#neck lift
fanofmyth · 26 days
The Hunter’s Fury: an Avatar the Last Airbender story
This is the first story I’ve posted here, so please be nice.
This occurs just after the siege of the North in season one's final as a post-credit scene. This is not canon, but something I thought of after listening to the Kyoshi stories. It is part of a headcanon I have, considering how the Avatar state works. That is, the last four Avatars have the greatest chance of being called on by the current one in times of distress and who was the one Aang called on before he and La merge.
Avatar the Last Airbender and other works are not mine and never will be. There are some spoilers if one hasn’t read, listened to, or known about what happens in the Shadow of Kyoshi novel or have watch the Legend of Kora episode: Darkness Falls.
The story is under the cut.
Summary: Killing spirits never ends well. Zhao finds out the hard way, but before he ends up in the Fog of Lost Souls, someone wants to speak with the so-called 'Moonslayer.'
Cold and dark were all Zhao could feel after the glowing hand grabbed him just after his near defeat by the banished prince, and the moon somehow came back into existence, and then light and warmth filled his system.
The area where he found himself was outside a mangrove forest. Although it was preferable to the tundra of the Northern Water Tribe's capital, he still longed for the temperate heat of the Fire Islands.
"Is this the Earth Kingdom?" Zhao asked no one. "What was that thing, anyway? No matter, it will pay once I return to the Northern Water Tribe." As a member of the Fire Nation, Zhao held honor in high regard, even if he had very little of it.
"This is the spirit world, and you're not leaving; La will ensure that." A Male's voice answered. "but first, you will be dealing with me."
The former Admiral yelled while spinning around, letting loose a wave of fire, trying to burn whoever spoke only to have his foot caught on the side of a water tribe weapon made of bone.
The owner of the bone weapon appeared to be around Zhao's age, maybe in his early thirties. He was a Water Tribesman with tanned skin and what seemed to be black or brown hair and a bread, although it was difficult to tell as he had a beast pelt draped over his head. His eyes were a striking shade of blue, colder than any pole. He was dressed in typical Water Tribe attire but with a more ancient style than Zhao had seen during the siege. He wore a dark blue and white outer parka with tassels, blue pants with white fur over brown boots, and various bone jewelry.
"Who are you?" Zhao demanded, trying to move the weapon by fire bending with his foot.
"Who I am is not important, boy," the water man said, keeping his weapon steady and then using it to knock the Fire Nation man off balance. "Only someone furious at what you nearly did to the world."
"You Water RAT, I was fulfilling my destiny as the Conqueror of the Moon." Zhao snarled, getting up while launching fire at the man, not knowing or caring if his opponent was a water bender. Not that stopped his opponent from making Zhao eat dirt five times in a row using only his weapon.
"You're wasting your fire, Brat. I am not sure how you kept your bending when you were dragged here." The water tribesman yelled, "Once I'm done, you won't bend fire again." He slammed his fists into parts of Zhao's body, causing him to fall to the ground and the fire to stop.
"You're a Chi-blocker?" Zhao said as he tried to move.
"Hopefully, this place heals like it did when Kyoshi's boy was killed," the man muttered, ignoring Zhao as he gazed at the scorched earth. "Not that I have an attachment to this part of the spirit world since the world-borer disappeared."
"You're not making sense," Zhao yelled as he moved a bit at a time.
"You angered a very ancient spirit and will now suffer the consequences," the man yelled. Then, he slammed his spear into the ground in anger. "Someone like you doesn't understand."
"Like you can do anything to me." Zhao snarled, "Spirits have no place in the world." he had made it to his knees.
"You have done something I would never dare do. One doesn't kill spirits and get away unharmed," the water tribesman snarled, sounding more like the beast whose pelt he wore. "You will never leave this world; your destiny is finished." The snarl was frightening, but what was more alarming were the glowing eyes the man now possessed.
"You're an." Zhao started to say, realizing who the man was, only to get grabbed by the throat.
"I'll repeat it: who I was is of no concern," the former Avatar said. "Only where you will be staying." Then, the area started to shift, and the light and sound blurred together. The two humans were the only solid things Zhao could comprehend. Before long, the world righted itself, and Zhao found himself hanging over a ridge with dense fog below.
"What is that? "Zhao croaked out.
"The Fog of Lost Souls," came the answer, while the voice that spoke sounded like multiple people talking simultaneously, both Male and Female. "It's a fog that one doesn't get lost in but one that keeps people lost in their own minds."
