#nazi cw
audible-smiles · 3 months
So, I think I may have accidentally found the worst book ever written by a human being.
I don't know if you guys have ever heard of Savitri Devi; she was a Hitler stan who moved from Greece to India, got really excited about "Aryan" racial mythology, changed her name, and tried to fuse Nazism with Hinduism. A lot of her ideology is patently absurd (e.g. Hitler is an avatar of Vishnu), but none of it is funny because she spent her entire life actively trying to build a coalition of the most violently racist people you can imagine. Hindutva paramilitary groups, American neo-Nazis, early ecofascists; you name them, she probably went to their meetings and wrote propaganda for them.
So, knowing this, it makes one feel particularly deranged to learn that she also wrote fiction about- and from the POV of- her many cats.
The book in question is called Long-Whiskers and the Two-Legged Goddess, or The True Story of a "most objectionable Nazi" and half-a-dozen Cats.
Published in 1965, this text features a protagonist named "Heliodora", who Devi admits in the introduction is just her lightly fictionalized self-insert. In the beginning Heliodora heroically rescues a stray kitten and its mother, but then the narrative grinds to a halt to explain the weird racial theories that brought her to India, before it picks right back up with the cat fancying. Here is an excerpt that may convey a little of how jarring these transitions can be:
"An unexpected thought crossed Heliodora’s mind, like a flash of lightning: “Had I gone to Europe in 1939, or even in 1940, 1 should not have had this lovely creature, nor, in fact, any of these cats to which I have given a home. They probably all would have been dead, by now — would have died of misery, in some gutter, without love, poor beautiful felines!” And a strange question followed that thought: “Was it for them that I was fated to remain here?” She knew the thought was a nonsensical one and the question too. For of what account was the life and happiness of any creatures, nay, of any human beings, including her own, compared with the Service of the Aryan Reich and of the Cause of truth?
It is all. Fucking. Like This. There are grim descriptions of feline suffering contrasted with long, ecstatic descriptions of her cats learning to trust the only nice human in the world (her). There are passages on the virtue of vegetarianism and the evils of (especially Kosher) slaughterhouses. She thinks it's a great idea to do medical experiments on criminals rather than animals! She thinks kids who throw rocks at cats should have their hands cut off! She starts chapters with direct quotes from Mein Kampf! When her favorite cat runs away she writes the (fully imaginary) story of his adventures on the streets, including him having cat sex. Here is the cat sex:
"The coquettish she-cat jumped up and ran away, only to stop again some twenty yards further and again to roll in the grass, calling for love, — and again to ran away as soon as the lover was about to take her. At last, however, — after many an unsuccessful leap and further and further galloping in the moonshine, Long- whiskers overcame her faked resistance and possessed her. He forgot himself, and she — his black silky panther — forgot herself. Their individualities ceased for a while to exist, and in him, the eternal He-Cat, Creator and Lord of everything, and in her, the co-eternal, sphinx-like, dark Feline Mother, Lady of all Life, once more mingled their opposite polarities and took consciousness of their double Godhead, as they had been doing for millions and millions of years. And once more the divine spark — the Creative Lightning — flashed through their furry bodies, and the daily miracle took place: there was life in the female’s womb."
Sooooo......anyway...........the lost cat finds its way back to her, but has caught feline distemper and dies in her arms, but then he is REINCARNATED IN ENGLAND, as a kitten in a decent (white) home where his family loves him. Heliodora is coincidentally going back to Europe at this time (she lists her religion as "national socialist" on the travel paperwork), which means we get pages and pages of her obsessing over every 'misstep' in the war, and Germany's tragic loss, but more importantly, she meets a random cat and he is (unknown to her), the reincarnation of her beloved Long-whiskers, the Cat Who Fucked. She sees that he's well-fed and happy and is like "I finally understand why Hitler was so nice to the British; they treat cats well so I guess they're Aryan too". I am not making any of this up:
“They have poured streams of fire over Germany; betrayed their own race; identified themselves with its worst enemies ...”
“Prrr, prrr, prrr,” purred back the cat; “that is because they had been (as they are still being) misled, deceived. But one day they shall wake up from their delusion, tum against their bad shepherds, and help the people of their own blood to build up a new Europe — the very Europe of your dreams, in which we creatures will all be happy — for they are good people at heart; good people like Aryans generally are, taken as a whole. Prrr, prrr, prrr . . . The proof of it is that they have taken such good care of me! Prrrrrrrrr . . .”
