caeloservare · 1 month
// @livestosave (<3) got me thinking about an old headcanon that shows a big difference in how James acts as the general and how he does in private. It deserves to be written down in a better writing, but seems I'll never really get to it. Also I have no idea if I mentioned this hc before
So back when James was rather fresh as the general, one of SDC mines main corridor collapsed. Of course it was a tragedy and military got immediately involved into a rescue mission. James flew over to see up close and give orders from there. He sent some of his best teams. Of course he did his best to keep everyone, families, miners, the general public calm, as panic never helps anyone during an emergency. So he kept perfectly calm and collected, despite dire situation. After two days he was called back to the Academy and he kept supervising from there.
Then the whole mine collapsed for good, taking everyone in it to the deep grave. That was the moment that like a bucket of ice cold water reminded James that it doesn't matter how much effort he will put out, there will be tragedies he won't be able to help, but still he'll have to take responsibility for. He had to give a public speech. He had to write and deliver the bad news and documents to the families (and he for the first and last time decided to do all of it personally. Then he started delegating this part more often as it proved to be a bit too much.). He did all his duties perfectly. Couldn't hide his sorrow, but remained professional.
And that's where the big difference shows - that tragedy was the first time he learnt to hide away his emotional reactions. He locked himself out in some not used small rooms and cried there. He drunk there. He isolated to let himself process it somehow, before (or after) facing people who would base level of their reaction accordingly to his. There were subtle clues to notice that there's more than how he acts in front of cameras, like slightly red or puffed eyes. That was the first time he learned that he was wrong in thinking he was ready for anything like this and that he must keep his shit together at all costs or the situation will get worse because of the public.
Additional little headcanons:
Clover, as his best friend, could easily pick up something was wrong. I bet he'd be able to track James down when he squirrelled away.
It would be Winter that James would go to, to ask about make-up, if his looks would go too far off from acceptable for a public appearance. I bet she knows how to hide redness and bruises.
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coinjarred · 2 months
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A ironwatts wip
I was just gonna clean up a sketch but I rolled with it
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sunnysunsins · 6 months
Since recently everything here has been taken over by dipshits who lack media literacy, i will come back here to say - RWBY is a good show. It is good. It has good story and good writing and good characters. Does it have stumbles and limitations? Of course, like everything else ever created. Is it the real reason yall are dedicating your lives to religiously following and picking apart every detail to find something, anything, to hate on and make it your whole personality? Nah.
Yall are just pissy your hc wasn't canon. And i'm only half-joking.
Yall are just stuck in the expectation of "cute girls in school fighting monsters and baddies", which it hasn't been for almost a decade. Let Beacon fucking die already, it was the most boring part of the story anyway. If you like it so much, watch.. idk, high guardian spice. Or maybe my hero academia, it has godawful writing too with your favorite Adam-like and Ironwood-like archetypes you adore so much.
And if you didn't click off already in hissy rage, and want to challenge me on the writing point:
Yall are complaining about pacing, characterization lacking, skipped development, insert some other reason, how "show went to shit after volume 3". Well, newsflash, look back at volume 1. REALLY look at it, without your nostalgia boner.
How, in what actually can fit into 3.5 full-length episodes, it skips a whole semester with only a few moments shown in like 3-8 minutes. Notice how Ruby and Pyrrha interacted like 2 times in 3 volumes total. Ruby and Penny? Yeah, they barely interacted too. Ren hasn't talked to rwby girls at all aside from ensemble scenes.
Too many characters in later volumes? Honey, 1-3 had SO many pointless grunts and you ate them up. The whole Vytal festival was filled with them.
Can you tell me the plot of volume 2 from the top of your head? Yeah, me neither. If i think maybe i can remember there was a mecha fight, a dance and a train, but beyond that what was the point of that entire volume again?
Your favorite, pedestalled, volume 3, most of which is fighty-fighty filler and the only stuff you actually remember when jizzing your pants about it is last 3 episodes.
Most character interactions and development happened after Beacon arc. Most actual plot and bigger story happened after it too. Yall are stuck circlejerking to *filler*, setup, which only purpose was to show the status quo to later destroy it and start to show the real picture.
