#nearly all my personal planets are in a taurus degree + i have a big ol' pisces stellium in sidereal...incredible rly
YOUR September Horoscope
Somehow we’ve found ourselves in month nine of 2024, celebrating the 9th new moon of the year. That’s right, it is officially September. How we got from January to now, I’ll never know, but what I do know is that this month has its fair share of planetary transits. And there is at least one planetary transit that is guaranteed to shake up your world even more than the realization that summer is nearly o-v-e-r. 
     No, it’s not Uranus retrograde, which kicks off the month. It’s not even the Virgo new moon on Sept. 2 (aka today) or eclipse season, which starts Sept. 17. It’s Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. That’s right, the outer planets—Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and now Pluto—are all in retrograde motion, meaning the universe is hitting rewind on some unresolved issues. If you thought you had tied up loose ends, think again. This month is all about revisiting the past, making necessary tweaks, and maybe even giving the cosmic middle finger to anything that’s holding you back. 
     These retrogrades have already impacted me! My book release for Jupiter Returns has been pushed back a few days, but it is very nearly finished and I CANNOT be more excited. (Seriously, as we’ve finalizing edits and formatting for the novel, I’ve just fallen more in love with it. It’s hilarious! It’s heartfelt! And it’s soooo much fun!! I’ll be posting another chapter of the novel THIS WEEK). Anyway, that’s the general gist of September. Here’s the actual astrology:
Sept. 1 - Uranus stations retrograde, 27°
Sept. 1 - Pluto Rx re-enters Capricorn, 29°
Sept. 2 - Virgo New Moon, 11°
Sept. 4 - Mars enters Cancer
Sept. 9 - Mercury enters Virgo
Sept. 17 – Eclipse season begins with Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, 25°
Sept. 22 - Sun enters Libra
Sept. 22 - Venus enters Scorpio
Sept. 26 - Mercury enters Libra
     As you can see, I have not gone into great, GREAT detail about each and every planetary transit happening this month; I save such things for the weekly forecast. However, because this month essentially starts on a new week, I’ll go into those details as I explore the major astrology in the works. That said, let’s dive in, shall we?
Sept. 1 - Pluto & Uranus Rx
     On September 1st, Uranus joins the retrograde parade, staying in reverse until January 2025. This pulls focus to the Taurus part of your chart, and all the ways you are still yearning to either shake things up, wake things up, or rebel against the status quo and do things differently. Also happening on Sept. 1, Pluto re-enters Capricorn for one final hurrah before it takes up permanent residence in Aquarius on November 19th.
     Pluto’s last lap in the 29th degree of Capricorn is like a final exam on the lessons of stability, power, and transformation. The 29th degree is a fame degree, a critical degree, and an anaretic degree. You might be reckoning with something BIG. (Your horoscope for Anaretic Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn drops this Friday!)
     Expect some pushback this month, especially when it comes to transformation. The status quo isn’t going down without a fight, so brace yourself for some serious resistance—whether in your personal life or the world at large. But remember, this is the turning point. Are you ready to step into the new world, or are you clinging to the past like a millennial with a flip phone?
Sept. 2 - Virgo New Moon
     Feeling a little sluggish? You’re not alone. The New Moon in Virgo on Sept. 2 is all about getting your life in order, but with Mars in Gemini squaring Neptune Rx in Pisces, it might feel like you’re trying to organize a sock drawer while underwater. The vibe is sober, maybe even a bit blah, so make sure you’re taking care of yourself—physically and mentally. It’s all about balanced living right now, so eat your veggies and keep your energy levels in check. You’ll thank yourself later. Get YOUR Virgo New Moon horoscope here. 
Sept. 7 - 14 - Mid-Month Musings
     September 7th to 9th is when things start to get interesting. Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus, and the Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces. Translation: your curiosity is piqued, and you’ve got the discipline to tackle those big, overwhelming tasks you’ve been avoiding. New solutions might come out of nowhere—be open to them. By the 9th, Mercury slips into Virgo, urging you to methodically sort through whatever insights you’ve just stumbled upon.
     By September 12th, the Sun squares Jupiter, and Venus trines it on Sept. 14. This is your cosmic green light to finally tackle those projects you’ve been neglecting. Want to bring some beauty and harmony into your daily grind? Now’s the time. Just don’t go overboard with the indulgences—Jupiter can be a bit of a glutton.
Get the FULL SCOOP on the astrology of September (including your HOROSCOPE) on The Cosmic Almanac
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rucow · 2 years
do any other venusians have this thing where u only want to be pleasant, only do pleasant things, and never do anything unpleasant ever, especially in public?
for example, swearing or saying any bad words or expressions. ive never sworn irl and im the type of person who gasps and gets shocked when i hear/see ppl swearing, even if it's only through text! it repulses and shocks me so bad, and it's the same with bad manners, like when ppl speak loudly and unpleasantly in public, or do other unmannered things such as not covering ur mouth when u yawn/sneeze/cough or... other unspeakable gestures and actions that i dont want to type out.
as for myself, i have a need to share only good things and have only good thoughts and feelings, it really messes with my emotional balance if my environment isn't harmonious, full of a pleasant aesthetic and atmosphere 🙈 never too loud, never any unattractive noises or gestures, always pretty and always pleasant... i see beauty in everything and it bothers me greatly when others turn a blind eye to it when they could all try a little harder to just. be more pleasant, at least in public 🙈
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
random observations: celebrity edition
So you know how I like to talk about celebrity charts. The issue is, I can't make long posts about all of them because a) waste of time lol b) sometimes only a part of their chart is interesting. So this is just a handful of things I've noticed when looking at charts.
Also, just want to prefix this by saying that I use whole house for these.