"I'm Zhao, the moon slayer; a simple fog won't keep me contained. I'll walk out." Zhao arrogantly said as he tried to kick the man holding him, but couldn't reach being held at arm length. "I will get out and capture your current life."
"I'm not repeating myself, " the Water Avatar said, the echo effect leaving his voice. "Now La's punishment will fulfilled." He let go of Zhao's neck, dropping the Admiral into the fog.
"No," Zhao cried as he disappeared.
"Destroying dark spirits out of necessity because you don't have any other way to placate them is one thing," Kuruk said solemnly, moving from the edge to his spear. "Killing a pure light spirit, however, to win a war out of misguided destiny is the height of arrogance." Squaring his shoulders and picking up his spear, the great hunter ran to find Koh the Face Stealer.
Kuruk temporarily stopped pursuing the spirit because Aang, the current Avatar, was overwhelmed with grief at not being able to stop Zhao from killing Tui, the moon spirit. As the most recent Avatar with the most knowledge of spirit matters, he took charge, acting as a buffer and conductor for La.
Before dragging the Admiral to the spirit world, they had a conversation: Kuruk's actions wouldn't absolve him of his past killing of spirits, but helping La did redeem him to some extent in the eyes of the Ocean Spirit.
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drturkaa · 1 year
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🇬🇧 A successful journey ends with satisfaction. The perfect face and neck lift surgeries were accomplished in Istanbul, Turkey for our dear patient from England. For a youthful look, get in touch with us.
🇩🇪 Eine erfolgreiche Reise endet mit Zufriedenheit. Die perfekten Gesichts- und Halsstraffungen wurden in Istanbul, Türkei, für unseren lieben Patienten aus England durchgeführt. Für einen jugendlichen Look, kontaktieren Sie uns.
🇫🇷 Un voyage réussi se termine par satisfaction. Les chirurgies parfaites du lifting du visage et du cou ont été réalisées à Istanbul, Turquie, pour notre cher patient d'Angleterre. Pour un look jeune, contactez-nous.
🇮🇹 Un viaggio di successo si conclude con soddisfazione. Le perfette operazioni di lifting al viso e al collo sono state realizzate a Istanbul, Turchia, per il nostro caro paziente dall'Inghilterra. Per un aspetto giovanile, contattateci.
🇪🇸 Un viaje exitoso termina con satisfacción. Las perfectas cirugías de estiramiento facial y de cuello se realizaron en Estambul, Turquía, para nuestro querido paciente de Inglaterra. Para un look juvenil, póngase en contacto con nosotros.
🇹🇷 Başarılı bir yolculuk memnuniyetle son bulur. Mükemmel yüz ve boyun germe ameliyatlarımız İstanbul, Türkiye'deki İngiltere'den gelen sevgili hastamız için gerçekleştirildi. Genç bir görünüm için bizimle iletişime geçin.
🇷🇺 Удачное путешествие заканчивается удовлетворением. Идеальные операции по подтяжке лица и шеи были выполнены в Стамбуле, Турция, для нашего дорогого пациента из Англии. Чтобы выглядеть моложе, свяжитесь с нами.
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Form MD Plastic Surgery offers expert cosmetic procedures in Mission Viejo, CA, such as face and neck lift, rhinoplasty, and upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Patients choose Form MD Plastic Surgery for the quality of care offered by the experienced medical team under Dr. Taylor Pollei.
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rinolorenzomd · 12 days
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Neck Rejuvenation
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dr-zoran-potparic · 15 days
Best Age for a Brow Lift
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As we age, the natural effects of time and gravity can lead to drooping eyebrows and a tired appearance, often motivating individuals to explore options like a brow lift. But what exactly is this procedure, and when is the right time to consider one? At Dr. Zoran Potparic's practice, we specialize in brow lifts and other cosmetic procedures designed to rejuvenate your look. Whether you're just starting to notice changes or have been thinking about a brow lift for a while, we can help you determine the best time to restore a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Click the link below to learn more.
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scarlessrhinoplasty · 4 months
The Mittelman Mighty Mini Tuck is the solution for those who want a younger look with less downtime than a regular facelift. Call today!
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threadliftdoctorr · 4 months
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eleganthoopoe · 6 months
How to make your face slimmer?
