#and yeah it makes me mad too but my first response was very much disbelief
allaboutmyths · 10 months
I saw a youtube video titled something like "the entire story of Greek mythology explained!!!!" and I nearly burst out laughing
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
kill them with kindness
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Pairing: San x female! reader
Genre: enemies to lovers, angst, happy ending
Word Count: 3.4k
Requested?: yes
Warnings: cursing, the reader is the mean one, very angsty, mentions of passing out, mentions of alcohol
Summary: San's strategy to counteract your mean comments involves being his usual, kind self. But there's only so much he can bear before you push him to his breaking point.
Author's Notes: Finally finished this one. It's super, duper angsty so if that's your thing then you'll definitely like this one. Please let me know what you think, I really hope you guys enjoy <3
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"You really suck at this game, San."
It would be a usual occurrence for you to go around to the dorms. Yunho usually invited you round the most, being what you would consider a best friend. That's how you had gotten to know the other boys, and slowly you became a big supporter of the group, getting to know and love all of them. Well.... most of them...
"It's my first time playing! Cut me some slack," San mumbled softly in response to your little remark, his eyes unwavering and unmoving from the screen in front of him. His gaze was fixated on the PC screen as you and Yunho watched him. To be fair to him, they had just bought this game this morning, so it's not like San had any chance to practice. It's unfortunate that he couldn't make it even past the first round.
"Ahh, this is unlike you Sannie," Yunho chipped in, slurping back a big gulp of his beer, "you are usually better than this."
"Yeah, yeah," rapid clicks could be heard from the PC's mouse as San spammed it with his finger, gritting his teeth as he fully concentrated on the screen.
The words 'game over' appeared in big, bold letters on the screen as San sighed and sunk into his chair. He was frustrated with himself, he always was when he tried something new and he doesn't get it right the first time. He was a perfectionist. The laid-back, humble persona was his usual appearance, but he still had this charge inside him to do better, be better. Perhaps be the best. If he didn't meet up to that standard then, what was the point?
"Take a rest you've been playing that for ages. Do either of you want a beer?" Yunho asked as he stood up, traipsing his way out of the room and into the kitchen.
San spun around in his chair and faced you. His pout was replaced with calmness. He knew he shouldn't get too down on himself for stupid things like this, so he decided to just let it go.
"I thought you were supposed to be good at everything."
There was something quite venomous about your voice. Something about the words you had chosen. The sharp thorns of your tone seemed to bounce off the walls and wrap around San's head, digging into his brain as your words fully sunk in.
He was so in awe, so taken aback. The sheer audacity that exuded from your presence was enough to drive him mad. The shock of your words visibly affected him, eyebrows arching upwards in hurt, in confusion, in curiosity.
"Well no," San exhaled a chuckle, not sure if you were being serious by your backhanded comment, "I just try my best at everything, that's all."
San looked at you intensely, with waiting eyes. He shrugged off your comment. Well, he shrugged off all your comments. All that you had made before, during the game, or before he even started the game. He shrugged off all the little comments you had made from the moment you met him.
Kill them with kindness: that's his motto.
"How does it feel when trying your best just isn't enough anymore?"
San felt like he was falling into a void. A black, endless oblivion of self-doubt, disbelief, and uncertainty. He blinked innocently. Your comments were deeper than a mere video game. All your comments were. They were deeper than all the surface-level stuff you made them out to be. It's like you were playing with him. Toying with his insecurities from day one. Was he that readable? Could you just tell from the way he walked, the way he talked, the way he presented himself and interact with others? Could you tell from the look in his eye, the small, naive sparkle in his pupils? Could you tell by the way he breathed, in and out, inhale and exhale, that he was filled to the brim with insecurities? And he'd tried so hard to cover it. And he'd made a big deal to never show it. But was the mask he wore, the confidence he demonstrated, the smile he wore on his face day by day not enough to fool you?
His left eye twitched slightly. Then he smiled down at the carpet beneath his feet. He didn't want you to win this. You weren't going to win when you were playing so dirty, not on his watch.
"That just means I need to try harder."
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There were not that many people who had the privilege of being allowed to go backstage at an Ateez concert. And yet here you were, watching them from the sidelines, supporting them as they ran through choreography after choreography.
There was something you couldn't deny about San: he was an amazing performer. He pours his heart and soul into each and every performance. Each flick of the hand, each turn, each intricate foot movement and line placement and physical interaction with the other members; everything he did all had a purpose. His technicality was on point. His facial expressions matched every song each time: the longing in his eyes at the end of their Take Me Home performance; the happiness and joy beaming from his smile in Dancing Like Butterfly Wings; the anger and rage etched into the lines of his face when dancing to Guerilla. Precise, detailed, perfect. He never, ever missed.
You almost felt proud of him. Well, it was hard to express exactly what you felt for him. There was no reason to hate him. No reason at all. He had been nothing but kind and good to you, even when he had every reason not to be. And now, watching him here, pour his heart and soul out all over the stage, there was something in his eager, determined eyes that made you think that, matched with his kindness, he didn't deserve the brunt of your unexplained feelings for him.
As they closed their concert with their last performance, the cheers of the crowd sounded exhilarating. You waited backstage to praise them, tell them how well they did, and perhaps show San a little kindness through all the work he has done.
They came off breathy and sweaty. Mingi and Yeosang downed five bottles of water in the space of two minutes, which you didn't think were possible. Hongjoong and Wooyoung flopped onto the empty sofa outside their dressing room, and Jongho soon followed. Seonghwa breathed out a long sigh as he tried to regain his breath. But there was no sight of San. Where had he disappeared to?
Yunho approached you with a beaming smile,
"Ahh you did so well Yunho, your dancing was insane I loved it so much," you embraced him in a gentle hug as he wrapped his arms around you in return.
"And you Seonghwa. Your voice is getting more and more angelic each time you go on stage," you said as you let go of Yunho. They both chuckled at your comment and said their thanks, before heading off to get changed out of their concert clothes.
You couldn't help but wonder where San was. He was with the group at the very last moment, but then he disappeared somewhere.
Just as you thought this, San emerged from the swarms of staff that surrounded him. Most of his staff were beautiful girls, totally fitting the beauty standard and perfect in every way. Heck, they could even be idols themselves if they pursued that dream too. It was hard to watch as they constantly praised him and said how well he did, and even made him smile. An exhausted, heavy smile, but a smile all the same.
He excused himself as he broke free from the crowded back area, a water bottle in his hand as he practically inhaled the drink. He saw you standing there watching him as he continued to breathe heavily.
"Asthma?" You joked playfully. Or, at least, you hoped it came across as playful.
San was frowning already. You had caught him at a bad time. "Maybe it's the fact that I have performed 30 performances tonight, don't you think?" There was a sharp edge to his voice, one that you should've taken as a warning.
But you didn't.
"Maybe if you didn't over-perform you might not be a mess right now."
".... What did you say?"
You gulped slightly at his more dangerous tone now. The air around you felt cold. "I... I just said that maybe over-dancing might not have been the bes-"
"Over-dancing? Over-performing? This is my job, y/n!" San raised his voice defensively. You had never heard him yell before, it was extremely frightening. "I give 100% of myself or nothing. You know that. I did not just pass out and completely collapse from exhaustion just for you to criticise me!"
Your eyes widened. Oh fuck, you thought, that's where he was.
He sunk back down on a chair behind him, still trying to catch his breath. The shouting wasn't going to do him any favours.
"Take it easy, San," a high-pitched voice tuned in to the conversation. One of his staff, a bright-eyed, pretty-looking girl had passed him a water bottle and smiled at him. "Thank you," San managed to breathe out and smile back at her before she left to help the other members.
You rolled your eyes slightly. At the girl, at San, at yourself? You couldn't tell. It was probably all three.
"Don't roll your eyes at me. I'm only nice to her because she's nice to me," he was snarling his words now. "I made the mistake of treating you the same, but you didn't deserve it. You never did. I don't know why I even bothered with you"
It felt weird, having the same energy you had once given him suddenly reciprocated. You didn't know what to do, how to feel. You just stood there in silence.
"I know your bitter, twisted soul doesn't even care that you've upset me. Or care that I passed out," San raised his voice again, his chest heaving up and down with effort. His energy was sapped already but he still spoke with such vigour, such authority. His passion never ran out."You're so shitty, Y/N. I can't believe you."
"San I didn't kno-"
"Just save it! I can't believe Yunho would ever hang around with a bitch like you," his eyes were filled with hurt and pain as his hand fell on his chest. He was struggling to breathe again, more than you had ever seen before. Tears started pouring down his cheeks. He was stressed, frustrated. Broken.
Your mouth fell open as your words were choked out. You had no idea what to do. You watched as his staff scurried back to where he was sitting, making sure he doesn't pass out again. They didn't seem to know what went down, or what had occurred between the two of you.
As you backed away from the now crowded room, you could still catch sight of San's eyes through the bustle of his staff.
Devastation. That's what he's eyes told. Betrayal, hurt, hopelessness. And it was all your fault.
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A couple of weeks had passed since the Ateez concert. You hadn't seen any of the members, not even Yunho. Not because they didn't want to see you, oh no. It's because you didn't want to see them.
You didn't want to be reminded of the night you broke San.
Dwelling on it was too hard, but you knew you needed to confront him at some point. You knew you needed to apologise.
Which is why you finally responded to Yunho's texts. 'Why don't I see you these days? You ok?' So San hadn't told his roommate about the incident. Part of you was so relieved at this thought. You didn't want your relationship with the other members to be tarnished by your stupidity. You needed to fix this for good.
But still, there was an overwhelming sense of guilt. Maybe he thought you were avoiding him. Or phasing him out of your life. That simply wouldn't do.
So you typed on your phone, vigorously, and told him everything. You had no idea why and had even less of an idea as to how he would respond. As you finished your big paragraph, you sent your little confession to your best friend, praying he would understand.
It was agonising, being left on read for what? Ten minutes? It was probably two but it felt like an eternity to you as your eyes tried to distract themselves on pillows, an empty cup of coffee on your bedside table, your coat that you threw on the chair yesterday when you couldn't be bothered to hang it up.
A reply came.
'So, what's your plan?'
He knew you so well. He knew you were torturing yourself about this, so much so that you started isolating yourself. He knew you needed to break free from the guilt.
So you told him how you were going to change all of that.
And here you were, sitting at the coffee shop nearest to KQ Entertainment. It was further away from your house but more convenient for San, of course. Which you hope would work to your advantage.
You stared down at the empty coffee mug as you held it with both hands. You had already gone through two coffees but felt like you needed two more. But you weren't going to apologise to San while you're bouncing off the walls, filled to the brim with caffeine.
And here he was.
You watched him as he entered in. He took off his red scarf and black coat and held them neatly in his arms. A flurry of hair laid on his head, messy, confused, and dare you say... adorable? His eyes were a dark, cosy pool of coffee that you could swim in for hours. The snug light of the coffee shop lit his features like a warm hug on a winter's day, his face fitting comfortably with his surroundings.
He walks slowly in, scanning the coffee shop in search of someone. Before he lays eyes on you.
Noticing the hesitance in your smile, he returns no kind welcome, but rather wears an expression that can't be named. He was expecting to meet Yunho here, but he came to realise that he wasn't going to see him after all. You gestured for him to come over, and at first, he considers walking right back out and leaving. There is something in those sparkling, guilty eyes of yours that makes him want to hear you out.
He crosses over from the other side of the coffee shop, towards you. There is a light flutter of hope in your chest.
"Hi," you say in a small, mouse-like voice. You almost scoffed at how pathetic you sounded, but that can wait until later. San sits opposite you, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.
"Umm," you cleared your throat and fiddled at one of the sugar sachets you had torn open before, "I just wanted to... umm... apologi-"
"Are the hot chocolates here any good?"
"Huh?" You blinked at his interruption, "umm yeah I think so?"
"Nice, I might go get a hot chocolate," San fiddled around his trouser pockets to try and whip out his wallet.
"No no, it's on me. My treat," you swiped your card in front of him, smiling weakly, even though he didn't bother looking up at you.
"I might buy 10 hot chocolates then," he sniffed, reaching over to grab your card. He made no effort to get up from his seat though. Instead, he fiddled around with your credit card in his hand.
"So you got Yunho to ask me to come here so you could apologise to me? Is that right?" You had no idea how someone's voice could be so soft and yet so chilling.
You nodded in response, not looking him in the eyes. You couldn't.
"I knew you wouldn't of come if I asked you."
San hummed, eyes fixed on you. There was a softness in his gaze now. A tenderness he once had for you despite all your harsh comments and icy words.
"Well," his voice sounded lighter now, "that's not necessarily true..." He faded off, still fiddling with your card in his hands.
There was an awkward silence shared between the two of you. Neither of you looked at each other, and neither of you knew what to say. But you felt it was best for you to speak first. After all, you are the reason all of this was happening.
"You see, San," you coughed to clear your throat again, shifting awkwardly in your seat, your tone becoming forcefully playful, "I'm much like Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice-"
"Never read it," San retorted bluntly.
"How have you nev- never mind," you shook your head, not wanting to get into another petty argument for no reason, "the point I'm trying to make is..." You finally look up at him with glossy eyes, trying to read his features. Meeting your gaze, he stares silently and waits for you to continue.
"I have trouble expressing my emotions for someone who is completely and hopelessly out of my league," you became visually uncomfortable as you struggled through your words, "I don't know what to do with someone like you. How can you impress someone who is already impressive? How can you be attracted to someone who is so attractive? How could you be loved by someone who is loved by everyone?"
San perked his head up fully, intrigue glistening in his eyes.
"So I guess I just pushed you away to avoid disappointment. I didn't want to hurt myself with my own feelings so, I hurt you instead..."
You stopped yourself from going on, feeling like you said too much already. A tear started pricking at your eyes as you realise just how much you had confessed to him, becoming extremely vulnerable and exposed. This was not part of the plan.
"I have always liked you, Y/N," his voice was like a lullaby, a gentle, caressing sound that reached your eyes enough to cradle you to sleep. "I liked you even before I met you. Yunho would tell me all about you, all the things you helped him with and have done for him. What type of person you are. He told me it all." He lowered his head again, "so when you were consistently horrible to me, even after trying to be kind to you, I felt it didn't make sense. I thought to myself 'This is not the same person Yunho described to me.' And seeing how you got on well with the other members, I thought that I was the problem."
Nodding, you could no longer raise your head from its sunken position, as guilt overtook you once more.
"You were never the problem," your voice cracked slightly, "it was always me. I don't know whether I was jealous of you, or whether I had just... fallen for you," you wrapped your arms around yourself, "all I did know was that I didn't understand the feelings I had for you. I was scared of my feelings for you."
It's all out now. No turning back. No rewind button or time machine to rebuff your final confession. But by that time you didn't care.
And neither did he.
A small tear slid down your cheek as you set them free. Doing this in a coffee shop with people around, what were you thinking? You sniffled a little and told yourself to get it together.
Until a soft hand wiped the stray tears away; San's hand. It was as if he collected the tear to store away somewhere precious, but rather, it had absorbed into the heat of his skin. You opened your eyes when you felt him cup your cheek, using his thumb to wipe any more stray tears as he looked into your watery eyes. A small, forgiving smile pulled at his lips. It was inexplicable. You were almost overwhelmed because you couldn't understand his generosity, his sincerity, his natural kind-heartedness. There was so much you didn't understand about him. But he didn't care at all.
"Let's try to understand your feelings. Together, this time."
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llycaons · 2 years
I woke up this morming and immediately went to finish that fic and how it ended I am NOT happy. I ended up liveblogging it as I am wont to do but that ending...ohhh that’s a bad ending
this line is quite good:
"I know. But I always have to go with the most conservative interpretation, out of respect for the privacy of your mind. Which, contrary to popular belief, I cannot read."
lwj making wwx sleep on the couch is so wild. dude buy a blow-up mattress. you’re an engineer and his back is hurting
why would nobody realize that jin ling seeing wwx would mean that jc would learn about it? how is having JL come over and just springing wwx on him a good idea? lwj or lsz would have realized. this is so unfair to both JL and wwx. so stupid
like this is so absurd and completely breaks suspension of disbelief. the lan household was so organized and responsible and considerate, and this is so cruel to do to JL with no warning
the wens continue to be done dirty. they learn wwx is alive and don’t immediately drop everything and come to see him? no
it’s really stressing me out that lsz has this huge project due and wwx won’t stop talking. if I had an important school thing and I needed to concentrate i think my parents would be be open to requests for silence and I think it’s a reasonable thing to ask for - oh thank god he asks for it
the projects itself it actually fairly interesting since the author clearly know what they’re talking about
but it’s so embarrassing to hear wwx talk about his hs days with lwj 😭 so awkwardly written
chronic depression lwj real
I don’t mind people third-wheeling wx in canon because literally everyone around them is third-wheeling them whenever they’re together but in fanworks it’s just awkward. however this line IS very funny:
Wei Ying offered Lan Zhan a taste, too, and the two held eye contact for way too long while Lan Zhan dipped his spoon into Wei Ying's bowl. At first the situation was kind of heartwarming, and then it just got more and more disconcerting the longer they looked at one another and the longer Lan Zhan took to eat off of his spoon, until finally Lan Yuan had to interrupt
JL not being mad about not being told that wwx was back, but mad about not getting his own parents back makes sense but uhhh it’s kind of ooc for him to be mature about this AND this conflict only exists because of this stupid fucking mechanic by which the christian god in heaven randomly decided to resurrects people after decades of being dead so I really do not care about this at all
damn, lsz is so emotionally healthy and good at communicating
this is SO funny. drunk lwj sees lsz and immediately activates responsible dad mode
Lan Yuan hurried over to help, sliding in under his dad's other arm. It was funny, because the moment Lan Yuan touched him, Lan Zhan took a much firmer—still swaying—posture, planting both feet on the floor and patting Lan Yuan on both shoulders. "There there," he said gravely.
"And then it was like autopilot. He dragged me around Pacific Mall, and then he tried to like, do parkour in the atrium? And then he made me stand there and watch while he tried to win a bunny out of a claw machine. Totally haywire."
ugh drunk lwj will always be funny
this is so awkward. I guess that’s the point
yeah it’s stupid that a teenager has to tell them to be honest with their feelings it’s a trope I hate a lot
well *thinks about canon* yeah maybe they needed the kick. but it’s still something I dislike, it feels immature and infantalizing
their little music games are fun though. that’s a way that they can exchange ideas and flirt and show off and have a dialogue without needing to verbalize anything
NOOOO it’s literally EVERYONE!? including JIN ZUXUN?!
this is so stupid and such a shitty ending and I am not in the habit of writing mean reviews but ohhhh this makes me so mad
haha happy ending everyone! grief and loss and trauma gets get erased and there’s no need to live with the consequences! if you’ve in this situation irl get fucked I guess!
seriously this is so maddening. a BIG part of the story is living with incredible loss and learning to build a life and find joy anyway, recovering from innumerable traumas and learning to prioritize your own well-being and moving forward even after experiencing horrible things. this ending spits on the very concept
genuinely this is as shallow and nonsensical and meaningless an ending as killing every single character for angst points would be
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Around Your Neck
Bonus: Part 2
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader feat. Voyeur!Zemo Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, penetrative sex, choking, metal arm kink, fingering, public sex, voyeurism, degradation, humiliation, dirty talk - 18+, minors DNI. Summary: Zemo was quite intrigued by you and Bucky fucking on his plane that he takes some bold steps when he sees you two running off to do similar activities on another one of his properties. A/N: alright! this idea actually stems from a conversation that took place in the original ‘Around You Neck’ piece. A reader (see full exchange below) threw around the idea of Zemo watching and someone second but it took me a while to actually get down how to go about this although i think i got it I THINK I DID GOOD. i enjoyed it so fingers crossed this lives up to any expectations
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 3
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Things had gotten hot and heavy between you and Bucky once again upon settling into Zemo’s place.
Once the gig was up and everyone was fully aware of your particular interest in a particular arm, you didn’t even attempt to hide your lustful gazing.
And something about that sure got Bucky going.
He pushed you against the wall of the fancy bathroom. His lips were on yours from the second he made some lame-ass excuse to pull you away from Sam and Zemo. 
Sam had chosen to ignore it, not feeling like now was the time to lecture either of you. Zemo on the other hand had watched silently as Bucky’s hand gripped the back of your neck and your thighs twitched in response before you two disappeared into the bathroom. 
