#neji dies for hinata
alumort · 2 hours
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@full-frontal-lotus thank you for indulging me hehe
i hc neji is also arospec and nb, but hes not cis lol
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@spellcasterlight hi spell!! ill go one by one lolol
Shino and tenten have the most AroAce vibes. To me, but i can see them being platonic partners or smt, they would understand each other very well
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sakuino!! they love each other very much even if they are rude hehe
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i rlly can't see shika dating a woman tbh sowwy, but i wanted to put my hcs too lol
hinata is graysexual! The few crushes she's had(naruto... kiba... shino) its bc they were nice to her at some point. bby
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mahoushojoe · 2 years
i think its kind of insane its not elaborated on more that ao has a stolen byakugan bc ao having a byakugan just renders the entire branch family's suffering meaningless. like it literally cancels any possible purpose the enslavement of the branch family might have had. supposedly the caged bird seal was originally intended to destroy the byakugan in a branch member's eyes upon death so that it couldn't be stolen right? and the byakugan's secrets could be guarded. that's literally one of the reasons why hizashi hyuga was sent to die in hiashi's place. but now we know that someone DID succeed in unlocking the byakugan's secrets so now the entire caged bird seal is completely utterly worthless (it already was but even its shitty justification is now worthless) and it just exists to create a terrible caste system within this clan to cause endless suffering for its victims. its just INSANE to me that it is Never made a point, neji or hinata are NEVER brought face to face with ao to realize this, this conversation is NOT had and its just SHITTY like???? why is the branch family even a thing now???? what was the point???? fuck this
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autismgaara · 2 months
I wanna Naruto you like an animal
I wanna Naruto you from the inside
I wanna Naruto you like an animal
My whole existence is Naruto
You get me closer to Naruto
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feather-rose · 1 year
Babysitting day..
Naruto(Opens out the door and yells, tiredly.): Hey honey, I’m home--
Hinata(Ushed him once he stepped into the household.): Shh..
Naruto(Confused.): Huh?
Hinata(Clears up her voice as she kept her voice down, here.): Sorry, I’ve stayed up late, Boruto has been crying all night and just when I’ve been trying to get some bedtime, you come over at home and yell, ‘Honey, I’m home!’ Honey, what a delight thing to say!
Naruto(Sighs tired after a long day.): Man, Hinata--I didn’t meant to upse--
Then she kisses him, out of nowhere and almost leave him speechless..
Naruto: Huuh, Hinata?(What weird could go wrong now? As she shook up her head., grinning.)
Hinata(Pats him onto his shoulder.): No need to be so moody, here. Naruto-kun. I was just joking, here. I got some plenty of sleep before you came along here. I got some help as well..
Naruto: Who helped you? When I was away?( Then makes a weird face.) Don’t tell me it’s Sasuke.
Hinata: Nope, but Neji-san, here. He had come along and help me out. For the night.
In fact, the couple could’ve sworn to see the young prodigy, snoredly sleeping onto the sofa with his shinobi clothes on with little Boruto whom lounged onto his hold, finally sleeping and drooling over his armor.
Man, Neji was sleeping and snoring, peacefully with his five month son. Boruto.
Naruto: Oh man, I wish I had a camera..(He sighed defeated)
Hinata: Don’t worry, I’ve saved a couple pictures of Neji drooling over before you came..
Naruto: No way!
Hinata: Oh Yes!
Naruto(Grins back, tired, but happy.): You’re the best! You know that? (Then puts an arm around her shoulders.) Now let’s get to bed.
Hinata just grinned widely, at that point as they walked away in silence.
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hidansexwife · 2 years
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top ten cousin bonding activities
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aaryaat · 1 year
Atto I - Il problema
Hello my guys! Searching for a good KibaHanabi fic? Here I am!
This is the first part, and it’s in Italian
Anche quella sera Kiba riconobbe la conformazione della via sotto i suoi piedi, e si trovò a sollevare lo sguardo verso le mura che circondavano la casa di Hinata. E di suo marito. E di Neji e Tenten, e del piccolo Hizashi. E di Hanabi. Soprattutto di Hanabi. Kiba sospirò di nuovo.
Sono cambiate tante cose dalla fine della Guerra, ed i problemi tornano ad essere quelli di una volta, come la cotta stratosferica che ti sei preso per la sorella della tua amica.
