups! Its fascinating and I feel like it could be analyzed in so many interesting ways!? It feels so relevant to every internet argument today.
“If master will permit my saying so,” Conseil replied, “I never expected to win that prize, and the Union government could have promised $100,000.00 and been none the poorer.”
All these classic books have such wise and relatable things to say about paying and being paid and money. 
I love so much Conseil making a sardonic observation at Aronnax’s expense and Aronnax just agrees with positive enthusiasm. I know I keep saying it but such a good dynamic! I can hear their tones of voice playing off each other so clearly in my head without them ever being described!
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gardenofshadcws · 2 years
Voyage of the Nautilus Day 58
The Bay of Vigo
Nearly 10,000 leagues! We’re halfway there
Aww Ned’s all grumpy
Aronnax is very sweet for trying to cheer him up but wow did that backfire
Aronnax is worried about Nemo being distressed at losing him BYE
“Never was hospitality more wholehearted than his. “ my dude he was considering killing you all when you first met
OH MY GOD he wanted to see Nemo’s room one more time BYE
This book is a romance
Nemo having portraits of famous revolutionaries like posters on his wall is the greatest character detail ever I love this man
I love when Nemo just waltzes in and starts the most random nerd conversations ever. Love seeing him infodump about history
But actually funding revolutions with sunken treasure is the sexiest thing anyone has ever done
Even Aronnax recognizes that these treasures are stolen and belong to the descendants of the people they were taken from
“Do you think I’m unaware of the suffering beings and oppressed races living on this earth, poor people to comfort, victims to avenge? Don’t you understand . . . ?” HOTTEST MAN IN VICTORIAN LITERATURE
I’m so freaking excited for tomorrow :D :D :D
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dathen · 2 years
I thought the commander would offer me his hand, to seal our agreement. He did nothing of the sort. I regretted that.
Aronnax: I’m going to get to touch his hand… 😳😳😳
The Captain: *doesn’t offer a handshake*
Aronnax: 😭😞 I didn’t get to touch his hand… 😔😢
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adhdvane · 1 year
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i finished making my gear build for inkbrush yesterday.... i think i found my favorite weapon to play.... is this how you become a brush main
#sammy liveblogs about spoon3#splatoon 3#sammy be quiet#sammy no#look i put swim speed on the shoes bc i use them for other weapons#and if i'm having too good a game with lots of kills more respawn up isn't helping me#tbh i dont like the jacket but i just naturally got the swim speed on that one#i am gunna try to put it on a different shirt#but the one i have in mind...#well if i want to do it with no chunks... i have to advance it 37 times.....#and aside from that i don't have have swim speed drinks right now#so even if i want to advance zero times by chunking twice i drinking once i have to wait til i get a drink#seed checker says i will get one from big run so tomorrow evening i should have that#but i would also need like 17 more chunks to chunk twice lol#and i kinda want to just wait til i get a couple more two put ninja squid another another shirt i like#so i can use it with a different weapon build#but ninja squid also requires run speed up chunks and i have 25 of them rn#but i want to save up to 45 bc i think that's what i want to put as the main on my nautilus 47 gear build#changing the main ability on the shirt in the only thing i need to adjust on that one#the gear build on that rn is main: rsu + spu (needs to be changed) + sj#sub: rsu + qsj + ia + ssu x 6#i know the nautilus 47 doesn't need as much run speed up as other splatlings bc it can store its charge and swim#but idk what else i really want to put there and sub power up is really a waist as a main when my sub is sensor and i'm not using it#i use point sensor like a nut when i play nova bc revealing the enemy and being back up fire is basically the entire point of nova#but there's not really a point for me to have gear that extends the length of point sensor if i'm rarely using it#i guess maybe thermal ink but idk#nautilus has decent accuracy and a player getting hit or hit by a stray and getting out of my sight doesn't happen all that often#or at least enough for me to think thermal ink is justified over something else#if i got rich in ssu i'd do that over rsu but i need it for other gear and god
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misterradio · 2 years
ever since i found out how 2 keepinventory i never even went to the nether to use it i just have been messing around in the overworld. i should go back there....
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i haven't been liveblogging the last few nautilus entries but im loving the beach episode we've been getting and Ned jostling for the position of Most Eccentric
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acebender · 3 years
Everyone: *screaming when the Meanomorph gets into Garrett’s nose*
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glitchedmagic · 3 years
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critical role word of the day
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burningdarkfire · 3 years
my sense of humour is when a player character asks another player character a question, and that player immediately turns to the dm and repeats the question word for word
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mysticalspiders · 2 years
Voyage of the Nautilus: The Nautilus
Contrived at the rear of the dining room, a double door opened, and I entered a room whose dimensions equaled the one I had just left.
It was a library.
Aronnax has one of those hidden door libraries!? This library really sounds beautiful though. Truly the dream. 
