#nelo angelo x reader
animelovelover123 · 3 months
DMC Boys - Devil Trigger Sex
DMC Boys  - Devil Trigger Sex
Parings: Dante (All Main Line Game Versions), Reboot Dante, Vergil (All Main Line Game Versions), Reboot Vergil, Nero (DMC4 & 5 Versions), V, Sparda, Credo, Nelo Angelo x Reader
Synopsis: Monster fucking. Need I say more?
Seriously though, this is a sexy little thought experiment that I had and am doing for fun. What would it be like to have sex with the DMC boys while they are in Devil Trigger? Some notes: 1. Some characters will have multiple entries since Devil Trigger designs change every game and sometimes multiple in the same game (except for Sparda who is always the same). 2. Some characters don’t have a basic ‘body turns into demon’ Devil Trigger so I take the equivalent and work with that.
Disclaimer: Don’t actually fuck a demon, it will probably hurt, lol. But if you're into that then I ain’t gonna stop you from gettin’ that sinner tail. ¬‿¬
Trigger Warnings: aggressive lovemaking, claiming, blood, interspecies sex
DMC1 Dante
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Something to note is that at this point Dante is not using his own Devil Trigger, he is harnessing the power and appearance of the demon spirits in his weapons. This results in some interesting qualities.
When Dante DTs he does not need to stay in the demon form and can freely switch back to a human body while still having the improved speed, strength, and elemental power. This means that if taking his demon body gets a bit hard for you partway through, he can switch to his human body to give you a break without pausing the lovemaking.
A negative, however, is that because he is getting his power from the demon spirits in his weapons, he has to be at least touching his weapons to DT for you. Having a big sword strapped to his back makes positioning hard. Wearing Ifrit, though it is less of a gauntlet and more like gloves with large dragon-shaped safeguards surrounding it, makes it hard for him to touch and grab things.
Although, if you are down to do some foreplay with the weapons, whether it be a thrill of perceived danger or some provocative allusion, then their presence might just be a positive.
Another thing to keep in mind is the elemental effects his DTs have. Alastor is lightning and Ifrit is fire. And this is real lightning and fire coming off him. Dante can minimize the elemental effects and focus the power away from you. However, expect to receive little zaps and licks of fire at random when Dante’s focus falters.
As for his body while in DT, he has two forms.
The Alastor DT has wings, but they are thick and small, really only meant to fly himself, so no blanketing or flying with you.
He doesn’t have any claws, just rounded fingers, so no accidental or purposeful scratching.
He has shoulder horns that point forward so if he is getting closer you have to be right in front of him, though they are good for holding onto to brace yourself. Or, if you are on top you can lean down or lay on top of him and slot yourself between them or under them, helping to lock you in place.
His eyes are covered in a helmet-like protection so no gazing into his eyes, though it does give a layer of mystique. His mouth is still free for kisses thankfully.
His hair is gone, now replaced with hedgehog-like spikes that are surprisingly soft, flexible, and pleasant to touch for both of you if you go with the grain. Slotting your fingers through them is hard, especially the closer you get to the base, but because of how solidly and directly connected they are to his head, when you grab them he really feels it and pulling them is more of an order than a suggestion for him to move his head.
The Ifrit DT has no wings and doesn’t move as fast, but he is beefier and more powerful. Pinning you to the wall with his arms hooked under your legs just got a lot easier.
He has curved spikes on his heels which may not seem like they have utility outside of more painful kicks, but when you are ridding him while he lays on the air or over most anything regardless of shape because he has hooked his feet into the ground, then you will realize the possibilities of them.
His thighs are thicker and the inside of his legs are smooth so wrapping his legs around you is just as good, if not better, than usual. Though he now has curved spikes around his waist so you doing the same to him won’t work anymore.
He has curved, ram-like horns on his head which make great handlebars, especially when he is working his mouth on you.
The hedgehog spikes on his head are shorter, harder to grab, and he now has them protruding from his wrist to cover the top of his hands. So, even without claws, you will probably still get poked and scratched. These spikes are just as sensitive so doing things like sliding your hand, palm down, along the back of his hand gives him the most delightful of shivers up his arms and down his back.
So this is the first part I wrote so it will probably be a bit weird as I try to figure out what I want to do for these. Anyway, DMC1 Dante is the first to have multiple DT designs in one game. This one only has two (he technically has one more but it is just Sparda so you will see my thoughts when you get to Sparda), so it isn't too bad. I fear 3 though.
A big issue I had with DMC1 DTs is that there are not that many good, high-quality images and videos of the DT so it is a bit hard to make out the details. And some details aren’t shared between the one official image of each DT and the in-game model. For example, you can’t see the hedgehog spikes around Ifrit’s DT hands in the official art, but you can see it in-game. And in these games, since you only turn into a demon when attacking or flying, you can’t just look at him from all angles while he stands still. SO annoying. I tried though.
Nelo Angelo (Spoilers for DMC1)
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To start, you need to understand how large this man is. We are talking around 8 feet tall and 3 feet wide. He will tower over you in every circumstance. Things like being able to wrap your arms around his neck or kiss him will have to happen upon request, especially if he is standing or you are already impaled on him.
It also means that the stretching you will have to go through will be rough. With just a single finger of his being equivalent to the average size, you are in for some serious training if you don’t want to feel the burn. ‘If’ being the operative word.
Stomach bulge inbound.
His strength is also impressive, able to lift even large men like Dante up by the neck singlehandedly, and he will do the same to you if you want it.
What YOU want is the focus as, with how warped his mind is to be subservient, his agency is low and his will to follow your requests and orders is high.
He is covered in thick armour that he cannot fully remove as it is magically fused to his body, but he can remove and shift some choice pieces. For example, he can remove his helmet, revealing his human head, though it is larger than most just like the rest of his body.
Nelo Angelo’s face under the helmet may be that of a human man, but it was cold, stoic, and pale, like a statue. Yet it reacts when you manipulate it, whether through pulling his hair, opening his mouth, or kissing him. He moves with you, molding himself to receive your affection and mirror it, hinting at the heart still hidden away inside of him.
His armour is thick and cold but can become warm over time thanks to your body heat. It also has strips of pulsating, glowing colour which change depending on his status. These strips also create a ‘V’ over his crotch which almost gives an underwear illusion and also offers quick and easy visual feedback when your mouth is on him. So, despite his physical reaction being minimal, the deepening of the coloured strips will be the best tell to know how good he is feeling, along with his wordless noises.
Nelo Angelo cannot speak, that right has been taken from him by his master, but his groans of exertion and pleasure are loud and clear.
Nelo Angelo’s armour is surprisingly smooth, lacking in sharp claws or spikes. Even the horns on his helmet are curved downward so the chances of getting sudden jabs in low. The only points you have to watch out for are his knee guards which are tall and sharp. Although they can be used as spots to place your feet to get a bit of height or as something you can push against to force yourself back into him harder.
Is Nelo Angelo a Devil Trigger? Yes and no. It is technically Vergil’s natural state while under Mundus’ control. However, in DMC3, if Vergil is wearing the ‘Corrupted Vergil’ costume, Nelo Angelo is his Devil Trigger form. Is the appearance in DMC3 cannon? No. Did I do this just because there is something hot about the idea of being with someone/something 2-3 feet bigger than me? Yes.
DMC2 Dante
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Dante has the Amulet, a magical item that, when you place devil hearts into it, gives his Devil Trigger different attributes and abilities, meaning you can customize and tailor your sexual experience.
You want him to move fast? Slam into you with more power? Fly? Slow down time? He can do that.
You want some temperature play with fire or ice? Or receive some little shocks? Your desire is his command.
Though he can only have so many demon hearts active at once so if you wanna switch there will be a few-second pause to change his loadout.
Dante here has two DT’s, his base Devil Trigger and his desperation Majin/Sin Devil Trigger.
In his base DT, his face is still mostly human. His skin is rougher and he has some veins that distend, but he has eyes to gaze into, a nose to rub against yours, and lips to kiss.
His wings are longer, though the height and thickness are the same so they can’t offer you the blanket effect but they can wrap around you and hold you close.
He has hair for you to play with! It is not as silky smooth as him in his human form and a bit more solid than normal hair but nowhere near horn level. So, you can run your hands through it, twirl it, and grab it all you want.
He has claws so prepare for some scratches.
He also can produce gun barrels from his hands so if you are into the illusion of danger or force in your play, he has that going for you.
He also has flaps of leather armour that will drape over you like the tails of his leather coat.
Being able to make love while Dante is in his Majin DT is a rarity since he has to be greatly physically weakened. The only times you can get this form is if he is extremely sick and you convince him to do it or when he just finished a battle. While still buzzing with adrenaline and an animalistic/demonic frame of mind he may just jump you of his own volition to let out his energy and claim you as his and him as yours.
Dante grows over a foot when going into Majin DT so he will tower over you more than usual. And with his wider frame and four wings, be prepared to be fully encompassed by him, trapped in a cocoon of heat and passion.
His edges are sharper and his skin is a lot harder. He is also less human-shaped. For example, instead of his waist, hips, and legs all flowing into each other, his hip consists of a thick plate to which half of the top of his legs attach and his torso thins to a V shape that attaches to the plate, leaving a flat surface to his hips that you could place a cup on. It is unnatural and might take some time to get used to. And if you were to wrap your legs around his hips, placing them into the crevices between his torso and hip plate, they with be squeezed and firmly held in place.
He has horns on top of his head, a bit short but still enough to grasp, and horns that start on the side of his head and curve to the front. This means that if you try to deny him kisses by turning your head, you will get poked in the cheek for your trouble.
He has growths under his forearms that are sharp and produce laser blades. They get in the way sometimes when he tries to hold you, but again, if you are into the illusion of danger he can always hold a blade up to your body to get your heart pumping faster.
His face is no longer human. Majin DT is a true demon so when you look into his eyes you will see piercing red lights and when you kiss him you will feel rough, textured lips.
I’m surprised by how many better-quality images of DMC2’s Devil Triggers I found. I assumed, after looking at the DMC1 options, that DMC2 would be the hardest since it is generally the least liked in the series. It also helped that in this game you stay in the demon form so I could see pics/videos of them just standing, turning, and walking.
DMC2 Dante had an interesting dichotomy in that one Devil Trigger is the most human-looking of original cannon DTs (especially in the face) while his other DT is one of the least human-like DTs. It honestly a cool design choice (assuming they did it on purpose) to have Dante’s normal DT be human-like but when he gets desperate he loses his humanity and becomes more demonic.
DMC3 Dante
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Though Dante’s Devil Trigger appearance does change depending on the weapon he is wielding, his power is not dependent on them so he can trigger without touching a weapon. So no awkward strapping of weapons to the body to have some fun in demon mode, though the variations may be some trouble.
All of his DTs create a glowing aura with a rippling, sparking energy so there is no way for you to shyly veil your body in the darkness. He will always be able to see your beautiful body, just how he likes it.
All forms have some sort of cranial tusk-like crest. The basic/Rebellion DT has the crest curled open so going in for kisses is possible. On the other end of the spectrum, Nevan DT’s face is almost completely covered by the crests like a helmet, so you are locked out of face touches. However, in all other forms the head guards make it hard to hold his face and kiss him but it also protects you from being bit by his pointy teeth unless you purposely stick something in there like your fingers, toes, tongue, or…
The crest is also solid, so no hair to play with but some of them make good handlebars.
His arms and wings are covered in scales, and with his muscles underneath it gives a similar sensation to touching a snake.
His legs have a smoother texture so feel more slick to the touch when they wrap around you, though some of his DTs have spikes on the back so be careful.
His chest has a rib design and texture so running your hands over it and having it pressed against you gives a unique, uneven feeling.
His eyes are a sharp golden glow that don’t blink, and his lips are always twisted upward into a smile so, if you face each other, there is an odd mix of excited enthusiasm and an intense watching aura present.
Clawed hands again, though with all the sharp points with these DTs, surviving a night without being left with red marks everywhere is but a dream. Also, Beowulf's gauntlets will get in the way, though the greaves can grab things so that can be used for retrieval or interesting positions.
The Rebellion and Nevan have wings that can either fold down, giving the illusion of him wearing his red trench coat, or be open. However, unlike most winged creatures, his wings start at his lower back so instead of them blocking out the world around you as they wrap around your shoulders and head, these wings will wrap around your hips and pull you closer.
Cerberus DT also has wings, though they are more so just protrusions that don’t move, so all they do is get in the way if he tries to lay down or you want to take him from behind.
The combination of the cranial crests, coat illusion, and glove-like hands, it never feels quite like you are touching him directly. There is always a feeling of separation. Although, with how talkative and energetic Dante is, hopped up on a relatively new feeling of power and primal urges, this is compensated for.
This fucker. I was dreading this because of him. Every other character and every other Dante in this series has 1-2 DTs per game, EXCEPT DMC3 Dante. He has five. Fuckin’ FIVE! Like its honestly really cool that his design and abilities change depending on his weapon, but in this specific circumstance it makes things so much more tedious. I could have gone into separate descriptions for each like in the other characters with multiple DTs but there are just too many to do that. I already have 15 to do, I don’t want the extra work.
Also, something I noticed while staring at DMC3 Dante’s DT for so long, in my personal opinion, with no intention of offending anyone… he got a goofy face.
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He looks like he is constantly on the brink of doing an evil little gremlin laugh.
DMC3&4 Vergil
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Vergil has a base Devil Trigger and then an altered one for the brief time he wielded Beowulf.
His layers of scales, plates, and leathery skin give the illusion of clothing, even more so than Dante’s. Vergil’s layers fold and bend over each other to not only mimic his coat and vest under it but also cufflinks and a high collar. A collar so high that it goes halfway up his cheeks. They flow and bend though so sliding your hands under them is very much possible.
The sheath for his Yamato, or whatever sword he is wielding at the moment, is part of his left arm. And this isn’t simply the metal/wooden sheath fused to him, no. This sheath is made of his own leathery skin and scales. Even if he takes the weapon out of it, it is hard, long, warm, and frankly gets in the way when lovemaking. Although he does have nerves in it, so it is possibly another shaft and hole to stimulate.
Vergil has a cranial crest that sits on the top of his head, meaning it is up and out of the way. Although the shape is not really suited for grabbing, it can be used as a panel to turn his head away or towards you.
In his Beowulf DT, his coat, or the illusion of his coat, is shortened into a crop top length and instead, he has wings that are sadly too thin to actually fly with or even drape over you in a blanketing effect. However, they are flexible and flowing so you can use them a bit like leashes to either yank him away or pull him closer, though more from the core of his body than his neck. That is, if you catch him off guard as his strength is superior and he does not like being at anyone’s mercy.
His crest has sharpened making them more dangerous but better to grab while still having the panel effect to twist his head.
His chest scales have also hardened and become more defined in comparison to his basic DT, giving a rib effect. They don’t distend much but when you press your hand against his chest, or it is pressed up against yours then it becomes more apparent.
He has thick gauntlets now so more delicate caresses are harder but grabbing you is just as easy, if not easier as it is harder for you to escape his hold when you can’t claw at his hands.
In this form Vergil creates a distorting, sparking aura that obscures your view of him and can give you sharp little zaps if you aren’t careful. Although Vergil has had a lot more training in this form and so can control this aura better, giving you both a clearer view of each other. However, it also means that Vergil can consciously give you little shocks when you, in his view, misbehave and don’t listen.
Vergil technically has three DTs in DMC3 but one of them is just Nelo Angelo who has how own section.
As for combining DMC3 and DMC4 Vergil, I don’t know what you want me to do. It’s the same. It’s literally the same. At least between DMC4 and DMC5, Dante’s DT had some differences to point out and there was a whole new DT to talk about. But there is nothing for DMC4. I couldn’t even really explore how differently Vergil can control his DT since it is implied that DMC3 and Vergil’s appearance in Fortuna happened at roughly the same time. So I am sorry for the cop-out but this is what I got.
DMC4 Nero
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Nero can’t really control his demonic powers yet, which can be seen in a few ways.
First off, instead of shifting his body the energy manifests as blue phantom flames and glowing red eyes, giving him a feral or rabid look, and as a demonic blue astral figure.
This figure is large, demonic, and comes out when he asserts energy. So when he is thrusting into you or does something like grab your hair suddenly, the figure may just appear. If you are an exhibitionist this may be great for you. If you get uncomfortable being watched then Nero will have to do some training before he can take you like this.
It also does not simply hover behind or above Nero. It can also encompass his torso, so in the middle of an intimate moment you may just open your eyes to find that the face above you is different than before.
It does not speak to you, but Nero can hear it and it is determined to gain more power. And one of many ways to gain and assert power is for Nero to dominate you during sex. So, with Nero being more aggressive in DT, be ready for some rougher treatment. He loves you and would never intentionally harm you, but you may have to point out when your legs are about to give out or that the bites he is leaving all over you are bleeding a bit.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Nero does not have full control over when he goes into his DT. If he is high on adrenalin, from joy or anger, or you tease him just a bit too much, he will most likely trigger and pin you to whatever surface is nearby.
It doesn’t matter if you are alone at home, out in the forest, or on some side street, you may just find yourself with your face pressed against a cold surface with his human hand holding your hair while his Devil Bringer is already ripping your clothes to ribbons and his distorted voice growling in your ear about how badly he needs to fill you up and mark you as his.
Another non-traditional DT, wooo~…
The whole part about the astral figure having its own thoughts to some extent may be totally wrong, but I got the impression that the voice that Nero hears demanding “give me more power” is it. My headcannon is that it is his more animalistic demonic nature that has been repressed manifesting as a separate entity as Nero can’t handle it until DMC5. Then again, in one of the pachinko games (weird topic I know) the figure takes on the form of Vergil and seems to teach Nero a move so IDK what the fuck is going on with it.
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Though he would deny it being a ‘Devil’ Trigger, Credo does obtain the ability to harness supernatural power to change his form into something no longer human.
This transformation is a lot softer than others, consisting of smoother lines, rounded points, and lots of feathers.
He has soft white feathers along most of his body, giving you something to really sink your hands and face into. There are exceptionally thick plumes around his thighs, so when you sit on his lap its like sitting on a soft feather comforter.
His tail is also covered with feathers, though has a bare underside showing off the muscles in it. It is more like a cat tail than anything, not having the conscious ability to grab things but unconsciously draping over you when pleased.
Thankfully it doesn’t whip around when excited, so when you take him from behind it will either wrap around your waist or drape over your shoulder.
The feathers of his singular wing are separated into three sections, offering three tactile pleasures to experience. A soft upper part, a muscular lower part, and slick blade-shaped feathers with smooth edges.
Though the feathers do not cover the crotch, they line either side so no sensory slapping sounds of skin hitting skin, but also no painful jabs of hipbones so there are pros and cons.
Speaking of the crotch, he had a chastity belt-looking protective plating that opened up like a little double door.
The plume on his head can get in the way a bit when you go in for kisses, but there is no structure to it so you can just push it aside.
There is, sadly, a rather big elephant in the room that will impede your loving making, at least until you figure out how to work with it or around it. In this form, one of Credo’s arms is attached to a large shield. It is 2/3s his body height, solid as steel, and a constant. His other arm does end in a hand with rounded fingers that can hold and caress you. His other though, will be in the way. Though it does offer good cover if either of you want to sneak in a tantalizing touch in public (not that Credo would ever condone such a thing but he hasn’t pushed you away either) and it offers a surprisingly comforting and secure nesting spot for when you are settling down after. And with how he can fly, even with only one wing, it can be like a little basket to carry you around in.
Atop his head are two sets of horns, one that creates an incomplete loop which makes a great handle and another set that points backwards quite a ways and has a layer of feathers on top. The letter set is long enough that even if you are average human height, compared to Credo who is 6’4”ish and grows a few inches when transforming, you can easily grab one and use it to yank his head up and back while you slam into him from behind.
Another oddity not often seen is how the claws on his toes and heels stick straight up. It may take some ingenuity to use them but there is potential there, especially those who have a particular liking to feet.
Unfortunately, the human-looking face he has is a façade, nothing but a solid mask. Like a sculpture of the gods, it is hard and unmoving. The golden hairs making up his beard are like strands of golden thread, his red eyes do not blink, and his lips stay curved in the slightest of a closed-mouth smile, even when he speaks. It truly gives the feeling of an angle taking on a more conceivable form for you so it may bestow upon you a gift. Though the ‘gift’ in this case is rather sinful.
This is one of those things that is not actually labelled as a Devil Trigger but could be argued as one.
One thing that people may not agree with me on is the idea that Credo’s shield in DT is part of his body and I admit, it is kind of unclear. I argue it is because we never see him not with it (unlike his sword and spear which he can throw and drop) and his in-game module does not have a left hand, his arm just melds into the back of the shield (see pic if it works).
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After the fight, Nero gets an item (as he does after every boss fight) that is stated to be Credo’s shield. However, the Aegis Shield (what the item is officially called) does not look like Credo’s shield and when we see Credo later, he still has his shield. And, unlike how in other post-boss battle cutscenes we see Nero holding the ripped off item and it disappears as he absorbs it’s power, Nero grabs Credo’s shield, absorbs power, then throws the shield and Credo aside rather than ripping it off.
DMC4 Dante
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Dante has two Devil Triggers, though one can’t be held for more than a minute so it is more for brief moments of passion or something to spice up the already spicy moment.
Dante’s DT here gives the illusion of a more human appearance.
The colouring and positioning of his scales and plates mimicking his red trench coat, gloves, chaps, and boots. He has lips and a nose, and there are white layers on his head and chin that look like his hair at a glance. However, the heat radiating off of him and the reptilian-like textures always remind you of the demonic nature of the thing currently spreading your legs.
His eyes are also a dead giveaway as there is nothing human about them.
The glowing spot on his chest that looks like a hole with cracks spreading out from it is a sensitive spot for him. Run your fingers along it, kiss it, or lick it and you can feel the vibration of his pleased growls and purrs.
He has more faux coattails this time, 4 to be exact, they are a lot more flexible and flowing than those before so moving them to take him from behind is easy.
Though he does get a bit faster, Dante’s DT offers much more strength this time around so be prepared to not walk the next day.
In this DT you don’t just have to watch out for his clawed hands, but also around his chin so the usual playful scratchy sensation of his stubble is now hard, and potentially painful, spikes.
He has spikes that start on his chest and go up past his shoulders. These are okay handlebars, though only work for leading his torso rather than his head. They can also get in the way when trying to go down on you or face sitting, but if you guys take the time to slot your legs between his face and the spikes, then no matter how much you squirm and jerk, you can’t escape his ravenous tongue.
His foot claws are longer now, unlocking the potential of Dante hanging upside-down down for some spider-man kisses or standing 69ing.
Also, first of Dante’s DTs to have a bulge so that means there is something to grind on for a bit for foreplay. And who knows, maybe the sudden appearance of a bulge means he has more packing down there this time.
Dante’s Dreadnaught DT does not last that long, a minute or two max, and he has to build up power and anger to even trigger it.
When he does pull it off though, there is an intense darkness about him in this form. Not just visually as his whole body is veiled in a deep black shadow-like fog with only the ripples of power along his spikes and helmet-like guard offering colour and light. But there is also a foreboding darkness with how his movement is slowed.
When he approaches you, he doesn’t run, he walks as his power is weighing him down. Yet his steps are silent, as if he isn’t touching the ground. When he touches you, it is cold and has an airy feeling, like little puffs of smoke are brushing against your skin. He is invulnerable in this state so he never truly feels anything in this state. He can’t feel your touch or your warmth. He has to focus to register your attempt to push and pull him. He can’t even clearly see you, at least not in detail.
This all creates a feeling of separation, detachment you could say. Yet it also has a mystique and dread, as if an omnipotent supernatural being had chosen you to pursue.
I have honestly never heard of Dreadnaught DT before doing research for this. It isn't even listed on the DMC Fandom Wiki Devil Trigger page! I only found out about it because I was watching { DANTE }‘s videos of showing off Dante’s DTs to see their in-game models and movement and it is featured there. There isn't that much info on it online aside from people talking about its lack of use and the fandom wiki has a single tiny paragraph about it on the Royal Guard page.
Reboot Dante
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For Dante to go into Devil Trigger he has to have his mother's amulet and be in Limbo, or the worlds have to be merged by now, so there is a dissociative aspect to making love here and like this. The world isn’t quite right here, and neither is Dante when he is triggered.
When he triggers, every living being except for himself is lifted into the air as if gravity had been turned off. You become floaty and dazed, your mind and body slowing down until Dante grabs you and pulls you back to land. The fog in your brain never fully disappears but things become clearer as his mouth aggressively kisses and bites at any open skin he can get to and his hands start clawing at your clothes.
If you touch the ground and focus you can find gravity again. But if Dante keeps you elevated and keeps your mind scrambled with pleasure then you are left in anti-gravity, at the mercy of Dante who can easily flip you around and lift you. It also means that his grip on you is all the stronger as he is responsible for holding you in place.