You had felt Zemo’s eyes on you two as Bucky fumbled with the door before shoving you in, deepening the kiss, but you had chosen to ignore it and instead got caught up in the sensations of your boyfriend. 
Nearly everything in the world had been forgotten the moment Bucky lifted you up and your legs wrapped around his torso. He walked you carefully backward, your back hit a wall.
“You’re driving me absolutely mad,” Bucky whispered in your ear, his voice as rough and passionate as his actions. His hardness grinded into your heated core as he spoke, earning a pathetic whine from you.
“I-I haven’t done anything.” You just about giggled at the end of your claim of innocence. Bucky responded by attacking your neck with kisses, nipping and sucking as he made his way across your hot skin. 
You let out a light moan and made your own grinding actions against him. He shook his head, trying to taunt and deny you, but then little begs fell from your lips. The sweet sounds of “please” always made him absolutely weak - not that he’d ever admit it. Instead, he slowly let one hand make its way to your pants button while his metal arm held you perfectly. 
When you realized the position, you swore you could feel yourself getting wetter. Just the realization he was holding you with one arm - the metal arm - so effortlessly while his other hand started work on giving you some relief made something turn in your stomach.
Bucky must’ve realized all this as he let out a deep chuckle once he undid your pants and shoved his hand into your panties. Two fingers first started little circular motions on your clit before moving them over your soaking folds. 
He inserted the, slowly, letting you feel every inch of his fingers. “So fucking wet,” he groaned in your ear as he planted a kiss on the corner of your mouth. “Haven’t even done anything yet it’s a fucking puddle in your panties. Ridiculous.”
The degrading words did not help your situation as you let out a loud gasping moan. Bucky was enjoying this, letting you be as loud as you wanted despite the others clearly in the house. You could only hope that they had decided to leave upon catching wind of what you two were up to. 
But that turned out not to be the case. 
As Bucky began adding a third finger to the mix, the bathroom door opened. At first, you didn’t even notice it. Eyes closed, your brain was only focused on getting your boyfriend to hurry up and fuck you, you were totally lost in your own world. For your super-soldier ex-assassin boyfriend, though, it was harder for him to turn his senses off. 
Abruptly, all motions stopped. Bucky lifted his head from your neck as his fingers stilled inside you. You opened your eyes unwillingly and looked down at your boyfriend. His eyes were wide as yours were furrowed in confusion. 
A heavily accented voice cut through the silence from the doorway. “Don’t stop on my account.” 
You gasped - and this time it wasn’t one of pleasure. You started wiggling, trying to get a now furious Bucky away from you. He caught on and ripped his hand from your pants. Angry but still handling you with care, his arm placed you back on the ground. You turned away from the door, trying to fix your clothes as Bucky faced the intruder. 
“What the fuck are you doing? Get the hell out.” Bucky’s voice boomed throughout the room, bouncing off every tile. 
You flinched at the sound as you turned around, presently decent. Your eyes fell on Zemo who was currently leaning against the doorframe, a stupid smirk on his face and a fire in his eyes. 
He shrugged, completely unbothered, and slowly closed the door again behind him. “Can’t a man watch what’s happening in his own home?” You and Bucky shared a questioning glance. “You two just seem to like sneaking off. Forgive me if my curiosity has peaked but this is a fascinating situation.”
“What the hell are you going on about?” You sighed, frustrated in more ways than one. 
“I’m a man who likes to know what’s going on,” he crossed his arms, “especially when it’s happening in my space.”
“I really don’t-,”
“He wants to watch,” Bucky cut you off but his eyes were still trained on Zemo’s cocky, slightly too proud stance. Your stomach unexpectedly fluttered. 
Taking a deep breath, you asked, “W-Watch?” Your voice was suddenly weak as the frustrations - the good ones - hit you again. 
“Hmm, interesting,” said Zemo as if he was casually thinking out loud. As if this was the perfect time for some brainstorming session. Your blood was boiling at his casualness.
You rolled your eyes, biting the bait that he cast like a foolish, edged woman. “What’s interesting?”
“You didn’t say no.”
You and Bucky began spewing protests to his claim. 
“I-I was in shock-,” 
“It doesn’t mean anything-,”
“You’re insane-,”
Zemo lifted his hand to stop you both. Your two voices were getting muddled as your words fought to defend. You gave in, quickly halting all complaints. You could see from the corner of your eye Bucky watching you a bit cautiously now but you didn’t want to face him. You still, for some reason, felt hot and bothered by this… proposition.
“Am I really that insane?” He asked, taking a slow step towards you. “You think you’re hiding it but you can’t stop shifting your stance and those pretty thighs won’t stop squeezing together.” Zemo paused, chuckling a bit to himself. You glared, keeping your eyes locked with his despite how overwhelming it all was. “Are you going to tell me that I’m wrong, dear? Because I don’t think I am. In fact, I think you’d more than just enjoy it. I think you actually crave it.”
Your heart sank at Zemo’s publicized revelation. How the hell did he even pick up on that? Was he somehow in your fucking mind? Your eyes searched his expression, looking for signs that he was pulling your leg or playing some fucking games but his features were cold with a hint of curiosity. You weren’t sure what to say because, well, he really wasn’t wrong. But this didn’t stem from some blatant attraction to Zemo (even though that desire certainly was harboring deep, deep within you), you had always had some interest in sexual adventures on the more voyeuristic side. 
Bucky, however, didn’t know any of this. 
For all the intimate actions you two had already explored -- including the new-found metal arm kink -- you hadn’t brought this up, finding it to be some ultimate, untouchable achievement with your partner.
Bucky said your name, pulling you out of your dazed thoughts. You finally faced him, taking in his not-so-surprising expression of wonder. “Is that true?” There was something in his tone that made your heart leap. He was… excited, you thought. “Is this making you…”
Your mouth opened but no words came out.
Zemo opted to answer for you. “You know it is, James.”
Bucky licked his lips and took a couple of steps towards you, focused on getting an answer personally from you. He was very close now, pretty much towering of you. “Does the thought of someone watching us make you wet?”
His words hit the room like explosive bombs. You gasped at the boldness, trying to act all surprised at the question, but your body couldn’t hide anything, especially not when Bucky’s metal arm came up to trace invisible lines across your neck. He held your head up, forcing you to keep your eyes on him. The entire situation felt so powerful.
Both Bucky and Zemo let out scoffs in disbelief. You sighed, defeated. 
“Oh, really?” Bucky inquired as he began walking towards you again, getting so close that you had no choice but to back up. You hit the wall once again, feeling almost in the position from earlier. 
Without any warning, Bucky undid your pants and once again shoved his hand back to your core, letting his fingers run over your folds. If your panties had a puddle earlier, it was now a full-blown ocean down there. You yelped in surprise.
Bucky hummed as he let his fingers play. “I think the thought makes you very wet.” He pressed into you just a bit more, enough for you to now feel his erection through his jeans. 
As Bucky inserted two fingers in you, he moved his head to meet yours. You grabbed onto his shoulders as the hand on your throat forced your head to tilt to the side, making room for him to whisper in your ears. 
He pumped his fingers slowly as he spoke, “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” You let out a pathetic whine. “Yeah, you sure are,” Bucky chuckled. “I can feel it. I can feel you soaking my hand and why is that? Because someone is watching you? Someone’s watching you take my fingers like a good girl while my hand is wrapped around your pretty throat, just how I know you like it. Isn’t that right, dear?”
Bucky sneered, his voice full of arousal and jealousy, at the little pet name Zemo had used on you. You just about collapsed when he spoke. If it hadn’t been for Bucky’s strong body pressing into yours, you would’ve melted into the floor. Not to mention, you could feel Zemo’s eyes taking you in, raking over you so shamelessly as you twisted and squirmed from Bucky’s skilled fingering. 
“She is quite the sight,” Zemo commented, making observations as if you weren’t even in the room. For some reason, that made everything hotter. 
“M-More-,” you choked out and began grinding your hips against Bucky’s body. His grip on your throat got a bit tighter at your movement, forcing you to let out a moan. 
“You want more?” Bucky taunted you as his thumb came up to circle your clit. You yelped, moving your hips even more. His body was still holding you down. “You want me to fuck you right here for him to see?” 
Your eyes had fluttered close by now but Bucky wasn’t dealing with that. The hand on your neck left and found its way into your hair. He gave your hair a tug, forcing you to keep looking at him. His eyes bore into yours, full of lust and pleasure. His features, though, were harsh and serious. You felt your orgasm coming in hard. You couldn’t even think straight to nod at his ridiculous question. 
Bucky seemed to know all this, though. Just as fast as he put his hand down your pants, he removed it, making you let out an angry, pitiful whine at the loss of contact. Bucky just shook his head and forced you to turn around. Now your front was completely pushed against the wall and Bucky was working fast to get your pants and panties off. 
You couldn’t really see anything behind you now and somehow, this got you going even more. You lost pretty much all control in this position. Your awareness was flying out the window. You had no idea what Bucky’s next moves would be and you certainly didn’t know how Zemo looked taking this all in.
Suddenly, though, a hand came up to your cheek, brushing back your hair. You knew immediately it wasn’t Bucky.
“You look so pretty, dear,” Zemo whispered. His hand caressed your cheek as his eyes stared into your blown-out ones. “Like an absolute goddess.”
Before you could even respond or at least show acknowledgment, Bucky entered you full force, his hips completely jutting against you. You let out a cry at the fullness, completely stunned by the boldness of your boyfriend. He groaned lowly in your ear as he worked his way well deep into you. 
“B-Bucky-” Your cries were loud as you adjusted to the size of him, now planted rightfully in you. While there was some discomfort, all you could register was the pleasure you had been denied for what felt like forever.
“Shh,” he hushed you, his mouth right against your ear. “You’re taking it so well, doll. My good little girl.”
You could’ve sobbed at his words of encouragement. He watched you for a second, still paused inside you, before feeling that you were okay. Then the pumping began, in and out of you, just as powerful as when Bucky first entered you. His rhythm was hypnotizing as he fucked you forcefully into the wall. 
Upping the ante a bit, his metal arm came around to your neck, squeezing gently but with determination. You felt yourself get wetter at the action.
“There you go,” Bucky mumbled, sounding lost in his own daze. “Just like that, sweetheart. Got me fucking you against a wall, my hand around your throat, while we have a little audience. But that’s what you wanted, right? You wanted to show off how you like to get fucked.”
Somehow, his words were so degrading yet so pleasing. They went straight to your core causing the sound of your wetness to begin filling the room. You heard Zemo chuckle at the shift. 
“Such a dirty girl you have, James.”
Bucky scoffed. “What a naughty girl I have. Didn’t even tell me she likes it when people watch.”
You whined at the statement but didn’t have much time to ponder it as Bucky pulled out of the way out only to shove right back in, forcing you to take his length in one motion. Your cries were becoming a regular thing now, completely engrossed in the situation.
“That’s it, sweetheart, so good,” Bucky grunted in your ear as his hand on your throat got tighter. “Gonna cum for me, yeah? Gonna come while he watches? Come on, doll, let him see how pretty you look falling apart.”
That was all it took. Your orgasm rushed through you the second his words stopped and he gave another strong pump. Slightly ashamed of yourself for how little it took for you to cum, but who could really blame you? Denied twice, you were always on that teetering and all that was needed was Bucky’s permission. 
You shook under Bucky as he stilled inside you, letting his own orgasm take him over. He finished inside you, groaning and moaning pleasantly in your ear as you squirmed. The sensation of it all, from the warmth of Bucky filling you to Zemo’s eyes still shamelessly watching, had you overwhelmed quickly. 
Bucky whispered sweet praises in your ear as you two calmed down. “So good for me, sweetheart. Absolutely fucking perfect. Can never get enough of this.” His words made you feel warm and definitely helped you catch your breath. 
When he saw you were going to be fine, Bucky pulled out and reached for a towel to clean you up. He was gentle and caring, a complete contrast to just minutes ago. 
Pants and underwear returned to your body and you pushed yourself slowly away from the wall, carefully finding your footing. 
Once you and Bucky had straightened up your appearance, Zemo spoke. 
“That certainly was a real treat,” he said with a cocky smile playing on his lips. You couldn’t really face him and instead focused on the floor. Bucky placed a gentle hand on your waist. “Nothing to be ashamed of, dear. I think we got what we all wanted, right?”
You mustered the courage to at least look up at Bucky who was just rolling his eyes. 
“Could you leave us for now?” Bucky sighed.
“Why?” Zemo asked. “Going for round two?”
You shook your head, fighting your own urge to roll your eyes. No matter how mad you actually wanted to be, though, you had certainly found a lot of pleasure in the events just seconds earlier.
Bucky went to snap back with some remarks but Zemo cut him off. “I’m just kidding,” he said and then began walking to the door. “Thank you for this opportunity. It will certainly be treasured.”
With that, he exited, leaving you and Bucky standing there, staring at one another. Surprisingly, nothing had felt it changed between you two. In fact, you felt better now that that little secret of yours was now out in the open. 
“So,” Bucky began with the tiniest smirk, “are there any other kinks of yours I need to know about?”
You groaned as Bucky chuckled, finding way too much amusement now. “Shut up.”
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dollslayer · 3 years
Charity Case
Bucky Barnes x Reader, College AU, enemies to lovers
Summary: You loathe Bucky Barnes and his cocky attitude but you find yourself doing him a favor. Is he really as insufferable as he seems?
W/C: 3,830
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, uhhh kissing, that's it!
A/N: Here it is! My entry for @sweeterthanthis Quote Me On It 6k challenge!! My quote was "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?" (in bold). I love the Heathers so I'm excited!! Hopefully I did this prompt justice. As always, if you liked it please reblog/comment! Cheers! I do not consent to my work being reposted/translated on any platform.
Main Masterlist
Steve was running late again. You try not to chew your nails off in frustration but he’s definitely testing you. This is the third time in the last two weeks that he’s late to meet you. When he hasn’t been late he’s cancelled all together. Always with a half-ass apology of ‘Bucky needs me’. As if.
You’ve been friends with Steve since your freshman year creative writing class when the only open seat was next to him. Ever since that first day you two had been close. But not as close as him and Bucky. Childhood friends attending university together, thicker than thieves.
You always felt like Bucky was maybe a little jealous of the friendship you and Steve have. Maybe you’re a little jealous too but you’re almost positive Bucky is more jealous of you than you are of him but that’s beside the point. On top of his jealousy Bucky was just annoying. He had a girlfriend but he was always flirting with every girl he met, yourself included. Not to mention he was cocky as all hell.
Steve vouches for his character, swears that it’s all an act and he’s actually very sensitive underneath but you don’t buy it for a second. If you were his girlfriend you’d have dumped him a long time ago.
You don’t have time to dwell on your annoyance too much because Steve is rushing through the doors of the coffee shop. He looks around for you and when he finally finds you the look on his face is relieved. As he gets closer it’s clear that he’d been running to get to you in time. He’s sweaty and a little out of breath and if you weren’t so annoyed with him you’d have found it endearing that he ran here.
“There you are,” he huffs out, “I’m so sorry, I was with Bucky and I lost track of time.”
You purse your lips and hand him a napkin which he takes with a gracious nod before wiping the sweat from his brow. You hand him the iced coffee you’d ordered for him too. The ice is slightly melted from sitting there but he looks so refreshed to be drinking it.
“Figures” is all you say with a huff. If he hadn’t been doing it so often you would’ve been a little kinder about it but you were just irked.
“Seriously, I’m sorry. Nat just dumped him, he's been having a hard time” Steve explained.
“Is it because he flirts with anything that moves?” You scoff.
Steve scoffs in return “He does not! He’s just… outgoing. But no, they had their own problems.” You raise one eyebrow at him. “Okay the flirting had something to do with it but there’s a lot going on there.”
“Whatever, let’s just study for this exam while we can”.
You and Steve spent the next two hours cramming for your midterm together. Things were going well and you’d nearly forgotten that you were mad at Steve in the first place. Nearly.
You were so deep into your notecards that you didn’t hear the door open behind you. A voice that could grate on only your nerves. A voice that if it didn’t belong to such a bastard, might even be kinda sexy. The voice breaks your focus completely when it calls out.
“Hey, Steve, are you done already or what? Oh hey, what’s up, beautiful?”
You set your notecards down on the table maybe a little harder than you should. You shoot Steve a glare because you thought it would just be the two of you. Really? You cut in before Steve can answer his friend.
“No, Bucky, he’s not. Can we help you?”
He smirks, giving you his full attention. He knows he has you now, knows you took the bait and he’s goaded you to the point of backtalk. He pulls up a chair to the table and wedges himself tightly between you and Steve. The sound of the chair legs scraping the floor as he scoots closer to you rings in your ears and makes you cringe. You look at Steve again only to find him avoiding your gaze.
“Well, sweetheart, me and Stevie boy here have plans later. Gonna do some gaming and order a pizza, really embracing the bachelor lifestyle.” He raised his eyebrows at this and you just rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I heard Nat dumped your ass, actually, is that true?” You asked with a fake sweetness.
“Why, you interested?” He rebuffed.
You bristled at his quick response and muttered your annoyance under your breath. You chose not to respond. Instead you decided to address Steve.
“Steve, I didn’t realize that you had plans”
“Oh… yeah, loose plans…” He answered distractedly while pretending to be reading a text on his phone.
You decide to call it a day. You were getting seriously fed up with Steve’s passive behavior in all of this. Thankfully you didn’t have much to pack up, so once you slung your backpack over your shoulder you looked up at the pair to bid them goodnight.
“Well, Steve, this was… enlightening. Bucky, eat it. Goodnight fellas, have fun with your ‘bachelor lifestyle’” You said with air quotes. Turning on your heel you left before either could respond.
You had left the coffee shop that evening pretty upset with Steve. Of course it’s fine for him to have other friends but lately it was like he only cared about Bucky and all of your plans took a backseat to theirs. You decided you weren’t going to be the one to text Steve first, since he was being a bad friend. He could be the one to initiate plans.
He did just that when he caught you in the hallway after your midterm a week later. He jogged up to you once again and tugged on your sleeve to get you to stop.
“Hey, how do you think you did? Bet those notecards paid off, right?” He half-joked. He looked sheepish. Nervous almost. You figured it was because of what happened last time you met.
“Yeah, Jesus Christ! I’ve never been so grateful for little pieces of paper.” You scoffed. You decided to keep it light between you. You were still upset with him but his tone leads you to believe he was gonna apologize.
“Right?” He laughs nervously, “So listen, I know I’ve been kind of a jerk lately… Maybe we could get something to eat at Nick’s?”
Nick’s was the local greasy spoon on campus and they had the best breakfast food you’d ever had. You eyed him suspiciously but accepted.
“Alright, but you’re buying. And there better not be any visitors!” You add as you bound down the hall ahead of him. He knows you mean Bucky and he’s not worried because Bucky won’t be showing up today. He’s more nervous about what he has to ask you.
You’re sipping on pop as you play with your straw wrapper. You look up at Steve and notice he’s fidgeting a lot more than usual.
“What’s up? Why are you so twitchy?” You question him.
���Me? I’m not twitchy! I was just thinking that’s all” He quickly defends himself.
“Well that was the last midterm of the semester for both of us, I think it’s safe to say you can relax.”
“Yeah, guess you’re right.” Steve concedes quietly.
You and Steve eat in near silence, neither of you mind though because it’s comfortable. You worked on your hashbrowns when you looked up and noticed that Steve had barely touched his food. He was still fidgety, he looked nervous.
“Hey, you’ve hardly eaten anything, what’s the matter?”
He looks a little embarrassed, like he’s been caught. Or like he’s about to come clean about something.
“Look, I wanted to say sorry I know I haven’t been the best friend lately with everything going on with Bucky. He really is having a hard time since the breakup y’know… he’s lonely”
“Right” You laughed, “I’m sure he’s soo lonely.” You rolled your eyes and picked up your fork.
“No really, he just needed a friend to be there. I think he does need to get back out there though.”
“With how smooth he thinks he is, I'm sure he’ll have a date by the end of the night. I wouldn’t worry about it, Stevie.” You responded.
“I’m serious! As much of a player as he comes off he needs to be with someone he already knows. He’s actually really sensitive.” You interrupted with another laugh. There were many choice words you’d use to describe Bucky Barnes but ‘sensitive’ is not one of them.
“But anyway, I was...kinda hoping you’d do me a favor…” Steve trails off.
