#negan and mia
naughtyneganjdm · 8 months
Lost & Found - Chapter 2
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Summary: Once Negan gets better, he tries to teach Mia to fend for herself so she can take care of herself when he leaves, but Negan finds himself more attached to this girl than he expected to be.
Characters: Negan, Mia, Y/N (reader/OC), etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53376820/chapters/135146467
Warnings: Swearing, Gore, a child gets hurt, Severe Angst, etc.
Notes: I was going to wait to post this, but since it's already done and the reason I didn't post it all at once because I thought it may have been too long is why I'm just posting it today. I know it won't get the hits because it's not smutty, but that's okay. I wrote this all in one night a few weeks ago. (Chapter 1)
“Would you knock it off,” Negan looked back over his shoulder to see that Mia was standing in the middle of the woods with her head tipped back and her hands thrown up in the air. With the rays of sun shining through the trees, she was enjoying the way it felt over her flesh. “You’re being weird again.”
“I’m sorry man, it’s just been a long time since I got to be outside this long,” she informed him, her long eyelashes fluttering when she turned her head to stare out at Negan with a big cheesy smile. “It feels nice to get the sun on my skin.”
“You have to listen to me,” Negan snapped his fingers to get her attention hearing her huff loudly. “You’re never going to survive if you can’t focus.”
“I’m focusing! I listened to you when you explained to me how to dress a wound. Which I obviously knew by the way since your ribs. I helped you move the bush and the branches over the gates to hide the fence. I listened to your long ass description of each and every gun,” she listed off the things they had already done together, “So please excuse me if I take a moment to enjoy the warmth on my skin after being locked away inside of a house for so long.”
“Mia, I’m leaving tomorrow,” Negan reminded her of what was happening. Over the last few days Mia had been taking care of him and nursing him back to health. Today was the first day he actually had the strength to get up and move around. “If you don’t pay attention now, you are never going to make it. You have to find your own food and be able to survive.”
“Okay! Okay! I’m listening boss,” she lowered down into the same position that Negan was in noticing that he was pointing to the footprints that were in the grass.
“You have to be able to track and be quiet,” Negan motioned her to follow him to track the deer that they had been for a while now. When they made it to the bush, he motioned her to be quiet and reached for the bow to give it to her. Pointing out in the distance to where the deer was, he saw her face turn pale at the idea of actually killing the animal. Motioning her to use the bow the way he taught her earlier had her expression changing and he could tell she didn’t want to do it. “I know you’ve never done this before, but it’s the only way to survive.”
With a frown, she did what Negan had shown her earlier in the day with the bow and arrow. When it hit the deer and it let out a pained sound, Negan reached out to pat her on the shoulder, “Good job. We’ll have a good meal tonight because of you.”
“I just feel like a horrible person doing this Negan,” Mia stated when Negan moved up on the deer with his knife and she had to look away when Negan finished the deer off. A gagging sound fell from her throat when Negan looked back at her with his hands bloody. “I hate killing something else…”
“It’s the only way you live,” Negan reminded her hearing the sound of something moving in the bushes and he pulled his handgun out, stepping before Mia to keep her behind him when he saw three men approaching them. “Back off.”
“Hey, we don’t mean any harm,” the man in the center explained, his features softening when he looked beyond Negan to see that Mia was with him. “We just didn’t know someone else was out here hunting. We didn’t mean to scare you and your daughter.”
“I’m not his daughter,” she spoke up, her face scrunching when the man that was speaking gazed over her. Negan hushed her and tried to push Mia back behind him to keep her safe. Hearing someone else refer to her as his daughter out loud made even him uncomfortable. “What?”
“She’s not your daughter? With the same eye color, the dark hair and the dimples?” the man inquired drawing Negan’s lips to part, getting distracted in that moment to look back at Mia. Clearing his throat, Negan noticed the way that the sun hit in her hazel eyes and he felt a breath catch in his throat. “I’m sorry young lady. I just thought this was your daddy.”
“My dad died,” she responded once more and immediately Negan cut her off.
“The deer is ours,” Negan informed them, his thick eyebrows bouncing up.
“Do you have a place around here somewhere?” the stranger questioned, but Negan remained quiet. “If you’re looking for a group to join, we have a campsite about a mile or so away. If it’s just the two of you, it might be easier if you join us.”
“We’re good. We’re not alone and our group is waiting for us,” Negan lied, keeping his gun up like he had taught Mia days earlier. “The three of you can move along now. We’re fucking good.”
The three strangers stayed where they were and Negan clicked something on the gun drawing the stranger in the middle to throw his hands up, “Listen fucker, if you don’t leave, I’m going to put a bullet right between your eyes and then your friends. So I suggest you get the fuck out of here.”
“Like I said, we didn’t want any trouble,” the stranger hit the chest of the other two he was with before nodding in another direction. “We will get on our way.”
“Better do that,” Negan waited for them to leave, never lowering his gun until he knew they were far out in the distance. Swiftly moving down, Negan grabbed the deer the best he could and threw it up over his shoulders. Motioning Mia to stay close to him, he walked around in circles for a while and out of the way to make sure that people weren’t following them. Just in case they might be tracking the two of them, he hoped by doing what they were, the strangers would get lost.
“What are we doing?” Mia questioned when she even picked up on Negan acting strange. “This isn’t…”
“Quiet,” Negan hushed her with a hiss before finally leading them back to the cabin. Once they got there, Negan did his best to hide everything and dragged the deer into the kitchen. Dropping the deer on the counter, he heard Mia let out a disgusted breath when the blood splattered. Starting to pace back and forth in the kitchen had Mia’s eyes locked on him, confused. “Fucking hell.”
“What is it?” Mia didn’t understand what was going on and he gave her a glare.
“You are going to fucking die Mia!” Negan claimed with tension flooding his veins.
“What?” she gave him a surprised expression when Negan threw his bloody hands up in the air. “Why?”
“You don’t give strangers personal information!” Negan snapped at her, his face twisting with anger when she looked up at him with her big hazel eyes. “People aren’t nice anymore Mia! They are more dangerous than the walkers and you are able to wind up dead in those kind of situations.”
“You were a stranger,” she reminded Negan and he immediately shook his head.
“I’m not like everyone else Mia! You have to be cautious of everyone. You have to be prepared to kill anyone because they are going to do the same to you. They don’t care if you’re a kid,” Negan continued to lecture her seeing the color growing in her cheeks the further he yelled at her. “People will kill you or they will do something…much, much worse.”
“What’s worse than killing me?” she whispered, her eyebrows furrowing and Negan let out a growl of frustration. “I just don’t understand Negan.”
“People aren’t good Mia. That’s why I had to walk around like I was so they couldn’t follow our tracks,” Negan educated her on what he had done, his head shaking when he stared her down. “Men like that are dangerous. You’re a pure, sweet, little girl that they can take advantage of and hurt. Do you understand me?”
“Negan, I just…” she tried to reason with him since she hadn’t really felt like she did much wrong.
“Do you understand me?” Negan screamed at her causing her to lower her head.
“I understand,” she nodded, a lump growing in her throat while she tried to avoid getting upset with him screaming at her like he was.
“If you don’t listen to the things that I’ve been telling you, you’re going to die and then there will be nothing for your mother to come back to. Do you understand?” Negan snarled when he noticed the redness growing in her cheeks as she continued to avoid looking at him. Curling his finger underneath her chin, he forced her to look up at him and let out a shuddering breath. “Do you understand me?”
“Yes sir,” she responded with a firm nod trying to hold back on her emotions that she was having. Even though she was trying to put up a façade, Negan could tell that she was getting emotional. “I’ll pay attention and listen to everything that you have to say.”
“I’m going to show you how to deal with this deer. It’s very similar to how you would deal with any other animal. You don’t let things go to waste. Not anymore,” Negan started, leading her toward the counter while he started doing the process of what to do after you killed the deer. Even though she was uncomfortable, he made her do a lot of it with his help and instructions because he knew she would be left alone. Whenever it looked like she was going to get sick, Negan would take over and give her a break. At the corner of his eye, Negan could see that Mia was observing him closely. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Do you think that guy was right?” Mia brought up the men that they had run into and Negan stopped for a moment to look over at Mia. “Do you think you look like you’re my father?”
Hearing her ask him that question caused his heart to skip a beat. A breath caught in his throat and he immediately lowered his head to go back to work trying to avoid the question. It had been something that he considered several times since being here, but he didn’t want to bring it up to her.
“We do have the same color eyes. The dimples,” she pointed to her cheek when Negan gave her a quick look trying to avoid getting blood on his face. “Even the freckles on our shoulders.”
“Your father died, Mia,” Negan reminded her, his nose wrinkling when he tried to stay firm about everything. “You know that.”
“Yeah, but maybe my mom was lying like you said,” Mia suggested and Negan almost heard a hopefulness in her voice. “We have so much in common and I do look like I could be yours. We both love peanut butter…”
“Everyone loves peanut butter,” Negan corrected her with a grunt, shaking his head when she was considering this whole thing herself. In one hand he had a knife when he shrugged his shoulders and he noticed that he was dripping blood all over the floor. “You know, unless they are allergic or some shit.”
“You don’t think I look like I could be your daughter?” she wondered having him step back to stare out at her. The truth? Yeah. She looked very much like she could be his. He thought it from the first moment he saw her.
“I’m not your dad,” Negan shook his head, refusing to allow that thought to linger between either of them when he went back to work. “Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Some random woman gets pregnant with my baby fourteen years ago and just somehow, miraculously I find her in the middle of the woods in a cabin fourteen years later?”
“Weirder things have happened,” she went to try to help Negan when she noticed his hands were shaking and he lifted his hand to stop her. “So there is no way that you could be my father? You weren’t with anyone back then?”
“Mia, I can hardly remember what I did last week let alone fourteen years ago,” Negan reasoned with her, his Adam’s apple bouncing in this throat. “I’m not the only person in the world to have dark hair and hazel eyes.”
“Yeah, but the dimples and the freckles,” she reasoned with him, tugging at her shirt to reveal the freckles that were over her flesh. Stepping forward, she tugged at Negan’s shirt to look at the freckles that were on his shoulders and he pulled away from her with a huff. “Maybe it was the world’s way of…”
“You’re not my daughter!” Negan snapped at her, throwing his hands up in the air to have her stop talking. “I understand that you are probably feeling a certain way because your mother has been gone for so long. You’re looking for someone to cling onto, but I’m leaving tomorrow, Mia. Think about what the chances would have to be for that to happen. It’s impossible. And I have a family. A son that I have to get back to. He needs me.”
After Negan brought up Joshua to her, it made tears burn at her eyes and she nodded her head, “you’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking. My dad is dead.”
“Can we finish this please? I’d like to get some sleep tonight so I can start early,” Negan begged of her noticing her lifting her arm up to wipe at her eyes with an area of her arm that didn’t have blood on it. Without another word, she stepped forward to help Negan.
Most of the night she stayed quiet, even throughout dinner after they cooked. That was rare for Mia, but she talked. A lot. Just like him. Negan taught her how to preserve the meat and use other parts of the deer. When it was time to separate for the night, Negan went to the room he had been staying in. During the middle of the night, he heard movement in the hallway and he carefully got up to look through the small crack in the door. Mia was sitting on the stairs and she looked deep in contemplation, but also sad.
