abitofafatass · 1 year
"I'm really sorry. That sounded like a compliment in my head."
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"Was it?" Grif asked, lilting his voice up to what he thought was the right ironic pitch. "Well, if it was, that wasn't intentional. Seems like a you problem that you're so desperate to hear something nice."
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memoryxbane · 1 year
"They say if you make one friend on your first day, you're doing okay."
Talking to people wasn't really Tex's strong suit, but she didn't want to be rude, either, so she tried to relax her grip on the railing of the catwalk she'd perched on as quickly as it had tightened. The others didn't come up here very often; she liked it that way.
"I'm not really here to make friends, kid." Besides, she'd already caused enough damage, hadn't she? There's a reason she worked alone. She wasn't good at looking after others, but she was damned good at doing her job.
"... Were you looking for me?" That would set an entirely different tone to the conversation than if he'd just happened to find her.
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perpetualxfire · 1 year
[ scarlet ]  what is one thing you wish you could do?
[ ruby ]  give one random fun fact about yourself.
[Colorful Interview for the Mun]
(You got a couple of picks from my favorite spectrum of light here~! I'm gonna go ahead and chuck this under a read more since I'm apparently feeling SUPER chatty today.)
[ Scarlet ]  
What is one thing you wish you could do?
(I assume you mean from an RP perspective, yeah? Usually when this question is asked to an RP blog it's to gauge interest in plots. Even then that's kind of a tough question to answer! I'm trying to figure it out myself. In the past, I've liked to RP when my character is just going through it, because that helped me through my shit. I actually only recently put together... Well. I kind of knew, but not the depth of it- part of the reason I have such this tight bond with this particular fictional character is because she and I have a very similar kind of trauma from perfectionism and a desire to prove oneself and receive a kind of validation that's missing in our lives, and watching those avenues to do so get shut down. It's why I hate when people reduce her character to being 'competitive' - like.. you're right, but that's also incredibly reductive-)
(I digress, though; that's not the question. My point was that I used to use her as an avenue for my own feelings of frustration and desire for validation, but that didn't really... Stick for long. I used her as a less positive coping mechanism for a long time, writing pain for the sake of pain, because I felt a deep self loathing and wanted to write the pain to externalize it; I was all for injury plots, and admittedly still LOVE hurt/comfort plots (but it has to have both elements anymore - at the time I wasn't so worried about the comfort part). These tools don't really do much for me anymore, though, so as an RPer...)
(I wish I could get closure. I wish that I could single-handedly rebuild the community - it seemed hell bent on self-imploding for a loooong time. I wish I could write more combat! Writing combat is what got me into writing Carolina in the first place, but it's... I would argue it's ten times harder to find somebody you as a mun have chemistry with to write combat than it is for most other situations. It can't just be characters; even wildly imbalanced fights can become interesting if the muns have that chemistry and communication for it. That's part of what bugs me about the Carolina vs Meta deathbattle, actually - it had a lot of potential to be interesting and, like I feel with most deathbattle episodes, ended up being severely reductive to both characters for the sake of making a point, rather than getting into the nitty gritty of the situation. Why are they fighting? What's at stake? There's always something at stake, even in a friendly spar - be it a sense of validation from a teacher, a desire to get through a tough conversation, tackling an emotional block... While that might not be as true in real life sparring, I've found in writing there's always something in a compelling scene-)
(I kind of want to convince Sam to reboot our little venture into his covenant plotline he had; since one of the critical members of that RP isn't really around to continue it, I wouldn't mind restarting, inviting more people, organizing in a discord group...)
(I've always loved being a part of a group (see my forum rp background) and while tumblr doesn't make that easy per say, I'd love to give a three or even four way thread another shot. For the plot! The DRAMA! The action!)
[ Ruby ]  
Give one random fun fact about yourself.
(fdasfsadfs Just one? Ha. Let's see... I'm a little over a year away from earning a hard fought degree in Mathematics. Not sure what I want to do with it yet, but at least it should open a few doors, and I desperately want some open doors in my life, aha. I feel like Math isn't a commonly heard favorite subject or sought out degree in peoples who unite over a shared love of creation like the RP community, but I'm here, feeling my little bit of impostor syndrome amongst all the lovely people I've met who are majoring in literature or history or the arts... I can be creative too I promise!!!)
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groundedxdreamer · 2 years
i think you've been reading too many comic books.
"C'mon Wash, you've seen some of the stunts we used to pull on a regular basis, this should be a breeze!"
The problem is that York was not a master of parkour, nor had he ever actually jumped across rooftops before. Only off one. And, to be frank, he hadn't been a fan of that incident. But this was way different!