Do you know why v4 and 5 feel so empty and missing something? Sure, juggling multiple plots gave it's pacing issues too, but it felt empty because there were no side characters to fill out the world and make it feel alive. V5 cast was so tiny it felt like nobody interacted at all. Because there were none of those "extras" yall hate on so much. The extras make the world feel real. Which is why Atlas feels alive when Mistral wasn't.
The most complaints about later volumes are chucked down to lack of media literacy and nuanced reading of situations and characters. Translated for your easier understanding: the writing was too nuanced for your "cute girls go fighty fighty brrr" brain to comprehend. Sometimes things require you to put the situation into character perspectives. Sometimes their decisions are made under stress + personality + influence of events and interactions. But i guess yall don't want to think, yall just want to watch "girl go brrr killy killy monster"
I can continue writing down all these other points, but i'm hungry and should get up so i won't. Bottom text: RWBY is a good show with good story and good writing and good characters. It has struggles and fumbles like every other piece of media. But for some reason, because it's indie, it's held to a much higher standard and everyone feels entitled to pick apart every detail of it to make themselves feel justified for feeling sad over their dead headcanons, even though they'd never do the same picking for big production popular series with much *much* worse writing than even the worst of RWBY's fumbles.
If you made it this far and are a member of rwde, congratulations, you still have a reasonable bone or few. Most others i guess clicked off at first point and blocked me after sending me some kinda death threat, idk, i haven't posted this yet after all.
So yeah, feel free to leave your takes and death threats below, i'll happily discuss further later
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bellaaldamas · 3 months
Kinda curious, but do you have any personal HCs about Hel? For me, I love the idea that Hel prefers to hang around with her grandfather (and Mimir) more than her own parents. x3
Concerning Hel, as we discussed before with @stupidrant, I've had a HC for quite awhile (which the two of us happen to share) that her birth is not going to be an easy one and Angrboda might be on the verge of not just losing the baby but dying herself while delivering her (a reference to the "half dead" aspect of Hel's mythological self, consistent with SMS' pattern of "myth references with a twist"). Atreus would obviously turn to his other guardian and motherly figure Freya for help, as the latter has an extensive knowledge of healing magic. Gameplay wise it might open a possibility of Atreus embarking on a quest to procure ingredients needed for a healing potion to save his wife and unborn child. Story wise, such a scenario would further the bonding between not just Atreus and Freya but also Freya and Angrboda (bonus points if Freya and Kratos are involved and/or married by that point and Kratos is actively involved in the process).
You have a point about Hel preferring to communicate or go for advice and encouragement to Kratos and Mimir rather than her parents. Kratos has learned it the hard way (in Gow18 as well as GowR) that being an overprotective parent can only lead to dangerous situations for his child and would not repeat the same mistakes with his granddaughter.
Mimir, as shown in GowR, is the type of guardian figure Atreus would turn to for guidance regarding the matters he feels his father can not help him with (Atreus did ask Kratos about how one knows a person they like fancies them back - referring to Angrboda but not being able to name her because of the promise he made about not divulging any information about Ironwood - but didn't get any substantial advice).
On the other hand, Angrboda was deprived of care and protection for years, having to grow up and assume responsibility for every living thing in Ironwood at a strikingly young age (she mentioned her father feeling guilty he could not protect her from that). On the contrary, Atreus spent most of his young childhood under his mother's wing and then moved on to be under his (even more overprotective) father's wing. It was not until he was confronted with a very real possibility of losing said father that he started to pursue independence, even if it meant going up against Kratos's will.
Based on that, it would not be out of the realm of possibility that Atreus and Angrboda would want to protect Hel from the challenges they themselves had to face. And, inadvertently, crossing into overprotective parents territory in the process. Once Kratos has had a honest conversation about it with Atreus and Angrboda the issue would surely be worked though. But until then Hel would have her "cool grandads" Kratos and Mimir to go to.
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rnlacc · 4 months
I always have that one headcanon that Ironwood has his own andrology doctor to check on him every single six months.
According to military healthcare standards, every soldiers must have a health check (including gynecology and andrology) every 6 months and Ironwood is no exception, except that he has his own doctor to ensure his privacy.
In my hc, his doctor is an old man like he’s in his 70s and he always complains Ironwood about his lacking in taking care of his private life. Idk but he must be acting like he’s an Asian granpa always wants to have grandkids. 😂 “Please breed and have a child, General.”
