ablazenqueen · 2 years
Tagged by my lovelies @smyx and @ragingbyesexual and @soyellowcurtainsthen! Thank you, guys!! ❤️
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many  people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Oh man, hate to be incredibly boring but my WIP docs are usually have pretty normal titles. It’s either the name of the AU or the final title of the fic. So it’s all pretty straight forward.
Singhgap Genie AU
The Boy Next Door
SW: The Taming of Asshole Brothers and Disruptive Neighbours
Gramblack 10 Things AU
Love Potion
5 Times They Went On Dates With Other People + 1 Time It Was Just Them
Enjoltaire Prince’s Guard Fake Dating AU
Cœur en Duel
Tagging (but no pressure!): @dribs-and-drabbles @rythyme @actually-yikes @talistheintrovert @nerdinacoolway @arisprite @7nessasaryevils @thepancakelady @non-binarypal7 @sporadicauthor, I may or not may have cheated by tagging people I know were already tagged because I only know like five people
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badapricot · 3 years
Sorry if this is annoying but i was going through the lovely writer tag and saw a lot of your posts on this series. So I just wanted to ask, how do you really feel about Nubsib?
In the initial episodes, I though he was so obsessive and stalkerish, the typical "top" in all BLs and I honestly thought that the way this series was behaving "woke" for a lot of things, it'd be like mid-way through, Gene would understand his manipulative behaviour and shit would go down, and then we'll get some REAL character development for Sib.
Whoosh that didn't happen. After Sib's past and true intentions were revealed, Gene DID hold him accountable but Sib???? Never actually apologized to him?
I dunno, i just, maybe expected more from this series? Like yeah, the coming out to parents stuff was handled quite well but Nubsib's character still irks me the wrong way(even in ep10 when he asked Gene to not go to the beach without him. Bruh.) Especially when the fandom puts him on a pedestal asking for consent before kissing him, like that's the bare minimum? He's still manipulative and controlling? I'm- woah i just realised i have a lot of feelings about this💀💀💀🖐🏼
Anyways!! What do you think about Sib?
Sorry for the long rant!! if you don't want to answer it's completely fine, pls don't feel pressured🥺
I don’t necessarily agree, but I don’t think this is annoying at all. I’ll address your points one by one.
First, Nubsib did apologize to Gene explicitly in Episode 8, when he kissed his cheek over the balcony.
Second, I think where our opinions diverge is that I see and accept that Nubsib is a dark character and it’s actually something that I like about him which you can probably tell if you go through my meta tag.
On the fandom putting him on a pedestal and being a little too defensive about his manipulative and controlling behaviour: I actually agree. I think the fandom sometimes does too much to white-wash him because they want to defend him against people who call him creepy or whatever, when actually, Nubsib being a dark romantic lead that we’re seeing through rose coloured glasses is the most interesting thing about him and the show. I think people should embrace these things about him while also leaving room to praise him on the good traits he already has (caring a lot about consent) and the good traits he develops (apologizing to Gene).
Just to list some of his “bad” traits that I personally like because I think they make him interesting, but a lot of people like to ignore:
Nubsib is very selfish. He approached Gene because he wanted him, not for some bigger altruistic reason. He’s also so selfish that he knew what he was doing to Gene was wrong but he didn’t care because “the ends justify the means”. He was prepared to apologize to Gene from the start because he always knew he was wrong. Building on his selfishness, Nubsib doesn’t initally care about how his actions affect Gene, the show, the crew members, or anyone. His biggest concern is keeping Gene with him. He doesn’t generally care about others.
Nubsib is arrogant. He thought that he could protect Gene from everything and that there was no problem he couldn’t solve, which was why he was stupid enough to allow him and Gene to get caught on the beach. If Nubsib wasn’t so arrogant about his abilities, they wouldn’t have gotten caught. He also only thought about legality of dating Gene, he didn’t think about the human element which would be the fans and Gene.
Nubsib can be very patriarchal and infantilizing with how he treats Gene. We see this the most when he withholds the truth about Aey from Gene, and he expects Gene to take his word at face value while Nubsib takes care of it. Similar to the way parents want to keep their children ignorant while they deal with all the big problems, Nubsib also wants to take care of problems without Gene knowing about them. This ties into how arrogant he can be.
