theleakypen · 2 years
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@nenufair you get another @shadaras fic: Ring the Bells (That Still Can Ring) a canon-divergence in which, when Wen Qing and the rest of the Wen clan hand themselves in to the Jin, Jiang Yanli intervenes to save them.
Give me a page number (1-70) and I’ll give you a fic rec from that page in my bookmarks
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rinharu, 32
Thank you so much!! This was a lot of fun lol - and technically my first prompt, too! :D Prompt List #5 32. “No one has a romantic bone in their body anymore! What happened to playing songs outside windows, glitter and sparkles on handmade Valentine’s cards, dancing in the rain!? What happened?!” Proofed by @illbebuyingallofthoseflowers ❤ 
~*~ Haru, Nagisa and Rin were sitting on a bench outside the Samezuka school area after a joint practice. Everyone else had already headed home, but somehow the trio ended up staying for a bit longer. Nagisa and Rin were watching a long trailer for an upcoming romance movie, while Haru was reading up on some English homework, hoping to take advantage of Rin should he wind up on a dead end with it. Hi, an attractive male actor said in the trailer. He obviously played a character way too young for his own age, unsurprisingly. Hi, a girl replied, flirtatiously twirling a strand of hair with her fingers. You look pretty hot, the guy continued and looked the girl up and down while biting his lip, making her giggle, and making Nagisa laugh out loud. The rest of the trailer was an equal let down, but it somehow perfectly depicted the decline in romance that Rin had unwillingly observed. As a confirmation of that, a couple walked by them, one of them pushing a stroller, and both of them looking at their phones - not even as much as holding hands. “No one has a romantic bone in their body anymore,” Rin complained once the couple was out of reach. “What happened to playing songs outside windows, glitter and sparkles on handmade Valentine’s cards, playing pocky, dancing in the rain!? What happened?!” “No one’s stopping you from doing any of those things.” Haru argued, a bit dryly, as if he couldn’t care less about the particular topic. “But if you’re going to play music outside of my window, don’t play it too loud or my neighbors will get annoyed.” “What?” Rin turned bright red. “I- I wasn’t talking about you!” “You weren’t?” Haruka asked surprised and looked up from his English book. “Uh- Um- I-” Rin stammered, caught off guard by the look Haru gave him. “I don’t know?” “Hehe, Rin-chan has landed himself in a tight spot,” Nagisa cheekily intervened. “Oi, shut up!” Rin was entirely flustered and he didn’t need Nagisa teasing him on top of it. “Dancing in the rain sounds nice, though,” Haruka added, as he got up and then left before Rin had a chance to fully catch on. Back on the bench, Rin was left absolutely speechless and quite confused, Nagisa beside him looking way too amused about the whole situation for Rin’s liking. “I hope it rains soon,” Nagisa smiled, and it would have been endearing if his expression wasn’t so smug. “You little…” Rin threw an arm over Nagisa’s neck and shoulders, pulled him downwards and towards himself, while roughly, but playfully, rubbing the knuckles of his closed fist over the top of Nagisa’s head. ~*~ No more than a couple of days later, Haru and the others from the Iwatobi swim club team were invited back to Samezuka. The others all had different excuses as to why they couldn’t go, but told Haru he should go anyway, though they seemed very suspiciously pushy about it. Haru reached Samezuka’s swimming facilities and opened the door, only to be met with the sight of Nagisa and Ai standing on opposite sides close to the doors, holding up hoses with water coming out. The two held the hoses upright, making the water come down in drizzling droplets. Haru stepped inside and the water dripped down over him. Haru noticed Rin walking towards him, not in a swimsuit but his school uniform, like Haru himself. And like the rest of the people in the room, Haru just noticed. There wasn’t even anyone in the pool yet. Rin stepped closer, into the water from above, and bowed down in front of Haru. “May I have this dance?” Rin asked, overly formal for a guy in his specific situation, slowly getting equally as drenched in water as Haru was. He reached out a hand in an offer. “Rin? What’s this?” Haru asked, confused, as he hesitantly accepted Rin’s out-stretched hand. He briefly looked around the room, before Rin caught his attention again by pulling him closer and awkwardly tried to hold him as if to