Part II
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aceyanaheim · 2 years
my  siter: Is Neji gonna fight? Like bro no one’s here for your family drama
me: asldkfjhsdf
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bnerdler · 1 year
Men who cannot understand women lack empathy!
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It’s so funny how the Uchihas and the Hyuga clan have like no canon relationship with each other. Like the only two dojutsu clans in Konoha and they just don’t give a fuck about each other.
Like Hyuga heir gets kidnapped for her dojutsu by ninjas from another village and a branch Hyuga dies over it. The Uchiha don’t care.
A whole clan who possess a dojutsu gets wiped out by one of their own. The Hyuga don’t give a fuck.
Sasuke and Neji meet during the chunnin exams and they know nothing about each other. They also never interact again. And Hinata and Sasuke doesn’t even acknowledge each other.
Like it’s just so fucking funny.
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evilkitten3 · 5 months
ok so like i know the reason is just. sexism but one thing that really irks me about how the post-timeskip naruto manga handled which characters became medic nin bc it makes absolutely no sense to me
sakura's decision to train under tsunade makes sense, and i love that she got a super strength power up, so no notes there, but the other teams.... yeesh
so first off, team ten. we're told that ino decided to follow sakura into mednin land to keep being rivals with her... despite that at no point factoring into their rivalry at all beforehand. ino never showed any interest in that, nor was the yamanaka clan ever mentioned to have anything to do with healing as far as i can remember. it's like going to art school to stay with your bestie when your goal is to become a dentist. why are you there. find other ways to spend time together. it also kinda goes against her family's whole thing as. the guys who do the torture stuff. and it's barely ever relevant anyway
for team ten, i think the team medic should've been shikamaru, and i think this not just bc i think it makes more sense skill-wise (something about the way the nara clan's various shadow jutsu work just screams "you need good chakra control for this" to me), but also bc i think it would make asuma's death a thousand times more painful. bc shikamaru is a slacker. he's not learning medical ninjutsu bc he wants to, he's learning it bc someone on the team has to in order to stick together. they're all chuunin now; one of them has to be a medic. them's the rules. but he doesn't really care that much, even when he is trying to learn, and he's so used to being smart enough to not have to pay attention in lessons anyway that he's not prepared for classes that require his full focus. and then asuma dies and shikamaru is doomed to spend the rest of his fucking life wondering if he could've saved him by paying just a little more attention to those medical ninjutsu lessons (he could not have (but he'll never know for sure))
team eight makes some sense, since giving the girl who struggles with fighting the healing job isn't exactly out of nowhere, but i do feel it was the lazy choice. kiba already had a sister involved in the medical business, even if she deals more with animals, so he could've started learning from her and found that he liked it. plus kiba's goal is to be hokage, and the current hokage is a mednin, so it's not like it wouldn't support his goal. or shino could do it; would add another layer to his character. hinata works fine but. it's just not a very interesting development imo
but what really gets me is team gai. good freaking grief. out of every single team, team gai was the one with the most obvious choice. bc there was only one choice. lee can't do any kind of ninjutsu, and tenten's only real backstory is that her chakra control isn't good enough for her to be a medic nin. so it had to be neji. canon establishes that every team has to have a medic; this is a policy tsunade got passed even before she became hokage, so no way in hell is she going back on it now.
moreover, neji becoming a medical ninja - especially if hiashi encouraged it - would show some development for the hyuuga clan maybe starting to suck a bit less. bc as a medic, neji would be bound by oath to stay alive for as long as possible. imagine a world in which hizashi came back and hiashi was able to tell his brother that not only was their family starting to change, but his son had chosen a path that would prevent him from ever following in his father's footsteps. it would be the first step (of many) to show that the hyuuga clan was freeing itself from its own bullshit.
also it would've made sakura catching the zetsu pretending to be neji a thousand times funnier. like that's her coworker. they've shared shifts at the hospital together. she's seen neji drink vodka straight from a bottle and then crash on her couch after they got out of a twelve-hour surgery on the fucking dumbass chuunin who managed to step on his own boobytrap. she knows him.
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grimmcheems · 5 months
Naruto…..but if Neji was clan heir instead.👩🏽‍🦯
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I’ve had this AU wedged in my head for like a year(and a half??) now and have just now made an art on it oop. So anyways…..Hinata has the curse seal and dies in place of Neji in the canon. Also Naruto actually reciprocates her feelings and they bond over the fact that nobody else likes/respects them.(by that I mean the village bc them mfs was beefing with kids for no reason💀) Shino and Kiba also thought of Hinata as like a little sister, so their reactions to them bringing her body back are very much NOT OKAY.