The colours of the already distorted world distort further, draining into white and black and all the shades in between. Even his dark hair bleaches into white during this time. The only splashes of colour are on Dante himself through his clothes and eyes, making it so you always look at him.
Though his body remains human, his eyes turn from pale blue, to the point they could be called grey, to a striking black and red, which match his more aggressive, demonic nature in this form.
When Devil Triggered, Dante is tapping into his demonic half and the longer he stays in it the more humanity escapes him. If your foreplay takes too long or by the time you reach your peak he may be too far gone to hear or care about your need for a break.
Thankfully Kat has created a spray that can knock Dante out of his DT if you need it.
But if you choose not to use it and let Dante’s DT run its course, Dante’s sense of concern for your exhaustion and boundries slip away as he loses himself to demonic urges of claiming and, if he has even the slightest interest in starting a family while in the right mind, breeding you.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in tears, if you’re twitching from overstimulation, or if you have gone limp in exhaustion, Dante needs to do this. To fill you, to mark you, to get rid of this burning sensation in his body and quench his hunger.
Advance warning (or post warning depending on if I reorganize these); any person without an actual demon form will usually have shorter parts since the majority of the other parts are about explaining how touching them would work when their body is so different. Without a different body shape, I am left to focus on something unique about the DT. In this case, I focused on how blinded Dante gets when in DT. In the game, we see how he is so blinded by betrayal and pain that he almost kills Vergil. So I tried to translate that tunnel vision of intense reaction to emotions into sexual desire. I think it came across well, though I feel that this might just inch into possible non-con with how aggressive and primal they become. I know some people aren't into that so I want to write it in a way that gives you an out if you want while leaving the possibility open if you are into that.
Reboot Vergil
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Vergil has been training with his demonic power for a long time and chooses to focus the power outside of himself, so he is not as animalistic when DTing as others.
Even visually he can choose not to change, but if you want the pale skin, glowing eyes, and veiny look he can certainly do that for you.
The only visual change that he might let slip when in the heat of the moment are the flecks of demonic energy that hover around him and fly off in wild directions with more intense movement.
His DT consists of him creating a doppelganger that can work in tandem with him or act on its own. Meaning you have two Vergil’s to work with.
Two voices telling you how good you look and feel, and how he couldn’t focus on work when all he could think about was you.
Two sets of lips and teeth to kiss and mark every part of your body.
Two sets of hands sliding your clothes off and leading you into position.
Two tongues lapping at you and preparing you.
And two dicks searching to slide into you and be wrapped in your warmth.
The doppelganger does pose some differences though. The most obvious being that visually he is not consistently there, like a body you can get glimpses of through a thick mist.
He can also change colour if that does anything for you.
The doppelganger can also choose when it is corporeal and incorporeal, so even if you have clothes on or are wrapped up in a blanket, he can move through it and touch your skin directly anyway.
The doppelganger can also act as a surrogate. So while Vergil is busy with a meeting, his attention may be split as half of his mind is focusing on controlling his double as it takes you in the next room over. Call it prep for when the meeting finishes and Vergil can take over or join the fun.
This was another one where there is no physical change into a different body so I have to work with what I’ve got, which is not much.
DMC5 Nero
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Nero has finally unlocked his full DT transformation and he can even control it better than before, meaning your intimacy can be more controlled and sensual. Unless you want him to be a wild beast because he would happily oblige.
His DT is more on the human side, with a navel, abs, pecks, and a mostly human-shaped face with warm lips that actually mold to yours rather than are stiff and just follow along like many other DTs.
His butt in DT is like a human’s rather than covered in scales or plating, meaning it can be grabbed, can jiggle and tense, and can be smacked with that satisfying sharp sound ringing out, though it is usually drowned out by the sounds that slip from his lips when you do land a good hit on his rear end.
His eyes are lizard-like and glow, making them more piercing. The kind that you can see track your movements from across the room like a hunter waiting for its prey.
His hair grows exponentially, going a third down his back. It is silky smooth to the touch, tough enough for you to yank on, and thick enough to block out the light when Nero hovers above you and his hair drapes over you just right.
He does have some spikes and plating, such as his calves which are covered in sharp spikes and his shoulder guards which are made for a particular set of astral hands that are not yours so they are hard to hold. Although if you slot your arms between the shoulder lines just right, they can become wedged and all you can do is grab and claw at Nero’s back while you are held open and helpless for him.
He also has a couple of chin spikes so no chin nuzzling.
The rest of his plating, scales, and skin are smooth so wrapping yourself around him, being wrapped up in him, sitting, straddling, and all the rest can be done comfortably.
The plating around his side leads down his torso, making a sort of happy trail leading your hand to just the right place.
He also has a bulge, though, like a lot of him, it is more human in proportion compared to his dad or uncle. Don’t tell him that though because he will simply have to show you how he is a grower rather than a shower.
His hands are clawed now, claws that are really long but not razor sharp. Perfect for dragging across your skin to give you those pleasant tingles without actually causing harm. Again, unless you want that.
Speaking of claws, he has a second set now… kind of. His wings act more like arms with claws rather than wings. They have the full range of a normal hand, and arguably more, so can grab and lift and pull you around as he desires.
Although these clawed wings are not exclusive to his TD and can come out whenever. They tend to get integrated into all of your intimate moments, whether intentionally or not. And they are even occasionally involved with the lead-up as he keeps his real hands somewhere tame while his Bringer Claws sneak over to and grab something a bit spicier.
He has a pair of horns on his head but they are not really shaped well for holding. They are more like head guards with a feather-like scaling pattern that is quite pleasing to the touch for both of you.
They do make the space a bit tight when you go in for a kiss. Though he likes this as once he has you pinned down and brings his face nice and close, there is no escaping from his lips for you. As for the rest of your body? Trust me, he will find a way to leave his sharp little teeth marks all over you.
His voice becomes distorted when in DT, making it deeper and more gravely to the point of pretty much having reverb.
Holding his DT does take some effort, so he pants and breaths a bit harder and more often. And with how his voice is affected those sighs and sharp intakes ring out through the room.
I’m surprised with how little I had to say for this one, but I guess that is because his DT is rather tame in regard to representing a demon. Also, a lot of little things I have said have already been said for the other guys. And I am losing steam. I’m almost done though, so close…
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V was a human, he did not have the same demonic energy as his kin, not from his own being at least.
That doesn’t mean you and he can’t have some demonic fun, he just requires some assistance. If you are up for it, of course.
For the most powerful demonic force V has under his control is mindless, lacking a true will of its own, and does not exactly have a solid form. It is flexible, moldable, one could even say like a thick liquid.
Nightmare, under V’s command, can change its body at will.
It could be like a large drop of warm water gliding around your skin, pinpointing your sensitive areas under your clothes as you try to do something else.
It can be like a thin snake, sliding around your body, squeezing you just enough to make your heart pound.
It can lay thin across your skin like clothing or even closer, contouring perfectly to your body, while heating, vibrating and shifting around.
It can surround you in intertwined and knotted tendrils that poke, prod, slide, writhe, and thrust around you.
Or it can fully encompass you, like you are submerged in water with every bit of your skin coated yet everything is dark, warm, and relentlessly stimulating you.
And all the while V is sitting nearby, watching and controlling the moment carefully.
His primary focus is on you, making sure you are safe and satisfied, occasionally slipping in for a moment to surprise you with a sudden texture shift before disappearing again.
But if you were to call out to him, asking him to join, well he could multitask.
So this is the most different of any of these Devil Triggers to the point that I was debating not putting it in. But I decided, why not. We are already going crazy with these things, why not get some slime/tentacle hentai in here. I still chose to keep it really short though since this may be uncomfortable/a step too far for some people.
DMC5 Dante
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Again, Dante has two DTs, with his first one being very similar to the one he used during the Fortuna incident. So a lot of the points mentioned there carry over. There are a couple of new things to mention though.
For one, he has more control over his demonic power now, meaning he can control the heat radiating off him better and, more importantly, his eyes are no longer just glowing orbs of power. Though more reptilian than human, you can see Dante’s eyes, gaze into them, and see how they darken with lust and then shine with love as you cuddle after.
His feet have actually shrunk so, no more upside-down fun, but that is made up for by his wings.
What looks like the tails of his coat can lift and open into a pair of wings that he can fly with or wrap around you. With 2 wings, even with each wing having 2 segments, he can’t quite encompass you like in his Majin form but with the glowing, circular pattern on the inside it offers a visual effect that is hypnotizing to watch. This dazzling visual is enhanced when ripples of sensation and energy surge through Dante causing the lights to flicker and waver.
His wings also have hooks on the top which he can use to hold you, in particular your shoulders, in place so you don’t slide away from him as he slams into you.
Now on to his Sin Devil Trigger.
He does have to stab himself to get into this form which could be a turn-off or turn-on for you. It has happened to him so many times that it does not faze him all that much, though he does let out some deep groans and growls as he feels the rush of power take him over.
This is the farthest from human-like he has looked since his brief time being able to hold Majin form. No nose, eyes back to being simple glowing slits of energy, and not even lips to kiss.
His skin is like rock and if he doesn’t focus, he could burn you with how hot his body becomes.
And there are spikes everywhere. Head, shoulders, arms, chest, legs, nowhere is truly safe. Even his waist, though having a similar thinness and flatness to his Majin DT, has spikes pointed at it so it is a risky idea to slot your legs around them.
But if you can brave the danger and you both are able to keep safety in mind, or not if you like some pain, this will be the most intense night you will ever have. Each thrust takes your breath away and the weight of his body almost makes you feel trapped, a true feeling of being taken by a wild beast.
Add in the fact that the hooks on his wings, of which he has four now, have become more like appendages so they can bend and twist at will, which means he can scoop up and manipulate your body, counting his arms too, in six ways now, making you feel surrounded and at the mercy of this titan.
Also, Sin DT has a bigger bulge, so we all know what that means…
The bulge is even shaped a bit like it and it has a cracked, lit slit separating the protecting scales as if it is so big that it is almost forcing its way out.
Also, his ass is surprisingly round and big, covered in small scales which means you can feel the muscles move under them. But there is a spine-like structure between his cheeks so no hotdogging but gripping and caressing are still on the table.
Some sensitive places are along the glowing spots of his inner forearm and on the glowing inside of his horns. Not the long ones on top of his head, but the ones wrapping around the sides of his head. Because of how rough and hard his skin is, just touching them isn't enough. You have to claw and dig into them. When you do though you get this interesting sound. This crackling, sizzling sound along with his warped, deep growl and snap of his jaw.
It’s the most sensation he can feel in this form while making love, aside from finishing of course. Dante feels so powerful, so invulnerable in this state that when you do it suddenly it's like his brain shuts down for a minute. He twitches and may even crumble down onto you for a second before bouncing back. And though it may be stifled by the distortion, you can also hear him whimper. Quite the contrast from his intimidating form, but this is a power only you are privy to and can exploit out of him.
Unlike most people who joked about/did not consider the Devil Triggers being sexy until the first clear shot of Dante’s Sin DT was of his beautifully sculpted booty, I have always been curious about the weirder, more creative side of fantasy sex, and so have occasionally imagined scenarios like these. I used to shy away from writing/sharing fanfiction ideas about crazier things as I feared the possible onslaught of hate. Now though, I wonder how different the reception for these will be since the immaculate rear ends of DMC5’s DTs are a meme and normalized?
DMC5 Vergil
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Vergil’s Devil Trigger has lost practically all of its clothing illusions and is overall less human-like.
He is a lot more ridged and sharp now, with pointed protective scales and plating along his chest, limbs, and head. There is a soft spot, however, right over his stomach. The scales are smaller and thinner to the point where you can feel his ab muscles flex and contract due to choice or as a reaction to stimulation. Everywhere else though you must take caution.
This caution should also extend to his bulge of all things. The shape is a bit odd as it both curves up and down. The up curve is relatively smooth and if he leans back enough, you could even sit on it while he is standing. The downward curve is where the danger lies.
The protective plating and scales form a dragon head with glowing eyes and everything. Does it move? Probably not, but the little fangs and curved snout of the crotch dragon may just rip into your clothing.
His arm sheathes make a return and is both less and more obstructive. On the positive, they are shorter now and open, acting more as pipes that exude demonic energy that form into blades than a place to store a physical sword. On the other hand, he has them on both forearms now.
Speaking of pipes, his cranial crests have opened and become exhaust pipes for demonic energy that burst forth like blue flames. Vergil does have enough control over his demonic blood to choose when and if he creates these flames and how hot they are. He can actually make them cool to the touch, allowing you to run your hands through them without risk of injury. Even if you are not that interested in them, he likes to have at least a small flame going as the way the light reflects in your eyes makes you even more dazzling than usual.
He has horns and spikes that protect his face but there is enough room for you to slot your head in there for kisses, though he has no lips to kiss with.
He does, however, have a lightly barbed tongue that, with careful control of his demonic energy, he can also choose to make hot or cold as it explores your mouth or drags across your skin.
He has wings that he uses this time, able to fly you around so he may abscond with you to a more private area when the need arises. They have a glowing ripple pattern on the inside that, along with the energy flames of his head and arms, can create quite a flashy light show. Now whether he uses that to entertain or distract you is something for him to decide.
He also has a tail, and quite a long and strong one at that. Unlike most tails, his attaches to his upper back, making it start closer to your head level. This makes capturing you by the shoulders or wrists and lifting you off the ground, suspending you and leaving you helpless in front of him while both his hands are free, easy.
The main length of the tail has large, flat scales that come to softer points, so even if it slithers over you against the grain, it won’t hurt as long as it is going slow.
The end of the tail is barbed, but the actual tip is thin, smooth, and around a foot long. This means it can act as a good replacement, or additional, rod to play with.
And with the fact that Vergil can create a doppelganger in the image of his demon form while in his human form, well you can have the best of both worlds at the same time.
Now, some people may think that me not expanding on Vergil’s doppelganger ability is a waste, but all of that detail had to be used for Reboot Vergil because that is all Vergil’s DT is in that game. I guess I could copy and paste a handful of points to this section but that would be a waste and cheap. Besides, this might encourage those who skip parts to go back and actually read Reboot Vergil’s part, lol.
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Sparda is very comfortable in his demon form, more so than his human form, so he knows exactly how to use it.
He has a lot of protruding bits that mimic armour. For example, he has plating that acts as shoulder guards and scaling on his legs that go up to his hips. It gives ‘a man in uniform’ type of vibe but it can get in the way.
The biggest hinderance is the protective ring around his chest that comes to a point in the front. Chest to chest contact just won’t happen. It isn’t even big enough for you to sit in for easier eating out. The only possible positive is its ability to capture liquids, so if you are into puddles of various things you have that going for you.
At least his knee guard-like protrusions, the ones on his legs, and the ones on his shoulders can help you hang on. Whether it be planting your feet on his knee guards to get a bit higher, using his leg guards for hooking your legs around his surprisingly thin waist, or having your legs sit between his shoulder guards and head for the aforementioned easier sitting for licking.
Speaking of his legs though, they, and his arms, have this interesting ripple texture that is flat enough to his body that they don’t cause discomfort but make a pleasing ticking sound when you drag your nails across them.
He has spikes on the tops (closest to the elbow) of his forearms, so fisting can only go so far.
His horns go out to the side and curve downward so they stay out of the way for kisses and, though thick at the base, thin out at the tips so you can grasp them. One function that Sparda had never considered before though is how, when facing away from you, you can hook your arms under his horns and rear his head up.
His fingers are clawed but surprisingly not his toes. Instead, his feet are hoofed with the split like a goat. Not much utility during sex but the sound they make when he walks around is a surprisingly soft yet satisfying ‘clop’.
His lips are upturned, unlike humans, so he does not quite smile and looks as if he is frowning, or scowling with how his head armour shapes his eyes. It may take some time for you to get the more subtle signs signalling his true feelings. Or, if you train him right, you can weaponize your concern of not being able to read his face into making him be more vocal during lovemaking.
His wings are bug-like, having a harder protective shell and 4 sheer wings that shimmer in the light. When he flaps them they beat quickly, creating a decent amount of wind which can be used to either manipulate temperature, for comfort or excitement, and to make the parts of you already wet tingle as the chilly breeze hits them.
So a couple of interesting notes about this one. First off, would you count this as a Devil Trigger? It’s not really clear if Sparda’s demon form is his natural state and he just chooses to have a human form to fit in better with humans or if his human looking form is equally his natural state and he just switches form depending on the situation. The only beings we have seen that take on a drastically different look when DTing are demon/human crossbreeds, which Sparda is not, and Lucia who (spoilers) is an artificial demon created by Arius made to look human so she, and others like her, can act as his bodyguards in the human world without drawing suspicion. (spoiler end). So jury is out on that one.
Second point which causes some problems when making this is the fact that the details for Sparda’s demon form are vague. We knew the general idea but because most of our looks at Sparda are through different characters channeling his power, the DT changes to fit that character. For example, when Vergil DTs into Sparda’s form he still has the skin sheath thing on his arm, which Sparda definitely didn’t have. The only time, as far as I know, that we have seen Sparda’s demon form in a main game, the REAL Sparda, is in the opening of DMC1 but that is obscured. I did the best I could, but it may not be accurate.
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Phantoms of the Past: Vergil x Male Reader
SUMMARY: Vergil has always had nightmares and night terrors for as long as he can remember; however, when he met you, those began to subside more and more. Over the years, he had begun to forget what it was like to wake up in a cold sweat and terrified; that is until a few months ago. Once more, his mind has been plagued by these agonizingly real dreams.
BEGINNING NOTES: HAH! YOU THOUGHT I WAS DONE WRITING SAD FLUFF WITH VERGIL; WELL THINK AGAIN (He really is my comfort character--I swear). There are 12,886 words in this… This beats my last one so now this is the longest chapter I’ve written--It’s like 23 pages in google docs lmao. ⚔️🛡️⚔️ ▪️I couldn’t find an exact answer to this so I will put this here: a grin refers to the lil’ smirky smile Vergil gives Dante in DMC5 while a smile is closer to like showing your teeth. I hope that helps clear things up a bit lmao ▫️I use an in-game combo term (DMC 5)--just a head’s up. ▪️When I reference triggering unless I say specifically “Sin Trigger” I am referring to Vergil’s regular trigger (the pre-DMC 5 form; however, I use the concept art for DMC5 as my visual reference… I know that’s kinda complicated. Just look at his fandom page and then the gallery; you’ll see the concept art for DMC5.) ▫️I’ve never personally had a concussion before so I did some online research; forgive me if it is a bad representation of having 🛡️⚔️🛡️ 💠Vergil x Male reader; I tried to write G/N but it got confusing, sorry. 🔹Pre-established relationship--married and living together. 💠Fluff… well more angst; I got kind of carried away. 🔹Minor accusations of physical abuse; THE KEYWORD IS ACCUSATIONS. (trigger warning) 💠Minor blood warning; from both of you. ⚔️🛡️⚔️ READER RELATED 🔹The reader uses: Beowulf and Revenant 🔹Reader is overly chill about things; I am a rather passive person so it ended up being that way with this story, sorry. 🔹It is mentioned that you are younger than Vergil--and closer to Nero’s age. 🔹Reader does throw up; only mentioned it isn’t like graphic or anything--still figured I should warn just in case. 🛡️⚔️🛡️ VERGIL RELATED 💠Vergil has PTSD-related nightmares/actions. 💠Self-harm? Vergil skins himself accidentally; so I am not sure if that is self-harm per se. Plus it’s only in one part so it’s not that big of a talking point. 🛡️⚔️🛡️ Slight spoiler, don't read if you don't want to have things spoiled: To add some explanation to Vergil’s bit where he swore and freaked out: I figure that when Vergil lost his autonomy for so long as Nelo Angelo, he ended up becoming hyper-aware of what he is doing at all times. So when he does something that he either can’t remember doing or didn’t want to do that it would send him into a panic; fearing that he is going to lose his freedom again.
INSPIRED BY: And when thy heart ceased to beat--By: Craig 
Please give this a read. It is what originally inspired me to write this, plus it is just a really good story and takes a pretty realistic look at what Vergil’s life could/would be like after everything that’s happened. 
     A cold wind swept through the arena as all movement stilled. 
     At the edges were the two remaining contenders; circling one another. One, a male human equipped with Beowulf, was out of breath and exhausted: the other, the olive-armored Nelo Angelo, had barely warmed up and diligently awaited the human's next move.
     Seeing how the man defeated the slew of lesser demons that Nelo had sent prior, he decided to take things into his own hands. The devilish swordsman was confident that he’d win this fight; even if this particular human has been more of a challenge than anticipated--as the pair has been going at it for nearly an hour now. 
     With gritted teeth, the man sprinted at Nelo, cracking the ground in their wake. He was going to try and grapple with the large knight. Right before he was able, Nelo swung his greatsword. The silver blade was suddenly halted as it hit the Beowulf gauntlets. Even though the man was unharmed, the momentum of the attack was enough to fling the human far across the field. 
     Using the claws of the gauntlets, the man shredded the arena’s floor and stopped himself. Nelo turned to face him and waited for the incompetent warrior to stand back up. Noticing that the knight stood still, the man began to grow frustrated; knowing that the devil was taunting him to try again. 
     With a pounding heart and exhaustion only worsening, the man stood up with a grunt. He rolled his shoulders, cracking them loudly, and took a deep breath. Once more he sprinted at Nelo. When the man was close enough, he decided to jump off one of the nearby walls. Springing himself above the Black Knight and performed Starfall. 
     Nelo dodged but wasn't quite fast enough and was nicked along one side; which only further irritated the Black Knight. The second the man's feet landed, Nelo kicked the underside of their knees--bringing them to a kneel.
     Not wasting any time, Nelo raised his sword to strike, only to be blocked once more by the Beowulf gauntlets. The pair locked in a bind; Nelo’s sword heavily pushing downwards onto the forearms of Beowulf, which were painfully held above the man’s head.
     No matter what way you put it, a devil's strength is insurmountable to a human’s, even if the human is wearing the armor of a former devil. Nelo knew this and drove his weapon harder into the demonic protection as it began to falter.
     Knowing it was only a matter of time before the gauntlets shattered, the man moved into a position where he could dig his feet into the ground. This allowed him to stand ever so slightly. Not having any better ideas, he used this small amount of space and attempted to jump. This, in turn, used the demonic energy of the boots to push the gauntlets up harder into the greatsword; allowing the man to stand up further. Without wasting any time, he jumped once more and noticed small cracks that began to spider on their forearm guards. However, he had enough room to break away from Nelo; making the knight slam his blade into the ground. 
     The man grumbled as they looked down at his gauntlets, seeing that they would shatter if hit by the sword again. 
     Nelo pulled his sword back up and huffed. Now it was his turn.
     Nelo sprinted at his opponent and lunged with the broadsword; catching the man off guard; as he only barely dodged the sharp edge, rolling into a stand. Before the man had a moment to think, Nelo attacked once more. A large sweeping motion from the broadsword hit the gauntlets and blue sparks flew off the sword from the impact; sending the human flying into a wall of the arena. 
     Standing back on his feet, the man looked at his forearms; Beowulf had fractured all the way through. Seeing Nelo begin to move in again, he quickly shed the broken armor and dodged. Using Beowulf’s boots, he jumped onto Nelo’s shoulders and used him as a surface to bounce off. 
     The devil turned to face the man and heard him say something unintelligible; and yet, something so familiar. Nelo ignored it with a small dismissive shake of his head and continued the fight. Once more he moved to attack. The man attempted to dodge in the same way again, not knowing what else to do. However, Nelo wasn’t created yesterday. He was quick enough to grab the man's leg in a flash. 
     Nelo used the human’s limb as a handle to swing the attached body into the ground. The floor cracked from the extreme force as the man's flesh made contact; followed by an ear-piercing scream and the sound of an unimaginable amount of breaking bones. 
     A strange feeling ghosted at the recesses of Nelo’s mind, a feeling of terror--a deep underlying urge to stop what he was doing. However, the knight had to finish what he started. The demonic swordsman grabbed the man by his neck; making him scream once more. 
     Despite their wounds, the human still attempted to fight. He grasped at Nelo’s face and horns, pulling on them; all the while, the man was saying something Nelo was still unable to understand. 
     It didn’t matter, the struggle was pointless.
     Like a hot knife through butter, Nelo plunged his broadsword through the man’s torso. Nelo felt the human’s body go limp and their hands released the tight grasp on his face. The dead man’s blood trickled down the silver blade and onto Nelo Angelo’s olive-armored fingers. Before the knight could enjoy his victory, he decided to get a better look at his opponent. 
     A loud clatter emanated from his sword as he dropped it and the fresh corpse. The Black Knight’s hands shook as he looked at the blood that was dripping from them, horrified at what he’d done.
     Vergil shot upwards with a loud terrified scream. 
     He frantically turned his head around to get his bearings. He was sitting at home, in bed, with you. Vergil’s heart was racing and his skin was clammy. With short panicked breaths, Vergil gripped his face tightly, unknowingly tearing at his skin with his claws, as he replayed everything in his mind. 
     “Vergil? Is everything alright?” a confused and very concerned voice called from the space beside him.
