#negative effects of birth control
chaoticbooklesbian · 14 days
According to the Doctor Who Listened To Me, switching from my birth control to this new treatment could result in weight loss, if, indeed, my steady weight gain over the last decade or so was due to the birth control. I'm having severely mixed feelings about this possibility.
On the one hand, if I did lose all the weight birth control (presumably) made me gain, it would be much easier to interact with the world. Buying (and making) clothes would be much easier. Buying furniture, too, and cheaper besides. I'd be able to ride roller coasters again, sit in whatever seat in a theater, sit in booths in restaurants. I wouldn't have to ask for seatbelt extenders on planes, or worry about unintentionally invading someone's space because of how much I take up just by existing.
On the other hand...I've seen what happens when people lose that kind of weight. I've seen how much better they're treated. I am so desperate to protect the younger me who lives in my head from having it proven that it was her body that was incorrect, not the people around her. I don't want little girl me to have to know, conclusively, that they were right, that she would have had it so much better if she just lost the weight. I don't want to see just how much more desirable I would've been this whole time if I'd just been half the size I am. I don't want to know how many crushes would have liked me back if I'd just been smaller. I don't want to know exactly how unworthy I am now, as I currently am. And I'm terrified, because I know that if the weight does come off, I'll find out whether I want to or not.
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goldlightsaber · 10 months
Not a medical professional so take this with a grain of salt, but I think anyone who is numb and depressed and is also on birth control should try and investigate, if they are able, whether the birth control is the cause. Even if you think you know the cause. I thought I knew and then I went off birth control and it turned out a lot of my mental health issues were, in large part, due to the birth control.
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weebsinstash · 2 years
tw we're talking about pregnancy and abortion, guys ✌
You know, besides my own significant mental health issues, this is literally one of the biggest reasons I've never tried to have a serious relationship. I would legitimately have anxiety attacks thinking about "what if I find a partner and everything is going great and I get pregnant? I can barely take care of myself let alone a baby and I have a lot of bad genetic stuff I can pass on". I would think "what if my partner wanted to keep it and I didnt?" or what about being forced to give birth when I didn't want to? Even when putting a child up for adoption, childbirth changes your body forever, and it's extremely fucking painful
And now that's. Not even going to be my choice anymore, at least in the future. Like I already accepted that I'm probably never going to have a serious relationship, because I'm not actively pursuing it and quite frankly I don't think I'm in the right place mentally to not get abused or taken advantage of, but this is genuinely a massive barrier to me even starting a relationship to begin with 😔 like legitimately the fear of knowing "oh god if you forget birth control even once or god forbid it fails it's basically a giant fucking bomb going off that destroys my entire life" is enough to scare me away
This is just such a deeply personal, really scary thing for me and a lot of other people in America right now. The fact that certain states and lawmakers are even trying to take the next step and outlaw different forms of birth control and even condoms is even scarier because they legitimately want to leave us with nothing. And sorry but this IS a religious matter because these politicians, or at least the people funding them, are deeply conservative and have personal religious beliefs on sex outside of marriage and some ultra conservatives genuinely believe you should have sex ONLY to reproduce and that if you're not trying to get pregnant you shouldn't be having sex anyways
Anyways I guess I'll just. Keep myself safe and loved in my writing, if nowhere else 😔 at least there's some hypothetical universe out there where my personal feelings and autonomy is respected
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69shrimp · 2 years
birth control is so funny bc youll be like hey i get this unbearable side effect daily and the doctor is like "thats not happening. not from birth control!" because they dont want you to go off it
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gworlinterrupted · 11 months
had to go home from rocky horror early cause i felt so sick. literally homophobic
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unknown-limes · 7 months
When I attempted to get my Nexplanon implant the first time, they scheduled my appointment for a week when the only person there certified to put it in was on vacation. They did not tell me that she wasn't there until I was in the appointment, and then they tried to push the IUD on me. I walked out with a Depo shot instead (and that sucked for different reasons) n got my implant three months later. Turns out it works really well for me, gets rid of my period (which caused some dysphoria for me so bonus) and helps control my mood swings. Who'd've thunk!
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guhhhhhhhhhhh · 8 months
The cruel dichotomy of gaining weight because of birth control, but the reason I'm on birth control isn't for contraceptive reasons but like,, for my HEALTH. So like.,,, I don't want to go off it to loose the weight it made me gain, because THEN I would be subjecting myself to terrible pain and I don't want that and More Rant In Tags
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months
kinktober: pulling out
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words: 300
warnings: 18+ only, p in v sex, unprotected sex
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana
“fuck, go faster, rafe, i’m close.” you warn, watching his hips speed up, determined to get you there even though he’s so close to bursting himself.
“rub your clit f’me.” rafe commands, knowing that’s the last bit of stimulation that you need to push you over the edge, but not able to move his hands off your hips, needing to grip onto them as he pushes in and out of you at a blistering pace, his cock swelling inside of you.
you reach down and press two fingers against your clit, rubbing and quickly seeing stars, your orgasm causing your entire body to shake, and you clamp your pussy down on rafes cock, making him moan and before he can help himself, he’s cumming inside of you.
“fuck! fuck!” rafe shouts, quickly pulling out when he realizes what he’s done. “baby…”
“shh, it’s okay.” you say, feeling rafes cum inside of you, unlike all over your stomach where he was supposed to have pulled out and cum.
“no, fuck, baby, i’m so so sorry.” you see rafes face crumple and sit up quickly, wrapping your arms around him. “hey, rafe, it’s okay, really.” you can’t help but let out a little giggle. “i started birth control a few weeks ago, we are completely fine.” “you did?” rafe asks, pulling away to look at your face. “why didn’t you tell me?” “because i didn’t want to get you all excited about it only to have to stop if i had negative side effects. i’d figure i’d wait until i was sure i’d keep taking it.” “oh, okay.” rafe nods, pressing his hand to your tummy. “so you’re not gonna get pregnant?” “nope.” you shake your head.
“so that means i can cum in you again?” rafe asks excitedly.
you giggle and nod, barely able to press a kiss to rafes lips before he has you pushed back on the bed, taking his place back between your legs.
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explicit-tae · 2 months
when is the next part of ungodly hour please tell me 😫
right here! introudcing a request that a few people has been wanting to see
Ungodly Hour (8)
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Fuck Chaeyoung and Jimin for always being able to figure out when something is wrong with you.
word count: 2.684
“Girl,” Chaeyong’s voice says over the phone. It echos off of the bathroom walls. She’s watching you as you violently brush your teeth and in the process of scrubbing your tongue, a look of disgust on your face. Your phone is leaning against one of the toothbrush holders and she appears visibly amused.  “maybe you’re pregnant.”
You choke, feeling yourself ready to vomit again - this time due to Chaeyoung’s words. Your eyes widen and you stare back at your phone for a moment. Spitting the toothpaste and rinsing your mouth, you turn off the water. 
“Don’t,” you say with gritted teeth. “start that shit again.”
Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. She’s in the process of making herself a sandwich. She shakes her head as she butters her bread. “You missed your period and you’re throwing up. What else can it be?” Chaeyoung was indeed correct. But, your periods were often irregular so that could never be a sign of pregnancy. You’ve gone two months without it before just for it to come on a random Wednesday work shift.
“I’m on birth control.”
“That’s never 100% effective.” Chaeyoung scoffs. “People get pregnant while on birth control all the time.”
Chaeyoung was right again and you could only sigh. You want to blame your sudden nausea on food poisoning. Maybe something you ate just didn’t sit right with you - that’s always a possibility. Maybe you were just getting sick as the seasons changed. Pregnancy would be the last of your options as anything could be possible.
“Let’s not forget that your boyfriend often has to remind you to take said birth control.”
“Shut up.” you grumble, snatching your phone and making your way out of the bathroom. You hated when Chaeyoung was right because it only meant that your mind would be wandering on the possibilities. 
“I can’t be pregnant now. That means I’ll have a Scorpio.” you murmur, crashing down against Jungkook’s bed, silk sheets inviting you in. “There’s enough birthdays in November as it is. It’ll completely ruin the vibe.”
“You should’ve thought about that before you were being a whore on Valentine’s day.” Chaeyoung sing-songs, her sandwich now complete and she munches onto it happily. “Can’t blame you. Jungkook did go all out like always.”
You’re positive you know just where it all began and like Chaeyoung said, Jungkook had to be the dramatic type that made you want to fuck him. The amount of roses you walked into had to be costly and you’re sure he must’ve bought out half of the store alone. The gifts, the home cooked meals along with the low music, champagne…
“Fuck Jeon Jungkook.” you grumble, throwing your phone beside you so Chaeyoung can see your view - the ceiling and she’s positive you were wallowing in self pity.
Truly, Fuck Jeon Jungkook and the way you can never seem to stay off of him.