Nubsib’s manipulativeness is pretty self-explanatory. He thinks 5 years in advance and for most situations, has worked out every possible outcome based on his intelligence and knowledge of the person (barring him and Gene being outed). He knows how to manipulate people using his appearance, which we can assume is a side effect of him being a businessman and being treated poorly as a child, by everyone excluding Gene.
And yet, despite every negative thing I wrote, I love all those things about Nubsib. I think it makes him a compelling male lead in a series about how all BL actors wear masks because he’s not just wearing masks to do fanservice. He wore a mask to get our main character! I also think he’s a good narrative foil for Gene who is the antithesis of Nubsib. Gene is selfless, Gene is soft-hearted, Gene is honest, and Gene assumes everyone is being just as honest as he is because he’s naive.
I don’t think Gene’s soft-hearted and honest character would be as highlighted if Nubsib wasn’t as dark as he is.
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
Did you see Ohm, Nanon, and Jimmy's stories on IG? They're all in the gym doing their lil work outs and Ohm is helping them all and I can't understand a word but it's bloody fantastic 😭
Also CHIMON! is there with them too! These three, on the same screen + Jimmy? My morning has been made and I will soon be floating away into the wilderness.
yesss, i love them to bits!! apart from the trio and jimmy, force is also with them, and that made me very happy. because ohm and force weren't really close before safe house, but ohm actually used to be a big fan of his and when he was asked who he'd like to get closer to in safe house, he said force. so i am very happy to see they actually became friends and hang out now!! honestly, it's so cute to see ohm and nanon bringing so many different people together. and i absolutely loved the fact that ohm was like their lil personal trainer, honestly i am always so impressed by how disciplined he is about working out (especially because he's not a particularly disciplined person in general, but when it comes to the things he cares about? he goes all out). also, chimon only coming at 11? a mood.
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theravennest · 3 years
Hey, I saw your post about 3 will be free and binged watched it one night! I'm confused though, did Neo, Miw, and Shin got together at the end, or were Shin and PP a thing? Is it like a poly open relationship? Also, if Shin kept working in his dad's business how is he "free"? Shin deserves better🥺 I'm so confused istg😭 help a fella over here, will you?🥺
It’s def up for interpretation but let’s do a bit of scene dissection, shall we?
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Shin lives and works primarily in Bangkok but visits the resort. How often he visits up to the point of the epilogue, who knows? But Neo and Miw weren’t in any way shocked that he showed up nor did they react like they haven’t seen him in months, so it seems he visits enough. They only teased him about his fancy outfit (that deep, sexy V that the costume director keeps putting him in).
Shin mentions that he wants to visit more often and is there to buy a house nearby. Since there’s nothing else on the island I can fathom he’d care about, this makes me believe he’s moving closer to be near Neo and Miw. Neo then says he should stay with them since their place is his home and place to eat. Shin smiles and gives a kind of head nod like he welcomes the idea even if he doesn’t verbally decide on if he’ll take them up on the offer yet.
That’s when PP comes in. When PP flirts with Shin and insinuates he helps Shin with “personal” business too, Shin wasn’t embarrassed or shy. Instead he gave PP a small glare to censure him. Was it because Shin didn’t like that PP was flirting in general...or because he was flirting in front of Miw and Neo, Shin’s partners?
At the very least, Shin’s reaction when Miw and Neo were teasing him definitely makes me believe him when he says he’s not interested in PP at this time. If that will change in the future, again, who knows?
Then our trio moves out to the beach to reminisce about the last time they were there. Neo especially brings up when they all kissed and had sex. Miw scolds him and says that he shouldn’t be explicitly talking about that since the islanders already can’t stand them. Neo counters that it shouldn’t matter who talks about them nor does it matter who they love or how many they love. Shin agrees with Neo and Miw finally gives way. Then the three start playing in the water.
Since I don’t see why the islanders would give a damn about Neo and Miw being in a relationship given they are a man and a woman, I took this to mean the whole island knows Shin, Neo, and Miw are dating and many of them disapprove of the arrangement.
Based on these context clues, I genuinely believe that Neo, Miw, and Shin are in a relatively open poly. I don’t believe Neo and Miw would ever date anyone except each other and Shin but they are ok with Shin also dating PP if he wants. They’ve both expressed disliking putting restrictions on their relationships with Shin both before the finale and again in the epilogue.