Based on the conversation you just had you’re cautious. You eye him warily but motion for him to continue.
“Well, like I said Buck’s having a hard time and he needs to get back out there but he doesn’t feel comfortable hooking up with a stranger. I was thinking maybe.. You guys should hang out?”
Steve refused to look at you as he finished the question. The look on your face was a look of confusion and shock.
“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?” you asked in disbelief. “I mean seriously, I’m nice but not that nice.”
“No!” You cut him off, “You know I can’t stand that prick. Also why would I want to put myself on the long list of women he’s probably tried to fuck? I don’t buy this whole ‘sensitive’ thing for a minute.”
“I’m serious, Nat kinda crushed his heart when she left. He acts cocky but it’s a front. I just think he needs to see someone to get it out of his system. You’ve got more in common than you think. Just hang out with him once. Don’t think of it like a date, just a really really big favor. Please?” Steve begged.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. “You. Owe. Me. So. Much”
“Really?” He asked hopefully.
“Really. But I’m not gonna bang him. Hard no on that” you said.
“Yeah, yeah of course! No problem! I’ll give Bucky your number!” He reached across the table and grabbed your hand. His hands were kidna clammy but you let him.
“Seriously, thank you. I know you think he’s some jerk but I promise he’s a good guy.” Steve adds, “A-and don’t think of it as like a date, even, y'know? I think honestly he could just use another friend. Think of how good it could be if we could all hang together some time?”
You shook your head and chuckled at his optimism while you stabbed another bite of your meal.
‘What’s up, sweetface?’ Gross.
‘Okay, sorry. Hi, how are you?’ Better.
‘I’m alright, you?’
‘Good. Steve tells me you’re a huge trivia nerd. Wanna go to Sally’s tn?’
‘It’s a date’ Shit. Didn’t mean to say that. Fuck. Quick- say something that will deflect before he responds!
‘And since it’s a date you’re paying’ That’ll have to do.
‘Ugh fine. Here’s hoping you’re a cheap date at least. I’ll meet you there at 9’
What do you wear for a date with someone that you despise? It’s just bar trivia so it’s nothing special but somehow the jeans and flannel you’ve been wearing all day don’t feel like they make the cut. You rip your closet apart trying to find something before you settle on black skinny jeans and your favorite sweater with some boots. Casual but not too casual.
You spend the whole walk there dreading the night ahead of you. Knowing that you wouldn’t even have Steve as a buffer between you made the whole evening seem daunting. At least you had trivia to distract you. You decide to give Bucky the benefit of the doubt tonight for Steve’s sake. You try to remember Steve’s insistence that Bucky’s a good guy and you have a lot in common. We’ll see about that.
When you arrive at the bar you find Bucky already waiting for you at a high-top table with two PBRs and a shot of brown liquid. Please don’t let that be whiskey. He sees you coming and smiles that damn-his-good-looks smile at you while patting the open chair next to him. The closer you get you even see that he got the whiteboard already for trivia.
“Please tell me that’s not Jameson or Fireball” you greet him.
He laughs a little and shakes his head. “Better - it’s Jack. Sorry, doll, but I already opened the tab. This is what we’re drinking” He nudges one of the shots closer to you and motions for you to pick it up. “Come on, we gotta start the night off right, bottoms up!”
Before you can gag at the thought of drinking whiskey you grab the glass and face him. You both knock your shots on the table before clinking them together and swallowing them in one go. You grimace at the taste and feel the warmth flow all the way down your throat. You quickly take a sip of your beer to rid yourself of the taste.
“Aww, you’re cute when you’re grossed out.” Bucky coos at you.
You’re embarrassed and annoyed but it goes away quickly.
“Shut up, Barnes”
You give him a light shove and he pretends like he’s about to fall off his stool, making you laugh. For someone that’s only ever annoyed you he’s doing a pretty bang-up job of being likeable when it’s just the two of you.
“You ready for me to carry you through some trivia?” You joked.
“Hey, now! I know...stuff” he concluded.
“Mmhmmm, I’m sure you do. Don’t worry, I’ll answer the questions and you just sit there and look pretty” you reach over to pat his face lightly with a wink.
Bucky grumbles before taking another sip of his beer.
You settle in for a long night when the host announces the first round is starting.
You managed to steal the first round without breaking a sweat, second round was a little rocky until it came down to you and one other couple. You knew the third round would be tricky but the way Bucky was cheering you on you were determined. To no one’s surprise Bucky had been completely useless so far but to his credit he was trying. At least he was a supportive teammate.
Things were going well until the third round was announced: Old School Videogames. You didn’t know shit about old school videogames. Or regular videogames. The extent of your video game knowledge started and ended with Mario Kart.
When the third round was announced though Bucky hit the table in excitement and cheered.
“Woo! Fuck yeah!” He pats you on the shoulder, “I got this, don’t worry. I so fuckin’ got this!”
He was a few drinks deep but he was so confident and he was your only hope so you went with it. He looked like a little kid the way he was practically giddy.
“You had better! There’s some serious prize money riding on this round.” You said in warning.
“No, no. You don’t understand that I’ve GOT this. Your turn to look pretty, not that it’s gonna be all that hard for you, sweetface” Bucky grinned at you over his beer as he took another sip.
Your cheeks felt heated and you tried your best to hide it by taking another drink yourself. Bucky’s flirting has never worked until now. Must be the alcohol.
“Shut up, Barnes” you mumble.
“Y’keep saying that but what I really think you mean is ‘I love you, Bucky you’re so strong and handsome~’” He imitated in a high pitched feminine voice.
You shoved him for real and before you could say anything else the third round was starting.
Bucky wasn’t kidding when he said he had this. He had won the round in a clean sweep and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed. Who knew this man harbored so much videogame trivia? When the host handed you the prize money he just waggled his eyebrows as if to say See?
“I gotta hand it to you, Barnes, I had no idea you had that much videgame wisdom rolling around up there. The only videogame I ever play is Mariokart so I’d be toast without you.”
“Mariokart? That’s it?? No problem, doll. It was nice to contribute.” He chuckles at that.
You divvied the money up and handed him his half.
“Guess I’m not such a cheap date afterall, huh?”
He chuckled as he took his half from you.
“I’m gonna go pay the tab with our winnings, I’ll be back”
You picked up your phone while you waited for him to find some missed texts from Steve.
‘How’s it going?’ ‘Are you guys doing okay?’ ‘I haven’t heard anything so I’m assuming you haven’t killed each other. Have fun, text if you need a ride home.’
You almost rolled your eyes at Steve’s insistence but found yourself smiling instead. You’d text him back when you got home.
Bucky was walking up to you once more and you smiled at him slightly.
“You said you’re good at Mariokart?”
“I didn’t say I was good at Mariokart, I said that I played it. Why?”
“Well I was thinkin’ maybe we could go back to mine and I could whoop your butt”
You weren’t going to say yes but now he was goading you and you took the bait without hesitation.
“Oh, you’re on, Barnes. You’re so, so on.”
His smile grew wider when he heard your response. With that he placed his hand on your lower back and ushered you out of the bar.
You played two tournament cups worth of Mariokart and Bucky had indeed whooped your butt. You don’t know why you were surprised, with how much gaming he and Steve do it’s no surprise he’s a natural. You still had fun though. Just when you were about to propose a third round Bucky got up and headed to the kitchen without a word.
He came back with two glasses of water and handed you one. He sat down on the floor next to you and you set down your controller.
“Here, drink up.”
You were taken aback a bit by the kind gesture but accepted the glass just the same.
“Thank you, I might regret saying this but, you’re not so bad when you’re not being insufferable, Barnes”. You told him
He smiled and shook his head as he drank his water.
“Thanks, I guess”
“How come you can’t be like this all the time? When it’s just the two of us you’re so kind and you’re even… I don’t know, funny maybe. Why do you get all cocky whenever else I see you?”
He looked down into his glass at your comment and you watched his brows crease in thought.
“I don’t know, it just sort of… happens, whenever I’m around other people I don’t know that well. I don’t mean to be a dick or anything but it’s like I can’t help myself. People expect me to be a certain way and I can’t help but fall into it sometimes. Nat hated that about me, it’s part of the reason why she dumped me, actually”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that. And I’m sorry about the breakup, too. I know you guys were together for a while.” Bucky only shrugged at this and downed the rest of his water.
“It is what it is. I’m ready to be over it, I’m getting there slowly but surely. I gotta say, you’re not so bad either when you’re not getting all defensive and in my face. You’re actually pretty funny”
Your turn to become flustered at a personal analysis.
“Thanks, I guess I don’t mean to be so defensive either, it's just my response to most other people. I feel myself slip into it and it can’t be helped.” You explained.
Bucky nods at you, not knowing entirely what to say in response.
“I like spending time with you” He says leaning closer to you.
You swallow thickly, not sure what to make of what you feel knowing his face is so close to yours.
“I… like spending time with you too. You’re not what I thought.”
“Me neither,” he shakes his head, “You’re something else.”
With that he leans his head closer to yours and you feel yourself close your eyes and move your lips to slant perfectly into his. You’re kissing Bucky Barnes. The Bucky Barnes you can’t stand. That Bucky Barnes. You’ve decided that his tongue feels too good in your mouth to care now.
His hands come to frame your face and bring you in closer. His hands are warm and calloused but they feel like comfort. You can’t help but to melt. You moan into his mouth and it seems to spur him on. He pulls you into his lap and you let out a noise of surprise that’s muffled by his mouth on yours.
Your hands come to caress his sides and you take your time feeling every muscle and ridge. Your hands idly make their way under the hem of his shirt and his skin is just as smooth as you’d expect. He sighs into your mouth and it takes all of your strength not to fall apart right there. You feel yourself getting lightheaded and have to pull away for air. When you do you rest your forehead against his and the only sound is both of your breathing.
You finally brave a look at him and he has the softest smile on his lips.
“Sorry, doll, didn’t mean to get so carried away but I’ve been waiting for a long time to do that.”
This catches you off guard.
“You have? Wait, did you like me? But you flirt with everyone!” You explain.
“With you, I flirt with you. You just can’t stand me” he laughs out, “Nat dumped me for a couple reasons but that’s one of them she told me I needed to get my priorities straight and I gotta say, I’m thankin’ her for sayin’ it ‘cause she was right.”
You don’t know what to say or what to make of any of this. All you know is that you want to kiss him again, so you do. You grab him by the collar and pull him into you again. He lets out a startled noise but kisses you back all the same.
You don’t care what you used to think of Bucky Barnes and you don’t care about what’ll happen after today. Right now all you care about is feeling him in sync with you for the first time. You could live in this moment forever but right now will have to do.
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nextdoor-neighbors · 4 years
Request: Can I request a Fred x reader fic. Maybe George pulled a prank on her and shrunk all he school uniforms and Fred gets real turned on at the sight of her in knee high socks and a shirt skirt and is embarrassed to admit it. He gets mad at the boys ogling over her and gets jealous! Smut maybe?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Oral (male receiving)
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“No. Way.”
You hear Hermione stifle a giggle from behind you. “It’s not...that bad.”
You turn around, away from the mirror to face your friend, tugging down your skirt as much as you can without ripping the fabric. “Look me in the eye and say that again, Hermione.”
Hermione looks you up and down from her seat on the edge of her bed, clearly trying to hold back her grin. “I can’t do that.”
You groan loudly, throwing your head back. George Weasley thought it would be funny to prank you - as he and his twin often did, considering you’re good friends with Ron - only this time, he pranked you by himself, which resulted in all of your school clothes being shrunk. All of them.
“This is so embarrassing,” you sigh, looking at yourself once more in the mirror. Maybe you could just fake being sick and skip all your classes until you figured out a way to fix this. Yet at the same time, you needed to go confront George.
“You’ll be fine, Y/N. The worst that’ll happen is everyone staring at you,” Hermione says, pushing herself off of her bed and looking at you again.
“That’s, like, my worst nightmare, ‘Mione.”
Hermione giggles. “I know, but the longer you stand here and stare at yourself, the later we’re going to be for breakfast. So come on, I promise it’ll be okay.”
You hesitantly follow her out of the dorm, shrugging your robe on and holding it tightly around you, because thankfully, it was the one article of your school uniform that George left alone.
Once you arrive at the Great Hall for breakfast, you notice that mostly everyone is already there, apart from you, Hermione, and a few other stragglers. The two of you head to your spots at the Gryffindor table, where it looks like Ron and Harry saved you seats between them, which also happen to be right across from the twins.
Ron, per usual, was stuffing his face with food, but stopped long enough to say, “Took you two long enough to show.”
“We couldn’t help it, Y/N was having some... issues with her uniform,” Hermione says, and you feel yourself blush deeply as George starts laughing.
“What, did you prank Y/N without me?” Fred says to his twin in disbelief. 
George grins in response, turning to you. “Why don’t you show us, Y/N?”
“Absolutely not,” you say, your face practically burning with your blush at this point.
“Pleeease, I need to at least admire my handiwork before I fix it,” George replies, giving you his puppy dog eyes, which he knows you can’t resist.
You roll your eyes and get up off the bench, pulling open your robe so that your too-tight shirt and too-short skirt are fully on display for your friends. George bursts out laughing, which draws attention from other tables, so people’s heads start turning. You pull your robe back closed, hopefully, before too many people saw.
“Bloody hell,” Ron mutters in awe, which earns him a smack on the arm from Hermione.
“Oh, shut it, Ronald.”
Your gaze shifts to Fred, whose face - much to your surprise - is as equally as red as yours.
“You’ll fix it, right?” you say to George, who exchanges a look with Fred before turning his attention back to you.
“Yeah, eventually.”
“George,” you hiss, momentarily looking back to Fred, who has his gaze fixed on you. Once you sit back down, you cross your legs tightly, trying to ignore the feeling that the look in his eyes is giving you.
“I’m only joking, Y/N. Of course I’ll fix it. However-” he glances over his shoulder at the other house tables, where you see several of your classmates whispering amongst each other, “-I think quite a few people already got a good look at you.”
“Dammit,” you mutter. You can’t help but glance up at Fred again. He isn’t looking at you anymore, but you still notice that his expression has changed, and he looks rather annoyed now.
George was right, though, because throughout the day, you face many comments in the halls, especially after you get distracted by a conversation with Harry on the way back to the Gryffindor common room at the end of the day and accidentally let your robes fall open.
“Nice uniform, Y/N!” a boy from the year above you calls across the hall, sending a wink in your direction.
“Oh, shove off!” a voice says from behind you, and you turn around in surprise to see Fred Weasley, shooting a death glare towards the boy.
“Uh, I’ll catch up with you later, Harry,” you say.
“Can I talk to Fred for a minute? Alone?” you ask George, who agrees and heads off to the common room, as well.
“What is it, Y/N?” Fred asks, annoyance clear in his tone after you pull him into an empty corridor.
“What’s your deal? You’ve looked annoyed all day. I’m not upset by the prank, you know. Sure, it was a little embarrassing, but I’m not mad at George or anything, plus he said he’d help fix it-” you abruptly stop rambling, your cheeks flushing as Fred looks you up and down.
“That’s not it,” he says, quieter this time, his eyes still searching your body. You’re very aware of the way your shrunken shirt strains against your chest and how there’s quite a bit of skin of your thighs exposed between where your skirt falls and where your knee-high socks end. But under Fred’s gaze, you don’t feel uncomfortable.
“Then what is it?” you ask, matching his quiet tone.
His face reddens, much to your amusement. You’re not used to seeing this side of Fred.
“It’s...it’s the boys who’ve been ogling you all day.”
Your heart somersaults as you bite your lip gently, Fred’s eyes trained on the movement.
“And what about them?”
Fred doesn’t respond for a moment, pressing his lips tightly together in his hesitation.
“I don’t like them looking at you like that. I want to be the only one to look at you like that.”
Your breath hitches slightly at his words, shock and excitement and desire all flooding through you at once. You never knew Fred was attracted to you, but jealous Fred? Even better. You feel more confident than you ever have before with your new knowledge, and for this reason, you decide to act on it.
After sending a look either way down the hall to check for any professors or students, you grab Fred’s arm and pull him into the nearest broom closet.
“Y/N, what are you-”
You cut him off with your lips, pushing him back against the wall of the small closet and kissing him hungrily. He responds almost instantly, meeting your passion with his own, his hands sliding under your short skirt and coming to rest on your ass.
After a minute more of snogging and Fred getting rather handsy, you drop down to your knees and start unbuckling his belt. He watches you, eyes dark with lust, as you pull down his pants and boxers to see that he’s already incredibly hard.
Fred breathes your name as you don’t hesitate to take him into your mouth, wrapping his hands in your hair. His low moans make you wet as you bob your head with increasing speed, taking as much of him as you can handle.
You feel him tighten his grip on your hair as he mumbles, “I’m gonna cum, Y/N.”
He releases into your mouth with a low groan and you swallow, wiping your hand across your lips as you stand up. Fred looks down at you, his lips slightly parted with a small smirk playing on them.
“You’re good at that, y’know. But now it’s my turn to show you what I’m good at,” he says breathily, winking at you, but you place your hands gently on his chest to stop him before he does anything.
“Take me back to your room first,” you practically whisper.
“Absolutely. But I have one request, for when we do get to my room.” Fred pulls up his boxers and pants, putting his belt back on and gazing down at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Which is?” you prompt him, not sure what he’s about to say.
He grins wickedly, placing his hand on the door handle, speaking to you before he opens the door. 
“The skirt stays on while I fuck you.”
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redorich · 3 years
May I request the aftermath of Cleo learning about the magic restrictions please and thank you.
The unfortunate thing about the Dream SMP is that there is no such thing as neutral ground. Everyone's in a faction, and everyone's got beef with everyone else. The only "neutral ground" is the unsettled wilds. When Philza reports this back to Cleo, who reports it back to Xisuma, Cleo wears a put-upon look and says that her and Joe's castle will do just fine, thank you, so stop worrying about it.
The day of the meeting comes, and though Philza is hesitant to return to the castle that scared Techno half to death and activated Ranboo's main character energy, he didn't spend all that time with Cleo handing out the invitations for nothing. Cleo herself won't be present, but her partner in crime Joe will be.
Inside the castle, past the courtyard teeming with armor stand faux-life, there is a meeting room with a table. There are exits on each of the four walls, so no one feels trapped, and the table is circular so that no one feels less important than anyone else. It's all a very Socratic setup.
At the far end of the room, where the head of the table would be were it rectangular, Xisuma sits calm as can be despite the powder keg of important people with grudges he's invited into his presence. On his right is Joe, whose eyes are lit up bright white, though he's still wearing his glasses. To Xisuma's left is Grian, and to Grian's left is Doc. Continuing around the table, next sits Eret representing the Pride Palace and, to a lesser extent, the Dream SMP as a whole. After them, the next person is Philza representing the Syndicate, then Bad representing the Eggpire.
Given the antagonistic nature of the Eggpire, Bad's neighbors have been chosen very carefully; on his other side sits Ghostbur representing L'Manberg. (Philza had awkwardly told Cleo that inviting a L'Manberg representative wasn't necessary, since the place was gone, but she insisted that it was "the principle of the matter". Ghostbur seems happy enough to be invited, anyway.)
On Ghostbur's left, Sam attends on Dream's behalf. Obviously, no one is going to invite Dream, and as Dream's would-be warden, Sam was nominated to attend in his stead. Next to Sam there's an empty chair for George; Philza and Puffy both warned the Hermits that George was allergic to "lore", whatever that meant, but his place at the table was set nevertheless.
The last person to fill in the table is Tubbo, representing Snowchester. He quietly expresses to Sam that he's wary about how few Hermits there are in proportion to the number of Dream SMP citizens. Sam shrugs, and murmurs back to Tubbo that there's probably more Hermits hiding somewhere nearby. After all, isn't that what the Hermits do?
Xisuma claps his hands together once in a polite bid for everyone's attention. They settle down slowly, and once they do, he stands.
"Right, everyone-- thank you all for coming. Let's get right into it, shall we?" He smiles, though it's hard to see beneath the helmet. "With some help from Puffy and Philza, my friends and I were able to figure out why we were trapped in your server."
Sam crosses his arms. He doesn't give much of a shit about the Hermits, he tells himself, unless they have something to do with Dream-- Sam's greatest failure. (It's a lie. He looks at Doc, the only other creeper-person he's ever met-- the first creeper-person, who fought a god and won the right to live for all mob hybrids who came after him. Doc, whose eyes are fixed solely on Xisuma.)