guide him in a dance. “What are you doing?” “It’s summer and dry season…” Rin trailed off in an attempt for an excuse. The water from above had completely drenched his hair to the point where it covered his face and his eyes. He was beginning to look a little pathetic, though that went away when he slid a hand through his hair, slicking it backwards, before letting his hand fall down again, and placing it against Haru’s back. After that, he looked more like a hot mess than anything else. He tried so bravely and hard to keep his cool, while trembling inside and feeling absolutely flustered, as well as a beginning, slight feeling of regret. “This was the next best thing to rain that I could think of.” “What happened to romance?” Haru asked with a sideways smile, allowing himself to be pulled closer while he put a hand around Rin in return. “It had to become a bit more spontaneous today,” Rin said playfully and spun Haru around, nearly making him slip on the wet tiles in the process. “It’s not spontaneous if you plan it,” Haru pointed out, a bit breathlessly. “I had to, since it won’t rain for a while.” “Maybe the water doesn’t like you, after all?” Haru theorized. “How about you try to make it rain, then, water freak?” Rin responded, his voice a bit annoyed, though his expression affectionate. “Or do something else completely spontaneous?” Haru wriggled his one hand out from Rin’s grap and the other away from its place at Rin’s back. Then he moved both hands upwards, grabbed Rin’s face and pulled him into a kiss. The water above them went away, then it started dripping in all directions, as Nagisa and Ai started jumping up and down while cheering, still holding onto the hoses.
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museaway · 3 months
I was tagged by @declawedwildcat. tyyy!! it was hard picking just five
Tagging @ahria-lethe, @belovedstill, @haasegawa, @nenufair, and @ashippingpotato
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I love your comments! 🌺 Why do you think people hate ship Fivela so much?
You mean besides hayes code loving puritanical thought police reasons that pretend they aren’t the exact same as the Moms of Liberty gay book burning group with a leftist hat on?
That is 90% of it.
But for the more reasonable ones who simply dislike the ship personally, it’s not unreasonable to assume a lot of people just don’t like thinking of Aiden’s face and romance in the same sentence. Especially if you also look at the way people treat the ace! Five headcanon as if it’s canon when in fact there has never been any evidence supporting that headcanon either in the show or the original comics. Even less so in the comics, where Five is in fact a lecherous old man who is seen multiple times with strippers. People latched onto it either because they were projecting, wanted to infantilize Five (and ace people for that matter), or think the idea of a “13yo” having lustful thoughts is icky (side note: teenagers being horny is a well documented fact. pretending it doesn’t happen literally never led to anything good historically speaking. Side side note: Five is in his 50s and pushing 70 by the last episode.). Also I say “icky” because i keep seeing words like that as if we’re all a bunch of five year olds on the playground and someone’s parents’ kissed in front of us. I digress.
Most of this is whatever. Ship and let ship also means you’re welcome to have your notp. Just don’t be a judgemental dick about it. I only take issue when it is being judgemental or it’s crossing over into other behavior. Specifically the infantilization of asexuals, which as an ace myself I find frustrating to say the least. (treating asexual people like innocent little babies is acephobic. If you treat me like I don’t know what sex is or can’t possibly have an “unpure” thought, I will bite you and it will not be fun)
Aside from all that. There’s also just plain old ship wars. Nenufair has referred to Liliego as a cost sunk fallacy and that is at least partly true. I don’t dislike the ship, personally, but some people just cannot handle when their ship doesn’t go canon, isn’t validated in some perceived way, or isn’t as popular as a different ship. It’s a tale as old as toxic fandom practices and dressing it up in therapy speak and activist terms doesn’t make it any less a ship war. You’re just being extra insulting to people who are affected by and fight for those real issues on top of being obnoxious. If you just want more attention on your otp, then being nasty about it just makes other people want to block your favorite tag altogether. It’s no way to encourage creativity and discussion.