     The blue devil nearly jumped out of his skin upon hearing you speak. You sat upwards upon noticing his terrified state.
     “Hey,” you whispered and gently touched his bicep, making him flinch.
     Vergil turned his head to you and just stared. You noticed that his arms were partially triggered, his eyes were glowing dully, and there were small pin-prick-sized bleeding marks caused by his claws on his face. His stare was blank with his brow ever-so-slightly creased. He looked afraid… almost as if he were lost.  
     “Another nightmare?” you softly kneaded against his arm, hoping to bring him back from whatever terrified thoughts he was in, “It’s okay, Vergil. You’re safe. Nothing is going to hurt you.” 
     His stare moved down to your chest and he slowly reached outwards. Confused, you let go of his arm--allowing him to fully pivot to see you. Barely-there scaled charcoal-black fingers ghost down your midline. You noticed a slight tremble in his lips and his stare had softened a bit.
     Slowly you grabbed his arm, making sure he could see what you were doing (and to be cautious of his forearm’s blades), “I’m right here, Vergil. You’re safe and at home. Everything’s okay.”
     He opened his mouth but no words came out, just a weak crack of his voice. The both of you just sat for a few minutes; his palm resting firmly over your stomach while you rubbed his forearm. You continued to try and ground him back in reality with your words, hoping to keep things from escalating. 
     When Vergil’s trigger began to subside, he cleared his throat and spoke in a barely audible voice, “I didn’t…” his voice trailed off once more.
     “It’s okay Vergil,” you noticed his expression had shifted and he seemed to be more present, “You’re safe. I’m safe. We’re alright.”
     Vergil nodded slowly, his free hand moved to yours that you had on his forearm. You let go of him and watched as he removed his palm from your skin. He placed your hand in between both of his. With trembling fingers, Vergil ran his digits over your hand and arm while staring down at the interaction. 
     Another few minutes passed, Vergil’s trigger had fully subsided and a few stray tears fell from his eyes. It pained you to see him like this; to see him so scared and not know how to help him. A small pang of hurt tugged at your heart; you had a feeling that whatever the nightmare was, it involved you as (you presumed) most have. However, tonight was different; Vergil didn’t attack you.
     Over the past few months, Vergil’s nightmares and terrors had been getting steadily worse. Just two weeks ago he woke you up by almost dislocating your shoulder. A week ago? Vergil triggered in his sleep and gouged the crap out of your back--enough that you had to get new bedding because of bloodstains.
     Tonight, you finally managed to get him to sleep for the first time in a week and he had another agonizing nightmare. It was also the first time he had tried to speak to you afterwards; rather than sit in silence. 
     A stuttering breath caught your attention. You looked into Vergil’s eyes as he spoke, his voice still laced with a terror you’d never heard from him before, “I couldn’t… You...” the blue devil’s jaw quivered, not being able to bring himself to finish his thought.
     “You’re okay. I’m okay. Everything’s okay,” you moved to get closer to him, “I promise.”
     He pulled you into his lap and buried his face into your neck and continued to mumble, “I’m sorry,” over and over as he shook against you.
     You gently wrapped your arms around him and rubbed his back, “It’s not your fault, you don’t have to be sorry.”
     The two of you remained this way until you both fell asleep. Vergil, thankfully, did not have another nightmare; however, his sleep was far from restful.
     A ringing phone woke you from your sleep and you moved to grab it, only to be stopped by a strong set of arms. Vergil had wrapped himself entirely around you--legs and all.
     “Vergil,” you whispered, “I need to get up.”
     He grumbled in response and loosened his grip just enough for you to slip out of bed. You grabbed your phone and went to the bathroom. While in there, you saw that Dante had tried to call you and text you:
     “You coming in today?”
     “I am going to keep spamming you till you respond,” and that he did. 
     It looked like Dante had been doing this for the past 30 minutes. 
     After you finished up in the bathroom, you called Dante.
     It rang once before the red devil picked up, “Mornin’ beautiful.”
     You rolled your eyes as you made your way back to the bedroom, “Do not call me that; Vergil will kill you.”
     “Be one hell of a way to die--make sure to put it on my grave, yeah?”
     The both of you laughed, “So, what’s up? The shop finally burn down or something?”
     “Honestly… I don’t think the fires of Hell could burn this place down…” you could hear Dante’s chair creak as he leaned forwards, “You both forgot about that job this morning, huh?”
     Your face went pale, “What--”
     The younger twin laughed, “Verge and you had a contract for today. It’s nearly noon and you both are still at home?”
     “Son of a bitch!” you yelled, forgetting that Vergil was still sleeping, “We’ll be right there.”
     “See you soon,” you could practically hear Dante reveling in the fact Vergil messed up.
     “Mhm, yep,” with that, you hung up the phone.
     “Dante?” Vergil grumbled from the bed, making you jump slightly.
     The bed creaked as you sat on it, swinging one leg on it, “Yeah… We are late to work…”
     Vergil moved to set his head on your lap and sighed, “I will undoubtedly never hear the end of this mistake.”
     “Mhm,” you gently ran your fingers through his naturally down hair, “knowing Dante.”
     “Brillant,” Vergil looked up at you and had a strange pained look.
     “Something on your mind?” 
     His lips parted slightly as he took a hand and reached up to your face, not saying anything.
     You kissed his palm, “I’m right here, Vergil.”
     He closed his eyes and nodded with a sputtering exhale. This had also become a regular occurrence in the last few months; even before the terrors began. You had noticed that Vergil would often stare at you with this sad and distant look on his face. One night, he finally acknowledged that he did so and admitted why; that he was afraid you aren't real.
     After a few moments, Vergil removed his hand and sat upright. An air of remorse emanated from the twin as he whispered, “I did not harm you last night, did I?”
     You shook your head, “No,” you set a hand on his bicep, “You did talk to me a bit, though.”
     His brow furrowed as he tried to remember and looked over his shoulder at you.
     “You kept… apologizing, telling me that you didn’t know..? I won’t pry, but…” you locked eyes with the blue devil, “I am here if you ever want or need to talk about it, okay?”
     He turned to you, “Thank you for your offer… But I assure you that I am fine.”
     “Vergil,” you placed a hand on his and spoke softly, “You don’t have to be fine all the time; it’s okay to be upset, to have problems.”
     A weak grin was all he gave you in return, squeezing your hand tightly. 
     The eldest twin knew exactly what had set off this spiral of increasingly terrified thoughts; however, he was ashamed to admit it, even to you. 
     It had been a job just like any other; clear out demons here and destroy a nest there--a piece of cake really. However, the weather was far from amiable; being overcast and heavily raining.
     “Fuck me!” you growled as you violently yanked the Beowulf boot from the mud. 
    The demonic hardware is rather heavy, at least for your human legs, so it is not ideal for muddy rainy weather--often getting stuck. Vergil noticed your grumbling and scrunched-up expression from the corner of his eye as he stifled a laugh. 
     “Don’t even--” you insincerely growled at him, “I swear I will throw them at you.”
     Vergil smirked slightly and huffed a laugh through his nose, “Perhaps you’d prefer me to leave you here?”
     Playfully you shoved his shoulder, “You wouldn’t dare.”
     His eyes narrowed, "I wouldn't?"
     You raised a brow, "You'll sleep on the couch for a week if you do, mister,” your voice was heavily layered with sarcasm and playfulness.
     Without responding, Vergil grabbed you by your waist and hoisted you over one of his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
     “Hey--!” you squirmed in his grasp.
     “Stop struggling,” his grip tightened as his fingers dug into your skin, “Or I will drop you.”
     With a shake of your head and a smile, you laughed, “What a romantic husband I have.”
     “Tch,” Vergil was scowling, but you knew it was disingenuous.
     The two of you walked like this for some time, enjoying the comfortable silence (which if you listened very closely, you could hear Vergil purring). A part of you had almost forgotten that the both of you were on a job; that is until Vergil yanked you from his shoulder and plopped you on your feet. 
     He placed a stiff hand on your shoulder, “Stay,” with that, Vergil dashed off behind you. 
     Confused, you turned around and watched Vergil zip around a group of miscellaneous demons. You lovingly wolf-whistled at the silver-haired hunter. 
     Similar to a peacock showing its feathers, Vergil did these solo fights to show off--to flirt with you. You knew that this was the case because he would always finish the fight with a fancy move; be it an over-the-top judgment cut or using his doppelgänger in a combo. Today he opted for the second type.
     You smirked widely as you watched Vergil return the Yamato to its scabbard and dismiss Doppel.
     Lovingly, you cooed at the devilish swordsman, “I love watching you work, you know that?”
     His face was emotionless, holding intense eye contact with you. His lips were slightly parted as he seemingly tried to come up with a response. 
     Under your breath, you laughed quietly and approached him, “my Dark Slayer,” you winked and gave him a large grin. 
     He closed his lips and looked down with a tiny smirk, a trace amount of bashfulness ghosted his features. As you got within reach of him, a loud noise made both of you snap to attention. The two of you moved closer together, back to back; as per typical routine. The source of the noise sprung from the nearby buildings. It was a group of four Scudo Angelos and two Proto Angelos. 
     Vergil’s lip twitched as he huffed in irritation. He would always take care of these two types in particular, alone. Right now, however, it is impossible to get you away to a safe distance without a high risk of hurting you. 
     “So, you got a plan?” you calmly asked over your shoulder to Vergil.
     With a small click of his tongue, Vergil spoke, “You take care of the Scudos; I will take the Protos.”
     “Sounds good,” you nodded and the two of you broke apart. 
     Using Beowulf, you made quick work of the smaller demons’ shields. The talon heels of the boots are always a great tool for crushing the demons’ thick skulls. It didn’t take long for you to have them all but bloodied remains beneath your heels. You turned to address Vergil, figuring that he had finished his fight alongside you; however, he was still in combat. 
     You raised a brow as you watched him take on both of the knights. Confusion pricked at the edges of your mind, it was unusual for Vergil to take longer than you. The closer you watched the more off he seemed; his movements were overly stiff and his technique was sloppy. Deciding to help him, you moved in on one of the Proto Angelos. It didn’t take long for the demon to notice you. It charged at you and, just as it swung its broadsword, you parried the attack using your gauntlets. Taking advantage of the small gap of time that it took for the demon to pull its blade upwards, you hit it square in the chest. 
     The Proto Angelo stumbled back a bit but was relatively unphased by the uncharged punch. Now circling each other, you waited for the demon to attack. Once it did, you jumped upwards and were able to perform Starfall upon the knight. Grinding your taloned heels into the flattened olive-armored demon, you did a fancy flip off of it; deciding to have some fun. Which was a major mistake. 
     You hadn’t noticed that the second Proto Angelo also had its attention on you as it had knocked Vergil into a far-off wall. Hearing movement, you spun around to defend yourself but it was too late. 
     A searing pain shot through you as the demon’s broadsword slashed horizontally along your torso. With a loud shout, your knees buckled a bit as you stumbled backwards. You placed your arm along the slash, feeling it with your fingers--as to not break eye contact with the demon. The wound was bleeding profusely and was much deeper than you anticipated. 
     “Shit,” you grimaced and noticed the first Proto Angelo stand up. Thinking quickly, you sprinted at the second one and jumped off its shoulders. With another loud shout in pain, you landed using a shoulder roll. Your head was spinning as you slowly moved to kneel with your back to the demons. 
     A bright blue flash caught your eye and you felt a gush of wind pass you by. Once you managed to stand, the pair of Proto Angelos had been desolated into nothing but specs of dust in the wind. Where the demons once stood was Vergil in his sin trigger. Instantly, he was in front of you, making you jump a little. 
     With a huff and a weak smile, you jested, “Kinda sad I missed that,” you winced a bit as you felt your gut twitch in pain.
     A large grey-scaled hand gently touched your wound. Despite the heavy distortion of his sinful voice, you could tell he was worried, “You are hurt?”
     You did your best to play it off as you set a hand atop his, “I’ll be fine; it’s just a scratch.”
     He huffed loudly and pulled his hand from your body, looking at his palm that was covered in your blood, “I am sending you home--”
     “What-!” you shook your head, “Vergil, you can’t be-”
     The blue devil snarled lightly, “This is not up for discussion,” he sighed with a shake of his head returning to his human form, “It is not worth the risk to keep you here.”
     With parted lips, you did your best to formulate a sentence despite your anger, “I’m not just going to leave you,” you shifted your jaw to the side, “We’re partners, remember?”
     “As if I could forget,” Vergil’s eyes met yours as he mumbled, “That is why I am doing this.”
     “Vergil?” your voice pulled him from his thoughts, “You okay? You’ve been zoned out for a few minutes.”
     “Forgive me,” he removed his hand from yours, “I was lost in thought.”
     You looked at him curiously.
     Vergil shifted to the other edge of the bed, “We should get ready,” with that Vergil left the room.
     You pursed your lips and sighed through your nose as you stood up; admittedly, you had hoped he might indulge you on what he was thinking about. 
     After a few minutes, Vergil returned to the room. You already had the majority of your gear on and were in the middle of tying your boots when the ringing of your cell phone caught your attention.
     Before you could answer it, Vergil snatched it off the bedside table, “What do you want, Dante? "
     Although you couldn’t hear the younger twin, you could tell that he was poking fun at Vergil for being late. 
     “Have you called only to pester? Or is there a reason for this conversation?” Vergil’s lip twitched as he huffed through his nose.
     A small smirk tugged at your lips at Vergil’s feigned irritation at his baby brother.
     “I see,” Vergil slowly looked over to you and eyed you up and down, “My partner and I will discuss it and let you know,” he turned his gaze from you, “Goodbye,” he hung up the phone and placed it gently down on the bedside table as it was before. 
     Vergil moved to the closet and grabbed a dress shirt, his jaw moving slowly around as he mindlessly buttoned the black fabric. Your boots hit the floor with a soft thud. Humming a soft tune as you moved to the dresser to grab Revenant off of it, sliding it into the horizontal holster on the small of your back. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Vergil standing behind you. 
     “Oops, shit-- sorry,” you shuffled out of the way.
     “Do not apologize, I am in no rush,” he opened one of the drawers and grabbed a pair of pants and his belt.
     A bright smile adorned your face as you resumed your humming. You grabbed your coat and his off the nearby wall hooks and walked over to him.
     Vergil had moved back to the closet and slid on one of his vests.
     “Allow me?”
     The blue devil turned to you, “I can button my own clothing.”
     “I thought you weren’t in a rush?” you teased gently.
     You handed Vergil his coat to hold and slowly began to button the slate-blue apparel. Out of the top of your vision, you could see that Vergil was staring down at you with a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. 
     “So what did Dante want?” you reached over to the closet behind him and grabbed one of his ties.
     “He wanted to know if you wished to trade places with him for today.”
     “What’s that supposed to mean?” you made sure the tie was semi-loose--as he prefers--and tucked it beneath his vest.
     “That he would accompany me on the job and you would work with the women--taking Dante’s place."
     “Well,” you rested your hands on his shoulders and sighed quietly, “I guess that makes the most sense since we are so late today…”
     “Are you sure you are alright with it?” his eyes flicked to your hands then back to you, “I know you prefer to work with me,” he tossed his coat over on the bed and placed his hands on your waist.
     You laughed as you felt him pull you closer, “It’ll be fine, dear,” you leaned your head on his chest, “just promise me you’ll stay safe and keep in touch?”
     “Of course,” his voice was barely over a whisper as he kissed the top of your head, “Same goes for you.”
     “I will,” a grin spread across your face as you leaned back to look at him. Lovingly, Vergil pressed further into you and moved one of his hands to the side of your face, rubbing his thumb on your cheek. The two of you kissed gently. His other hand kneaded into your hips as you moved your hands down the front of his chest, grabbing his vest. 
     Gradually, you two split from the kiss. The blue devil stayed touching your forehead. You shivered slightly feeling his hot breath against your lips, wanting to taste more of him.
     “Perhaps we should save this for later?”
     “Just a little more… please?” you pouted slightly.
     The blue devil chuckled softly, “With a face like that,” he brushed his lips against yours, “how could I say no?”
     The two of you intertwined yourselves once more. He moved both his hands to your sides, slowly and strongly kneading down them. With kisses as sweet as molasses, he made sure to show you how much he relishes in your affections. One of your hands moved to his hair and slowly ran your fingers through slicked back pomaded locks. A small distant purring could be heard as he pulled you even tighter to his body. Vergil’s lips left yours and ran down your jawline and neck.
     “I love you,” you murmured, “so very much…”
     He removed his lips from your skin and looked you in the eyes; his way of expressing the same affection. Despite his silence, you knew he felt the same. 
     A ghost of a smile hinted at Vergil's face as he reluctantly let go of your body, returning to his regular volume, “We should get going; otherwise I may change my mind about saving things for later.”
     Your face turned a slight red at the flat-out way Vergil said that he wanted you. The blue devil had walked over to the bed and slid on his coat. He then grabbed Yamato from its resting place next to the bed and your phone.
     With your phone outstretched in his hand, he raised a brow at your expression, “Ready?”
     You shook the ever-encroaching ideas from your head as you meekly grabbed your phone, “Yeah.”
     “Good,” his hand was still outstretched, “Shall we?”
     A large smile decorated your face as you grabbed his hand, “Lead the way, dear.”
     The instant you left Nico’s van after work, you went inside to bathe. It had been another rainy day and you were not only coated in demon blood but also mud--lots of mud. You pulled off Beowulf before entering your shared home and set them on the rubber mat near the door; leaving them to clean later. 
     Slowly, you undressed as you made your way to the bathroom when you heard something odd.
     “--to do,” it was Vergil. You peered through the door of the bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed facing away from you and was talking to himself, “Perhaps it would be best--” he stopped and turned his head slightly to the right. 
     You bit your lip and knocked gently, “Hey, sorry to intrude… Didn’t know you were home.”
     Vergil pushed up on his knees, standing to turn and face you, “Do not apologize, I wasn’t doing anything important…” he looked worn out.
     The door creaked as you fully opened it and stepped into the room, halfway undressed, “You look tired, babe.”
     The blue devil shook his head, “Dealing with my brother is exhausting.”
     “Well, then after I shower,” you set Revenant down on the dresser, “maybe we should take a nap together?” 
     “I-” Vergil’s expression hardened, “I don’t know if that is a good idea.”
     Your lips parted slightly as you looked with a soft crease of your brow, “I know it’s been rough but… you need some sleep, Vergil…”
     He looked as if he were going to say something, but moved his gaze to the floor and nodded in agreement. 
     “You don’t have to wait for me,” you moved back towards the door, “I’ll join you when I get back, okay?”
     The eldest twin nodded as he watched you leave the room.
     He had already removed most of his clothing, only having his pants and his, untucked, dress shirt on. Slowly, Vergil stood and went to get a more casual shirt; removing the rest of his work clothes. 
     Now dressed in a loose-fitting black tank top and navy boxer briefs, he moved back to the bed. Apprehensive didn’t even describe how he felt right now; no, the eldest son of Sparda was petrified over the thought of sleep. However, you were right, he was beyond beat and wanted nothing more than to rest. With a heavy sigh, he climbed into the bed and closed his eyes, praying for just a moment of pleasant sleep.
     You came back into the room about an hour later. With a warm smirk, you tip-toed around the room to avoid waking the sleeping devil. Once you re-dressed yourself, you turned back to look at Vergil when you noticed something was wrong. 
     His face was contorted into a rather violent grimace and, as per the night before, was partially triggered. Vergil was also breathing heavily and growling in his sleep. In his arms, he had taken one of the pillows--and some of the duvet--into a death grip, ripping them.
     Biting your lip in thought you sighed, “Shit…” although you knew that this could only end badly, you decided to wake him up from his nightmare.
     Cautiously, you moved to the edge of the bed and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Vergil..?”
     Your gut twisted with fear as you shook him harder, “Vergil?”
     Still nothing.
     With a heavy sigh, you shook him harder, “Wake up…”
     Instantly, you were pinned to the floor by a set of charcoal-black scaled hands around your throat. You had never been scared of Vergil before but tonight? You were terrified. His face was somewhere between emotionless and furious. A loud rumbling growl emanated from the back of his throat as he continued to squeeze ever-tighter.
     “Verg-” your voice sputtered as you grabbed his arms, gasping for air. 
     Blood had begun to trickle down your palms as you accidentally sliced them on his forearm blades in your panic. Becoming steadily aware of your need for air, you grabbed at his face and neck; anything to get him off of you. 
     Tears sprung from your eyes as you felt his claws pierce the sides of your neck as his grip tightened even further. You knew that if he pressed down his thumbs, Vergil would stab right into your windpipe and kill you. 
     Lightheadedness began to sink in as you croaked out another beseeching plea to your lover, “Vergil--!”
     With nothing left to do, you clawed harder against him and roughly cut into his cheek with your nails. This seemingly pulled him from his delusion as his grip loosened.
     A new look replaced the hardened glare from before, a look of complete and utter horror. 
     Vergil’s voice trembled as he realized what was going on, “What--?”
     You took a loud deep breath and pulled his arms away from you and spoke as best you could with the growing pain in your throat, “Move,” you pushed against his body and did your best to speak normally, “please.”
     Without hesitation, Vergil removed himself completely and stood staring down at you. He looked at his, still-triggered, hands and saw your blood dripping from his claws. The blue devil’s blood ran cold. 
     “Vergil-” you groaned as you sat upwards, watching him bolt out of the room, “Wait-” with a strained grunt, you gradually stood upright and did your best to stabilize your wobbly legs.
     The blue devil slammed the bathroom door close, quickly locking it behind him. His hands had de-triggered and shook violently as he tried to wash the blood from his skin. He had turned the faucet as hot as possible and had begun to inadvertently scorch his skin. While he was brutalizing his own hands, he felt something drip down his jawline and to the tip of his chin. Vergil looked at himself in the fogged-up glass in front of him.
     Upon each side of his face and neck were dark smears of your blood from you pushing him away. Three large scratches decorated one of his cheeks and were slowly bleeding; now dripping off of his chin and to the sink below. Vergil took one of his hands and slowly ghosted over the markings on his face. A deep all-encompassing pit formed in his gut as he replayed the nightmare from just the night prior. The feeling of you desperately tearing at Nelo’s face, trying to escape him.  
     A tremble found its way to Vergil’s lips and body. Pressing as hard as he could, the eldest twin began to desperately scrub his blood-stained face with the sink's boiling water; grimacing from the feeling of peeling the top layers off of his flesh. You were the only person in the world he wouldn’t dare fight, wouldn’t dare harm; yet, only mere moments ago, he had his hands around your neck. A wicked thought echoed in his mind, how it would have only taken just a few more seconds or just a little more pressure for him to have killed the only person he has ever loved. Vergil bared his teeth as he let out a muffled whimper, tears forming at the edges of his eyes.
     The knob of the door jiggled, “Vergil?” the Dark Slayer flinched at the sound of your voice, even though it was soft and calm, “Vergil, are you okay?”
     He couldn’t come up with what to say in response, only whimpering again with a sad twitch of his lip. 
     Using an even softer tone, you set your head on the door, “Vergil… Let me in, please?”
     Despite his effort to come up with something, all he could muster was a loud voice crack as gripped the countertop.
     “Vergil,” you sighed quietly, “I want to see you. Please open the door,” an overwhelming amount of fear had consumed your mind; not for yourself, but over how Vergil might punish himself over this, “Please, Vergil…”
     “I-” he took a harsh breath trying to calm himself--and failing miserably, “What if I--” a crack began to form in the laminate countertop as his raw skinned fingers gripped harder and harder in growing frustration.
     “You won't; I promise.”
     After what seemed like an eternity, Vergil shut off the faucet and unlocked the door. You opened the door slowly and felt your heart sink at seeing your blue devil. 
     At the furthest point from the door, he was sitting on the floor, trembling heavily. Scalding red marks adorned his pale skin where he had been scrubbing and his fingers were no better. 
     “Vergil…” you approached him and saw his body stiffen, “Can I sit next to you?” 
     All he gave you was a small nod. Slowly, you moved next to him and sat beside him.
     Neither of you spoke for nearly a half hour. At one point, you managed to get a hold of one of his hands and intertwined your fingers; thumbing over the fading red marks. Internally, you were fighting the urge to hold him as close and as tight to you as possible.
     Vergil’s voice was nearly silent when he finally spoke, “I’m sorry.”
     “It’s okay--”
     “No,” he pulled his hand from yours and turned to stare at you, “No, it’s not okay,” with each word he got louder and held more frustration, “I could have--” he clenched his jaw as he scrunched his face, holding back his overwhelming storm of emotions, “I could have killed you!”
     “Vergil…” you decided to follow his idea and pivoted to face him fully, “I face death every day with work so it--”
     The blue devil snarled loudly, “I am not some mindless fucking demon,” he gripped his face with his hands, “I should be able to control myself!” tears began to slide down his face as he grimaced intensely, bearing his teeth in frustration.