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stupidrant · 3 months
Since we were on the subject of Hel headcanons, particularly related to the "half-dead" aspect of her mythological self and a potential twist SMS could offer on it. We share a HC about her difficult birth and Hel and Angrboda almost dying in the process. That leads me to believe, if Atreus and Angrboda are to have more children, it would be at minimum five years after Hel is born. Because they'd be, understandably, afraid that Angrboda might not handle another pregnancy and delivery. My HC is that their second child and pregnancy would be unplanned and sudden and Atreus and Angrboda would struggle between wanting it and being anxious about whether Angrboda and the baby can make it. Freya (who in my HC would have aided them a lot in Hel's birth with her healing abilities and herbs) would volunteer to curate the entire pregnancy and thanks to that it would go smoothly, as would the delivery (and is the reason Atreboda would soon decided to have another baby, making it three total).
Additionally, because Freya would have to spend a lot of time in Ironwood with Atreus and Angrboda during the pregnancy period she would tease Atreus about how, despite him being all grown up now, he "still needs her in his life after all" (a reference/parallel to Freya saying that to Kratos about Atreus, also teasingly, during the "Freya's missing peace" quest). To which Atreus would respond that he "always does" need her.
I could definitely see Freya being a midwife for them lol I also believe that if Hel’s birth is problematic, this would raise the question of Atreus’ sickness + Kratos’ curse once more
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lunatriense · 9 months
Do you hc anyone from rwby to be autistic?
Ruby, Penny, Whitley, possibly Ironwood, possibly Nora
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the-path-to-redemption · 11 months
what sexual orientations do you hc rwby characters have?
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask! I'm gonna put the main girls and mostly Beacon Era people in here, so if you want to know more about other characters let me know!
Ruby: Panromantic grey-ace.
Weiss: Bisexual
Blake: Also bisexual
Yang: Pansexual
Jaune: Demiromantic omnisexual (he/they nonbinary Jaune for me. RT is wrong as always)
Nora: Also omnisexual
Pyrrha: Panromantic and demisexual, baby (also GNC as fuck)
Ren: Grey-ace (only feels comfortable with a partner)
Cinder: AroAce
Roman: Heterosexual (but thinks gendered constructs are stupid as fuck)
Mercury: Bisexual
Emerald: Panromantic asexual
Neo: Heterosexual
Adam: Demiromantic bisexual (because no straight man sits like that)
Ozpin: Omnisexual
Glynda: AroAce
Ironwood: Pansexual
That's all for now!
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malice-death · 1 year
RWBY Pokemon HC Pt.1 JNPOR
Here are my pokemon headcannons involving RWBY characters, since I was picking up Scarlet again after a few months, since the DLC was coming out soon.
All feedback, reposts, blogs, and comments are welcomed.
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Jaune Arc: Honedge (Aegislash), Frigibax (Baxcalibur), Shieldon/Bastiodon, and Audino
Honedge he caught because his family prided themselves on sharp blades, but when he was young, he stumbled upon a Frigibax that was also being bullied and saved it. Shieldon though was a family gift, because of the shield and sword. Audino he found in the wild while he was traveling with Ruby and the gang. Ren was the one that suggested he catch it.
All of his pokemon were in their second evolutions, but it wasn't until he was fighting Neo and the gaurds, that Baxcalibur fully evolved when they were protecting Oscar and the relic.
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Nora Valkryie: Dedenne, Tinkatink(Tinkaton), Axew(Haxarous), and Mimikiyu
Dedenne was one of her first pokemon when she was all alone, she found it on a late rainy night. Tinkatink she found when she was first learning to use the hammer, and thought that it would the most perfect partner. Axew came along when thought that it was an axe.
Mimikiyu she found when she was in Atlas after the lightening scar indicdent, where her Tinkaton also gained scars from. The Mimikiyu tried to attack her, but after seeing her kindness, decided to stay with her.
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Pyrrha Nikos: Golett(Golurk), Skarmory, Blissey, and Falinks
Golett was the first pokemon she ever caught, while Blissey was a pokemon she hatched from an egg she earned as a gift. Skarmory she caught at Beacon, while Falinks was a pokemon that saw her armor and thought she was one of them, and just followed her eveywhere. After she died, her pokemon went to her mother, but when Jaune returned and visited her statue her mother handed over Falinks, believing that was the pokemon he needed the most.
