#needed this reminder ty
dragon-spaghetti · 5 months
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Hurt/comfort doodles go!!
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overpowered pre-teen magicians that grew up to be friends with magical guardians? also, magical doggos! ;D
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aquato-family-circus · 2 months
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For the PN fan who wants their ocs and/or the canon characters drawn in that classic Double Fine style! These are offered at a Discount from my usual commissions, which you should pursue if you want a drawing in my normal artstyle instead. Not sure which fits what you're looking for? Those questions & any other inquiries can be shot toward my email @ [email protected]!
Bust - $40 Halfbody - $60 Fullbody - $75 Extra Characters - $20 per character Detailed Backgrounds - Starts at $60, could increase based on complexity Character Expressions/Outfit Details/Props - Starts at $20, could increase based on complexity
Payments made through Paypal Invoices
All of my usual Terms of Service apply
Thank you!
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chimerafeathers · 3 months
[ on youtube ]
a concept for the type of OP i'd love to see for the second season of Dungeon Meshi! both s1 OPs are great, but i'm really hoping for one that captures both the "dangerous fantasy adventure" and "comedic cooking adventure" aspects of the series in equal measure, because it's the integration of those two concepts that makes the series special to me. the joyous whimsy and the dramatic horrors are equally important!!
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bigshotautos · 8 months
Your header!!!!!! The chip in Spamton's tooth, the comically large bowtie, Jevil wagging his tail, the candies!!!!! I could stare at it all day with that out of the way, any tips on writing Jevil dialogue?
THANK YOU !!!! the link to the original post is here, idk why it's not showing in my art tag
as for tips about writing Jevil, usually before I write anything for him I just watch his lines from ch1 and his fight to make sure I'm not deviating too hard from his established character. because there's so little it's both liberating to write as you feel would fit him but constricting so that you don't make him too out of character from what he's like in text. People have said he's like a badly translated JRPG character or speaks as if he's in a fable, and I like kind of the middle of the road approach, where he's intentionally obtuse with meaning in a way that sounds sing-songy with occasional rhymes and some clunky strange wording.
usually i'll write a line of what i MEAN for him to say and then translate it into Jevilspeak. the rest is just how you choose to characterize him, and usually I tend to lean hard into him being cryptic and roundabout with what he's saying, either omitting quite a bit for the sake of being mysterious and creating an atmosphere of menace, or he's supposing that he actually did convey something clearly because it's obvious to him (even if it actually isn't at all). i tend to also keep in mind words that refer to "revolving" since a lot of his attacks and obviously his theme echo that. everyone already knows the repetition, repetition that he does, so i keep it limited for emphasis in certain places or if he's really excited and can't help but do it. he's also very playful being our favorite little clown, so he'll prioritize the concept of Game's. in general, i'll ask myself "is there a more fucked up and weird way i could have worded this" and then see what i can do so that it's still intelligible but not forthright.
hope this helped!! here's a little doodle that's been sitting on my canvas
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aubeezz · 18 days
Hey aubeezz how do you feel about your old art like your phantommy art?
These feels personal and honestly I might delete a lot of my dsmp stuff /gen
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unikhroma · 11 months
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the other day when i was infodumping about crash for like an hour, my friend asked if i've drawn big shot spamton in pinstripe potoroo's suit yet and the answer is now yes !
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smallishbabes · 3 months
Oh my god Tommy’s video was getting me misty eyed. I forgot how much I laugh at everything he says. Holy shit. God I miss him and all the good times he shared with us.
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sircarolyn · 1 month
As a classical era fandot member: do you know where the agreement that Martin has carrot red hair came from? I love it but it's a little puzzling because usually everyone else is just their voice actor (maybe plus something like height mentioned in an episode? Did they ever mention his hair color?)
'classical era fandot member' 🥲
i certainly remember Baldgate - the 'controversy' that struck when finnemore said that martin was prematurely balding, and in the era when you had to love martin Or Else... well, you can imagine how well that went down.
and indeed having just double checked said linked blog post, finnemore does there say that martin's hair is completely acanon, so i think what it was back in the day (🥲) is that benc was ever so slightly ginger in the promo pictures:
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and because obviously martin is the wettest saddest man alive (🙄) it took off into making him very ginger and very pathetic or something because obviously those two things are intrinsically linked...
i must say i guess i also subscribe to the little ginger martin headcanon, because i think that's just so ingrained (as you have probably seen) in the wider fandot. but no. he can be whatever you want him to be.
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astragatwo · 1 year
Hi there, for the Project Moon request, could I have Dongbaek changing her bandages? (From a fellow Dongbaek brain-rotter!)