⭐️ I've noticed that a lot of actors known from movie franchises, especially Marvel, have personal planets in the 8th house (Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, Jeremy Renner, Benedict Cumberbatch, Natalie Portman, Brie Larson, Mark Ruffalo; Robert Downey Jr). Now this is not the most common placement to bring big fame but I figured those movie series are all based on a long-term contracts (7th house) which then bring them A LOT of money (8th house).
⭐️ Speaking of which, did you know Natalie Portman and Chris Evans were born just a few days apart and they both have Scorpio risings? Natalie has her Moon in Virgo while Chris has it in Scorpio (in relatively close degrees). This means they have nearly identical charts. And look, they're both actors since childhood. They're both starred in big franchises (let's not forget Natalie got big thanks to Star Wars). I just think it's interesting.
⭐️ Oh also, did you know that Steve Rogers' Sun (yes, we have an official birth date for Captain America) is cojunct Chris' Venus? Idk what to make out of it either, just a fun fact.
⭐️ OKAY THIS ONE IS MY FAVOURITE I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. Adele filed for divorce during her Saturn return. Where is her Saturn? You've guessed it, in the 7th house. On top of that, her ex husband is 15 years older than her #saturninthe7thstories #dontgetmarriedbeforeyoursaturnreturnifyouhavesaturninthe7th #saturninthe7thhavingathingforolderpeople #godiloveastrology #iknowthesetagsdontworkbutwhatever
⭐️ I randomly glanced at Demi Lovato's chart once and it perfectly shows the polarities between good and bad aspects (something people sometimes struggle understanding). They have an exact grand trine in earth signs with Moon exalted in Taurus on the MC. Obviously there's an enormous talent and fame since childhood. The problem is their both benefics are ill-dignified in Virgo, which results in struggling with finding happiness and sense of self-worth.
⭐️ Whenever I see a piece of news about Olivia Rodrigo I see her being attacked by the public for no reason. So why is she a hater magnet? Probably because she has an exact Saturn-Mars opposition. With Saturn being her chart ruler. So she's being bullied by Mars (being in her 12th house, which is the house of hidden enemies). Doesn't help that her chart is pretty tense overall.
⭐️ Similarly, I think people bitch about Brie Larson and her "mean attitude" (which, for me, is just a stereotypical Aries rising attitude lol) because a) she has Mars on the descendant b) that Mars is in detriment in Libra and rules her ascendant. So, it's basically the people (7th house) attacking (Mars) her because they feel like it's her acting that way. Mind you, that Mars is also squared by Saturn which is placed on her Capricorn MC (that's her reputation/how she's seen by people).
⭐️ Now one that's a downer: Dave Grohl (Nirvana/Foo Fighters) and Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park) have one major thing in common: a harsh malefic in the 11th house (house of friends). Obviously both of them experienced a loss of their respective bandmates and dear friends, Curt Cobain and Chester Bennington. Dave's Mars is in Scorpio so it's in its domicile but (as Chris Brennan pointed out recently), his chart is behaving more like a day chart (he has Sun on the ascendant) so Mars is behaving as a greater malefic. In the case of Mike, he has Saturn in Leo in its detriment and in a night chart (Saturn is the greater malefic for him).
⭐️ Gordon Ramsay has a cazimi Venus in his chart. Now you're probably thinking, how is that, shouldn't Sun conjunct Venus, not to mention cazimi, be full of charm and beauty and blah blah? NO (I mean, not necessary). Remember he's a great cook, a tv personality and a writer. All of this requires an enormous sense of aesthetic, balance and an eye for details. And tastebuds. Great tastebuds. On top of that, those two planets so tightly together connect the houses they rule: 3rd (communication), 5th (entertainment) and 10th (carreer).
⭐️ Another pair of actors who were born just a few days apart: William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy (any Star Trek geeks here?). Apart from having personal planets in the same signs, there's other similarities between their charts: both having fixed rising signs (Shatner being Aquarius, Nimoy Scorpio) and both having feminine Moons (Taurus and Cancer respectively). As Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, they're one of the most iconic duos in pop culture and what's interesting is, Shatner's ascendant line is conjunct Nimoy's IC. If you look at it from the dsc/MC perspective, Nomoy's career (MC) was pefectly aligning with Shatner's partnerships (descendant). Their Moons were also exactly sextiled so there was something natural & fitting about their relationship.
⭐️ Britney's chart (YES Britney's free 😭) perfectly shows the dynamic between her and her family/father. She has a Libra rising with exalted Saturn in the 1st house (which, you could say, did to some extent made her exalted as a person), ruling her 4th house (family/father) and sqaring Venus, which is her ascendant ruler. Sometimes the easiest and most straight-forward interpretations are the most acurate. So, her father (Saturn) restricted her (1st house/square to Venus).
⭐️ I've talked about it once but Billie Eilish released her debut album when transiting Jupiter was right on her Sagittarius Venus-MC-Sun stellium (Jupiter was 24° Sag, while her abovementioned natal placements are 20°, 22° and 26° respectively). Talk about timing.
⭐️ I've noticed there's quite a few oppositions in the synastry between Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly. They have Venus oppositions, Jupiter oppositions (Eminem's chart ruler), Mercury oppositions (by sign; MGK's chart ruler) and they're of an opposite rising signs. Obviously doesn't mean all people with opposing planets will be feuding, it's just MGK's a bit dumb lol.
⭐️ My twitter timeline was flooded with Paris Hilton's wedding yesterday and how she's making a reality-show about her getting married (yea, the proposal on the beach was NOT staged AT ALL lol). I know her chart & it does look like a chart of someone well-known and from a wealthy/prestigious family (4th house ruler, Jupiter tightly conjunct exalted Saturn in Libra on the MC) but I was thinking, she's one of the very few celebs that are willingly showing their private life on tv and I guess, again, it's Jupiter (also her ascendsnt ruler) conjunt Saturn (her Sun ruler) on the MC - she just needs to be seen and looked at and the fact that Jupiter also rules her 4th, she has no issues sharing her private stuff as well.