Achieving a slimmer face not only enhances one's facial features but also boosts self-confidence. Understanding the intricacies of facial anatomy and fat distribution is crucial in embarking on the journey to a more sculpted visage. This comprehensive guide delves into the various methods and techniques that can help in making your face appear slimmer. From incorporating a healthy diet tailored for facial slimming to exploring facial exercises, massages, and non-invasive procedures, this article provides a holistic approach to achieving a more defined facial contour.
Understanding Facial Anatomy and Fat Distribution
When it comes to slimming down your face, understanding the basics is key. Your facial anatomy plays a crucial role in how fat is distributed across your face. Different types of facial fat can impact your overall facial shape, and various factors can influence your facial contours.
Types of Facial Fat
From subcutaneous fat under the skin to buccal fat pads in your cheeks, there are different types of fat in your face. Each type contributes to your facial structure and can affect how slim or full your face appears.
Factors Affecting Facial Shape
Various factors, such as genetics, age, and lifestyle choices, can influence your facial shape. Understanding how these factors impact fat distribution can help you make informed decisions to achieve a slimmer-looking face.
Incorporating a Healthy Diet for Facial Slimming
Eating right is not only essential for your overall health but can also contribute to slimming down your face. Your diet plays a significant role in reducing facial fat and enhancing your facial features.
Importance of Diet for Facial Fat Loss
A balanced diet rich in nutrients can help reduce overall body fat, including fat in your face. Making healthier food choices and maintaining proper hydration can promote facial slimming.
Foods to Include for Facial Slimming
Incorporating foods high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can support facial fat loss. Opt for a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to help sculpt a slimmer facial profile.
Effective Facial Exercises and Techniques
Facial exercises are like a gym workout for your face – they can help tone and strengthen facial muscles, contributing to a more defined and slimmer appearance. These exercises offer a natural way to enhance your facial contours.
Benefits of Facial Exercises
Facial exercises can improve muscle tone, increase blood circulation, and combat signs of aging. Regular practice can help lift sagging skin, reduce puffiness, and promote a more sculpted look.
Popular Facial Exercises for Slimming
From cheek lifts and jawline stretches to smiling with resistance, there are various facial exercises you can incorporate into your routine. These targeted movements can help target specific areas and aid in achieving a more slender face.
Utilizing Facial Massage and Lymphatic Drainage
Facial massage and lymphatic drainage techniques can work wonders for facial slimming. By stimulating circulation, promoting lymphatic flow, and reducing fluid retention, these practices can help sculpt and define your facial features.
Role of Massage in Facial Slimming
Facial massage can improve skin elasticity, reduce puffiness, and enhance lymphatic drainage. Incorporating massage techniques into your skincare routine can promote a more sculpted and slimmer-looking face.
Techniques for Lymphatic Drainage
Gentle massage movements, lymphatic drainage tools, and specialized techniques can help stimulate lymphatic flow and reduce swelling in the face. By supporting the body's natural detoxification process, you can achieve a more contoured and refined facial appearance.
Exploring Non-Invasive Procedures for Facial Contouring
Are you looking to sculpt your face and achieve a slimmer look without going under the knife? Non-invasive procedures offer a range of options to help you achieve your desired facial contour.
Overview of Non-Invasive Options
From facial massages to radiofrequency treatments, non-invasive procedures provide various techniques to enhance your facial features. These options can help reduce puffiness, define jawlines, and create a more sculpted appearance without the need for surgery.
Benefits and Considerations for Non-Invasive Procedures
One of the key benefits of non-invasive procedures is minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities without a lengthy recovery period. However, results may vary, and multiple sessions may be required for optimal outcomes. It's essential to consult with a qualified professional to discuss your goals and determine the best treatment plan for your unique needs.
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In conclusion, by implementing the tips and methods outlined in this article, you can work towards achieving a slimmer and more defined face. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to seeing results, so stay committed to your facial slimming routine. Whether you choose to focus on dietary changes, exercise, massage, or non-invasive procedures, the path to a slimmer face is within reach with dedication and perseverance. Embrace your journey to facial contouring and revel in the subtle yet impactful transformations it can bring to your overall appearance.
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Trendy Texture in the wardrobe
This is a stunning choker necklace by designer IBB. Crafted in sterling silver its unique riccio links shimmer with textured links contrasting against the polished creating a beautiful chevron pattern. Graduating in size from 6.8mm to 10.8mm and a quality weight of 38 grams this is a flashy statement piece that nobody can ignore!