It took a week for you to decide to get a pregnancy test that you were sure would be negative regardless. You weren’t going to let Chaeyoung’s words of despair get to you - and you were only taking this test to prove to her (and yourself) that you weren’t pregnant and that whatever is going on with you was just a mere sickness.
The brown paper bag sits on the bathroom counter and has been for hours now. Jungkook wasn’t the one to check what wasn’t his and you’re unsure why you’re hesitant on taking it.
It’s Sunday now and that meant that not only was Jungkook here, but so was Namjoon, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin. They gather in the living room, movie blasting throughout the space and you walk by without any of them batting an eye.
All except Jimin as he was the only one who ever wanted to humor you and this fake beef you two held for one another.
“Well, well…you finally decided to join us.” Jimin calls, eyes watching as you make your way towards the kitchen. 
“Fuck off, Jimin.”
Taehyung snorts, allowing a few chuckles to be released.
Jimin looks around, wondering why in the world you could possibly tell him to fuck off out of all people. Of course, he didn't because he was Jimin. This causes him to sit forward and tilt his head.
“You look different.” Jimin notes, eyes taking in your appearance. This causes Jungkook’s head to turn to see whatever it was that Jimin saw.
Jungkook’s eyes being on you causes goosebumps to litter your skin and you desperately want to tell Jimin to fuck off again, but that wouldn’t do any good.
“You look…healthy.” Jimin’s eyes begin to squint a bit, his head tilting to the other side.
“Healthy?” you snicker with a roll of your eyes. “What the fuck did I look before?”
“Ugh, Y/N, shut up.” Jimin stands, making his way around the couch and towards you. You can feel Jungkook’s eyes on you and his friend, but he remains silent. “You look…dare I say glowy.”
You click your tongue inside your mouth. Jimin’s tone is different, almost as if confused. His eyes study you closely.
“If I didn’t know you, Jimin, I would say you’re flirting with me.” you turn away and go towards the box of pizza on the counters. 
Jimin cackles. “As if I would go for anyone like you.” 
“That’s a lot coming from a man like you.” you bite back. “I know exactly what girls you like.”
Jimin swallows back his words, a soft tint to his cheeks. No one was ever going to let him live down what that bitch said. “I pay for Onlyfan’s once and suddenly I’m the one being laughed at.” he grumbles to himself.
“I actually like her. She humbles you and it’s exactly what you need.” you open a box of pizza - pepperoni. You grab at it and inhale, the smell reaches your nose and instantly you drop it right back into the box.
Jimin’s eyebrows furrow at your actions, watching you closely. His arms begin to cross and it’s as if alarm bells were going off in his head. 
“You little slut.” Jimin smirks.
Your stomach churns and you can feel the increase of saliva inside your mouth. You let out a shaky breath.
“You…that’s why you look so glowy. It’s too soon to look like this now…” Jimin speaks - mainly to himself. “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?”
It happens entirely too fast and maybe this was just Jimin’s karma for annoying you constantly. You appear to be stuck, completely frozen in place, when you vomit entirely onto him. The man screeches and gags at the warm vomit hitting his chest. 
Jungkook is on his feet immediately, coming to your side. He places a hand onto your back, a look of concern on his face. “Y/N? Baby, are you okay?”
“What the fuck?!” Jimin hisses, eyes wide with disbelief. “I’m the one with stomach acid on me! Can someone ask if I’m okay?”
“This isn’t about you right now.” Jungkook waves him off. “Come, let’s get you cleaned up.”
“She…oh wow.” Jimin watches in disbelief as Jungkook ushers you away. His shirt sticks to him sickeningly. 
Hoseok is the first to laugh, shaking his head at Jimin. 
“What just happened?” Namjoon questions.
Now you feel like crying out of embarrassment as Jungkook brings you into the bathroom. “Do  you still need to throw up? Was it something you ate earlier?” he asks, his mind going on a thousand different possibilities on how you could be sick right now. 
“N-No, I’m fine.” you murmur, pushing yourself away from him and going to brush your teeth again. Your body is hot - mainly due to humiliation of having vomited on Jimin. You wouldn’t be this embarrassed if it was just Jimin there, because well, fuck him. But the other’s…
You groan, scrubbing the taste of vomit out of your mouth.
Jungkook watches closely. 
“You’re not fine. Are you sick?” he questions. “You probably need some medicine.”
Jungkook looks around the bathroom for a moment, his eyes dropping on the brown paper bag that’s folded in half. He looks at it for a moment. “Is this medicine you got earlier or-”
It isn’t your intention to snatch the bag out of his hands the way you do. Jungkook is taken aback by your actions, eyes widening slightly. He takes a step back, apologetic about touching something that wasn’t his. 
“I-I mean-”
“It’s okay.” Jungkook shakes his head. He swallows. “I’m…going to clean up out there. I’ll be back.”
Jungkook leaves the bathroom and now you feel worse than before. You shut off the water and groan.
You don’t want Jungkook to think that him trying to help was a bad decision. The paper bag is crumbling in your grasp and it’s a sign that you can no longer put off the contents on what’s inside of it.
You were a grown woman and a little pregnancy test shouldn’t scare you. You’ve dealt with tougher scenarios and this was outside of your character. Your mother didn’t raise you to be a scared bitch.
So you took the test - ripping the bag open entirely and then the rectangular box. It happens all under a minute and you realize this is the first time you ever took a pregnancy test.
You placed the top onto the test and put it on top of the brown paper bag as you await for what it says.
“Five minutes…” you murmur to yourself.
Jungkook doesn’t expect to see you so soon. He’s cleaning up a bit of vomit from the floor when you enter the kitchen. He had already managed to get everyone out of the home as Jimin ripped off the shirt and hurled it into the trash before exiting himself. He offers a smile your way. “Feeling better?”
“I’m such a bitch.” you sigh with a shake of your head.
Jungkook snickers. “What do you mean?” he asks. “You shouldn’t talk about yourself that way.”
“Shut up and stop being so nice.” you grumble. “I shouldn’t have acted that way in the bathroom. I’m just…” you inhale deeply. Your mother would have surely given you a mouth full if she saw the way you treated her precious Jungkook.
Jungkook continues to clean the rest of the mess before turning back to you. He notices you’re completely still, watching his every move. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jungkook takes a few steps closer to you. “You got a fever or something?”
Jungkook’s hands are soft but a bit cool to the touch. He touches your forehead and rubs it down towards your cheek. 
“You don’t feel warm.” Jungkook comments. “I…” you trail off, unable to shake the look of Jungkook’s eyes off of you. “...my mother didn’t raise a scared bitch.” you repeat the same words aloud and it causes Jungkook to laugh.
“What do you mean-”
“I might be pregnant.” you interrupt him, needing to get the weight off of your shoulders. And you’re surprised that it did. You exhale with a raise of your brows. “That was easier than I thought it’d be.”
You look Jungkook in the eye, his doe ones staring intently back at you.
“I took a test.” you continue. “That’s what was inside the brown paper bag and why I snatched it the way I did.”
For once Jungkook is silent and it causes your stomach to churn again - this time with nerves. He’s so silent that you’re unable to read his expression.
Standing in front of him becomes a bit awkward and you’re anxious to get out of this situation entirely. 
“I’m gonna go…” you go to move yourself and this is what causes Jungkook to snap himself back into reality.
“I was processing your words.” Jungkook shakes his head, dropping his hand from your cheek. “Sorry…” he murmurs, blinking a few times. “...How long have you…suspected it?”
You take a deep breath then scoff. “I’ve been in denial. With Chaeyoung and Jimin it’s hard to not face reality.”
Jungkook hums, he suppose that’s why you threw up on Jimin so suddenly.
“I can’t read you.” you murmur, avoiding Jungkook’s gaze. “You’re usually…more readable.”
“Would you be upset if you were pregnant right now?”
Now that you had admitted to him that there was a possibility of pregnancy, he wants to be open with you. He wants to hear your thoughts and feelings about the situation. 
“It’s not ideal.” you shrug your shoulders, pondering on the question. “Would you?” “No.” Jungkook admits. “Of course not. I love you.”
You sigh. Fuck Jeon Jungkook and how understanding he was.
“But I also know this isn’t something you want…” Jungkook lets his hand touch your cheek once more and now you allow your eyes to meet his. 
“Well, duh.” you scoff. “I still haven’t met your parents. They're going to think I’m a whore if I just show up pregnant.” you’re only half joking but just the thought of meeting his parents and having to deliver news of a pregnancy just sounded backwards.
“They wouldn’t!” Jungkook insists. “My mom’s been dying to meet you.” he admits. He had to convince his mother countless times to not just show up randomly at his home and take matters into her own hands. “I've just been waiting for you to be ready. There isn’t a rush.”
Jungkook’s thumb traces the outline of your lips. He smiles down at you.
