#nct mafia series
yongility · 3 months
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NEO TV # I LIKE ME BETTER WHEN I'M WITH YOU. (jaehyun x reader) 1/? [next]
genre: angst, suggestive, gang au, rich kid au, enemies to lovers (kinda), a lil of fluffy stuff.
warnings: drug use mentions, gangs, fights, use of weapons, adult language, illegal activities, cheating (not on the main couple), toxic family environment, addictions, manipulation, insecurities, illegal street racing, death mentions. jeno is jaehyun's younger brother, angst, smut and if I slip something my bad haha.
word count: 10k?
a/n: I’m a sucker for cliche stuff so as soon as this fic popped in my mind I had to write it down, english isn’t my first language tho.
if you want to be in the taglist, just lemme know;) enjoy!
At SM City, things were simple.
Either you were born on the North side of the city where everything was filled with luxuries, privileges, incredible status, and the newest and most expensive things in the world, or you were born on the South side, where your childhood and adolescence could never be enjoyed because you would live surrounded by illegal businesses, in which eventually you would end up being a part of even if you didn't want to.
There was no third option.
There never was, and it wasn't expected that there would be.
SM City was radiant and beautiful... as long as you were in the Kwangya area because as soon as you set foot in the Neo Zone; things turned completely dark. Things were not always like this precisely; at some point in the past, despite the notorious differences between these two areas, Kwangya and Neo Zone had a synchrony that created an almost perfect balance and kept the city in maximum beauty.
But it was impossible to keep things that way.
Being part of the North side had its advantages: wealth, privilege, extravagant parties, designer clothes, and everything anyone could want, it would be in their hands as soon as they asked for it. Did you want a trip to the other side of the world? Done. Did you want the latest Louis Vuitton outfit? Of course. Did you want the newest car? Okay. Having it was as easy as asking for it.
They only followed one rule: do not approach Neo Zone unless your life depended on it... which would never happen.
While growing up on the South side was something peculiar. It didn't matter what you dreamed of, it didn't matter your future aspirations or your talents. Just by being born in Neo Zone; your life was already prescribed.
You would end up becoming a drug dealer, a hitman, or anything that involved ilegal businesses. Those were your only options. There were no others.
Did you want to get out of Neo Zone? Yeah, good luck with that.
On the South side, bad moves, riots, and problems were so common now that residents were accustomed to it. They began to accept their life and what destiny had prepared for them, even if it wasn't what they wanted.
Your age didn't matter, nothing mattered; as soon as you turned fourteen years old, you started your initiation into the Neo Zone gang. Each person had a different initiation and they had to complete it if they wanted the support and respect of the other inhabitants of Neo Zone, if not... you would end up fighting for your life alone. Without anyone's help, without anyone's support, and ending up being a nobody.
Welcome to Neo Zone, where there is an area as bright and welcoming as day and another as cold and dark as night.
SM City was a small city, which meant there had to be at least one place where the inhabitants of Kwangya and Neo Zone had to mix and live together, and that place was none other than the high school. They shared the hallways, shared classes, the cafeteria, and that was not pleasant for either side.
Despite the always existing differences between the south side and the north side, the one thing the Mayor couldn't deny Neo Zone was education for its youth, and even though there were protests from Kwangya's parents about that abrupt mix, the mayor's idea would never change.
Because deep inside, he believed that the power of education would change his students and turn those Neo Zone vandals into good and promising individuals.
However, this opportunity served a completely different purpose for the youth of Neo Zone.
Because... What better place to do their business when it was Friday and many were looking to have a bit of fun on their weekend? It was no secret that the youth of Kwangya would take any opportunity to squander their millions of wones on some party made every new weekend. A party surrounded by the most expensive alcohol, the most relaxing and crazy drugs, and surrounded by hormonal teenagers who spent their time having sex whenever possible.
Jung Jaehyun wished that his business was different.
The boy let out a heavy sigh, frustration evident as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, quickly glancing at his friend before returning his gaze to the slender boy in front of him, who had his head bowed, hands and lips trembling and sweat drops were running down his forehead from fear.
Anyone facing Lucas Wong and Jung Jaehyun would feel fear.
"Look dude, this is the third time this week that I've come to look for you" Jaehyun said with a deep voice.
"I know, I know. It's just that..."
"I don't want to hear another lame excuse, you've given me enough of those already" he interrupted, dangerously approaching and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, clenching his fists in it "look, I'll make things clear to you; you owe money to my boss, that shit you asked for is expensive, do you get it? He gave you a week and a half to pay for it, and guess what? The deadline ended... how long ago, Lucas?"
"Five days ago" Lucas, who was standing just behind his friend with his arms crossed over his chest, answered, flexing his muscles.
"Right, five days ago" Jaehyun affirmed, then looked to the side where the boy's Tesla was parked. He huffed with a sideways smile and returned his gaze to him, shaking his head slightly. "Those drugs won't pay for themselves, and you know it. You had a deadline to give us the money, and my boss was kind enough to wait for your little delay, and guess what? He's not very happy about it" he continued explaining without releasing his grip. The boy in front of him swallowed hard and nodded. "Daeho, you're surrounded by money, how hard can it be for someone like you to pay a few wones for the drugs you enjoy so much at those damn parties you throw?" he received no response, only seeing fear in Daeho's eyes and the fact that he couldn't give a good answer was starting to bother him.
He pushed him slightly with the collar still in his hands. Jaehyun clenched his jaw, and Daehyun closed his eyes momentarily.
"Jaehyun, let him go, I think he gets it" Lucas intervened when he saw his friend's white knuckles from the tight grip and knowing that if Jaehyun's patience was pushed further, things wouldn't end well.
"Sorry, I'm really sorry" Daehyun nervously apologized.
— Being sorry won't do a shit... your car is new, isn't it?"
At Jaehyun's unexpected question, Daeho furrowed his brow and shifted his gaze to Lucas, who simply nodded, then looked back at Jaehyun and swallowed hard.
"Yes, it is."
"Hmm, I see" Jaehyun examined the car meticulously, then scoffed and looked back at Daehyun with a smirk. "It's incredible to know that you can afford a damn car that costs much, much more wones than the money you owe us."
"My... my dad paid for the car. The money... the money is from my parents" Daeho stammered "I can't ask my dad for money for drugs, he would kill me" Daeho explained, avoiding Jaehyun's gaze and receiving a stern look from him.
"You should have thought about that before asking for them, you shitty addict" Jaehyun muttered, and Lucas placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, trying to calm him down.
"Let me talk to him" he requested, and Jaehyun, looking back at Daeho, finally released his grip, stepping back a bit, allowing his friend to continue. "Alright, Daeho, here's how it is: you owe us, your deadline ended a while ago, we've come to look for you three times already, and no matter the excuses you keep making up, you still haven't paid us. We want the money tomorrow, or the next visit won't be us, but our boss personally. And if you fear an angry Jaehyun, you should fear our boss more" he clarified while giving some not-so-gentle pats on his back.
"Tomorrow, at eight sharp, we want the money" Jaehyun announced, getting closer to the boy again.
"Tomorrow is Saturday, there's no school. Where am I supposed to give you the money?" Daeho asked, confused.
"We've looked for you several times, haven't we?" he questioned, not getting a response. "Haven't we?
"Good, tomorrow we have a race. Go to Neo Zone's main street and find us, we want the money with you" he requested, still smiling.
"Jaehyun..." Lucas called, and he shook his head.
"No Yukhei, we've given him many chances" he declared, approaching Daeho "Next time, you should think twice before asking us for more drugs if you won't pay on time.
Jaehyun turned around to walk away from the boy with Lucas by his side, but suddenly he stopped and chuckled. Returning to Daeho, he gave him a smile that made him even more nervous. Jaehyun looked around, making sure they were the only three people in the parking lot, and before Lucas could say or do anything, Jaehyun's fist hit Daeho's stomach, making him cough and place his hands on his abdomen, letting out groans of pain.
"Next time, don't play with us, you little brat" Jaehyun patted his back and winked.
Lucas hurried to take his friend by the arm and lead him away while muttering curses. They walked together to Jaehyun's car, and once they arrived, they got in. Lucas let out a heavy sigh as he shook his head, looking at his friend.
"I don't want to listen to you" Jaehyun spoke as he leaned back in his seat.
"We came to give him a little scare so he'd pay up, not for you to beat him up and ask for the money at tomorrow's race. Are you nuts?" Lucas asked, looking at him with disdain. "If Daeho goes to Neo Zone, they'll tear him apart, and you know it. As soon as he sets foot there, they'll know he's from Kwangya, and he won't be welcomed with flowers and claps."
"I gave him plenty of chances, and he didn't take them. Whatever happens to him next is not my problem," murmured Jaehyun as he tapped the steering wheel with his thumb. "Look, Lucas, I sold him the stuff, I asked the boss to give him a week and a half to pay, and now that he hasn't, the boss is getting on my nerves. He either pays or I make him pay. It's that simple."
His friend sighed and scratched his head as he looked out the window.
"At least make sure he doesn't have a rough time tomorrow."
Jaehyun scoffed. "Whatever. I couldn't care less about that rich boy"
(Y/N) opened the large door of her house, and before she could say anything, Daeho took her by the arm and started walking with her trailing behind him. (Y/N) furrowed her brows and followed the confused boy, who began to climb the stairs and she almost stumbled trying to keep up with his pace. Her cousin continued the journey, then entered her room and locked the door. (Y/N) sat on her bed, breathing heavily, and gave a disapproving look to the boy in front of her.
"Could you stop acting like a damn paranoid and tell me what's going on?"
Just over half an hour ago, when she had arrived home from school, Daeho had called her sounding a bit nervous and asking if her parents were home. (Y/N) asked for the reason for his state, but he simply replied saying that he would come to her house and explain everything in there.
And not knowing what was going on was also making her nervous.
"Okay, it may sound strange, but I really need your help," Daeho pleaded, looking at his cousin with a plea in his eyes.
She looked at him confused and tilted her head, trying to decipher the look of the boy in front of her.
"What did you do this time, Daeho?" (Y/N) asked. "I'm not going to lie to your parents again if that's what you want."
"No, that's not it," he hurriedly replied.
"Then what is it?" she asked, crossing her arms.
They had grown up together, sharing everything from an early age. Wherever Daeho did... (Y/N) would also. Did she enroll in music lessons? Well, Daeho did too. Did he want to go to a summer camp? (Y/N) did too. They did everything together, they were always there for each other, and that's why they knew each other so well, too well, and every time Daeho said he needed help, (Y/N) couldn't help but to feel anxious. Her cousin always found a way to get into trouble, and the person who was always there to get him out of trouble was none other than his dear cousin.
"Hmm," Daeho scratched his head. "I need you to lend me some money," he said almost in a whisper, but loud enough for her to hear.
(Y/N) burst out laughing, and Daeho looked at her seriously, which made her realize that her cousin was not joking, and she furrowed her brow in confusion.
Of all the things she expected her cousin to ask for, money was the last thing on her mind.
Both families were among the wealthiest in the area. Their parents, being siblings, shared the same royalties in the family company. The same company that would soon be in their hands. Their parents were known for the international business they conducted, for the galas they organized to donate money to the city, and for the luxuries everyone knew they had. Money was never a problem for the Hwang families, so why was her cousin asking her for a loan?
"Money? Isn't it easier to borrow from your parents than from me?" she asked with a smirk.
"I can't ask them for money; I exceeded the limit for this week and now I'm grounded, they blocked my bank account for two weeks" he explained with frustration.
"Well then, how much money do you need?" she asked again.
"A few wones," he replied without looking at her.
"How much is 'a few wones'?"
Daeho sighed and nervously scratched his head before looking at her again. He closed his eyes for a moment and, without opening them, he replied, "545,000 wones."
(T/N) widened her eyes and then shook her head.
"545,000 wones?" she repeated, and he nodded. "What do you need that for?"
"It doesn't matter what it's for," he hurried to say.
"Well, it matters if you're asking me for a loan," she said simply.
The girl knew he could have expensive tastes, but she didn't know how he had exceeded his weekly money limit when the week wasn't even over yet, and he still needed more money. The same money he didn't want to ask his parents for.
So no, her cousin wasn't acting normal, and that worried her. First, he called her nervously asking if he could come to her house, then he took her to his room while asking if his parents weren't home, and now he asked her for money without intending to tell her what it was for.
What trouble did you get into, Hwang Daeho?
"If you don't tell me what you need the money for, I won't lend it to you," she warned him, and seeing that she didn't get a response, she got up from her seat and stood in front of her cousin, pointing a finger at his chest. "Fine, I won't give it to you, and I'll also tell my uncle that you asked me for money."
Daeho widened his eyes and shook his head hastily, taking his cousin's hands and looking at her with pleading eyes, pouting, and speaking, "Please, don't tell Dad, I don't need a lecture right now," she looked neutral, "(Y/N), please."
"Tell me what you need the money for, I won't tell anyone, and I'll lend you as much as you need. Even more, but be honest."
He sighed for the thousandth time that day and finally relented.
"It may or may not be that I asked for drugs..."
"What?" she interrupted. "Daeho, you told me you wouldn't use anymore," she said angrily.
"I'm sorry, okay?" he said, raising his hands defensively, "but we had that party two weeks ago, and I couldn't bear to spend a whole night with my parents and all those people asking me about my future, when I don't even know if I want to keep getting up every day!"
