#nearest rehab centre
anandacarerehab · 10 months
Break free from addiction at Ananda Care, your nearest rehab centre committed to your journey of transformation. We at Ananda Care stand as your beacon of hope and transformation. Ananda Care offers not just recovery but a revitalized life. Our compassionate team ensures a bespoke approach, addressing your needs and aspirations. Ananda Care, your nearby rehab centre, invites you to rediscover life beyond addiction. Ananda Care can be your partner in reclaiming a fulfilling, addiction-free life.
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saintivcryarchive · 2 years
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he  had  no  reason,  or  at  least  not  one  he’d  willingly  admit  to,  for  why  he  decided  to  help  dakota  morgan  that  night.  he’d  gone  there  to  collect,  and  found  the  other  out  of  their  mind,  barely  able  to  string  together  a  sentence,  at  the  very  easy  access  of  predators.  gabriel  couldn’t  leave  him  there,  so  he  didn’t.  he  paid  off  his  debts,  dropped  him  off  at  the  nearest  rehab  and  paid  for  his  treatment.  when  he  got  word  from  the  centre  that  dakota’s  treatment  was  complete,  he  made  his  way  over  there  and  ventured  inside.
it  wasn’t  long  before  he  saw  the  younger  man  being  lead  out  front.  he  smirked,  waiting  for  the  other  to  get  the  all  clear,  before  making  his  way  outside  to  spark  up  a  cigarette.  “  s’that  gonna  stick?  ”  gabe  questioned,  sure  that  dakota  had  some  questons  of  his  own,  but  that  didn’t  mean  he’d  be  all  that  willing  to  answer  all  of  them.  
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pokemoncaretips · 2 years
So it's that time of year again...
It's gardevoir hatching season soon, aka "the time of year people keep getting put in the hospital for trying to 'rescue' ralts". In the interests of public safety, I'm putting out a PSA on how to recognise when a ralts actually needs help.
If the ralts: -Is wandering unsupervised in tall grass -Is visibly injured -is exhibiting begging behaviour towards the nearest biped (reaching up and tapping at the shins while emitting a high pitched cry). -appears thin or sickly looking it is in urgent need of assistance and is likely lost or orphaned. Lost ralts are very vulnerable and won't survive long. If it's injured or sick, take it to your nearest pokemon rehab centre. If the ralts:
-is near small stockpiles of fruit and edible flowers -is found in small grassy nests near red flowers -is exhibiting a "freeze posture" (tilting its head up to hide its crest among the flowers and remaining still.) Or if you suddenly feel heavy, headachy, or a sudden and severe feeling of dread
Back away immediately and flee the area. If you encounter the parent as you flee, keep your head down, do not make eye contact, and hope it recognises you as not being a threat. Wild gardevoir are aggressive and protective. A baby ralts is not worth a week long migraine.
Or worse.
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somatheking · 1 year
The Genie.
In which Soma and Chishiya have a talk about the future of Hatter's cartel.
At 7:30AM the sun begins to filter in through the blinds of Soma's apartment, casting a light over the activities he'd been engaging in the previous night. It bounces off the bottles of glass that are strewn across the floor, bending and breaking off in several directions, occasionally meeting a few coloured drops of spirits still inside (brown, mostly, because Soma favours rum and whiskey, but there are a few bottles dripping in fancy shades of green, which might be absinthe, and blue, which is either blue curaçao or something else Chishiya has no clue about). The floor is a kaleidoscopic mess of colours, refracted light and stains that stick to his soles if he steps on them, though the rest of his apartment is squeaky clean. The white of the walls is unperturbed and the cushions of the sofa are plump and symmetrically disposed on the two armrests. 
It's a strange scene to walk into at 7:30AM. Soma barely owns anything and his apartment looks more like a hotel room than a place someone's lived in for over six years, plus the dissonance between the debauchery the floor suggests and the normalcy of the rest of the apartment makes it feel like Chishiya just walked into a movie set, where the director might suddenly walk in shouting 'action!', they'll take their places, and the scene will start. It's a pretty badly organised movie set, one critics would shred to pieces for the obvious falseness of it all, but he knows Soma's cleaning lady only stops by once a week and it's a pain in the ass for a blind person to clean walls and sofas, so he'll let it slide. 
Soma is, surprisingly, taking into account his constant need for attention, not in the middle of the mess. He's with his side pressed against the wall, a bottle propped below his neck and another being cradled in his arms. Given how he took the time to painstakingly place all the other bottles across the floor, it feels like the one he's carefully holding might not have been a random choice on his behalf, though Chishiya can't see the label because it's turned to face Soma's chest. What he can see, however, is how his long palmar muscle is taut, the tendon bulging against the skin of his wrist. He's awake, then. The long palmar is a muscle not every person has, but Chishiya long noticed Soma did from the hours they spent together inside a lab, watching how it flickered between tense and loose as he picked up tubes and flasks and then put them down, hypnotic and rhythmic. He's making an effort to hold the bottle. He's awake.
"Are you dead?" asks Chishiya amiably, with his hands shoved inside his pockets and standing at a prudent distance from the man. 
Soma doesn't answer. Not straight away at least. He puts on the farce of groaning with deep, gravelly voice as if to simulate a hangover, and his mouth contorts in protest before opening to drawl out the following words: "Who is this?"
Chishiya snorts. He's pushing it, over-acting. "I thought blind people were supposed to have sharper senses to make up for the lack of eyesight."
"Yes, well," replies Soma with a half-smile, propping himself up on his elbows. Even though it doesn't make much difference, his eyes open and a sliver of light shines on his left one, as if it's a scar splitting his eye in two. "Drugs fucked up the other four senses. Some more than others."
Some more than others indeed.
Soma could and should be used as part of a drug prevention program. When he scrambles up, uncoordinated and pitiful, patting the floor to search for a walking stick that is nowhere near him and all the way across the room, Chishiya thinks of how one look at him would send most people running away, speeding to make it to the nearest rehab centre. Everyone who's ever snorted a few lines of coke knows they're probably not going to end the year with their nasal septum intact, some might know there's a chance they get to see the inside of an ER from having a stroke, but only a very select few are aware that side effects are not limited to things you only see in a doctor’s notes but won’t come face to face in a mirror. They can claim whichever parts of the body they want. 
In Soma's case, they had claimed everything. There's purple patches of skin on his nose, ears and cheeks, and though clothes are currently covering the rest of his body, his thighs, lower abdomen and chest are also affected. The correct clinical term is purpura, elevated purplish lesions that whiten and hurt like a bitch when they're pressed but don't seem to bother Soma much. It's as if his body is a beggar's cloak and he keeps patching it up to the point of discoloration, or as if he's Frankenstein's monster and the foreign limbs are starting to reject him and decay. 
The incorrect term, but what it actually looks like, is rot. He looks like he’s rotting from the inside out. 
"Alright, then," says Soma, who’s finally managed to stand up. "Beach?"
Chishiya doesn't question this, even if his reason for visiting Soma is by far not going to the beach like they're friends, and he just nods. 
"Get dressed. Or rather, undressed. In any case, there's swimming trunks in the second drawer of the black wardrobe, and you already know where the bathroom is, if you don't wanna get naked in front of a blind man."
"Sure. I need to go to the bathroom anyways," replies Chishiya, grabbing a pair of swimming trunks with blue palm trees and a greenish white colour from the discoloration of pool chemicals. If only to make things quicker, Chishiya hands him an orange one and his walking stick, which Soma acknowledges with a nod. 
"I'll just change here," he mumbles, already shimmying down his trousers without caring much about Chishiya still being there. The latter, before he can see more of Soma's body than he wants to, disappears inside the bathroom, but not before catching a quick glimpse of the bottle he’d been holding in his theatrical arrangement. 
And once he sees it, he understands.
“A Captain Morgan,” says Chishiya, once they’ve trudged down the ramp that leads to the beach in front of the apartment complex Soma lives in and walked into the sea until water covered their knees. “I’m surprised you remembered.” Soma had so comfortably settled into his position as consigliere that it was strange to recall the days where he simply worked as a cocaine producer for Hatter. He’d changed so radically too (cut ties with all his friends, became blind, got levamisole poisoning and a reckless and flippant attitude that never died down) and left behind so many things that it was hard to believe he hadn’t also left behind his memories of that time. But there it was, clear as day, the Captain Morgan bottle being the one cradled in his arms, when back in the day when Soma half-pretended, half-began to dip his toes into alcoholism, they’d planted a Captain Morgan bottle in the lab whenever one of them noticed a bug. 
Soma scoffs in response, kicking his leg in response to an algae getting tangled in his foot. “Give me a bit of credit here, I’m still good at what I do, even if it’s a pain in the ass these days. And it’s the only way I could think of to prevent you from blabbing anything in my place. You’ve been so persistent in trying to find me for the past week that I was afraid you’d just blurt everything out the moment you saw me.”