“Stop smiling. You’re supposed to be…”
Jungkook furrows a brow. “Suppose to be what? Mad?” he snorts - it’s almost as if you didn’t know him entirely. He had already planned the wedding in his mind and exactly how many kids he wanted to have with you (if you allowed). 
“Well I wasn’t expecting you to look so fucking excited, either.” you hiss, lightly pushing at his chest. “The test can be negative, you know. It could be fatigue or my blood sugar could be high or low…”
Jungkook nods his head at your words, listening to you. “Or, you can be pregnant,” he states. “Either or, I want what’s best for you. One step at a time.”
You nod your head at him and allow your cheek to nestle into his palm. 
“We can check together.” Jungkook leans closer to you, his nose tickling yours. “And we’ll do what we need to do from there.”
Jungkook pecks your lips in a comforting kiss. It’s weird to see how domesticated the two of you are - how comfortable. You would’ve never seen yourself entertaining someone like Jungkook a year ago, but now you and he are together constantly. You feel at home when you’re  around him; at ease when you’re in his warm embrace. Your heart is full whenever you’re around him and it yearns whenever you’re away for too long.
Fuck Jeon Jungkook and the way he has made you soft for him; this wasn’t suppose to be. You were supposed to finish college as independently as possible and focus on a career until you decided you were ready to entertain anyone.
How the tables truly turned.
“I’m scared.”
Jungkook wraps his arms around you, chin resting on your shoulder. The test is a few feet away and none of you can see the answer on it just yet.
“This is the first time you’ve admitted you are scared.” Jungkook teases. “I thought your mother didn’t raise a scared bitch.”
“Fuck you.”
“I did and this is why we’re in this predicament.” Jungkook retorts coolly. “We’ll check together, okay?”
“Okay.” you nod your head. 
Jungkook and you step further into the bathroom and you grab the test. You turn around to face him, looking into his anticipating eyes. “So…do we both look or do I look and tell you or-”
“You’re procrastinating again, baby.” Jungkook places his hand on top of yours. “We’ll look together.”
Jungkook’s eyes lowers to the test in your hands just as yours does. The test tightens in your grasp as you look down at the letters on the small screen.
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See the Future (Final Part)
@minaamhh @suciedad-divina @satisfied18 @y2k5bby @petalsofink @swga-ficrecs @rrrapmonste-rr @xtrataerrestrial @bangctans @danielle143 @taekritimin123 @thelilbutifulthings @jksjx @tasha-0795 @busanbby-jjk @joonlover1207 @hollowtree11 @amberpanda99 @parkinglot-nights @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @hoseokteardrop @jingerbreadoutofstock @subtaegguk @ultimatebasura
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starryknight-tarot · 10 months
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝔂?
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pile 1 -- > pile 2
pile 3 -- > pile 4
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls✨ we are back in the building with another tarot reading. Today we will be looking into your destiny, a general idea of what your purpose is on this beautiful planet. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Art by @pop_KOME on Twitter (or X lol).
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Pile 1:
Cards: Knight of Swords rx, Queen of Wands, The Chariot, Six of Wands, King of Cups, Eight of Cups, Five of Wands, Justice
Back of the Deck: Nine of Swords
Pile 1, your destiny is to be a leader. I feel a strong spiritual presence for this pile, I feel like you are very strongly protected by your spirit team, you may even have some powerful archangels in your spirit team. Also hearing some of yall may be an Aquarius and have heavy water energy in your birth chart. You are someone who has watched the people in your life be mistreated and conditioned to just suffer through traumatic experiences. But instead of following in the same path of suffering, you take action. Your destiny is to help the people around cope with life and make life feel a little easier. Some of you can do this just by being your true authentic self which encouraging others to do the same. Some of you are destine to be therapists, judges, lawyers, maybe even politicians. If any of you play Honkai Star Rail, you are giving major Natasha vibes. You are destined to run organisations that could literally save lives or make life a lot easier for people. I am also hearing some of yall could create something that would become really popular and almost in a way save people. Like, have you ever had a show or song or form of art that has shaped your life, taught you a lesson, or helped you from a really hard experience. Your destiny is to be that for people or create something that has that effect on people. I am seeing specifically Studio Ghibli so that could have an impact on you, or inspired you to create something. For some of you, your destiny is to be parent, but more specifically to help raise someone the right way(?). Kinda going along with what I was saying before, you may have had a really unhealthy home environment growing up and when it's your turn to be a parent, you will make it your mission to make sure your child doesn't have to go through what you went through, in a healthy way, of course if you don't want to be a parent then this doesn't apply. I just heard, "It's your job to call out the bullcrap." It's your purpose to stand up and say no when others won't or are too scared. You have a lot of influence on people Pile 1, and your purpose is to use it to help the people around you.
Advice Cards:
Align body, mind and spirit. Know that you are whole
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Hold a positive outlook. You will see it when you believe it
To effect a change, you must be willing
Get clear about what you want
It is time to unclutter your body, mind, and spirit
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 2
Cards: The Emperor rx, Eight of Wands, The Hanged Man rx, King of Swords, Queen of Wands, Four of Wands rx, Page of Cups, The Sun
Back of the Deck: The Devil
Your destiny is to be a shining light in the darkness. The small ounce of hope when everything seems to be lost. Now that is a big role Pile 2. I heard just now, "Your duty is to spread warmth." and "All you gotta do is slay all day." LMAO. You may currently or in the past have felt like everything is hopeless and you may have repeated very negative affirmations. I feel like it's a part of your purpose to learn about how powerful words are and use it to your advantage. When you finally start to use your words in a way that shows hope and positivity, is when you will fully align with your higher self and see all the beautiful things that life truly has to offer. This pile reminds me of another reading I did, it was Pile 4 of my what makes you so attractive reading so if you picked that pile, this pile is definitely for you. If you are interested and haven't read that reading then I would highly recommend it. I feel like your destiny to spread kindness. I am seeing a scenario where you are working somewhere and someone was having a bad day, but after talking with you for a short while, they are in a really good mood and feel amazing. I feel like your use of words and how you express yourself freely is your purpose. I feel like this pile is the most likely to be famous, I am seeing specifically a streamer. I feel like you are just someone that people could listen to talk for hours and it just feels so calming and relaxing. I am kinda picking up on when Among Us was really popular and there was a handful of streamers that were just majorly comforting for people, especially since that was when COVID was really bad. If you did follow thoses streamers, you may know Sykkuno, and I am saying this because I feel like you have a very similar life purpose as Sykkuno or you are just very similar to him. I heard you are like a safe place for people. I feel like your purpose is to make a domino effect for love and kindness. Like when you smile at someone, they smile, and then they make someone else smile and it just spreads. Some of yall may be into yoga or maybe even wanna be yoga instructors. You could also be a masseuse. Your destiny is to be a comforting presence and to show people another way to look a life. (I feel like this pile is very different from Pile 1, however there are some messages from Pile 1 that I strongly feel that may apply to you so if you did feel called to Pile 1 as well, please do read it)
Advice Cards:
Remain faithful to your ideal and find trust within yourself
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Remove all resistances and move into a state of flow
It is time to challenge old beliefs
You can manifest your heart's desire
To effect a change, you must be willing
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 3
Cards: Two of Pentacles rx, Knight of Pentacles, Strength rx, The Lovers, Page of Swords, Nine of Cups, Temperance, Three of Cups
Back of the Deck: Nine of Wands
There is some crazy beautiful messages for this pile. Your destiny is to see your dreams become a reality. I am getting that you are someone who has worked very hard for everything you have, I am hearing started from the bottom now we're here lol. Pile 3, all the hard work and love you have put into you goals and dreams are destined to shine brightly. You will be able eat the fruits of your labor. Honestly Pile 3, I just see good things coming towards you and it is so wholesome. I feel like there has been a lot of times where you've just wanted to give up and take the easy route of life, giving into words that say you will never achieve anything you strive to. But it is literally your destiny to succeed. Spirit is saying that all the times that have been rough and cruel have been so that when you finally get to relax and see your hard work flourish, it will feel even more rewarding. I feel like things you never thought would be possible for you will come true. Finding true love, a soul family that you can always rely on. I heard multiple people will fall in love you. Pile 3, its your destiny to go on a journey of self love, this journey may be a spiritual awakening for you, by connecting with spiritual, it can help you realize your true potential. I feel like all this love and success will take a while for you though, especially if you tend to put yourself down and don't acknowledge the work you need to do. I feel like some of you are really passionate about your dreams but fail to really push yourself and challenge yourself because of your insecurities. Don't try to be humble Pile 3, you are amazing and the world wants to see you shine! If you are procrastinating about the things you want to bring into your life and putting yourself down when you make mistakes, these blessings will delay and if it gets really bad, may never come. Mistakes are extremely human and we are meant to make mistakes to learn from them and improve even more. Believe in the power of your mind and creativity and the universe, and that's when blessings will manifest. Spirit wants you to enjoy life to the fullest and enjoy the things life has to offer.