Considering talking to her, Negan realized it would only make things harder in the morning when he left so he just went back and crawled into bed. By morning, when he came out with the bag he had upstairs packed, he found her sitting on the couch and he wondered if she had been up all night.
Usually Mia never shut up. Yet she was speechless right now. Mia went to sit on the stairs again with nervous energy, but she still said nothing. With him packing the rest of the supplies that he would need that he was taking from what Mia had after their agreement, he could see that her face was red and she looked extremely upset.  
“Well kid,” Negan went to the bottom of the stairs with her hazel eyes lifting to meet his. “I guess this is it. Thanks for taking care of me.”
“Yeah,” she moved down the stairs and held out the thing that she had in her hand. Seeing that it was a full jar of peanut butter made Negan’s eyebrows bounce up. “Here, you should have this since I know peanut butter is your favorite.”
“I already have enough,” Negan pat his backpack knowing that she had already given him supplies for his journey. When she held the jar out further toward him, he accepted the jar of peanut butter and gave her a small nod. “Thanks kid.”
“I hope you find them,” she whispered, a tremor falling from her throat as she tried to keep things together. Holding her hand up, she curled it into a fist and held it out to Negan. With a smirk, Negan fist bumped Mia and gave her a wink. “Goodbye Negan.”
“Goodbye Mia,” Negan motioned her to follow him outside so she could let him out of the gate. Before he left, he made sure to help her chain everything back up. “Make sure you cover everything once I leave,” Negan gave one more order noticing that she was having a hard time looking at him when he left. “I hope your mother comes back Mia.”
There was a single tear that was sliding down her face when Negan frowned and lowered his head. Maybe he should have said something more or done something, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Pushing forward, he knew that he had to keep on and find his family. It was hard leaving a kid that he knew had nothing, but he had to. His family was out there waiting for him and he had been gone long enough.
For a while he walked and made some good distance. After some time, he started to hear footsteps following him and he would steal a look over his shoulder to try to see what it was. Keeping on, he heard the footsteps start to quickly come up on him. Turning on his heel, he brought his gun up only to come face to face with Mia who had been following him.
“Mia! What the hell are you doing?” Negan yelled at her, his heart pounding away inside of his chest. Mia had stumbled back when he had thrown the gun in her face out of surprise.  
“Do you think…do you think that maybe you could just stay until my mom comes back?” Mia requested causing Negan’s throat to tense up, a small rumble of a groan falling from his throat. “Please. I have so much to learn still and…I don’t want to be alone again Negan. I’ll give you all the medicine that I have if you do. Please.”
“I can’t,” Negan shook his head, clinging tightly to his bag drawing the color from her features to return. “I have a family of my own that I have to find and get back to. I can’t just wait with you until your mom finally comes back.”
“You’ve been away from them this long,” she reminded him causing his dimples to become more prominent with the anger that flooded his veins when she brought up how long they had been apart already. “Why not wait a couple more days? What difference would it make if you just stayed with me a few more days until my mother came back?”
“I owe you nothing Mia,” Negan reminded her, his eyebrows bouncing up and his head tipping to the side.
“I mean, I did save your life,” she pointed toward his ribs, her chest aching at the annoyed glance he gave her. “You’d be dead if it weren’t for me.”
“And I paid you back plenty with my knowledge,” Negan insisted, throwing his hand up in her direction. “So don’t pull that shit on me.”
“Just a few more days,” Mia placed her hands together, her jaw clenching when she stepped forward toward Negan who pulled the cowboy hat he was wearing from his head. “And when she comes back, then you can just…”
“Your mom isn’t coming back Mia!” Negan interrupted her having a frown flood into her young features. “I hate to be the one to tell you this Mia, but your mom is dead. You know that I’m right. If your mom was alive, she would have come home a long time ago. Something obviously happened while she was out on a supplies run. I can’t stay waiting forever with you because I have a son and a wife to find. You can’t trap me into staying with you while waiting for your mother to return when we both know it’s never going to happen.”
“Just a day?” she tried to get him to agree to something, but he frowned and shook his head. “Please? My whole life I’ve felt like I was just some kind of mistake. It’s my biggest fear. It always was. That I was something my parents didn’t plan and I shouldn’t have been here in the first place. I felt like a waste of space Negan. Until you came along. I felt like maybe I wasn’t a mistake anymore. I saved you. I took care of you. I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
“Go home Mia,” Negan ordered, clutching to his bag and letting out a long sigh. It was breaking his heart hearing all of this, but there was nothing he could honestly do. “You’ve got a target on your back if you stay out here.”
“Negan?” she whispered his name with a whimper and he shook his head before continuing in the direction that he was headed all along.
It hurt leaving that girl all alone, but he had to or else he knew that he would never leave. There was no way that Mia was ever going to understand that her mother wasn’t coming home. He couldn’t get stuck in a child’s dream that was never going to happen so he had to make his way onward. For a while he walked until he came up on a small camp where a fire was burning. Swiftly making his way into the bush, he wanted to get by without being detected until he heard the sound of a radio being used.
“We found the girl from yesterday,” Negan stopped when he heard that and looked over his shoulder to see one of the men that he had ran into with Mia the day before. Biting down on his bottom lip, Negan squeezed his fist closed and lowered his head.
“Just keep going Negan,” he tried to coach himself, cussing under his breath.
“Did you find out where they were hiding?” the man stood from where he was sitting beside the fire and Negan lowered down. “Did you find the guy that she was with?”
“It was just her. She won’t talk,” the voice on the radio responded leaving Negan to lower his head. “I can’t get her to talk, so we’re bringing her back to the camp.”
“Good idea,” the stranger replied with a grumble, pacing in the small area that they were taking up in the woods. “I can think of a few ways to get her to talk. And if she doesn’t, I really don’t care. I’ll make good use of her.”
“Fuck,” Negan lowered his head into his hand. There were four people already at the camp and he had no idea how many were coming back. Cussing to himself, Negan thought about what he was supposed to be doing. Where he belonged. If he stayed behind to help this girl, he would likely get hurt again or die before he found his family again. “Come on Negan.”
Trying to stay close to the ground, Negan managed to get out of the area of the camp, keeping his head down. He couldn’t let a few days ruin the few years of planning that he had done. It was the sound of a gunshot going off that made him panic. Rushing back toward the camp, Negan carefully came up on it noticing that one of them he had just seen was lying face first in the dirt dead.
“Stop moving you little shit,” the original stranger they interacted with was screaming at Mia from where she was underneath him on the ground. Two of the others were holding her wrists down while she struggled. “You just killed one of my men, you can’t just expect me to let you go without punishment.”
“Get off of me you fucker,” Mia spat at the man and Negan could see that her face was bloody from whatever the men before had done to her. “I’ve got nothing to give you.”
“Where is your dad?” the man questioned, grabbing a firm hold of Mia’s face to get her to look up at him. One of Mia’s eyes were swollen and Negan felt his chest tightening when Mia said nothing. Reaching behind him, the stranger grabbed a hunting knife and held it to Mia’s throat hearing her whimper. “Where is your dad?”
“He’s not my dad,” she repeated what she had told the man the day before. A scoff followed and the stranger dug the tip of the knife further into her flesh. “He’s not my father!”
“Come on little girl. You look exactly like that guy and you expect me to believe you aren’t his kid,” the man half laughed drawing Mia to swallow down hard. “It be one thing if you weren’t a spitting image of him, but you are. You’re expecting me to believe that you aren’t a product of that man’s nutsack?”
“I’m not. Even if he was my dad, he’d want nothing to do with me,” Mia explained wincing when the tip of the blade cut at the side of her face. “He left me! He was just a stranger. Please.”
“Fine. Whatever. I don’t care, he’s not your daddy,” the man mocked her hearing her straining to get out from beneath him. “Where is all of your stuff? Your community?”
Instead of answering the man above her, Mia spit causing the blood from her mouth to spray in his face. With a laugh, the stranger shook his head and wiped at his eyes, “You don’t want to talk? Fine. I’ll find other things to do with you then…”
Going to reach for Mia, the man screamed out when she sank her teeth into his hand causing him to yelp. Trying to pull his hand back, the man couldn’t get her off him and when he finally did, his fist came crashing into her face.
Immediately reaching for his gun, Negan started firing it off hitting one of the men that was holding Mia down on the ground between the eyes. There was no more holding back, Negan needed to protect her now. Shooting the gun at the other one holding onto her wrist had the man rolling backwards and Negan felt his body being tackled by someone from behind. The gun fell from his hand, sliding a few feet away while he struggled with the weight that was over him. Bringing his elbow back over and over again, Negan managed to get the person that was there off before he reached for his hunting knife to bring it back to stab the person that was behind him in the throat.
Shoving the weight off of him, Negan swiftly got to his feet only to feel someone tackling into his ribs drawing him to hit the ground hard. That knocked the wind out of him, especially since he was still tender there from being injured. Over and over again fists hit him and he did his best to block the punches, but the person still got a few good hits in. When the man over him got tired, Negan managed to get a few powerful hits in before bringing his knife up to dig it into the center of the attacker’s chest. Pulling it down gutted the stranger that was over him, causing blood to pour down over Negan. Grunting out, the weight of the body fell in over him and Negan hissed shoving the weight off of him. Struggling for the gun that he had dropped, Negan scoffed when someone shot at the gun causing him to fall back. Gazing back over his shoulder, Negan saw there were two of them left. One was the main stranger that they had seen yesterday and Negan presumed he was the one in charge. He was the one with the gun and the second stranger was approaching Negan.
“I knew daddy wouldn’t be far away,” the man in charge muttered when Negan considered his next move. Noticing that there was a rock beside him, Negan waited until the man approaching was close. Sweeping his legs out, Negan locked his legs with the stranger causing him to stumble, hitting his head on the oversized rock leaving a large blood smear across it. Snatching his gun up from the ground, Negan held it up at the stranger in charge while keeping his knife in his opposite hand. It was then that Negan noticed the stranger had an unconscious Mia in his arms with his knife pressed to her throat and his gun pointed at Negan. “Don’t!”
“So you get your rocks off hurting little girls?” Negan questioned wiping the blood away from his bottom lip. “Is that your thing?”
“Drop your gun or I swear to God I will cut her throat,” the man screamed at Negan watching Negan toss his gun to the side and hold his hand up in the air. “You give me your group’s location and I will let you have her.”
“See, here is the thing,” Negan took a step closer hearing the nervous breath that fell from the stranger. It had him clinging tighter to Mia and Negan clung tightly to the knife in his hand. “You hit that little girl. There is no fucking way I’m going to keep you alive.”
“I said stop,” the man warned, shooting the gun off and hitting Negan in the arm with the bullet. A grunt fell from Negan’s throat when he looked to it and then back to the man. “I said stop!”
Rushing the man, two more shots went off, but a gurgling sound fell from the stranger’s throat when Negan managed to bring his hunting knife into the stranger’s belly before pulling up. Dropping backwards, the stranger released Mia who fell to the ground as well. Standing over the stranger, Negan looked to his own shoulder with a wince. One of those two shots hit him in the shoulder, but the second missed him completely.  
“Your aim is shit,” Negan reached for the gun that the stranger had used, his head tipping to the side. “Are you part of a bigger group?”
