#neil gaiman i trusted you
catlover-coffeedrinker · 11 months
Just saw Good Omens season 2: my reactions as follows:
- cackling
-crying with emotion
-screaming at the screen
-inhuman squealing (we can all guess when that was, we’ve been waiting for a kiss for years!)
And finally: enraged screams once the ending hit me in the face. Honestly, why. Season two was supposed to be the fun one!! Not the one that emotionally destroys me!!!
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cieffeitsme · 4 months
It's been 6 months since the end of season 2 (by the way Good Omens has recently still trending again! Wahoo!) and since this it's Valentine's Day soon I thought I'd celebrate our ineffable husbands with a roundup of smooching fan art *(intentionally forgetting that they currently have divorced).
If you are an artist or know other fan art, reblog it below. I need to see more ineffable husbands kissing to heal the heartbreak these two gave me - yes, it still hurts after all this time - !
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spider-avenger22 · 27 days
Little Good Omens Headcanon of mine:
We know that Gabriel's eyes are a vibrant purple in Good Omens. Some theorize thay his eyes are purple because he's supposed to represent the most beautiful man, and the most beautiful woman, Elizabeth Taylor, also had violet eyes. Others theorize it has to do with being the Supreme Archangel of heaven.
I think it's both to a degree.
See, I theorize that Gabriel thinks very highly of himself, maybe even to a narcissistic degree. We can see that as he admires the statue of himself in the cemetery. He saw himself in someone who was valued as "the most beautiful," and so when he was appointed as Supreme Archangel, his status manifested in the color purple. Purple eyes and a purple accent color (his tie). It reflects a form of love or an angel equivalent.
I've seen people draw Supreme Archangel Aziraphale with purple eyes, and while I think that looks cool, I don't think that's what his eyes would look like.
In Season 2 episode 3, Aziraphale is driving Crowley's Bentley, and we see that it's yellow. He finds fondness and comfort in the color. And the Bentley doesn't mind either, considering it was content with Aziraphale and his driving style and preferences.
Now, what else is yellow in the show?
Crowley's eyes.
And when do we see Crowley's eyes the most?
With Aziraphale in his bookshop, the only place the demon feels comfortable to expose his eyes when in the presence of others.
So my theory is that when Aziraphale is officially appointed as the new Supreme Archangel, his eyes will shine yellow, the same yellow as Crowley's eyes. He'll probably have an accessory that is also yellow (tie, scarf, something) like Gabriel did with his tie. It will not only show his new elevated status but his devotion and still cherished love of Crowley even if they're on terrible terms at this point.
Imagine how off-putting that would be to the other angels, too. Here is this heathen, this human lover, this demon conspirator, now appointed to the highest position an angel, and his eyes are just like of the fallen one. The demon he's spent so much time with has obviously imprinted on Aziraphale in such a capacity that, even though he chose Heaven, the demon is still with him. He's been influenced so deeply that it reflects in his angelic nature.
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tio-trile · 10 months
This is about GOS2 but not quite -just wanted to tell you how refreshing (and calming) it is to see someone dislike something, or disagree with something, or someone (Neil, in this case) while being completely polite and respectful to people who do like it (the show, the ship, this season specifically, whatever) and not doing personal attacks or being insulting or downright hostile or aggressive. Just... Liking what you like, not liking what you don't like, and being in your own "bubble" so to speak. I adore the first season, and some moments in this one (not the season in general), and I've had to see and start avoiding absolutely wild stuff since 2019, from haughty superiority from book first fans calling people who liked the show absolute idiots, people directly attacking fanwork creators or even Tennant, Sheen and Gaiman themselves, to even worse stuff I'd rather not think about. As you can probably already imagine, that specific kind of dumpster fire has only gotten worse since the release of S2.
My take on fandom has always been to enjoy what you enjoy and ignore the rest unless it's something serious with real-world implications or consequences. It's always stressed me out how people can get, to the point that for several years I stopped engaging with fandom entirely, and I just wanted to say this, I guess, because it's been a breath of fresh air. I wish more people engaged with fictional material and fandom the way you do. Cheers, hope you have nice day and that this wasn't too weird of a message to get
This is really beautifully put, thank you for the nice message! Yeah all-in-all, these are just a show/a book/content made for people's entertainment, and there's absolutely no reason to get to the point of attacking the cast and crew or fans personally.
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trashmammal-7 · 10 months
I've been thinking a lot about what the Metatron says to Aziraphale when he offers him the Supreme Archangel position. Cause like, it's just not true. I can't remember exactly what he says, but he mentions how Aziraphale is a "leader" and "honest" which is just the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. Aziraphale isn't a leader. He is a protector. That is the role that Principalities have; they're protectors of groups of people. He loves and cares for living beings, especially humanity, but he doesn't lead them.
And saying that he's honest is honestly hilarious because of how inaccurate it is. We've been shown time and time again how Aziraphale lies to heaven, even in the season, when he lies about Job's children. In fact, the fact that he lies is made a pretty big deal. He has lied DIRECTLY TO GOD for crying out loud.
The Metatron says exactly what he needs to to make Aziraphale return to heaven. To separate him and Crowley. Because when they work together they are ridiculously powerful. Because he knows that Crowley and Aziraphale would never let the Second Coming happen, because they love the earth too much. He knew when he told Aziraphale that they could restore Crowley's angelic status that Crowley would never accept, he just used that as a tactic to get Aziraphale on board with the idea. Aziraphale didn't even seem to want to accept until the Metatron brought Crowley into it, because he didn't want to leave behind earthly pleasures like food, drink, his shop (Crowley).
