autisticbee · 1 year
I would rather d!e than get a d@n vs revival
If the show got revived on a adults channel...it would be full of r@pe jokes, fatphobia & asserting that Dan is straight...like it would just end up being like all the other shitty bigoted adult aimed cartoons
fandom I'm telling you, you lot can AND do create much better older aimed content than m@ndel would
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babymets · 5 months
what do you mean the mets played a baseball game today
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just-antithings · 4 months
So, Alex k1r5t3r(m@ndel@ c@t@logue creator and notorious huge asshole anti) has had SEVERAL allegations of less than great behaviour including parasocial and creepy behaviour towards minors and suicidebaiting come up which if true, when convined with his aforementioned anti shenanigans paints one hell of a picture of projection.
yikes what a mess
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babyawacs · 3 months
#hauptsachenudelentladen #undsoerklaereichesmeinenkindern @bundestag @bundesrat .@deutschland @deutschland @bild @phoenix_de @sz @hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart @frankfurt @welt @bbc_whys .@law @harvard_law mirkan keiner weismachen dass dieses kriminelle degenerierte gesi ndel den vibe wusste geschweige denn respektierte #keypoint die kapieren noch nichteinmal was sie misbrauchen ‎ hauptsachenudelentladen dank regierungs coma drogen
#hauptsachenudelentladen #undsoerklaereichesmeinenkindern @bundestag @bundesrat .@deutschland @deutschland @bild @phoenix_de @sz @hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart @frankfurt @welt @bbc_whys .@law @harvard_law mirkan keiner weismachen dass dieses kriminelle degenerierte gesindel den vibe wusste geschweige denn respektierte #keypoint die kapieren noch nichteinmal was sie…
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kb85lazy · 8 months
Nn mltry hl ulsin akn avr mnyg ndel
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mileenas · 1 year
m*leenas, s*ndels, k*tanas, l*ukangs >ű/f//s
dm on discord: windgods
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hkxytech · 1 year
Yokogawa ANB10D-425/CU2N/NDEL ESB Bus Node Unit
Yokogawa ANB10D-425/CU2N/NDEL ESB Bus Node Unit (for FIO). The ESB Bus Node Unit has an interface function that communicates the analog I/O signals and contact I/O signals of a field with a Field Control Unit (FCU) via an ESB bus, as well as a function that supplies power to the I/O Modules. This node units are connected to FCU via an ESB bus. Yokogawa ANB10D ESB Bus Node Units (for FIO) model
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444names · 2 years
old noldorin dictionary BUT including "l" and excluding "y"
Abartaled Abhollow Abold Abongul Adiele Agle Aliting Alta Amal Amaliorpse Andollived Andul Anklōra Apell Arthalact Attled Awastiveil Bale Ballop Balsall Balve Bandle Bathalsake Batthal Bearpel Beld Bele Belep Bellenārna Belme Bendallep Bettlātake Bles Blit Blitinge Boll Bollaiwele Bollop Bolon Borkhell Boverla Breele Breful Bril Browele Bruscouble Buicle Buiclended Cale Calian Calint Calle Cavelme Caverthel Chel Clander Claughte Cled Clen Clentraval Clue Cluentul Clugh Clume Colkharkha Colle Cortul Coupel Crendle Culte Cuskild Dakeled Diall Dibel Dibleha Diele Dolk Eletradfus Ellaint Elloup Elof Elow Elthalast Elveled Elwandisse Etle Etledre Etleful Etlefut Etlen Etthal Ettled Evel Evelenārn Exal Exalitse Exalland Exalta Exalve Exil Exild Exilde Exill Exilla Exillow Exilvigod Fathal Fiel Fiele Fiellef Flocher Flod Flon Flook Flop Flossere Flowded Fold Folda Follasūka Folow Folstro Foockil Foomald Freleve Frelo Frumpled Fuliortaid Fulioup Fullo Gaikampold Galleve Galmet Givel Glairm Glarn Glas Glof Glooth Glope Glowe Gnarmaible Gnoblense Gnolda Gobletle Goldandled Hakele Halga Halgaing Halior Halliant Halop Halwa Hartalio Heled Helga Hell Hold Holkhalian Holl Homplasser Hothalpha Hwestheled Ileft Ilehant Ilveile Intalm Intalted Jewele Kell Khal Khasull Khelvina Kild Kill Kille Killf Kilve Klōran Lace Laige Lamne Lampark Land Landa Landoe Lano Lant Lantal Lapla Lasūka Laught Ledibel Leha Lend Leve Lialaster Liale Lian Liandove Liank Lianūren Lina Lineld Linesta Ling Lininte Linsma Linta Liounge Liount Liquenta Liquige Liseill Lisonded Lisse Lista Literist Litha Lither Litife Litseize Littek Loot Lopeleved Lopit Lose Lous Louss Lowenve Lowerlane Lowern Luen Luenve Līrecite Līreda Līreque Malach Malef Malgam Malin Malint Maliseize Malive Mall Mallas Mallascave Malo Malock Malpher Malvereni Malwa Manklōrok Manothal Milekthick Mill Millful Nadele Ndel Ndoldele Ndovel Ndul Neled Ngobled Ngoll Nikthal Nimetle Noutuille Nuiled Nuillonda Nurtalinse Nūropil Oattle Oile Oillain Oldonda Olindur Olloun Olooma Olsappon Ortulio Oushalpha Pala Palin Palphal Palsa Parpelt Phalmalta Phamplia Pheadful Phel Phelta Pikill Pild