#nct johnny sun
sunshyni · 19 hours
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nasty | Johnny Suh
Johnny Suh × Fem!Reader | eu diria que é um Slice of Life | um teco Sugestivo | w.c - 0.6k
resumo - Johnny não fazia ideia do porque você estava tão concentrada lendo um livro de capa ilustrada. Bom, agora ele já sabe o motivo.
notinha da Sun - @lovesuhng VOCÊ NÃO SABE O QUÃO BOM É ESCREVER COM O JOHN!! Eu escreveria com ele todos os dias KKKKKK Então, pode me fazer quantos pedidos quiser em relação a esse homem 🙏
Ah e sobre o “livro de capa ilustrada”, é que atualmente os livros com a capa desenhada são os mais 🔥🔥🔥 Tipo “Quebrando o gelo” da Hannah Grace KKKKKK
boa leitura, docinhos!! 💚
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Don't wanna wait on it tonight, I wanna get nasty.
— O que você tá lendo? — Johnny perguntou, engatinhando até você na cama de casal. Você escondeu o livro com o conteúdo contra o peito, assustada com a voz dele de repente. Estava tão concentrada na leitura que nem percebeu que ele estava ali na sua frente.
— Tá escondendo por quê, princesa? Tem algo aí que eu não posso ler? — Ele perguntou com um sorrisinho, pegando o livro de capa ilustrada antes que você pudesse protestar. Você deu um gritinho, e Johnny se levantou com o livro lá no alto, lendo em voz alta e rindo das suas tentativas de alcançá-lo. Ele até se afastou da cama quando você se pôs em pé, tentando recuperar seu bem, mas sem sucesso.
Enquanto isso, Johnny continuava lendo as perversidades daquele livro como se recitasse o poema mais romântico do mundo.
— Johnny Suh, me devolve esse livro — você pediu em tom de aviso e saiu da cama em direção a ele, soltando um gritinho de surpresa quando ele envolveu sua cintura e te ergueu com um só braço, deixando o livro na cabeceira. Você desistiu; agora que ele já sabia do que se tratava sua literatura, não havia mais o que fazer. Envolveu as pernas ao redor da cintura dele, e Johnny te deu um beijo gentil na bochecha, mesmo que você estivesse fingindo estar emburrada.
Ele te deitou no colchão, mas continuou entre suas pernas. Gostava quando você o abraçava daquele jeito. Johnny acariciou sua bochecha; você desviou o olhar, mas um sorrisinho estava nos seus lábios.
— Eu posso fazer aquilo, você sabe, né? Um 69 — Imediatamente você explodiu em risos. Johnny sorriu, contagiado pelo seu bom humor. Enquanto recuperava o fôlego, ele te beijou delicadamente pelo pescoço, criando uma trilha de fogo por onde sua boca passava. — Por que você tá rindo? É sério.
— Johnny, eu não sou assim. Tem que criar o clima pra mim — suas bochechas ruborizaram com a declaração. A verdade é que o básico te agradava; você gostava da lentidão, das preliminares que deixavam tudo em você quente. Gostava de música ambiente, das luzes baixas, e gostava de vê-lo também, de enxergar os íntimos se encontrando. Definitivamente, gostava de tudo isso, e Johnny sabia como te fazer feliz.
— Criar o clima pra você cair de boca no meu pau?
— Johnny! — Ele riu, te abraçando forte, unindo seus corpos o máximo que a calça de moletom folgada e sua camisola de cetim permitiam. Pararam um pouco, só para Johnny beijar sua boca devagar, do jeito que sabia que você gostava. Tinham todo o tempo do mundo, toda a noite para desfrutarem um do outro, e agora, com as alianças nos dedos, tinham o resto da vida para isso.
— Posso ser egoísta e dizer que você foi desenhada pra mim? — Johnny arrumou seu cabelo atrás da orelha e beijou docemente seu lóbulo, causando arrepios por todo o seu corpo. Você pressionou o quadril contra o dele; ele sorriu, sabendo que, mesmo sendo tímida, você tinha seu lado atrevido.
— Assim como cada estrutura anatômica se encaixa perfeitamente, a gente se encaixa — Johnny beijou seus lábios, e você tocou seu lindo rosto, a barba recém-feita e os cabelos ligeiramente bagunçados. Johnny pós-banho era o melhor. — Minha boca encaixa com perfeição na sua.
Ele procurou sua mão e entrelaçou os dedos suavemente.
— Minha mão aninha a sua perfeitamente — você sorriu, e ele continuou fascinado por você, pela sua beleza, pelo simples fato de você ser você. — Meu corpo encaixa no seu.
— Perfeitamente — você completou, acariciando as costas nuas dele, provocando-o com as unhas levemente compridas, arranhando sua pele e arrancando-lhe um suspiro.
— Já pintou o clima pro 69? — Johnny perguntou, enquanto você cobria o rosto, rindo divertida. Ele afastou suas mãos e te beijou até que você cedesse à posição ousada que ele tanto insistia em propor.
Mas vocês tinham o resto da vida para isso.
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notinha da Sun² - me inspirei em “nasty” da Ari pra escrever essa, e mais especificamente nessa playlist:
@sunshyni. Todos os direitos reservados.
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outro-jo · 1 year
nct 127 and their black cat partner
pairing: nct members x (gn) reader
type: headcanon?
warnings: none really
request: yes?
notes: i got an interesting request and i wasn’t sure how to go about it until i saw this svt reaction and so i went more this route
how i personally define a black cat personality: dark energy/vibe usually accompanied by a dark aesthetic but doesn’t always have to. not super fond of affection or prefers affection on their own terms. sassy with good quips and comebacks. has an interest in “darker” topics such as horror, the occult, “dark” psychology, etc. chronically unbothered. FIERCELY protective once you gain their love/loyalty. occasionally unhinged and feral (gets the zoomies whether physical or mental/verbal). big scorpio energy tbh
UPDATE: T*eil has been removed
masterlist | info
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taeyong- god he’s in love with you. like simp doesn’t even begin to cover it. you eventually become his protector since he’s so sweet and pure, you must fight anyone that hurts him. the best thing in the world is when you’re in your head and to everyone else it just seems like your brooding or annoyed or something, but taeyong sees right through that. he just comes over, kisses your face and hands you a switch like, “let’s play some animal crossing” 🥰
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johnny- he’s lowkey your golden retriever bf. he’s like bouncing around and has all this energy and you’re sitting there like 😐. he makes you do more things than you really wanna do bc he’s an adventurer and you’re an indoor cat fr. “fine i’ll go but i’m not gonna be happy about it.” “yes!!!” he’s just happy to have you around and eventually you do kinda like wherever it is he’s brought you to. he brings you out of your comfort zone and you ground him.
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yuta- my god does he love you. you’re the only one that can keep up with him. he’s mean but it’s in a flirty way and you’re mean in a “jokey” way but he loves it sm. sarcasm is y’all’s love language fr. he would quite literally d!3 for you if necessary but a big ol’ uno reverse card on that one. you’re just as fiercely protective of him and god, does he love it. one time you nearly got into blows with a “fan” who was harassing him. the smirk on her face when she went running, PLEASE!
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doyoung- you’re his angel… fallen angel but an angel nonetheless. he LOVES teasing you in a playful way just to have you stare at him like 😒. he’s also super affectionate with you which you’re mostly indifferent about but he’s amused by your lack of amusement. his favorite thing is the way you show love bc it’s v cat like. you find little things to gift him like his favorite snack you picked up while you were out or a crystal you think he needs or something he said in passing that he needs or wants. you’re also great a quality time. just sitting with him reading a book or playing your switch while he’s doing something for work or himself. you’re just his favorite person to be around.
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jaehyun- he just has this permanent smirk on his face watching you. like you’re 1000% in full gremlin mode, eating peanut butter from the jar, messy hair, in a hoodie that hasn’t been washed in a while, but he’s just like obsessed with you. he LOVES how sassy you are with people and the comebacks you have are god-tier. he loves to spoil you bc you kinda sit there and just stare at the thing for a few mins trying to process why he would spend money on you but 1) you’re his whole world and 2) he likes your reactions. it’s funny and cute to him.
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jungwoo- so this man is so baby girl it hurts. some days you don’t even know how or why you’re with him or why he likes you but you learn just not to question it. but you’ve gotten attached to him and anyone that hurts him 😈👹 must d!3 👹😈. you’re the only one that can “be mean” to him but he has a degradation k!nk so he loves it. he’s pretty respectful of your space but every once in a while he needs a cuddle.
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mark- another beast boy and raven duo (see my skz one) but y’all are so chill with each other but mark is chill… in a doofus (lovingly) way. i can also see kinda april and andy vibes. “someone will d!3…” “of fun?!��� he’s a little scared of you but also a little turned on by you. but he’s always down to invoke the powers of darkness with you as long as you go get food together.