⭐️ Lastly, I looked at charts of celebrities who look alike (only those with available time of birth tho) and these are some major things they have in common:
Bryce Dallas Howard is an Aries rising while Jessica Chastain is an Aries Sun. Their ascendant ruler, Mars (Jessica is a Scorpio rising), is in Pisces in both charts.
Katy Perry is a, what I like to call, superscorpio while Zoe Deschanel's MC is conjunct that stellium (she was mistaken for Katy quite a lot). Katy's ascendant ruler, Mars is in Capricorn - Zoe's rising sign.
Susan Sarandon and Sigourney Weaver are both Libra Suns and have Venus conjunct in Scorpio. Susan's MC/IC axis is conjunct Sigourney's asc-dsc axis.
Chelsea Handler and Elizabeth Banks are both Virgo risings. Chelsea's Pisces Sun is conjunct Elizabeth's Mercury and Elizabeth's Aquarius Sun is loosely conjunct Chelsea's Sun.
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elminx · 3 years
Energy Update: Mercury Retrograde in Libra
Happy Monday? Last night Mercury stationed retrograde at 25° Libra starting our three-week-long Mercury retrograde cycle,. Mercury will march backward through from 25-10 degrees until 10/18. Normal Mercury retrograde warnings apply: things take longer in general, communication (especially internet communication) will get messy and there may be many misunderstandings, all technology can get a bit wonky, and you can likely expect to have to do some or all of the res: rethink, redo, reconsider, reawaken, realign, etc. Mercury retrograde is counterindicated, in general, for travel which shouldn't be a problem during this time. The general rule of thumb during Mercury retrograde is: think before you act, save early and often, and double-check all communications before you hit "send". Because this retrograde cycle is in Libra it will affect cardinal signs most strongly (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) with the additional signs being strongly affected being Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Remember to take into account Sun, Moon, AND Ascendant when considering this above information. As Mercury moves backward through Libra, we are going to be forced to confront the way that we think/talk about our relationships (ruled by Libra). There is a hint to this process as the ruler of Libra, Venus, will spend most of the retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. Sag is a sign of freedom and expansion which is a stark difference from the often co-dependant sign of Libra. Herein you see the inherent conflict that needs resolution. Expect the bad behaviors of Libra to be in the forefront of our minds all throughout this retrograde. Libra can be seen as the OG ruler of coupledom which can look cute but often hides a lot of relationship trauma right below the surface. As a Venus sign, the appearance of a relationship - just having a relationship AT ALL - can become so all-consuming that the health of the relationship can become immaterial. In fact, there are many Libras who seem completely incapable of leaving a relationship to such a degree that they remain in toxic situations or in a very poorly matched situation for years if not decades. Here Mercury retrograde in Libra will share something in common with Venus in Sagittarius - sometimes, both signs would rather be lied to in a way that feels good than confront the truth that may be messy or hurtful. This energy has been at play all year as we round out the last of our eclipses on the Gemini-Sag axis - you can refer back to my posts about eclipse season if you're interested in following this line of inquiry further. The reason that Mercury retrograde is so impactful is that it crosses the same points on the horoscope (here 10-15° Libra) a total of three times: one in its normal forward motion (called the pre-shadow phase), then backward during the retrograde, and finally a third time as it moves forward once more (known as its post-shadow). Because of this, we can look at the aspects that Mercury makes during this Chthonic journey to get additional insight into the way in which this retrograde cycle will potentially impact our lives. In this retrograde, Mercury makes a number of strong aspects. They will form a square with Pluto in Capricorn on 10/1 and 11/3, trine Jupiter in Aquarius on 10/3 and 11/1, conjunct the Sun and Mars on 10/9, oppose Chiron in Aries from 10/14-10/29, and make a sweet sextile to Venus on 10/16. This is a mixed bag which makes sense for a Mercury retrograde cycle. As I write about each aspect please keep in mind that although I list specific dates, these aspects play out for a couple of days before and after their moment of exactitude. Additionally, because we are in a retrograde cycle, any impact of these aspects will likely last through the retrograde and into Mercury's post shadow (I'll get to that). Sun, Mercury, and Mars conjunction at 16° Libra - this, along with the Mercury-Pluto square will likely have the strongest impact on this Mercury retrograde cycle. At this time last year, Mars went retrograde
in the sign of Aries and squared off with Pluto in Capricorn three times. We saw a ton of these Aries-Capricorn squares last year - that was a beginning. Now, one year later, Mars has made his way halfway around the horoscope to Aries' opposite sign of Libra only to square Pluto in Capricorn again. It is likely the unfinished business from the Fall of 2020 (or earlier that year) will rise to the surface - especially around how we go about getting what we want out of relationships. You may feel unmoored or directionless in and around this Libra stellium on 10/9. Especially if you've been given messages about what you need to change in your own life (Pluto in Capricorn) but you have held onto the old rather than taking steps forward towards that change. That said, astrology is the study of second chances - it is never too late to right your path. All you need to do is start walking. Mercury square Pluto in Capricorn - This indicates unfinished business, something that you need to rethink, reevaluate, redo so that you can let go and move on with your life. You may see exes or old friends reappear during this time - keep in mind that most likely these people are reappearing for a chance of closure but some people may even see rekindlings of old romances or second chances. Just keep in mind that Pluto was the God of Death, not romance. Mercury trine Jupiter - this can be a pretty nice aspect when both planets are moving forwards but is questionable (at best) when both planets are retrograde. Watch out for making mountains of molehills, for over-thinking and over-analyzing (problems during any Mercury retrograde cycle but made worse by the influence of our Great Expander Jupiter). Here the lies of Mercury retrograde may be at their height - watch out for the ways in which we are prone to dishonestly or illusion during this time, especially the ways in which we are dishonest or harbor illusions about our relationships. Notably, Mercury will be square to Pluto at the same time that they are trine to Jupiter which indicates that the lies that we tell may be very heavily loaded during this time. Expect some serious