(Y/N) knew the pressure her cousin felt about his future because she felt the same pressure. Being the next in line for an international company left many people wishing, and every chance they got, they bombarded them with the same questions about it. Making both of them wonder if they were good enough to fill the big shoes their parents would leave behind. If they were capable enough to be the leaders their parents were. They knew they had carried that weight since they were little, that their lives were already determined from the moment they were in the womb. (Y/N) knew her place and her responsibilities. She was aware that any mistake she made would affect her future. She couldn't make any mistakes, not even one, or it would be the next topic at their father's business meetings.
Just like Daeho was.
She had always been like that; upright, responsible, making sure things went as they should. Almost perfect. The pressure was even greater on her, after all, many didn't trust her just because she was a woman. They believed that really the only one who could take over the company in the future was Daeho, and that hurt her pride because she tried. Really, she did. She put all her effort into that company, even when she was still in high school and didn't have time for her university career yet. However, from an early age, she was involved in the business world, she wanted to do more and be more. Because she needed to be the pride of her family. Her father's pride. There was nothing else she wanted more.
She wished she could shut people up.
And Daeho, on the other hand, was different. All eyes were on him, expecting him to be the only leader in the future, but Daeho hated everyone's attention.
Everyone's attention except his parents.
If there was one thing different between (Y/N) and Daeho's families, it was their parents. Daeho's parents were absent. They were always away on business trips, in the office, or anywhere but home. That was part of the reason why he was so close to (Y/N); during his childhood, he spent more time with his aunt and cousin than with his own parents. And that led him to do things that would catch their attention. Daeho was known as the rebel, yet people still expected a lot from him. He always threw parties whenever his parents were away on trips in the hope that they would return soon and spend time with him. He spent money on unnecessary things so that his parents would call him when they were away, and among all his needs to get their attention, it led him to drugs.
"(Y/N), I know I said I would quit it," the boy spoke again. "But believe me, right now it's the least of my worries. I need to pay for that stuff tomorrow, and I can't ask my parents," he explained impatiently.
"God, Daeho," she sighed. "Okay, I'll give it to you," she rolled her eyes and went to her bag, opened it, took out her wallet, took all the bills she had in there, then went to her desk and took a little more from one of her boxes. "Who do you owe the money to?"
Daeho swallowed hard at the question and looked at her guiltily.
"To... Jaehyun," he murmured, and she slapped her forehead with her hand.
Jung Yoonoh, or as many knew him: Jaehyun. If someone described him in simple words, it would be: leather jackets, tattoos, cigarettes, gangs, and drug deals. If she described Jaehyun, it would be with a single word: danger.
He wasn't just a drug dealer. Jaehyun was always in fights and in bad situations. Jaehyun participated in illegal races. He was the one who showed up to first period with bruised knuckles, a split lip, and a cigarette in his mouth. He was the one teachers respected – or rather feared – and never messed with him. He was the one you wouldn't look at for more than five seconds for fear that it might bother him, and things would end badly. Jaehyun screamed danger at its finest, and that caught the attention of many people.
However, if you wanted good stuff to have a good time, to escape your worries, or simply to annoy your parents, Jaehyun was the person you should go to. It wasn't a secret that he was one of the dealers at the high school. Hell, even the principal knew. Everyone did. He and his group of friends were the people you should stay away from if you wanted to be okay, the only reason you could or should communicate with them was to make a deal. Nothing else.
Being from Neo Zone, he was the last person you wanted to associate with, and there was Daeho, buying stuff from him, then owing him money, and asking her to lend it to him.
"Of all the people you could have asked for your damn drugs and then stay in debt, did it really have to be Jaehyun?" she asked with frustration, hitting him on the head. "You could have gone to that guy Taeyong. At least he has a bit more manners," Daeho lowered his gaze, and she sighed, "Okay, take the money and promise me... promise me that you'll never buy drugs again, much less from Jaehyun," she asked.
Daeho took the money from her hands and nodded with a smirk.
His cousin really was his savior.
"When do you have to give him the money?"
"Tomorrow," he replied as he put it in his wallet, looked at his cousin, and swallowed hard. "I might have to go to..."
"Please don't say Neo Zone, please don't say Neo Zone," she begged in whispers.
"Neo Zone," Daeho said again, lowering his gaze. His cousin covered her face with her hands while shaking her head vigorously. She sighed; why did her cousin always find a way to get into trouble? Revealing her face, she walked straight to her bed, where she threw herself onto it, grabbed her pillow, and put it on her own face before letting out a frustrated scream.
Daeho sat on the small couch in the room, looking at the money in his hands while thinking about all the possible scenarios that could happen the next day.
Of all the places her cousin could go, it had to be there... it had to be Neo Zone. She imagined what could happen as soon as he set foot there, and the thought that maybe her cousin wouldn't come out of there scared her. They had never set foot there; they didn't know for sure how things were done, but it was enough to hear the rumors about that area to fear it.
Now Daeho would go and get involved there.
And she would have to do something to make sure he came out with all his limbs intact.
She removed the pillow from her face and let out a heavy sigh, got up from the bed, and sat on it. She looked at her hands for a moment and anxiously played with her fingers. She thought about the words that would come out of her mouth: would she regret saying them? Possibly, could something go wrong? Maybe, but that's who she was. She would take care of her loved ones' lives before her own, because that's (Y/N) for you.
"I... I'll go with you," she said almost in a whisper. Daeho raised his eyes extremely quickly, almost panicked, looking at his cousin. He couldn't risk her, he couldn't put her in danger.
"(Y/N), you won't go. You'll stay here; we won't even argue about this," Daeho spoke, standing up and looking at her defiantly.
"It's my money you're carrying with you; I'm involved in this, and I'll go with you because I need to know that you'll be okay," she also said, standing up.
"Listen, me going to Neo Zone is already stupid and dangerous, you going with me is even more so I don't want to put you in danger; if something happens to me? Fine, it's under my responsibility, but I couldn't bear the guilt if you get hurt."
"Daeho, I won't let you go alone. We've always done things together. If you're in trouble, I want to help you. Just like you would if it was me," she explained, raising her voice.
"(Y/N), I really don't want to argue about this. You're not going..." he was interrupted.
"In one way or another, I'll go with you. Whether you want it or not ," she finished, crossing her arms.
Daeho looked at his cousin for a moment, analyzing her face. He knew that once she had made up her mind about something, there was no turning back. She was stubborn and determined, and if she had said she would go with him, she would.
He sighed and nodded.
"Fine, but I swear to you, (Y/N), if something happens to you, I'll never forgive myself," he said sincerely.
"Don't worry about me; worry about not making me regret going with you," she replied with a small smirk.
Daeho rolled his eyes and shook his head with a small smile.
Of course, his cousin was like that.
"You'll have to wear something less conspicuous," Daehyun spoke, breaking the moment.
"What do you mean by less conspicuous?" she asked, tilting her head.
He approached his cousin and put his hands on her shoulders, then looked her straight in the eyes.
"(Y/N), you can't go dressed like a rich girl. You'll attract too much attention, and it won't be good for you," he explained.
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes and shook her head, removing her cousin's hands from her shoulders.
"And what do you suggest?l she asked sarcastically.
Daeho smirked and shrugged.
"Just wear something that doesn't look like it costed you millions" he replied.
(Y/N) looked at her cousin incredulously and sighed.
What was she getting herself into now?
(Y/N) took a quick look at the large mirror in her room and observed the clothes she had put on. Nothing extravagant, nothing expensive, nothing that screamed her social status. If she could keep a low profile, she would, and she hoped it would work.
She didn't know how to feel. Fear and nerves were running through her body and could be seen reflected in her eyes; her hands were sweating, and she had to wipe them on her pants, letting out a long, heavy sigh, trying to erase all the negative thoughts that came to her mind.
Would something happen to Daeho and her while they were in Neo Zone? She hoped not; she hoped they would just hand over the money and leave that place as soon as they could.
She grabbed her bag with her belongings inside and left her room as quietly as possible. She walked almost on tiptoe along the long hallway, passing her parents' room with great care and approaching the stairs. She checked the time on her wristwatch; it was seven thirty in the evening. The way to Neo Zone would take them about fifteen minutes, and hopefully, they would be there by the agreed time.
She cursed Jaehyun with all her being for getting them into this, but she cursed her own cousin even more for getting involved in these situations.
She began to descend the stairs, one by one and carefully. Her cousin was at the main entrance of the house, waiting for her, and the last thing she wanted right now was to run into one of her parents.
And it seemed that was exactly what she asked for.
"(Y/N)," her mother's voice was heard behind her from afar. "Where are you going?"
The girl closed her eyes for a brief moment and cursed under her breath. She adjusted her posture and turned around to see her mom leaning on the second-floor railing.
"Um, I'm going out with Daeho," she replied, moving her head slightly.
"Oh, has Daeho come?" her mother asked.
"Hmm yes, he's waiting for me outside," she replied.
"Well, where are you and Daeho going?" her mother asked again, this time getting closer to her daughter, descending the stairs and stopping before her.
(Y/N) swallowed hard. Lying to Daehyun's parents when he got into trouble was easy... lying to her own parents was something different. Very different. She tried not to move her hands anxiously as she always did, a movement that everyone in her family knew, something that betrayed her every time something happened.
She clenched one of her fists at her sides to avoid doing it and cleared her throat.
"Daeho said something about seeing a new movie and then going out to dinner. You know that my uncles are traveling this week, and you know how lonely Dae feels when they're not around," (Y/N) murmured the last part.
Her mother looked at her from above and squinted her eyes for a few seconds, then smiled as she nodded. She raised her hand and brought it to her daughter's cheek to stroke it slowly, causing her to hold her breath.
"Of course, dear. Keep your cousin company, offer to spend the night here so he doesn't feel lonely until your uncles arrive," she said, then pushed one of her hair strands behind her ear. She then gave her daughter a quick once-over and wrinkled her nose a bit. "Poor choice of clothing, dear. Too casual. Remember who you are; you can't go around like that... looking like a homeless. What will our associates say if they see you like this?" She put her hand on the girl's shoulder, feeling the fabric's material and wrinkled her nose.
(T/N) fought with herself not to roll her eyes right there and push her mother's hand away abruptly. She hated it when her mother told her what to do, what to wear, or what to say. She hated the phrase she always used against her, "remember who you are." It made her feel so small, as if her status or her way of acting were more special than what she thought. Than her own thoughts.
"Of course, mother," she replied simply, as she always did. No matter how many times she tried to gather the courage and say everything she felt... it never worked. Her mother's gaze would always manage to intimidate her, and she was tired of it.
She turned around to continue her way and walked through the entire place from the stairs to the main door. She left her house after a while, crossed the main yard until she reached the entrance. She greeted the security men with a simple nod, and they opened the doors for her to finally exit. Her cousin's Tesla was in front of her; as she got in, she saw Daeho tapping lightly on the steering wheel with one of his fingers.
"Why did you take so long?" Daeho asked impatiently.
"My mother stopped me as I was leaving my room," she replied, taking a deep breath.
Her cousin didn't reply; instead, he started the car and drove off. None of them spoke throughout the journey, possibly because of the anxiety it caused them. The city looked increasingly different as they approached the Neo Zone area. The streets were now darker and lonelier; (Y/N) could feel her chest pounding strongly. Her hands were sweating, and she felt a slight pressure on her chest.
May nothing go wrong tonight.
She shifted her gaze forward and finally could see the lights of Neo Zone in the distance. A few more minutes, and they would enter what would determine whether they would continue to live or not.
Was she being dramatic? It was just a part of the city. It couldn't be as bad as they painted it, right? Maybe everything they had heard from their parents or older people about that place was just an exaggeration.
She didn't even notice it. She didn't even feel when her cousin's car stopped. Daeho let out a sigh and lightly tapped the steering wheel in frustration.
"Well, we arrived on time," her cousin murmured, (Y/N) nodded, and they both got out of the car.
A few meters away from them, they could see a bunch of people. Some drinking, others smoking, others dancing, and others having passionate sessions with others. The music volume was loud, too loud for a public place. However, the car engines could be heard over it. Loud and clean. (Y/N) remembered Daeho mentioning that there would be a race... one that surely wouldn't be legal.
Daeho stood beside her, and they looked at each other. He nodded slightly, and together they began to blend in with the crowd. For a moment, they thought they had gone unnoticed. It seemed that many people were busy with their own business to even notice them.
Or so they thought.
(Y/N) stayed close to her cousin, who was leading the way for both of them. She bumped into some people from time to time, but none bothered to turn and look at them. It wasn't until Daeho felt a hand on his chest stopping him and causing (Y/N) stopped abruptly, colliding with her cousin's body.
"Oh, well," a deep voice spoke. "Who are you?" asked the broad-shouldered man. His arm muscles were large and with a particular tattoo. The Neo Zone one.
The girl swallowed fearfully and stayed behind her cousin.
Great. Just great.
"Excuse us," Daehyun spoke, trying to keep walking, but again the man stopped him.
"I hadn't seen you around here before," the man spoke again. "I repeat, who are you?"
(T/N) looked around, now seeing more people cornering them. The difference between them could be noticed. It was clear that neither she nor Daehyun fit in there. It was clear they weren't part of Neo Zone.
That had been a bad idea. A very bad idea.
Someone took her by the arm and separated her a bit from her cousin. They did the same with him. Placing him right in front of the big man, who impatiently awaited an answer.