Falinks would be the pokemon that helped him with some of the quiet, and help to ease the grief.
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Oscar Pine: Skiddo(Gogoat), Chespin(Chestnaught), Phantump(Treveant), and Swinnub(Mammoswine)
Skiddo was born on the farm and that was the one that Oscar wanted, even though it had a broken horn and the leaves were miscolored. It wouldn't evolve until they fought Hazel, and Ozpin thought to command the creature, but Skiddo rebelled and disobeyed all of Ozpin's orders.
Chespin was a gift from JNR, thinking that he didn't have a pokemon, until they met Skiddo when Osacar was playing with it. Phantump was encountered when Oscar was first traveling to get to Qrow, while he was alone with Ozpin in his head, the ghost tree was just wandering about the woods, and Oscar thought it was cute. It evolves into Treveant when Oscar loses to Ironwood and his falling, it escaped from its ball to help break his fall with the help of Chesnaught.
Swinub was found when Oscar was wandering Mantel, and found the abused creature.
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Lie Ren: Shiftry, Honchcrow, Musharna, Chimchar(Inferape)
Ren had a struggle gaining a pokemon, since most distanced themselves from him due to the aura he gave off.
But he stumbled on a seedot, who didn't sense anything wrong with him. Mukrow would follow soon after when Ren steals food from it. Musharna floated after him, sensing that he understood emotions and feelings. Chimchar was found in the snowy Argus night, thinking that the pokemon was a sign of the future.
That's all for now folks, and I'll soon have Pt.2 up with team RWBY.
Thanks for reading, tell me if there I missed, or if there was something you didn't expect.
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New light
So I decided to write a little story on Ironwood being resurrected by a Ghost from Destiny 2, featuring my hunter and their ghost, Boiled and Brine. Also, does anyone else hc that Ironwood's neurotransmitter also holds some of his memories like I do? What kind of Guardian would James be btw? I didn't know what to make him so I left it up to interpretation
It wasn’t common for ghosts that hadn’t found their guardians to tag along with guardians on a mission, but something about this one gave a ghost, Vanta, a strange feeling like he had to go. The planet the guardian was flying to had been recently discovered in the solar system. It somehow went untouched by the Witness when it took so many planets away from humanity and their allies. This planet was called “Remnant” by its original inhabitants, but now it was plagued by strange creatures attracted to negative emotions.
The creatures weren’t very dangerous compared to what the guardians had faced, energy weapons and heavy weapons easily cut through the large creatures, and super-charges decimated them with ease as they did most of the guardian’s enemies. The claws of the hostile creatures, identified as Grimm by old records, barely scratched armor worn by guardians but could slice through civilians. The Grimm that possessed flight or could release dangerous blasts of energy posed a threat to guardians. Vanta believed the Grimm had caused the death of Remnant’s original inhabitants.
The ruins left behind on the world were strangely comprised of large towers that almost touched the sky, entire cities built into mountain walls, and a city submerged underneath the ocean. That city, or what was above the surface, that city was what the guardian, their ghost, and Vanta were exploring. The way the top part of the large city was dug into the lower city hinted at something almost impossible; that the city once was floating high in the air.
Vanta wondered what the large floating city looked like in its prime. He wondered what it would be like to always wake up in a place so close to the sky. As Vanta and the guardian explored, a nagging feeling kept eating away at him. His shell spun as he tried to brush off the feeling.
“Vanta, is there something wrong?” Brine, the guardian’s ghost, asked him. “No, just an odd feeling,” Vanta answered, though Brine and his guardian, Boiled, still seemed worried about him.
Vanta wondered what it would be like for him and his future guardian. Would they be close and come up with silly names for each other like Brine and Boiled? Or would they be distant like others? The possibilities constantly ate away at the lone ghost’s mind.
As Vanta continued to follow Boiled and Brine, they entered a part of the wreckage of the upper city. Despite most of it being flooded, this part wasn’t, but it was still absolutely ruined, crushed by the fall. Vanta stopped as a feeling washed over him, a feeling many ghosts felt when they found their guardians. “Vanta?” Boiled called his name. They didn’t know why the ghost had stopped, but Brine communicated something to them, causing Boiled to back up and give Vanta space. Vanta’s onyx shell twisted, spun, and glowed as he resurrected his guardian.