Find this and More at Blingschlingers.com
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pureaesthetics41 · 9 months
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"Pure Aesthetics Sydney: Elevate Your Beauty Journey with Face Lift and Neck Lift Surgery for Timeless Elegance"
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Understanding and Addressing the Concerns of Turkey Neck in Humans
Get Rid of That Turkey Neck Here in Burbank! Getting rid of your “turkey neck” can make you appear more youthful. Ideally we would all want this done without having to resort to surgery. Well, your wish is now reality at our Burbank-area medspa. Man getting rid of turkey neck at Burbank medspa The term “turkey neck” is a colloquial and somewhat whimsical expression used to describe the sagging…
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bhps-inc · 11 months
Chin and Cheek Augmentation - Dr. Gabriel Chiu
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Chin and cheek augmentation are surgical procedures that use implants or fat grafting to permanently enhance the facial structure. Chin augmentation, known as mentoplasty or genioplasty, increases the projection of the chin, while cheek augmentation, known as malar augmentation, produces a fuller and more sculpted cheek appearance. These procedures can significantly improve your profile and facial definition to enhance your attractiveness with permanent, consistent results.
For more information visit https://www.beverlyhillsplasticsurgeryinc.com/chin-and-cheek-augmentation/
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formmdplasticsurgery · 7 months
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Form MD Plastic Surgery offers expert cosmetic procedures in Mission Viejo, CA, such as face and neck lift, rhinoplasty, and upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Patients choose Form MD Plastic Surgery for the quality of care offered by the experienced medical team under Dr. Taylor Pollei. The clinic uses advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment to deliver subtle and natural-looking results that help patients look as young as they feel. Facelift
During the initial consultation, Dr. Pollei examines the patient’s features and discusses potential adjustments that can be made through plastic surgery. Clients are encouraged to ask questions and share their treatment expectations to ensure their goals are met. Contact the office today to schedule an appointment with Form MD Plastic Surgery.
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drturkaa · 10 months
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🇺🇸 Our patient from the USA achieved remarkable results with a facelift and neck lift, rejuvenating their appearance with skillful expertise. Witness the transformation that brings out the best in you.
🇩🇪 Unser Patient aus den USA erzielte bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse mit einem Facelifting und einem Halslifting, wodurch das Erscheinungsbild mit fachkundiger Expertise verjüngt wurde. Erleben Sie die Verwandlung, die das Beste in Ihnen hervorbringt.
🇫🇷 Notre patient des États-Unis a obtenu des résultats remarquables avec un lifting du visage et du cou, rajeunissant leur apparence grâce à une expertise habile. Témoignez de la transformation qui fait ressortir le meilleur de vous.
🇮🇹 Il nostro paziente dagli Stati Uniti ha ottenuto risultati notevoli con un lifting del viso e del collo, ringiovanendo il suo aspetto con competenza qualificata. Testimonia la trasformazione che esalta il meglio di te.
🇪🇸 Nuestro paciente de EE. UU. logró resultados notables con un lifting facial y de cuello, rejuveneciendo su apariencia con pericia experta. Testigo de la transformación que saca lo mejor de ti.
🇹🇷 ABD'den hastamız, yüz ve boyun germe ile dikkat çekici sonuçlar elde etti, görünüşünü ustalıkla yenileyerek. Sizi en iyi hale getiren bu dönüşümü gözlemleyin.
🇷🇺 Наш пациент из США достиг замечательных результатов благодаря фейслифтингу и лифтингу шеи, омолодив свой внешний вид благодаря мастерству. Станьте свидетелем трансформации, которая выявляет в вас лучшее.
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🌐 www.drturka.com
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rinolorenzomd · 2 months
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Restoration Deep Plane Facelift with Neck lift
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dr-zoran-potparic · 1 month
Injectables in Fort Lauderdale
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Dr. Zoran Potparic has devoted over thirty years to mastering his craft, ensuring that his patients receive top-notch care and achieve their ideal appearance. At our Fort Lauderdale cosmetic surgery center, we offer an extensive range of procedures tailored to enhance the face, breasts, body, and skin. Among our most sought-after services are our injectable treatments, which provide exceptional rejuvenation and contouring benefits.
The skin, as our largest organ, is highly susceptible to the effects of aging. Constant exposure to environmental factors, sunlight, and everyday wear and tear can lead to the development of wrinkles and lines, making these some of the earliest signs of aging. Our injectable treatments are designed to effectively combat these changes, restoring a youthful and vibrant look. To learn more about how our advanced treatments can help you achieve a refreshed appearance, click the link below.
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