“Captain Nemo,” I told my host, who had just stretched out on a couch
I can’t decide if this is giving me ‘Dracula who just picked up the Bradshaw’s guide upside down” energy or ‘casually sits down in sensual manner in front of your infatuated marine biologist.”
You own 6,000 or 7,000 volumes here . . .”
“12,000, Professor Aronnax.
Aronnax having 12 libraries worth of books in his submarine ... 
This flirting via the most beautiful library you’ve ever seen really has ace energy.
all of humanity’s finest achievements in history, poetry, fiction, and science, from Homer to Victor Hugo, from Xenophon to Michelet, from Rabelais to Madame George Sand 
There I saw the complete works of Humboldt, the complete Arago, as well as works by Foucault, Henri Sainte-Claire Deville, Chasles, Milne-Edwards, Quatrefages, John Tyndall, Faraday, Berthelot, Father Secchi, Petermann, Commander Maury, Louis Agassiz, etc., plus the transactions of France’s Academy of Sciences, bulletins from the various geographical societies, etc., and in a prime location, those two volumes on the great ocean depths that had perhaps earned me this comparatively charitable welcome from Captain Nemo. Among the works of Joseph Bertrand, his book entitled The Founders of Astronomy ...
Someone needs to make a Captain Nemo reading list. 
It’s a kind of nicotine-rich seaweed that the ocean supplies me, albeit sparingly.
Most of Nemo’s ocean lifestyle is semi believable to me but for some reason I draw the line at nicotine-rich seaweed.
There I saw canvases of the highest value, the likes of which I had marveled at in private European collections and art exhibitions. 
Wait are we to believe that all these canvass are originals!? Damn I am also in a state of stunned amazement. 
They’re my last mementos of those shores that are now dead for me. 
Wait didn’t Nemo just say this about the books!? I feel like Nemo has more love for humanity than he says he does. 
There I saw a collection of incalculable value that I haven’t time to describe completely.
Spends the next extremely long paragraph describing it in immense detail. I would actually like to go through these lists of art and specimens and find pictures of all of them for some sort of Nemo museum and library moodboard.
But I confess that my curiosity is aroused to the limit by this Nautilus 
I followed Captain Nemo, who, via one of the doors cut into the lounge’s canted corners, led me back down the ship’s gangways.
It’s so interesting how the Nautilus really feels like a space ship the way I am imagining and the way that it is described. And that makes so much sense; the sea and space are both impenetrable depths in a way. For some reason I can’t get the Serenity from Firefly out of my head even though I know that the Nautilus is much more refined than that. 
“Your stateroom adjoins mine,” he told me, opening a door, “and mine leads into that lounge we’ve just left.”
Seriously this dynamic is so much gayer than I expected!? Like we we’re doing homoerotic readings of Dracula and Jonathan but this is like that times a thousand. 
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gardenofshadcws · 1 year
Voyage of the Nautilus Day 85
The Gulf Stream Part 3
Nemo staying on the surface during a hurricane is the reddest of red flags
“dividing my wonderment between the storm and this incomparable man who faced it head-on”. Pierre.
Examining the waves is peak Aronnax. Who cares about safety when there’s SCIENCE to do?
“You would have thought Captain Nemo was courting a death worthy of himself, seeking to be struck by lightning.” YOU WOULD, WOULDN’T YOU
I cry :’(. Nemo hurts me when he gets like this.
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dathen · 2 years
Okay to avoid spamming with how behind I am on Voyage of the Nautilus gonna compile my liveblogging by date
I am enjoying it quite a lot so far!
In lighthearted countries, people joked about this phenomenon, but such serious, practical countries as England, America, and Germany were deeply concerned.
I promise you America is making dumb jokes about it too
In every big city the monster was the latest rage; they sang about it in the coffee houses, they ridiculed it in the newspapers, they dramatized it in the theaters. The tabloids found it a fine opportunity for hatching all sorts of hoaxes.
LOVE this; I’m picturing a montage like the intro to pacific rim with all the Kaiju merch
During this memorable campaign, journalists making a profession of science battled with those making a profession of wit, spilling waves of ink and some of them even two or three drops of blood, since they went from sea serpents to the most offensive personal remarks.
This is why we need epistolatory version like dracula. I want to read the bitchy journalists!!
Also I KNOW that van helsing was on the “it’s absolutely an immortal monster” side of this.
Wit had defeated science.
I love this little aside, how it was “debunked” just through satire vs study.
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quinn-of-aebradore · 3 years
I did not expect to end this oneshot crying but here we are. This has been so much more heart wrenching than horrifying and I love it so much. A perfect balance.
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redjennies · 3 years
Ashley's soft little voice is actually perfect for a survival horror game and I didn't consider how scary she would sound that when the one-shot was announced.
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agentmintea · 3 years
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i'm sad :(
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mike-wachowski · 3 years
did anyone else have a visceral reaction to Ashley calling Laura “my love” or was it just me. Just me? Cool.
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