Advice Cards:
Remain faithful to your ideal and find trust within yourself
Your spirit wings are unfolding. It is time to take flight!
Practice the pause
Keep the faith. Stay intentioned. Your perseverance will pay off
You are moving beyond your old form. Congratulations!
Relax and feel good. You deserve more joy!
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 4
Cards: Seven of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, King of Swords, Four of Swords rx, Four of Wands, Seven of Cups, Six of Wands, Page of Cups
Back of the Deck: Ace of Swords
You have some fun energy Pile 4. It is your destiny to enjoy the ride of life. To let life take the wheel and chill in the fast lane. This pile got so much swords cards, so yall could be an air sign, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, or have a very air heavy birth chart. With the swords cards I am getting that it's your destiny to be free. You may currently feel tied down by people and burdens that just feel so heavy and tiring. But it is your destiny to escape from the shackles of these things and have fun. You are supposed to enjoy the things you have missed out on for so long. I feel like you have felt held back by societies expectations of you and changed yourself to fit in. But the universe wants you to express yourself and show us who you really are. It will feel amazing when you do. People are always going to have problems with you being yourself because your confidence makes them feel intimidated in their own lack of self expression. They are all just jealous of you, so don't let them hold you back from enjoying the things you are passionate about and from feeling the wind on your skin. For some of you, it's your destiny to be a cool parent or like aunt or uncle. I feel like you will have a strong influence on the people close to you, you will be like a role model for the younger people around you. It's because you show them how beautiful freedom and just expressing yourself without worrying about what others think of can be. I also feel like you will meet someone that is your divine counterpart. Someone that understands you better than anyone else will. This could be romantic but it doesn't have to be. This connection will be something everyone will be envious of. This person is someone you know you will grow old with. Your destiny is to enjoy with a smile on your face.
Advice Cards:
Expect good things to come to you
It's time to try something new!
It is important to ask for help
To effect a change, you must be willing
It is time to challenge old beliefs
Act on what you know
You are divinely protected. Remind yourself how safe you are
Channeled Songs:
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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icyg4l · 3 months
Pick-A-Girl Group: What Purpose Do the Women In Your Life Serve?
Continuing on with my Women’s History Month series, I am going to do a reading on how the women in your life feel about you and the effect of these feelings. I am going to be using the True Heart Tarot Deck and the Archetype Oracle Deck. These readings are supposed to uplift, relate to and inspire women so I hope they serve their purpose. I Without further ado, please pick your pile. 🫶
***Disclaimer: Regardless of your gender identity, the women that are in your life deserve to be celebrated as long as they have pure intentions. Much love. 🩷
Left-to-Right (1-4):
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Pile One: If you resonate with the image of FLO, then you deserve the whole fucking world. Pile One, the women in your life absolutely adore you. You probably resonate with the song’s theme: recognizing beauty in yourself when everyone is against you, specifically as a black woman. You have come such a long way. The women that are currently in your life have seen you make mistakes and allowed you to do so. They recognize your evolution. A lot of you have a best friend who you’ve been friends with for a long time and she is so proud of you. She is proud of the person that you have become. This pile has some cheerleaders around them. I feel like the women in your life are meant to take inspiration from what you are going through right now. I think that you may be going through your redemption arc.You’re forgiving yourself for a lot of things that you’ve done in the past. The women in your life see that and are following suit. After all, living life does mean not being a robot. These women who are around you are all ears, very receptive to what it is that you are doing with your life. You’re like their Oprah, lol. If you have a story to tell, share it with her. She may need to hear it. I channeled the show: Beyond Scared Straight; specifically the parts where the prisoners talk to the kids about their life stories and the reasoning for why they should not end up in jail. I feel like you could be someone’s mentor, whether they’re younger or the same age as you, perhaps even older. You are someone’s Reesa Teesa too, lol. I get the feeling that you need to be talking about yourself, Pile One. There is an audience full of women who are willing to hear you out and listen. When I pulled from the oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
God: Benevolence and compassion. Recognizing the eternal force within yourself and others/Despotism and cruelty. Using power to control people 
Mother: Nurturance, patience, unconditional love. Joy in giving birth to life/Smothering or abandoning children. Instilling guilt in children for becoming independent.
Poet: Expresses soul insights in symbolic language/Turns a lyric gift to negative or destructive effect. 
Cards Used: 2 of Swords, 4 of Discs, 9 of Cups, Prince of Wands (RX), King of Discs, Four of Cups, Temperance.
Pile Two: If you resonate with the photo of Destiny’s Child, you got some ride or dies around you for real. I think that you’ve been through hell and back with the women in your life and they do not play about you. I think the women in your life want you to know that you are so worth it. I’m not going to lie Pile Two, it sounds like you’re in a toxic love situation and your girls want you out of it. Your friends, cousin or little sister could have told you that you need to exit stage left multiple times. They absolutely believe you deserve better. Hypothetically speaking, If y’all fell out today and an emergency happened tomorrow, they would be on the way to the hospital. I feel like family is so important to you. They feel like you’ve forgot about them but I don’t think that you have. Circumstances make it difficult for you all to see eye-to-eye. The women in your life want you to know that you are not alone. They will forever be there for you no matter what, even if you have lost your damn mind. These challenging times will make the bond between you and these women stronger. When I pulled from the oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
Artist: Expressing a dimension of life that is beyond the five senses. Inspiring others to see life symbolically / Using talent as an excuse to mistreat others. Posing as the Starving Artist to elicit pity.
God:  Benevolence and compassion. Recognizing the eternal force within yourself and others / Despotism and cruelty. Using power to control people 
Goddess: The feminine expressed through wisdom. Nature, life force, and sensuality / Exploitation of the female nature and form 
Cards Used: Ace of Discs, 9 of Swords, Princess of Cups (RX), Prince of Discs, The Hierophant, Princess of Discs, 4 of Cups (RX), The Devil (RX), 10 of Cups.
Pile Three: If you resonate with the photo of TWICE, you got the grandmother spirit around you. Did you grow up in the church? Or at least with a god-fearing grandmother? I feel like the women in your life hate to see you unhappy and this is what you’re feeling right now. I think that you may be uninspired/unfulfilled with what life is giving you right now. It’s not an uncommon feeling. But smiling can make all the difference. The women in your life want to see you smile, make you smile and laugh. They want to be there for you like how your grandmother was. No one will ever replace Granny but her presence is always there. You may be questioning God/your higher powers because of something that deeply affected you. But the women around you want you to not feel ashamed or want you to feel like they are judging you. They have been in the same predicament. They only want to see you get better. They hate to see you like this. It may be hard to do this but look at the glass half full, rather than half empty. They want you to get back to yourself, the version of you that isn’t defeated. When I pulled from the oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
Child: Nature: Friendships with animals. Communication with nature spirits / Tendency to abuse animals, people and the environment. 
Destroyer: Releasing what is potentially destructive. Preparing for new life / Intoxication with destructive power. Destroying others’ dreams or potential.
Child: Magical: Seeing the potential for sacred beauty in all things. The belief that everything is possible / Pessimism, depression and disbelief in miracles. Believing that energy and action are not required for growth.
Cards Used: The Devil, Princess of Cups, The Star, Judgment, The Moon, Temperance, Seven of Swords.
Pile Four: And lastly, if you resonated with the photo of the Spice Girls, you seem very sensual. Are you a SWer? Do you attend pole dancing classes for fun? Do you know someone who does either of these things? I feel like the women in your life appreciate how physical you are. You’re probably an artist and you're sensitive about your shit too. The women in your life feel as though you have a lot of talents. You’re very multifaceted and they love to brag about it, especially the older women. You could been the cousin who had to show off the latest dance move. So as a result, you became the leader of the pack. You can be naturally nurturing but it can drain you. The women around you feel like you need to put up some boundaries so that you can still worry about you. They respect your quality of being a giver, but do you even respect yours-[GUNSHOT]. There is a woman that you are close to that admires a quality that you hate. She compliments it any chance she can get because she wants to uplift you. I feel like people always try to touch you, whether it’s your hair, your arms, or even your butt. The women around you could immediately shut it down or call them out or defend it. They want to protect your innocence. Even though you are grown, you have that ingenue within you. They know how you can get (especially while under the influence) so they refuse to let you get that way. When I pulled from my oracle deck, I got the following cards: 
Servant: Delight in serving others with a free and loving heart / Using the lack of money as an excuse not to move forward with life 
Bully: Highlights your tendency to intimidate others. Helps you confront the inner fears that bully you / Conceals deep fears behind verbal or physical abuse.
Hedonist: Inspires creative energy to embrace the good things in life. Celebrates the beauty in yourself / Pursues pleasure to the detriment of health. Indulges at the expense of others.