Neji and Hinata’s dynamic is the same despite now being in opposing positions in this. Neji is very much an axxhole but Hinata always saw past it since he was the only kid in their family that she could talk to or ‘play’ with. Sakura bears immense guilt over not being able to save her in time because she’s a medical ninja and was pretty much Hinata’s only female friend. I haven’t reached Shippuden yet (wack coming from me already making this art based off that timeline lmao) but Sasuke occasionally checks on the village here, hence his appearance in this. The “busy” referring to her funeral being held and the talks amongst the village people about the Hyuuga clan now no longer having a branch family(Hinata was the last, ik she has a sister but we’re gonna pretend their parents died before that) to use their cursed seal on.
Back to Naruto, yes he likes her in this, they’re basically labeled as childhood sweethearts by everyone else and they even promised to get married maybe two yrs prior to this.🥲Hinata’s family never liked him but as he is the only one left of his clan as well, they basically left them to their own devices since them marrying actually wouldn’t be a bad idea. Neji ,however, opposed it and often made fun of them for it. Hinata and Neji had always had a rocky relationship and it’s somewhat stable in this but Neji always took her and her help for granted until the year leading up to her death.
Let’s just say he was the one initiating conversations more and no longer displayed his animosity towards her as often, but he still had a bunch to work on. Also his father(he is alive in this) is devastated when they arrive back with her as a casualty.
I really need to make more to cover the whole context but this is all I could do y’all. I was getting impatient and I conveniently never make shit in order💪🏽.
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sakuraharuno156 · 20 days
Canonical difference between Sasuke and Naruto in terms of their canon parings - a rant
1. There are two caveats that I'll provide at the end with explanations behind them.
2. It will be in parts because i want to provide manga as proof, and Tumblr has a limit of pictures I can add.
Now to the point
Who is the most important person in life for Naruto and Sasuke?
Let's start with Naruto, because for anyone who has read the series, it's obvious.
For Naruto it's SASUKE.
No doubt. Comparing importance of Sasuke and importance of Hinata in Naruto's mind is laughable. Saying that Hinata is more important - is straight up delusional.
Naruto, after a thought that someone can try to k*ll Sasuke, even tho he knows Sasuke is stronger than most of the universe:
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Devastated. Hyperventilating. Unable to breathe.
Naruto, after thinking he destroyed the WHOLE VILLAGE, every villager, including Hinata:
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Sad, sure, not sad enough to check on her, even tho he was in sage mode so he could feel she was literally dying.
Naruto, after seeing Hinata nearly die to the point she had to be hospitalized and felt the effects of it months after:
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I'll fight you Neji.
(I'll also like to remind everyone that Naruto did jump at Neji, but not because of Hinata but because he called her a "loser" and said that every looser would stay a loser, which Naruto took personally. Even that whole fight means to Naruto not revenge for Hinata, but a revenge for saying that loser will lose. Read the manga.)
Naruto, after Kabuto just mentioned Sasuke's name:
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Sasuke went there on his own will, but just the thought of losing him was too much for Naruto.
Naruto, thinking Hinata died protecting him. The only person that has ever said she loves him, to the person who wants love the most - dead:
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Naruto - surprised, terrified even, but not bat shit crazy. He needed Pain to talk shit and say about love causing hatred. Pain had to continue the whole "everyone is gonna die" narrative for Naruto to explode. He can become Kurama in seconds, but he needed Pain to continue - to explode.
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And then he didn't even check on her.
Naruto, thinking Sasuke died for him. Without the whole "I love you" stuff. Just a friend protecting him:
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(A reminder, it was when the seal was very strong. Naruto wasn't using so much of Kuramas chakra, so it was WAAAY harder for him to go into Kuramas mode.)
Then Naruto checking on Sasuke (when he was certain that Sasuke died) and crying out of happiness when Sasuke turns out alive
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And last but not least, Naruto ready to die with Sasuke. Saying it eith smile on his face. No mention of Hinata even tho it was right after her love confession:
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You can ship NaruHina, but saying that Naruto would chose Hinata over Sasuke is a different level of delusional. The whole plot of the series is that Naruto would do anything for Sasuke. He would k*ll for Sasuke and die for Sasuke.