"Aren't you the Hwangs?" someone asked from afar. Upon hearing her last name, (Y/N) turned her head to see who had spoken, seeing one of her schoolmates among the crowd.
She forgot that several people there attended the same school.
"Oh, the Hwangs?" the man questioned. "As the kids of Hwang Inc’s owners?”
Before anyone could even say anything. The crowd parted, and the tall figures of Jung Jaehyun along with Lucas Wong appeared. Jaehyun stood between the man and Daeho and smiled slightly, patting him on the shoulder.
"Calm down, Hanseok. They're with me," Jaehyun said firmly. He turned to look over his shoulder at the Hwang cousins and clicked his tongue.
"Hmm," the man, now known as Hanseok, looked at each boy and then at Jaehyun. "What are you doing associating with someone from Kwangya?" Hanseok approached the girl, and before he could get too close to her body, Jaehyun stopped him by placing his hand on his chest and Lucas slipping in front of her.
"Business," the boy replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to take him... take them to the boss," Jaehyun stopped looking at Hanseok and changed his gaze to the Hwang cousins. "Let's go."
Neither Daeho nor (Y/N) uttered a word. They both followed Jaehyun and Lucas, who were heading towards what seemed to be a garage, which was surrounded by cars and was dimly lit. (Y/N) swallowed hard and kept walking. Thanks to Hanseok, all eyes were on them. They could feel each of them staring at their bodies, watching them meticulously. Waiting for a wrong move to pounce on them and tear them apart.
The air was tense, and Jaehyun knew it.
Now he was having second thoughts about bringing Daeho here.
But screw it. Daeho had let him down. He owed money to his boss, and his boss was being a painful nuisance in his balls.
He glanced back to see the Hwang cousins; Daeho walking cautiously and (Y/N) behind him trying to look calm, although she actually looked like a scared little mouse.
He clicked his tongue and shook his head. The idea was to bring only one Hwang. Just Daeho, why did he bring his cousin along? Something wouldn't end well tonight.
“I don’t remember telling you that you could bring someone with you” Jaehyun said without looking back at them. “The deal was only you coming, not your cousin as well” they both could hear the anger in his voice”
And before Daeho could answer, she spoke “I tagged myself along” (Y/N) said. “It wasn’t Daeho’s idea”
“I thought someone like you would know better” he gave them a side smile and scoff”.
Lucas stood beside him, and both stopped when they reached the entrance of the garage. Two of his boss's bodyguards were guarding it and looked at them with superiority.
"Cheol Uk, the boss is waiting for us," Jaehyun explained, looking neutral.
"Only two people can enter," Cheol Uk replied nonchalantly. Jaehyun and Lucas looked at each other, and the former sighed. He nodded and turned to the Hwang cousins with no expression on his face.
"You brought the money with you, right?" he asked Daeho, who nodded eagerly. Jaehyun clicked his tongue and looked at Cheol Uk. "The boy and I will enter."
Daeho quickly turned to look at his cousin, and she could see a bit of panic in his eyes at the thought of leaving her alone, but she straightened up and smiled slightly, mouthing a "I'll be fine."
"Lucas will stay with her," Jaehyun told Daeho, who turned to look at the mentioned.
"I'll take care of her," he assured, approaching the girl and nodding at her.
Jaehyun gave Daeho a little push, and they both approached the entrance even more, the bodyguards inspected Daeho, making sure he didn't have any weapons with him, and once they saw he was clean, they allowed them to enter.
(Y/N) swallowed when she saw her cousin's body disappear through the entrance.
Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine.
She felt Lucas Wong's presence beside her. Both standing side by side, saying nothing, and the atmosphere was weird. (Y/N) began to play with her fingers unknowingly and moved one of her feet slightly. Lucas looked everywhere except at the girl. He didn't know what to say because the situation wasn't really the best. His boss was angry, and he knew what his boss was like when he was in that state, so he didn't want to make (Y/N) panic right there because he wouldn't know how to calm her down.
It had been a bad idea of Daeho to bring her here.
The brunette straightened her back and with a little curiosity, she looked around. The night had completely fallen by then, the full moon reflected on them, and the lights of the city and the place created a contrast. The music could still be heard even from where they were. And from there, in her position, she could be a perfect spectator of what that scenario was.
The car engines roared, the girls in mini skirts stood in the middle of the highway to announce the start of the race. The young people, who were also (Y/N)'s classmates, drank effusively as they moved their bodies to the rhythm of the music. Some had a cigarette between their lips, others brought their nostrils to what seemed to be a key and inhaled strongly from it, and their eyes widened when the substance was inside them.
Lucas let out a sigh that (Y/N) could perfectly hear, looking at him, she noticed how the boy put his hand in his jacket pocket and from there took out a small bag and some papers to roll. He placed the substance on the paper and rolled it carefully, then after a moment, brought it to his mouth and lit it. He inhaled deeply, furrowing his brow slightly, and slowly released the smoke from his lungs, causing it to reach the girl, who coughed when she smelled the smell of that substance reach her nostrils.
"Do you participate?" she asked, trying to break the ice.
"In what?"
"In the races."
"Sometimes," Lucas replied. "Not right now because I'm fixing my car, the last race didn't end well," he continued.
"Jaehyun does it," the boy said as he took another drag of his cigarette, then offered it to the girl, who quickly declined. "He's one of the best in the area."
"Is it fun?... racing like that?" she questioned, looking at the highway.
"Yes, it is," he replied simply, bringing the cigarette to his lips, sucking slightly, and holding the smoke in his lungs. "It's really a stress reliever, and it's even more fun when you get the final prize," he released the smoke, and this time, he didn't receive a response from the girl, but she remained silent and continued to watch the show in front of her.
A few minutes passed... (Y/N) lost track of time, but it really seemed like many minutes had passed, but finally, the garage door opened, and she looked up with shining eyes to see her cousin. However, she found only Jaehyun arriving at the place. (Y/N) frowned and looked behind Jaehyun's shoulder, searching for Daehyun, but the door closed, and he never came out.
A pressure in her chest became present, and she walked to the door to try to open it, but she was stopped by Cheol Uk himself. She tapped her chest a bit to let her go. Mumbling a couple of nonsensical things and kicking before feeling the pressure of a hand on her arm, holding her back. Cheol Uk sure had strength and was beginning to hurt her arm.
Where's Daeho? Where's Daeho? Where's Daeho?
If something happened to Daeho, she wouldn't know what to do. She wouldn't know how to react.
She didn't know at what point, but someone’s hands took her from behind and separated her from Cheol Uk. They moved her away from the door a bit, and then she slightly felt her feet touch the ground. She couldn't focus on what was happening.
(Y/N) always used to worry, and maybe that was her weakness. Thinking that something could happen to one of her loved ones drove her crazy in every imaginable way, and now there was Daeho, on his own, inside a garage with some mobsters. What if it ended badly? What if he got shot? What if he got stabbed?
"(Y/N)," she heard a voice calling her, and after shaking her head, her attention focused on the boy in front of her. On Jaehyun. Who looked at her with one of his eyebrows raised and without any emotion on his face.
"Where's Daeho? Why didn't he come with you?" she asked hurriedly.
Jaehyun glanced quickly at Lucas and then returned his gaze to the girl.
"My boss wanted to talk to him alone," he explained.
"He owed money, his deadline expired almost a week ago. It wasn't just a few wones he owed, and my boss wanted to make a few things clear to him," he explained again, staying neutral.
She swallowed and then squeezed her eyes shut.
It was now or never.
She had never imagined in her life trying to do business with someone from Neo Zone, much less with someone like Jaehyun, but as they said somewhere, "desperate times call for desperate measures." So there she was, on a Saturday night at an illegal race, with her cousin inside a garage with other mobsters, Jung Jaehyun in front of her, and her hands sweating like they had never done before.
So, to protect her cousin from future problems, she would have to do it.
"Jaehyun?" she called softly. Jaehyun looked up at that, his name, his nickname, sounded so different coming from the lips of that girl that it almost sent a chill down his spine. How weird that felt. "Can I talk to you?" she asked, and Jaehyun looked at her with confusion, then glanced at Lucas, who was in a similar state, and nodded. (Y/N) cleared her throat and smiled sideways. "Alone."
Again, a look of confusion crossed his face, and he glanced at his best friend, who was already moving away from both of them. He looked at the girl and noticed how she lightly played with her fingers. Then, she followed his gaze and immediately stopped her hand movements, embarrassed and feeling her cheeks heat up a bit.
"What do you need?" he asked, looking into her eyes, and before she could say a word, he spoke again. "I won't sell you drugs if that's what you want."
(Y/N) frowned and quickly shook her head.
"Hey! I'm not Daeho, I don't put that stuff in my body, and that definitely wasn't what I wanted to talk about," she replied, pointing at him with one of her fingers.
Jaehyun thought she looked cute with her annoyed face.
"Well, then enlighten me," he asked with a sideways smile.
She cleared her throat again and unconsciously started playing with her fingers again.
Yes, that was definitely a tic.
"I... wanted to ask you something," she murmured, and when she didn't receive a response from the boy, she continued. "Could you... could you stop selling to Daeho?" she asked without looking him in the eyes. Why couldn't she meet his gaze?
He chuckled softly and then received a glare from her.
"Oh, are you serious?"
Jaehyun looked at her in surprise for a few seconds. He observed every detail about her. From her slightly furrowed eyebrows to her lips that were almost pouting. Then to her hands that played with each other, and then to her clothes, which were very different from what he usually saw her wearing at school. This was more casual; it didn't scream 'look at me, I'm the heir to a billion-dollar company.' This felt more like her, it suited her very well.
But he shouldn't get distracted. Especially not by someone like Hwang (T/N). So he scoffed and gave her a sarcastic smile.
"I'm sorry, Angel, but business are business. I can't stop selling to Daeho just because you ask me to. He's my client, after all, not you" he said, crossing his arms.
"You know my name, Yoonoh," she snapped, mirroring Jaehyun's movement and crossing her arms.
"You know not everyone is allowed to call me Yoonoh," he approached her with a furious look.
His name was something different. Only his family and very close friends called him that, and no one outside that circle could or should call him that. It just wasn't allowed.
So now she was coming and doing it?
"Don't sell anything to Daeho," she asked again, this time with firmness.
"Business. Are. Business," he repeated, emphasizing each word.
"Let's negotiate then," (Y/N) challenged. "How much money do you want?" Without hesitation, Jaehyun burst into laughter and shook his head slightly, making the girl look at him with annoyance and clench her jaw.
Was Jung Jaehyun really laughing at her? Who did he think he was?
"Angel, things don't work like that," Jaehyun teased, running his tongue over his lips. "You won't just come here and tell me what to do or not do, who to sell my shit to and who not to. That's just how things are," he explained with some gestures.
"Listen, Yoonoh," she placed her index finger on the boy's chest and tried to push him, although it was in vain. Jaehyun was stronger and managed to stay in place, not even moving an inch. Jaehyun lowered his gaze a bit to see her eyes and narrowed them, but at that moment, it didn't intimidate her. "Daeho promised not to use again, but I know him. As soon as his parents leave the city again and he feels lonely, he'll come looking for you to buy more stuff. One of the times he did, it ended badly. They punish him every two weeks because he's overspending, and I don't want him to be late with his payment again, because now he's there," she pointed to the garage. "With your boss, who's angry, and I don't know what he's capable of. Daeho has changed a bit since he started using. I'm afraid it might become an addiction and end badly. He lost weight. He's sleeping less. I don't want his habits to change and harm him. If my uncles find out about this, they're capable of anything, even sending him away until he changes those thoughts," she sighed and moved away from Jaehyun a bit. "Daeho is like a brother to me. We've always been together, and I'm afraid something will happen to him, either because of an addiction, a late payment, or whatever. I promised myself I would always take care of him, but I'm failing, and if I can do something to change that now, I will. Just... just stop selling to him."
She murmured the last part, and after a few seconds, she looked into Jaehyun's eyes, hoping to find a response in them, but she saw nothing. Not even an emotion. Nothing. They were flat. Empty.
Why did she think that was a good idea?
Everyone thought that the great Jung Jaehyun had no weaknesses. Or at least that's what he always showed. That was his facade. A tough guy, a dealer who had been through so much that nothing scared him. That was his life, or at least that's what others believed. His body was covered in scars, possible results of the many fights he had had throughout his life. His character was cold, a result of all the hard things he had been through. Of everything that being and belonging to Neo Zone meant.
Of everything that being Jung Jaehyun meant.
Of course, he wouldn't accept the deal with (Y/N) just because of her sentimentalism.
Of course not.
"Ugh, forget it. I shouldn't have even thought about asking you that," (Y/N) murmured as she walked away from him and let out a small sarcastic laugh. Had she forgotten who the boy in front of her was?
But Jung Jaehyun did have weaknesses. Deep down inside him. Amidst everything he presented to the world, they existed, and although no one might know them, they lived with him; and Jeno, his little brother, was one of his weaknesses. He had spent his whole life trying to take care of his brother, trying to prevent him from ending up like him. Trying to keep him away from anything that could hurt him, and if taking on a great responsibility within Neo Zone, even if he hated it, to take care of him, it was necessary... he would do it.
His family would always come first.