This version of her cat grows old and dies. Meanwhile, Heliodora is arrested and imprisoned for distributing Nazi propaganda. When she gets out, she meets the reincarnation of a different cat she had left behind in India. (All of her cats want to find her again after death because they love her so very much.) In between her banal, mundane descriptions of caring for this new cat, she describes her various arrests, interrogations, and brief periods of imprisonment. And then she moves, gives that cat away and gets another fucking cat. It is at this point where I completely lose track of which cat is meant to be the reincarnation of which other cat; this woman goes through cats like potato chips. She says she doesn't even love them as individuals, but as one piece of "the intangible Essence of Catdom", so I guess it doesn't fucking matter whether I know their names or not.
This woman's primary thesis is "human suffering doesn't matter, only animal suffering matters" and she beats it into the ground. Her secondary thesis is that national socialism is the one true religion and will save the world. Not only is this a deeply self-obsessed, morally incoherent, grotesque piece of writing, it is also boring as hell. It's half stories about how people who are mean to animals all deserve to get murdered, and half a travelogue where the protagonist goes on screeds about race-mixing every time she visits a new city. While you're reading it you feel as if time has stopped, and you will be stuck reading this terrible book for the rest of your life. All she knows how to do is repeat her two ideas over and over again. Honestly, it reads like heavy-handed satire of a very specific type of white woman. Heliodora wears golden swastika earrings.
I'm exhausted. Never read this book.
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have you ever considered the possibility of Tintin being in the wars? He’s Belgian, about 17 and smack bang in the right era for him to be involved?
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I actually have done a story set during WW2, where a 25 year old Tintin goes to London during the Blitz in 1940! It’s right here. 
The canon comics follow a floating timeline even when they reference real historical events. My headcanon timeline has Tintin's first adventure in 1929 (when the comics debuted) when he was 14, placing his year of birth at 1915, towards the start of WW1. I know a lot of people lied about their age to enlist but I highly doubt a newborn could pull this off, even if that newborn is Tintin.
As for WW2, Belgium was neutral for some time until Germany invaded in 1940. Tintin and the Marlinspike team are pretty proactive and would absolutely despise fascists, so I can imagine them taking things into their own hands! In my timeline he also is publicly outed as gay by a tabloid and loses his job, so I doubt the army at the time would have taken him. I might have to look this up though.
I want to do a series of stories during this period - Herge himself wasn't able to directly criticise the Nazis (he made attempts through allegory such as in King Ottokar's Sceptre) and there is some apologism evident in his work. Because of censorship there weren't any contemporary direct references to WW2 in stories published at the time - I'm just some idiot on the internet who doesn't have these restrictions so why not have Tintin punch some Nazis now? It’s only in character.
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whatbigotspost · 2 years
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From instagram
I had no fucking idea of the history of Adidas. They did just drop Kanye literal minutes ago as of posting this. But wow…….too little too late shit.
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dailydccomics · 11 months
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listen a broken clock is right twice a day or whatever Teen Titans vol 3 #39+41
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kulay-ng-banaag · 3 months
While I'm keen on doing comparative studies on a certain parallel period in ID-PH history, I fully intend to do so with the utmost gentle care and due respect. Even if I were to create a Historical Hetalia story set in that particular time, I refuse to be careless in handling it.
So imagine how disturbed I am because some Hetalians have the audacity to make IndoPhil ship jokes about being royally fucked by corruption and dictatorships. Frankly, Indonesians are not in the best state of mind rn, and even Filipinos are shaken by the disk horsing of political analogies.
I'm not against drawing IndoPhil where Piri comforts the other at all, but insinuating that Himaruya stopped drawing IndoPhil in canon because they're both "busy from twin elections" (twinning in results where the winners are the worst options) is like saying Himaruya stopped drawing Russia because he's busy doing war crimes.
Instead of considering that maybe Himaruya """doesn't draw certain characters anymore""" because he has nothing onhand at the moment that is NOT centered on certain world events that he knows better not to touch on. And even if he could do that, that would only further legitimize why (Axis Powers) Hetalia is righteously hated.
It's upsetting how there are Hetalia fans in 2024 who are still too comfortable with casually building headcanons from not just racist attacks, but also on abuses of power with reverberating consequences, both in real-time. People would rather cope with making jokes that are more patronizing than funny, instead of learning to sit with people through their grief and despair.
EDIT (02/17/24): I’m sorry but I gotta say it — y’all could have just said IndoPhil depressed af rn, but NO it had to be “indophil corruption soulmatecism” and 2p indophil the worst 2p iteration in real life. That’s like saying you ship GerIta because they both had fascist bosses.
We don't have to Hetaliafy every single thing that happens in order to make sense out of it, because sometimes Hetalia is just not the medium for that job.
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gender-mailman · 2 months
Hey radqueer! Fucking stop treating n4z1 as a aesthetic thing.
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abalidoth · 1 year
Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and put one more thing on. Because maximalism kicks ass and Coco Chanel was a fucking Nazi.