breakups and breakdowns during this time. You may discover that you and your Others are on very different pages - even that you see your relationship in a completely different light! Mercury sextile Venus in Sagittarius - this lovely sextile happens two days before Mercury stations direct again and is definitely our path forward. What has been revealed during this retrograde cycle? Can you integrate it into your life and your relationships focusing heavily on openness and freedom? Mercury opposed Chiron in Aries - this is our pain point. Mercury will oppose Chiron within 1 degree for an incredibly long time - 15 days to be exact! This is because it happens as Mercury is about to station direct and is therefore moving so slowly that they appear to stand still for an extended period of time. This shows that the Mercury retrograde cycle has been painful and many will have to go through a time of rectification during its post shadow period afterward. Chiron is always a reminder that we need to heal ourselves - that our mental well-being is our own responsibility. There is a sense here, with the axis between independent Aries and codependent Libra in play - that we need to step away from the idea that our Others can heal us. Or the idea that our Others are responsible for our Emotional States or Dysregulations. All in all, the next three weeks may feel like a real slog. We may feel fragmented or off-track. It's highly likely that the big blowups won't be until closer to the end of the retrograde and there may be a lot of cleanups to do. There's a lot of indication of some pretty big changes in the works as this cycle works itself out. In a year when change has felt nearly impossible due to our ongoing Saturn in Aquarius-Uranus in Taurus square, a chance to actually enact change sounds pretty good to me. All in all, if you keep your patience and your wits about you and
you aren't holding on to shit that you should have let go of ages ago, navigating this astrology weather should be considered Business as Usual. Remember to give your Others a metric fuckton of space during this time - especially if they have personal planets in one of the cardinal signs. What you stifle will never grow.
You can read more about how to interpret how Mercury Rx will affect you personally in my blog post on my website.
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
November Magical Dates and Astrological Transits
Welcome to the deep darkness of the year. November we get plunged into the dark quarter getting us in our hibernation mode and focusing on the realms within. It's a great time of the year for magic in the household (known and tagged sometimes as Cottage Witchcraft: witchcraft encompassing magic indoors, in your bedroom, kitchen witchcraft, bath witchcraft, cleansing and crafting etc.), shadow work and resting. It's also a great time to take up a hobby craft as you can focus your creations and learning on gifts for Yule to come.
This month is nearly nested between two Full Moons but the previous full moon reached opposition on the 31st so technically the moon at the end of November is not a Blue moon. However the moon at the end of November is a Blood Moon meaning it's a Full Moon Eclipse that will cast the moon in a red shadow. The themes of this month will take us through Scorpio's shadowy introspective period helping us to understand where our energy and sense of freedoms may be repressed then optimistic Sagittarius season helping us to focus on our dreams and how we can work towards manifesting them. There are a lot of surprises coming with dynamic Uranus in retrograde influencing a lot of planets which will lead up to the full moon eclipse no doubt bringing a lot of changes and sudden endings that no one can predict. Get ready for your life to be upgraded!
1st - ☾♉ Samhain  🎃 Mercury rx in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn
We will still be under the influence of the full moon as it's in mid-transit in Taurus. Today Mercury rx in Libra will square Saturn in Capricorn bringing up themes of restriction and our mental barriers. With mercury in retrograde it's a good time to reflect on how these mental barriers can hold us back and why we feel oppressed by them. Especially since Samhain is a good time for shadow work and overcoming mental obstacles, it's a good day for meditation and introspection on how we may harbor negative beliefs that keep us imprisoned. (Especially in regards to our relationships, coworkers and authority). With the full moon conjunct Uranus RX we may have gotten themes of material or superficial things that we value that could either be restricting our freedoms or holding us back. The next day with the Mercury rx square with Saturn we will dive further into our subconscious to focus on our mental blocks and restrictions. Since Samhain is a good day for shedding and letting go this is great energy to reflect on and release for our personal freedoms to emerge. Take a moment today to write down what you'd like to free in yourself. You will see later on it will help ;)
Additionally Blessed Samhain!
Week 2 - 8
2nd - ☾♊ Moon enters Gemini
When the moon is in Gemini it’s a good time for taking in new information, studying magic or writing in your grimoire, using binural beats in magic, meditation or trance or doing air based magic.
3rd - ☾♊ Mercury Direct in Libra
Mercury finally stations direct today! It will still have it's moment of grogginess so still expect delays and some missed communication, but things will finally start moving forward. Take the time to reflect on what you have learned during this retrograde period and how you will apply it to your life moving forward. Though Mercury will be moving forward, it's still a time for rest, hibernation and reflection. Don't feel the need to hit the ground running or be surprised when everything still feels groggy and introspective. This is the dark quarter of the year and time to hibernate.
4th - ☾♋ Moon enters Cancer
When the moon is in Cancer it’s a good time for magic around the home such as cleaning and cleansing, kitchen magic and bath magic. It’s a great time for self-care rituals and water-based magic. The theme of burrowing and hibernation will feel amplified today as the moon is in it's home sign.
5th - ☾♋ Disseminating Moon | Moon in Cancer Trines Sun
The waning gibbous moon is a great time for taking stock of your progress during this lunar cycle and celebrating any little successes you’ve managed to accomplish so far no matter how small. You can reflect on all that you have worked through and learned through retrograde and the insights that the full moon has given you. It’s a lovely vibe for socializing, spreading generosity or just taking the moment to enjoy life. When the moon trines the sun it’s a harmonious time that brings a lot of luck. When you take stock and realize that you may not be where you’d like, then it’s a good time to catch up on work to help you out or do magic to bring opportunities for doors to open for you. Celebrate at home with the moon in Cancer and make your personal space feel special by burning nice scented candles, changing bedsheets and getting really cozy. 
