#nazi collaborators
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immaculatasknight · 7 months
On to the Nazi waste heap
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gravalicious · 11 months
As suggested by the biographical and bibliographical portrait above, central to the growth of David’s expertise as a public historian and Holocaust researcher during these years was his position as a consultant to the All Party Parliamentary War Crimes Group (1987-1991) and his role as Principal Researcher on the resultant ‘Report on the Entry of Nazi Criminals and Collaborators into the UK, 1945–1950’.[17] This report responded to allegations by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in the 1980s that Allied countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia and Britain had permitted former Nazi collaborators to evade justice and settle and work in these countries after the war. Using documents from the UK Public Records Office (National Archives), the Report confirmed that Nazi collaborators from countries such as Latvia and the Ukraine had been able to settle in the UK after 1945. This led to the establishment of an official Home Office Inquiry, with the subsequent Hetherington-Chalmers Report (July 1989), recommending that three men resident in the UK should face criminal prosecution, while a further seventy-five should be subjected to further investigation.18 The historical reasons why these men were allowed to settle in Britain, which included Britain’s postwar labour shortages and need for Cold War spies, were explored in greater depth in David’s book, Justice Delayed: How Britain became a Refuge for Nazi War Criminals (1992).
Larissa Allwork and Rachel Pistol (eds.) - The Jews, the Holocaust, and the Public: The Legacies of David Cesarani (2019)
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
Canada's most infamous Nazi these days had an endowment at the University of Alberta. As Jeremy Appel points out, U of A's Chancellor from 1982 to 1986, Peter Savaryn, was a Ukrainian SS veteran. Savaryn co-founded the U of A's "Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies" which has been a centre of fascistic historical revisionism since the 1970s.
The program was an incubation chamber for SS veterans and their offspring and sympathisers. These U of A scholars fought against claims of Ukrainian SS crimes against humanity in the mid-1980s during the Deschenes Commission investigation into Nazi war criminals. The political purpose was to deflect and deny Ukrainian fascism and its role in the Holocaust, while positioning Ukrainian Nationalists as caught between the Nazis and Soviets, instead of being fascist allies and Holocaust collaborators. Their greatest success in Canada was pushing the most extreme interpretation of the 'Holodomor' (Ukraine's 1932-33 famine) as a deliberate genocide against Ukrainians by Stalin and the Soviet Union. This is not to deny the mass deaths in that period, but minimizing of the role of Ukrainian fascists in the Holocaust while accentuating their own victimization is a deliberate political strategy -- one that was about asserting far right intellectual hegemony over the Ukrainian community in Canada as much as possible. As a descendent of Ukrainian-Canadians myself, I'm very aware of how successful this effort has been.
As Nazis, they buried the truth, lied to their children and grandchildren, and advanced a new post-Soviet Ukrainian nationalism on fascist foundations and myths. The U of A's role in this was instrumental.
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hurglewurm · 9 months
I could be really off the mark here, but I thought I remembered seeing you reblog art shipping Tintin and captain Haddock?? Anyway, saw this mural and thought of you
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this is one of the funniest asks i've ever received LMAO good mural. thank you for sharing. good for them good for them
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comraderoscoes · 20 days
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witchern · 2 months
it will never not be hilarious to me that the "history" section of the chanel website conveniently skips the majority of coco's history in france in the 1930s and 1940s. so weird considering ww2 was going on. i wonder what she could've been up to. 'tis a mystery, i suppose.
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originalleftist · 2 months
Just your regular reminder that so-called "TERFs" ie "trans-exclusionary radical feminists" or so called "gender critical" feminists, are in fact nothing of the sort.
They are not feminists. They are not progressive. They are practicing Orwellian doublespeak while marching hand-in-hand with fascists, and defending not women but a specific idea of what a woman is, based at least in part on the reproductive organs they were born with, and their ability to reproduce sexually with a cisgendered man.
They are screaming the exact same "This Other is coming to r*pe our women" narrative about trans people (particularly trans women) that lynch mobs and genocide campaigns throughout history have about whatever people they have marked for slaughter, and they absolutely will throw every other marginalized group under the bus and embrace patriarchal fascism, and their assigned role as good housewives in it. Or they will realize too late which side they joined, as they are sent into subjugation or death by their own chosen "allies".
They are not feminists, or progressives, and they don't deserve a special label of their own. They are fascists and collaborators, used by patriarchal white Christian nationalists to give themselves cover; and to divide women, feminists and the queer community and pit them against each other. And they should be regarded as such.
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abalidoth · 2 years
Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and put one more thing on. Because maximalism kicks ass and Coco Chanel was a fucking Nazi.
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Flemish nationalist priest, author and Nazi collaborator Cyriel Verschaeve on a vintage postcard
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nando161mando · 5 months
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This is not a politician.
This is a collaborator.
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lovehael · 3 months
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immaculatasknight · 5 months
Institutional Nazi
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2013trait · 1 month
I’ve seen too many “tumblr” opinions today and I only scrolled for like 5 min.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“CARTOONISTS DESIGN LAVALIERE FOR VICHY,” Toronto Star. April 18, 1942. Page 19. ---- "Remade in Germany" is the way the London Daily Mirror sees Laval, the Nazis' little sweetheart.
"Specially Bottled for Der Fuehrer" is how the Milwaukee Journal cartoonist views him.
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thirddoctor · 1 year
had to turn off reblogs on the New Who elevator poll because it had been over for ages but was STILL getting reblogged with annoying comments
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