But, hey...maybe that’s just my wishful brain wanting them to be a confirmed, stable poly-V.
Now, onto the second part of the ask: whether Shin is “free” since he’s now taken over his father’s mafia...
This is also up for interpretation but I think there are degrees and qualities of freedom that the main characters all achieve. I think all (including Ter and Mae) have fairly bittersweet endings, some more bitter while others are sweeter. Ter and Mae have the bitterest endings, for sure.
Ter finds spiritual freedom from his violent habits and life of crime by embracing Mae but he doesn’t get true freedom as he is brutally killed before he can find happiness with Mae.
Mae finds freedom from her grief and pain over Phon, finds freedom from her own self doubt about standing up for herself, and finds freedom in having the transition surgery she’s wanted for years. Despite this, she still loses Ter and is plunged into grief, rage, and vengeance all over again. The only freedom she gets after that is exacting her revenge on his killer. So...sour.
Neo is freed from the danger and fear of running from the mafia. His life of poverty and disenfranchisement is behind him and he finds the monetary, spiritual, and emotional stability with Miw and Shin that he’s craved his entire life. Regardless of Neo’s hard won bungalow freedom, tho, his brother was still murdered because of choices Neo made. He likely won’t ever fully find peace with that.
Miw’s ending was the sweetest, I think. She was able to completely face her past as someone who killed her abuser, she reconciled somewhat with her step-uncle before he died, cleared her name, came to terms with her relationship with her mother, found love with Neo and Shin, and calmed the internal storm that always urges her to screw over others and run away. Miw came out on top, for sure.
Shin’s ending is the most complex outside of Mae’s, in my opinion, maybe more so since they gave more time/importance to his journey. His freedom is found with no longer being under his father’s thumb. He is completely in control of his own destiny. That he chooses to take over his father’s mafia is not necessarily a sign that he’s not free, I think. Not only is he clearly good at what he does, since Neo implies that Shin could buy the whole island, but his new empire also grants him authority and monetary security. Plus we don’t know that he’s not working to legitimize his business and clean up his father’s dirty money so maybe he won’t be a mafia don for long.
Shin has also gained the emotional and spiritual acceptance of Neo and Miw. He struggled through the whole show in finding peace with his sexuality and with his difficult relationship with intimacy, duty, and responsibility. There is definitely a bittersweet-ness to the implication that he’s given up his dream of being an artist or at the very least has set it aside as a career goal. 
That said, Shin seems genuinely self assured and content in the epilogue. He’s making plans for his future with Neo and Miw, plus he allows himself to be openly affectionate and playful with them. All in all, not bad for him.
I think there’s definitely a way to finish 3 Will Be Free and feel that the end wasn’t what you wanted. Certainly some characters had more positive endings than others. I definitely don’t want to invalidate that takeaway for people. The impact of any artwork is deeply subjective, after all.
For me, the only character that got truly shortchanged was Mae. After all the tragedy and trauma she went through, I personally wish we’d at least seen a glimpse of her years later too, preferably happy in her life.
I was satisfied with where the principle 3 characters ended up. I think a show that had such a morally and emotionally complex journey earned an equally complicated denouement, so to speak.
I’m sorry to just dump this whole essay on your ask but once I started writing I couldn’t stop. lmao
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tehohaews · 3 years
Saw this post and immediately thought you'd like it lmao
Hi!!! Hope you’re doing well. It's good to hear from you again hehe 🤗💕💕Also funny thing, i actually saw that post even before you linked me and then I read this ask and was like it's that post right? AND I WAS CORRECT HEHE 🤭🤭 Anyway 😩😩 this is such a big mood I've been trying to get some studying done but I cant stop thinking about that damn village and the mountain husbands living there 🥺🥺
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patandpran · 3 years
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Here, have some ✨good vibes✨ from my side of the world. I love your blog and really look forward to all your analysis posts!! Hang in there <3
Ke yi ma?
Oh my goodness. I don’t deserve a message like this. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. And good vibes AND a Tay pic? Best. Message. Ever.
My posts have been few and far between lately so thank you so much for sticking around for my nonsense!
Today was tough but I got good news which feels like a big weight off of my shoulders. Thank you for caring!
Xx Cass
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i-read-books-24-7 · 3 years
I have found my top three.