Boiled’s long lilac cloak billowed behind them as Vanta’s guardian was resurrected. They blocked the bright light from their eyes. The guardian lowers their arm as the bright light fades, leaving them face to face with Vanta’s newly resurrected guardian. Boiled’s heterochromatic eyes met the new guardian’s deep blue ones. They reminded Brine of what Boiled’s eyes originally looked like before they used the darkness.
Vanta’s guardian was male. He looked older. His hair was semi-short and swept to one side with small grey streaks. He also had what seemed to be a fluffy beard that made Boiled hold back a chuckle.
“Eyes up, guardian,” Vanta spoke as he caught his guardian’s attention. “You’ve been dead for a very long time, I think.” As Vanta began wondering how long his guardian was dead, the New Light spoke, “I… I was dead?” He asked, holding one side of his head as that metal strip, identified as a neurotransmitter by Brine’s scans, activated, causing things to flood into the New Light’s memories. Boiled gently tapped the guardian’s shoulder, catching his attention.
“We should get you to the tower,” Boiled spoke, keeping their voice soft to not stress out the New Light too much, “This place isn’t exactly the safest place to be.” They looked at Vanta. “Vanta, contact the tower and tell them you found your guardian.”
Boiled began walking towards the exit but stopped when they didn’t hear the New Light following them. “What’s wrong?” They asked, turning to face him, “Who… Who are you?”
Brine spoke before their guardian, “Their name is Boiled a Hunter, and most importantly, a guardian like you.” The New Light only looked to them in complete confusion. “We’ll explain as we go.” Boiled spoke, only causing further confusion for the new guardian.
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Been thinking about the events following the Fall of Beacon. Pietro watched Penny be torn apart live, he had to sit and watch his daughter die right before his eyes and not know what happened following that other than Beacon falling. Fast forward a bit, Ironwood and what remains of the Atlas forces stationed in Vale bring Amity to Solitas, and with it, the remains of Penny. Now this becomes inference and a bit of head canoning/speculation to fill in the gaps. Ironwood brings Penny back to Pietro. He has a second chance at being a dad. A second chance to be with Penny. Pietro must be asking if he could help Ironwood with anything in return for James bringing his daughter back home. Now what do know that Pietro makes on a request of Ironwood? Yang’s arm. The last time Ironwood directly spoke to Yang, he was sent to punish her for supposedly breaking another student’s legs. Now here he is, standing in front of a father grateful to have a second chance with someone that could have been lost forever, and Ironwood asks for a prosthetic for a student. James could have asked for a super weapon or something for himself but instead he requests that Pietro makes something to help out someone that he has no reason to be helping. That is the James Ironwood I know.
I know this has a lot of HC's and speculation I know but dang it just works and makes a lot of sense for both character and what we have from canon. Pietro loves Penny. He cares about her so much he sacrificed a bit of his own soul to bring her to life before he even met her. She means everything to him and to have a chance to save her and bring her back would mean everything to him. And Pietro asks what James wants in return and all he wants to do is help a student who he probably understands all to well what they are going through.
And even the text somewhat supports this reading as Taiyang had been confident that James would get Yang a new arm for her and was about to ask but James beat him to the punch. Taiyang literally tells us this. He had no hesitation or worries regarding to reaching out to James, the headmaster and general of his kingdom, if James would make his daughter a new arm, someone everyone thought broke another students leg for no good reason. James, before even being asked, just gave her a new arm. The idea that he asked Pietro after James brought Penny back to him because he just wanted to help a hurting student is just so in character for him and I love it.
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caeloservare · 2 months
hc + 👗hc + 📔hc + ❓
Lemme blabber about Jim <3
hc + 👗 for a clothes-themed headcanon
Oooh, I like this one! So! James has a wardrobe that contains mostly uniforms. Somewhere deep there are forgotten old jeans trousers and a normal t-shirt, also a leather jacket, because that's about as much of a rebel he is 😂 Other than that it's a tactical set of clothes in black and blue, various white uniforms with blue, gray, red or silver accents, some more practical some for an official / showoff occasions. He also owns many black, blue and white shirts and elegant suits.