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haechan- he’s intimidated by you in like a simp way. normally with everyone else he’s a little shit but you’re so hot and intimidating that he can’t help but 🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️🧎🏻‍♂️ sometimes all you have to do is give him a look and he 😐. but he loves you so fucking much. if you aren’t a cuddly or affectionate person, you will be by the time he’s done with you. he gets real excited when your feral streak kicks in and y’all are lowkey manic together. the way this man hypes you up in a fight, if you ever get that far 😂
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renjwoo · 7 months
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pipsqueak1507 · 1 year
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There's something so incredibly soft and warm about Doyoung's room
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kiestrokes · 7 months
Someone needs to stop this man (the earring!) 🫠
-lays head on track pad- I'm gonna have to block you aren't I?
god fucking damnit
-stomps off-
why does he look so good
-opens wip-
get the fucking shirt fund restarted
-velociraptor screeches-
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babylion · 1 year
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techtechonmymind · 2 years
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be like johnny and do the uncool thing!!!!!!!!!!!
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ohhmydyosfics · 2 years
(Johnhyuck) Dust Motes in Sun Beams
“Hey, kiss me.”
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ghostofhyuck · 5 months
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NCT Dream on their wedding day.
AN: Yes I know how weddings usually happen in Korea and China but let me dream.
Mark Lee
Church wedding DEFINITELY A CHURCH WEDDING. I think that it'll be intimate with just a few guests. Like knit-tight friends and families. And definitely Johnny is his best man, he has to be! Mark's vows are so poetic and long AND he'll cry halfway when reading the vows. He won't be crying when you're walking down the aisle but the moment he's telling you his vows, his voice becomes shaky and tears will fall!! Also would smile nonstop, looking at you, and telling you that you look so beautiful!! He couldn't believe he's marrying you. 
Huang Renjun
A Garden wedding! He'll make sure that you two will have a wedding during spring or summer where the weather is sunny and the flowers are blooming!! It'll be an intimate wedding too and I feel like he doesn't have a best man (he loves Dreamies equally.) He'll be the type to cry \during the first look, seeing how beautiful you are in your wedding gown. He'll be surprised, as if you took his breathe away. But I feel like there's still a touch of the chinese tradition in his wedding, so I think it's a bit mix-cultural wedding too. 
Lee Jeno
Oh it's a simple indoor wedding, but the designs are just extravagant because you know, he still wants what you want, and he's just there going with the flow with the wedding planning. Jaemin as his best man, end of debate. Probably has a color motif for your wedding AND the prenup wedding shoot was something else. It looks like straight out of a magazine and it's displayed outside the venue halls. You two are hot and so in love. Probably won't cry, would let out a laugh because its YOU who's crying in your wedding with him. (I mean who doesn't that's Lee Jeno WTF.) But would be the most comforting groom ever!!
Lee Donghyuck
HAECHAN WILL BE HAVING A BEACH WEDDING. It should be a beach wedding!!! His tan skin perfectly kissed by the sun. It'll be a non-traditional wedding that's exclusive too! Probably has Taeyong to officiate the wedding (Im not kidding with this one.) and Taeil to be the wedding singer. His wedding would be fun but it gets dramatic when it's time for the vows because Haechan started crying before he could even talk! You two were a bunch of crybabies during the exchange of vows. Also you two kissed while the sun was setting. So romantic omg.
Na Jaemin
Extravagant, and grand wedding. Imagine Hyun Bin and Son Yejin's wedding, I feel like that's what Jaemin's wedding is. But despite the grand wedding, there's only a few guests, so its very exclusive too. The wedding prenup shoot was also breath-taking. When you walked onto the aisle, Jaemin would be in daze, mouthing "Wow" when he sees you even though you're covered in veil. He'll be smiling widely that the NCT members are teasing him for looking like a love fool. When you reached the aisle, he'll whisper "I love you." to you. 
Zhong Chenle
Just like Jaemin, Chenle will have an extravagant and grand wedding too. It's just going to be huge wedding that's going to be the talk of the town, for the sole purpose that his parents invited A LOT OF PEOPLE (imagine the wedding in Crazy Rich Asians.) But what matters is that he's marrying you. There won't be a lot of crying because you two would constantly tease other, especially during the vows! It'll be filled with laughter and teasing, just two idiots in love with each other. 
Park Jisung
An indoor wedding too! It'll be cute and motif in pastels, so it's very innocent-like and is filled with flowers. An intimate wedding too, so only a few guests. Jisung would be a MESS, he'll be nervous thinking about getting married to you, that his hyungs has to convinced him that everything will be fine. That's why when you reached the end of the aisle, he'll be crying mess already!! You'll be worried but he assures you that he's fine, he'll unknowingly slipped that he's happy today because you two are getting married!! :<
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onyourhyuck · 10 months
Animal Instinct. | NCT SERIES
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Title: CHAPTER 1 ‘The Untamed.’
— Prologue: “When the sun sets meet me at my apartment, if you dare.”
— Summary: You are a marine biologist. You should be able to understand animals and their way of living. When you encounter a new society in a bar under the name ‘Sour Grapes’ you find yourself in a troubling situation with seven different men. Seven different animals.
— Genre: Smut with plot. Minors dni. Fantasy with modern timeline. Female!reader. Secondary genders (but with animals) dreamies are complete red flags. Dub-con. Everything is very dark romance related. Nothing here is for the weak. Everything is just pure filth. It gets progressively worse and worse. Multiple orgasms. Overstimulation. Pet names such as ‘my pretty whore’ or ‘princess’ — minor hair pulling, Fingering (female receiving). Creampie, cumming inside / no protection please use a condom.
One thing you love about yourself is that your work basically shapes your entire routine. You love walking inside your laboratory seeing the animals in the tanks you have to take care of and examine. This included various important research that no one should know. It is highly top secret. A simple leak of what you collect samples from the sea or other animal biology from biomes and journals you keep could really be a mess for you.
Working on separating the two and three sides of the samples you have listed from the deep oceans all throughout different sights. You felt a hand approaching behind you quickly.
The man taps your shoulders when you’re so busy working with the test tubes. “Hey Y/n mind giving me—” you jump and turn around with a fright.
“Seriously Johnny! I told you not to sneak up on me like this. Especially when I’m working with these highly reactive test tubes.” You scowled at your coworker, Johnny Suh. He was one of your friends and coworkers. Wearing a white cloak and round black glasses on.
He was a handsome fella. Very charming and handsome you have to admit it. Johnny can be professional but he could also be quite a mood maker in such a serious profession.
Laughing at your unusual behaviour, you’re never this jumpy when you are working but he probably assumes he scared you to death. “What got you so anxious Y/n? You never get scared when i do this.” Johnny raised an eyebrow. He swore he could see your own soul leave your body.
Truth be honest ever since that night with Ningning all you are thinking about how your entire life has been a lie. Sour Grape’s has taken your mind over. No. Mark has taken your entire mind off and away from your daily routines. Everyday you’re thinking about ‘How can this be possible?’ Humans coming from other animals and not just monkeys. It’s insane information. You shouldn’t be believing this but when Jaehyun said it’s a secret; it makes you think there must be some truth to it.
No one on earth would make up such a stupid fairytale on the spot.
If you weren’t a marine biologist with side degrees of zoology you’re just the type of person to not let this slide. You want to learn more.
You want to experience the truth. You want to see if it’s the truth if they actually are who they are setting themselves to be.
Letting out soft mumbles as you close off the testing tubes, afterwards putting the collective tubes in the stirring device. “I haven’t slept well for the past few days. Sorry if i seem like I’m on the edge.”
He gave you a soft smirk leaning on the side of the table while watching you. “Oh honey you seem like you’re more than on the edge. You’re off the edge.” Your eyes make eye contact after you were done with your tasks.
Your friend trails now questioning you as you’re looking at him with a soft look that made your thoughts even worse.
“What’s on your mind, Y/n?” Johnny asked with a small smile. You shake your head, you don’t want to share something so crazy. He might think you’re actually insane, or worse, he might even think you lost your entire marbles.
“Nothing serious, John. Let’s just finish up and go home. I’m tired.” You excused yourself from the conversation to finish up. The only thing you want to do today is figure out what to eat for dinner.
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Walking down the street to your favourite food truck, you decided to take your mind off whatever you were thinking for the past week or so.
You felt like your brain was just constantly going back to the same topic and it was draining truth be honest. What better way to distract yourself than to eat your favourite stir fry noddles?
Being a local customer the food truck owner gives you discounts nowadays because you were a customer for a long time. A regular at that.