“Fuck you,” the man snarled and Negan pointed the gun down at the stranger’s groin. “I’m not telling you shit.”
“Fine,” Negan shot the stranger in the groin hearing him crying out in agony. “Are you the last one?”
“I’m the last one. Please…” the stranger begged holding up his hand for mercy when Negan moved further in over him. “It’s just me. It was only us.”
“You should have left the little girl alone,” Negan took one final shot, hitting the stranger right between the eyes. Dropping the gun on the man’s chest, Negan looked to Mia and frowned. Picking her up in his arms, Negan made sure to grab his things before carrying her back toward the cabin. It took longer since he was injured, but once he made it back, he carried her into the cabin first and laid her down on the mattress that she had previously pulled into the living room for him. Going back outside, he locked things up and hid the gate as best as he could before heading back inside. Getting some water to clean Mia up, Negan frowned while he took care of her hating that he let this happen. He wished she would have just stayed in the cabin like he asked.
After he was done cleaning her up, he could only really see that she had a swollen eye with a bloody nose and lip. Which she should have never had in the first place. Once he was sure that she was okay, he shakily pulled his shirt off and assessed the damage of his gunshot wounds. The one in the shoulder was a whole lot worse than the one that hit his arm. The one in the arm was a flesh wound, but the one in his shoulder was one that he would have to dig the bullet out of.
Shakily searching the medical supplies that Mia had, Negan did what he had to in order to get the bullet out of his body finding himself thankful that this guy had a shit shot enough that it didn’t hit anything major. It was hard to clean up the wounds but he did what he had to in order to make sure that he was safe.
Waiting in the chair that Mia had before when he was hurt, Negan stayed there until morning. Toward the middle of the night he had started to drift and he tried to fight it, but he couldn’t. When it was morning and she started to shift, Negan noticed her trying to lift her head up and he motioned her to stay when he moved to the bed beside her.
“Hey, it’s me. It’s Negan,” he hushed her noticing the way that she seemed to calm down when she heard his voice. “You’re safe. I’m with you.”
Shakily her hand reached for his and he hooked his fingers with hers hearing her breathing uneasily, “I’m sorry I left. I’ll stay with you until your mother returns. Okay? I won’t leave you again. I promise.”
Mia said nothing, just gave a nod and lowered her head back to the bed weakly. Clearing his throat, Negan went to pull his hand away, but he felt her still clinging to it, “Please don’t leave.”
“I won’t,” Negan assured her lowering down beside the bed to allow her to keep holding onto his hand. “I’m right here.”
It didn’t take long for Mia to fall back asleep and he frowned looking her over. The thoughts about what the stranger said about her looking like him was running through his mind. They both had questioned in multiple times and he really did wonder if he was her father. Getting into the bed beside Mia, he laid at the other side watching her while she slept.
After a while he had fallen asleep as well and in the middle of the night woke up to see that Mia had cuddled up next to him much like he had described Joshua to her in the past. Clearing his throat, Negan lifted his head to see that her head was laying over his chest and he was thankful it was on the side that wasn’t hurt. Cautiously, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him so he could nestle his chin in over the top of her head. There was something about Mia that felt personal. And now he knew that he had to stay with her. There was no other way.
“Would you show your cards already?” Negan snickered from where he was sitting across the table from Mia who was staring out at her cards that were in her hand. It had been a month and a half since Negan had decided to stay with Mia and wait for her mother to return. Each day Negan could tell that her belief and hope that her mother would return was leaving her. But Negan did his best to keep her hope alive. “You take forever with this game. If I would have known you were incredibly slow, I would have never taught you poker.”
“Hold your horses old man. There is a lot at stake here,” she pointed toward the potato chips that they were playing with in order to do the game. Tossing the potato chips into the center to match his bet made Negan smirk and shake his head. Lowering down his cards, he showed her that he had a straight.
“Not so arrogant anymore, are you?” Negan stole one of the potato chips and she playfully swatted his hand away from the rest of them. Plopping one between his lips, Negan watched her lay down her cards to show that she had a full house. “Jesus. How do you always beat me?”
“Because I’m awesome,” she dropped her hands forward to scoop the potato chips in closer to her. A snort fell from Negan’s lips when she shook her head and pushed the potato chips forward. “But we can share.”
“Very bold of you kiddo,” Negan winked at Mia, taking another potato chip for himself before relaxing back in the chair that he was sitting in.
While relaxing, Mia collected the cards and started to shuffle the cards. It made him smile to see her working them the way that he had taught her. Grunting out, Negan pulled himself up from the chair and moved toward the fire that they had set up earlier in the fireplace. Grabbing his chair, he pulled it to him. Taking a seat, he got comfortable and looked to his wrist. Around it was a bracelet that Mia had made for him in their time together. Sadly, it made him think of Annie and Joshua. It had been six weeks since he agreed to be here with Mia and he never thought he would wait this long for Mia’s mom. It had been over two months since Mia’s mother had left and there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she was never coming back.
“You know,” Negan began, looking back over his shoulder at Mia while she was playing a game of solitaire on her own. “You just keep beating me at all the games that I teach you.”
“That’s because you’re a good teacher,” she got up from where she was seated and grabbed her chair to move in beside Negan. Clearing her throat, she stared out at Negan who was looking at her funny. “What is it?”
“Can I ask you some things?” Negan inquired knowing that they had been on his mind for a while, but he was worried to ask them considering the topic at hand. When Mia gave him the go ahead, he stretched out his legs and frowned. “What else do you know about your father?”
“I told you everything I know about my father,” she reminded him, her jaw flexing when she reached up to stroke over her earlobe in a moment of contemplation. Grumbling to himself, Negan knew that was something he did when he was uncomfortable too and it made him sigh.
“You never saw a photo? She never gave you a name?” Negan threw his hand up in the air pretty sure at this point that Mia was his. That stranger wasn’t wrong. The more time that Negan spent with Mia, the more he realized it. From her physical features to some of the ridiculous quirks that she had—she was so much like him.
“I think it just hurt her so much to lose him,” Mia attempted to explain her mother’s behavior. “I don’t know Negan. She just has a ring that she wears. They were married and she never took it off. That’s all she has from him.”
“What does the ring look like?” Negan’s eyebrow arched up as he stroked his fingers down through his short beard. “Is there anything that stands out?”
“I don’t know, it looks like a ring,” Mia was dramatic, a laugh falling from her throat at how serious Negan was being about everything. “Why? What does it matter about the ring that she wore?”
“I don’t know,” Negan lied knowing that he was just trying to strike something in his memory that would make him think about a moment in his life where things made sense. “I just…I feel like if I heard something or knew something, it would make me remember.”
“Remember what?” she could tell something was wrong and she reached out to place her hand in over his. Negan’s fingers hooked with hers and he gave her a weak smile.
Negan’s lips parted when he considered telling her that he thought he was her father. Instead, he waved his hand in the air dismissively and shrugged his shoulders. There was a long silence that lingered over them for a while when they both sat by the fire before she finally cleared her throat. “I was thinking…it’s been over two months since my mother left. I uh, I know I shouldn’t think like this, but I was wondering…”
“Yeah?” Negan tipped his head to the side seeing the color draining from Mia’s features. “What’s on your mind kiddo?”
“If I was ready to finally let go, would you take me with you to go find your family?” she threw out the idea that had been on her mind for a while now after they had waited so long for her mother to return. “I know I’m just some stranger to them, but I really like being with you Negan. You’re the closest thing to a real parent that I’ve ever had.”
“Hey,” Negan frowned, hushing her when she said that out loud.
“I mean it. I loved my mom, but she never used to play games with me,” she pointed back toward the cards that they had been playing with. “I’ve learned more from you than I ever did my mother. I know about football because of you. So many new games. I’ve actually gotten to see the outside. And you make me actually feel seen. Before I felt like my mother’s pet.”
“You don’t mean that,” Negan’s Adam’s apple bounced in his throat and she shook her head with a saddened breath. “I’m sure your mother loved you.”
“My mother loved me the best way she knew how. You’re the first person I’ve actually felt safe with,” she insisted, turning in her chair so that she could face Negan. “You want to get back to your family Negan and I can’t keep holding you back. So why don’t we pack up and I’ll go with you? I’m helpful. I’m a decent cook. I can teach Joshua games. I can babysit when you and Annie want to have alone time.”
“Mia,” Negan snorted, rolling his eyes at the last comment.  
“Please?” she begged of him, her eyes gazing over Negan when she shook her head. “I’d rather just go with you than stay waiting for someone who really never loved me that much in the first place. I know you don’t feel the same way, but I lo…I care about you Negan. You’ve cared for me more in the last month than anyone has in my life.”
“I…” Negan could see the hopefulness in her eyes. It took a minute before he sighed and he gave her a slow nod. “Okay. Yeah. I’ll take you with me to Missouri. You’re just going to have to listen to me and be on my ass at all times.”
With an excited breath, she jumped across the small space to give Negan a hug. An amused sound escaped his throat when she put as much of her strength into it as she could. Hugging her back, Negan nuzzled his nose in against the side of her neck and smiled.
“Thank you, Negan,” she was grateful for him agreeing and she excitedly hopped up from her seat. “I’ll pack tonight! What should I take? How much should we bring?”
“Hey! Calm down. We have to think things out and then we can pack tomorrow. We’ll leave the day after,” Negan announced knowing that he had found comfort in this home, but he wanted to find Annie and Joshua. Staying here was nice, but this wasn’t where he belonged. He knew that. “Let’s just sit and talk about it. Then we will figure everything out.”
And that’s what they did. They planned everything. They packed and she asked a million questions about Annie along with Joshua. What they were like. The things they liked. And he found it charming that she was doing that. With how much she talked, Negan couldn’t help but find amusement in it. She was so much like him and he knew that. They had fallen asleep talking about things before waking up in the morning to go over everything.
“When are we leaving?” Mia seemed frustrated while she paced the living room with Negan taking in account of everything they were bringing with them. “We should just go.”
“Missouri isn’t that close Mia. We just have to make sure that we have everything. We have a very long journey ahead of us. Okay? Just let me make sure that we have everything that we are going to need,” Negan hushed her while he finished looking through all their stuff. The fact that she was so excited to leave surprised Negan. It was a huge difference from the little girl he had met originally. A laugh fell from his throat when he felt Mia wrapping her arms around him from behind. “What are you doing?”
“I’m giving you a hug,” she answered him, burying her head against the side of his neck drawing Negan’s laughter to grow. “I’m just glad you came into my life Negan. You showed up when I needed someone the most and I love you.”
Hearing that drew a breath to catch in Negan’s throat. Closing his eyes, he cherished the hug that she gave him.
Tension flooded Mia’s body when she heard a faint sound coming from outside. Looking back over his shoulder, he could see something change in her eyes when she looked back toward the door, “What is it?”
When they both heard it this time, Negan watched Mia scramble to her feet and run to the door looking out the front of it, “It’s my mom.”
“Mia, don’t,” Negan warned knowing that it had been so long that it likely didn’t make sense that her mother would be returning. It was too fast though because she was running outside and pulling away the brush that Negan had previously thrown in front of the gate. Once it was open, Negan saw a woman hunched over. She was thin, her hair messy, her clothes dirty and she was covered in blood. It made his throat go dry knowing that whoever this was, she had obviously been through hell. “Mia?”