Clearing his throat to cover up the moment of weakness, Sam speaks up. "That's great and all, but why do we care? No one was living in L'Manberg anyway; it was practically free real estate."
The callous words net Sam a glare from Tubbo and a hurt look from Ghostbur. Before either can protest, Xisuma cuts in smoothly.
"It's an issue with your server," he says, "one that Dream should have fixed. It's the reason for this meeting, actually; if there was a responsible admin in the server, I would have just told them. First, a history lesson-- Doc, if you please?"
Doc nods somberly, savoring the opportunity to ham it up a bit. "For those of you who don't know, there are three Eras. The first is the beginning of time, when Mojang created the world as we know it. Players had infinite respawns, the world was less advanced, and redstone had just been created."
"Don't you think you're going a little too far back in history?" Bad asks skeptically.
"He's getting there," Eret defends.
Doc picks up where he left off. "In the Mojang pantheon, there was a god named Notch who wanted to expand the world's horizons, to give them new biomes and mechanics and blocks they'd never seen before... but you can't make something out of nothing. He needed magic to make his big updates a reality, and he stole it from the players behind the other gods' backs."
Ghostbur gasps, horrified. "He stole magic?"
"And so the gods killed him and gave the magic back, end of story," Sam snaps, then instantly regrets it. He's too on edge.
Thankfully, Doc either doesn't mind it or doesn't notice. "Not quite," he says. "When Notch took the magic from players, they lost the ability to respawn at all, marking the beginning of Era Two-- the Hardcore Era. When the gods found out, they were angry at Notch, so they exiled him to the Void. They tried to give players back their magic, but Notch had already taken too much, and servers and updates kept needing more and more... That's how Era Three started. It's the one you live in now, with the three life system."
"So... why does this matter?" Tubbo asks. "I mean, what does this have to do with why you're stuck in our server?"
"There's a parasite on your server, eating up all the magic," Xisuma says carefully. "Your server needed extra magic to keep up, so when we went through the infinity portal it grabbed us. As a group comprised mostly of Era One players, we have the magic that the server needs to compensate for the parasite."
Most of the Dream SMP citizens look either nauseous or extremely worried at the thought of a parasite. With a furrowed brow and a chewed lip, Eret breaks the silence.
"Do you know who it is?"
They all look around the table with wary gimlet eyes, attempting to suss out the imposter among them.
"A parasite..." Sam snorts derisively. "Sounds like that damn egg."
"Language," Bad snaps, but doesn't resort to violence.
"No no, he's got a point," Grian speaks for the first time. He'd been told to stay silent, but he's not a man who will ever pass up an opportunity to meme.
Bad's face falls, and he takes on a placating tone in an attempt to persuade the Hermits to his side. "Hey, don't be like that, the Egg's never done anything wrong!"
Sam's eyebrows raise practically to the ceiling. He looks at Bad in disbelief. "Never done anything wrong?" he says. "Remember when you--"
"That was me, not the Egg," Bad cuts in with a nervous laugh.
"You tried to kill Puffy over it, then killed Foolish instead," Philza says solely because he wants the Hermits to be mad about the Egg.
"Hm," Joe hums to himself. Up until this point the man everyone knows as Herobrine has been quiet, fading into the background, but now that he's made his presence known they can't help but be wary.
He drums his fingers on the table. "Yeah, I think we need some backup. False, Iskall?"
"On it," Doc grumbles, and reaches under the table to flip a couple trapdoors.
Out of nowhere, as though they'd ender pearled in, a blonde woman and a cyborg man appear behind the Hermits' end of the table. Bad stands up suddenly, knocking his chair backward, but Doc presses another button and all four entrances to the room are shut by pistons.
The woman, False, vaults herself over the table with nothing but upper body strength and tackles Bad to the floor. While the demon is still stunned, Iskall dashes around the circumference of the table to flank him. Doc once again presses a button and the floor opens up to reveal a secret staircase, which False and Iskall drag Bad down kicking and screaming. Once they disappear into the depths of the basement, the floor closes back up and the doors reopen like nothing ever happened.
"Well," Xisuma says with a small smile, lacing his fingers together as he addresses the group.
They stare back at him in horror.
He clears his throat awkwardly. "So, with the removal of the Egg, your server will stabilize and we Hermits will be able to leave you in peace..."
"I'm sensing a but," Eret says tentatively. They take off their sunglasses with a minute sigh, reminding themself that it's because of these Hermits that their curse was removed, that they can take off their sunglasses and have gray eyes again.
Taking a deep breath, Xisuma speaks. "We think we have a way to fix the three-life system."
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Under the Floorboards Pt. V
(Technoblade X Reader): Pt. I, Pt. II, Pt. III, Pt. IIII, Pt. V, Pt. VI
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    Alright so maybe you spoke too soon; the four of you were going to do great things, minus Tommy. Technoblade had finally agreed to let you join Tommy and him on an adventure into L’manberg. The plan was to crash their festival, and ultimately attempt to get Tommy’s discs back from Dream and Tubbo. You expected your first adventure into the country to be fun, if anything you’d get to steal some shit, what you didn’t expect was to be thrown in the middle of a public dispute. 
Clearly, you underestimated what ‘getting the discs back’ actually entailed. 
You and Technoblade were back to back swords drawn, surrounded by about thirty people in the ruin of what was once deemed a community house. Technoblade never would’ve agreed to let you come if he thought the confrontation with Dream was going to be this serious, he assumed they’d watch from afar. If things got to dicey Tommy and him would rush in and he’d have you stay behind to watch from afar. If only he could’ve predicted someone blowing up a random building would cause such turmoil. 
Nothing could ever come up Technoblade.
   “Yah know when you first invited me out to partake in a festival for some reason I didn’t expect to be attacked by like thirty people.” You chirped a hesitant smile on your face as Technoblade made a confused sound. 
   “You definitely should’ve expected it,” Technoblade grumbled, barely taking his eyes off of Tommy and Tubbo’s argument. You watched Techno’s back but you couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the boys conversation as well. As much as your heart broke for the two war-torn children, you had your alliance first and foremost with your boyfriend. You also couldn’t help but feel this conversation should be happening privately but here they were airing things out seemingly for the first time in front of everybody. Speaking of your boyfriend, your attention was drawn back to him as he caught Tommy’s attention, “be very careful what your decision is here Tommy.” 
You narrowed your eyes and took a step in front of Technoblade, he made his classic ‘heh’ sound as you did so. You felt his hand grip your forearm and tighten trying to hold you back in case you wanted to do something stupid. 
   “Tommy, come home with us.” You held out your hand to him, the one Technoblade didn’t have a hold of obviously. “Phil’s waiting for us, we’ll get your discs back together as we planned.” The smile on your face could part the cloudiest of days and it broke Tommy’s heart, she had given him something that he hadn’t had since the war with Dream began.
A home. 
   “(Y/N),” That’s the first time he used your name, the first time you weren’t just Ms Blade. It broke your heart and you whimpered a little bit, “thank you for everything you’ve done for me. But I can’t go back with you and Technoblade. I don’t like what I’ve become, this isn’t me. I’m sorry. I hope one day we can be friends again. Tubbo give Dream my disc.” You leaned back into Technoblade in disbelief, Tommy had just betrayed Technoblade right before your very eyes. The man who gave Tommy the clothes on his back and a place to stay when no one else would. Weapons to help him fight against Dream when everyone else abandoned him, even though they all treated Technoblade as a weapon he still went out of his way to help Tommy. Your hands clenched into fists at your side as Dream let out a roaring laugh collecting the disc from Tubbo. He called the two children stupid right to their face and no matter how angry you were with them that was harsh, it’s like everyone in this country forgets that they are children. Children fuck up, it’s how they learn and it’s in their nature why does no one here understand that. You looked up at Techno your eyebrows furrowed and you pressed your lips tight but he didn’t take his eyes off Dream, he had different priorities in mind. 
Protecting you from the Dreamon if anything went south. 
Dream continued to mock and criticize the people of L’manberg before turning to you and Technoblade. The mask he wore may hide his facial expressions, but it couldn’t mask the unadulterated glee in his voice. Technoblade pulled you behind him as Dream stepped closer to the both of you, you felt a growl rumble in Technoblade’s chest, 
   “That’s close enough.” 
   “Down boy.” Dream mused, holding up his hands to show faux innocence. “I have no issues with the both of you. Tomorrow, with your help, Technoblade and woman.”  
   “Don’t tell him your name.” Technoblade gaped at you and you only could huff in frustration, 
   “Better than just being called woman! Plus Tommy already said it.”  
With an eye-roll Dream continued his speech, “With the help of Technoblade and (Y/N) L’manberg is going to be a crater. We’re blowing it sky-high.” Dream turned over to face Tubbo once again, “I had to pretend to be friends with you, to get the dumb disk back! I don't care about you. I'm not your friend. Okay? I cared about getting the disk back, and I got the disk back. I got it back. And that's-that's- that's the only thing that really matters. You can't even run your nation right. RANBOO IS A TRAITOR. ONE OF YOUR MOST TRUSTED FRIENDS.”
Your eyes widened as you spotted another child looking horrified, it was the half enderman from the butcher gang. You’re adopting him next.
   “NO, IT IS TRUE. READ THIS BOOK. READ THIS BOOK. There's his memory book. He was meeting with Techno and Tommy and told them EVERYTHING. The proof’s all his own memories! He writes it down! You can't even run your own nation correctly Tubbo. Listen. Tubbo, you, I mean you, ... L'Manberg is weaker than it's ever been, and it's because of you! You have- you have destroyed everything. You have ruined your friendships. You have ruined L'Manberg's allies. You have just-you are a horrible president Tubbo.” Dream continued as Tubbo looked sick to his stomach, you felt just as nauseous.
   “What?” He flinched at your tone, “he’s right!” 
   “They’re children,” You tried to argue but Dream cut you off by stepping in between you and Technoblade. Your pulse skyrocketed as you were separated, and you made sure an ender pearl was at the ready. Tommy looked at the both fo you nervously, but there was a spark of hope in his eyes when you defended Tubbo. Tommy turned over to Tubbo who honestly looked just as shocked that a partner of Technoblade’s would defend him, espeically considering he had tried to kill her a few days prior. Tommy had hope that he wasn’t completely dead to you.
   “Techno. Got any withers?” You watched a sickening smile spread across Techno’s lips he picked at his nails. 
   “I got a few.” 
   “Good. Then I’ll see you all tomorrow when the L’manberg loses its last cannon life,” Dream announced before disappearing into the wind. The citizens turned to face you and Technoblade, he only had to utter a single word:
   “Run,” Before both of you pearled away from the wreckage of the community house. 
Technoblade scooped you up in his arms as he made his way through the Nether portal back to his base. He was much faster than you were and you didn’t fight him on wanting to make a quick getaway. You both were silent on the way back to his base, bottom line was you didn’t know how you felt about what just went down. On one hand, destruction was your middle name and you weren’t going to oppose blowing a government to smithereens with your boyfriend.  
Nothing could be more romantic than that. 
Yet at the same time, unlike Technoblade, you felt the guilt eat away at you. These were people’s homes, and lives you’d be destroying tomorrow. Most of the citizens you had no affiliation with, which you were grateful for, but those you did you almost couldn’t justify blowing the country up. Tommy was by all accounts dead to Technoblade and by that extent you as well. Still, you didn’t want to see him physically dead, it wasn’t his fault he got corrupted by the government and a homeless teletubby.
You were starting to sound like Technoblade now too.  
You made a sound of distress and Techno glanced down at your form, his face flushed as you nuzzled your nose against his neck. 
   “You okay princess?” 
   “No…” You answered with a sigh, you reached out and twirled a strand of his pink hair through your fingers. “Tommy’s gone, we’re going to blow up a country tomorrow. I feel bad for the people we’re gonna leave homeless. So, no I’m not okay bubs.” The socially awkward man winced a little as he battled with what to say to you, he tends to forget you both aren’t the same person. For as much as both of you agree, you were still different from him, you had more empathy than he could ever wish to have. 
   “You don’t have to come.”  
He watched a frown appear on your face as you pulled away from him. You clicked your tongue in distaste, a sure sign that you were about to pick a fight with the blood god. You were one opponent he could never seem to defeat. That did not come out the way he intended. 
Time to backtrack before he got his ass handed to him. 
   “What I mean is, you have no affiliation with L’manberg. You have no prior issues you need to settle with them so technically you can stay home tomorrow, no one would blame you. You’d be safer away from the explosions, I’d feel better with you at home.”
   “That way you’d only have to worry about Phil tomorrow right?” 
   “Well, that’s part of it,” He stated bluntly, never one to be dishonest. “He has only one life and he’s going to want to fight, he has a lot to avenge. The government drove his eldest son mad, enough that Phil had to kill him. He’s one of my oldest friends, I wanna look out for him and protect him.” You couldn’t help but sigh softly at his response, you brushed your thumb across his cheek fondly. 
   “You’re wrong.” 
   “I do have something I want to fight for, I want to fight for what I believe is right. Let’s face it Techno the way everyone’s treating those children is sick. Dream manipulated Tommy and used Tubbo to get what he wanted from him. I know you did what you thought was right for Tommy but he’s a product of a war-torn country, they all are. Now, that doesn’t excuse his betrayal but… did he even know what the right thing to do was in this situation, does he even truly know what peace is? I want to fight to protect those kids. They deserve to know peace, true peace away from bloodshed and war. If I can I want to give them that.” You watched Technoblade’s jaw tighten, “I’m going with you tomorrow but I’m not going to kill the children.” 
   “I don’t think I can ever forgive Tommy.” He sighed adjusting his grip on you a sure sign he was nervous, “but I love you.” Techno kissed you once again, it was long and tender you watched as the apples of his cheeks turn red after you both pulled away. He took a breath, “You’re unstoppable and you’ve never stopped me before so I won’t do the same for you. Just stay safe. Please. You need to come home with me tomorrow I won’t settle for anything else.” 
   “I will. I promise.” You pressed a light kiss to his cheek, and he hummed gently in response. “I love you Technoblade, I’ll fight beside you. Till the end of the line.”
   “Till the end of the line,” He repeated as you both approached the snow-covered house to convene with Philza Minecraft himself.
Hi guys! Officially feeling a bit better, enough to get a small part out before I work on the next chapter. I hope you like it, thanks so much for reading and your amazing feedback. Also, thanks so much for your kind words and well wishes! Also, also, If anyone ever makes fanart of this story (I doubt it would happen) please tag me and let me know. I love to make art myself and always wanna support other artists! Thanks Again!
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katsukiibby · 3 years
Argument after Argument
warnings - angst with happy ending, unprotected sex, breeding, shower sex, established relationship
another stupid argument, over what ? forgetting to pick up grocery. if it weren’t for the highschool reunion the two of you were attending tonight, you’d be at home sleeping at a distance from each other in your shared king sized bed.
at first, tsukishima didn’t even want to be in the same room as you. it took a lot of convincing but he eventually agreed just to shut you up.
he looked nice, really really nice. you couldn’t help but think he did this on purpose. he would usually never dress this nice for a silly gathering. then again, you gave him the same treatment. you dressed your absolute best, not even caring if you where over dressed.
you were expecting more of an reaction. he barley glanced at you and gave you a simple ‘you look nice’. when he saw the way you scoffed and huffed out your nose when you saw him, he was satisfied. all he wanted was an reaction.
“are you ready yet ?” he rushed you. you simply rolled your eyes and walked out the door.
you hated when it got like this. both of you had too much pride to admit that the other is right or to apologize.
you waited for him to open the car door like he always does. he doesn’t seem like the type but after 4 years together, you’ve realized he does small romantic acts instead of verbal romance. the little things he did made you so happy, it put a soft smile on your face thinking about it.
that was all washed away when he walked up to the car and got into the driver’s seat, leaving you standing outside of the car. “are you getting in or what ?” he spat. his tone was so harsh.
the drive was silent. thick tension sat in the air. you were turned towards the window and he was focused on the road. you thanked god when you pulled up to the school. you’re hoping you can loosen up tonight.
you both walked in and were instantly met by old friends. from what you heard, your old bestfriend, shoyo hinata became a volleyball player for a pro team. you were extremely devastated that you didn’t keep in touch but nows the chance to reconnect.
just as you were serving yourself a drink you hear a familiar voice. “hi ______ !”
it’s was tadashi. you never really talked to him at school, in fact you recall properly meeting him a bit after you and tsukishima got together back in college. “hey tadashi, it’s good to see you !” you brought him into a hug. “u-uh you too !” he replied with a small blush on his face. “kei should be around here somewhere.” you told him. he nodded and walked off, telling you to enjoy yourself and blah blah blah.
about 4 cups of rum punch later, you were having the time of your life. shoyo showed up an hour ago so the two of you were catching up. (well it was mostly you rambling about your day to day life while you were pretty drunk.)
you hadn’t seen tsukishima this whole time, and honestly you didn’t mind, you needed a break from him. the gathering was coming to an end and you were far from sober. you knew how to handle yourself, so it wasn’t like you were embarrassing yourself or anything, but you definitely needed help from shoyo with walking.
“let’s go find tsukishima and get you home.” he said as he put your arm around his shoulder to help you balance. “just use my phone and call him.” you slurred out.
he got your phone and attempted to open it with your old password from your first year of high school. a small smile appeared on his face when it worked.
he went to contacts and searched for tsukishima. he called him and handed you the phone.
“______ where are you ? it’s time to go.”
“hey kei, im outside the cafeteria.”
“ok im coming.” he scoffed
“thank yo-” he hung up before you could finish. you started frowning and shoyo noticed.
“everything will be fine ______” he said rubbing your back. you didn’t want to cry. you didn’t want to waste your tears on a petty disagreement. you got up and hugged shoyo, thanking him.
right on cue, tsukishima pulled up just in time to see you hugging hinata. he honked and told you to get in the car. you said your goodbyes to shoyo and got in the car. once again, awkward silence.
“so did you have a good time ?” you tried to break the tension. “it was fine. and you ? seems like you had your fair share of fun” he responded in a judging tone.
“yeah i did. it was nice to reconnect.” you said, trying to not have a snarky response. “seems like you did more than reconnect.” he said lowly. you looked at him confused “what do you mean by that.”
“well you were practically throwing yourself at hinata.” he said with a scoff.
your eyes widened in disbelief. did he just accuse you of ‘throwing yourself’ at your best friend.
“how was i “throwing myself at him” ?! we were literally just talking the whole time !”
“i saw how you were touching him, hugging him, laughing at everything he said. surely he wasn’t that funny.” he chuckled, keeping his eyes on the road.
“are you that fucking insecure ? god, i wasn’t touching him in any way and i was hugging him because he felt bad for me. the way you were talking to me was so fucking harsh.” your voice began to shake, not from sadness but anger.
“all i said was that i was coming to pick you up. how’s that harsh ?” he raised his voice.
“you hung up before i could even get two fucking words out.” you yelled.
“it’s not that big of a deal.” he rolled his eyes
“yeah but this isn’t the first time you’ve done this.”
“you’re always so mad for no reason.” he responded
you didn’t say anything after that. you both just sat in silence until you arrived home.
after arriving home, you both went up to your room. it was completely silent and the air was full of anger and tension.
you got in the shower, you had to cool off. argument after argument. you were afraid for what was next. tears started to well up in your eyes and next thing you knew they were falling.
he could here your soft sobs over the shower water falling. he didn’t mean to react that way. he was just so angry. he was angry at himself for letting this get so big. he was angry because you could leave him at any moment.
it startled you when he walked into the bathroom. “are you ok ?” he asked softly. it was silent for only a second until you replied with mhm.
“i-i’m sorry.” he said lowly. that was something he very rarely says so you were pretty speechless.
it took a few seconds for you to respond “i’m sorry too.” with a small voice.
“i just don’t want to lose you.” he continued with a shaky voice. “you’re not gonna lose me kei, we just need to.. work things out.” you replied. you heard a soft ok before the door opened.
“wait..” you said loud enough for him to hear. “can you come in here.. with me ?” you asked nervously.