“Hey I would like the usual.” You gave a smile at the owner who nodded seemingly being happy to seeing you drop by.
“I was beginning to think you’d never return, Y/n.” Said the truck owner and you gave a little smirk. “How could I not return? You make the best noodles.” Complimenting them they blushed and started making the noodles for you.
But then something flashed behind you at a fast pace. You didn’t even realise it until the figure stood overshadowed by their body remaining still as a statue.
Gawking at the menu on the side. Your eyes widen when you turned around with disbelief flashing over your lips and cheeks.
“Young man what would you like?” The owner interrupts your own lingering thoughts of shock. The voice, the sound of his breathing, everything else made you feel so small and in danger just by the presence alone of this man.
He looks back from the menu. “The original stir fry m’am.”
You did not realise you were literally staring Mark down in this moment until his face turned over to you and you quickly looked away biting your bottom lip, staring at your very own feet on the ground. You can’t believe it that Mark and you crossed paths when all you’ve been saying is how you’re going to distract yourself finally!
What was this coincidence? Fate? Destiny?
There was this expression on his face that falters when he finally acknowledges your existence. It’s like he met you before but he was trying to find out from where.
And then it hits him. You were the one with Jaehyun that one night.
The dark tone of voice strikes you like a knife behind your back if anything. “You’re that girl at the bar that one time.” Mark said to you, turning to look at you fully with his entire body now facing you.
You definitely caught the predator’s attention now with how easy you’re to read. God you hate being so readable like an open book — a very non interesting book at that.
You fake a smile, maybe if you just pretend you don’t know him he will give up speaking to you. “Oh no, I don’t attend bars. I’m… allergic to alcohol.” You cringe deep inside when you made up the most stupid excuse.
Really? Allergy? He didn’t even ask about your allergies.
Mark frowns which lead you to believe he wasn’t completely swayed by your own actions right now. You forget how much of animal instincts he must have by now. You can’t fool a tiger easily.
“You must’ve mixed me up with someone else.” You said quietly trying to make it seem more and more believable if you just keep talking.
Thankfully you were praying for your meal to arrive first beforehand he got his. The prayer was answered when you grab your plastic container smiling and thanking them. You literally dashed away but why try to run away?
Trying to out run one of the most dangerous cats you probably made the worst mistake to even show a hint of speed in your movements.
When you were to reach your destination to your car the same black towering figure stands over you. In front of you with a dark gaze.
You let out a mini gasp to be honest, you feel like your heart is being crushed by two large walls that keep on moving forward and forward until your heart and lungs collapse.
Mark sighs. “You know that I can hear your beating heart when you lie?” He said rather amused but also it was eerily like a reminiscing threat thrown at you. You stand there quivering, trembling even, and it made Mark so much more entertained than he thought he would be.
He took a step forward. The stir fry plastic box was shaking in very discreet manner in your hands. Each step he takes you took three steps backwards.
This was a new cat and mouse game you didn’t want to be playing with him at all.
“Y/n was it? Jaehyun mentioned you.” Mark said with a little more confidence now that he actually had you cornered. Now you cannot lie on the spot and try to run away from him.
It’s ridiculous. He looks and was human but in reality he’s not just entirely human is he? He’s a freaking tiger with probably the most define genetics. It’s crazy to you.
You mumble trying to get away still. There was just this instinct inside you to make excuses until you can’t anymore. “Sorry i have to go, i am extremely busy.”
Your heartbeat picked up again, Mark sighs pressing an arm around your body and now moved you to sit down at a bench in the scene. You flinch and he forced you to sit down in front of him with his dark eyes watching you. “Another lie. You must enjoy lying a lot don’t you?”
You look away. You’re watching anything but him. “What do you want from me? I swear I don’t… I don’t know anything.” You’re trying your best to make this situation just deescalate.
He grinned amused. “Well that’s also a lie.” He said sitting down next to you on the bench as your heart was racing incredibly fast. Mark thought you might die on the spot if you keep stressing yourself out.
You took a little breath when he sat down next to you which seemed a little less nerve wrecking.
Eventually your heart calmed down when the silence overtook you both. Mark makes a quick glance over at you again, and he continues to speak when he waited for your nerves to sort themselves out.
You sigh. “I didn’t know you liked this place.” You tried to make a conversation as well but you weren’t sure how well he will respond to it.
Heck you don’t know this guy at all.
“I like it. I’m a regular here.” Mark said with a smirk and he moves a bit closer to you now, he opens up his plastic box of stir fry and starts to eat it with the plastic fork you’d get at a restaurant or other food trucks.
You saw him eating and you slowly shift to open your stir fry. But to be honest you’re too scared to even eat in front of him. You’re trying to act normal though. So you take a piece and ate slowly your own food along with Mark. The man kept watching you even though he ate. But you’re avoiding to even acknowledge him so much.
“Y/n do i scare you?” He was quite blunt and upfront. You flinched when he mentions the exact words you’re feeling.
You awkwardly chuckle and put down the fork. “Is it that obvious?”
Mark scoffs a bit. “You didn’t try to hide it.” He leans away and ate some more, you felt a bit less scared and now more guilty. Now that you think about it he seems like a normal guy now.
“Sorry. What Jaehyun said to me that night at the bar messed with my brain.” You admit it, which made the man next to you smirk. “You know I’m human as well. But I do admit it was fun seeing you trembling.” There was a sense of eeriness in his words but at the same time you were watching him.
He admitted to you that watching you embarrass yourself in front of him was a thrilling show but you decided to just not respond to it.
You didn’t even know what to say back anyways.
“So… are you actually…” your voice trails off unable to think of how to say this. How do you even phrase this?
Mark saw your expression like it was the most readable thing he has ever laid eyes on. He leans forward putting the plastic box down. “Part Tiger?” He spoke those words right out of your throat. You bite your inner cheek nodding.
“Is it true?” You asked with your eyes widen.
He grinned and stands up, putting hands in the front jean pockets he then turns around to you rather amused by your curiosity.
Has no one ever told you that curiosity killed the cat? You’re like a small, tiny cat who can’t keep their nose out of something that wasn’t their business.
It felt rather authentic for you though. Most people are just nosey but you seem to be curious because you want to discover something new.
And that is exactly what Mark likes about you. Your intentions are something he hasn’t seen before. Leaning forward he writes something on the paper and passed it to you, with the same hand you saw the large metal ring with the tiger engraved on it. Grabbing the piece of paper you look cautiously from the paper towards Mark’s dark gaze.
“When the sun sets meet me at my apartment, if you dare.” He said to you simply.
Just like a tiger he caught you by surprise with how sharp his tone of voice was full of silky seriousness. And then he disappeared into thin air as well. You only looked away for a second just for Mark to be gone in front of you.
Leaving you questioning if you should take the bait and go to his apartment even though that sounds like some kind of messed up plan.
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For once you were dreading the sun setting. Getting out of your car you look back at the paper in your hand and then your eyes fall back on the complex building in the front.
The address that brought you to this place makes you both anxious and excited. You have many running thoughts on your journey going inside. Every single muscle contraction meant you were growing close and closer to danger.
Slipping your hand over the doorknob you didn’t even knock, the door opened up with the man revealing in front of you.
Mark heard you from a mile away. He knew you’d come and he was right when you stood in front of him with a stunned look.
You really do make him feel like he’s hunting you down.
“Come on in Y/n, I don’t bite.” Mark smirked seeing your hesitation as your eyes peek inside the apartment before your whole body walks in. Mark closed the door after you fully enter.
There was a lack of trust between you two but for some you are wanting to trust this man. You don’t know why but you know one thing for sure; he has bland furniture. All neutral colours and very modern in his apartment.
You tread carefully and put your purse bag down on the couch nearby as you stand in middle of his apartment. Your gaze follows where Mark was on the wall leaning one side of his shoulders on it, the muscular arms crossed together and the lower body curved towards the right side.
Breathing hitching you feel it becoming a round ball in your throat. “So Mark will you admit that what I know is true?”
You came for the truth only. But to Mark he wanted more from you than just to give you a simple truth. He wanted to take a taste of something much better than any truth could provide him or to you.
The body slips off the wall approaching you slowly while his gaze was rather intense and playful while watching you.
“I don’t think I can prove anything verbally to you.” Mark whispers gaining a closer look at your face and the natural scent of your body blending in with the morning coffee you drank as well as your floral perfume; creating this intoxicating sensation in the nasal passages. Mark could crawl to you just by the smell of your own skin.
Hands slowly moving to your waist pulling you closer by an inch your feet trotting forward in little steps towards his body. “But I can show you how a tiger has it’s fun?” He smirks brushing the hot breath escaping from his mouth down to your neckline, while his large eyes are watching you keenly to see your reaction for approval.