“Mom?” she whispered and Negan heard the woman let out a tremoring breath before stumbling forward. With the way she could barely hold herself up, Negan swiftly swooped in and caught her when she collapsed. It was obvious she had passed out and Mia was scrambling to get a good look at her face. “It’s her. Negan, it’s my mom.”
“Run inside and get a cloth wet,” Negan instructed carrying the woman in his arms toward the cabin after making sure things were locked up again. Laying her down on the couch, Negan could see that Mia’s mom was likely starved and abused. Wherever she was, she had gone through hell. Footsteps were heard when Mia returned with a cloth. “Go find her some clothes Mia. Some clean clothes.”
“Okay,” Mia ran off to do what Negan requested of her.
Negan did his best to clean up the woman before him. Once the blood and the dirt was mostly gone from her face, Negan felt his heart sink finally seeing the features of Mia’s mom before him. An overwhelmed exhale escaped him when he looked to her hand. Observing the ring over her finger had the room spinning around Negan. Dropping back onto his bottom, Negan cleared his throat and lowered his head between his thighs.
“Hey?” Mia called out when she entered the room again with the things Negan asked of her. “Negan? What’s wrong? Is she okay?”
“I uh…I don’t know,” Negan stammered with an uneven breath brushing his hair back when he gazed over at Mia. “Let’s just get her cleaned up and we’ll have to wait.”
For days they actually waited. Mia was exhausted and finally fell asleep in her room leaving Negan alone with Mia’s mother. When he was finally about to pass out, he noticed her shifting on the couch. Sitting up straighter, he saw her eyelashes fluttering and she let out a pained sound. Moving in beside her, Negan was doing his best to monitor how she was so he could help her in whatever way possible. When she finally came to, she turned her head to gaze over at him and she let out a shocked breath.
“Negan?” she muttered his name, shakily lifting up to reach out and stroke her fingers over the side of his face. Leaning into her touch, Negan closed his eyes and felt his mouth dry when her whimper followed. “Am I dead?”
“No,” Negan answered her, his eyes opening and he could see that she was crying while she stared out at him. “Hey Y/N.”
“How is this happening?” she let out a tremoring breath, doing her best to pull herself up, but Negan hushed her and tried to stop her from overextending herself. “I thought you were dead. When I went to Alexandria, I was told you were gone. That you weren’t…”
“I’m not dead,” Negan shook his head, biting down on his bottom lip grabbing a hold of her hand while she brushed her fingers through his hair. “I never was.”
“How did you find us?” she questioned, noticing that Negan was crying while he stared down at her and she reached up to swipe the tears away. “I never thought…I never thought I would see you again. I tried to talk to Rick after Mia was born, but no one would listen to me. They took some of the people from The Sanctuary, but they wouldn’t take me. I was too loyal to you and they wouldn’t let me in. Even knowing I was pregnant. They just gave me some supplies and shooed me off. I tried going there. I did and I thought I would save you, I just…they told me you were dead.”
“You stayed at The Sanctuary?” Negan confirmed with a frown, his bottom lip trembling when she nodded.
“Until we couldn’t anymore. We were forced out after a while. It couldn’t sustain life there anymore and we had to leave,” she educated Negan, her fingers tracing over the side of his face while she slid in closer to him. “I’m so sorry. I would have kept trying if I would have known that they had you. I just didn’t and…”
“Y/N,” Negan breathed out feeling her lips claiming his and he was frozen against her kiss at first. Closing his eyes, he allowed her to kiss him before faintly starting to kiss her back. When her fingers brushed through his hair and stroked at the back of his neck, he pulled away and pressed his forehead to hers. “I can’t.”
“You can’t what?” she repeated with a weak smile. “Does Mia know that you are her father? Did you tell her? She’s going to be so excited to know that her daddy found us.”
“I’m married,” Negan stammered, his body trembling when she stared out at him with confusion. When she went to kiss him again, he put a distance between them and shook his head. “I can’t Y/N. I’m married.”
“I know,” she lifted her hand to show the ring that he had given her when they were at The Sanctuary together. Y/N was someone that Negan had flirted with for a long time. Someone that he had relentlessly asked to be one of his wives, but she always turned him down. So he romanced her and he romanced her hard. And somewhere down the line he truly felt like he had fallen in love with her. So that’s why when she finally agreed to be one of his wives, he had given her a real ring. At the time, he promised her that after everything went down with Rick that she would be his only wife. And he did know that she was pregnant. It was something he learned toward the start of his war with Rick. It was just when he asked about the people that were still at The Sanctuary, he was told that they all died and he believed it. When he returned to The Sanctuary after he escaped his cell that one day, when there was no sign of Y/N or a baby there, he just believed them. He thought they were dead and never went looking for them again. He couldn’t believe it was something he forgot until he saw her face again the other day. “I’m your wife.”
“Stop,” Negan begged when she went to touch his face again and he lowered her hands down to keep her away from touching him. “I’m married to a woman named Annie. We have a son. His name is Joshua and they are waiting for me in Missouri. I found Mia by mistake almost two months ago. I started thinking she was my daughter, I just didn’t know for sure. We were going to leave for Missouri the day you showed up to go find my wife and my son.”
“You’re not being funny Negan,” Y/N declared with a saddened breath and Negan shook his head slowly. “It’s not…”
“I’m not kidding Y/N. I’m very happily married,” Negan informed her noticing the way that she looked down at the ring that she still wore that he had given her so long ago. “I’m sorry. They told me when I was locked up that everyone was gone at The Sanctuary. I believed them. I thought you were dead. I thought our baby…”
“But Negan, I love you,” Y/N whispered, her voice broken when she shakily reached out to touch him. “I’m your wife.”
“You were one of my wives,” Negan corrected her, leaning back on his knees and shaking his head slowly feeling his heart breaking when she started to cry. “You are a past that I wanted to forget Y/N and I did. I moved on. A long time ago. I thought you were dead and I fell in love with someone else. Someone really great. She knows all of me and she still loves me.”
“So did I,” she reminded him with a sob and he felt guilty, dropping his head down when he saw her sliding back on the couch that he had her on. “Why wouldn’t you look for us? You know that I would never give up on you because I loved you so much. We worked so hard to get pregnant with Mia. We were…”
“I know,” Negan interrupted her with a shake of his head, letting out an uncomfortable sound. “I know. I just thought you were dead Y/N and I moved on. And I’m happy. I was happy. And I want to be with my family. I didn’t mean to, but I completely wiped that part of my life out of my head that I shared with you. I didn’t even remember it until I saw your face again the other day for the first time.”
Silence. That was all that was heard other than her cries while she stared out at him, “Mia and I were going to leave to go to Missouri and search for my family. She thought you were dead and you weren’t coming back. We can take a while to get you feeling better and if you want, I can bring the two of you with me. I can wait the extra time and we can all go together.”
“No,” she immediately responded with a shake of her head, reaching for the pillow that was beside her to bring it in closer to her. “I refuse to go on some journey with you so you can find the family that you actually wanted.”
“That’s not fair,” Negan cried, his head tipping to the side while she stared at out him with pain in her expression. “I didn’t know you were alive.”
“You didn’t even bother to look,” she yelled at him causing the color to drain from Negan’s features. “Now you’re asking me to follow you to another state to find the woman you are in love with. So I can what? Watch you and her together for the rest of my life?”
“You’d be safer with me. You and Mia would be much safer with me,” Negan suggested, his eyebrows full of emotion and he let out a tremoring breath. Hearing her sobbing broke his heart, but he couldn’t fix what had already been broken for so long. “Just come with me. We’ll find my family and all of us can be together. Mia is my daughter too and…”
“Oh, fuck you,” she snarled at Negan shaking her head in anger. “You’re in her life for how long and suddenly you think that you can say and determine what I do with Mia? No Negan. That’s not how this shit works.”
“She wants to be with me,” Negan explained, his fists tightening up at his sides with his body clenching up. “She doesn’t even know I’m her father and she wants to come with me. She loves me. She belongs with me.”
“You didn’t even fucking care to look for her,” Y/N snapped back drawing a shuddering exhale from his throat. “So how dare you act like you even care now. Do you have any idea what I’ve done to get back to Mia. What I’ve suffered through? What those people…” she stopped to look down toward the ground and she shook her head. “No, I won’t let you take Mia from me. Not after what happened to me. You won’t take my daughter. Why don’t you just leave Negan.”
“I can’t just leave knowing that you and Mia are here, vulnerable,” Negan reasoned with Y/N hearing her sobs getting harder. “You aren’t healthy. You both need to be protected. Just rest and in a few weeks we can all…”
“Get the fuck out of here Negan,” she screamed at him shoving her hands into the center of his chest drawing him to fall back onto the ground. “I have been heart broken since the moment they took you away. I haven’t been the same since and you just think you can do this?”
“It sounds like you were so fucked up that you were a shitty mother to our daughter,” Negan erupted back on her, shocking her with his response. “You taught her nothing. If I wasn’t here to take care of her in the two months you fucking disappeared, she would have been dead. I kept our daughter alive and she almost…she almost fucking died at one point, but I saved her. And then she tells me that you never even acted like you loved her to begin with. She’s felt more loved in the last month with me than she ever has with you. So why the fuck did you have to show up and ruin it? It would have been fine if you wouldn’t have showed back up!”
“So you get to just show back up in our lives, say fuck you to me and take Mia away from me?” she spoke softly while Negan’s heart pounded away inside of his chest. “So what was I Negan? Just someone you used to get pregnant? You promise me things that you will never give? Did you ever really love me Negan?”
“Of course I did,” Negan replied back with a frown, throwing his hands up in the air. “I did love you Y/N.”
“Like you said, I was just one of the wives though,” she reminded him what he had said earlier and he reached up to shakily brush his hair back. “I was just the only one dumb enough to love you, wasn’t I? To let you get me pregnant.”
“I understand you have to be going through a lot of emotions right now because of everything,” Negan began, the vein at the side of his neck protruding with the tension that he was feeling. “And no matter what I say to you, you’re never gonna believe me because you’re hurt. Regardless of what you think, I did love you and I was happy that you were pregnant.”
“But you found something better,” she filled in the blanks, her head nodding slowly. “I understand. I’m glad you found what you always wanted. I hope it makes you happy.”
“I am happy,” Negan assured her with a nod of his head knowing that what he was telling her absolutely destroyed her. “But I would be a lot happier if you and Mia came with me back to Missouri. You’d be safer. I’d get to be with my daughter. It’s a win for all of us.”
“No, you don’t get to have the best of both worlds,” she denied him, shaking her head and confusing him. “You pick them or her, you can’t have both.”
“That’s not fair,” Negan countered, anger flooding his veins with her giving him an ultimatum. “I don’t want to lose Mia now that she is back in my life. I’m her father. I belong in her life. You know that you both would be safer with me, but you’re mad at me so you’re holding this over my head. Look what happened to you being alone Y/N. Get your head out of your ass and do the right thing. The right thing for you and the right thing for your daughter. The two of you are just going to die here if I leave you. Look at you Y/N.”