If Chishiya’s annoyed by this horrible judge of character, it doesn’t show. All business, sadly, no time to catch up with an old friend and trade some barbs for the sake of old times. “How long has your apartment been bugged?”
“Hard to say,” he replies with a shrug. “Lately, it feels like any idiot with half a brain decides to plant a bug in my house just for kicks. They aren’t subtle about it, either; one day someone’s gonna get the brilliant idea to plant one up my ass or something. Got me inventing a whole new code out of fucking alcohol bottles out of all things so I can communicate with my usual associates.”
“And as a result, you get drunk.”
“Hey, I'm overworked," protests Soma, albeit jokingly. "I have to make some time for my hobbies, no?" 
Silence falls between them. Despite how talkative Soma is, for some reason, that had never applied to Chishiya. The once extroverted, amiable man had soon understood they'd get along far better if Chishiya was left to his own devices, and now, devious and cunning, he respected him enough to not try to wrangle information out of him, and the result of it was this. Silence, only broken by the cawing of seagulls and the waves crashing against their legs. 
“Do you know about Hatter’s latest request?” suddenly asks Chishiya, as he hears the rasping sound of a lighter and turns to look at Soma, who’s produced a cigarette out of nowhere and is in the process of lighting it up. Occupied as he is, he nods at Chishiya to continue, a cloud of smoke billowing out of his lips. “He wants me to borrow, or steal, two Andean cats from the zoo.”
“Well, shit,” says Soma, with a laugh and another cloud of smoke. “He’s really lost it.”
“You don’t sound concerned.”
“Not really. If he’s commanded you to do it, I’m sure you’ll find a way around it. And, hell, it’s not the craziest thing he’s currently up to.”
Again, if Chishiya is surprised by the half compliment, it doesn’t show. “I haven’t caught wind of anything crazier than kidnapping endangered animals for the sake of putting on a show for the Chief of Police, who’s coming over for lunch.”
A sly smile stretches the edges of Soma’s lips. “Like I said, I’m still good at what I do.”
It’s not like Chishiya knows, and he’s made sure it definitely doesn’t show, but for the past few months he’s been running around like a headless chicken, playing an incessant game of Whack-a-mole. One mole pops up, Soma hits him in the head with the hammer. As soon as that one goes away, another one appears, and then another one, and another one. Too many moles, both in the figurative and the literal sense; more and more people seemed to have switched sides to either another drug cartel or to the government’s witness protection plan, and paranoia was spreading. There’s only so many moles he can take care of, so much water he can bail out of a sinking ship.
“Look, as much as I’m sure the views from here are beautiful, I’d appreciate it if you just told me what you’re here for. There’s a lot of agua viva here in summer, and I don’t want to find out what a jellyfish sting would do to the parts of my body with purpura. I might be blind, but I’m not blind, you know. If you’re here, that means you want action. You’d have gone to that kid Jordyn if all you wanted was information.”
“I think it’s time for Hatter to retire.”
It’s hard to say which is stranger, how bluntly those words came out of Chishiya’s mouth, or how despite the fact that this couldn’t be taken as anything other than treason, Soma is nonplussed. Soma, who owed his entire life to Hatter, who picked him up when his father died and found a new position for him after he became blind. Who had given him a room of his own in his mansion for whenever he needed to stay over because of business matters. Hell, Soma had been nicknamed The Genie, el genio de la lámpara, he who made Hatter’s wishes come true. Not his right-hand man, but the one who got his hands dirty so Hatter didn’t have to. 
“Yeah,” he replies, his tone as steady and nonchalant as if Chishiya had announced tomorrow was going to be hot. “I think you’re right.”
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IMAGINE - Oneshot
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~ Hi, The names Tae, im kinda new to writing imagines but I really hope you all enjoy this. Its my first post but without further a do. Please enjoy and have a wonderful day/ night. 💋❤ ~
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You're casually chilling on your bed watching some netflix, when a notification pops on the top of your phone saying that a psychotic prisoner had escaped the Rehab Centre. You groaned and mumbled 'fuck sake' thinking about who it could mostly likely be. That's until you here your living rooms window shatter, like someone was breaking in. You got up from your comfortable bed and stood there silently watching your door, just standing there listening for the footsteps, soon you hear them approaching your door from the stairs. You grab the nearest thing near you, which is none other but a ceramic vase. Standing there patiently waiting for the door to open, when you hear the door knob squeak, you stand ready to throw your vase, as the door ajars and reveals a someone's head you throw your vase at the person, and strike them straight in the head 'shit' they groan as they hit the floor. You run to check on who it is, you turn on your light revealing your boyfriend, 'Y/N what the fuck' he says at he feels blood dripping from his head. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to' you replied but then you smack his shoulders ' what were you thinking! are you mad!' You whisper yelled, he just chuckled ' Yeah, i'm madly in love with you' he smirked get up from the floor. 'whatever' you dissed him ' look I missed you' he casually started 'so I came to visit you, to see how your doing. But it looks like your doing well.' He said as he picked up a old picture of both of you. ' I am doing well,' you stated as you grabbed his shoulder ' you need to stop thinking about me and wake up.' 'What?' he replied shocked, eyes opened wide. You chuckled 'you need to stop making scenarios, ok? Live a life where you're not thinking of me. ' you said as you caress his cheek. 'Ughh, my head' Bf/N groaned as he woke up finding himself lying next to a gravestone. It read ' In loving memory of Y/N YL/N. They will be missed. They were a loving Daughter, Sister, Aunt and Girlfriend. 1990 - 2016.' A tear dropped from Bf/N eyes, 'If only you saw how much I actually loved you but you were blinded by your fake ass friends. So your thoughts got stronger until you were tired of it, so you left me alone. I'm sorry Y/N.' He said to Y/N's gravestone 'Happy 16th Anniversary, My love.'
Thank you all for reading, hopefully you all enjoyed this angst story, have a good night/day. For now, Tae out
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aq-healthcare · 10 months
Title: Transforming Lives with AQ Physio Clinic: A Comprehensive Guide to Physiotherapy and Specialized Treatments
Welcome to AQ Physio Clinic, your go-to destination for top-notch physiotherapy services and specialized treatments. In this blog post, we'll explore the diverse range of services offered by AQ Physio Clinic, including physiotherapy at home, robotic neuro physiotherapy, spine decompression treatment, and more. Whether you're seeking relief from lower back pain, shoulder discomfort, or specific spine-related issues, our team of experts is here to guide you on your journey to wellness.
1. Physiotherapy at Home:
Discover the convenience and effectiveness of physiotherapy in the comfort of your own home. Our dedicated team of physiotherapists brings personalized treatment plans to your doorstep, ensuring that you receive the care you need without the hassle of traveling to a clinic.
2. Physiotherapy Centre Near Me:
Locate the nearest AQ Physio Clinic to access state-of-the-art facilities and experienced professionals. Our strategically located physiotherapy centers are designed to cater to your rehabilitation needs with easy accessibility.
3. Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain:
Combat lower back pain with targeted physiotherapy exercises designed to strengthen and support your core. Our experts will guide you through effective exercises that can alleviate discomfort and improve your overall back health.
4. Robotic Neuro Physiotherapy in India:
Experience cutting-edge robotic neuro physiotherapy at AQ Physio Clinic. Our advanced technology and skilled therapists work together to provide precise and effective neurorehabilitation, promoting faster recovery and improved motor function.
5. Shoulder Pain Treatment:
Say goodbye to shoulder pain with specialized treatments tailored to address your specific needs. Our team of physiotherapists employs a holistic approach to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and enhance the overall function of your shoulders.
6. Slip Disc Treatment:
If you're dealing with a slip disc, AQ Physio Clinic offers targeted treatments to relieve pain and promote healing. Our comprehensive approach aims to address the root cause of the issue and guide you through a rehabilitation process tailored to your condition.
7. Specialist for Spine:
Trust the expertise of our spine specialists to provide personalized care for various spinal conditions. Whether you're dealing with spinal cord injuries, herniated discs, or other spine-related issues, our specialists are dedicated to helping you regain optimal health.
8. Spinal Cord Injury Treatment in Jaipur:
For individuals seeking spinal cord injury treatment in Jaipur, AQ Physio Clinic offers comprehensive rehabilitation programs. Our experienced team understands the challenges associated with spinal cord injuries and is committed to providing support for your recovery journey.
9. Spine Decompression Treatment in India:
Explore the benefits of spine decompression treatment at AQ Physio Clinic. This non-invasive approach aims to relieve pressure on the spine, reduce pain, and improve overall spinal health. Our skilled therapists utilize state-of-the-art techniques to deliver effective results.