Cards Used: The Star, The Lovers, Judgment, The Emperor, 7 of Cups, 10 of Swords, Ace of Cups, The Moon, 8 of Cups (RX).
188 notes · View notes
bloompompom · 1 year
Room for Dessert
in which you help your boyfriend discover he may or may not have a thing for getting you pregnant
♡ content: eren jaeger x female reader. one shot. domestic au/established relationship, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy/menstrual cycle, semi-public masturbation (car), some temperature and food play, possessive behavior/language, overstimulation, marking, pet names (baby), explicit sexual content, explicit language. reader discretion advised. ♡ word count: ~3.1k
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You’d been with Eren for a while now and not once had you seriously talked about having kids.
The closest you’d ever come to it was throwing out a suggestion for a baby name just for the other to inevitably shoot it down in jest. Sometimes Eren would offhandedly say how much he looked forward to insert stereotypical fatherly activity here—you know, playing catch, pillow forts, that sort of thing. Or you’d find yourself fawning over a pair of baby shoes in a department store because, ohmygosh, who knew human beings could be so small? And you had to admit it: the thought of Eren wearing a baby carrier made you laugh. 
But you had a lot of steps between now and then—whenever that moment eventually came. 
That was why it came as such a surprise to Eren when he found your used pregnancy test. He discovered it in the bathroom during an afternoon spent cleaning. On his way to take out the trash, he passed you in the living room and asked about it. 
You didn’t look away from the TV when you replied, “My last period was a few days late.” You were always careful enough with your birth control, but you figured it couldn’t hurt to double-check. When the test came back negative, it was barely a blip on your radar. You didn’t think it was worth mentioning. “Not pregnant, though, so worries there.”
All Eren said back was, “Oh,” like he was expecting there to be more. You didn’t read into it any further than that. 
In hindsight, you should have, because it was still on Eren’s mind on the way to dinner. Your friend Jean had been seeing some girl and requested the social lubrication of a double date. You agreed to it; you just wished he didn’t choose to phrase it like that.
“You know, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen,” Eren said rather casually, like you were supposed to know what he was talking about. To you, it seemed like a weirdly existential—and delayed—answer to your simple question, ‘Can we get ice cream after?’
You gave him a look that was strange enough for him to clarify, “You getting pregnant, I mean.”
“We still live in an 800-square-foot apartment, Eren,” you reminded him. 
“850,” Eren corrected. You rolled your eyes. You wanted to again when he added, “And, hey, you were the one talking nonstop about that condo we looked at.”
It was cute, you reminisced. But in your head, you continued to list all the steps you’d effectively bulldoze over if you were to get pregnant right now. “We’re not even married. What would your parents think?”
“They’ve been up my ass about grandkids since they met you, you know that.” Eren stole a glance, his eyes skipping from the road just to give you a quick once-over. “Besides, I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me I’m gonna be with you forever.”
For a fleeting moment, you couldn’t breathe because your heart swelled too big for your chest. You didn’t like the feeling, but only because the timing couldn’t be worse. The stirring in your stomach was trying to convince you to ditch dinner, so you laughed it off. 
At least, you tried to. Eren worsened the knot in your gut when he said, “And you’d look, like, ridiculously hot if you were pregnant.”
You laughed again, for real this time, and held your arms out in an exaggerated loop around your belly. “Oh, yeah? My stomach would be out to here. You think that’s hot?”
“You’d make it hot.”
Right then, Eren wasn’t thinking about the traffic light he was stopped at. He was too busy thinking about you—pregnant, of course. Soft and swollen tits. The glowy look about you as you carried his child. He was pretty sure he had heard somewhere that pregnant women were always horny, too, which he wouldn’t mind one bit, obviously. 
He’d take care of you, just like he always did. And once you were bigger, still just as needy and achy for him, he’d lie you on your back and coo, ‘Here, let me do all the work for you.’
Eren thought about it long enough that you had to tell him when the light turned green. And when he confessed, with boyishly pink cheeks, he needed a minute after you parked, you cackled. Apparently, your teasing and poking only made it worse, and he swatted you away when you asked what he was thinking about to make his boner go away. 
Sure, you made fun of him for it, but deep down, you still wished you had asked him to turn the car around and go home. You made it abundantly clear throughout dinner. 
During your separate conversations, Eren with Jean and you with Pieck—no longer just some girl to you—you made random and lingering eye contact. The look you shared with Eren, as long as the tick of a clock, had you suppressing a grin. Him, too. He slipped his hand on your thigh and gave it a light squeeze. After, you fell back into your own conversations.
And when you were back in the car, you told him, “I still want ice cream, you know.”
You didn't really want it; you just wanted to tease him. And you could see it on his face that he knew it—how it was washed over with blatant disbelief. But beneath it, he was looking at you like he wanted to tear your clothes off. You weren’t sure if he was trying to hide that, though, so you encouraged him with a coy smile. 
You could hear it already, how he was about to shake his head and mutter, ‘You’re unbelievable,’ under his breath because—hello? Wasn’t the whole ice cream idea scrapped the moment you batted those fuck me eyes at him in the restaurant?
But you were wrong. Eren shifted the car into reverse, peering over his shoulder as he backed out with just a hand on the top of the wheel. He didn’t shake his head at you, and his voice was far from a mutter when he spoke.
“We can get ice cream.” He was stern about it—how he used his free hand to take your own and shove it between your legs. “But I want you to get it ready for me before we get home."
Your breath hitched in combination with Eren’s command and your surprise at how wet you were already. You could feel it through your underwear. The flowy cotton of your dress made it easy to slip your fingers beneath the band.
It was dark out. Streetlights and billboards spattered colors against the sky, all of which were dimmed by the car’s tinted windows. You focused on that—that no one could see you. You repeated it again and again as you rubbed small circles against your clit. 
You didn’t know where to look. Your attention wandered from your trembling hand down to your shoes planted against the rubber mat. Then you figured you should maybe try and close your eyes.
Eren could only risk small glimpses of you—eyes all lusty and smug—and even that felt intimidating. But when he looked at you, like really looked at you, right in the face, he smiled. You moaned softly and added a bit of pressure. 
Every twitch of your fingers pulled another breathy sound from you. You only stopped once you arrived at the drive-thru, but he directed you to keep going, even as he scanned over the menu.
It felt so dirty—you felt so dirty. You were soaked. But you weren’t thinking about the mess because Eren was working your hand for you until you were so, so close to coming. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you didn’t listen to a thing Eren said as he ordered for you.
Eren slipped his hand from you, then took yours away, too. You whined before realizing it was only because he had to drive to the window. Once you were back on the road, he returned your hand between your legs, just like before. You continued where you left off while he stole a few bites from your ice cream sitting in the cupholder. He was nice enough to spoon you some, too. 
Eren was a physical person. Always hugging, touching you everywhere. He liked to keep a hand on you, especially while driving, so you imagined this was difficult for him—especially as you reached over to try and feel him, too. 
When you were home, Eren unlocked the door and opened it wide enough for you to step inside first. You could anticipate where this was going, and you were already thinking, ‘he’s so predictable,’ when he kissed you. 
He kissed you the way you knew he wanted to kiss you in the car—and in the restaurant, and even on the drive to the restaurant. He kissed you, his head tilted into yours, like he had never known the taste of your tongue until now. 
Everything about him was hot. His lips on your collarbone. His hand on the side of your face. Even his breath as he pulled away. 
You didn’t like the look on his face when he asked, “You said you wanted dessert first, yeah?”
He led you by the hand to the kitchen. You watched as he set down the ice cream first, then turned to you next. He palmed over your hips before lifting you by them. He placed you on your island countertop, with your dress hiked high up your legs and him snug between them. 
He wrapped his hands around your jaw and brought you in for a kiss. It was at your lips first, then the corner of your mouth. You lolled your head back, letting his lips ghost over the front of your throat. When his tongue dipped into your collarbone, you took his shirt between your fists and yanked him close.
When you thought he was about to take off your dress, he went for the ice cream instead. You didn’t know what to think—even more when he took a bite. But as he let the ice cream cool his mouth, just before he swallowed, you couldn’t shy away in time before his icy lips were back on you.
You felt them in all the places he had warmed before, making the chill even worse. You giggled and fussed until he was laughing a little, too, right against your neck. 
Eren fed you a bite next. It sat there, vanilla swirling on your tongue, until it melted down the back of your throat. You weren’t as nice about it when it was your turn. You dragged him to you only to lick a broad stripe up his cheek. 
He groaned, half playfully with the other half probably a bit irked, and wiped off the sticky, sugary smear with the back of his wrist. You made up for it with a kiss and said, “Feed me another.”