     You were taken aback, you have never heard Vergil swear before, let alone sound so distraught, “I--” your lips pursed as you carefully chose your words, “I didn’t mean it like that, Vergil,” you gently set a hand on his knee, “I just meant that I’m used to that kind of thing, as morbid as that sounds.”
     A tremble reappeared through his lips, “You shouldn’t have to deal with that from me; it goes against everything I…” his mouth opened as if he were going to continue but no words came out.
     You were trying your hardest to stay calm despite wanting to join his crying upon seeing him this way. Tenderly, you thumbed over his leg, “When we got married,” you made sure to keep your voice slow and soft, “I signed up for whatever hardships may happen, to or from either of us--that we would figure things out together,” you noticed that Vergil’s stare had finally reconnected to yours, “no matter what the what happens."
     Vergil pursed his lips before taking a slow deep breath through his nose. His brow furrowed as he closed his eyes, slowly stopping his weeping, and removed his hands from his face. 
     A part of Vergil wanted to argue with you; to tell you that you're insane, delusional, that you shouldn't bear the punishment of his inner demons. The feeling of you grabbing his hands and holding them pulled him from his bitter thoughts. 
     Bringing one of his hands up to your lips, you kissed his knuckles, whispering against them, “I love you,” you brought the other hand up and repeated your action, “more than anything in the world, Vergil.”
     His grip tightened on your hands, “You are a fool," Vergil did his best to sound normal but only managed to give a small whispering whimper of a response. 
     “If loving you is foolish then I will happily play the court jester, my love,” a small smile tugged at your lips, hoping to make him feel a little better.
     After a brief moment of silence, Vergil released your hands and scooched closer to you, “May I see…” he meekly gestured at your neck.
     You nodded slightly and exposed your neck to the blue devil. The skin of your neck had already begun to darken and had small red petechiae marks. It was easy to tell that Vergil had used his hands on you because of the long slender lines of bruising; which ended in much darker spots where he had been pressing the hardest (except his thumbs). At the end of each dark spot were small needle-like marks that had dried blood on and around them. 
     Although you tried your best, you flinched at the feeling of his fingers ghosting your neckline. Vergil’s expression became increasingly distressed the longer he looked at you. Seeing this, you grabbed his other hand and held it tightly; hoping to provide some solace to him. 
     “It’s alright, Vergil, it’ll heal,” you whispered as he pulled his hand back from your neck.
     A small tremble found its way to his lips as he whispered back, “I am sorry.”
     “You do not have to apologize,” you grabbed his other hand and held it, “It is not your fault.”
     He paused for a moment before speaking, “We,” his voice cracked as he avoided your eyes, “We should get you cleaned up.”
     With a comforting grin and soft voice you thumbed over his fingers, “You sure you are okay to do that?”
     Vergil nodded, “I’ll be okay,” he pulled one of your hands to his lips and kissed it very gently.
     It wasn’t long before morning rolled around. Reluctantly, you had agreed to let Vergil stay in the living room for the night and you sleep in the bedroom, alone. 
     You woke up freezing as you had grown accustomed to the broiling body heat of your lover. With a loud groaning yawn, you swung your legs over the edge of the bed. As you walked to the bathroom, you felt a sudden sharp headache form. 
     Upon reaching the desired location, you noticed that the laminate countertop was cracked badly by Vergil gripping it.
     “Shit,” you grumbled.
     Your thoughts were cut off as you began feeling very off balance, leaning on the broken surface for support, before suddenly lurching forward into a kneel and throwing up in the toilet. During all your years of hunting, you knew what concussions felt like and this was definitely one of the worst ones you've ever had.
     “Fu-uck,” you sighed with a scowl slowly emerging on your features.
     Finishing up what you had originally gone in there to do--and making sure to brush and rinse the fuck out of your mouth--you left the room with a few painkillers in hand.
     The house was uncharacteristically silent as you wobbly meandered your way to the kitchen. Once at the sink, you poured yourself a glass of water and took the pills. With your hands resting on the edge of the sink, you slowly drank the rest of the water; doing your best to stay upright. The lukewarm water only helped to highlight the growing pain in your throat. 
     “Are you alright?” a voice called from your right.
     “Gah--!” you jumped slightly and dropped the cup in the sink--which was thankfully plastic. Then turned to see that it was Vergil, “You scared me, Vergil--" you took a deep breath trying to calm your heart, "I am fine, just a little sore is all.”
     His face softened as he cautiously pulled you into a close hug, “I’m sorry--is there anything I can do to help?”
     “This is exactly what I needed,” you leaned further into him and heard him purring quietly, “How are you doing, dear?”
     Vergil had a small smile as he whispered, “Much better now that I am with you.”
     The two of you held each other--swaying slightly--for what seemed like only mere seconds; when, in reality, it had been nearly a half hour. 
     Vergil nuzzled his cheek into the top of your head and spoke very quietly, “I hate to ruin the moment; however,” he pulled back from the hug enough to see you, “Dante requested us to come in early today.”
     You raised a brow, “Why?”
     “Morrison brought in a big contract; Dante requested that all of us be there for the briefing…” Vergil placed a hand on your face, not wanting to let you go.
     “Mmn, suppose I need to get ready,” you leaned into his palm and closed your eyes, and sighed, leaning out of the hug, “Best not to be late again."
      Both of you stood at the front door, debating on how you were getting to the DMC. Since you had a concussion, traveling with the Yamato was out of the question--last time you had traveled under the same circumstances, you almost threw up inside the portal and then proceeded to pass out once on the other side.
     “You sure you’re alright with this? I can just call an Uber or something,” you folded your arms and raised a brow.
      Vergil nodded, “I am fine with it; however if you aren’t then--”
     “No- no, it's fine just,” you tried not to laugh, “never thought 'flying via devil' would be something I’d do.”
     He grinned, “Perhaps we should travel this way more then.”
     “And here I thought you only used your trigger for emergencies,” you playfully teased.
     “This is an acceptable outlier,” Vergil laughed quietly. 
     With a bright flash of cornflower blue light, Vergil stood before you in his devil trigger.
     A warm smile adorned your face as you approached the black and blue devil, "I never knew the devil was so handsome,” your voice was laced with sarcasm as you placed a hand on his cheek.
     “Chivalry will get you nowhere, human, ” Vergil gently jested back, holding back a small laugh, “I will devour you whole.”
     “Oh no, whatever shall I do?” you dramatized your words; placing the back of your hand on your forehead and leaning back slightly, “Someone save me,” you did your best to stifle your laughter.
     He wrapped his wings around you and looked downwards at your expression, “No one will take you from me, pet. ”
     “I-” your lips were slightly agape as you tried to formulate a response--Vergil had never called you that before.
     However, he spoke before you could come up with anything, “What? Devil got your tongue?” he leaned in close, breath washing over your lips.
     “Mmn, no,” you moved your lips even closer to his, “I wish he did though.”
     Vergil cautiously connected with your lips. You moved your hands to the dark reddish-brown underside of the leathery appendages and slowly ran your fingers along the grooves. This elicited a moan from your blue devil and made him push himself against you harder. His fingers were trembling as he ghosted them along your sides, catching your attention.
     Breaking off the kiss but not moving away, you whispered against his lips, “You can touch me, Vergil. You won’t hurt me,” you used your hands to push his palms to your sides.
     His pupils dilated slightly, “Are you--”
     You cut him off with an aggressive kiss, placing your hand on his chest and kneading into him. Not wasting any more time, Vergil came back at you with an even more intense fervor. He pushed his tongue within the confines of your mouth. A muffled moan came from your lips as Vergil used his oral mastery inside your cavern; touching everything he could and playing with your tongue.
     After a minute or two, you both broke apart from the kiss. You smiled widely at him and placed a long sweet smooch on the tip of his nose; making him scrunch a bit in confusion. The two of you stood holding one another for a few minutes before you broke the serene silence. 
     “We should probably get going,” you sighed, “otherwise we won’t be making it to work…”
     The eldest son of Sparda sighed as well, “I suppose you are right…” he picked you up bridal style as you wrapped your arm around his shoulders, “Shall we?”
     You nodded as he opened the door. A sudden cold wind shot right through you as you leaned in closer to the hot-blooded devil. It was raining quite heavily so Vergil shifted you to face him completely; sheltering you the best he could from the elements, holding you underneath your thighs. With a small grunt from the devil, you two were off into the air.
     The flight wasn’t very long, you were at the DMC within a half hour; however, the rain had steadily gotten worse and made it a less-than-optimal flight. Vergil decided to land on the roof rather than risk being seen on the street and quickly ushered you indoors; fearing you would fall ill. 
     You took off your sopping wet coat and shook your head a bit, trying to dry off. Vergil had de-triggered and, because of how hot his devil trigger is, he was bone dry as he raised a brow at your “dog-like” actions.
     “What?” you looked up at him, giving him a curious smile.
     “Nothing,” he gave you a smirk in return.
     The two of you came downstairs, Vergil went first as you followed. Upon entering the foyer, you noticed that Vergil wasn’t kidding when Dante said “everyone”. Said red devil, Nero, Trish, Lady, and even Nico were inside the Devil May Cry; all chatting amongst themselves. 
     The younger twin noticed you both on the stairs and flashed a wide grin, “Glad you both could make it! Thought maybe you were going to sleep in-- Ah,” a small dagger from Vergil jabbed Dante in the arm.
     You pursed your lips and stifled your laughter, quietly speaking to Vergil, “Give me your coat? I’ll go hang it.”
     He stared at you from the corner of his eye for a moment before doing as you asked; delicately handing you the dark navy clothing. Vergil moved towards the bar counter to converse with Nero as everyone else resumed their conversations. With a small spring to your step, you waltzed over to the hooks near the front door and hung both your jackets. Pivoting on your heels, you went to move back into the room when you were stopped by Dante. 
     The red devil stood in front of you and used his forefinger and thumb to turn your head upwards; revealing the bruising on your neck. An aggressive furrow appeared on his brow as he frowned intensely.
     “Dante,” you whispered so that only he could hear you, “It’s not what you think--” his turquoise eyes locked with yours before he let go of your chin. It was too late.
     He turned around, “Alright,” Dante’s voice was between serious and pissed-off, a tone that was highly unlike the high-spirited brother, “What the fuck.”
     Vergil tilted his head ever-so-slightly and parted his lips in confusion, squinting at his twin.
     Dante made his way across the room, you followed him and tried to get him to stop, but were unable as he spoke even louder than before, “What is wrong with you?!”
     The blue devil’s face only became more confused as his eyes flicked between his brother and you.
     The red devil shoved Vergil, “Answer me, Vergil!”
     Fearing that the two would escalate into a larger fight, you grabbed one of Dante’s arms and tugged him away, straining your sore voice, “Dante you don’t understand-”
     Dante turned to you, “I think I know strangle marks when I see them,” his eyes went back to Vergil, “I'm tired of not saying anything.”
     With a slight sharpness, Vergil closed his eyes and scrunched his face, “What are you talking about?”
     “Don't play stupid,” Dante raised his voice even louder with a slight growl, “You think that I didn’t notice? Everyone here has noticed--fuck,” he flung his arm out, gesturing at nothing in particular, “even Morrison asked me about it!”
     “What does--”
     Dante's voice was unbearably loud as he yelled at his older brother, "You're fucking beating your husband, Vergil!” 
     The shop went silent. At this point, Nero had moved toward the couch the three ladies were sitting on, awaiting Vergil’s response.
     Your eyes widened at Dante and the absurd notion he had brought forth. Knowing Dante as you do, you had figured he was going to jab at Vergil for "being too rough in bed" or something stupid--not domestic abuse. With a slightly furrowed brow, you turned to the group next to you, then back to the brothers, and noticed Vergil’s pale stare. 
     Vergil huffed quietly through his nose as he looked downwards, pursing his lips in thought. After a moment, he looked back up at Dante with a cold glare, "Do you really think that lowly of me, Dante?"
     Dante cocked his head to the side, his voice still laced with a growl, "You know, after what you've done? Sorry, but I wouldn't put it past you."
     Vergil’s face was barren of any emotion--to everyone else besides you, that is. You’ve been in a relationship long enough with the stone-faced slayer that it was painfully obvious how much Dante’s accusation hurt him. Unable to think of what to say, he just stood there and glared at his twin. 
     "I ain't letting this go, Vergil. I'll stand here all fuckin--" a loud crack of thunder cut Dante off as the power went out in the shop.
     You weren't sure what happened, but the next thing you knew, you were on the floor and a sin-triggered Vergil was encompassing your surroundings. It was overwhelmingly hot as you felt his wings and arms tighten around you, pushing you further into his chest. The blue-grey devil shook wildly as a continuous thunderous growl emanated from deep within his chest. At any other point, it would have been a nice feeling; however, the loud sounds, sweltering heat, and the bright blue light from his chest made your headache turn from bad to agonizing. 
     Through the loud rumbling, you could vaguely make out Dante speaking; something about Vergil overreacting. Then you felt Vergil shift slightly and heard a loud yelp from the younger twin. There was a loud shuffling of hasty movement from the couch beside the two of you which made Vergil snarl even louder. 
     Lady could be heard telling Dante to “back off” of (presumably) Vergil. You then a loud creak of the garage door being opened and more shuffling feet. The last thing you heard from the rest of the crew was Nero saying something unintelligible and shutting the door. Leaving Vergil and you alone in the foyer. 
     This was the first time Vergil had done something like this and you were unsure how to calm him down; so you just slowly wriggled your hand free and kneaded into the bright blue lines of your lover’s chest, “Hey,” you whispered in hopes of catching his attention, “It’s alright, Vergil.”
     His growling quieted a bit, however, his grip tightened into an almost painfully tight vice.
     A small grunting groan left your lips as you spoke again, “Vergil, we are okay. I’m okay,” you heard his growling subside further, “It’s okay, darling. We are safe, inside the Devil May Cry,” you leaned your head into his chest and kneaded harder against him, “It was just thunder. It’s okay--we are okay.”
     You continued to intermittently tell the blue devil various forms of grounding statements as he slowly calmed down; loosening his grip and quieting his thundering growl. Although he doesn’t have to breathe when in this form, you heard soft whistling as he took small short breaths in through his sharpened teeth. His shaking had subsided as well; only moving with the reverberations of his small breaths. 
     A grin tugged at your lips as you heard a small distant start of a purr from your kneading, “It’s alright, my love. Nothing is going to harm us…”
     Finally, he pulled back from your body. He placed his palms flat on the floor next to you and kept his wings around you, just much looser now. His pupil-less luminescent eyes just stared at you, leaving you to assume he was looking over your body for any sign of injury. 
     Very carefully, you moved your hands to the sides of his face and gently thumbed over the leathery denim-colored skin, “Hey…”
     He leaned forward placing his forehead against yours and closed his eyes, showing you that he was coming back around. You placed a long tender kiss against his fangs and heard him purr louder. 
     As quiet as he could manage with his distorted voice, Vergil whispered to you, “Are you okay?”
     “I’m fine,” you smiled and gently jested, “head’s killin’ me though and the floors kinda cold” you laughed and moved your hands to the gap of skin between his shoulder pauldrons and neck, kneading with your fingers, “Are you alright, Vergil?”
     Vergil nodded slightly, “Yes,” feeling the soft touch of your fingers against him, he allowed himself to de-trigger; slowly switching to his regular trigger and then his human form. All the while, you continued to massage his shoulders and tried your best to ignore the throbbing in your skull; wanting nothing more than to rip your head off. 
     The blue devil’s breath was ragged and he avoided looking you in the eyes. When he went to sit upwards, you grabbed his forearms, gaining his attention, “Vergil,” your voice was barely audible.
     After waiting a moment, Vergil cocked his head slightly, “What is it?”
     “Could,” you pursed your lips with embarrassment, “Could you help me up?”
     Vergil nodded, “Of course.”
     The eldest twin stood up and then leaned forwards to help you upright. You stumbled into him as you felt nauseously lightheaded.
     Noticing this, Vergil held one of your arms, “Steady…”
     You used your other hand to grab his shoulder and did your best to adjust to standing. He looked over to the couch and then back to you; before slowly picking you up and setting you on the pleather surface. Not wanting him to leave you, you grabbed his tie and tugged it slightly. 
     “I will be right back,” he grabbed the hand from the tan fabric and kissed it gently; which surprised you because of his distaste for out-of-house affections. 
     It was then that you noticed how quiet the shop was and how dark it was; the power had gone out completely. A loud creak from the garage door made you scrunch your face in slight pain. Vergil stood in the doorway and said nothing before moving back to stand near Dante’s desk. 
     You noticed a large cut through Dante’s shirt and realized that Vergil had used his tail to defend you from the red twin. Thankfully, Dante could heal quickly otherwise it might have been a trip to the ER from how large the incision seemed to be.
     “So care to explain what the fuck that was?” Dante’s voice was loud, as normal; however, it felt like he was shouting right beside you.
     Vergil noticed your discomfort and addressed his brother, “Quiet, you are being much too loud,” he flicked his gaze to you, “and no; I don’t.”
     The younger twin’s face scrunched in irritation. Before he could speak, Lady cut him off by roughly slamming her hand atop his shoulder, “Maybe the two of you should go home for the day? Dante can text you the information later on.”
     “Are you sure?” Vergil raised a brow at the sudden personable suggestion, “Or would Dante rather yell more absurd accusations at me?”
     The red devil growled, forgetting to keep quiet, “You son of--”
     “Watch your tongue. Mother is right here,” he flicked his eyes to the photo on Dante’s desk.
     “I fuckin--”
     You scrunched your face harshly and hoarsely snapped, “Oh my g-god,” you groaned, “Vergil isn’t beating me and I have a fuckin major headache. I thank you for your concern Dante, but it is misplaced… so can you please just drop it?”
     The younger twin shook his head, “You expect me to--”
     “It is a result of my night terrors and we are dealing with it ourselves,” Vergil said curtly, despite not wanting to talk about it. Then turned to address Lady, “I think we will take you up on that suggestion and leave,” the blue devil moved to grab your coats from the wall “Keep us informed..?"
     No one responded as Vergil handed you your coat and you put it on as best you could while sitting. You wobbled a bit as you went to stand, but, a set of strong arms picked you up. A small blush found its way to your face as you realized Vergil was carrying you from underneath your thighs in front of everyone else.
     Nero was the only one to address either of you as you headed up to the stairs, “Fly safe; winds pretty bad out there.”
     Vergil nodded in thanks to his son as the two of you disappeared from view, heading to the roof. You nestled your face into the crook of Vergil’s neck, taking a deep calming breath. It didn’t take long for you to sleep--or rather pass out--in the blue devil’s arms and it stayed that way till you got home. 
     When you opened your eyes next, you were laying underneath the duvet of your shared bed. Slowly blinking awake, you mumbled, “Vergil?” and felt around to see if he was nearby. Nothing.
     A hissing groan left your lips as you sat up and looked at the alarm clock. It had been several hours since you left the shop. You stretched upwards and immediately regretted it.
     “Fuck,” you groaned as you grabbed your head with one hand, the headache from earlier surged back into existence. 
     In hopes to remedy this, you decided to try taking a hot bath. The moment you stood up, however, you fell forwards and just barely caught yourself with your forearms. A small laugh of disbelief escaped through your painful groan, it was really just not your day. 
     The sound of a familiar sharp voice calling your name pulled you from your thoughts. You slowly moved your head upwards and saw Vergil standing above you with a wide-eyed confused stare. He was wearing a space-blue sleeveless turtleneck with black yoga pants.
     Admittedly, you weren’t exactly in a normal headspace when you cooed at the blue devil, “Ooh! You’re even prettier at this angle, Vergil.”
     The blue devil crouched in front of you and rested his forearms on his legs, “I leave you for five minutes and you end up on the floor?”
     With parted lips and raised brows, you eyed him up and down, “Was my plan all along since, from here, I get a really good view of your--”
     Vergil put up a hand telling you to stop, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh, “Would you like help up?”
     “Nah,” you jested and rolled over to face the ceiling, “I like being stuck on the floor,” a sly smirk tugged at your lips as you tilted your head back, “especially when we’re--”
     “Enough,” Vergil sighed and moved to help you upright into a soft embrace. 
     You sighed and leaned into him, “You know I love you, right Vergil?”
     “Perhaps I should take you to the hospital, you are acting in a very concerning manner…” 
     “No way in hell am I going to the doctor,” you pulled back and had a small pout on your lips, “I just need you beside me and I feel much better…”
     “That seems rather counter-intuitive, don’t you think?” his voice had an outlying tinge of sadness as he looked down at you. 
     “Not in the slightest. In fact,” you moved your hands to his chest, “I already am starting to feel better in your arms.”
     He avoided your eyes and had a small sad frown. A deep sharp pang of sadness stabbed at your heart at seeing him look so dejected. 
     You used a hand to cup the cheek facing away from you and gently turned him back to face you, “Vergil, care to join me for a bath?” you knew that he was still beating himself up over things and wanted to distract him for a while.
     A soft huffed laugh came from his nose as he closed his eyes in slight confusion, “What..?”
     “Come on, you need a break… to relax,” you cocked your head to the side, “Please?” you gave him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster.
     Which seemed to do the trick as he sighed with a smirk “If that is what you want then I will accompany you.”
     You pulled his face down to yours and gave him a small peck on the cheek, “Thank you, Vergil.”
     Although the blue devil was hesitant to let you go, you eventually wander off with a very wobbly saunter. Slowly, you moved to the dresser and began to grab some clothing when you heard Vergil murmur, “I’ll go draw it up and I’ll be back for you; please try and stay upright,” then he left the room.
     Your headache had subsided for the most part and was just a dull throbbing now. However, you still wanted to lay with him for a while, knowing that he needed it as much as you did. A warm smile crept its way to your face as you moved toward the edge of the bed to sit until he came back. You decided to lean over to the side table and grab your phone, checking it for any messages. Surprisingly, Dante and Nero had texted you.
     The younger twin had sent a rather all-over-the-place paragraph explaining that he was sorry for the outburst in the shop and that he was just worried that something was going on. You sent Dante a text explaining that it was nice of him to worry but that, before he goes off, he needs to listen better.
     Nero was making sure that both of you were alright and that if either of you needed anything to let him know. 
     Before you were able to respond, Vergil walked back into the room, “Are you ready?” his voice was very quiet and meek; catching you off guard.
     “Yeah just gimme one second, just gotta send this…” Vergil looked at you with a slightly curious head tilt, you smiled at him, “Nero was just making sure everything was okay.”
     “I see,” Vergil gave a weak grin.
     “Nero’s worried about you,” you set the phone back down on the table and grabbed one of Vergil’s hands, “He’s a good kid, ya know? You’re one lucky dad.”
      With a small shake of his head, Vergil pulled you off the bed, “Need I remind you that he is technically your son, too?”
     You laughed and pursed your lips, “Sometimes I forget that part if I’m honest,” the two of you slowly made your way to the bathroom, “Especially since we are like the same age--you cougar,” with a playful wink you let go of Vergil’s hand to get undressed.
     Vergil’s face scrunched, “You make it sound as if I am too old for you.”
     Playfully, you shoved his shoulder, “Bah- you don’t look a day over 30; besides,” you paused a moment as you watched Vergil remove his shirt, “I like older men~”
     “Those two statements contradict each other,” he noticed your gaze as he slid his pants off, “However, I appreciate the sentiment.”
     Once you both were fully stripped, Vergil helped you into the tub; fearing you would fall, “Hey, Vergil..?” he looked at you, “Can you sit in, like,” with pursed lips, you tried to figure out how to explain what you wanted, “in my lap? Like with your back to me?”
     “I-” he raised a brow and turned his lips to a thin line, “May I ask why?”
     A smile ghosted your face as you cooed, “I want to be able to play with your hair.”
     The blue devil was a little apprehensive at allowing such an action, but he did as you requested; positioning himself in front of you. His shoulders tensed up at the sudden feeling of vulnerability and being so exposed to you--even if the two of you have been together for a long time now. Noticing this, you gently wrapped your arms around his middle and leaned him back into you while you leaned back yourself; ending up in a semi-lying position. 
     Tenderly, you ran your fingers through his neatly slicked back locks, “You alright, Vergil?”
     With a small stuttering inhale, Vergil rested further against you, “Yes…”
     A faint purring came from the blue devil as he relaxed against your touch. The two of you just sat in the warm soapy water for nearly fifteen minutes, laying against each other. 
     Vergil shifted a bit to lay the side of his head on your chest before meekly whispering, “I love you,” typically, this would have made you ecstatic hearing him say such a thing; but there was an underlying sullen tone to the phrase. 
     You moved one of your hands to grab his while keeping up your ministrations through his hair, “I love you too, Vergil--more than anything.”
     “May I ask you something? And I want you to answer me honestly,” his eyes were glued to your fingers that were intertwined with his own.
     “Sure,” you removed your fingers from his hair and set that hand on his shoulder.
     “Are,” with each word his voice became quieter, “Are you afraid of me?”
     “No,” you answered without skipping a beat, “I will never be afraid of you, no matter what...”
     Another bout of silence fell as you felt him lean harder into you while taking slow deep breaths.