Goosebumps evoked on your skin when the tiniest touch of his fingers kneading on your waist bringing you closer to him made you fall into this trance; a trap in other words you’re not escaping a primal animal’s desire at all.
He lifts his head only a little, waiting for your lips to give him consent or a sign of any sorts. But you seemed to stunned and even timid.
The reasoning of you coming to his apartment wasn’t to sleep with him. But the idea of sleeping with someone as magnetic and attractive as him clouds your judgemental. You’re a smart woman you know that and even Mark knows it; you know your stuff. But you certainly look tempted by the invitation.
The only thing you could think about was how badly you want to kiss his lips in that moment. Swiftly you press your hands up to his jawline and pull him in with a sudden kiss when your decision was made finally. Your sudden lips and the taste of them lingering in the air stunned the tiger but you soon felt his hands clawing at your hips lifting you up with his arm muscles — bringing forward your body against a nearby wall as your mouths clashed like two boulders in action. Fighting for something you would like to say is survival; survival of the fittest.
Grunting at the smallest thing, Mark enjoyed hearing them a lot, even the clawing he did down your back and to cup your round ass made you grind up against his body in a friction. Your reactions were what made Mark’s instincts going up the roof. The inner animal was raging from just how much you do this to him. You look ethereal and vulnerable.
Your tongues are tied like a knot together constantly trying to go back and forth only to end up pushing and pulsing instead. Your hair was a mess from just the heated makeout with the man who did not show you a signal mercy.
Running your hands through his hair was probably the most difficult thing for him. Mark’s sensitive area was always his hair and head in general.
You wonder if it’s because tigers in general have sensitive ears; in fact all cats have that trait. It just made your mind run free whenever your fingers cross over his hair. He always lets out soft noises between the heavy parting kisses with your red feverous mouth.
Deciding that the wall won’t be enough for him or for you in that matter. Mark lifted you again this time turning only a small swift left to the bedroom the door opens enough to keep you in and throw you on top of his bed. Watching your body sink on the mattress wasn’t as satisfying as your arms pulling him on top with your lips connecting again for another passionate kiss.
Your voice sounds like music to his ears, Mark could never get tired of hearing your own heart racing and pounding against your chest either. It might be his favourite sound afterall this time.
“Fuck — Mark, hold on.” You adjust yourself on the bed when his hands slipped over your shirt unbuttoned it down along with your lowering clothing slipping it to your ankles. Mark did not know a single vocabulary word about slowing down. He was an animal. Animals don’t wait they just do whatever they want. Whenever it suits them. Your words were pointless to Mark.
He gave you a look when your hands press on his biceps. You needed a moment to calm your heart otherwise you would feel like this whole moment will not be savoured enough.
Leaning in he gave you a gentle peck instead on your lips. Mark tried to slow down to your liking. Holding himself back was hard when you look like this in your underwear and bra only. With your skin on skin contact too.
“Please.” You whisper. “You really don’t hold back.” You chuckled a little bit. Mark grinned softly at your reaction.
Humming he slowly took off his shirt. “Didn’t Jaehyun already tell you?” He sighs and your gaze looks up at Mark when he mentioned another name. “I don’t settle down for anyone.” Mark mumbles connecting back to your close body again when the shirt fell down on the bedroom floor.
He doesn’t settle for anyone so there is no reason for Mark to slow down for anyone. Mark goes fast for everyone and everything.
Your eyes are glued together as one. Your heart skips a beat when Mark was simply staring at you but it felt like he was chasing you across the jungle if anything.
Seeing your stare he had a feeling you might be thinking about your second options. Mark pressed forward to you.
“You still have the option to leave sweetheart, because I won’t give you this choice afterwards anymore.” He slants his fingers down your forearms and your eyes lift up staring into his own deadly irises.
You breathily sigh. “No I don’t want to leave.” You tell him with a determined look and you press your lips on the side of his neck kissing down to his defined collarbones.
Mark chuckled at your amusing response. You don’t want to run away yet you’re the one who told him to slow down?
“Alright. Don’t blame me for what’s about to happen next.” Mark’s voice was dark and low, everything that had been attracting you to him all along. You couldn’t wait until Mark kissed you again, you’re craving for more and more.
You don’t even know what you’re craving; is it the dangerous thrill? Or is it the fact that there was this biological element that keeps your hormones growing more complex.
Whatever it was your thoughts shatter down like a glass on the ground shredded to pieces creating a map of what you’d call your scattering thoughts. The heat forming underneath the pawing motions of the hands threading your body like a needle, grabbing your perky breasts. Hearing out your grasps and manhandling you into the mattress to a position of what his desires are. You’re nothing more than a rag doll. In this scenario you didn’t know what else to think. You were caving for more.
Escaping grasps when the rough grain fingers rub down to your revealing womanhood. His yellow-ish sharp eyes glow by the excessive amount of excitement. Your insides were much mild to his fingers. But they manage to heat your insides up so much faster. When he pumps them up and down your eyes were trying to squeeze shut.
Mark didn’t want to look away from your precious eyes when he was pumping his fingers inside your pussy walls. He wanted to watch you cry out. To him if you weren’t shouting to the top of your lungs then he did not do a good job. And Mark values his ego and pride of pleasuring women he takes to bed. You need to have a good time, your pleasure means so much more than his own.
And that’s the type of man Mark is. He focuses on you as much as he can. There was a sense of addiction towards you. Mark loved smelling your increasing scent on his bedsheets that you’re sprawled across looking like a desperate prey begging for mercy, but deep down you want so much more. With those aching teary eyes Mark knew you were close to a climax.
But did his hands stop? No. Mark didn’t care if you’re close to cumming. Mark will make you cum thrice if he wants too.
By the next few minutes you’re not sure what’s happened but your mind was fogging out between the lines. The bed sheets were leaking by your juices and Mark’s hand and your pussy were only an inch away from one another. His fingers were so deeply embedded inside of you it’s causing your voice to come out like a strain meld.
“Oh fuck… fuck… Mark I think I came already.” You said the obvious not knowing that was his intention all along. To make you release so much you’re starting to lose train of consciousness.
The tiger smirks fondly by your answer. Mark stretching your pussy out so much just so you can be able to fit him later on.
Pulling out his fingers out of your hole he licks them across his plum lips while gaze on your eyes. There was not much space between you two; your breathes are touching.
“You taste so sweet, Y/n.” Mark deems it. Pulling apart the boxers fell on the bedroom floor and he pulled your ankles down so your legs are spread round the hips.
You’re gawking at the sight of his thick glory shown towards your face. You’re not sure what else to say because your expression said it all.
Mark sultry chuckles watching you was seriously amusing. You don’t try to hide your expression with your widen little eyes. “What is it? Did i leave you speechless already?”
Though it sounds cocky. Which it probably was. Mark had a good reasoning to sound like a complete womanising douche.
He was thick. Thicker than anything you’ve seen before. You’re unsure what to say but you cannot argue with him either. He did leave you speechless. It was embarrassing for you.
Mark took your token of silence so he leans his face closer to give you a peck on your lips. He whispers down to your shoulders aligning his face with it. In a way this was to comfort you.
“Don’t worry Y/n. We aren’t finished just yet.” Breathily into your skin Mark buried the nose on the collarbone as the shape of Mark enters your pussy walls this time it was stretched with a slight burning angle that caused your whole body to tremble by itself. Holding on to the bedsheets underneath your body you feel like you’re floating by how just the tip touching at your velvety skin you’re reacting so much to it. This wasn’t usual. You’ve not experienced something like that before.
It’s nothing like the previous times you’ve slept with a guy before. It’s nothing like that.
In this case it feels like you’re fighting for your life but at the same time you’re submitting to yourself knowing Mark was the powerful one here. The one in charge of the moment. The variable that will never change is Mark. In a sick twisted way you like this. You like becoming the prey. The way you’re underneath Mark as he is thrusting you like a wild in-domestic beast, it’s what you’ve been craving all this time. The thrill of it.
For once you’ve forgotten all about biology. You’ve became it instead. Maybe you’re starting to finally understand how it feels to be stepped on by someone stronger than you. For once in your life that is.
Mark couldn’t get enough of you however. It’s the way your dark hair is floating like strands of ribbons on his bed sheets that smell of you now. He knew that once you are finished it is mostly likely to return to normal life. You’ll probably never hear from him. Or he might never hear from you on that matter — but those bed sheets will have your lingering smell and he doesn’t think he will change them for a while. You’re addictive. Strangely Mark has never been this compatible before with just anyone.
