madamichaicha · 4 years
Because FanFiction.net is being so difficult these days, I have created custom pages on my blog for each fic I am currently writing. 
I will not be forcing you to read via links to an outside (and uncontrollable) source... and will update the page for each fic as I complete it. ((I will still be updating each fic on ff.net if you choose to read it that way, so no worries, they aren’t going anywhere... unless there is another disappearing glitch.))
All oneshots will have the fic, in its entirety, on the title page
All multi-chapter fics, will have links to a custom page for EACH chapter 
I sincerely hope this has increased your viewing pleasure!
Peace of Mind (Madara x Sakura)
A Decade Away (Kakashi x Sakura)
The Primrose Path (Neji x Ino)
Tryst (Kakashi x Mei)
A Lesson in Restraint (Kakashi x Sakura)
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Ino ships galore. It’s been awhile since the author updated, but give them a review and lets see what Ino’s endgame is.
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sanjiaftersex · 3 years
Hello! I'm a new follower, love the blog. I'm shy tho so I'll be on anon for now.
I have a couple fun basic questions. Do you ship anything besides SNS (or NejiNaru)? Do you ship characters based off of canon chemistry or just how fun/nice they look together? Also are their any characters you never ship with anyone?
(If you don't mind I can share mine after you)
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okay obviously sns is my OTP, the next close one is hashimada (they started homosexuality in konoha YES). for the other ones : narugaara, naruneji, itachi-shisui, itachi deidara, sasodei, inosai, naruino,sasuke ino, kibahina. I'm pretty open to any ship except sasusa*u or naruh*na.
i think my reason behind shipping two characters is a mix between both canon logic and visuals! but sometimes purely because shipping is super fun! 《《o(≧◇≦)o》》
also idk if you've seen this, naruto can be shipped with almost every character cz he whore he has such amazing relationship with everyone!
i like sasuke x ino, they had the most potential among other sasuke ships beside sns! (not from Sasuke's part,he gay but ino had genuine feelings towards him and it makes me really soft. also they look AMAZING together,sasuino fanarts are my guilty pleasure!)
for the itachi ships (except itashisu/shiita), i do it simply for fun and the visuals. itachi faced a lot of unfortunate events, that didn't let him explore his romantic life properly, he was gay shisui isn't his cousin they were sitting on a tree KISSING so obviously itachi ships are for fun.
i like kiba x hinata too, the dynamics are NEAT!
naruhina would be good too, if kishimoto didn't kill off neji to build them, now nh gives me bad flashbacks and stress 💀
I don't like the sakura ships cz she doesn't need a partner,she needs therapy (canon Sakura's personality makes me very uncomfortable, so I don't post much about her I'm sorry sakura fans 🥺)
i don't post much /like ships about shikamaru too, his personality makes me LIVID. he is very disrespectful towards women GUILLOTINE. and i think characters like shikamaru's shouldn't be on a children's show cz he subtly promotes misogyny.
i don't like shipping hidan with anyone, cz he needs therapy and some jailtime
there are just so many characters in Naruto and many have such interesting dynamics! i love it!
Curious to hear about your favourite ones and if you don't mind, I'd like to know your opinions for the above questions as well!
Have a great day
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silverscarecrow · 10 years
Kakashi/Sakura Shikamaru/Ino Rin/Obito Ino/Neji
Kakashi: “Ah, let’s not get carried away here. While Sakura is a lovely young lady with all the redeeming qualities of a good and strong woman, she is my student and that is highly inappropriate.”
Shyma: Well, I can certainly see where the appeal is and age difference doesn’t really matter to me once the younger party has reached an appropriate age so I don’t particularly have a problem with this ship. I don’t actively ship it either just cause I don’t think Kakashi would involve himself with any of his students-his life doesn’t need any more complicated. 
I can see the appeal because she can take care of him and be strong for him at the same time, those are both clear and active personality traits of hers that can be seen throughout the manga and show. And he’s this broken, bent outta shape guy who doesn’t think he deserves to be loved and taken care of and she’d be the kind of person to slap him upside the head and force him to accept the love she has to offer.
So I get the dynamic, but again I don’t actively ship it. I’m indifferent to it as a fan ship but I don’t think I’d be satisfied by any means if it became canon or anything like that. 
Kakashi: “They’re best friends, aren’t they? That would be an interesting relationship to see unfold. Ah, hold on a seconds I bet I could strike up a bet with Asuma over this, I’ll be back in a moment.”
Shyma: I used to ship it a whole ton before and I still do, I mean if it became canon I’d be ok with it. I ship him with Temari a bit more though just cause the whole aloof and intelligent thing appeals to me tons. I could see Shikamaru and Ino happening though, since their personalities are different they’re a challenge for one another, they’re something new to one another, plus they work very well together as shown time and time again in the show and manga. It’s pretty up in the air with them and I wouldn’t mind if it happened :)
Kakashi: “I will pay you money to push them into each other mid-conversation. That is all.”
Shyma: I ship it. Well, you know if they weren’t both dead except wait Obito isn’t dead thIS WHOLE THING IS SUCH A TREMENDOUS SHIT FUCK OH MY GOD. Ok breathe Shyma breathe. I ship good, young and innocent Obito with good, young and innocent Rin cause she believed in him and he treated her like the princess she was. It was perfect.
Kakashi: “Yes. No, shh, don’t ask me anything more. Yes.”
Shyma: I’ve never even thought about that as a ship before but in this RP, I like it :D I’ll ship anybody that has the right amount of chemistry and click and all that. In canon I don’t think they’ve ever even talked so I wouldn’t canon ship it but I definitely Will of Life ship it :D
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madamichaicha · 4 years
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Chapter 5 now available.
Before her, stood the Hyuga heir, himself. He looked calm on the surface, but his eyes seemed to tell a different tale. The milky orbs were rather pointed and focused as he silently approached her, her body having been frozen in place by his sudden appearance.
“Neji… w-what are you-”
“Do you have it?” he interrupted, staring deeply into her eyes.
“Do I have what? Work in the morning? Yes. It’s late, can we do this another-”
“Do you have an answer?”
“Maybe,” she shrugged, trying not to appear overly enthused.
“Not ‘maybe.’ Yes or no,” he snipped, annoyed with her indecision. “I need to know, now. I have a mission in the morning, and I cannot afford to lose anymore sleep over this. I need to be able to focus, and can’t have anything hanging over my head stressing me out.”
“I see…” she reflected momentarily before raising a brow at him. “I stress you out, do I?”
“Of course you do, woman. You’re driving me crazy. Just give me an answer.”
“I’ll give you my answer, but, I need your help first.”
“My dress,” she admitted smoothly, turning away from him and pulling her hair over one shoulder. “I think the zipper is stuck.”
Read full chapter HERE. (Earlier chapters HERE)
FanFiction link HERE
AO3 link HERE
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Accepted. Series of challenge fics and other oneshots. Neji/Ino
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Neji and Ino had come to an arrangement, an agreement of sorts. She had saved his life. He owed her as much, if not more. But neither was prepared for what would happen, or the consequences that would follow.
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On a mission with one Yamanaka Ino, Hyuuga Neji learned an important lesson; never judge a kunoichi by the lies they build around themselves. NejiIno.
A beautiful writer with a beautiful piece here~
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