The execution of Fivela going canon is it’s own discussion which some people liked and some people didn’t whether they shipped it or not. I have mixed feelings personally, and yeah. I would have written certain things differently, but I’m also not the author and never was. I didn’t put Five on a pedestal the way some other people seem to have, and I’m partial to happier endings but that’s my writing preferences. This wasn’t actually my story, and I am mostly content to be along for the ride. A lot of people seem pissed because this wasn’t something they wanted and the writers didn’t listen and it’s really just revealing how entitled they felt to the team just taking their order down like this is a restaurant and not a story. People are rabid right now about the whole season and their notp going canon is an easy thing to latch onto especially if they need to address the cop in their head. This is the same fandom that seethes when Allison and Luther have a cute little childhood sweathearts romance in the show adapted from the incest superhero comics. Just like people go pissy when there’s incest in their incest dragons show or gore in their violence on display anime.
A lot of people also didn’t see it coming and felt blindsided. Some are going back and realizing the tension was always there, but many refuse to see it. There’s nothing like willful blindness to fuel a good outrage.
And for some it’s just not their cup of tea, but I doubt they’re the ones screaming right now. Not everyone likes an enemies to lovers arc or messy dynamics or love triangles. Some have been burned by poorly executed tropes in the past. Some just prefer softer less dynamic relationship development. I can’t relate, but that’s fine.
Of course there’s also anyone convinced that Aiden must have been coerced or something into doing a simple kiss scene as a grown actor pushing twenty years old. People love infantilizing Aiden and it’s actually really getting on my nerves. The whole age gap discourse in general has been poisoned by pedo hysteria and judgement assholes treating grown adults like babies who can’t possibly know what’s best for them instead of looking at each individual relationship and looking for mistreatment. It’s much easier to assign a number to things as a shortcut for “bad” and “good” than to recognize abusive behavior both in others and yourself. I’ve seen nothing to suggest Aiden was mistreated on set in regards to his romance arc with Lila, and unless I do, I’m not going to assume the worst here anymore than I did when Hermione and Ron got together or...I don’t know, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.
Anyways I have a job interview to get to so I’m sorry if this is barely coherent ramblings. I just woke up and I had some venting in me ig. if someone more eloquent than me wants to expand on anything I said, I just ask we try to remain civil.
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air--so--sweet · 8 months
So all the multichapter fics I was/am reading either finished, are on hiatus or are not regularly updated (no judgment, writing takes time and life and responsibilities exist) and I'm missing getting an installment of something at a scheduled time each week (also if you're familiar with the post about someone's therapist telling them to write more fanfic I think reading chapters as they're posted similarly results in slow dopamine). Anyone got any recommendations? Looking for in progress multi chapter fics that have a regular upload schedule. I tend to read mostly The Umbrella Academy and within that Klaus or Five centric works and a lot of hurt/comfort content or like about the family trying to support each other/heal but honestly open to anything that's got a decent plot. Other fandoms I read/would like to read fic about are Good Omens, Stranger Things, The Boys and Gen V. Not (currently) looking for something smut centred, but don't mind if it has some smut.
For a more specific idea of my tastes some multi chapters I've read/am reading are -
Trouble Child - ToriAnne ( @allisoooon )
Where You Gonna Run To? - ToriAnne (@allisoooon )
Riptide - Misila ( @nenufair )
Dystopian Misopedia - ShadyQuiet (@soshadysoquiet )
Chained - Salvador_Daley ( @salvador-daley )
His Oxygen Belongs to Death - Sophiethegeek (@sophiethegeek )
nothing but the dead and dying - loveinhawkins ( @loveinhawkins ) (I don't normally like slow burns at all but this one just works for me honestly)
ETA: I don't know why but tumblr keeps deleting my links/tags so I give up trying to fix it, sorry)
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@nenufair tagged me for "last ten opening lines!"
I'm going to maybe cheat a bit and do multiple opening lines from different chapters of the same fic
1. The Time We Get It Right (WIP)
"Scar entered the room the way he always did; loudly and accompanied by at least one animal."