He made a doubtful face at you but gave in anyway. You angled his face this time, allowing you to kiss at his ear. A breathy laugh left him, and as you grazed your lips down his throat, you felt his quickening pulse. 
Eren sat you back by your shoulders and kissed you again. He tasted like sweet cream. He looked at you with big eyes when he pulled back, his bottom lip still wetted from your kiss, and you watched him play with the hem of your dress.
“I’m going to take this off, okay?”
You nodded.
Eren did just as he said, but he took off your bra, too. As he ate more ice cream, he whispered, “Lay back for me.”
Once again, you did as you were told. His eyes never veered from you once as he licked the ice cream at the corner of his lips.
It felt strange, laying on the counter in just your panties. The quartz was cold against your back. You were already shivering by the time Eren took one of your nipples into his mouth, his chilled tongue flicking over it. Your other was occupied with his hand, rolling it between his deft fingers that were just as hot as ever. You didn’t know what to focus on—the cold or the hot—so your mind went a bit numb.
You ditched the ice cream eventually, casting it aside just as quickly as Eren did with your underwear. He was much more focused on you, anyway. Pumping his fingers in and out of you in a way that had you softening faster than the ice cream. 
And when you came, it was from his tongue, hot and wet as he licked you through your orgasm. Your head jolted up from the counter, a flurry of curses pouring from you.
“God, that was so hot,” Eren murmured, your quivering legs framing his face. 
He came up to roughly bring you in for a kiss. His fingers curled around the back of your head and jerked you to him. You were so close—so feverishly tangled up in each other—that you couldn’t breathe in a way that didn’t sound pathetic and guttural. But neither could he. 
And when he spoke, it was on a sharp inhale, only letting you go because he needed air eventually. “I’ve never wanted to fuck you more than I do right now.”
You didn’t say anything. You just took your legs in your hands and held them out of the way for him with a smile. It looked like his heart stopped beating right then.
Eren’s pants were around his ankles in a matter of seconds, the tip of his cock right at your entrance. 
“Keep your eyes on me.” He waited until you did so. Only when you met his green eyes did he say, “That’s my girl,” and push inside you. 
You watched his eyes close, groans parting his lips as he filled you. With a few rolls of his hips, you were taking all of him with no resistance. And when his body was flush with yours, you felt the blunt of his nails dig into your hips. 
You loved every bit of it.
Eren’s eyes were still closed when you quietly asked, “Feel good?”
“Mhm.” Then after a pause and a twitch of his brow, “Too good.” 
He stopped moving to collect himself. You giggled together, with him quieting down as he admired how you were spread and breathless below him. Then he got that look on his face again, like he couldn’t bear to hold back any longer.
He thrust inside you again, bottoming out in one go. He fucked you with long drags of his cock, but it wasn’t long before the smacking of skin echoed through the kitchen. Eren bunched his shirt out of the way, taking the bottom of it between his teeth so he could watch his cock bury into you over and over and over again. Your hands blindly searched for something—anything—to hold onto, and you clawed down his stomach. 
Through gritted teeth, he muttered sweet nothings to you. He told you that you were his. How good you felt. So fucking good. He whispered how beautiful you were as he ran his fingers over your body. And when you felt his fingertips press into your stomach, you already knew what he was thinking. 
“Maybe I should get you pregnant,” he said with feigned thoughtfulness. Just the words alone made your toes curl. He leaned over you, his voice a spitty mumble against your chest as he said, “So everyone will know that you’re mine.”
He bit down, sucking at the delicate skin just below your collarbone. You couldn’t think of anything but how good it felt. 
Eren straightened out, his pace never breaking once. “That way you know I’m the only one that can fill you like this.” He clutched his hand around your own and pinned it to the counter. You could feel the love in it—his need for you—just as much as you felt his possessiveness. “That I’m the only one who can make you feel this way.”
You came then, loudly, with your bottom half spilling off the counter as you did. When you went limp, Eren slid a hand beneath your back and dropped you to the floor. He flipped you to your hands and knees, placing a flattened hand against the small of your back to arch it nicely for him. 
Your legs were shaking. You could feel the muscles of your thighs stutter and threaten to give out. It was a chant of ‘oh fuck’ that spilled from you as you reached behind to try and grab onto Eren. It was almost too much, you were still sensitive, and you could barely hear him over the pounding in your ears as he shushed you.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” You were squirming too much for him. He yanked you back onto his cock. “We’re gonna keep going ‘til you’re full of my come.”
You only made a strangled, wimpy noise.
“That’s okay, right? For me to come inside you?” he asked, still in the same tone that was as sweet as artificial sugar.
“Use your words. Tell me where you want me to come.” Eren was close; you could tell he kept his voice low to hide the quiver.
“In me,” you moaned, slipping from your hands to your elbows. 
“Say it again. Louder.”
“In me!”
He pounded into you senselessly, the snapping of his hips growing erratic as he collapsed over you. His warmth cloaked over you, his chest pressed against your back as you begged for him. “Please—please fill me up and make me yours.”
His hips rammed against your ass a few more times before, as promised, he came inside you. With a toss of his head, his hands worked you back on his cock a few more times, making sure he pumped every last bit of his come into you. He groaned, harder than you had ever heard before. The sound that tore through his throat had you already pining for the next time he’d finish inside you. 
Eren released you to fall to the tile. It felt good to lie there, letting it cool your balmy skin. You were still catching your breath as you rolled over to your back. Eren sat back on his heels, appearing just as taken as you.
“Where did that come from?” you asked. 
“I, uh—” He laughed a bit awkwardly and ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m not really sure.”
You studied each other for a lengthy moment, him trying to be modest about looking where his come was leaking from you.
Eventually, you broke the silence to ask, “So should I stop taking my birth control?”
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psychelis-new · 8 months
pick a pile: "It's about timing"
take a breath, close your eyes and ask yourself a time-related question. then, open your eyes and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to find out about the possible amount of time needed for/time span in which the subject you're enquiring about may manifest or start manifesting for you. reminder timing can change according on different factors: this reading mainly wants to provide some kind of general advice/have a calming effect.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
timing: present time, short time, imminent (2 months max.) it depends also on your ability to focus on what you can control/yourself (keep your mind in check as it may sabotage you through insecurities and similar)/stay grounded. you're attracting your blessings anyway, just try to stay as calm as you can and keep working.
song: still life | dawn golden
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pile 2
timing: next year, more likely end of the year or late autumn. I heard july too (could be specific for some or a confirmation -eg. a birth month). it may be also when you are near to close a cycle in your life (end of self insecurities)/divine timing. you'll balancing out something in your life too, either your inner/outer self or two endeavours or simply two energies.
song: dynamite | bts
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
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timing: in 10 months-2 years. march could be a favorable month or a confirmation of some kind (eg. birth month). go slow, keep working on your happiness and be determined. If this is really what you want and what really makes you happy too, it will be (check within during these months).
song: i like | kut klose
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
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timing: 8 months or 2-4 years. something needs to be changed within you or your approach to this matter. even if you cannot see it well yet and it feels so far away, be hopeful and more determined. you may meet help on the way. "a pinch of belief" (dunno what it means or if it resonates with anyone... maybe somebody wants to cook something?)
song: easy | danileigh, chris brown
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
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timing: it's a surprise! keep working on healing your heart, especially from negative past experiences/emotions you may still carry within and find a hard time to free yourself from. try to not overworry if you can. take good care of you and be kind with yourself if it's taking a while: it's okay, even if it seems unbearable at times. be patient.
song: heart to heart | mac demarco
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
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timing: when you start a new cycle or you are in a moment of reflection/pause. divine timing. might happen suddenly and shake things up a bit. try to close that hurtful chapter and take time for yourself. grow your confidence. let the Universe work for you behind the scenes.
song: butterfly | crazy town
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bunniekittiee · 7 months
Birth Control Crisis
Doing this for all of my mfs who have had bad experiences with birth control and it made them depressed, bipolar, crazy, etc. I was right there too, and I just started another brand of pills because my last ones were not making me feel good. So I'm writing this from my own experience, think of it as a vent piece. Also this is with a fem. reader btw
Characters: Raiden and Bi-Han
Warnings: Mentions of self harm, suicidal thoughts, mental health crisis
The Thunder God did not understand the purpose of oral contraceptives right away until his girlfriend explained it to him. After learning more about it, he felt guilty. Although she was taking it because her periods were draining and horrific every month, it still did not settle with him that there were many side effects that could harm her. Blood clots, skipping periods, spotting, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, absolutely anything could go wrong if her body reacted to them negatively. But what made him the most concerned was the mental health part of it. Raiden read over the big paper that came with the pills that described instructions and side effects, and the most alarming one to him was the mental toll it could possibly take.
But he hoped for the best, and he supported her no matter what.