“are you sure ?” he confirmed carefully. an ‘mhm’ can be heard over the noise from the shower.
he slowly undressed, already somewhat turned on from your request. you two haven’t been intimate in weeks due to the arguing. a few kisses here and there but nothing more. just being able to see your body again was making him excited.
he peeled the shower curtains back an stepped in, already admiring your body. you on the other hand took no time to begin to pull him to your height to kiss him. passionate and hungry for more. he tasted so sweet. his lips felt so soft, and his tongue was so warm as he slowly slipped it in your mouth.
he walked forward until your back hit the wall. he was holding your cheek so softly, kissing you so softly, as if. he was afraid he’d break you. he never wants to hurt you the way he did tonight. he wants to be more careful with what he says and does.
he began to trail kisses down your neck. he was teasing you. he knew the exact spot you loved oh-so much, but he’s going anywhere but there.
as soon as he made contact with the skin in between your ear and collarbone, you whimpered. oh god, he missed the way you’d whimper for him. he missed how your body aches for him in the most obvious ways.
you trace your hand down his chest, to his stomach, to his dick and you began to jerk him off. oh how he loved when you’d jerk him off. when you two first got together he refused to jerk himself off because “you do it better”.
he groaned against your neck. you loved that sound. the sound of him struggling to catch his breath, all because of you.
“sh-shit i’m about to cum.” he said slack jawed. “go ahead.” you breathed out.
after a few more pumps, he moaned out loud, releasing his cum for you and only you.
he caught his breath for a second and began to kiss you briefly before turning you around so that the front of your body is pressed against the wall.
he aligned his cock to your pussy, that was already dripping wet. he slowly entered, causing you to let out a dragged moan. he went painfully slow “please kei, f-faster” you whined.
he obeyed as he picked up the pace. his mouth was to your ear, so just hearing his moans were pushing you over.
he slid in and out quickly, causing you to struggle to stand. he took notice and held you up by wrapping his arm around your waist.
a line of swears were heard along with water hitting the two of you and skin slapping.
“i love you, kei. i love you. i love you.” you repeated as you felt yourself reaching your high. that absolutely pushed tsukishima over. he moaned loudly in you ear as his pace slowed down.
he milked his cock in you, and you took all of it happily. “i love you too, _____” he replied out of breath.
“let’s finish the shower.” you said with a weary smile.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Extra (part 9)
Warning - illness, mentions of death
Authors Note - I have personal experience of this horrific disease - I hope I don't upset anyone with it, but it's a topic very close to my heart.
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton
A month had passed since you'd deleted his number and blocked him. You were staring at the letter in your hand, shaking. You knew this day was coming, but you'd pushed it so far down that you had only truly thought about it when Cillian had told you he loved you.
You'd told Liane the truth. Why you couldn't commit to him, even though you desperately wanted to. Truth be told you'd fallen for him just as hard - and that's exactly why you'd pushed him away. It was bad enough you had to live with this, you couldn't force someone else to. She'd encouraged you to get tested - and you knew she was right. It was time you took your life in your hands once and for all. You'd spent too many years since your mother's and sister's untimely deaths burying it.
Picking up the phone, you dialled the number, heart pounding. The receptionist answered.
"Morning. My name is y/n y/l/n. I had some tests. I've had a letter to say the results are in?"
"Can I ask what the test was for?" The receptionist asked.
"My GP referred me. It's for the breast cancer gene. I'd like to know if I carry it."
"Let me check our records Miss Y/L/N. Yes, I have your results here. Would you be available to come in this afternoon? We've had a cancellation?"
"Can you not tell me over the phone?"
"I'm not allowed to, the doctor has requested to see you in person." Your heart lurched, that was never a good sign.
You immediately wanted to call Cillian, but remembered you didn't have his contact details any more. You called Liane instead. She would pick you up at 2pm and go with you to the appointment.
Sat in the waiting room, Liane held you hand to calm you. Your nerves were in tatters. This disease had already taken so much from you - your mum, your older sister, two cousins... You knew there was a strong chance it was going to take you, too. The doctor called you through.
"Your results are here y/n. And I'm pleased to inform you -"
"What?" You gasped. The doctor smiled and took your hands in hers.
"Y/n, you don't carry the gene. It isn't there - your chances of developing breast cancer are no higher than mine, or Joan Bloggs on the street. You're going to be okay." Even the doctor had tears in her eyes. Liane was gobsmacked. You just burst into tears.
"I'm not going to die?"
"Oh honey if I had the cure for that I'd be a millionaire!" She laughed, you did too. You felt like the world had just been lifted off your shoulders, taking a dark cloud with it. A dark cloud you'd been living with for nearly 10 years. The real reason you'd split with your ex. The reason you refused to get your breasts out for auditions. The real reason you backed away from a life in acting. You didn't see the point if you weren't going to be here for the long haul... But now?
Now you'd been given a new life. A new start. And your thrown away the best chance of happiness you'd ever had in one stupid click of a button.
Liane noticed your sadness in the car on the way home. You suddenly realised you weren't actually heading home though, you were on the M6 heading to Wolverhampton.
"Erm.. where are we going?" You asked, seeing the sign for Wolverhampton fly past.
"Road trip."
"It's a surprise!! Do you trust me?"
"Then don't ask questions."
You rolled your eyes and figured you were probably en route to Bicester Village in Oxford. That was your happy place - a day of shopping, good food, few drinks in the evening... Before long though, your eyelids grew heavy. You always fell asleep on car journeys, this one was no different. Within ten minutes you were out cold.
You felt Liane nudge you gently, waking you. Opening your eyes, you looked around, expecting to see the car park. Instead you saw terraced houses, a green park, and a street sign with 'London Borough - Kilburn' on it.
"Why am I in London??" You asked. Liane shrugged her shoulders.
"Fancied a change - never been before! Just got on the motorway and drove. Been years since we've done that hasn't it! Just drove with no destination?" You grinned, remembering the random road trips you used to take years ago. You'd ended up all over the UK, even catching a ferry to Amsterdam one Friday night just because you were bored!
"So what's the plan?"
"Let's go explore!" She paid for the parking via an app on her phone and you both climbed out the car. The houses were all Victorian style and beautiful. The park was glorious - the sun shining on it beautifully. Liane suggested a picnic in the park first to line your stomachs, then cocktails.
"Aren't you driving us home later?"
"Yes - I'll be on the mocktails! Come on, let's go find food... There's loads of little deli places over there!"
Picnic done, it was cocktail time. Sadly, there didn't appear to be a cocktail bar anywhere near... But there was a nice looking pub over the road. Settling on a normal G&T, you both made your way over. Liane sent you inside to get the drinks while she sat in the beer garden out the back.
Heading outside with two G&Ts, you looked around for her but she was nowhere to be found. You quickly scanned inside again just to make sure you'd not missed her. Setting the drinks down on a bench outside, you waited. Must've gone to the toilet. Taking your phone out you sent her a text letting her know where you were.
Ten minutes passed - still no sign. You were worried now. A ping on your phone.
"For god's sake woman open your eyes and look in the corner!!" Liane... What the hell? You looked up and nearly dropped your phone. Sitting ten feet away from you, on his own... Holding his phone in his hand and staring at you the same way you were staring at him. In complete disbelief.
He looked back at his phone and shook his head. Both of you realising you'd been set up. Completely played.
He stood up, you were convinced he was going to leave but he didn't. He sat opposite you instead.
"Hey," he smiled.
"Can I talk before you do?" He asked. You nodded.
"I know... I didn't... Fuck this makes so much more sense in my head..." He laughed.
"Can I talk instead?" He nodded. You took a deep breath and told him the truth. About your family. The deaths. The illness. The tests.. and the results.
"That's why I pushed you away. That's why I push everyone away. But you were the first one I pushed that I regretted... I regretted it so much because no one had ever made me feel as alive as you did. No one made me float on air like you did. No one made me forget about this cloud hanging over me like you did..."
"You thought I'd leave you if you had the gene?"
"My Dad left when my mom was diagnosed. He couldn't handle it so he bailed. Wasn't a great role model."
"Your dad's a dick. I'm not." His brutal, dead pan response made you laugh. In fact you didn't just laugh, you were in hysterics. He laughed with you, and took your hands in his.
"If I promise not to tell you I love you, will you let me see you?"
"Erm... Okay?"
"I want you to tell me you love me, if you mean it. Then I'll decide."
"Y/N... I. Love. You. I fucking love you. I adore you. I've had the most miserable four weeks of my life thanks to you!" He laughed.
"Yeah I'm sorry about that.."
"It's okay. You can make it up to me."
"You're giving me a second chance?"
"I never gave up on the first one. But this time, we take it slow. Get to know each other. I'll start by asking if I can take you out to dinner tonight?"
"I have nothing with me... All my stuff's at home..."
"Fair enough. Then we have two choices. You go shopping with Liane and get yourself something.. or go home and we can arrange to meet another time?"
"I'm already here, and shopping was on our to do list. Dinner tonight sounds lovely."
"Unblock my number. I'll text you the details later, okay?" He finished his drink and pulled his jacket on, quickly typing a text as you unblocked his number. If only you'd known it was that easy to get his contact details again... The message pinged through.
"Thank you..." You smiled reading it. He leaned over and kissed your cheek softly, before walking away. Glancing back, smiling, as he left the pub.
Liane was with you in seconds.
"You sneaky little shit, how did you do this??" You laughed.
"Anto contacted me last week, said he was sick of Cillian moping. We kinda worked together... Are you mad at me?"
"Not at all. Where's Anto?"
"Right here." Anto appeared out of nowhere and you threw your arms around him.
"Thank you. For everything?"
"No need to thank me. This was Liane's idea. Bit of a rush to sort once you'd got those results but luckily you live 3 hours away and you sleep like the dead!" He laughed. "Now get yourself gone - you have a date to prepare for!"
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enhalovebot · 3 years
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april fool pranks with enhypen .•ᰔᩚ
➸ enhypen x reader (gender neutral)
➸ fluff!!
➸ ˚ ༘⊹ ° . [🧸]  ⋆。˚ and ˗ˏ ➶ [☁️]. ✧ ˚
⤷ these boys love to mess with you on the regular. but what happens if it’s april fools day?
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it was early in the morning when you woke up.
the room was ice cold, and you noticed that the space next to you was empty. so you assumed your lovely boyfriend was up and preparing breakfast.
“hee? can you please prepare me a toasty shower?”
“sure thing, bubs!” he shouted from outside the door.
while heeseung is preparing your bath, you proceeded to prepare your work for the day. spring break completely slipped from your mind as you turned on your laptop.
unbeknownst to you tho, heeseung had a different plan. he already knew you had no classes, which he took advantage of to execute his plan.
one that is perfect for april fool's day.
as we all know, our boy is very fond of dad jokes. so he decided to pull a prank on you, instead of just reminding you that you have no classes.
oh, he will prepare you a toasty shower alright.
it was only a few minutes later when heeseung tells you your shower is ready.
“y/n, it’s ready!”
you rushed to the bathroom with your towel in hand to see literal toasts littered all over the bathroom.
this sent you into panic mode because there is no way you will make it to your class on time.
“i want to be mad at you, but i don’t have the time right now. so please just help me clean this up.”
heeseung leaned on the doorway with a stupid smile on his face as he watches you scramble about.
“HEE?! DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME?!” you yelled when you noticed him just standing there.
he laughs harder, crouching down on his knees. “y/n, you don’t have any classes today. it’s your spring break remember?”
this made you freeze in place. with a look of disbelief, you dropped your towel in shock.
and you guessed that the look you had on your face was absolutely priceless when heeseung laughs even harder.
let’s just say his plan was a success.
definitely the type to cook for you, especially when you’re stressed or whenever you’re feeling hungry for something.
you were sitting at the back of the bus when he called asking you what you want for dinner.
“what do you want for dinner?” he asked.
“fish sounds good right now.” you expected him to hang up and leave to the kitchen to work his magic, but jay didn’t say anything.
“just fish?” he deadpanned.
you stared at your phone in confusion, eyebrows raised. “yes??”
jay huffs and crosses his arms (but you don’t know that), clearly offended. “i expected you to ask for something fancy. clearly my cooking skills just limited to fish.”
“baby, wha-”
“fish it is then. hurry back home, i’ll have a surprise waiting for you.” then he hang up.
once you got home, you immediately rushed to the kitchen to see how dinner was going.
but jay quickly blocked you from entering the kitchen.
“nope, dinner is not done yet. why don’t you relax first. i have everything under control.”
“uhmm okayy??”
you let him push you into your shared room so that you could relax.
it wasn’t long before jay excitedly told you dinner was ready.
“finally, i’m so hungry.”
“close your eyes, this is the surprise.” jay pulls you into the dining room and guides you to the table.
when he finally uncoveresd your eyes, you were faced with a gummy fish with ketchup on the side.
with a huff, you turn to jay with a smile, picking up the spoon while at it.
jay gulped at this.
with that, jay runs away from you and prepares for the worst.
“babe, hear me out. what about we get another dog?” jake pouts.
you sigh, “i’m sorry jakey, but we don’t have the time.”
ever since you met layla, jake kept asking you for another dog. saying that layla needs a friend.
but you always rejected this because both of you were very busy individuals. so getting another dog would be a hassle.
besides, layla is enough 🥺
jake decides it’s hopeless arguing about this with you.
so he decided to mess with you.
he finds a picture of a coyote on the internet, and inserts it in photoshop to make it more believable.
he sends it to you while you were out with your friends, so you clearly did not see this one coming.
when you opened his message, you eyes nearly popped out of its sockets.
‘y/n look! i saw this dog on the street so i bought it home.’ then he sends a picture of the coyote in your living room.
‘i also bought its friend.’ another picture of a coyote outside your house.
you nearly have a panic attack when you got home.
“WHERE IS IT?!” you yelled, searching through the house, looking for the coyote.
jake chuckles and holds up his phone.
“happy april fools, love.”
for the past month you’ve been saying you were on a diet.
and guess what.
sunghoon is done with it.
because you weren’t really dieting at this point.
“hoon, can you buy doughnuts for me. i’m craving for some sweets.”
he turns to you, “but aren’t you on a diet?”
this caught you off guard.
you say nothing.
sunghoon also says nothing.
he was just mainly waiting for you to admit that you are not on a diet anymore.
“it’s my cheat day today.” of course, that was the only excuse you could come up with.
sunghoon groans at your cuteness.
“fineeee.” he drags out the word. sunghoon slides out of his seat, grabbing his wallet to buy your doughnuts.
he comes back into the living room with a box of doughnuts.
but what made you confused was that he was holding a fork.
“you’re eating with a fork?”
“no, you are.”
you ignore his comment, hands gripping on the box.
sunghoon smiles at your eagerness.
but your smile turns into a frown when you finally got to see what’s inside the box.
you asked for doughnuts.
he got you a salad instead.
“now, here is your fork.” sunghoon hands you the fork.
“no buts. now, eat your greens.” he pecks your cheek.
this boy LOVES doing you hair.
he comes up with so many hairstyles that you can’t even count them.
so on a particular day, he comes up to you asking if he could do your hair.
since he does this almost everyday, you let him do his thing.
“i have this crazy idea for your hair today.” he practically drags you to your seat on the sofa.
sunoo goes quiet when his hands carded through your hair. his touch was feather-like, which makes you a bit sleepy.
and eventually, you fall asleep.
he leans into your ear, “i love you, and i‘m so sorry for what i’m about to do.”
sunoo notices this, making him slightly guilty about what he’s going to do next.
then his evil plan came into play.
when he’s finally done with your hair, sunoo gently shakes you awake.
“hmm? what? you’re done already?”
sunoo almost cracks from laughter when you got up from your position on the sofa.
“how do i look?” you pointed at you hair, unaware of the disaster on top of your head.
“cute, you look cute.” sunoo chuckles at the end of his sentence.
you grew suspicious at this, so you dash to the closest mirror you could find.
your jaw dropped open in shock at the sight of your hair.
oompa loompa
“so, we‘ve been together for a while now, right?”
jungwon turns his head down to look at you.
“yeah, been the happiest i’ve ever been.” you say without thinking.
jungwon stops from combing his hand in your hair. he drops his hand on your head. “i really care for you, y/n.”
okay, you both said ‘i love you’ without actually saying ‘i love you.’
you both fall asleep tangled under the sheets.
let’s just say, jungwon has a gift for you the next day.
you woke up to birds chirping and the smell of breakfast. you mindlessly felt around the space next to you, searching for jungwon’s warmth.
but his side was empty.
so you got up with no choice, but to look for him.
and there he was. he was standing in front of the counter with a black box in his hands.
jungwon smiles at you, and slides the box to you.
“what’s in the box, won?” you asked him.
“why don’t you find out.” he says, exiting the kitchen.
once he was out of the kitchen, jungwon hid behind the wall, hidden in plain sight.
he watches you open the box in confusion. he observes the way your lips lift into a smile.
you open the box to a ring.
you try picking up the ring from the box, but it was too heavy.
so you pulled harder to find that it wasn’t a ring at all.
it was a mug.
“so, did you like it?” jungwon stands next to you with a teasing grin on his face.
“i expected a ring, but this is so much better. now i can drink my hot chocolate from this.” you raise the mug.
jungwon laughs at your response, but it was only for a second. “i’ll get you a ring some day. but for now, enjoy your hot chocolate.”
you recently purchased a mirror online, but you didn’t know where you could hang it.
and you kinda needed some help with the hanging the mirror part.
so you ask your boyfriend ni-ki to help you set the mirror in place.
and being the obedient boyfriend that he is, ni-ki agreed to help you.
ni-ki already knows where he’ll place the mirror.
he waited for you to leave first before he did anything.
so when the day finally came, and you said that you’ll be running an errand, he knew he had to take this chance.
oh and would you look at that.
it's april fools day.
how perfect.
ni-ki stands up when he hears the door close shut.
he runs to the mirror and walks with it around the house.
he stops at a blank wall, it was perfect.
so, he hangs it up.
but not exactly what you’re expecting.
the boy hangs it to a height where you won’t be able to use the mirror.
he made sure the mirror was higher than the tip of your head.
ni-ki nearly topples in laughter as he imagines the look on your face when you come back home.
and he was right.
your reaction was the best.
“what, i’m sorry. talk to me when you get taller, that’s said with love.”
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all rights reserved © enhalovebot
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aryareyes · 3 years
Title : The way your eyes burn my soul
Pairing : Gruvia
Summary : Surprise!
Spotlights were shinning brightly, illuminating the dark interview hall, but what set the hall on fire was the audience's energetic ovation.
At the center of the hall, the interviewer, a beautiful young woman was smiling ear to ear, in front of her, her guests of the day, the best duo of the Pop world were seated, delighted matching grins on their faces.
- " Welcome to Pep Talk! Today's a very special day for us because we've our favorite Pop duo, Gray and Juvia with us!!"
The crowd whistled and cheered again as the two stars bowed their head respectfully to the crowd.
- " Thanks Mira, it's our pleasure to be here." The raven haired man answered as he flashed a grin to the public, making girls squeal.
- " Gray's right! We're very happy to be here!" The blue haired girl added, clad in her navy cocktail dress.
Again the crowd cheered but it was mostly male public this time. Mirajane smiled at the public and shifted her attention back to the duo.
- " So, Gray, Juvia, first of all, Congratulations for your last album, Icy Waves. It's a mega huge success! But most importantly, your fans—no actually, people who I know that don't like pop are into it after listening to that album. How do you feel about it?"
The female artist waited for the applause to end before talking,
" We are really glad to hear that." She chuckled contently, a glance at her partner before trailing, "Gray and I worked hard on it...and it was our first album together so..."
- " She worked extra hard for it," Her partner added as she shook her head playfully glaring at him. He smiled as he added, " It was her idea, so Icy waves wouldn't be possible without Juvs here." He winked at the girl, earing a smile in return.
- " He's exaggerating, its our team work."
- " Of course not." He rolled his eyes in response.
Mira chuckled at their bunter eyeing them carefully. Let's get my very wanted scoop.
- "I'm sure your fans love your teamwork. Now, let's talk about this particular song..." she started grinning slowly, earning some whistles and the name of the single from the crowd.
- " Looks like they want the same... The way your eyes burn my soul..." The interviewer paused glancing at the young stars who's cheeks were flushing slightly—at least Juvia's—Gray was doing a great job hiding it.
Mirajane Strauss cleared her throat slightly, getting their attention.
" Your voices...the feel in the song is..." she sighed softly looking for the right word, "...Magic...How did that magic happen?" She asked sincerely.
- " You said it, magic. I guess magic happens in music." Gray answered cleverly, shrugging.
- " I think that answer is too vague Gray," Mira chuckled imploring him to continue.
