Accepted. Series of challenge fics and other oneshots. Neji/Ino
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Never thought of this pair before, it was rather interesting. Thank you for the request! Headcannons of Nejiand Ino
As a couple, Neji and Ino would rather complementeach other in terms of personality. Neji is more philosophical and rationalwhile Ino is buoyant and sentimental. However, I could see major flaws withthis pairing as Neji is rather quiet and would like to talk about meaningfultopics while Ino is rather domineering and likes to talk about trivial items.
Neji can get rather bored or irritated quicklywith Ino’s obsessive need to talk about other people’s business or the latesttrends. He will either flat out ignore her or flat out tell her he doesn’tcare. He can be truthfully harsh when he is agitated and Ino’s mouth runningexcessively on shallow matters can get him upset rather quickly.
I can see Ino getting mad at Neji for ignoringher and she would be hurt if Neji was harsh towards her.  She is rather an emotional individual whereasNeji is mostly logical. They both have a strong will. Ino will fight to get herway and Neji will fight to be right. They are both confident in who they areand can butt heads because of their egos.
These two also have different love languages.Ino craves affection in the form of physical contact and words of affection.Neji on the other hand appreciates gestures as a sign of love. Neji can be softand loving towards Ino but he is not good with expressing his feelings.  He rather show his love by making her morningcoffee, giving massages, flowers, jewelry, opening doors for her, or treating her out.There’s many small ways he would demonstrate his love for her, but for Ino,sometimes it’s not enough.
Ino tends to think too little of Neji’s everydayactions. She wants full displays of love and adoration, that even others canadmire. Neji is a romantic and can plan an elegant date of her dreams for her buthe’s still a private man and rather keep most of their affairs to themselves.Ino will have to learn to respect that and try not to babble all their businessto others.
In domestic affairs, Neji is the budgeter andthe organizer of the two. He likes to keep their place neat and have everythingin its place where it’s supposed to be. Ino is not a slob, but she tends not toput things back where she found them, which can get Neji upset. They might alsohave disagreements on when to spend money. Ino is a dreamer and can always findsomething in her home to be improved. Home remodeling is always expensive andNeji has to make sure Ino doesn’t spend all their money doing so.
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Neji and Ino had come to an arrangement, an agreement of sorts. She had saved his life. He owed her as much, if not more. But neither was prepared for what would happen, or the consequences that would follow.
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