It’s crazy how a simple “come to my apartment” leads to you actually having sex later on. But you didn’t care how easy it seemed. You were enjoying it far too much to worry about the consequences. Mark was far too lost between the creeks of your neckline and the collarbones, his thinly pressed tongue sucks across your beautiful canvas. Your moans are starting to resemble poetry to his ears. As if you were all he wants to listen to on hours end.
The tiger felt every inch of your insides clenching with awe around his shape. It was the way you wrap around so easily. Your arms do the same thing. They wrap around his body and cling onto him forever. Mark wouldn’t have it any other way.
Your eyes only part ajar like a door does only to see yellowish sparkles of phenomenal beauty spreading across the bedroom. Widening at the sight you felt like you’re hallucinating. But when you’ve looked at the man above you thrusting you seen exactly a pair of two golden Iris’ staring down at you with nothing behind those eyes but lust.
It felt as if every muscle in his body extended to his original position when Mark grunts the bottom lip pierced to his fangs. “Oh yes, keeping looking at me like that. Such a pretty whore you are.”
Cheeks grows out in awe when Mark brushed over his fingers into your hair only to press you even more into the mattress digging his clock so deep in your insides you’ve lost knowledge of how far you could last. By now it’s been far too long. Your body’s overdrive is now overheating like a computer would — yet Mark shows no sign of slowing.
Even the way his voice stood still like the sea breeze. You’re at a loss of words.
Pulling at your hair slightly Mark decided to make you sit up a little so he could rearrange the speed of his thrusts to become quicker and sharper. Which only made you gasp audibly loud when you’re held in this position for so long. Your brain begins to fog once again.
Mark groans besides your shoulders, carving his teeth marks all over your body. You’re starting to look like a butchered meat eaten alive by him.
His eyes shift close. “Fuck… that’s it… now take it all Y/n.” You’re starting to see some slowing down when Mark unleashed the folds between your pussy walls. You’re starting to give up the moment Mark leaves you to the brim; looking full and plum like he wanted you in the state.
Eutrophic state of being overdriven by an animal, was all you’re able to process.
Breathing heavily into your skin you’re closing your eyes only a little, but everytime you do that you wanted to drift off to sleep. Eventually you’re wondering if you are asleep because all you see is black with a faded out voice I’m the background calling your name all over again.
By the morning you’re awaken by your own fine reflection of how much your body actually endured last night.
Your lips part away staring at the front. Teeth marks scattering from top to bottom. You look like a whole different person compared to when you stepped a foot into this apartment.
Your eyes dart around the bedroom putting on your clothes that were left on the floor. You had to make yourself presentable at least once in your life because right now — you feel and look completely out of place. Brushing your hands into your hair messily brushing it out any knots. Then you open the bedroom door and step out. You’re met with a smell of eggs frying in a pan.
Following the scent you’re now approaching the shoulders of a man. Short sleeve tight shirt on flexing out muscles while wearing an apron. You’re filled with some form of happiness when you see that food is being cooked.
You mumble with a groaning stomach already. “Morning. What are you cooking?”
The man turned around with a little smirk seeing you’re already dressed and awake. Mark was expecting you to be knocked out a little longer. At first he thought you died on him last night. You’ve suddenly out of nowhere blanked out. But it turns out you were due in need of much sleep.
Mark pressed the eggs out of the pan and onto the plates. Your eyes following where his muscular arms extend out the plate towards you. You took a seat down on the chair by the kitchen aisle counter. He pressed a smile.
“Eggs and some toast. It’s the best I can do.” Mark announces.
You smiled and grabbed a fork. “It’s fine I’d eat anything anyone makes me.” You wish you could’ve shut your mouth when you said that though, because you maybe held your expectations high for Mark. He cannot cook eggs for the love of God.
The smile drops on your face instantly and you clear your voice a little when you’re sending a gaze back at Mark. You take a bite of the half burnt — nearly black at the bottom scrambled eggs. How do you burn eggs? You’ve got no possible human explanation for this sorcery.
For someone who is made to be a perfect stone with no hard edges; Mark can’t cook.
You might of found Mark’s first flaw.
You trail off mumbling. “Maybe I should cook next time?” Nonetheless you eat it all without a complaint. But you had to jokingly point o it out to Mark. You’re an honest woman. You couldn’t lie to him. It might feed his delusional ego.
Mark scoffs a little and chuckles at the end. “Good idea, Y/n. I can handle the other eggs.” You nearly choked on your chewing. But before you could say anything to him he was walking out of the kitchen area with that giddy smirk on his face as if he’s proud for saying something as outrageous as that.
“I’ll be in the shower!” Mark announces without a care that you’re probably as red as an apple.
You shake your head in disbelief and trail off a little laugh. You have a feeling this might weirdly be the most calming morning you’ve had. You go back to eating your scrambled egg wondering what else you will expect…
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank you!! Reblog and Follow me for more smuts like this!!
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sunshyni · 3 months
vou te levar pra saturno | johnny suh
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notas da sun: 'cês acharam mesmo que ficariam sem mim nesse final de semana??? Demorei, mas cheguei KKKKKK Respondendo um pedido, olha só ( @lovesuhng me desafiou a escrever algo deste homem e eu não poderia ir contra um pedido da Mika, não é mesmo???) Acho que é a coisa mais dramática que escrevi pra este perfil, é uma mistureba que me agradou demais, envolve principalmente “Saturn” e “Snooze” da SZA, “Cinnamon Girl” da Laninha e “Mirrors” do Justin Timberlake, só musicão porque a mãe tem bom gosto 😎
w.c: 1k
contexto: o Johnny faz parte de uma gangue japonesa “do bem” (é isso ai mesmo, culpa “Walk” e o Yuta em “Mystery in Seoul”) e a protagonista é uma enfermeira de um hospital clandestino.
avisos: menção honrosa ao Yuta em “High & Low” 🙌
boa leitura, docinhos!!!
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— Você só tá com febre, mas vai melhorar depois desse medicamento — Você disse para a garotinha de 10 anos que brincava com as próprias tranças enfeitadas por duas fitas finas de cetim que formavam lacinhos fofos. Seus olhos desfocaram do rostinho infantil e vermelho devido a temperatura corporal e miraram além, para a chuva torrencial que caía lá fora e que coincidentemente combinava e muito com como você estava se sentindo internamente.
Sentia-se tal qual um motoqueiro em direção debaixo de uma chuva sem igual, a viseira do capacete não estava ajudando em nada, a estrada escorregadia e as curvas cada vez mais fechadas e ariscas. Além disso, não tinha sinal em seu celular, verificar um GPS para conferir um melhor caminho para o seu destino se tornara uma tarefa impossível, e você estava oficialmente sozinha.
No entanto, existia alguém, existia uma pessoa em particular que poderia te tirar daquela agonia, mas você recusava a ajuda, por que o que adiantaria aceitá-la de bom grado quando essa pessoa em especial se colocaria diante do temporal para te salvar? Se arriscaria tanto quanto para bancar o herói por sua causa. Você acreditava que aquilo não passava de uma troca de valores, você saía do primeiro plano e Johnny o ocupava confiante e irresistivelmente teimoso.
— Acho que você e o tio John combinam. Por que vocês não namoram? — Você sorriu sem mostrar os lábios para a expressão dúbia da menininha, ele costumava ser famoso entre as crianças do bairro quando não estava conduzindo alguma missão que às vezes envolvia casas de apostas ilegais, o que dava a chance de Yuta Nakamoto, o líder do bando, abdicar do conjunto vermelho social e apostar no casaco pesado animal print egocêntrico.
— Infelizmente, não é tão simples assim, princesa — Ouviu-se dizer e percebeu o quanto aquela frase soava feito uma desculpa esfarrapada para uma criança, de repente sentiu falta da sua infância, de como tudo parecia ser possível, bastava despejar toda sua criatividade num giz de cera e criar o seu mundo partindo das cores primárias, um mundo em que mais pessoas boas existiam, em que o amor era valorizado mais do que cédulas, um mundo em que você acordasse todos os dias dez minutos antes do Suh despertar, só pra tê-lo envolvendo sua cintura num abraço carinhoso na cozinha, a voz grave questionando ao pé do seu ouvido: “Por que acordou? 'Vamo voltar pra cama, por favor”.
Você ajudou a garotinha a descer do leito hospitalar após ouvi-la reclamar sobre o quão adultos tornavam coisas singelas em extremamente complicadas e sua cabeça balançou, num gesto positivo. Virou-se por alguns segundos, organizando suas coisas numa pequena mesinha de trabalho localizada próxima a maca quando Johnny surgiu de súbito, encharcado, uma expressão de dor cobrindo-lhe a face bonita enquanto segurava o próprio braço visualmente machucado.