2. Placeholder title "magical bees," WIP
"This witch was taking longer than usual to defeat."
3. The Eternal Stranger (written with @stripedroseandsketchpads ) chapter 4, WIP
"“Oh, Qingxuan,” Xie Lian said, softly and wistfully."
4. The Eternal Stranger chapter 3
"Xie Lian had her own friends. "
5. Adrift! A little ship adrift!
"Sofia attended the funerals, of course."
6. Hope in the Trainyard of Something Inspired
"He gets the news over the communicator, which feels a little bit like a slap in the face."
7. The Eternal Stranger chapter 2
"In her free time, Hua Cheng sat in her bedroom and sewed. "
8. When the Wind Blows Them Out
"Kel Anathema had been summoned, and everyone knew it."
9. The Eternal Stranger chapter 1
"Once upon a time there was a little pauper, and she was very sad, for her parents did not love her."
I'm not doing a tenth because I think "published over a year ago" is. too long. whoops! tagging @stripedroseandsketchpads @erstwhilesparrow @irrealisms and anyone else who wants to!
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theleakypen · 2 years
For the writing asks: 3, 20 an 25 :D
3. What order do you write in? Uhhh usually chronological because for the most part I can't fathom what happens next until I know what comes first, but sometimes I will jump around if I am really struggling with a scene.
20. Do you write in long sit-down sessions or little spurts? Very much the latter these days. I will sometimes sustain a long session if the muse has a hold of me, but that's rare these days.
25. Copy/paste a few sentences that you're particularly proud of. (I'm willing to entertain this one multiple times, because I'm pretty happy with much of my writing.)
I really like this exchange from my pre-canon Viktor fic Gaudeamus Igitur:
"But your friends," Viktor says. "They have gone to another bar." "They'll be at it all night," Rind agrees. "Walking you home will be much more salutary." Home. Rind's arm is still around Viktor's waist. If this were home, he'd expect a knife in his ribs or a hand in his pocket about now, separating him from his meager purse.
Get to know your author ask list.
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You're right and you should say it
not to stir shit up but... 🤷‍♀️ it was nearly traumatic back then but now it's honestly just funny and ironic how we didn't even need to make in-depth analyses or anything, we could just be citing canon material and then be met with 1) "yeah but mh are best friends so like... can i make it any more obvious" 2) "no!!! this is fake!!! rin is abusive!!!" 3) death threats or 4) all three
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museaway · 1 year
First Sentence Game
I was tagged by @ursae-minoris-world. tysm!!! <3
How it works: Post the first sentence from your ten latest fics. If you haven't published ten fics, share as many first lines as you do have! Then tag some friends.
The forecast called for rain, a storm blowing in from the south, but it wouldn’t hit until later. [upcoming]
“Do you hear moaning?” Nagisa mumbled against Kaede’s chest where he had laid his head some time ago. [x]
It had been a grueling day lying on his stomach in the heat teaching first-timers how to brush the dirt out of the new skeleton, but once they’d gotten back to the site with full stomachs and the promise of funding, Billy grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge in Alan’s trailer. [x]
Haru went to sleep the day Rin won a silver medal. [x]
Once upon a time, in a landlocked desert kingdom in the western part of Klein Continent, there lived a young prince: the only child of the reigning Sun Lord. [x]
The nightmare again. [x]
The planet had evolved in the time he’d been away—dozens of lifetimes by the inhabitants’ reckoning, a dalliance for a traveler as ancient as he—so much that Ra scarcely recognized it, ignorant of this towering godless city of metal and glass, the columned building that housed his gate (a mistake to reopen, mere hours later his body was already depleted), the strange languages, though they had been easy enough to understand; he had been wandering since his arrival, cataloging the species’ advancements, and as the sky shifted from black to blue to orange, he’d been drawn by a rich scent into the shop where a young human with light hair blinked at him from behind clear lenses, awaiting an answer. [x]
The saying goes that just before you die, you’re shown your entire life like a flash, like a movie. [x]
Dress for a holiday party, the invitation said. [x]
Every year on the anniversary, he kneels in front of the photograph until his feet are numb. [x]
Tagging (with absolutely no pressure) @ahria-lethe, @dragon-of-timeless-blue, @ellenembee, @hyuge, @nenufair, @rcmclachlan, and anyone else who likes these kinds of things
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Tag War: Last Line
Tagged by @nenufair
Rules: in a new post you show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words. 