AQ Physio Clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of physiotherapy and specialized treatments. Whether you're in need of at-home physiotherapy, advanced robotic neuro physiotherapy, or targeted treatments for specific conditions, our dedicated team is here to guide you towards a healthier, pain-free life. Contact us today to embark on your journey to wellness with AQ Physio Clinic.
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leschanceux · 1 year
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@thisbepyramus asked "there is nothing wrong with letting the people who love you help you." -
bea makes a rude sound from where she's propped up against the nearest brick wall, disheveled with a hospital bracelet around her wrist, cigarette in hand. it's not her first cigarette, and it's not likely to be her last - not while henry's still trying to get her to go back into the rehab centre. "who loves me?" it's a sharp question, as brittle as broken glass. she takes another puff to steady her nerves a little, scowling into the gloom of the night. "dad's dead, mum's gone, gran would rather i died than admit that i have a problem, pip would lock me up and throw away the key, and you-" well, henry's the only one here right now. he loves her. but she can't put all her shit on him, can she? that's not fair.
"you're a child, hen. how can you help?"
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Provenance of care: How rehabilitation services are provided
Wrriten By - Crossroadwellness
Like any other profession, physical therapists work under the assumption that services are needed and available. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, people have to make an effort to find a physical therapist. Other times, a physical therapist is found through an insurance company or facility. And, sometimes, a physical therapist is found through a referral from another health care professional. In all these situations, the provider is relying on you to make an effort to find the services you need. While finding a physical therapist can be difficult, it’s very important to document all your visits and make a record of which professionals helped you. If you have to ask a lot of questions or want help understanding a specific service you are interested in, it may be a good sign that that particular service is not offered at your location Rehabs in pune.
24 Hour Emergency Response and Onsite Care
Emergency Room waits can be long and frustrating. You may have to wait hours for an ambulance to arrive or for a critical care doctor to see you. You may even have to wait for an occupational therapy appointment or physiotherapy to begin. When you have to wait a long time for these types of services, you may become depressed or gain weight. If you usually get in touch with an emergency room first when you have a headache or other symptoms, you may end up waiting a lot longer. Or, you may have to drive an hour each way to get to the nearest ER. It can be difficult to get in touch with a doctor or nurse in an emergency room, so make sure you know where to go if you need help. Be sure to ask your doctor or nurse if you are going to a facility with an onsite care option. Many rehabilitation centres offer onsite O.O.T. This type of service is often covered by insurance.
Free diagnosis and medication advice
All kinds of treatments can make you feel guilty or even conscious of your own weaknesses. If you have anxiety or depression, you may be hesitant to ask for help. But, with the right support, you can overcome these feelings and have a good experience in therapy. And, if you’re in a rehab centre, the staff can help you talk to your doctor or therapist about medications you are taking, so you don’t have to keep track of which meds you take and which ones you need to avoid.
Onsite Occupational Therapist (O.O.T.)
Some rehabilitation centres offer an onsite occupational therapist (O.O.T.) who works with patients in their homes or workplaces. This service is usually covered by insurance. Some occupational therapists have years of experience working with people who have disabilities. Others work under the supervision of a physical therapist, so they will help you work through daily tasks such as eating, bathing, dressing, and using everyday tools such as a computer, telephones, or a keyboard. Most importantly, an O.O.T. can help you find your passion or favourite hobby again. Once you’re able to do something you love, you’ll feel less stressed about doing other things in your life that you don’t like as much.
Where to find the rehabilitative services you need
Physical therapy and occupational therapy are available at most rehabilitation centres. There may be a few centres that offer only one or the other. A great resource for finding a rehabilitation centre is the United States National Directory of Rehabilitative Services by State. This directory lets you look up a specific service in your area. There may also be afinder the services you need based on your individual needs.
Concluding Thoughts
If you are looking for a rehabilitation centre near you, make sure you do your research and evaluate the centres on your own. Don’t just take the word of the person working at the centre over you. You should also be able to ask friends and family who have been to the centre and discuss their experience with the staff. A good place to start is with the accredited centres we have featured here.
Google map - https://goo.gl/maps/iQLFrCpSoi4yu1xw6
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How To Select Top Physiotherapists in Knutsford
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Selecting physiotherapists in Knutsford for any of your nearest ones is supposed to be one of the most important decisions. The decision is for the betterment of that person. But choosing the right and appropriate physiotherapist is a tough job if you are inexperienced.
Therefore, while selecting an ankle pain treatment in Cheshire you need to take extra care because a wrong decision can ruin the future of your nearest one. So here, we are fetching the primary factors that would surely require extra endeavour.
Qualification of the Physiotherapist
The first parameter of selecting an efficient rehab is nothing but the qualification of the physiotherapist. First, check the qualification, degrees, and credibility of the physiotherapist. Always remember a well-recognised physiotherapy clinic in Cheshire can handle any major issues related to physical health.
Every patient has different issues. And choosing a highly efficient knee pain physiotherapy can save a person from surgery and strong medication. So it’s highly advisable to opt for a highly reputed clinic. This is to get the best service for those who are suffering from any sort of pain or fracture.
Another best way to get to the right Altrincham Chiropractic Clinic is to follow the recommendations of your friends and family. Those who are already aware of the services or treatment of a physiotherapy clinic can tell you the real facts. So ask your friends and family who had already taken the service to know whether the treatment is efficient or not.
Before making any decision about the Cheshire Physiotherapy Centre, review the cost of the treatment package. Various clinic has various rates, therefore check the rates before visiting a clinic. But do remember that a well-established and renowned clinic always charges more for better treatment facilities.
So evaluate these factors well before choosing an efficient chiropractor in Cheshire. If you wish to have effective physiotherapy at a reasonable rate, contact Dynamic Chiropractic.
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steptogether · 2 years
Providing a winning combination of residential and outpatient addiction services, our outstanding clinical and therapeutic treatment services transform the lives of all those living with addiction. Our passion at Steps Together has never changed, and we remain committed to ensuring our clients, their families and those connected to them achieve a lasting change and freedom from addiction and its effects.
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spiritfoundation · 2 years
How To Select Top Rehabilitation Centre For Alcohol & Drugs in Kolkata
Selecting a rehabilitation centre for alcohol & drug in Kolkata for any of your nearest ones is supposed to be one of the most important decisions that you have to take for the betterment of that person. But choosing the right and appropriate rehab is a tough job if you are inexperienced.
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Therefore, while selecting a rehab you need to take extra care because a wrong decision can ruin the future of your nearest one. So here, we are fetching the primary factors that would surely require extra endeavour.
Qualification of the Doctors
The first parameter of selecting an efficient rehab is nothing but the qualification of the doctors of the rehabilitation centre. First, check the qualification, degrees, and credibility of the staff of the rehab. Always remember a well-recognised rehab can handle any major issues related to mental health.
Every patient has different issues, and choosing a highly efficient rehab can save a person from the threats of drugs and alcohol. So it’s highly advisable to opt for a highly reputed rehab to get the best service for your nearest Ines who are suffering from any sort of mental illness or addiction.
The second parameter of evaluation is none other than the accommodation of the rehab. While selecting a rehab does ensure that the rehab where the treatment would be provided surely includes some common and necessary facilities and accommodation.
Therefore, it’s better to select a rehab that is available near your locality. If an emergency occurs, you can easily reach that place
Another best way to get to the right rehabilitation centre is to follow the recommendations of your friends and family. Those who are already aware of the services or treatment procedures of rehab can tell you the real facts. So ask your friends and family who had already taken the service to know whether the treatment is efficient or not.
Before making any decision about the rehab, review the cost of the treatment package or the fees of the rehab. Various rehab has various rates, therefore check the rates before visiting a clinic. But do remember that a well-established and renowned rehab or clinic always charges more for better treatment facilities.
Treating patients with mental issues or drug addiction is a sensitive issue; hence, it’s important to take extra care and effort while selecting a rehab for your nearest ones. If you find out article enlightening, do share it with us surely.
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rebouks · 2 years
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[BUZZER] Oscar: Who is that? No one ever comes here... Would you see who it is? I’m high as fuck. Ivan: [sighs]
Noah: Sorry, I think I must’ve got the wrong address. Ivan: Who ya lookin’ for? Noah: Uh, Oscar Finch. He doesn’t live here does-...
Oscar: Noah! Hi, hello... What’re you doing here? Skittle? Noah: What-.. no! Are you h-... Oscar: Happy to see you?! Of course! Erh, a little surprised too, I guess.
Noah: Courtney gave me your address. This place is-... Oscar: A temporary residence! It’s fine, it’s nice, it’s whatever. Don’t worry about it. Noah: Let’s.. sit down.