 6th - ☾♋ Mercury in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn
Time for another Mercury and Saturn square, except Mercury is now direct! This is when I suggested you should write down any themes the last square brought up on Samhain as you may get stronger clarity now on what you need to let go in order to liberate yourself mentally. As all squares operate, it's not a good time for action, yet reflection and meditation. Wherever you feel mentally blocked, reflect on it, write it down, meditate on it and do some divination if you are feeling stuck.
7th - ☾♌  Autumn’s Crossquarter Moon enters Leo
Today is also when the Sun is 15 degrees in Scorpio making it the official Crossquarter of Autumn. This is a period of shedding, cleansing and banishing along with tying up any loose ends before going into hibernation. This is the official end to Samhaintide. 
8th - ☾♌ Last Quarter Moon in Leo
The themes of reflection and introspection carry on with the Last Quarter moon in Leo. The Last Quarter moon is a good time for reflecting on the lunar cycle that past and the lessons we have learned. It's a good day for meditation, mindfulness, gratitude and reviewing the past. The lunar cycle begun on a Libra new moon so you can take the themes of introspection today on what you have learned in regards to what resonates with your heart, the value you put on relationships, your money, material wealth and partnerships and what is truly important/resonates with you vs. what is holding you back. Leo rules the heart so this is a good day to be honest with yourself and seek out what makes you free and what is in your best interests.
Week 9 - 15
9th - ☾♍ Venus in Libra opposite Mars rx in Aries Moon enters Virgo
You may find some clarity today on the inner work you could have done yesterday with the last quarter moon as Venus in Libra transits opposite Mars rx in Aries. Previous injustices regarding relationships of all kinds could come up now from the past. Repressed anger or desires could emerge that may feel shocking but could be clarifying on the pain experienced or how you could have created barriers to protect yourself yet in turn these same walls became a mental prison. As the moon and season is in decline it's good to reflect on these themes and release what's no longer needed. With the moon entering Virgo you will have a more clear headed approach to your introspection. With the opposition it's a good time to release the built up tension in healthy ways in any physical activity from exercise to dance. This energy could also show you where you may feel lacking in terms of your relationship dynamics or self confidence. It's not a time to act yet but to reflect and observe. Write down any insights in your journal to review later.
10th - ☾♍ Balsamic Moon | Moon Sextiles Sun Mercury enters Scorpio Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune rx in Pisces
Mercury enters Scorpio today! We can re-enter our dark underworlds now with a bit of introspection from what the retrograde has bought. Mercury in Scorpio brings two weeks of deep intense thought, diving to the core of the truths shrouded by darkness and uncovering ours and others shadows. With the moon in it's balsamic phase (waning crescent), it's a time to wrap up loose ends of this lunar cycle and depart from anything no longer serving us. If there are things in our lives such as people or physical materials that no longer align with our values, we should find ways to distant ourselves or banish them. It's also a good time to do some deep house cleaning and throw out anything old that we've been holding on to without realizing (as I type this, there are 3 large plastic water bottles in the corner of my vision I use for watering my plants which I only need 1 of haha). With the Sun trining Neptune rx this can highlight what our dreams are for ourselves or the future. Now is a time to pay attention to our dreams and day dreams to see where deep subconscious desires lie that may be brought out by Mars's retrograde and Mercury now in Scorpio. The Sun and Neptune Rx transit also heightens our sensitivity and empathy towards others. This can help us connect with our sense of spirituality from within.
11th - ☾♎ Moon enters Libra
When the moon is in Libra it’s a good time for attraction magic (friendship/coworkers/partners - all kinds), glamours and charms, love based magic and harmonizing spells.
12th - ☾♎ Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Today will feel powerful and intense as the expansive Jupiter conjuncts intense Pluto in Capricorn. We will feel focused and driven to succeed and with a mix of intense effort with good luck, we will have teh boost to make a big difference anywhere we focus on energy towards on this day. This is powerful energy to not let go by so mark this day on your calendar. It is important to think about what you want to do during this prosperous phase. Ventures regarding business success, abundance, travel or career can get a boost of positivity during this time if used well. However focus your energy on either spiritual self-development or success for your genuine benefit and not more power or control over others (especially those already in power). Anyone with power already can get a boost during this time so if you challenge them you can face those powers against you. Therefore focus on your success and if it's in a circumstance even where your success lies in another person relinquishing power over you then maybe use this energy to escape from their influence, but don't challenge anyone directly.
This is a great day for action but if you want to do spell work then try barrier-breaking magic where you can break through obstacles to gain what you need.
13th - ☾♏ Moon enters Scorpio
Today is Friday the 13th! It's a magical day celebrating Venus and the divine femme! It's been warped by modern day society to be evil or whatever, but Friday the 13th is a fun time to be spooky, get up to shenanigans, do love attraction magic and fool around. Especially in honor of Venus, Friday the 13th is a fun day to dress up very mystical or witchy just for the sake of it. Today will feel extra spooky and intense with the moon entering Scorpio. When the moon is in Scorpio it's a good time for shadow work, energy based magic, scrying, blood and sex magic.
14th - ☾♏ Mars direct in Aries Sun in Scorpio sextiles Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn
GOT DAMN Mars is FINALLY Direct. Finally.. woof.. It's over. Though it will still be in it's groggy phase we may already feel motivated and ready to move forward after that lengthy period of introspection and reflecting on our inner motivations and drive. Energy may feel more free-flowing from now on and we may feel more inclined to act. This energy will be amplified by the Sun sextiling both Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn helping us to work through anything. This will help us succeed in our goals and aspirations and especially in the realms of our work or careers. You will feel the energy to hit the ground running and it's a good time to wrap up projects or strive for what you need during these prosperous transits.