Plangtha Pled Plen Pleveize Plia Plial Plialow Pliquenda Plisondo Poill Poillar Poille Pold Poldoes Poll Polod Polop Polour Polow Pongulk Postel Powellook Prothfulle Pōrandal Raible Rile Rillof Rindle Rondattle Rootouscal Rothample Rothille Rundled Ruscalosta Saglaugh Salde Sale Salia Sall Saltek Scarantall Scletted Scompold Seillow Shale Shallant Shel Shello Sibelve Sible Sibledrina Sicklane Sicla Silden Sille Sillon Sirsalived Skhall Skhallack Skhalsalta Skhautulta Skhelleve Skildo Skillancen Skinella Slact Slaina Slan Slapa Slapalsa Slassagro Slasther Slauka Slof Slopent Slowes Slown Smoubled Snakeltak Snamnello Snoble Solda Solinta Solourende Solowern Solste Spel Sphal Sphale Sphel Spherile Spla Splam Splan Sple Spoiled Spolda Stal Stalanse Staldeasse Stalise Stelef Stellep Stelwaing Stensiblia Sthlaugh Stivelga Sulub Supetle Suppolle Sīrellod Sōbal Tairsall Talaiden Talthele Telt Thakill Thal Thale Thartaled Thel Thfulumpa Thlīwenve Ticla Tivelga Tlent Tleverta Torthapel Tranthala Trefulive Trele Trillent Tuiandelm Tūkample Tūkandulk Uild Uilla Vall Valphitick Veild Voill Wandarkhel Warele Wartulta Watthfull Weld Wersaplaud Whickil Withfulk Ñgoble
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xtremejust · 2 years
Noti enzyme
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Noti enzyme manual#
Noti enzyme download#
Ndel and Noel Sphl and Nhel Kpnl Enzyme Mix B Enzyme Mix Choose. But which enzyme mix was which? Based on your predictions regarding the sizes of fragments expected after digesting POTC-A DNA with each of these three enzyme mixes (using the plasmid map provided in Prac Report 2) and your actual agarose gel results, determine which enzymes were present in which mix (1.5 marks) Enzyme Mix A v Choose. Thermo Scientific NotI restriction enzyme recognizes GCGGCCGC sites and cuts best at 37C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: CciNI). Engineered with performance in mind, HF restriction enzymes are fully active under a broader range of conditions, minimizing off-target products, while offering.
Noti enzyme manual#
In the Subject Manual and in Prac Report 2 it was stated that one of the three enzyme mixes contained Kpnl alone, while another contained Ndel and Notland another contained Sphl and Nhel. from publication: Cloning and Expression of Genes Encoding Enzymes Involved in.
Noti enzyme download#
Pustaka genom dengan sisipan fragmen ~40 Kb yang membawa gen MTGase telah berhasil dikonstruksi dengan menggunakan fosmid pCC1FOSTM di dalam E.coli EPI300-TIR.Transcribed image text: 1% agarose stained in SYBR Safe IILIT 588 8 8 8 8 8 20 88888888 Size 60 ng05 ug ΣΣ ΣΣ ΣΣ 1kb+ DNA ladder OTC Plasmid OTC-A Plasmid OTC-A + A OTC-A + B OTC-A + Cġ% agarose stained in SYBR Safe HIITIT 1 58888888 a 8 8 88888888 Size Dp ng05 ug IL 1kb+ DNA ladder PCR Sample 1 (no DNA) PCR Sample 2 (POTC) PCR Sample 2 (POTC-A) Sample 4 (POTC control) Sample 5 (POTC-A control) Download scientific diagram NotI enzyme digestion. Berdasarkan sekuen gen 16S rRNA, isolat TTA 02 SDS 14 memiliki kekerabatan terdekat dengan Streptomyces thioleteus dengan homologi 99%. Sekuen parsial gen MTGase dari isolat tersebut memiliki homologi 93 % dengan MTGase dari Streptomyces cinnamoneus. Analisis molekuler dengan PCR membuktikan bahwa isolat tersebut mengandung gen MTGase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penapisan terhadap bakteri Streptomyces spp penghasil MTGase yang diisolasi dari berbagai jenis tanah di Indonesia, mendapatkan satu isolat yang potensial yaitu TTA 02 SDS 14. Untuk itu, penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu, penapisan bakteri Streptomyces spp penghasil MTGase, identifikasi isolat penghasil MTGase dan pembuatan pustaka genom dengan mengkloning fragmen DNA 40 kb yang mengandung gen penyandi MTGase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bakteri yang menghasilkan MTGase dan mengklon fragmen DNA penyandinya. Pendekatan teknologi rekayasa genetika sangat diperlukan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik sehingga dapat dikembangkan dalam skala industri. HF enzymes also exhibit dramatically reduced star activity. High Fidelity (HF) Restriction Enzymes have 100 activity in rCutSmart Buffer single-buffer simplicity means more straightforward and streamlined sample processing. NotI Restriction Enzyme Endonuclease Type II Restriction enzyme Cleaves double-stranded DNA at specific recognition site Recognize octameric palindromic. Cleavage with two restriction endonucleases that. NotI has a High Fidelity version NotI-HF ( NEB R3189 ). Cleavage with two restriction endonucleases that produce blunt ends. These new restriction sites may be generated by: Cleavage followed by fill-in of 5 overhangs to generate blunt ends. Selain itu proses pemurnian cukup sulit karena memerlukan beberapa tahap pemurnian. New restriction sites can be generated by ligation of DNA fragments