There is no supernatural brainwashing going on, just good old-fashioned normal brainwashing in the form of Aziraphale finally getting approval from the institution he's been working for for the past 6000 fucking years.
I think Aziraphale choosing heaven is a brilliantly heartbreaking character moment and I for one cannot wait to see how everything will play out in season 3.
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ineffible-chaos · 11 months
oh don’t mind me, i’m just gonna be laying here listening to Love of My Life by Queen after the season finale of Good Omens 2 like a normal person
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vexdont · 11 months
im heavily delulu and a twitter user so like. *should* we be reading more into the whole “you know how God likes sevens” line and hope for some sort of bonus episode or should i just jump out of the window now
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aucoba · 10 months
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anchored-nyctophilia · 10 months
hot girls know that all tapes left in a car for more than about a fortnight metamorphose into Best of Queen albums.
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allaboutmyths · 10 months
I saw a youtube video titled something like "the entire story of Greek mythology explained!!!!" and I nearly burst out laughing
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romansmartini · 11 months
i do appreciate the use of good old fashioned lover boy as crowley is speeding over to aziraphale's to attend to his every whim. it's applicable. it's on brand. howeverrrrrrr i have to admit i did hope to see that song used in a slightly more climactic way
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crimefightingcutie · 11 months
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i know crowley isn’t big on food but he (she?) ate with the golgotha hair. 10/10 will be showing to my hairdresser
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keineahnung-ichhalt · 7 months
Okay here is my hot take about Good Omens: I don't want Crowley and Aziraphale to explicitly end up together romantically in the end of season 3. Please stay with me, I can explain.
One of the things I and many others love about their relationship is the ambiguity. You could say that they have known about each others feelings for hundreds, if not thousands of years, or that they only realised in season 2, that they never kissed before or that they made out after Eden. And canon doesn't directly contradict any of that. See, my point is that a lot about their relationship is ambiguous, and I like it this way. This is the reason this show speaks to so many people. This is so rare and what makes it so special.
Also, one of the themes of season 2 is them trying to figure out what kind of relationship they want, and also not really fitting into a classic human romantic relationship. And it would be shame if all of that would just end in them having a classic romantic ending. The entire point is that they don't fit into any categories, why try to put them in one?
We also need to consider that they don't really have a framework for relationships except what they know from romance novels and movies. So even if they are acting like in these kinds of media, that doesn't necessarily mean that that's exactly what they want, that just means that they have discovered that they have feelings they don't know and are trying to figure them out. And while that process involves these things, that doesn't mean that it's the end result.
What I'm not saying is that I don't want them happy, of course I do. I need them to find to each other again and hug it out and maybe even have a kiss that is not a goodbye if they want. I want them to be happy too. All I'm saying is that I hope that the ending won't be overly romance coded and still allow for other interpretations, because in the end, this is what they are all about.
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rowesam · 11 months
am only 2 episodes in but i really dont see how this shit can work out on a thematical level if they dont get together. or have a romantic arc. that said i watched supernatural for 10 years ive been burned before
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mothslimes · 25 days
one thing you can always trust in is that tumblr users are going to be weird about hozier and neil gaiman
#mik talks#tumblr users with they/he pronouns when asked to stop worshipping strange men on the internet#i have nothing for or against both of these men#except that i feel kind of bad that hoziers entire fandom is just actually allergic to the intended meaning of his songs#similar to how mitskis fans just project whatever they want into her songs even when theyre explicitly about something else. like racism#besides the point anyway i just.... i guess u can always trust a tumblr user to have a parasocial relationship with a random man#the more i spend time on this website the more im starting to see strange patterns.......like i got a bit too high....hrmmm...#there is a...man worship here. except for the lesbians all the users here are obsessed with worshipping a particular man#or more than one man. NOT DIRECTED AT MY MUTUALS ILY i mean it in a way of like.... when u interact with so much man-centered#media that u forget that women are deeply complex emotional beings TOO and yes ive seen that happen .#and convince urself every man u meet is really deep and tortured by hashtag misandry and repressing soooo much trauma.... etc#MAN OBSESSION. MAN WORSHIP. DOES ANY OF THIS MAKE SENSE#maybe its because a large chunk of htis websites population is transmasc i guess u do develop an obsession with masculinity#just like some newly out transfems get rlly into female centric anime or other things (no hate i think its awesome)#except here ur in an echo chamber of trans men obsessing over cis men and its like eeeehhhyhhhh u do know women exist too right#might be speaking entirely out my ass here and exposing my own insecurities but berhaps.#part of it is a fear that once you interact on a deeply complex level with women in fictional media you may question your gender identity#again. because so much of modern women lead media is in my experience centered around redefining what it means to be a woman#thats a level of introspection a buncha insecure transmascs who are already triyng to prove themselves as not-women every day#are often not ready to confront themselves with. u clearly define the woman label in ur head and then define urself as outside of it#well thats not really how it works and ur gonna have to accept that some women are going to be just like you. with the same gender feelings#and are still going to identify as women. the only thing that makes ur gender valid is urself unfortunately.#wow this used to be a post about neil gaiman and hozier what happened#anyway yeah stop treating these men like theyre your friends theyre not hope this helps
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