15th - ☾♏ New Moon in Scorpio Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn Moon enters Sagittarius
A new lunar cycle begins! The moon in Scorpio will bring themes of our liberation again with it being opposite Uranus rx and how we need to connect with ourselves on a soul level to understand where we have been stripped of our power. This theme will be amplified by Venus in a square with Pluto. We may be more aware today of how we can be controlled in our relationships as power and control issues may arise. There can also be emotions tied to not feeling loved or valued come to the surface or worse, be buried deep within but be the motivation behind acting out or seeking control. If you are feeling these negative feelings you should look within to seek out what you need to change in order to make yourself feel more free and more valued and how you can commit yourself to these changes during this new Lunar Cycle. Especially in transformative Scorpio, this New Moon is looking to make a change.
Week 16 - 22
16th - ☾♐ Venus in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn
So Venus and Jupiter squares are not like many other. Squares tend to bring frustration or restrictions that may make us feel blocked and forced to reflect on our obstacles. However Jupiter squares creates another type of obstacle which is excess. Sometimes too much of a good thing can easily lead us astray. With the Venus and Jupiter square we can easily blow a lot of money accidentally on a shopping spree or spend way too much on take out or any other forms of gluttony. You should be especially wary if substances come involved. Moderation is key with this transit and we can easily go overboard if we aren't careful, especially since the moon is transiting Sagittarius. If we do feel inclined we should reflect on the root reasons why we want to over indulge instead of feeding the need. This way less damage is done. If you do want to go out, give yourself a budget so you don't over do it.
17th - ☾♑ Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus rx in Taurus Venus in Libra opposite Chiron rx in Aries Moon enters Capricorn
Today may feel hectic but there is opportunity for healing if you pay attention. The two major transits here are Mercury opposite Uranus rx and Venus opposite Chiron rx. With the Mercury and Uranus rx opposition we may be faced with obstacles that may change our plans and scatter our minds. This is not a good day to make plans or agree on deals but just to let our minds wander and not be restricted. This is a day that can bring great insight and epiphanies to how we relate to ourselves as an individual and understand our freedom. It's a better day to reflect and seek to understand ourselves then move forward. Additionally with Venus opposite Chiron rx we may be confronted with painful emotions revolving around our relationships and past trauma or pain. With the two transits together we can be confronted with external obstacles or events that could make us aware of our limitations, freedom, lack of individuality or authenticity and how that pain or boundary could have stemmed from toxic relationships from the past. Though it's potentially a lot of pain to work through, it's a day that can bring insight on how to move forward from it.
18th - ☾♑   Moon in Capricorn
With the moon in Capricorn, it’s a good time for organization, addressing our tasks and responsibilities, ancestor magic, earth and mineral based magic.
19th - ☾♒ Waxing Crescent | Sun Sextiles Moon Sun in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn Venus in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn Moon enters Aquarius
While the moon is still in Capricorn, it will sextile the Sun in Scorpio bringing a boost of positive energy that can help us take on any task. This is a great part of the lunar cycle to look back on the intentions you've set for the new moon and start exploring new ways to incorporate what your intentions were into your life. This could look like you signing up for a new class or experimenting with something new. It's a great time for seeking out new ventures, experimentation and learning. With the moon's energy in Capricorn there would be a boost in the areas of work where you can explore new open positions at work or switching up your schedule and seeing how that suits your work life balance better (especially in regards to the new moon theme and if that allows you to have more freedom.) The Sun will also sextile Saturn in Capricorn giving us a positive boost in our work ethic. We will find tasks much easier to complete today and feel more responsible. It's a great day to get your to-do list checked off and confront whatever long-term "to-do's" that you may have (like renewing that license for example). Venus in Libra will also square Saturn in Capricorn bringing the positive mood down a little as we may feel restricted by some of our relationships or unable to really act upon our values due to barriers or obstacles that block us from being our true selves. The energy today is pretty free-flowing to make changes in your life so if you are feeling that restriction maybe you can look into how you can shift things around like your work schedule or try new things to feel less blocked.
20th - ☾♒ Moon in Aquarius
When the moon is in Aquarius, it’s great to expand on your perspective, explore new material, work with tech magic or electricity and work with celestial magic or astrology. Especially as the moon is still in it's waxing crescent phase it's a great time to explore new things and try new ventures.
21st - ☾♒ Venus enters Scorpio
Venus enters the most passionate and intense sign, Scorpio bringing us into the deep depths of the shadows lingering from our love lives and other relationships that may still cause us to act paranoid, jealous or resentful of some people we live around today. This cycle is a great time for shadow work revolving around our relationship to other people and understanding why some people may trigger a negative response from us. Romance under this transit can be intense, dramatic, thrilling but also if you manage to have a healthy dynamic it can be soul bonding and long lasting. It's a good time for healing the heart and confronting any toxicity that we may be unknowingly harboring for the next month that this transit continues.
22nd - ☾♓ Sun enters Sagittarius First Quarter Moon in Pisces
The most festive season begins!! The Sun enters optimistic and excitable Sagittarius today bringing lights to the impenetrable dark of this somber quarter of the year. Trees will start to be aglow with lights, festive music will haunt us from every radio station and shop, everything we drink will be hot and spiced. You cannot escape the jolliness of Sagittarius season. However this energy may feel more tense than usual with the first day also landing on the First Quarter moon in Pisces. The first quarter moon calls for reflection on strategy and what we've learned this lunar cycle so far by experimenting and trying new things. What tools have we gained? What would we be willing to try or implement to get our goals ahead? Especially in the theme of Pisces we may really be focusing on our dreams and how we can bring our dreams to reality. How do these dreams liberate us? With what we've learned how can we achieve that liberation? As optimistic Sagittarius season overlaps with this lunar cycle, we may feel upbeat about taking this on.