“And it’s not fair that you abandon us and then you get to have everything you ever wanted. A family. A wife that you actually love. Two kids. While I have nothing,” she shook her head causing Negan to frown and drop his head back. Dragging his hands down his face had Y/N dropping back against the couch. “I wish you would have just stayed gone. Because at least with me thinking you were dead I thought you died protecting us instead of knowing that we meant nothing to you.”
“If I would have never showed up, your daughter would be dead,” Negan reminded her with a bit of venom in his tone. “Our daughter deserves to know that she’s mine. I’m leaving to go find my family and I’m going to give her a choice. She can stay here with you. Or she can come. She deserves to have a choice.”
“And she will pick you because you’re what’s new. You’re the fun parent that has shown her love that she never felt,” Y/N pointed out with a frown, squeezing the pillow in closer to her. “Thanks Negan. I take over two months of abuse and torture to make it back to my daughter only to have you take her from me. Thank you.”
“It’s not my fault that all of this happened,” Negan stood up from the floor, staring out at her with confusion flooding his veins. “She deserves to know that she’s my daughter. And she has the right to pick who she wants to be with.”
“Great. I’m glad that you are going to go find your family. Your son. Your wife. And you get to have Mia,” she tremored, a long shallow breath falling from her lips. “Congratulations Negan. You got everything you ever wanted in life. Good for you.”
“I suffered too you know. I was in prison for seven years with people abusing me and treating me terrible,” Negan hissed, his eyebrows furrowing in anger when she rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Fuck it. If you want to be like that. Be like that.”
“I should have known from the start you never loved me. They all told me,” she laid back down on the couch, turning away from Negan when he stopped to listen to her. “Sherry, Dwight, Simon…even Rick. I just never fucking believed it. I was too in love with you. Or the idea of you, I guess. How happy you got when you found out I was pregnant, I thought you were happy to finally have a family. But it was just the baby you wanted. Not me.”
“That’s not true,” Negan reasoned with her hearing her crying when he attempted to move forward to reach for her again. “Can you please just be an adult about this and understand? It makes more sense for you to leave with me and go to Missouri. We’ll all be together and…”
Negan knew it was no use talking to her like this. It just wasn’t. In the end they were never going to agree. Going over to the other end of the room, Negan sat down and cornered himself. Thinking about things, he rocked back and forth. It took him seeing Y/N’s face for him to actually remember that he had a woman that he was married to that was pregnant when he got taken to Alexandria. Maybe she was right. How could someone who loved someone like that forget?
Looking up toward the stairs, Negan knew that he wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to Mia, but he knew he had to leave. Grabbing his bag and one of the bag of supplies, he threw it over his shoulder and headed out the door. It was better for everyone if he just left and he knew that.
For a while he walked until he heard the sound of feet trying to catch up to him. Cussing out, he lowered his head and swallowed down hard, “Go home Mia!”
“No,” Mia’s voice responded while she moved in behind Negan. Looking back, he saw that she had the other supplies and her backpack on ready to go on the journey with him. “We made plans, we’re going to Missouri together.”
“Go home!” Negan screamed at her and she immediately shook her head. “Your mother is home now. We made a deal.”
“You promised. You told me that you would never leave me,” she reminded him with a whimper hearing Negan scoff.
“Until your mother returned home,” he reminded her with what he had said. “Your mother is home. Therefore, I owe you nothing. My promise? I made it. So I’m leaving.”
“Please,” Mia begged from where she was standing behind him with the bag over her shoulder. Her eyes were optimistic and she shook her head. “I want to go with you.”
“You are meant to be with your mother,” Negan could see that there were tears swelling up in her eyes while she stared out at Negan. Here she was begging to go with him not even knowing that he was her biological father. And that fact? It tore him apart. “You can’t come with me.”
Turning on his heel, Negan went to leave when he heard her feet following him and he stopped again, “Stop following me!”
“Negan,” she reasoned with him, her bottom lip quivering while she stared up at him. “I…we…I think…”
“You can’t be this stupid, right?” Negan dropped his bag at his side knowing that there was only one way he could think of to get her back to her mother and that was to break her. “I don’t love you, Mia. I don’t. You were a means of keeping me alive. I have no feelings toward you. You told me you cared about me and that you loved me. Did I ever tell you it back? I don’t love you.”
“That’s not true. You wouldn’t have stayed that whole month and a half if you didn’t care about me,” she reasoned with him, her dimples sinking in and it killed Negan seeing that he was breaking her down after his talk with Y/N. “I know you’re just lying to get me to stay here, but with you…I feel safer than I ever have in my life. I love you Negan. Please. I don’t care about anything else. I want to be with you.”
“I don’t want you with me!” Negan screamed at her, his body shaking and his eyes tearing over when she took a step back. Fear flooded into her features as Negan shook his head and bit down on his bottom lip. “You know, your father didn’t die Mia. In fact, your father knew that your mother was pregnant with you and he didn’t care. He didn’t even think about the two of you while he was gone. He just assumed the two of you were dead and he didn’t bother to come looking for you because he didn’t care. You and your mother? The both of you meant nothing to him.”
“That’s not true,” her voice tremored, her head shaking. “My mother said my father very much wanted me. That he loved me. That he loved her. That he would have done anything to keep me safe and…”
“Then why did he go off and have another family? He got married again and had a little boy,” Negan explained, his eyes narrowing when his jaw tightened. Contemplation started to flood her features when Negan started going off about things. “A little boy he loved more than he loved you.”
“Why are you saying these things?” Negan was hurting her and he could see that his words were breaking her heart. “You told me that I could come with you before. You said…”
“I thought your mom was dead,” Negan reminded her, his bottom lip quivering when he shook his head. “You see Mia. I know your dad isn’t dead because I’m your dad. We both know it. Even those strangers that we ran into knew that you were my daughter. All you have to do is look at us and you know that you’re my daughter. You have my eyes, my dimples, my freckles, my smart-ass sense of humor…”
Negan’s finger circled his own face and then he pointed out at her, “I’m your dad Mia.”
That backfired. After he confirmed for her what they both had wondered before her mother even came back, she ran to him and wrapped her arms around him to hug him. Holding his hands up in the air, Negan swallowed down hard and closed his eyes.
“Get off of me,” Negan demanded, shaking his head while venom flooded into his tone. “I didn’t want you then and I don’t want you now.”
Stumbling back, Mia looked up at him with her hazel eyes full of tears and Negan shook his head, “I knew your mother was pregnant with you. Once I was taken to Alexandria, I never looked back. I didn’t give a shit about the people there. I didn’t give a shit about your mother. And most of all…I didn’t give a fuck about you.”
A hurt sound fell deep from within her and her sobs followed. Even though he was trying to hold it together, he was breaking himself and he hated himself for doing this but he knew that he had to find a way for her to stay with her mother, “I could have come looking for you. And I didn’t. Because I didn’t care Mia. I started a whole new family. I have a son that I love. A wife…”
“Maybe…maybe you could learn to love me,” Mia whimpered, tears sliding down the sides of her face. “I don’t think we can make it without you Negan. I almost didn’t. Daddy please…”
“Don’t call me that,” Negan warned her, holding his finger up in the air and pointing it at her. “Don’t you dare call me that. You have no right to call me your fucking father. I didn’t want it then and I don’t want it now.”
“But you are,” she frowned, reaching up to rub at her tear-stained face while he continued to down talk her and chastise her. “I know you love me. And knowing that you are my dad, that just proves that this was meant to happen. You were meant to find me…”
“I have a son that I actually love and I’m going to find my way back to him,” Negan informed her with a shake of his head and he reached for his bag. This isn’t how he wanted things to go down, but Y/N made things clear earlier. There was no way that she would come with them and if he took Mia, it would destroy her. “I have a family that means something to me. And I’m going to find them. So why don’t you stay with your mother? Someone who actually loves you.”
“Please, I can help you find them,” Mia begged of Negan, her body shaking while Negan tried his best to stop himself from crying, but he couldn’t. “I’d be a really good big sister. I’d…”
“I’ve spent the last month and a half with you Mia,” Negan reminded her of the time they spent together and he shook his head. “And in that time, it only confirmed for me what I knew back then. I feel nothing for you. There is nothing here. You were a mistake. A poorly timed mistake that I never wanted in the first place.”
Calling her a mistake when that was the thing she was the most afraid of hearing hit her deep down and he knew that it would, “Goodbye Mia.”
Her sobs filled the woods and Negan continued walking through them. After a minute, he felt her running out and grabbing a hold of him in attempts to keep him near. Yanking his arm away, Negan spun on his heel and stared down at her, “I don’t want you, Mia. What about that don’t you understand?”
“Then I will sit here. And I’ll wait for one of the flesh eaters to get me,” she whimpered dropping down in the middle of the woods that they were in. “If you don’t want me, I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t like it with my mother. I love you and I want to be with you. Please.”
“I don’t care Mia,” Negan scoffed, grabbing his bag hearing her cries getting louder when he threw his hands up in the air. “If that’s how you want to leave your mother, then that’s your decision. From here on out? You aren’t my problem.”
“Please Negan,” Mia’s voice was broken when he turned away from her to look in the other direction. He had to convince himself to keep going. He couldn’t let this break him. He made his choice and so did Y/N. “Daddy. Please. If you leave, you’re leaving me to die. I’m begging you…”
Walking away, Negan could hear her cries no matter how far away he got. And he had to force himself to keep going. After what her mother told him, there was no way that it would have ever worked. And he had to tell himself that. He had to find Annie and Joshua. There were no other options. Y/N was his past and while he understood why she was hurt, she was the one that denied them going with him. So he had to respect her wishes. The best that he could hope for at this point was that they were able to keep going. That they would find a community and be able to move on.
More than anything he wanted to bring Mia with him, but her mother made it clear that wasn’t a possibility, so he had to wipe that idea from his mind and keep going. No matter how much it broke his heart.
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pretty-circa006 · 14 days
hi! so sorry i've been MIA for a bit. so much has been going on and i havent had time to write, so i was scouring through some old WIPs to see if i had anything to upload until i can get writing again. i found this one longfic that i started that has about 7-ish chapters so far and i wanted to see if it would be something you all are interested in reading. it's basically a taboo relationship between coach negan and his OF AGE student who's like an innocent church girl type who's bullied by her peers and negan takes pity on her which leads to unhealthy attachments and attraction between the two.
please keep in mind that this is OLD so the writing may not be as good AND it's in second person instead of my usual third person.
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ftwd-the-real-deal · 5 months
Fear The Walking Dead: The Real Deal - Introduction
Note: This is a fan-based alternative universe or alternative ending to Fear The Walking Dead, nothing here truly happened but it definitely should've happened, also Serena is Laurel, and she's alive in this universe and yes, lots of things are different in here.
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Basic Information
Location: The Sanctuary (now called Haven)
Canon Characters Involved: Troy Otto, Tracy Otto, Russel, Dwight Campbell, Sherry Campbell, Frank Gottfried, Klaus Gottfried, Jake Otto (honorable mention), Nick Clark (honorable mention)
Original Characters Involved: Laurel Hall, Mia Gottfried, Jeremy Winstons (henchman), Tyler (honorable mention)
Universe Villains: Madison Clark, Victor Strand, Negan Smith (honorable mention), Trent, Jeremiah Otto (honorable mention)
Betrayed, that's how Troy ended up dying in front of his loved ones, his wife, his child, they all had to watch him being stabbed by the witch of the apocalypse, he fell to the ground, whimpering from the pain, the last thing he heard was Laurel's scream, the last thing he's seen was how no one gave two craps about what Madison did, again.