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ghcstrule-archive · 1 year
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i'm your GOD, i will MAKE YOU GROW / your my own TWISTED EMBRYO
independent & selective multi - fandom multi - muse, sideblog to @ncwblue. penned by sarah. established 9/2023
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caeloservare · 3 years
a peek into James’ memories - Teryx incident edition >:3c
@ncwblue because reasons~
The situation was far from ideal, to put it lightly. Very far. Grimms were swarming around and it was miracle, he and Clover still stood the ground, swirling around in attempt to injure another Sabyr as badly as possible, before other one manages to jump on them from behind. Before the Teryx that somehow also arrived and circles close above them, manages to dive successfully. And so on and on. Too many to effectively just kill them one by one. Turn and shoot, turn again and shoot, repeat. All while trying not to slip in the snow nor hit Clover. Still they had to stand. It’s them or the mine workers down the valley.
At this point breathing in gasps of cold, crisp air hurts, as it doesn’t have time to warm up. It burns the throat and aches in chest, but there’s no time. Duck, turn, shoot, duck, shoot, duck. They have to stand for as long as possible, so reinforcements have time to get there. They have to.
And then the time slows down, as James turns to see Clover’s unaware, focused face and thin jaws drop down towards it, scarlet wings waving in the edges of his vision. He doesn’t think as if the decision was written in him long ago. One long step, left arm swings, doesn’t catch Clover’s shoulder, but still pushes him hard to side, swipes away, gun in right arm already on the way, eyes locked on the teeth in bone white skull.
Then everything happens at once. Teryx’s nose is in front of his face, textured bones with tiny caves, yellow and gray fibers that from afar look just white. The jaw closed. There is the skull where his arm just was, but it must be a mistake, a fever dream. He pulls the trigger. The nose shifts and he sees the clenched, sharp set of teeth go up along with his jacket. Material tears in long stripes and suddenly there’s a gap. Wait. There should be his arm. There-
Pain hits him like a train, too intense to let him breathe nor scream. Something heavy falls on his leg with a loud, wet snap and jaws fall further away, golden sparks dancing between the teeth. Something cold touches his ears and he can see the bright blue sky behind the black bottom of Grimm’s head. Its leg is too close, must be what knocked him over. Golden sparks grow to flame that bursts out and engulfs Teryx’s head. Good. They’ll go to hell together. He can feel fire heat dry and burn his skin.
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littleblackqrow · 3 years
aaaall of the details you carefully weave into qrow's and the tribe's history. they're always fascinating reads and just *chef's kiss* I love it
((Ahhhhh thank you! they're really fun to come up with and I'm glad others are enjoying it
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courtclover · 3 years
send 🛑 to clean blood off of my muse after they protected yours // @ncwblue
"I have your back and you have mine." 
Clover explains and he may as well be talking to a wall since David hasn't said a word. Maybe he's upset or he's focused on cleaning Clover's wounds; nonetheless, Clover continues the small talk and bear a warm smile.
Clover hasn't any regrets with what he did. He's lucky, after all, and David isn't. It was a chance too great to gamble on. Besides, a broken aura and a couple deep cut to Clover's sides and torso can heal with time. A few stitches here and there is a better outcome had it been reversed.
Besides, David has been through so much already. Clover will choose his safety and happiness over anything every time. Even over loyalty and orders. It was loyalty and orders that separated them and further even more when David became a little manic. When no one believed him.
Clover does now.
"Hey," he lays his hand over David, stopping his work.
"It's okay. We're going to be okay."
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abitofafatass · 1 year
"the next time i open up to somebody, it'll be my autopsy."
"Amen, brah." Grif held up his beer can in a salute before taking a long drink. "Nothing good ever comes from opening up about shit. Bottle it and then stick it on the shelf, never to be looked at again."
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abitofafatass · 1 year
don't you dare judge me.
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"If I cant judge you for eating rabbit food, then what can I judge you for? Seriously, Wash, we have real people food in the mess."
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perpetualxfire · 2 years
i don't mean to be nosy, i'm just concerned.
"I. Am fine."
Another long night of helping Kimball scan through reports across Chorus - aka, taking over for her so she would go to bed - had Carolina god-knows-how-many mugs deep of caffeine. Her hand was shaking, she was gripping the mug far too tightly, and the number of rings on the desk was probably the only telling factor.
"Just compiling notes and tactical suggestions for the generals. I like to think they value the feedback." Of course, she was never insistent, but she had some unique expertise in this particular field and they were going against people with a lot more training and experience than anybody left on Chorus had.
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perpetualxfire · 3 years
    “Okay... Wrong genre, but you’ve got the spirit. Why vulcan? If you have enough information, that is.”
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perpetualxfire · 3 years
Starter for @ncwblue!
✮ Staying on Iris was... Interesting. Carolina had tried to insist that she stay on Chorus, to help them rebuild, and it had taken more than a little convincing from both sides to get her to rest. They had a point, though - she’d sustained more physical strain and injury on Chorus than in the rest of her life combined, not to mention the emotional damage she’d been dealt. It didn’t feel right to leave Chorus to handle themselves, though - to leave Kimball, to handle herself. Of course, Carolina knew Kimball could handle herself just fine, but... It gets lonely at the top.