Week 23 - 29
23rd - ☾♓ Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune rx in Pisces
Today feels tied in with yesterday's transits as Mercury makes a beneficial trine with Neptune rx which will create a lucky period of time where we can feel mentally aligned and balanced with our creativity, our spirituality and our dreams. We will be in-tune with what we want and be able to express it. If we are feeling repressed in this area, this transit will help us to understand these hidden parts some more. As beneficial as trines are, they are unfortunately so easy-going in their energy that we can easily miss them going by. This is a beneficial day to work towards your dreams so mark it on your calendar (especially as the moon will be conjunct Neptune rx in Pisces as well!) The energies will be aligned.
24th - ☾♈ Waxing Gibbous | Sun Trines Moon Moon enters Aries
Another wonderful trine will happen today with the Sun trining the Moon in Aries. This easy going day will be a great day to work towards your dreams as well, implement whatever strategies you reflected on and planned during the first quarter moon at the start of Sagittarius season and put them into action! Especially as the moon is in Aries we will feel inclined to take action so perhaps this trine will not go as unnoticed as most. This will feel like such a good spirited and lucky day, it's good to use this expansive energy wisely and keep your eyes on the prize. Fire magic would feel powerful today as well as barrier-breaking magic to bust through any obstacles in your way. It's also a good time to raise energy and create spell items especially fire-based tools like spell candles.
25th - ☾♈ Moon in Aries
Today the moon will conjunct both Chiron rx and Mars in Aries still giving us some of that productive boost of energy from yesterday. It's a good day to work though we may feel a window of time where we could feel uneasy or subject to pain with the moon and chiron rx conjunction. It's good to be aware of this to understand where to take it slow and be kind with yourself as you charge forward towards your dreams.
26th - ☾♈ Moon in Aries
When the moon is in Aries it’s great to take on challenges, use fire magic and hexing.
27th - ☾♉ Venus in Scorpio Opposite Uranus rx in Taurus Moon enters Taurus
Once again the themes of our lack of liberation and freedom in regards to our current relationships comes into the spotlight with the opposition today between Venus and Uranus rx. With chaotic Uranus transits it's always a spin-the-wheel adventure and Uranus rx will want us to seek change that can help us feel more free or help us expand our perspective. Even so Uranus loves change for the sake of change just to try something new and learn so our existing relationships, especially any that are restrictive could all go through an upheaval where we could either end up leaving or another person could get involved. It's an exciting time but it's usually not long lasting and it's just to change things up. If you are in a situation where you don't like the dynamic between you and another person, today is the day to shake things up or break it off. Also be mindful of your money today. Uranus is the master of surprises and chaos and even though it's in retrograde it can still bring events that could impact your finances or valuables if you are not careful.
28th - ☾♉ Neptune direct in Pisces Mercury in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in Capricorn
Wow Neptune is finally direct! This sleepy planet has finally ended it's 7 month long nap and is ready to move direct helping us reconnect with our source of creativity and be more aligned with our dreams and spirituality. Another beneficial transit will be Mercury sextiling Jupiter creating a day where luck is on our side in regards to learning new materials, trying new things (especially in the work place), understanding and exploring our minds and deep subconscious and taking on any tasks. However we should avoid biting off more than we can chew as this sextile can give us such optimism and ability to take on so much we can forget that we have natural limits and we may be unable to complete everything before the clock strikes 12.
29th - ☾♊ Moon enters Gemini
The energy carries on from the next day but as the moon enters Gemini it's a great day for reading and exploring interests, communicating ideas, sound and music based magic, air based magic and meditating with binaural beats.
30th - ☾♊ Full Moon in Gemini, Lunar eclipse Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Saturn in Capricorn
Today's full moon feels powerful and intense as it's not only a lunar eclipse, it's a blood moon which means it's a total lunar eclipse casting the moon in earth's shadow giving it a reddish illusion. It's a time of transformation and changes that can leave the past chapters suddenly behind as we get elevated to the next level. With the moon in Gemini opposite the sun in Sagittarius the themes are surrounding the details of the big picture and how they form the steps in the grand staircase that will carry us up towards our dreams. Eclipses are not the best time for manifesting new things as they are best for endings so if you are struggling with obstacles that stand in your way of your dreams or anything that is blocking your staircase it's time to banish them all! Avoid charging anything under this moon (unless if it's something like an athame that serves to cut chords and bring endings). Be aware that the eclipse is about endings to bring in a new chapter in life and unless you want to channel that energy into your tools you should be aware of what you are bringing in.
This will feel like a productive day with Mercury sextiling Saturn making us superbly aware of our tasks but having the ability to take them on. We will feel more responsible today and will feel inclined to work on our plans.
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melobee · 4 years
30 Questions
Rule: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
G’day mates! Welcome to my 30 questions post! This one tagged me to do this. So yeah blame her for filling up your dashboard....jk love you Laura 💜
Question 1: Name/Nickname
Melissa is my full name but my nickname I’ve gone by since I was like 14 is ‘Melo’ (pronounced ‘Me-low’. So many people pronounce it as ‘Mello’ lmao). Mel is also a common nickname I get at work and such.
Question 2: Gender
Female She/Her
Question 3: Star sign
Ok I’m a nerd for Star signs so I’ll give a more detailed answer than necessary
Virgo ♍️ || 150-180 degree || The element associated with Virgo is Earth || The type of Earth I am is mutable || The planet associated with Virgo is Mercury || I’m most romantically compatible with a Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio || I’m least romantically compatable with a Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius || My opposite star sign is Pisces || Traits of Virgos, they are Kind, Reliable, Patient, Loyal, Idealistic, Overthinking, Shy, Critical and sometimes Stubborn
Obviously this isn’t all Virgos so take this with a grain of salt but yeah just a little in-depth analysis.