Oscar: Do we have to do this? You ask how I am, I say I’m fine; yada yada yada. It’s pointless. Noah: Clearly you’re not. Oscar: Obviously. I’m fucking gutted, Noah. We both know it. There’s no point whinging about it, is there?
Noah: What’re you doing, Oscar? It’s been weeks, no one’s heard from you; why haven’t you spoken to her yet? Oscar: First of all, she’s ignoring me. Secondly, I’m very busy. Thirdly-..  aha, I forgot the third one. Noah: I think you seriously need to consider going to reha-...
Oscar: Fuck off. I don’t have time to be pissing about with that shit, I don’t even need-... Noah: You’re as high as a kite! I’m this close, Oscar... I fail to see what could be more important than your own health! Oscar: Yeah, well.. you wouldn’t, would you? Nothing ever fucking permeates your perfect little bubble of ignorance; does it?
Noah: I’m gonna ignore whatever bullshit that was. I’m gonna leave you to sober up... And if you don’t turn up at mum and dad’s house this weekend for his birthday, again; I will drag you to the nearest rehab centre, kicking and screaming. Got it? Oscar: Sure. Thanks for stopping by just to piss me off, I really needed it.
Noah: I’ve had enough-... Oscar: Fucking leave already then! Noah: Fine.
Oscar: I swear to God, if any advice comes outta your mouth right now, I’ll knock you clean out. Ivan: Bring it, bitch... But nah, Artie asked t’see you later is all. Oscar: [scoffs]
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musicprincess1990 · 4 years
Sherlolly Week, Day 5
So apparently, even though I've been using the appropriate tags on each of my SAW stories, they're not showing up in the tag search. Awesome. Fuck this site. So, @sherlollyappreciationweek, I'mma tag you as well. So there.
It was quite obvious what she was about to do.  Moreover, he knew that she knew it was obvious.  Her brown eyes, normally so open and warm and friendly, held a cold, steely edge as her lips thinned into a tight scowl.  She was furious with him, and she was going to make damn well sure he knew it. 
Her hand flew with surprising force.
Then again.
And then a third time, the opposite hand.
He felt them, even through the haze of cocaine and sleeplessness, each one almost echoing in the otherwise silent room.  The other occupants (Wiggins excluded, as he was even higher than Sherlock) stared in amazement, and were he not the recipient of this rather uncharacteristic display of violence, he might have found it comical.  As it was…
“How dare you throw away the beautiful gifts you were born with,” she said in a dangerously low voice.  She spoke again, after a beat, her voice now raised.  “And how dare you betray the love of your friends!  Say you’re sorry!”
Oh, he was.  Not about the drugs, he didn’t feel he was in deep enough to justify all the fuss they were making.  And certainly not about the case for which he had indulged in the aforementioned substances.  He wasn’t even sorry about being caught by John.  It was better than being caught by Mycroft, who would doubtlessly attempt to ship him off for another stint in rehab.  John, at least, would not call his mother and tattle, then drive him to the nearest “wellness centre” and leave him there for months on end.
He was, however, sorry he had hurt them.
Especially Molly.
It hadn’t escaped his notice that, once again, she did not seem to count herself as one of his friends.  Why?  Hadn’t he reassured her that she counted?  That she mattered?  That she mattered most?  His stomach fell as he realized that, no, he probably had not.  Sentiment was decidedly not his area.  But he could no longer ignore it, nor discredit it, as it was now so large a part of his life.  His friendships made him better, their love made him stronger.
Especially Molly.
He really had cocked this up, hadn’t he?
But he had a task to complete, a case to crack, and a psychopath to take down.  And even though he hated it, hurting Molly and the rest of his friends was, for the moment, a necessary evil.
Rubbing the still-smarting skin of his face, he donned the façade and played the part he had to play.  “Sorry your engagement’s over, though I am fairly grateful for the lack of a ring…”
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A Bad Addiction // Part 4
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Jax Teller x Reader
A Bad Addiction Master List
Tag list; @chibsytelford @talicat713 @corebore123 @itmejado @nothingeverdies @mrspeacem1nusone
Translation; first one is I love you and the second one is I am proud of you lass sorry if these are wrong you can blame google translate 😂
Warnings: mention of drug addiction, swearing
You got a major sense of history repeating as you walked the lot of Teller Morrow, hand clenched in a fist in your pocket. Juice was the first person you saw. Just like when you first came for help.
“Is Jax or Chibs about” you sniffed.
“You again” he scoffed “what is it this time?”
The thing was they guys hands told anyone you was back in Charming, they kept everything on the downlow which you was grateful for.
“Urm can you please just tell them the temptation is getting too much” you said as tear ran down your cheeks.
“Okay” Juice shrugged walking inside. “Chibs that skank from last month is back and is asking for you or Jax” juice shrugged grabbing a beer.
Chibs’ jaw clenched at what he called you.
“Don’t let Jackie boy hear you call her that” Chibs snapped as realisation hit, today was the first day they had left you on your own.
“JAAAAAAX” he bellowed through the club house. “Juice did she say why she was here”
“Something about the temptation being too much, she looked a mess to be honest” juice said and Chibs’ face fell.
“What’s up Chibs?” Jax asked.
“Y/N is outside and told juice to tell us the temptation is too much” Chibs sighed.
Within a heartbeat Jax was sprinting outside with everyone else following.
Both boys saw you stood there, it was obvious you was clutching something in your hand.
“Princess” Jax whispered pulling you from the internal battle you was having.
“I’m sorry” you mumbled as more hot tears streamed down your face.
“Lass did ye do it?” Chibs said softly lifting your chin up to check your eyes.
“No but I really want to” you sobbed as Jax pulled you into his arms. “Like really want to”
“Where is it darlin’?” Jax whispered kissing your head.
Pulling your hand out of your pocket you passed him the bag of coke.
“I’m sorry, I thought I could be alone and manage but the craving just got too much” you cried clinging to his kutte.
“Hey princess, it’s okay you didn’t do it” Jax whispered passing the bag to Chibs. Jax felt your knees starting to give out so he sunk to the ground with you, pulling you into his lap as he ran his hands through his hair trying to get you to calm down.
“I thought I could do it, spending the day by myself” you cried “but the voices telling me to do it got so fucking loud”
“Please don’t beat yourself up about this princess, you didn’t take it. Yes you brought it but the main thing is you are still clean” Jax whispered as he rubbed your back.
“Please don’t leave me” you sobbed making both Jax and Chibs’ heart break a little bit.
“We are not going anywhere princess” Jax whispered looking up at Chibs with tears in his eyes. “Call Nero”
It took Jax and hour to finally calm you down, the drugs was once again out of your reach and you was currently nursing a large mug of coffee.
“Love we are so proud at how far you have come over this last month” Chibs whispered kissing your head “but I think it’s time to try rehab”
“When do I go?” You mumbled not looking up from your coffee, you knew it was time but you hated the fact it had come to this.
“Nero is making the call now but it will probably be in the next day or two”
“Okay” you nodded.
You felt a set of arms wrapped around your shoulders and a kiss being placed on your cheek.
“Nero is going to make sure we can visit when we want” Jax whispered holding you tight. “I’ve got a few errands to run but I will be back soon okay princess, you know where my dorm is if you want a nap”
With one final kiss on your head Jax took off to find the nearest build a bear.
Walking through the doors of the shop, Jax felt completely out of his comfort zone, but he wanted to do this for you. As he wandered around the store he picked the bear out, got it filled, he even made a wish on the tiny red heart, kissing it before putting it into the bear.
He had an idea in his head and he smirked when he saw the little leather jacket.
Pulling his phone out of his pocket he called his mom.
“I need your help mom, can you go to TM and get the same flashes I have in my kutte” he asked as he headed to the tills.
“What are you doing?” She laughed.
“It’s for Y/N” he said and she sighed. “I will explain when I get to yours”
After about two hours, a lot of sowing Jax was finally happy with the bear he had made. It just needed one more thing, to smell of him but he could deal with that when he got back to TM. Yes he would get ripped to shreds but he didn’t care he would move heaven and earth for you.
“Wheres Y/N?” Jax asked as he walked into the club house.
“Your dorm think she’s sleeping” Chibs nodded.
Quietly he enter the room, grabbing one of his aftershaves and spraying the bear so it smelt like him before he sat on the edge of the bed.
“Princess” he whispered running his fingers down your arm. “I’ve got something for you”
“Mmm” you mumbled as you started to wake up, rubbing your eyes you pushed yourself up the bed and Jax couldn’t help but smile, your hair was sticking up in every direction. “You got me a present”
“I sure did princess, Nero called and said they can get you in rehab tonight and I wanted you to have something that will keep you smiling” he grinned pulling a bear from behind his back.
“You really went to build a bear” you laughed softly taking the bear from him.