Gray's lips tugged up as he slid in a more comfortable position on the couch.
- " Recently at your album's success party, there were rumors of the two of you dating, so is it safe to assume the magic wouldn't have happened without that?"
Juvia smiled softly, adorable rosy hues adorning her cheeks.
- " Yes, I think it wouldn't have been magic if there's no feel in it."
Gray's smile turned into something genuine as his eyes were fondly looking over his girl beside him.
- "Are we lucky enough to get more details about it then?"
- " it, here means song right?" Gray lifted an eyebrow playfully earning some chuckles.
- " Definitely the song, but Juvia mentioned something about feel." Mira retorted with a mischievous smile, "So, I'd say the magic of the song—or love."
Gray scoffed. The audience cheered louder.
No wonder she was known for the title of the sweet devil.
Nonetheless, he responded with a natural expression. Years of experience of being the center of spotlights learned him to keep his cool in any kind of situation. He knew to give what the public wants to hear without revealing too much about his personal life neither.
- " We've known each other for a very long time. We'd each other's back through the thick and thin of our careers...so our friendship turned into something more, and I'm truly happy with the change."
The crowd went crazy and Juvia blushed slightly. He looked at her with a soft smile who smiled back brightly. God, she's so beautiful. He thought.
- " Heard that you guys! We were right! Our lovebirds here are dating!" Mira exclaimed in delight—she's a gruvia shipper after all.—" I guess it's time to say—excuse me for my language— Fucking Finally! "
People erupted more into cheers and whistles and chanted their favorite pop stars' ship name. Once the audience calmed down, the interviewer started talking again.
- " Well honestly, almost everyone were shipping you two together since forever and your chemistry is just so perfect. We felt it in the song." She stated as the stars thanked her and their fans.
- " So, now that you got your answers and I've my scoop, let's move to the fun part, shall we?" She continued cheerful with a glance at the public.
- " I don't feel it." Gray stated frowning and Juvia laughed at it.
- " The game is called 'tas-quest.' It's very simple. I'll ask you both questions concerning your partner which you've to answer honestly. Same goes with the tasks."
The two of the nodded and proceeded to play the game.
- " Okay. First question is for Juvia. Who's Gray's crush?"
- " Ouch. You sure want our couple to last?" The said guy retorted with fake mock. "I don't have any other crushes than my girlfriend, right here." He blow a kiss in her way but Juvia hit his arm, glaring at him playfully.
- " Babe. What?"
She huffed with a grin and turned to Mira, " He's a crush on his childhood friend."
- " What?! That was years ago! I was eight! And she's married now, thank you very much." He crossed his arms with a huff.
- " It's still a crush." She argued back.
- " She's a point." Mira smirked as Gray glared at her.
- " Your turn, who's the most jealous between the two of you?"
- " Obviously Juvia." The male singer laughed though his companion she gasped offended at him.
Mira bit back a chuckle as she looked at the young couple in amusement. Juvia pointed a finger at her boyfriend, "You got jealous of a fan on our last concert." 
Gray crossed his arms with a roll of eyes. " He was too close."
- " Because he wanted to take a photo." She retorted with a scoff.
- " Yeah right. He invaded your private space and I protected you being the charming boyfriend I am." Gray muttered under his breath, not loud enough for the fans to here but Juvia and Mira did. The latter smirked while the female singer rolled her eyes but allowed a smile.
He was too cute when he was jealous.—She thought endearingly. Without a word she placed her hand on the his that was resting in the bare space between them and caressed it to smooth him. It worked as he gave her a look and she smiled. He turned his aside fighting back a smile of his own.
The reporter cleared her throat to her their attention, "Moving on to the next  quest—oh it's actually a task for Juvia." She set her gaze on the girl who hastily pulled her hand away.
- " Yes ?"
- " You've to admit to Gray three of your secrets concerning him that you never would have told him." That earned chuckles and whispers.
- " Now it's interesting. I'm all ears Juvs. " He crossed his arms in curiosity, a playful gleam in his eyes.
- " Oh god, tell me I've a joker." She groaned in response—"Nope." Gray and Mira said at the same time.
Juvia pouted, "If I tell him my secret then it's no more a secret."
The sweet devil giggled, " That's basically the point of the game." The girl pouted more but turned her body slightly to her partner who was looking at her amused.
- " I've always found you cuter when you're sleeping...because you're messy, relaxed and actually a kid." She smiled tenderly at him as his cheeks tinted slightly. Their fans cooed. "...So I may have or may not have snapped pictures of you while sleeping." It was her turn to blush as he recovered from his flustered state to smirk at her handsomely.
- " Will we get some of them? " Mira interrupted.
- " Absolutely not." Juvia chuckled, "They're mine." The young girls sighed heavily but grinned at their favorite couple.
- " Next secret Wat'drop." Gray raised an eyebrow challengingly.
- " I stole one of your hoodies a few months ago and got to know recently that it's your favorite since you went through your room for it." She admitted with a cute frown.
- " Wait. My Detective Conan?" He asked in disbelief. His girlfriend bowed her head. " Guilty." She looked up at him again, " You're mad?" He rolled his eyes at her cuteness. How could he be mad at her when she was looking like that?
Instead of giving her a verbal answer, he ruffled her hair affectionately. Juvia smiled and promised herself to find him the real one he was looking for—the one he had that she stole (because she missed him too much), was not the one he wanted originally. The stocks wore off as it was a limited edition and he got himself the closest thing to the original. So, she would  buy him the one originally he wanted.
- " You guys are really cute together!!" Their interviewer squealed as she looked at them and the crowd agreed with her.
They thanked her and Juvia proceeded to the last secret with a groan. "Arghh...I can't believe I'm confessing this to you on a live show."
Gray's eyebrow lifted, " That much secret?" He frowned concerned, " You don't need to tell it."
Juvia shook her head, " No, I should play fair." She mumbled as she stared around at her fans and smiled at them. She then squeezed Gray's hand and locking her eyes on him.
- " I had a crush on you from the very first day I met you." Gray's eyes widened slightly, surprise written all over his face. They forgot they got a loud audience as he blinked at her.
- " Really?"
- " Really." She said softly. He leaned to her side, and kept his voice low. The public didn't notice their murmurs as they've gone wild since Juvia's confession.
-" I don't understand...you didn't like me back then..." He frowned. Juvia gave him a look that meant 'later'.
Mira cheered and turned to them,
" Thanks for playing fair Juvia! You're awesome!"
- " Well, it's almost time. I've a last..." She looked at the small card in her hand before looking back at Gray. " task for Gray."
- " Tell us three things you like the most about Juvia." A gentle smile crossed his features as he glanced at his girl before facing Mira.
- " I think the list is long but I'll keep it short..." He held a hand up, enumerating. " She's one of the most talented and dedicated person I know. Whether it's job or studies or other common things, once she gets into it, she's determined to finish it and gives her hundred percent in everything she does. She's a hard worker and I honestly think that's the reason of her success."
Juvia was touched by his words as she stared at the man she loved talking about her so highly and proudly. She knew why she loved him so much.
- " She's a very good friend—she's this kind of friend who you would call if one day you committed a murder and don't know what to do about it. She'll help you bury the body and get you safely out of the mess." Juvia along with others laughed at his statement.— "Not that I'm planning to murder someone." He added and Juvia laughed more, leaning into him before giving him a look that meant, 'call me if you do'.
- " I guess what I'm trying to say is, she's trustworthy and be there for you through thick and thin. The kind of friend everyone needs to have in their life and I'm grateful to have her in mine." He got everyone's heart with that—if he didn't already had—as they stared at him in awe.
Gray turned to Juvia and locked his eyes with hers as he was about to say his last one. " What I love the most about you is how you look at me. You look at me as if I was your world and you love me so freely and so...easily. You accept my imperfections and love me for myself and not because I'm a star..." He held her hand and pulled her up with him as she started tearing up despite trying hard to not cry. Gray smiled lovingly at her—the one he only reserved for her and never showed in public. " Thanks for loving me, Wat'drop."
Without minding the public—because she saw only him—she brought a hand to his face and he leaned in her touch still giving her that loving look. She smiled, her heart and mind racing as her whole being was consumed of an overwhelming love for the man standing before her. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his in a sweet, soft kiss that sent the room shaking in fan's wild ovation.
When the lovebirds departed from each other with matching grins, hands still intertwined, Mira almost fainted but managed to end the show with hearts in her eyes.
The young couple was in the back of Gray's car as they were been driven back to their respective homes. Juvia was asleep on his shoulder as he kissed her head and stroked her hair tenderly. She's been working on her new album for the past week when they just finished their album and even before the interview, she was asked in her studio. He knew that she barely had enough for the past months. Gray was grateful to his production house to be on vacation but it's not the case for Juvia. She's to work for at least a week or two before her own holidays. Thankfully, he would be still on holidays by that time, hence he'd already planned their vacation—It was a surprise for her.
Half an hour later, Gray was carrying his girl to his bed in his penthouse slowly to not disturb her sleep. He lied her gently on it and proceeded to take her heals off and stripped himself, leaving only his boxers before climbing up in the bed with her. Juvia almost immediately clung to him like a koala, her head placed on his chest, a leg on his and an arm across his stomach. With a soft smile, he wrapped his arm around her and squeezed her to him.
- " Are you sure you don't want to get comfortable before sleeping?" He whispered after a moment. She only tightened her hold on him. Gray rolled his eyes and ran a hand in her hair as he stared down at her.
- " I know you're awake Juvs."
- " Why didn't you change my dress?" Her voice was muffled due to her position as she buried her face in his neck. "I don't mind it. It's just you."
Gray's heart skipped a beat and he rubbed circles on her bare arms.
- " I respect you too much to take advantage of you while you're sleeping." He murmured.
She raised her head up with a yawn but gave him a sleepy smile. "Gray, changing my dress to make me comfortable on bed is not taking advantage of me. You're my boyfriend so it's basically your right." He returned her smile, tucking a strand behind her ear to stare into her beautiful blue orbs.
His smile turned soon into a gorgeous smirk. Oh boy. Juvia flushed and  shivered in his hold as his hand pulled the straps of her dress slowly. His eyes were intense on her as he murmured, "Why, I don't have a problem stripping you Wat'drop." His fingers caressed her bare shoulders burning her skin as they went by.  "In fact, I prefer you naked around me." His lips trailed from her ears to cheeks down her jaw and Juvia placed her hands on his chest to push back slightly to stare down at him with an adorable pout.
- " You're such a pervert." She murmured. He pecked her lips in response before looking at her innocently. " I'm using my boyfriend rights here." She hit his chest lightly with a soft frown that turned into a smile, wiggled out of his hold ignoring his protests.
- "Close your eyes boyfriend."
- " Nope." Gray grinned back as he found the perfect position to stare at her, his eyes trailing to her bare neck and shoulders as she held the dress to her chest.
Juvia glared at him for a moment and he held her stare before she shrugged. Gray's eyes widened as she let her dress fall and pool around her feet and stood before him, clad only in her undies. He openly gaped at her too surprised to react as he took her in.
Gray knew Juvia was beautiful. He's known her for almost six years now and he'd seen her in daring dresses before.—it was part of the job. But right now, she was actually standing in his room, in his arm length, only in her navy matching underwear. She was a goddess. Before he could even process what was happening, her hand was unclasping her bra and Gray hurriedly turned to the other side, cursing as Juvia's laugh filled the room.
He was a goner if he saw her naked. He wouldn't be able to not jump her after so Gray shut his eyes tight and pushing away the amazing vision he just saw into the back of his mind as he waited for the little tease of his girlfriend to finish changing.
A moment later the bed shook and her arms slipped around his torso from behind as she placed her face on his cheek. He felt her bare legs slipping on his and he knew that she was wearing his t-shirt. He could handle it. He'd already seen her in his clothes and she's very—Stop right there, Gray.
- " Comm'o look at me..." She chuckled, "...I'm not naked—
- " Shut up." He groaned. She placed a few kisses on his cheek with a smile and after a moment, he finally turned on his back. She smiled brightly at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
- " I love you." She whispered and kissed his jaw before tucking her face under his chin.
- " I love you too Wat'drop." He kissed her head squeezing her to him.
- " You said sweet things at the interview." She murmured.
- " I was being honest." He said as he caught her looking at him lovingly—as if he was her world. "And I meant every word."  She was his world.
She hummed happily and closed her eyes. His arms were her safe, warm cocon. Her place.
-" Speaking of interview..." she lifted her head up in question, crossed her arms on his chest and placed her face on it, staring at his face.  " You said something about crush." His lips tugged up and her own tugged hp in a slow smile under his curios gaze.
Juvia cupped his face with a hand and smiled adoringly down at him. " I had a crush on you in high school. Remember our first meet?"
He recalled it with a fond smile, " You fell on me with books dropping on us. There's so much dust and we started sneezing and the old librarian was yelling at us like a mad woman."
The blue haired girl chuckled happily. " Well, I guess I didn't only fell on you that day but also fell for you."
Gray's eyes widened, " You loved me back then?" His heart thumping against his chest and he was sure that she could hear it, judging by her smile.
- " I thought it was a crush at first. You were so handsome and—"
- " Were?" He raised a teasing eyebrow. She rolled her eyes. "—are and I just liked looking at you..." her eyes locked with his in a playful gleam. " That is until I knew that you were my rival in everything. Literally everything!" She groaned dropping her head on his chest. "It was so annoying. You always beat me in one point or just behind me in a point. So annoying!"
Gray snorted rubbing her back. " I was not used to have a competitor and I hated to lose." She mumbled before lifting her head to face him.
" You hate to lose too." He chuckled but didn't say anything letting her rant about how annoying it was to be constantly on war with him in high school.
- " But I loved bickering with you. I couldn't spend a day without bantering with you. Really." She looked up at him stroking his cheek. "Then, there's this project in our second year and we were partnered up."
- " We ended it, won the first prize." He murmured as she nodded eagerly. " We became friends during that period..." He trailed tracing his finger on her cheek.
- " We were already kinda friends—frenemies, I guess. I've always admired you. You were the first person I've ever met with so much determination to win." She whispered eyes closed.
- " Hmm, I liked you too. But too arrogant to admit it." She snorted at his statement.
- " Then best friends. We were inseparable by the end of high school..." Gray hummed a nod. " You supported me before my uncle to pursue music career."
- " It's because you were incredibly talented Wat'drop." He said sincerely. She smiled as his finger traced the form of her lips.
- " That's an exaggeration but thank you for the compliment." She opened her eyes to look at him, " Want to know something? " He rose an eyebrow, silently asking her to continue. "You were my inspiration to fight for what I want, to fight for my dream." She kissed his forehead gently, " I won't be here without you, Gray Fullbuster."
- " And I won't without you. You were my only family when things fell apart." He retorted as he recalled his dark period—when Ur died.
" You were my strength and my very reason to not give up." Her eyes glistened as his welled up, and she kissed his eyelids, lingering when lips there. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be in streets."
- " You had all our friends with you. We all had your back."
- " True. I'm grateful for them but you, Juvia, you're special. You held me together." She smiled tearfully.
- " You are special to me too. Always have been."  He mumbled an 'I know' and rolled them over earning a surprised squeal from her as her back hit the mattress.
She stared up at him bringing him closer with her arms around his neck.
- " When did you know you loved me?" He asked gazing into her eyes.
- " Last year, when you were in your world tour." His love brushed the hair of his nape as he leaned his forehead against hers. " It started with little things. Like when I spent weekends in our friend's place watching movies and how you were not there to lean on or throw my legs on..." He grinned.
- " Then, we'd go to get a coffee and you weren't there to know that I don't add milk in my coffee. Then, I started missing your voice. I'd call you and couldn't get you so I would listen to your voicemail to hear your voice."
He leaned back to look at her apologetic, his being bursting with love for her. " Sorry about that. You know we barely have our phones on world tour."
- " I know, don't worry about it. But I yearned to hear your voice." He kissed her nose and lips in response.
- " By the time you were back, I knew I was madly in love with you and I couldn't imagine a life without you."
He could feel the love in her voice as she said it.
- " You aren't kidding—you practically choked me to death when you hugged me once you saw me in the airport." He teased with a grin.
- " Yeah well, I just realized I loved my best friend for years and you weren't there for eight moths. I wanted to lock you in a room and never let you go away from me."
- " It's creepy." He grinned.
- " You wouldn't have minded would you—wait why're you grinning?"
His grin widened and she held his face up and forced his eyes to hers. A moment in silence passed between them. Both of their hearts beating in sync as the realization settled over.
Juvia worded it slowly.
- " You loved me." Her tone was barley a whisper as she remained their eye lock.
- " I've loved you for a long time Wat'drop. A very very longtime that I denied and fought back my feelings."
- " Why?"
- " Because I've just lost Ur. And I've lost everyone I've loved. You, losing you...was unimaginable... I was terrified that my feelings will take you away from me so I fought them back to keep you with me. "
- " You wouldn't have lost me if you made a move earlier, Gray." She took a breath, " I've always denied my feelings for you as a crush and admiration until I really couldn't lie to me anymore..."
Gray sighed in response, "We we're both idiots huh..." She groaned, " We wasted years! We could've been together while we were still in Uni!"
Gray looked up at her, " Hey, we're together now and we've always loved each other without knowing so we're good." He shrugged and pecked her lips as she still had her pout on.
- " I'm a bit worried you...we are no more high school kids. We are popular now, successful stars in industry. And we're dating." Her voice dropped as she looked at him, " Going in public, was it a bad idea?"
- " Do you regret it?" He brushed away her hair, and she shook her head. "I'm just concerned about what it could do to our relationship...as much as I love my fans, when it's comes to their favorite celebrity's love life, they'd go crazy. Especially when two celebrities are dating. They don't see the fact that under the mask of popularity, it's two normal people with feelings and we can't really fault them." Her eyes started stinging as she stared at him. "I can't lose you, Gray."
He quickly reassured her pulling her in a tight hug. " You won't lose me." He pulled back slightly despite her pressure to stay like that. He stared into her eyes, " Didn't you say that I'm the most determined person you know?" A nod, "Juvia, I fight for what I want. " He lifted her chin up. " I'll always fight for you." He swore.
- " Promise?" Her tone was frail, and he smiled at her. " Promise. And you promise to fight for me?"
- " Always."
She brought a hand between them, holding up her little finger, He wrapped his around it and smiled when he saw their tattoos matching as their fingers locked together. Juvia dragged him to the tattoo parlor past midnight to get it in their half drunken states a few weeks ago. It was on the day of the success party of their first album together, Icy Waves. So they got themselves tattooed a drop of water on his finger and a snowflake on hers.
There's no ice without water and no water without ice. And Gray would be damned if he didn't keep that promise.
💧❄️ Happy Belated Gruvia day! ❄️💧
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theartofdreaming1 · 3 years
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Slightly paraphrased, but Peeta talking about that moment he developed his crush on Katniss is just too sweet 😊
As usual, my thoughts regarding this week’s prompts and random thoughts on chapters 22-24 are below the cut (sprinkled in some psychology thoughts again).
Honestly, I think the people in Panem would perceive the whole everlark storyline the same way we perceive and react to our ships on tv (desperately wanting to reach through the screen, shoving the characters forcefully together, screaming “And now, kiss!”); especially the Capitolites who barely recognize the tributes (or people in the districts, in general) as people. The people in the districts would definitely view the whole thing more under a “reality tv” kind of lens, questioning how much of the relationship is real or not (we know that Finnick certainly thought that the entire thing was just a spiel, until Peeta hit that forcefield). The time spent in the cave must have been pretty convincing, though.
I think that Katniss is still torn here - On the one hand, she kind of wants to believe that Peeta is actually into her (remember the happiness she felt when Peeta told her how his crush on her began, and it all added up and seemed so real), but on the other hand she’s terrified of that possibility because A) lingering trauma from her mom’s depression in response the Mr. Everdeen’s death, B) Katniss never even considered falling in love, so that’s a sudden unexpected thing to deal with, and C) maybe it’s just for the sake of the Games; and wouldn’t that hurt, getting your hopes up only to learn it was only for show? (How about we ask Peeta about that?)