Then, the image of a Sicheng came to his mind, causing his throat to dry up and his eyes to close for a moment. Listening to (Y/N) talk about her cousin and how she felt the responsibility for him fell on her somehow shook him. Maybe there was something similar between them.
Something small but significant.
He sighed, debating internally.
“Do you want to negotiate? Then let's negotiate” his voice came out thick and a bit hoarse, (Y/N) turned slightly, surprised by the words that had come out of Jaehyun's mouth. “So, what do you have to offer me?” he prompted, raising his eyebrows.
(Y/N) moved her bag hanging from one of her arms to the front and began searching for her wallet. When she opened it, she remembered something: she didn't have any cash with her.
“Hmm, I don't have cash, but we can go to a nearby ATM and I can give you whatever you want” she said hurriedly, then Jaehyun laughed.
“So, you're offering me money, angel?”
“Well, yes, what do you need?”
Jaehyun made a pensive gesture and placed one of his hands on his chin. Then he looked at the girl and smiled slightly.
“Are you doing well in school?” he asked. Of course, she was doing well in school; she was the top of her class. (Y/N) nodded without understanding. “Alright, do my homework for the rest of the year.”
She frowned and looked at him incredulously.
“Of all the things you could ask for, you want... me... to do your homework?” she asked, confused.
“Look, I'm not doing well in some classes, and the principal warned me that if I didn't improve or maintain my grades, I'd have to drop out. And do you know what that means? That's right, no school, no clients. No clients, no money. No money, angry boss. Do you understand what I'm saying?” he asked, and she nodded “so do my homework, give me your notes, and let's make a deal.”
“You want my notes too?” she asked incredulously “besides, wouldn't it be easier if I gave you money? With whatever you ask from me, you could surely quit working. You wouldn't have to sell drugs anymore.”
Jaehyun scoffed and shook his head. “Do you really think it's that simple?”
“I mean… yes” she replied simply “I give you money, then you won't have to work on your own and stop selling. See? We both win” she said triumphantly.
However, he laughed. “Things don't work like that here, sweet cheeks. It's not just selling and that's it, there are other things, and things aren't that simple. Maybe where you live, it is. But not here. I can't just quit the business like that.”
(Y/N) sighed and looked into Jaehyun's eyes, trying to find something in them. Can't quit the business? She was sure that if Jaehyun was smart enough and asked for enough money, he could survive a few months without needing to continue his drug deliveries and without getting into trouble. So why would he pass up an opportunity like this?
“Jaehyun, just give me a number and I'll write you a check.”
“It's not just about the money for me!” he exclaimed annoyed “look, I'm not here for this... it's not something you'll understand, and it's not something I'll bother explaining to you. It was nice talking to you, Hwang, but I don't want your money” Jaehyun finished, turning around and walking away from the girl without saying anything else.
She closed her eyes and cursed under her breath.
“Wait... do you want my notes and for me to do your homework?”
He smiled slightly and turned around to face her again. Looking at her cynically.
“And a coffee every Monday, like those rich kids drink you have… Oh! And also, if I ever ask you for something, you'll have to do it” Jaehyun spoke playfully.
“What? Will I be your maid or something?”
“Deal?” he emphasized this time, raising one of his eyebrows and giving her a hard look. Extending one of his hands, and she looked at him hesitantly.
Was it really necessary to shake hands?
Moreover, of all the things she could give him; money, clothes, jewelry... damn, she could even buy him a plane ticket to an island and a free vacation if she wanted to... did he decide that she would do his homework for the rest of the year, in addition to treating her like his servant whenever he pleased?
Jaehyun sure was interesting.
“Is there any catch?” she asked hesitantly, looking at the boy's hand.
“Take it or leave it. I can continue selling to your cousin, it’s up to you if you want to close the deal or not” he shrugged. (Y/N) gave him one last look and without saying anything else, she took Jaehyun's hand in hers and shook it.
“Deal” she murmured, looking at him directly.
Jaehyun gave her a sideways smile while still shaking her hand and nodded cynically. (Y/N) swallowed hard and quickly let go of the boy's hand.
She hoped he would keep his word, because as soon as he broke it, she would forget who he was, and she herself would kick his ass if necessary.
“It was nice doing business with you, Hwang (Y/N).”
Hopefully, she wouldn't regret doing business with Jung Jaehyun.
What could go wrong?
“You know that Daeho can go to any other dealer, right? I'm not the only one he can call” he questioned a bit obviously.
“I know” she replied, letting out a sigh “You take care of making your part of the deal, and I'll take care of the rest” he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Do you know that you also can't go around offering deals or money to other dealers just because your cousin keeps getting into trouble?”
“I know, Jaehyun! I know..”
“The deal I made with you has been innocent. Believe me, another dealer won't ask you for homework and class notes. They'll take advantage of your vulnerability” Jaehyun commented “I'm just saying, be careful with who you talk to and who you get involved with. This is not your zone, you had never set foot here before, you have no idea how things are handled in business here, and nobody... nobody will spare a thought for your little story of the protective cousin who wants to save her cousin from an overdose.”
“You did it though” (Y/N) retorted defiantly.
Jaehyun sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumbs: “Look, I'll stop selling to Daehyun because I keep my word, but you can't make every dealer in Neo Zone do the same. Much less by offering deals to anyone who crosses your path, because money won't be the only thing they'll ask for in return” he continued, this time looking her up and down, making her feel small under his intense gaze. (Y/N) bit her cheek inwardly and then cleared her throat.
“I can take care of myself, thanks for your concern, Yoonoh” she replied with a fake smile.
“I'm not concerned” Jaehyun responded with a smile as he turned around “And (Y/N)?” he saw her over his shoulder “don't call me Yoonoh again. Good luck with your mission of taking care of your cousin as if he is a child, you can leave or stay, maybe you want to see me run.”
When Jaehyun was far enough from her sight, the garage door opened and a Daeho was pushed by Cheol Uk, until his cousin fell to the ground, letting out a groan and placing his hand on his abdomen as he writhed in pain, causing (Y/N) to run towards him with panic evident on her face. She knelt beside him and took his face to examine it, identifying the bruise on his cheek, the cuts on his eyebrow and lip, and the blood running from the latter.
Daeho smiled slightly and after coughing, spoke weakly: “The debt has been paid”.
You're an idiot, Hwang Daeho.
a/n: taglist is open! thank you for reading! wait 4 the next chapter!
next part
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softsan · 15 days
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✉️ ・ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
✉️ ・ ── 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬: | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |
✉️ ・ ── 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 | 𝐲/𝐧'𝐬 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
✉️ ・ ── 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Mafia AU, Angst, Kingpin!Taeyong, Queenpin!Y/N, Fem!Reader, Childhood friends, Betrayal, Enemies to lovers, Eventual Smut.
✉️ ・ ── 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:  You were the only surviving heir of the old-time Mafia kingpin that had ruled the four territories. You were long thought to be dead, living the normal life you had always wanted...Until you run into a Taeyong, a formidable ghost from your past. You are then thrown back into the Mafia underbelly, reuniting with enemies you had hoped had forgotten you. Will you run away? Will you stand beside Taeyong, kingpin of the North, and be his queen? Or will you take your rightful revenge.
✉️ ・ ── 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Possessive Themes, Future Explicit Sexual Content, Murder, Kidnapping, Strangulation, Torture, Weapons, Graphic Violence, Heavy Angst, Explicit Language, Alcohol Consumption, Mentions of Drugs, Betrayal, Morally Grey Characters.
✉️ ・ ── 𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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Your melodic laughter filled your family’s gardens, “Hurry up Taeyong!” You gently pulled him along, your fingers intertwined with his.
You twirled past the trees, your hair blowing behind you in the wind. He followed you wordlessly, besotted by your sweet voice. It was filled with such innocent excitement.
You dug your heels in the grass, coming to an abrupt stop by the stone water fountain that was at the garden’s center. Taeyong was still bewildered by your touch, your kindness, and most importantly how you didn’t withdraw with repulsion. You didn’t see him as the monster he was, but as a boy. A friend to play with inside this lonely cage of yours.
“Father brought them back for me from his trip,” You delightedly pointed at the fish in the pool, enamored at their beautiful colors.
Taeyong’s faint smile slowly faded, lines creasing across his forehead. His heart ached, heavy with conflict. He was stuck between what he ought to do, and what he wanted.
“You must be close to your father...”
“Not really.” You dipped your fingers into the water, letting the fish nibble at your fingertips, “He’s always been closer to my brother— ” You paused for a second, “They never allow me to go on trips with them.”
Taeyong had vision as such. He knew you’d never really seen anything past the grand walls they’d built around your family’s mansion. It was the reason why you were such an easy target—a sheltered, naïve, and longing desperately for a friend to play with.
You were the defenseless little girl who unknowingly spilled all your family’s deepest secrets, and he was the unforgivable monster that had gained your trust, and friendship. Who would soon be responsible for the cold-blooded slaughter of one of the greatest mafia families to have ever existed.
“But that’s okay," You beamed, "I’ve got you now.”
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Taeyong’s head pounded, his skull screaming as he rolled over onto his back. He stared absently at the ceiling, running his hands through his hair.
He couldn’t get you out of his mind. The curvature of your neck. The scar cut across your delicate skin.
It’s not possible.
You could never have survived what had been inflicted upon you... A full-grown adult couldn’t have bared it, let alone a twelve-year-old girl.
“You’re dead.” He whispered to himself. 
This was just his guilt coming back to haunt him.
“Hey, boss!” Taeil knocked on the door of Taeyong's master bedroom.
“Come in.”
“I’ve had to cover your meetings all morning. What the hell have you been doing in here?” Taeil raised a brow, glancing about Taeyong’s room, “Is there someone else here—”
“There’s no one here.” Taeyong cut Taeil off.
He knew what Taeil was implying.
"My mistake," Taeil shrugged, "All you’ve been doing lately is working, I just thought maybe you’d finally decided to balance it out with some fun.”
“What do you need?” Taeyong’s voice was curt, clearly not in the mood for this conversation.
"Yuta and Winwin are on sight for today’s job." Taeil brushed off Taeyong's attitude, "But they've just called in for some backup," He readjusted his black glove as he talked, “It appears a handful of Eastern forces have eyes on our target too.”
Taeyong gritted his teeth, his pride taking offense. The East was overstepping itself by entering his territory without his permission. Moreso, they dared to come after his targets too? Taeyong had thought they’d know better, especially after the last time.
“What are you doing?” Taeil frowned.
Taeyong rose from his bed, opening his closet to reveal a number of suits and ties, “I’m going to greet our little friends” He said mockingly.
“Boss—" Taeil wavered his hands, "You can’t be serious.” Taeil's eyes widened in alarm, “These are just some low-level thugs. Yuta and Winwin are more than capable of handling it themselves.”
“And yet, they request backup?”
“As —aa precaution!” Taeil tried not to stumble over his words.
Taeyong began to button up his white-collared shirt, “It’s been a while since I’ve been in the field. I'm itching to spill some blood,” His tongue instinctively darted at his lips.
That’s what I like to call fun.
Taeil shook his head disapprovingly. If Taeyong were to go, then there was no way tonight wouldn’t end up in an utter blood bath.
“I’ll make sure all the paperwork is in order,” Taeil grumbled, dreading the outcome of tonight.
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You spent most of your free time curled under your blankets mindlessly binge-watching reality TV shows. You had two assignments due by the end of the week, and yet you couldn’t bring yourself to work on any of them. 
Your thoughts would dwell on the devilish ghost from you dreams. The ghost you’d wished had remained as but a nightmare. 
Too many years have passed. He doesn’t recognize me. You tried to comfort yourself to no avail.
You’d never be safe again if he came to know of your existence. Neither, would the ones you held dear, such as foster sister Yebin and your roommate Jen. Their lives would all be in jeopardy if Taeyong were to ever uncover the truth.
“I cannot believe it!” Jen barged into your bedroom, her nostrils flared with frustration.
“What’s wrong?” You tore your eyes away from the television. 
“He’s with another girl!”
You blinked a couple of times, waiting for Jen to elaborate.
“He told me that he was just going to play pool with the guys.”
You slowly nodded, catching on. Jen was talking about her latest fling, whom she’d met in her economics class. 
“Maybe he is,” You said, instantly regretting it as Jen came charging at you, sticking her phone in your face.
“Do you see this?!”
You did. Jen was holding down her fling’s friend’s Instagram story, replaying it over and over. You sighed. He clearly had another girl on his lap and was at a house party of sorts.
“We need to go now!”
“Go?” Your lips tilted downward “I’m in my PJs, already!” Your eyebrows knitted together.
“You’ve been in your PJs for the last three days.” Jen dismissed, throwing back your covers and yanking you away from your comfortable warmth.
“Jennnnn,” You whined. “Just break up with him over text. You guys haven’t even been together for that long.”
“Not a chance! I need to see his face when he realizes he’s lost the best thing that’s ever happened to him.”
You groaned as Jen flung one of her low-cut miniskirts at you.
“Wear this,” She demanded, “Oh, and this.” She threw one of her neon tube tops at you.
“I’m going to freeze to death.”
“We are going to look so hot. He’s going to regret ever fucking us over,” Jen vowed, ignoring your protests.
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“He blends quite well as a college student,” Winwin apathetically commented on their target who was mingling on the opposite side of the room.
“He’s at a house party drinking his fucking ass off,” Yuta replied less than impressed.
Taeyong remained silent. He and his boys were at the edge of a room, pretending to down cups of stale beer as the obnoxiously loud music thundered throughout the house.