“Yes I did and only for you” he laughed as he watched your eyes run over the bear and your smile getting a little wider.
“It’s you” you laughed placing the bear against your nose “and smells like you”
“It also sounds like me” he whispered “there’s a recording in both paws.
Squeezing the first paw Jax’s voice played.
“Never forget how much I love you princess”
Next was the second paw.
“Darlin I am so fucking proud of you. You can beat this I believe in you”
“And then I managed to get Chibs to record two over the phone” he laughed.
Squeezing the feet Chibs voice played.
“tha gaol agam ort”
“tha mi cho moiteil asad”
Looking up at Jax with tears in your eyes you threw your arms around his neck.
“I love it thank you” you whispered.
A couple of hours had passed and you was now packed to go to rehab.
“Chics this is the best facility” Nero smiled at you pulling you in a hug.
“It’s just 90 days right” you nodded nuzzling the face into the bear, ever since Jax gave it you, it hadn’t left your arms.
“Just 90 days my love” Chibs whispered pulling you into a hug. “I am so fucking proud of you”
“I’m gonna miss you all” you laughed “promise you will come and visit”
“Ye will ave ti drag me away fram ere lass” he chuckled kissing your head.
You gave everyone a hug apart from Jax as he told the staff he didn’t care if it was breaking the rules he was staying with you for a couple of hours whilst you settled in.
“Come on then princess” Jax nodded grabbing your bag “let’s get you checked in”
Everything was a blur, so much information to take it but it was made a bit easier with Jax by your side. The tour of the centre was over and you was shown to you room.
“Jax thank you for everything” you whispered wrapping your arms around his waist. “I don’t think I would have gotten this far without you or Chibs”
Jax didn’t say anything as he moved his hands to the side of your face, tilting it to face him. The next thing you knew he was placing the softest kiss against you lips, one that was full of love.
“Well that was unexpected” you giggled resting your forehead against his.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t hold off any longer” he whispered “I’m not saying let’s get back together but I just needed to do that”
“I’m glad you did” you whispered placing your hand on the sound of his face. “Promise you will be waiting for me when I get out of here”
“With all my heart princess”
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snarky-badger · 5 years
Hey Snarky. I know you're busy unpacking and your askbox is technically closed. But I'm in dire need of fluff. I watched Keeanu Reeves get drunk, answer questions, and play with puppies and awwwwed the entire time. Could Shepard do this to Garrus? Garrus playing with many many puppies while buzzed.
Well, I don’t usually write Shakarian (because I’m afraid I’m not that good at them), but for you, yeah, I’ll give it a shot. This is after the Destroy Ending, Shepard’s alive and mostly well, if still recovering. It… didn’t turn out like what I originally came up with - it mutated while I was writing. But the mental images are fun! XD
Shepard sighed and checked her Omni for the fifth time in as many minutes before shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Her left leg - or rather, the stump of her leg just below her knee - ached. The prosthetic, while state of the art, was still new enough that it caused her some pain from time to time. And standing there, waiting for a late Garrus, wasn’t helping.
Already, the muscles in her shoulders and neck were tightening, her heartbeat rising a little. Things since the Citadel - where she’d been buried under tons of rubble - had been a little touch and go. It had taken her months to recover after being found half-alive amongst the carnage, her body broken, spirit exhausted, but not extinguished.
Cerberus’ tech in her body had saved her, kept her alive though trauma that would have killed anyone else. More cybernetics had been added to her form as she’d recovered, pins and plates reconstructing her shattered bones enough for them to heal.
She’d never had made it though the painful rehab had it not been for Garrus. Even after the destruction of the Relay, he’d never given up hope of finding her again. Had practically reconstructed the downed Normandy himself in a near-frightening, tunnel-visioned, desperation to make his way back to her. It awed and shocked and stunned her, every time she thought about it.
Another glance at her Omni Tool made her left eyebrow twitch. She loved Garrus, but if he didn’t show up in the next five minutes, she might strangle him.
She hated being late.
Sighing, she leaned heavily on the cane that had been provided to her while she got used to her new leg, index finger tapping against the handle as her keen gaze cut across her surroundings.
You could take the soldier out of the battlefield, but the instinct to identify potential threats, scope out exits and cover for any firefights wasn’t something that just went away - no matter how much of the Citadel had crashed down onto her.
Finally, finally, she spotted a familiar form amongst the crowd, her gaze locking onto the scarred Turian in civilian clothing that was sauntering towards her.
Oh, lords, he was strutting a little too.
Someone save her, Garrus was drunk.
It wasn’t readily apparent to anyone who didn’t know him, but his gait, the slight tilt to his head, the smirk of his good mandible - dammit, he’d gone drinking without her!
She was somewhere between irritated and mildly jealous when he reached her, the low rumble of his subvocals lightly slurred, blue eyes a little glazed.
“I know, I know. I’m late–”
Shepard huffed, blowing a strand of her overlong red hair out of her eyes. “You went drinking without me.”
Garrus blinked, then spent a moment looking anywhere but at her, raising his right hand to scratch at the back of his neck. “Ah. Uh, a little? Chellick - you remember him right? He’s… well, I suppose you can say he’s getting married. Found his bondmate and everything! Never thought he had it in him. Joker used to think I had a stick up my ass but Chellick–” He glanced at her, saw the look on her face, and coughed a little. “Right. Well, I went to say congratulations and then some of the old squad wanted to treat him to a drink and… yeah. But I’m alright, really! We can go see the large hamsters now.”
It took an inordinate amount of willpower not to facepalm. “Puppies. Dogs. Not hamsters, Garrus.”
“Wrex said they’re furry, wimpy, varren.”
“Wrex would.” Even though she was still a little miffed, Shepard accepted the arm that Garrus held out to her, linking her arm through his. He easily shifted his stance to help support her, which was good, because standing around waiting for him had caused the muscles in her bad leg to cramp a little. “I guess it’s a good thing you’re a friendly drunk.”
“I am not drunk,” Garrus huffed, trying for affronted and failing, settling for a grumbling growl of his subvocals. “I’m not as think as you drunk I am. Wait. Wait, that didn’t sound right.“
She heaved a sigh that she usually only made when dealing with the Council. “Just… let me do the talking.”
It was, as it turned out, good that she did the talking. Whatever the hell that Garrus had imbibed must have been strong, because even his ability to ‘fake’ sober seemed to be cracking at the edges. It didn’t help that a drunk Garrus was also a slightly handsy Garrus. Normally she’d be all for her Turian purring things to her while nipping at the shell of her ear, but this was just not the time.
The quest to adopt a dog - by the suggestion of both her therapist and rehab specialist - was off to a rocky start. Personally, Shepard did miss having a pet, and she’d always loved dogs, but she’d never thought she’d be interviewing to adopt one with a touchy feely Turian attached to her hip.
Still, they managed to get to the Adoption Centre with little trouble - minus a couple of elbows to Garrus’ ribs to get his wandering hands off her ass.
She planted him in the nearest chair, then hobbled over to reception. The Asari there didn’t pay her much mind until the receptionist looked up, and Shepard had a grand view of the usual shock and awe that most people got on their faces when they recognized her.
Ugh. She doubted she’d ever get used to receiving that look.
Still, it did expedite things. She and Garrus were quickly led to a small private room to wait while some of the staff went to fetch a few of the dogs that the resident behaviorist thought would be a good match for them.
Garrus was weaving a little in his chair while Shepard filled out a few necessary forms on her Omni - did she have a veterinarian picked out, did she have previous experience raising dogs, etc, etc, etc. Spirits, some of the questions  were more in-depth than some of her Spectre applications.
Finally, she send the forms off with a soft chime of her Omni tool, then poked Garrus with her cane when he shuffled his chair closer to hers and leaned in to rest his chin on the top of her head. “If I sit on the floor, I’ll need your help to get back up again.”
“I can do that,” he rumbled, the vibrations of his voice echoing into her, the familiar sensation making her smile despite herself. Garrus’ right arm slid around her waist, tucking her close, and Shepard automatically leaned into him, letting his presence ease her nerves and calm her.
She was just relocating his hand from her ass back to a safer spot on her hip when the Asari came back in carrying a large basket. The sounds of whimpers and soft barks perked Shepard’s interest, and she carefully eased herself down off her chair to the floor, grimacing a bit when her left hip twinged.
Garrus landed next to her with a graceless thump, his gaze locked on the basket, the curious subvocal rumble that left him vibrating her bones. Who knew that whimpering puppies sounded like to a Turian?
“So, I thought I’d start with some puppies. These are a mix of German Shepard and Labrador Retriever. Both breeds are known to be very affectionate, intelligent and obedient with the proper training, which I doubt would be an issue for you two.”