Laurel had taken Tracy and hidden behind the trees, away from everyone's prying eyes, worried for her safety, she waited until everyone was off on their own way and she ran towards her dying husband, the two of them dragged the barely alive Troy into a vehicle and drove away, stopping at an abandoned building in Virginia, only stopping every now and then to make sure Troy was still alive.
Once they reached the building, she started to use all of her medical training to save her husband, Tracy helped of course, Troy had taught all the children basic first-aid skills, she was mommy's little nurse, and the two of them managed to keep him alive, although severely wounded and feeling anguished.
After that is out of the way, Lyn signals for Troy's men to join them at the given location and they do, making it one of the most secure locations there is.
One day, while Lyn was attending to Troy's wound, she was signaled to go to the main gate, she did so, and when she did, she found the party of Dwight and Sherry, as well as the people from PADRE, although she was tempted to shoot them at the spot, but they negotiated their way with medicine, food and expertise, things that they lacked currently at The Sanctuary.
A friendship forms almost immediately between Dwight, Sherry and Tracy, which made it easier for Lyn to like them, however, Troy didn't share the same sentiments with his wife and daughter, he tried to get rid of the PADRE people multiple times, only for them to prove their worth, especially once he saw that they didn't kill Russel like they had him believe.
Eventually, MADRE and Troy's band of rascals live together in peace under his leadership, as he had proven himself the leader that no one wants but everyone needed, he ran the place like a tight ship and ensured everyone's survival, while Dwight began to admire the man and eventually a friendship formed between the two even though Troy would never admit it, and Dwight became one of his trustees.
When Dwight was on a run for supplies, he saw a car in the middle of the night with two males in it, when he went to investigate further, he learned that they were Frank and Klaus, Strand was nowhere to be found, he helped them back to the Sanctuary then learned that Strand had shown them his true color and therefore, the duo escaped as far as possible and their car broke down, Troy reluctantly accepted them as refugees as long as they pull their weight around.
Ever since then, the group resided in The Sanctuary, living a mundane life, whatever that meant in an apocalypse, and fought against different, unimaginable challenges to protect their home and peace.
ask the haven - haven mundane - haven story - haven edits - haven memes - haven art - haven hcs - haven characters introduction
Headcanons - Characters Introductions
Started on: 25/4/2024
Last update: 27/4/2024
Creators: @muselesswriter & @all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone
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psych0ruinz · 1 month
who wants to take turns trying to get negan pregnant so we get to have a mama mia situation later on
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kcthescreamqueen · 1 year
Tag Lists
These are the fandoms and people I’ll write for. I will update this every time I get into a fandom!
The Vampire Diaries Universe 
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Jenna Sommers
Katherine Pierce
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Alaric Saltzman 
Matt Donavan
Tyler Lockwood
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Hope Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Rebekah Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson 
Finn Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Kai Parker
Davina Claire
Harry Potter (Golden Trio and Marauders Era) 
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Lucius Malfoy
Severus Snape
Bill Weasley
Viktor Krum
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Hermione Granger 
Regulus Black 
Barty Crouch 
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Clint Barton
Thor Odinson 
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Alexei (Nat's dad)
Melina (Nat's Mom)
Yelena Belova
Bruce Banner
Pepper Potts
Peter Parker (All 3)
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Peitro Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Quill
Matt Murdock
Bucky Barnes 
Scott Lang
Hope Pym
Brock Rumlow 
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Archie Andrews
Joaquin DeSantos
Sweet Pea
Cheryl Blossom
Polly Cooper
Toni Topez
Fred Andrews
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Emily Prentiss
Gilmore Girls
Rory Gilmore
Luke Danes
Lane Kim
Paris Geller
Dean Forester
Jess Mariano
Logan Huntzburger
Shadow Hunters
Jace Herondale
Alec Lightwood
Izzy Lightwood
Raphael Santiago
Magnus Bane
Clary Fray
Simon Lewis
Hodge Starkweather
Luke Garroway
Jocelyn Fray
Sebastian Morganstern 
House Of The Dragon 
Daemon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Viserys Targaryen
Alicent Hightower
Helena Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Fifty Shades of Grey
Christian Grey
Ana Steele
Mia Grey
Nate Grey
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Carl Grimes
Billy Loomis
Stu Mocher
Sydney Prescot
Tatum Riley
Dewey Riley
Gale Weathers
Randy Meeks
Tags: @mbav3rdseason
Mickey Altri
Mark Kincaid
Roman Bridger
Chad Meeks Martin
Mindy Meeks Martin
Sam Carpenter (Loomis)
Tara Carpenter
Ethan Landrey
The Hunger Games Franchise
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Cinna Vaught
Haymitch Abernathy
Effie Trinket
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
(Young) Snow
The Rookie
Tim Bradford
Lucy Chen
John Nolan 
Bailey Nune
Nyla Bishop
Angela Lopez
Wesley Evers
Aaron Thorson 
Dean Winchester 
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
Bella Swan
Charlie Swan
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Emmett Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Alice Cullen
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Cullen
Jacob Black
Grey Anatomy
Mark Sloan
Derek Shepherd
Alex Karev
Merdith Grey
Lexie Grey
Cristina Yang
If you wanted tagged let me know what/who you want tagged for and I'll add you to my tag list!
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theteasetwrites · 1 year
Hey! I’m sure you’re tired of people asking this but if possible could you give us an update on when merciless beautiful might be finished?❤️
I am truly sorry for being a bit MIA these last few weeks. I assure you I have been slowly but surely working on the last scenes of chapter 10. I am determined to make this a good chapter, and it's really hard to write the final stand-off between Negan and Daryl, so I am working on that and trying to perfect it.
I cannot give an exact date, but SOON. I am 8k words into chapter 10, so trust me that it will be done very soon, and today I am actually feeling pretty inspired/motivated and I hope that continues into the week. Thank you for asking!
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I'm in need of some more friends who share the same interest as me :) My names El (I go by Ella or Bella too though!) I'm 24, bi, and live in the US.
Some of my favorite things are:
-Stranger Things (favs: Steve, Eddie, Lucas & Robin)
-Twilight (favs: Demetri, Felix, Jane, Alec & Leah)
-the musical Cats (specifically the 1998 one. favs: Alonzo, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer & Demeter)
-Criminal Minds (favs: Reid, JJ, Hotch & Garcia)
-The Outsiders (favs: Dallas, Johnny, Curly & Darry)
-The Walking Dead (favs: Glenn, Daryl, Enid & Negan)
I sometimes have spotty replies due to my ADHD, so if I go MIA for a bit it's nothing against you! I'm willing to talk about anything and everything. Just comment on this or message me if you want to be friends! (Absolutely NO minors, transphobes, homophobes, racist, or any of those other bad things please.)
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kandadiff · 9 months
A Taste of Venom: Mia & Dahlia
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Violet and Clara made there way over to Amusement Mile, a stretch of land that housed the largest dock in the city as well as the headquarters of the Joker's playhouse. Amusement mile seemed to always be in a perpetual dense fog that rose from the murky water of the bay with a constant chill in the air. Violet shivered slightly and she ordered Clara to stop the car.
"We have to park here." Violet said simply digging in your memory for the confusing labyrinth that was the playhouse. Clara nodded switching off the car lights and parking behind empty shipping containers.
"What do we do next?"
"We?" Violet shook her head and loaded the gun in the hip holster. "There is no 'we'. Just me."
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"Oh come on" Clara frowned watching her zip up the dark jacket to blend in with the night. "You need me! I can track electronics and I bet whoever your looking for has a phone! I can help you!" Violet sighed thinking a bit, even with your memories of the playhouse, there was obvious thing about it you didn't remember or didn't know. In fact, she wasn't even sure the fastest way to get there from here. Clara was right, but she hated to admit it. Violet gave a small nod and Clara clapped pulling out what looked like an old Nokia phone with a thick silver case. "Do you know his number?"
Violet nodded, she went through my phone when I was busy with Lucifer the other night and copied down the appropriate numbers on a piece of paper before I could notice. Violet gave it to her and the phone in her hand beeped a few times before signaling to an area not to far away towards the town. "He's not here."
"No, it looks like hes in Rosevelt."
Violet's eyebrows furrowed. Rosevelt was a nice neighborhood, in the more posh side of town under the protection of The Saviors. Was Robin meeting up with Negan? Why? To ask for help? Or declare war? She found herself fantasying about the scene. Robin angry and feral leaning over the table, unafraid of the monster that was Negan, because Robin was a monster himself.
"do you want to go?" Clara asked pulling the quiet girl out of her thoughts. Violet nodded and Clara gave her the phone. "Give me directions."
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The townhouse they pulled up too was beautiful and right next to a park. There was a simple, older truck in the driveway that did not match with the more expensive exterior of the bricked apartment. At first, Violet thought it was Robin's car until she saw a sleek black sports car just on the other side of the truck. "He's in there." Clara whispered as though he could here here from the privacy of the car. "Is this the same boy from the meeting? Joker's son?" Clara smiled. "the cute open I mean, not the red head."
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Violet looked from the mysterious townhouse to Clara, her lips turning into a barely visible smirk. "Keep the car running, Clara." She said her eyes scanning over the house, finding what she was looking for. An open window on the third floor, that was her access point. She looked at the trellis on the side of the house and smiled before leaving the car.
The trellis proved sturdy, and she thanked the city for placing the streetlight on the other side of the townhouse, coating her in darkness and making her entrance into the house easy. She squeezed herself through the window, finding herself in what looked like a bedroom. She looked around and her eyes narrowed analyzing the contents. On the nightstand was a collection of books and an empty baby bottle. Light blue sheets covered the bed and a damp towel was thrown onto the bed. Violet moved as quietly as possible hearing muffled voices coming from downstairs and moved towards the closet. She was confused. Women's clothing hung from most of the racks with a thin margin holding mens clothes and the cologne that still lingered on them suggested it was indeed Robin's.
She moved towards the door opening it as slowly as possible to avoid being caught here until she was ready. The once muffled voices were clearer and she could tell they were coming from the first floor of the townhouse. She heard Robin speak and, while she hated that her body did this, it reacted to the sound of his voice. And she slowly followed the sound down the stairs.
"Lucifer, he knows more then he lets on. And J doesn't care." She heard him rant as she neared the bottom of the stairs. The hallway she was in was unlit and she moved towards the wall, opening a nearby closet incase she had to hid quickly. She stayed by the wall inching her way closer to his voice. "He has his sons, he has his heirs and he never forgave her for leaving to be with Negan."
"I thought them being together was supposed to unite the playhouse and the saviors." Violet eyes furrowed at the voice. She didn't know it at all. "I thought thats why he allowed it."
"No one allows her to do anything." He laughed as violet crouched peering into the room they were in. It was a living room, a fireplace warming and lighting the area while Robin stood by poking the firewood with a fire poker and a girl she didn't know sitting on the couch with a glass of wine on her hand. "You know her, she just does things." The girl nods with a smile and takes a sip of his wine. "He always held that against her."