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@allie-0714 @nerdinacoolway
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nerdinacoolway · 3 years
Close your eyes, what do you see?
It's all dark and that scares me
I can't see the roads, they all talk about
Can't see the paths, etched on the ground
It's a whole generation, not just me
And the world is on fire, literally.
My friends are turning eighteen, learning to drive
I'm sinking in my dreams, trying to stay alive.
We're living in dark times,
Ignoring all war crimes.
Miss rona on the run,
Leaching out all the fun.
I'm starting to freak out
Exam dates on the look out
I know they won't be so bad,
But the competition's too much, and it's all just a little sad.
Full marks and even higher
Reservations and sports trials
Where does that leave me?
In the dark, getting sleepy.
There are a million kids, who all wanna beat me
Studying ten hours, they too, must be sleepy.
Close your eyes, what do you see?
A little version of a little me
She's eccentric and cute, and won't stop talking
A million dreams and talents she's unlocking
I'm still eccentric, don't know about cute
But these days, my mind is on mute
I know, I feel, I hear, I see,
All the commotion, and the catastrophe
I know my talents, I know my dreams
And I know that I have it in me
To make it to where I need to be.
So this is a promise, to my future self,
I'm gonna stop moping, and do my best,
I'll do all the running so you can rest,
I owe it to you, so you can love yourself.
~Anupriya Sharma
14 January, 2021.
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merbel1 · 3 years
Tagged by: @thepurplemu24
Rules: We’re snooping in your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
1. Bruises - Chairlift
2. I don't wanna be okay without you - Charlie burg
3. Blackout - AViVA
4. Renegade - Taylor Swift
5. Never gonna like you - Bea Miller
6. I forgot that you existed - Taylor swift
7. Dorothy - Her's
8. Exit music - Radiohead
9. Looking out for you - Joy Again
10. Rabbit hole - AViVA
@spn-world-666 @negrowhat @nerdinacoolway @criswisstuff @glennethph @gayasamovie @porpla
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shortpplfedup · 3 years
tagged by @billkinsdancing
1. why did you choose your url?
i've had this username for roughly 25 years through a number of internet eras (ah to a life lived Extremely Online) so it predates my tumblr. originally i had just come from a concert where i couldn't see a thing and i was over it.
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
tumblr IS my sideblog...lol.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
a decade but with a gap of 9 years so really about a couple months...lol.
4. do you have a queue tag?
queueing is for the organised.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
to write about tv. and writing about tv brought me back to tumblr so that tracks.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it was pretty and i wasn't terribly invested. maybe i'll change it. maybe not.
7. why did you choose your header?
because last twilight in phuket brought my cold dead heart back to life.
8. whats your post with the most notes?
my analysis of the ipytm trailer got 107 notes and my heart is still full. people here are so nice.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
is it bad i'm not entirely sure what a 'mutual' is? is that where you both follow each other? if so, 6.
10. how many followers do you have?
90.5k like oh aew...lol. no i have 84 and i love each one.
11. how many people do you follow?
i live in the tags so only 11...lol. i should really get on that whole 'following' thing.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
i'm old so i came of internet age when people were earnest. i don't think i have the gene.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
an alarming amount.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who one?
fighting on the internet is not my ministry.
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
people do this?
16. do you like tag games?
i don't know, let's see.
17. do you like ask games?
i don't know, let's see.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
me and @liyazaki are having an intense brainshare friendmance.
20. tags?
@itoldsunset @ataleofthousandstars @liyazaki @nerdinacoolway @cherrymagicals @lovelikegravity @bearinglight @avahernandez2003 @iaamdanic @kyr-kun-chan @lesbianpetekao @windosblog @krazy-noona @billkinspp @watchinglikeafangirl @lastwilight @rosadoras @kaonoppakao @negrowhat
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maverey · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @nerdinacoolway <3
hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earphones or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theatre or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral/earth tones // butterflies or honeybees // lemonade or iced tea // past or future // constellations or aurora borealis
Idk who to tag
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the-dust-of-stars · 4 years
i was tagged by @anthqnystark to answer 20 questions and tag 20 bloggers i’d like to get to know better, so fun times!