“How old are they?” Shepard asked as the Asari - her name tag read Jaelta - knelt and set the basket down. Six rolly polly puppies instantly scrambled to climb over the edge, bright eyes and perked ears obviously taking in everything around them.
“These are six and a half weeks old. We’ll keep them for another two weeks just so they finish weaning and grow a little more. So if you decide to adopt one of these little ones, you’ll have time to accessorize your home.”
The sextant of puppies - one of whom decided to front flip it’s way out of the basket and land on it’s head with a yelp - instantly swarmed her, and Shepard couldn’t stop the laugh that left her as they climbed over her legs and into her lap, wriggling and yipping for attention. She pet as many as she could manage, feeling some painlessly knaw at her fingers while others crawled high to lick at her chin.
“I still say they look like large hamsters,” Garrus quipped, and Shepard rolled her eyes at him as she scooped up a puppy and then deposited it in the Turian’s lap.
He reared back a bit like she’d thrown a live grenade onto him, mandibles clamping tight to his face in apprehension. The puppy sniffed at him, probably the first Turian it had ever met, little tail waggling it’s entire little body. It’s final happy bark seemed to be an invitation for the rest of the pack, because Shepard found herself abandoned as they others piled themselves onto an unsuspecting Garrus.
“Uh, Shep– What do I-? Ow! Hey! Don’t chew that!” He reached down to disengage a puppy from his left spur, blinking into brown doggy eyes as he picked up the pup to stare at it. The puppy wriggled happily in his grasp, barking, little paws churning the air as it tried to get closer.
The biggest of the bunch gave up trying to climb him, and merely launched itself into the Turian’s stomach. Garrus’ eyes widened as he went down with a started ‘oof’, landing on his back and warbling in shock when the other dogs swarmed him.
Puppies: 1. Garrus: 0.
Grinning, Shepard took a quick picture with her Omni Tool. The universe’s King of Bottle Shooters and Reaper Advisor to the Primarch, taken out by a pack of puppies. No one would ever believe it.
“I think we’ll take that one,” she grinned to Jaelta, nodding at the puppy who had headbutted the Turian in the gut and was now perched on the edge of Garrus’ cowl, licking at his mandibles, despite the sniper’s attempts to twist away from excited, wriggling, happy, puppy kisses.
Garrus flailed, trying to be gentle as he pushed one puppy away just for two more to wriggle into the firsts’ spot. There was one attached to his left spur again, hanging on with determination while the Turian’s legs spasmed on the floor. Another was chewing a hole through his glove, using his tough plates to teethe on. “Shepard, help, Sniper down! Ack! Pfft! Ew! It’s tongue was in my mouth! Ah! They’re so fuzzy! Geditoff–!” Her Omni Tool glitched at what followed.
She’d have to send a copy of the image to Tali or the Quarian would never forgive her.
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everlarkficexchange · 6 years
Prompt 41
Written by: @wendywobbles
Prompt 41: Everlark based off the Hallmark Christmas Movies Meme:  I still going to watch them and act surprised when she falls in love with the small town baker who only wears sweaters instead of falling for the big city CEO? Yes! Does not need to be Christmas time, but definitely end game Everlark                                              
Thanks for the prompt, @historywriter2007!
AN: I hope I do some justice to this for you and put a smile on your face….I’m not sure it’s Hallmark Christmas Movie enough so maybe make some hot chocolate and put on the Michael Buble Christmas playlist to help set the scene!
Peeta Mellark had moved to District 12 to take over his Nana Sae’s bakery.  Running the place had been his dream since he was kid. He remembered how Sae had introduced him to the wonders of baking from a very young age.  She lit a fire in him that time had never diminished. 
His dad, William was an only child and while he loved his mother dearly the life of a provincial baker was not for him so he left at 18 for a Capital college and studied Law graduating top of his class. He worked hard for the firm he started with and was made partner before he was thirty.  He met and married Isabella and together they had the picture perfect life-or at least it appeared that way.  They had three boys Jackson, Davis and Peeta.  Peeta has been a surprise addition and when Isabella had found out she was expecting she was convinced that this was her much longed for daughter.  So when her third son was born she was devastated. She took to her bed and refused to leave.  She showed no interest in the child not even choosing a name for him, but while William fretted he actually did little to help his wife to deal with this situation. Instead he continued going to work and hired a nanny to take care of his youngest child.
When Sae came to visit she could not believe that at three weeks old the child was still being referred to as Baby Mellark. She took her son aside and gave him what for, she visited her daughter in law and gave her what for and then she gave the child his name Peeta James Mellark.  Isabella scoffed but she said nothing else after all what did she care what the child was called really? 
Peeta grew up, aware that he was not like his brothers although he could not figure out why. His mother lavished attention on his older brothers while he was often ignored.  His father was away with work so didn’t see the cruel and spiteful ways Isabella would torment her youngest son, which included sending him out of the Capital to a Boarding School. 
Peeta loved District 12 and spent all his school holidays there with his Nana Sae, he rarely visited the Capital or his family there.  In 12 he learnt old family recipes, invented new ones. He told Sae of his hopes and fears, he told her about his first kiss, his first love (although looking back it was more like lust). It was Sae he told first that he was planning on going to culinary school and not following his brothers to law school.  It was Sae who encouraged him to keep going when his parents refused to pay his tuition and it was Sae who paid them. 
As she got older Sae sat him down and told him she wanted him to takeover the business but before he could he needed to go see the world. So he did. He travelled around Panem and then to Europe and Asia working in small family run  places and large upscale restaurants honing his skills and seeing this he had only ever dreamed about.  He met a girl he thought he’d marry. A formidable chef from London with a lively smile and they shared many of the same interests. They were the perfect couple according to their friends and despite a year of happiness he knew something was missing, the “spark” just wasn’t there, so it was with regret that he decided to part ways with Clove.  He kissed her one last time in Trafalgar Square on New Year’s Eve and knew after five years of travel and adventure he was ready to come home.
He headed first to District 12 to catch up with Nana Sae. He filled her in on all that had happened and plans were set that that he would go home and tie up lose ends before returning to take over the Bakery in 2 months.  Sae meanwhile would oversee the conversion of the floors above into an apartment for him to live.  But as with all the best plans it didn’t quite work out like that. 
Two days after he left William rang to tell his mother there had been a dreadful accident and Peeta was in hospital.  After coming to see his parents a row had broken out and Isabella had raged against her son telling him what a disappointment he had been, how she wished he had never been born. Her words cut Peeta deep, but he wasn’t surprised by them.  He turned to walk away when his mother in a fit of fury picked up a tray of glasses and bottles of alcohol and threw it against the wall. It smashed sending glass flying in all directions one  large piece caught Peeta in the leg and immediately he began to bleed and bleed badly. He heard his father cry out as he ran to his side.  Peeta’s last thought as he slipped into unconsciousness was that he had never experienced true love…….
He lost his leg.
They tried to save it they said.  
And so the move was delayed while Peeta attended rehab and adjusted to life with a prosthetic .
He dealt with feelings of rage and anger. Let them consume him. Eventually he realised that he couldn’t live like that, he sought help and worked through his demons.  Old Peeta was gone but new and improved bionic legged Peeta was ready to get back to his life.
He arrived into 12 on a crisp September morning.  He walked to the bakery and instantly he felt at home.
“Well old lady aren’t you going to give me a hug” he dropped his bag on the nearest table and opened his arms.
“Peeta! I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow” cried Sae as came out from behind the counter and gave her grandson a hug “Let me look at you. You look well. So very good compared to last time I saw you. Now your furniture and stuff arrived and is upstairs. The additional rails have been fitted on the stairs and the bathroom modified”
“Good. That’s good” Peeta was no longer embarrassed by his leg and the adjustments that needed to be made to allow him to live his best life. 
September passed in a blur. Learning the ropes and adjusting to his new schedule took time but by October Sae felt comfortable enough to head to District 4 to visit her old friend Mags and leave Peeta alone.  This amused Peeta no end, he was adult but Sae seemed to forget that sometimes.
Peeta had begun to look at making changes to the place. He added new things to the menu. More variety and choices, specialised one of a kind occasion cakes and the addition of decent coffee had meant that Mellark’s was enjoying something of a renaissance. He had started to get to grips with some of Sae’s quirkier habits and had begun to introduce his own.
This included new opening hours.
Nana Sae only opened the bakery from 8am until the bread ran out, she was a one woman show for most of the time so this was suited her.  With Peeta the hours were 7.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Saturday with 9.30am to 12.30pm Sunday.  He needed staff 2 full timers and maybe 2 part timers and although right now he could handle the baking, but he was considering taking on an apprentice.