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"You know, I always tell you the truth," The girl said with a small smile "But what if she just left? Maybe she didn't say goodbye because she saw an opportunity and took it. What if shes trying to get in contact with you but can't because she doesn't know how." Robin eyes stayed on the fire as he mulled it over. "Obviously, if Simon did anything to her we will find her, but there has been no hits about her or the other girls on any part of the web."
"Thank you for looking." He said still staring into the fire.
"Of course."
There was a silence that hung in the room like a heavy blanket until Robin signed turning towards her. She gave him a small smile and he sat next to her.
"Mia," He sighed and looked at her. His face softened a bit when he saw her "You know why I was made...into this?" He motioned to himself and Mia nodded. "I have to protect her; like she protected me. and if she is gone, if simon did do that.. then I failed. I failed with Arianna, I failed with Harley and I failed with her." Mia placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and he relaxed a bit.
"You didn't fail me." She said softly. "You took me away from Mike. You were the only person to do that. To stick up for me. You didn't fail them because something happened to them because your trying to help them and thats what counts."
He smiled at her "Thats why I moved you out here. I didn't want J to find out about you or Dahlia." Violet tried to wrack your brain for this stranger and someone named Dahlia but she came up empty. "Here is savior territory. Kay made sure that this townhouse would always be protected just because I asked her to. She was even protecting me there and now..." it was clear this was all weighing heavily on him and he buried his face in his hands. Mia threw her arms around her and hugged him tightly. He let her but did not return the hug. "Some days, I don't know I just wonder if this is all worth it. You know the week before she disappeared, she told Negan that she wouldn't have his child, he supposedly locked her in a room until she changed her mind."
Mia looked at him horrified. "and I thought my ex was fucked up." she shivered despite the fire. "Maybe thats why she left."
Robin shrugged. "Maybe she didn't want her child to follow this path. I know I don't." he turned towards her. "you know you don't have to stay here. you can take dahlia and leave. I'll give you any money you need-"
"I told you, your my best friend. I'm not leaving you and Dahlia needs you in her life."
His face was irritated as though they had this conversation plenty of times and he sighed when she did not relent. "I have a feeling this will be a war" he admitted "and if int gets to that point, then Mia." his voice was grave and serious. "You get the money in that safe and you run fast and far with Dahlia. I will not have you here when it all goes to hell. Promise me." he demanded
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Mia nodded and she looked into the fire placing her head on his shoulder. "I promise." Violet narrowed her eyes at the interaction. it was intimate of course but she didn't think they were a couple. They had yet to kiss and she was no more friendly to him then I was. She thought of the best friend comment and found herself feeling the green eyed monster of jealousy creeping up her spine. The pair sat in silence ruminating over their words. Violet looked around trying to figure out how to get Robin's attention when a noise came from a room behind her and she sucked in a breath.
It was a coo, a small babble from a baby from a room down the hallway. "I think shes up." Violet alarmed snuck into the closet she previously opened and closed it behind her, leaving just a sliver of the door opened so she could see.
"Let me, get her." she heard Robin say but she heard Mia say that she got it. she saw the taller girl pass her and click on the light to a room down the hallway. When Mia walk past her again and settle back into the living room, Violet snuck out of the closet and resumed her spot in the hall to see what was going on in the living room.
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Her eyes widened when she saw just who Dahlia was. In his large arms was a little baby girl. She was less then a year old, maybe 8 or 9 months and she giggled in his arms as he held her tight to him. Mia smiled at the interaction and Robin moved a piece of the baby's hair from her face. "Hey sweetie," his voice was soft and full of affection. Violet attempted to look at the the baby to see if there were similarities between her and the man holding her but her face was turned away. "I missed you." he sat down with her on the couch playing with the stuffed bear that she was holding in her chubby hand. Mia smiled turning on the tv switching between watching him with the baby and watching some rerun of friends on the screen. Robins eyes never left the little girl though and violet smiled seeing a softer side of the monster everyone claimed he was.
The phone in her pocket buzzed and she retreated to the closet to see it. It was Clara. 'Did you find him? Is he in there?'
0 notes
⭐⭐⭐ ily
this might get long
ily too
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi.
AUNT MAY & UNCLE BEN clary stark mia weaver gwen stacy
HARLEY morgan stark marina reyes leo lieberman
JOHNNY marina reyes kate bishop rue roberts
PETER mia weaver josefa torres kate bishop gwen stacy cassie lang
CLINT kate bishop cassie lang yelena belova gaja zajacowa maya lopez
MATT aleks vasilyev maya lopez
RHODEY & HAPPY clary stark morgan stark (gimme uncle rhodey or give me death)
LOGAN rue roberts
FRANK lisa castle leo lieberman maya lopez dinah madani karen page
DEADPOOL mia weaver
GABRIEL talissa
SIMON LOVELACE becky lewis
THALIA zoe nightshade artemis (goddess) annabeth maeve porter
PERCY calypso maeve
LUKE annabeth thalia maeve helen
CATO katniss clytemnestra johanna
KATNISS prim clytemnestra johanna freya
HEATHER kitty dani
EDDIE kitty dani chrissy
WAYNE dawn dani kitty
BENNY kitty dani dawn
JASON kitty dani chrissy
BOBBY valeria melissa caroline
HANNIBAL will abigail
NEGAN & LORI kat judith
CANDACE lisa leo amy cassie kate clary mia
IDA kate morgan
MAPONE & MICAH-JAYDEN josefa mia gwen
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thecircusfreaks · 2 years
Let’s make a list of muses I’ve finished:
Date: 14-01-23
Finished muses
Circus ‘Unbelievable’
Matthias Maxwell/Tetzu Kazuma
Beth Magnolia
Calm 'Sharpy' Schütz
Sherri "Cherry" Stanton
Fei Xué
Jules Abattre
Lys Magisk
Marine Lazulli
Tigre Thorsen
Kimberly Pinkheart
Darcy Crys
Rowan Étoile
Matthew Davaughn
Feilong Xué
The Underground
Frederick Staut
Gösta Björn Viklund
Hiashi Hiramatsu
Lenev Kuznetsov
Negan Salvage
Jörgen Viklund
Kjell Norberg
Mai Hiramatsu
Sai Hiramatsu
Hanzo Sakai
Shunsuke Kaneta
Ben Stolly
Rosalind 'Rosie' Foly
Yaach Nachtnebel
The Ether
Angelique 'Overlord' Vlaun
Red 'King' Miller
Frank 'Hammer' Marino
Francis 'Mouse 1' Webber
Ivo 'Mouse 2' de Vrij
Tommaso 'Uccello 1' Moretti
Aksel 'Uccello 2' Nielsen
Wilhelm 'Fixer' Hofer
Greyson 'Operator 1' Lowe
Mark Winston
Yamashita Atushi
Takeo Inoue
Daiki Yamamoto
Renard Hall
Arlo Bates
Ligia Musa
Ela Lind
Dexter Pedersen
Law, Health & Safety
Ryu Murakami
Minato Tada
Nanase Iba
Toshiro Hanari
Riku Ouji
Caylee Reynolds
Stéphane Toussaint
Chouji 'Choco' Iekami
Colm Culpepper
Craig Kawano
Daemon 'Deemo' Nierling
Enyo Afuru
Fionne 'Fio' Beauséjour
Genji Shūryō
Ichika Hara
Ichilu Wenn
Konstantin Titov
Marietta Dimartino
Nils Freling
Owen Katz
Paison Argyle
Ronald Heerman
Yukiteru Ake
Zacaria Åkesson
Entertainment & Fame
Hitoshi Saihara
Kars Sundström
Art & Culture
Luxxion 'Lux' Davies
Akano Koizumi
Isamu Ashigaka
Kojiro Toyoda
Sango Oshiro
Working class
Daichi Tanaka
Kento Gogatsu
Marito Ueno
Shoi-Ming Yè
Yoko Aoki
Kwang-Sun Yun
Aimy Oshiro
Michiaki Mamiya
Takuto Nanajima
Shopping district
Makita Oshiro
Masahiko Hato
Natsuhiko Katakiri
Tatsuo Satou
Hospitality branch
Asako Mikan
Eliseo Bianchi
Fumihiro Tanaka
Howard Moore
Itou Tanaka
Kaoru Oshiro
Katashi Oda
Lovisa Kärlek
Lucas Moore
Shouji Aino
Vincent 'Vince' Davis
Xavi Alexander
Yakeru Sugasano
Yukimasa Oka
Raymond’s Café
Raymond Palmer
Henry Chesston
Amy Chòng
Cara Duvall
Mia Almeida
Botan Shūryō
Timo Ricci
Winston Griffiths
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scarletthart96 · 6 years
Teachers Pet. A Blake/Negan Story.
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Blake loved her kids, each and every one of them. Of course, there were some that she liked a teeny bit more than the others. But, thats normal. What teacher could honestly say they loved each kid equally? No teacher shes ever met, thats for damn sure.
Even as kindergartners, the kids seemed to form groups. Blake was taught to keep an eye out on this. Be sure no bullying happened and that no kid felt left behind.
So why did she not notice the change in little Mia? The sweet, quiet girl who wouldn't even speak if she wasn't called on? Was it cause Blake was used to this sweet girl being quiet in class, that she didn't notice the signs?
Blake first started to notice something off when Mia came into class late. It was unusual, seeing as the small brunette child was usually the first to arrive. Then by lunch, Blake would frown when Mia would be sitting alone with no lunch. When asking her about this, Mia would shrug and tell her teacher she forgot it at home. Lastly, by the end of the day. As each kid went home by the bus or was picked up. Mia sat, waiting and playing with the hem of her shirt.
This went on for a month, and Blake had enough. So standing at the front entrance with the small child. Blake was not a happy teacher. She was however taken back by the man who came to pick Mia up.
"Daddy!" Mia giggled and jumped into her father's arms.
He of course caught her with one arm, seeing as he held an umbrella with the other. A bright smile on his face as he kissed Mia on the top of her head.
"Mr. Morgan, a word if you dont mind.." Blake spoke up finally, opening her own umbrella and stepping forward into the rain. Paitently watching him place Mia into her car seat before returning to stand in front of Blake.
"What can i help you with?" He asked with a smile on his face. A smile that would have made Blake go weak in the knees. If it wasn't for the little girl whom Blake found herself caring for more and more each passing day. She would have forgotten why she wanted to talk to the man.
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He was tall, dark and handsome. Black hair, salt and pepper beard, stood with broad shoulders and dimples to die for. Hazel eyes that hid behind black rimmed glssses. He was attractive, thats for damn sure.
"Mr. Morgan.. your daughter Mia.. shes a wonderful student. Smart and quick, always eager to learn. But in the last month. Well, shes been late everyday, never has lunch to eat, always last in being picked up.. " Blake shook her head and took a deep breath. "If something doesn't change, I'll be forced to talk to the principle and what would happen after that. Well it wont be pretty. " she shrugged and fixed the strap of her bag over her shoulder.
Negan stared down at the blonde women, eyes narrowed. "Are you threatening me?" He asked in a low voice, bending down slightly. "Shit has been difficult lately. But i make sure she takes lunch and gets to school On Time every damn day! Her aunt takes her and picks her up!" He snapped, not knowing who to take his anger out on. The teacher who was accusing him of being a bad father? Or his ex sister in law who was supposed to be helping him while he worked.