Over by the bean bags was their target. He was the scumbag that had taken loans from a few high-profile clients of Taeyong’s before heading underground without paying his dues. Unsurprisingly, it appeared he owed money to the Eastern gangs as well. Not that Taeyong would give them the chance of getting their hands on him. 
Taeyong’s clients had requested a particularly brutal kind of hit. One Taeyong had every intention of carrying out. 
The beat of the music thumped the ground at your feet. You wobbled after Jen, carefully trying not to trip in your seven-inch heels. You cursed her under your breath. Did she really need to drag you along?
“I see him.” She shouted over the music. You nodded, without hearing a word.
You weren’t accustomed to being around so many people. Bodies dancing and bumping into each other. You were completely out of your element. You couldn’t hear a thing, you could barely walk, and your skirt was continually threatening to rise up on you.  
Jen’s cage-like grip pulled you deeper into the vast living room.
Taeyong's mask of indifference fell instantaneously, and so did his of beer. It spilled at Yuta’s feet before rolling away.
Taeyong ignored Yuta's vexation, his sight focused solely on you. He hadn’t imagined he’d see you so soon. Your twinkling eyes, your pouting lips.
Taeyong’s eyes drifted to what you were wearing. You were sporting, a skirt that shouldn’t have really been called a skirt and a top that barely covered your breasts. He tried not to observe the smooth skin of your legs and how your shoulders glistened under the colorful lights. 
The heat in his chest bubbled, awakening something he thought long to be dead. 
Why are you here? 
You took a left following your friend who was dragging you deeper into the room.
"I need to get her out of here.” He directed to his boys, shouting over the music. 
“What are you talking about?” Winwin raised his voice, “Johnny’s in position." His eyes furrowed, "He's about to take his shot.”
Taeyong couldn’t allow you to see what was about to unfold here. 
“Yuta," He ordered, "Get her friend.”
Yuta’s eyes followed Taeyong’s line of sight. He was thrown by the sudden change of plans, it wasn’t like his leader to hesitate and risk endangering the mission. 
You could see Jen’s sort of boyfriend in the distance. Jen kept her pace, swerving past those who danced. You weren’t as elegant accidentally bumping into a woman a few feet taller than yourself. The woman was pissed, her face red from drink. She shoved you, Jen’s tight grip loosening. You yelped, anticipating you’d fall to the ground. However, your back collided with another. Thankfully, they’d broken your fall. 
“It’s all right, I’ve got you.” His voice whispered in your ear, the heat of his breath sending shivers down your spine.
You tried to push away from the stranger, but he had an iron-like grip around your waist.
“Let me go!” You tried to cry over the music.
“I can’t do that.” The stranger said, carefully spinning you around to face him.
It can't be? It isn't?
What was left of your cool completely evaporated.
His beautiful eyes stared into yours, searching for an explanation. 
“Y/N?” He softly mouthed.
You read his lips. Your face flooded with fear.
He does remember me.
His heart hammered in his chest. It was you. Your expression when he’d said your name had told him everything.
Taeyong’s hold never wavered as he led you silently out of the house. Once the back door opened, you were belted by a cold gust of wind. You shut your eyes, not brave enough to face your fate.
Taeyong could feel the skin under his fingers turn to gooseflesh. You were undoubtedly cold. Whether from your lack of attire or from being reunited with him, Taeyong wasn’t entirely sure. 
The night was the darkest of purples, starless and void of any stars. Taeyong positioned you against the wall, satisfied you weren’t close enough to any of the windows to see the horrors his boys would impose. 
You felt Taeyong reluctantly let go of your waist. You could hear him unzip his leather jacket, then you felt something heavy drape over your shoulders.
Why is he offering me his jacket?
He gently placed both of his hands over your ears. He prayed you wouldn’t hear a thing. To his surprise as soon as the skin from his hands made contact with your face, you opened your eyes. 
Taeyong felt weak under your gaze, his face hot. He didn’t understand the sway you held over him. It was almost preposterous, as for years nobody had managed to crack the hardened shell that had encased his heart. 
At least not until he crossed paths with you again. 
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The driver followed the long bend of the road, Taeyong’s vehicle roaring in the dead of night.
Taeyong had the most profound urge to play with your hair as your unconscious self lay peacefully on his lap. Winwin, their resident chemist had given you a sedative, putting you into a slumber.
Admittedly, Taeyong wasn’t keen on the idea, but he couldn’t foresee any other way you’d come with him willingly.
“Are we dropping the girl off?” Taeyong’s driver asked from the front seat.
He should have said yes. He should have let you go and allowed you to continue living the ordinary life you’d since built for yourself. However, Taeyong was not beyond being selfish. You had been the one thing in this world he had wanted. The one thing he’d thought he’d long lost. He knew in this very moment, he’d never allow you to leave him again.
“No, take us home. She’s staying with me.”
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MONI’S NOTE: Part 2 is here 🥳. What do you think about then changes I've made? I would much appreciate your thoughts, comments, reblogs and likes are extremely valued.
TAGLIST: Let me know if you'd like to be added to this taglist!
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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winterproductions · 1 year
Chapter One
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Genre: Mafia Au, Thriller, Suspense
Rating: 18+
Trigger Warnings will be given before each chapter based on the trigger.
Word Avg: 1.2K
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader, Bangtan x OC
Chapters: Preview > 01 > 02
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"Officer Murphy!" The young male called out to the commissioner as he passed by. "Officer Lee." He greeted the young man that called out to him. "Officer Chan and I are about to transit inmate 007 for his mental evaluation." He informed his boss, who nodded in reply as his phone rang. He dismissed himself before leaving Officer Lee to remove the inmate from his cell and transport him to the awaiting police car.
He entered the passenger seat, looking at his partner. "All set?" Officer Chan asked as he looked in the rear view mirror to see the male in the backseat. “All set.” Officer Lee replied with a small smirk.
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The sound of police sirens echoed through the art gallery as the female prepped the place for its opening. “My love.” She heard her boyfriend’s voice as he appeared from his office. “I didn’t know you’d be in today.” She whispered as she wrapped her arm around him. “Today’s a special exhibit, my love.” He kissed her softly. “What does the great Micah Stone have in store for today?” He smiled at her praise and guided her to a painting. “This. This is a painting by an artist named Moon Bin-Hyung” He began explaining. “Born and raised South Korea.”
She examined the painting, and it spooked her. “No offense, but it’s kind of….disturbing.” She considers art to based on interpretation. “It’s how you interpret it.” He told her, and she nodded in reply. “what do you see?” He asked her. “I see. I see chaos, bloodshed, and greed.” He squeezed her waist as she felt his head shake in disagreement. She slightly turned her head to him before asking “you disagree?”
He nodded before nuzzling back in her shoulder. “I see protection. A family protecting their assets from those who want to take it. Sometimes, you have to fight for what’s rightfully yours.” He whispered, making her look at the painting again to suddenly see his version of things yet simultaneously still viewing hers.
He heard his alarm from his cell phone and checked the time. “It’s time. Let’s open, shall we?” She nodded before switching the closed sign to open.
To her surprise, the crowd came rushing in, eager to see the new paintings and sculptures. She was greeted by many familiar faces of businessmen, locals, and celebrities by one stood out to see as he viewed the painting her and Micah just acknowledged.
“You’re interested in this one?” She asked the male as she approached the new visitor. He looked down at the female, smiling softly but large enough for her to notice his dimples. “Very. I’ve been looking everywhere for it.” She was taken back “Oh, you’ve seen this peace before?” She was told that the painting was recently done, probably a year, two at most.
She looked up at the male who seemingly stood at six feet.
He didn’t answer her question, though, and she was unable to continue the conversation as another visitor queried the price of a piece.
She looked over to the male once again. He was now speaking with Micah. Curiously, she approached the 61 both once again. “Ah yes, there she is. You had asked me a few moments ago if I was interested in this piece.” She nodded in agreement, looking at Micah, attempting to understand the confusion. “Oh, that’s right. I did not inform you, Y/N, this is not for sale.”
Her jaw dropped before looking at the visitor. “My sincerest apologies, I was unaware that this artwork was not for sale.” The male frustrated features softened at the baffled young lady. “Well someone needs to learn how to communicate with their staff better.” He remarked with a small taunting smile.
She saw the way Micah’s jaw locked and placed a small hand on his back. “Would you like for me to show you similar works?” The visitor shook his head. “No, thank you. Excuse me.” She watched as the male moved past both of them, steadily exiting the building without glancing at another artwork.
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“Boss, may I speak with you.” Another officer from the police department asked as he entered the commissioner’s office. He nodded, gesturing for him to sit but giving him a minute to wrap up his phone call. As he hung up, he began to vent “My God, these gang violence conferences will be the death of me. The mayor is on my ass to get it under control. Anyways, what are you here for, Officer Cole?” The veteran officer cleared his throat.
“we’ve come to notice that Officer Lee and Officer Chan’s patrol car have been abandoned.” The commissioner choked on his coffee as the male a bit younger than them exposed troubling news. He looked up at the clock, it’s 7 p.m. “You’re meaning to tell me, it took everyone six hours to notice this?”
The male bit his lip “We know that the mental evaluations take a few hours, but after we noticed the car was stationed elsewhere, we called the mental institution and they informed us that no evaluations were set for anytime this week.”
The commissioner bounced up on his feet, “has anyone followed up? Did anyone go to the patrol car?” His words came out rapidly. “we wanted to confer with you first, sir.” The male exhaled, holding back the outburst he almost released. “You, you’re partner and another two go to that patrol car and find out what they are up to.” He bit his lip at he shook his head. “I believe we’re looking at a jail break.”
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“Where the fuck is Namjoon!” Jungkook growled as he sat in the private plane. “Here he comes,” Taehyung mumbled as the last member entered the plane prompting one stewardess to close the door and another to alert the pilot to prepare for take-off. “Did you find it?” Jungkook asked, hopeful for one positive result. “I did.”
The group was excited but Namjoon cut it short. “It’s in an art exhibit, owned by a man named Micah Stone.”
Jungkook nodded as he listened to his co-leader. “This woman approached me, asking if I was interested in it and I was prepared to spend a fortune on it to bring it back to its rightful place, but he came to me to let it be known that the painting was not on sale, which was unbeknownst to the woman, that I assume is more than his staff.”
The group listened to the new found information. “What’s the art gallery name?” Namjoon chuckled “Stone’s Exhibition. It’s downtown, not far from the main strip.” Jungkook looked at his peers, then back to Namjoon. “What’s the plan?”
Namjoon smirked, “Well, you along with Officer Lee and Chan over here can’t show your faces here again.” He pointed to Seokjin and Jimin. “I don’t want to come back here. This place is boring and run down.” Jin scorned as he looked out the window at the lights from the city as the plane flew away.
“We were in one city. The other cities are beautiful.” Namjoon commented, making Jin shrug in response. “well I only saw so much the past five months.” Jungkook added. “it was quite the view.” He joked sarcastically. The guys chuckled before Namjoon continued.
“Anyway, you three will need to stay away until things die down. The rest of us can return and retrieve the painting.” Jungkook nodded in agreement before turning to Jimin. “we have some things we need to deal with at home anyways, and situations that need to be settled.” Jimin nodded before relaxing again. “Good Job everyone!” Namjoon commended the boys on a successful infiltrate and rescue mission.
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neodreamzenie · 1 year
Mafia Member j.jh SERIES
Previous / Next
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Mafia Member pt. 2
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Wc: 0.5k Warnings: Mention of kidnapping and killing Genre: Angst
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Someones P.O.V
We went to the car and Johnny carried the girl. So I went to the backseat, waiting for Johnny to put her next to me and drive us home. "So we can either hold her hostage, kill her, or take advantage of her." Jaehyun started, stating our options. "Depends on her behavior. If she's scared, we'll kill her, and if she stays as stubborn as she is right now, we could make good use of her." "Good choice of words man! No wonder Taeyong made you the second boss here." Yuta added his two cents, as always.
I took another glance at the girl, lying there so unconscious. She had no idea what we were saying about her, but it really wasn't her business anyways. We got home and I carried the girl to the basement having Yuta accompany me, while Johnny went to Taeyong's office to brief him on how the mission went and to tell him about the girl, that was now going to stay in our basement.
We arrived downstairs in one of the concrete rooms. Yuta put his hand on the sensor and the door opened. All concrete rooms in the basement are locked with ID scanners. So any of us can get through, but prisoners or strangers can't. We put her on a metal chair which was secured to the wall by heavy metal chains and tied her up with ropes, so she wouldn't be able to move if she woke up.
Y/n P.O.V
You woke up, with a throbbing head. "Oh, we're awake, huh?" You heard one of the man say. You wanted to stand up, when all of a sudden my stomach hurt very bad. So you looked down on yourself, slowly getting my situation. You were tied to a god damn chair. Legs, wrists and stomach were tied to he chair by a rope. "What do you want from me?" You asked with a pathetic tone to your voice. "Wow, you really didn't lie, saying she's a fierce one." Another man said, slowly approaching me. "My name is Taeyong, this is Jaehyun. And you are?" He continued.
"Gosh, this feels like kindergarden. I'm 'no need to know'. What is this all even about?" You replied, getting a little salty. "It'd be nice if you could cooperate with us, as long as we're still in a good mood. I don't wanna have to do this the other way." Jaehyun threatened you. "All right mr. Super-clever, my name is Zhong Y/n. Now that I've answered your question, you're answering mine. What do you want?" You gave in.