Sua primeira reação foi levá-lo até o leito, onde ele sentou sem protestar embora tenha resmungado quando você o apalpou do cotovelo até o pulso, havia algo de errado com o seu antebraço mas ele pouco se importava considerando o sorrisinho agridoce que esboçou, mesmo com a probabilidade de ter fraturado algum osso. Você parou de examiná-lo e mirou os olhos castanho escuros, Johnny retribuiu o olhar, só que diferente da sua pessoa, ele te observava com doçura, com tanto carinho que fez sua expressão suavizar, ainda que seu coração batesse sem controle como o trote de um cavalo sem rédeas.
— Na última vez que nos vimos, você praticamente disse que me odiava, quase soletrou isso — Com a mão boa, Johnny segurou o seu queixo com o polegar e o indicador, fixando o olhar no seu, te impedindo de desviá-lo para alguma janela ou qualquer outra coisa presente naquele ambiente. Seus olhos brilhavam com a umidade acumulada e seus lábios tremiam ligeiramente com o anúncio abrupto de lágrimas que, você sabia, rolaram pelas suas bochechas da mesma forma que a chuva caía lá fora, impiedosamente, sem intervalos — Então por que se importa? Por que se preocupa com alguém que você odeia? Me fala.
Você piscou e a primeira lágrima traiçoeira desceu solitária pela sua face, Johnny a capturou com os lábios, beijando seu maxilar antes que a gotinha salgada molhasse seu pescoço, como da última vez quando você mentiu sobre seus sentimentos, afirmando detestá-lo mesmo depois de tê-lo em sua cama, em seu corpo e em seu coração, ele acariciou sua bochecha com a palma levemente calejada, odiava o quanto ele parecia sereno ainda que vivesse transbordando suas emoções, Johnny insistia em transmitir plenitude e calmaria. E pra ele, você tinha o efeito de um entorpecente feito o ópio, aliviava a dor severa e o fazia crer num lugar inventado, num lugar melhor.
— Porque eu não te odeio. Percebi que nem se eu quisesse, eu conseguiria fazer isso.
Johnny te beijou, envolveu sua nuca com a mão e colidiu os próprios lábios nos seus, sentiu o gosto das lágrimas tanto suas quanto as deles que se misturaram, molhando o rosto e o beijo, ele sabia exatamente como estava suportando a dor latejante no braço esquerdo, o remédio tinha nome, sobrenome, uma fragrância fresca característica feito uma brisa marinha no verão e um sorriso gentil, viciante feito um alucinógeno, capaz de fazê-lo se machucar de propósito apenas para te ver, para que você pudesse tocá-lo ainda que platonicamente, o que graças aos céus não era aquele caso.
Johnny gemeu no fundo da garganta, o que te fez separá-lo de si empurrando seus ombros com delicadeza, sem saber ao certo se aquele som fora reproduzido por puro prazer ou se na euforia de pressionar os corpos, você piorara o ferimento, no entanto o Suh dedicou um dos seus melhores sorrisos para você, aliviando sua postura e fazendo você voltar a respirar novamente.
— Eu tô com medo. Tô com medo de te perder... Isso tudo é tão perigoso.
— E o que você acha que é tudo isso? Você tá se arriscando por essas pessoas. Por mim.
Johnny queria e muito te acalmar, queria te mostrar que seriam vocês contra o planeta Terra daquele momento em diante, que vocês poderiam mudar aquela realidade estúpida juntos, que ficariam bem. Por isso ele esfregou o nariz esbelto no seu pescoço, a voz grave provocando seu corpo, incitando seu coração a acelerar de supetão.
— Fica tranquila, eu vou te levar pra Saturno.
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notas da sun²: quis voltar aqui só pra dar uma explicação para vocês. Na própria música da SZA, ela cita Saturno como uma fuga da realidade enfadonha, como se Saturno fosse um lugar melhor, por isso ela diz: “Life is better in Saturn”. Foi exatamente isso que eu quis trazer pra esse texto, como se a protagonista e o Johnny fossem “Saturnos” um para o outro, por isso somente juntos eles conseguem se deslocar para um “lugar melhor”, “um mundo inventado pela criatividade e gizes de cera”, enfim espero que vocês tenham gostado dessa tanto quanto eu gostei 🥰
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@ sunshyni. Todos os direitos reservados.
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ivelleciel · 4 months
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Chapter One: Betrayal Genre: Mafia!Haechan, Mafia!NCT, Biker Haechan, Step on me Haechan, Haechan Dom
Pairings: Haechan x Reader (Iris)
Warning: Smut, Violence, Vulgar Language, Mention of blood, MDNI
Intro: Where a girl finds herself trapped within her brother's protection. One would find it a blessing but for Iris, it's suffocation- and she's someone who would often like the thought of being choked, but simply not like this. Raised within thick walls inside the perimeters of their mansion, She finds herself treasuring every opportunity she gets whenever she is given volunteer work for the people in need outside the city of glass she was born in. Fun and Exciting is how she always saw these trips, it was until darkened windows of SUVs blocked their way from going any further in the middle of the desert. It was the only land of nothing dividing the city and the suburbs and yet they were stopped by armed men, six- seven? she couldn't count as she was too in shock, scared even much more so when her side of the vehicle opened and a pair of gloved hands pulled her away from your handmaiden's side. "Giselle!" Iris cried and a bag was hovered over her head and the last thing she remembered was Giselle's screams, Men simultaneously giving orders to her bodyguards and a gun going off. Then there was black.
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"Ha ha. So funny. What then? Bore myself to death by my room's window? waiting for prince charming to save me? No thank you. Give me twenty more of these tasks and consider me the happiest sister ever." Mumbling her last words as she fix her hair to a half-do with a claw clip. Iris saw Johnny's sad gaze through her mirror before he could mask it with a stoic smile. She sighed and faced her brother, leaning in to hug herself tight on his chest.
"Stop babying me.. It's only for a few hours. What's the worst that could happen?"
"I heard there are many forest spiders in the village. Thousands." Johnny exaggerated, trying to coax her with her teasing by blabbering stupid things and then he sighed when Iris only hummed her soft chuckle, unconvinced. "... you're just the only family I have left."
"And so are you to me." Iris sighed, looking up to her brother with an exhausted expression. "But mom and dad would have wanted us to live life with more meaning than in fear.."
"I know.." Johnny sighed, tapping the cap Iris had on before marching to her room's door. "Well chop chop city girl. They're not gonna feed themselves." Chuckling as they make their way downstairs, Iris gave one last look at the frame by her bed. Her late mother, late father, Johnny and herself. Smiling by the lake that held many memories for her and Johnny, some of which they didn't know would end in a tragedy.
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Iris saw Giselle, one of her many good friends, packing extra necessities for Iris and the trip. Back hugging the petite frame, Giselle squealed, too focused on her task in hand to even notice Iris before glaring at the girl. "Silly! What if I dropped your anxiety pills?" she heard Gigi clicked her tongue, Iris resumed with a bratty smile to where Yuta was by their white van. "Everything settled Yuta?" Yuta, clasped his armed weapon on his belt and smiled at Iris, an unspoken answer to which Iris nodded to before getting up inside the van. Settling on the middle seat, between the window spot and the collapsing chair, she earned a perfect view of Mark.
A container in one hand and the other with what looks like an ammunition box, being stored inside another case. "Put the Magazine under the compartment along with out other containers yeah?" Iris could hear him order Jeno in which the latter obeyed to. She couldn't help but gape at Mark and his focused stance. If Iris was a completely eye-roller at Johnny's protectiveness then with Mark it was all heart eyes and red cheeks. Who wouldn't if the male holds glory to the uniform Johnny assigned them to. Camo pants and Army green fitted shirt is one of the fun treats Iris would look forward to with these programs, along with the nurturing feeling of helping other people.
She heard a throat clearing beside her and Iris just continued gawking. "Can a man get any more handsome?" Iris sighed, pouting her lips when Mark left her view to head inside, presumably to bid farewell to Johnny and reassure him that He and Jaehyun would take good care of you and the task in hands. "I wouldn't know, I'm not the one drooling a pool over here." Iris bit her lips, side eyeing her friend with a snort. "Oh please, as if I don't notice how you look at Yuta?" Giselle smacked Iris arm for that playfully before scooting herself on the window seat. "House Rules. We can't date co workers, but nobody said that about drooling over them." Giselle tossed her hair to tease Iris before being silence by the large frame towering by the sliding door. "Everyone ready?" Johnny mused, eyeing all the equipments and bags in the back seat before giving one last stern look at Iris.
"You behave-" Iris groaned when she saw Yuta, Mark and Jeno exchange smiles behind. "I will! It's not like I won't come straight home. Please stop." Iris whined further before she let Johnny ruffle her hair, backing away from the door to close it himself. Yuta and Jeno positioned in their seats in front. She only got lucky twice that she get to have Mark accompany her in the van.