He has a washing machine in his personal quarters, but while spiralling into workaholism as a poorly chosen coping mechanism, he mostly leaves his clothes for whatever official cleaning/ washing service they surely have there in the Academy / military / huntsmen base combo. This way he doesn't have to spend time washing and ironing (he does!) his clothes, simply he pays someone else for doing it.
hc + 📔 for a reading-themed headcanon
James liked to read mostly historical books and some old philosophy works like Art of War by whatever equivalent of Sun Tzu they have in Remnant. He used to read a lot about economy and business, because that's enjoyable for his logical, mathematical, straight to point mind. He likes leaning about various strategies and he sure wants to know how to do his job in the Council properly.
Used to, because he mostly reads legal regulations, law books, reports and such.
hc + ❓ for a headcanon of the receiver's choice
A lil silly thing that has been on my mind a lot lately is Jimbo's hair. His a little stiff, thicc, jet black hair, mixed with so many streaks of silver. These always kept sticking out on their own accord, especially the right side of his fringe. His mom used to gel them flat down for formal occasions and little Jim hated it, kept pouting all the time.
I keep thinking about how he kept his hair short through most of his life. Various lengths, but mostly short and practical. Shortest he kept them early in the military, maybe even with a matchstick-length stage. Then he stayed for years on what we know from the first volumes. After the fall of Beacon he just stopped caring for trying to keep his hair in check and so let them grow.
I've recently been hit by a thought, how long they actually are, given that (according to my headcanons, because that's what we're analysing here :P ) they're sticking up and out. Soaked wet Jim with his face suddenly almost hidden by his hair? Yes, please!
Lemme show you what I have in mind, please excuse the poor mobile doodle.
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Look how long that lock is (purple)! And if it stretches out full length (yellow)? Also some seem to be even longer?? :3c
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solitaireships · 1 year
🌈 for mr ironwood himself!
He's cis and polyamorous! He's ace which is part of why he names his special elite huntsman team like that lol and he's biromantic. With how he experiences attraction, he tends to be more likely to be attracted to men than women, but he's more likely to fall harder for women
send me a 🌈 + one of my f/os for my sexuality/gender hcs for them!
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Clover nsfw hcs? Preferred partners, kinks, etc?
Oof, this one is really hard. Mostly because Clover is just....a nothing character. There's nothing to him, other than queerbait with Qrow's bitch ass and a weird motivation source for Harriet?
But I still got a few for ya :3
My man is a certified pan baby. The reason why his tits are so huge is because they're full of love.
Speaking of tits, he loves to cuddle as the big spoon and just squish his partner with those pillows.
My preferred partners for him are Ironwood, Marrow, Winter, and Harriet if they were well-written. His sunshine energy is great for these guys.
He has a wall sex kink; pressing his partner against the wall while balls deep in them. Or the reverse lmao.
Whiskey play; all kinds of sexy hijinks with some liquid courage I say.
Sadly that's about it. I wish I got more for him, but he just....yeah.
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tumblingxelian · 2 years
Okay so, to clarify, I want abled fans to stop disagreeing with disabled fans when we say something is ableist.
There's a big difference between a fascist taking issue with Ironwood's arc and an amputee taking issue with Ironwood's arc.
(Also, if allistic fans would stop telling autistic fans who we are and aren't allowed to headcanon as autistic, I would greatly appreciate it.)
Fair enough to be sure, though that does beg the question of how to respond if two disabled fans disagree on a topic.
Very much agreed.
Given I know the post you are referring to here and speaking as an autistic person I feel this is rather loaded and unfair. Someone baselessly HC-ing Ironwood as autistic and then claiming its bigotry he is a villain strikes me as more of that performative bullshit RWDE does. Like claiming Ironwood is 'Asian' based on nothing and therefore its racist he's a villain.
I'm sorry if this wasn't the response you were looking for.
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lunadarkwoodx · 5 months
hc + 🥣 for a food-themed headcanon
Luna is big on stew, quite often rabbits would dart between the trees only to end in a snare or deer would often roam the forest and end up in the pot. Potatoes, carrots and tomatoes were easy to grow in the garden bed that rested beside the cottage and so it would be cooked multiple times throughout the week over the hearth that was forever lit by the ironwood that they harvested.
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