1. NAME: anika
2. NICKNAMES: anika is the name on my birth certificate and my name it shall remain
3. ZODIAC SIGN: capricorn
4. HEIGHT: 5′3 and a half but rounding exists, so 5’4”
5. LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english, hindi, and i try with french
6. NATIONALITY: american
7. FAVORITE SEASON: fall because COLOR 
8. FAVORITE FLOWER: orchids but i have zero green thumb
9. FAVORITE SCENT: the smell of a pine fire
10. FAVORITE COLOR: pale yellow
11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: foxes bc pax
12. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): tony stark, percy jackson, yzma
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: got chocolate
17. DREAM TRIP: just going wherever the mood strikes me
18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: dec 2018?
20. RANDOM FACT: there’s an ant species in manhattan called the manhattANT and that makes me happy
tagging @queen-of-erebus @peter-stank @petals-to-fish @wordscorrupt @emeraldmoon @arabella-prongs @spideyxchelle @dontthinkonithermione @good-ho-mens @ghosty-fander-11 @hailing-stars @justme--emily @looktothewolfstars @capatainphoton @blondsak @blvnk-art @nerdinacoolway @dark-side-of-banana @emilyscartoons @tempestaurora if they would like to do this
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tofuchowder · 4 years
“These are the kind of people I want to travel the world with. the kind of people i want to be with me, when i finally reach my dreams. The kind of people i want to share my each and every happiness with, because that's what they've been flooding my life with, since i got to know them.”
- @nerdinacoolway
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
No, but I totally get the newspaper anon. As soon as my classes are over I'm like "hmmm now it's time for something sweet." That's you, Archer.
awwwww you are so sweet for saying that!! this is exactly how i feel about y'all - as soon as i'm finished with uni, i rush to see what all of you thought of my posts and to discuss everything with you!! best part of my day, hands down!
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
Hello! I've been super busy the past few days, but I managed to watch the episode once (it's Sunday here already and I did not rewatch it even once. My pain has no bounds.) BUT I'm here for the post-every-episode-love-letter for you!
I love your blog so much, you have such good, positive energy, I love the way you perceive the characters. Seriously, P'aof is a great content maker, but you are a great content consumer. You watch this series with so much love and affection, with critical and analytical (and hysterically thirsty for Ohm's biceps) eyes, I love reading everything you type.
People are sending you song recs, so here's one from me:
It Had To Be You by Motion City Soundtrack. (It's my top song of the year, I love it so much, and it screams of PatPran but not in an angsty way.)
Until the next episode,
heeey!! i am so sorry you haven't had the opportunity to rewatch the episode yet, i hope you get to do it veeery soon!!
thank you so much for all your kind words, and also for making me laugh when i read the biceps comment (i am but a weak home of sexual, please 😭). i am beyond flattered by everything you said 💛
as for your wonderful rec:
i just love how all the songs about belonging together belong to them at this point. makes me think of how pran said that he wrote "just friend?" about two people who are destined for each other as well. of course, here we go again:
Do you feel a certain sense of synergy between yourself and me? A kind of macabre and somber Wondertwin type of harmony What if it was you? You that I needed all along I felt like a fool, Kicking and screaming and pretending we were wrong
so fitting.
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
Hi! First off, I've only just discovered your blog while scrolling through the Bad Buddy tag, and I've gone batshit crazy reading all your posts about it. Your insights over these lovable characters, and scene analysis are so well thought out and eloquent, that I've probably bombarded your notifications, sorry about that🥺
Anyways, I would like to ask 🌧️ for the PatPran emoji game. Hope you're having a wonderful day!
hello, dear!! 💛 thank you so much for your kind words - i can't even express how much they mean to me! and don't worry, i always feel so flattered when someone likes a lot of my posts at once because it makes me feel like i'm doing something right - i don't mind the whole "spam liking" thing at all. in fact, it makes me very happy. so thank you again! 🥺
now, as for the ask:
🌧️ do pat and pran enjoy dancing?
since they are both very musical, i think they are not bad at dancing - probably not like incredible, but they do feel the rhythm very well and can jiggle if need be fjkfdjgkfjgk. pat definitely strikes me as the type of person to listen to music and dance chaotically in his room, while pran is probably a little less unhinged and would only dance when the occasion really calls for it. i can definitely imagine them slow-dancing to something really sweet in their kitchen, though. they are cheesy like that.
ask me something about patpran
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