Adjustment was hard. Her breasts were sensitive to touch and ached for a couple of weeks. Wearing a bra made it more uncomfortable, but any fabrics that rubbed against them also made it worse. Raiden would gently massage them for his girlfriend if she asked. She frequently got headaches that turned into migraines which made it hard for her to go out for dinners or be around bright lights. But Raiden still did his best to make sure she was well. He knew it was just the adjustment period and she would be okay in the end.
That was, until her moods began to change. More agitated, she was snappy with her boyfriend. Sometimes she picked fights, sometimes she took something Raiden said out of context, or sometimes she straight up ignored him.
As much as he tried to sympathize for her, his feelings were hurt. His thoughts screamed at him that she was beginning to experience the worse side effects of the birth control pills, but he continued to tell himself that she would adjust.
One fateful day that changed his whole perspective and attitude was a very eventful one. She had known prior of Raiden's crush on Kitana due to Kung Lao's gossiping, but she had never brought it up to Raiden. Raiden didn't think much of it, and one day he was catching up with Kitana at the Wu Shi Academy when from afar, she had spotted them together. Sitting on a bench. Close proximity.
This scene warped her mind. With the depression, pent-up anger, and extreme mood shifts, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Anger flaring and her emotions at a high, she turned away quickly from them, walking back to her and Raiden's home that they shared. Her mind was frazzled. How could he do this to her? Didn't he know how sensitive she was? How miserable in her body she was? Was it because she gained weight since starting the pills? What was it?
Why wasn't she good enough?
Raiden bid goodbye to Kitana and made his way home, a little anxious to get back. He felt impending doom, like he was going to arrive to something that was very alarming. It made him quicken his pace.
Their home was a disaster. Raiden felt his heart lurch as he saw photos of them broken on the floor, glass strewn about. His immediate thought was that she was in danger, so he ran to their shared bedroom where she was shoving her clothes into bags.
"My love, what are you-"
"Shut up Raiden." She growled as she narrowed her eyes at him. "Do not play dumb with me, you fool."
He was taken aback. She was much more aggressive than before. This was something he was not used to at all. "What is this all about? Please, my love, we can talk about this. What is going on with you?"
"Go to your other lover since she's so great. I knew I should have never trusted you. You are still hung up on her." She chuckled bitterly. Her eyes flashed with anger at him.
He pieced it together in his head what was going on. "Honey, Kitana and I were just catching up. There was nothing else behind it, I promise you."
"You speak lies, snake." She spat as she abruptly stopped packing. "How can I trust you? I don't believe a word out of your mouth!" Her voice was beginning to raise, and Raiden felt his patience was being tested.
"When have I ever broke your trust?" He questioned as he slowly began to approach her. "Please, you are being irrational and we can easily talk this out."
Jaw clenched, she grabbed a bag and pushed past Raiden. "Out of my way. Irrational? I'm being irrational now."
"Please come back. Let us try to figure it out." He pleaded as he followed her.
"Figure what out Raiden? There is nothing to figure out, and there is nothing you can say that will make it any better. Just let me go." She said angrily. He could not let her leave, not when this issue was unsolved.
"I cannot let you do that. Please, what is going on with you? You have been so mean and callous. What have I done wrong?" He asked her, standing in front of her and looking worried. "This is so unlike you."
This seemed to falter her movements, and it stunned her almost. The silence was long as she avoided eye contact and the stare boring into her face from him. He was waiting for his answer.
"You would not understand. And it is none of your concern. It is mine only." She said thickly.
Raiden grabbed her by her shoulders. "No. It is my concern whether you agree or not. Tell me what is going on."
She struggled to get out of his grip. "Let go!"
"No. Not until you tell me. Do you realize how much I love you? I cannot let you walk out that door without knowing what is going on inside of your head." He gently laid a hand on her cheek to pull her gaze to him. Her eyes watered as her anger burned, yet the misery she held began to crack. Raiden saw this right away and he knew he was getting somewhere. "Talk to me, my love."
She cried, she cried for a very long time. And Raiden held her, listening to her miserable cries that hurt his heart too. But he knew that it had to storm before a rainbow could form. So he let her cry, explaining to him between sobs that she felt depressed, on the verge of hurting herself, and how angry she was at everyone in her life. How it was easy to take it out on Raiden because he was the one she saw everyday. How jealous and bitter she was. How she sometimes wished she could go to sleep without waking up.
No doubt it would haunt Raiden for quite some time. His worries before her getting on those pills were now a nightmare come true, and now he had to pick up the pieces. First, she had to get off of those pills immediately. And Raiden did not want her on any type of contraceptives for a long time. Not until she fully recovered. It took a while to see his normal, bubbly girlfriend that he was used to seeing. She was not her normal self for some time, and Raiden made sure to be with her every step of the way. He took extra time to spend with her, he made sure she was kept busy while he was away, he took her out for dinner once, maybe twice a week so she had something to look forward to.
He wanted to help her no matter what. That was all that mattered to him. He just wanted her normal self to be back again, and he wanted her to be okay.
The Grandmaster was a busy man, and he thought his wife understood this well. Bi-Han did research on birth control pills for her wife as her periods were intolerable for her, and he almost did not want to give her the option of it. Of course, he did not want to see her in any pain, but the side effects and health risks concerned him. Really concerned him. So much so, he made her do check ups once a month to make sure that she wasn’t at any risk of forsaking her health.
The last visit, the medic had said she gained a little bit of weight which was normal on the pills, but she took it as an insult. Like there was something wrong with gaining weight.
Bi-Han did notice her weight fluctuations but he did not care enough to tell her or make it a big deal. Because it wasn’t. He still loved her all the same and thought she was just as beautiful as the day he laid eyes on her. Weight gain would not make him stray. As if anything at all would make him stray.
But she focused on it a lot. Sometimes, Bi-Han would catch her staring at her body in the mirror and tugging at her skin. Examining her body. He would tell her how beautiful she was, but she never seemed to believe him.
Bi-Han decided to plan to take her out on a date to Madame Bo’s. They hadn’t went out for some time, and he told her to get ready. As she was getting ready, Liu Kang had arrived to the Arctika with urgency. He grouped the brothers together and told them that he needed them now for a mission. There was an intruder in the timeline that they needed to take care of. Bi-Han did not want to go, as he had planned a date with his wife, but he had no choice.
So he walked back to his shared chambers where she was putting the last few touches of her makeup. “My love,” he said as he entered the room. “I am very sorry to say this, but I must cancel the date. Liu Kang needs us for a mission as it is urgent. I am very sorry. I will take you out sometime when I get back.”
She looked at him and frowned. “Okay. Be safe, Bi-Han.” He went to hug her, but she hugged him back stiffly. He wanted to question her but he had to leave as soon as possible.
On his mission, his mind was occupied as his brothers could tell. She was on his mind. Sure, she was disappointed that he had to leave, but it seemed like there was something more behind her behavior. He was worried. Really worried and anxiety flooded through him the longer he was gone. And unfortunately, the mission was longer than he had expected. He was gone for five days, and during those five days he was ridden with anxiety. He wanted to get back home to see his wife.
And the day finally came. He and his brothers rushed to get home. They were worried about Bi-Han because he was quieter than usual and did not sleep much. They wondered if there was something wrong with his wife, but they did not ask.
Entering the palace, he rushed to their chambers in hopes that she was there waiting for him. But he was stopped by Sektor.
“I am happy to see you back. I need to talk to you.” Sektor said.
“Talk to me later, Sektor. I do not want to deal with work at the moment.” Bi-Han replied dryly as he tried to walk past him. But Sektor stopped him again.
“It is about your wife.”
“Is she okay?” The anxiety was now making him nauseous.
“After you left, she, what’s the best way to describe it?” He thought for a moment as Bi-Han impatiently waited. “She had a very bad episode and reaction to you leaving her. She did not leave your chambers, she stopped eating, she only slept and cried from what the servants told me.”
Bi-Han felt his heart pang. “Is she in there now?”
Sektor grimaced. “She tried to hurt herself, Grandmaster. I was lucky to find her in enough time to stitch her wounds. She is in the infirmary.”
The Grandmaster did not know whether to be angry at her or really sad. He stalked off to the med bay to see her. He was full of mixed emotions. Why would she do this to herself? Why did she do this to him? Why was she like this?
But the most important question that haunted him was…
Why did he not notice beforehand?
He was before the door to the infirmary and pushed his way inside. One of the medics had informed Bi-Han where she was, and Bi-Han had many questions.
“Did she say why she did this? Are her wounds grave?” He asked rather quickly.
“Her wounds will scar. There was quite a lot of them, but they were small. And we assessed her mental health and she is not well, Grandmaster.” The medic explained as his heart panted more. “She is mentally unstable. I believe it is due to her contraceptives.”
He nodded his head. He was hurt. Hurt that she did this to herself and he was not there to help her. He arrived at her room and entered. She was asleep, arms in bandages as she curled into a small ball. Bi-Han walked to sit beside her, and she awoke at the sounds of the chair.