     “May--,” the Dark Slayer closed his eyes and spoke in a hushed voice, “May I confide in you for a moment?”
     “Of course, my love,” you leaned and kissed the top of his head attempting to reassure the man. 
     He sighed and turned further into your chest, hiding his face, “N-Nothing scares me more than causing you pain,” you felt his brow furrow, “These past few months, have been spurred on by a combination of that fear and,” he had a lump begin to form in his throat, “and my time spent under Mundus’s…” he swallowed audibly in an attempt to deter his emotions.
     You squeezed his hand tightly and you moved your other hand back to his hair, hoping to console him a bit. 
     Which worked, he took a shuddering breath and continued, “In my dreams--” he pursed his lips and unintentionally pushed himself as hard as he could into you, “I’m always back as- and I can’t,” he paused once more, realizing that this is much harder than he had anticipated, “control myself and I-I don’t know that it’s-- until it’s too late,” his voice cracked into silence as he gripped your hand in a vice hold. 
     That was enough for you to put together what he meant as your eyes widened. You whispered and moved your hand from his hair to his shoulder, holding him close, “Vergil…” you didn’t know what to do--how to help him.
     All you could think to do was to hold him close and comfort him as he cried into your chest. You knew that he had nightmares about his time of being enslaved to Mundus and the other atrocities that have happened to the poor blue devil. Throughout your time together, Vergil had told you about that time and has even sought comfort in you when he was upset. 
     A meek whisper pulled you from your thoughts, “I’m sorry,” he sighed heavily, “I know this is substandard behavior.”
     “Vergil,” you kneaded his bicep, “This is normal behavior, you don’t have to be strong all the time,” placing a soft kiss on the top of his head, you murmured, “You’re human--you have emotions; both good and bad.”
     “I feel as if I have disappointed you,” despite his sad tone, a light purring could be heard from him--indicating he was at least comfortable.
     “You could never disappoint me, Vergil--especially over something like this. Things take time to heal and even then they still leave scars; you aren’t to blame for what has happened, my love.”
     “I do not understand how after what I have done in my lifetime,” his voice cracked with a tinge of frustration as he sat upright. His front side was facing out of the tub toward the innards of the room,  leaving you to see his side profile, “Why you still believe me to be a good person…”
     “Vergil,” you moved to sit up as well, no longer resting your back on the tub, “I don’t believe that you are a good person; I know you are a good person,” you watched his adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed his emotions again, “I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t.”
     A thin pained grin adorned his features as he turned his face from you; hiding the fact he had begun to cry once more.
     “People do bad things,” you shrugged your shoulders a bit in thought, “that doesn’t make them a bad person. Traumatic experiences make people do things that otherwise might not have.” you paused and thought for a moment, “Vergil, you have been punished ten-fold by everyone your entire life, even for things that you had no control over. Which is total shit. You deserve to be treated well and like a living breathing person. I know you are a good person because you have shown me that many times over; you are worthy of love, Vergil.”
     Vergil let out a loud shuttering exhale and turned his head to look at you with pursed lips. He wanted to say something, anything, but all he could muster was a small whimper of acknowledgment. 
     Moving to your knees, you spoke softly, “Is there anything that I can do to help you with these nightmares?”
     “I,” after a small pause in thought, he turned to come face to face with you and grabbed your hands in his, “Could you promise me something?”
     “If we get into any altercations with,” he avoided your eyes with an increasing embarrassment eating the edges of his mind, “Angelo-type demons, please, leave them to me; please..?”
     Your brow twitched in confusion as you cocked your head to the side; that’s when things clicked and you remembered what happened shortly before these terrors began, “Sure, if that is what brings you solace then I will,” you smiled, trying to make him feel a little better.
     “Thank you,” his eyes re-connected with yours and he gave a small smirk.
     The two of you sat for a brief moment before you pursed your lips and smiled semi-awkwardly, “I hate to ruin the moment, but could we get out of the water? I’m kinda cold…”
     Vergil straightened his posture and nodded, “Of course, wanderer,” he moved to get out of the water and held his hands out for yours.
     You grabbed them and wobbly got up, “Oh? I haven’t heard you use that in a long time.”
     A small huffed laugh came from the blue devil as he handed you a towel, “It was the first nickname I gave you. I thought it appropriate for the moment…”
     “It was wasn’t it?” you shook your head, “That feels like a lifetime ago…”
     “In a sense, it was quite literally,” he leaned over and drained the tub.
     With a small laugh and nod, you finished drying off. While the two of you got dressed, you couldn’t help but smile at the sight of your lover. 
     “Is something wrong?” Vergil noticed your stare.
     Pursing your lips you thought for a moment and decided to indulge in his love for Blake’s poems, “ 'Joy & Woe are woven fine,/A Clothing for the Soul divine;/Under every grief & pine,/Runs a joy with silken twine.' "
     An amused look adorned his face as he stood with parted lips thinking for a moment, “Auguries of Innocence?” the Dark Slayer cupped the side of your face, “We never did finish that poem; you’d always fall asleep.”
     “Not my fault you have such a soothing voice,” you placed your hands on his chest and leaned into his palm, “Want to try again?”
     He leaned against your forehead, “If it is alright with you, I think I’d rather sleep…”
     “Only if you stay beside me,” you looked into his icy eyes; enamored with the thousands of different blue-grey hues, “please..?”
     “Are you sure-- Mnm,” he was cut off by a sudden connection of your lips.
     It was a slow and passionate kiss as you poured all the love you could into that one moment. Once satisfied, you left the kiss and whispered against his lips, “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Vergil.”
     Without another word, he picked you up and took you into the bedroom. Carefully, he set you down and crawled into bed with you. A small lingering sense of dread crept in from the edges of his mind; however, those were pushed away when you laid atop his chest. You curled into him and he tangled his limbs with yours.
     As the two of you drifted off to sleep, Vergil had a very small content grin as he allowed himself to sleep; knowing that, at least for tonight, his terrors will be kept at bay. 
Ending Notes: Sorry that was lowkey all over the place, I just went with the flow of my brain. It kind of just ended up being a long fluff fic.  Also to add some explanation to Vergil’s bit where he swore and freaked out: I figure that when Vergil lost his autonomy for so long as Nelo Angelo, he ended up becoming hyper-aware of what he is doing at all times. So when he does something that he either can’t remember doing or didn’t want to do that it would send him into a panic; fearing that he is going to lose his freedom again. 🛡️⚔️🛡️ Poem quoted:      Auguries of Innocence: William Blake
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Mundus x Reader
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You want to be fucked by old men that resemble Zeus
First Date:
You find yourself alone on an island and can't help but gaze up at the statue in front of you. He was like a Greek god that had a major accident during a mastectomy gone wrong. That was alright though because the hole was large enough for you to fit into. You curled into the marble like a cat and began to rest.
As soon as you were asleep, the giant figure began to gag and call his henchmen for help. This castle worked by beauty and the beast rules so everything was full of life. Unfortunately Mundus couldn't use his arms so he needed his pets to help get the vermin out of his gaping chest cavity. He called for nightmare but it was practically useless. He then called forth phantom which in theory should have worked since he was a spider but he was also part lava so his drool kept dropping on to him like acid rain.
He called shadow but all that did was invite the cat to lay in his lap. There was only griffon left and he didn't want to get an earful from him. "TRISH!" he roared, "GET IN HERE!!!!!!". There was a flash of lightning and she suddenly stood there before him. "What is your wish master?" she said as she bowed. "This disgusting creature has crawled inside me and I am not able to rid myself from it in this form. Dispose of it."
Before she could do anything, you began to transform. Your love was so strong that you grew three times larger and then became his heart. Was he starting to feel something. Could he truly have feelings? Wrong. It just ended with him vomiting all over himself. He then used his lazors to carve out his chest and remove the "cancerous tumor" (which was you). "That's better" he said. To his horror he noticed that shadow was rolling around in his vomit. " NO, BAD CAT! DON'T THINK YOU'RE NOT IN TROUBLE SINCE I CANNOT SPRAY YOU!" It was now time for shadow to have a bath. "NELO!" he screamed. Out came Nelo Angelo dragging a vomit covered shadow to the master bathroom. "FML. I Don't get paid enough at this job." he thought. "Wait, I don't get payed anything!" 
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Can I request lots of angst.....Dante (between anime and DMC2) falls in love with a sweet and kind reader quickly, his demon side wanting to make her his mate, they are soul mate kind. But memories of Nelo Angelo were too strong, he hasn't forgiven himself, rather tries the route of alcoholism or over indulgence with flings or ONS making the reader so heartbroken, yet she knows Dante's story and still tries to help him through. Once Dante even snapped hard on her to make her snap away, she did cry and ran away from the shop feeling heartbroken. But she still won't give up our flower here is stubborn. I will leave it to you on how Dante will come to realize that this girl ain't budging and he can't live without her, now that he knows his mate (not yet but that's what his demon side says) exists.
Hope I made it angsty enough. Enjoy. 💜
Fated (DMC2!Dante x Fem!Reader angst)
The red thread of fate had intertwined both yours and Dante's fates since the day you were born. Ever since he was a child, he dreamt of you; all he could see were blurry figures and occasional glimpses of your figure, nothing more.
As he grew older, the images of you became more clear. He started to see you as more of a person and less of a mass of blurry shapes. He soon began to see and memorize every feature on your face; longing to know who you were and if you were even real.
After the various traumatic events that transpired, his dreams abruptly stopped. He no longer saw the beauty that normally visited him every night in his dreams, and as a result, soon forgot about you.
That was, until he randomly ran into you on his way home from a job. The minute he laid his eyes on you, he knew who you were. Every detail about your appearance suddenly came rushing back to him, his mind overflowing with thoughts about you. His heart suddenly started racing--and not because of adrenaline. He honestly didn't know what he was feeling, and he didn't like it.
"Hi? My name is...umm...Y/N. What's yours?"
Dante's eyes widened; something inside him clicked. Finally. After all those years of wondering and fantasizing, he finally got to hear your voice--your name. The devil hunter was beside himself with excitement and joy, and at the same time, fear and panic.
You were his soul mate, destined to be with him for all eternity. Why should he be anything but ecstatic?
Because of loss.
Because of grief.
Because Dante hadn't fully let go of everything thata happened.
Because Dante wasn't ready to let go.
Memories of that whole Nelo Angelo incident and everything that came before and after it still lurked in the depths of his mind, manifesting in the form of crushing, terrifying tentacles that wrapped around his heart, squeezing it; constraining it.
The man was trapped in his own emotions, unable to break free from his trauma.
It took all his strength to overpower his fear and introduce himself, though he did so bluntly.
"My name's Dante. Nice to meetcha." And with that, he was off, briskly striding away, presumably never to be seen again.
But he was seen again, many times too. The red thread of fate controlled your destinies; it was not to be deterred by the delusions and desires of the human--or half human--heart. It created more opportunities for you two to meet, be it a chance encounter at the supermarket, or a random rendezvous in the middle of the street.
As time passed, and the two of you got to know each other further, Dante found himself growing more and more attached to you, unable to figure out why. At night, his dreams were filled of you, and during the day, he thought about nothing except you. A small, barely noticeable part of him--his demon part--knew why, but Dante's human half refused to accept it.
"You love her," The quiet voice whispered, in that buzzing, nagging tone it always did. "You love her--you want to make her yours. Make her your mate for life. So why don't you? What's holding you back?"
Dante groaned, fed up with these questions. Why? He didn't know why, dammit! He didn't want to know! He hated pondering these confusing topics to such a degree, he turned to the age-old practice of alcohol in an attempt to forget his troubles.
Every night, he'd squander his hard-earned money on cheap liquor in a seedy pub, gulping down bottle after bottle of the nasty stuff. Very soon, it became apparent that alcohol wasn't enough to make him forget his conflicted feelings. This, and the influence of the substances he was consuming, drove him to start sleeping around; hooking up with one girl after another; the brief moments of ecstasy barely enough to overshadow his arguing inner conscience.
He had no idea how you felt; oblivious to your hidden heartbreak.
Ever since you met Dante, you knew he was familiar. Just like him, you'd been having dreams, and just like him, events in your life had caused you to forget about him until very recently. Once you met him in person, your memories and dreams resurfaced, followed by a sudden and inexplicable crush.
You soon found yourself longing for him--pining, even. You wanted so desperately to tell him how you felt, to make him yours, to love and cherish him truly. It took you weeks, but you worked up the courage to go and talk to him. When you knocked on the door of Devil May Cry, he was nowhere to be found. You inquired around and sought him out, looking in all the places you knew him to frequent. It didn't take you long to find him--you caught a glimpse of him making out in the back of a bar with a girl you'd never seen before, overturned shot glasses on the table beside them.
This was no surprise; during the many times you and Dante crossed paths, you'd gotten to know each other's backstories. You understood Dante's inner turmoil and understood he had problems, so excessive drinking and adultery was to be expected. You were not to be deterred by this, oh no. You were going to help him through whatever he was going through, no matter what he did or what he said.
Dante continued to ruin himself through his various acts of debauchery. Every night, he'd go out to a club or a bar, then get wasted and get lucky. You searched all over the city for him, but most of the time, he was long gone when you reached whatever shady place he'd been goofing around in. One night, you had the fortune of finding him at Devil May Cry, guzzling down a bottle of beer at his desk. You marched in, the sudden sound of the door opening causing him to jolt upright and peer at you wearily.
"What are you doing here?" He demanded, voice hoarse and eyes red. He honestly looked terrible; there were dark circles under his eyes from staying up too late, and his eyes were red rimmed and puffy--possibly from spending a long time crying. "Hi, Dante...I...I heard you were going through some stuff...and...well, I just wanted to know if I could help."
Dante scoffed, languidly lifting the bottle of alcohol to his lips and taking a long sip. "Help? Me? You want to help me?" He suddenly burst out laughing, then immediately stopped. "You can't help me," He grumbled, voice cold. "No one can." He continued drinking; the liquor drowning out his spiraling thoughts, temporarily silencing that little voice in the back of his head that said, "You love her."
Nervously, you edged forwards, afraid to get too close to him. "I can help you," You ventured, wringing your hands. "I know I can, if you just let me in--" Dante suddenly stood up, slamming his hands on the table angrily. That tiny voice in his head suddenly rose from a whisper to a loud yell. "You love her!" It screamed, the words driving Dante over the edge. "Just tell her!"
"You can't help me! I won't let you in! Just get out, Y/N, there's no saving me!"
You clenched your fists in anger, meeting his outburst with a defiant one of your own.
"You don't know that, you're just being stubborn!"
"So what if I am?! It's my problem and I'll deal with it!"
"No, you won't! You'll just waste your money and your life being a womanizer and drinking till you drop! This behavior isn't good for you, you need to stop before it gets out of control!"
"Shut up, my life is none of your business, so stay out of it!"
That shocked you. You and Dante never considered each other close friends, but what he said hurt you. "I see," You mumbled, clearing your throat and turning around. You heart heavy, you stormed away, hurrying to get home before the tears you were holding back broke free.
After you left, Dante sank into his seat, exhausted. Even though his mind was hazy because of the alcohol, he knew that you would be back; you were far too obstinate to be deterred by a simple outburst. His mind may have been filled with confusion and doubt, but one thing was for sure: He loved you, and perhaps someday in the distant future, with enough time and hard work, he would find it in him to tell you.
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matchbet-allofthetime · 10 months
Hellooooo, i really enjoy your works and your requests were open so can i please request a reverse comfort where the reader comforts vergil after he had a nightmare
Sweet Dreams (Vergil Sparda x GN! Reader)
Word count: 1189
A/N: anon. your brain. it's massive. you didn't specify which game (which is perfectly okay!) so he can really be read as any version of Vergil throughout the series :D also thank you SO much for being my first request and i'm so glad you enjoy my works!! i really hope you enjoy!
warnings for vivid talks of nightmares (with comfort ofc), a little bit of blood, and some cussing here and there.
Vergil has nightmares and you're there to keep him safe. You'd always keep him safe.
A dull sound resounds through my dreams. I twitch. I shuffle my head out from where it lays under my pillows, like I always do to block the morning sun. I wait. Wake up some.
A scream.
Oh no. I jolt out of bed, nearly tripping over my sheets in the process and drag my sweatpants up my hips. I grab one of my knives and latch its holder belt across my waist.
I hear nothing but screams and inhuman cries and I pad along, rushing across the long U-shaped hall all the way to Vergil's room- on the exact other side from my own room.
I get to the door and try to open it, only to find it locked. I growl out in frustration and wedge my knife between the stained oak door frame and the door itself and shove. Hard. The door cracks open and I know I'll have to replace the frame later. Doesn't matter.
I bound into the room and stop just shy of Vergil's bed, ducking as his tail whips over my head.
As it whips again, his body half DTing in the height of his misery, I catch it in my hands and as it flicks and he claws through nightmares that are only in his head, I sit on his bed and drag his thrashing body into my lap.
"Vergil, wake up. C'mon, fuck, Vergil-" My words aren't working. His tail nearly slices its way out of my hand. I take a deep breath. Hold it.
"VERGIL!" I shout.
He bounces up in shock, almost knocking his head against mine. In his newly-awakened state, he claws his way to the edge of his bed, as far away from me as he can get and he scans the room for any dangers- and any of that which ailed him during the time of Nelo Angelo and Mundus.
His blue eyes are icy and cold but they're glowing a bright blue with his anger and fear. His brows are furrowed and he's bitten his lip so hard blood seeps into his nightshirt.
We're at a standstill and his breathing comes far heavier than mine. He's alert and afraid. I make the first move. Bad choice, but I do it anyways.
The point of his tail stops just short of piercing my jugular but his gaze softens the second I reach out both hands, palms up in a display of passivity. He allows one of my hands to move closer to his face and the second my hand is a hair's breadth away from his cheek, he grabs my wrist forcefully and smushes his face into my palm. His lip quivers and his eyes sharpen before they close and he lets out a sob. His tail drops.
I move closer and despite his size versus mine, I do my best to pull him back up to the headboard and as much into my lap as I can manage.
He's wracking with sobs and I know there's this narrow margin for which I can calm him while Nero and Dante are away on a mission. I know there's this minute, minuscule, fraction of a margin in which I can convince him he's safe.
I push his face into my shoulder and he cries out so loudly, so much more verbal than I'm used to, and my heart clenches horribly.
"Vergil, hey, I've got you. You're safe. You're at the DMC, you're safe with me, in Redgrave." I say as I stroke my fingers through his hair. His breathing is erratic but already, he's begun to calm. I'm lucky he didn't go for the Yamato in his cusp of fear when he first awoke.
He says nothing but I continue anyways.
"I've got you, it's okay. You're safe. Dante and Nero are kickin' demon butt for the week with Trish and Lady and Nico. And soon, Dante'll be back with enough pizza to feed a small army and he'll piss you off as the ladies laugh. And he'll throw a beer bottle at you- again- like he always does, and you'll try to stab him with the Yamato like always and Nero'll call you two dumbasses." I finish.
I'm breathless by the time I'm done but my words have more than done the job. My presence helps tremendously too. Vergil's breathing has evolved into hiccups and sniffles in my now tear-soaked tanktop. I don't mind so much. I make a mental note to tell Dante to let Vergil kick his ass when he gets back.
My hands keep curling through the thick pale strands of Vergil's hair. I move my other hand to his bedside table and grab the glass of water he keeps there and carefully open his drawer to get one of the cloths kept within. I pour the water carefully onto the cloth and begin dabbing gently at Vergil's blotchy cheeks to clean up the drying tears.
He hates that I'm looking and tries to hide his face from me. He doesn't want to seem weak. He doesn't want me to hate him. I couldn't even if I tried to.
I continue cleaning his face and I look him over, checking for any wounds. He has a few small swollen marks from his dulled nails and the new cut in his lip from his teeth, but aside from that and the damage to his throat and mind, he seems no worse for wear. I sigh in relief.
I lean down and press a soothing kiss against his forehead as I move his hair back from his face. I wipe at the blood on his lips. Good as new. The cut should heal come sunrise. I look to the window briefly. Probably past 3.
"I've got you, darling, I've got you. I need you to sit up a bit for me, okay?" I ask, setting the washcloth on his bedside table.
Vergil nods slowly and I let him take his time in shuffling himself upright into a comfier position. When he has, I bring the glass of water to his lips and hold it as he drinks graciously. He hums a bit more clearly now, though his throat is still torn from his screams.
I don't ask and he doesn't say anything, other than-
"Thank you." Vergil says softly. He leans toward me as I move the glass to set it back down safely. It's his turn to kiss at my forehead and I smile up at him.
I let him lay back down under the covers and his fingers play with his amulet thoughtlessly. A comfort him and his twin shared in rare moments.
As I snuggle next to him, he pushes himself into me as much as he can comfortably and I simply hold him as he needs me to as he drifts to sleep.
Right before he goes, into a far safer and much more guarded dreamland, he murmurs into my skin, "I love you."
I smile again and kiss his hair fondly. My fingers rub soothing figure eights into his back softly.
"I love you too, Vergil. Sweet dreams."
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
Invictus (Vergil fighting nightmares and his s/o calming him down)
Pairing: Vergil x Reader
Summary: Calm nights were a rare blessing in your house. When Vergil has memories in the form of terrible nightmares, you are the one to stand by his side to remind him that now, everything is ok.
**TRIGGER WARNING** Vergil's nightmare is very explicit. It's about when he was conscious while being a puppet of Mundus - so we have mental abuse, torture (whipping), blood and humiliation. He also goes through a panic attack and needs his s/o to ground him.
The subjects here are quite heavy and, if you're sensitive to those themes and can't handle some more graphic descriptions, I'd advise not reading it. Like so, reader discretion advised.
Author's notes: Oh well. I always wanted to write on Vergil's past, precisely because we don't know how much this man has suffered to do the things he did. I'm a firm believer he has PTSD and needs a hug - so, if Capcom isn't going to give him one officially, I'll be here to fill this man's life with love and comfort.
Dante too, but today is not about him xD
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His knees were buried in the freezing, smooth snow. Vergil wanted to cry, but his body wouldn’t allow it. He wanted to let go of that sword, dripping blood of his enemies, but his hands wouldn’t obey. His dark, crimson bloody fingers wanted to wash his sins away in the whiteness of the snow, but he couldn’t bury them in the frozen floor.
Vergil kept his head bowed, fighting his own body to breathe. But his eyes… His shimmering blood red eyes could still consciously see under the horned helmet.
That wasn’t him. That wasn’t Vergil, the Dark Slayer, Son of Sparda. His body forced him to remain calm, but his mind told him not to. His soul told him to rebel. To break those shackles that kept him trapped in that prison of his own making.
That was the question revolving inside the mind of the once great son of Sparda.
Why did all that happen in his life…? Why did his father vanish? Why did his mother die? Why wasn’t him enough to protect her? Why wasn’t him powerful to properly protect himself in that night of fire? Why did he have to live alone, without knowing his twin brother was alive for most of his life? Why was he kicked in the streets like a stray animal by other humans, forced to live on his own at such a young age? Why did he have to tough up as a child to protect himself to survive? Why did people hate him just by looking at him – a helpless, homeless child, searching for food and shelter? Why did demons chase him down like he was the sole survivor of the house of Sparda?
Why was his brother such a fool to insist on making out of Hell with him? They would’ve never made it out together – and Dante would’ve never survived in there. Vergil’s odds were much better. He couldn’t hold that foolish, soft-hearted brother of his back. Dante would’ve died in there – Vergil surely did.
Why did he have to die? To be forced into servitude by his father’s enemies, to have his free will taken away from him. To serve as an enslaved soldier, obeying every order without questioning, but screaming inside his soul – always conscious, but never able to break free... Only to watch the terrible deeds someone else told him to do. Only watching himself sink deeper into failure and humiliation, bowing submissively to the one responsible for his family’s demise.
Why…? Hadn’t he suffered enough…?
Vergil’s very essence was slowly being taken away from him, slowly dying while he watched, unable to change his fate. Unable to move. He wanted to – but he couldn’t. Still kneeling in the snow, Vergil wanted to scream all the frustration out of his lungs – but he had no mouth to do so.
His breath started to gradually raise its rhythm. Vergil didn’t notice at first, until a gush of cold air stung his lungs, immediately flushed out in a hot breath.
“It’s time to come back, Nelo Angelo.”
He heard the voice in his head, another command. His legs wanted to move him up from the snow and walk straight into Mundus’ lair, to report as a humble servant of his; another of his humble knights.
For the first time, his legs dared to disobey Mundus and finally listen to their real Master. With knees freezing cold, Vergil felt his body trembling after a long time without knowing what that was. He forced his fingers to freezingly open, letting go of his sword. Burying the black gloves in the snow, Vergil saw the crimson blood dissolving into the white – never to be seen again.
He fought to raise his hands to his head, as his arms seemed to be held down by weights of pure iron. With fists up, Vergil used all his strength to slowly raise them, trembling from the effort. Under his mask, he bared his teeth, but his body didn’t allow him to make any noise.