"Im not here to hear excuses, just figure this crap out before someone notices what's happening and does something about it!" Blake snapped back, shaking her head and turning on her heel. Heading towards the parking space she left her car in. Ready to get home and have a nice glass of wine.
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She left a confused Negan behind, he didnt know what to do. Though one thing he knew for sure. He had to figure out what he was going to do. That and find out who had been taking Mias lunch.
My first attempt at a Blake/Negan love story! Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading and thank you @neganandblake for allowing me to write this fanfic!
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thewalkingdeadroll · 3 years
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Pequeño regalo para nuestros participantes de la trama grupal del foro :) 
(¡sin olvidar por supuesto el grandioso tema que están teniendo también los miembros de La Alianza y de Oceanside!)
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Im sorry
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I literally haven’t posted all year. Mostly because my life has been the worst for the past couple years. My depression has gotten worst and life just keeps getting worse. Idk what to do most days and I haven’t had motivation to write and I’m genuinely sorry that I haven’t wrote at all. I’m trying to get better but I just have these ups and downs. It seems like as soon as I get better life takes a turn for the worst. But I’m going to try to start writing more. Thank y’all for y’all’s patience! I love y’all! 🖤
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When You’re Gone - Negan
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Fic #3 of the Mamma Mia! Prompts! Song: SOS
Pairing: Negan x Reader Word Count: 2,069 Synopsis: The reader left Negan because of his dark ways, but now he says he’s changed.  A/N: I haven’t watched like any of the new season, so I’m just making some of this up lol.
The light of day woke Negan up in his new home in Alexandria, making him roll away from the window. The space next to him was empty, just as it had been for the last year. This time, however, he wasn’t waking up in an empty jail cell. He was starting to adjust to his regular life in Alexandria; he was contributing to the group and beginning to get fewer dirty looks from the rest of the citizens. 
He didn’t care what they thought of him, except that their image of him only further tarnished the way you thought about him.
It had been a year since Negan lost to Rick. He had been thrown into a cell and had all of his power stripped from him, but the worst of it was the fact that you left him, too. You had been by his side through all of this, but when Rick won, you had to decide whether you wanted to be thrown in a cell, too, or leave him.
You made the hard choice and decided to leave him, and within a month, you realized how demented Negan’s ways had been. You came to visit him the first and last time and told him that you were over. 
Since reintegrating himself back into society, he only saw you a few times. You stayed as far away from him as you could, and when you couldn’t avoid being near him, you stayed silent. He was hoping to prove to you that he had really done some thinking in his cell and that he was ready to change. 
He got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, fixing himself a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs. Just as he was sitting down to eat, knocking came from his door. 
“Ah, Michonne, what can I do for you on this fine morning?”
“I need you to go on a scouting mission. A group went out earlier and never returned. I want to know why.”
“Are you finally giving me a weapon?”
“You trust me?”
“I don’t have to trust you. I’m only giving you a handgun. I’ll cut you down before you get the chance to use it against anyone. Besides, you won’t be alone on this mission. Your partner will make sure to keep you in line.”
“And who is this lucky partner?” he asked with a smirk. Michonne smirked back, making Negan drop his own. “Who is it?”
“I can’t believe you agreed to this,” Negan mused as the two of you walked through the woods. You rolled your eyes and kept walking, trying to keep your mind focused on the mission at hand, and not the man behind you giving you bedroom eyes. 
“I didn’t agree to you, I agreed to the job. Michonne said you’d be the only one up to it.”
“Why did she say that?” he asked, stepping next to you. You glared up at him which only made him laugh. 
“She said that you’re desperate to win back in our good graces,” you mocked.
“I thought that would make you happy.”
“You may have tricked Michonne into thinking you’ve changed, but I know you better than that.”
“I know, you knew me real well.”
“You’d think that a year in prison would make you mature a little, but I guess not,” you said as you peered through the forest.
“Can’t change my sense of humor,” he said, grabbing onto your waist and spinning you round to face him. You pushed him away gently, touching him for the first time. He looked down at your hand for a moment, smiling. “But I have changed, Y/N,” he said seriously.
“Because you didn’t have a choice.”
“That’s still change, baby.” You rolled your eyes and walked away from him, determined to keep this mission on track. The sooner you found out what happened to your friends, the sooner you could get back home and back to ignoring Negan.
“Come on,” you called.
“Where are those happy days? They seem so hard to find.”
“What?” you scoffed, spinning back around.
“I try to reach for you but you have closed your mind.” You rolled your eyes again and turned back around. “What ever happened to our love? I wish I understood. It used to be so nice, it used to be so good.”
“It wasn’t good. You murdered and controlled people for years, just to get your dick up.” 
“Hey, hey, come on now,” he said, running to catch up with you, “I don’t need that to get my dick up.”
“Please don’t make me roll my eyes again,” you complained. Negan laughed, biting his lip. He always loved a challenge. “Michonne said the group was looking for supplies near the Sanctuary.”
“It’s overrun with walkers.”
“I know, but she still wants us to check what happened. If they got bit, we report back, if another group is out there,” you trailed off, “We report that, too.”
“What if you and I get back together?” he asked huskily.
“Fuck off,” you groaned, walking away from him.
“Come on, can’t we at least talk about us? It’s still a long walk.”
“There’s nothing more to say.”
“You haven’t really said much, darling,” he teased. You took in a deep breath and slowed so he could catch up. 
“I told you months ago. We’re over. The way you controlled those people was horrible. I can barely forgive myself for standing by you for so long, I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to forgive you for doing all of it.”
“I know, but I’m not that man anymore.”
“Are you saying that you aren’t Negan?” you asked, smirking slightly. He smiled back, stepping closer. “Negan.”
“I’m not who I was before. I really have changed. Let me prove it to you.”
“How?” you asked quietly.
“By being on this trip. I didn’t have to come out here.”
“If you didn’t Michonne would have thrown you back in your cell.”
“Nevertheless, I’m here, and I’m determined to get your friends back.” You looked at him seriously, raising a single eyebrow. 
“Well, that would be a start.” He smirked and nodded his head before starting to walk again. You hadn’t even realized you stopped, or that you had stood so close to him. You took a calming breath to regain your composure and followed him. It was still a long walk to the Sanctuary, and there was no way you were going to let him convince you back into bed with him. 
You walked in silence for the next half hour, until you got closer to the Sanctuary. You must have been miles away, but even from here, you could hear the moans of the walkers.
“Wait here. I’ll go look ahead and see what we’re up against.” He walked off, leaving you truly alone with your thoughts.
“You seem so far away, though you are standing near,” you said to yourself, “You made me feel alive, but something died I fear. I really tried to make it out. I wish I understood. What happened to our love, it used to be so good.”
“You say something?” he asked, breaking you from your thoughts. You shook your head and looked at him. He didn’t believe you, you could see it in his eyes, but you weren’t going to explain yourself. You still had to convince yourself that you weren’t still in love with him before you could talk to him at all. 
“What did you find?”
“A set of footprints. I think it was your friends.”
“Really?” you asked, jogging to catch up to him. 
“Come on.” You followed after him for the next ten minutes, not talking as you ran. He seemed to know where he was going, which concerned you, until you realized you knew where he was going, too. The tracks were leading you to a cabin just outside of the Sanctuary, where you and Negan had spent more than a few nights together. It was nothing romantic, but it was private and well stocked. If your friends made it there, they should still be safe. 
Once it appeared in your line of sight, Negan touched your forearm. He looked into your eyes, silently asking if you wanted to do this. You had taken out a handful of walkers on your way, you didn’t know what you might find inside.
“If I need help, I’ll call out S.O.S, okay?” you asked with a smirk.
“Alright. I’ll be watching your six.”
“Oh, I know you will.”
You stepped carefully into the cabin, calling out as you opened the door. Instantly, three guns were pointed at your face. You held up your hands, looking into the eyes of your friends.
“Y/N,” they said, dropping their weapons. “What are you doing here?”
“What are you all still doing here?”
“Albert went beyond the cabin, hoping to find more supplies. We’ve been waiting for him to come back before we come home.”
“Where is he?” you asked.
“Uh, Y/N?” Negan called, turning your attention back to the woods. You didn’t need to question where Albert had gone anymore. Ten walkers were coming up on your group, with a zombified Albert leading the group.
“We’ve got to go,” you said, glancing back at the group. They nodded and you all raised your weapons. Behind Albert’s group of walkers, you saw another, larger group coming. 
“S.O.S,” Negan called. You laughed quickly, glancing around for the best way out. You pointed to your left and led them away from the slow walking killers. 
“Ah!” Just as you thought you were getting away, one of your friends tripped over a tree stump and had lodged their foot underneath a branch. 
“Shit,” you muttered, turning back around.
“No,” Negan called, “Keep going!”
“I’m not leaving him!”
“Go!” You knew you didn’t have another choice. Your friends didn’t know their way back like you did. 
“Come on,” you called to your friends as they started to slow. You gave Negan a meaningful look before continuing on the retreat. Finally, you got far enough away that you didn’t hear the walkers anymore. You instructed them all to take a break, as you looked around for any sign of Negan or your fallen friend.
“You’re wasting your time,” Hilary said, shaking her head.
“Bruce is gone. Negan left him to die. That’s who he is.” You opened your mouth to argue, but knew it was hopeless. She was probably right.
“Have you no faith?” You whipped your head around for what felt like the hundredth time that day, and saw Negan walking up, supporting Bruce. 
“Bruce!” Hilary cried, running up to embrace him.
“You saved him,” you said, dumbfounded.
“I told you, I’ve changed.”
“I guess you have,” you said, looking him up and down.
“Can we get back to Alexandria?” Finn asked. “We’re still not safe out here.”
“He’s right,” you said, smiling gently at Negan.
“Yeah, let’s get going.”
More knocks came from Negan’s door as he was preparing dinner for himself. He groaned as he went to open it, but changed his demeanor when he saw who it was.
“Hey,” you said awkwardly.
“Mind if I come in?”
“No, of course not,” he said, waving you in. “Want something to eat?”
“No, I just came to thank you for what you did. For helping me find them, saving Bruce. It was really nice to see you like that.”
“Don’t lie to yourself, sweetheart,” he said, stepping closer to you, “It’s nice to see me all the time.”
“Ah, so you haven’t changed completely.”
“No, but I’m trying.”
“I know.” You sighed, “I have missed you.”
“Good, I’ve missed you, too,” he said, putting his hands on your waist. You promised yourself you weren’t going to fall for him again, but if you hadn’t ever stopped loving him, was it really falling for him again? 
“I’ve missed you, too. When you’re gone, how can I even try to move on? Although I tried, how can I carry on?”
“Shut up and kiss me,” he said, tilting your chin up. You kissed him, and the moment you did, his grip on your waist tightened. You wrapped your arms him, deepening the kiss, realizing that you had never stopped loving him. If he was willing to change, you were willing to stand by him again.
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neganandblake · 7 years
Imagine Negan and Blake seeing Baby Mia doing this with one of her little friends at the Sanctuary...❤️❤️
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You think Papa Negan would be happy about that?☺️
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weareall-negan-blog · 6 years
L’hai mai provato quel senso di schifo addosso, quel nodo in gola, quella voglia di sbottare e mandare tutto quanto a puttane?.
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