Yeah, that quote about Peeta only eating stale bread also struck me as quite sad. It just further adds to his understanding how there should be more to life than just survival, though. (One day, I’ll make that post about Peeta, Katniss, and Maslow’s pyramid of needs, I swear! I’ve already gathered some research material)
Chapter 22
My mother’s hand strokes my cheek and I don’t push it away as I would in wakefulness, never wanting her to know how much I crave that gentle touch. How much I miss her even though I still don’t trust her. - Ugh, I can’t... Katniss misses her mom, misses being cared for😢 I’m so glad we’re going to see her patch up her relationship with her mom in CF... On a different note, Katniss craving that gentle touch just perfectly illustrates why she’s so drawn to Peeta, who is generally such a gentle soul (I mean, he’s literally the person stroking her cheek here 😊)
He [Peeta] doesn’t seem angry about my tricking him, drugging him, and running off to the feast. Maybe I’m just too beat-up and I’ll hear about it later when I’m stronger. But for the moment, he’s all gentleness. - As I was saying... 😉
“I’ll go hunting soon,” I say. “Not too soon, all right?” he says. “You just let me take care of you for a while.” - I love them so much😊🥰 And then Peeta makes sure she’s well-fed and hydrated, he rubs her cold feet and tucks her into the sleeping back... and she let’s him! 💗
“He [Thresh] let you go because he didn’t want to owe you anything?” asks Peeta in disbelief. “Yes. I don’t expect you to understand it. You’ve always had enough. But if you’d lived in the Seam, I wouldn’t have to explain,” I say. “And don’t try. Obviously I’m too dim to get it,” he says. - Oof. This exchange here is interesting in many ways: 1) it highlights their different experiences, tied to their different socioeconomic backgrounds, basically, and 2)  that Katniss is very much aware of this difference, but we also see hints of her own ignorance here - because Peeta didn’t have to starve in his childhood, she thinks that he can’t possibly understand this level of hardship; but there are other ways in which one can suffer/lack fundamental needs, which brings us to 3) Peeta’s response about being “obviously too dim to get it”; I think this is a clue to his mom being also verbally abusive towards him: she called him “stupid creature” when he burnt those loaves of bread for Katniss and when he’s losing it in the attic of the Justice Building in D11 in CF he is mad that Katniss and Haymitch keep things from him “like [he’s] too inconsequential or stupid or weak to handle them”, which - to me - sounds like he’s tired of being treated that way (i.e. the way his mother treats him)
“I want to go home, Peeta,” I say plaintively, like a a small child. - God, this is a teenager in a murder-arena who feels like wanting to go home is a childish notion instead of a totally legitimate wish for anyone in that situation, regardless of age 😢
It’s not that Peeta’s soft exactly, and he’s proved he’s not a coward. But there are things you don’t question too much, I guess, when your home always smells like baking bread, whereas Gale questions everything. What would Peeta think of the irreverent banter that passes between us as we break the law each day? Would it shock him? The things we say about Panem? Gale’s tirades against the Capitol? - Geez, Katniss, give Peeta some credit here! A) It’s not like Peeta can walk around District 12 talking publicly about the injustices happening there - she and Peeta hadn’t even talked with each other before the reaping, whereas Gale is her best friend who rants to her while they are outside the confines of D12 and B) Peeta is literally the one who introduced the whole “not a piece in their Games”-idea to her; why would he be clutching his pearls over Katniss and Gale’s irreverent banter?! Just because Peeta didn’t live on the brink of starvation (she again brings up how his house smells like bread and - at this point - still thinks that the family running the bakery actually gets to eat what they produce just like that), doesn’t mean he doesn’t see how shitty life in D12 is - he can still want better conditions for those who are worse off than him!
“I did do the right thing,” I say. “No! Just don’t, Katniss!” His grip tightens, hurting my hand, and there’s real anger in his voice. “Don’t die for me. You won’t be doing me any favors. All right?” - Well, we’ll see this song and dance again in CF...
And while I was talking, the idea of actually losing Peeta hit me again and I realized how much I don’t want him to die. [...] And it’s not about what will happen back home. And it’s not just that I don’t want to be alone. It’s him. I do not want to lose the boy with the bread.” - I wish CF Katniss would remember this moment when she is questioning her motives about saving Peeta’s life in the arena - You. Care. For. This. Boy! You. Value. Him. For. Who. He. Is!!!
This is the first kiss that we’re both fully aware of. [...] This is the first kiss where I actually feel stirring inside my chest. Warm and curious. This is the first kiss that makes me want another. - Whoo! Is it hot in here or is it just me? 😉
I’m struck by his immediacy now. As we settle in, he pulls my head down to use his arm as a pillow; the other rests protectively over me even when he goes to sleep. No one has held me like this in such a long time. Since my father died and I stopped trusting my mother, no one else’s arms have made me feel this safe. - He makes her feel safe in a murder-arena!!! 😭 This is the kind of stuff that makes everlark just a top tier romance, tbh
Peeta telling Katniss about his crush starting on their first day of school 🥰😭 - and her reaction to it... For a moment, I’m almost foolishly happy - yes, because you have a crush on him, too! - and then confusion sweeps over me. Because we’re supposed to be making up this stuff [...] So, if those details are true... could it all be true? - YESSSSSSSS!!!
“You have a... remarkable memory, “ I say haltingly. - as a severely socially awkward person... I felt that lame response in my bones 😅
“You don’t have much competition anywhere.” And this time, it’s me who leans in. - God, this would be such an amazing moment if it didn’t get tainted by that immediate sponsor gift, which just serves to muddle Katniss’s feelings with her sense of survival, further complicating her relationship with Peeta... *sigh* 
Chapter 23
“What was that you were saying just before the food arrived? Something about me... no competition... best thing that ever happened to you...” “I don’t remember that last part,” I say, hoping it’s too dim in here for the cameras to pick up my blush. “Oh, that’s right. That’s what I was thinking,” he says. - Peeta is the master of being a cheeky little shit and adorable flirt at the same time
“So, since we were five, you never even noticed any other girls?” I ask him. “No, I noticed just about every girl, but none of them made a lasting impression but you,” he says. - I appreciate that while Peeta has had a crush on Katniss forever, he clearly didn’t spend the entire time pining after her, oblivious to the rest of the world - he has a life outside of Katniss Everdeen, but ultimately, it all lead back to her
A disturbing thought hits me. “But then, our only neighbor will be Haymitch!” “Ah, that’ll be nice,” says Peeta, tightening his arms around me. “You and me and Haymitch. Very cozy. Picnics, birthdays, long winter nights around the fire retelling old Hunger Games tales.” “I told you, he hates me!” I say, but I can’t help laughing at the image of Haymitch becoming my new pal. - Laugh all you want, this is going to end up being your future anyway 😄
He [Haymitch]’s at something of a disadvantage because most mentors have a partner, another victor to help them whereas Haymitch has to bready to go into action at any moment. Kind of like me when I was alone in the arena. I wonder how he’s holding up, with the drinking, the attention, and the stress of tring to keep us alive. - Katniss is already worrying about her “new pal”, I see ;)
Maybe he [Haymitch] wasn’t always a drunk. Maybe, in the beginning, he tried to help the tributes. But then it got unbearable. It must be hell to mentor two kids and then watch them die. - Honestly, that sounds absolutely awful...
Poor, Katniss, when she learns of Thresh’s death :( - But no one will understand my sorrow at Thresh’s murder. - It’s horrible how compassion and basic human decency gets construed as ‘weakness’ in the world of Hunger Games (esp. the Capitol)
Then I escape into sleep, comforted by a full belly and the steady warmth of Peeta beside me. - Honestly, I think a word analysis of THG-series could be interesting; how often does Katniss mention “warmth”, “steady/steadiness” “safe/safety/security” in connection with “Peeta”?
“We make a goat cheese and apple tart at the bakery,” he says. “Bet that’s expensive,” I say. “Too expensive for my family to eat. Unless it’s gone very stale. Of course, practically everything we eat is stale,” says Peeta [...] Huh. I always assumed the shopkeepers live a soft life. And it’s true, Peeta has always had enough to eat. But there’s something kind of depressing about living your life on stale bread - Katniss is starting to realize that the lives of the merchants isn’t a cushy as she thought; also, in a way, we see a “prettier” version of how Panem treats the districts overall -> feeding the districts just enough that they can do their work (plus/minus a couple of people who’ll die of starvation, but at a small, for Capitolites insignificant margin), but not so much that they are in good shape to rebel; here, the merchants of D12 have just enough that they can live a “decent” life (they know it could be worse -> the Seam), but they don’t have enough to live a free, comfortable, self-determined life either. This also just further drives a wedge between the inhabitants of D12 (the merchants won’t want to rebel because they don’t want to get ‘demoted’ in their lifestyle, starving like the people from the Seam, and the Seam folk feel resentful towards the merchant people, while also not having the resources to rebel, due to their awful socioeconomic conditions)
What would be my life like on a daily basis? Most of it has been consumed with the acquisition of food. Take that away and I’m not really sure who I am, what my identity is. - It’s so sad who Katniss has been so consumed with ensuring that her most base needs are fulfilled that she barely has had the time to really figure out who she is and what she wants from life (If we’re talking Maslow’s pyramid of needs, Katniss would primarily be stuck on the lowest tier 😢)
At least, we’ll be friends, I think. Nothing will change the fact that we’ve saved each other’s lives in here. And beyond that, he will always be the boy with the bread. Good friends. - Honestly, Katniss counting on being good friends with Peeta after the Games is the highest honor she can bestow on him at that moment (she’s so into him, lol); of course, knowing that their relationship is going to be a bit rocky once they’ve come back makes this thought a little sad... but we also know they’ll make up (and out ;) in the future
Peeta licking his plate and blowing a kiss out to Effie is such an adorable goofball-moment 😊
I cover his mouth with my hand, but I’m laughing. “Stop! Cato could be right outside our cave.” He grabs my hand away. “What do I care? I’ve got you to protect me now,” says Peeta, pulling me to him. - This moment would be so cute (also, Peeta’s so confident in Katniss’s skills to protect him, which is adorable - toxic masculinity who?) but... Ugh, he’s just so giddy here, it kind of breaks my heart for when he learns later that (at least some) of Katniss’s reactions were just for show
“If we want food, we better head back up to my old hunting grounds,” I say. “Your call, Just tell me what you need me to do,” Peeta says. - Love how Peeta’s always ready to follow Katniss’s lead :)
Ideally, I’d dump Peeta now with some simple root-gathering chore and go hunt [...] “Katniss,” he says. “We need to split up. I know I’m chasing away the game.” [...] “Show me some plants to gather and that way we’ll both be useful.” - Teamwork! If it weren’t for Katniss worrying for Peeta’s safety, they’d be on the same page here
“What if you climbed up in a tree and acted as a lookout while I haunted?” I say, trying to make it sound like very important work. “What if you show me what’s edible around here and go get us some meat?” he says, mimicking my tone. - I really like how Peeta’s challenges Katniss here; he doesn’t just go along with everything she says, while still being quite reasonable
I feel like I’m eleven, again, tethered not to the safety of the fence but to Peeta, allowing myself twenty, maybe thirty yards of hunting space. [...] I allow myself to drift farther away, and soon have two rabbits and a fat squirrel to show for it. - I don’t know, but Katniss feeling tethered to Peeta makes me think of Mary Ainsworth’s attachment theory, according to which children with a secure attachment to their primary caregiver use  their “attachment figure as a safe base to explore the environment”... Of course, Ainsworth’s Strange Situation was conducted with young children, but attachment styles are supposed to influence the relationships we form with people in our later lives as well (including romantic relationships)... I dunno, just a random association that popped into my brain 😅
Chapter 24
Peeta’s a whiz with fires, coaxing a blaze out of the damp wood. - Heh, Peeta sure knows how to handle fire, huh, Katniss (or should I say: Girl on Fire?) 😏
I order him into the sleeping bag and set aside the rest of his food for him when he wakes. He drops off immediately. I pull the sleeping bag up to his chin and kiss his forehead, not for the audience, but for me. Because I’m so greateful that he’s still here, not dead by the stream as I’d thought.  - Aww, this is so sweet (and domestic)!
It’s funny. I feel almost as if it’s the first day of the Games again. That I’m in the same position. [...] But no, there’s the boy waiting beside me. I feel his arms wrap around me. - They are a team! Katniss doesn’t have to face the horrors of the Games alone anymore! It keeps boiling down to this.
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buckyshairstylist · 3 years
Elphaba let out a shaky breath as she covered Fiyero with a thick blanket, her eyes filled with tears. The spell had worked — Fiyero was human again.
The downside? Neither one of them had anticipated the pain that it caused him. Fiyero had screamed and writhed for an hour, Elphaba murmuring the same words over and over again, until finally he changed back to a human and immediately passed out. Maybe it was his exhaustion overtaking him, she didn’t know.
What she did know was that he hadn’t slept well since he became a scarecrow. And now that he was human again, she kept watch over him, just to ensure it wasn’t something temporary and they’d have to start all over again in their search for a spell to remedy what she’d caused in her desperation to save him.
“It’s fine, Fae,” he’d told her shortly after they had moved to the Vinkus. They had been promised solitude and Fiyero’s parents — who were two of the sweetest people Elphaba had ever met — had promised that no one would know their whereabouts.
“I don’t mind being a scarecrow. And I wouldn’t have minded if it had ended the other way.”
She always noticed how he avoided saying that he very well could have died. Fiyero was smart; he knew how to word things and get his point across without actually saying what he meant. And so, when an uncomfortable subject arose, Fiyero tried to take control of the situation and always managed to change the subject within five minutes.
Elphaba gazed down at him, a single tear falling onto her emerald skin as she pulled her fingers through his light brown hair. She had missed this. She had missed the sweet moments — playing with his hair, having him play with her hair, teasing him over his rosy cheeks when he’d been out in the cold too long, or having him grasp her hand and hold her close when she needed him to.
And while Elphaba was grateful the spell had worked and kept him alive, she had missed Fiyero being human. After all, they had reunited after being apart for two years, had ran off into the woods together, only to be separated again merely hours later. Elphaba had never been so grateful for her magic as she was in the moment she discovered that her spell had worked and Fiyero had been saved.
Fiyero had been a lot calmer than she’d expected about the entire ordeal, had even laughed when she told him that she would eventually find a way to turn him back. He’d waved it off, promising that it didn’t bother him much.
“Fae?” Fiyero croaked, turning his head toward her, his eyes barely opened, showing slivers of his blue irises.
“Yero,” she smiled softly, caressing his cheek. “How do you feel?”
“I think I’ve been hit by a cart. No, maybe it was a train. Train car. I was hit by a train car.”
Elphaba couldn’t help herself — she laughed. Fiyero, who was slightly more conscious than he had been a second ago, stared at her in bewilderment.
“I’m sorry, love, I’m sorry,” she chuckled. “You haven’t been hit by a cart, or a train, or a train car. It worked, Yero. It worked!”
Fiyero slowly lifted his left hand, his eyes widening when he realized that it was indeed a human hand. He sat up, throwing the blanket off and scrambling toward the mirror. He hesitantly brought a hand up, touching his face, letting out a breath as he gazed at his reflection — his human reflection — for the first time in months.
“Sweet Oz.”
Fiyero spun on his heel to face Elphaba, his eyes filled with disbelief and joy as he crossed the room, bending down and kissing her sweetly.
“I missed that,” he whispered as he pulled away, earning a breathless chuckle from her.
“So did I.”
“So… this is going to sound strange—“
“Everything you say sounds strange, Yero. What makes this any different?” she teased, earning an unamused look.
“I don’t remember what happened. Would you like to fill me in on that or are you going to keep it to yourself?”
“Well… we started it and it caused you a lot of pain. I’m pretty sure you screamed until you became human again — which took about an hour, by the way — and you’ve been sleeping ever since then.”
“Oh,” Fiyero blinked. “I… don’t remember any of that.”
“Maybe it’s best that you don’t.”
“Maybe…” he agreed softly, wiping the stray tear from her face. “How long was I out?”
“Just a couple of hours. I think you need to get back in bed. The adrenaline won’t last forever, and Oz knows what will happen when you have an adrenaline crash. You haven’t been human for months, Fiyero, please—“
“What are you so scared of?”
Elphaba stared at him for a moment, her dark eyes gazing into his blue ones. Eyes that sparkled with joy and concern, the two emotions somehow mixing and making Fiyero’s eyes shine brightly.
“I’m not entirely sure if it’s worked yet,” she admitted, hanging her head. “For all I know, it could be temporary and we have to start over again.”
“Is that all?” Fiyero sat down beside her, letting her lean her head against his shoulder. “Oz, Fae, you had me worried it was something serious. I don’t give a twig if we didn’t find the right one — I’m human now and that’s what matters. If it’s not right, well, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. But for now, let’s enjoy this, hm?”
A comfortable silence befell them, Fiyero combing his fingers through Elphaba’s raven curls and allowing his fingertips to brush against the back of her neck. The silence lasted for all of forty-five seconds before Fiyero began to giggle with glee, putting Elphaba in mind of a small child.
“I can feel again, Fae!” He smiled brightly at her, shifting slightly. Elphaba lifted her head, allowing him to caress her face, then grasp both of her hands. “I… it feels amazing to be able to feel things again.”
“I’m glad,” Elphaba mumbled, observing him. She was certain that she’d never seen him look so overjoyed. “And I’m sorry. For everything.”
“What? For the scarecrow thing? I’ve told you before, Elphaba, I don’t mind that I ended up being a living scarecrow. You saved my life.”
“Not just that,” she shook her head. “I never meant to bewitch you. Or whatever I did. And I never intended for you to come with me when you and the other guards came in. I didn’t intend for you to think about the day in the clearing with the lion cub before I left for the Emerald City. There were a lot of things that happened that I didn’t want to happen, things that I didn’t intend to happen.”
“You didn’t bewitch me,” Fiyero rolled his eyes. “And I am fully aware that you never meant for any of the other things to happen. Those are on me, not you. Of course, if you’d been mad at me when you got mad at the rest of the class, we probably wouldn’t have had the day in the clearing, and we — well, I wouldn’t have realized that I love you.”
“You didn’t realize that until after I didn’t come back,” Elphaba reminded him.
“That’s beside the point.”
“It’s literally the only point, Fiyero.”
“Whatever,” Fiyero waved it off. “Come lie down with me. I want to hold you.”
Elphaba sighed and nodded, unable to deny him his request. How could she when he was glowing with the elation he felt? Fiyero was happy that he could feel again, so of course, one of his first thoughts is to hold her like he did every night.
Lying beside him, Elphaba turned onto her side, tucking her face into the crook of his neck. Fiyero wrapped his arms around her tightly and buried his nose in her hair.
“I missed this.”
“You still held me,” Elphaba countered, waiting to see what his response would be.
“But I couldn’t feel it. I couldn’t feel anything when I was a scarecrow. I like being able to play with your hair or rub your back. And I like being able to kiss you whenever I want to.”
Elphaba tilted her head upward, gazing up at him. Oz, she loved him. She loved Fiyero more than anything. And Fiyero loved her.
“For what it’s worth, I never believed you were wicked,” Fiyero spoke up, startling her out of her thoughts.
“Is that so?” She quirked a brow in amusement.
“Yes. I knew better than to believe the lies that the Wizard and Morrible told about you. Everyone else, on the other hand…” Fiyero shook his head. “I — I wanted to go looking for you after you disappeared. Glinda had come back and told me what happened, and I wanted to go find you. But somehow, she convinced me not to, and I stayed at Shiz.”
“You didn’t need to come searching for me. That would have put you in danger, just like this has put you in danger. You almost died because of me, Fiyero.”
“I would have done it in a heartbeat.”
Elphaba exhaled shakily, wrapping her arms around him. She had known that Fiyero was willing to risk his own life for her, and the thought terrified her. What if they ended up in a situation like that again and she couldn’t save him with a spell?
“Sweet Oz, Fae, I can hear you thinking,” he groaned, pressing a chaste kiss to her temple. “Stop thinking and try to rest. We both need sleep.”
“Oh, alright.”
The next morning, after he bathed, Fiyero had stumbled outside, making a startled noise as he tripped over his own feet and crashed onto the ground. He blinked, staring up at the sky for a moment before he burst into laughter.
Hearing the hysterical laughter, Elphaba made her way to the door of their home, smiling fondly when she saw her boyfriend sprawled on the ground, clutching his sides as he laughed. She leaned against the doorway, folding her arms over her chest while she watched him laugh, knowing that he was perfectly fine.
“What are you doing, Yero?” Elphaba queried, the smile still present. He turned his head toward her and started to laugh again.
“I fell,” he informed her.