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How do you think she feels about this
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blizzardfluffykpop · 18 days
your ult bias and how you need to be loved
@tbzhub thank you so much for tagging me 🥺💖
ofc i'd choose younghoon, q, and kihyun 🙂‍↕️ they're my three ults after all- 😌💖
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explains why i'm normally a fluff writer, doesn't it?
tagging: @hugnyeons, @proudahgase-exol, and @tolkpopfan link to the quiz~
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cream-stew · 21 days
hi everybody this is your sign to send in any horny kinich request you may have, I still haven't added him to my character list but I'm thinking of writing for him too so shoot your shot👍
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torchickentacos · 1 month
21 and 22 for drew? or may if you’ve already been asked those ones about him!
From this ask game! LONG, under cut. Various off-topic musings included.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Ok so disclaimer for the few people who read what I write- this may or may not translate into my end product. I try to keep it in mind but ultimately my fics kind of write themselves and I have minimal input tbh. I'm not steering this car, I just put my foot on the pedal. I make it go but the characters are the ones driving with reckless abandon.
Also these are all just my opinions and if anyone hates them, please don't let me know.
Something that I like doing when writing Drew is leaning into how much he thinks. I enjoy leaning into his internal dialogue, his hang-ups on every little thing, his propensity to dwell (in my characterization of him, anyways, which is, ehhh, give or take maybe 85% taken from canon and 25% bullshitted. My math is wrong but I'm not changing it, there's just an extra 15% of my own bullshit and we'll pretend it was intentional).
When writing him, there tends to be a lot more going on internally than when I write, idk, May or Ash or whoever. Drew's always attuned to the situation, picking things up and filing them away. He's always formulating opinions and thoughts and emotions that rarely make it out of his head. He feels a lot of things but generally they stay inward, whereas when writing someone like May, if she's feeling it, she's probably also expressing it regardless of if she should or not. No filter vs too much of a filter for his own good.
I think that, in a related vein, he's always holding himself back. Both vocally and just... kind of in general? Maybe not career-wise, but emotionally, he'd rather get close and then dart away over and over again instead of making any leaps. He's careful. He'd rather balance on a tightrope than take the fall USUALLY *(this is how I write him, and other portrayals are ones that I love! this is just what I do, not what I'm saying is the right thing). We see it in canon- he gives May roses but hides behind excuses. He starts conversations but leaves just as quickly. He's mercurial and never builds up the bravery that he needs. He's careful to the point of cowardice- and not just ship-wise. This can be used for any number of things, which I find fun. He likes being in control, and if he doesn't feel like he has a steady grasp on a situation, he leaves. And you can't control people's emotions, so that's scary, so he dips out from emotional moments unless something stronger keeps him there. It's a constant push-and-pull between his own mind and emotions. One's always trying to rein the other in and break free of the other at the same time.
He likes certainty. This contrasts well with a certain someone whose entire battle style features assist and metronome, which is built in uncertainty. She challenges him. But that's for another post.
Something I dislike writing is leaning into how much of a jerk he actually is in canon sometimes tbh. Canon can keep that- I do enjoy it situationally but overall I leave that to writers who are better at showing that side of him without making him grating. I prefer watering it down some and making him be annoying in different ways lol, which admittedly does actually close off a few interesting avenues and facets of him. But I think given the tumultuous nature of rival ships and fandom's current... propensity for tossing out words like 'romanticizing' and 'idolizing' and whatever else, I'd rather just leave well enough alone with the worse aspects of him and avoid being called a verbal abuse apologist or whatever 😭 I don't want any avenues for some jackass to be like 'oh ew you write m/f relationships where the man is mean and dominant over the poor woman' or whateverthefuck. TLDR, I'm a people pleaser with worn-thin patience for rival ship discourse.
I also lean towards AU/slice-of-life stuff where his rival jerkassery is less applicable to begin with, anyways. I am FULLY guilty of watering him down and making him nicer, but I'm self-aware, so... there's that, I guess, lol. I also think he'd chill out as he gets older, anyways, leaning more towards 'vaguely prickly and sardonic' than anything else.
Anyways, it's kinda weird to answer these when I never actually share my writing on this blog, but oh well. That privilege got revoked after someone was mean about my writing around me without knowing that it was mine, lol. It wasn't even good criticism (which baffles me because god knows they had material to work with), it was just general bitching about ship fics that aren't as complex as War and Peace. God forbid some people enjoy fluff. Send me to the corner of shame along with the few dozen people who liked my writing and the people who left kind comments. Anyways, it's funny now, but I still won't share writing here. The best way to support me is to support writers in general.
So! General call to action. Go find a fic for your favorite ship (or just any fic in general but I'm being petty and saying 'ship' since the rude person seemed to take issue with shipping) and leave a (NICE. 🔪) comment. Just a heart emoji if you feel like it. Tell writers when you reread their work, just a 'Hey! rereading and remembering how much I liked this one :)' or something. It'll keep them going for a week, I'm telling you. I still think about and reread every single comment that I have ever received. I keep them all copy-pasted in a google doc. It's 24 pages long and 11.2k and it makes me cry (in a good way).