Two vehicles were to transmit from their mansion. One where Jaehyun and Mark would carry with weapons and their tents and boxes of goods, And one where she's on with Giselle, Yuta and Jeno. It was always four guards with too many weapons. Johnny sees it as not enough but Iris claimed it was more than enough given that it was only her in the vehicle and nothing really ever happened to her despite Johnny's protectiveness.
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Somewhere along their trip, Iris was sitting comfy by the window of the collapsing chair with Giselle passed out and a pillow on her lap. She just woke up from her nap and noticed that they were far from near the town they were heading to and yet also too far from home. She checked back as she pushed an air bud in her ear, the van Mark and Jeno are in behind them with safe distance. She played a soft song, ready to day dream about Mark and what would it be like if he was in their van instead of Jeno- that is until she saw a motorcycle beaming his headlights, asking to pass through and overtake. A male in all black sits on the Kawasaki Ninja H2R. Black skinny jeans, black boots, chains for necklace if she knew any better and a black shirt underneath his leather jacket.
His gloves switched the lever of his bike causing it to roar as he zooms pass them, earning a scoff at Yuta. "Cocky motherfucker." he muttered before she hears Jeno chuckle. She could have sworn that the rider could see her through their tinted glass, staring right back at her but that would be silly because again their vans were tinted, to its most darkest available shade at that. Shaking the silly thought away, she went back to staring out her window and enjoying the scenery as they drove through the desert.
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"Target: Flower is in position. 800 meters away from the bullseye."
Static was heard from the other end before he heard the stern voice call back at him.
"We are ready to engage."
Haechan responded with a 'Copy.' before speeding away from the white vans. Certain that he was out of view, he parked behind a boulder , big enough to hide his motorcycle and himself as he positioned a chain of spikes across the road, plan B in place in case "Plan A: ambush" failed- to which it often doesn't, the cocky side of him crediting himself to the lack of mission failing when he's part of it. All he has to do now is wait and upon calculating he has enough time left for a quick smoke. Sitting his helmet on his bike and pulling out the Marlboro stick from his jacket's pocket he lit it up and waited as he leans on the boulder.
Puffing a few smoke, He heard screeches of tires and screams came after that.
Haechan made his way to the scene, stepping on Yuta's back as he tackled on the ground by Jaemin and Jeno wounded by Chenle on the leg.
"Boss said to spare them and just take the girl." Jaemin said as Renjun struggled to open the van's door. "She's won't let me open it-"
"Don't make another move!" Mark was able to free himself from Xiao Jun's grasp, wounded and bleeding on the side when Mark kicked him off but Mark was far from okay as well, with a gash on his lip and an open wound on his arm. Mark aimed the gun on his hand to Haechan, making the tanned skin male chuckle.
"You must be Mark." Mark unfazed by how Haechan knew he his name remained in position. "Don't worry. We won't hurt your princess, lover boy." Mark was then knocked out by Jaehyun from behind. One last look of betrayal from Mark and he was passed out on the ground.
Haechan nudged Renjun away and pulled the door open. Iris yelled and kicked when Renjun tried to manhandle her out to which he succeeded and Giselle screamed behind her before she was knocked out as well by a cloth to their mouths and nose.
Haechan watched as Iris gaze lands on his. Flicking the cigar away before leaning on her with a smirk. Her eyes beamed light brown as she tried to make out what Haechan looked like as he towers over her in front of the sun. 'Familiar' is what her last thoughts were before everything went black.
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note: visit @Ivelle_Ciel on ao3 for faster updates ˆ̑՝̮ˆ̑❤︎
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lebrookestore · 7 months
nct 127 as demigods!
authors note: i have no time to even be doing this i don't know where it came from but the pjo brainrot and phase is so real and back with a vengence so please enjoy while i hope i won't be failing my mathematics final. and yes, i absolutely want to write a full fledged fic based on this.
Mark: as a son of Poseiden!
listen...this man is everywhere and is so important that its no surprise he's the child of one of the big three.
has a natural affinity for swordplay.
used to depend on his swordsmanship a lot more than his inherited powers from his father but learned to strike a balance between both as he grew older.
has a very obvious, clearly powerful aura, but he's also Just A Guy.
when he first arrived to camp, everyone thought he was a child of Hypnos actually because he quite literally slept through the first two days he was there due to how exhausted he was.
got claimed on the third day and everyone was shocked (yes he's my Percy stand in and what about it)
doesn't really like how much everyone looks up to him, it makes him scared for the moment that he inevitably disappoints them all - or so he thinks.
bro is clueless for the most part but always manages to pull through and get himself out of any situations (*cough* monsters *cough) he finds himself in.
when he's especially emotionally disturbed or angry, he causes earthquakes.
Johnny: as a son of Hecate!
when he was little he didn't really understand how he could make things simply appear or scenes in front of him change by simply imagining it.
it kept him out of a lot of trouble during his younger years.
manipulation of the mist has always come easy to him, he barely even breaks a sweat.
his weapon is an enchanted spear.
it helps channel his power and helps in physical battle as well, though he tends to rely on his powers more.
the spear was a gift from his mother, the only time he's ever met her or spoken to her.
he tends to make people nervous with so much as a glance.
its not just the fact that he has that demigod aura of power- he's just an intimidating figure.
the air of mystery around him is furthered by how private he is, but he's all smiles and jokes if you're a close friend of his.
knowing how easily he can make someone nervous, Johnny uses it to his advantage often, whether it be to get out of trouble or to get his way.
Taeyong: as a son of Iris!
take a moment to see the vision here folks
he totally has the vibe of a hippie rainbow goddess' son.
was brought to chb when he was fourteen, which is relatively old for a demigod.
the colour of his eyes varies and changes according to his moods and emotions.
when the sun hits his hair it seems like that too changes colour and shifts from one shade to another.
once tried to tie-die his camp half-blood shirt with Jaehyun to make it a little more stylish since the both of them were tired of the bright, unflattering orange. lets just say it did not turn out well.
his weapon of choice is a scimtar - a wicked curved blade.
for someone so peaceful and smiley, he's scary when fighting with his scimtar, quick on his feet and downright deadly. unlike his siblings, who tend to despise conflict, he's one of the best fighters.
like all children of Iris, he can create a rainbow barrier for protection
he possesses photokinesis, a rare power among children of iris, in which he can focus an intense beam of prismatic light which will burn anything it touches.
Doyoung: as a son of Athena!
was taken to camp when he was nine and quickly adapted although he was so young.
the definition of a know-it-all, but its kind of in a lovable way.
he has the habit of rambling so his attempts at sounding all knowledgable tend to come off as dorky a lot of time.
make no mistake though, Doyoung is as cunning and resourceful as they get.
although every child of Athena is talented at battle strategy, Doyoung is the one most of the other campers turn to in times of crisis for guidance through any battle.
spends countless hours reading and studying the old stories of great greek heroes and demigods and his favourite is Odysseus.
is proficient with almost all weapon but usually uses a sword.
his fighting style is more calculated than most, his mind is always racing and thinking about weak spots and dissecting his opponents fighting style and flaws.
although a good fighter, he first and foremost relies on his wit and strategic skills and can make use of whatever is at his disposal to hold his own.
Yuta: as a son of Ares!
competitive little bitch (and we love that for him).
got kicked out of three schools because he would pick fights (and win them).
usually leads during capture the flag.
during battle, there tends to be a somewhat manic glow of delight in his eyes because no matter how dangerous the situation is or how bad the odds are, fighting his what he's the best at.
to him, its an art form.
his weapon of choice is a pair of daggers.
usually children of ares don't opt for small weapons as such, and although he has control over any weapon like Doyoung does - though Yuta's control is more innate and in built- he prefers the versatility his daggers give him.
he's quite deadly with them.
the only person that can take him in a fight is Taeyong, and that is also quite rare.
his fighting skills are enhanced when angry or particularly vengeful.
impulsive when it comes to any sort of fighting - prefers to deal with it head on and directly.
Jaehyun: as a son of Aphrodite!
his birthday is literally on valentines day i will not take criticism about this.
bro is literally stunning.
his weapon of choice is a sword.
a surprisingly competent fighter considering his siblings don't particularly enjoy any form of sparring for the most part, and helps out with teaching the younger campers sword fighting.
has the ability to melt anyone with that pretty boy smile of his.
knows exactly how to win someone over and use his natural charm, but doesn't know how to stop it from going too far, which leads to people falling for him left, right and center.
this doesn't mean he's oblivious to those who like him - make no mistake, he is well aware when someone is crushing on him.
unfortunately, he hasn't quite mastered the art of gently letting someone down, which leads to very awkward moments after some poor soul confesses to him.
thus he unwittingly follows the whole 'heartbreaker' agenda the Aphrodite cabin has, though he doesn't approve of it.
doesn't have charmspeak but can tell when its being used on him.