“I can see that.”
“Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been able to feel when I hit the ground?”
“A while.”
“Yeah,” he breathed, turning his head back. “I love being able to feel again. And I like being human. It’s a little easier to walk this way.”
“Well, you’re not going to go anywhere by staying on the ground, Yero.”
Fiyero snorted, glancing at her before he sat up.
“Oh, leave me alone.”
She approached him, stretching out her hand. Fiyero took it, allowing her to pull him to his feet.
“Thanks, Fae.” Fiyero pressed their foreheads together, sighing happily. “Oz, I missed all of this.”
“Yero, we were together one day before—“
“That doesn’t matter,” he interrupted. “What matters is that we’re together. And that I love you. I love you, Elphaba Thropp. I love everything about you.”
“And I you.”
Fiyero captured her lips in a tender kiss, one hand cupping her cheek while the other wrapped around her waist. Elphaba placed her hands on his biceps, slowly bringing them up to his face.
When they broke apart, Fiyero wore a boyish grin. Elphaba couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her upon seeing his face, pressing another kiss to his cheek.
Fiyero gazed at her, brushing a single strand of her raven hair out of her face.
“You know,” he murmured, his fingers twisting the strand of hair, “I think I could get used to living like this.”
“Like what? Being a fugitive?” Elphaba asked dryly.
“We’re not fugitives,” Fiyero rolled his eyes. “We’re just… wanted by the Wizard for doing what’s right.”
“We’re still fugitives, Yero.”
“Whatever. Anyway, that’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?” She tilted her head slightly.
“I mean, I could get used to this. Us being together and being able to… I don’t know, make a life together or something. Stop looking at me like that, you know I’m not good with words.”
“You are excellent with words,” she laughed. “You just didn’t think that through very well.”
Fiyero laughed quietly, pulling her into an embrace.
“And besides, Fiyero, we’re living in the forest near your parents’ castle for a reason. It’s called necessity.”
“Oh my Oz, you’re impossible,” he huffed petulantly, burying his face in her hair. And of course, Elphaba began to laugh. It had been a while since she’d managed to make him pout, but when she did manage it, she loved it.
“You’re cute when you pout.”
“I’m not pouting!”
Elphaba hummed. She pulled out of the embrace and started to walk back toward the cottage, glancing back at him.
“What? Someone has to do the cooking, and it’s not going to be you.”
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twordytings · 3 years
When It Comes to You
(Bucky x Reader)
Summary: You get drunk at a party that Steve has no idea about. Somehow, Bucky is always there to keep your worries at bay.
Word Count: 1,582
A/N: okay this was actually a sentence starter prompt from an anon, but I’ve had this in my drafts for a while now so I just decided to incorporate that prompt into this. Hope this is okay!!
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You probably should’ve thought this one over. Well, going to a high school party seemed like a good idea in the moment, but now you weren’t too sure. And right now, you were drunk; drunk would be putting it lightly, actually. You told Steve you were going to a friend’s house, which, technically, you did. You just didn’t say why for obvious reasons. Mentioning the kegs of beer that would be available didn’t seem like a very important detail to add.
In all fairness, you were pretty good for a sixteen year old. This was your first party and all you wanted to do was enjoy being young while it lasted, no matter the obstacle; that obstacle being Steve, of course. Steve was your older brother, your best friend, but he definitely had his downsides, one of them being his brutal overprotectiveness. He would die before he’d let you go to a party, let alone one with alcohol.
Once you had arrived, one drink led to another, even though it tasted absolutely horrible, and that was that; there was quite literally no going back. It felt as though your head was spinning in every direction possible. The friend you came with decided it was time to take you home, so they helped you up from wherever you were - you couldn’t remember - and you had both started to walk home. Driving wasn’t an option, since you were both unfortunately drunk, and by the time you got home, it was midnight; not necessarily the Cinderella story you had dreamed of when you were younger.
As you stumbled toward the front door, you clumsily found your house key to unlock the door, almost tripping as you stepped inside. You squinted to see a worried Steve and even more worried Bucky look up from their seats on the couch, only to get up and walk straight toward you. This was gonna be bad.
“Heyyyyyy guyyyysssss.” You smiled cheekily as you looked up at the two. To put it plainly, they weren’t smiling.
“Where have you been. It’s midnight, y/n.” Steve said with the most serious look on his face, but you not being in control of yourself, found it oddly funny.
“Hahaha! Lighten up.” You said as you brought your hands up to squeeze his cheeks into a smile. “There ya goooo Mr. Grumpyface.”
He pulled your hands from his face and looked at Bucky in disbelief.
“Are yo- are you drunk?!” Bucky asked.
“Whaaaat? Psh no way!” You said as you waved your hand away from your face to show how crazy that idea was. It wasn’t.
“How much?” Steve asked.
“Uhhhh maybe uhhhh one...... orrrr two....... actually maybe 4 I dunno. Not that much though that’s for sure.” Nailed it.
“Not that much? Do you know how worried I was? How worried we were? You lied to me y/n, and got wasted with god knows who... I- I cant believe you right now!”
You had royally screwed up this time. You were also way too drunk to comprehend half of what Steve was even saying, so you stood there looking practically brain dead.
“- are you even listening to me right now?” Not one bit, you thought to yourself as a stood in front of the two men.
Your blank gaze made Steve realize he was probably being a little too much right now, considering the condition you were in, so he let it go for the time being. He sighed, “Forget it, just go to bed.”
Bucky offered to help you upstairs, which you desperately needed since you couldn’t tell your left from your right at the moment. As he was walking you he quietly said, “Just so you know, I’m not mad at you.” You smiled at that, but you also felt a gurgling in your stomach that told you you needed a toilet immediately.
You sprinted to the closest bathroom you could find, and that’s when everything, like, everything came out. It honestly felt really good to throw up, but Bucky definitely wasn’t appealed. He winced but came quickly to hold you hair back. As you finished with the disaster that was now inside of the toilet, you felt a bit more like yourself. “Ugh. Gross.” You said as you flushed the toilet. You then went over to the sink to splash some water on your face and was met with a sudden feeling of regret. “What have I done. Steve is so mad at me.” You said as you threw your face into your palms. Bucky was unconsciously rubbing your back the entire time.
“Hey. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just think of it as a learning lesson. I’m sure you were just trying to have fun... and then things happened to take their own course.” You nodded, but not understandably.
“No! That’s exactly where your wrong, Buck. I cant stand it when Steve is upset with me,” you huffed, placing your head back in your hands. You were just as disappointed with yourself as Steve was. There was a reason why you hadn’t done anything like this before: Steve taught you. The fact that what you had just done probably completely diminished any and all trust you had with him, was slowly beginning to creep over you. “He probably hates me now,” you uttered through your hands.
“Hey hey hey! Don’t say something like that!” Bucky scolded, holding you up a bit and walking you over to your bed to then sit down beside you. “Listen,” he said sharply, pulling you by your chin so you were looking at him, “the only reason why he acted the way he did was because he cares about you. Bug, he loves you more than anything... even more than me, and I’ve been his best friend since high school!” You furrowed your eyebrows at that; Bucky has been best friends with Steve for so long; how could he love you more?
“Really?” you said skeptically.
“Yes. I know I’ve been his best bud for a while, but time doesn’t mean anything to him when it comes to you. He could never, ever hate you. I need you to understand that,” he said to you with a serious, yet tender smile. You were taken aback by that. You knew Steve loved you, but you didn’t know it was to such a large extent. He was pretty hard on you most of the time, which made sense as to why you had never really figured it out.
You hummed in response, just barely moving one side of your mouth to show him you understood.
“Can you smile for me?” he said, having to move his head down to look at you in the eye.
“Not now Bucky...” you spoke as you looked all the way down, fiddling with your fingers.
“Guess I’ll have to do it for you,” he said casually, pushing you down on the bed and clawing his digits into your stomach.
“BUHUHUHUCK! NOHOHO!” you squealed, bubbly giggles spurting from you like hiccups.
“All you gotta do is smile...,” he sang as he grinned widely from ear to ear. You knew he was probably only doing this to cheer you up after just being yelled at, but the alcohol in you wasn’t going to let him have it too easily, so you tried your hardest to suck in your lips, keeping them tightly pressed between your teeth.
“Wooow, you want it that bad huh?” Bucky grinned evilly, knowing that you had just given him the opportunity to go in for the kill. He then pulled you towards him so he could sprawl his legs across yours, shaking his hands into your ribs in a flash. You felt like you were about to explode, given the fact that you were practically screaming through your nose as to not crack a smile. “Still nothing? Okay...,” he said as he cracked his neck and knuckles, then pulling your shirt up and blowing a huge raspberry right in the center of your stomach.
“Smile,” he threatened as he hovered over your limp form. You followed with an all too exaggerated smile.
“There,” you said as you switched to a straight face, “ya happy now?” you rolled your eyes as you yawned widely.
“I’m only happy if you’re happy doll. Now get some rest, you’re probably gonna have to hear what I said all over again from Steve tomorrow.” You groaned at that as you slipped under your covers.
“Yeah yeah, I know,” he sympathized, walking over to the door of your bedroom to shut off the lights.
“Wait! Can you- maybe... sleep here?” you asked hesitantly. Neither Steve or Bucky had slept in your bed with you for a while now, so you were afraid he might think it was odd considering you were now a teenager.
“Who said I was leaving?” he said almost offendedly, running up to your bed and throwing himself beside you, pulling you towards him as he snuggled you tightly, making you giggle a bit. “G’night bug,” Bucky said softly as he kissed the top of your head.
“Night Buck.” He just barely heard you over the weight of tiredness that quickly overtook you; you weren’t excited about what tomorrow might bring with Steve and all, but you were satisfied with the fact that you had Bucky’s support, and for that reason, it made no sense to be worried.
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namjoonswifey99 · 3 years
What The Heart Wants Pt.6
Billy Hargrove X Reader
Warnings : Cursing , Bullying , Harassment , Billy being Billy 
Author Note: Hope You Enjoy This Chapter and I apologize this was supposed to be out but ive going though a rough patch with my family so i hope you understand.
Billy walked over to Y/N and Max; he couldn't help but overhear Susan talking to the police.
“ Sir please i just want my little girl I don't do anything else but her.” Susan says trying to calm her breathing from crying so much
“ Ma'am, your daughter stated she wants to go with her step brother and his girlfriend. We are gonna have to take you downtown for questioning. This isn't the first time Mrs.Hargrove.”  Officer Powell asked why detaining her.
Susan started to protest but saw that was Max was looking at her and stopped and held her head down and started walking with the officer.
“ I'm so sorry you guys had to see that, that wasn't what I was going for, I just wanted to get our stuff so we can move in.” Billy says looking sad he never wanted Max or Y/N to see that side again. Billy then looks towards Will who was just wide eyed.
“ Hey Will right i'm sorry you had to see that I truly didn't mean for you to see that.” Billy says with an apologetic look. Will looks up at Billy, surprised by the story Jonathan and Max told him.  He doesn't seem so bad hopefully they can be friends
“ It's okay Billy i understand”. Will says, accepting his apology. 
Y/N then runs up and pulls Billy into a hug and just embraces him Y/N was so proud of Billy he finally stood up against his father. “ im super proud of you baby” Y/N says kissing Billy’s cheek 
Hopper looked at the two teenagers and smiled. It was rare for guys like Billy. He's honestly happy that he has this chance to make his life right with the right people by his side. 
“ Come one let’s get some more stuff out the house and go to Y/N place” Billy says while getting his key from Y/N . “ Yessss so i can more stuff then i intended” Max says while shouting in excitement to bring more of her things. “ Well as long as it fits in the car we'll just get a truck to move it”. Billy says while correcting Max he doesn't want his car to be too crowded. “ You guys don’t need a bed or dressers. My parents got you guys covered with bedding just more clothes and stuff you can fit”. Y/N says while fixing the trunk to make room.
----- 1 Hour Later----
After an hour later they arrived at Y/N house. Her and Billy explained what happened at his fathers house . Y/N and Billy starts to explain what had happened down at his fathers house and how he was gonna move forward to have sole custody of Max and to be filed down as independent. 
“ That’s a very good plan Billy and you know you and Max can still for however long you like it’s no problem to us you were already family from the beginning” Y/N mother Angelina says while putting the cookies in the oven. 
“ I agree with my wife you can stay however long you like” Y/N father Tremaine says while putting the sodas in the freezer. 
“ we definitely appreciate the love and roof you're giving me and max I won’t let you down” Billy says while looking at them. 
“ You don’t have to prove anything baby, we love you just the way you are flaws and all “ Y/ N says as she looks at Billy with full love in the eyes.
“ BABY” Both of Y/N parents shouted at the same time. 
“ Ummmmm yea as of today me and Billy are together “Y/N says while looking down shyly. To shy look at her parents reaction. 
“ Ha I knew it Tre you owe me 40$ bucks” Angelina says happily she knew they was gonna get together 
“ Man you guys couldn’t wait till next week I could’ve had extra money” Tre says pulling out the 40 dollars to hand to his wife. 
“ You are not mad about us” Billy says confused because growing with a dad like his a relationship between him and Y/N would be frowned upon. 
“ never we don’t care as long as you live and respect our daughter that’s all that matters” Tremaine says to Billy while tenderly holding Angelina to him. 
Y/N was about to say something when the doorbell rang, she gets up to ask who it was when a familiar voice called out. 
“ Y/ N your favorite person in the whole wide world is here “ 
“ No I’m Y/N favorite you can ask her herself” 
“ No Y/N loves me more she makes me more food than any of you” 
“ Well Y/N be at my house almost every other day with my sister so I get to see her more than any of you” 
Y/N knew right there it was the rest of her miniature best friends. 
“ Well all you are wrong Y/N loves me more and I’m living with her” Max says with a smug look on her face as Y/N opens the door. 
On her porch stands Lucas , Dustin , Eleven, and Mike with Steve standing behind them. 
After Max’s statement chaos was issued.
“ What no way, no fair” Dustin whines in disbelief. 
“ Yea what Dustin said , How come max stays” Lucas says while looking offended. 
“ Well it’s easier for you doofus . She like me more” Max says sticking her tongue out at the boys. 
“ That means we can have all the sleepovers and waffles we want” Eleven says with a bright smile on her face. 
“ Okay now listen I love you all the same your all my favorites I can’t just choose one”. Y/N says trying to mediate the situation. 
“ What about me guys? I can be as cool as Y/N” Steve said with a cocky grin. 
The group just all stared at him. 
“ No offense Steve buddy but Y/N waaaaaaayyy more cooler than you by a landslide”. Mike says. 
Before Steve can retort, Billy comes to the door to see what’s taking so long and notices Steve and gives him an annoyed look. There’s one thing Billy is a lot of but he doesn’t put his hand on women. He may be an asshole and a bully but he’s no woman beater. 
Y/N felt the tension before Steve face gave it away.  Before a fight can escalate she steps in. 
“ Okay so I got 4 movies picked out then we can go to the bonus room and play some board games and before you even ask Dustin and Lucas yes I did make you guys favorite dessert”. Y/N says while ushering the kids inside the house. 
Before Steve can ask why Billy was there Y/N comes back out. 
“ Thanks for dropping the kids off for Hopper I’ll call him when it’s time to come get them, '' Y/N says with a kind smile. 
“ Uhh yeah no problem anytime” Steve says, stuttering, he wanted to apologize for his actions earlier but with Billy right there he’ll never get the chance. 
Y/N turns to leave when she notices Billy still staring down at Steve so she grabs him by the back of his shirt and pulls him in the house. 
The kids were all in the living room trying to decide which movie they’re gonna watch. 
“ Baby look at me” Y/N says, grabbing Billy’s face so he’s looking directly at her. 
“ baby you’ve changed for the better don’t let what today put you down you know I’m right here by your side every step of the way” Y/N says while looking him in the eye so he can see she really meant what she’s saying. 
“ I know baby it’s just I want them to know I’ve changed. I got my second chance at life and to do what is right and I couldn’t have done it with you my sweet angel by my side” Billy says lovingly to Y/N. 
The chemistry between Y/N and Billy is unmatched for the simple fact when it was him against the world Y/N was by his side and he will never take that for granted him and Y/N connection is way deeper than anybody can imagine. 
Y/N just continued to look at him with so much adoration in her eyes. 
“ Okay love birds we chose the movie we’re waiting on you guys now”. Max says with an eye roll. 
Y/N and Billy walked into the living room but not before Y/N leaned down and whispered in Max’s ear. 
“ don’t worry max I have a grand plan for Lucas”. Y/N says walking away with a small grin on her face. Leaving a blushing max in her wake. 
— 2 Hours Later —-
After the movie ended Y/N looked over at the clock and noticed it was 7:40. It looks like they only have time for one game before she has to call Hopper. 
“ So I have guys listen up, it's a little late so we have time for one more movie or game whatever you guys decide”. Y/N says while pulling out the games from the chest. 
After about 5 minutes they decided on watching another movie before they left. 
“ So Max I heard there’s this boy whose been crushing on you for a while” Y/N says teasingly. Y/N signaled for Max to play along if one thing Y/N knows about men is that they’re extremely possessive no matter what age. 
“ Yea and I like him back hopefully he asks me to the dance” Max says with a blush on her face. 
Y/N notices from the corner of her eye that Lucas is not taking what they said well which means her plan is going accordingly. 
“ if you need my help with getting him to ask you I’ll definitely do it” Y/N says eagerly. 
Before Max can let out her response Lucas stands up and takes her and says. 
“ Would you do me the honor of my date for the winter formal?” Lucas says while looking so nervous. 
 Max pretends to think about it which makes him start sweating. More than he already was. 
“ Yes doofus of course I’ll go with you” Max says with a smile. 
Y/N was happy for Max she got what she wanted but Billy on the other hand was not so ecstatic. Y/N looked over and saw Billy with a scowl on his face. 
“ what’s wrong”.Y/N asked. 
“ Don’t you think it’s to soon for them” Billy says with a pout on his face. 
“ Awwww his the big brother feeling protective” Y/N responds teasingly. 
Billy kisses his teeth at her statement. 
“ No” was Billys only response. 
“ awww baby it’s okay it just a school dance they’ll be fine” Y/N says while kissing his cheek. 
“……. Fine but I don’t like it”. Billy says to Y/N. 
Y/N laughs wholeheartedly. He was just so precious and cute when he’s worried. 
The kids looked over at them when they heard Y/N they looked at her like she was crazy but left it alone.She was alway like that with Billy.
“ Okay kids get your stuff ready I’m going to call Hopper”. Y/N says while getting up and grabbing the house phone. 
After a while Hopper picks up. 
“ Hey Hopper the kids are ready” 
“ Umm about that I’m stuck at work and I already called their parents to see if it was okay for them to stay” 
“ What did they say”
“ Well they wasn’t to keen on Billy living there but since they trust you they allowed them to stay” 
“Okay that’s great I do have extra clothes for them especially when they stayed here during the you-know-what.” 
“ That’s great do you also think you can drop them off at school or call somebody to help” 
“ No it’s okay I’ll ask my mom in the Morning to take the kids she’ll be happy to” 
“ Okay that’s great Y/N I’ll pick up Eleven after school so will the parents except Dustin he’s going with Steve” 
“ Geats I’ll let the kids and my parents know have a good night Hopper” 
“ You Y/N Bye”
 Y/N hangs up and goes back to the living room to tell the kids. 
“ Okay guys put your stuff away your spending the night here and Billy and my mom will drop you off in the morning” Y/N says while getting the extra blankets and pillows out. 
“ Yesssss Y/ N you're officially the best ever”  Max says with excitement that her friends get to stay.  
“ Well I try my best but you should really thank Hopper. He's staying overtime at work,  so Max and Eleven are rooming in Max’s room , Boys you’ll be bunking with Billy”.  Y/N  says while taking them upstairs. 
“ Actually you guys can get my room. I'll bunk with Y/N just don’t touch any of my things”. Billy says while staring them down. 
“ Billy now my parents love you and all but they will literally kill us if they find us in bed together”. Y/N says wagging her finger in a no motion. 
“ We can leave the door open, I just want to spend time with you and cuddle” Billy says while wrapping his arms around her waist to bring her closer to him.
“ It stays wide open Billy im not playing with you” Y/N says while mugging him because she was not gonna die over this man even though she do love him her parents were a different story.
“ I understand baby i promise” Billy says while sealing their lips together in a nice passion lip lock.
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