Question 4: Height
168cm | 5’6 feet
Question 5: Time
My Timezone is AEDT. Right now as I’m posting this it’s 10PM 23rd December 2020
Question 6: Birthday
31st August 1999
Question 7: Favorite bands
Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, Major Lazor, Fall Out Boy, X Ambassadors, Galantis, The Chainsmokers, The Script and Coldplay
Question 8: Favorite Solo Artists
Ellie Goulding, Ariana Grande, Khalid, Logic, Nicki Minaj, Sia, Marshmello, David Guetta, Lauv, Eminem, Dj Snake, Kendrick Lamar, Post Malone
Question 9: Current song stuck in my head
Hmmmm atm it’s definitely ‘fire meets gasoline’ by sia cause our boi Pedro is in the music video 👀
Question 10: Last Movie watched
The Santa Clause Trilogy lmao
Question 11: Last show
The Mandalorian to absolutely no ones surprise
Question 12: When did I create this blog
Oh jeez idek sometime in 2018 I think. I only really started to blog since watching S2 of the Mandalorian though. Needed to vent somehow lmao
Question 13: When Do I post
Same reason as above when I need to vent or when I feel strongly about something and feel confident enough to vocalise it which is very rare.
Question 14: Last Google
Ok for this I’m going to bend it a bit cause my recent searches is to do with Christmas gift buying and that’s boring. So I’m going to go with ‘Triple Frontier’. Cause a certain someone is in this movie 👀
Question 15: Other blogs
Nope this is my one and only!
Question 16: Do I get asks
Oh god no I’m not that cool lolllll
Question 17: Why I chose my url
It’s a combination of my nickname ‘Melo’ and my last name ‘Beesley’.
Question 18: Following Count
Question 19: Follower Count
Question 20: Average hours of sleep
Sleep? Wtf is sleep? I do not know of this sleep. As an insomniac and a night owl (I know double whammy) I don’t get much sleep at all maybe 5-6 hours if I’m lucky. My sleep is very broken, so I usually wake up like 2-3 times during the night. I try to go to bed at 11 and I usually wake up at 7 which I absolutely hate. I’m NOT a morning person at all. It’s worse cause it’s daylight savings rn so the sun is up at 5am. I swear I don’t know how I function sometimes.
Question 21: Lucky number
I don’t really have one???? I guess if I had to pick it would be.....54! thank you random number generator
Question 22: Instruments
Not really sure what this is referring to. If it’s referring to instruments I’ve played then the only one I can say is I played to recorder when I was like 7 and it was forced by my teacher so it doesn’t really count.
If it’s referring to my favourite instrument then probably an acoustic guitar. I love me some acoustic covers. Plus there’s so much variety with this instrument it can be both upbeat and happy or really slow and somber. It’s all around a just a great instrument.
Question 23: What I’m wearing
It’s night and it’s summer so just some shorts and a singlet. Anything more and I’ll die from drowning my own sweat.
Question 24: Dream Job
My dream job is to be a voice actor. Key word dream. My realistic dream job however is to become a pathologist.
Question 25: Dream Trip
Ohhhhhh boy I have so many places I wanna go to! My first priority would be the UK (England and Ireland specifically). Nearly all of my heritage is from there so I think it would be really cool to go back to my roots amd explore the culture my family is from.
Second on my list is America not too sure about all the states I want to go to but I know for a fact that California, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana, Texas (cause of N.A.S.A) and New York is a must!
Third is literally any Spanish speaking country whether it be Spain, Mexico, Colombia or Chile. Just anywhere that Spanish is the primary language.
Paris and Italy would be a solid fourth
Norway, Sweden and Finland would be fifth
Japan is 6th
I’m not really interested in visiting Africa, Indonesia the Middle East or Asia (except for Japan) and I wasn’t interested in South America either until recently.
Question 26: Favorite Food
I’m a sucker for pasta and Italian food! Ravioli in particular. It’s been my favourite since I was little. Chocolate is another big one. Any chocolate with caramel in it I will swipe from you.
I can’t do spicy foods I’m so intolerant to it like even the mild stuff makes my face go red and my tongue go numb it’s ridiculous.
Question 27: Nationality
My ancestry however is British/Irish/Ashkenazi Jewish. 75% Irish, 18% British, and 7% Jewish with less than 1% French and German.
Question 28: Favorite Songs
I get too personally invested in my music SMH
1800-273-8255 | Logic, Alessia Cara and Khaild
First Time | Kygo, Ellie Goulding
Treat You Better | RÜFÜS DU SOL
All the stars | Kendrick Lamar, SZA
Runaway | Galantis
breathin | Ariana Grande
Ocean Drive | Duke Dumont
Powerful | Major Lazor
lovely | Billie Eilish, Khalid
Let you down | NF
Elastic Heart, Fire meets gasoline, Big girls cry amd chandelier | Sia
Capsize | FRENSHIP, Emily Warren
Question 29: Last Book
Like physical book??? Oh lord I legit have no clue. I think the last time I read a physical book was in high school for English don’t ask what it was cause I have no idea lollll
Question 30: Top 3 Fictional Universes I want to live in
Miraculous, Star Wars, Assassins Creed
Annnnnnnd that’s it I’m done I guess! As for the 20 people I’m supposed to tag that’s just too high of a number there’s no way I have that many friends 😂. So I’ll only tag a few and if you don’t want to do this, just ignore 💜 See ya later!
@littlemisspascal @razordest @thisisthe-wayson
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