"Oh, we don't want anything much. However, you saw our men killing someone, after all we don't want witnesses." Taeyong stated. "So you wanna kill me now or what?" You asked. You kept asking questions, which they answered briefly. "We're NCT. One of the biggest Mafia groups out there." "Okay..." You answered. You had no words left to say. This was all slowly getting to much for you to take. You barely even realized what was happening with you right now. And you're sure your parents wondered where you were staying all the time. But did they worry? No. They probably couldn't mind less, since they couldn't stand you anyways. But what to say, you couldn't stand them anymore either.
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captain-joongz · 5 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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jeong yunho
♤ the drill by @byuntrash101
big dick!yunho, kinda fluffy and sweet
kang yeosang
◇ let's play a game by @anyamaris
yeosang x reader x soobin (txt), friends to lovers, primal play
choi san
♧ howling to your moon by @essenteez
established relationship, smut
☆ oh he's good by @yoongiseesawmp3
part of church boy series, bad boy (?) san kinda
♤ pornstar!san by @orgverse
camboy/camgirl au, live stream sex, hinted ateez x reader
◇ incubus: coming of age by @byuntrash101
incubus!san, kinda slowburn
♧ moll by @last-words-ofashootingstar
1920s mafia, corrupt police officer!san, dark, yandere, manipulation
song mingi
☆ roommate by @essenteez
roommates to lovers, horny mingi
♤ a taste of desire by @solfiera
college au, brother's best friend!mingi
jeong wooyoung
◇ not on my watch by @remedyx
christmas time, getting together thanks to mistletoe, fluffy
♧ 5 weeks by @setsugekka
idol!wooyoung x stylist!reader, coworkers to lovers, woo is an annoying little shit (affectionate)
ATEEZ rec list pt. 1 BTS, TxT, Stray Kids, Seventeen, NCT rec list
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dalivanmagritte · 11 months
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back to the nct fic rec
Jeno fic rec part.2
lionheart (fav, smut, fluff, royal!au, knight!au, monarch!au)
premium boy-toy (fav, smut, stripper!au)
step on a crack, dr.lee's gonna break your back (fav, smut)
wanna know what it's like (fav, smut)
yours to tame (fav, fluff, smut, knight!au, princess!au, royal!au)
koi no yokan (fav, smut, abo!au)
slick pup (fav, pervert!au, smut)
prince of wolves (fav, smut, werewolf!au, vampire!au)
i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (fav,fluff, angstish, demigod!au, mythology!au)
pride & perjudice (fav, fluff, angst, smut)
secret (smut, fluff, sub!jeno (kink discovery))
my sunset is yours (fluff, hogwarts!au)
helping hand (fluff, hogwarts!au)
sweet lies (smut, angstish, ghost!jeno!au)
heatstroke (mechanic!au, smut)
transfiguration spell (smut, fluff, angstish, hogwarts!au)
sinking ships (smut, sailor!au, mermaid!au, horror!au)
tattooist!jeno (fluff, angst, tattooist!au, florist!au)
himbo (smut, himbo!jeno)
cute little intern (smut, ceo!au, intern!au)
mine only (smut)
possessive dad! (smut, pregnancy!au, soon to be parents!au)
ridin' club switching lanes (smut, streeracer!au)
sweet fury (smut)
rainfall (fluff)
the deal (fluff, college!au)
cigarettes after sex (fluff, angstish, suggestive, college!au)
just so you know x jaemin (smut)
change in you (smut, vampire!au, georgian-era!au)
puppy (smut, supernatural!au, werewolf!au)
sunshine (fluff, angst, mermen!jeno)
hit the breaks! (serie, smut, streetracer!au, mechanics!au)
rich purity (serie, smut, virgin!au)
the lucky one (fluff, angst, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of morpheus (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of apollo (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of shadows (part of elysios serie, fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
the tale older than time (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
late night company (fluff, comfort angst, demigod!au)
scream (smut (dirty smutt), halloween!au, ghostface!jeno)
possessive jeno (smut, roommate)
a different kind of exercise (smut, personal trainer!au)
the rock of gibraltar (smut)
jeno uses his strength against you (smut)
why dying my hair was the best decision of my life (fluff)
the bat & dove (smut, fluff, mafia!au, racer!jeno)
do you even know how to have fun? (angst to fluff, badboy!au)
take my breath (smut, abo!au)
puppy pound (smut, abo!au)
jealous (smut, abo!au)
sos x jaemin (smut, abo!au)
destiny (smut, abo!au)
i'm a mouse duh! x jaemin (smut)
they're roommates x jaemin (smut)
sos x jaemin (smut, abo!au)
stepbro alpha jeno (smut, abo!au, stepbro!au)
day6: overstimulation (smut)
day19: pet play (smut)
banana (smut)
guardian gloves (smut, angstish, boxer!au)
teddy bear (smut)
strong jeno (smut)
codename : monster (smut)
his order (smut, ceo!au)
sli(ck-p)up (smut, perv!jeno)
fireproof (smut, brotherbf!au, college!au)
size kink (smut)
only 'til dawn (smut, badboy!jeno, goodgirl!reader)
little wifey (smut, husband!au)
pretzel (smut, abo!au)
hard dom! (smut)
wrapped around your fingers (smut)
phone fuck me (smut, ghostface!au)
my first and last (smut, college!au)
the sequel x jaemin (smut, ghostface!au, halloween!au)
incubus!jeno (smut, incubus!au)
summer hair = forever young (smut, fluff)
cookie jar x jaemin (smut, stepbrother!au)
perv!jeno (smut, roommates!au, perv!au)
monster in hiding (smut, stalking!au)
can't take it? (smut)
can you handle it? x johnny, jaehyun, jaemin (smut)
ascention to the throne (serie, smut, royal!au, prince!au, political!au)
baby trapping (smut, sugardaddy!au)
shameless (smut, stepson!au)
undone (noncon, smut)
teddy bear -> our sick story, thus far x haechan (dubcon, smut)
stepbro!jeno part.2 (DUBCON, smut, stepbrother!au)
behind closed doors x haechan (smut, slight dubcon, stepbro!au)
the walls are thin x jaemin (DUBCON, smut)
shoplifter x mark (dubcon, smut, bodyguard!au, stepfather!au)
switch -> chain x johnny (dubcon, smut, neighbour?au)
arcade (continuation of switch/chain, smut)
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
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WELCOME TO 🥀Slxt's Masterlist ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Note: DO NOT STEAL MY WORK. All Works are fiction. Do not take them seriously. Minors DNI.
Boba’s terms for Slxtty Entrance
Black Roses Mafia Romance (WIP) (Jeno x reader)
Jealousy (bf!Yuta x gf!reader)
Play too much (plug!Taeyong x Chubby!reader)
I hope we'll meet again (Nct member x reader)
Liar (bsfbrother!Yuta x chubbyblack!reader)
Tramp-Stamp (Tattoo artist!Yuta x chubby!reader)
Anything for my good boy (sub!Mark x Femdom!Reader)
King's Command (Hendery x fem!reader)
Fun Games (Haechan x Reader x YangYang)
Quiet Rage (bsf!Johnny x Reader)
Nct members who would win in a fight
Nct members who I know would love a thick bixch
Nct members who would spoil tf out of their s/o
Nct members who would mark you in hard-to-hide places
My top five Nct 127 members with a high s3x drive
Nct members I think would be scary when angry..and why
Nct127 members who would love it if you sat on their face
Nct127 members who have pain k!nks
Nct127 members who are sadists
The ass smackers in Nct
Four NCT members who would get turned on at the most inconvenient moments
NCT127 members and their favorite things during s3x
How NCT 127 members tell you they’re horny
Which NCT 127 members are rough during s3x and which ones aren't
Nct 127 members who would be able to handle you throwing it back
Nct127 Members during a heated argument
NCT127 Sugar Daddy Ratings
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The type to (Series)
Most possessive members of NCT
NCT127 Members who like it RAW
NCT127 Members and places they would f4ck you
NCT127 kinkiest members
How Jaehyun would be with an inexperienced lover
First time with Yuta
How I think NCT127 would act if somebody was badmouthing their s/o
1 Doyoung (soft)
2 Yuta (hard)
3 Mark (hard)
4 Jaemin (soft)
5 Yuta (hard)
6 Taeyong (hard)
7 Doyoung (Hard)
SEVENTEEN members who are praisers, beggers or pleasers
Insecurities (Vernon x Chubby!reader)
Insecurities (Bang Chan x chubby!reader)
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layuhsblog · 1 month
NCT: (Reqs open)
NCT 127:
Yuta X reader- Fluster (F) (UNDERRATED LINE SERIES)
Johnny X reader- Fact Check (F)
Jungwoo X reader- Angst (currently editing)
Haechan X Reader- I'll Protect You(F)
Nct Dream as Random Texts bw me and my bf (Crack, F)
Nct Dream Giving their gfs Princess treatment (Crack, F)
Na Jaemin X Reader- Gimme a hug (F)
Winwin X Reader: Unexpected Surprise (A)
Yangyang and Chenle Love languages (UNDERRATED LINE SERIES)
Upcoming: Husband Kun (UNDERRATED LINE SERIES)
Jaemin husband
Arranged marriage jaehyun (angst, fluff)
Jeno x Older!reader
Donghyuck x reader (enemies to lovers kinda)
STRAY KIDS: (Reqs closed currently)
Skz Reaction: You having the same bday as them (F)
Lee Know X Reader- Glimpse of Us (A)
Bangchan X Reader- Silent Cry (Hurt comfort)
TXT reaction: When its exam time and you're mentally drained
BTS: (reqs closed)
Suga X reader- Muse
Petty (A)
Lucas X m!reader- Mafia X Chaebol family AU (A, F, Suggestive)
ANIME: //None yet// (Reqs open)
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besamehyuka · 1 year
All my writing has suggestive and smut, if you don’t like any of those things, then don’t read them. (Simple)
Stray Kids!
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Lets Keep Her Series
Let’s Keep Her (Remastered)
When Ice Kills Series
Accidentally Exposing Your relationship
Drabble 1
Wolf Chan
Test My Strength
Flick of him
Pleasing The Stepbrother
F#@*ing Tease
Drabble 1
You’re Chubby
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Jealous Tendencies 
Does Fate Hate Us?
Beach Waves
Call you what?
How You Like that?
The End Of A Phone Call
Tire you Out
Taunting The Ghost
If I’m To Blame Series
You’ve Been Bad
I Own You
I Want You On My Face
Punish Me
I’m a Man
Because You Deserve It
Bragging Rights
Drabble 1
Innocent, yeah right!
Sex and Hate
Drabble 2
Their S/O Is chubby
When You Escape Successfully (Yandere)
First Kiss (Mafia)
Forced Marriage (Mafia)
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Deja Vu!
Motherf&*^(  Tomboy
When Their S/O Pinch/ Grab/ Slap Their Butt
Talking To Your EX
When You Break Up With Them (Yandere)
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2:30 AM
Wonderland Of Secrets
Drabble 1
Thigh Riding
9:43 PM
NCT 127
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Hyung Line, Prince AU!
Prince Continuation pt.1
Prince Continuation  pt.2
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prodbymaui · 1 year
Lust Royale Series.
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The alternative universe of the mafia where you serve as the heir of the infamous 'Solaire'.
Lust Royale is an original NCT series written by prodbymaui. The release dates are scheduled to start by the beginning of July.
Copying, translating, re-posting and rewriting the following works in any form is strictly prohibited unless given permission to do so.
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OVERVIEW: In the world of mafia, things would never go according to one's plan. As an heir to the mafia group who had been at the top of the game since the beginning, Solaire's made sure to pull out and use all their assets to protect the rising soon to be kingpin. All guards up to prevent being indifferent to the dangers of what the consequences of their plans may be.
Because unbeknownst to most players; In this game, evil is hidden everywhere-- in plain sight. Driven by greed as they try to conquer everything their eyes gazes at, may it be simple equipments, or a whole organization. People in this area-- they like to be ambitious. A person might be smiling at you genuinely today, but the next thing you know? You will be meeting your downfall in the hands of the exact same person.
TAGLIST: send an ask to be added..
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SYNOPSIS: Being an assassin, it was already expected for love to be seen as a weakness in Yuta's field of work. Therefore, if you find yourself falling in love-- might as well dig your lover's and your own grave because no enemy would pass the chance of sabotaging any glimpse of happiness, especially in the mafia world.
Despite first-hand witnessing the outcome of being in love-- The faceless grim reaper finds himself risking the chance of exposing his identity for the sake of catching the sight of this mysterious woman dawned in her blood red dress.
Coming soon..
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SYNOPSIS: You should've figured out the man the moment he stepped inside your headquarters. You should've found out he's nothing but a threat to the organization. As he stood before you, not as an ally but as a spy-- you felt stupid for letting your guards down and showing your vulnerable side. You should've known.
Because now, you have to battle with these crumbling, weakening feeling of love. All the while, Haechan is out there, determined to kill you with his bare hands.
Coming soon..
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SYNOPSIS: You were cruel, merciless, and ruthless. Unforgiving to those who had wrong you, ensuring to make them pay trice the amount of what they owe. The lack of empathy towards other people was one thing Mark could've used to dislike, or even loathe, you.