He talked to Sae after Halloween, he found that she agreed and so they set to work looking for help and filled the full time positions. Sae suggested he get in touch with Katniss Everdeen out at Prim’s Roses to see if she knew anyone who might be worth considering.   He was vaguely aware of Prim’s Roses.  It was on the other side of town that was part drop in centre and part residential for local college kids. He actually wasn’t to sure what it was -a sorority maybe- but he trusted Sae so he called ahead, explained who he was and arranged to meet with the head of the place, a Ms Katniss Everdeen.
He arrived for their meeting a little earlier than he needed to be there and parked up in the drive way of a large two storey house with a porch.  The garden was small but well looked after. He looked around taking it in, it really was a lovely place and had a nice feel to it- welcoming and friendly.  He walked up to the two steps and knocked on the door. 
The door swung open and there stood a petite woman about his age he guessed, with long dark hair, currently pulled into a messy bun, she had eyes like liquid silver and lightly tanned skin and smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose.  “Yes?”
“Oh hey, my name is Peeta Mellark I’m here to see Ms Everdeen?”
“Oh right, right. Hi I’m Ms Everdeen  come in. I’ll just bring you into the office.  Johanna?”
A short spiky haired woman appeared and raised an eyebrow.
“This is Mr Mellark, I’m going to have a quick chat with him.  Can you keep an eye on things?”
They went into a small room which housed a number filing cabinets, a desk, some mismatched chairs, an old computer that had seen better days and walls that were covered in pictures and photographs of girls in their late teens early twenties, smiling, graduating, some with kids and partners even pictures of  =pets. Each picture was different but  the same, all had a happiness in them that just seeped.
“So what brings you here?” Katniss got straight to the point as she gestured at one of the chairs for him to sit into.
“Well I run the bakery, Sae is my grandmother and I’ve taken over, we are looking for staff some part-time workers and Sae suggested I get in touch.  I guess because you are a sorority-“
“Mr Mellark Prim’s Roses is not a sorority.  We help girls transition from being in the care system and into the  world.  . For some being in care is all they  have ever known and they are wholly unprepared to live in the real world as it were.  Some want to go to college, others go straight to work, some don’t know what lies ahead. Here they get time, guidance and learn life skills” she said back in her chair and looked at him.
“Oh…right…ok…. I take it Prim was a person? And the “Roses” bit of the name is because like a rose  these girls need a bit of extra time and attention to flourish, but sometimes they come across as hard and have an inbuilt natural defensiveness to keep people away, kind of like thorns?” Peeta stopped why on EARTH had he even said that!!!!
Katniss stared at him, he had gotten the point of the name immediately. Most people just thought it was a play on her sister’s name. “Yes well most people don’t think too much about the name, other then to comment on how pretty it is. My sister and I were place in one of Panem’s Community homes after our parents passed away. I was  twelve and Prim was eight. At eighteen I aged out and left the system and the home. I wanted to take my sister with me but a very wise man I met in the Homes sat me down and made me go through my options.  The reality was I couldn’t take responsibility for Prim at that point in time.  I adapted to life outside that routine well but when Prim turned eighteen  she struggled. I was able to help her to get herself organised. For Prim that meant deferring  Med School until she was more confident in making her own choices and decisions. We discussed how useful having a person to help you through the first few months like I had been able to do for her.  And here we are.”
“Prim is currently in her first year of residency at a hospital in District 8 and what started as a conversation over a glass of milk has turned into this place.  When you age out the system, particularly one as controlled as Panem’s even the act of opening your own bank account can seem like huge deal, not to mention the problems from childhood don’t just disappear overnight.  Along with practical skills, like budgeting,  small things learning to change a lightbulb, we help girls navigate the mountains of red tape that exists and can stop them from accessing birth records and passports or even applying for driving licences. We also help them to link in with counselling-for some it’s grief counselling, other may require more long term medical interventions.  We do what we can to help.  We have successes but we also have failures but an old mentor once told me that failures can be viewed as learning experiences, everyone fails at some point, just keep trying don’t let it defeat you.  Granted to an 18 year old this probably seems like an awful motto . So why are you here?”
“Your girls- I’m sorry what should I call them?” Peeta wanted to make sure she knew he wasn’t here  to disrespect anyone.
“Girls is fine, for now” she smiled.
“Ok, would there be any interest in anyone applying for the jobs at the bakery?”
“I think so, part time positions?”
“Yes, initially although who knows what the future holds?” he smiled “I really admire what you are doing here. It’s fantastic really.  If there is anything else I can do to help you guys out please just give me a shout.  May I?” He indicated to a post-it pad and pen lying nearby and with Katniss agreement he wrote out his contact information.
“Mr Mellark, thank you so much for stopping by.  I’ll talk to everyone this evening and have anyone interested submit a CV?”
“It’s Peeta and yes that would be perfect” he stuck out his hand to shake hers, and when then touched he was jolted by something. She pulled back her hand clearly she had felt it too.
“Oww flaming static, I’m always the same” Katniss smirked “and Peeta you can call me Katniss”
They walked out to the front door just as Johanna appeared “Hey Kat, Gale Hawthorne of Hawthorne Electrics has just called. He saw you speak at a charity event and he wants to talk to you about funding”
“Wow Ms Everdeen- sorry Katniss you clearly have friends in high places.  I’ll leave you too it, and next time your in town drop in and say hi there’s a hot chocolate in it for you”
Before she could answer Johanna called out “Promise to Irish that hot chocolate up and I will definitely pop in Blondie”
And that was how Peeta met Katniss.  And Johanna.
In the course of just a few week Katniss and Peeta became good friends, despite the fact that they were completely opposite in many ways:
He liked art. She didn’t see the point.
He was a morning person.  She was not.
She was hot headed. He was calm.
She could sit for hours quietly. He was a chatter box.
He had the patience to complete intricate cake designs creating masterpieces from just sugar, water and food colouring.  She was good at eating his cakes the decorating part no so much he let her once, never again.
He liked tea, she drank coffee.
Her childhood before her parents had passed away had been happy, Peeta’s had not.  Katniss hated that Peeta had had such a rough time but loved that he still say goodness in  the world.
She never wanted to get married. He did.
He wanted kids, she didn’t
She loved Halloween, he loved Christmas, and now that December was on the way he was getting down to the serious business of choosing Christmas sweaters for his staff.
She had the voice of an angel, he did not.
But for each difference they had many things is common.  They were hard workers, kind hearted, generous, giving, they enjoyed 1980’s movies of any kind and a love of Gordon Ramsey that bordered on obsessional.
Peeta had hired Rue and Glenda-or Glimmer- as she insisted on being called- from Prim’s Roses. Rue was attending college studying Computer Science. Glimmer didn’t know what she wanted to do and quite by accident they discovered that Glimmer has a knack for cooking, even old Sae was impressed. Glimmer had an incredible natural palate and talent that most chefs could only dream of.  Peeta and Katniss helped her to apply for culinary schools, and looked at the various options to fund this for her. She was accepted to school in District 2 but although she had received funding to cover the cost and had received  a small stipend when she has aged out of the system she still had to figure where she was going to live and then work so she should could look after rent and bills.
Peeta remembered an old buddy of his had a place in  2 and put in a call.  Cato immediately offered up a solution. He was short staffed so she could work at his bar/restaurant part time. Initially a waitress position but he could give her some kitchen work as well.  Katniss called Enobaria Lewis who she knew ran a similar project to hers in District 2 and explained the situation.  A couple of days later she had a room in a shared house to offer Glimmer.  The other tenants were of similar age and background. Sae paid for Glimmer to out to meet Enobaria and the other girls to see if they “clicked” after all she was moving so far away. Sae had a huge soft spot of Glimmer and she was worried “her baby girl” would get there and everyone would hate each other and Glimmer would be stuck. Luckily they all hit it off. College didn’t start until January but Glimmer decided to move to 2 more or less straight away she could start work full time, earn some cash, get to grips the with city and be completely settled in by start of the course.                                                                                      
Right now Peeta and Johanna were sitting in the living room of the Prim’s Roses house listening to Katniss practice the presentation she would be delivering in two days to the Board of Hawthorne Electronics. 
Gale Hawthorne had been in touch and then arrived into District 12 for a one to one meeting with Katniss three days after Peeta had met Katniss to discuss funding for Prim’s Roses.  Katniss was taken aback by the gorgeous man that stood in front of her.  He was tall, had dark hair, grey curious eyes and when  he smiled his face changed so much he looked younger more, carefree.
 They had quickly got down to business he told her the Hawthorne Electronics was interested in providing her and her organisation with funding to help her grow,  They needed new equipment, additional space and to increase the supports to the service users and  they would like to back them. Gale had a quick mind and asked all kinds of questions but Katniss was able to answer them. 
“Katniss, you present like this it the Board and I can’t see how they can refuse you. They will love you”
Katniss was beaming and then Gale has asked her out. She said yes.