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
This is going to sound so fucking backhanded but I LOOOOOVE reading fics where he has friends. I love reading him talking to Solidad or Gary or Ash or May as a friend or whoever else!!! Make him socialize!!!! it's fun! Lord knows that he doesn't do it enough and it shows. I like reading fics where he gets to interact with people that he doesn't talk to often in canon. So anyone but May pretty much. I love his horrendously down-bad tunnel vision where he only acknowledges May and literally nobody else, funny as hell, but also it'd have been so fun if he actually spoke to other people. I read a fic several years ago where he and Paul were sorta-work-friends, it was some 2014 assassin AU PS/CS/IS fic. but I remember that Drew would intentionally play coldplay songs around Paul to annoy him or something like that. They had a frenemies-bromance-coworkers thing going on and it was just DELIGHTFUL, if a little odd! That shit's hilarious! Let me see Drew bothering other people on purpose and joking with friends!
So. Things I don't like. I personally disagree with the early 2010s FFN portrayals of him as a casanova womanizer, BUT I also kind of love those portrayals for their sheer absurdity and the camp factor lmao. It's not even an ironic enjoyment, it's a genuine affection for that whole era of fics. It's the opposite of how I write him, but it's nostalgic to look back on old fanon. I also don't care for fics that break him and May up but that's obviously a personal bias that I've literally gone against myself on, lmao. It can be done well but sometimes it skirts into ship-bashing territory, usually at Drew's expense. Just because it's not a preference of mine doesn't mean that it's a bad thing to write! I'm just not the audience and that's okay, it's not a failing of the writer. I mentioned the person who disliked my fics and said so publicly, and that doesn't reflect on me. It reflects on their tastes. Same goes here. It's just not to my taste. It's subjective and not at all a statement on the quality or validity of a fic that includes those things.
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
even in a different life you still would’ve been mine, we would’ve been timeless
so essentially what this is is a sort of love letter to my favorite guys ever, kit herondale and ty blackthorn of cassandra clare’s shadowhunter chronicles fame. and how basically a) they’re sort of tied together by fate and destiny and would always find their way back to each other, and b) i specifically just like them so much that i see them in nearly everything… this is what happens to you when you happen to be 15 and get really obsessed with some characters who are also 15 btw.
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berryblu-soda · 3 months
Anyways update i just didnt bother to post earlier:
fr God is good and the whole car crash my parents got into last week was so incredibly mild in terms of injuries!!!! worst was a bruised knee im pretty sure
#ALSO DO NOT READ THE TAGS IF YOURE HERE FOR A GOOD TIME!!!!#ENDED UP VENTING AGHHHHH- (<- amongus ref in 2024???? l+ratio) (no but seriously stay safe; im not sure if i should add a cw???)#no but like the cars themselves?#FOLDED-#ive seen photos of worse ones of course lol (ty internet <3)#but we´re all in agreement that if it had hit anywhere else at that speed it wouldve been BAD Bad-#like; severe injury to the leg at least; drivers door wouldve crumpled; thankfully it hit the tire mostly#our car got what seems to be the lesser damage and theyre still debating if it counts as total loss xd#also oh goshhhh#so i usually go and say goodbye to my dad when hes headed to work; i did it that day as usual; car was already halfway out the driveway#my dog also loves to go and she was already in the car#but my mom (taking my dad to work) said she´d need to stop by the store after dropping dad off; so she handed her back to me#last minute descision-#my dog is a small kinda elderly chihuahua and wouldve been on my mom´s lap when they crashed#no seatbelt for her obviously#she wouldve gotten injured so freaking bad if she was there ):#overall feels like we dodged a life altering accident by a hair#i wasnt even in it and im still shook hahaha#i always go say bye to dad if hes leaving for work no matter if im pissed off or sad or whatever#half out of habit; half bc i know anything could happen at any moment and id rather not have been too proud to say goodbye#dammit im crying now hahaha#saying again; everyones fine!!!!! please remember to hug your loved ones !!!!!!#shut up sheo#but oh gosh too many reminders of death as a constant recently#that happened about a week after a cousin died; i hadnt seen him in forever but his family went to our church growing up; he was my age#it was a dull and distant pain even then to hear the news but it still hurt; i didnt go to the funeral#did go to the one a couple days later tho; for a family member i truly didnt know; it was a car crash i think#a special kind of heartbreak from meeting his mom and seeing his kids running around#now that i realize it; as im writing this; i hadnt stopped to process just about anything hahaha#freaking sobbing at 9 in the morning smh!!!!!
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cosmobrain00 · 1 year
sm ppl portray the wheeler fam to be worse than they actually r bc it's just another reason for hardcore mike apologists to make him seem more "sympathetic" in the long run n I think tht should irritate others more
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