However, as he watches you cut the tongues of the men who murdered Song Jaesoo in half-- Mark finds himself grateful to your father for hiring and trusting him to serve as your right hand.
Coming soon..
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SYNOPSIS: In a midst of chaos and danger, you found yourself stuck between the forbidden love your father had warned you about several times and your responsibilities as the successor of the great Song Jaesoo.
Would you rather focus on your goals of revenging your late father to continue his legacy? Or would you finally give in and taste the freedom of being with someone whom you truly love?
Coming soon..
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2023 © prodbymaui
243 notes · View notes
chenfleur · 1 year
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✦ = 500+! (thank you so much 😭)
✧ = personal favourites! <(^_^)>
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oneshots ✿
open the gates, let me in ✦✧ ↝ jeno x y/n | word count: 4.0k | college au, bf2l
Jeno always seems willing to do anything for you, and it takes a lot of inner nagging for him to finally realize why.
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series ✿
ΒLUΣ MΩΩΠ ✦ ↝ volleyball player!haechan x dancer!oc | high school au, smau | DISCONTINUED
in honour of the blue moon this year, the student parliament decided to hold a blue moon gala for the school. along with that, they created an activity. you pay $1.50 for either a lock or key. each lock and key have a pair with the opposite pendant (you would know if they were your partner if the key can unlock the lock). the person you pair with is your partner for the gala. mina thinks it’s fucking stupid. donghyuck, well—he’s always looking for some excitement in his life—but deep down he just wants someone who doesn’t like him for just his reputation.
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timestamps ✿
— [02:53] ✦
oneshots ✿
of rainy nights and roses ✦ ↝ idol!jeonghan x y/n | word count: 5.8k | idol au
In the heat of the moment, Jeonghan grows careless with his words. Now, he has to bear the weight of saying things he didn't mean.
lowkey ✦✧ ↝ idol!jeonghan x makeup artist!y/n | word count: 1.7k | idol au
Jeonghan’s supposed to be on stage in twenty minutes, and he’s nowhere to be found.
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timestamps ✿
— [16:31]
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love blossoms in new soil ↝ private boarding school au | ON HOLD [0/4]
It's official: Deluna Academy, an all-girls school in Lumiose, is to merge with Crescelis Academy, the community's all-boys one. With a combined student body, who knows what sorts of people can be met with what sorts of stories to tell? In the walls of the newly-formed Decelis Academy, love plants its seed and blossoms.
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oneshots ✿
sparks ↝ streamer!heeseung x y/n | word count: 1.2k | twitch streamer au
In Japan with his friends, Heeseung’s too drunk to care when he lets his love for you slip out.
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oneshots ✿
dreamy nights ✦ ↝ streamer!jake x y/n | word count: 1.9k | twitch streamer au
You finally make your grand appearance on Jake's subathon.
everything in you ↝ idol!jake x y/n | word count: 2.6k | idol au
Time and time again, life drags you down until you lose your senses—and time and time again, Jake manages to bring you back to the surface.
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series ✿
broken strings ↝ badminton player!sunghoon x badminton player!y/n | smau, hs au | ONGOING
Since the day you first picked up a racket, Park Sunghoon had been by your side. He had been your first badminton partner, first best friend, first love—and despite the two of you never having a label, it felt like only something cosmic could come between you. But, when the pandemic makes the world shut down, Sunghoon slowly disappears, leaving you in the dust with no explanation. Now, as you start your senior year and the world starts to re-open, you try to move on from him—right when he suddenly enters your life again.
oneshots ✿
the long way home ✧ ↝ sunghoon x y/n | word count: 4.8k | high school au
In which Park Sunghoon decides that nothing is more important than having you in his life.
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oneshots ✿
where the heart leads, the eyes follow ✧ ↝ jungwon x y/n | word count: 0.9k | high school au
Suddenly, Jungwon is everywhere you look and part of every thought you think.
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oneshots ✿
night will fall ↝ riki x y/n | word count: 1.0k | implied mafia/crime au
Riki hates mornings because it means leaving your side.
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48 notes · View notes
starillusion13 · 1 year
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—Multiple Members— (basically my bias lines)
Imagine friends!NCT are secretly mafia, falling in love with you
Rent is Due
Trust Me Not (boss unit)
The Blur: I love the Lie (coming soon)
Who is DOM b/w Jeno & Jaemin in a poly?
—One shots—
NCT 127
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Foreign Swaggers
Better Than Gold (coming soon)
NCT Dream
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Like We Just Met! ( Alien Au)
Keep it a secret (N.JM+L.JN)
119: I like it like that
Poisoned Love (L.HC + H.RJ)
Keep Talking to me (L.M + L.J)
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Thank You
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Please Listen To me
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Yes, Noona?
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71 notes · View notes
softsan · 24 days
・⊹ 🎐 ˙ ̟!! NCT MAFIA AU
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key: fluff 🤍 , angst 🖇️ , suggestive 🍶 , smut 🥛 , adult themes 🍚 , coming soon 📨 , in progress 🎧 , completed 📑 , requests 📁 .
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˚ 🫧 ⊹ dare the devil, make him smile. — taeyong 40k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - you were the only surviving heir of the old-time mafia kingpin that had ruled the four territories. you were long thought to be dead, living the normal life you had always wanted...until you run into a taeyong, a formidable ghost from your past. you are then thrown back into the mafia underbelly, reuniting with enemies you had hoped had forgotten you. will you run away? sill you stand beside yaeyong, kingpin of the north, and be his queen? or will you take your rightful revenge?  parts: | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 |
˚ 🫧 ⊹ pay the devil's price, baby you're mine. — taeil 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ heavy hearts wasted on worthless words. — johnny 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ darkest love, my sweetest nightmare. — yuta 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ slipping between us, suffering by fate. — kun 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ leave every bottle as empty as my promises. — doyoung 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ never forget those eyes, such a beautiful smile. — ten 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ embrace it, a sickness brought by a puzzle piece. — jaehyun 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ lonely monster, what does your heart desire. — winwin 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ love like you, stay a little longer. — jungwoo 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ tear the strings that pull at my soul. — mark 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ meaningless to hesitate, but we still do. — renjun 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ let's believe it's different than ever before. — xiaojun 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ a tragic hero's love and its rising sheild. — hendery 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ compelled by sweet lies and violent delights. — jeno 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ feel out hearts collide, yours again. — haechan 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ running out of reasons by we can't let do. — jaemin 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ all the love we had, how bad it hurts. — yangyang 10k+ ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , mafia au synopsis - . - read here.
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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theficblog · 2 years
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♫ Just say you love me~
A separate masterlist for NCT since this blog is majorly about it. Contains all types of writings and members ahead. 
[All of these writings are oneshots unless mentioned otherwise]
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Need Help? 
 ↳ [ smut + office au ]
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Happy Birthday
 ↳ [ fluff + birthday boy taeyong ]
[9:56 am]   [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ fluff + established relationship au + dad taeyong ]
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↳ [ fluff + enemies to lovers + football au ]
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There Are More Fishes In The Sea
↳ [ angst + neighbour kun ]
[7:16 pm]   [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
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↳ [ fluff + student au ]
[6:28 pm]   [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
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Cats, Brushes and You
↳ [ fluff + social media au ]
Run, Stupid
↳ [ crack +  established relationship au ]
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↳ [ smut + exes to lovers au ]
You Know I Hate This
↳ [ angst + fluff + mafia au ]
↳ [ fluff + strangers to lovers au ]
↳ [ angst + established relationship au ]
Hearts  [ Series ft. Jeno + Jaemin + Haechan ]
↳ [ rich kids au + arranged marriage au + college au ]
Not Here
↳ [ smut + established relationship au ]
[7:25 am] [Timestamp]
[ fluff + newly married au]
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↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
Little Lady
↳ [ suggestive + car mechanic mark ]
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Black Umbrellas
↳ [ angst + exes to lovers ]
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Baby Daddy
↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
↳ [ fluff + crack + suggestive + ft. nct dream 00s ]
It Hurts
↳ [ angst + highschool au ]
↳ [ suggestive + strangers au + nyfw jeno ]
Hearts  [ Series  ft. Jaemin + Haechan + Jaehyun ]
↳ [ rich kids au + arranged marriage au + college au ]
11:06 pm  [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ smut + stranger jeno ]
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↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
Unblock Your Heart
↳ [ smut + enemies to lovers + student au ]
Back Together
↳ [ suggestive + exes to lovers ]
Freesias and Frocks
↳ [ angst + yandere + childhood lovers ]
Hearts  [ Series ft. Jeno + Jaemin + Jaehyun  ] 
↳ [ rich kids au + arranged marriage au + college au ]
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↳ [ fluff + established relationship au ]
The Idiot That I Love
↳ [ angst + fluff + racer boyfriend jaemin ]
Just Not Enough
↳ [ fluff + bed sharing au ]
Hearts  [ Series ft. Jeno + Haechan + Jaehyun  ]
↳ [ rich kids au + arranged marriage au + college au ]
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Tongue In Cheek
↳ [ suggestive + fluff + friends to lovers au ]
↳ [ fluff + haters to lovers + highschool au ]
Now and Then
↳ [ fluff + exes to lovers ]
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2:26 am  [ Timestamp ]
↳ [ fluff ]
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Third Wheel
↳ [ fluff + acquaintances to lovers ]
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225 notes · View notes
neodreamzenie · 1 year
Mafia Member j.jh SERIES
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Mafia Member pt. 1
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Wc: 0.4k Warnings: Mention of killing and kidnapping Genre: Angst
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Just another normal evening, walking through the wet, dark, unlit alleys like any other evening. You wore an all black outfit so I people wouldn't recognize you. You kept walking down the alley and stopped at a corner to lean against the wall and light your cigarette.
You were about to take another drag on your cigarette when you heard a loud but rather dull bang. You peeked around the corner and saw a young man surrounded by several men in black suits wearing black masks. All you could see was their silhouettes.
One man asked the guy they were surrounding, "Now, mr. Kang. You know why you're here, right?" So his name's mr. Kang. You thought to yourself. "Yes, Sir." Mr. Kang answered, when then another man said, "You still owe us 5 million won, which you were supposed to give us by the end of the month. We gave you a chance to raise the money in a month, but it seems you wasted that time otherwise."
Taking another drag on your cigarette, still not getting what's going on right in front of your eyes, you choked on it, making you cough. You quickly hid behind the corner, hoping no one heard you. But your position, not far away from the incident, made it able for you to hear what they were talking about. You could hear how mr. Kang was pleading for another chance, starting a discussion, which soon turned into a physical fight. All of a sudden you could hear the same loud and damp bang, as earlier.
Curious as to what had just happened, you took a look around the corner. What you saw made you yelp. Two of those men came running towards you, as you tried your best to escape. You ran as fast as you possibly could, your feet dragging you places, you've never been before. But right now, you couldn't care less. Not long after, those two men caught up to you, grabbing you harshly by your arms. Another man stood i front of you, coming down, to meet your eyes.
"How much did you see, little?" He asked you, grabbing your chin to force you to make eye contact. "Not to much, I guess..." You replied, in a low tone, your voice almost leaving you from all the fear you were in. "Oh, so a group of men killing someone is not to much? Well that's new to me. Come on guys, let's take her with us." Before you could even say anything, someone put a cloth over your face, making you pass out in a matter of, what you believe was, a minute.
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NCT Masterlist
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Last Updated: 9 October 2023
Mini Key:
Fluff = [F] Angst = [A] Smut = [S] Comedy/Crack = [C] Drama = [D] 🔏 = Completed Series 🖋 = On-Going ⏱ = On Hiatus ╳ = Discontinued ♀︎ = Female Pronouns ♂︎ = Male Pronouns ⚧ = Gender Neutral/Non Binary Pronouns  ⚲ = No Pronouns Used * = Just Added as of last update
Please refer to #crys updates tag to see if I’m currently working on the series you’re reading! As my priority changes monthly and I often ask my followers at the end of the month to see what they would like me to prioritize for the upcoming month!
[Other Groups Masterlist] | [Timestamp Masterlist] | [AMMs Masterlist]
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⚲Headcanons - As your college boyfriend | {University AU} (OT23) [F]
♀︎ Reaction - The Infatuation Boys reacts to you trying to escape | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny) [A/D]
⚲Headcanons - Cuddling with the Infatuation Boys | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny) [F]
⚲Headcanons - From Home Unit as Long Distance Relationships | {No Specified AU} (From Home Unit) [F]
♀︎ Reaction - The Infatuation Boys React to You Breaking Up With Them |  {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny) [A/D]
♀︎ ^Part 2 | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny) [A/D]
♀︎ Reactions - The Infatuation boys react to being your first | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny) [S/F]
♀︎Headcanons - With their Kids | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin, Jungwoo, Sungchan, Johnny, Renjun) [F]
Collection of Drabbles - ♀︎🔏 23 Days of NCT (Year 1) | {Christmas AU?} (NCT x Reader) [F]
Collection of Drabbles - ⚲🔏 22 Days of NCT (Year 2) | {Christmas AU?} (NCT x Reader) [F]
*Drabble - ♂︎ I'm Not the Girl Next Door! | {No Specified AU} (Sungchan x Reader) [A, F]
*Collection of Drabbles - ⚲🖋 NCT Spooky Season | {Various AUs} (NCT x Reader) [F, C, A]
⚲╳ Glitched | {Hacker AU} (Unknown x Reader) [A] | In which you score an internship at a prestigious lab that many can only dream of but, soon, you find yourself in the middle of something sinister.