with compatible cohesive or blunt ends. The two enzymes used are NotI and any one of the following four enzymes: EcoRV. Produksi enzim Microbial Transglutaminase (MTGase) dari strain liar mempunyai beberapa kelemahan yaitu selain pertumbuhan selnya lambat, produk yang dihasilkan sedikit dan protein yang dihasilkan juga bercampur dengan protein lainnya. The first step is the double- restriction-enzyme digestion of the BAC DNA. In addition, the universal Tango buffer is provided for convenience in double digestions. merupakan enzim yang mengkatalisis reaksi perpindahan gugus asil antara residu glutamin (Gln) yang berfungsi sebagai donor asil dan residu lisin (Lys) sebagai aseptor yang membentuk ikatan silang (crosslinking) ε-(γ-glutamyl) lisin isopeptida yang menghasilkan ikatan kovalen inter atau intramolekuler yang berikatan silang dengan protein makanan. Ad2 DNA digested with NotI, 0.7 agarose, 7 cleavage sites conventional restriction endonucleases are a large collection of high quality restriction enzymes, optimized to work in one of the buffers of the Five Buffer System.
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marcocardelli · 5 years
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"Old concept: Love is blind. Marriage is an eye opener. New concept: Love is not blind - it simply enables one to see things others fail to see." ~ Johann Sebastian Bach❤️ . . . 🏆 ... . 💯 . . . #johannsebastianbach #bach #nchen #classicalmusic #patrickdebana #ottorinorespighi #respighi #svetlanazakharova #amore #denissavin #teatrocommune #teatrocomunaledibologna #rainbeforeitfalls #marcocardelli #amoreperformance #jsbach #singen #music #chor #ndel #musica #musik #klassik #mbc #instagood #soprano #nikolaus #klassischemusik #konzert @unumdesign #unumfam (presso Ascoli, Marche, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dCEDgo8-F/?igshid=f6jciijok4zl
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autisticbee · 1 year
Ma/ndel annoys me so much like the tags of his new post have a point BUT not everything needs to be a goddamn punchline for your mediocre page about your long dead show 😐
Like idk maybe you could just make. A actual normal post about it instead. I don't think school shootings or queer ppl being called groomers is something you should make into a joke actually!
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unsertraumschiff · 3 years
Do you wanna.... do you wanna share falsettos fandom lore?
Well it’s like. I don’t know how to explain it there is quite a lot of depth but I think the general gist of it is any of the weird cryptic old falsettos stuff you see people ask about? That was probably started by a bunch of 14-16 year olds in a kik and/or skype group chat and I happened to always be involved 💔 same goes for bom and deh in the same timeframe of 2016-2017 though deh was pretty much just My Fault
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aceshighman · 4 years
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Heya! Back with yet another sweater boi!
This one actually comes with some hcs I have for one mr. Bobbi Fabulous. So here it goes,
-Bobbi’s hair is naturally sandy blonde like his mom’s, but he decided to bleach it in 1980 when “Love Händel” started getting big.
-He also totally played on the Danville tennis team.
-In fact, he was their star player.
-Mostly because his parents are members at this snooty country club, and he practiced there all the time.
-^^Takes Sherm and Danny to the country club all the time. Especially over the summer. (Much to his parents dismay).
-Bobbi tried to teach them how to play—like, god did he try. But it did NOT work out.
Anyhow, I hope you guys like this.
Have a good day, and peace out! ✌🏻
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anadicletus · 5 years
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Ex-militants lied against Brambaifa, say stakeholders Some Niger Delta stakeholders have lampooned a group of ex-militants under the auspices of the Niger Delta Ex-agitators Leaders Forum (NDEL) for attacking the acting Managing Director, Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), Prof.
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dragongirl2 · 4 years
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@transmascdanny is very supportive and inspiring
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hkxytech · 1 year
Yokogawa ANB10D-425/CU2T/NDEL ESB Bus Node Unit
Yokogawa ANB10D-425/CU2T/NDEL ESB Bus Node Unit (for FIO). The ESB Bus Node Unit has an interface function that communicates the analog I/O signals and contact I/O signals of a field with a Field Control Unit (FCU) via an ESB bus, as well as a function that supplies power to the I/O Modules. This node units are connected to FCU via an ESB bus. Yokogawa ANB10D ESB Bus Node Units (for FIO) model
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