#neil why would you do this!!!!!
dailytraingirl · 4 months
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four men in uniform to carry home my little soldier
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rusted-soda-can · 1 year
What broke me about episode six of good omens:
- Crowley having to look up and tilt his head so his tears didn’t roll down his cheeks
- the amount of times Crowley’s voice cracks or stutters during their conversation/confession
- the obvious affection but also annoyance in his voice when he calls Aziraphale an idiot
- The way that Crowley acknowledges the fact that if he doesn’t get everything off his chest right now he’ll probably chicken out later
- how hopeful Aziraphale seems when he gets the “good news” from the Metatron because all he’s thinking about is keeping Crowley safe
- the fact that they want to be together so badly but it’s ripping them apart
- the fact that neither of their plans is going to be very affective in the long run
- Aziraphale doesn’t fully understand the atrocities of heaven, he doesn’t know how much pain Crowley went through while falling
- when Aziraphale said, “nothing lasts forever,” what he meant was, “material objects don’t last forever, but we do, and I’ll give up as many books as I need to in order to stay by your side,” but what Crowley heard was, “We aren’t going to last forever,”
- the desperate way in which Crowley kisses Aziraphale, almost begging, asking, pleading Aziraphale to understand everything from the kiss
- Aziraphales wanting so bad to kiss Crowley back but everything is just wrong, it’s not happening the way he wanted it to, his hands struggling to decide weither or not to pull Crowley in or push him away
- the way Crowley says, “don’t bother,” when Aziraphale forgives him, he isn’t sorry for his actions, and he certainly isn’t sorry for being in love with an angel
- the soft way in which Aziraphale touches his lips with his hand, almost preserving the kiss
- and how Aziraphale hesitates after the Metatron asks if he’s ready, he really doesn’t want to go without Crowley, but he doesn’t want to stay without Crowley either, so he ends up leaving, forcing a smile on the way out
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constelationprize · 6 months
So when Neil Josten wants to keep a binder full of news clippings and pictures as a shrine to Kevin Day in a way to hold on to a good but tainted memory of his childhood and a life he can never have, no one complains. But when I, Riko Moriyama-
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highseas-swede · 9 months
...I seriously cannot stress how much I hate tags like "Give us BAMF Aziraphale" because it seems to imply that he's not badass.
He IS. Tell me how well most people could endure 6000 years of consistent, persistent demoralization, harassment and shitty treatment without snapping?
Do you know how HARD it is to be kind when you've been put through a system that actively discourages kindness and softness, a system that tries to beat it out of you - not physically, but still. The fact that Aziraphale got through all of that and is not just still kind, but still has the capacity to be kind to the very people who hurt him, is fucking remarkable.
Aziraphale is badass. Period. Full Stop.
It's well past time that we stopped equating physical and fighting prowess as a measure of badassery. Just about anyone can exercise and get strong enough to fight someone. Just about anyone could possibly get weapons training. Neither of these things is half as brave as putting yourself in front of a crowd of people and holding off 70 demons with just conviction and a candleholder because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.
EDIT: I had to add this while I was thinking of it.
I feel like people are buying into Heaven's version of badassery. Angels were made to FIGHT. To fight the last big battle against demons and Hell.
Aziraphale is a deviation because he DOES NOT WANT THAT. He doesn't want to fight a war that will hurt billions and destroy the world. His defining moment in Season 1 is when he stands in the face of the quartermaster and refuses to fight the way they want him to. Instead of a weapon, he chooses to find another way.
If anything, I would think it's leading to the idea that Aziraphale feels he must fight, that he has no choice, and then, when it comes right down to it, finding another way. A kinder way. A BETTER way.
By the standards of Heaven, Aziraphale picking up his sword and fighting would be Normal. Him refusing and finding another way is what makes him Unique. THAT'S what makes him badass.
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cherboxishere · 10 months
Rewatched good omens!!
Just end my suffering honestly
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guess-i-do-art · 2 months
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the Goobers
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mascara-pyjama · 3 months
While it would be better if they hadn't spoken on a podcast done by people with such shitty views,
I do 100% think that if this situation was two people went on a podcast done by a trans ally, and was accusing someone with anti-trans views of being a rapist, everyone here would be dragging anyone saying 'this must be a conspiracy, they must be lying, look at the podcast they are on'
Cos obviously judging a rape accusation by who it was told to is completely inappropriate right?
Like that would be such a heartless response towards people talking about the most truamatic events of their lives? To reduce it to the views of the interviewer?
To be like 'the person who was told the rape accusation has x opinion about unrelated topic, so the accusation is a lie'
You'd be like wtf
I really hesitated over making this post because it really really sucks that so much of this conversation has been made about trans people. When theres no trans people involved. A cis man being accused of abuse should not somehow be about trans people.
But theres already been a lot of that so I thought i'd throw my two pence in.
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ashestoashes7 · 2 months
Andrew Minyard makes it his goal to at least crack the plexiglass at least once. Kevin is so sure he’s finally getting interested because he’s sending the ball down the court like never before (it’s the strikers fault they can’t keep up with it of course) until he squints, nods, then sits down while Wymack goes to investigate and count ceiling tiles until something that’s not a swear word can come out his mouth.