♀︎🔏 Prominence Season 1 | {Social Media AU; Idol AU; Added NCT Unit AU} (NCT x Reader; Park Seonghwa x Reader)  [C, F, A] | In which you’re part of a new NCT unit and you try to navigate the confusing and fast-paced career of being an idol, and you juggle a relationship with Park Seonghwa on top of  it.
♀︎🔏 Prominence Season 2 | {Social Media AU; Idol AU; Added NCT Unit AU} (NCT x Reader; Park Seonghwa x Reader)  [C, F, A] | In which you continue to question your career choices, but, hey, at least you’re having fun!
♀︎🖋 Infatuation | {University AU} (Suh Johnny x Reader; Kim Jungwoo x Reader, Na Jaemin x Reader, Jung Sungchan x Reader) [A] | In which you’ve suddenly become the center of a stranger’s love, one which develops into a full blown obsession.
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♀︎Scenario - Prince!Jaehyun tries to win over your heart but you’re shy | {Royalty AU} (Prince!Jaehyun x Princess!Reader) [F]
♀︎Scenario - The 127 Members argue about who is (Y/N)’s Favorite | {Mafia AU} (All Members) [C]
⚧Scenario - You failed an exam and you’re sad about It but the 127 boys think someone hurt you | {Mafia AU} (All Members) [C]
⚧Scenario - The 127 Members have been working hard for a while now, and you figured that the best way to pay them back is by making them food! | {Mafia AU} (All Members) [C]
♀︎Scenario - You knew there would be some negative aspects to dating an Idol, but it never really got to you until now, good thing your boyfriend is one of the most caring Idols out there | {Idol AU} (Idol!Taeyong x Non-Idol!Reader) [A, F]
⚲Reactions - NCT 127 Reacts to their S/O Being Really Clumsy | {No AU Specifed} (All Members) [F]
♀︎ Scenario - You’re an Idol in a Secret Relationship with your Manager and Mark’s a Staff Member | {Shifting Towards You AU} (Staff!Mark x Idol!Reader ft. Manager!Yangyang) [A/D]
⚲ Reactions - NCT 127 Reacting to the Date Night Prank | {No Specified AU} (WayV x Reader) [F/C]
⚲ Scenario - Idol!Taeyong and Idol!Reader Finally Meet After Being Fans of Each Other | {Idol AU} (Taeyong x Reader) [F]
♀︎ When the Clock Strikes Twelve | {Royalty AU} (Prince!Jaehyun x Princess!Reader) [F] | In which you have created a bit of a reputation of being “insatiable” when, really, you’re just too shy to reveal your true feelings.
⚲ It’s Saturday Night | {Mafia AU} (Mafia Boss!Johnny x Reader) [F, A] | In which you find out who your best friend really is after a series of unfortunate events.
⚲ Shifting Towards You | {No Specified AU} (Mark x Reader) [F, A] | In which you have a relationship with the famous Mark Lee but somehow, together, you both make it work.
♀︎ Lavenza | {Scientist AU} (Taeyong x Reader) [F, A, D] | In which you are the wife of the once renowned scientist Lee Taeyong who seems to be harboring a secret from you, after all, science has been long outlawed.
⚲ Crescendo | {Rock Band AU} (Jungwoo x Reader) [C, R] | In which you and your two best friends attend a concert for an opening act barely anyone’s heard of, but somehow you still have a night to remember.
⚲ Fresh-Baked | {No Specified AU} (Taeil x Reader) [F, A] | In which a pastry from a coffee shop tells a story you could only dream of.
♀︎ Photograph | {No Specified AU} (Platonic! Mark and Yangyang x Reader) [A] | In which your two best friends reminisce and regret a time long past.
⚲ Thrill Ride | {No Specified AU} (Mark x Reader) [F] | In which you meet someone who’s equally as terrified of roller coasters as you and it oddly becomes rather comforting.
⚲ My Universe | {Non-Idol AU, Villain AU} (Mark x Reader ft. Taeyong) [A, F] | In which you don't think you deserve a man as perfect as Mark.
⚲ (Friendly) Competition | {Non-Idol AU, University AU} (Doyoung x Reader) [F] | In which you and Doyoung are academic rivals.
⚲🖋 Midnight Coffee | {Coffee Shop AU} (Platonic!127 x Reader) [F, A] | In which you run a coffee shop that’s only open from midnight to sunrise, a café where you realize that the only thing more peculiar about it’s operating hours is the people who frequent it.
⚲🖋 Witch for Hire | {Witchcraft AU, Magic AU, Supernatural AU} (Multiple Groups x Witch!Reader) [D,C,R] | In which you’re a witch for hire who takes on jobs that are of your interest, although, some of these travels may prove more perilous than you anticipated.
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♀︎Scenario - You’re dating Jaemin and you just moved in to a new apartment, luckily the rest of the Dreamies have arrived to help build your Ikea furniture | {Idol NCT Dream; Non-Idol Reader} (Na Jaemin x Reader ft. the Dreamies) [F, C]
⚧Scenario - Chenle’s just a little jealous about the fact that you get along well with the other Dream members | {Established Relationship AU} (Chenle x Reader) [A, F]
⚧Scenario - You and Renjun broke up back when you were sixteen since he decided to join SM, and now that you’re both twenty, very little has changed | {Exes to Lovers AU} (Renjun x Reader) [A, F]
⚧Scenario - Dream argues about who (Y/N)’s favorite is | {Mafia AU} (NCT Dream x Reader) [C]
♀︎ Scenario - Yandere!Jaemin reacts to you running into Renjun while you’re both out | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin x Reader) [F/D]
⚲ Reactions - NCT Dream + Shotaro and Sungchan as Blind Dates | {No Specified AU} (NCT Dream, Shotaro, Sungchan x Reader) [F/C]
⚲ Headcanons - What Dating Super Hero!NCT Dream is Like… | {Superhero AU; Locked and Reloaded AU} (NCT Dream x Reader) [F]
♀︎ Blurb - Soft!Yandere!Jaemin Things | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin x Reader) [F/D]
♀︎ Blurb - More Yandere!Jaemin Things| {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin x Reader) [F/D]
♀︎ Scenario - Slow Dancing with Yandere!Jaemin | {Infatuation AU} (Jaemin x Reader) [F]
One Shot - ♀︎Lion Heart | {Bad Boy AU; Mafia AU) (Mafia Boss!Dad!Jaehyun x Daughter!Reader; Bad Boy!Jaemin x Reader) [F, A] | In which your long time crush has a bad habit of dating around, and you can’t for the life of you figure out what his intentions with you are.
Drabble - ♀︎ Photograph | {No Specified AU} (Platonic! Mark and Yangyang x Reader) [A] | In which your two best friends reminisce and regret a time long past.
Drabble - ⚲ Thrill Ride | {No Specified AU} (Mark x Reader) [F] | In which you meet someone who’s equally as terrified of roller coasters as you and it oddly becomes rather comforting.
Drabble - ⚲ Break(ing) | {University AU} (Renjun x Reader) [F] | In which you and Renjun are top of the class and he's stressing over finals and you're not.
*Drabble - ⚲ "The gods must be angry. I sense a storm brewing." | {Medieval AU} (Jaemin x Reader) [C] | In which his rival challenges him to a duel.
♀︎⏱ Locked and Reloaded | {Marvel AU} (NCT Dream x Reader) [Action, Light Comedy] | In which you and your team of misfits are recruited from another dimension to build a machine that can traverse the multiverse, the only problem is that apparently you didn’t come alone.
⚲⏱Dinner for Two | {Non-Idol AU; Chef AU} (Na Jaemin x Reader) [Fluff, Romance, Light Comedy] | In which you meet a disgraced chef who is looking for nothing more than to perfect a certain dish, one that you’d apparently and unknowingly mastered yourself for the sake of your older brother(s).
⚲🖋 Witch for Hire | {Witchcraft AU, Magic AU, Supernatural AU} (Multiple Groups x Witch!Reader) [D,C,R] | In which you’re a witch for hire who takes on jobs that are of your interest, although, some of these travels may prove more perilous than you anticipated.
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♀︎Scenario - Sicheng’s ex fucked him over when she broke up with him, and the rest of the WayV frat’s been trying to get him to hook up with someone, which was unsuccessful until you came along | {College AU} (Winwin x Reader) [F, S]
♀︎Scenario - You’ve just moved into your new apartment, which was a total score since rent was so cheap, little did you know that the reason for that was because of your neighbors | {Non-Idol AU} (ft. One Night Stand!Kun x Reader) [C, A]
♀︎Scenario - You’re best friends with Xiaojun and the rest of the Members keep teasing you two about dating, but you like things as they are | {Idol WayV AU / Non-Idol Reader AU / Best Friends AU} (Best Friend!Xiaojun x Reader ft. Yangyang) [C, F]
♀︎Scenario - You and Hendery are both mentors for a Produce 101-esque show, and while he’s gone you hear some of the trainees bad-mouthing him | {Mentor AU} (Hendery x Reader) [F, A]
♀︎Scenario - BestFriend!Yangyang Introduces you to the rest of WayV, but Ten, who came in late, isn’t convinced of who you are | {Idol!WayV / NonIdol!Reader AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [A]
⚧MTL - To Date/Befriend a Wheelchair User  | {No Specified AU} (All Members) [F]
⚲ Scenario- Languages of Love | {No Specified AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [F]
⚲ Reactions - WayV Reacts to Accidentally Walking in During Your Zoom Meeting/Class | {No Specified AU} (WayV x Reader) [F/C]
Drabble - ♀︎ Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing | {Mafia AU} (Kun x Reader) [A] | In which you find out your perfect boyfriend hasn’t been completely honest with you.
One Shot - ♀︎ Covalence | {University AU} (Kun x Reader) [F, A, S] | In which you meet the love of your life in the most unexpected of places, and with each passing day you fall harder for him as he falls harder for you.
One Shot - ♀︎ How to Keep a Promise | {University AU, FWB AU, Aged-Up AU, Office AU} (Yangyang x Reader ft. Jeno) [F, A, C] | In which you and your best friend make a promise to each other one faithful day in college, one you didn’t think either of you would remember, and you both do your best to keep it.
Drabble - ⚲ Stuck at Home | {No Specified AU} (Hendery x Reader) [F, A, C] | In which you and Hendery are, unfortunately, stuck at home.
Drabble - ♀︎ Photograph | {No Specified AU} (Platonic! Mark and Yangyang x Reader) [A] | In which your two best friends reminisce and regret a time long past.
Drabble - ⚲ Off Road | {Non-Idol AU} (Kun x Reader) [A] | In which you try to find a shortcut out of the woods.
Drabble - ⚲ Hooked on a Feeling Pt. 1 | {Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [F, C] | In which you and your regretful boyfriend have to figure out how to escape a prison.
Drabble - ⚲Hooked on a Feeling Pt. 2 | {Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [F, C] | In which you and your newfound crew have to find out how to deal with the strangely handsome stowaway.
Drabble - ⚲ In My Shoes | {Soulmate AU} (Hendery x Reader) [F, C] | In which you switch bodies with your soulmate for a day
Drabble - ⚲ Code Heart Breaker | {Hacker AU} (Hendery x Reader) [F, C] | In which Hendery asks you to watch over a game he's playing with his friends for a moment
*Drabble - ⚲ "Glad to see you haven't become food for the vultures" | {Medieval AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [C] | In which your friend finds you after being trapped in the forest
*Drabble - ♀︎ "I know how to keep my life and my crown. And I will" | {Medieval AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [D] | In which you reunite with your best friend after finding out you're a royal
*Drabble - ⚲ "I warn you, I've been trained to kill since birth" | {Medieval AU} (Kun x Reader) [D] | In which the king finds you out
*Drabble - ⚲ "Truly, a flawless plan" | {Established Relationship AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [C] | In which you and your boyfriend want to match kicks
*Drabble - ⚲ "Can you bail me out of prison, please?" | {No Specified AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [C] | In which you get a call from your best friend late at night
*One Shot - ⚲ Sweet! | {University AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [F, C] | In which your crush joins your study group
*One Shot - ^♀︎ Sweet! Part 2 | {University AU} (Yangyang x Reader) [F, C, S] | In which your crush teaches you how to fuck
♀︎⏱ Your Vision | {Non-Idol AU} (All Members; Choose Your Ending) [ORIGINALLY WRITTEN BY @fandom-meanderer​​] [F] | In which you slowly come to realize how thin the veil between dream and reality is.
♀︎🖋Zemblanity | {Prison AU; Space AU} (All Members; Choose Your Ending) [A, Thriller] | In which you find yourself trapped in the inescapable Sector V with your only companions being the inmates who reside in it. Curiously enough, you somehow have some kind of connection to all of them.
♀︎🖋Lapis Love | {Nobility AU; Fantasy AU} (Liu Yangyang x Reader, ft. Renjun) [R, C] | In which you, a noble, escape a political marriage and who was supposed to be your husband sends a mercenary to find you. Chaos ensues. You don't know each other's true intentions.
♀︎🔏Covalence | {University AU} (Kun x Reader) [F, A, S] | In which you meet the love of your life in the most unexpected of places, and with each passing day you fall harder for him as he falls harder for you.
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