One hand glued on one side of the black helmet. The other, soon followed the first, on the other side. They stayed in place as if magnetically attracted, never letting go, but never falling back on the snow again.
Vergil tried to take deep breaths, his lungs stinging from the cold. His throat was dry, coarse. He needed to do it. He wanted to do it.
Grabbing at the sides, Vergil managed to start pulling it out. His hands froze mid-way, refusing to do so – his body fighting his own mind. With every new effort, he moved a few inches up. But he wouldn’t give up. Vergil had suffered too much for one lifetime, but he never gave up. He would drag his dying body to his mother’s grave and die as Vergil, son of Sparda and Eva, brother of Dante – as himself. Not as anyone else.
Not. As. Anyone. Else.
With a last effort, he took the helmet off – being free from his confinements for the first time on his own.
Vergil looked at the snow – so pale, so fluffy, so crystally beautiful, as the one he played with Dante when he was a kid and their parents watched to make sure they wouldn’t get hurt. His eyes didn’t glow red: they were back to his silvery, moonlight tones.
Vergil could breathe.
Tossing the helmet on the floor. He started to cough incessantly. His throat had an ache that seemed to have installed itself there for years. Taking one of his hands to his neck, Vergil coughed blood, spitting it on the snow, another hand on the floor, holding him up.
Staring at his own hand, he realized: it was the first time since he had been encased in that infernal armor, he had control over his own body.
Vergil stared at his hands in awe.
“Nelo Angelo! I gave you an order!”
Once again, his body started to tremble. His veins were on fire, burning from inside out, forcing his body into compliance.
But his soul wasn’t made for compliance. Vergil would never be compliant. He was born to make his own fate and walk his own path, even if it ended with his blood over his mother’s grave. He was Master of himself, and no one else. His essence could never be controlled. And Vergil would die as himself. As his mother’s and father’s son.
“You… Have…” He muttered between his teeth, forcing the words in a raspy tone. His voice hadn’t been used in years, unaccustomed to speaking once again – to be expressed with the fire of the one who commanded it. “No… Power…” As he kept muttering, Vergil forced his body to get up, once again with an effort as if a thousand shackles held him down, to be forever bowed in Hell. As his feet buried in the snow and he pulled himself up, something warm came down his cheeks, contrasting with the harsh, wintery flow. “Over… Me!”
His voice echoed through the mountains and shells of dead trees, reverberating through the corpses of dilacerated demons. Vergil stood, trying to pull his body back to his proud pose, failing due to the lack of energy and trembling legs. He willed his control back to his body, showing a son of Sparda could never die as a mere puppet.
Blood flowed down his face, from his eyes – tears now made of his very own life.
“You have no… Power over me…” Vergil said once more, as if that would remain engraved as a mantra inside his head – as if it had the power to banish the control which made his body obey someone else.
Demons appeared. Angelos. Hell Sentinels. Hell Knights. Mundus sent all of his most powerful brethren to break Vergil once more. He took his sword in his hand again, barely able to stand but never backing down from a fight – specially one that meant his own freedom. If it was for him to die, he would die fighting as himself.
It took time, but he fell once more. Grabbed and shackled with thick, cursed chains, Vergil was dragged by his neck back to Hell – hands tied behind his back, forced to walk like a dog, in a humiliating procession in front of all the other demons. His upper armor was taken off, leaving him vulnerable to all kinds of attacks while his walk of shame proceeded. His chest and back leaked blood, his feet bumping in the horrifying path to Mundus’ lair, his legs trembling, and knees scarred.
Vergil held his head high, forcing the tears of blood to stay back while all his pride was stripped away from him, listening to all the horrible things those demons screamed about his mother, his father, his brother. Hearing the laughs. Being spat, tossed around, stabbed, made a jester to entertain the vilest of creatures in all worlds – helpless, without strength to fight back. Vergil could barely keep himself up, but his head… That was all he had left. A little bit of pride and the memory he was son of the mightiest demon to the day – and of the most loving human in the world, even if she had abandoned him to save his brother on that fateful night.
“Vergil… Son of that traitor Sparda. It seems like you need to be taught a lesson once again.” Mundus’ voice reverberated on the floors of Hell, the cackling laughs of the demons nearby creating a music of horror. Vergil was forced to stop in front of him, still held by his neck with a chain, like an animal.
“You will never break me.” Vergil raised his head even higher, keeping his nose as high as he could, silvery eyes burning like fire. A fine vein of blood slowly dripped from one of his eyes.
“Oh, I will. You will vanish, the bloodline of Sparda will perish. You will remain Nelo Angelo and die when I tell you too – Vergil will never exist again after I’m done with you.”
“I will die as myself.” Vergil took a deep breath, his lungs trembling as he expired. “The son of Sparda and Eva. Brother of Dante. Vergil, the Dark Slayer.”
Mundus’ didn’t answer to Vergil’s boldness. The demons that had him on a leash forced the man to kneel in front of the king of Hell, holding his arms outstretched by the sides of his body. Vergil tried to fight the chains, but they only made them tighter, forcing more blood out of his veins. The demon who held his leash pulled him forward as two other demons appeared with whips.
“Your resolve will break by pain, spawn of Sparda and that whore Eva.” Mundus’ voice jested, making the other demons cackle again. Vergil gritted his teeth, enduring the humiliation – the whips and chains might hurt his body, but the words… Those scarred his pride, his soul. His very essence. “You will son be crowned again… Nelo Angelo.”
As the first whip cracked, Vergil didn’t make a sound – holding his will to grunt. His silvery eyes kept taunting Mundus’, making him know that wasn’t enough – he would have to do much worse to break him. Vergil had suffered and tasted so many kinds of pain before, it would take much more than a couple of whips.
And Mundus would continue until those eyes stopped defying him – something Vergil didn’t do even when he started grunting from the pain.
Those demons never thought they would see Vergil, the great son of Sparda, lying barely conscious on the floor, mumbling for his mother to hold him.
“Vergil…? Vergil…! Wake up, love...!” Your voice seemed like a faint memory to his ears.
But his voice was loud and clear to you. He tossed around under the sheets, screaming as if all demons in Hell were chasing him at once. You never heard him so terrified – only when he had one of his nightmares. Only when his mind took him back to the days he was so abused he couldn’t even call himself ‘Vergil’ anymore.
You had to snap him out of it – but it was dangerous. Vergil turned aggressive: his self-protective instincts triggering and his very own devil threatening to come out – teeth already sharp, nails turning into claws. He could hurt you badly if you weren’t careful.
“Vergil…! Wake up! You’re safe!” You reached out for him, knowing very well he was hearing you. Vergil turned his head to you, making you sure he was chasing your voice. “It’s ok… You’re safe. I’m here. Open your eyes…”
But he went back to screaming, as if something grabbed him by the neck. Vergil was almost kneeling on the bed at this point – and you tried your best to keep him from reaching out to Yamato.
If he did, well… You’d have to buy a new bedframe. Again.
“Vergil…! Listen to my voice…!” You spoke as gently as you could, being bold enough to approach him. You know he wouldn’t stop until something anchored him back to reality. “Vergil…!”
You placed your warm hand on his face, trying to get him to stop moving. As soon as he felt your touch, Vergil gradually stopped, seeming to follow your movements, your voice.
“You’re safe. You’re with me, love.” You whispered; voice as smooth as silk. Your other hand found the other side of his face, carefully caressing a lock of hair away from his forehead, as he liked to wear it. “You are safe, Vergil. Wake up.”
You noticed as his breathing gradually went back to normal, inspiring profoundly to let go of the air and do it again. Vergil opened his eyes slightly, finding your legs kneeling in front of him on the mattress. His neck and forehead were damp with sweat, your hands warming up his cold skin. His own fingers were trembling, and he could barely feel his legs. His back was on fire, as if the whips had just cracked his skin open for the first time.
“I’m with you… You’re safe, my love. Hear me? You’re safe.” You kept repeating those words, knowing it was the key to bring him back to the present – ignoring that intrusive memory in the form of a nightmare. Vergil didn’t always tell you about his nightmares, but he did mention they were about the times he was forced to live under the control of Mundus and slowly lose himself, or when he was just a kid trying to survive in a world that despised him – or that dreadful night he and Dante lived so many years ago.
Vergil raised one of his trembling hands to his face, enveloping your fingers with his. Closing his eyes, Vergil took a deep breath, moving your hand to caress his jaw, his nose, his lips. He ran your fingers on his mouth a couple of times – your touch, so different and softer than his, always seemed to ground him once more. As your fingers painted the form of his lips, he became more aware of the moment he was living: the mattress, the Devil May Cry, his room, the cars passing by on the streets, the silence of an ordinary day in a human life, the texture of the sheets against his skin, the weight of his body on the bed… You.
His heart rate decreased slowly as Vergil came back to reality, to his present. He wasn’t in danger. He wasn’t in Hell anymore. No one had power over him. He was free… He was Vergil. Son of Sparda and Eva. Brother of Dante. Father of Nero. The Dark Slayer. Your lover.
He was safe.
“Did I…” Vergil cleared his throat, his voice rasping to leave his chest after all the screaming. “Did I hurt you…?”
“No. You would never.” You whispered back, smiling peacefully at him while caressing his ruffled, distressed white hair. Vergil stared back at you with tired and melancholic eyes.
“Not consciously, my dearest.”
You knew what that phrase implied. Vergil was one of the most powerful human and demon to ever step on earth – challenged only by his brother – but you knew what kinds of fears he hid away in the darkest corners of his soul. It took you a long time as a couple and eons of trust to reveal the most vulnerable parts of yourselves – and Vergil was no exception.
He was half-human, after all. He had his own demons – the ones only he could see and only he could face and kill. Vergil feared losing control again: of his body, of his soul, of his essence. He feared being a puppet. He feared hurting those he loved – after he did all to gain power to protect, even himself, that power could also be used to kill. And, in case that happened once more, only Dante could stop him – by then, the damage would already be done.
“I don’t believe you could hurt me, even unconsciously.” You murmured back, still caressing his face. Vergil longed for your touch, and it grounded him even more, anchoring him back enough so his mind wouldn’t fly away in a flashback – as he was now awake. “You’d know it’s me. And I know your will, it’s as strong as mine. You’d never allow yourself to be controlled without a fight… And you’d never let someone hurt me, even through you.”
“Hmmm…” Vergil pondered your answer, taking another deep breath. Now he noticed how cold it was, as his body gradually relaxed and the drops of sweat found the chilly air of the night. “What makes you so sure…?”
Your answer wasn’t in words at first. Placing your hand over his chest, you felt his heart beating under your palm – a little fast, but definitely slower than when you woke up. Vergil looked at your hand for a few moments, turning his silvery gaze to your own eyes as your touch warmed his chest. You could always melt the ice he thoroughly encased his heart in.
Staring at the path to your soul, he knew. Nevertheless, you decided to put it into words – believing in their power as a little kind of ordinary magic.
“This is the heartbeat of a human.” You whispered, approaching him enough for Vergil to feel your hot breath on his lips. It was soothing, comforting – as if you could envelop him in a much smoother and kinder world than the one he had lived for so long. Your eyes, though, held his gaze. “The line from your heart would find mine, for it isn’t in our bodies… It’s tied to our essence, to our very soul. As your eyes are finding it right now inside mine, you would find it – no matter in what form, state of mind or lifetime… Your heart, your human heart, would find me, and you’d know. You would never hurt me… Consciously or unconsciously.”
It was a rare sight, but you could see it shimmering in the moonlight and running down his face: a single tear trailed slowly on Vergil’s cheek, glimmering like a lonely diamond, and resting on your thigh.
Another rare sight was the one of Vergil closing his eyes and allowing himself to cry in front of you, letting go of his usual proud, strong, and stoic demeanor; opening a side of himself only for your eyes to see. Leaning his head on your hand, Vergil let his eyes cry to his heart’s content.
“And you should know… I will always be here with you. It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll*. I will always walk with you, Vergil, to protect you, cradle you or fight by your side.” Your other hand went up to his hair, feeling as Vergil’s tears increased their flow. Even so, he didn’t make any noise. “I fear nothing when I’m with you because my love for you is greater than whatever worry fate can throw at me. My soul will choose yours in any form, state of mind or lifetime – and whenever those memories come to terrorize you during sleep, you can be certain I will never run away, for I am here to walk through life with you, no matter what.”
Vergil always believed there were words, proses or poems for every situation in life – but, at that moment, he felt draught on his tongue and rain on his eyes. There were no words in any of the languages he knew enough to express the warmness on his chest that swelled and made him breathless from the things you told him – because, as he once might have said, he too wanted to be protected and loved.
Vergil’s head found its place on your shoulder, nuzzling your neck while his arms wrapped around your body. You didn’t even flinch or think before retributing, caressing his messy hair and wide shoulders. His form – always so regal, towering over yours – was now curled around you, trying to find the best way to comfortably feel like nothing in this world could tear you both apart.
Your heart found his inside your chests and beat in unison. In all his troubled and tortured path, Vergil never thought he would find love and protection like he yearned when he was a child – turning to power to feel safe. But now, in your arms, he knew he could never feel entirely safe from his power only.
For when Vergil screamed from the terrors he had lived, you never ran away and always held his hand to walk through the very fires of Hell alongside him. In a way, that reminded him of someone else… Someone who held him in her arms long ago, who walked through fire to save her children and put herself in danger for love.
That was the very last time Vergil felt safe in his life… Until now, in your arms. And if that wasn’t love, then Vergil could argue he didn’t know what was.
*Invictus, by William Ernest Henley:
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeoning of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
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devilswordvergil · 3 years
The Ghost and the Maiden AU: Part One
Darn you back together
After Dante lands the final blow, Nelo Angelo--no, Vergil--isn't taken to Mundus to face his fate. No, instead he finds himself outside a familiar cottage, nine years in the past.
After dispatching some hostile demons, he finds out what he'd been missing out on for those nine years.
You and Nero.
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DMC Week - Day 2:Monster
Nelo Angelo x Reader
Warning: This post contains Rape/Non-Con. 
‘Where’s Dante when you need him?’ (Y/N) thought as she was forced into the corner.
The female demon hunter had joined Dante on his job to Mallet Island. After Trish led them to Mallet Castle, she and Dante decided to split up to cover more ground.
(Y/N) had been investigating one of the many bedrooms when she was attacked by a demon clad in dark armour. She didn’t even notice that it entering the room.
The demon had waited for her to notice it’s presence (which was odd) but it moved quickly for her to even try to defend herself.
Now she was trapped in the corner of the room with the large demon towering over her, with that cold still face staring down at her and those glowing eyes, were there the last things she was going to see.
The demon rises it’s equally large sword above it’s head.
‘So this is how it ends,’ She thought as she closed her eyes, waiting for the sword to end her life.
(Y/N) felt a rush of air in front of her but no pain just a little bit cold her chest.
(Y/N) opened her eyes to see that the sword was embedded into the ground in front of her.
She stared at the blade in confusion. Why did the demon bring it’s sword down if it wasn’t going to kill her.
Then she felt a cold breeze go across her chest.
(Y/N) looked down to her chest to see that the sword had cut through her clothes.
Soon as she noticed she tried to cover up but the demon wasn’t having it.
It reached out for her, dragging her arms from in front of her body. (Y/N) tried to fight against the demon but it’s grip on her arm was too strong. It began to drag her out of the corner that it had back her into. In a last-ditch effort to save herself, (Y/N) grabbed the large sword that the demon wiled. It was heavy but with the adrenaline running through her veins she managed to swing it at the demon. The blade just brushed against the demon’s armour. The demon wasn’t fazed and just disarmed her.
The demon easily dragged (Y/N), who was struggling against it’s grip as it pulled her to the ancient bed in the room.
The demon threw her onto the dusty bed.
(Y/N) landed on her back which caused the dust that had collected over the years exploded into the air.
The demon was now on top of her ripping off her clothes. (Y/N) continued to struggle against the demon but it only delayed what was going to happen.
Now she was naked in front of this monster.
The demon hovered over her, examining her naked body. (Y/N) tried to covered her body but the demon pinned her arms above her head. Once she couldn’t move anymore, (Y/N) was looking anywhere apart from the demon the above, trying to zone out.
The demon tumbled around for a moment.
As (Y/N) was trying to zone out she felt something nudging at her folds.
“No!” She screamed as the demon penetrated her.
It was agonising.
The demon started to trusting soon as it was inside of her. There was too much pain for her to try zone out it was the only thing she could force on.
(Y/N), who had her eyes screwed since the demon had entered her but now her eyes were open staring at the motionless metal face above her with those horrible yellow eyes. Looking into those eyes filled her with rage. She was a demon hunter! Her job was to kill this monster forcing it’s self on her.
Out of angry (Y/N), head-butted the demon.
That seemed to catch the demon off guard giving her enough time to escape.
(Y/N) rolled off the over the side of the bed, doing her best to ignore the pain coming from the lower half of her body.
On the floor next to the bed (Y/N) spotted her weapon at the end of the bed.
‘So that’s where you went,’ She thought as she dashed for the weapon.
By the time she had gotten the weapon and was on her feet again the demon was also back on it’s feet.
Ignoring the fact she was naked, (Y/N) took her fighting stance.
The demon had also retrieved it’s sword.
There was a moment of stillness before they lunged at each other, weapons clashing against each other.
During the battle, (Y/N) spotted an opening in the demon’s defence. Not thinking about consequence, (Y/N) slashed upwards with her weapon striking the demon on it’s face.
The demon seemed to be stun by the attack so the demon hunter made a dash for the door behind the demon.
Only if the world was fair.
(Y/N) felt a tug on long (H/C) locks and then was she thrown backwards, right into the bedpost which winded her.
(Y/N) wheezed as she tried to get her breath back. She heard the heavy footsteps of the demonic knight. It now stood in front of her but didn’t make a move. (Y/N) searches the floor around them to see any way out now that’s when spotted something on the behind the demon.
There were two items lid on the floor. On a second look, the items were the demon’s face. The demon was wearing a mask this whole time! How ugly was the demon if it was wearing a mask.
(Y/N) slowly looks up to see what the demon truly look like. And what she saw was not what she was expecting it was much more terrible.
Staring down at her was a face that was familiar to her.
‘Dante!’ Her mind shouted. ‘No, Dante would never wear his hair like that,’ She told herself.
There was only one other person that shared Dante’s face but he was struck… in the Underworld…
“No,” She whimpered when she realises the mostly like possibility but she didn’t want to accept it.
(Y/N) just continued to tremble as demon reached out for her. She allowed the demon to drag her back to the bed.
Now laying back on the ancient bed with what remains of the man once called Vergil, with those pure red eyes held no resemblance to the man she once admired just a lifeless vessel used to see.
(Y/N) closes her eyes once more as allowed the monster to take her once not finding the ;energy to fight back more.
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shianhygge-imagines · 5 years
Silver Rose [Vergil/Reader] {Devil May Cry} Gifts
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AN: Been a little more than a while since I posted the last part to this. It’s a bit long... so I hope it makes up for my slight absence. The personal assistant gig is pretty sweet, although commuting so early in the morning is a pain the ass.
Basic summary: The background behind Reader’s gun, the Silver Rose
|Masterlist Link|    |First Chapter|    |Prev. Ch.| --- |Next Ch.|
The gifts started arriving to your Red Grave City residence nearly three years after Vergil disappeared into the Underworld. You’d returned to your home after Dante had convinced you to take a break to find a single rose on your bed pillow. It was a beautiful, unassuming rose with all the thorns carefully cut off, though your gaze found interest in the royal blue ribbon tied to its stem.
At the time, you’d darted out of the room to seek out Dante, who was busy taking a sip of water from a clean glass. “Dante? You didn’t… leave anything in my room, right?”
“Hm?” Dante hummed, slowly swallowing the mouthful of water, “Uh, no. I actually didn’t know you decided to have a home in Red Grave.”
“Well, while I love the house, I didn’t pick it. Ver-” your breathe hitched as you darted out of the room, “Vergil!”
“Wait! Y/N!” Dante called after you, following close behind in worry. “What about Vergil?”
“This!” you answered as you made the last few steps towards the bed, picking up rose and gingerly touching the ribbon. “The color seemed familiar, and Vergil’s the only one besides you and I who know about this house.”
“So you think he’s out of Hell?” Dante guessed, tipping his head to the side in question.
“Either that… or someone’s playing a very cruel joke on me.” You whispered, gingerly clutching the rose to your chest. “And maybe I’m being naive or purposefully dense, but I don’t want to think that someone could be so cruel.”
“I hate to break it to you, Y/N. But if Vergil’s back, I think he needs to stay away for a while.” Dante’s ocean blue eyes glanced down to stare at your abdomen. “Even if you still love him, what he did to you was just wrong. If you love someone, you don’t hurt them.”
“Vergil is…” you wanted to give an excuse for you husband’s behavior, but found that the words felt bitter on your tongue. Resigned, you gave a heavy sigh and sat back on the bed. “You’re right. I can’t keep making up excuses for his actions. And I have to hold him accountable for his actions.”
“So… what are you going to do? Are you going to go look for whoever left you that rose?”
You shook your head, though held the rose to you possessively, “No… If they wanted to talk to me, then they have to come here and wait for me. Maybe I won’t move on from loving Vergil, but I’m not just going to sit here and wait.”
True to your word, you’d moved on with life, taking up several demon hunting jobs alongside Dante to varying degrees of success. When Vergil… or your admirer didn’t show their face, you’d simply pushed the gift to the back of your mind, hoping that it was just a one time thing.
In hindsight, you should have known better.
A year after the first gift, you’d returned home to find another gift waiting for you. This time, it was a neatly wrapped box placed upon your bedroom vanity. It was an unassuming thing, the size of a small pot, but wrapped in tasteful silver parchment with a royal blue bow as decoration.
At the time, you’d glanced at Dante in suspicion since he’d been the one to escort you home, but your brother in law had merely shrugged, “It wasn’t from me, I swear!”
Puzzled, you’d continued to stare at the present until Dante asked, “So… are you going to open it?”
Dante seemed to have been bursting with excitement for you, though you didn’t share his enthusiasm. “It’s a strange package on my vanity, Dante. What if it’s booby trapped?”
The younger twin snorted in amusement, “You said ‘booby,’’’
You weren’t impressed and you made it known. “Dante… please? Don’t you find this a little strange?”
“We hunt demons for a living, Y/N. Our whole life is considered strange.” Dante scoffed before pouting when you settled a stern gaze on him. “Oh, fine. My keen devil ears don’t hear any mechanic inside, so it’s not a bomb. As for a demon trap… well,” he quickly summoned Rebellion, “If something happens, I’ll take care of it. Now come on! I wanna see what’s inside.”
Apprehensively, you picked the delicate package up, hoping that it wouldn’t explode. It was heavier than expected, though still light enough where you could comfortably toss it in your hand. You could hear Dante shift in anxiousness as you pulled on the ribbon holding the bow together, tossing it back onto your vanity before peeling away the layer of silver paper. The box underneath the paper was equally as unassuming with its matte black coloring and cloth. It was almost like it was… when you flipped the lip open, you gasped in surprise at the sapphire necklace nestled in the box.
“Holy shit.” Dante whistled lowly.
“Umhnnn.” You agreed, speechless at the size of the main jewel and of the diamonds decorating the sides.
“You have a rich admirer.”
“…” Y/N.exe has stopped working
“I think it’s from the same person that left you the rose.”
“… Me, too.”
You needed better security in your home.
After the last gift, you’d sat down with Dante to figure out who or what kept breaking into your home to leave gifts. It was impossible to try and figure out who or what they were as all the detective work in the world didn’t make a difference when your admirer left no trace of themselves. With no clue on narrowing down a person, Dante suggested looking at the dates that the two gifts appeared.
You were always gone on jobs when it was your birthday, so you’d never put two and two together. That the gifts always seemed to appear after your birthdays.
Against Dante’s wishes, you’d resolved to confront your admirer, making sure to have Lady drag him off on a mission so that your brother in law wouldn’t suddenly appear on your doorstep. Still, Dante couldn’t help but worry, making you promise to call him every day so that he could check up on you.
So, you did what you had to.
For a whole year, you prepped for your twenty-fifth birthday, knowing that the truth might be a disappointment… might be a mistake.
But you were going to risk it.
You simply had to know.
Eleven months seemed to fly by so quickly, and then it was a month before your birthday. True to your word, you’d taken a break from your work, opting to stay in Red Grave City and wait.
“Yeah… I’m doing fine, Dante… no… still no sign of anything.” You muttered the answers as you stared outside your bedroom window, watching the rain pour down and lightning crackle in the sky. “I’m starting to get a bit on edge from the waiting, though.”
Your birthday was a few minutes away, but you were tired and weary, having psyched yourself out the entire day.
“I think you should get some shut eye, Y/N. I get that Mr. Mystery might pop in and stuff, but you should dead on your feet.” From the other end of the line, you could hear Dante firing off Ebony and Ivory, not even bothering to give the fight much of his attention. “Sleep with Tostsuka beside you, okay? Just in case…”
“Just in case I get pounced on in my sleep?”