Jungwoo: as a son of Hephastus!
a literal genius.
could solve college level mathematics in the third grade, but his mother never made that fact known - simply because she knew about his demigod nature, being one of the few mortals who could see through the mist.
she didn't want to attract any more attention than necessary.
first came to camp half blood when he was twelve.
can sense how any sort of mechanism works.
possesses pyrokinesis unlike most children of Hephastus, but it takes a lot out of him.
usually relies on his fire manipulation while fighting, but otherwise makes use of an axe as a weapon.
while he is pretty damn good fighter, he prefers to take a backseat and work behind the scenes on weaponry and creating traps to capture or unarm the enemy.
can easily disarm any traps and can sense them if close by, but can also make traps deadlier.
spends a lot of time in forges.
also loves working with the Hermes' campers to construct devices for pranks for fun.
Haechan: as a son of Apollo!
literal sunshine boy.
must protect at all costs but is honestly quite capable of protecting himself and then some.
his mother is a nurse and with her busy schedule he was left alone at home for the most part when he was younger, so being taken to camp half blood by his satyr when he was 10 seemed like the perfect solution.
chose to be an year-round camper since it was safer that way.
an excellent archer.
isn't much of a healer, but if his siblings need help in the infirmary, he'll assist them.
leans into his musical gifts more - his voice can quite literally make anyone stop in their tracks.
if an especially young demigod shows up at camp, he goes out of his way to make sure they're okay, knowing how daunting it all was when he was their age.
gets along well with the Hermes campers due to his mischievous nature.
his favourite trick is putting a rhyming curse on whoever the victim of his prank is.
Taeil: as a son of Demeter!
he's been at camp since he was ten years old.
very level-headed and calm, due to this he often is able to break up any fights started by the Are's cabin.
has an addiction to froot loops.
my boy is badass as hell his weapon is a scythe.
for most people, its too big and bulky to fight with, but he knows just how to make it work.
it takes the form of a hand weeder when not in battle for easy transportation.
can summon, manipulate and and control all sorts of vegetation.
he can make them grow faster but on the flipside can also make them decay quicker.
spends a lot of his time in the strawberry fields since working with working with agriculture is hardwired into him.
has a motherly presence, a lot of campers turn to him for advice.
especially fond of Haechan and is also one of the only reasons the Are's campers haven't gone all psycho on the boy- Taeil is the only one who can calm them down through their bouts of rhyming phrases (which happens suspiciously often).
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rai-chuuuu · 6 months
helloo can i request Boyfriend Things with Nct127 members<3 thanks
╰┈➤ nct (127) boyfriend things !
boyfriend things... (0.7k words)
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pairing ; every member x gn!reader
warnings ; I dont even know????
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Taeyong - If there’s one thing you should know about Taeyong, it’s that he tries to spend tons of time with you. Even if his schedule is almost full, he gives his best effort. After long days, expect to do some stuff like play games, have a movie marathon, or even go shopping. When it comes to little things, it depends on the weather. When it’s sunny outside, Taeyong will take you out to enjoy the sun and how it feels. On the contrary, he loves staying inside and napping with you when it’s raining or snowing.
Johnny - Despite Johnny helping almost everyone he knows, he helps you out the most. His aid ranges from assistance with getting something to kind words and affirmations. It comes from a state of care. He makes sure to take care of you and treats you like a prized possession. No matter how sweet that is, there’s a downside. When going out to an amusement park, Johnny always drags you along on drop-off rides. Whether or not you’re scared of heights, it’s something you should prepare for.
Yuta - Something sweet Yuta does is rest on you. Because he doesn’t use a pillow, there are times when he prefers lying on you for comfort reasons. It’s extremely cute, but he always manages to wake you up since he wakes up earlier. You should always expect to be out a ton on off days, mainly due to disliking staying inside. You always have fun with Yuta, so that’s what really matters. 
Doyoung - Similarly to Taeil, Doyoung has a good memory, so he knows exactly what to get you every single time. If you said you enjoyed a certain dish or outfit, it’s something that he’ll give you, even if it’s years later. It’s extremely impressive and always such a surprise to you. On a good day, you’ll catch Doyoung in the kitchen baking a treat for the both of you. He has to put that baking talent somewhere, you know. 
Jaehyun - Jaehyun enjoys taking care of you more than—almost—anything. It doesn't really matter what he does in particular, but it’s always nice to be treated nicely. Honestly, the only bad thing about Jaehyun is that he’d brag about a lot of things, although they're not even that serious. It’s really him trying to show off to impress you, which is pretty sweet. Whenever this happens, he seems to get a bit embarrassed after it. You can always tell when his ears get red.
Jungwoo - He gets you all kinds of Snoopy-related items solely to remind you of him. Jungwoo has given you accessories, kitchen sets, and so much more that is just... Snoopy. You don’t know if he mainly does this to you or if it’s normal, but there’s not much of a complaint. Jungwoo would try to scare you with his imitation skills, which work a lot more than they really should. Sometimes you know it’s him doing it, but it’s the fact that you don't expect it that gets to you.
Mark - For someone who mainly takes out the trash and helps with laundry when it comes to the group, Mark is weirdly insistent on helping you with chores. You could be doing the dishes, and he’ll ask if you need help, but he will still do them if you say no. The only “bad” thing he would do is offer to take you out to get something you want, then take you to a totally different spot to eat his favorite food with him. It’s not the worst, but it is a bit odd.
Haechan - Haechan likes to keep the place clean, which is always handy when you don’t actually feel like doing anything. He likes to tidy up with music, which is always a nice touch. There’s just something about him that makes me want to believe he would torture you in the weirdest ways, like making you watch his dancing without music, which is oddly uncomfortable. There isn’t a reason for this. It just happens. Haechan would probably eat your food but say that you “just forgot you already ate it” to get away with it.
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babylion · 1 year
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bloomingdayswithyou · 7 months
Howdy! I would like to submit a request with a poly relationship with Mark and Johnny (NCT) along with a FtM reader (can be amab if you’re uncomfortable), just the typical fluff (idol au)
Shared Love
Pairing: Mark x Johnny x m!reader (poly) (could work with FtM too, just he/him pronouns)
Words: 493
Warnings: none! just pure fluff <3
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In the cozy confines of their shared apartment, the soft glow of the setting sun cast ethereal hues across the room. NCT's Mark, Johnny, and their bandmate, m/n, were nestled together on the couch, their laughter mingling with the gentle hum of the television.
Mark leaned against Johnny, his body relaxed against his lover's shoulder. Johnny, on the other hand, had his arm protectively around Mark's shoulder. m/n was at the other side, his head resting on Johnny's chest. His fingers traced patterns on Mark's arm, his eyes closed as he listened to the calming rhythm of Johnny's heartbeat.
"I love you guys," Mark whispered softly, his voice like velvet against their skin. Johnny opened his eyes and gazed fondly at his two precious ones. "We love you too, baby," he replied, his voice husky with emotion.
M/n opened his eyes and smiled, his dimples deepening. "You make me the happiest person in the world," he said, his voice as sweet as honey. They fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own blissful reverie.
Mark felt an overwhelming sense of contentment wash over him. He had everything he could ever want: the love of his life, the companionship of his best friends, and the unwavering support of his fellow NCT members. He glanced up at Johnny and m/n, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the setting sun. "I'm so grateful to have you both in my life," he whispered, his voice barely a breath. Johnny nuzzled the top of Mark's head.
"You deserve all the love and happiness in the world," he said, his voice gruff with love. m/n leaned forward and kissed Mark gently on the forehead. "We're so lucky to have you," he murmured, his voice like a soothing lullaby. They spent the rest of the evening cuddled up together, watching movies and sharing secrets until drowsiness crept over them.
One by one, they drifted off to sleep, their hearts filled with an unbreakable bond and an immeasurable love that would forever intertwine their destinies. As the first rays of dawn peeked through the curtains, m/n awoke to the sound of soft snoring beside him. He smiled as he watched Mark and Johnny sleeping peacefully, their bodies curled up together like two halves of a whole.
He knew that whatever challenges life threw their way, they would face them together, as a united front. Their love for each other was an unyielding force that would sustain them through the toughest of times and give them strength to overcome any obstacle. With a newfound sense of purpose, m/n slipped out of bed and went into the kitchen. He wanted to make breakfast for his two beloveds, to show them how much he appreciated their love and support. As he whipped up a fluffy pancake batter, he hummed a cheerful tune, his heart filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude.
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