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genericpuff · 11 months
Wait and see? Who do think you are? Neil Gaiman?
LMAO ??? This just in, apparently you have to be Neil Gaiman to not want to spoil your ongoing longform works with your audience, wtf 😆
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justheretolurk24 · 2 months
AFTG Chicago (the musical) AU where Neil is Billy Flynn, dramatic spectacled liar extraordinaire, and Andrew is Roxie Hart, murderer hellbent on telling the truth on the stand (at least initially)
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swampthingking · 8 months
the thought of cracking the spine of a book makes kevin nauseous. he like opens it just enough to see the words and holds the book at such uncomfortable angles to read— anything to keep the book pristine and intact. he does not let people borrow his books because he is a control freak (as a term of endearment) and does not trust them to take care of them the way he does.
and andrew is the complete opposite, cracking the spine as soon as he opens it. he annotates in pen. he dog ears the pages because who the fuck has time to find a bookmark. he throws books out of anger. he throws them at aaron for fun. he lets them get smashed and torn in his bag. he always keeps them, he just prefers them to look like they’ve been read.
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mieeaahhh · 4 months
What type of Minecraft players I think the foxes would be because I’m a nerd
(also what I think they’re favourite mob would be + what their house would look like)
Neil Josten- he wouldn’t know how to play and just collect everything he can get his hands on and kill every mob in his path. His hunger bar is always really low and he always has like two hearts and gets confused on why he can’t run fast.
Favourite mob/s and house-
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Andrew Minyard- village burner, pushes people into lava, steals from peoples chests and does that thing when you fly really high with a bunch of chickens and then drop them.
Favourite mob/s and house-
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Kevin Day- doesn’t play it because it’s for children
Aaron Minyard- he plays it like a normal person and actually finished the game but will kill other players if they accidentally hit him.
Favourite mob/s and house-
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Nicky Hemmick- collects animals and makes a farm. He also puts his bed next to Eric’s. ALSO, he’s afraid of night time mobs and WILL hide in a hole until morning.
Favourite mob/s and house-
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Renee Walker- the one working away at the mines for her wife at home💪 she’ll also just appear behind you then crouch up and down a few times before handing you diamonds she found.
Favourite mob/s and house-
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Allison Reynolds- builder 100% she will spend hours building a cute little house and collecting flowers but she will also kill any other player that comes near her and trap villagers in her home.
Favourite mob/s and house-
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Matt Boyd- he collects animals and lives in the first village he comes across and just lives as a villager basically.
Favourite mob/s and house-
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Dan Wilds- she is very organised. She has a chest room in her house and everything in her inventory has its own place.
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Favourite mob/s and house-
Seth Gordon- literally just fights everything he can.
Favourite mob/s and house-
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The Animal Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree (an original poem)
//Tagslist open//
@flashwaves @thatgirlwithasquid @thecrabnebula @ashyyboyy @anarcha-queer-horror @aryana-56 @skyesayshi @dragonflylady77 @thebussynotes @suometar @cherixrosa @billyhargr-a-ve @raven2008 @usaqaix @jad3w1ngs @harringrovsonsworld @femmebilly   @spaceboxkitty   @nogitsunbae  @talesfrom-theupsidedown @magellan-88  @ouizzyharringrove​
@bigdumbbambieyes @hargrove-mayfields @shieldofiron​
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kingaofhearts · 6 months
Forgive me fandom for I have sinned... etc. etc. ✍️
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Anybody would want to see the whole thing? Anytime soon? @neil-gaiman? Goethe? God? — she said, looking up at the sky, strumming F major.
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Episode 91 Nara to Neil: Is it because you know, because you know that my affection is a means to an end or do you feel something for Wynn and don't know how to say it?
Episode 95 Neil to Wynn: If this is a moment where there’s a line in the sand about us staying together, you know I’ll follow you to go die.
Episode 91 Neil to Nara: I haven’t known these things maybe for a long time, and so I just sit in inaction because I don’t know.
Episode 95 Narration of Neil by Rob: When Wynn confirms to Britta that she’s in love with Kabir, Neil goes stock still.
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kevindavidday · 8 months
THANK YOU for your “andreil doesn’t actually need to say I love you bc their actions speak louder than words” tag bc I’m right there with you. They don’t *say* I love you, bc it has no meaning to either of them. They didn’t hear it growing up. But actions? Those have meaning to them both. And so it says I love you deeper than words ever could.
you're welcome alsjalkdkss i was so scared to type that cuz ik most of the fandom thinks otherwise which makes sense i mean its their perception but as someone who didn't grow up with a lot of 'i love you's' and the ones that i did hear were tinged with excuses for abuse i kinda understand why they wouldn't say it???
there's so many other ways to express love to say 'i care about you' or ' i DO care' or stepping up when times are rough, sacrificing sleep for someone just to stroke their hair after a nightmare, holding their hand, knowing also how alien the words would be to the other person in the first place
i always thought that actually knowing and accepting someone loves you deeply changes you more than just hearing the words would
i see their i love you as more of a reverse game? the way they confessed in the first place with neil's 'you like me' and andrew's 'i hate you' response it would be so much more meaningful to me if it's a situation where neil says "you love me" and andrew just stays quiet one day yk he doesn't deny it sure but he doesn't need to say it and that's alright!!!
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