Sasuke is the most important person in Narutos life. Anyone who says differently has NEVER read the manga or just uses wishful thinking instead 🤷‍♀️
I would even go further and say that the moment when Naruto was telling Minato about finding love that is not exactly like Kushina - he was talking about Sasuke. But it's not per se canon so I'm gonna keep it out 🤷‍♀️
Two caveats:
1. They would obviously put their children first - above anyone. So children are beside the point.
2. We are going to base it on canon material only. Anything that wasn't written by Kishimoto is irrelevant. So no, we are not taking novels or movies. It would be too long and it's not canon 🤷‍♀️
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hyuga-eyes · 2 months
All the arguments of Hinata haters are extremely stupid. I saw someone saying that she was a spoiled girl from the Hyuga clan while Neji was mistreated. Bitch, can't you read? Her father literally said he didn't care if she dies or not. She was mistreated just as much as Neji. That family was toxic to everyone. So go get a job instead of spreading your senseless misogyny.
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feather-rose · 9 months
Be. Honest..
Hinata: Hey Neji?
Neji(Sips his tea as he was sitting onto the couch as he felt his cousin's voice shaking.): Yeah?
Hinata(Looks at the mirror, frightened, as she ran her fingers through the locks of hair that were left out from her loosly bun.): Do you think I've gotten fat?
Neji( Looks up at his cousin from onto down,intrigued, and shook his head.) Nope. You're okay. Not much for the large grey sweater and baggy blue home pants here.
Hinata(Turns back at him, still uncertain.): You think? Think that I don't look huge?
Neji(Shrugs his shoulders, unimpressed.): Never noticied that..
Hinata(Looked like she was about her shit, here.): But I'm telling you I look like a mess, here!
Neji(Rose an eyebrow, confused for a sec.): Had any insecurities, lately? Like she always had back then, only the stutter faded away with the pregnancy..And the craziness had started after Boruto was born...Not to forget the hormones!
Hinata(Sats down with him onto the couch, way too loud. and panicked.): --All the time, ni-san! Ever since my body started to change! As if you know what else had changed!
He furrowed his eyebrows together as he looked away for a second, in wonder, until it finally clicked in when he looked back down with a frown at the corner of his features.
Hinata(Close to tears with frustration.): And with Boruto being born, I've gotten bigger!(She covers up her eyes with her palms, when he only wished to fly away from this dramatic event.)
Depends of what she meant by that..Neji thought that back as he wrinkled his nose as some bad smell had just came in. Be nice, be nice, or else she'll kill you!
Hinata(Drags back her panicked face up at him.): Neji! Say something!
Be nice, Neji..
Neji: Sorry to tell you, but I didn't noticed that. I was too busy onto hating you, back then!
Hinata(Looked too shocked as he gulped up at those words, nervously when she stood up onto her full height, about to look bad here.): Neji---
Neji(Defended himself with the best way he could do.): What? You wanted me to be honest, there you've got it!!
Way to go, stupid genius..!
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aloeverified · 1 year
boruto rewrite where the show actually still focuses on the original characters from naruto, but we're seeing them face their struggles that come with being adults in the society they live in and after going through what they did. their children are also in the show and we're given their perspective on the events compared to their parents'.
the overall plot revolves around naruto trying to change the shinobi system. he knows first hand how terrible the repercussions are when children are forced to be soldiers, and now that he's the hokage, he finally has the power to change it.
the only problem is, not everyone agrees with him. many believe by changing the age that shinobi begin their training, they won't be as strong later on and the village will become weaker over the years. not only that, but some people just don't understand why naruto feels this way. they were shinobi all their life and they turned out just fine — why fix what isn't broken?
it causes conflict within the cast and allows us to delve into each character more, showing why they feel the way they do and how their experiences have built up to the person they are.
besides that, other characters get their own storylines as well that connect with the theme of recovering from trauma.
gaara realizes that he's only ever lived for his village — as a soldier, a weapon, the kazekage. he works himself to the bone for his village while ignoring his basic needs, still having not realized he's a human just like everyone else. when he gets shinki, he realizes what it's like to prioritize something; what it's like to nurture and love.
sakura works at a hospital for young shinobi, doubling as both a healer and a therapist of sorts. she listens to the children tell their stories and gives them a shoulder to try on. she saw what being alone did to her teammates and she doesn't want any other child to go through what they did.