“Bi-Han.” She breathed.
“Why did you do this to yourself?” He asked gruffly. “Are you pathetic?” He was angry. Angry at the world he supposed.
Her eyes watered. “If you are going to berate me, then leave me alone.”
“I don’t understand you.” Bi-Han replied. “Why did you do it? Was it for attention? I don’t get it.”
“Why would you?” She said with her voice raising. “You don’t understand how I feel. What I feel. You never will!” Tears now streamed down her face. Bi-Han’s heart fell to his stomach.
“Then talk to me and tell me what is going on.” He said as he crossed his arms. “Please, I want to know what is going on with you. I want to hear it from you.”
She cried very much, but she explained it all to Bi-Han. How much she hated herself. How she felt depressed and suicidal. How she felt like no one cared and how she felt like a burden. He listened to her intently as he held her hand, gently holding her as well while she sobbed into his shoulder. She told him that she felt unloved when he had to cancel on her, despite it not being his fault, she still could not help but feel that way. And it made her feel guilty.
Bi-Han was incredibly hurt that she felt that way and she did not tell anyone. He was angry at himself rather than her for not knowing what was truly going on. How he ignored the signs.
But now, it was clear to him. And he wanted to make everything right again. He took care of her wounds despite how much it affected him seeing those self inflicted wounds on her body. He made sure he was with her almost 24/7. He made sure she was okay mentally, and although some days were harder than others, she battled them like a true warrior.
And he made sure to make up him bailing on her that day. He took her out to eat and let her eat as much as she wanted. And afterwards, he took her to the shops and bought her a few gifts. Seeing her smile and face light up was all worth it no matter how much he spent. Because he understood that he could have lost her that week he was gone.
Things were never normal at first, it took a very long time for her to return back to her regular self. And Bi-Han had made sure she never returned onto oral contraceptives again. He could not bear to lose her again to medication. He lost her once, he would not do it again.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
The post I made about conservatism made a lot of people Big Mad because of me drawing conclusions/assuming about people's ideas and motives outside of their openly stated motives, which, fair—I see this kind of thing being done completely spuriously all the time.
However, "reasoning beyond stated motives" is a necessary skill—it's even necessary to be able to do with yourself, because cognitive dissonance is a bitch.
anyway, reading right-wingers' posts and reading their media and watching the occasional sketchy youtube videos makes me notice interesting patterns in the kinds of things that consistently concern them, but for stated reasons that are inconsistent or seemingly uncontroversial.
One of the biggest ones is birth control.
Right-wingers talk a lot about the negative side effects of birth control, how birth control pills are prescribed instead of diagnosing the "root cause" of illnesses, how they or someone they know were prescribed birth control without a full explanation of the reasons and side effects, how doctors "push" birth control onto young women.
It's very often superficially presented as a concern about how "medical professionals don't listen to women, we need access to all the facts about our bodies, etc..."
But why birth control side effects. Not endometriosis, not fibromyalgia, but specifically the side effects of birth control. I don't see right-wingers constantly discussing concerns about women being dismissed as having anxiety or being "hysterical" when they have medical issues, or fat people being told to "lose weight" when they have a medical issue that may well have nothing to do with weight, or Black women being ignored and abused by medical professionals.
But birth control side effects, and doctors "pushing" birth control—that they will openly discuss and address as a problem.
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leeknowlover99 · 6 months
pervy Changbin brain rot smut
that’s just pure filth 🙈
warnings: reader is not really in a state to give consent - dubcon, perv Changbin, unprotected s*x, corruption kink, dirty talk, alcohol consumption, usage, degradation, cum, dumbification,
you and Changbin have been together for few months already yet it still felt like a honeymoon stage in your relationship. today you went to frat boy party organized by few of his friends. as it was quite far from both of your dorms you decided to go by car. earlier that day you played rock paper scissors to decide who will be the driver. lucky for you Changbin lost. that’s what lead to you being wasted drunk after doing shots with everyone and your boyfriend watching you amused not even slightly drunk after chugging one beer. as usual you started to get very touchy and needy with alcohol buzzing in your veins, mind dazed a bit. but how could you not get horny when your boyfriend wore his tightest black shirt today, it was hugging his broad chest and arms perfectly. or when he not so subtly grinded against your hips while dancing, his hands moving teasingly between your waist and hips. oh he knew the effect he had on you. he secretly loved how shameless and needy you were while drunk, only his cock on your mind. it fueled his ego and made him want you so bad. that’s why he was riling you up all night. until you finally broke and whispered in his ear “need you so much Binnie.” you cheeks flushed and eyes dark of lust you were quite a sight, it made his dick twitch. “meet me in the upstairs bathroom in five baby, knock twice.” he instructed and left you in the dance floor.
luckily bathroom was free so he quickly shot the door and took few deep breaths to calm himself down. he was really down bad for you. he took out his wallet to grab a condom. he always had one with himself for emergencies like the one. you didn’t want to use birth control as it had negative effects on your health and Changbin didn’t want to push you. however now he searched every pocket of his wallet and did not find the condom. “fuck” he must’ve forget to grab a new one. before he could think about it he heard a knock on the door. he let you in and you immediately laced your hands behind his neck and pulled him for a kiss. your lips felt hot and plump against his. kiss was full of passion and desperation from the beginning, tongues dancing together in a filthy wet manner. you were basically eating each other out. Changbin hands roughly explored your body. groping your boobs, pinching hardened nipples. “love your perky tits princess, all for me” he whispered against your lips. you moaned and pressed yourself against his hard body. your head was already spinning a little from all the alcohol but now with Changbins touches and words it was spiraling. “please, need you inside, i’m so wet” you begged palming him through his pants and pouting. your boyfriend chuckled amused. “begging already princess?” he turned you around so you faced the mirror and pushed you down so you had to prop your elbows on the counter. you immediately got the idea and arched your back to him. you watched him in the mirror when he was unbuckling his pants and pulling them down. image was a bit blurry due to your current state but anticipation made you even wetter. he hiked up your dress and pulled your soaked panties to the side. you felt cold air on your pussy and gasped. “so wet for me, you’re dripping baby.” Changbin said roughly massaging your butt and then harshly slapping your core. fuck you were a mess, your walls tightened around nothing and your vision blurred even more, you couldn’t even see your boyfriends face now. he grabbed your jaw and pulled you for a messy kiss while his dick grinded against your wet core, slick noises filling the small room. Changbins hand slid down to your neck and he pressed lightly. you were seeing stars and was on verge of crying if he wouldn’t fuck you now. but he was not intending to do that, still grinding and kissing you. even when horny he was still sober enough to remember that there was no condom. but he was enjoying himself a lot, watching you drool and arch towards his lightest touch, acting like a complete slut for him. he loved this version of you, he secretly loved degradating you in bed. you were usually shy about it but when drunk you became shameless.
you on the other hand was too dizzy to form any words and ask him to finally fuck you so you decided to do it yourself. with the next move of his dick you aligned your ass in the way that his tip stopped at your entrance. it did not go in yet but pressed hard enough to make you moan. you caught your boyfriend off guard and he stopped all movement. you started to rock your hips which resulted in his length slowly sinking in your heat. he grunted at the feeling of your tight wet walls hugging his member. he could everything without the condom, all your softness, wetness and warmth. and without a prep you were tight as hell. your legs was shaking slightly as you started moving faster his balls slapping against your pussy with each move. oh he was so deliciously thick, you swear you’ve never felt him so well as now. “such a whore fucking herself on Binnie’s bare cock.” he said grabbing your hips and halting your movements. but you were so far gone you didn’t even registered him saying that you are fucking raw. you just moaned in response, desperate to cum. Changbin just couldn’t resist. he could not pull out. not when you were so warm and wet around him. he was not sure if he will get another chance to feel you like that. he knew it was wrong and he was using you when you were drunk and vulnerable but he justified himself with the fact that he informed you that he was in bare and you didn’t protest. deep down he knew you didn’t even register him saying that but he pushed that thought away and started fucking into you at rough pace. you were in heaven now, his tip massaging your spongy spot in the most perfect way, his big hands supporting and caressing your hips. you orgasm hit you unexpectedly and you moaned loudly tightening around him. even though he knew he was close Changbin didn’t expect that to feel so good that it will push him against the edge. but it did and just after your orgasm he was spilling his load inside of you. “fuck” he grunted slowly pulling out. he did not mean to come inside but it felt amazing. he watched his cum slowly spill out of your swollen cunt and smirked. you were still coming down from your high so when you boyfriend started to clean you up with a tissue you thought he’s only cleaning up your wetness not his cum. “let’s fix your make up princess and we can go home.” he said hugging you tightly. “i love you” he whispered. but only one thing was on his mind, he needs to have you like this again.
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