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really weird fun fact about me,
okay this needs some backstory before it makes sense.
so my nonni know this couple, one is from Trinidad and one is german.
the German one's father was a literal nazi no joke, actual nazi from nazi Germany he also kept a shit ton of journals from nazi era Germany and those probably should be scanned or archived in some form but story for another day.
anyway, so my nonni's friends father was a literal nazi that guy must of stolen a shit ton of stuff ngl but when he died he left it all to his son, my nonni's friend.
and among that stuff was a random brass candelabra, my nonni's friend (the one from Trinidad) was like "here have it, I'm not using it or want it"
so, my nonni now have this brass candelabra. I was living in their house at the time and me and my family were playing around with it.
because you could move the different candle holder branches, and we realised we could make them straight in a line.
and low and behold, it was a FUCKING MENORAH
just.. a random menorah??? that doubled as a candelabra, honestly sweet design choice.
but, my nonni just. have a random menorah now, that is 500% stolen.
so to whoever's family lost a brass menorah that doubles as a candelabra good news! it's perfectly fine!
and that is the random fun fact.
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kaesaaurelia · 1 month
Hey yeah to the new follower I just blocked, it's fine that you haven't posted anything in 6 years but it's fucked up that the last thing you reblogged 6 years ago had a couple Nazi dogwhistles in there (((including this one))) and someone reblogged it from you pointing out OP was a Nazi spreading Nazi talking points, soooo, uh. If you're a generally well-intentioned person who's not sure why people who you follow keep blocking you. It's probably that.
Or maybe they hate all the birds you reblog. But who the hell hates birds? (Other than my Pathfinder character. She has good reasons, though.)
Also I guess PSA if people weren't aware, because I do still encounter people who aren't aware, if you ever encounter someone talking about (((them))) or (((globalists))) or some other shadowy group in several sets of parentheses like that, they are, unfortunately, talking about the Jewish Conspiracy, not, like, experimenting in fun ways with punctuation and emphasis. I don't want it on my dash and I don't want to have to keep explaining insane Hitler fanboy dogwhistles that sound absurd if you don't already know about them. I am just so tired.
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acapippalistblog · 6 months
Twitter: "Pipkin Pippa is a Nazi!"
Me, a moderate leftist: Pippa is not a Nazi. She has not been shown to support Nazis nor does she display any traits that would indicate that she is a Nazi besides you thinking using 4chan is an indication of being a Nazi somehow. Also, Phase Connect is a Canadian company. I'd highly doubt that they would let an actual Nazi be a member of their agency.
It's especially hilarious that idiots on Twitter call her a Nazi, unaware that she is very blatantly anti-authoritarian, anti-state, and anti-censorship, which is the complete opposite of what Nazis are. Accusing people of being Nazis when you have no idea what they are actually like and you just get your information from Reddit or Twitter or some shit actually waters down the meaning of Nazi. Please educate yourself.
Those idiots on Twitter should just admit that they are just calling people Nazis for clout. I blame Vaush for starting this. That asshole I also hate for other reasons, too.
Sorry for being more political on here than usual. I just thought my Pippa blog would be a really good spot to defend her.
This is what made me make this post:
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vague-humanoid · 7 months
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the tldr is she's a nazi witch out in california
highlights include
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recognize the rune?
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audible-smiles · 3 months
I got into Behind the Bastards a while back (remember I asked for podcast recs?) and it's definitely one of those shows where you come away with plenty of Unfun Facts that you have to inflict on people around you because otherwise they'll eat holes in your brain. for a while I was avoiding all the nazi episodes, which was a poor decision because now I'm getting down to just nazi episodes. I have been listening to the life stories of different national socialists for WEEKS now. this is becoming a problem because you simply cannot bring up Unfun Facts about josef mengele in casual conversation, or really any conversation. I wanted you to have this context because I think that 1am post about savitri devi made me sound like some sort of maniac; my brain is just fully moth-eaten rn.
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drpupper · 9 months
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>in a children's party game
well at least i picked something that can camp link while teabagging
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whatbigotspost · 9 months
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Context: Travis County is Austin, TX and guy on the right is our current DA, Jose Garza, who just launched his re-election campaign.
From the article:
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The absurdity of Texan republicans making comparisons between progressive leaders of color to Hitler is far beyond anything I can do Justice for in words but it makes me wanna rage scream for a decade. Apparently they took this down real quick but their racism, antisemitism, and violent intents are clear as day to us all regardless.
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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we ♡ anti-fascist Superman  Superman: The Man of Steel #80
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thedeafprophet · 10 months
i love that painting however also future googling
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its very interesting how the times shaped them and a reflection of how sometimes minority groups will support facist regimes due to circumstance.
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