during her time at the hospital, she slowly begins to see pieces of herself within her patients. her trauma, which she's always pushed away and ignored, starts to come out. she's forced to face these memories she's always tried to bury deep. she struggles with understanding it as well as feeling validated compared to what naruto and sasuke had to go through.
she also struggles with her marriage to sasuke as she starts to unpack all the terrible things he's done to her. she's knows why he did them and she can justify his actions as much as she wants, but it doesn't change the fact he traumatized and tried to kill her at one point.
hinata's would focus on the hyuga. she's an outsider to them without any power. when she was stripped of her title and allowed to marry naruto, she thought it was a dream come true. she was so confident that hanabi would change the clan, that the branch system would be destroyed and neji wouldn't have died in vain.
only, without hinata, hanabi began to crack under the pressure of the elders and her father until she became just like them. the seal system is still in place, the branch families are still treated as servants.
it's a lot about generational trauma. how no matter how much hinata tried to change things for hanabi, she was always destined to fall into the same path as her father. only by recognizing this and making the changes her family refused to do in the past, are they able to change things.
i think there could also be something about how once, a long time ago, hiashi had wanted to change the hyūga. he wanted to dispel the main/side branch family system so his brother could be free. but overtime, he became complacent — very similar to hanabi.
as for the kids, i would show the differences between them based on how their parents feel about them being raised as soldiers.
for example, shikatema would have no problem with the shinobi system (at first) and their child would be entered into the academy and ready to become a ninja.
boruto, however, was raised by parents who want to change the system and hate the senseless violence, therefore he was not enrolled. this causes him to have some resentments for his parents as he's in the minority of children who aren't attending the ninja academy. he's viewed as a weak and soft-hearted by his companions and he hates it. maybe he goes against his parents and attends the academy in secret somehow.
there's a lot you can do with each character, honestly. i won't go further into it unless asked, but here's my main thoughts. i have a lot of idea with how to conclude the arcs as well, but i'm not sure how people would feel about it.
gaara stepping down as kazekage and leaving suna, sakura divorcing sasuke as she realized she never truly loved him romantically, hinata becoming the hyūga head/disbanding the hyūga, etc. many ideas.
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nartml · 10 months
Hinata, Hinata, Hinata. How's my favourite little slave owner doing? She okay? Well, not for long now, because I'm about to rip into her.
Here's the situation. She's bland. Frumpy. Too timid, too shy, too "kind", too awkward, too privileged, too busy idolizing Naruto and putting him before her kids, to be a Shinobi. To have the guts to do something about the slavery going on in her own family. To even acknowledge it.
That's annoying. Unfortunately, she, much like Sakura, was born in a world much too harsh for her. She doesn't fit in. She doesn't have what it takes to live up to the expectations placed on her as the heir (which is why Hiashi had to pass it down to Hanabi, a much more capable kunoichi, and no matter how much you vilify him for it, he was right to do so. He has a duty to his clan, he needs to be responsible. There's no space for coddling). She's preoccupied with stalking her crush from afar.
She's unimportant. She's just...there. Neji suffered the fate of his father saving her, a true loss of a much more important, likable, skilled character.
And she, instead of at least realizing, acknowledging how fucked it is that there are literal slaves in her family, whose lives are treated as lesser than hers, she just fawns over Naruto again.
In the fight with Pain, her confession was selfish, a suicide mission which endangered the lives of everyone, and specifically the fate of her bodyguard that told her that he'd get in trouble if something happened to her. She blatantly disregarded every warning she was given to not approach the battle.
All to confess her feelings to a stranger (because that's who Naruto is to her. He's a stranger, whom she knows only about his never-give-up mentality. And she, well. She is someone Naruto barely spoke to ever), get one panelled, and traumatize Naruto who would have to suffer with the guilt of knowing someone died for him out there. You could say he went ballistic over the fact that Hinata was injured and he loved her so, but the fact that he never once sought after her and ignored her love confession is proof enough that he only cared about her well-being as a mere comrade. Just knowing she's alive was good enough for him. Because Naruto is Naruto, and like it or not, he generally cares about people.
Her whole character falls apart the moment I erase her infatuation with Naruto; all the evidence you need that she's horribly written and shallow (Something also purposefully done by Kishimoto).
Hinata is simply privileged and irrelevant, in all the sense of the words. Seeing her stans point fingers and make fun of Sakura without realizing that they're both equally bad is hilarious.
Hinata wasn't made for the world of Shinobi, and it's blatantly clear.
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