“Don’t even joke about that, Y/N.” Dante growled, not wanting to think about such a situation.
“…sorry.” You apologized, bashfully lowering your head even though you knew that Dante couldn’t see it.
“…I just want you to be safe, Y/N. So, please… just… exercise some caution.” Dante pleaded, and you could hear the desperation in his tone.
“Okay. I won’t do anything reckless.”
“Good. I better hang up now. Gotta practice what I preach and all that.” Dante laughed before whispering affectionately, “Happy Birthday, Y/N. I’ll see you soon.”
The line hung up before you could reply, though you still smiled and whispered to yourself, crawling into bed. “Be safe, you dingus.” Eyes getting heavier, you used the last of your energy to switch the bedside lamp off before falling asleep, bringing a peaceful darkness with the calming sounds of a thunderstorm.
Patter patter pat pat patter
It was well into the night, and the rain still pelted the world outside the safety of your lonely home, when a figure seemed to materialize into your bedroom out of nowhere. There was silence in the room aside from the rain and thunder. There was no light except for the flashes of lightning from the storm. And for the longest while, the figure simply stood at the center of your room, watching your peacefully dreaming face as if enchanted.
A particularly loud crack of thunder bellowed outside, and you jolted in your sleep, eyes opening in annoyance as you turned to your side, wanting to settle back into the peaceful darkness. When you turned, however, your eyes met the dark form stood in the middle of your room, and you froze. Holy shit.
Hidden under Vergil’s pillow, your hand gripped the handle of your blade just in case the figure moved to harm. But minutes passed, and the figure had yet to make any movements, just standing there and, despite the fact that the helm betrayed nothing about them, you could tell that it was staring at you.
You weren’t given a chance to finish the question when the figure moved forward, as if awakened by your voice. It was fast despite the clanking of its armor, and before you could even sit up, it was knelt at the side of your bed, its hands reaching forward to present a gift, this time the size of a shoe box, but still wrapped in tasteful wrapping paper and a blue ribbon.
“You’re the one leaving the gifts for me?” The question was out of your lips without so much as a stutter.
The figure… the man, did not so much as utter a reply, only continuing to stare and offer the gift, patiently waiting. Strange as it was, you allowed a moment of weakness to shine through, gingerly taking the gift and unwrapping it in front of your… admirer.
Inside the box was a beautifully crafted six-shooter with silver roses decorating the black and white aesthetic of the revolver. You gasped in awe as you pulled the weapon out, admiring the black barrel and ivory grip. The metal was light, but seemingly dense, as you’d never seen such a metal before.
“A silver rose made of Gilgamesh metal.” The voice coming from the armored man sounded hollow, as if they weren’t really there with you.
Reaching out a hand, you tried to grasp the man’s helm, only for it to pass right through his form. “You’re not… really here?”
“I do not have to be to leave gifts.” The man’s helm snapped to the side, as if listening to something, before he stood with a subtle nod. “This will be the last. I have been found out.”
The mysterious figure turned to walk away and into the darkness, but you found yourself leaping out of bed to stand in front of the man, stopping him as questions tumbled from your mouth. “Who are you? Why did you give me a gun? And what do you mean that this will be the last!”
The man stood and stared at your confused expression before reaching out as if to touch your hair. “My will may not be mine for much longer. To keep you safe, I must never come back. I am one that is lost. One whose name was written over. The silver rose… a promise made long ago, and a symbol of hope. I can’t be here to protect you, but I can give you a tool to protect yourself with. Y/N… One day soon, I hope that I can fixe what wrong I’ve done.”
A shocked tear rolled down your check. You knew this man.
And before your eyes, the man’s figure started to disappear in wisps.
Transparent fingers reached out to attempt a caress, and your love was only able to utter one more thing before he disappeared from your life again. “Happy Birthday, Y/N.”
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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45/50 Wordless Ways to Say, “I Love You.”
Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.
Dante x reader
Word Count: 347
Everything had changed since Mallet Island. While a shadow of Dante’s cavalier attitude still remained, most of it had been wiped out by the realization of exactly who Nelo Angelo had been. Vergil. The older twin that Dante had already dealt with the pain of ‘killing’ in the past had apparently been alive and suffering at the hands of Mundus all these years without Dante ever knowing. And now he’d killed him again.
It went without saying that he didn’t take it well.
He was quieter than you were used to, more unwilling to do things for the hell of it while at the same time taking more jobs than ever. If you were feeling particularly dramatic, you’d say something like “I can’t remember the last time we went out for a night ride,” but you could. It’d been the night before he’d left for the Mallet job.
You wished you’d gone with him. Maybe there was something you could have done to help. It wasn’t likely, but that ‘maybe’ haunted you, both for Dante’s sake and for Vergil’s. No one deserved to be used as a puppet by the king of Hell for decades because of a stupid decision when they were a teenager. But getting bogged down in ‘maybes’ wouldn’t do anything to help the reality of the situation. Dante was grieving. You could help get him through this.
The pair of you were sitting on the couch watching some stupid action movie that neither of you were really paying attention to. There were no jobs presently, so you had to come up with some way to spend the time, after all. You had your arms around him, one playing with his hair, the other rubbing gentle circles into the back of his hand. Eventually, his breathing leveled out in that signature way of someone who’d just nodded off, and you kissed the top of his head.
This was the first time you’d actually seen him sleep in the week since it happened. You hoped it was the beginning of that difficult road to recovery.
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lululandd · 3 years
Chance Encounters (V)
pairing: Vergil x f!reader
word count: 4k+ (im SORRY)
warnings: soulmate AU, vergil’s POV, soft!vergil but he’s an asshole
notes: dear @/mcshooty i put in the thing that you sweetly and thoughtfully came up with but all fucked up pls forgib (also on ao3) (*^▽^)/the last bit of line is from The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White~
summary: Vergil realised his whole life has revolved around you as of late. And he doesn’t mind at all.
[ch 1] | [ch 2] | [ch 3] | [ch 4] | [ch 5]
It used to annoy him. The fact that his soulmate words appeared on his palm. Detests how it developed in such an exposed and vulnerable place, loathed how demure and delicate it looks against his skin. Such affectionate words do not belong on the Son of Sparda, who should be the embodiment of power and strength.
He will not—should not—succumb to such trifle human things.
Being Nelo Angelo changed everything.
If Dante’s amulet broke him free of his chains, those words kept him sane, it kept him grounded, it’s a reminder that he’s has a human part inside of him. The human part that dreams of sunlight even after he had forgotten the warmth of it on his skin. He yearns to be alive once more.
But to be truly alive, he needed power.
Years in the demon world brought him and Dante closer together. Dante recklessly shows off his soulmate bond, told fanciful dreams of them, hearing laughter, seeing glimpses, the crinkle in their eyes as they smiled, felt the ghost of their fingers grazing his stubble. Vergil’s reluctance of sharing his soulmate words with his brother prompted a gruesome fight that lasted for three weeks in which of course he—the previous Demon King—emerged victorious, only for Dante to inadvertently see it while they were resting, not even a week later.
“Cute words.” Dante grinned, using his sword to point at it.
“Hold your tongue Dante, or I will cut it off you.”
His twin barked his comforting, heartfelt laughter. “I swear Vergil, you’re gonna say something similar to your mate and they’re gonna run.”
He despised how correct Dante’s offhanded remark was, amongst everything. He smiled to himself that you literally ran away from him the first time you met. It irked him that Dante found you first, claiming it a complete accident that a Riot caught him off guard, and had to flung it away.
He came flying to Devil May Cry as soon as you had gone from the house.
“Vergil, come with me.” Dante urged him, not even bothered to change back into his human form.
The hand holding Yamato twitched. “Trouble?”      
Dante opened the door to draw him out faster. “I think I found your soulmate.”
He sighed. “My what, Dante?”
“I think I found (Name).”
His words, the sheer simplicity of them, made him feel something in his gut, so Vergil rewarded him with a sword to the leg.
“Fucking hell Vergil! I found your soulmate for you and this is how you repay me?!”
“I will not fall victim to your human pranks, brother.”
Dante doesn’t answer, just kept on constantly coaxing, insisting him towards the door.
With a shake of his head, he relents. “I will humour you just this once.”
“You won’t need to because I swear to you, she’s the one.”
The certainty his brother spoke with perplexed him. Does that mean you also have his name painted on your skin?
He wanted to kill Dante there and then when he first showed him what he meant by ‘the one’.
You liked the colour blue.
Remnants of dark blue kitchen stools, a smashed vase that once held blue roses, shards of different hues of blue ceramics.
“Dante, you have three seconds to explain before I impale all your limbs to the sidewalk.” He snarls, fingers flexing around Yamato.
He dragged him over to a broken picture on the floor of a young girl with a large black cat. “That looks like shadow!”
All eight Mirage Blades pierced Dante’s heart. That didn’t stop Dante to continue spouting his nonsense, he continued to guide him into the living room. “It’s Griffon!” He pointed at a large, light blue, bird shaped doll that sat on the sofa.
He gritted through clenched teeth, not even trying to hide his sarcasm. “You’re missing nightmare.”
Dante grabbed his upper arms, turning him towards a tidy corner where your computer and little shelf sits.
It was a dark grey blob of clay, with a purple-coloured marble stuck near the top. It was nightmare in its most basic form. He couldn’t help but to pick it off the shelf to take a closer look at it.
His stomach churned. What are the odds that a woman with the same name, has all these paraphernalia that is connected to him? Even if he dismisses the cat picture and the adorable Griffon sized plush that sits on the sofa, the nightmare shaped clay looks to be undeniable proof that this woman does have some intimate knowledge of him. He puts it back on your shelf, grimacing at how it looks grotesquely out of place next to your other displays.
The next few days went by agonisingly slow, too slow for his liking. Dante had asked for Lady to arrange so you have to take the keys in Devil May Cry, to meet you seemingly by accident. It smelled foul to him, it seemed to much like entrapment, but Dante was dead set on his plans, and he knows no matter how many swords he put through his skull, his brother would not change his mind.
But the dreaded day came, and you didn’t show up. Dante ran out of time to dawdle around and had to finish the job he had on the demon rampaging at the town outskirts, so he was left alone in the shop. He had planned to rest his eyes for a few moments before patrolling the town for stray demons, but he had forgotten how easy it was to lose track of time, doing such things.
Reaching out slowly, he felt the warmth of it on his skin, the gentle tingle of the daylight sun hitting his face. A tug rippled comfortably in his chest, seeing a smile in his dreams, and seeing it widen into a silent laughter had him—
His dream is cut short as he felt someone unfamiliar in the room, slowly inching towards him.
“Come any closer and I will cut you down.”
When the awaited ramblings and apologies didn’t reach his ears, he opened his eyes and laid eyes on you for the first time. Humans usually apologise, say whatever crosses on their minds, anything to make the silence disappear. You just stood there, waiting, with your shoulders curling into itself, fingers constantly clenching and unclenching, the distinct look of a prey caught in the presence of a predator. He can tell you felt fear, but your eyes don’t leave his, not even for a moment. It brought an odd sort of satisfaction, for a mere human to be able to do so even in their state of fear.
“You’re here for the keys.” He stated in the most uninterested, aloof voice he could muster, and tested to see when you’d dare look away from him
It was when he placed the keys on your hands, you had lowered your gaze from his eyes, to the keys exchanging hands, before flitting upwards to see his once more.
He had no choice but to follow you home, to see your reactions. You were a large ball of anxiety trapped in such a fragile vessel, ready to explode and break down from the slightest provocation. Your hand kept touching your side for some reason. An old wound perhaps? A weapon?
Doesn’t matter.
He found you.
He saw you again weeks later. Someone had sold a demon artifact to the local antique shop and it started whispering, so of course he and Dante were called to take care of the matter. It had started to pour—to his annoyance—when he saw you. Apprehension and distress seem to naturally emanate from you, but in the midst of all those feelings, you looked oddly peaceful and happy. He eyed you as you exhausted the array of rings on display, trying the most elaborate ones and grinning to yourself.
You were about to move away—of course you’d be careless—and bumped into him.
Colour drained from your face. The fear you exuded was delicious, the sheer concern reflected in your eyes, the quickening of your heartbeat had raised his own.
“No apologies?” He struck, not even tilting his head down, merely glancing downwards in your direction. It was cute when you bowed to him, oh how it made his blood sing. The utter power that his mere presence had over you.
Of course, Dante came to your rescue, with polite conversation, which you return with curt nods, braving the storm not minutes later, no doubt to avoid him.
He suddenly had a brilliant idea on how to make you talk.
The library had limitless array of sign language books, and he picked up one of them. He’s not a man built for kindness and affection; he’s doing this to mess with your head. To trick you into speaking, to see when you’ll speak, if they were the correct words.
Denial was what he’s currently experiencing. He didn’t want to believe the meek, skittish woman was his soulmate.
Oh, what a fool he was.
Correctly guessing that you’d choose that café for shelter—after running away from him—almost made him roll his eyes. Watching you from afar, fiddling with your receipt was maddening to see. What do you have to be afraid of? You’re in a safe human space. The music blaring from the speakers has no more than one hundred beats per minute. It was supposed to calm you, trick you into a false sense of relaxation. No demon has even come close to this place, what could you possibly fear?
He chose hot assam tea from the array of drinks they have, glared the barista into silence when he asked if he would want it sweetened or add milk into it. If he wanted weak tea then he would have not asked for assam, did they not teach these employees anything about the drinks they sell?
You actually jumped when he talked to you. You motioned him to sit, and he did, smirking at the fact you’re taking the sight of him in.
I apologise if I was rude the first time we met.
He took in every micro-expression you showed in that brief moment of pure confusion, your pretty eyes widening like a little rabbit cornered by a vicious, hungry, wolf.
A shame you didn’t take the bait, but he was content to know that you’re not one of those chatty humans that needed to talk every second of everyday to fill the silence. He played the waiting game. How are you going to leave the premises? You’re not the kind of person to just stand up and leave without saying goodbye.
Of course, Dante had to come and ruin everything.
Game over.
Seeing the hurt on your face was something Vergil never wanted to experience ever again. At that moment in time, he could not understand why his demon side trembled with fury, the immeasurable urge to rip and tear apart whatever was in his reach.
Dante suggested a letter. To make peace.
Human sentiments are almost unknown to him.
He winced as he saw Dante’s horrible penmanship underneath his neatly printed ones, he might just burn the whole th—He slipped it under your door.
Slaughtering as many demons as he possibly could was the only thing on his mind the next day. How dare these lowly demons hinder his plans. How fucking dare they.
 What would you think of him? Would you understand the situation if he explained it to you? Would you believe him? Would you accept him?
 A glimpse of movement of a seemingly abandoned bus broke his train of thought. The bus strained to hold up his weight, every single movement of his sends the bus shaking. The sweet smell of fear reached him. It was some human. But before he could investigate any further, Dante flew past him, so he decided to join his brother with the fun.
Argosax was the being responsible for the attack. He thought it impossible. His father had dethroned Argosax a long time ago. The thought ran over and over in his mind, and Dante’s comments about how he also defeated the demon when he was younger did not help.
“Dante?” He couldn’t help but notice similarities between Dante’s Sin Devil Trigger attacks and the dethroned Demon King. “An explanation is required.”
“Not now Verge!” Dante dismissed him entirely, and that’s when he entirely lost focus and got hit with one of the Embodied Despair’s lethal attacks, which threw him off the skies, and back into solid ground.
Oh, the humiliation hurts more than the actual impact. Both of them will pay for this.
He turned his head and saw you.
Flashing his fangs, he had hoped to scare you off, every fibre of his being screaming,
(wrong, wrong, this is not how it should be—)
Something deep in his chest unruffled, “Walk away.” His voice is clipped, low, there’s a deep urgency for him to get you away from here right now.
But you stayed, feet firmly planted.
“Vergil, it’s me, (Name).”
His own name uttered from your mouth felt like music in his ears, and he saw you as beautiful, then. Radiant, the mere sight of you burns every part of him, slowly at first, before imploding upon itself, leaving only ashes.
Nothing else mattered to him that day.
Not until he came upon your doorstep, fresh from battle, although his clothes are worse for wear, his wounds had closed, and maybe you’d be gracious enough to lend your showe—
The look on your face broke his heart. The same look that you always had now registered. Everything crashed down, the anxiousness you felt, the agitation. It wasn’t the rest of the world you’re worried and uneasy about.
It was him.
You feared him.
“Do I frighten you that much?” He hated how his voice wavered.
Burning agony surged through him when you nodded, but at least he gets a chance when you ushered him in.
He could tell you weren’t yourself, your eyes empty, your movements clumsy, and you were stirring a cup of water, the teabag forgotten on the counter.
His heart broke for the second time. He did this to you. He just had to involve you in his life, and of course demons crossed your path. So, he did what he wished someone had done to him.
Help. In any small way he can.
Nero watched him with disbelief when he dropped by unannounced in Fortuna the next day. The furrowed brow—which he inherited from him—expression felt like a hot knife against his neck. He felt judged and scrutinised for the first time, and it took all of his self-control to not draw his sword right there and fight his own son.
“Maybe just give her time.”
Oh, it stings. “Are you talking about yourself or her?”
Nero can almost taste his father’s anger in his tongue, but shrugged, “Dad,” he emphasised the word to hammer it closer to home, “She’s human. The hardest thing she probably ever had to handle was a death in the family, being lied to, got her purse stolen, or something human like that. I remember Kyrie not speaking for over two weeks after dealing with a demon face to face. Your girlfriend probably saw mangled dead bodies around. Give. Her. Time.”
Avoiding you completely didn’t work.
i found a psychiatrist –(name)
 The tightly coiled chain in his chest seem to loosen and warmed, and for a brief moment he felt something unfamiliar flutter in his stomach. Staring at his phone for what seemed to be hours, he was on his way to type his reply when another message came from you.
 he’s pretty cool, will see him again next week
 I am glad things are working out for you. -Vergil
 you dont have to sign your name i have your number saved lol, you gave it to me the other day rmember?
 I do remember.
He contentedly listened to your babble as you two walked, eyeing the at the dome lidded cup in your hand that you sporadically move around as you told him the story of how your co-worker fell from her chair and rolled twice on the floor before reaching a full stop. The liquid sloshes around near the rim of the cup, worryingly close to spilling.
“—want some?”
You had shoved the cup near his face. The edge of the straw glistened by whatever product you put on your lips. He looked at you curiously.
“You kept looking at it. Here, take a sip.” Your smile had widened into laughter, and he found himself unable to take his eyes away from you. He’s dreamt of this smile for so long, the smile that kept his sanity intact, the smile that help mend his broken mind.
The drink itself was atrocious—it was corn syrup in sweetened water with whipped cream and sugar on top—but he can’t stop drinking it. Not after seeing you laugh until tears roll down your cheeks and clung onto his arm to take it away from him when he drank a third of the cup in one long inhale.
Time passes slowly for him; he finds that a curse and a blessing at the same time. He enjoys the days he gets to spend with you, and feared for your life every time you coyly ask him to come over. As much as he would love to accept your gracious invitation, as much as he would love to touch you, and be touched in return, he knows you’re not ready.
Not when you often still have that glassy look in your eyes, not when you tremble for no apparent reason when the two of you are out, not when you won’t tell him what’s troubling you. He holds you close, when you are afraid, soothes your tears when they fall, keeps you company during the day, and sometimes during the night, but always in public, there’s always at least one other person around. He’s afraid of what will come after if it’s just the two of you.
He notices your discontentedness whenever he refuses to come home with you, and when he doesn’t explain his reasons. He kisses your pouting lips when you do so, his palms settling against your face with gentleness that feels so foreign to him.
Days turns to weeks, and weeks turns to months. You had made progress during the past few months—even though you still won’t tell him what ails you—he can see you’re getting better and managed yourself in a different manner from before.
“(Name).” He greeted mildly, his hand slid to rest at the nape of your neck and he smiled as you leaned into his touch. “Nero’s birthday is in a few weeks.”
Your eyes brighten, and you turn to him excitedly. “Are we going to Fortuna?”
He shook his head, “Not this year.”
This year he asked Nero to come to him instead. He wanted you to feel as comfortable as you could, he doesn’t know if you’d like Nero’s brash, vibrant personality, and if you ever felt overwhelmed by him—and Nico—he can always take you home, and meet Nero at another time once you’ve calmed down. He has seen how you are around Dante, how quickly you tire during the days Dante is around.
Vergil realised his whole life has revolved around you as of late. 
And he doesn’t mind at all.
He eyed you as you introduced yourself to Nero, Kyrie, and Nico, ready to intervene if you get too overwhelmed, but your nervousness and worry dissipates rather quickly, likely because of Kyrie. Vergil couldn’t believe his eyes when the mechanic showed you her words, lined along her numerous tattoos. As if you know he was watching, you turned your head in his direction. He was sure that you would show you hers, causing him internal conflict.
You haven’t been modest with the way you dress. The words are sure to be somewhere you haven’t revealed. If he had taken you to a date at the beach, would he had seen it?
Dante arrived late, with cake and wine. He eyed the wine suspiciously, he knows Dante couldn’t have afforded the win, not without at least selling something in his possession.
The thought dissipated as soon as it appears as he saw you pour yourself a cupful of wine. Are you uneducated in alcoholic drinks and spirits? You’re not supposed to drink that large amount in such a short time.
He stared at you carefully, watching for any signs of inebriation. You look like you can handle your liquor, but when he saw you start giggling around Nico and his brother, pouring yourself a second cup of wine, he had to put a stop to it.
“Enough.” He told you sternly as you giggled, still trying to pour the wine. He grips you securely to him, “We are going home. Please know your limits with alcohol and make sure this doesn’t happen again.”
You happily waved goodbye to everyone as he takes you outside.
“Are we going home?” you asked, softly, your gaze intent and unflinching.
How bold of you to look at him like that, when hours ago your hands shook when you met Nero and Kyrie for the first time, not even daring to make eye contact. The thought made him smile instead, how comfortable you must be to be with him if you dare to look him in the eye.
Changing into his demon form, he holds his hand out between you as a silent offering, waiting. He suppressed a smile as you slowly placed your tiny, soft hands in his large, demonic one. The same hand that wrought carnage and destruction now held yours with such care and unexpected tenderness.
Which didn’t last as long as he’d like, not when you tempt him so.
Heaven and hell began with his mouth on yours. You ruin him so with just timid touches and sly little comments that sends his mind swaying towards oblivion.
“You only needed to ask nicely.”
Those words alone had provoked him, his human side had to muster up all coherence self-restraint to stop himself from tearing you apart right there and then. Love might be starlight and gentle blushes, but passion will leave your fingers sore from clawing the sheets while shouting his name. His vicious but gracefully written words lie on your ribs, printed in-between bones. You stifled a giggle when his hand brushed over the delicate spot.
Hello again, my heart.
Decades had passed since he felt truly alive. The Qliphoth might have game him power, that crackle of energy still rests within him, but he had forgotten how it feels to utterly live.
“Vergil,” you had pleaded so desperately, igniting the heat of pleasure in his veins. “Please.”
Oh, how he’s going to leave you wholly spent and exhausted after all of this is done. Your eyes gleamed with lust as they met his and he after that he wasted no time toying with you.
Silence stretched comfortably around you as the two of you lay against each other, his hand resting against your mark, the other absentmindedly brushing against the curve of your cheekbone.
“Hey.” You whispered softly, turning sideways to look straight into his eyes.
“What is it?”
You buried yourself deeper against him, your face hidden against his chest, legs entangled even more, “You were very persistent when we first meet, even before I spoke. How did you know it was me?”
Thinking about Dante right now brought a unique kind of discomfort, he did not want to admit his idiotic brother brought you two together. But he can’t lie to you. “I didn’t.” He paused for a long time before he spoke again, “I think I dreamt of you. Sunlight. A smile turning into silent laughter. An untroubled comfort.”
He pulled you away from him to take in your features, and he spoke again, in a hushed whisper, “I think that’s what drew me to you. I felt something familiar in you that I don’t understand.” He kissed the crown of your head, “Now I do.”
Never, in the few months he had known you, has he ever felt the need to be this honest and open with you before. You watch him watch you, before you hide your face in your hands and giggling, “What? Did you fall in love with me immediately or something?”
He brought you up to him, pressing his lips onto yours for a brief moment before his gaze turns serious,
 “I didn’t fall in love with you. I walked into love with you with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way.”
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alighieri-sparda · 3 years
Incomplete | Vergil x Reader
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Prompt list | 34. Returned from the death kiss
Word count: 1036
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Sweetly requested by @blackenedskykai​ ♡
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Oh, Temen-Ni-Gru and Nelo Angelo flashbacks, perhaps? This request was just perfect to me to write. I loved each second, since I started to write down my first ideas and then complete the imagine. What a wonderful request, dear ♡ Thank you for all your support ~
if I didn’t get so easily distracted, I’d have listened to Ultra Violet (Nelo Angelo’s theme) during the writing process. :’) Love this song.