I’m currently working on All Roads Lead to Rome. I’ve been editing all day, but here’s the last sentence I wrote. Well. The real last sentence is way too much of a spoiler, but this is the last one in the scene I’m currently working on. It’s so out of context it’s ridiculous.
“You have no idea.” Tyler followed Michael’s eyes to Wednesday’s ass which was more prominent in her jeans.
Tagging: @realmermaid333, @nonamemanga, @natliecole, @wincestation, @wylergalpin, @pororoh, @badmoodbatflowers, @ladyadelinergrey, @anotherbluesunday, @wednesdaysviolet,
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persefoneshalott · 2 years
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I posted 931 times in 2022
16 posts created (2%)
915 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 718 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#les mis - 90 posts
#barricade day - 61 posts
#succession - 39 posts
#dracula - 34 posts
#les mis art - 32 posts
#shiv roy - 31 posts
#sfh - 23 posts
#do revenge - 19 posts
#&lt;3 - 17 posts
#dracula daily - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and he doesn't even know that he's being watched but he knows something's happening and his things get out of place nd even his writing his
My Top Posts in 2022:
My translations
Spanish adaptations of les miserables subbed in english Les Mis Musical 2011 Madrid Les mis 1971 Spain miniseries Les Mis 1943 Mexico movie
English musicals subbed in spanish: The Pirates of Penzance Oliver! Next to normal Heathers Billy Elliot Matilda Pippin
2 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
WHEN does the police find out who did the hit-and-run? I thought it was implied that they knew ever since they found his mom dead, but I'm rewatching to check and since they reveal it later on I guess it's possible that they knew post-funeral? But having the recording and all wouldn't they had found out right away?
Then finding out later would make more sense as to why they don't expect hyungsoo to turn on them, because they wouldn't done the association of 'his mom gets killed out of nowhere and then the gang of this guy he's trying to infiltrate happen to pay for his funeral and those two seem connected' BUT when I watched it yesterday I did took from the scene that they knew from the beginning??? Am I wrong?
also WAIT do the police know that he has told jaeho that he's a cop
I didn't think so but??????
2 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Mona Vanderwaal and Cheryl Blossom for Character Bingo!! ;)
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(Mona Vanderwaal my girlll <3 )
it might be bc I interacted with so few people in this fandom but I feel like most content I saw about her fit how I saw her pretty well so <3
Only reason she doesn't get the "they've never done anything wrong in their life" is that I remember some 'the liars should be nicer to her' comments but don't get me wrong I think she's neat and should get to do all the crimes she wants <3 also I'm stretching it with the 'done dirty' but the fact that they kept giving her boyfriends in the show... W h y. There was so many vandermarin, monison and spona (even monaria if they had played mona and mike dating right) material to work with pls.