    Lonely was a pervasive feeling that Carolina had a great deal of experience with, unfortunately. Even surrounded by her new ‘family’ she tended to feel lonely; rarely did anybody go out of their way to find her - she had to inject herself into conversations and situations. She understood, of course; she was the new element, and they all had their own thing. Still, she was often left feeling like she was on the outside, looking in. She knew they had her back in a pinch, and she had theirs, but... She wanted something to do.
    She had, of course, built herself a functional obstacle course to keep herself fit; this ‘retirement’ was a happy illusion they’d built for themselves, at best, and she almost refused to accept it. Still, that only kept her busy for so long. Even trying to get into meditation didn’t help for long - she just had too much time, and no ‘mission’ to fill in the gaps.
    One of her little side projects that she hadn’t told anybody about was an attempt (almost completely in vain) to grow an apple tree. She knew that apples don’t grow true from seed, but she didn’t have a branch handy to graft onto any nearby trees, so she had to plant that seed and hope that whatever flavor came out was halfway decent. If not, she supposed, she could wait for an apple and plant those seeds, too...
    She was checking on her plant site (not even a sprout - was she doing this right?) when she heard something in the distance, and, in a flash of mischievous inspiration, she hastily yanked herself into the branches of a nearby tree. No doubt that maneuver made a great deal of noise, but if she was lucky, whoever was coming wouldn’t know where to look, or might assume it was some of the native fauna. Outside of her armor, the bark was rough, and it bit harshly into her hands and her bare feet, but that was fine; they needed to toughen up as was.
    Spotting Wash was a different story entirely. Maybe he was just on a walk; maybe he was actually looking for her. Maybe there was something else going on entirely. It didn’t really make a difference, at the end of the day - she’d sighted her target, and she had to assume he’d spotted her as well. Still, she didn’t plan to blow her cover - not just yet.
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abitofafatass · 3 years
🍎, 🍇
🍎  : how stable is my muse’s mental health? have they been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and / or conditions? do they have any undiagnosed mental illnesses and / or conditions? do they or should they attend therapy?
In a word: Garbage. Pre-military, Grif was diagnosed with OCD, and since then has only added a whole lot of PTSD on top of it. And that was before he was left isolated on a moon for presumably a week, but given space travel, it could have also been months. This man should absolutely be in therapy, but is very likely to resist going, especially after his Castaway experience, and the need to project he's not crazy.
🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood? how much has it impacted the person they are now, or will become as an adult? around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why? do they wish to go back to their days as a child, or have they embraced adulthood?
If Grif had to describe his childhood, he wouldnt. Very rarely, he'll mention things like his first girlfriend, or where he worked at. He'll even talk about Harvard and Sammy's Pizza. Unless Kaikaina is actively bringing things up, Grif does not talk about his childhood.
Grif's parents neglected him. His biological dad died when he was a toddler, and his mom married his step dad in order to have Kai. His step dad had 0 interest in Grif, aside from "Look how great I am raising another man's kid". Grif's mom eventually left him and took the house and the kids, but she was living paycheck to paycheck on her own, and barely scraping by. Grif was ten when they left, and 15/16 when he realized how their mom was supplementing her checks at the circus. From the age of 10, Grif had taken over most of the household tasks, and when he became old enough to do work for himself, he took over a lot of the home management and bills. It caused Grif to grow bitter and tired. School was an escape for him, but it wasnt giving Grif the extra security and structure he was looking for. Enter the military.
Grif is quite happy to be where he is. Very little responsibility and even if the attention he gets is often negative, at least its there.
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caeloservare · 3 years
@ncwblue a goodbye thingy
General just stares for a longer moment, observing David's reactions. He'd have to be blind to not see all the resentment and anger. A well deserved resentment and anger. He must admit he really messed up, losing one of best operatives like this.
“I'm sorry.” It's way too late but he can at least try to be honest now, without doctors, nurses, eyes and ears all around. “I wish we could solve it under better circumstances. I should have talked to you earlier.”
“We both know you're as sane as humanly possible. I don't know what you saw, but I'm sorry you found out that way.” Probably worst possible way to learn, through someone else's memories and emotions that were there at the time.
“I never took you for a nutcase, but I can't go around revealing world's worst secrets, no matter personal feelings about it. You probably realise that I can't let you do so either.” So far natural reaction to the news were assumptions of a very poor prank or losing sanity, so not much to worry about, unless Wash would like to start a cult or a society based on his knowledge. “Though... If you ever change your mind, you’d still have an ally in Atlas forces.”
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caeloservare · 3 years
@ncwblue sent: "Y'know, I really wish you had just left me to die in that ward." 
General blinks taken completely aback by such statement. Why on earth would he ever leave anyone behind? And why would Wash willingly stay there?
“Are you alri...” Well, stupid question. He’s obviously not. “I mean- Why...” He can’t get right words to form the whole question. “I can’t- couldn’t let you to die there. Do you... regret it?”
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