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A cold wind blows strongly against your body as you run away from the demons. Weakness is perhaps the best word to describe what you feel in the moment: you and your powerless body can do nothing but try to escape. Dante is not here to save you this time.
It is your fault. You promised that you would be safe without him, Lady or Trish because you didn’t want to bother them during that longstanding job they accepted in another city. You knew it could happen.
Desperately, you step further into an alleyway, blinded by fear. When you realize there’s no way out, the demons are already blocking your only exit.
You’re not a demon, like Trish. You don’t have any powerful weapons like Lady. You don’t even know how to hold a sword like Dante. You’re just a human.
You have even tried to learn how to defend yourself once Dante left Temen-Ni-Gru with you, but he assured that he would always have your back. He didn’t want to see you putting yourself in danger, fighting demons, and carrying sharp weapons; you’re the last living memory he has from his twin brother. It was his duty since he let Vergil fall: protect what was precious to him.
Oh, Vergil. The only man you loved in your whole life.
Uncountable thoughts have crossed your mind since you saw your beloved fall into Hell. A specific moment that you always remember was when Dante returned from Mallet Island with a blonde woman beside him. He was unusually quiet, avoiding you. That annoyed expression of his was killing you inside. Dante never mentioned anything about his adventure on Mallet Island, which was uncommon since one of his favorite parts was telling you what happened during his jobs.
Firstly, you considered that he started to hate you somehow, but you quickly put away this possibility when Dante once told you, suddenly smiling:
“I’m happy to see that I can count on Lady and now Trish to keep you safe. Have you ever considered calling me dad, Y/N? ‘Cause I feel like one.”
He was just joking when he said that, but you understood what he meant. He has been basically your older brother for the past twenty years now. But you never called him like that because you know well that he misses his older twin as much as you miss your love.
Dante has always done his best to take care of you. And this is what motivated you to keep running, trying to escape from the demons. Because he would suffer if he lost someone he cared about again.
But you failed. You’re trapped. And no one can save you or hear your last words now.
As you see one of those beasts jumping on your fragile and defenseless body, your eyes instinctively close. When the darkness embraces your mind, it immediately replaces your frightening thoughts with the last memories you had about Vergil.
You want him to be the last thing you remember before you die. The part of your soul you lost on that day.
Suddenly, agonized screams and grunts catch your ears. When you open your eyes, the demons that once were trapping you are now reduced to lifeless carcasses. Only a silhouette stands on the exit now. A curved and atrophied body has a katana on its hands, out of breath.
Even though you don’t recognize that person who’s in front of you now, you don’t feel exactly scared. This person just saved you. And somehow, you feel nostalgic. Something tells you that you should approach this unknown silhouette. It would probably sound stupid, but you can’t help but follow your instincts.
You take a step closer to that person. Although it’s dark, you immediately recognize that face hidden by a makeshift hood and then freeze, completely shocked.
He doesn’t even move. His skin is pale, fully marked by cracks. That strong and invincible man who used to protect you at Temen-Ni-Gru looks broken now. A pitiful aspect that you never would associate at Vergil.
“Vergil…” You repeat his name, practically begging him to look at you. Unable to wait for any reaction from him, you just lower his hood, looking deeply at his eyes. Surprisingly, he looks back at you.
“Y/N…” He whispers. His voice is as cracked as his appearance, and listening to his voice again makes your eyes fill with tears.
“What happened to you, love?” You take your shaky hands to his face, holding it softly. “I can’t believe you’re alive… I missed you so much, Vergil.” Your words become choked because of your tears.
Vergil hugs you carefully. His body is so fragile, looks like he’s going to break at any moment; and that’s why you just pet his hair kindly. The last thing you want is to hurt him in any way.
“I can’t stay with you now, Y/N. I’m too weak.” He takes a step back just to glance at your face again. It’s now his time to take a hand on your face, brushing his thumb on your cheek. “I have a job that must be done. But I needed to see you once more before I leave.”
You don’t have time to ask anything. He closes his eyes and kisses you. His lips are dry and cracked, but you don’t mind. Vergil is alive, touching you again. He’s back.
Once you separate that simple kiss, you touch your forehead with his.
“I thought you were dead, my love.”
“And I was.” He responds sadly. “But it doesn’t matter now. Not anymore.”
Vergil steps back again, but this time, he is leaving. He turns his back on you, demonstrating his intention to keep his way on.
“I will become powerful again, and you’ll never be in danger again, Y/N. I promise.”
Before you could even react, he teleports with Yamato. In a blink of the eye, you were left alone again. Heavy tears run down your face; your mind is still processing everything that just happened.
There’s a lot of things that you have to discuss with Dante now, but you can’t think much about it. Vergil is alive. But you still incomplete.
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synchronmurmurs · 3 years
Kingdom Come
Credo (Angelo) x Reader
The first time you saw his Angelo form, it stole your breath away. In comparison to anything else you'd seen with the label arbitrarily slapped upon it; the Biancos; the Altos; and even sketches of the infamous Nelo himself, Credo is truly divine. With pristine white feathers, and a demeanour that exudes the pride he carries effortlessly upon his back, there was nothing else to call him but angelic.
At least until you convinced him to fuck you like that.
So there I was yesterday, mashing my fingats against my keyboard in some sort of attempt to work on my Spardaverse entry for next month, when everybody wanted to be horny.
So then I thought “well fuggit, I’mma be horny too 😤” and now here I am with Credo Angelo porn because I’ve written SDT sex for Vergil and even Dante, but not for my boi Credo??? That is a crime against Synchron!!!!!!!
This was supposed to be a ficlet at best, just something really quick to get it out of my system, but I was stupid to think I could contain it. Might bold of me to assume I can shut up about Credo Angelo, even when I objectively want to.😔
ANNNNNNNNYWAYYYYYY. Credit goes to @queenmuzz for swooping in with yet another fic title save, I genuinely don’t know what I would have called it if she didn’t come in and save my life. 😭🤣 Up until that point, it was still called “I wanted cummies” in my gdocs skdjhf
Pls enjoy!!!!! 💖💖
Read the full fic on AO3!! 💖💖
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nuxcia · 4 years
DMC Masterlist
[Last update : 10/22/2021]
- 2021 -
AU : Viking (Dante & Heisenberg) More than buddies (Dante x Heisenberg) Two saviors (Dante & Heisenberg) Knight (Dante) Awakening (Vergil - Nelo Angelo) AU Noir (Dante & Vergil) Arm wrestling (Dante & Heisenberg) Birthday gift (Dante & V) Arm wrestling (Sketch - Dante & Heisenberg) Best buddies (Dante & Heisenberg) Ready to fight ! (Dante & OC) Coronation (Dante) Come with me (Vergil) May the 1st (Dante & V) Battle for Sparda (Dante & Vergil x WoW) Mundus Sexy man (Dante) Butler & Killer (Dark Dante) Valentine's Day 2021 Nothing else matters Matrix AU HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021
- 2020 -
Secret Santa - Merry Christmas 2020 Happy Halloween 2020 (DMC Crew) His body heals... (Dante) Smiling Dork (Dante) Dante Ex Color Visions of V (V) AU: World of Warcraft (Dante & Vergil) The demon lurking behind (colored) The demon lurking behind... (flat colors) Smokin’ Sexy Style !! (sketch) Smug glare (Dante) Sunset Kiss (Dante x V) Feast for the eyes... shirtless (Dante) Feast for the eyes (Dante) 01/05 (V) Out of the shower (Dante) (Secret) Valentine's Day (Dante) Bloody stuff (Dante) Smokin' Sexy Style (Dante) Smokin' Sexy Style (Dante - Sketch) HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 (DMC 5 Crew)
- 2019 -
DaNero Week (Hug - Color) DaNero Week (Hug - Lineart) Dante x Vergil (NSFW) Dante x V & Dante x Nero (NSFW) Dante x Vergil SDT Dante x OC (Morrigan) Nero (sketch) Dante x Reader (NSFW) V x Reader (NSFW) V & Dante (Drawtober 2019) Dante Portrait (colored) Dante Portrait (flat color) Dante Portrait Dante blood (colored) Dante blood
3D Renders
Two badass uncles (Dante & Heisenberg) Battle without honor or humanity (Dante & Heisenberg) Taste good (Nero x female reader) Nice view (Nero) Clair de Lune (Dante, Nero, Vergil & V) I can still fight (Nero) Bunch of idiots (V & Griffon) Blue Moon (Vergil) Sit with me (Dante) Like what you see ? (Nero) Time to go (Nero & V) Let's fight ! (Dante)
Art Series
DAY 1 : Dom/Sub (Dante x OC)
DAY 2 : Masturbation (Heisenberg)
DAY 3 : Teasing (Dante x OC)
DAY 4 : Blowjob (Heisenberg x Winters
DAY 5 : Blindfold (Heisenberg x OC)
DAY 6 : Orgasm Denial (Dante x OC)
DAY 7 : 69 (Heisenberg x OC)
DAY 8 : Shower Sex (Dante x OC)
DAY 9 : Shibari (OC)
DAY 10 : Size Difference (Dante & Heisenberg)
DAY 11: Biting (Dante x OC)
DAY 12 : Tied Up (Heisenberg)
DAY 13 : Collar (Heisenberg)
DAY 14 : Threesome (Vergil x OC x Dante)
DAY 15 : Thigh F*ck (Heisenberg x OC)
DAY 16 : Public Sex (Dante x OC)
DAY 17 : Cage (Heisenberg)
DAY 18 : Rain Kiss
DAY 19 :
DAY 20 :
DAY 21 :
DAY 22 :
DAY 23 :
DAY 24 :
DAY 25 :
DAY 26 :
DAY 27 :
DAY 28 :
DAY 29 :
DAY 30 :
DAY 31 :
DAY 1 : Introduction
DAY 2 : Connection to the cast/Ship
DAY 3 : Alternative Universe | Past/Future
DAY 4 : Likes/Dislikes
DAY 5 : Weapon/Abilities | Job/Hobbies
DAY 6 : Family/Background
Nero & Dimitrescu's daughters
Vergil & Beneviento
V & Dimitrescu
Dante & Heisenberg
Color Palette Challenge :
Morrigan & Vincent Valentine
Nuxtato Challenge:
Day 1,
Day 2,
Day 3,
Day 4,
Day 5,
Day 6,
Day 7
DMC Week:
Day 1,
Day 2,
Day 3,
Day 4,
Day 5,
Day 6,
Day 7.
Demon Eyes (Nexus Mods):
Incubus (NSFW):
Shibari serie - DmC 5 crew (NSFW)
Art Prompts
Human Malphas (NSFW) Malphas & Nero Nero & V Dante & Vergil
RP scenes
Voice in sync (Dante x Morrigan) Makeup guru devil hunter (Dante & Morrigan) Battle in the cemetery (Dante & Morrigan) Fun at the office (Dante x Morrigan) Gift: Nero & Val Kiss me, embrace me... (Dante x Morrigan) Pocky Day 11.11 (Dante x Morrigan) A bound between them (Dante x Morrigan) First kiss (Dante x Morrigan) His whole universe (Dante x Morrigan) Naked challenge - following ? (sketch - NSFW) Naked challenge ? (sketch - NSFW) Power couple (Dante x Morrigan) The Devil & the Huntress (SDT Dante x Morrigan) Demon and Hunter (SDT Dante x Morrigan - Sketch) My whole universe (Dante x Morrigan) Hunters (Dante x Morrigan) Embrace (Dante x Morrigan) Hot session (Dante x Morrigan)(NSFW) Kelpie (Morrigan) Night scene (Dante x Morrigan) Friend with crows (Dante) Summoning - Video (SDT Dante x Morrigan) Summoning (SDT Dante x Morrigan) Couch time (NSFW) Cuddles & more (NSFW) First Encounter (DT Nero x Morrigan) First Encounter (DT Nero x Morrigan - Sketch) Sleep (Dante x Morrigan) Heigh difference ? (Dante x Morrigan)
Anime Screenshots
You're my everything Here we go again... I love you Nightmare Nocturnal encounter Nocturnal encounter (greyscales) Before the battle
Original Characters
OC: Morrigan (DMC - reference sheet) OC: Mug shot OC: Spider lilies (sketch) OC: Witch's friends OC: 「 N 」 OC: Cannibal Event OC: Playing the flute OC: Skull & Feathers OC: Necromancer's wrath OC: Crows, witch and skull OC: Scythe and Blood OC: Dance with Death OC: Sirens fight OC: Beware (Morrigan) OC: First sketch (Morrigan) OC: Blood dress (Morrigan)
First night (lineart): 1, 2, 3, 4... Dying light (colored) Dying light (flat colors) Dying light (lineart)
Female S/O dealing with menstruation pain S/O dancing perfectly S/O singing and/or playing music
Dante x Reader
I’m home, baby Demons are a girl best friend (NSFW) A night to remember (NSFW)
V x Reader
A taste of honey and blood Blood Elf Lust (NSFW)
Dante appreciation post : Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V V appreciation post : Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
You like my artwork, writing or other stuff I do? You can buy me a Ko-fi and support me on Patreon ! All the coffee (cappu’ & tea) will be much appreciated ♥
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chaosmax · 4 years
@socialjusticebard​ said: I will say this. I personally remember reading these chapters of the manga before they ever got an official English release (I am an old) and I was REALLY thrown off when I saw the official translation used “Marik” bc as far as I know, that’s not a real Arabic name and I thought they were trying to use a real name like “Malik,” and “Mariku” was only in the original bc yeah Japanese doesn’t have that distinction between L and R.On the English side, we don’t really have that excuse. I also FIRMLY believe that the name choice may be grounded in racism. At the time, due to 9/11, [mainstream] America was at the height of Islamophobia/anti-middle-eastern xenophobia, so I think there’s probably some validity to the theory that messing up the names was done on purpose to obscure their origins. always thought the same was probably true for “Ishizu,” whose name I always thought was intended to be “Isis * (I say “due to 9/11” but really I mean the sheer volume of propaganda surrounding it) I think I had the same reaction when I watched the English version of the anime (I’d hunted down and watched the Japanese episodes before bc I used to have a blog where I compared them and noted cuts and edits in the dub). I was like “Marik...? Why....? Where did they get that from....?” 
[ In this(x) post ]
Hiya! Idk why tumblr made your replies all effed up so I copied them all in one instead of replying to a bazillion(og post is linked) bc you have some great points!
As I agreed with the previous person, yes I do agree it is more likely then not that the American dub/translation team at the time went “oH s*it! can’t have the name ‘Malik or Isis’ for racist reasons and simply when in and said “keep it as MaRik” (how its written in Romaji) instead of doing what Takahashi intended and making it “MaLik”. But of course I doubt anyone will admit it so we’ll probably never get it confirmed, but the R -> L has happened before as a genuine mistake (as I stated in the linked addition with Devil May Cry flubbing up Nero Angelo and making it Nelo Angelo)
As for Ishizu!-- I ALSO think it’s very likely that Takahashi’s editors made him change it, but due to how the names “Isis” and “Ishizu” look similar in Japanese Katakana it was a less jarring change for the Japanese readers. Let me explain (Also really glad now I bought a JPNS volume when I studied abroad! Please click to better see tumblr kills the quality):
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イシズ  -- (Ishizu) is written like this, [first character I, second SHI, third SU] says the profiles itself. That little “ (called Nigori) at the end changes the katakana “SU” -> “ZU”. Meanwhile... イシス -- (Isis) is written like this, [first character I, second SHI, third SU]
So to Japanese readers it is only a slight altercation on how her name is written (again, I agree with you, most likely due to racism). However in the west, because of this the names become wildly different looking in English letters, so that’s possibly how that happened, the JPNS editors saw イシス (Isis) and then elbowed Takahashi to changed it so he jut slapped on the Nigori (“) to change it to “ZU” at the end. 
(Note: Nigori changes the sounds of characters they are applied to [i.e. KA -> GA, KI -> GI and so on] there are also a modifier that looks like a degrees symbol like this: ぴ (Maru) which alters the other characters as well, originally that Hiragana is “HI” but turns into - > “PI” with just that little mark, see more here or just google in general [x]
Hope that was interesting to read at the very least, but yes I DO think it’s very likely their names were changed due to people being racist, instead of by accident, I am NOT denying that. 
The OG post was about people tacking on the “U” at the end of Atem’s name or “U” at the end of Marik/Malik-- because either way with Mark/Malik, the obvious intent was it to be cut off with no extra letter but there is not standalone solo “M” or “K” character (again, like the Instagram example becoming Instagramu)
(ALSO NOTE: if you are adding it because you have a fanifc, comic, or whatever and you are using them to differentiate because otherwise they’ll all have the same name, that is 100% ok, as stated in the original post)
And below the cut is the publisher of the Japanese copy of the manga I have:
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thetoffeefox · 5 years
It is bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet [Timid! Reader X Vergil]
Oh, my goodness it feels like forever since I last wrote for my Timid!Reader x Vergil series. Not to mention I felt bad that I have not been working on my requests. Which I apologize for. However, I’m hoping that I if I get some personal writing out of the way it will inspire me to write the requests that are sitting in my Inbox right now. The chapters will start being all over the place here from now on, as I am writing in whatever comes to me first rather than try to stay set to a specific timeline. If you adore this series, you can find it on Ao3 HERE. As always, I will also post chapters here since I consider them one-shots. 
What’s this Vergil seems to be confused about how he is feeling about our dear reader? Why oh why would that be? This idea has been floating around in my mind for a while and honestly since I started this series. I wanted to give it to you guys as a way to say sorry for not working on requests. 
The title is from the song Angel of Small Death & The Codeine Scene By: Hozier
      It was odd the feeling that was festering in him. It was something he hadn’t felt in a very long time and it was hard to identify what it was. All he knew was that he was not pleased with his younger brother, no scratch that. Displeased was putting it lightly, Vergil was enraged with him. What the absolute hell was his brother thinking when he told you that you were ready to hunt demons? Yes, you were with Nero but his son's habit of adding flare and taunting his enemies was a reckless habit of his that could very well cause you to get hurt. He stops his train of thinking as his brows furrow at that thought. What does he care if you get hurt? It would be your own fault not Nero’s not even Dante’s but the thought of you getting hurt made the pit in his stomach grow. What was this blasted feeling?! Why was he experiencing it?! Growling he stands suddenly from the chair he was sitting in on the patio. He came here hoping the silence and the gentle atmosphere would allow him to read, but he scanned the same page in his book for the past twenty minutes as he tried to discern the emotions swirling around inside of him. Vergil’s gaze moves to your laptop that was sitting on the small table next to the chair that you frequented. Many afternoons you would sit here in the same room with him. He couldn’t understand you, it was infuriating and baffling. There you would sit so interested in his company and presence. Your stare and gaze on him feeling like fire on his skin although you normally had a softness to you. However, if he so much looked at you the wrong way, your heart skyrocketed and you paled a little. Then there was the smell you would give off it was akin to fear...nervousness maybe? Sighing he sets his book down heading to the small kitchen, tea was something he always went to when he couldn’t fully understand and process the emotions that were going through him. His trip to the kitchen comes to a halt when he notices Dante texting away on his cell phone. Recalling the distaste he threw towards his younger brother only a few hours ago. Both men had been working hard to appease Nero with their arguing, not that they would ever admit that to him. So when things got tense and a breaking point was just beneath the surface both stayed quiet and opted to act like the other didn’t exist. As Vergil watched the teapot mindlessly he couldn’t help but glance at the clock on the wall. It’s been seven hours, they should be back by now. Another aggravated sigh leaves him as he shifts leaning against the island. What the hell is this feeling?! The sound of the door opening and laughter snaps both men out of their thoughts. 
“Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad! I thought it was a good look for the damn thing.” You stated, referring to the Hell Caina whose face you half way blew off.
“Hey anyone home!?” Nero shouts out coming into the kitchen with you behind him.
The both of you pause to see Dante and Vergil looking at you two. Then again, anyone would look at the both of you because of the ash, blood, and guts you were covered in. Vergil’s stare made you stand in place as a blush crept up your cheeks, thank god you were covered in demon blood and most likely already flushed from your hunt. You clear your throat trying to calm your increasing heart rate but it seems to snap Dante out of his shocked stare and a moment later he belted out a laugh clutching his stomach. “By God you weren’t lying when you said you were ready to get messy little girl.”  It takes a minute to break your gaze from his and you give Dante the cheesiest grin you could manage. Vergil can’t help but stand there and look at you. You needed a shower, neigh you needed to be sprayed down five times over and doused in bleach to probably get clean and his son also needed it. That grin though, something about it made his heart flutter but, the nervous coil that had wound itself up so tight in his stomach slowly undone itself and weight he didn’t know he was carrying seemed to lift off of him. None of the blood on you was yours it was all demon. His gaze goes back to your face though, there was a look in your eyes he had never seen on you before, it was new to him and it made another surge of emotions run through him. It choked him up and again it felt like his heart rate fluttered. It was a look he knew well he and his brother mirrored it plenty of times over the years when they fought each other or had fought a real challenge. It was a high from the adrenaline of putting yourself in danger to kill a demon. It was the high of a successful hunt and he dare not admit it to anyone. He in some ways didn’t want to admit it to himself but it was a good look on you. After what happened a month ago at the local library regarding your ex-lover Vergil was irritated by you again. It was not how it was when he initially started to get to know you, but it was there. When you had hidden yourself away in your room and forego your training with Dante was when it started to kick in. How on earth were you going to kill a demon if you couldn’t handle a single human man? Be it to say Nero had quickly picked up on his irritation and both father and son had came to blows for the first time since his return from hell. Nero, like he was with Kyrie was fiercely protective of you. Vergil was no physical threat to you, but a threat to your dignity. Dante had even thrown a few quips at him and it was the last one he threw that stung. You of all people should know what trauma does to a person. The tramua of being turned into Nelo Angelo was far different from what you had expeirenced and he had wanted to argue that, but if he did then he would be admitting weakness. Admitting his faults and weakness’s wasn’t something Vergil was capable of and he had grown in strides to learn that certain things such as family, friends, and emotions did not make him weak. They made him stronger, but admitting that he was weak at certain point and had suffered harm without a scar to show was something he just couldn’t get over. It was this thought that lead him back to his original opinion which was that at first, when he learned you were training to fight and kill demons he thought you were insane. He thought you were in over your head. Time progressed though and Vergil soon found you were serious and determined to go through with it. The several hours he spent training you and helping you to hone your skills was insane. Dante eventually took the reigns back from him because frankly, he was being too hard on you. His training was wearing you down rather than helping you. Then again if anything it helped your stamina when he pushed you past your limits and then some. All of it paid off in the end and he could see that now. The feelings that had been present in him for the past year were gone and all it took was this moment. This moment to see that you were indeed in your element and comfortable with the horrors and terrors of the world, but it still didn’t answer the question. What was it that he was feeling? Unaware of Nero’s eyes on him his brow furrows as he picks his brain and tries to analyze and run over every moment spent with you. “Well, I’m gonna take a shower, because of ladies first!” You chirp bolting away before Nero could contest. He laughs and starts to tell Dante how the hunt went and midway it is then he noticed his uncle wasn’t paying attention to a single word he was saying and instead of looking at his father who was so unaware of now not only his brother’s stare but his sons. Dante cracks a grin. “See brother told you she was ready, you didn’t need to worry about her after all.” Vergil stiffens as that word seems to hit him in the gut. Worry. Worried? HE was worried? Was he worried about your safety? Yes, he amended...Yes, indeed he was. Even though you had a fire in you that seemed to be incapable of being extinguished you were human. Suciptle to harm and pervious to death. The thought that he was worried about you makes him halt all thinking because it made him ask another question. Why would I be worried about her? He feels his brow furrow as both Nero and Dante’s gaze seems to burn into him and it makes his skin crawl. Looking up he catches his brother looking at him like a cat that got the canary. It was irritating more irritating than the emotions swirling in him. It was as if his brother knew something that he didn’t, which was absurd because Vergil knew himself better than anyone else. Still, the glint in his younger brothers eyes was finally pushing him over the edge. Weeks of taking deep breaths and trying to be “an adult” as Nero had put it that clearly wasn’t enough to curb his demonic temper. Weeks of bottled up headbutting rose to the surface and there was no stopping it. Nero felt what was like a wave of energy go over him and the sound something whizzing in the air. Not even a second later Dante was on the ground clutching his abdomen as one of Vergil’s summon swords stuck out of his back. It had impaled him through and through. Before Nero could make a comment his father walked away leaving Dante on the ground laughing his ass off as blood pooled on the floor.
“Seriously, man?! Kyrie will be home soon!” He exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.
“Come on you have to admit it’s funny that he doesn’t even realize it.” Dante laughed as the summon sword disappeared.
“Right now all I’m thinking about is you cleaning up this mess. So do it.” Nero hissed throwing a washcloth and cleaner at him.
Dante watched as Nero walked away shaking his head while grumbling about going to go find his dad. Picking up the rag and cleaner he smirked again. Vergil, may be his older brother and in some ways more intelligent than him, but lord could he be dense at times.
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