See the full post
3 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
watching korean money heist and comparing it to og money heist under the cut
One of the first things I noticed is how it seems to be a lot more group focused, a lot more group scenes rather than having so much focus on tokyo and having all of them be separate? and how it seems the robbers like each other more as like, friends??? I've seen people say their characters are flatter and I agree but on the upside of that, Berlin is not a creep and Tokyo is a lot more likable so. I do miss og Nairobi and Moscu (and Denver, though korean Denver is very cute) because they were very very charming and rootable whereas I feel less attached to them (the Denver x Moscu dynamic is not hitting as hard for me as well?? it's hard to out-endear Paco Tous). Again, I think it's a mixture of the plot going faster and the downside of having more group scenes, because that means the individual relationships like Moscú and Denver or even the fun silly Nairobi and Mr Torres dynamic suffer :(
I don't know if this is a censorship thing or a choice that they made for this remake but there seems to be a lot less sex scenes or stuff related to sex which on the one hand, Berlin's rapist whole storyline doesn't happen as I mentioned which is nice, and it's less... annoyingly straight in some ways bc of this where in the og it was constant straight horny people (and being a bit homophobic as a joke, I don't the forget nairobi x tokyo dumb scene ) hvjcvhdkjsh BUT it is lessening the chemistry between Mónica and Denver on the downside and I don't know how to feel about korean Arturo just accusing korean Mónica of cheating before they get together? It felt more cathartic to have Mónica and Denver get together and then Arturo see it and seethe over it after what an asshole he'd been to her? (HOWEVER this might happen later, that and my favorite monica x denver scene bc it's on the ending of s1 which they haven't gotten to plotwise yet ! ) tbh korean Arturo is like... too much of a bad guy?? like I think spanish Arturo was a cowardly asshole in a way that felt realistic and you could see him still think he's a good person, but korean Arturo is a full blown super villain who fully gives her up not caring if she gets murdered and immediately thinks she's having sex with the robber and calls her a traitor and later tries to hit her. he doesn't seem like a real person. Another thing I'm very curious about is them dropping the abortion and then pregnancy storyline completely and having korean Mónica not be pregnant at all. I don't know why they changed that?? I guess it's not really important, I was never invested on the baby thing but it's just a strange change.
I'm very intrigued about it being set on a future where North Korea and South Korea have joined and whether they're going to go somewhere with that? because of course the whole Bella Ciao and professor's grandfather thing won't be a thing.
Another upside I forgot is that the ambassador's daughter is very cool and competent? I don't dislike og Allison per se, I think she gets a bit lost in the storyline at some point but I liked her evolution and I liked her scene with Nairobi, but it's interesting that this one is so competent and hasn't gotten in trouble at all so far. (she has now, as of ep finale but she's still. different)
Also korean denver is a baby, a himbo, a softie, even more so than og. Not complaining about that part at all. ( I love og denver as well though )
All in all I'm enjoying the show and am interested in it but I don't think the very emotional scenes that hit me hardest in the og will hit me (not just bc I know they'll happen). A fun watch though ! And generally the robbers are more likable and more like a cute found family. And korean Tokyo is my wife < 3333 she's so cute and is cold without being a complete asshole which is nice ! hoping for some bonding between her and nairobi in the future (this has now happened a bit nairobi x tokyo let's goo)
4 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ramble about kevin mcclain american vandal s2
the thing is Kevin LIES constantly. Dylan in s1 knows he's innocent but isn't believed by a lot of people, being doubted by peter at some point and with him the audience. But kevin KNOWS that he did it and yet encourages Peter & Sam to suspect in other people and keeps lying about being innocent until the truth leaks out. And we never get his pov of it, really, we only get his narration after he's already lied A TON. I think probably him lying started in part because he didn't want to disappoint Chloe after she was trying to help him and reached out after them having distanced in the past, but he's also a bit resistant to trusting her and reconnecting with her again at the beginning, I think because he felt angry and betrayed by her and with that comes the second part of why he lied, which to me is that he ultimately didn't regret what he did THAT much, not enough to be punished for it. And then when it seems like other people might take the blame for it, he goes with it.
And the people who are being suspected are the people that Grayson WANTS to take the blame, with DeMarcus acting as a substitute for the knight dude for him. And not only does Kevin go with that but he misjudges DeMarcus in the same way that Grayson does, he makes comment about him being a dumb jock and both him & chloe see him as this 'untouchable' person who can get away with anything because of his popularity. which is the exact reason why grayson wants him framed (an assumption, but that seemed like his original plan).