Gale was the perfect partner for Katniss. He loved the outdoors and hunting so the house was well stocked with meat for the coming months. He had a drive to match her own. He loved his family and they were the main driving force for him to succeed.
Although sometimes he wasn’t the most observant  and didn’t really listen. Like the time he bought her a new jacket to replace the old leather one she wore. She thanked him but politely told him to take it back , explaining once more that her current jacket belonged to her father and she wasn’t ready to let it go just yet.
When he kissed her, Katniss first thought was “Well this is nice” her second was “Who describes their first kiss with her boyfriend as nice?” she brushed it aside.   Katniss relationship with Gale was easy she knew not every relationship was fireworks and drama. They lived so far apart and they weren’t  living in each other’s pockets that it suited Katniss. Sometimes their only contact was a few text message a few times a day, but that was normal right?
Now with days to go before the big presentation Katniss was a ball of nerves.
“Katniss you will be amazing. They will love you.  You speak from the heart but you have all the facts and figures, research results and testimonies to back up what you’re trying to do.  If they pass up an opportunity to partner with you then they are fools” Peeta stood up and pulled her into a hug, again they were blasted by static.
“Mellark! Will you take off that awful polyester Christmas jumper when you touch me me it’s like hugging an electric fence”
Johanna snorted “Ah leave him alone I happen to think he looks positively festivetastic in that”
A knock on the front door interrupted them.  Katniss answered it and there stood Gale a large bunch of roses in his arms. “Hey babe” he said as he leaned in to kiss her “I thought maybe you could come to the city with me a day early let me show you around before the meeting? Here these are for you. Roses being your favourite after all” he gestured round as he said this.
“Erm Gale I can’t just leave. I have things that need to do before I go. I’m sorry but this was a wasted trip for you”
“Can’t Jo look after things?” Gale dismissed her concerns.
“No. Absolutely not.  Gale if you have free time why don’t you stay in District 12 and then travel up with me tomorrow night?”
“Great idea babe, I’ll grab my stuff”
“Gale you can’t stay here.  Seriously, we’ve been through this, it isn’t appropriate while I live under the same roof as the girls. Book into the hotel in town I’ll swing by later if I get time if not I will meet you for breakfast” she leaned up and kissed him.
“Fine” Gale snapped and walked away.
Katniss looked at the roses and then at Johanna “Please get rid of these.  I absolutely hate the things”
Peeta laughed at her “Poor fella, he should have just brought you some dandelions they are your favourite after all. Right to the kitchen we have a cooking class to teach” Peeta had taken to giving lessons to anyone interested in learning to cook.  He was teaching them how to make nutritious meals but that were low cost. He was also showing them some no cook ideas.  They classes were proving a hit.  Even Katniss was learning something.
The presentation went better than planned and plans were in motion for funding to start in the New Year. 
The night after celebrating Gale told Katniss he loved her.  She was stunned. Did she love him? She respected him, enjoyed his company, they had fun, kissing him was ok and the couple of times they had “made love” as he insisted on calling it had been nice-he didn’t make the earth move but so that stuff was overrated right(if she was being honest no man she has ever slept with had rocked her world) Maybe it was love? So she smiled and said “Ditto” he laughed and told her she was so cute.
With a week to go to Christmas District 12 was blaze of festive colour. Peeta had gotten the local vendors to agree to contribute money toward new lights and  to put  a giant tree being up in the town square. Shop fronts were painted, there was Carollers singing  dressed in what she assumed was Dickens style clothing all bonnets and hats.  In Katniss opinion it looked like Christmas itself had vomited on the town.
Gale and her were walking along hand in hand stopping here and there to look at this and that, and Katniss was content.  Gale was the perfect boyfriend, everyone said so.  Prim who was in town for a few days was bowled over by the charming, educated, wealthy Mr Hawthorne and declared he was a vast improvement on Katniss last boyfriend Darius.  They were heading to Mellark’s to grab some hot chocolate before heading back to the house.   Gale was particularly keen to get back to the house. 
When then entered the bakery Katniss was overwhelmed by the scent of ginger and cinnamon.  It smelt just like Christmas should.  She waved to Rue and Diana, who had replaced Glimmer. Peeta had opened up the interior a bit more since taking over so people could sit and have coffee. He told Katniss he planned to do more as time went on but for now he was happy at the pace things were going. Peeta came through from the kitchen with fresh cookies and Stollen muffins, he nodded at Katniss and Gale. Gale returned his nod Katniss waved and asked him if he had a minute.
“Hey guys how are you?” Peeta walked towards them Katniss noticed he was limping slightly.
“We’re good but you by the looks of things haven’t been looking after yourself properly? Are you getting enough rest?  Did you fall asleep last night without taking your leg off? “Katniss asked.
Gale’s head swivelled to look at Peeta “You have one leg?!” he blurted out
Peeta snorted laughing “Yep, you didn’t know? I’m part bionic so don’t ever challenge me to a race I’ll easily beat you”
“Stop teasing him Peeta and let me introduce you to Primrose my sister” she waved to Prim would was currently shoving a muffin in her face.
“Oh my god Katniss…this stuff is amazing…”
“Thanks glad you like it. I’m Peeta the maker of those amazing muffins”
They chatted for a bit until Gale cleared his throat and told Katniss they needed to go.  As they turned to leave Rue whistled and pointed about Peeta’s head  where a piece of mistletoe was hanging.  “You know the rules” she giggled.
Gale laughed and kissed Peeta on the check, then Diana called out to Katniss “Come on you’re more under it then Gale give Peeta a kiss”
The was absurd thought Katniss but she leaned in and went to place a kiss on his cheek, Prim was laughing and pushed Katniss, she stumbled and her kiss landed closer to his lips then she intended.
And there it was that spark of static again but this time with the jolt images that shot through her head: a wedding, laying in a meadow with Peeta plaiting her hair, two children one dark, one blond, she pulled back from Peeta the confusion she felt was mirrored in his eyes.
“Ok, well bye” they both said at the same time.
Peeta practically ran back to the kitchen wondering what the hell had just happened?
Meanwhile Katniss walked out the door wondering exactly the same thing.
When they got back to the Prim’s Roses house, Gale was giddy like a child and Katniss was distracted.  He sat her down and began a speech about although they had only known each other a short time, he was certain she was “the one” and he wanted to give her something.
“Hmmmm what sorry Gale? What’s one?”
“Aren’t you listening  I said you’re the one. The one for me. We are physically and emotionally compatible and well I don’t see the point in waiting I am a man who goes after what he wants. So Katniss Everdeen will you marry me?” Gale stood there with a yellow gold ring with a huge pear cut diamond.  It was beautiful but it wasn’t her. She looked Gale in the eye and shook her head.
“I’m sorry Gale no, I can’t if I accept I will be condemning us both to live half a life. You are wonderful, truly wonderful but you need to find someone who makes you spark. Do you know what I mean?”
“Yes. I think I do” he sat down beside her “On paper we’re perfect but the reality is not so good. I think we might be better friends than life partners”
Katniss laughed “Gale, that exactly my point I don’t want to be a “life partner” it all sounds a bit businessy when you say it.  You deserve the world and you won’t get it with me. As your friend though can I give you one tip? They next time you propose to someone and you have to describe the two of you “as physically and emotionally compatible” stop and run away. They are not the one for you either”
He looked at her and the two of them burst out laughing.
A short time later Gale got ready to leave. He  told Katniss he would be in touch regarding the funding and he would like if possible to look at bringing the Prim’s Roses model to other areas to help young men and women adjust to life after care.
News of the break up spread, Katniss wasn’t too upset.  Peeta asked her about it.  She felt weird talking to him but she told him the truth that there just wasn’t enough between them to grow a relationship.
Things continued as they had always done Peeta helped out when he could, Katniss regularly visited for free hot chocolate. They didn’t mention the kiss at Christmas time . Rare night off together were spent watching Masterchef US and bad 80’s movies.  With the additional funding Katniss was able to hire some new staff one of her first hires was a young Social Worker called  Leevy who was one of the first girls to come through Prim’s Roses doors.  She was a great fit for the place.
Gale rang Katniss six weeks after the break up and told her he had met someone.  She laughed when he told her that when they kissed for the first time he would swear fireworks were going off.
On the night before Valentine’s Day Katniss sat on Peeta couch watching that most romantic of movies “The Goonies” and she realised how absolutely content she felt, she reached to grab some popcorn just as Peeta did and their hands touched, there was that jolt again only this time she didn’t pull away and neither did he.
 The never made it to the end of the movie.
But Katniss did discover that night that with the right person the earth really can move.
As for Peeta  well Peeta finally experienced true love firstly with Katniss and then three years later when their twins were born, a raven haired girl and a little boy with a mass of blond curls.
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