And THEN when drew gets framed in his place, someone who we don't think he has any problem with, he still lets that happen (and Grayson never gives kevin up or leaks their messages which *eyes emoji* is just INTERESTING why would he be so loyal to kevin but that's another story). This is the LAST EPISODE and kevin is still going with the 'I am innocent : ( I've been framed' act.
so when the time comes for Kevin to tell the 'truth' about Brooke I am VERY skeptical lmao because his story sounds very fake and he gives such a non reaction to being told grayson was behind it all. Also, this is another thing that was probably not intended by the writers, but the fact that they wrote him as so obviously gay is another thing that makes the 'I did it to impress Brooke' seem fake to me. I think, considering the condoms is one of the only stuff we have proof of (he did buy SOMETHING), he might've thought he liked her, but I don't buy that he didn't know brooke wasn't brooke after her last text, and that he didn't think back on all those familiar conversations with this person and connected some dots. (also we don't know that they didn't meet in person after *puts conspiracy glasses on*!) He even SAYS 'this girl that I had fallen in love with had never existed', and 'Brooke' tells him that she's a fake ('you're full of shit just like me') SO HOW DOES 'I was trying to impress her' MAKE SENSE. it doesn't.
but anyway I just think it's so interesting and I find what we know of his dynamic with grayson so fascinating, because they're childhood friends before, and he's the only one who grayson didn't get pics from, the only one who wasn't blackmailed because they both agreed on the plan. And grayson could've given him up at any moment, specially with the documentary happening, and he does not, even when he's arrested, even when he leaks everyone elses' part on the plot, he leaves Kevin alone, frames drew so the four acts match four people, and wipes his phone and laptop!! (of course to try and lessen his sentence, but if that had worked, that'd have left no evidence of kevin's involvement as well)
so all in all Kevin is a liar who lies and I love him and I love that dark side of his character that doesn't really get explored in the show and I like to think he's being an unreliable narrator until the end (: and idc if the writers intended him to seem genuine and want me to take what he says in finale at face value, I'm going watsonian and trying to make it make sense for the character, and it doesn't to me if he IS being fully honest.
I'm not saying he's a supervillain or anything to be clear lol, he's just flawed and I do think he didn't enjoy seeing the brown out happened. But again, there's feeling bad and there's feeling bad enough to accept punishment for it. and I find it very funny that he spends the whole season being like uwu I'm innocent I've been framed knowing full well he has not. He even admits 'it was thrilling' to fill the lemonade it but peter buys the 'he fell in love and was trying to impress a girl' story which. even if true. that's still his revenge fantasy. that they both joked about. this isn't him going after people who he has no trouble with bc he's being influenced. but no one ever doubts it! (and again, I'm not saying he wasn't manipulated bc he was for sure, but more in a veronica from heathers the movie way where it's all very ambiguous )
10 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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homahokasan · 6 months
@nenufair yoo weren't you that dude who shipped klaus and five? think I remember you b4
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tenitchyfingers · 6 years
Once you get this, tell your followers 5 things that make you inexplicably happy, and pass it on to the first 10 people on your dash! Have a wonderful day you wonderful human! :D
sorry i’m not in the mood
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nenufair replied to your post “lan wangji is Full of Emotion! he is Bursting with it! he is just...”
he (especially during wwx's first life) sucks at conveying it but he feels !! so much!!!!
Yes!! It’s about... non-normative communication styles
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catsbythegreat · 6 years
1, 7 and 17 for the fic ask (PS: I love your bi Chuuya icon)
(thank you! @sapphiics made it for me!) 
1.  How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
Probably like...twelve I think. 
7. When is your preferred time to write?
Morning/Midday. I try to write anytime if I have the inspiration/time but I think earlier in the day is when I’m more likely to actually start and get more shit done
17. Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
Golden Demon--and Kouyou--is an opponent that makes his heart race. His head throbs from the impact with the wall. Pain has always grounded him, especially pain from fights, from other people, from struggle.
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Re: the ao3 spam, I'm not getting any, but at least a couple of fic writer I follow on twitter are complaining about it right now :/
it's super frustrating, it just appeared out of the blue and it's done on all of my fics rn (literally). I haven't experienced it before, or ever seen other people experiencing it before. I don't think it's a bot either, since there's time between the comments that's long enough to imply someone is doing this manually. :/ It's taking away the greatest serotonin boost of fic comments for me, can't have anything nice
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